LEASE CONTRACT ("CONTRACT") entered into by and between COMPLEJO
INDUSTRIAL FUENTES, S.A. DE C.V. represented herein by its
Chairman of the Board of Directors, Mr. Eduardo Fuentes Varela,
(hereinafter referred to as the "LANDLORD"), and by S.T.B. DE
MEXICO, represented herein by its Sole Administrator, Randall Don
Eisenbach, (hereinafter referred to as the "TENANT"), in
accordance with the following Recitals and Clauses:


I.   The LANDLORD, hereby states that:

(a)  It is a corporation duly incorporated and existing pursuant
to the laws of the Mexican United States, with its principal
place of business in Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua, Mexico.

(b)  It is the owner of a parcel of land with an area of
approximately 28,848.54 square meters (310,522.80 square feet
approximately), and a building to be constructed on it, with an
area of approximately 11,942.09 square meters (128,543.46 square
feet approximately), with address on Fuentes Sur Avenue without a
number, and located at Lot 7 and Lot 8 of Block E of Complejo
Industrial Fuentes in Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua, Mexico, same
which is described in the blueprint attached to this CONTRACT as
Exhibit "A", which is considered as incorporated by reference
herein and becomes a part hereof, and which real property will
hereinafter be referred to as the "BUILDING" and the "LEASED
PROPERTY", indistinctly. For purposes of this CONTRACT, the terms
"BUILDING" and/or "LEASED PROPERTY" shall, in addition to those
descriptions set forth herein, include all improvements
constructed upon the LEASED PROPERTY, together with all of the
LANDLORD's rights, interests and appurtenances thereto belonging
or in any way incident or appertaining to the LEASED PROPERTY,
including all structures, fixtures, equipment and other
personalty of any nature now or hereafter situated, placed,
constructed or installed on the LEASED PROPERTY.


(c)  Studies relative to the evaluation and environmental impact
for construction will be performed on the LEASED PROPERTY, to the
satisfaction of the Secretaria del Medio Ambiente, Recursos
Naturales y Pesca (Ministry of the Environment, Natural Resources
and Fishery), the Procuraduria Federal de Proteccion al Ambiente
(Federal Agency for Protection of the Environment), and other
pertinent Mexican agencies, through which it has been established
that the LEASED PROPERTY falls within the allowable and
obligatory ecological criteria applicable to the installation and
use for which it is intended (MAQUILADORA INDUSTRY).

(d)  It desires to lease the LEASED PROPERTY to the TENANT, under
the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth.

II.  The TENANT states that:

(a)  It is a corporation duly incorporated and existing pursuant
to the laws of the Mexican United States, as per deed Number
21,250, Volume 450, granted on the 9th day of the month of
November of 1988, before Mr. Carlos Bernanrdo Silveyra Sayto, in
Representation of Mr. Jose Reyes Estrada Aguirre,Notary Public
Number 18, in the Bravos Judicial District, State of Chihuahua,

(b)  It wishes to lease the BUILDING under the terms of the
Protective Covenants and Restrictions attached to this CONTRACT
and made a part hereof as Exhibit "B", and under the terms and
conditions of this CONTRACT.

(c)  Mr. Randall Don Eisenbach proves his personality by means of
deed Number 5949, Volume 136, granted on the 13th day of the
month of November of 1995, before Mr. Edmundo Castillo Acuna
Notary Public Number 16, in the Bravos Judicial District, State
of Chihuahua, Mexico.

III. Both parties declare that in the execution hereof there has
been no error, violence, bad faith nor duress amongst them, and
that their respective representatives have sufficient authority
to execute this CONTRACT, same authority which has not been
revoked, diminished or limited in any way.





The LANDLORD will deliver to the TENANT the temporary use and
possession of the LEASED PROPERTY which has been described in
Recital I, paragraph (b) of this contract, within a period of 12
months following the signing of this CONTRACT.

The LANDLORD represents that it has clear and complete rights
over the LEASED PROPERTY, and warrants that the TENANT shall have
the peacefUl use and quiet enjoyment of same.

The LANDLORD will deliver the LEASED PROPERTY to the TENANT,
complete and ready for occupancy, precisely on the date
stipulated for the commencement of the Initial Term of this
CONTRACT, presenting the studies relative to the evaluation and
environmental impact, as well as the one for soil use, for the
construction to which reference is made in paragraph (c) of
Recital (I) of this document.  The construction shall be
completed by LANDLORD in good and workmanlike manner, in
substantial compliance with the general specifications reviewed
and approved by TENANT, and which are made a part of this
CONTRACT hereof as Exhibit "C". LANDLORD agrees to cause the
issuance of all certificates of occupancy, notices of completion,
permits and approvals, or their equivalent, as they are required
to be issued by the applicable governmental authorities relating
to the LEASED PROPERTY and the occupancy of same by TENANT, as
soon as legally permitted, following completion of construction.

The construction of the BUILDING by LANDLORD shall be considered
completed when (a) the work called for by the approved plans and
specifications has been completed in strict compliance therewith;
(b) all BUILDING facilities necessary for the use thereof by


contemplated under this CONTRACT shall have been installed and ready 
for occupancy and for their intended use; (c) all finishes and coatings 
has been completed; (d) all equipment and property provided under the 
plans and specifications has been installed or placed in or on the 
BUILDING and is in good working condition; (e) all waste materials have 
been removed, and all glass and other surfaces have been cleansed; (f) 
all utilities to be used in the operation of the BUILDING be available 
for contract and be susceptible for its use throughout the BUILDING; 
and (g) certification and approval of the construction and BUILDING has 
been given by the architect appointed by the TENANT and all other 
required or necessary third persons.

Upon commencement of occupancy of the LEASED PROPERTY by TENANT, TENANT 
shall be deemed to have accepted the same as suitable for the purposes 
herein intended and to have acknowledged that the same complies Fully 
with LANDLORD's covenants and obligations of construction herein except 
for (a) any written exceptions or "punch list" items disclosed and 
delivered to LANDLORD by TENANT within thirty (30) calendar days 
following TENANT's assumption of occupancy in the LEASED PROPERTY, and 
(b) any latent defects with respect to the BUILDING and construction, 
all of the foregoing of which LANDLORD hereby agrees to cure and repair 
within a period of time agreed by both parts immediately following 
receipt of notice thereof LANDLORD agrees to permit TENANT at all 
reasonable times and upon reasonable advance notice to inspect the 
construction and improvements described above.

In the event that for any cause imputable only and exclusively to
the TENANT, the BUILDING is not received by the TENANT all cost
and expense made by the LANDLORD on the planning, construction
and equipping of the BUILDING to be leased by the TENANT, based
on the advance of the construction, and until completion of the
BUILDING, shall be completely covered by the TENANT and/or the
Jointly Responsible S.T.B. Systems, Inc., plus a 15% ( Fifteen
percent) of the total amount generated until the day of the
notice thereof This Clause will cease from its legal effect until
the moment when the TENANT receives the LEASED PROPERTY under the
terms of Clauses Third and Twelfth of this instrument.


The TENANT shall use the LEASED PROPERTY for light industry
operations, warehousing and offices, and shall comply with the
Protective Covenants and Restrictions attached hereto as Exhibit
"B", as well as with all laws and regulations to provide for the
peaceful use thereof.

The TENANT shall pay during the first two years of the Initial
Term of this CONTRACT, as rent for the use and possession of the
LEASED PROPERTY, the net base amount of US $5.55 (FIVE DOLLARS
55/100), legal currency of the United States of America, per
square foot of construction per year, in twelve equal monthly

Starting the third year of the Initial Term, the rent to be paid
to the LANDLORD during the rest of this CONTRACT will be
increased annually by applying to the basic rate of $5.55 (FIVE
DOLLARS 55/100) legal currency of the United States of America,
an increase equal to the Consumer Price Index (CPI), All Urban
Consumer, U.S. City Average, published by the Department of Labor
of the United States of America, expressed as the percentage
increase occurred during the period of the 24 (twenty four)
months immediately preceding.

Thereafter the rent to be paid to the LANDLORD during the rest of
this CONTRACT will be increased on a yearly basis by applying, to
the basic rate (the one in effect at the time), a percentage
equal to the increase in the Consumer Price Index (CPI), All
Urban Consumer, U.S. City Average, published by the Department of
Labor of the United States of America, expressed as the
percentage increase occurred during the period of the 12 (twelve)
months immediately preceding.

The rental payments described herein will be made in advance on
the first day of each month, at the address of the LANDLORD, Ave.
Vicente Guerrero No. 6965, Cd. Juarez, Chihuahua, Mexico, at the
Accounting Department, without notice or demand or in the place
and to the person designated by LANDLORD in writing.


Notwithstanding that the rental price is determined in Dollars,
currency of the United States of America, payment thereof may be
made in Pesos, Mexican currency, at the election of the TENANT,
provided the rate of exchange applied is equal to the Dollar sell
rate quoted by the Bank of Mexico through the information
published daily in the official Gazette of the Federation (Diario
Oficial de la Federacion) at the day of payment.

Should punctual payment of the rent as provided for in this
CONTRACT be defaulted, and should such default be continuing for
five (5) calendar days or more, interest will be caused over
those defaulted rental payments, calculated on a daily basis for
each day the full rental payment is past due and remains unpaid,
at an annual rate of five (5) percentual points over the Prime
Rate, as published on the Wall Street Journal, on the day payment
of the corresponding rental is made.

Under no circumstance can the TENANT hold back or deduct from the
rent amounts, be it for judicial or other reasons, and in no case
shall deductions be made for improvements or repairs to the
LEASED PROPERTY, but shall be paid in total in the manner and
terms agreed herein.

It is agreed by the TENANT that S.T.B. Systems, Inc., on 1651
North Glenville, P.O. Box 850957, Richardson, Texas, Zip Code
75085--0957, will be jointly liable and responsible, and at this
time they do hereby waive all benefits of order and exemption
provided by law, for the Fulfillment and compliance of all the
covenants, agreements and obligations assumed by TENANT herein,
in accordance with the terms of the Guarantee Agreement attached
to this CONTRACT as Exhibit "D", same which is incorporated by
reference hereto and forms a part hereof.

Starting on the date of the commencement of the LEASE under the
terms of the Third Clause of this CONTRACT, and during the effect
of it, THE TENANT shall be responsible of the corresponding
payments for the Value Added Tax and the Property Tax. Also, the
parties agree that in the future event a tax is levied on the
present CONTRACT or on the LEASED PROPERTY, such tax shall be
paid by THE TENANT.


The parties, at their expense, as the case may be, may contest by
appropriate legal proceedings conducted in good faith and with
due diligence, the amount, validity or application, in whole or
in part, of any tax, assessment or charge which any other parties
are obligated to pay hereunder, provided that: (a) the
commencement of such proceeding shall suspend the collection
thereof\ (b) neither the LEASED PROPERTY nor any rent therefrom
nor any part thereof or interest therein, would be in any danger
of being sold, forfeited, attached or lost; and (c) if such
contest be finally resolved against the party which may
correspond, such party shall promptly pay the amount required to
be paid, together with all interest and penalties accrued
thereon. The parties shall cooperate with each other with respect
to any such contest.

The TENANT shall also directly contract and pay for all use of
utilities that it may require in its occupancy of the LEASED
PROPERTY. The LANDLORD represents that all necessary utilities,
including electricity, water, sewage, gas and telephone lines,
are available at the LEASED PROPERTY, but the parties agree that
the TENANT will be responsible for the hook-up and payment of
contract of all such utilities of which it will be the user
excluding the payment to the Junta Municipal de Agua y
Saneamiento for the right of usage, payment which shall be made
by the LANDLORD. LANDLORD agrees to do nothing which would
willfUlly and/or wrongfUlly stop or interrupt or cause stoppage
or interruption of the above-specified utility services.

During the Term of this lease, responsibility for maintenance,
repair and replacement for the LEASED PROPERTY shall be governed
by the "Protective Covenants and Restrictions" (Exhibit "B")
applicable to the Industrial Park in which the LEASED PROPERTY is
located, legally binding and enforceable upon all tenants and by
the following:

1. In addition to the construction and improvements referred to
in Clause THIRD hereof, the LANDLORD warrants and guarantees that
prior to the execution of this CONTRACT, it has performed all
repairs and installations to the BUILDING necessary to place it
in a condition suitable for their intended use by the TENANT, and
in consideration of such performance by LANDLORD, TENANT
represents that by occupancy of the BUILDING it has accepted the


BUILDING and all installations in good and operable condition,
and in Full compliance with this Clause, except latent defects
and except as otherwise set forth in Clause THIRD of this

2. The LANDLORD shall at all times during the Lease Term or
during any extension thereof and at its own cost and expense,
effect all structural repairs that are not derived from the
negligence or bad faith of the TENANT and shall maintain the
BUILDING foundations, the structure of the floor slab, the
structure of exterior walls and the structure of the roof and the
complete roofing system in a watertight condition.

3. The TENANT shall maintain and effect, at its own cost and
expense, all non-structural repairs including the interior of the
BUILDING, the interior and exterior paint thereof, and all
electrical, water, gas, sewage, heating, ventilation and air
conditioning systems from their point of hook-up for access by
TENANT, as well as all landscaping, as of the date of
commencement of occupancy, except the guarantees including
equipment, installations and coverings only during the first year
of this CONTRACT; even in the event of the need for such repairs
has not arisen from the negligence or bad faith of the LANDLORD. 
If the need for such repairs has arisen from the negligence or
bad faith of the LANDLORD, then the LANDLORD shall perform such
repairs at LANDLORD's own expense and immediately following
receipt of notice or request thereof.

4.  The LANDLORD will transfer any and all warranties and
guarantees that apply to the LEASED PROPERTY, if available.

The TENANT may not change the basic structure, the external
appearance or utility services of the BUILDING, nor make any
major alterations thereto, without the express written
authorization of the LANDLORD. The TENANT is hereby authorized to
make minor alterations or modifications to the BUILDING, at its
own risk and expense, so long as they do not alter or impair the
structure of the BUILDING and shall give prior written notice to
the LANDLORD thereof.  Minor alterations and modifications are
understood to be those that do not have an 


estimated cost in excess of 10% of the agreed monthly rent. Works that 
have a cost in excess of the above value must abide by the rules 
stipulated in the Eleventh Clause of the Protective Covenants and 
Restrictions. All fixtures and/or equipment of whatsoever nature 
installed in the LEASED PROPERTY by the TENANT during the Lease Term, 
whether permanently affixed thereto or otherwise, shall continue to be 
the property of the TENANT, and shall be removed by the TENANT at the 
expiration or termination of this CONTRACT or any renewal or extension 
thereto, unless the TENANT receives the written permission of the 
LANDLORD, in advance, and in each specific case, that the improvements 
may remain on said property upon the expiration of this CONTRACT 
provided, however, that the TENANT neatly caps, cuts, covers over and 
leaves in the walls or floors any wiring, piping, or conduit associated 
with any improvements which the TENANT removes or the LANDLORD so 
directs be removed.  Should any wiring, piping or conduit be 
incorporated to the walls or floors, TENANT will provide LANDLORD with 
blueprints detailing the locations of said wiring, piping or conduit.

1. The LANDLORD or the TENANT, respectively, shall be liable for
damages to the LEASED PROPERTY caused by their own fault or
negligence, or that of their agents, employees or visitors.

2. In the event that the TENANT is prevented by any cause
attributable to the LANDLORD, whether partially or completely,
from the use of the BUILDING, and said impediment of use can be
corrected in less than ninety (90) days from the date of its
occurrence, this CONTRACT will continue and the rent shall be
reduced by an amount which represents the unusable percentage of

3. If the LEASED PROPERTY is damaged or destroyed by any cause
not attributable to the TENANT, the LANDLORD agrees to restore it
and put it in proper condition for the TENANT to use it for the
purposes agreed upon in this CONTRACT.  However, if such
destruction is total, or exceeds fifty percent (50%) of the Full
value of the BUILDING and is originated by acts of God or force
majeure, or if it is reasonably expected that the 


destruction cannot be corrected within ninety (90) days from the date 
of the occurrence, the TENANT shall have the right to terminate this 
CONTRACT or request the LANDLORD, in writing, to rebuild the BUILDING. 
However, the LANDLORD will have the right to refuse to rebuild the 
BUILDING in this case, and in such event, this CONTRACT will terminate 
without any liability or responsibility to either party hereto. If the 
TENANT decides to terminate this CONTRACT under the circumstances above 
described, the CONTRACT shall terminate and the TENANT shall be 
released from any Further obligation hereunder. If the TENANT continues 
to lease hereunder, the rent payable under this CONTRACT shall be 
reduced by an amount which represents the unusable percentage of the 
LEASED PROPERTY, as above mentioned, and the original amount of the 
rent payable shall be restored to the LANDLORD in the same proportion 
that the use of all the square footage leased is restored to the TENANT.

4. If the TENANT is prevented, by a cause attributable to the LANDLORD, 
from using all or part of the LEASED PROPERTY, so that, in the TENANT's 
opinion, the TENANT may not use the BUILDING for the purposes stated 
herein, and the impediment to the TENANT's use of the LEASED PROPERTY 
reasonably can be expected to continue for ninety (90) days or more, 
TENANT shall have the right either to terminate this CONTRACT upon 
written notice delivered to the LANDLORD, or require the LANDLORD in 
writing to rebuild the damaged or destroyed portion of the LEASED 
PROPERTY expeditiously at the LANDLORD's expense, or, if applicable, to 
remove, on account and cost to the LANDLORD the impediment of use of 
the BUILDING as requested by the TENANT. The LANDLORD shall indemnify 
the TENANT in the amount of the damages caused to the TENANT, if the 
impediment of use was caused due to the fault or negligence of the 

The parties to this CONTRACT specifically agree that:

1. During the Term of this LEASE, the TENANT, at its own expense,
shall obtain and keep in force insurance policies on behalf of
the parties hereto upon the LEASED PROPERTY, of the type and in
the amounts described below.


(A) Insurance, which beneficiary shall be the LANDLORD, covering
any loss or damage to the LEASED PROPERTY caused by fire,
lightning, explosion, hurricane and hail, airplanes, vehicles,
smoke, earthquake, volcanic eruption, snow, flooding, strikes,
riots, vandalism and any other risks now or hereafter embraced by
the so-called "Extended Coverage" rider in Mexico, including
glass insurance, in amounts sufficient to prevent the LANDLORD or
the TENANT from becoming co-insurers under the terms of the
applicable policies, and in any event, and at all times, in an
amount not less than one hundred percent of the "Full insurable
value" of the BUILDING, which for purpose of this CONTRACT shall
be deemed to be the cost of replacing the BUILDING in dollars,
legal currency of the United States of America, plus excavations,
rubble removal, foundations and footings, and without any
deductions for physical depreciation of the BUILDING.

Such "full insurable value" shall be determined from time to time
but not more frequently than once every twelve months, following
any of the procedures described below, at the discretion of the

     (i) through an appraisal carried out by an authorized
     Mexican Bank or Insurance Company appointed by the TENANT,
     which appraisal shall be paid for by the TENANT; 
     (ii) through an appraisal carried out by the LANDLORD 
     at LANDLORD's expense.

The TENANT is not obligated to maintain insurance coverage for an
amount greater than the Full insurable value of the LEASED
PROPERTY most recently determined pursuant to the provisions

(B) General public liability insurance, covering claims for
bodily injuries or death and/or property damage up to the maximum
00/100), legal currency of the United States of America, per


(C)  Insurance against loss or damage caused by:

          (i) Boiler, compressor, or electric transformer
          malfUnction; or

          (ii) Internal explosion of any equipment installed in
          the BUILDING which is part of the LEASED PROPERTY, in
          such amounts as the LANDLORD, from time to time, may
          reasonably require.

(D)  Rental interruption insurance, on behalf of the LANDLORD,
for an amount equivalent to one (1) year of rentals, plus the
respective Value Added Tax.

2.   All insurance provided for in this Clause shall be effected
under valid and enforceable policies issued by insurers
authorized to do business in Mexico.

3.   All policies of insurance herein provided for shall name the
LANDLORD and the TENANT as the insured, to the extent of their
interests in the LEASED PROPERTY and to the extent that the
LANDLORD shall request.

4.   Each insurance policy issued by the insurer shall contain an
agreement by the insurer that such policy shall not be canceled
without at least thirty (30) days prior notice to the LANDLORD
and to the TENANT and that any loss payable to the LANDLORD under
any such policy shall be so payable notwithstanding any act or
negligence of the TENANT.

5.   In case of a casualty to the LEASED PROPERTY resulting in
damage or destruction to the BUILDING, the TENANT will promptly
give written notice thereof to the LANDLORD, and promptly shall
begin adjustment proceedings.

6.   All insurance money paid on account of such damage or
destruction, less the actual cost, fees and expenses, if any,
incurred in connection with adjustment of the loss, shall be paid
to the LANDLORD or the TENANT, as their respective interests
shall appear under this CONTRACT, in order to restore the LEASED
PROPERTY, to its value, condition and character existing
immediately prior to such damage or destruction.


7.  In effecting the replacement or rebuilding of the damaged or destroyed 
BUILDING, the parties hereto shall look first to the proceeds of the 
insurance covering such replacement or rebuilding, but if the amount 
established in the policy should not cover the Full cost of rebuilding or 
replacement of the BUILDING, the TENANT shall be responsible for the payment 
of the difference, provided that the damage or destruction of the BUILDING is 
caused by the negligent or willfUl misconduct of the TENANT, its employees, 
suppliers, clients or visitors, and in no case the TENANT will pay the 
difference in the event the damage is caused by nature.

1. The initial term of this CONTRACT shall be for a period often (10) years, 
binding upon both parties (the "Initial Term"), commencing on the date the 
LEASED PROPERTY is delivered by the LANDLORD and received by the TENANT in 
agreement (Initiation Date), with the understanding that the delivery date 
for the LEASED PROPERTY shall not exceed twelve (12) months from the date 
this CONTRACT is signed.

Should the LANDLORD complete and deliver the BUILDING to the TENANT before or 
after the date previously established, the term of this CONTRACT shall be 
considered as starting on the date of actual completion.

Notwithstanding the provisions hereof, in order to facilitate TENANT's 
partial occupation of the LEASED PROPERTY in its areas of production, 
restrooms, docks, compressor room, maintenance room, cafeteria, switchboard 
room and substation, in order for the TENANT to proceed with the installation 
of machinery and equipment and begin with the production operations at the 
LEASED PROPERTY, being the beneficial occupancy the area described in Exhibit 
"E" of this CONTRACT.

THE LANDLORD commits itself to deliver the beneficial area described before 
to THE TENANT, 30 (thirty) calendar days before the formal delivery and 
reception of the LEASED PROPERTY, regarding this 30 days, THE TENANT is freed 
of any rent payment.


Should the LANDLORD be delayed in delivering the BUILDING to the
TENANT, the LANDLORD shall pay the TENANT as compensation the
amount of US $400.00 (FOUR HUNDRED DOLLARS 00/100), for each day
of delay, provided that such delay is not attributable to the
TENANT, to acts of nature, or to causes beyond control of the

2.  The TENANT shall have four (4) consecutive options to extend
the Initial Term of this CONTRACT for a period of five (5) years
each one. Such extension periods will begin on the day following
the expiration of the Initial Term, or any of the then current
extensions thereof, and if the TENANT desires to exercise such
option, it must do so by notifying the LANDLORD in writing at
least ninety (90) calendar days prior to the expiration of the
Initial Term or any of the then current extensions thereof

Should any of the options to extend the Initial Term of this
CONTRACT be exercised by the TENANT, the monthly rentals payable
by the TENANT to the LANDLORD pursuant to this CONTRACT, will
increase by a percentage equal to the increase of the CPI for the
previous year, on a yearly basis, as provided for in Clause Sixth
hereof, for each and every of the extension of the Initial Term
of this CONTRACT.

3.  In the event the TENANT decides to end this CONTRACT prior to
the termination date of the lease, or any of the extension
periods as the case may be, due to causes not attributable to the
LANDLORD, the TENANT shall inform the LANDLORD in writing, with
at least 90 (ninety) days advance notice, with the TENANT
agreeing to pay the LANDLORD, as hereby established for
compensation and retribution, the amount required to complete the
total value of the lease to its termination date (Initial Term),
or that of the current extension period, except as provided in
the following paragraph.

4.  THE LANDLORD is in conformity and authorizes the TENANT the
option to advance the termination of this contract within the
last two years of the Initial Term. In the Event that the TENANT
executes this option, THE TENANT is obligated to pay to the
LANDLORD as a conventional penalty in lieu of all other rents
otherwise owing to LANDLORD pursuant to this


LEASE, the amount of US $0.05 per square foot per month of the BUILDING that 
is being leased, from the time Notice thereof is made, until completion of 
the Initial Term, with the written notice of the TENANT to the LANDLORD with 
at least 90 days advance.

The TENANT may not sublease the LEASED PROPERTY or assign this CONTRACT, 
unless it obtains the prior written authorization from LANDLORD, and which 
shall not be irrationally denied and provided the TENANT and its guarantor 
remain responsible for the Fulfillment and compliance of all of its 
obligations assumed herein before the LANDLORD.

In the event authorization to sublease is requested by TENANT and granted by 
LANDLORD, such sublease arrangement shall in no case extend beyond the date 
of termination of the Initial Term or the current extension thereof

Notwithstanding the provisions hereof, the parties agree that the TENANT may 
sublease the Leased Property or assign this CONTRACT to any affiliate or 
subsidiary of S.T.B. Systems, Inc. and that in such case it will notify the 
LANDLORD, without the need or requiring any Further authorization from the 
LANDLORD, in which case the provisions regarding guaranty and rental payments 
referred to in the preceding paragraphs shall survive.

LANDLORD may assign the rentals derived herefrom to the financial 
institutions of its choice for the purposes of securing Funds and the TENANT 
and its guarantors who shall sign the notification and they also hereby agree 
to cooperate with any and all reasonable requests for financial information 
to comply with the needs to assess the financial strength of the TENANT and 
its guarantor. Such procedures to process this information will be done so 
under standard banking practices, with the highest practical level of 
confidentiality being observed.


The TENANT shall, on the last day of the Lease Term or any extension thereof, 
or upon earlier termination, surrender and deliver the LEASED PROPERTY into 
the possession and use of the LANDLORD, without delay, in good order, 
condition and adequate maintenance, normal wear and tear excepted. All 
signs, inscriptions, canopies and installations of like nature made by the 
TENANT shall be removed at the time of the expiration of the Lease Term.

Both parties agree that prior to vacating the BUILDING, and with the purpose 
of Fully satisfying the requirements for delivery of the LEASED PROPERTY, the 
TENANT will inform the LANDLORD in writing, with 90 (ninety) days advance 
notice, of the date of surrender and delivery, so that the LANDLORD may give 
notice to the Secretaria del Medio Ambiente, Recursos Naturales y Pezca 
(Ministry of the Environment, Natural Resources and Fishery), and the 
Procuraduria Federal de Proteccion al Ambiente (Federal Agency for Protection 
of the Environment), and order studies and evaluation be made for soil and 
environmental impact, by technicians authorized by said institutions, with 
the object of determining the degree of contamination found on the LEASED 
PROPERTY relative to the soil and the environment, as a result of the 
installations and use of the LEASED PROPERTY by the TENANT, with the 
understanding that the expenditures generated by such studies will be borne 
by the latter, and that the LEASED PROPERTY will only be accepted by the 
LANDLORD once a letter of compliance is delivered in favor of the TENANT by 
the aforementioned institutions, through which it is established that the 
LEASED PROPERTY falls within the allowable and obligatory ecological criteria 
applicable to the installation and use for which it is intended, Maquiladora 

All furniture, trade fixtures, machinery and business equipment installed by 
the TENANT shall remain the property of the TENANT, unless otherwise agreed 
upon by the parties in writing, and shall be removed by the TENANT at any 
time during or at the end of the Lease Term, and the TENANT shall, at its own 
expense, repair all damage beyond ordinary wear and tear resulting from the 
installation or removal thereof.


If at the expiration of the term of this lease or any then current extension 
thereof, the TENANT does not vacate and delivers the use and possession of 
the LEASED PROPERTY to the LANDLORD, the TENANT shall pay as new rent, the 
amount of rent currently paid at such time, under the terms and conditions 
established in Clause Sixth, plus an increase of 50% (FIFTY PERCENT) for each 
month it continues to occupy the LEASED PROPERTY, and until it vacates and 
yields the possession and use thereof to the LANDLORD.

The provisions of this Clause will not be considered as a waiver by the 
LANDLORD of its right to repossess the LEASED PROPERTY as provided for 
herein, nor will it be considered that the receipt of such payments or part 
thereof, or any other act in apparent confirmation of tenancy will operate as 
a waiver of the right of the LANDLORD to recuperate the LEASED PROPERTY.

Any personal property which remains in the LEASED PROPERTY after the 
termination of this CONTRACT may, at the option of flu LANDLORD, be deemed to 
have been abandoned and either may be retained by the LANDLORD as its 
property or be disposed of without accountability, in such manner as the 
LANDLORD may desire.

If the TENANT, at any time during the Term of this CONTRACT or its extension, 
shall fail to perform any of its agreements made in this CONTRACT, the 
LANDLORD, after ten (10) days following the delivery to the TENANT of written 
notice of said failure (or without notice in case of emergency), and without 
waiving or releasing the TENANT from any obligation of the TENANT contained 
in this CONTRACT, may, but shall be under no obligation to perform any act 
which the TENANT is required to perform under the terms of this CONTRACT, and 
may enter upon the LEASED PROPERTY for that purpose and take all such actions 
thereon as may be necessary therefor. All sums paid by the LANDLORD, and all 
costs and expenses incurred by the LANDLORD in connection with the 
performance of any such obligation of the TENANT shall be payable by the 
TENANT to the LANDLORD on demand.


If the LANDLORD, at any time during the Term of this CONTRACT or its 
extension, shall fail to perform any of its agreements made in this CONTRACT, 
the TENANT, after ten (10) days following the delivery to the LANDLORD of 
written notice of said failure (or without notice in the case of emergency), 
and without waiving or releasing the LANDLORD from any obligation of the 
LANDLORD contained in this CONTRACT, may, but shall be under no obligation to 
perform any act which the LANDLORD is required to perform under this 
CONTRACT, and may take all such actions on the BUILDING as may be necessary 
therefor. All sums paid by the TENANT, and all reasonable costs and expenses 
incurred by the TENANT in connection with the performance of any such 
obligation of the LANDLORD, shall be payable by the LANDLORD to the TENANT on 

The TENANT shall permit the LANDLORD and its authorized representatives to 
enter the LEASED PROPERTY at all reasonable times during normal business 
hours, upon reasonable advance notice of at least 24 hours, for the purpose 
of inspecting the same and performing any work therein that may be required. 
The LANDLORD shall exercise its authority under this provision in such a way 
so as not to interfere with the business operations of the TENANT.

The LANDLORD agrees to save, defend and hold TENANT harmless against any and 
all liabilities, including penalties and interest, which TENANT is required 
to pay due to any act or omission of LANDLORD, which directly or indirectly 
results in such liability, penalty and/or interest. Furthermore, LANDLORD 
covenants and agrees not to sue TENANT in the Future, provided TENANT duly 
and timely meets its obligations hereunder.

The TENANT agrees to save, defend and hold LANDLORD harmless against any and 
all liabilities, including penalties and interest, which LANDLORD is required 
to pay due to any act or omission of TENANT, which directly or indirectly 
results in such liability, penalty and/or interest.


Furthermore, TENANT covenants and agrees not to sue LANDLORD in the future, 
provided LANDLORD duly and timely meets its obligation hereunder.

LANDLORD will keep adjacent to the LEASE PROPERTY, a plot of land with an 
area of approximately 19,672.00 square meters (approximately 211,756.000 
square feet) as described herein in the blueprint attached hereto as Exhibit 
"F" free from any liens and encumbrances, for the purpose of constructing an 
expansion to the BUILDING, as provided herein. For the term of two (2) years 
from the date of commencement of the Initial Term of this Agreement, the 
TENANT shall have the right to exercise an option to lease for a minimum term 
equal to the remaining period or an;y of the extensions of the CONTRACT, an 
expanded production area up to 8,361.00 square meters (approximately 
90,000.00 square feet) to be constructed by LANDLORD at LANDLORD's expense. 
This option should be exercise in writing. Construction shall start at the 
time this option is exercised and shall be completed in a term of twelve (12) 
months. The characteristics and specifications of such expansion, will be the 
same as those of the Leased Property, and the expansion shall be occupied by 
the TENANT upon completion and acceptance of construction work.  Said 
expansion, once completed, will become part of the LEASED PROPERTY and 
subject to all the terms hereof.

Once the term established in the preceding paragraph has expired, and until 
completion of the tenth year of the Initial Term of this CONTRACT, the 
LANDLORD grants the TENANT the right to preferential use of the land, right 
which shall be executed within 30 calendar days after having received 
notification from the LANDLORD (of its desire to construct a building on the 
aforementioned adjacent land), in which case, construction of the expansion 
shall be started upon execution of this option.

In order to establish the solid intention of the parties regarding the Option 
to the Adjacent Land entered in this Clause, THE TENANT, by signing his 
instrument, will pay as a deposit the amount of $55,000.00 (FIFTY FIVE 
THOUSAND DOLLARS 00/100) legal currency of the United States of America, to 
THE LANDLORD being the present Clause the most efficient legal way to


give faith of delivery. With the understanding that the deposit of the amount 
will be made in favor of the LANDLORD in a final manner in the event that the 
TENANT does not exercise the Option to the Adjacent Land under the terms 
stated in this Clause; if the TENANT exercises its Option to the Adjacent 
Land, the amount of the deposit will be taken by the LANDLORD for rent 
hereunder as part of the first payment generated once the construction of the 
expansion is concluded, the aforementioned payment will include both 
constructions, the new one and the existent one.

Except as otherwise provided herein, no modification, release or discharge of 
this CONTRACT, or waiver of any of the provisions hereof, shall be of any 
force or effect except by an amendment hereto in writing signed by the 

The parties agree that this CONTRACT contains all the covenants and 
agreements between them, and therefore, this CONTRACT is the sole contractual 
document executed by the parties, and supersedes any other contract or 
agreement entered into by the parties hereto.

This CONTRACT shall be interpreted in accordance with, and be
subject to the provisions of the Civil Code for the State of
Chihuahua, and both parties hereto submit to the jurisdiction of
the Courts of Ciudad Juarez, State of Chihuahua, Mexico,
expressly waiving any other jurisdiction that may correspond to
them due to their present or Future domiciles or due to any other
reason whatsoever.

The TENANT agrees, at the request of the LANDLORD to subordinate this 
CONTRACT (including any extension hereto) to any mortgage placed upon 
the LEASED PROPERTY, provided that the mortgage holder agrees to 
recognize the TENANT's rights under this CONTRACT, and provided further 
that the mortgage holder agrees not to disturb the possession


and other rights of the TENANT under this CONTRACT, so long as the TENANT 
continues to perform its obligations hereunder. In the event the mortgage 
holder acquires title to the LEASED PROPERTY through foreclosure proceedings 
or otherwise, the mortgage holder agrees to accept the TENANT as tenant under 
this CONTRACT, and to perform the LANDLORD's obligations hereunder (but only 
while being owner of the LEASED PROPERTY), and the TENANT agrees to recognize 
as LANDLORD such mortgage holder or any other person acquiring title to the 
LEASED PROPERTY. The TENANT and the LANDLORD agree to execute and deliver all 
appropriate instruments required to carry out the agreements contained herein.

All notices, demands and requests required under this CONTRACT and its 
exhibits shall be in writing, and shall be deemed to have been properly given 
if served personally or if sent by registered or certified mail, return 
receipt requested, addressed to the LANDLORD or the TENANT, as the case may 
be at their respective address last designated by notice to the other party 
to this CONTRACT for that purpose.  Until the LANDLORD and the TENANT shall 
designate other addresses, their addresses shall be as follows:

LANDLORD: Complejo Industrial Fuentes, S.A. de C.V.
          Ave. Vicente Guerrero # 6965
          Ciudad Juarez, Chih.
          Mexico C.P. 32320

TENANT:   S.T.B. de Mexico, S.A. de C.V.
          Vicente Guerrero Ave. No. 7470
          Cd. Juarez, Chih., Mexico
          C.P. 32320


This CONTRACT is executed in two counterparts: one in the English language 
and the other in Spanish language. In case of any discrepancy between the two 
texts, the Spanish version shall prevail.

The parties hereto execute this CONTRACT in Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua, on the 
4th day of October 1996.

                "THE LANDLORD"                   "THE TENANT"
                 S.A. DE C.V.

              --------------------------         -------------------------
          Mr. Eduardo Fuentes Varela         Mr. Randall Don Eisenbach
           Chairman of the Board of             Sole Administrator

                   WITNESS:                         WITNESS:

               /s/ FERNANDO RIOS              /s/ JESUS TRILLO
             -----------------------        ------------------------
                MR. FERNANDO RIOS               MR. JESUS TRILLO 
