THIS AGREEMENT ("Agreement") is effective January 1, 1996, by and between
____________________________________________, hereinafter referred to as
"Physician" and Talbert Medical Group, hereinafter referred to as "Medical

NOW THEREFORE, for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency
of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows:

                                   I.   EMPLOYMENT

Medical Group employs the Physician and Physician accepts employment on the
terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement.

The Physician shall observe and abide by all Medical Group policies and
procedures such as, but not limited to, those that relate to coverage, patient
care, scheduling and professional group activities.

                                   II.  TERM

The initial term of employment shall commence on January 1, 1996, and terminate
on ____________________.  This Agreement shall then automatically renew under
the same terms and conditions for a one (1) year term, with the exception that
the base salary shall be renegotiated.  The initial and renewal terms of this
Agreement may be terminated on an earlier date, as set forth in Section V.
After the one year automatic renewal, this Agreement shall not automatically
renew and any further renewals must be agreed to by both Medical Group and
Physician and documented by either an executed amendment to this Agreement or by
the execution of a new agreement.

                                   III. COMPENSATION

A.   A base salary of $_________ per month shall be paid to the Physician for
     all professional and administrative services performed during the initial
     term of this Agreement.  Any stipend will be paid in accordance with the
     Medical Group's policies and procedures.  The base salary shall be
     renegotiated between the Physician and the Medical Group for the one (1)
     year automatic renewal term and any succeeding terms.

B.   Payment shall be made in accordance with the Medical Group payroll policy
     which is incorporated by reference herein.  Payment for any services that
     are not part of this Agreement provided by the Physician pursuant to an
     Medical Group request and subject to Medical Group policy, will be paid in
     accordance with the Medical Group payroll policy.

C.   The Physician will receive indirect benefits, which includes professional
     liability ("malpractice") insurance, as set forth in the "Schedule of
     Benefits" which is attached hereto as Attachment A and incorporated herein.
     Indirect benefits are subject to change.


D.   If the Physician requests, and the Medical Group approves in writing, a
     less than full-time work schedule, or if Medical Group, in its sole
     discretion, determines the need for the Physician's work is less than full
     time, Physician shall then be considered a regular part-time employee and
     all compensation and benefits as described herein, shall be prorated
     according to current Medical Group policies and procedures which are
     incorporated by reference herein.

E.   Any incentive or additional compensation for which the Physician may be
     eligible shall be determined in accordance with the applicable Medical
     Group physician incentive programs.

F.   The Physician understands and agrees that the compensation and payments
     made by Medical Group as set forth in this Agreement will be the total
     compensation due and owing and will be considered payment in full for all
     services performed by the Physician for Medical Group.

                                   IV.  DUTIES

A.   The Physician is employed as a/an _______________________________, licensed
     to practice in the State.  The Physician will work according to the Medical
     Group's assigned department or other work location schedule, patient
     service and assignment policies, in compliance with the terms and
     conditions of any contracts Medical Group has entered into (including
     management service agreements) and in accordance with the hours of work
     assigned by Medical Group.  This schedule shall provide for hospital,
     clinic duties, home health services and administrative tasks, when
     applicable.  The schedule may require the Physician to be available for
     call back duties, telephone requests for consultation and other assigned
     duties.  The Physician understands that the professional services required
     by Medical Group and for which the Physician is employed are of such a
     nature that the Physician's time rendering patient care may vary from time
     to time and that schedules may be changed to better meet the needs of the
     professional staff and to provide quality professional care to all patients
     of Medical Group.  The Physician agrees that he/she will render care to all
     patients of Medical Group, under the terms of this Agreement and will not
     make any separate or independent charge for this care.

     The Physician understands and agrees this employment requires a full
     commitment of the Physician's professional services to Medical Group for
     the term of this Agreement.  The Physician agrees that if on his/her non
     Medical Group working time, he/she elects to provide health care services
     outside Medical Group, this will not interfere with departmental, hospital
     or medical center obligations or other duties within Medical Group and
     these services will not compete with Medical Group.  The Physician will
     immediately cease any such services or activities if so requested by
     Medical Group.

B.   The Physician shall adhere to the professional and ethical responsibilities
     of a physician and the professional and committee responsibilities, as well
     as the policies and procedures, of the Medical Group and those required in
     the hospitals at which Physician practices, when applicable.  This
     includes, but is not limited to, participation in quality
     assessment/management, grievance procedures, peer review, risk management
     and utilization management activities (including prior authorization
     requirements), referral activities, committees and attending and complying
     with all Medical Group credentialing and risk management programs.  In
     addition, Physician shall cooperate and participate in any reviews,
     accreditation surveys, audits or the like, as required by the Medical


C.   The Physician agrees that prior to the execution of this Agreement, he/she
     will furnish Medical Group with a copy of his/her current narcotic license
     and license to practice medicine in the State and any certificates,
     diplomas or other documents which may be required by Medical Group.  The
     Physician shall keep these licenses and other applicable documents current
     and in full force and will notify Medical Group within twenty-four (24)
     hours if any of these licenses, certificates, diplomas or other applicable
     documents are revoked, revised or limited.  In addition, as part of the
     Physician's duties, the Physician must obtain and maintain the necessary
     privileges at hospitals designated by Medical Group and will so advise the
     Medical Group within twenty-four (24) hours if these privileges are
     revoked, revised or limited.

D.   Both Medical Group and the Physician acknowledge and agree that the
     Physician shall have the sole and exclusive right to prescribe for,
     diagnose and treat patients within the limits of his/her license, while
     practicing at or from Medical Group offices or practice sites or for
     Medical Group and that he/she will observe all Medical Group policies and
     procedures including, but not limited to, those relating to charges, office
     hours and administrative procedures.

E.   The Physician agrees to obtain at least the minimum number of hours of
     approved continuing education per year as required for the maintenance of
     his/her applicable State license.

                                   V.   TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT

A.   In the event Medical Group and the Physician mutually agree in writing to
     the termination of this Agreement, no damages, payments or other sums will
     be owed by one to the other as a result of the termination, unless
     otherwise agreed to in writing by both parties.

B.   This Agreement may be unilaterally terminated by either Medical Group or
     the Physician without cause upon sixty (60) days written notice or by the
     terminating party paying an amount equal to two (2) months of Physician's
     base salary in lieu of giving the sixty (60) days notice.  This payment
     shall be considered liquidated damages and not a penalty for, but not
     limited to, any and all inconvenience, expenses incurred for credentialing,
     licensing, orientation or loss of service or notice which may result.
     Medical Group reserves the right and the Physician understands and agrees
     Medical Group may unilaterally terminate this Agreement as set forth in
     this paragraph if the Physician is or has been repeatedly named in multiple
     lawsuits that Medical Group believes, in its absolute and sole discretion,
     to be excessive.  In addition, if the Physician terminates the Agreement,
     the Physician shall repay to Medical Group any vacation time taken but not
     yet earned as well as any sums paid by Medical Group for the Physician's
     postgraduate training and time.  Medical Group will pay the Physician for
     any earned but not used vacation time.  No other monies are payable in the
     event of a unilateral termination.

C.   Medical Group may terminate this Agreement for cause by giving one (1)
     week's notice or by paying one (1) week's salary in lieu of notice.  Notice
     of termination, if not personally given, will be presumed received by the
     Physician within three (3) days after mailing the notice to the Physician's
     residence.  For the purpose of this Agreement, "cause" shall include, but
     not be limited to, the following:

           1.  Abuse of a controlled substance.
           2.  Falsification of the application for employment.


           3.  Any physical or emotional disability, including alcoholism, which
               prohibits Physician from performing essential job functions
               notwithstanding reasonable accommodations.
           4.  Conviction of a felony.
           5.  Conviction of a misdemeanor which involves moral turpitude.
           6.  Professional incompetency.
           7.  Non-performance of professional and/or administrative duties.
           8.  Repeated incomplete, inadequate and/or substandard medical
           9.  Failure to comply with Medical Group policies and procedures,
               including, but not limited to, quality assurance and utilization
               review procedures.
          10.  Unprofessional conduct, as determined by Medical Group.
          11.  Loss or suspension of the license, certificates or other criteria
               required to perform the services set forth in this Agreement.
          12.  Failure to maintain current clinical or surgical privileges in a
               hospital if the privileges are required by Medical Group.
          13.  Failure to maintain malpractice or general liability insurance,
               if required by Medical Group.

     A termination "for cause" for a medical disciplinary cause or reason shall
     entitle the Physician to request the Medical Group Judicial Review Hearing
     Plan, which is incorporated by reference herein.  Once the Physician has
     requested this hearing, it shall then be the sole remedy for the Physician
     and he/she is not entitled to any other hearing or relief on this issue.

D.   In the event the Physician requests a hearing under paragraph C. above and
     the Medical Group Board of Directors reverses the termination for cause
     decision and recommends the Physician not be terminated, the Physician
     shall not be terminated.

                          VI.   COVENANT NOT TO COMPETE

A.   PROVISION OF MEDICAL CARE.  During the term of this Agreement and for a
     period of one (1) year following the termination of this Agreement, or if
     the Physician ceases to be employed by Medical Group, Physician shall not,
     directly or indirectly, practice medicine within a three (3) mile radius of
     the Physician's Medical Group office or practice site at which he/she
     practiced prior to the termination or leaving the employ of Medical Group.
     The parties agree that the duration, area and scope of activities
     restricted hereunder are reasonable and necessary to protect Medical
     Group's legitimate business interests.  In the event that a court or
     arbitrator shall determine that this covenant is unenforceable because of
     its area, duration or prohibited scope of activities, this covenant shall
     be construed, in a manner consistent with applicable law, to provide the
     maximum restriction on the post termination/employment activities of

B.   SOLICITATION.  During the term of this Agreement and for a period of one
     (1) year following the termination of this Agreement, or if the Physician
     ceases to be employed by the Medical Group, Physician shall not solicit any
     patient of the Physician's Medical Group office or practice site at which
     he/she practiced prior to the termination or leaving the employ of Medical
     Group for the purpose of treating such patient at a medical facility which
     is within a three (3) mile radius of this office or practice site.  The
     parties agree that the duration, area and scope of activities restricted


     hereunder are reasonable and necessary to protect Medical Group's
     legitimate business interests.  The parties further agree if any court or
     arbitrator determines that this provision or any portion of this provision
     is unenforceable because of the duration, area or scope of activities
     restricted hereunder, such court or arbitrator shall have the power to
     reduce such duration, area or scope to the maximum allowed by applicable
     law and, in its reduced form, such provisions shall then be enforced and
     Physician shall abide by such provision as altered.

                          VII.  MISCELLANEOUS COVENANTS

A.   This Agreement constitutes the entire Agreement between the parties and
     supersedes all prior agreements.  No changes in the Agreement will be valid
     unless made in writing and signed by both parties.

B.   This Agreement shall be binding upon both parties and upon their respective
     executors, administrators, successors and assigns.

C.   This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with all
     applicable state ("State") and federal laws.  "State" is defined to be the
     state in which the Physician is practicing on behalf of the Medical Group.

D.   Notwithstanding any other provision in this Agreement, this Agreement is
     contingent upon the Physician having submitted and Medical Group having
     reviewed and found satisfactory, all referencing, credentialing and other
     materials required by Medical Group in determining the Physician's
     qualifications for employment by Medical Group.

E.   Physician agrees to render the services contemplated herein without regard
     to race, age, sex, religion, creed, color, national origin, ancestry or
     sexual orientation of any patient.

F.   The terms of this Agreement and in particular the provisions regarding
     compensation, are confidential and shall not be disclosed except as
     necessary for the performance of this Agreement or as required by law.

G.   If any action at law or in equity is necessary to enforce or interpret the
     terms of this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to payment
     by the other party of reasonable attorneys' fees, costs and necessary
     disbursement and expenses in addition to any other relief to which such
     party may be entitled.

H.   The Physician understands and agrees this is not an exclusive agreement as
     to the Medical Group in that Medical Group may contract with others to
     serve in the same capacity as the Physician.

I.   The waiver by either party of a failure to perform as set forth in this
     Agreement shall not act as a waiver of performance for a subsequent breach
     of the same or any other provision in this Agreement.


J.   If any provision of this Agreement is deemed to be invalid or unenforceable
     by a court of competent jurisdiction or in arbitration, the same shall be
     deemed severable from the remainder of this Agreement and shall not cause
     the invalidity or unenforceability of the remainder of the Agreement.

K.   This Agreement may not be assigned by the Physician without the written
     consent of Medical Group.

L.   As part of the consideration for Medical Group to enter into this
     Agreement, Physician agrees that he/she shall not use, or divulge to
     anyone, Medical Group's or Talbert Medical Management Corporation's
     proprietary information (including but not limited to copyright, service
     marks, trademark rights and interests in the logos, systems, software,
     forms, form contracts, policy manuals, marketing public relations materials
     and trade secrets).  A trade secret means information, including but not
     limited to programs, methods, techniques and processes, that has
     independent economic value from not being generally known to either the
     public or to other persons who can obtain economic value from its
     disclosure or use.  Examples of Medical Group trade secrets include, but
     are not limited to, actual and potential patient lists, compiled
     information concerning its patients, key provider agreements, billing
     rates, and operations manuals.  This paragraph shall not be applicable to
     information that is already in the public domain or that has been made
     available to the public by Medical Group or Talbert Medical Management

M.   The Physician acknowledges the Medical Group will be contracting with third
     party payors, insurers and other similar entities in regard to the
     provision of medical services to be rendered by the Physician, and that the
     Medical Group and such entities will engage in credentialing activities
     concerning the Physicians with whom they have contracted.  Understanding
     this, the Physician hereby authorizes the Medical Group and any third party
     payor, insurer or similar entity with whom the Medical Group will contract
     for the provision of medical services, to consult with and obtain from, any
     and all individuals and organizations who can provide information
     concerning the Physician's professional liability coverage and claims,
     information on the Physician's professional competence, ability to perform
     services and procedures, character, ethical qualifications and ability to
     work cooperatively with others, and the Physician releases from liability
     those individuals and organizations who have provided and used this

N.   Physician understands some payors and entities with whom Medical Group will
     contract require proof of a signed contract between Medical Group and
     Physician.  Therefore, Physician agrees Medical Group may provide a copy of
     this Agreement's signature page to such payors and other entities as proof
     of its contractual relationship with Physician.

O.   The Physician's failure to execute this Agreement within seven (7) days
     after receipt renders the offer of employment by Medical Group void and
     non-binding upon Medical Group.

This Agreement shall not be binding until executed by a person authorized to do
so by Medical Group and an executed copy thereof is delivered to the Physician.

PHYSICIAN                          MEDICAL GROUP


BY:                                     BY:
   --------------------------------        --------------------------------

DATE:                                   DATE:
     ------------------------------          ------------------------------
