SALES AND SERVICE AGREEMENT

Parties and Date

Effective Date of Agreement ______________________, 19___

Between SK Motors, Ltd., Inc.

Doing Business as Scottsdale Porsche

located at 6725 East McDowell Rd.

           Scottsdale, Arizona 85257

A corporation in the state of Arizona , partnership ____

or proprietorship ________________; and Porsche Cars North

America, Inc., a Delaware corporation with its primary place of business at 100
West Liberty Street, Reno, Nevada 89501.



         Porsche America enters into this Agreement relying on the following
Dealer representations:

A) The following individual(s) is the Dealer Principal:

Name                    Home Address    %Interest      Title
- ----                    ------------    ---------      -----

Steven Knappenberger                        19%      President




B) The following individual(s) has ownership in Dealer accounting for the entire
remaining equity ("Owner(s)").

Name                    Home Address    %Interest
- ----                    ------------    ---------

United Auto Group West, Inc.             81%
(United Auto Group, Inc. - 100% - 375 Park Avenue, New York,
NY 10022)  Refer to the addendum attached hereto for ownership

         C) The following person is the General Manager of the Dealer with
         managerial authority for Dealer operations and is responsible directly
         to (or is) the Dealer Principal:

Name                    Home Address                   Title
- ----                    ------------                   -----

George W. Brochick


D) Dealer will conduct the sale and service of Porsche Products at the following
address ("Dealership Location"):

Sales               6725 East McDowell Road
                    Scottsdale, Arizona 85257


Service             6725 East McDowell Road
                    Scottsdale, Arizona 85257

E) Porsche America grants to Dealer the non-exclusive right to purchase Porsche
Products from Porsche America for resale to consumers. Dealer accepts such grant
and undertakes to apply its best efforts to the development of such resale. The
Dealer's Primary Area of Responsibility is:

                    Scottsdale, Arizona

F) Dealer acknowledges that Porsche America will periodically establish minimum
sales and service objectives based principally on the penetration of Porsche
Products in the Primary Area of Responsibility and that performance against
those objectives will be a critical feature of Sales and Service Reports. G)
Dealer acknowledges that Porsche America will periodically establish Dealer
minimum operating standards deemed necessary to provide owners and potential
owners of Porsche Products a level of total service commensurate with the
reputation of Porsche Automobiles and to attain the sales and service objectives

H) This Agreement shall expire in accordance with its terms on the
close of the last business day preceding the first anniversary of the Effective
Date of Agreement unless terminated prior thereto in accordance with one or more
of the terms of Section II. If, however, as of the expiration date, Porsche Cars
North America, Inc. has not entered into a new and superseding Sales and Sevice
Agreement with Dealer and if no notice to terminate the Agreement has been given
pursuant to Section II,


then, in that event, the Agreement will be extended one additional year so that
it shall expire at the close of the last business day preceding the second
anniversary of the Effective Date of Agreement unless terminated prior thereto
in accordance with one or more of the terms of Section II.

     In witness whereof, Porsche America and Dealer have executed this Sales and
Service Agreement with an effective date of Agreement as stated on the Parties
and Date page of this Agreement.

Porsche Cars North America, Inc.      SK Motors Ltd., Inc.

Name Richard S. Ford                 Name ___________________

Title Senior Vice President          Title __________________

Signature _______________________    Signature ______________

Date ____________________________    Date____________________