Washington, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 10-Q

                         SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

     For the quarterly period ended SEPTEMBER 30, 1996

                                  EXCHANGE ACT

     For the transition period from _______ to_________
     Commission file number ____________

                           EMERALD ISLE BANCORP, INC.
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

        MASSACHUSETTS                                    04-3300934
(State of other jurisdiction of               (IRS Employer Identification No.)
incorporation or organization)

                               730 HANCOCK STREET
                          QUINCY, MASSACHUSETTS, 02170
                    (Address of principal executive offices)

                                 (617) 479-5001
                           (Issuer's telephone number)

     Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all  reports
required to be filed by Sections 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of
1934 during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the
registrant was required to file such reports), and (2) has been subject to such
filing requirements for the past 90 days.  Yes [  ]  No [X]

     State the number of shares outstanding of each of the issuer's classes of
common stock, as of  the latest practicable date:  SEPTEMBER 30, 1996, COMMON

                           EMERALD ISLE BANCORP, INC.


                                                                     PAGE NUMBER

Cover Page                                                                1

Index                                                                     2

Item 1  Consolidated Financial Statements:

        Balance Sheet - September 30, 1996, December 31, 1995             3

        Statement of Income-Three and Nine months ended                   4
        September 30, 1996 and 1995

        Statement of Changes in Stockholders' Equity-Nine months          5
        ended September 30, 1996 and 1995

        Statement of Cash Flows-Nine months ended                         6
        September 30, 1996 and 1995

        Notes to Financial Statements                                     7

Item 2  Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition       8
        and Results of Operations


Item 4. Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders               12

Item 6. Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K                                  14

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                              EMERALD ISLE BANCORP, INC
                              CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET

                                                           30-SEP-96          31-DEC-95
                                                          (UNAUDITED)         (AUDITED)
Total cash and due from banks                              $4,187,457          $3,213,259
Short term investments                                      5,627,673           4,860,000
Securities held to maturity                                88,313,215          77,565,687
Securities available  for sale                             34,677,554          42,874,583
Loans, net                                                247,855,994         208,326,723
Banking premises & equipment, net                           7,117,429           5,574,956
Accrued interest receivable                                 2,475,641           2,128,536
Other real estate owned                                        70,000             430,000
Other assets                                                2,057,377           1,891,469
                                                       ----------------    ----------------
   Total assets                                          $392,382,340        $346,865,213
                                                       ----------------    ----------------
                                                       ----------------    ----------------

  Now & demand deposits                                   $26,515,368         $22,011,361
  Money market accounts                                    35,428,234          33,819,928
  Other deposits                                           46,671,019          46,038,261
  Term certificates accounts                              213,247,769         180,917,699
                                                       ----------------    ----------------
    Total deposits                                        321,862,390         282,787,249
Federal Home Loan Bank advances                            41,668,000          38,968,000
Mortgagors' escrow payments                                 1,457,287           1,094,397
Income taxes payable                                           53,097             364,444
Other liabilities                                             541,986             826,507
                                                       ----------------    ----------------
    Total liabilities                                     365,582,760         324,040,597
Commitments and contingencies
  Serial preferred stock, $1.00 par value 1,000,000
   shares authorized: none issued                                   0                   0
  Common stock, $1.00 par value, 5,000,000 shares
   authorized 1,765,568 and 1,532,431 shares
   issued and outstanding                                   1,765,568           1,532,431
  Additional paid-in-capital                               11,982,715           8,824,970
  Undivided profits                                        13,621,897          12,406,361
  Net unrealized (loss)/gain on securities
  available for sale                                         (570,600)             60,854
                                                       ----------------    ----------------
    Total stockholders' equity                             26,799,580          22,824,616
                                                       ----------------    ----------------
      Total Liabilities & Stockholders' Equity           $392,382,340        $346,865,213
                                                       ----------------    ----------------
                                                       ----------------    ----------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                            EMERALD ISLE BANCORP, INC  
                            CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF INCOME

                                                             Three months ended                    Nine months ended
                                                      September 30       September 30        September 30              September 30
                                                         1996               1995                1996                       1995
Interest on loans                                      $5,358,907          $4,586,235         $15,104,965              $12,681,350
Income & dividends on investment securities             2,008,073           1,460,106           5,872,444                4,321,728
Interest on short - term investments                       90,980              27,255             145,753                  262,263
                                                     ------------          ------------------------------             ------------
     Total interest & dividend income                   7,457,960           6,073,596          21,123,162               17,265,341

Interest on deposits                                    3,677,926           3,100,306          10,441,825                8,935,861
Interest on borrowed funds                                708,146             458,020           1,884,497                  891,164
                                                     ------------          ------------------------------             -------------

     Total interest & dividend expense                  4,386,072           3,558,326          12,326,322                9,827,025
                                                     ------------          ------------------------------             -------------

Net interest income                                     3,071,888           2,515,270           8,796,840                7,438,316
Provision for possible loan losses                         50,000              48,334           1,136,333                  300,000
                                                     ------------          ------------------------------             -------------

     Net interest income after loan loss provision      3,021,888           2,466,936           7,660,507                7,138,316
                                                     ------------          ------------------------------             -------------

Gains (losses) securities sales                           (20,156)            191,395              33,124                  310,657
Gains (losses) real estate sale                                 0                   0             (12,948)                (130,070)
Gains (losses) on loan sales net                           (2,900)               (178)             13,101                  (55,370)
Gains (losses) on sale of fixed assets                          0                   0                   0                    4,748
Gains (losses) on sale of loan servcing                         0                   0                   0                  763,806
Miscellaneous                                             150,530             122,496             479,128                  435,070
                                                     ------------          ------------------------------             -------------

     Total other income                                   127,474             313,713             512,405                1,328,841
                                                     ------------          ------------------------------             -------------

Salaries & employee benefits                            1,080,875             848,925           3,087,744                2,483,073
Net occupancy & Equipment                                 336,431             261,336             984,634                  733,013
Other real estate owned                                    30,538              48,367              78,858                  195,471
Other noninterest expenses                                509,371             486,062           1,498,287                1,641,220
                                                     ------------          ------------------------------             ------------

     Total operating expenses                           1,957,215           1,644,690           5,649,523                5,052,777
                                                     ------------          ------------------------------             -------------

Income (loss) before  taxes                             1,192,147           1,135,959           2,523,389                3,414,380
Income taxes                                              464,937             427,181             974,122                1,255,216
                                                     ------------          ------------------------------             -------------

Net income                                                727,210             708,778           1,549,267                2,159,164
                                                     ------------          ------------------------------             -------------
                                                     ------------          ------------------------------             -------------
Per common share
Net income
Primary                                                     $0.43               $0.46               $0.95                    $1.40

Average number of common shares
Primary                                                 1,690,728           1,553,198           1,629,212                1,539,312

                           EMERALD ISLE BANCORP, INC.

                      Nine months ended September 30, 1996
                            (Unaudited in thousands)

                                                                               NET UNREALIZED
                                                   ADDITIONAL                     LOSS ON
                                    COMMON          PAID-IN      UNDIVIDED       MARKETABLE
                                     STOCK          CAPITAL       PROFITS     EQUITY SECURITIES       TOTAL
                                  ------------   ------------  -------------  -----------------   -------------
Balance at December 31, 1995       $1,532,431     $8,824,970    $12,406,361        $60,854         $22,824,616
Net income                                                        1,549,267                          1,549,267
Issuance of additonal stock           233,137      3,157,744                                         3,390,881
Increase in net unrealized loss
on securities held for sale                                                       (631,454)           (631,454)
Cash dividend paid                                                 (333,730)                          (333,730)
                                   ----------    -----------    -----------    -----------         -----------
Balance at September 30, 1996      $1,765,568    $11,982,714    $13,621,898      ($570,600)        $26,799,580
                                   ----------    -----------    -----------    -----------         -----------

                           Emerald Isle Bancorp, Inc.
                      Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows

                                                  Nine Months Ended September 30
                                                      1996              1995
                                                  ------------      ------------
Cash flows from operating activities
Net Income                                         $1,549,267        $2,159,164
Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash
 provided by operating activities
   Depreciation                                       491,289           378,982
   Amortization of bond premium                       292,207           418,708
   Loan loss provision                              1,136,333           300,000
   (Gain) on sale of loans, real estate owned,
    securities, and joint venture interest, (net)     (33,276)         (893,770)
   Deferred loan fees                                  74,920          (255,736)
   Loans sold                                       8,844,519        13,158,533
   Loans originated for sale                       (8,837,218)       (7,709,396)
   Increase (decrease) in accrued expenses,
    income taxes, and other liabilities            (1,227,322)          193,367
   (Increase) decrease in accrued interest
    receivable                                       (347,105)         (155,989)
   (Increase) decrease in other assets                843,243           196,945
                                                  ------------      ------------
   Total adjustments                                1,237,590         5,631,644
                                                  ------------      ------------
                                                  ------------      ------------

Net cash provided by operating activities           2,786,857         7,790,808
                                                  ------------      ------------
Cash flows from investing activities
Loans purchased                                    (5,036,754)      (19,648,822)
Loans paid(net)                                   (35,845,081)      (24,597,890)
Proceeds of Oreo Sales                                494,163           666,000
Short-term investments ( net)                        (767,673)          890,000
Purchases of securities held to maturity          (21,961,856)
Proceeds from maturities of securities held
 to maturity                                       11,017,656         9,273,697
Purchase of securities available for sale         (10,503,518)      (29,245,821)
Proceeds of securities available for sale          17,628,984        21,924,171
Purchases of premises and equipment                (2,033,762)       (1,071,684)
                                                  ------------      ------------
Net cash used by investing activities             (47,007,841)      (41,810,349)
                                                  ------------      ------------
Cash flows from financing activities
Deposits, net                                      39,438,031        22,551,583
 FHL Bank Advances (net)                            2,700,000        11,300,000
Proceeds from sale of Common Stock                  3,390,881           566,577
Dividends Paid                                       (333,730)         (243,390)
                                                  ------------      ------------
Net cash provided by financing activities          45,195,182        34,174,770

Net increase (decrease) in cash                       974,198           155,229
Cash and cash equivalents--beginning of year        3,213,259         3,780,957
                                                  ------------      ------------
Cash and cash equivalents--end of year             $4,187,457        $3,936,186
                                                  ------------      ------------
Supplemental disclosures of cash flow information:

   Interest paid                                  $12,283,716        $9,811,906
   Federal income taxes paid                         $385,000          $600,000

                               SEPTEMBER 30, 1996

          The interim consolidated financial statements of Emerald
          Isle Bancorp, Inc. and Subsidiaries (Kildare Corporation/The
          Limerick Securities Corporation/Meath Corporation) presented
          herein should be read in conjunction with the consolidated
          financial statements of The Hibernia Savings Bank. for the
          year ended December 31, 1995.
          Consolidated financial information as of September 30, 1996
          and the results of operations and the changes in
          stockholders' equity and cash flows for the nine months
          ended September 30, 1996 and 1995 are unaudited, and in the
          opinion of management reflect all adjustments (consisting
          solely of normal recurring accruals) necessary for a fair
          presentation of such information.  Interim results are not
          necessarily indicative of results to be expected for the
          entire year.
          2)   COMMITMENTS
          At September 30, 1996 the Company had outstanding
          commitments to originate loans amounting to approximately
          $25,434,000 which are not reflected in the consolidated
          balance sheet.
          3)   EARNINGS PER SHARE
          The earnings per share computations for the quarter ended
          September 30, 1996 are based on 1,690,728 common shares
          outstanding, and for the quarter ended September 30, 1995
          are based on 1,553,198 common equivalent shares outstanding.
          At the annual meeting of Stockholders on April 29,1996 The
          Hibernia Savings Bank stockholders voted to approve a plan
          of reorganization and acquisition between the Bank and
          Emerald Isle Bancorp, Inc. a newly formed Massachusetts
          corporation organized at the direction of the Bank, and each
          of the transactions contemplated thereby, pursuant to which
          the Bank will become a wholly owned subsidiary of the
          Emerald Isle Bancorp, Inc. The plan of reorganization and
          acquisition, dated February 15, 1996, between the Bank and
          Emerald Isle Bancorp, Inc. provides that each share of the
          Bank's outstanding common stock, will be automatically
          converted into and exchanged for one share of common stock
          of Emerald Isle Bancorp, Inc.  October 1, 1996 marked the
          completion of the formation of the holding company Emerald
          Isle Bancorp, Inc. 


          Management's discussion and analysis of the financial conditions
          and results of operations for the three and nine month period
          ended September 30, 1996.

          The Company's total assets increased 17.5% on an annualized
          basis to $392,382,340 at September 30, 1996 from total
          assets of $346,865,213 at December 31, 1995 and increased
          21.4% from total assets of $323,246,925 at September 30,
          1995.  Short term investments, securities held to maturity
          and securities held for sale totaled $128,618,442 or 32.8%
          of total assets at September 30, 1996 an increase of
          $3,317,172 from $125,300,270 or 36.1% of total assets at
          December 31, 1995 and an increase of $19,967,497 from
          $108,650,945 or 33.6% of total assets at September 30, 1995.
          Loans, net increased $39,529,271 or 19.0 % to $247,855,994
          or 63.2% of total assets at September 30, 1996 from
          $208,326,723 or 60.1% of total assets at December 31, 1995
          and increased $46,295,451 from $201,560,543  or 62.4% of
          total assets at September 30, 1995.  The Company, during the
          third quarter of 1996, originated and purchased loans
          totaling $43,808,361 and sold loans totaling $5,815,971 as
          compared to loans originated and purchased  of $26,876,871
          and sold loans totaling $4,905,861  during the third quarter
          of 1995.  Foreclosed real estate at September 30, 1996
          totaled $70,000 or 0.02% of total assets compared to
          $430,000 or 0.12% of total assets at December 31, 1995 and
          $608,673 or 0.19% of total assets at September 30, 1995. The
          Company's non-performing loans totaled $842,897, or 0.21% of
          total assets at September 30, 1996 as compared to $930,766
          or 0.27% of total assets at December 31, 1995 and $1,015,891
          or 0.31% of total assets at September 30, 1995.  The
          Company's loan loss provision for the third quarter ended
          September 30, 1996 was $50,000 as compared to $48,334 for
          the third quarter of 1995.   The allowance for loan losses
          totaled $2,598,913 at September 30, 1996 as compared to
          $2,541,997 at December 31, 1995 and $2,503,982 at September
          30, 1995.

          Deposits at September 30, 1996 totaled $321,862,390 as
          compared to $282,787,249 at December 31, 1995 an increase of
          $39,075,141, or 18.4% on an annualized basis, and also
          increased $43,257,513 or 15.5% from deposits of $278,604,877
          at September 30, 1995. Outstanding borrowings totaled
          $41,668,000 at September 30, 1996 an increased of $2,700,000
          from $38,968,000 at December 31, 1995 and increased
          $21,368,000 from $20,300,000 at September 30, 1995.

          Stockholders' Equity increased to $26,799,580 at
          September 30, 1996 from $22,824,616 at December 31, 1995 and
          $22,282,268 at September 30, 1995.  The increase for the
          third quarter is due to earnings of $727,210, the issuance
          of 103,478 additional shares of stock, of which 100,000
          shares were issued through a private placement raising, net
          of expenses, $1,501,500 of new capital, and a decrease as a
          result of the payment of a $.07 dividend on common shares
          outstanding totaling $116,394.

          Material Changes in Results of Operations

          Net income for the third quarter ended September 30, 1996
          was $727,210 or $.43 per share as compared to net income in
          the third quarter ended September 30, 1995 of $708,778 or
          $.46 per share.

          Interest and dividend income increased in the third quarter
          of 1996 to $7,457,960 from $6,073,596 for the third quarter
          of 1995 or 22.8%.    The Company's total yield on average
          earning assets for the third quarter of 1996 was 7.94% as
          compared to 8.0% for the third quarter of 1995.  Total
          earning assets increased $67,649,447 or 21.7% to
          $379,350,026 at September 30, 1996 from $311,700,579 at
          September 30, 1995.  The increase in earning assets accounts
          for the increase of $1,384,364 in interest income.

          Interest expense increased by $827,746 or 23.2% to
          $4,386,072 for the third quarter ended September 30, 1996
          from $3,558,326 for the third quarter ended September 30,
          1995. The average cost of funds  for the third quarter was
          4.67% at September 30, 1996 as compared to 4.68% for the
          same quarter in 1995. The increase of $26,062,000 in average
          total deposits, along with an increase in outstanding
          borrowings of $21,368,000 to $41,668,000 at September 30,
          1996 from $20,300,000 at September 30, 1995 explains the
          increase in interest expense.

          Non-interest expenses totaled $1,957,214 for the third
          quarter ended September 30, 1996 as compared to $1,644,689
          for the same period in 1995, an increase of $312,525 or
          19.0%.  The principal increases are wage and benefit costs,
          occupancy costs, and marketing costs. The Bank has increased
          personnel in all customer related areas.  The Company's
          lending perspective has grown and along with this the
          Company has increased staff to  be able to meet its
          customers borrowing needs and to maintain our portfolio. The
          increase of branch personnel relates to three new locations,
          one in 

          Hingham which opened in July of 1995, one in Stoughton which
          opened in December of 1995 and a second location in Hingham
          which opened in May of 1996. Occupancy expenses increased
          due to the addition of the three new  full service branches
          mentioned above.   Marketing and advertising costs also
          increased as a result of the ongoing expansion of our
          franchise. Non-interest expense was positively effected by
          the reduction of our OREO expenses.

          Other income decreased by $127,474 to $186,239 for the third
          quarter ended September 30, 1996 from $313,713 for the same
          period in 1995.   Other income for the third quarter of 1996
          included service charges of $137,098, gains on the sale of
          loans of $2,900, losses on the sale of securities of $20,156
          and OREO income of $7,632 compared to service charges of
          $111,107, losses on the sale of loans of $178, gains on the
          sale of securities of $191,395 and OREO income of $11,389
          for the third quarter of 1995.

          Income Tax

          Provision  for income taxes for the quarter ended
          September 30, 1996 was $464,938 as compared to $427,181 for
          the same period in 1995.

          Liquidity and Capital

          The Company attempts to maximize interest-earning assets
          while maintaining sufficient funds on hand to meet loan
          commitments, cash disbursements and possible deposit
          outflows.  The Company obtains funds for investment and
          other banking purposes principally from deposits,
          borrowings, loan repayments and through sales of loans, loan
          participations and securities available for sale, and
          maturity of investment securities are a relatively stable
          source of funds, deposit flows are greatly influenced by
          general interest rates, economic conditions and competitive
          factors.  Borrowings may also be used to offset reductions
          in other sources of funds such as deposits.  The Bank may
          borrow up to 30% of its total assets but not more than 20
          times its capital stock holdings in the FHLB for any sound
          business purpose for which the Bank has legal authority.
          Borrowings authorized totaled $53,414,000 at September 30,

          Capital Resources and Dividends

          The Company's regulators have classified and defined capital
          into the following components:  (1) Tier I capital, which
          includes tangivle stockholders' equity for common stock and
          certain perpetual preferred stock, and (2) Tier II capital,
          which includes a portion of the allowance for possible loan
          losses, certain qualifying long-term debt and preferred
          stock which does not qualify for Tier I capital.  In
          addition, they have implemented risk-based capital
          guidelines that require a bank to maintain certain minimum
          capital as a percent of such bank's assets and certain off-
          balance sheet items adjusted for pre-defined credit risk
          factors (risk-adjusted assets).  As of September 30, 1996
          the Bank's Tier I and Tier II capital ratios were 11.69% and
          12.80%, respectively.  In addition to the risk-based
          guidelines discussed above, the Bank's regulators require
          that the Bank maintain a minimum leverage (Tier I capital as
          a percent of tangible assets) of 4%.  As of September 30,
          1996 the Bank had a leverage capital ratio of 6.8%.

          Asset/Liability Management

          The overall interest rate sensitivity of the Bank is
          dependent upon the bank's ability to reprice its interest
          rate sensitive assets and liabilities.  The ability to
          successfully manage the repricing of assets and liabilities
          significantly reduces the interest rate risk in any interest
          rate environment.  As of September 30, 1996 the Bank is net
          liability sensitive for the next twelve months going
          forward, and for the following one to two year period, net
          asset sensitive in the two to three and three to five year
          time horizons, liability sensitive in the five to ten year
          horizon and asset sensitive thereafter.  The Bank's
          management monitors and manages interest rate risk as an
          integral part of its overall business strategy.

                           PART II - OTHER INFORMATION

     For the quarter ended September 30, 1996, Items 1, 2, 3 and 5 of Part II
are either inapplicable or would elicit a response of "None" and therefore no
reference thereto has been made herein.


(a)       The Hibernia Savings Bank held its Annual Meeting of Stockholders on
          April 29, 1996.

(b)       At the annual meeting, the following individuals were elected as 
          Directors of the Bank:

          William E. Lucey                        Paul D. Osborne
          O'CONNOR & DREW                         OSBORNE OFFICE FURNITURE

          Thomas P. Moore, Jr.                    Douglas C. Purdy
          VICE PRESIDENT                          ATTORNEY-AT-LAW

          Mark A. Osborne

          Each other director whose term of office as a director continued after
the annual meeting is set forth below:

          Martha M. Campbell                      Richard J. Murney
          ATTORNEY-AT-LAW                         CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT

          Bernard J. Dwyer                        John V. Murphy      
          ATTORNEY-AT-LAW                         EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT & 
                                                  CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER
          Peter L. Maguire, President             DAVID L. BABSON & CO., INC.
          Michael T. Putziger                     Richard P. Quincy
          ATTORNEY-AT-LAW                         PRESIDENT
          ROCHE, CARENS & DEGIACOMO               QUINCY & CO.
         Thomas J. Carens                        William T. Novelline
         OF COUNSEL                              PRESIDENT

(c)      In addition to the election of directors, the following matters were 
         also voted upon at the annual meeting:  formation of a holding company;
         election of the clerk; and selection of auditors.  

     (i)  The individuals identified below were elected to serve as directors of
the Bank for three year terms as follows:

                            For          Against      Abstentions     Broker 
                                       or Withheld                   Non-Votes
Thomas P. Moore, Jr.     1,304,280        60,393           -             -
Mark A. Osborne          1,310,462        54,211           -             -
Paul D. Osborne          1,310,462        54,211           -             -
Douglas C. Purdy         1,307,762        56,911           -             -

    (ii)  The individual identified below was elected to serve as a director of
          the Bank for a one year term as follows:
                            For          Against      Abstentions     Broker 
                                       or Withheld                   Non-Votes
William E. Lucey         1,307,440        53,425         3,808           -

   (iii)  As set forth in the Bank's proxy statement, the holding company
          formation was accomplished under a Plan of Reorganization and
          Acquisition dated as of February 15, 1996 which provides for the
          acquisition of all of the outstanding shares of the Bank's common
          stock, $1.00 par value by the Company in exchange for an equal number
          of shares of Company common stock, $1.00 par value, in a share
          exchange pursuant to Chapter 172, Section 26B of the Massachusetts
          General Laws.  The vote for the formation of the holding company was
          as follows:

     For             Against               Abstentions               Broker 
                   or Withheld                                      Non-Votes
 1,101,481            9,269                   3,554                  250,369

    (iv)  The stockholders of the Bank voted to reelect Douglas C. Purdy as the
          Clerk of the Bank until the next election or until a successor is
          elected and qualified.  The vote for the Clerk was as follows:

     For             Against               Abstentions               Broker 
                   or Withheld                                      Non-Votes
 1,309,624           51,350                   3,699                     -   

     (v)  The stockholders of the Bank voted to approve the selection of Arthur
          Andersen, LLP, as independent auditors for the Bank to certify the
          Annual Report of Condition of the Bank for the year ending
          December 31, 1996, as follows:

     For             Against               Abstentions               Broker 
                   or Withheld                                      Non-Votes
 1,358,735            1,800                   4,138                     -   

(d)  Not applicable.


     (a)  Exhibits

Exhibit No.    Exhibit Description

10.1           Employment Agreement between The Hibernia Savings Bank and
               Mark A. Osborne

10.2           Special Termination Agreement between The Hibernia Savings Bank
               and Mark A. Osborne

10.3           Amendment to Special Termination Agreement between The Hibernia
               Savings Bank and Mark A. Osborne

     (b)  On October 7, 1996, the Company filed a Form 8-K and reported in
response to Item 2 the consummation of the reorganization of The Hibernia
Savings Bank into a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company.  In the Company's
Form 8-K, it incorporated by reference from its Registration Statement on
Form 8-A the financial statements contained in the Bank's Annual Report on Form
F-2 for the year ended December 31, 1995 and the Quarterly Report on Form F-4
for the three months ended March 31, 1996.  The Company also included the Bank's
Quarterly Report on Form F-4 for the three months ended June 30, 1996 as an
exhibit to the Company's Form 8-K.


     Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the
registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                             Emerald Isle Bancorp, Inc.

Date:  November 14, 1996                     By:  /s/ Gerard F. Linskey 
                                                  Gerard F. Linskey, 