Adopted on September 21, 1983, effective January 1, 1984; 
                        amended and adopted August 30, 1990

                                  I.   INTRODUCTION


          1.   The standards contained in these Guidelines pertain to the offer
               and sale of securities by commodity pool limited partnerships or
               analogous corporate entities and are designed to establish
               uniform and consistent standards to be applied by the various
               state securities ADMINISTRATORS.  The primary focus of the
               Guidelines is on the securities related aspects of commodity pool
               limited partnerships or analogous corporate entities rather than
               the technical aspects of futures trading.  The Guidelines do not
               purport to supplant existing or future rules and regulations
               promulgated by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission or the
               National Futures Association.

          2.   The ADMINISTRATOR may modify or waive such Guidelines if the
               object sought to be achieved thereby is accomplished by other
               means.  Where the individual characteristics of specific PROGRAMS
               warrant modification from these standards, they will be 
               accommodated, insofar as possible, while still being consistent
               with the spirit of these Guidelines.

     COMMENT:  In granting modifications or waivers from these Guidelines, the
ADMINISTRATOR may take into consideration such factors as:  (i) the experience
and prior performance of the SPONSOR and/or ADVISOR:  (ii) reduction of
ORGANIZATIONAL AND OFFERING EXPENSES, management, advisory or incentive fees,
brokerage commissions, other fees, costs and expenses below the limits set
forth in Section IV:  and (iii) more favorable redemption rights.

          3.   Where applicable, the ADMINISTRATOR may require compliance with
               the jurisdiction's guidelines for corporate securities and may
               not allow a security with different rights and privileges to be
               issued unless there is justification therefor.

          4.   When required by the ADMINISTRATOR, a CROSS REFERENCE SHEET shall
               be furnished with the application.

     B.   DEFINITIONS.  As used in these Guidelines, the following terms shall

          1.   ADMINISTRATOR-The official or agency administering the
               securities laws of a state.

          2.   ADVISOR-Any PERSON who for any consideration engages in the
               business of advising others, either directly or indirectly, as
               to the value, purchase, or sale of COMMODITY CONTRACTS or
               commodity options.

          3.   AFFILIATE-An AFFILIATE of a PERSON means (a) any PERSON directly
               or indirectly owning, controlling or holding with power to
               vote 10% or more of the outstanding voting securities of such
               PERSON; (b) any PERSON 10% or more of whose outstanding voting
               securities are directly or indirectly owned, controlled or held
               with power to vote, by such PERSON; (c) any PERSON, directly or
               indirectly, controlling, controlled by, or under common control
               of such PERSON; (d) any officer, director or partner of such
               PERSON; or (e) if such PERSON is an officer, director or
               partner, any PERSON for which such PERSON acts in any such

          4.   CAPITAL CONTRIBUTIONS-The total investment in a PROGRAM by a
               PARTICIPANT or by all PARTICIPANTS, as the case may be.

          5.   COMMODITY BROKER-Any PERSON who engages in the business of
               effecting transactions in COMMODITY CONTRACTS for the account of
               others or for his own account.

          6.   COMMODITY CONTRACT-A contract or option thereon providing for
               the delivery or receipt at a future date of a specified amount
               and grade of a traded commodity at a specified price and
               delivery point.

          7.   CROSS REFERENCE SHEET-A compilation of the Guideline sections,
               referenced to the page of the prospectus, PROGRAM agreement, or
               other exhibits, and justification of any deviation from the

          8.   NET ASSETS-The total assets, less total liabilities, of the
               PROGRAM determined on the basis of generally accepted accounting
               principles.  NET ASSETS shall include any unrealized profits or
               losses on open positions, and any fee or expense including NET
               ASSET fees accruing to the PROGRAM.

               the number of PROGRAM INTERESTS outstanding.


          10.  NET WORTH-The excess of total assets over total liabilities as
               determined by generally accepted accounting principles.  NET
               WORTH shall be determined exclusive of home, home furnishings 
               and automobiles.

          11.  NEW TRADING PROFITS-The excess, if any, of NET ASSETS at the end
               of the period over NET ASSETS at the end of the highest previous
               period or NET ASSETS at the date trading commences, whichever is
               higher, and as further adjusted to eliminate the effect on NET
               ASSETS resulting from new CAPITAL CONTRIBUTIONS, redemptions, or
               capital distributions, if any, made during the period decreased
               by interest or other income, not directly related to trading
               activity, earned on PROGRAM assets during the period, whether
               the assets are held separately or in margin account.

          12.  ORGANIZATIONAL AND OFFERING EXPENSES-All expenses incurred by
               the PROGRAM in connection with and in preparing a PROGRAM for
               registration and subsequently offering and distributing it to
               the public, including, but not limited to, total underwriting
               and brokerage discounts and commissions (including fees of the
               underwriter's attorneys), expenses for printing, engraving,
               mailing, salaries of employees while engaged in sales activity,
               charges of transfer agents, registrars, trustees, escrow
               holders, depositories, experts, expenses of qualification of the
               sale of its PROGRAM INTEREST under federal and state law,
               including taxes and fees, accountants' and attorneys' fees.

          13.  PARTICIPANT-The holder of a PROGRAM INTEREST.

          14.  PERSON-Any natural PERSON, partnership, corporation, association
               or other legal entity.

          15.  PIT BROKERAGE FEE.  PIT BROKERAGE FEE shall include floor
               brokerage, clearing fees, National Futures Association fees, and
               exchange fees.

          16.  PROGRAM-A Limited partnership, joint venture, corporation, trust
               or other entity formed and operated for the purpose of investing
               in COMMODITY CONTRACTS.

          17.  PROGRAM BROKER-A COMMODITY BROKER that effects trades in
               COMMODITY CONTRACTS for the account of a PROGRAM.

          18.  PROGRAM INTEREST-A limited partnership interest or other
               security representing ownership in a PROGRAM.


          19.  PYRAMIDING-A method of using all or a part of an unrealized
               profit in a COMMODITY CONTRACT position to provide margin for
               any additional COMMODITY CONTRACTS of the same or related

          20.  SPONSOR-Any PERSON directly or indirectly instrumental in
               organizing a PROGRAM or any PERSON who will manage or
               participate in the management of a PROGRAM, including a
               COMMODITY BROKER who pays any portion of the ORGANIZATIONAL
               EXPENSES of the PROGRAM, and the general partner(s) and any 
               other PERSON who regularly performs or selects the PERSONS who
               perform services for the PROGRAM.  SPONSOR does not include 
               wholly independent third parties such as attorneys, accountants,
               and underwriters whose only compensation is for professional 
               services rendered in connection with the offering of the units.
               The term "SPONSOR" shall be deemed to include its AFFILIATES.

          21.  VALUATION DATE-The date as of which the NET ASSETS of the
               PROGRAM are determined.

          22.  VALUATION PERIOD-A regular period of time between VALUATION


     A.   EXPERIENCE.  Both the SPONSOR and the ADVISOR must be able to 
          demonstrate sufficient knowledge and experience to carry out the 
          PROGRAM policies and objectives and to manage PROGRAM operations.
          Ordinarily a minimum of three years of relevant experience will be
          deemed sufficient.

     B.   FINANCIAL CONDITION.  The financial condition of the Sponsor must be
          commensurate with any financial obligations assumed in the operation
          of the PROGRAM.  At a minimum, the NET WORTH of the general partner
          shall be:

          1.   An amount equal to 5% of CAPITAL CONTRIBUTIONS in all existing
               PROGRAMS in which the SPONSOR has potential liability as a
               general partner plus 5% of the PROGRAM INTERESTS being offered.

          2.   For this section, the minimum required NET WORTH shall in no
               case be less than $50,000 nor shall NET WORTH in excess of
               $1,000,000 be required.


          3.   Evaluation will be made of contingent liabilities and the use of
               promissory notes to determine the appropriateness of their
               treatment in the computation of NET WORTH.  If stock 
               subscriptions or promissory notes are used, the ADMINISTRATOR
               may request that the SPONSOR demonstrate that the prospective
               subscriber or maker have sufficient NET WORTH to fund its 
               obligation for the maximum amount of PROGRAM INTERESTS being
               offered.  A currently enforceable contract shall exist that will
               require the prospective subscriber or maker to honor its 
               obligation upon CAPITAL CONTRIBUTION to the PROGRAM.

     COMMENT:  See Section VI.C.4.(b). for specific requirements relating to the
balance sheet of the SPONSOR.

     C.   INVESTMENT IN THE PROGRAM.  The SPONSOR must make a permanent
          investment in the PROGRAM equal to the greater of 1% of CAPITAL
          CONTRIBUTIONS or $25,000.  The SPONSOR'S investment should be made
          prior to the commencement of trading and shall be maintained 
          throughout the existence of the PROGRAM.  In appropriate cases, the
          ADMINISTRATOR may require the SPONSOR to purchase for cash additional
          interests in the PROGRAM.

     D.   REPORTS.  The SPONSOR shall submit to the ADMINISTRATOR any 
          information required to be filed with the ADMINISTRATOR, including,
          but not limited to, reports and statements required to be distributed
          to PARTICIPANTS.

     E.   TAX RULING OR OPINION.  If the PROGRAM is organized as a limited
          partnership, the SPONSOR must obtain a favorable tax ruling from the
          Internal Revenue Service or an opinion of qualified tax counsel in a
          form acceptable to the ADMINISTRATOR concerning the tax status of a
          limited partnership.


          1.   The PROGRAM shall not provide for indemnification of the SPONSOR
               (which shall include AFFILIATES only if such AFFILIATES are
               performing services on behalf of the PROGRAM) for any liability
               or loss suffered by the SPONSOR, nor shall it provide that the
               SPONSOR be held harmless for any loss or liability suffered by
               the PROGRAM, unless all of the following conditions are met:

               (a)  The SPONSOR has determined, in good faith, that the course
                    of conduct which caused the loss or liability was in the
                    best interests of the PROGRAM, and 


               (b)  The SPONSOR was acting on behalf of or performing services
                    for the PROGRAM, and

               (c)  such liability or loss was not the result of negligence or
                    misconduct by the SPONSOR, and

               (d)  such indemnification or agreement to hold harmless is 
                    recoverable only out of the assets of the PROGRAM and not
                    from the PARTICIPANTS.

          2.   Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in Section
               II.F.1., the SPONSOR and any PERSON acting as a broker-dealer
               shall not be indemnified for any losses, liabilities or expenses
               arising from or out of an alleged violation of federal or state
               securities laws unless the following conditions are met:

               (a)  There has been a successful adjudication on the merits of
                    each count involving alleged securities law violations as to
                    the particular indemnitee, or

               (b)  such claims have been dismissed with prejudice on the merits
                    by a court of competent jurisdiction as to the particular
                    indemnitee, or 

               (c)  a court of competent jurisdiction approves a settlement of
                    the claims against a particular indemnitee and finds that
                    indemnification of the settlement and related costs should
                    be made, and

               (d)  in the case of subparagraph (c), the court of law 
                    considering the request for indemnification has been 
                    advised of the position of the Securities and Exchange
                    Commission and the position of any state securities 
                    regulatory authority where PROGRAM INTERESTS were offered
                    or sold as to indemnification for violations of securities
                    laws; provided that the court need only be advised and 
                    consider the positions of the securities regulatory 
                    authorities of those states (i) which are specifically set
                    forth in the PROGRAM agreement and (ii) in which plaintiffs
                    claim they were offered or sold PROGRAM INTERESTS.

          3.   The PROGRAM may not incur the cost of that portion of liability
               insurance which insures the SPONSOR for any liability as to which
               the SPONSOR is prohibited from being indemnified under this

          4.   The provision of advancement from PROGRAM funds to a SPONSOR or
               its AFFILIATES for legal expenses and other costs incurred as a
               result of any legal action is permissible if the following
               conditions are satisfied:

               (a)  the legal action relates to acts or omissions with respect
                    to the performance of duties or services on behalf of the

               (b)  the legal action is initiated by a third party who is not a
                    PARTICIPANT, or the legal action is initiated by a 
                    PARTICIPANT and a court of competent jurisdiction 
                    specifically approves such advancement; and

               (c)  the SPONSOR or its AFFILIATES undertake to repay the 
                    advanced funds to the PROGRAM, together with the applicable
                    legal rate of interest thereon, in cases in which such
                    PERSON is not entitled to indemnification under Section

          limited partnerships, the general partner(s) may not voluntarily
          withdraw from the partnership without 120 days prior written notice
          thereof to the limited partners.  If a general partner withdraws as
          general partner and the limited partners or remaining general partners
          elect to continue the partnership, the withdrawing general partner
          shall pay all expenses incurred as a result of its withdrawal.  In the
          event of removal or withdrawal, the general partner shall be entitled
          to a redemption of its interest in the partnership at its NET ASSET
          value on the next VALUATION DATE following the date of removal or

     H.   PROPER REGISTRATION.  A SPONSOR and ADVISOR must be in compliance with
          applicable registration requirements under the COMMODITY EXCHANGE ACT
          as amended.



          1.   The SPONSOR shall establish minimum income and net worth 
               standards for PERSONS who purchase PROGRAM INTERESTS.

          2.   The SPONSOR shall propose minimum income and net worth standards
               which are reasonable given the type of PROGRAM and the risks
               associated with the purchase of PROGRAM INTERESTS.  PROGRAMS with
               greater investor risk shall have minimum standards with a 
               substantial NET WORTH requirement.  The ADMINISTRATOR shall 
               evaluate the 


               standards proposed by the SPONSOR when the PROGRAM'S application 
               for registration is reviewed.  In evaluating the proposed 
               standards, the ADMINISTRATOR may consider the following:

               (a)  potential volatility in net asset value;

               (b)  potential PARTICIPANTS;

               (c)  relationships among potential PARTICIPANTS, SPONSOR, and

               (d)  liquidity of PROGRAM INTERESTS;

               (e)  prior performance of SPONSOR, ADVISOR, and, if applicable,

               (f)  financial condition of the SPONSOR;

               (g)  potential transactions between the PROGRAM and the SPONSOR;

               (h)  any other relevant factors.


          1.   Unless the ADMINISTRATOR determines that the risks associated
               with the PROGRAM would require lower or higher standards, each
               PARTICIPANT shall have:

               (a)  a minimum annual gross income of $45,000 and a minimum NET
                    WORTH of $45,000; or

               (b)  A minimum NET WORTH of $150,000.

          2.   NET WORTH shall be determined exclusive of home, home 
               furnishings, and automobiles.

          3.   In the case of sales to fiduciary accounts, these minimum 
               standards shall be met by the beneficiary, the fiduciary 
               account, or by the donor or grantor who directly or indirectly
               supplies the funds to purchase the PROGRAM INTERESTS if the donor
               or grantor is the fiduciary.

          4.   The SPONSOR shall set forth in the final prospectus:


               (a)  the investment objectives of the PROGRAM;

               (b)  a description of the type of PERSON who might benefit from
                    an investment in the PROGRAM; and

               (c)  the minimum standards imposed on each PARTICIPANT in the


          1.   The SPONSOR and each PERSON selling PROGRAM INTERESTS on behalf
               of the SPONSOR or PROGRAM shall make every reasonable effort to
               determine that the purchase of PROGRAM INTERESTS is a suitable
               and appropriate investment for each PARTICIPANT.

          2.   In making this determination, the SPONSOR and each PERSON selling
               PROGRAM INTERESTS on behalf of the SPONSOR or PROGRAM shall
               ascertain that the prospective PARTICIPANT:

               (a)  meets the minimum income and net worth standards established
                    for the PROGRAM;

               (b)  can reasonably benefit from the PROGRAM based on the 
                    prospective PARTICIPANT'S overall investment objectives and
                    portfolio structure;

               (c)  is able to bear the economic risk of the investment based on
                    the prospective PARTICIPANT'S overall financial situation;

               (d)  has apparent understanding of:

                    (1)  the fundamental risks of the investment;

                    (2)  the risk that the PARTICIPANT may lose the entire

                    (3)  the restrictions on the liquidity of PROGRAM INTERESTS;

                    (4)  the restrictions on transferability of PROGRAM 


                    (5)  the background and qualifications of the SPONSOR and
                         ADVISOR; and

                    (6)  the tax consequences of the investment.

          3.   The SPONSOR or each PERSON selling PROGRAM INTERESTS on behalf of
               the SPONSOR or PROGRAM will make this determination on the basis
               of information it has obtained from a prospective PARTICIPANT. 
               Relevant information for this purpose will include at least the
               age, investment objectives, investment experience, income, NET
               WORTH, financial situation, and other investments of the 
               prospective PARTICIPANT, as well as any other pertinent factors.

          4.   The SPONSOR or each PERSON selling PROGRAM INTERESTS on behalf of
               the SPONSOR or PROGRAM shall maintain records of the information
               used to determine that an investment in PROGRAM INTERESTS is
               suitable and appropriate for each PARTICIPANT.  The SPONSOR or
               each PERSON selling PROGRAM INTERESTS on behalf of the SPONSOR or
               PROGRAM shall maintain these records for at least six years.

          5.   The SPONSOR shall disclose in the final prospectus the 
               responsibility of the SPONSOR and each PERSON selling PROGRAM 
               INTERESTS on behalf of the SPONSOR or PROGRAM to make every 
               reasonable effort to determine that the purchase of PROGRAM 
               INTERESTS is a suitable and appropriate investment for each 
               PARTICIPANT, based on information provided by the PARTICIPANT
               regarding the PARTICIPANT'S financial situation and investment 


          1.   The ADMINISTRATOR may require that each PARTICIPANT complete and
               sign a written subscription agreement.

          2.   The SPONSOR may require that each PARTICIPANT make certain
               factual representations in the subscription agreement, including
               the following:

               (a)  The PARTICIPANT meets the minimum income and net worth
                    standards established for the PROGRAM.

               (b)  The PARTICIPANT is purchasing the PROGRAM INTERESTS for his
                    or her own account.


               (c)  The PARTICIPANT has received a copy of the prospectus.

               (d)  The PARTICIPANT acknowledges that the investment is not
                    liquid except for limited redemption provisions.

          3.   The PARTICIPANT must separately sign or initial each 
               representation made in the subscription agreement.  Except in the
               case of fiduciary accounts, the PARTICIPANT may not grant any 
               PERSON a power of attorney to make such representations on his or
               her behalf.

          4.   The SPONSOR and each PERSON selling PROGRAM INTERESTS on behalf
               of the SPONSOR or PROGRAM shall not require a PARTICIPANT to make
               representations in the subscription agreement which are 
               subjective or unreasonable and which:

               (a)  might cause the PARTICIPANT to believe that he or she has
                    surrendered rights to which he or she is entitled under
                    federal or state law; or 

               (b)  would have the effect of shifting the duties regarding
                    suitability, imposed by law on broker-dealers, to the 

          5.   Prohibited representations include, but are not limited to the

               (a)  The PARTICIPANT understands or comprehends the risks 
                    associated with an investment in the PROGRAM.

               (b)  The investment is a suitable one for the PARTICIPANT.

               (c)  The PARTICIPANT has read the prospectus.

               (d)  In deciding to invest in the PROGRAM, the PARTICIPANT has
                    relied solely on the prospectus, and not on any other 
                    information or representations from other PERSONS or 

          6.   The SPONSOR may place the content of the prohibited 
               representations in the subscription agreement in the form of
               disclosures to the PARTICIPANT.  The SPONSOR may not place these
               disclosures in the PARTICIPANT representation section of the 
               subscription agreement.



          1.   The SPONSOR or any person selling PROGRAM INTERESTS ON behalf of
               the SPONSOR or PROGRAM may not complete a sale of PROGRAM 
               INTERESTS to a PARTICIPANT until at least five business days 
               after the date the PARTICIPANT receives a final prospectus.

          2.   The SPONSOR or the PERSON designated by the SPONSOR shall send
               each PARTICIPANT a confirmation of his or her purchase.

     F.   MINIMUM INVESTMENT.  The ADMINISTRATOR may require a minimum initial
          and subsequent cash investment amount.



          1.   All ORGANIZATIONAL AND OFFERING EXPENSES, including commissions,
               and any other compensation for sales of PROGRAM INTERESTS shall
               be reasonable.  In no event shall these expenses exceed 15% of
               the CAPITAL CONTRIBUTIONS of the offering, regardless of the
               source of payment.  Any interest paid by the PROGRAM on deferred
               ORGANIZATIONAL AND OFFERING EXPENSES shall comply with Section
               VI.C.2.(e).  Included in ORGANIZATIONAL AND OFFERING EXPENSES
               shall be the redemption fees as set forth in Section VII.B.

          2.   No SPONSOR shall directly or indirectly pay or award any 
               commissions or other compensation to any PERSON engaged to sell
               PROGRAM INTERESTS or give investment advice to a potential 
               PARTICIPANT; provided, however, that this clause shall not 
               prohibit the payment to a registered broker-dealer or other 
               properly licensed PERSON of normal sales commissions for selling
               PROGRAM INTERESTS.

     COMMENT:  Compensation paid to sales agents from a percentage of commodity
brokerage commissions (trail commissions) will not be considered objectionable
offering expenses under Section IV.A.

     B.   (Formerly Section IV.B.5) EXPENSES OF THE PROGRAM.  All expenses of
          the PROGRAM shall be billed directly to and paid by the PROGRAM.  The
          SPONSOR shall not be allowed (other than for ORGANIZATIONAL AND
          OFFERING EXPENSES) to allocate to the PROGRAM any portion of its
          indirect expenses incurred in connection with the administration of
          the PROGRAM, including but not limited to salaries, rent, travel
          expenses and such other items generally falling under the category of
          SPONSOR overhead expense.  All customary and routine administrative
          expenses of the PROGRAM, except for the 


          actual cost of legal and audit services provided by third parties, 
          shall be subject to the limitations imposed by Section IV.C.1. of 
          these Guidelines.  The prospectus shall contain a separate estimate 
          of the amount of legal and audit fees to be charged to the PROGRAM 
          during the first full year of its operations based on minimum and 
          maximum offering sizes.


          1.   NET ASSET Fee-Management fees, advisory fees and all other fees,
               except for incentive fees and commodity brokerage commissions,
               when added to the customary and routine administrative expenses
               of the PROGRAM shall not exceed 1/2 of 1% of NET ASSETS per month
               (not to exceed 6% annually).  For the purpose of this limitation,
               customary and routine administrative expenses shall include all
               expenses of the PROGRAM other than commodity brokerage 
               commissions, incentive fees, the actual cost of legal and audit 
               services and extraordinary expenses.  The SPONSOR shall not 
               receive a NET ASSET fee if it receives, directly or indirectly,
               any portion of the brokerage commissions under Section IV.C.3  If
               necessary, the SPONSOR shall reimburse the PROGRAM, no less 
               frequently than quarterly, for the amount by which such aggregate
               fees and expenses exceed the limitations herein provided during 
               the period for which reimbursement is made up to an amount not 
               exceeding the aggregate compensation received by the SPONSOR, 
               including direct or indirect participations in commodity 
               brokerage commissions charged to the PROGRAM.  If reimbursement
               is required or extraordinary expenses are incurred, the SPONSOR
               shall include in the PROGRAM'S next regular report to the 
               PARTICIPANTS a discussion of the circumstances or events which
               resulted in the reimbursement or extraordinary expenses.

          2.   Incentive Fees.

               (a)  The aggregate incentive fee paid by the PROGRAM shall not
                    exceed 15% of the NEW TRADING PROFITS of the PROGRAM, 
                    calculated not more often than quarterly on the VALUATION 
                    DATE, over the highest previous VALUATION DATE.  For 
                    purposes of this calculation, PROGRAM losses shall be 
                    carried forward but shall not be carried back.  In no event
                    may a modification of ADVISOR compensation result in such 
                    compensation exceeding the limitations provided herein.  
                    Furthermore, any new contract with an existing ADVISOR must
                    carry forward all losses attributable to that ADVISOR.


               (b)  The SPONSOR or ADVISOR will be entitled to an additional 2%
                    incentive fee for each 1% by which the PROGRAM'S NET ASSET
                    fee as set forth in IV.C.1. is reduced below 6% annually.

               (c)  Multi-ADVISOR PROGRAMS.  The prospectus must clearly 
                    disclose, in both the prospectus summary and text of the 
                    prospectus, that incentive fees may be paid to an ADVISOR 
                    for a given period despite aggregate PROGRAM losses for such

               (d)  The prospectus shall contain a sample calculation of how
                    incentive fees will be determined.

          3.   Brokerage Commissions:

               (a)  The round turn commission to be initially charged to the
                    PROGRAM for each commodity on each exchange on which the
                    PROGRAM is expected to trade shall be disclosed immediately
                    following the compensation table in the prospectus.  An
                    estimated range of such round turn commission shall be
                    included in the prospectus summary section.  Such round turn
                    commission shall include all fees charged for each brokerage
                    transaction; including, but not limited to, PIT BROKERAGE
                    FEES.  An estimate of the round turn commission should be
                    included where a flat rate or asset based commission will be

               (b)  The prospectus must clearly disclose, in both the prospectus
                    summary and the text of the prospectus, an estimate of what
                    the brokerage rate will equal as a percentage of average NET
                    ASSETS annually.

               (c)  The PROGRAM shall seek the best price and services available
                    in its commodity futures brokerage transactions.  A SPONSOR
                    shall not effect any transactions in COMMODITY CONTRACTS
                    with any COMMODITY BROKER affiliated directly or indirectly
                    with the SPONSOR or with any ADVISOR providing the SPONSOR
                    with research information, recommendations or other services
                    which might be of value to the SPONSOR, unless such 
                    transactions are effected at competitive rates.  In no event
                    will the PROGRAM be allowed to enter into any exclusive 
                    brokerage contract.  Brokerage commission charges will be 
                    presumptively reasonable if they satisfy one of the 
                    following maximum rates:


                    i.   80% of the published retail rate plus PIT BROKERAGE
                         FEEs, or 

                    ii.  14% annually of the average NET ASSETS excluding the
                         PROGRAM assets not directly related to trading 
                         activity.  This 14% limitation shall include PIT 
                         BROKERAGE FEEs.

                    The prospectus must state that the brokerage commissions to
                    be charged will not exceed the limitations set forth 
                    herein. The ADMINISTRATOR may require the PROGRAM to file 
                    periodic reports concerning all brokerage transactions.

          4.   Other income.

               a.   Any interest or other income derived from any portion of the
                    PROGRAM assets whether held in the PROGRAM'S margin account
                    or otherwise shall accrue solely to the benefit of the
                    PROGRAM except as set forth below:

                    (1)  Interest income may be used to reimburse the SPONSOR
                         for "deferred" ORGANIZATIONAL AND OFFERING EXPENSES. 
                         Such compensation  must be within the overall limits
                         set by Section IV.A.1.

                    (2)  Not more than 20% of interest income derived from
                         PROGRAM assets may be allocated to the PROGRAM BROKER. 
                         However, any interest income allocated to the PROGRAM
                         BROKER must be included in determining whether the
                         limitations imposed by Section IV.C.3.(c) have been

                    Any interest or other income derived from any portion of the
                    PROGRAM assets accruing to the benefit of the SPONSOR or
                    PROGRAM BROKER pursuant to Sections (1) or (2) herein, must
                    be clearly disclosed as compensation.  The prospectus must
                    include a statement regarding the disposition of any 
                    interest or other income earned by any portion of the 
                    PROGRAM assets.

               b.   A SPONSOR shall not take any action with respect to the
                    assets or property of the PROGRAM which does not benefit the
                    PROGRAM.  Such a prohibited action, among others would be
                    the utilization of PROGRAM funds as compensating balances
                    for the SPONSOR'S exclusive benefit.


          5.   Only those items of compensation permitted herein will be 
               allowed.  Any variance must be adequately justified to the 


     A.   MEETINGS.  Meetings of the PARTICIPANTS may be called by the general
          partner or by PARTICIPANTS holding more than  10% of the then 
          outstanding PROGRAM INTERESTS for any matters for which the 
          PARTICIPANTS may vote as set forth in a limited partnership agreement
          or charter document.  Such call for a meeting shall be deemed to have
          been made upon receipt by the general partner of a written request, 
          either in PERSON or by certified mail, from holders of the requisite 
          percentage of PROGRAM INTERESTS stating the purpose of the meeting.  
          The general partner shall, within 15 days after receipt of said 
          request, provide written notice, either in PERSON or by certified 
          mail, to all PARTICIPANTS of the meeting and the purpose of such 
          meeting, which shall be held on a date not less than 30 or more than 
          60 days after the date of receipt of said notice at a reasonable time
          and place.

     B.   VOTING RIGHTS OF LIMITED PARTNERS.  To the extent permitted by the law
          of the state of formation, the PROGRAM agreement shall provide that a
          majority of the outstanding PROGRAM INTERESTS may, without necessity
          for concurrence by the general partner, vote to (1) amend the PROGRAM
          agreement, (2) remove the general partner(s), (3) elect a new general
          partner(s), (4) cancel any contract for services with the SPONSOR
          without penalty upon 60 days written notice, and (5) dissolve the
          PROGRAM.  Without concurrence of a majority of the outstanding PROGRAM
          INTERESTS, the general partner(s) may not (i) amend the PROGRAM
          agreement except for amendments which do not adversely affect the
          rights of PARTICIPANTS, (ii) appoint a new general partner(s), or
          (iii) dissolve the PROGRAM.  Any amendment to the PROGRAM agreement
          which modifies the compensation or distributions to which a general
          partner is entitled or which affects the duties of a general partner
          may be conditioned upon the consent of the general partner.  If the
          law of the state of formation provides that the PROGRAM will dissolve
          upon termination of a general partner(s) unless the remaining general
          partner(s) continues the existence of the PROGRAM, the PROGRAM 
          agreement shall obligate the remaining general partner(s) to continue 
          the PROGRAM'S existence; and if there will be no remaining general 
          partner(s), the termination of the last general partner shall not be
          effective for a period of at least 120 days during which time a
          majority of the outstanding PROGRAM INTERESTS shall have the right to
          elect a general partner who shall agree to continue the existence of
          the PROGRAM.  The PROGRAM agreement shall provide for a successor
          general partner where the only general partner of the PROGRAM is an


     C.   (Formerly Section VI.C.4.) MATERIAL CHANGES.  Any material changes in
          the PROGRAM'S basic investment policies or structure shall require
          prior written approval by a majority of PROGRAM INTERESTS held by


          1.   The SPONSOR shall maintain at the principal office of the PROGRAM
               a list of the names and addresses of an PROGRAM INTERESTS owned
               by all PARTICIPANTS.  Such list shall be made available for the
               review by any PARTICIPANT or his representative at reasonable
               times, and upon request, either in PERSON or by mail the SPONSOR
               shall furnish a copy of such list to any PARTICIPANT or his
               representative upon payment, in advance, of the reasonable cost
               of reproduction and mailing.

          2.   The PARTICIPANTS and their representatives shall be permitted
               access to all records of the PROGRAM, after adequate notice, at
               any reasonable time.  The SPONSOR shall maintain and preserve
               such records for a period of not less than five years.

     E.   ANNUAL AND PERIODIC REPORTS.  [Compliance with the provisions of CFTC
          regulations for Reporting to Pool PARTICIPANTS, 17 C.F.R. Section
          4.22 will be considered sufficient to comply with this Section E.]

          1.   The partnership agreement shall provide for the transmittal to
               each PARTICIPANT of an annual report within 120 days after the
               close of the fiscal year containing at least the following

               (a)  A balance sheet as of the end of the PROGRAM'S fiscal year
                    and statements of income, partners' equity, and cash flows
                    for the year then ended, all of which shall be prepared in
                    accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and
                    accompanied by an auditor's report containing an opinion of
                    an independent certified public accountant or independent
                    public accountant.

               (b)  A statement showing the total fees, compensation, brokerage
                    commissions and expenses paid by the PROGRAM, segregated as
                    to type, and stated both in aggregate dollar terms and as a
                    percentage of NET ASSETS.

               (c)  The average round turn rate for the fiscal year shall be
                    computed within the scope of the annual audit.  Such rate
                    shall be disclosed in the annual report.


          2.   A SPONSOR shall be required to furnish PARTICIPANTS with 
               quarterly reports, which may be unaudited, containing the same 
               information as in (a) and (b) above within 60 days after the end
               of the quarter.

          3.   A SPONSOR shall provide to all PARTICIPANTS, not later than March
               15th of each year, all information necessary for the preparation
               of the PARTICIPANT'S income tax returns.

          4.   The SPONSOR shall calculate the NET ASSETS of the fund daily and
               shall make available upon the request of a PARTICIPANT, the NET


          1.   Restrictions on assignment of PROGRAM INTERESTS or on the 
               substitution of a limited partner are generally disfavored and 
               such restrictions will be allowed only if (1) they are necessary
               to comply with the safe harbor provisions of Internal Revenue
               Service Notice 88-75 (or other safe harbors adopted by the
               Internal Revenue Service that protect against treatment as a
               publicly traded partnership) or (2) they are necessary to 
               preserve the tax status of the partnership or the 
               characterization or treatment of income or loss.  In the case of
               (2), any restriction must be affirmatively supported by an 
               opinion of counsel. The PROGRAM agreement shall require the 
               SPONSOR to eliminate or modify any restriction on substitution or
               assignment at such time as the restriction is no longer 

          2.   No transfers may be made where, after the transfer, either the
               transferee or the transferor would hold less than the minimum
               number of PROGRAM INTERESTS equivalent to an initial minimum
               purchase, except for transfers by gift, inheritance, intrafamily
               transfers, family dissolutions, and transfers to AFFILIATES.

     G.   PARTICIPANT LIABILITY.  A PROGRAM shall be structured so that a public
          investor cannot be exposed to liability in excess of the amount of the
          remaining balance of his capital account excluding partial 
          redemptions, distributions consisting of a return of capital and 
          accumulated profits.

     H.   ASSESSMENTS.  Assessments of any kind shall be prohibited.



     A.   MINIMUM PROGRAM CAPITAL.  The minimum amount of funds to activate a
          PROGRAM shall be sufficient to accomplish the objectives of the
          PROGRAM, including "spreading the risk."  Any minimum less than
          $500,000, after deduction of all front end charges, will be presumed
          to be inadequate to spread the risk of the public investors.  
          Provision must be made for the return of 100% of paid subscriptions in
          the event that the established minimum to activate the PROGRAM is not
          reached.  All funds received prior to activation of the PROGRAM must
          be deposited with an independent custodian, trustee or escrow agent
          whose name and address shall be disclosed in the prospectus.

     COMMENT:  The purpose of this requirement is to assure the adequate
diversification of the investments of the PROGRAM.

     B.   SALES LITERATURE.  Sales literature, sales presentation (including
          prepared presentations to prospective investors at group meetings) and
          advertising used in the offer or sale of PROGRAM INTERESTS shall
          conform in all applicable respects to requirements of filing, 
          disclosure and adequacy currently imposed on sales literature, sales
          presentations and advertising used in the sale of corporate 


          1.   Prospectus.   A prospectus which is not part of a registration
               statement declared effective by the Securities and Exchange
               Commission pursuant to the Securities Act of 1933 shall generally
               conform to the disclosure requirements which would apply if the
               offering were so registered.

          2.   Conflicts of Interest and Transactions with AFFILIATES.

               (a)  Any conflicts of interest between the PROGRAM and any 
                    SPONSOR, ADVISOR, COMMODITY BROKER or any AFFILIATE thereof,
                    must be fully disclosed.

               (b)  Unless specifically provided by these Guidelines the SPONSOR
                    shall not receive compensation or reimbursements for 
                    providing goods and services to the PROGRAM.

               (c)  The SPONSOR shall also be required to disclose the steps
                    that will be taken to alleviate any real or potential 
                    conflict of interest.


               (d)  Prohibitions.  Certain conflicts of interest are presumed to
                    be materially sufficient to render the proposed PROGRAM
                    incapable of accomplishing its stated objectives in the best
                    interest of the PARTICIPANTS and shall be controlled as

                    (1)  It shall be presumptively unreasonable for the ADVISOR
                         to be affiliated with the PROGRAM BROKER.

                    (2)  It shall be presumptively unreasonable for the ADVISOR
                         to be affiliated with the SPONSOR if the SPONSOR 
                         receives, directly or indirectly, any portion of the
                         brokerage commissions, including trail commissions,
                         from PROGRAM operations.

                    (3)  Unless the issuer can overcome the presumptions 
                         outlined in (1) and (2) above, the prospectus shall 
                         state that at no time will the above affiliations 

                    (4)  No loans may be made by the PROGRAM to the SPONSOR or
                         any other person.

                    (5)  The funds of a PROGRAM shall not be commingled with the
                         funds of any other PERSON.  Funds used to satisfy
                         margin requirements will not be considered commingled.

                    (6)  No rebates or giveups may be received by the SPONSOR
                         nor may the SPONSOR participate in any reciprocal
                         business arrangements which could circumvent these
                         guidelines.  Furthermore, the prospectus and PROGRAM
                         charter documents shall contain language prohibiting
                         the above as well as language prohibiting reciprocal
                         business arrangements which would circumvent the 
                         restrictions against dealing with AFFILIATES or other
                         interested parties.

                    (7)  A PROGRAM'S charter document shall prohibit the 
                         commodity trading ADVISOR or any other PERSON acting in
                         such capacity from receiving a NET ASSET fee under 
                         Section IV.C.1. if he shares or participates, directly
                         or indirectly, in any commodity brokerage commissions
                         generated by the program.


                    (8)  The maximum period covered by any contract of the
                         partnership with the ADVISOR or SPONSOR shall not
                         exceed one year.  The agreement must be terminable
                         without penalty upon 60 days' written notice by the

                    (9)  Any other agreement, arrangement or transactions,
                         proposed or contemplated, may be restricted in the
                         discretion of the ADMINISTRATOR if it would be 
                         considered unfair to the PARTICIPANTS in the PROGRAM.

                    (10) A PROGRAM shall not engage in PYRAMIDING.

                    (11) All of the foregoing restrictions shall be disclosed in
                         the prospectus and contained in the partnership 
                         agreement or charter document.

               (e)  On loans made available to the PROGRAM by the SPONSOR, the
                    SPONSOR may not receive interest in excess of its interest
                    costs, nor may the SPONSOR receive interest in excess of the
                    amounts which would be charged the PROGRAM (without 
                    reference to the SPONSOR'S financial abilities or 
                    guarantees) by unrelated banks on comparable loans for the 
                    same purpose and the SPONSOR shall not receive points or 
                    other financing charges or fees regardless of the amount.

          3.   Notification

               (a)  Notice shall be sent to each PARTICIPANT within seven 
                    business days from the date of:

                              i)   any decline in the NET ASSET VALUE PER UNIT
                                   to less than 50% of the NET ASSET VALUE on
                                   the last VALUATION DATE;

                              ii)  any material change in contracts with 
                                   ADVISORS, including any change in ADVISORS or
                                   any modification in connection with the 
                                   method of calculating the incentive fee;

                              iii) any other material change affecting the 
                                   compensation of any party.


               (b)  No material change related to brokerage commissions shall be
                    made until notice is given and PARTICIPANTS, based on such
                    notice, have the opportunity to redeem pursuant to Section

               (c)  Included in the required notification shall be a description
                    of the PARTICIPANT'S redemption rights pursuant to VII.B.
                    and C. and voting rights pursuant to V.B. and a description
                    of any material effect such changes may have on the 
                    interests of PARTICIPANTS.

               the PROGRAM shall provide as an exhibit to the application or
               where indicated below shall provide as part of the prospectus,
               the following financial statements:

               (a)  Balance Sheet of the PROGRAM.  A balance sheet of the 
                    PROGRAM as of the end of its most recent fiscal year, 
                    prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting
                    principles and accompanied by an independent auditor's 
                    report containing no material qualification or explanatory
                    paragraph relating to material uncertainties or going 
                    concern issues, and an unaudited balance sheet as of a date
                    not more than 135 days prior to the date of filing.  Such 
                    balance sheets shall be included in the prospectus.

               (b)  Balance Sheet of the SPONSOR.

                    (1)  Corporate SPONSOR.  A balance sheet of any corporate
                         SPONSOR as of the end of its most recent fiscal year,
                         prepared in accordance with generally accepted 
                         accounting principles and accompanied by an independent
                         auditor's report containing no material qualification 
                         or explanatory paragraph relating to material 
                         uncertainties or going concern issues, and an unaudited
                         balance sheet as of a date not more than 135 days prior
                         to the date of filing.  Such balance sheets shall be 
                         included in the prospectus.

                    (2)  Individual SPONSOR.  A statement of financial condition
                         as of a time not more than 135 days prior to the date
                         of filing an application.  Such statement of financial
                         condition shall be prepared in accordance with 
                         generally accepted accounting principles and reviewed
                         and reported upon by an independent certified public 
                         accountant or independent public accountant under the
                         review standards as set forth by


                         the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants.
                         A representation of the amount of such NET WORTH must
                         be included in the prospectus.

               (c)  Filing of Other Statements.  The ADMINISTRATOR may, where
                    consistent with the protection of investors, request 
                    additional financial statements of the SPONSOR, ADVISOR, 
                    PROGRAM BROKER or any AFFILIATE thereof, or permit the 
                    omission of one or more of the statements required under 
                    this section and the filing, and substitution thereof, of 
                    appropriate statements verifying financial information 
                    having comparable relevance to an investor in determining 
                    whether he should invest in the PROGRAM.


     A.   FIDUCIARY DUTY.  The PROGRAM agreement shall provide that the SPONSOR
          shall have fiduciary responsibility for the safekeeping and use of all
          funds and assets of the PROGRAM, whether or not in his immediate
          possession or control, and that he shall not employ, or permit another
          to employ such funds or assets in any manner except for the exclusive
          benefit of the PROGRAM.

          In addition, the PROGRAM shall not permit the PARTICIPANT to contract
          away the fiduciary obligation owed to the PARTICIPANT by the SPONSOR
          under common law.

     B.   REDEMPTIONS.  The PROGRAM shall provide for the redemption of PROGRAM
          interests at least quarterly except that redemption need not be
          offered until six months after the commencement of trading.  
          Redemption charges for units redeemed during the first, second, third,
          and fourth, six month periods following the commencement of trading, 
          shall not exceed 4%, 3%, 2%, and 1% of the NET ASSET OF VALUE PER 
          PROGRAM INTEREST respectively.  The SPONSOR shall state the VALUATION
          DATE in the prospectus.  A PARTICIPANT must notify the SPONSOR in 
          writing at least 10 days prior to the VALUATION DATE of his wish to 
          redeem his PROGRAM INTERESTS.  The SPONSOR must redeem such PROGRAM 
          INTERESTS at the NET ASSET value on the VALUATION DATE unless the 
          number of redemptions would be detrimental to the tax status of the 
          PROGRAM; in which case, the SPONSOR shall select by lot so many 
          redemptions as will, in its judgment, not impair the PROGRAM'S status.
          PARTICIPANTS shall be notified in writing within 10 days after the 
          VALUATION DATE whether or not their PROGRAM  INTERESTS have been 
          redeemed.  Payment for the redeemed PROGRAM INTERESTS shall be made 
          within 30 days after the VALUATION DATE.  The SPONSOR may provide that


          may be temporarily suspended if, in the SPONSOR'S judgment, additional
          redemptions would impair the ability of the PROGRAM to meet its 

     C.   SPECIAL REDEMPTION. A Special Redemption period shall be established
          whenever a PROGRAM experiences a decline in the NET ASSET VALUE PER
          PROGRAM INTEREST as of the close of business on any business day to
          less than 50% of the NET ASSET VALUE PER PROGRAM INTEREST on the last
          VALUATION DATE.  PROGRAM trading shall be temporarily suspended during
          such special redemption period.
