Washington, D.C. 20549
                         THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934
For the quarterly period ended September 30, 1996

                         THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934
For the transition period from _____ to _____

Commission File No. 1-13106

                              ESSEX PROPERTY TRUST, INC.
               (Exact name of Registrant as specified in its Charter) 
                 Maryland                                   77-0369576
       (State or other jurisdiction                       (I.R.S. Employer
   of incorporation or organization)                      Identification No.)

                  777 CALIFORNIA AVENUE, PALO ALTO, CALIFORNIA 94304
                       (Address of principal executive offices)
                                      (Zip code)
                                    (415) 494-3700
                 (Registrant's telephone number, including area code)
         Indicate by check mark whether the Registrant (1) has filed all reports
required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of
1934 during the preceding 12 months for such shorter period that the Registrant
was required to file such report, and (2) has been subject to such filing
requirements for the past 90 days.  Yes   X   No 
                                        -----    -----

Indicate the number of shares outstanding of each of the issuer's classes of
common stock, as of the latest practicable date:
                           8,805,500 shares of Common Stock
                     with $.0001 par value as of November 12, 1996
                                        Page 1

Number   Description                                            Page Number
- -------  -----------                                            -----------
Item 1:  Financial Statements (Unaudited)                                 3

         Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheet 
         as of September 30, 1996 and December 31, 1995                   4

         Condensed Consolidated Statement of Operations
         for the three months ended September 30, 1996 and 1995           5
         Condensed Consolidated Statement of Operations 
         for the nine months ended September 30, 1996 and 1995            6
         Condensed Consolidated Statement of Stockholders'
         Equity from January 1, 1994 through September 30, 1996           7
         Condensed Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows 
         for the nine months ended September 30, 1996 and 1995            8

         Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements             9

Item 2:  Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial
         Condition and Results of Operations                              19

Item 2:  Changes in Securities                                            23

Item 4:  Submission for Matters to a Vote of Security Holders             24

Item 6:  Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K                                 25

         Signatures                                                       26

                                        Page 2



           "Essex" means Essex Property Trust, Inc., a real estate 
           investment trust incorporated in the State of Maryland, 
           or where the context otherwise requires, Essex 
           Portfolio, L.P., a partnership in which Essex Property 
           Trust, Inc. is the sole general partner.

           The information furnished in the accompanying condensed 
           consolidated balance sheet, condensed consolidated 
           statements of operations, stockholders' equity and cash 
           flows of Essex reflect all adjustments which are, in the 
           opinion of management, necessary for a fair presentation 
           of the aforementioned financial statements for the 
           interim periods.

           The accompanying unaudited financial statements should 
           be read in conjunction with the notes to such financial 
           statements and Management's Discussion and Analysis of 
           Financial Condition and Results of Operations.
                                       Page 3

                                  ESSEX PROPERTY TRUST, INC.  
                            Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheet
                                   (Dollars in thousands)

                                           September 30,        December 31,
                         ASSETS                1996                 1995 
                                           -------------        ------------
Real estate:                                
    Rental properties:                           
         Land and land improvements         $   78,409           $  61,738 
         Buildings and improvements            266,495             222,620 
                                            ----------           ---------
                                               344,904             284,358 
         Less accumulated depreciation         (45,296)            (40,281)
                                            ----------           ---------
                                               299,608             244,077 
    Investments                                  8,576               8,656 
                                            ----------           ---------
                                               308,184             252,733 
Cash and cash equivalents                        6,238               3,983 
Notes and other related party receivables        3,319               4,780 
Notes and other receivables                      5,105               5,130 
Prepaid expenses and other assets                4,706               1,944 
Deferred charges, net                            2,903               5,090 
                                            ----------           ---------
                                            $  330,455           $ 273,660 
                                            ----------           ---------
                                            ----------           ---------
         LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY                        
Mortgage notes payable                      $  129,176           $ 136,061 
Lines of credit                                  7,500              18,463 
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities         8,866               2,964 
Dividends payable                                4,834               3,455 
Other liabilities                                1,984               1,565 
                                            ----------           ---------
            Total liabilities                  152,360             162,508 
Minority interest                               25,363              26,423 
Stockholders' equity:                                 
    8.75% Convetible Preferred Stock, 
      Series 1996A: $.0001 par value, 
      1,600,000 and none authorized and 
      800,000 and none issued and 
      outstanding                                   -                   -
    Common stock, $.0001 par value, per 
      share, 668,400,000 and 670,000,000 
      authorized, 8,805,500 and 6,275,000
      issued and outstanding                         1                   1 
    Excess stock, $.0001 par value per 
      share, 330,000,000 shares authorized,
      no shares issued or outstanding 
    Additional paid-in capital                 184,100             112,070 
    Accumulated deficit                        (31,369)            (27,342)
                                            ----------           ---------
               Total stockholders' equity      152,732              84,729 
                                            ----------           ---------
                                            $  330,455           $ 273,660 
                                            ----------           ---------
                                            ----------           ---------

     See accompanying notes to the unaudited financial statements.  

                                 Page 4

                      ESSEX PROPERTY TRUST, INC.
          Condensed Consolidated Statement of Operations 
          (Dollars in thousands, except per share amounts)
                                                  Three months ended  
                                           September 30,        December 31,
                                               1996                 1995 
                                           -------------        ------------
    Rental                                   $    12,119          $   10,387 
    Interest and other income                        704                 597 
                                             -----------          ----------
                                                  12,823              10,984 
                                             -----------          ----------
    Property operating expenses                            
         Maintenance and repairs                   1,113                 980 
         Real estate taxes                           924                 831 
         Utilities                                   791                 726 
         Administrative                              713                 636 
         Advertising                                 161                  67 
         Insurance                                   190                 143 
         Depreciation and amortization             2,276               2,037 
                                             -----------          ----------
                                                   6,168               5,420 
                                             -----------          ----------
    Interest                                       2,828               2,725 
    Amortization of deferred financing costs         103                 311 
    General and administrative                       416                 360 
    Loss from hedge termination                        3                  26 
                                             -----------          ----------
         Total expenses                            9,518               8,842 
                                             -----------          ----------
         Net income before gain on sales of 
            real estate, minority interest 
            and extraordinary item                 3,305               2,142 
    Gain on sales of real estate                      71                   0 
                                             -----------          ----------
         Net income before minority interest 
            and extraordinary item                 3,376               2,142 
    Minority interest                               (672)               (554)
                                             -----------          ----------
         Income before extraordinary item          2,704               1,588 
    Extraordinary item:                          
         Loss on early extinguishment of debt       (472)                  0 
                                             -----------          ----------
             Net income                          $ 2,232          $    1,588 
                                             -----------          ----------
                                             -----------          ----------
Per share data:                                  
    Net income per share form operations 
       before extraordinary item                 $  0.33           $    0.25 
    Extraordinary item -  debt extinguishment      (0.06)               0.00 
                                             -----------          ----------
             Net income per share                $  0.27           $    0.25 
                                             -----------          ----------
                                             -----------          ----------
    Weighted average number of shares 
        outstanding during the period          7,611,139           6,275,000 
                                             -----------          ----------
                                             -----------          ----------
      See accompanying notes to the unaudited financial statements.
                                Page 5

                     ESSEX PROPERTY TRUST, INC.
          Condensed Consolidated Statement of Operations
          (Dollars in thousands, except per share amounts) 

                                                  Nine months ended  
                                           September 30,        September 30,
                                               1996                 1995 
                                           -------------        ------------
    Rental                                     $  34,123         $    31,112 
    Interest and other income                      2,008               1,706 
                                           -------------        ------------
                                                  36,131              32,818 
                                           -------------        ------------
    Property operating expenses                            
         Maintenance and repairs                   3,218               2,898 
         Real estate taxes                         2,693               2,533 
         Utilities                                 2,276               2,240 
         Administrative                            1,967               1,965 
         Advertising                                 451                 216 
         Insurance                                   482                 414 
         Depreciation and amortization             6,513               6,008 
                                           -------------        ------------
                                                  17,600              16,274 
                                           -------------        ------------
    Interest                                       8,738               8,198 
    Amortization of deferred financing costs         529               1,023 
    General and administrative                     1,279               1,083 
    Loss from hedge termination                       42                  39 
                                           -------------        ------------
         Total expenses                           28,188              26,617 
                                           -------------        ------------
         Net income before gain on sales of 
            real estate, minority interest 
            and extraordinary item                 7,943               6,201 
    Gain on sales of real estate                   2,480                 789 
                                           -------------        ------------
         Net income before minority interest 
            and extraordinary item                10,423               6,990 
    Minority interest                             (1,772)             (1,755)
                                           -------------        ------------
         Income before extraordinary item          8,651               5,235 
    Extraordinary item:                          
         Loss on early extinguishment of debt     (3,317)               (154)
                                           -------------        ------------
             Net income                        $   5,334           $   5,081 
                                           -------------        ------------
                                           -------------        ------------
Per share data:                                  
    Net income per share form operations 
       before extraordinary item               $    1.26           $    0.83 
    Extraordinary item -  debt extinguishment      (0.50)              (0.02)
                                           -------------        ------------
             Net income per share              $    0.76           $    0.81 
                                           -------------        ------------
                                           -------------        ------------
    Weighted average number of shares 
        outstanding during the period          6,720,380           6,275,000 
                                           -------------        ------------
                                           -------------        ------------
     See accompanying notes to the unaudited financial statements. 

                                 Page 6

                       ESSEX PROPERTY TRUST, INC.
           Consolidated Statement of Stockholders' Equity
         For the nine months ended September 30, 1996 and the
            years ended December 31, 1995, 1994 and 1993
                    (Dollars and shares in thousands)

                                  Preferred stock            Common stock          Additional        earnings/                
                               ---------------------    ----------------------      paid - in      (Accumulated               
                               Shares        Amount     Shares        Amount         capital         deficit)          Total  
                               -------      --------    -------      ---------     -----------     ------------      ---------
Balance at December 31, 1992      -         $    -         -         $    -          $   -         $    8,844        $  8,844 
Contributions                     -              -         -              -              -                100             100 
Distributions                     -              -         -              -              -             (1,139)         (1,139)
Net loss                          -              -         -              -              -                (33)            (33)
                               -------      --------    -------      ---------     -----------     ------------      ---------
Balance at December 31, 1993      -              -         -              -              -              7,772           7,772 
Distributions                     -              -         -              -              -             (1,273)         (1,273)
Net income through June 12, 1994  -              -         -              -              -                152             152 
                               -------      --------    -------      ---------     -----------     ------------      ---------
Balance at June 12, 1994          -              -         -              -              -              6,651           6,651 
Net proceeds from the initial 
    public offering               -              -         6,275             1        112,070             -           112,071 
Effect of the initial public 
    offering                      -              -         -              -              -             (5,658)         (5,658)
Recognition of minority interest  -              -         -              -              -            (25,889)        (25,889)
                               -------      --------    -------      ---------     -----------     ------------      ---------
Balances after the reorganization
     and offering                 -              -         6,275             1        112,070         (24,896)         87,175 
Net income                        -              -         -              -              -              3,266           3,266 
Dividends declared                -              -         -              -              -             (5,742)         (5,742)
                               -------      --------    -------      ---------     -----------     ------------      ---------
Balances at December 31, 1994     -              -         6,275             1        112,070         (27,372)         84,699 
Net income                        -              -         -              -              -             10,604          10,604 
Dividends declared                -              -         -              -              -            (10,574)        (10,574)
                               -------      --------    -------      ---------     -----------     ------------      ---------
Balances at December 31, 1995     -              -         6,275             1        112,070         (27,342)         84,729 
Net proceeds from preferred 
    stock sale                    800            -         -              -            18,025              -           18,025 
Net proceeds from follow-on 
    public offering               -              -         2,530          -            53,996              -           53,996 
Net proceeds from options
    exercised                     -              -             1          -                 9              -                9 
Net income                        -              -         -              -              -              5,334           5,334 
Dividends declared                -              -         -              -              -             (9,361)         (9,361)
                               -------      --------    -------      ---------     -----------     ------------      ---------
Balances at September 30, 1996    800       $    -         8,806        $    1       $184,100        $(31,369)       $152,732 
                               -------      --------    -------      ---------     -----------     ------------      ---------
                               -------      --------    -------      ---------     -----------     ------------      ---------

     See accompanying notes to the unaudited financial statements. 

                               Page 7

                      ESSEX PROPERTY TRUST, INC.
           Condensed Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows
                       (Dollars in thousands)

                                                                Nine months ended  
                                                       September 30,        September 30,
                                                            1996                 1995 
                                                       -------------        ------------
Net cash provided by operating activities               $    16,844         $    13,950 
Cash flows from investing activities:                                
    Additions to real estate investments                    (72,640)             (1,992)
    Dispositions of real estate investments                  13,327               4,569 
    Investments in corporations and joint ventures              425              (4,262)
                                                       -------------        ------------
Net cash used in investing activities                       (58,888)             (1,685)
Cash flows from financing activities:                                
    Proceeds from mortgages, other notes payable                          
         and lines of credit                                 64,383              16,400 
    Repayment of mortgages, other notes payable                           
         and lines of credit                                (82,231)            (18,423)
    Additions to deferred charges                              (979)               (608)
    Additions to notes and other related party                            
         receivables/payables                                (4,636)               -
    Repayment of notes and other related party                            
         receivables/payables                                 6,097                (160)
    Net proceeds from convertible preferred stock sale       18,025                -
    Net proceeds from follow-on common stock offering        54,005                -
    Distribution to partners/dividends to shareholders      (10,365)            (10,244)
                                                       -------------        ------------
Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities          44,299             (13,035)
                                                       -------------        ------------
Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents          2,255                (770)
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period              3,983               2,411 
                                                       -------------        ------------
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period               $    6,238          $    1,641 
                                                       -------------        ------------
                                                       -------------        ------------
Supplemental diclosure of cash flow information                                
    Cash paid for interest                               $    8,945          $    8,238 
                                                       -------------        ------------
                                                       -------------        ------------

Supplemental disclosure of non-cash investing                                  
  and financing activity                                   
    Dividends declared and payable                       $    4,834          $    3,455 
                                                       -------------        ------------
                                                       -------------        ------------

     See accompanying notes to the unaudited financial statements. 

                               Page 8

                             SEPTEMBER 30, 1996 AND 1995

The unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements of Essex Property 
Trust, Inc.  ("Essex" or the "Company") are prepared in accordance with 
generally accepted accounting principles for interim financial information 
and with the instructions to Form 10-Q.  In the opinion of management, all 
adjustments necessary for a fair presentation of the financial position, 
results of operations and cash flows for the periods presented have been 
included and are normal and recurring in nature.  These unaudited condensed 
consolidated financial statements should be read in conjunction with the 
audited consolidated financial statements included in the Company's annual 
report on Form 10-K/A2 for the year ended December 31, 1995.

The consolidated financial statements for the three months and nine months 
ended September 30, 1996 and 1995 include the accounts of the Company and 
Essex Portfolio, L.P. (the "Operating Partnership", which holds the operating 
assets of the Company).  The Company is the sole general partner in the 
Operating Partnership, owning 82.6% and 77.2% interests as of September 30, 
1996 and 1995, respectively.

All significant intercompany balances and transactions have been eliminated 
in the consolidated financial statements.



(i) On June 20, 1996, the Company entered into an agreement to sell up to 
$40,000 of the Company's 8.75% Convertible Preferred Stock, Series 1996A (the 
"Convertible Preferred Stock") at $25.00 per share to Tiger/Westbrook Real 
Estate Fund, L.P. and Tiger/Westbrook Real Estate Co-Investment Partner ship, 
L.P. (collectively, "Tiger/Westbrook").  In the first phase of this 
transaction Tiger/Westbrook on July 1, 1996 purchased 340,000 shares of 
Convertible Preferred Stock for an aggregate purchase price of $8,500 and 
loaned the Company an additional $11,500.  This loan was exchanged for 
460,000 shares of Convertible Preferred Stock at $25 per share upon 
stockholder approval of the transaction on September 27, 1996.  
Tiger/Westbrook is obligated to purchase up to an additional $20,000 of 
Convertible Preferred Stock as requested by Essex on or prior to June 20, 
1997.  Holders of shares of Convertible Preferred Stock are entitled to 
receive annual cumulative cash dividends, payable quarterly, in an amount 
equal to the greater of (i) $2.1875 per share (8.75% of the $25.00 per share 
price) or (ii) the dividends (subject to adjustment) paid with respect to the 
Common Stock plus, in both cases, any accumulated but unpaid dividends on the 
Convertible Preferred Stock.  After June 20, 1997, 25% of the 1.6 million 
authorized shares of Convertible Preferred Stock is convertible into Common 
Stock at the option of the holder, and thereafter, at the beginning of each 
next three-month period, an additional 25% of the Convertible Preferred Stock 
is convertible.  The conversion price per share of Convertible Preferred 
Stock is $21.875, subject to adjustment under certain circumstances.

(ii) On August 14, 1996, the Company sold 2.2 million shares of Common Stock 
in a follow-on public offering for $22.75 per share.  In addition, on August 
20, 1996, the underwriters for this offering exercised their "over-allotment" 
option and purchased an additional 330,000 shares at $22.75 per share.  Upon 
completion of this follow-on offering the Company used the proceeds to  
increase its ownership interest in the Operating Partnership from 
approximately 77.2% to 82.6%.

                                     Page 9 

                             SEPTEMBER 30, 1996 AND 1995
(iii) On September 18, 1996, the Board of Directors of the Company voted to 
increase the dividend to an annualized rate of $1.74 per share, from $1.70 
per share and declared a quarterly cash dividend of $.435 per share to be 
paid to stockholders of record as of September 30, 1996.


(i) On August 23,1996, the Company completed its acquisition of Camarillo 
Oaks Apartments, a 371 unit apartment community in Camarillo, California for 
a contract price of $20,750.  The property offers a full amenity package 
including swimming pools, spa, sauna and picnic areas.  Essex utilized 
proceeds from the equity transactions and the sale of a property in the 
second quarter of 1996 to fund this acquisition.  Subsequent to September 30, 
1996, the Company  placed $19,420 of tax-exempt financing on the property. 

(ii) On August 30, 1996, the Company acquired Landmark Apartments, a 285 unit 
apartment community in Hillsboro, Oregon for a contract price of $17,700.  
The amenities at the community include a swimming pool, indoor Jacuzzi, 
racquetball court, and fitness center.  Essex utilized proceeds from the 
equity transactions to fund this purchase.

(iii) On August 30, 1996, the Company acquired Eastridge Apartments, a 188 
unit apartment community in San Ramon, California for an approximate price of 
$19,200.  The community features a fitness center, spa, pool and security 
perimeter.  Essex utilized proceeds from the equity transactions to fund this 


(i) Essex previously entered into a partnership for the purpose of 
developing Jackson School Village, a 200 unit apartment community in 
Hillsboro, Oregon. The lease up on this project started in early August 1996 
with substantial completion of the project  anticipated by the end of the 

(ii) The Company has entered into a letter agreement with Fairfield 
Properties to form a partnership that will construct 374 apartment units in 
Milpitas, California.  The partnership agreement is near completion and 
estimates the total project cost to be $45,500.  Essex has entered into a 
contract to purchase the land for this development for approximately $10,900. 
The purchase contract requires Essex to acquire the site within 90 days 
after the completion of the entitlement phase of this project,  currently 
anticipated to be approximately March 1997.  The land is expected to be 
contributed to the partnership upon closing the land purchase.


(i) Essex has entered into a contract to sell its six neighborhood shopping 
centers for $22,200.  The contract is subject to a number of contingencies 
and there is no assurance that such sale will be completed.


(i) On August 14, 1996, Essex repaid a $9,938 LIBOR based variable rate loan 
which had an interest rate swap agreement fixing the interest rate at 6.69%.  
Essex wrote off approximately $383 in deferred financing and interest rate 
protection costs associated with this loan.  Essex utilized proceeds from the 
equity transactions to fund this payoff.

(ii) On August, 14, 1996, Essex repaid a $7,224, 8.5% fixed rate loan which 
was assumed upon the purchase of Treetops Apartments on January 31, 1996.  
Essex wrote off approximately $64 in deferred financing costs related to this 
transaction.  Essex utilized proceeds from the equity transactions to fund 
this payoff.
                                       Page 10

                             SEPTEMBER 30, 1996 AND 1995
(iii) On August 22, 1996, the City of Freemont issued $9,800 in variable rate 
tax-exempt demand bonds related to the financing of Treetops Apartments.  The 
30 year bonds, which mature August, 2026, were enhanced by FNMA and achieved 
a Standard & Poor's rating of AAA/A-1+.  The bonds credit enhancement is 
secured by Treetops Apartments, a 172 unit apartment community located in 
Fremont, California.  The bonds have a seven year interest rate cap at 7.0%.  
Essex will use approximately $925 on the bond proceeds to renovate the 
property.  The net proceeds will be used for property acquisitions and/or 
debt repayments.


Since June 13, 1994, all general and administrative expenses of the Company 
and Essex Management Corporation ("EMC") have been initially borne by the 
Company, with a portion subsequently allocated to EMC.  Expenses allocated to 
EMC for the three and nine months ended September 30, 1996 totaled $465 and 
$1,321, respectively, and are reflected as a reduction in general and 
administrative expenses in the accompanying consolidated statements of 

Included in rental income in the accompanying consolidated statements of 
operations is related party rents earned from space leased to The Marcus & 
Millichap Company ("M&M"), including operating expense reimbursements, of 
$169 and $509 for the three and nine months ended September 30, 1996, 
respectively and $170 and $505 for the three and nine months ended September 
30, 1995, respectively.

Included in other income for the three and nine months ended September 30, 
1996 is interest income of $212 and $729, respectively, which were earned 
principally under notes receivable from Essex Fidelity I Corporation, Essex 
Sacramento Corporation, Essex Marina Cove, L.P., and Pathways.  In addition, 
management fees and equity income of $282 and $652 were earned for the three 
and nine month periods ended September 30, 1996, respectively, from Essex 
Bristol Partners, L.P., Essex San Ramon Partners, L.P. and Essex Marina Cove, 

Since June 13, 1994, EMC has provided property management services to the 
Company's neighborhood shopping centers.  The fee paid by the Company for the 
three and nine months ended September 30, 1996 was $28, and $85, 
respectively, and is included in administrative expense in the accompanying 
consolidated statements of operations.

                                      Page 11

                             SEPTEMBER 30, 1996 AND 1995
Notes and other related party receivables as of September 30, 1996 and December
31, 1995 consist of the following:

                                                  September 30,   December 31,
                                                       1996            1995
                                                       ----            ----
    Notes receivable from Essex Sacramento 
     Corporation bearing interest at 9% due 
     on demand                                      $  1,466        $  2,566

    Notes receivable from Essex Fidelity I 
     Corporation interest at 9% due on demand            226             974

    Notes receivable from Essex Fidelity I 
     Corporation and Jackson School Village, 
     L.P. bearing interest at 9.5% - 10%, due 2015       500             500

    Other related party receivables                    1,127             740
                                                    --------        --------
                                                     $ 3,319         $ 4,780
                                                    --------        --------
                                                    --------        --------

Other related party receivables consist primarily of unreimbursed expenses 
due from EMC, accrued interest income on related party notes receivables and 
acquisition cost-related reimbursements due from Essex San Ramon Partners, 

During the three and nine months ended September 30, 1996, the Company paid 
brokerage commissions totaling $0 and $562, respectively to M&M in connection 
with the purchase and disposition of real estate.  The commissions are 
reflected as an increased cost on the purchase of real estate or a reduction 
in the gain on sale in the accompanying condensed consolidated financial 


    In 1996, Essex consummated five property acquisitions and two property 
    dispositions with independent third parties in "arms-lengths" transactions.
    One property acquisition was acquired on November 7, 1996 subsequent to the
    quarter ended September 30, 1996.  The property, Meadowood Apartments, was
    built in 1986 and contains 320 apartment units with 264,500 square feet 
    located in Simi Valley, California.  The contract price was $25,740.  The 
    seller was an unrelated third party.  Essex assumed $17,733 in tax exempt 
    bonds with a 6.455% interest rate.  The interest rate on bonds is fixed  
    through February 2008 at which time they will be repriced at the market rate
    at that time. The bonds mature in January 2026.  The balance of the purchase
    price was funded by the October 24, 1996 issuance of $19,420 in variable 
    rate tax exempt bonds issued by the City of Camarillo in connection with the
    financing of Camarillo Oaks Apartments.  The Camarillo bonds carry a "AAA" 
    rating and are enhanced by Fannie Mae and mature in October 2026.  The bonds
    have a seven year interest rate cap at 7%.

    The following unaudited pro forma condensed consolidated balance sheet as of
    September 30, 1996 and the statements of operations for the nine months 
    ended September 30, 1996 and for the year ended December 31, 1995 are 
    presented as if the 1996 property acquisitions and disposition had occurred 
    on January 1, 1995.

                                    Page 12

Proforma financial statements table of contents:             Page

Pro Forma Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheet as of 
September 30, 1996                                             14

Pro Forma Condensed Consolidated Statement of 
Operations for the nine months ended September 30, 1996        15

Pro Forma Condensed Consolidated Statement of Operations 
for the year ended December 31, 1995                           16

Notes to Pro Forma Condensed Consolidated 
Financial Statements                                           17

                                  Page 13

                        ESSEX PROPERTY TRUST, INC.
                        AS OF SEPTEMBER 30, 1996
      (Dollars in thousands, except shares and per share amounts)

                                                                PRO FORMA      
                                                              ADJUSTMENTS (2)          
                                           HISTORICAL             PROPERTY            PRO FORMA
                                          ------------        ---------------        -----------
Real estate                       
  Rental properties                         
    Land and land improvements             $   78,409            $    6,435          $   84,844 
    Buildings and improvements                266,495                19,305             285,800 
                                           ----------            ----------          ----------
                                              344,904                25,740             370,644 
  Less accumulated depreciation               (45,296)                                  (45,296)
                                           ----------            ----------          ----------
                                              299,608                25,740             325,348 
  Investments                                   8,576                                     8,576 
                                           ----------            ----------          ----------
                                              308,184                25,740             333,924 
Cash and cash equivalents                       6,238                 2,463               8,701 
Notes and other receivables                     8,424                                     8,424 
Other assets                                    7,609                 1,450               9,059 
                                           ----------            ----------          ----------
                                           $  330,455            $   29,653          $  360,108 
                                           ----------            ----------          ----------
                                           ----------            ----------          ----------
Mortgage notes payable                     $  129,176                37,153             166,329 
Lines of credit                                 7,500                (7,500)                  0 
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities        8,866                                     8,866 
Dividends payable                               4,834                                     4,834 
Other liabilities                               1,984                                     1,984 
                                           ----------            ----------          ----------
  Total liabilities                           152,360                29,653             182,013 
Minority interest                              25,363                                    25,363 
STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY                        
  8.75% convertible preferred stock, 
    series 1996A, $.001 par value, 
    1,600,000 authorized, 800,000                        
    issued and outstanding                          -                                       -
  Common stock, $.0001 par value, 668,400,000
    shares authorized, 8,805,500 shares 
    issued and outstanding                          1                                         1 
  Additional paid in capital                  184,100                                   184,100 
  Accumlulated deficit                        (31,369)                                  (31,369)
                                           ----------            ----------          ----------
                                              152,732                     0             152,732 
                                           ----------            ----------          ----------
                                            $ 330,455             $  29,653           $ 360,108 
                                           ----------            ----------          ----------
                                           ----------            ----------          ----------

    See accompanying notes to Pro Forma financial statements
                       Page 14

                      ESSEX PROPERTY TRUST, INC.
      (Dollars in thousands, except shares and per share amounts)

                                                         PRO FORMA ADJUSTMENTS (3)
                                                       ACQUISITION      DISPOSITION         
                                       HISTORICAL      PROPERITIES      PROPERITIES      PRO FORMA
                                       ----------      -----------      -----------     ----------
  Rental                               $   34,123       $   7,240         $   701       $  40,662 
  Interest and other income                 2,008             145               8           2,145 
                                       ----------       ---------        --------       ---------
                                           36,131           7,385             709          42,807 
  Property operating expenses                                   
    Maintenance and repairs                 3,218             657              55           3,820 
    Real estate taxes                       2,693             667              69           3,291 
    Utilities                               2,276             459              26           2,709 
    Administrative                          1,967             407              48           2,326 
    Advertising                               451             115               6             560 
    Insurance                                 482              93              11             564 
    Depreciation and amortization           6,513           1,459             106           7,866 
                                       ----------       ---------        --------       ---------
                                           17,600           3,857             321          21,136 
  Interest                                  8,738           1,283             180           9,841 
  Amortization of deferred financing costs    529              18               8             539 
  General and administrative                1,279               0               0           1,279 
  Loss from hedge termination                  42               0               0              42 
                                       ----------       ---------        --------       ---------
    Total expenses                         28,188           5,158             509          32,837 
                                       ----------       ---------        --------       ---------
Income before gain on sales of real estate,                                    
  minority interest and extraordinary item  7,943           2,227             200           9,970 
Gain on sales of real estate                2,480               0               0           2,480 
                                       ----------       ---------        --------       ---------
Income before minority interest and                                  
  extraordinary item                       10,423           2,227             200          12,450 
Minority interest                          (1,772)           (386)            (35)         (2,123)
                                       ----------       ---------        --------       ---------
Income before extraordinary item            8,651           1,841             165          10,327 
Extraordinary item                         (3,317)              0               0          (3,317)
                                       ----------       ---------        --------       ---------
 Net income                            $    5,334        $  1,841         $   165       $   7,010 
                                       ----------       ---------        --------       ---------
                                       ----------       ---------        --------       ---------

PER SHARE DATA                                   
  Net income per share from operations                                    
    before extraordinary item          $     1.26                                       $    1.17 
  Extraordinary item - debt 
    extinguishment                          (0.50)                                          (0.37)
                                       ----------                                       ---------
  Net income per share                 $     0.76                                       $    0.80 
                                       ----------                                       ---------
                                       ----------                                       ---------
Weighted average number of shares                               
  outstanding during the period         6,720,380                                       8,805,500 
                                       ----------                                       ---------
                                       ----------                                       ---------
  FUNDS FROM OPERATIONS                               
  Income before minority interest and                                
    extraordinary item                  $  10,423        $  2,227         $   200       $  12,450 
    Depreciation and amortization           6,513           1,459             106           7,866 
    Adjustment for unconsolidated                                    
      joint ventures                          379               0               0             379 
    Non-recurring items, including gain 
      on sales of real estate and loss
      from hedge termination               (2,438)              0               0         (2,438)
    Minority interest - Pathways             (416)              0                           (416)
                                       ----------       ---------        --------       ---------
    Funds from operations                $ 14,461        $  3,686         $   306       $ 17,841 
                                       ----------       ---------        --------       ---------
                                       ----------       ---------        --------       ---------

     See accompanying notes to Pro Forma financial statements 

                            Page 15

                  ESSEX PROPERTY TRUST, INC. 
     (Dollars in thousands, except shares and per share amounts) 

                                                         PRO FORMA ADJUSTMENTS (3)
                                                       ACQUISITION      DISPOSITION         
                                       HISTORICAL      PROPERITIES      PROPERITIES      PRO FORMA
                                       ----------      -----------      -----------     ----------
  Rental                                $  41,640       $  12,617       $   1,813       $  52,444 
  Interest and other income                 2,300             232              23           2,509 
                                       ----------       ---------        --------       ---------
                                           43,940          12,849           1,836          54,953 
  Property operating expenses                                   
    Maintenance and repairs                 3,811           1,133             171           4,773 
    Real estate taxes                       3,371           1,156             191           4,336 
    Utilities                               2,974             795             133           3,636 
    Administrative                          2,592             732             121           3,203 
    Advertising                               299             184              34             449 
    Insurance                                 557             154              26             685 
    Depreciation and amortization           8,007           2,403             286          10,124 
                                       ----------       ---------        --------       ---------
                                           21,611           6,557             962          27,206 
  Interest                                 10,928           2,194             474          12,648 
  Amortization of deferred financing costs  1,355              34              23           1,366 
  General and administrative                1,527               0               0           1,527 
  Loss from hedge termination                 288               0               0             288 
                                       ----------       ---------        --------       ---------
    Total expenses                         35,709           8,785           1,459          43,035 
                                       ----------       ---------        --------       ---------
Income before gain on sales of real 
  estate, minority interest and 
  extraordinary item                        8,231           4,064             377          11,918 
Gain on sales of real estate                6,013               0          (2,872)          8,885 
                                       ----------       ---------        --------       ---------
Income before minority interest and                                  
  extraordinary item                       14,244           4,064          (2,495)         20,803 
Minority interest                          (3,486)           (705)            (65)         (4,126)
                                       ----------       ---------        --------       ---------
Income before extraordinary item           10,758           3,359          (2,560)         16,677 
Extraordinary item                           (154)              0               0            (154)
                                       ----------       ---------        --------       ---------
 Net income                             $  10,604       $   3,359          (2,560)      $  16,523 
                                       ----------       ---------        --------       ---------
                                       ----------       ---------        --------       ---------
PER SHARE DATA                                   
  Net income per share from operations                                    
    before extraordinary item           $    1.71                                       $    1.90 
  Extraordinary item - debt 
    extinguishment                          (0.02)                                          (0.02)
                                       ----------                                       ---------
  Net income per share                  $    1.69                                       $    1.88 
                                       ----------                                       ---------
                                       ----------                                       ---------
Weighted average number of shares                               
  outstanding during the period         6,275,000                                       8,805,000 
                                       ----------                                       ---------
                                       ----------                                       ---------
  FUNDS FROM OPERATIONS                               
  Income before minority interest 
    and extraordinary item              $  14,244        $  4,064          (2,495)      $  20,803 
    Depreciation and amortization           8,007           2,403             286          10,124 
    Adjustment for unconsolidated                                    
      joint ventures                          121               0               0             121 
    Non-recurring items, including gain
      on sales of real estate and loss
      from hedge termination               (5,725)              0           2,872          (8,597)
    Minority interest - Pathways             (527)              0                            (527)
                                       ----------       ---------        --------       ---------
    Funds from operations               $  16,120        $  6,467             663       $  21,924 
                                       ----------       ---------        --------       ---------
                                       ----------       ---------        --------       ---------

     See accompanying notes to Pro Forma financial statements 
                              Page 16

                              ESSEX PROPERTY TRUST, INC.
                       SEPTEMBER 30, 1996 AND DECEMBER 31, 1995
             (Dollars in thousands, except shares and per share amounts)

Between January 31, 1996 and November 7, 1996, Essex consummated five 
property acquisitions and two property dispositions with independent third 
parties in "arms-lengths" transactions.  Below is a summary of property 
acquisitions and disposition whose effects are incorporated into the 
unaudited pro forma financial statements as of January 1, 1995.


On January 31, 1996, Essex acquired Treetops Apartments which was built in 
1978 and contains 172 apartment units with  131,200 square feet and is 
located in Fremont, California.  The contract price was $10,725.  Essex 
funded this acquisition by assuming an existing  8.5% fixed interest rate 
mortgage in the amount of $7,266 and the remainder was funded by Essex's 
lines of credit.  On August 14, 1996, Essex repaid the mortgage on the 
property with the proceeds from its secondary common stock offering.  On 
August 22, 1996, Essex completed a $9,800 tax exempt bond financing on the 
On August 23, 1996, Essex completed its acquisition of Camarillo Oaks 
Apartments for a contract price of $20,750.  Camarillo Oaks is a 371-unit 
apartment property consisting of approximately 303,800 square feet located in 
Camarillo, California.  Essex utilized proceeds from its August 14, 1996 
offering of common stock and from the sale of a property to complete the 
acquisition.  On October 24, 1996, Essex completed a $19,420 tax exempt bond 
financing on the property.

On August 30, 1996, Essex acquired Eastridge Apartments which was built in 
1988 and contains 188 apartment units with 174,100 square feet located San 
Ramon, California.  The contract price was approximately $19,200.  The price 
includes the cost relating to the retirement of a land lease which occurred 
on September 27, 1996.  Essex utilized proceeds from its August 14, 1996 
offering of common stock to complete the acquisition.

On August 30 1996, Essex acquired Landmark Apartments which was built in 1990 
and contains 285 apartment units with 282,900 square feet located in 
Hillsboro, Oregon.  The  contract price was $17,700. Essex utilized proceeds 
from its August 14, 1996 offering of common stock to complete the acquisition.

On  November 7, 1996, Essex acquired Meadowood Apartments, which was built 
in 1986 and contains 320 apartment units with 264,500 square feet located in 
Simi Valley, California.  The contract price was $25,740. Essex assumed 
$17,733 in tax exempt bonds at a 6.455% interest rate.  The bonds have a 
fixed interest rate through February 2008, at which time they will be 
repriced.  The bonds mature in January 2026.  The balance of the purchase 
price was funded by $19,420 of  30 year variable rate tax exempt bonds issued 
by the City of Camarillo in connection with Camarillo Oaks Apartments.  The 
excess of the Camarillo bond proceeds not used to fund this acquisition went 
to fully pay off $7,500 outstanding on the Company's lines of credit.  

                                     Page 17

                             ESSEX  PROPERTY TRUST, INC.
                       SEPTEMBER 30, 1996 AND DECEMBER 31, 1995
             (Dollars in thousands, except shares and per share amounts)


On April 30, 1996, Essex sold Viareggio Apartments, a 116-unit, 89,615 square 
foot apartment community located in San Jose, California.  The gross sales 
price was $10,610, resulting in a net gain of approximately $2,266.  Essex 
used the proceeds to reduce indebtedness and to facilitate the acquisition of 
Camarillo Oaks.

On June 21, 1996, Essex sold Westbridge Apartments, a 92-unit, 104,560 square 
foot apartment community in Yuba City, California.  The gross sales price was 
$3,700, resulting in a net gain of approximately $214.  Essex used the 
proceeds to reduce outstanding indebtedness.  


The pro forma condensed consolidated balance sheet as of September 30, 1996 
includes pro forma adjustments for property acquisitions subsequent to 
September 30, 1996.  Real estate investments were increased by $25,740 based 
on the contracted acquisition price of Meadowood Apartments.  It is assumed 
that 75% of the increase in real estate investment will be allocated to 
buildings and improvements for purposes of depreciation.


The pro forma condensed consolidated statement of operations for the nine 
months ended September  30, 1996 and for the twelve months ended December 31, 
1995 include the following Proforma adjustments:

For Treetops Apartments, acquired on January 31, 1996, pro forma adjustment 
was made by taking its eight months actual operating results through August 31, 
1996 and annualizing them for their inclusion in either the nine months ended 
September 30, 1996 and the twelve months ended December 31, 1995 Pro Forma 
Statement of Operations.

For Viareggio Apartments and Westbridge Apartments, the Pro Forma Statements 
of Operations reflects the elimination of the actual results of operations.  
The twelve month ended December 31, 1995 Pro Forma Statement of Operation 
reflects the gain on sale of these properties as if the sales had occurred on 
January 1, 1995.

For the properties, Camarillo Oaks Apartments, Eastridge Apartments, Landmark 
Apartments and Meadowood Apartment, based on their short period actual 
operating results and in the case of Meadowood Apartments being acquired 
subsequent to September 30, 1996, their budgeted operating results were 
included in the nine months ended  September 30, 1996 or the twelve months 
ended December 31, 1995 Pro Forma Statements of Operations based on their 
respective internal operating budgets.

                                    Page 18


The following discussion is based primarily on the consolidated financial 
statements of Essex Property Trust, Inc. ("Essex" or the "Company") as of 
September 30, 1996 and 1995 and for the three months and nine months ended 
September 30, 1996 and 1995. 

This information should be read in conjunction with the accompanying 
consolidated financial statements and notes thereto.  These financial 
statements include all adjustments which are, in the opinion of management, 
necessary to reflect a fair statement of the results and all such adjustments 
are of a normal recurring nature.

Substantially all the assets of Essex are held by, and substantially all 
operations conducted through, Essex Portfolio, L.P. (the "Operating 
Partnership").  Essex is the sole general partner of the Operating 
Partnership and, as of September 30, 1996 and 1995, owned 82.6% and 77.2% 
general partnership interest in the Operating Partnership, respectively.  The 
Company qualifies as a real estate investment trust (a "REIT") for Federal 
income tax purposes.

Certain statements in this "Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial 
Condition and Results of Operations," and elsewhere in the quarterly report 
on Form 10-Q which are not historical facts may be considered 
"forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities 
Litigation Reform Act of 1995.  Such forward-looking statements involve known 
and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors including, but not limited 
to, those risks and special consideration set forth in Essex's other SEC 
filings which may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of 
Essex to be materially different from any further results, performance or 
achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements.


Essex's revenues are generated primarily from multifamily residential, retail 
and commercial property operations, which accounted for 94% and  95% of its 
revenues for the nine months ended September 30, 1996 and 1995, respectively. 
Essex's Properties (the "Properties") are located in California, Oregon and 
Washington.  Occupancy levels of Essex's multifamily residential Properties 
in these markets have generally remained high (averaging over 95% for the 
last five years).
Essex has qualified as a REIT for federal income tax purposes, 
commencing with the year ending December 31, 1994.  In order to maintain 
compliance with REIT tax rules, Essex provides fee-based asset management and 
disposition services as well as third-party property management and leasing 
services through EMC.  Essex owns 100% of EMC's 19,000 shares of nonvoting 
preferred stock.  Executives of Essex own 100% of EMC's 1,000 shares of 
common stock.  Essex has been actively engaged in the business of acquiring 
and managing portfolios of non-performing assets along with institutional 
investors.  Asset management services resulting from these portfolios are 
provided by EMC, typically for the term that is required to acquire, 
reposition and dispose of the portfolio.  Asset management agreements usually 
provide for a base management fee calculated as a percentage of the gross 
asset value of the portfolio under management, and an incentive fee based 
upon the overall financial performance of the portfolio.  Accordingly, the 
fees earned as a result of these contracts fluctuate as assets are acquired 
and disposed of.  Essex benefits from such fees indirectly through receipt of 
preferred stock dividend from and by allocation of related expenses to EMC.  
In general, Essex believes, however, that there will be fewer opportunities 
to acquire portfolios of non-performing assets in the future.

                                    Page 19

    Average financial occupancy rates of the Company's multifamily properties 
on a same-property basis for the three months ended September 30, 1996 and 
1995 increased to 97.2% from 96.8%, respectively.  The region breakdown is as 

                              September 30,            September 30,
                                  1996                     1995
                                  ----                     ----

Northern California               98.7%                    98.7%
Seattle Metropolitan              95.9%                    94.5%
Southern California               95.8%                    95.4%

The Company's retail and commercial properties were 95% occupied (based on 
square footage) as of September 30, 1996.



TOTAL REVENUES increased by $1,839,000 or 16.7% to $12,823,000 in the third 
quarter of 1996 from $10,984,000 in the third quarter of 1995.  Rental 
revenues increased by $1,732,000 or 16.7% to $12,119,000 in the third quarter 
of 1996 from $10,387,000 in the third quarter of 1995. Of the $1,732,000 
increase approximately $1,081,000 was the net effect of properties acquired 
or disposed of in 1995 or 1996, with the remainder of the increase relating 
to rental rate and occupancy level increases at properties owned by the 
Company during the periods being compared.  Rental revenues from the San 
Francisco Bay Area and Seattle multifamily residential Properties increased 
by $908,000 to $9,003,000 in the third quarter of 1996 from $8,095,000 in the 
third quarter of 1995. Rental revenue increased by $781,000 during the third 
quarter of 1996 from the amount in the third quarter of 1995 for the 
Properties located in Southern California.  Approximately $736,000 of this 
increase  is attributable to the acquisition of a property in this region 
during the third quarter of 1996. Commercial property rental revenue 
increased $43,000 for the third quarter of 1996 from the amount in the third 
quarter of 1995 as a result of increased occupancy.

TOTAL EXPENSES increased by $676,000 or approximately 7.6% to $9,518,000 in 
the third quarter of 1996 from $8,842,000 in the third quarter of 1995.  
Interest expense increased by $103,000 or 3.8% to $2,828,000 in the third 
quarter of 1996 from $2,725,000 in the third quarter of 1995.  Such interest 
expense increase was primarily due to the net addition of outstanding 
mortgage debt in connection with property and investment acquisitions.  
Property operating expenses, exclusive of depreciation and amortization 
increased by $509,000 or 15.1% to $3,892,000 in the third quarter of 1996 
from $3,383,000 in the third quarter of 1995.  Of such increase, $379,000 was 
attributable to Properties acquired or disposed of in 1995 and 1996.  General 
and administrative expenses represent the costs of Essex's various 
acquisition and administrative departments as well as partnership 
administration and non-operating expenses.  Such expenses increased by $56 in 
the third quarter of 1996 from the third quarter of 1995.

NET INCOME AFTER MINORITY INTEREST increased by $644,000 to $2,232,000 in the 
third quarter of 1996 from $1,588,000 in the third quarter of 1995.  Net 
income includes a  $472,000 loss on early extinguishment of debt and a  
$71,000 of gain on the sales of real estate.  The increase in net income was 
primarily a result of  same property net operating income increases over the 
prior year and the net contribution of properties acquired during 1996.
SEPTEMBER 30, 1995

TOTAL REVENUES increased by $3,313,000 or 10.1% to $36,131,000 in the first 
nine months of 1996 from $32,818,000 in the first nine months of 1995.  
Rental revenues increase by $3,011,000 or 9.7% to 

                                    Page 20 

$34,123,000 in the first nine months of 1996 from $31,112,000 in the first 
nine months of 1995.  Of the $3,011,000 increase approximately $1,209,000 was 
the net effect of properties acquired or disposed of in 1995 and 1996, with 
the remainder of the increase primarily relating to rental rate and occupancy 
level increases at properties owned by the Company during the periods being 
compared.  Rental revenues from the San Francisco Bay Area and Seattle 
multifamily residential Properties increased by $1,912,000 to $26,214,000 in 
the first nine months of 1996 from $24,302,000 in the first nine months of 
1995.  Rental revenue increased by $865,000 during the first nine months of 
1996 from the amount in the first nine months of 1995 for the Properties 
located in southern California. Approximately $736,000 of this increase is 
attributable to the acquisition of a property in this region during the third 
quarter of 1996.  Commercial property rental revenue increased $234,000 for 
the first nine months of 1996 from the amount for the third quarter of 1995 
as a result of increased occupancy.

TOTAL EXPENSES increased by $1,571,000 or approximately 5.9% to $28,188,000 
in the first nine months of 1996 from $26,617,000 in the first nine months of 
1995. Interest expense increased by $540,000 or 6.6% to $8,738,000 in the 
first nine months of 1996 from $8,198,000 in the first nine months of 1995.  
Such interest expense increase was primarily due to the net addition of 
outstanding mortgage debt in connection with property and investment 
acquisitions.  Property operating expenses, exclusive of depreciation and 
amortization, increased by $821,000 or 8.0% to $11,087,000 in the first nine 
months of 1996 from $10,266,000 in the first nine months of 1995.  Of such 
increase, $408,000 was attributable to Properties acquired or disposed of in 
1995 and 1996.  General and administrative expenses represent the costs of 
Essex's various acquisition and administrative departments as well as 
partnership administration and non-operating expenses.  Such expenses 
increased by $196,000 in the first nine months of 1996 from the first nine 
months of 1995.

NET INCOME AFTER MINORITY INTEREST increased by $253,000 to $5,334,000 in the 
first nine months of 1996 from $5,081,000 in the first nine months of 1995.  
The increase of $253,000 was reduced by the loss on the early extinguishment 
of debt which was $3,163,000 greater than such loss in the same period in 
1995 and which was partially offset by gain on the sales of real estate that 
was $1,691,000 greater than the gain in the same period as 1995.  The 
increase in net income, net of the loss on the early extinguishment of debt 
and gain on the sales of real estate is primarily due to same property net 
operating income increases over the prior period and contributions made by 
properties acquired in 1996.


At September 30, 1996, Essex had $6,238,000 in cash and cash equivalents.  
The Company expects to meet its short-term liquidity requirements by using 
this working capital, the proceeds from its sale of Convertible Preferred 
Stock, amounts available on lines of credit, and any portion of net cash flow 
from operations not currently distributed.  The Company believes that its 
future net cash flows will be adequate to meet operating requirements and to 
provide for payment of dividends by the Company in accordance with REIT 
requirements.  Essex has credit facilities in the committed amount of 
approximately $25,700,000.  The Company is currently negotiating an increase 
in the available amount of  its lines of credit.  At September 30, 1996 Essex 
had $7,500,000 outstanding on its lines of credit, with interest rates during 
the year ranging from 7.2% to 7.5%.

Essex's cash balance increased $2,255,000 from $3,983,000 as of December 31,
1995 to $6,238,000 as of September 30, 1996.  This increase in cash was a result
of $16,844,000 net cash provided by operating activities, and $44,299,000 in net
cash provided by financing activities, which was decreased by $58,888,000 net
cash used in investing activities.  The $58,888,000 net cash used in investing
activities is a result of $72,640,000 used to purchase and upgrade rental
properties as offset in part by $13,327,000 provided by the disposition of real
estate.  The significant components which contributed to the $44,299,000 net
cash provided by financing activities was a result of $54,005,000 net proceeds
from the follow-on common stock offering, $18,025,000 net proceeds from the sale
of Convertible Preferred Stock, $64,383,000 of proceeds from mortgages, other
notes payable and line of credit as offset by $82,231,000 of repayments of
mortgages, other notes payable and lines of credit and $10,365,000 of
dividends/distributions paid.

                                    Page 21

As of September 30, 1996, Essex's combined outstanding indebtedness under 
mortgages and lines of credit consisted of $93,295,000 in fixed rate debt, 
(such component includes variable rate indebtedness subject to interest rate 
swap agreements), $12,480,000 in debt based on the Federal Home Loan Bank's 
11th District Cost of Funds index ("the 11th District Debt"),  $23,400,000 of 
debt represented by tax exempt variable rate demand bonds, of which 
$9,800,000 is capped at a maximum interest rate of 7.0%, and $7,500,000 of 
debt is based on The London Interbank Offered Rates ("LIBOR"). Essex's 11th 
District  Debt is subject to maximum annual payment adjustments of 7.5% and a 
maximum interest rate during the term of the loans of 13%.

Essex expects to incur approximately $1,450,000 or $300  per weighted average 
occupancy unit in non-revenue generating capital expenditures for the year 
ended December 31, 1996.  These expenditures do not include the improvements 
required in connection with Northwestern Mutual mortgage loans and renovation 
expenditures required pursuant to tax-exempt bond financings.  Essex expects 
that cash from operations and/or the lines of credit will fund such 

Essex pays quarterly dividends from cash available for distribution.  Until 
it is distributed, cash available for distribution is invested by the Company 
primarily in short-term investment grade securities or is used by the Company 
to reduce balances outstanding under its lines of credit.

On July 1, 1996, the Company sold 340,000 shares of its 8.75% Convertible 
Preferred Stock,  Series 1996A (the "Convertible Preferred Stock") for 
$8,500,000 and borrowed $11,500,000 from Tiger/Westbrook Real Estate Fund, 
L.P. and Tiger/Westbrook Real Estate Co-Investment Partnership, L.P. 
(collectively "Tiger/Westbrook") as part of a private placement of 
$40,000,000 in Convertible Preferred Stock.  On September 27, 1996 the 
stockholders approved the transaction, resulting in the exchange of  the 
$11,500,000 loan for an additional 460,000 shares of Convertible Preferred 
Stock.  The Company may require Tiger/Westbrook to purchase up to an 
additional $20,000,000 of Convertible Preferred Stock at any time prior to 
June 20, 1997.

On March 7, 1996, the Company filed a shelf registration statement for up to 
$100,000,000 of Common Stock, preferred stock, depository shares and warrants 
to purchase common and preferred stock.  The shelf registration statement was 
declared effective by the Securities and Exchange Commission on June 6, 1996. 
In late July 1996, the Company commenced a  public offering of its common 
stock. On August 20, 1996 the Company completed the issuance of  2,530,000 
shares of its common stock (including 330,000 shares of common stock sold 
pursuant to the underwriters exercise of their over-allotment option) at a 
price of $22.75 per share.  The net proceeds were used primarily to fund 
property acquisitions. After completion of this follow-on offering the 
Company has the capacity pursuant to its shelf registration to issue up to 
$42,442,500 of equity securities.

The Company will utilize the proceeds of public offerings of shares of common 
stock, sales of Convertible Preferred Stock to Tiger/Westbrook, availability 
under its lines of credit,  and cash balances to fund its and future property 
acquisition and development activities.  Essex expects to meet certain 
long-term liquidity requirements such as scheduled debt maturities and 
repayment of short-term financing of acquisition and development activities 
through the issuance of long-term secured and unsecured debt and offerings by 
Essex of additional equity securities (or limited partnership interests in 
the Operating Partnership).


Industry analysts generally consider Funds from Operations an appropriate 
measure of performance of an equity REIT.  Generally, Funds from Operations 
adjusts the net income of equity REITs for non-cash   charges such as 
depreciation and amortization and non-recurring gains or losses. Management 
generally considers Funds from Operations to be a useful financial 
performance measurement of an equity REIT because, together with net income 
and cash flows, Funds from Operations provides investors with an additional 
basis to evaluate the ability of a REIT to incur and service debt and to fund 
acquisitions and other capital expenditures.  Funds from Operations does not 
represent net income or cash flows from 
                                    Page 22 

operations as defined by GAAP and does not necessarily indicate that cash 
flows will be sufficient to fund cash needs.  It should not be considered as 
an alternative to net income as an indicator of the Operating Partnership's 
operating performance or to cash flows as a measure of liquidity.  Funds from 
Operations does not measure whether cash flow is sufficient to fund all cash 
needs including principal amortization, capital improvements and 
distributions to shareholders.  Funds from Operations also does not represent 
cash flows generated from operating, investing or financing activities as 
defined under GAAP.  Further,  Funds from Operations as disclosed by other 
REITs may not be comparable to the Company's calculation of Funds from 
Operations.  The following table sets forth Essex's calculation of actual 
Funds from Operations for the quarter ended September 30, 1996 and 1995.

                                               Three months ended 
                                   September 30, 1996       September 30, 1995
                                   ------------------       ------------------
Income before minority interest
 and extraordinary item              $    3,376,000           $    2,142,000
    Depreciation & Amortization           2,276,000                2,037,000
    Adjustment for Unconsolidated 
      Joint Venture                         130,000                   51,000
    Non-recurring Items, including
      gain on sales of real estate
      and loss from hedge termination       (68,000)                  26,000
    Minority Interest - Pathways           (144,000)                (123,000)
                                       ------------           --------------
    Funds from Operations-
    fully diluted                      $  5,570,000           $    4,133,000
                                       ------------           --------------
                                       ------------           --------------
    Weighted average number of 
    shares outstanding-fully 
    diluted (1)                           9,878,075                8,130,000
                                       ------------           --------------
                                       ------------           --------------

(1)   Assumes conversion of all outstanding shares of Convertible Preferred 
      Stock and operating partnership interests in the Operating Partnership 
      into shares of Essex's common stock.

The National Association of Real Estate Investment Trusts ("NAREIT"), a 
leading industry trade group, has approved a revised definition of Funds from 
Operations, which provides that the amortization of deferred financing costs 
is no longer added back to net income to calculate Funds from Operations.  
Essex has adopted the revised NAREIT definition of Funds from Operations as 
of January 1, 1996 and has restated prior year amounts for consistency.



         On June 20, 1996, the Company entered into  a definitive agreement to 
         sell up to $40.0 million of the Company's 8.75% Convertible Preferred 
         Stock, Series 1996A (the "Convertible Preferred Stock") at $25.00 per 
         share to Tiger/Westbrook Real Estate Fund, L.P. and Tiger/Westbrook 
         Real Estate Co-Investment Partnership, L.P. (collectively, 
         "Tiger/Westbrook").  In the first phase of this transaction, 
         Tiger/Westbrook on July 1, 1996 purchased 340,000 shares of 
         Convertible Preferred Stock for an aggregate purchase price 
         of $8.5 million and loaned the Company an additional $11.5 
         million.  This loan was exchanged for 460,000 shares of 
         Convertible Preferred Stock upon stockholder approval of the 
         transaction which occurred on September 27, 1996. 
         As part of the second phase of this transaction, Tiger/Westbrook is 
         obligated to purchase up to an additional $20.0 million of Convertible 
         Preferred Stock as requested by Essex on or prior to June 20, 1997.

                                    Page 23

         The terms, rights and preference of the Convertible Preferred Stock 
         are set forth in the Articles Supplementary and the other exhibits 
         that were filed with the Company's Current Report on Form 8-K, filed 
         on July 16, 1996, which are incorporated herein by reference.  
         A summary of such terms, rights and preferences was set forth in Item 
         2 of the Company's Report or Form 10-Q for the quarter ended June 30, 


         At the Special Meeting of Stockholders on September 27, 1996, the 
         stockholders approved the following proposals:

         (1) The proposal to approve the sale and issuance of up to 1,600,000 
         shares of the Company's 8.75% Convertible Preferred Stock,  Series 
         1996A ("the Convertible Preferred Stock") was approved (4,843,114 
         votes for and 378,838 votes against or withheld).

         (2) The proposal to amend the ownership limitation provisions in the 
         Company's Charter was approved (4,835,570 votes for and 386,411 
         votes against or withheld).

         The third proposal submitted at the Special Stockholders Meeting 
         concerned certain proposed amendments to the Company's Charter to 
         provide for changes in the composition of the Board of Directors in 
         the event of the breach of certain protective provisions in the 
         Charter relating to the Convertible Preferred Stock.  This proposal, 
         which requires a 66% affirmative vote for passage, has not yet been 
         approved by the stockholders.  The Special Stockholders Meeting was 
         adjourned to December 17, 1996 in order to obtain additional votes 
         from the stockholders in connection with this third proposal.
                                    Page 24


         A. EXHIBITS                     

         3.1     First Amendment to Articles of Amendment and Restatement
                 of Essex Property Trust, Inc.                        

         10.1    Letter Agreement with Tiger/Westbrook entities re: Limitations
                 on Ownership of Stock of the Company. 

          12.1   Statement of Competition of Ratio of Earnings to Combined
                 Fixed Charges and Preferred Stock Dividend

          27.1   Article 5 Financial Data Schedule (EDGAR Filing Only).


         On September 11, 1996, Essex filed a current report on Form 8-K, which
         described 1996 property acquisitions and disposition and included pro 
         forma financial statements as if the 1996 property acquisitions and 
         dispositions had occurred on January 1, 1995.

         On October 17, 1996, Essex filed Form 8-K/A (to the report which was 
         filed on September 11, 1996)  regarding 1996 property acquisitions and 
         dispositions to include combined historical summary of gross income 
         and direct operating expenses for the year ended December 31, 1995 
         for such 1996 property acquisitions.

                                    Page 25

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the 
Registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the 
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                  ESSEX PROPERTY TRUST, INC.

                                  /s/ MARK J. MIKL
                                  Mark J. Mikl, Controller
                                  (Principal Accounting Officer)

                                  Date November 13, 1996

                                   Page 26