1986 STOCK OPTION PLAN


    The purpose of The Hibernia Savings Bank 1986 Stock Option Plan (referred
to hereinafter as the "Plan") is to furnish an additional incentive to key 
employees of The Hibernia Savings Bank (the "Bank) by affording them an 
opportunity to become owners of the Bank's Common Stock either through 
options (referred to hereinafter as "incentive stock options") which qualify 
under the provisions of Sections 421 and 422A of the Internal Revenue Code of 
1954, as amended (referred to hereinafter as the "Code"), or through options 
which do not qualify under those Code sections (referred to hereinafter as 
"nonqualified stock options").


    The total number of shares of stock which may be sold pursuant to options 
granted under the Plan shall be _____________ shares of the Bank's Common 
Stock, $1.00 par value, subject to adjustment as provided in Paragraph 13. If 
any option shall expire or terminate for any reason without having been 
exercised as to all shares subject to it, the unpurchased shares may again be 
subjected to an option under the Plan.


    The Plan shall be administered by The Hibernia Savings Bank Management and
Compensation Committee, or the Executive Committee if no Management and 
Compensation Committee shall have been appointed, (the "Committee") which, 
subject to the express provisions of the Plan, shall have full authority to 
interpret the Plan and each option granted thereunder. Subject to the express 
provisions of the Plan, the Committee shall determine the individuals to whom 
and the time or times at which such options shall be granted, the type of 
option granted, the number of shares subject to each option, the purchase 
price of such shares and other terms and conditions of each option, which 
need not be identical as to each option, PROVIDED that, all incentive stock 
options granted under the Plan must meet the requirements of Section 422A of 
the Code. In making its determination, the Committee may take into account the 
nature of the services rendered by the individual, his present and potential 
contribution to the Bank's success and such other factors as the Committee 
in its discretion may deem relevant. All determinations and decisions

made by the Committee pursuant to this Plan shall be final and conclusive on 
all parties.


    Options under the Plan may be granted only to those key employees of the 
Bank (including any who are also officers and/or Directors of the Bank) who 
are responsible for the management, growth and protection of the business of 
the Bank and who are under the age of 60 years and employed by the Bank on a 
full time basis.


    The purchase price under each option shall be determined by the Committee, 
but shall not be less than the fair market value of the stock at the time 
such option is granted; provided that, if any incentive stock option is 
granted to an individual who possesses, at the time the incentive stock 
option is granted, more than 10 percent of the total combined voting power of 
all classes of stock of the Bank, or of its parent, if any, or subsidiary 
corporations, the purchase price under any incentive stock option granted to 
such individual shall be at least 110 percent of the fair market value of the 
stock at the time such incentive stock option is granted. Fair market value 
shall be determined in good faith by the Board of Directors.


    The aggregate fair market value (determined at the time the incentive 
stock option is granted) of the stock for which any employee may be granted 
incentive stock options in any calendar year (under all stock option plans of 
his employer corporation and its parent and subsidiary corporations) shall 
not exceed $100,000 plus any unused limit carryover to such year, as that 
term is explained in Section 422A of the Code.


    Each option granted hereunder shall be subject to the following terms and 

    (a) No option shall be exercisable after the expiration of 10 years from 
        the date the option is granted; except that any incentive stock option 
        which is granted to an individual who possesses, at the time the 
        incentive stock option is granted, more than 10 percent of the total 
        combined voting power of all classes of stock of the Bank, or of its 
        parent, if any, or subsidiary corporations, shall not be exercisable 
        after the expiration of five (5) years

        from the date the incentive stock option is granted; and

    (b) No option shall be exercisable by an optionee unless (except as 
        provided in Paragraphs 11 and 12) at all times during the period 
        beginning on the date of the granting of the option and ending on the 
        day 3 month before the date of such exercise, such individual was an 
        employee of the Bank; except that in the case of an employee who is 
        disabled within the meaning of Section 105(d)(4) of the Code, the 3 
        month period referred to above shall be one (1) year.


    All options shall be exercisable by serving written notice of exercise on 
the Bank accompanied by payment of the purchase price in accordance with 
paragraph 9 of the Plan. No option may be exercised for a fraction of a 
share. The Board of Directors may also require as a condition precedent to 
the exercise of an option that the optionee (or in the event of his death the 
person or personal representative or representatives exercising the option 
pursuant to Paragraph 12) satisfy the Bank by a written agreement, written 
representation and/or other evidence that the shares being acquired by 
exercise of the option are not being acquired with a view to the distribution 
thereof within the meaning of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended. The 
holder of an option shall have none of the rights of a stockholder with 
respect to any shares subject thereto until such shares have been issued to 


     The option price shall be payable (i) in cash or by check acceptable to 
the Bank, (ii) at the discretion of the Committee, by the transfer to the 
Bank by the optionee of shares of Common Stock of the Bank having a value at 
the time of exercise equal to the total purchase price, or (iii) by a 
combination of (i) or (ii). The Bank may not directly or indirectly make any 
loan to an optionee for the purpose of assisting him to acquire any shares 
issuable upon the exercise of any option granted to him under the Plan.


     Each person granted an option under the Plan shall enter into a written 
option agreement with the Bank evidencing the option, which shall be dated 
the day of the grant of the option. An incentive stock option and, to the 
extent applicable, a nonqualified stock option, granted under this Plan shall 
contain the following terms and conditions and such

other term and conditions consistent with the Plan as may be prescribed by 
the Board of Directors:

     (a) A provision that the incentive stock option shall not be exercisable 
         while there is outstanding within the meaning of Section 422A(c)(7) of
         the Code, any incentive stock option which was granted before the 
         granting of this option, to the original holder to purchase stock in 
         his employer corporation or in a corporation which (at the time of the
         granting of this option) was a parent or subsidiary corporation of the 
         employer corporation, or in a predecessor corporation of any of such 

     (b) A provision that the option shall not be transferable by the 
         optionee otherwise than by will or by the laws of descent and 
         distribution, and that the options shall be exercisable, during his 
         lifetime, only by him;

     (c) A provision that the option is not exercisable after the expiration 
         of 10 years (five years in the case of an incentive stock option 
         granted to any individual who, at the time the incentive stock option 
         was granted, possessed more than 10% of the total combined voting 
         power of all classes of stock of the Bank or of its parent, if any, 
         or subsidiary corporations) after the granting of the option; and

     (d) A provision that the option is, pursuant to Paragraph 13 of this 
         Plan, subject to adjustment in certain cases.

     (e) Subject to paragraph (f), in the event of a change in control of the 
         Bank, as defined in paragraph (g), all Options outstanding as of the 
         date of such change in control shall become immediately exercisable.

     (f) Notwithstanding any other provision of the Plan, no officer or 
         director of the Bank shall exercise any option granted hereunder 
         within three years from the date of completion of the conversion of 
         the Bank to stock form, except with the approval of the Commissioner 
         of Banks of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

     (g) CHANGE IN CONTROL. For purposes of the Plan, a "Change in Control" 
         shall be deemed to have occurred in either of the following events: 
         (i) if there has occurred a change in control which the Bank would be 
         required to report in response to Item 5(f) of the

Form for Proxy Statement (Form F-5) prescribed by 12 CFR Section 335.212 
promulgated under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the "1934 
Act"), or, if such regulation is no longer in effect, any regulations 
promulgated by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or the Securities 
and Exchange Commission pursuant to the 1934 Act which are intended to serve 
similar purposes or (ii) when any "person" (as such term is used in Sections 
13(d) and 14(d)(2) of the 1934 Act) becomes a "beneficial owners" (as such 
term is defined in Rule 13d-3 promulgated under the 1934 Act), directly or 
indirectly, of securities of the Bank representing twenty-five percent or 
more of the total number of votes that may be cast for the election of 
directors of the Bank, and in the case of either (i) or (ii) above, the 
Bank's Board of Directors has not consented to such event by a two-thirds 
vote of all of the members of the Board of Directors adopted prior to such 
event. In addition, a Change in Control shall be deemed to have occurred if, 
as the result of, or in connection with, any tender or exchange offer, merger 
or other business combination, sale of assets or contested election, or any 
combination of the foregoing transactions, the persons who were directors of 
the Bank before such transaction shall cease to constitute a majority of the 
Board of Directors of the Bank or of any successor institution. 
Notwithstanding the other provisions of this Section, the sale of the Bank's 
stock in connection with its conversion from mutual to stock form shall not 
constitute a Change in Control.


     If the employment of the holder of an option shall be terminated for 
cause, each option granted to him under the Plan shall terminate immediately. 
If a holder's employment ceases by reason of his voluntary resignation and 
acceptance thereof by the Board of Directors or under circumstances in which 
the Board of Directors deems termination of the option to be inequitable, 
such holder may, but only within 3 months next succeeding such cessation of 
employment and in no event later than 10 years (five years in the case of an 
incentive stock option granted to any individual who, at the time the 
incentive stock option was granted, possessed more than 10% of the total 
combined voting power of all classes of stock of the Bank or of its parent, 
if any, or subsidiary corporations) after the date the option was granted, 
exercise each option granted to him under the Plan to the extent that he was 
entitled to exercise

it on the date of such cessation of employment. Whether authorized leave of 
absence or absence on military or governmental service shall constitute 
termination of employment for the purpose of the Plan shall be determined by 
the Board of Directors. Nothing in the Plan or in any option granted under it 
shall confer upon any optionee any right with respect to continuation of 
employment by the Bank or interfere in any way with the Bank's right to 
terminate his employment.


    In the event that the holder of an option dies while it was exercisable 
by him, the option may be exercised within a period of 12 months after the 
date of death, but in no event later than 10 years (five years in the case of 
an incentive stock option granted to any individual who, at the time the 
incentive stock option was granted, possessed more than 10% of the total 
combined voting power of all classes of stock of the Bank or of its parent, 
if any, or subsidiary corporations) after the date the option was granted, 
and only to the extent that the optionee was entitled to exercise such option 
on the date of his death, by the person designated in the optionee's will for 
that purpose. If no such person is designated or if the Optionee dies 
intestate, then such option may be exercised within said period to the same 
extent by the optionee's personal representative or representatives.


     In the event of any subdivision of combination of the Bank's outstanding 
Common Stock, by reclassification or otherwise, or in the event of the 
payment of Common Stock dividend, or, in the discretion of the Board of 
Directors in the event of any other capital adjustment effected without 
receipt of consideration from another entity, the aggregate number of shares 
with respect to which options may be granted under the Plan, the number of 
shares covered by each outstanding option and the price per share in each 
such option shall be proportionately adjusted. Each option granted under the 
Plan shall provide for similar adjustments if any such event occurs after the 
grant but prior to the exercise of the option.


     Subject to any required action by the stockholders, if the Bank is a 
party to any merger or consolidation, any unexercised portion of an option 
shall, in lieu of the number of shares of Common Stock covered by such 
unexercised portion, pertain and apply to the number and class or classes of 
securities to which the optionee would have been entitled under the 
agreement of

merger of consolidation, had the optionee been the holder of record of a 
number of shares of Common Stock covered by such unexercised portion. If the 
Bank dissolves or liquidates, each option outstanding under the Plan shall 


     The tax benefits provided for in Section 421(a) of the Coder shall apply 
with respect to the transfer of any share of stock to an individual pursuant 
to his exercise of an incentive stock option only if no disposition of such 
share is made by him within two (2) years from the date of the granting of 
the incentive stock option nor within one (1) year after the transfer of such 
share to him. If a holder of any share of stock acquired pursuant to his 
exercise of an incentive stock option under the Plan disposes of said share 
before the expiration of either of these periods, he shall notify the Bank of 
such disposition and of the amount realized upon such disposition.


     The Plan shall terminate on the tenth anniversary of the date the Plan 
is approved by the Shareholders of the Bank, and no option shall be granted 
under the Plan after such date. The Board of Directors may at any time or 
from time to time suspend or terminate the Plan or make other amendments or 
modifications thereof with respect to any shares as to which options are not 
outstanding, and with the consent of the optionee the Board of Directors may 
amend or modify any option agreement, evidencing an option granted under the 
Plan, PROVIDED, ALWAYS, that the Board of Directors may not in any event:

     (a) increase the total number of shares which may be sold under the 
         Plan except as provided in Section 13 hereof;

     (b) change the employees or class of employees eligible to receive 
         options under the Plan;

     (c) decrease the minimum option price provided in Paragraph 5; or

     (d) extend the date of termination of this Plan, without the approval of 
         the shareholders of the Bank.


     This Plan will be submitted to the Bank's Shareholders at its first 
meeting after conversion to a stock company for approval by the Shareholders, 
and become effective upon approval by the Shareholders and the Commissioner 
of Banks pursuant to Mass. G. L. ch 172 Section 26 and endorsement hereon by 
the Clerk of the Bank that such approval has occurred, signifying the date of 
such approval.