INVITATION FOR BID/CONTRACT
                                    NUMBER 99-92


                REVISED BID OPENING DATE 4 JUNE 1992 TIME 2:00 P.M.


                               CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR
                                 William W. Griffin
                               Phone:  (206)753-1046

                       SIGNATURE                    DATE

                       ALTERATION OF INVITATION TO BID 99-92

NOTE:The following clauses contained herein are deleted as not applicable to
this Invitation to Bid/Contract.  


10.Political Subdivision
13.Recovered Material Content Products



17.Liens, Claims and Encumbrances
19.Inspection and Rejection
20.Title and Risk of Loss
23.Charges for Handling
26.Quality Standards
28B.Rights Reserved (sub paragraph 4 only)
29.Supplier Registration
37.Minority & Womens Business Enterprises (MWBE)
38.Established Business

Supplement to SECTION II SCOPE OF CONTRACT, Paragraph 1B, Estimated Usage:  

The State does not guarantee that the Contractor(s) will conduct a certain
number of paid inspections.  

Bidders wishing to estimate their paid inspections may obtain magnetic data 
tapes containing current vehicle registration information. The requestor and 
user of information obtained from these tapes agrees that the State will not 
be held liable for their accuracy or usefulness as the basis for projecting 
paid inspections or adjusting any contract provision.  

To obtain these tapes or for further information contact Curtis Carpenter of 
the Department of Ecology at (206) 459-6225.  Additional vehicle registration 
data may be purchased.  For further information, contact Jack Lince of the 
Department of Licensing at (206) 753-7379.  

                                 TABLE OF CONTENTS

         1.   BID.................................................... 1
              A.   Equal............................................. 1
              B.   Alternate......................................... 1
         2.   BIDDER................................................. 1
         3.   CONTRACT............................................... 1
         4.   CONDITIONAL............................................ 1
         5.   CONTRACTOR............................................. 1
         6.   CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR................................. 2
         7.   CONTRACTOR'S REPRESENTATIVE............................ 2
         8.   CONTRACT DOCUMENTS..................................... 2
         9.   CONVENIENCE............................................ 2
         10.  POLITICAL SUBDIVISION.................................. 2
         11.  MANDATORY.............................................. 2
         12.  PURCHASER.............................................. 2
         13.  RECOVERED MATERIAL CONTENT PRODUCTS.................... 2
         14.  STATE AGENCY........................................... 3

         1.   MATERIALS, EQUIPMENT OR SERVICES....................... 1
              A.   Scope and Intent.................................. 1
              B.   Estimated Usage................................... 1
              C.   Misrepresentation................................. 1
         2.   PURCHASER.............................................. 1
              A.   Authorized Agency................................. 1
         3.   TERM OF CONTRACT....................................... 1
         4.   CONTRACT EXTENSION..................................... 1
         5.   PREBID CONFERENCE...................................... 1
         6.   BID RECEIPT AND OPENING................................ 2

         1.   PREPARATION OF BID..................................... 1
              A.   Due Date and Time................................. 1
              B.   Format............................................ 1
              C.   Prices............................................ 1
              D.   Identification.................................... 1
              E.   Responsibilities.................................. 1
         2.   INQUIRIES.............................................. 2
         3.   WITHDRAWAL OR MODIFICATION OF BID...................... 2
              A.   Prior to submittal................................ 2
              B.   After submittal................................... 2
              C.   After bid opening................................. 2
         4.   CONTRACT FORMATION..................................... 2
         5.   AWARD RESULTS.......................................... 2
         6.   MINIMUM ORDER REQUIREMENTS............................. 2

         1.   ENTIRE AGREEMENT....................................... 1
         2.   CONFLICT AND SEVERABILITY.............................. 1
              A.   Conflict.......................................... 1
              B.   Severability...................................... 1
         3.   ANTITRUST.............................................. 1
         5.   WORKERS RIGHT TO KNOW.................................. 1
         6.   GIFTS AND GRATUITIES................................... 2
         7.   RIGHTS AND REMEDIES.................................... 2
         8.   IN STATE PREFERENCE-RECIPROCITY........................ 2
         9.   PROTESTS............................................... 2
         10.  SAVE HARMLESS.......................................... 3
         11.  PERSONAL LIABILITY..................................... 3
         12.  SUPERVISION AND COORDINATION........................... 3
         13.  ADVERTISING............................................ 3
         14.  SUBCONTRACTS/ASSIGNMENT................................ 4
         15.  TAXES, FEES AND LICENSES............................... 4
              A.   Taxes............................................. 4
              B.   Fees/Licenses..................................... 4
         16.  WARRANTIES............................................. 4
              A.   Product........................................... 4
              B.   Price............................................. 4
         17.  LIENS, CLAIMS AND ENCUMBRANCES......................... 4
         18.  DELIVERY............................................... 4
              A.   Time.............................................. 4
              B.   Terms............................................. 5
              C.   Location.......................................... 5
              D.   Unauthorized...................................... 5
         19.  INSPECTION AND REJECTION............................... 5
         20.  TITLE AND RISK OF LOSS................................. 5
         21.  PERFORMANCE............................................ 5
         22.  IDENTIFICATION......................................... 5
         23.  CHARGES FOR HANDLING................................... 6
         24.  INVOICING.............................................. 6
         25.  PAYMENT................................................ 6
         26.  QUALITY STANDARDS...................................... 6
         27.  DETERMINATION OF RESPONSIBILITY........................ 6
         28.  AWARD FACTORS.......................................... 7
              A.   Criteria.......................................... 7
              B.   Rights Reserved................................... 7
         29.  SUPPLIER REGISTRATION.................................. 7
         30.  CHANGES................................................ 7
         31.  ADDITIONS OR DELETIONS................................. 7
         32.  CONTRACT SUSPENSION.................................... 7
         33.  TERMINATION............................................ 8
              A.   Termination for Convenience....................... 8
              B.   Termination for Breach............................ 8
              C.   Termination by Mutual Agreement................... 8
         34.  DEFAULT AND REMEDIES................................... 8
              A.   Events............................................ 8
              B.   Remedies.......................................... 8

         35.  LEGAL FEES............................................. 9
         36.  FORCE MAJEURE.......................................... 9
              A.   Definition........................................ 9
              B.   Notification...................................... 9
              C.   Rights Reserved................................... 9
         38.  ESTABLISHED BUSINESS.................................. 10

         1.   BID GUARANTEE.......................................... 1
         2.   PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE.................................. 1
              A.   Form.............................................. 1
              B.   Amount............................................ 1
              C.   Noncompliance..................................... 1
         3.   INSURANCE.............................................. 1
              A.   General Requirements.............................. 1
              B.   Specific Requirements............................. 2
         4.   MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP.............................. 3
         5.   EVALUATION CONFERENCE.................................. 3
         6.   PROPRIETARY DATA....................................... 3
         7.   RETENTION OF RECORDS................................... 3
         8.   OSHA AND WISHA REQUIREMENTS............................ 3
         9.   CONTRACTOR'S REPRESENTATIVE............................ 4
              A.   Designation....................................... 4
              B.   Responsibility.................................... 4
              C.   Availability...................................... 4
         10.  ESTIMATED USAGE........................................ 4
         11.  PROCUREMENT OF RECOVERED MATERIALS..................... 4
         12.  BID EVALUATION......................................... 4
         13.  AWARD.................................................. 5
         15.  PRICING AND ADJUSTMENTS................................ 6
         16.  OPTION TO ACQUIRE ASSETS............................... 7

   1.0   SCOPE....................................................... 1
   2.0   PURPOSE..................................................... 1
   3.0   DEFINITIONS................................................. 3
   4.0   CONTRACT REQUIREMENTS....................................... 3
   4.1   GENERAL SCOPE OF WORK....................................... 3
   4.2   PROGRAM SCHEDULE............................................ 3
   4.3   AUDITS...................................................... 4
   5.0   TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS.................................... 5
   5.2   VEHICLE INSPECTION FEES..................................... 5
   5.4   INSPECTION PROCEDURES....................................... 9
   5.5   OPERATIONS................................................. 10
   5.6   DATA AND DOCUMENTATION REQUIREMENTS........................ 14
   6.0   PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION REQUIREMENTS........................ 16
   6.1   COLLECTION FEES DEPOSITS,ESCROW ACCOUNT.................... 16

   6.2   ACCOUNTABILITY FOR FORMS................................... 17
   6.3   CHANGES.................................................... 17
   6.5   CONFLICT OF INTEREST....................................... 20

           INSPECTION.............................................. 1-9
APPENDIX C DRAFT REGULATION REVISIONS ............................ 1-14
APPENDIX D ZONE LOCATION MAPS...................................... 1-5
APPENDIX H FORM SF351, BID BOND...................................... 1




                                     SECTION I


                                     SECTION I

As used in this document, the following definitions shall apply:

1.  BID

An offer to provide goods and/or services to the State in response to a
formal solicitation.

A.Equal An offer to provide goods and/or services which equal or exceed the
quality, performance and use of the goods and/or services specified as

B.Alternate An offer to provide goods and/or services which deviate with
respect to features, performance or use from the goods and/or services
specified as standard.


An individual, company, corporation, firm or combination thereof submitting a
bid to the State of Washington.


An agreement, or mutual assent, between two or more competent parties with
the elements of the agreement being offered, acceptance and consideration.


State agencies are mandated to utilize this contract for all acquisitions of
materials, equipment or services designated herein except when the following

A.The purchaser is within existing delegated authorities and an agency has
completed the competitive acquisition process required by State statutes and
determined that materials, equipment or services of equal quality or
performance are available at a lower total acquisition cost. Total
acquisition cost(s) shall include: price, delivery, service, administration,
maintenance, terms of payment, etc. In the solicitation of pricing from other
firms, it is considered unethical to "auction' the contract price in an
effort to force a firm to meet or beat that price.

B.State agencies have completed the competitive acquisition process required
by state statutes and have determined that materials, equipment or services
of equal quality or performance are available at a lower total acquisition
cost. Total


acquisition cost(s) shall include: price, delivery, service,
administration, maintenance, terms of payment, etc.

C.The minimum order quantity specified in the contract exceeds the
agency(ies) needs and would result in stockpiling of material at the agency


An individual, company, corporation, firm or combination thereof with whom
the State of Washington develops a contract for the procurement of goods
and/or services.


An individual designated by the State of Washington. Department of General
Administration, Office of State Procurement to act on behalf of the state to
develop and administer contracts within the limits established by law.


An individual, or individuals, designated by the Contractor to act on its
behalf and with the authority to legally bind the Contractor concerning the
terms and conditions set forth in bid and contract documents.


Documents which comprise an entire agreement.


This contract is established strictly for the convenience of state agencies
and/or Political Subdivisions and any purchase against this agreement is at
their discretion.


Any unit of local government in receipt of state funds; e.g., cities,
counties, school districts, special purpose districts, local service
districts, authorized to purchase under state agency contracts by virtue of
interlocal agreement(s) entered into pursuant to Chapter 39.34 RCW and by the
terms of a specific contract.



State agencies are mandated to utilize this contract for all acquisitions of
materials, equipment or services designated herein. This section does not
apply to acquisitions by Political Subdivisions. Reference Section II,
Paragraph 1B (Items Included).


Purchaser shall mean any state agency(ies) and/or Political Subdivision(s)
indicated as authorized contract users.


(1) "Post Consumer waste" which is:

(a)Paper, paperboard, and fibrous wastes from buildings such as retail
stores, office buildings, [and] homes after the wastes have passed through
their end-usage as a consumer item, including: Used corrugated boxes, old
newspapers, old magazines, mixed waste paper, tabulating cards, and used
cordage; and

(b)All paper, paperboard, and fibrous wastes that enter and are collected
from municipal solid waste; and

(2)"Secondary waste" including manufacturing and other wastes such as:

(a)Dry paper and paperboard waste generated after completion of the
papermaking process, that is, those manufacturing operations up to and
including the cutting and trimming of the paper machine reel into smaller
rolls or rough sheets including: Envelope cuttings, bindery trimmings, and
other paper and paperboard waste resulting from printing, cutting, forming,
and other converting operations; bag, box and carton manufacturing wastes;
and butt rolls, mill wrappers, and rejected unused stock;

(b)Finished paper and paperboard from obsolete inventories of paper and
paperboard manufacturers, merchants, wholesalers, dealers, printers,
converters, or others;

(c)Wastes generated by the conversion of goods made from fibrous material,
that is, waste rope from cordage manufacture, textile mill waste, and
cuttings; and

(d)Fibers recovered from waste water which otherwise would enter the waste
stream. [1988 c 175 Section 1; 1988(1 Section 1)]



Agency shall include: state institutions, colleges, community colleges and
universities, the offices of the elective state officers, The Supreme Court,
the Court of Appeals, the administrative and other departments of state
government, and the offices of all appointive officers of the state,
excluding the legislature. 


                                     SECTION II

                                 SCOPE OF CONTRACT

                                     SECTION II
                                 SCOPE OF CONTRACT


A.Scope and Intent The Office of State Procurement, Purchasing and Contract
Administration (the state) pursuant to RCW Chapter 43.19 as authorized agent
for State Of Washington, herewith solicits bids for: Establishing and
operation of motor vehicle emission inspection facilities.

B.Estimated Usage 640,000 to 1,020.000 inspections per year. (Reference
Section V, Paragraph 10)

C.Misrepresentation Contractor shall not misrepresent the scope of this
contract to Purchasers. Only goods and services stated herein may be
purchased against this contract. Misrepresentation may be cause for contract


A.Authorized Agency: Department of Ecology is authorized to utilize this
contract, and such use is designated as mandatory as defined in Section 1.


Contract term shall be for a period from date of award through the 31st Day
of December, 1999.


The state reserves the right to extend this contract for additional contract
terms or portions thereof. Contract extensions shall be subject to mutual
agreement. Total contract period with extensions shall not exceed ten (10)
years. Contractor shall respond within fifteen (15) calendar days following
receipt of Office of State Procurement's request for extension.


A conference to address contractual requirements will be held at the time and
location indicated below. If marked as mandatory, attendance by a
representative or authorized agent of the company intending to submit a bid
is required in order for the bid submitted to be considered responsive. If
marked as optional, prospective bidders are encouraged to be present. If
changes are


required as a result of the conference, written bid addenda will
be issued.

Note:Assistance for handicapped, blind or hearing impaired persons who wish
to attend is available with prearrangement with the Office of State
Procurement. Contact the Contract Administrator identified on the face page
of this document.

Pre-bid: Date: Tuesday, 14 April 1992
Time: 9:00 A.M.

Office of State Procurement
Room 216
General Administration Bldg.,
Corner of 11th and Columbia
Olympia, Washington 98504-1017

    Attendance:  Optional [ ]          Mandatory [X]

REVISED 6. BID RECEIPT AND OPENING: Submit signed original and

two copies of complete bid response.  Bid must be received and

officially time stamped before bid opening date and time at the:

Office of State Procurement 
Rm 21 6p General Administration Bldg 
Corner of 11th and Columbia 
Olympia, WA 98504-1017

Bid opening: Date Thursday June 4, 1992

Time 2:00 P.M.

Prior to receipt by the Office of State Procurement, the state will not be
responsible for mis-direction or delivery of bid documents.

                                    SECTION III

                              INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS

                                   SECTION III
                              INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS


A.  Due Date and Time Original, signed, sealed bids 
must be received at the specified location on or before the date and time
indicated in Section II, paragraph 6 "Bid Receipt and Opening" at which time
they will be opened publicly and read aloud. Late bids will be returned

B.  Format Bids shall be submitted on the forms provided 
in this document, portions of which may be copied.  Bids must be typewritten
or in ink and signed in ink by the bidder's authorized representative.
Incomplete bids will be rejected unless such omissions do not materially
affect the bid itself. Telegraphic bids or mailgrams will only be considered
when approved in advance by the Contract Administrator.  Telex or facsimile
bids will not be accepted unless the document submitted has an original
signature by an authorized representative of bidder in an ink color
contrasting with document.

C.  Prices Bidders shall extend unit pricing as required. 
In the event of an error in the extension of prices, the unit price shall
prevail. Bid prices shall be inclusive of all associated costs and shall
remain firm for ninety calendar days after bid opening date.

D.  Identification  Bid(s) must be submitted in a sealed 
envelope with the Invitation for Bid (IFB) number, the Contract
Administrator's name, bid opening date and time clearly indicated on the
label provided by the state for this purpose. The envelope must also bear the
bidder's name and address~, preferably in the upper left hand corner. In the
event a label was not provided with the bid, all of the above information
should be written/typed on the outside of the envelope.

E.  Responsibilities

Bidders shall:

- - Examine and understand this entire document and seek clarification from the
Contract Administrator if required pursuant to WAC 236-48-013 and WAC
236-48-081. Negligence in preparing a bid does not constitute the right of
withdrawal after bid opening.

- - Become familiar with and abide by current federal laws, state and local
statutes, regulations and ordinances which could impact pricing or


- - Visit delivery and service location(s) as required.  Become familiar with
and verify any environmental factors which may impact current or future
pricing for this requirement.

- - Respond to this IFB by submission of a bid or by the return of Section IX,
of this document, the "No Bid Response". Failure to respond to three (3)
successive IFB'S will result in removal of supplier's name from the bid
mailing list.

ONLY - Bid only contractual requirements that are in place and available at
time of bid submittal.


All questions related to this IFB shall be directed to the Contract
Administrator. Inquiries shall be in writing and shall reference the
appropriate section and paragraph number of this document. Questions received
less than ten (10) calendar days prior to bid opening may not be considered.
Only questions answered by formal written addenda shall be binding. Oral
interpretations shall be without legal effect.


A.Prior to submittal Bid changes or modifications shall be initialed in ink
by an authorized company representative.

B.After submittal At any time prior to the specified bid due date and time,
bidder may withdraw the bid if such a request is submitted in writing. Bid
modifications must be submitted in writing prior to bid opening date and

C.After bid opening No bid shall be altered or amended. The Director or
designee, may allow a bid to be withdrawn if bidder demonstrates that they
miscalculated bid prices.


Your bid response to this IFB is an offer to contract with the state. A bid
response becomes a contract when officially accepted by the state as
evidenced by return of a countersigned Section VII, "Offer and Contract


All bids submitted become the property of the state and are a matter of
public record.


Bids are read aloud at the time of the bid opening, including but not limited
to, required bid attachments and total prices. This does not in any way
determine award of the contract to the lowest responsible and responsive

A copy of the contract award notice will be furnished to bidders who include
a self-addressed stamped envelope with their bid. Additional information may
be obtained by attending the public bid opening or via review of the contract
file after award. Bid results will not be given over the phone.


Where applicable, bidder shall indicate minimum order requirements. Failure
to establish a minimum order shall waive all future rights of bidder to do
so. The state reserves the right to accept or reject bids with minimum


                                    SECTION IV

                           STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS

                                    SECTION IV
                          STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS


This document, including all addenda and subsequently issued change notices,
comprises the entire agreement between the State of Washington and the
Contractor and shall be governed by the laws of the State Of Washington
incorporated herein by reference.  The venue for legal action shall be the
Superior Court for the State Of Washington, County of Thurston. The state
reserves the right to reject bids which propose alternate or additional terms
and conditions.


A.Conflict  In the event of conflict between contract documents and
applicable laws, codes, ordinances or regulations, the most stringent or
legally binding requirement shall govern and be considered a part of this
contract to afford the state maximum benefits.

B.Severability Any provision of this document found to be prohibited by law
shall be ineffective to she extent of such prohibition without invalidating
the remainder of the document.


The state maintains that, in actual practice, overcharges resulting from
antitrust violations are borne by the purchaser.  Therefore, the Contractor
hereby assigns to the state any and all claims for such overcharges except
overcharges which result from antitrust violations commencing after the price
is established under this contract and which are not passed on to the state
under an escalation clause.


Acceptance of this contract binds the contractor to the terms and conditions
of Section 601, Title VI, Civil Rights Act of 1964, as may be amended:

In that "No person in the United States shall, on the grounds of race, color,
national origin, sex or age, be excluded from participation in, be denied the
benefits of, or be subject to discrimination under any program or activity
receiving Federal financial assistance." In addition, "No otherwise qualified
handicapped individual in the United States shall, solely by reason


of his handicap, be excluded from the participation in, be denied the 
benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity 
receiving Federal financial assistance."

Unless exempted by Presidential Executive Order #11246, as may be amended or
replaced and applicable regulations thereunder, Contractor shall not
discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment.


Recently passed "right to know" legislation required the Department of Labor
and Industries to establish a program to make employers and employees more
aware of the hazardous substances in their work environment.  WAC 296-62-054
requires among other things that all manufacturers/distributors of hazardous
substances, including any of the items listed on this bid/quote/contract bid
and subsequent award must include with each delivery completed Material
Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for each hazardous material. Additionally, each
container of hazardous material must be appropriately labeled with:

- -   The identity of the hazardous material.
- -   Appropriate hazardous warnings, and
- -   Name and address of the chemical manufacturer, importer or other
responsible party.

Appropriate fines may be levied by Labor and Industries against employers for
noncompliance and agencies may withhold payment pending receipt of a legible
copy of the MSDS. It should be noted that OSHA Form 20 is not acceptable in
lieu of this requirement unless it is modified to include appropriate
information relative to "carcinogenic ingredients" and "routes of entry" of
the product(s) in question.


In accordance with RCW 43.19.1937 and 1939, it is unlawful for any person to
directly or indirectly offer, give or accept gifts, gratuities, loans, trips,
favors, special discounts, services, or anything of economic value in
conjunction with state business practices.


In the event of any claim for default or breach of contract, no provision in
this document or in the bidders offer shall be construed, expressly or by
implication, as a waiver by the state of any existing or future right and/or
remedy available by law. Failure of the state to insist upon the strict
performance of any term or condition of the contract or to exercise or delay
the exercise of any right or remedy provided in the contract or by law,


or the acceptance of (or payment for) materials equipment or services, shall 
not release the Contractor from any responsibilities or obligations imposed 
by this contract or by law, and shall not be deemed a waiver of any right of 
the state to insist upon the strict performance of the contract.


Pursuant to RCW 43.19.702 the Department of General Administration has
established a schedule of penalties applicable against firms submitting bids
from states which grant a preference to their own in-state businesses. The
penalties are listed below and apply only to bids received from the following


Alaska............. 5%   Montana............ 3%
Arkansas........... 3%   New Mexico......... 5%
Hawaii............. 3%   Ohio............... 5%
Louisiana.......... 7%   Oklahoma........... 5%
Massachusetts...... 2%   South Carolina..... 2%
                         West Virginia...... 2%

In determining the lowest responsible bidder, the Contract Administrator will 
add an amount equal to the above percentage to each applicable bid submitted. 
In no event shall such increase be paid to a contractor whose bid is accepted.


Protests shall be filed and resolved in accordance with Washington
Administrative Code (WAC) 23 6-48-141 through 143. Protests filed prior to
award are to be addressed to the Contract Administrator in charge of the bid.
Protests filed after the award, and in accordance with above referenced WAC.
are to be addressed to the Assistant Director, Office of State Procurement.


Contractor shall indemnify, defend and save harmless the state from any and
all claims, demands, suits, actions, proceedings, losses. costs and damages
of every kind and description, including any attorneys' fees and/or
litigation expenses, which may be brought or made against or incurred by the
state on account of losses of or damage to any property or for injuries to or
death of any person,


caused by, arising out of, or contributed to, in whole or in part, by reasons 
of any act, omission, professional error, fault, mistake or negligence of 
Contractor, Contractor's employees, agents, representatives or 
subcontractors, their employees, agents or representatives in connection with 
or incidental to the performance of this agreement, or arising out of 
Worker's Compensation claims, Unemployment Compensation' claims or 
Unemployment Disability Compensation claims of employees of Contractor and/or 
subcontractors or claim under similar such laws or obligations. Contractor 
also agrees to protect and save harmless the purchaser against all claims, 
suits or proceeding for patent, trademark, copyright, or franchise 
infringement arising from the purchase, installation, or use of goods and 
services ordered, and to assume all expenses and damages arising from such 
claims, suits or proceedings.  Contractor's obligation under this Section to 
indemnify, defend and save harmless shall not be eliminated or reduced by any 
alleged concurrent or sole negligence of the state or its agencies, 
employees, and officers.

Contractor shall pay all attorney's fees and expenses incurred by the state
in establishing and enforcing the state's rights under this paragraph,
whether or not suit was instituted.


It is agreed by and between the parties hereto that in no event shall any
official, officer, employee or agent of the State of Washington be in any way
personally liable or responsible for any covenant or agreement herein
contained whether expressed or implied, nor for any statement or
representation made herein or in any connection with this agreement.


    Contractor shall:

- -Competently and efficiently supervise and direct the implementation and
completion of all contract requirements specified herein.

- -Designate in its bid to the state, a representative(s) with the authority to
legally commit Contractors firm. All communications given or received from
the Contractor's representative shall be binding or the Contractor. Reference
Section VIII, "Attachments".

- -Promote and offer to Purchasers only those materials, equipment and/or
services as stated herein and allowed for by contractual requirements. 
Violation of this condition will be grounds for contract termination (Ref.
Section II, Paragraph 1.c).



Contractor shall not advertise or publish information concerning this
contract in any form or media without prior written consent from the Contract


Contractor shall not on subcontract or assign the operation of vehicle
inspection stations without the prior written consent of the Contract
Administrator. The Contractor shall be responsible to ensure that all
requirements of the contract shall flow down to any and all subcontractors.


A.Taxes  Contractor shall pay for and maintain in current status any and all
taxes which are necessary for contract performance. Unless otherwise
indicated, the purchaser agrees to pay all State Of Washington sales or use
taxes. No charge by Contractor shall be made for federal excise taxes and the
purchaser agrees to furnish Contractor with an exemption certificate, where
appropriate. Sales tax shall not be included in bid pricing submitted.

B.Fees/Licenses Prior to bid opening the Contractor shall pay for and
maintain in a current status, any license fees, assessments, permit charges,
etc., which are necessary for contract performance. It is the contractor's
sole responsibility to monitor and determine any changes or the enactment of
any subsequent regulations for said fees, assessments or charges and to
immediately comply with said changes or regulations during the entire term of
this contract.


A.Product Contractor warrants that all materials, equipment and/or services
provided under this contract shall be fit for the purpose(s) for which
intended, for merchantability, and shall conform to the requirements and
specifications herein. Acceptance of any service and inspection incidental
thereto by the state, shall not alter or affect the obligations of the
Contractor or the rights of the state.

B.Price Contractor warrants that payments to be retained by the contractor do
not exceed those charged by the Contractor to any other customer purchasing
the same services under similar conditions and in like or similar quantities.




All materials, equipment or services shall be free of all liens, claims, or
encumbrances of any kind and if the state requests, a formal release of same
shall be delivered to the state.


A.Time Delivery must be made during normal work hours and within time frames
proposed by Bidder herein and subsequently accepted by the state.  Failure to
comply may subject Contractor to nondelivery assessment charges and/or
liquidated damages as appropriate. The state reserves the right to refuse
shipment when delivered after normal working hours.  Contractor shall verify
specific working hours of individual agencies and so instruct carrier(s) to
deliver accordingly. The acceptance by the purchaser of late performance with
or without objection or reservation shall not waive the right to claim damage
for such breach nor constitute a waiver of the requirements for the timely
performance of and' obligation remaining to be performed by Contractor.

B.Terms Unless otherwise specified, all goods are to be shipped FOB
Destination freight prepaid and included. Where specific authorization is
granted to ship goods FOB shipping point, Contractor agrees to prepay all
shipping charges, route as instructed or if instructions are not provided,
route by cheapest common carrier. Each invoice for shipping charges shall
contain the original or a copy of the freight bill indicating that the
payment for shipping has been made. The purchaser reserves the right to
refuse COD shipments.

C.Location All deliveries are to be made to the applicable delivery location
in accordance with ICC rules or as indicated in purchase order.  When
applicable, Contractor shall take necessary actions to safeguard items during
inclement weather.

D.Unauthorized In no case shall Contractor initiate performance prior to
receipt of written or verbal authorization from authorized purchaser(s).
Expenses incurred otherwise shall be borne solely by the Contractor.


    The Purchaser's inspection of all materials and equipment upon delivery
is for the sole purpose of identification.  Such inspection shall not be
construed as final acceptance or as acceptance of the materials or equipment
if materials or equipment do not conform to contractual requirements. If
there are any apparent defects in the materials or equipment at the time of


delivery, the Purchaser will promptly notify the Contractor thereof. Without
limiting any other rights, the Purchaser and/or the state at its option, may
require the Contractor to:

- - Repair or replace, at Contractor's expense, any or all of the damaged

- - Refund the price of any or all of the damaged goods, or

- - Accept the return of any or all of the damaged goods.


Regardless of FOB point, Contractor agrees to bear all risks of loss, injury
or destruction of goods and materials ordered herein which occur prior to
delivery and acceptance. Such loss, injury or destruction shall not release
Contractor from any obligation hereunder.


Acceptance by the purchaser of unsatisfactory performance with or without
objection or reservation shall not waive the right to claim damage for breach
nor constitute a waiver of requirements for satisfactory performance of any
obligation remaining to be performed by Contractor.


All invoices, packing lists, packages, instruction manuals, correspondence,
shipping notices, shipping containers and other written documents affecting
this contract shall be identified by the applicable purchase order or field
order number. Packing lists shall be enclosed with each shipment, indicating
the contents therein.


No charges will be allowed for handling which includes but is not limited to
packing, wrapping, bags, containers or reels, unless otherwise stated herein.


Contractor shall provide an original and two (2) copies of invoices. Each
invoice shall be submitted as required by the


contract and shall reference the contract and field order or purchase order 
number. Invoices shall be properly annotated with applicable prompt payment 


Payment will be made by the state agency or political subdivision indicated
on ordering document. Any bid that requires payment in less than thirty (30)
calendar days need not be considered. Prompt payment discount periods of
thirty (30) calendar days or more will be considered in determining the
apparent lowest responsible and responsive bid. Invoices will not be
processed for payment nor will the period of cash discount commence until
receipt of a properly completed invoice and until all invoiced items are
received and satisfactory performance of Contractor has been attained. If an
adjustment in payment is necessary due to damage or dispute, the cash
discount period shall commence on the date final approval for payment is
authorized. Under "Chapter 39.76 RCW", if purchaser fails to make timely
payment(s), Contractor may invoice for 1 % per month on the amount overdue or
a minimum of $ 1.00. Payment will not be considered late if a check or
warrant is mailed within the time specified. If no terms are specified, net
30 days will automatically apply. Payment(s) made in accordance with contract
terms shall fully compensate the Contractor for all risk, loss, damages or
expense of whatever nature and acceptance of payment shall constitute a
waiver of all claims submitted by Contractor.


Product or service specifications herein are intended solely to clearly
describe type and quality and not to be restrictive. Trade reference
specifications describe the type product thus far found to best meet agency
functional requirements and provide the most economical use life under agency
use situations. So as not to misrepresent the requirements herein, brands
other than those specified will therefore be considered on the basis of
whether at least equal in quality/performance. Failure to submit with bid
complete documentation sufficient to establish products bid as at least equal
will be complete grounds for rejection. By submitting bid, bidder expressly
warrants product bid as at least equal to bid in quality and performance. The
state's acceptance of a product bid as an "equal" is conditioned on the
state's inspection and testing after receipt. If, in the sole judgment of the
state, the item is determined not to be an equal, the bid may be rejected or
the product returned at bidder's expense and/or the contract cancelled
without any liability whatsoever to the state. Any bid containing a brand
which is not of equal quality, performance or use specified must be
represented as an "alternate" and not as an "equal":


failure to do so shall be sufficient reason to consider the bid nonresponsive.


During bid evaluation, the state reserves the right to make reasonable
inquiry to determine the responsibility of any bidder. Requests may include.
but not be limited to, financial statements, credit ratings, references,
record of past performance, on-site inspection of bidder's or bidder's
subcontractor's facilities. Failure to respond to said request(s) will be
sufficient reason to consider the bid nonresponsive.


A.Criteria State contracts shall be awarded to the lowest responsible and
responsive bidder subject to the preferences provided by law.  Award criteria
shall include all items as stated in RCW 43.19.1911 and WAC 236-48-093 and
the contractual requirements provided herein.

B.Rights Reserved

The state reserves the right to:

1.Waive any informalities.

2.Reject any or all bids, or portions thereof, WAC 236-48-094 allows the
state to "accept any portion of the items bid" unless the bidder stipulates
all or nothing on the bid.

3.Reissue an IFB or negotiate as the best interests of the state may require
whenever there is reason to believe that prices or terms are not the best


4.Award on an all or none consolidated basis taking into consideration
reduction in administrative costs as well as unit bid prices.


Prior to award of a contract, any unregistered bidder may be required to
complete a Supplier Registration Packet for placement on the state's supplier



No alteration in any of the terms, conditions, or contractual requirements
herein shall be effective without the written consent of the Contract
Administrator as evidenced by issuance by the state of a contract change


The state reserves the right to add or delete items, agencies or locations as
determined to be in the best interest of the state.  Added items, agencies or
locations will be related to those on contract and additions or deletions
will not represent a significant increase or decrease in size or scope of the
contract. Such additions or deletions will be by mutual agreement, will be at
prices consistent with the original bid price margins, and will be evidenced
by issuance of a written contract change notice from the Contract


The state may at any time and without cause, suspend the contract or any
portion thereof, for a period of not more than thirty (30) calendar days, by
written notice to the Contractor. Contractor shall resume performance within
fifteen (15) calendar days of written notice from the state. If suspension is
issued prior to the contractor commencing the operation of vehicle inspection
stations, an extension may be granted to the required starting date of
operations equal to the period of suspension.


    A.Termination for Convenience The state may terminate this contract, in
whole or in part at any time and for any reason by giving a thirty (30)
calendar days written termination notice to Contractor. Termination charges,
when applicable, shall be computed in the following manner: (1) a sum
computed and substantiated in accordance with standard accounting practices
for those reasonable costs incurred by Contractor prior to the date of
termination, for orderly phase out of performance as requested by the state
in order to minimize the costs of the termination; and (2) a reasonable
profit for such work performed; however, the state shall not be liable to the
Contractor for any anticipated profits on the terminated portion of the
contract, or claims of unabsorbed overhead or other fixed costs. In no event
shall the state become liable to pay any sum in excess of the price of this
contract for the terminated services.

    B.Termination for Breach Except in the case of delay or failure
resulting from circumstances beyond the control and without


the fault or negligence of the Contractor or of the Contractor's suppliers or 
subcontractors, the state shall be entitled, by written or oral notice, to 
cancel this contract in its entirety or in part, for breach of any of the 
terms herein, and to have all other rights against Contractor by reason of 
Contractor's breach as provided by law and paragraph 34 below.

A breach shall mean any one or more of the following events: (1) Contractor
fails to perform the services by the date required or by such later date as
may be agreed to in a written amendment to the contract signed by the state;
(2) Contractor breaches any warranty, or fails to perform or comply with any
term or agreement in the contract; (3) Contractor makes any general
assignment for the benefit of creditors; (4) in the state's sole opinion,
Contractor becomes insolvent or in an unsound financial condition so as to
endanger performance hereunder; (5) Contractor becomes the subject of any
proceeding under any law relating to bankruptcy, insolvency or reorganization
or relief from debtors; or (6) any receiver, trustee or similar official is
appointed for Contractor or any of Contractor's property. If it is
subsequently found that Contractor was not in breach, the rights and
obligations of the parties shall be the same as if a Notice of Termination
had been issued pursuant to subparagraph 33.A.

    C.Termination by Mutual Agreement The state or the Contractor may
terminate this contract in whole or in part, at any time, by mutual agreement
with a thirty (30) calendar days written notice from one party to the other.


A.Events Any of the following events shall constitute cause for the state to
declare Contractor in default of the contract:

1.Nonperformance of contractual requirements.

2.A material breach of any term or condition of this contract.

The state shall issue a written notice of default providing a period in which
Contractor shall have an opportunity to cure. Time allowed for cure shall not
diminish or eliminate Contractor's liability for liquidated or other damages.

B.Remedies If the default remains, after Contractor has been provided the
opportunity to cure, the state may do one or more of the following:


1.Exercise any remedy provided by law.

2.Terminate this contract and any related contracts or portions thereof.

3.Impose liquidated damages.

4.Suspend contractor from receiving future Invitations for Bid.


The Contractor covenants and agrees that in the event suit is instituted by
the purchaser for any default on the part of the Contractor, and the
Contractor is adjudged by a court of competent jurisdiction to be in default,
he shall pay to the purchaser all costs. expenses expended or incurred by the
purchaser in connection therewith, and reasonable attorneys fees.


A.Definition Except for payment of sums due, neither party shall be liable to
the other or deemed in default under this contract if and to the extent that
such party's performance of this contract is prevented by reason of force
majeure. The term "force majeure" means an occurrence that is beyond the
control of the party affected and could not have been avoided by exercising
reasonable diligence. Force majeure shall include acts of God, war, riots,
strikes, fire, floods, epidemics, or other similar occurrences.

B.Notification If either party is delayed by force majeure, said party shall
provide written notification within forty-eight (48) hours. The notification
shall provide evidence of the force majeure to the satisfaction of the other
party.  Such delay shall cease as soon as practicable and written
notification of same shall be provided. The time of completion shall be
extended by contract modification for a period of time equal to the time that
the results or effects of such delay prevented the delayed party from
performing in accordance with this contract.

C.Rights Reserved The state reserves the right to cancel the contract and/or
purchase materials, equipment or services from the best available source
during the time of force majeure, and Contractor shall have no recourse
against the state.



MWBE requirements are set forth in Section VIII, "Attachments" to this
Invitation for Bid and are hereby incorporated into the terms and conditions
of this contract. Bidders are encouraged to contact the Office of Minority
and Women's Business Enterprises (OMWBE) to obtain information on certified
MWBE firms for potential subcontracting arrangements.  Participation goals
may also be met by entering into a Business Partnership Plan (B.P.P). 
Information on setting up a B.P.P. is available from OMWBE, Telephone (206)


To be considered responsive, bidder must, at the time of bid opening, or
prior to that time if required by law, be an established business firm with
all required licenses, bonding, facilities, equipment and trained personnel
necessary to perform the work as specified in the bid solicitation.

The state reserves the right to require proof of said requirements within 10
calendar days from the date of request.


                                     SECTION V

                            SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS

                                     SECTION V
                            SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS

1.  BID GUARANTEE (See Form at Appendix H)

All bids submitted for this contract must be accompanied by a surety bid bond
or escrow agreement on a form furnished by the state or a certified or
cashier's check or money order payable to State of Washington in an amount
not less than $ 25,000.00 per zone. The escrow agreement or certified or
cashier's check is to be with a bank or savings and loan institution
regulated by the State Of Washington. Bid guarantees will be returned to all
bidders at time of contract award with exception of contractor(s) of whom a
performance guarantee is required in which case the Bid Guarantee will be
returned upon receipt of same.

2.  PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE (See Form at Appendix l)

A.Form Within fifteen (15) calendar days after receipt of notice of award,
the Contractor shall furnish the state with a performance guarantee. Said
guarantee shall be in the form of a(n):

1.Bond on a form furnished by the state and completed by an approved surety
2.Escrow agreement on a form furnished by the state or;
3.Irrevocable letter of credit or:
4.Certified check or;
5.Cashier's check.

Bidder is to indicate in Section VIII, Attachment 1 the form of performance
guarantee they intend to provide.

NOTE: Certified or cashier's checks are held by the state and do not yield
interest payable to the contractor.

B.Amount The performance guarantee shall be for an amount which is not less
than $100,000.00 per station and shall be conditioned upon the faithful
performance of six months of inspections by the Contractor after which time
it will be discontinued and replaced by the Escrow Account balance required
at Section VI paragraph 6.1.

C.Noncompliance Failure to provide the required guarantee will result in
contract cancellation.

D.  Discontinuance  Based on Contractor performance 


during the initial contract term, the state reserves the right to
continue/discontinue performance guarantee requirements in subsequent
extensions.  Delivery, timely correct invoices, problem resolvement, etc.
will be prime consideration.


A.General Requirements Contractor shall, at his own expense, obtain and keep
in force insurance as follows until completion of the contract. Within
fifteen (15) calendar days of receipt of notice of award, the Contractor
shall furnish evidence in the form of a Certificate of Insurance satisfactory
to the state that insurance in the following kinds and minimum amounts has
been secured. Failure to provide proof of insurance as required will result
in contract cancellation.

B. Specific Requirements

1.Workers' Compensation Coverage  The Contractor will at all times comply
with all applicable workers' compensation, occupational disease, and
occupational health and safety laws, statutes, and regulations to the full
extent applicable. The state will not be held responsible in any way for
claims filed by the Contractor or his employees for services performed under
the terms of this contract.

2.Public Liability Insurance The Contractor shall at all times during the
term of this contract, carry and maintain general public liability insurance,
including contractual liability, against claims for bodily injury, personal
injury, death or property damage occurring or arising out of services
provided under this Contract. This insurance shall cover such claims as may
be caused by any act, omission, or negligence of the Contractor or its
officers, agents. representatives. assigns, or servants. The limits of
liability insurance shall not be less than as follows:

Each Occurrence                                             $1,000,000

General Aggregate Limits                                     2,000,000
(other than products-completed operations)                           

Products-Completed Operations Limit                          2,000,000

Personal and Advertising Injury Limit                        1,000,000

Fire Damage Limit (at any fire)                                 50,000

Medical Expense Limit (at any person)                            5,000


3.Automobile Liability In the event that services delivered pursuant to this
contract involve the use of vehicles or the transportation of clients,
automobile liability insurance shall be required.  If Contractor-owned
personal vehicles are used, a Business Automobile Policy covering at a
minimum Code 2 "owned autos only" must be secured. If Contractor employee's
vehicles are used, the Contractor must also include the Business Automobile
Policy Code 9, coverage for "no-owned autos." The minimum limits for
automobile liability are:

$1,000,000 per occurrence, using a Combined Single Limit for bodily injury
and property damage Comprehensive Liability Insurance shall be combined
Comprehensive General and Automobile, Public Bodily Injury, Personal Injury
and Property Damage Liability Insurance. The coverage provided shall protect
against claims for personal injury; bodily injury, including illness, disease
and death; and property damage caused an occurrence arising out of or in
consequence of the performance of this service by the Contractor or
subcontractor or anyone employed by either.

4.Additional Provisions Above insurance policy shall include the following

A.Additional Insured The State of Washington and all authorized contract
users shall be specifically named as an additional insured on all policies.
All policies shall be primary over any other valid and collectable insurance.

B.Material Changes A forty-five (45) calendar day written notice shall be
given to the State prior to termination of or any material change to the
policy(ies) as it relates to this contract; provided that thirty (30)
calendar day written notice shall be given for surplus line insurance
cancellation for nonpayment of premiums, such notice shall not be less than
ten (10) calendar days prior to such date.

C.Identification Policy must reference the state's bid/contract number.

D.Insurance Carrier Rating The insurance required above shall be issued by an
insurance company authorized to do business within the state of Washington.
Insurance is to be placed with a carrier that has a Best's rating of A-7 or
better. Any exception must be approved by the Risk Manager for the State of
Washington, by submitting a copy of the contract and evidence of insurance
before contract commencement.

E.Excess Coverage The limits of all insurance required to be provided the
Contractor shall be no less than the minimum amounts specified. However,
coverage in the amounts of these minimum


limits shall not be construed to relieve the Contractor from liability in 
excess of such limits.


The Contractor shall be required to furnish all materials, equipment and/or
services necessary to perform contractual requirements. Materials and
workmanship in the construction of equipment for this contract shall conform
to all codes, regulations and requirements for such equipment, specifications
contained herein, and the normal uses for which intended. Materials shall be
manufactured in accordance with the best commercial practices and standards
for this type of equipment.


To aid in the evaluation process, after bid opening the state may require
individual bidders to appear at a date, time and place determined by the
state for the purpose of conducting discussions to determine whether both
parties have a full and complete understanding of the nature and scope of
contractual requirements. In no manner shall such action be construed as
negotiations or an indication of the state's intention to award.


Any document(s) or information which the bidder believes is exempt from
public disclosure (RCW 42.17.310) shall be clearly identified by bidder and
placed in a separate envelope marked with bid number, bidder's name, and the
words "Proprietary Data" along with a statement of the basis for such claim
of exemption. The state's sole responsibility shall be limited to maintaining
the above data in a secure area and to notify bidder of any request(s) for
disclosure within a period of five (5) years from date of award. Failure to
so label such materials or failure to provide a timely response after notice
of request for public disclosure has been given shall be deemed a waiver by
the bidder of any claim that such materials are, in fact, so exempt.


Contractor shall retain all records relating to this contract for a period of
three (3) years following the date of final payment or completion of any
required audit, whichever is earlier.  Any authorized representative of the
state or federal government (where federal funds are involved) shall have
access to and the right to examine, audit, excerpt, and transcribe all said
records within a reasonable time.



Contractor agrees to comply with conditions of the Federal Occupational
Safety and Health Acts of 1970 (OSHA) as may be amended, and, if it has a
workplace within the state of Washington, the Washington industrial Safety
and Health Act of 1973 (WISHA), as may be amended, and the standards and
regulations issued thereunder and certifies that all items furnished and
purchased under this order will conform to and comply with said standards and
regulations. Contractor further agrees to indemnify and hold harmless
purchaser from all damages assessed against purchaser as a result of
Contractor's failure to comply with the acts and standards thereunder and for
the failure of the items furnished under this order to so comply.


A.Designation Bidder shall provide names, addresses, and phone numbers of
primary and alternate representatives as required in Did documents. Reference
Section VIII, "Attachments".

B.Responsibility Contractor's representative shall function as the primary
point of contact, shall ensure supervision and coordination and shall take
corrective action as necessary to meet contractual requirements.

C.Availability Contractor's representative, or designee, shall be available
at all times during normal working hours throughout the term of the contract.


Estimated usage data as stated herein shall not bind the state to the
purchase of said quantities. Usage estimates are based strictly upon past
historical data and may not reflect future requirements. (Ref. Section Il,
Paragraph 1 b).


This Invitation for Bid has been determined EXEMPT from the provisions of WAC
236.48.096 regarding preference for products with recovered material content
for reasons including inadequate competition, economics, environmental
constraints, quality or availability.



To be considered responsive, bidder must, at the time of the bid opening have
the necessary resources, experience and expertise to accomplish the complete
scope and tasks identified herein.

Determination of responsiveness will be based on an evaluation of the bidders
attachments submitted which must be sufficient in themselves to clearly
establish the bidders capability without need for subsequent clarification.
The state reserves the right to reject any bid which is unsupported or
unclear as to responsiveness and to reject outright any bid submittal taking
material exception to the specifications herein.

Each bid submitted must be supported by the following:

1.Attachment 1 & 2, Bid Information and Price Sheets.

2.Identification/description of proposed facility locations including
documents evidencing ownership or option to buy or lease. (Reference
Specifications para. 4.1, 5.1 and 5.3.3)

3.A time phased, detailed schedule delineating critical tasks to be
accomplished including all necessary governmental permits and approvals
needed prior to the start of inspections. (Reference Specifications para.
4.1. 5.5.2 and 5.6.5)

4.Identification of the qualifications of management personnel and financial
resources available for the performance of this contract.

5.A list of contracts of similar size and scope satisfactorily
completed/currently being performed by the bidder, parent company or
subsidiary. Identify government organization, description of work, period of
performance, dollar magnitude, name and telephone number of government
contract administrator.  The list may be supplemented with information
regarding any specialized experience and technical competence of the bidder's
personnel in the performance of Emission Inspection or other programs of
similar complexity of scheduling and technical aspects.

6.A bid bond in the amount of $25,000 per zone conditioned upon bidder
execution of contract and commencing performance on the scheduled start date.
Bid bond will be returned upon receipt of Contractor's performance bond.


Award(s) is/are projected to be made within 30 days of bid opening. Award(s)
will be made to the responsive bidder(s) offering the lowest overall bid
pricing on a zone by zone basis. Any all or none or other bid conditioned on
the award of more


then one zone will be rejected. Bids must set forth the amount of money to be 
retained by the bidder from the inspection fee in each paid inspection volume 
category over each twelve month end of the contract. The state anticipates 
declining bid pricing based on incremental cost savings to the contractor 
through increased business volume. Consideration will therefore be given to 
volume in the calculation of lowest overall bid.

Calculation of lowest bid for a zone will be done using the following
weighted value formulae. The sum of the bid for each Paid Inspection Per
Twelve Months category times the multipliers indicated below:

Zones I Paid Inspections Per Twelve Months
- ------------------------------------------
    0         -    50,000    X    1.00
    50,001    -    60,000    X    0.20
    60,001    -    70,000    X    0.17
    70,001    -    80,000    X    0.14 
    80,001    -    90,000    X    0.12 
              over 90,000    X    0.10

Zones II Paid Inspections Per Twelve Months
- -------------------------------------------
    0         -    300.000   X   1.00
    300,001   -    340,000   X   0.13
    340,001   -    380,000   X   0.12
    380,001   -    420,000   X   0.11
    420,001   -    460,000   X   0.10
              over 460,000   X   0.09

Zones III Paid Inspections Per Twelve Months
- --------------------------------------------
    0         -    200,000   X   1.00
    200.001   -    230,000   X   0.15
    230,001   -    260,000   X   0.13
    260,001   -    290,000   X   0.11
    290,001   -    320,000   X   0.10
         over      320,000   X   0.09

Zones IV Paid Inspections Per Twelve Months
- -------------------------------------------
    0         -    40,000    X   1.00
    40,001    -    45,000    X   0.13
    45,001    -    50,000    X   0.11
    50,001    -    55,000    X   0.10
    55,001    -    60,000    X   0.09
         over      60,000    X   0.08

Zones V Paid Inspections Per Twelve Months
- ------------------------------------------
    0         -    50,000    X   1.00
    50,001    -    60,000    X   0.20
    60,001    -    70,000    X   0.17
    70,001    -    80,000    X   0.14


    80,001    -    90,000    X   0.12
              over 90,000    X   0.10


In support of initial bid pricing and subsequent contract price adjustments,
bidder is to provide, with their bid, separate cost and pricing data for each
major cost element of the highest per inspection bid price for each zone bid.
Breakdowns must include identification of dollar amount and percent of total
bid price for at least the following:

Fixed Costs
Direct Labor Costs
General and Administrative Costs
Contingencies/Other Casts

For each cost element state nature of expenses and basis of allocation.
Separately identify projected salary schedule of lane operators and provide a
detailed functional timeline for a typical contract vehicle emission
inspection as specified herein.

Failure to provide such supporting information may result in bid rejection.
Additionally, the state, prior to award, may request
clarification/verification of cost and pricing data submitted. Bidders who
intend to declare such data proprietary, ie. exempt from public disclosure,
must comply with Para. V 6 Proprietary Data.


Pricing, ie. portions of inspection fee retained at each volume category,
shall remain firm through 28 February 1994. These amounts may be increased,
if requested, annually thereafter by an amount needed to compensate the
contractor for any direct labor employee compensation increases incurred
during the past year or longer contract period. Contractor must provide a
minimum of 30 day advance notice on any request with complete documentation
of any on-going direct labor cost increases incurred. Acceptance will be at
the discretion of the contract administrator and shall not produce a higher
profit margin than that identified on the contractor's original bid cost and
pricing data breakdown. Any direct labor cost increase shall not exceed the
annual average percentage increase for the comparable period. Seattle-Tacoma
consumer price index for urban wage earners and clerical workers, all items
(CPl-W), compiled by the Bureau of Labor Statistics and the Department of
Labor. Additionally, the total increase in the portions of the inspection fee
retained shall not exceed an annual cap of 3%. For purposes of establishing
the initial


contract base index figure from which future calculations will be
made the 1 982-84 base rate index for 1992 annual average, released in
February 1993 will be used. If the Bureau of Labor Statistics ceases to
publish the index the contractor and the state shall agree on a substitute

All approved price adjustments for direct labor compensation increases shall
remain unchanged for at least 365 calendar days thereafter. For price
adjustments due to program changes, see Paragraph VI 6.3 Changes.


In the event of termination of the contract for contractor breach,
termination by mutual agreement, or within One Hundred and Eighty Days of the
scheduled December 31, 1999 expiration or subsequent extension; the state
shall have the option to acquire the contractors inspection station land and
buildings, in whole or in part. The state may exercise this option only if it
is the intention of the state to continue the operation of an inspection
program by the state or through a successor contractor(s).

If the state has exercised its option for any or all inspection stations,
then within thirty (30) days of the effective date of termination or on the
scheduled expiration date the contractor shall:

1.Convey, transfer and assign to the state or the state's assignee all land
and buildings located in the State of Washington, owned and used by the
contractor as contract emission inspection stations.

2.Convey, transfer and assign to the state or the state's assignee all
buildings owned and used by the contractor as contract emission inspection
stations which are located on land being leased by the contractor.

3.Assign to the state or its assignee all leases and all rights to renew such
leases under which the contractor is the lessee of land or buildings used as
emission inspection stations in the performance of the contract.

On receipt of the assets, the state or its assignee shall:

1.Pay to the contractor the fair market value of land and buildings conveyed
as determined by the median value determined by three (3) licensed appraisers
selected by the state.


2.Assume all of the obligations of the contractor under all leases assigned. 
Contractor acknowledges that it shall remain liable for all claims,
liabilities and judgments resulting from or arising out of its prior
operation of the inspection stations and the contract.

Both parties agree to execute such documents as may be reasonably necessary
to effect to the transactions above. Additionally, the contractor agrees to
cooperate with the state and/or successor contractor(s) in affecting an
orderly transfer of operation of the inspection facilities to the successor
contractor(s).  Though equipment, supplies and tools are excluded from the
above transactions the contractor, state and/or successor contractor(s) may
independently conduct separate negotiations to acquire such additional

The performance by the state of its obligations set forth above shall
constitute full satisfaction of all claims of the contractor against the
state arising from the state's exercise of its option. The contractor agrees
to provide in any contract agreement, assignment or other conveyance to be
executed by it and to retain in any contract, agreement, assignment or other
conveyance previously executed by it, upon renewal thereof for the purchase
of land or buildings for use in the performance of this contract, the right
of the contractor, without qualification, to convey, transfer or assign to
the state any of the contractor's rights and obligations under such contract
agreement, assignment or conveyance. Copies of all leases executed by the
contractor in its performance of the contract shall be furnished to the
contract administrator.

                                     SECTION VI





These specifications are for the establishment and operation of motor vehicle
emission inspection stations for the State of Washington.  THE REQUIREMENTS
current versions and proposed revisions)


To assist in the reduction of motor vehicle related air pollution within
noncompliance areas designated by the Washington State Department of Ecology.


The following definitions apply to this contract bid.


A.  Fiscal: Means an audit of all receipts, payments, forms and other
records pertinent to the receipt and disbursement of State funds.

B   Performance: Means an audit of Contractor's performance in complying
with all contract provisions including all applicable regulations.

C.  Financial: An audit of books and records pertinent to the Contractors
balance sheet and profit and loss statement for the period of performance
under this agreement.

Average Number Waiting (ANW): The sum of the number of vehicles waiting to be
inspected, (either on the property or on the street), counted at ten minute
intervals over a period of 30 consecutive minutes, divided by four.

Average Inspection Frequency (AIF): The number of inspections completed over
a 30 minute period divided by 30.

Average Waiting Time (AWT): The result of the average number waiting (ANW)
divided by average testing frequency (ATF).

CO: Means carbon monoxide.

CO2:     Means carbon dioxide.

Emission Standard: Means the highest concentration of hydrocarbons (HC) or
carbon monoxide (CO) in the exhaust of a motor vehicle measured according to
test procedures adopted by the State that will permit a certificate of
compliance to be issued.

HC:Means concentration of hydrocarbons measured as n-hexane

Inspection Fee: Means the amount of money that a vehicle operator will be
charged for an emission inspection by the Contractor.

Sample Gas: Means the portion of the motor vehicle exhaust gases that is
analyzed for comparison with the emission standards.

Shop Drawing: Means readable plans or sketches of proposed site and
operation(s) (documents must be capable of being legibly reproduced on an
engineering drawing reproduction machine).

Total Available Lane Time: Means the product of 30 minutes multiplied by the
number of operable inspection lanes.

Utilization Factor:     Means the stun of the time each lane was operated 
divided by the stun of the total available lane time.

Vehicle Emission Inspection Station: Means a facility authorized to issue a
certificate of compliance or a certificate of acceptance.


The Contractor shall furnish necessary personnel, facilities, equipment and
otherwise do all things necessary to complete the contract.  The bidder must
propose his methodology and resources to accomplish these tasks.


Task I - Design/Remodel Facilities: The bidder must propose 
location and number of lanes per station for each station bid.  Only those
bids that provide documentation evidencing an option to buy or lease, or
currently lease or own the station site will be acceptable.

Task 2 - Acquire Site(s) and install Inspection Stations: 
The Contractor shall acquire and prepare site(s) for the installation of the
inspection station(s).  The Contractor must obtain all necessary local,
state, federal government approvals. In the event the Contractor is unable to
obtain such approvals a suitable substitute location(s) must be bound by the
Contractor that are acceptable to the State.


Task 3 - Install Inspection Test Equipment: The Contractor 
shall install all necessary equipment at the inspection station(s).

Task 4 - Operate Vehicle Inspection Stations: The Contractor 
shall be responsible for the complete operation and maintenance of the
vehicle inspection station(s).

Task 5 - Submit Documentation and Test Data: The Contractor 
shall submit documentation and data for all inspections completed at the
vehicle emission inspection station(s) to the State.

Task 6 - Collect Fees: The Contractor shall be responsible 
for the collection and accounting of fees for all paid inspections completed
at the vehicle emission inspection station(s).


All inspection stations shall be fully operational by 9 a.m. June 1, 1993.


4.3.1 The Contractor shall allow unannounced State audits at the inspection
station including:
a.Performance, including testing, calibration, data handling; and 
b.Fiscal and administrative procedures at any time during station(s)
operating hours; and 
c.Training, operations and procedures manuals; and 
d.All records including:calibration and maintenance log

4.3.2 Contractor must maintain his records of this contract operate within
the State of Washington to enable easy access to all audit activity
authorized by State statutes and this contract.

4.3.3 Checks and audits during station non-operating hours may be conducted
by mutual consent.

4.3.4 State personnel may perform routine equipment checks during operating
hours without the aid of Contractor personnel.

4.3.5  The State shall be entitled to conduct a complete financial audit in
connection with negotiations with respect to a contract extension or other
contract change.




Contracts will be let for the following number of stations:

                        Zone           Stations
                        ----           --------
                          l               2
                          2               8
                          3               6
                          4               l
                          5               2

The bidder shall identify a specific property for each station bid. The
stations bid must be no closer than three miles from each other, conveniently
located to readily serve the public and approximately equally distributed
throughout a zone. Geographical boundaries of each zone or station locations
are indicated in Appendix D.

The number of inspection lanes at a station must be three or more and in any
zone the average number of lanes per station must be four or more.

No contract will be let for less than the above number of stations in a zone.
However, the state may elect to reject one or more bids and call for rebids
or enter into negotiations for any number of stations.


The Contractor shall, for an inspection fee established by Ecology, inspect
any gasoline or diesel powered motor vehicle. The Contractor will retain an
amount from the inspection fee equal to the amount bid and remit the balance
to the State. The Contractor shall inspect without charge to the vehicle
operator any vehicle registered to the State of Washington or its political
subdivisions and a vehicle presented for the first reinspection when the
initial inspection was conducted by another Contractor. A credit for the
Contractor's portion of the regular inspection fees shall be applied to the
amount due the State's General Fund for all inspections of these vehicles
conducted without charge. This amount may be increased or decreased due to
escalation/deescalation and/or material program changes. (see Sections V 15
and VI 6.3) Full payment for the contract services shall be solely from the
portion of the inspection fees retained by the Contractor.


The State will not guarantee the Contractor a minimum number of paid
inspections and the number of inspections performed will not be used as a
basis for adjusting the portion of the inspection fee retained. However, the
State does agree to enter into good faith negotiations to amend the contract
if any program changes by the State have a significant impact on the
Contractor(s) cost and/or revenue.


     5.3.1 Station Site Requirements

1. Permits and Land Use Requirements: The Contractor must obtain all permits
necessary for the establishment of the station and conform to all zoning and
land use requirements.

2. Parking: Two parking spaces reserved for visitors per inspection lane
shall be provided at each station.

3. Waiting Area: There shall be a paved waiting lane at least 12 feet wide
for each inspection lane. The average length of the waiting lanes at each
inspection station must be at least 150 feet.

5.3.2 Inspection Station Requirements
The Contractor shall construct vehicle emission inspection station(s) in
accordance with all local, state and federal government requirements
1.Testing and Data Handling Equipment: The testing and data
handling equipment installed at each vehicle emission
inspection station shall meet the requirements of WAC
173-422. If these requirements conflict with or prevents 
the use of BAR 90 level analyzers these provisions will not
apply to the contract. BAR 90 level analyzers are required.
In addition to the requirements of WAC 173-422 the
Contractor shall at no additional cost to the State:
A. design and operate the testing and data system to
print information on inspection forms provided by the State
only if the analyzer readings returned to less than 10 ppm HC within 30
seconds following completion of testing the previous vehicle.
B. design and install the dynamometer needed to conduct transient testing in
one lane at each station. (except in Zone 4)
C. design and install the equipment needed to conduct transient testing in
addition to the regular inspections in one lane of a station in each Zone.
(except Zones l and 4)
D. design and operate computerized test equipment which can connect directly
with the onboard diagnostic system on 1994 and later model gasoline vehicles
under 8500 GVWR.


2.Signs: Each station shall have a sign that reads "State Motor Vehicle
Emission Inspection Station." Letters shall not be smaller than 6 inches
high. Signs for traffic control and visitor information must also be
provided. All signs must meet any State and local code requirements.

3.Government Codes: The station shall conform to all applicable state and
local code requirements including, but not limited to: planning and building
codes, carbon monoxide levels, ventilation, safety and fire regulations.

4.Inspection Lanes: Each lane must accommodate a vehicle with a height of
fourteen feet and a width of eight feet.

5.Equipment Environment: Adequate protection must be provided
for the testing and data handling equipment to allow for operations within
specifications in all weather conditions. Any component of the testing and
data handling equipment which affect the test results shall not be subject to
temperatures beyond its manufacturers specifications for such equipment.

6.Backup Personnel and Equipment: Adequate back up personnel and equipment
shall be available to ensure compliance with waiting time and staffing

7.Carbon Monoxide Levels: Each station shall have equipment that continuously
monitors and records carbon monoxide levels in covered testing areas.  The
equipment shall be so designed as to trigger automatically positive
ventilation at 50 ppm and an audible warning when carbon monoxide reaches 250
ppm.  The monitoring equipment shall be located so that measured carbon
monoxide levels are representative of those to which lane operators are

The lane doors may be closed while vehicle tests are being conducted only if
a system which removes exhaust products from the vehicle is in use when the
lane door is closed.

If carbon monoxide levels reach 250 ppm, for longer than 30 seconds, no
further vehicles will be allowed to enter the station until carbon monoxide
levels fall below 250 ppm.

8.Office: The station office shall provide the following:
A.A public restroom.
B.Local public telephone service.
C.Response to customer inquiries and complaints in person and over the
telephone during business hours. A recorded message may be used during
operating hours only if it does not exceed 60 seconds and instructs the
caller on how to call station personnel.  Two telephone lines must be
reserved for incoming public calls at all times.


D.Ecology public information materials.
E.Certificates of acceptance.

9.Electric Power Outlets: Each station shall provide electric power outlets
in each inspection lane and at an external location suitable for use by
Ecology personnel to diagnosis vehicles that have failed an inspection
conducted by the Contractor using state equipment.  These electric power
outlets shall be on a separate 15 ampere circuit.

5.3.3 Shop Drawings
In response to this Invitation to Bid, the bidder must submit a typical
schematic shop drawing of each site and inspection station and an artist's
conception of building and site. Detailed construction plans and blueprints
are not required.

5.3.4 State Sales Tax
The Contractor shall pay State retail sales taxes on all purchases of
materials equipment and supplies used or consumed in the performance of the


5.4.1 General Requirements
The emission standards, test procedures, and vehicle inspection data handling
procedures, established in WAC 173-422 as presently written or as may be
amended shall be used by the Contractor with these exceptions:

1. The maximum opacity readings of gasoline vehicles during the test need
only be obtained if the vehicle exhaust is noticeable as the vehicle enters
the inspection lane. These vehicles will not be failed for exceeding the
opacity standards until the Contractor is notified to do so by the State.

2. Checks of the vehicle's onboard diagnostic system will be included in the
inspection of 1994 and later model gasoline vehicles. Computerized test
equipment which connects directly with the vehicle's onboard diagnostic
system must be used to collect this information. Any problem detected shall
be considered as indicating the emission control systems are not operating
properly and the vehicle will have failed the inspection.

3. Transient exhaust testing shall be conducted using equipment and
procedures acceptable to the Environmental Protection Agency. (See Appendix G
for the current EPA requirements)

4. The opacity test readings of both diesel and gasoline vehicles and the
pass or fail result must be determined, printed and recorded using an
automated system.


5. All gasoline vehicles under 8500 GVWR except constant four wheel drive
vehicles shall be tested using the Loaded Test sequence.Vehicles which appear
to be unsafe to test may be rejected and no fee collected. The Contractor may
use the initial idle mode procedures of the two speed test sequence prior to
the loaded mode of the loaded test sequence instead of the idle mode
following the loaded mode if the vehicle passes the initial idle mode.

6. No vehicle shall fail the inspection due to an missing or inoperative"
primary emission control component" or incorrect replacement engine until
June 1, 1995 or 24 months following the start date which ever is later.
However the results of the equipment check shall be recorded on the
inspection form provided the vehicle operator and included in the monthly
report as of the start date.

5.4.2 Emission Standards Variations
The emissions standards established in WAC 173-422 are subject to change in
the number and types of vehicle classifications and emission levels. The
Contractor should design their data handling system to be able to
accommodate, without additional cost to the State, changes of the emission
standards during the contract period and to allow the classes of vehicles for
which emission standards are set to vary up to ten.

5.4.3 Certificates of Acceptance
The Contractor is required to visually inspect the vehicle to verify to the
extent possible that the stated repairs have been made and that any emission
control equipment installed by the vehicle manufacturer or an aftermarket
replacement which is acceptable to the state of California or the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency is installed and operative. On 1994 and newer
model gasoline vehicles this inspection shall include a check of the
vehicle's onboard diagnostic system.

The Contractor personnel inspecting vehicles before a certificate of
acceptance is issued must be able to pass the examination required to become
an Ecology authorized emission specialist annually. These personnel must be
available at each inspection station during all operating hours.


5.5.1 Hours of Operation
The stations shall be open to the public Monday through Saturday.

The required hours of operation shall be from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday,
Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Wednesday and 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
on Saturday.


Vehicles waiting to be inspected at closing time shall be inspected.

The inspection stations may close on legal holidays as established by State
Statute RCW 1.16.050; with the exception that the day immediately preceding
Christmas Day will be observed as a holiday in lieu of the day immediately
following Thanksgiving Day.

The observed holidays could therefore be:

New Years Day                          January 1
Martin Luther King Day                 3rd Monday in January
President's Day                        3rd Monday in February
Memorial Day                           Last Monday in May
Independence Day                       July 4
Labor Day                              First Monday in September
Veteran's Day                          November 11
Thanksgiving Day                       4th Thursday in November
Christmas                              December 24, 25

Whenever any legal holiday, other than Sunday, falls upon a Sunday, the
following Monday shall be the legal holiday.  Whenever any legal holiday
falls upon a Saturday, the preceding Friday shall be the legal holiday.

5.5.2 Training/Procedures
The Contractor shall adequately train their personnel to perform their
required tasks.  This training shall include, but need not be limited to, the

1.The causes and effects of air pollution,

2.The purpose,function and goal of the inspection program,

3.Inspection regulations and procedures,

4.The rationale for each portion of the inspection procedure,

5.The function of each emission control system,its configuration and its
proper inspection (Note that only a visual check that would detect missing,
disconnected or otherwise inoperative emission control equipment or incorrect
replacement engines is required. No engine components are to be removed or

6.The operation,calibration,and maintenance of the test equipment

7.Quality control procedures and their purpose


8.Public relations

9.Safety and health issues related to the inspection process

10.Emergency procedures including first aid and CPR

Before a trainee can conduct an inspection without assistance, the trainee
must pass (a minimum of 80% correct responses) a written test covering all
aspects of the training and demonstrate the ability to conduct ten proper
inspections without assistance. Ecology shall be notified of any scheduled
training and may elect to monitor or participate in any portion of the
training. Also at any time a Ecology Representative may conduct either a
written or hands on test to determine if an inspector is truly qualified.

A copy of the training manual must be submitted for approval to the
Department of Ecology at least one month prior to public inspections and all
procedure changes thereafter shall be noted in the training manual and the
revisions forwarded to the Department of Ecology.

While any Contractor personnel trained to conduct inspections may do,
equipment check, that detect missing,disconnected or inoperative mission
control equipment or an incorrect replacement engine must be verified by a
member of the Contractor staff qualified to issue an certificate of

5.5.3 Interface with Auto Repair Industry
Ecology shall be responsible for all contact with automotive repair
businesses. The Contractor shall refer all inquiries regarding repairs and
repair business performance to the Department of Ecology, with the following
exception: In each zone the Contractor shall track the performance of each
Ecology authorized emission specialist as measured by the percentage of
successful reinspection over the previous six months. When the number of
reinspection in a zone indicate repair work by ten or more specialists exceed
12 each during the previous six months the Contractor shall print a list of
these specialists. The list shall include information provided by Ecology;
the specialist's name and their employer's name, address and phone number.
This list shall be accessible to the public at each inspection station in
that zone without assistance from the station staff.This listing shall be
updated monthly and any alterations or notations made only with Ecology's

5.5.4 Consumer Comments
Forms for the consumer to register comments regarding the operation of the
inspection station must be available to each driver. A sign with lettering at
least one inch high stating this fact must be readable by the vehicle
operator.  Any specific complaints shall be responded to in writing and
resolved by the


Contractor if possible.  The Contractor shall respond within five (5) working 
days with a copy to Ecology.

A complaint file with response and any action taken must be maintained by the
Contractor within the state of Washington.  This file must be available for
inspection by the State during normal business hours.

5.5.5 Contractor Personnel Attire
Whenever the contractor personnel are in contact with the public, uniform
dress and name tags shall be required by the Contractor.

5.5.6 Safety
Contractor to comply with all local, state and federal safety standards.

5.5.7 Cooperation with the Department of Ecology
The Contractor will be required to cooperate with Ecology by;
1.distributing or allowing the distribution of materials related to motor
vehicle emissions to the motorist.  These materials may include notices,
survey forms, and public education material,

2.providing storage for Ecology audit gases and test equipment at the

3.allowing Ecology staff to meet at a station vehicle owners with their
vehicles to diagnosis using state equipment what caused -these vehicles to
have failed an inspection conducted by the Contractor (Ecology staff may
choose any inspection lane or external location to diagnosis vehicles),

4.providing refunds (from the State's portion of the fee collected) to any
customer at Ecology's written direction without additional charge to the

5.devising a means of testing any vehicle that is missing some portion of the
exhaust pipe beyond the muffler when so directed by an Ecology

6.retaining all inspection information as it is collected in an automated
database for at least 30 months. This real time database shall be available
via four active direct dial access to Ecology.

7.issuing a temporary certificate of acceptance when authorized to do so by
an Ecology representative. The Contractor shall complete and maintain on file
for 45 days an temporary extension form provided by Ecology. After 45 days
these forms shall be mailed to Ecology if the customer has not returned for a


8.allowing meetings between station personnel and an Ecology representative,

9.obtaining listing of the inspection station telephone number in both the
white and yellow pages of the telephone company directory of the primary area
served by that inspection station, and listed as "Washington State Motor
Vehicle Emission Inspection Station,"

10.providing any required material to Ecology's office in Olympia at the
Contractor's expense unless other arrangements are agreed to by Ecology,

11.transmitting electronically on a realtime basis the Washington license
number of vehicles meeting the inspection requirements to Ecology or the
Department of Licensing automated data base in Thurston County. This data
submittal must in a data structure( data type and format) approved by Ecology
or the Department of Licensing,

12.conduct transient exhaust testing in addition-to any steady state loaded
test conducted in a lane equipped to do so except when all lanes at that
station are staffed to inspect vehicles,and

13.include the transient test readings in the monthly data report with the
corresponding regular steady state loaded test readings provided the vehicle

5.5.8 Gratuities
The Contractor shall not extend any loan, gratuity or gift of money in any
form whatsoever to an employee of the State, nor rent or purchase any
equipment or materials from an employee of the State. Prior to operation of
the inspection station(s) and annually thereafter, the Contractor shall
execute and furnish the Contract Administrator an affidavit certifying
compliance with this contract provision.


5.6.1 Monthly Activity Report
The Contractor will submit monthly activity reports to the Contract
Administrator with a copy to Ecology.  These activity reports shall outline
the Contractor's activities for the month previous, any delays, problems,
differences of interpretation, and resolution of any past problems.The first
activity report shall be submitted one month after the contract is awarded
and each month thereafter.

5.6.2 Monthly Operations Report


Commencing with the operation of the inspection station(s), the Contractor
will submit monthly reports within 10 working days of the end of the month to
Ecology. The following information shall be reported for each inspection
station and for each inspection lane separately for gasoline and diesel
vehicles.The data storage system should be designed to retrieve and summarize
this information.

1.Total initial inspections made
2.Total vehicles passing initial inspection
3.Total vehicles failing initial inspection
4.Total reinspections made
5.Total vehicles passing reinspection
6.Total vehicles failing reinspection
7.Total vehicles issued certificates of acceptance
8.Total vehicles failing the equipment check and number for each cause
9.Total lane and station down time
10.Total paid inspections
11.Total inspections

5.6.3 Inspection Data Reporting Requirements
The Contractor shall electronically submit to Ecology all collected
inspection data daily at a time and location approved by Ecology.

The Contractor shall also, upon request,furnish to Ecology all inspection
data collected during a given time period on ASCII formatted(1600 bpi) 9
track magnetic tape(s).

The data structure (data type and record format) of all data submittal, and
the equipment used to transmit the data used by the Contractor must either be
those to be established by Ecology or expressly preapproved by Ecology. Each
data submittal must include the number of each data record item transmitted.
All costs of these data submittal shall be the sole responsibility of the

5.6.4 Retention of Certificates
A copy of all certificates issued shall be retained by the contractor for at
least twelve months.

5.6.5 Acceptance Testing
The Contractor will propose acceptance testing procedures to demonstrate that
the inspection, testing and data handling equipment can meet all operational
requirements and all bid specifications at each station. The proposed
procedures shall be provided to Ecology within 120 days of contract award.


The procedures shall include a description of the inspection and test methods
to be employed in demonstrating specified performance for each item of
equipment. The procedure will also include checklists indicating acceptable
or unacceptable test results or inspections needed to demonstrate compliance
with design specifications.

The Contractor must be prepared to conduct acceptance tests 45 days prior to
the scheduled start date at one inspection station in each zone and at all
stations 15 days prior to the scheduled start date. Ecology must have
expressly approved the final acceptance test procedures and agreed to the
proposed dates before acceptance testing begins.



The Contractor is accountable and responsible for the collection of all
inspection fees.

All fees collected in excess of the approved contract price are due the State
and will be deposited daily into a federally insured financial institution.
No later than Friday of each week, all fees due the State from the
Contractor, resulting from all inspections conducted through the previous
Sunday, shall be transferred to the State Treasurer's Concentration Account
via wire transfer. Details on how to process a wire transfer will be provided
to the Contractor by Ecology.

For the first six months inspection fees are collected, whenever an amount is
transferred to the State Treasurer an equal amount shall be deposited in a
joint escrow account with a bank or saving and loan institution of their
choice, provided that it is regulated by the State of  Washington. The Escrow
Agreement is to be executed on State form 05P - FL. 786,1 - 3l - 90 "ESCROW

The sums deposited therein shall remain in escrow for the duration of the
contract and may be withdrawn at any time by the State for failure of the
Contractor to submit residual payments on time or meet other contractual
obligations including interest at one percent per month on any balance due,
if the contractor is over thirty days late in transferring funds. In The
event of termination for breach, all funds in the account will be withdrawn
by the State to partially compensate the State for the costs of obtaining a
replacement Contractor(s) including any increase in the portion of the
inspection fee to be retained by the Contractor(s). Additionally such
withdrawal shall not limit the States' right to any other remedy provided in
the contract or by law. The Contract Administrator shall approve total


of the account upon termination or completion of the contract if
all obligations of the Contractor both financial and otherwise have been

The State shall have the right to audit the Contractor's records and
recordkeeping system and procedures to substantiate that the Contractor has
properly collected and accounted for the proper amount.  The Contractor shall
be required to furnish copies of relevant reports, financial statements, and
other information which may be reasonably requested by the State in carrying
out said audits.  If as the result of an audit any discrepancies are found,
the Contractor shall be provided adequate time to respond 
to said discrepancies.


Pre-numbered vehicle emission inspection forms will be furnished by Ecology
without charge.  For audit purposes, all of the forms must be accounted for
including voided and damaged forms.  The Contractor may be required to accept
shipment of up to 100,000 inspection forms per station at any one time.The
Contractor is solely responsible for the disposal or recycling of forms or
copies of forms no longer required. The Contractor may be required to
increase the amount of funds transferred to the State Treasurer by $500 for
each stolen,missing or unaccounted form not reported missing when the
shipping carton containing the forms is opened by the Contractor. The
Contractor operating procedures shall require the shipping cartons to be
opened only in the presence of at least two of Contractors staff.


The state may at any time direct the Contractor to commence amended
performance. In such event, the Contractor or the State may be entitled to an
equitable adjustment in the contract price to reflect the changes costs,
fixed and variable,of amended performance. The Contractor shall not however
delay implementing amended performance pending agreement on any price

The state shall have the right to request detailed cost and pricing data to
audit the Contractor's books and records to verify the appropriateness of any
additional compensation due the Contractor. Material changes in inspection
procedures, contract provisions,and any changes in contract pricing shall be
documented in writing by issuance of a contract change notice by the contract



Any of the following occurrences will result in damage to the State:
(1) Failure to commence inspections on the scheduled start date.(2) Failure
to provide inspections after station open; (3) Questionable inspections; (4)
Excessive waiting times; (5) Failure to meet minimum staffing levels.  The
amount of such damages will be difficult to calculate.  Therefore, by
submitting a bid in response to this document, the Contractor agrees that, it
shall be entitled to reduced or no compensation, or pay liquidated damages,
as set forth below. It is agreed that such reduced compensation or liquidated
damages are a reasonable estimation of the actual damages to the State which
will result from the events specified, and shall not be viewed in any sense
as a penalty.

6.4.1 Failure to Meet Implementation Date
The State at any time may in writing demand adequate assurance that the
scheduled start date will be met at all inspection stations in a zone.

Should acceptable assurance not be forthcoming in a reasonable period of
time, the State may declare the contract in breach, and terminate the
contract. In such event, the Contractor shall remain liable to the State for
any damages it incurs as a result of such breach. Alternately the State may
elect to require the Contractor to pay liquidated damages to the State in the
amount of $1,000 for each working day after the scheduled start date for each
station for which it has not been notified in writing is ready to provide
inspection services pending satisfactory completion of acceptance testing.

The Contractor shall not however be required to pay liquidated damages for
delays beyond their reasonable control that are attributable solely to
extraordinary delays in obtaining local government approvals that were
unforeseen/unavoidable by the Contractor. In the event the Contractor
provides written notice and explanation of such delay and the State
subsequently deems the Contractor is due relief from liquidated damages an
extension of the inspection program scheduled start date will be granted
equal to the actual number of days attributable to the local government
delay. Such relief/extension will not be granted for normal time frames of
local jurisdictions for routine processing and approvals. An extension may
also be granted for any delay by the State in the award of contract(s) beyond
30 days from date of bid opening. Contractor(s) shall not be provided lost
revenue compensation for any extension period(s) granted.

The Contractor is required to provide monthly progress reports and immediate
written notice if the scheduled start date will not be met and submit a date
by which the Contractor will be ready to conduct inspections at all of its
inspections stations in a zone. 


Once the Contractor notifies the State the scheduled start date will be 
missed, or when the State has reason to believe the scheduled start date may 
be missed,the State reserves the right to establish a new start date for any 
zone until after the satisfactory completion of the acceptance testing of all 
the Contractors stations in that zone. The Contractor agrees not to hold the 
State liable for any revenue lost because of the new start dates.

6.4.2 Failure to Provide Inspections after Inspection Station 
After the inspection station is open to the public, the Contractor shall pay
liquidated damages at $125 for each whole hour the inspection station could
not provide inspections of gasoline powered vehicles during the required
operating hours.

6.4.3 Incorrect or Questionable Inspections
It is the Contractor's responsibility to correct any incorrect inspection
report.  If an incorrect inspection report results in an additional
inspection being performed, no additional payment will be collected from the
vehicle operator.

The Contractor will adjust the next weekly transfer of funds to the State
Treasurer by the following amounts when Ecology notifies the Contract in
writing that questionable inspections have been performed.

1.Analyzer Audit Failure:If Ecology audits determine that an analyzer exceeds
the tolerances for accuracy, drift,repeatability, response time, flow
restriction, or interference, all inspections performed since the last
Ecology audit or verified multipoint calibration (whichever is most recent)
will be considered questionable.

The Contractor shall pay liquidated damages to the State in the amount of
$250.00 for each Ecology analyzer audit failure.

2.Invalid Lanes: Payment will not be allowed for inspections performed at an
invalid lane. An invalid lane is a inspection location that at the time of
inspection: 1) Has not been formally accepted by Ecology during contract
acceptance testing; 2) Has been ordered closed in writing by an Ecology
representative for miscalibration or malfunction; 3) Has not undergone the
calibration requirements specified in WAC 173-422.

3.Incorrect Inspection Procedure: If the inspection was not performed
according to WAC 173-422 payment will not be allowed.

6.4.4 Excessive Waiting Time:
Waiting time is a measure of the Contractor's ability to serve the public. 
The average waiting time shall not exceed 15 minutes


whether vehicles are the inspection station or on the public street.  The 
Contractor shall be considered in violation of the contract whenever the 
average waiting time exceeded 15 minutes, or if the line of waiting vehicles 
extend onto the public street for more than 10 minutes, unless the Contractor 
can document all lanes were operational and fully staffed during the 30 
minute data collection period.

The payment to the Contractor for inspections conducted during each violation
of the 15 minute waiting time standard will be prorated using the utilization
factor determined by Ecology for that 30 minute data collection period.  (See
example calculations, Appendix F )

The Contractor will adjust the next weekly transfer of funds to the State
taking into account notice of violations and the prorated payments. These
payment adjustments apply only to waiting time violations of which any of the
Contractor personnel at the inspection station are notified in writing by an
Ecology representative that day.

6.4.5 Minimum Staffing Level:
During certain times and days of the month demand for inspections will be
much than at other times.  Historically there has been increased demand for
inspections during the last week of the month.  To ensure prompt service to
the public, the State may require that each inspection lane at an inspection
station be operational and individually staffed during any period. Each
period shall not be less than four hours and the total of these periods will
not exceed 48 hours at an inspection station in any month.

Thirty days advance written notice of required full staff periods will be
provided by the State to the Contractor.  Note: The office is required to be
staffed at all times, whether a required full staff period or not.  To the
extent possible, maintenance should not be scheduled during full staffing

The payment to the Contractor for inspections conducted during a required
full staff period, will be prorated (on the basis that the sum of all lanes
is equal to 1.00) if at any time during this period less than full staffing
is detected in any lane or the office.  Not staffing the office will be
considered a violation at any time equivalent to not staffing a lane during a
required full staff period.  If less than full staffing is detected, it will
be presumed to have existed since the station was required to be fully
staffed, or the end of the last observation by an Ecology representative,
whichever is later.  If the Contractor can demonstrate personnel to
individually staff each lane and the office were at the station and
inspections were being conducted


in all lanes during a period in question, then the required staffing 
requirements will be considered met for that period.

The Contractor will adjust the next transfer of funds to the State Treasurer
taking into account the notice of violations and the prorated payments.These
payment adjustments apply only to time periods of which any of the Contractor
personnel at the inspection station are notified in writing by an Ecology
representative of a staffing violation.

The successful bidder shall submit to the Contract Administrator a signed
affidavit that they have no financial interests in any automotive repair
business in the State of Washington nor will they become engaged in any such
enterprise during the life of the contract.

No other business shall be conducted by the Contractor or other party on the
station property. The contractor shall not allow automotive repair at the
station or at any property owned or controlled the Contractor by the public,
the Contractor, or any third party without Ecology approval unless minor
emergency service is needed.


                                     SECTION VI

                                     APPENDIX A 

                                 CHAPTER 70.120 RCW
                           MOTOR VEHICLE EMISSION CONTROL

70.120.010    Definitions.
70.120.020    Programs.
70.120.070    Vehicle inspections--Failed--Certificate of acceptance.
70.120.080    Vehicle inspections--Fleets.
70.120.100    Vehicle inspections--Complaints.
70.120.120    Rules.
70.120.130    Authority.
70.120.150    Vehicles emission standards--Designation of noncompliance
              areas and emission contributing areas.
70.120.160    Noncompliance areas--Annual review.
70.120.170    Motor vehicles inspections
              required--Fees--Results--Certificate of compliance.
70.120.180    Studies.
70.120.190    Used vehicles.
70.120.200    Engine conformance.
70.120.210    Clean-fuel performance and clean-fuel vehicle emissions
70.120.220    Clean fuel--Biennial report to legislature.
70.120.901    Captions not law.
70.120.902    Effective date--1989 c 240.

    RCW  70.120.010  DEFINITIONS.  Unless the context clearly requires
otherwise, the definitions in this section apply throughout this chapter.
    (1) "Department" means the department of ecology.
    (2) "Director" means the director of the department of ecology.
    (3) "Fleet" means a group of fifteen or more motor vehicles registered
in the same name and whose owner has been assigned a fleet identifier code by
the department of licensing.
    (4) "Motor vehicle" means any self-propelled vehicle required to be
licensed pursuant to chapter 46.16 RCW.
    (5) "Motor vehicle dealer" means a motor vehicle dealer, as defined in
RCW 46.70.011, that is licensed pursuant to chapter 46.70 RCW.
    (6) "Person" means an individual, firm, public or private corporation,
association, partnership, political subdivision of the state, municipality,
or governmental agency.
    (7) The terms "air contaminant," "air pollution," "air quality
standard," "ambient air," "emission," and "emission standard" have he
meanings given them in RCW 70.94.030. [1991 c 199 Section 201; 1979 ex.s. c
163 Section 1.]
    FINDING--1991 C 199:  See note following RCW 70.94.011.
70.94 through 70.94.906.
    SEVERABILITY--1979 EX.S. C 163:  "If any provision of this act or its
application to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the remainder of
the act or the application of the

provision to other persons or circumstances is not affected." 
[1979 ex.s. c 163 S 19.]

    RCW 70.120.020  PROGRAMS.  (EFFECTIVE UNTIL JANUARY 1, 1993.)  (1) The
department shall conduct the following programs in a manner that will enhance
the successful implementation of the air pollution control system established
for motor vehicles by this chapter:
    (a) A voluntary motor vehicle emissions inspection program;
    (b) A public educational program regarding the health effects of air
pollution emitted by motor vehicles; the purpose, operation, and effect of
emission control devices and systems; and the effect that proper maintenance
of motor vehicle engines has on fuel economy and air pollution emission; and
    (c) A public notification program identifying the geographic areas of
the state that are designated as being noncompliance areas and emission
contributing areas and describing the requirements imposed under this chapter
for those areas.
    (2)(a) The department, the superintendent of public instruction, and the
state board for community college education shall develop cooperatively,
after consultation with automotive trades joint apprenticeship committees
approved in accordance with RCW 49.04.040, a program for granting
certificates of instruction to persons who successfully complete a course of
study, under general requirements established by the director, in the
maintenance of motor vehicle engines, the use of engine and exhaust analysis
equipment, and the repair and maintenance of emission control devices. The
director may establish and implement procedures for granting certification to
persons who successfully complete other training programs or who have
received certification from private organizations which meet the requirements
established in this subsection.
    (b) The department shall make available to the public a list of those
persons who have received certificates of instruction under subsection (2)(a)
of this section. [1989 c 240 Section 5; 1979 ex.s. c 163 Section 2.]
    SEVERABILITY--1979 EX.S. C 163:  Sec note following RCW 70.120.010.

    RCW 70.120.020  PROGRAMS.  (EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 1993.) (1) The
department shall conduct a public educational program regarding the health
effects of air pollution emitted by motor vehicles; the purpose, operation,
and effect of emission control devices and systems; and the effect that
proper maintenance of motor vehicle engines has on fuel economy and air
pollution emission and a public notification program identifying the
geographic areas of the state that are designated as being noncompliance
areas and emission contributing areas and describing the requirements imposed
under this chapter for those areas.
    (2)(a) The department shall grant certificates of instruction to persons
who successfully complete a course of study, under general requirements
established by the director, in the maintenance of motor vehicle engines, the
use of engine and


exhaust analysis equipment, and the repair and maintenance of emission 
control devices.  The director may establish and implement procedures for 
granting certification to persons who successfully complete other training 
programs or who have received certification from public and private 
organizations which meet the requirements established in this subsection, 
including programs on clean fuel technology and maintenance.
    (b) The department shall make available to the public a list of those
persons who have received certificates of instruction under subsection (2)(a)
of this section. [1991 c 199 Section 202; 1989 c 240 Section 5; 1979 ex.s. c
163 Section 2.]
    INTENT--1991 C 199: "(1) It is the intent of the legislature that the
state take advantage of the best emission control systems available on new
motor vehicles. The department shall conduct a study to determine if
requiring new vehicles sold in the state to meet California vehicle emission
standards will provide a significant benefit to attainment of ambient air
quality standards in this state.  The department shall report the findings of
its study and its recommendations to the appropriate standing committees of
the legislature.  The department shall not adopt the California vehicle
emission standards unless authorized by the legislature.
    (2) In the event that California vehicle emission standards are adopted,
the department shall not include a program for in-use testing and recall of
vehicles required to meet California emission standards." [1991 c 199 Section
    FINDING--1991 C 199:  See note following RCW 70.94.011.
70.94.904 through 70.94.906.
    SEVERABILITY--1979 EX.S. C 163: See note following RCW 70.120.010.

(EFFECTIVE UNTIL JANUARY 1, 1993.) (1) Any person:
    (a) Whose motor vehicle is tested pursuant to this chapter and fails to
comply with the emission standards established for the vehicle; and
    (b) Who, following such a test, expends more than fifty dollars on a
1980 or earlier model year motor vehicle or expends more than one hundred
fifty dollars on a 1981 or later model year motor vehicle for repairs solely
devoted to meeting the emission standards and that are performed by a
certified emission specialist authorized by RCW 70.120.020(2)(a); and
    (c) Whose vehicle fails a retest, may be issued a certificate of
acceptance if (i) the vehicle has been in use for more than five years or
fifty thousand miles, and (ii) any component of the vehicle installed by the
manufacturer for the purpose of reducing emissions, or its appropriate
replacement, is installed and operative.
    (d) To receive the certificate, the person must document compliance with
(b) and (c) of this subsection to the satisfaction of the department.
    (2) Persons who fail the initial tests shall be provided with
information regarding the availability of federal warranties


and certified emission specialists. 
[1989 c 240 Section 6; 1980 c 176 Section 4; 1979 ex.s. c 163 Section 7.]

    SEVERABILITY--1979 EX.S. C 163:  See note following RCW 70.120.010.

(EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1. 1993.)  (1) Any person:
    (a) Whose motor vehicle is tested pursuant to this chapter and fails to
comply with the emission standards established for the vehicle; and
    (b) Who, following such a test, expends more than one hundred dollars on
a 1980 or earlier model year motor vehicle or expends more than one hundred
fifty dollars on a 1981 or later model year motor vehicle for repairs solely
devoted to meeting the emission standards and that are performed by a
certified emission specialist authorized by RCW 70.120.020(2)(a); and
    (c) Whose vehicle fails a retest, may be issued a certificate of
acceptance if (i) the vehicle has been in use for more than five years or
fifty thousand miles, and (ii) any component of the vehicle installed by the
manufacturer for the purpose of reducing emissions, or its appropriate
replacement, is installed and operative.
    To receive the certificate, the person must document compliance with (b)
and (c) of this subsection to the satisfaction of the department.
    Should any provision of (b) of this subsection be disapproved by the
administrator of the United States environmental protection agency. all
vehicles shall be required to expend at least four hundred fifty dollars to
qualify for a certificate of acceptance.
    (2) Persons who fail the initial tests shall be provided with
information regarding the availability of federal warranties and certified
emission specialists. [1991 c 199 Section 203; 1989 c 240 Section 6; 1980 c
176 Section 4; 1979 ex.s. c 163 Section 7.]

    FINDING--1991 C 199:  See note following RCW 70.94.011.
70.94.904 through 70.94.906.
    SEVERABILITY--1979 ex.s. c 163: See note following RCW

1993.) The director may authorize an owner or lessee of a fleet of motor
vehicles, or the owner's or lessees agent, to inspect the vehicles in the
fleet and issue certificates of compliance for the vehicles in the fleet if
the director determines that:  (1) The directors emission and inspection
standards will be complied with; and (2) certificates will be issued only to
vehicles in the fleet and only when appropriate. [1979 ex.s. c 163 Section

    SEVERABILITY--1979 EX.S. C 163: See note following RCW 70.120.010.


    RCW 70.120.080  VEHICLE INSPECTIONS--FLEETS. (Effective January 1,
1993.)  The director may authorize an owner or lessee of a fleet of motor
vehicles, or the owner's or lessee's agent, to inspect the vehicles in the
fleet and issue certificates of compliance for the vehicles in the fleet if
the director determines that: (1) The director's inspection procedures will
be complied with; and (2) certificates will be issued only to vehicles in the
fleet that meet emission and equipment standards adopted under RCW 70.120.150
and only when appropriate.
    In addition, the director may authorize an owner or lessee of one or
more diesel motor vehicles with a gross vehicle weight rating in excess of
eight thousand five hundred pounds, or the owner's or lessee's agent, to
inspect the vehicles and issue certificates of compliance for the vehicles. 
The inspections shall be conducted in compliance with inspection procedures
adopted by the department and certificates of compliance shall only be issued
to vehicles that meet emission and equipment standards adopted under RCW
    The director shall establish by rule the fee for fleet or diesel
inspections provided for in this section. The fee shall be set at an amount
necessary to offset the department's cost to administer the fleet and diesel
inspection program authorized by this section.
    Owners, leaseholders, or their agents conducting inspections under this
section shall pay only the fee established in this section and not be subject
to fees under RCW 70.120.170(4). [1991 c 199 Section 205; 1979 ex.s. c 163
Section 8.]
    FINDING--1991 C 199:  See note following RCW 70.94.011.
70.94.904 through 70.94.906.
    SEVERABILITY--1979 EX.S. C 163:  See note following RCA 70.120.010.

    RCW 70.120.100  VEHICLE INSPECTION--COMPLAINTS. The department shall
investigate complaints received regarding the operation of emission testing
stations and shall require corrections or modifications in those operations
when deemed necessary.
    The department shall also review complaints received regarding the
maintenance or repairs secured by owners of motor vehicles for the purpose of
complying with the requirements of this chapter. When possible, the
department shall assist such owners in determining the merits of the
complaints. [1979 ex.s. c 163 Section 10.]
    SEVERABILITY--1979 EX.S. C 163: See note following RCW 70.120.010.

    RCW 70.120.120 RULES.  (EFFECTIVE UNTIL JANUARY 1, 1993.) The director
shall adopt rules implementing and enforcing this chapter and RCW
46.16.015(2)(g) in accordance with chapter 34.05 RCW. Notwithstanding the
provisions of chapter 34.05 RCW, any rule implementing and enforcing RCW
70.120.150(5) may not be adopted until it has been submitted to the standing
committees on ecology of the house of representatives and senate for review


approval.  The standing committees shall take into account when
considering proposed modifications of emission contributing boundaries, as
provided for in RCW 70.120.150(5), alternative plans for traffic rerouting
and traffic bans that may have been prepared by local municipal corporations
for the purpose of satisfying federal emission guidelines. [1989 c 240
Section 8; 1979 ex.s. c 163 Section 13.]
    SEVERABILITY--1979 EX.S. C 163: See note following RCW 70.120.010.

    RCW 70.120.120  RULES.  (EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 1993.)  The director shall
adopt rules implementing and enforcing this chapter in accordance with
chapter 34.05 RCW.  The department shall take into account when considering
proposed modifications of emission contributing boundaries, as provided for
in RCW 70. 120. 150(6), alternative transportation control and motor vehicle
emission reduction measures that are required by local municipal corporations
for the purpose of satisfying federal emission guidelines. [1991 c 199
Section 206; 1989 c 240 Section 8; 1979 ex.s. c 163 Section 13.]

    FINDING 1991 C 199: See note following RCW 70.94.011.
70.94.904 through 70.94 906.
    SEVERABILITY--1979 EX.S. C 163: See note following RCW

    RCW 70.120.130  AUTHORITY. The authority granted by this chapter to the
director and the department for controlling vehicle emissions is
supplementary to the department's authority to control air pollution pursuant
to chapter 70.94 RCW. [1979 ex.s. c 163 Section 14.]
    SEVERABILITY-1979 EX.S. C 163: See note following RCW 70. 120.010.

    (1) Shall adopt motor vehicle emission standards to ensure that no less
than seventy percent of the vehicles tested comply with the standards.
    (2) Shall designate a geographic area as being a "noncompliance area"
for motor vehicle emissions if (a) the department's analysis of the data,
recorded for a period of no less than one year, at the monitoring sites
indicates that the standard has or will probably be exceeded, and (b) the
department determines that the primary source of the contaminant being
monitored at the sites is motor vehicle emissions.
    (3) Shall reevaluate noncompliance areas if the United States
environmental protection agency modifies the relevant air quality standards,
and shall discontinue the program if compliance is indicated and if the
department determines that the area would continue to be in compliance after
the program is


discontinued. The director shall notify persons residing in
noncompliance areas of the reevaluation.
    (4) Shall analyze information regarding the motor vehicle traffic in a
noncompliance area to determine the smallest land area within whose
boundaries are present registered motor vehicles that contribute
significantly to the violation of motor vehicle-related air quality standards
in the noncompliance area. The director shall declare the area to be an
"emission contributing area."  An emission contributing area established for
a carbon monoxide or oxides of nitrogen noncompliance area must contain the
noncompliance area within its boundaries.  An emission contributing area
established for an ozone noncompliance area located in this state need not
contain the ozone noncompliance area within its boundaries if it can be
proven that vehicles registered in the area contribute significantly to
violations of the ozone air quality standard in he noncompliance area.  An
emission contributing area may be established in this state for violations of
federal air quality standards for ozone in an adjacent state if (a) the
United States environmental protection agency designates an area to be a
"nonattainment area for ozone" under the provisions of the federal Clean Air
Act (42 U.S.C. 7401 et. seq.), (b) the nonattainment area encompasses
portions of both Washington and the adjacent state, and (c) it can be proven
that vehicles registered in this state contribute significantly to the
violation of the federal air quality standards for ozone in the adjacent
state's portion of the nonattainment area.
    (5) Shall designate areas as being noncompliance areas or emission
contributing areas, and shall establish the boundaries of such areas by rule.
The director may also modify boundaries. In establishing the external
boundaries of an emission contributing area, the director shall use the
boundaries established for ZIP code service areas by the United States postal
    (6) May make grants to units of government in support of planning
efforts to reduce motor vehicle emissions n areas where emission control
inspections are not required.  [1989 c 240 Section 2.]

1, 1993.)  The director:
    (1) Shall adopt motor vehicle emission and equipment standards to: 
Ensure that no less than seventy percent of the vehicles tested, comply with
the standards on the first inspection conducted, meet federal clean air act
requirements, and protect human health and the environment.
    (2) Shall adopt rules implementing the smoke opacity testing requirement
for diesel vehicles that ensure that such test is objective and repeatable
and that properly maintained engines that otherwise would meet the applicable
federal emission standards, as measured by the new engine certification test,
would not fail the smoke opacity test.
    (3) Shall designate a geographic area as being a noncompliance area' for
motor vehicle emissions if (a) the


department's analysis of emission and ambient air quality data, covering a 
period of no less than one year, indicates that the standard has or will 
probably be exceeded, and (b) the department determines that the primary 
source of the air contaminant is motor vehicle emissions.
    (4) Shall reevaluate noncompliance areas if the United States
environmental protection agency modifies the relevant air quality standards,
and shall discontinue the program if compliance is indicated and if the
department determines that the area would continue to be in compliance after
the program is discontinued. The director shall notify persons residing in
noncompliance areas of the reevaluation.
    (5) Shall analyze information regarding the motor vehicle traffic in a
noncompliance area to determine the smallest land area within whose
boundaries are present registered motor vehicles that contribute
significantly to the violation of motor vehicle-related air quality standards
in the noncompliance area. The director shall declare the area to be an
"emission contributing area." An emission contributing area established for a
carbon monoxide or oxides of nitrogen noncompliance area must contain the
noncompliance area within its boundaries. An emission contributing area
established for an ozone noncompliance area located in this state need not
contain the ozone noncompliance area within its boundaries if it can be
proven that vehicles registered in the area contribute significantly to
violations of the ozone air quality standard in the noncompliance area. An
emission contributing area may be established in this state for violations of
federal air quality standards for ozone in an adjacent state if (a) the
United States environmental protection agency designates an area to be a
"nonattainment area for ozone" under the provisions of the federal Clean Air
Act (42 U.S.C. 7401 et. seq.), and (b) it can be proven that vehicles
registered in this state contribute significantly to the violation of the
federal air quality standards for ozone in the adjacent state's nonattainment
    (6) Shall, after consultation with the appropriate local government
entities, designate areas as being noncompliance areas or emission
contributing areas, and shall establish the boundaries of such areas by rule.
The director may also modify boundaries. In establishing the external
boundaries of an emission contributing area, the director shall use the
boundaries established for ZIP code service areas by the United States postal
    (7) May make grants to units of government in support of planning
efforts to reduce motor vehicle emissions. [1991 c 199 Section 207; 1989 c
240 Section 2.]
    FINDING--1991 C 199:  See note following RCW 70.94.011.
70.94.904 through 70.94.906.

    RCW 70.120.160  NONCOMPLIANCE AREA--ANNUAL REVIEW. (1) The director
shall review annually the air quality and forecasted air quality of each area
in the state designated as a noncompliance area for motor vehicle emissions.


    (2) An area shall no longer be designated as a noncompliance area if the
director determines that:
    (a) Air quality standards for contaminants derived from motor vehicle
emissions are no longer being violated in the noncompliance area; and
    (b) The standards would not be violated if the emission inspection
system in the emission contributing area was discontinued and the
requirements of RCW 46.16-.015 no longer applied. [1989 c 240 Section 3.]

1, 1993.) (1) The department shall administer a system for biennial
inspection of emissions of all motor vehicles registered within the
boundaries of each emission contributing area.  Persons residing within the
boundaries of an emission contributing area shall register their motor
vehicle within that area, unless business reasons require registration
outside the area. Requests for exemption from inspection for business reasons
shall be reviewed and approved by the director.
    (2) The director shall:
    (a) Adopt procedures for conducting emission tests for motor vehicles.
The tests shall include idle and high revolution per minute tests.
    (b) Adopt criteria for calibrating emission testing equipment.
Electronic equipment used to test for emissions standards provided for in
this chapter shall be properly calibrated.  The department shall examine
frequently the calibration of the emission testing equipment used at the
    (c) Authorize, through contracts, the establishment and operation of
inspection stations for conducting the vehicle emission tests authorized in
this chapter. No person contracted to inspect motor vehicles may perform for
compensation repairs on any vehicles.  No public body may establish or
operate contracted inspection stations.  Any contracts must be let in
accordance with the procedures established for competitive bids in chapter
43.19 RCW.
    (3) Subsection (2)(c) of this section does not apply to volunteer motor
vehicle inspections under RCW 70.120.020(1)(a) if the inspections are
conducted for the following purposes:
    (a) Auditing;
    (b) Contractor evaluation;
    (c) Collection of data for establishing calibration and performance
standards; or
    (d) Public information and education.
    (4) (a) The director shall establish by rule the fee to be charged for
emission inspections.  The inspection fee shall be a standard fee applicable
state-wide or throughout an emission contributing area and shall be no
greater than eighteen dollars. Surplus moneys collected from fees over the
amount due the contractor shall be paid to the state and deposited in the
general fund.  Fees shall he set at the minimum whole dollar amount required
to (i) compensate the contractor, and (ii) offset


the general fund appropriation to the department to cover the administrative 
costs of the motor vehicle emission inspection program.
    (b) Before each inspection, a person whose motor vehicle is to be
inspected shall pay to the inspection station the fee established under this
section. The person whose motor vehicle is inspected shall receive the
results of the inspection test.  If the inspected vehicles emissions comply
with the standards established by the director, the person shall receive a
dated certificate of compliance.  If the inspected vehicle's emissions do not
comply with those standards, one retest of the vehicles emission shall he
afforded without charge.
    (5) All units of local government and agencies of the state with motor
vehicles garaged or regularly operated in an emissions contributing area
shall test the emissions of those vehicles biennially to ensure that the
vehicle's emissions comply with the emission standards established by the
director.  A report of the results of the tests shall he submitted to the
department. [1989 c 240 Section 4.]
         RCW 70.120.170  MOTOR VEHICLE EMISSION
VEHICLES.  (EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 1993.) (1) The department shall administer a
system for emission inspections of all motor vehicles registered within the
boundaries of each emission contributing area.  Under such system a motor
vehicle shall be inspected biennially except where an annual program would be
required to meet federal law and prevent federal sanctions. In addition,
motor vehicles shall be inspected at each change of registered owner of a
licensed vehicle.
    (2) The director shall:
    (a) Adopt procedures for conducting emission inspections of motor
vehicles. The inspections may include idle and high revolution per minute
emission tests. The emission test for diesel vehicles shall consist solely of
a smoke opacity test.
    (b) Adopt criteria for calibrating emission testing equipment.
Electronic equipment used to test for emissions standards provided for in
this chapter shall be properly calibrated. The department shall examine
frequently the calibration of the emission testing equipment used at the
    (c) Authorize, through contracts, the establishment and operation of
inspection stations for conducting vehicle emission inspections authorized in
this chapter. No person contracted to inspect motor vehicles may perform for
compensation repairs on any vehicles. No public body may establish or operate
contracted inspection stations. Any contracts must be let in accordance with
the procedures established for competitive bids in chapter 43.19 RCW.
    (3) Subsection (2)(c) of this section does not apply to volunteer motor
vehicle inspections under RCW 70.120.020(1) if the inspections are conducted
for the following purposes:
    (a) Auditing;
    (b) Contractor evaluation;


    (c) Collection of data for establishing calibration and performance
standards; or
    (d) Public information and education.
    (4)(a) The director shall establish by rule the fee to be charged for
emission inspections. The inspection fee shall be a standard fee applicable
state-wide or throughout an emission contributing area and shall be no
greater than eighteen dollars. Surplus moneys collected from fees over the
amount due the contractor shall be paid to the state and deposited in the
general fund. Fees shall be set at the minimum whole dollar amount required
to (i) compensate the contractor or inspection facility owner, and (ii)
offset the general fund appropriation to the department to cover the
administrative costs of the motor vehicle emission inspection program.
    (b) Before each inspection, a person whose motor vehicle is to be
inspected shall pay to the inspection station the fee established under this
section. The person whose motor vehicle is inspected shall receive the
results of the inspection. If the inspected vehicle complies with the
standards established by the director, the person shall receive a dated
certificate of compliance. If the inspected vehicle does not comply with
those standards, one reinspection of the vehicle shall be afforded without
    (5) All units of local government and agencies of the state with motor
vehicles garaged or regularly operated in an emissions contributing area
shall test the emissions of those vehicles annually to ensure that the
vehicles emissions comply with the emission standards established by the
director. All state agencies outside of emission contributing areas with more
than twenty motor vehicles housed at a single facility or contiguous
facilities shall test the emissions of those vehicles annually to ensure that
the vehicles' emissions comply with standards established by the director. A
report of the results of the tests shall be submitted to the department.
[1991 c 199 Section 208:1989 c 240 Section 4.]

    FINDING--1991 C 199: See note following RCW 70.94.011.
70.94.904 through 70.94.906.

    RCW 70.120.180 STUDIES. (1) The department shall identify expected
carbon monoxide emission trends over the next five years after January 1,
1990, without the motor vehicle emission program and report to the
appropriate standing committees of the legislature by January 1, 1991.
    (2) The department shall examine available testing data to determine
vehicle subpopulations and incremental emission increases associated with
subpopulations failing the emission test.  This information shall be reported
to the appropriate standing committees of the legislature by January 1, 1992.
[1989 c 240 Section 10.]

    RCW 70.120.190  USED VEHICLES. (1) Motor vehicle dealers selling a used
vehicle not under a new vehicle warranty shall


include a notice in each vehicle purchase order form that reads as follows:  
"The owner of a vehicle may be required to spend up to (a dollar amount 
established under RCW 70.120.070) for repairs if the vehicle does not meet 
the vehicle emission standards under this chapter.  Unless expressly 
warranted by the motor vehicle dealer, the dealer is not warranting that this 
vehicle will pass any emission tests required by federal or state law."
    (2) The signature of the purchaser on the notice required under
subsection (1) of this section shall constitute a valid disclaimer of any
implied warranty by the dealer as to a vehicle's compliance with any emission
    (3) The disclosure requirement of subsection (1) of this section applies
to all motor vehicle dealers located in counties where state emission
inspections are required. [1991 c 199 Section 210.]

    FINDING--1991 C 199:  See note following RCW 70.94.011.
70.94.904 through 70.94.906.

    RCW 70.120.200  ENGINE CONFORMANCE. Engine manufacturers shall certify
that new engines conform with current exhaust emission standards of the
federal environmental protection agency. [1991 c 199 Section 211.]  
    FINDING 1991 C 199:  See note following RCW 70.94.011.
70.94.904 through 70.94.906.

SPECIFICATIONS. By July 1, 1992, the department shall develop, in cooperation
with the departments of general administration and transportation, and the
state energy office, aggressive clean-fuel performance and clean-fuel vehicle
emissions specifications including clean-fuel vehicle conversion equipment.
To the extent possible, such specifications shall be equivalent for all fuel
types. In developing such specifications the department shall consider the
requirements of the clean air act and the findings of the environmental
protection agency, other states, the American petroleum institute, the gas
research institute, and the motor vehicles manufacturers association. [1991 c
199 Section 212.]
    FINDING--1991 C 199: See note following RCW 70.94.011.
70.94.904 through 70.94.906.
Clean-fuel grants:  RCW 70.94.960.

department, in cooperation with the departments of general administration and
transportation, the utilities and transportation commission, and the state
energy office, shall biennially prepare a report to the legislature starting
July 1, 1992, on:


    (1) Progress of clean fuel and clean-fuel vehicle programs in reducing
automotive emissions;
    (2) Recommendations for enhancing clean-fuel distribution systems;
    (3) Efforts of the state, units of local government, and the private
sector to evaluate and utilize "clean fuel" or "clean-fuel vehicles"; and
    (4) Recommendations for changes in the existing program to make it more
effective and, if warranted, for expansion of the program. [1991 c 199
Section 215.]
    FINDING--1991 C 199: See note following RCW 70.94.011.
70.94.904 through 70.94.906.

    RCW 70.120.901  CAPTIONS NOT LAW. Section headings as used in this act
do not constitute any part of law. [1989 c 240 Section 11.]

    RCW 70.120.902 EFFECTIVE DATE--1989 C 240.  This act shall take effect
January 1, 1990. [1989 c 240 Section 14.]


                                     SECTION VI

                                     APPENDIX B

                                CHAPTER 173-422 WAC

173-422-010    Purpose.
173-422-020    Definitions.
173-422-030    Vehicle emission inspection requirement.
173-422-035    Registration requirements.
173-422-040    Noncompliance areas.
173-422-050    Emission contributing areas.
173-422-060    Emission standards.
173-422-070    Test procedures.
173-422-080    Vehicle inspection data handling procedures.
173-422-090    Exhaust analyzer specifications.
173-422-100    Testing equipment maintenance and calibration.
173-422-110    Data system requirements.
173-422-120    Quality assurance.
173-422-130    Inspection fees.
173-422-140    Inspection forms and certificates.
173-422-145    Fraudulent certificates of compliance/acceptance.
173-422-150    Inspection personnel requirements.
173-422-160    Fleet and government vehicle testing requirements.
173-422-170    Exemptions.
173-422-175    Fraudulent exemptions.
173-422-180    Air quality standards.
173-422-190    Emission specialist certification.
173-422-195    Listing of certified emission specialists.

     WAC 173-422-010 PURPOSE. This chapter implements the Washington Clean
Air Act. chapter 70.94 RCW, as supplemented by the motor vehicle emission
inspection provisions codified as chapter 70.120 RCW.

     Motor vehicles are the primary emitters of carbon monoxide and emit
significant quantities of hydrocarbons and oxides of nitrogen. Emission
controls required by the federal government are designed to reduce motor
vehicle related air pollution. However, the effectiveness of these controls
is substantially reduced through deterioration, maladjustment and tampering.
Motor vehicle emission inspection serves to identify high polluting vehicles
and to reduce emissions, when such can be accomplished at reasonable cost.
These rules establish the emission standards, testing procedures, and
associated activities necessary to implement a program of air pollution
prevention and control involving motor vehicle emission inspections.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 70-.120.120, 43.21A.080, 70.94.331 and
70.94.141(1). 83- 23-115 (Order DE 83-31), Section 173-422-010, filed
11/23/83, effective 1/2/84. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.120.120. 80-03-070
(Order DE 79-35), Section 173-422-010, filed 2/28/80.]


     WAC 173-422-020 DEFINITIONS. Unless a different meaning is clearly
indicated by context, the following definitions will apply:
     (1) "Accuracy" means the degree of correctness by which the true value
of a measured sample is determined.
     (2) "Calibration gases" mean a blend of hydrocarbon (propane), carbon
monoxide (CO), and carbon dioxide using nitrogen as carrier gas. The
concentrations are to be traceable to within two percent of NBS standards.
     (3) "Certificate of acceptance" means an official form, issued by
someone authorized by the department, which certifies that all of the
following conditions have been met: The recipient's  vehicle initially failed
to comply with applicable emission standards, the recipient has provided
original receipts proving that more than fifty dollars or one hundred fifty
dollars on a 1981 or later model motor vehicle were spent after the first
test and before the final test on repairs performed by a "certiFied emission
specialist" solely to meet emission standards, the vehicle on final
reinspection again failed to meet such standards, and the repair information
section of the test report has been completed and the vehicle has been in use
for more than five years or fifty thousand miles, and any component of the
vehicle installed by the manufacturer for the purpose of reducing emissions,
or its appropriate replacement, is installed and operative.
     (4) "Certificate of compliance" means an official form, issued by
someone authorized by the department, which certifies that the recipients
vehicle on inspection complied with applicable emission standards.
     (5) "Certified emission specialist" means an individual who has been
issued a certificate of instruction by the department as authorized in RCW
70.120.020(2)(a) and has maintained the certification by meeting requirements
old WAC 173-422-190(2).
     (6) "Dealer" means a motor vehicle dealer, as defined in RCW 46.70.011,
that is licensed pursuant to chapter 46.70 RCW.
     (7) "Department" means the department of ecology.
     (8) "Drift" means the change in the reading of the analyzer to a given
sample over a period of time with no adjustment to the analyzer having been
made between the initial and final measurements.
     (9) "Emission contributing area" means a land area within whose
boundaries are registered motor vehicles that contribute significantly to the
violation of motor vehicle related air quality standards in a noncompliance
area. (The inspection program implemented by this chapter applies only to
vehicles registered in emission contributing areas.)
     (10) "Farm vehicle" means any vehicle other than a farm tractor or farm
implement which is designed and/or used primarily in agricultural pursuits on
firms for the purpose of transporting machinery, equipment, implements, farm
products, supplies, and/or farm labor thereon and is only incidentally
operated on or moved along public highways for the purpose of going from one
farm to another.


     (11) "Fleet" means a group of twenty-five or more motor vehicles owned
or leased concurrently by one person.
     (12) "Gaseous fuel" means liquefied petroleum gases and natural gases in
liquefied or gaseous forms.
     (13) "Gross vehicle weight (GVW)" means the manufacturer stated gross
vehicle weight rating.
     (14) "HC and CO emissions" means the concentration of hydrocarbons
(measured as n-hexane) and carbon monoxide in the engine exhaust.
     (15) "Motor vehicle" means any self-propelled vehicle required to be
licensed pursuant to chapter 46.16 RCW.
     (16) "Motorcycle" means every motor vehicle having a saddle for the use
of the rider and designed to travel on not more than three wheels in contact
with the ground, but excluding a farm tractor.
     (17) "NBS" means National Bureau of Standards.
     (18) "Noncompliance area" means a land area within whose boundaries any
air quality standard for any air contaminant from the emissions of motor
vehicles will probably be exceeded.
     (19) "PPM" means parts per million by volume.
     (20) "Repeatability" means the ability of an analyzer to report the same
value for successive measurements of the same sample.
     (21) "Response" means how quickly there is a change in reading following
a change in concentration at the sample probe inlet.
     (22) "Sensitivity" means the smallest change in the value of a measured
sample that can be detected by the analyzer.
     (23) "Zero calibration gases" means air or nitrogen in which total
impurities do not exceed 0.01 percent. [Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.120
RCW. 90-06-062, Section 173-422-020. filed 3/6/90. effective 4/6/90.
Statutory Authority: RCW 70.120.120, 43.21A.080. 70.94.331 and 70.94.141(1).
83-23-115 (Order DE 83-31). Section 173-422-020, filed 11/23/83, effective
1/2/84. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.120.120. 80-03-070 (Order DE 79-35),
Section 173-422-020, filed 2/28/80.]

vehicles, not specifically exempted by WAC 173-422-170, which are registered
or reregistered within the boundaries of an emission contributing area, as
specified in WAC 173-422-050, are subject to the vehicle emission inspection
requirements of this chapter. Neither the department of licensing nor its
agents may issue or renew a motor vehicle license for any vehicle registered
in an emission contributing area, as that area is established under RCW
70.120.040, unless the application for issuance or renewal is: (1)
Accompanied by a valid certificate of compliance issued pursuant to RCW
70.120.060, 70.120.080, or 70.120.090 or a valid certificate of acceptance
issued pursuant to RCW 70.120.070; or (2) exempted from this requirement
pursuant to RCW 46.16.015(2). The certificates must have a date of validation
which is within ninety days of the date of application for the vehicle
license or license renewal. Certificates for fleet vehicles may have a date
of validation which is within twelve


months of the assigned license renewal date. [Statutory Authority: 
RCW 70.120.120, 43.21A.080, 70.94.331 and 70.94.141(1). 83-23-115 
(Order DE 83-31), Section 173-422-030, filed 11/23/83, effective 1/2/84.
Statutory Authority: RCW 70.120.120. 80-03-070 (Order DE 79 35),
Section 173-422-030, filed 2/28/80.]

     WAC 173-422-035 REGISTRATION REQUIREMENTS. (1) Persons residing in
emission contributing areas as defined under WAC 173-422-050 shall register
their motor vehicles within that area, unless business reasons require
registration outside of the area.
     (2) Any person who violates this section is subject to a civil penalty
not to exceed one hundred dollars.
     (3) Any civil penalty imposed by the department hereunder shall be
appealable to the pollution control hearings board as provided for in chapter
43.21 B RCW. [Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.120 RCW. 90-06-062. Section
173-422-035, filed 3/6/90, effective 4/6/90.]

     WAC 173-422-040 NONCOMPLIANCE AREAS. The following areas are designated
noncompliance areas for the air contaminants specified: Carbon monoxide
     (1) The city of Seattle.
     (2) The city of Bellevue.
     (3) The city of Spokane.
     (4) The city of Tacoma.
     (5) The city of Vancouver.
     (6) The city of Yakima.
     (7) The city of Everett. [Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.120 RCW.
90-06-062. Section 173-422-040,filed 3/6/90, effective 4/6/90. Statutory
Authority: RCW 70.120.120, 43.21A.080, 70.94.331 and 70.94.141(1). 83-23-115
(Order DE 83-31), Section 173-422-040, filed 11/23/83, effective 1/2/84.
Statutory Authority: RCW 70.120-.120. 82-02-027 (Order DE 81-32), Section
173-422-040, filed 12/31/81: 80-03-070 (Order DE 79-35), Section 173-422-040,
filed 2/28/80.]

     WAC 173-422-050 EMISSION CONTRIBUTING AREAS. Emission contributing areas
within which the motor vehicle emission inspection program applies are
designated by the following United States Postal Service ZIP codes as of the
effective dates set forth below:

     (1) Puget Sound Region (effective January 1, 1982)

                  98004                         98039
                  98005                         98040
                  98006                         98041
                  98007                         98043
                  98008                         98046
                  98009                         98052
                  98011                         98053
                  98012                         98055
                  98020                         98056
                  98021                         98057


                  98027                         98062
                  98028                         98063
                  98033                         98072
                  98034                         98073
                  98036                         98083
                  98037                         98101 thru 98199,

                                                inclusive except 98110

     (2) Spokane Region (effective July 1, 1985)

                  99201                         99207
                  99202                         99208
                  99203                         99212
                  99204                         99216
                  99205                         99218

[Statutory Authority: RCW  70.120.120. 84-09-087 (Order DE 84-7), Section
173-422-050, filed 4/18/84. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.120.120, 43.21A.080,
70.94.331 and 70.94.141(1). 83-23-115 (Order DE 83-31), Section 173-422-050,
filed 11/23/83, effective 1/2/84. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.120.120.
82-02-027 (Order DE 81-32), Section 173-422-050, filed 12/31/81: 80-03-070
(Order DE 79-35), Section 173-422-050, filed 2/28/80.]

     WAC 173-422-060 EMISSION STANDARDS. Motor vehicles subject to this
chapter shall meet the following emission standards prior to receiving a
certificate of compliance.

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Year               CO(%)                    HC (ppm)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

68-74              6.0                      1000
75 and             3.0                       600

Except 1981 and later model vehicles manufactured with a catalytic converter
the standards are:

                   1.2                       220

[Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.120 RCW. 90-06-062, Section 173-422-060,
filed 3/6/90, effective 4/6/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.120.120,
43.21A.080, 70.94.331 and 70.94.141(1). 83-23-115 (Order DE 83-31), Section
173-22-060, filed 11/23/83, effective 1/2/84. Statutory Authority: RCW
70.120.120. 82-02-027 (Order DE 81-32), Section 173-422-060, filed 12/31/81;
80-03-070 (Order DE 79-35), Section 173-422-060, filed 2/28/80.]


     WAC 173-422-070  TEST PROCEDURES. All persons certified by, or under
contract to, the department to conduct motor vehicle emission inspections
shall use the following test procedures. Variations to the procedures
specified may be used if approved by the department after receipt of evidence
that such changes will not interfere with the validity of the test.
     (1) A two-speed (idle and 2500 rpm) test with the transmission in
neutral or park shall be used to measure vehicle exhaust emissions for carbon
monoxide, hydrocarbons, and carbon dioxide. A vehicle with an automatic
transmission may be tested in drive for the idle test if the idle rpm in
neutral or park exceeds 1200 rpm. However, the idle rpm as tested cannot
exceed 1200 rpm unless allowed to do so by the vehicle manufacturers
     (2) The engine shall be at normal operating temperature during the
emission test with all accessories off.
     (3) Any vehicle causing an unsafe condition, such as the continuous
leaking of any fluid onto the floor, may be rejected from the inspection
     (4) Vehicles shall be approximately level during the test.
     (5) Vehicles with more than one exhaust pipe shall be tested by sampling
each tail pipe and averaging the results, unless the exhaust pipes originate
from a common point in the exhaust system. Simultaneous sampling from
multiple exhaust pipes may also be used.
     (6) The following steps shall be taken to prevent excessive dilution.
The exhaust sample probe must be inserted at least ten inches into the tail
pipe. If this is not possible, an extension boot shall be used. The exhaust
emission test results shall not be recorded if the carbon dioxide
concentration does not meet or exceed five percent.
     (7) If the engine stalls during the test, the engine shall be restarted
and one additional attempt will be made to complete the test.
     (8) If a vehicle is capable of being operated with either gasoline or
gaseous fuels, the vehicle shall be tested using the fuel it is operating on
when it enters the testing facility.
     (9) If a multiple range analyzer is used, the exhaust analyzer range
shall be selected so that the standard for the vehicles being tested is
between twenty-five percent and seventy-five percent of full scale if
     (10) Before testing a 1981 and later model Ford Motor Company vehicle
with a gross vehicle weight of 8500 pounds or less, or a 1984 85 Honda
Prelude, the engine shill be turned off and then restarted.
     (11) Increase the engine speed to 2500 +300 rpm.
     (12) Insert the probe into the tailpipe. After at least thirty seconds
record the exhaust emissions averaged over the last five seconds.
     (13) Slowly reduce the engine speed to idle (less than 1200 rpm). After
at least thirty seconds or when the readings have stabilized at a level
meeting the emission standards record the exhaust emissions averaged over the
last five seconds.


     (14) When readings from multiple exhaust pipes are averaged, steps 10,
11, 12, and 13 shall be repeated for all exhaust pipes. [Statutory Authority:
Chapter 70.120 RCW. 90-06-062, Section 173-422-070, filed 3/6/90, effective
4/6/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.120.120, 43.21A.080, 70.94.331 and
70.94.141(1). 83-23-115 (Order DE 83-31), Section 173-422-070, filed
11/23/83, effective 1/2/84. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.120.120. 82-02-027
(Order DE 81-32). Section 173422-070, filed 12/31/81, 80-03-070 (Order DE
79-35), Section 173-422-070, filed 2/28/80.]

persons under contract to the state to conduct motor vehicle emission
inspections shall use the following data handling procedures.
     (1) The comparison of the test results with the state's emission
standards shall be automated.
     (2) The emission test results, the comparison with the states emission
standards, and certificates of compliance shall be automatically printed.
     (3) The required vehicle identification data shall be entered and
validated before the emission test is started.
     (4) Vehicle identification data flagged as incorrect by the established
validation checks shall be corrected before the emission test is started.
     (5) The emission test results shall be automatically printed.
     (6) All required data shall be automatically printed on the vehicle
inspection reports and stored on bulk storage devices.
     (7) In the case of data handling equipment problems, the vehicle
emission test reports and certificates of compliance may be manually
completed, but all the data is required to be included on the bulk storage
devices submitted to the department. [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.120.120.
43.21A.080. 70.94.331 and 70.94.141(1). 83-23-115 (Order DE 83-31). Section
173-422-080, filed 11/23/83, effective 1/2/84. Statutory Authority: RCW
70.120.120. 82-02-027 (Order DE 81-32). Section 173-422-080, filed 12/31/81;
(80-03-070 (Order DE 79-35). Section 173-422-080, filed 2/28/80.]

     WAC 173-422-090  EXHAUST ANALYZER SPECIFICATIONS. Only exhaust analyzers
meeting the following specifications at the time of certification testing may
be used for certification testing.  Any person authorized by the department
to certify vehicles is solely responsible for insuring that the testing
equipment is operating within the following specifications at the time of
certification testing.
     (1) Accuracy: The readings or the printed test results of the exhaust
analyzers compared to the true value of a measured sample shall have the
following accuracy tolerances.

               HC - Measured as n - hexane
               200 to 220 ppm      +/-15 ppm
               0 to 1000 ppm       +/-30 ppm
               1000 to 2000 ppm    +/-100 ppm


               1.0 to 1.2%         +/-0.1%
               0 to 5%;            +/-0.2%
               5 to 10%            +/-0.5%
               4 to 6%             +/-1%

     (2) Calibration: The analyzer shall have the capability of being
calibrated electronically and by gas.
     (3) Drift: The drift of the zero reading or any calibration reading of
each analyzer shall not exceed 15 ppm HC 0.1% CO or 0.5% CO2 in one hour.
     (4) Flow restriction indicator: The analyzer shall be operated within
manufacturer's specifications for sample flow. The sampling system shall be
equipped with a visual and/or audible warning that sample flow is not within
operating requirements.
     (5) Interference effects: Sampling the following concentrations of
noninterest gases shall not cause the HC reading to change +/-10 ppm: 15% CO2 in
N2, 10% CO in N2, 3000 ppm NO in N2, 10% O2 in N2, and 3% H2O vapor in air.
     Sampling the following concentrations of noninterest gases shall not
cause the CO2 reading to change +/-0.05%: 15% CO2 in N2, 1600 ppm HC in N2, 3000
ppm NO in N2, 10% 02 in N2, and 3% H2O vapor in air.
     Sampling the following concentrations of noninterest gases shall not
cause the CO: reading to change +/-0.05%: 1600 ppm HC in N2, 10% CO in N2, 3000
ppm NO in N2, 10% 02 in N2, and 3% H2O vapor in air.
     (6) Repeatability: The repeatability of the exhaust analyzers used shall
be within 10 ppm HC. 0.05% CO and 0.2% CO2 during five successive measurements
of the same sample.
     (7) Response: The response of the exhaust analyzers shall be at least
ninety-five percent of the final value within fifteen seconds.
     (8) Sensitivity: The sensitivity of each analyzer shall be equal to or
less than 10 ppm HC, 0.05% CO and 0.2% CO2.
     (9) Range of measurement: The analyzer shall have a range equal to or
greater than 0-2000 ppm HC (n-Hexane), 0 to 10% CO, and 0 to 6% CO2.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.120 RCW. 90-06-062. Section 173-422-090,
filed 3/6/90, effective 4/6/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.120.120,
43.21A.080, 70.94.331 and 70.94.141(1). 83-23-115 (Order DE 83-31), Section
173-422-090, filed 11/23/83, effective 1/2/84. Statutory Authority: RCW
70.120.120. 82-02-027 (Order DE 81-32). Section 173-422-090, filed 12/31/81,
80-03-070 (Order DE 79-35), Section 173-422-090, filed 2/28/80.]

Unless alternative procedures have been approved or required by the
department all equipment used in the inspection shall be calibrated and
maintained according to the manufacturer's specifications and
recommendations. Complete logs as approved by the department shall be kept
for maintenance, repair, and calibration.


     (2) The following procedures shall be followed by all testing facilities
unless equivalent procedures have been approved by the department. Exhaust
analyzers and all electronic components that could affect the gas
concentration results shall be warmed up for at least thirty minutes prior to
performing any test on equipment calibration, span, or zero checks:
     (a) Each test. Before each test can start, the exhaust analyzer readings
must be less than 10 ppm HC, 0.1% CO and 0.5% CO2. If during a test the
sampling system flow restriction indicator becomes activated, the test shall
bc stopped and restarted after the necessary repairs to the analyzer have
been completed.
     (b) Hourly check. The exhaust analyzer shall not be used to test
vehicles unless within an hour prior to the test it was spanned with a
calibration gas. The following procedure shall be used:
     (i) Adjust the exhaust analyzer to zero using ambient air or zero
calibration gas.
     (ii) Adjust the exhaust analyzer using the electronic span.
     (iii) Check the calibration of the exhaust analyzer using a calibration
gas of approximately twenty to forty percent of each range.
     (iv) Adjust and repair as necessary to insure the accuracy specified in
WAC 173-422-090.
     (c) Weekly check. The exhaust analyzer shall not be used to test
vehicles unless a multipoint calibration has been performed within the last
seven days. The following procedure shall be used:
     (i) Adjust the exhaust analyzer to zero using ambient air or zero
calibration gas.
     (ii) Adjust the exhaust analyzer using the electronic span.
     (iii) Check the calibration of the exhaust analyzer using calibration
gases of approximately twenty, forty, sixty, and eighty percent for each
range. (CO2 must be present at concentrations of at least 2.0%.)
     (iv) Adjust and repair as necessary to insure the accuracy specified in
WAC 173-422-090 at each calibration point.
     (v) Check the calibration of the exhaust analyzer using a calibration
gas with a CO concentration of 1.2 to 2.4%, a HC concentration of 150 to 300
ppm measured as n-hexane, and a CO2 concentration of 4.0 to 6.0%.
     (vi) Adjust and repair as necessary to insure the accuracy of the
exhaust analyzer is within .05% CO and 6 ppm HC.
     (d) Repair check. A multipoint calibration as specified in (c) of this
subsection shall be performed before the analyzer is used for certification
testing following the replacement of an optical or electronic component that
can cause a variation in the analyzer reading.
     The manufacturer's recommended procedures to determine any change in the
correction factor from the propane calibration gas to n-hexane readings shall
be followed.
     (e) Leak check. The exhaust analyzer shall not be used to test vehicles
unless within one week prior to the testing, CO readings have been taken
while introducing calibration gas


through the calibration port and through the probe. Discrepancies of over 3% 
in the readings shall require repair of leaks. No analyzer adjustments shall 
be permitted during this check. Other leak check procedures may be used if it 
can be shown to the department's satisfaction that the method identifies 
leaks as well as the method in this subsection. 
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.120 RCW. 90-06-062, Section 173-422-100, filed
3/6/90, effective 4/6/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.120.120, 43.21A.080,
70.94.331 and 70.94.141(1). 83-23-115 (Order DE 83-31), Section 173-422-100
filed 11/23/83, effective 1/2/84. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.120.120.
82-02-027 (Order DE 81-32), Section 173-422- 100, filed 12/31/81; 80-03-070
(Order DE 79-35), Section 173-422-100, filed 2/28/80.]

     WAC 173-422-110 DATA SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS. The data system shall consist
of the following units:
     (1) Vehicle identification terminal. The vehicle identification terminal
shall have a standard typewriter for-matted keyboard with a visual display to
verify data entered. The data entered shall be transferred to the
programmable processor on command.
     (2) Programmable processor. The programmable processor shall perform the
following functions:
     (a) Accept and validate vehicle and test data required in WAC
173-422-140 from the vehicle identification terminal, exhaust analyzer, or
other sources. Indicate on the vehicle identification terminal any data
entered that does not meet the validation criteria.
     (b) Convert analog emission measurements to digital information for each
analyzer range.
     (c) Verify that there is no excessive dilution of the exhaust sample by
determining the carbon dioxide concentration and provide carbon dioxide
output signal to printer and bulk storage device.
     (d) Compare test results to the state's emissions standards. Test
results shall be determined by averaging five consecutive readings taken at
one second intervals, at fifteen seconds after the probe has been inserted
into the tail pipe. The results shall be considered stable and recorded if
the five readings do not vary more than ten percent of their average or 30
ppm HC, or 0.2% CO, or 1% CO2 from their average, whichever is greater. If
stability has not occurred before thirty seconds of testing, the thirty
second reading along with four other consecutive readings shall be averaged
and recorded as the result.
     (e) Outputs vehicle and test data and established standards for report
     (f) Outputs vehicle and test data for storage on bulk storage devices.
     (3) Report printer. The report printer shall print the vehicle
inspection report and the certificate of compliance. The forms used shall be
provided or approved by the department.
     (4) Bulk storage devices. All data from the vehicle inspection report
and the certificate of compliance shall be


written on the bulk storage devices at the same time the printed report(s) 
are produced.
     The data handling system shall be so designed to prevent any data
changes on the bulk storage devices that would eliminate or alter the
original entry.
     Inspection shall be redone if errors result in an incorrect vehicle
inspection report.
     To insure that the bulk storage devices are compatible with the state's
data processing equipment, all bulk storage devices and data handling methods
used by the contractor shall be expressly approved by the department.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 70.120.120. 82-02-027 (Order DE 81-32), Section
173-422-110, filed 12/31/81; 80-03-070 (Order DE 79-35), Section 173-422-110,
filed 2/28/80.]

     WAC 173-422-120 QUALITY ASSURANCE. The department, or its designee, will
monitor the operation of each authorized emission testing facility with
unannounced, unscheduled inspections to check the calibration and maintenance
of the exhaust analyzers, test procedures, and records.
     Vehicle inspection reports and fiscal reports submitted Dy inspection
station operators will be checked for completeness and accuracy. The
department or its designee shall have the right to audit contractor's and
subcontractor's records.
     The department (or its designee) may conduct unidentified surveillance.
     The department (or its designee) may require that the use of an exhaust
analyzer be suspended due to a malfunction or incorrect calibration of the
analyzer. [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.120.120, 43.21A.080. 70.94.331 and
70.94.141(1). 83-23-115 (Order DE 83-31). Section 173-422-120, filed
11/23/83, effective 1/2/84. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.120.120.  80-03-070
(Order DE 79-35). Section 173-422-120, filed 2/28/80.]

     WAC 173-422-130 INSPECTION FEES. The fee for the first emission test on
each vehicle applicable to a vehicle license year shall be sixteen dollars.
If the vehicle fails, one retest will be provided free of charge at any
inspection station operated under contract to the state, provided that the
retest is applicable to the same vehicle license year.  Any additional
retests of a failed vehicle applicable to the same vehicle license year will
require the payment of sixteen dollars.
     Inspection station operators shall forward to the state treasurer within
ten working days, the amount of fees due to the state for inspections
conducted during the previous month.
     The department or its designee shall have the right to audit any
inspection station operator's or contractor's records and procedures to
substantiate that the operator or contractor is properly collecting and
accounting for such fees.  [Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.120 RCW.
90-06-062 Section 173-422-130, filed 3/6/90, effective 4/6/90.  Statutory
Authority: RCW 90-06-062,  70.120.040(7).  87-02-051. (Order DE 86-32),
Section 173-422-130, filed 1/7/87, effective 4/1/87.  Statutory Authority:
RCW 70.120.120.


82-02-027 (Order DE 81-32). Section 173-422-130, filed
12/31/81; 80-03-070 (Order DE 79-35), Section 173-422-130, filed 2/28/80.]
     WAC 173-422-140  INSPECTION FORMS AND CERTIFICATES.  All inspection
stations shall use inspection forms and certificates provided or approved by
the department.  Additional information or materials may be provided to the
vehicle operator only if approved by the department.
     (1) Vehicle inspection report: The driver of each vehicle tested shall
be given a vehicle inspection report on a form to be provided or approved by
the department.  The inspection station operator shall record the following
     (a) Station number (lane number).
     (b) Date and time of test.
     (c) Who conducted the test (name or identification number).
     (d) Vehicle identification number (VIN).
     (e) Odometer reading in thousands of miles.
     (g) Vehicle model year.
     (h) Make of the vehicle.
     (i) Whether or not the vehicle was manufactured with a catalytic
converter (1981 and later model vehicles only).
     (j) Gross vehicle weight class.
     (k) Emission test results.
     (i) Applicable standards.
     (m) Whether the vehicle has passed or failed the appropriate emission
     (n) The engine speed while the emission readings were taken.
     (o) Carbon dioxide reading.
     (p) First test or retest.
     (q) If available at a retest, the identification number of an ecology
authorized emission specialist who repaired the vehicle following the first
     (2) Certificate of compliance: The driver of a vehicle meeting the
appropriate emission standards shall be issued a certificate of compliance.
     (3) Certificate of acceptance: If a vehicle has failed to pass the
emission test applicable to any vehicle license year, the vehicle owner may
request a certificate of acceptance. If the vehicle has been in use for more
than five years or fifty thousand miles, and any component of the vehicle
installed by the manufacturer for the purpose of reducing emissions, or its
appropriate replacement, is installed and operative.  To receive the
certificate of acceptance the vehicle owner must provide original receipts
totalling at least fifty dollars, for 1980 and earlier model year vehicles or
at least one hundred fifty dollars for 1981 and later model year vehicles,
dated on or between the date of the first test and the final retest, for
costs of repairs performed by a "certified emission specialist" solely
devoted to meeting the emission standards.
     (4) Form storage: Copies of each certificate of compliance/ acceptance,
and all vehicle inspection reports shall be kept on file by the contractor
and be available for the department's review for one year after they are
issued. This requirement includes forms that are voided for any reason.


     (5) Reporting: The inspection station operator shall forward to the
department within ten working days after the end of each month (a) an
approved storage device containing all data collected from each inspection
conducted that month, and (b) a copy of all certificates of acceptance issued
that month along with the related vehicle inspection reports and repair
and/or parts receipts.
     Before the storage device is forwarded to the department, a backup bulk
storage device shall be in the possession of the contractor. The backup bulk
storage device shall be retained for one year and be available to the
department upon request. [Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.120 RCW. 90-06-062.
Section 173-422-140, filed 3/6/90, effective 4/6/90. Statutory Authority: RCW
70.120.120, 43.21A.080, 70.94.331 and 70.94.141(1). 83-23-115 (Order DE
83-31), Section 173-422-140, filed 11/23/83, effective 1/2/84. Statutory
Authority: RCW 70.120.120. 82-02-027 (Order DE 81-32), Section 173-422-140,
filed 12/31/81, 80-03-070 (Order DE 79-35). Section 173-422-140, filed

(1)(a) Obtaining or attempting to obtain a certificate of compliance by (i)
providing false information or (ii) any fraudulent means; or
     (b) Obtaining or attempting to obtain a certificate of acceptance (i)
through the use of receipts or other documentation containing false
information, or (ii) any fraudulent means shall be construed as a violation
of these rules implementing chapter 70.94 RCW as supplemented by chapter
70.120 RCW.
     (2) Any person who commits such violation or who aids or abets another
in committing the same shall be subject to a civil penalty not to exceed two
hundred fifty dollars for each violation.
     (3) For the purposes of this section the term "expended" refers to the
net actual cost to the vehicle owner in the purchase of repairs or parts
derived after the amount of any rebate, discount or cash-return has been
     (4) Any civil penalty imposed by the department hereunder shall be
appealable to the pollution control hearing board as provided for in chapter
43.21B RCW. [Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.120 RCW. 90-06-062, Section
173-422-145, filed 3/6/90, effective 4/6/90. Statutory Authority: RCW
70.120.120. 43.21A.080, 70-.94.331 and 70.94.141(1). 83-23-115 (Order DE
83-31), Section 173-422-145, filed 11/23/83, effective 1/2/84.]

     WAC 173-422-150 INSPECTION PERSONNEL REQUIREMENTS. (1) Training. All
inspection personnel must successfully complete a training course approved by
the department.
     (2) Inspection personnel identification. Whenever inspection personnel
are in contact with the public they shall wear identification tags visible to
the motorist. [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.120.120. 80-03-070 (Order DE
79-35), Section 173-422-150, filed 2/28/80.]


Self-inspection of vehicles by a fleet or government agency operator may be
authorized by the department. The department may also authorize emission
inspection of fleet vehicles by an automotive service or testing facility
engaged for such activity. Authorizations to conduct emission tests and issue
certificates of compliance under this section are limited to vehicles within
the fleet or fleets requesting such authorization. Any person or facility
conducting fleet tests under authorization of this section must meet all
requirements of this section.
     (1) The exhaust analyzers used for certification testing shall meet the
specifications in WAC 173-422-090 except for those that pertain to CO2. (CO2
does not need to be measured.)
     (2) All persons engaged in testing of fleet vehicles must comply with
all provisions of this chapter except WAC 173-422-080, 173-422-100
(2)(b)(iii) and (iv) and (c)(iii) and (iv), 173-422-110, 173-422-130,
173-422-140, and 173-422-150. The checks specified in WAC 173-422-100 (2)(c)
except (c)(iii) and (iv), in addition to being required weekly, shall be
performed after each relocation of the analyzer.
     (3) All persons conducting tests for the purpose of issuing certificates
for fleets shall be ecology certified emission specialists.
     (4) The department will provide test forms upon request.  Legibly
completed forms with appropriate signature(s) will constitute certificates of
compliance for licensing purposes. Any person conducting testing under this
section shall forward to the department within ten working days after the end
of each month, a copy of each certificate of compliance issued during that
month. Copies of each certificate of compliance shall be retained by the
person issuing the certificate for at least two years from date of issuance.
Alternative arrangements for providing and storing this information using
automated data storage devices may be required by the department after one
years' notice.
     Forms must be purchased from the department in advance of issuance
through payment of sixteen dollars to the department for each certificate
requested. Refunds or credit may be given for unused certificates returned to
the department.
     Payment for fleet forms is waived for government fleets.
     Test forms provided under this section are official documents. Persons
receiving the forms from the department are accountable for each form
     Voided forms must be handled the same as certificates of compliance. One
copy shall be sent to the department within ten days after the end of the
month in which the form was voided and one copy shall be retained by the
person accountable for the forms for at least two years after date of
voiding. Refunds will not be made for voided forms.
     (5) All persons authorized to conduct fleet or government vehicle
inspections under this section shall be subject to performance audits and
compliance inspections by the department, during normal business hours.


     (6) Fleet vehicles may be inspected any time between their scheduled
license renewals.
     (7) Certificates of acceptance may not be issued under this section.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.120.RCW. 90-06-062, Section 173-422-160,
filed 3/6/90, effective 4/6/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.120.120,
43.21A.080, 70.94.331 and 70.94.141(1). 83-23-115 (Order DE 83-31), Section
173-422-160, filed 11/23/83, effective 1/2/84. Statutory Authority: RCW
70.120.120. 82-02-027 (Order DE 81-32), Section 173-422-160, filed 12/31/81;
80-03-070 (Order DE 79-35), Section 173-422-160, filed 2/28/80.]

     WAC 173-422-170 EXEMPTIONS. The following motor vehicles are exempt from
the inspection requirement:
     (1) Vehicles proportionally registered pursuant to chapter 46.85 RCW.
     (2) Vehicles whose model year is 1967 or earlier.
     (3) New motor vehicles whose equitable or legal title has never been
transferred to a person who in good faith purchases the vehicle for purposes
other than resale; this does not exempt motor vehicles that are or have been
     (4) Motor vehicles that use propulsion units powered exclusively by
     (5) Motor-driven cycles as defined by RCW 46.04.332.
     (6) Motor vehicles powered by diesel engines or two-cycle engines.
     (7) Farm vehicles as defined by RCW 46.04.181.
     (8) Vehicles exempted from licensing pursuant to RCW 46.16.010.
     (9) Mopeds as defined by RCW 46.04.304.
     (10) Vehicles garaged and operated out of the emission contributing
     (11) Vehicles registered with the state but not for highway use.
     (12) Used vehicles whose licenses have expired or will expire within
thirty days when sold by a Washington licensed motor vehicle dealer.
     (13) Motor vehicles fueled exclusively by propane, compressed natural
gas, or liquid petroleum gas. [Statutory Authority: Chapter 70. 120 RCW.
90-06-062, Section 173-422-170, filed 3/6/90, effective 4/6/90. Statutory
Authority: RCW 70.120.120, 43.21A.080, 70.94.331 and 70.94.141(1). 83-23-115
(Order DE 83-31), Section 173-422-170, filed 11/23/83, effective 1/2/84.
Statutory-Authority: RCW. 70.120.120. 82-02-027 (Order DE 81 82). Section
173.422.170, filed 12/31/81: 80-03-070 (Order DE 79-35), Section 173-422-170,
filed 2/28/80.]

     WAC 173-422-175 FRAUDULENT EXEMPTIONS. (1) Obtaining or  attempting to
obtain an exemption from mission inspection requirements by false statements,
or failure to comply with the exemption procedures established to implement
WAC 173-422-170, shall be construed as a violation of these rules
implementing chapter 70.94 RCW as supplemented by chapter 70.120 RCW.
     (2) Any person who commits such violation or who aids or abets another
in committing the same shall be subject to a civil


penalty not to exceed two hundred fifty dollars for each violation.
     (3) Any civil penalty imposed by the department hereunder shall be
appealable to the pollution control board as provided for in chapter 43.21B
RCW. [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.120.120, 43.21A.080, 70.94-.331 and
70.94.141(1). 83-23-115 (Order DE 83-31), Section 173-422-175. filed
11/23/83, effective l/2/84.]

     WAC 173-422-180 AIR QUALITY STANDARDS. The air quality standards set
forth in chapter 173-415 WAC are the air quality standards applicable to the
establishment of noncompliance areas pursuant to this chapter. [Statutory
Authority: RCW 70.120.120. 80-03-070 (Order DE 79-35), Section 173-422-180,
filed 2/28/80.]

     WAC 173-422-190 EMISSION SPECIALIST CERTIFICATION. (1) To become a
certified emission specialist an individual shall:
     (a) Pass a course of study, approved by the department, on motor vehicle
maintenance, engine and exhaust analysis equipment usage, and emission
control system repair and maintenance; and
     (b) Agree in writing to meet the requirements of subsection (2) of this
     (2) To maintain certification, a certified emission specialist shall:
     (a) Successfully complete a department approved course on emission
repair within the second year after the date of certification. and within
each second year thereafter:
     (b) Sign, including the specialist identification number, all receipts
for tune-up and emission repairs or adjustments performed;
     (c) Record on all receipts the vehicle's emission readings after the
work is completed when an exhaust analyzer is available:
     (d) Not tamper with emission control systems, including adjusting an
engine outside of the manufacturer's specifications (chapter 173-421 WAC):
     (e) Not obtain or attempt to obtain a certificate of -acceptance (repair
waiver) by providing false information or by any fraudulent means (WAC
173-422-145); and
     (f) Not aid or abet any individual in committing a violation of chapter
173-421 WAC or WAC 173-422-145.
     (3) The certification of a certified emission specialist may be revoked
for a first violation of chapter 173-422 WAC or WAC 173-422-145, for a
period-of no more than one year, and may be permanently revoked for a second
violation of chapter 173-421 WAC or WAC 173-422-145.
     The certification of a certified emission specialist may be temporarily
revoked for violation of subsection (2) of this section and may be
permanently revoked for continued willful violation of subsection (2) of this
      A certified emission specialist whose certification is revoked
permanently or temporarily may appeal to the pollution control hearings board
as provided for in RCW 43.21B.310.
     (4) A certified emission specialist whose certification has been
temporarily revoked may reapply for certification twelve


months after the date of revocation by applying to the department and meeting 
all requirements of subsection (1) of this section. An application for 
certification by a permanently revoked certified emission specialist will be 
denied. [Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.120 RCW. 90-06-062, 
Section 173-422-190, filed 3/6/90, effective 4/6/90.]

of certified emission specialists will be available to the public.
Specialists will be listed under their employer's shop name when the shop is
approved for listing. The list will be updated by the department at least
once every six months.
     (2) The employer's name and address will be listed by the department,
when the employer agrees in writing to:
     (a) Use a properly maintained and correctly calibrated exhaust analyzer
as a final check for all tune-up and emission repairs or adjustments;
     (b) Have all tune-up and emission repairs or adjustments performed by a
certified emission specialist;
     (c) Require any person performing tune-up and emission repairs or
adjustments to sign the customer's receipt for tune-up and emission repairs
or adjustments and to record the vehicle's emission readings on the receipt
after the work is completed;
     (d) Require that all employees not aid or abet any person to tamper with
emission control systems, including adjusting a vehicle outside of the
manufacturer's specifications (chapter 173-421 WAC); and
     (e) Require that all employees not aid or abet any person to obtain a
fraudulent certificate of compliance (repair waiver) (WAC 173-422-145).
     (3) An employer may be removed from the certified emission specialist
list for a first violation of chapter 173-421 WAC or WAC 173-422-145 for a
period of no more than one year and may be permanently removed after a second
violation of chapter 173-421 WAC or WAC 173-422-145.
     An employer may be temporarily removed from the certified emission
specialist list when failing to comply with the requirements of subsection
(2) of this section and may be permanently revoked for continued and willful
violation of subsection (2) of this section.
     (4) An employer who has been temporarily removed from the certified
emission specialist list may reapply for listing twelve months after the date
of removal from the listing by applying to the department and meeting all
requirements of subsection (2) of this section. An application for listing
from an employer permanently removed from the certified emission specialist
list will be denied.
     (5) An employer who is removed from a certified emission specialist list
or denied listing in a certified emission specialist list may appeal to the
pollution control hearings board as provided for in RCW 43.21B.310.
     (6) A certified emission specialist whose employer is not listed may
request to be placed on a separate list available to the public. The
employer's name will not be listed. The


specialist may specify an address and phone number to be included in the list.
     (7)(a) An employer approved for listing, may display the state certified
emission specialist sign available from the department. Any employer
advertising or providing of information to the public based on the
department's certification of a certified emission specialist must be able to
be discontinued immediately upon revocation of the employer's listing or
certification of the certified emission specialist.
     (b) An employer violating (a) of this subsection shall be subject to a
civil penalty not to exceed two hundred fifty dollars for each violation.
     (c) A civil penalty imposed by the department may be appealed to the
pollution control hearings board as provided for in RCW 43.21B.310.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.120 RCW. 90-06-062. Section 173-422-195,
filed 3/6/90, effective 4/6/90]


                                     SECTION VI

                                     APPENDIX C

PROPOSED REGULATION REVISIONS                                    April 21, 1992

    WAC 173-422-010 PURPOSE. This chapter implements the Washington Clean
Air Act, chapter 70.94 RCW, as supplemented by the motor vehicle emission
inspection provisions codified as chapter 70.120 RCW.
    Gasoline motor vehicles are the primary emitters of carbon monoxide and
emit significant quantities of hydrocarbons and oxides of nitrogen.  Diesel
motor vehicles are emitters primarily of particulates, hydrocarbons, and
oxides of nitrogen.  Emission controls required by the federal government are
designed to reduce motor vehicle related air pollution.  However, the
effectiveness of these controls is substantially reduced through
deterioration, maladjustment and tampering.  Motor vehicle emission
inspection serves to identify high polluting vehicles and vehicles with
tampered or missing emission controls and to reduce their emissions, when
such reduction can be accomplished at reasonable cost.  These rules establish
the emission standards, testing procedures, and associated activities
necessary to implement a program of air pollution prevention and control ()
resulting from motor vehicle emission inspections.

AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 90-06-062, filed 3/6/90, effective 4/6/90

    WAC 173-422-020 DEFINITIONS.  Unless a different meaning is clearly
indicated by context, the following definitions will apply:
    (1)  "Accuracy" means the degree of correctness by which the true value
of a measured sample is determined.
    (2)  "Calibration gases" mean a blend of hydrocarbon (propane), carbon
monoxide (CO), and carbon dioxide using nitrogen as carrier gas.  The
concentrations are to be traceable to within two percent of NBS standards.
    (3)  "Certificate of acceptance" means an official form, issued by
someone authorized by the department, which certifies that all of the
following conditions have been met:  The recipient's vehicle initially failed
(()) the emission (()) inspection, the recipient has provided original
receipts proving that more than (()) one hundred dollars or one hundred fifty
dollars on a 1981 or later model motor vehicle were sent after the first (())
inspection, and before the final (()) inspection on repairs performed by a
"certified emission specialist" solely to (()) reduce emissions (()), the
vehicle on final reinspection again failed to meet such standards, and the
repair information section of the test report has been completed and the
vehicle has been in use for more than five years or fifty thousand miles and
any component of the vehicle installed by the manufacturer for

the purpose of reducing emissions, or its appropriate replacement, is 
installed and operative.
    (4)  "Certificate of compliance" means an official form, issued by
someone authorized by the department, which certifies that the recipient's
vehicle on inspection complied with applicable emission inspection standards.
    (5)  "Certified emission specialist" means an individual who has been
issued a certificate of instruction by the department as authorized in RCW
70.120.020 (2)(a) and has maintained the certification by meeting
requirements of WAC 173-422-190(2).
    (6)  "Dealer" means a motor vehicle dealer, as defined in RCW 46.70.011,
that is licensed pursuant to chapter 46.70 RCW.
    (7)  "Department" means the department of ecology.
    (8)  "Drift" means the change in the reading o the analyzer to a given
sample over a period of time with no adjustment to the analyzer having been
made between the initial and final measurements.
    (9)  "Emission contributing area" means a land area within whose
boundaries are registered motor vehicles that contribute significantly to the
violation of motor vehicle related air quality standards in a noncompliance
area.  (The inspection program implemented by this chapter applies only to
vehicles registered in emission contributing areas.)
    (10) "Farm vehicle" means any vehicle other than a farm tractor or farm
implement which is designed and/or used primarily in agricultural pursuits on
farms for the purpose of transporting machinery, equipment, implements, farm
products, supplies, and/or farm labor thereon and is only incidentally
operated on or moved along public highways for the purpose of going from one
farm to another.
    (11) "Fleet" means a group of fifteen or more motor vehicles owned or 
leased concurrently by one owner assigned a fleet identifier code by the 
department of licensing.
    (12)  "Gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR)" means the
manufacturer stated gross vehicle weight rating.
    (13) "HC and CO emissions" means the concentration of hydrocarbons
(measured as n-nexane) and carbon monoxide in the engine exhaust.
    (14)  "Motor vehicle" means any self-propelled vehicle required to
be licensed pursuant to chapter 46.16 RCW.
    (15)  "Motorcycle" means every motor vehicle having a saddle for
the use of the rider and designed to travel on not more than three wheels in
contact with the ground, but excluding a farm tractor.
    (16) "NBS" means National Bureau of Standards.
    (17) "Noncompliance area" means a land area within whose
boundaries any air quality standard for any air contaminant from the
omissions of motor vehicles will probably be exceeded.

    (()) (18)  "PPM" means parts per million by volume.
    (19) "Primary emission control components" means the components of the
vehicle installed by the manufacturer for the purpose of requiring emissions
or its replacement which is acceptable to the United States Environmental
Protection Agency.  These components are the catalytic converter or thermal
reactor, the air injection system components, the thermostatic air cleaner,
the exhaust gas recirculation system components, the evaporative emission
system components including the gas cap, the positive crankcase ventilation
system components, and the components that control the air/fuel mixture or
ignition timing.
    (20) "Repeatability" means the ability of an analyzer to report the same
value for successive measurements of the same sample.
    (21) "Response" means how quickly there is a change in reading following
a change in concentration at the sample probe inlet.
    (22) "Sensitivity" means the smallest change in the value of a measured
sample that can be detected by the analyzer.
    (23) "Zero calibration gases" means air or nitrogen in which total
impurities do not exceed 0.01 percent.

AMENDATORY Section (Amending Order DE 83-31, filed 11/23/83), effective

vehicles, not specifically exempted by WAC 173-422-170, which are registered
or reregistered within the boundaries of an emission contributing area, as
specified in WAC 173-422-050, are subject to the vehicle emission inspection
requirements of this chapter.  Neither the department of licensing nor its
agents may change the registered owner or may issue or renew a motor vehicle
license for any vehicle registered in an emission contributing area, as that
area is established under RCW 70.120.040, unless the application for issuance
or renewal is:  (1) Accompanied by a valid certificate of compliance issued
pursuant to RCW 70.120.060, 70.120.080, or 70.120.090 or a valid certificate
of acceptance issued pursuant to RCW 70.120.070; or (2) exempted from this
requirement pursuant to RCW 46.16.015(2).  The certificates must have a date
or validation which is within (()) six months of the date of application for
the vehicle license (()), license renewal or registered owner change. 
Certificates for fleet or owner tested vehicles may have a date of validation
which is within twelve months of the assigned license renewal date.

AMENDATORY Section (Amending WSR 90-06-062, filed 3/6/90, effective 4/6/90)

    WAC 173-422-035 REGISTRATION REQUIREMENTS.  (1)  Persons residing in
emission contributing areas as defined under WAC 173-

422-050 shall register their motor vehicles within that area (()).
    (2)  Any person who violates this section is subject to a civil penalty
not to exceed (()) two hundred fifty dollars for each violation.
    (3)  Any civil penalty imposed by the department hereunder shall be
appealable to the pollution control hearings board as provided for in chapter
43.218 RCW.

AMENDATORY Section (Amending Order DE 83-31, filed 11/23/83, effective

    WAC 173-422-040  NONCOMPLIANCE AREAS.  The following areas are
designated noncompliance areas for the air contaminants specified:  Carbon
         (1)  The City of Seattle.
         (2)  The City of Bellevue.
         (3)  The City of Spokane.
         (4)  The City of Tacoma. 
         (5)  The City of Vancouver
         (6)  ((
         (7)))     The City of Everett.

AMENDATORY Section (Amending Order DE 84-7, filed 4/18/84)

    WAC 173-422-050 EMISSION CONTRIBUTING AREAS.  Emission contributing
areas within which the motor vehicle emission inspection program applies are
designated by the following United States Postal Service Zip Codes as of
((the effective dates)) January 1, 1992 set forth below:

    (1)  Puget Sound Region ((()

          98001     98035     98072
          98002     98036     98073
          98003     98037     98083
          98004     98038     98101 thru 98199,
          98005     98039     inclusive except 98110
          98006     98040     98201 thru 98208
          98007     98041     98258
          98008     98042     98270
          98009     98043     98271
          98011     98046     98275
          98012     98047     98290
          98020     98052     98327
          98021     98053     98332
          98023     98054     98335
          98025     98055     98338
          98026     98056     98344
          98027     98057     98352
          98028     98058     98354
          98031     98059     98371 thru 98374
          98032     98062     98387
          98033     98063     98388
          98034     98064     98390
               98071          98401 thru 98499

     (2)  Spokane Region ((()))

               99001          99202
               99005          99203
               99014          99204
               99016          99205
               99019          99206
               99021          99207
               99025          99208
               99027          99212
               99037          99216
               99201          99218

     (3)  Vancouver Region

               98660 thru 98668

AMENDATORY Section (Amending Order WSR 90-06-062, filed 3/6/90, effective

     WAC 173-422-060 GASOLINE VEHICLE EMISSION STANDARDS.  Gasoline motor
vehicles subject to this chapter shall:

     (1)  With the exception of vehicles whose model year is 1980 or earlier,
have the "primary emission control components" installed operative and have
an engine that is or was available from the vehicle manufacturer for use with
that vehicle or a vehicle of the same or newer model year with the same
chassis; and
     (2)  Meet the following exhaust emission standards prior to receiving a
certificate of compliance.

                             EXHAUST EMISSION STANDARDS


Model Year           CO(%)            HC (ppm)     Opacity (%)

68-74                6.0            ((1000) 900         30
((75 and
later)) 75-80        3.0               600              30
81-93 (0-8500 GVWR)  1.2               220              30
81-93 (Greater       3.0               400              30
than 8500 GVWR
94-99                0.5               100              30



vehicles subject to this chapter shall meet following opacity standards using
the test procedures specified in WAC 173-422-075.

          Model Year                                             Opacity (%)
          1968 - 1973                                            70
          1974 - 1991                                            60
          1992 and later                                         40

     Vehicles tested at locations above 1000 feet altitude will be allowed an
additional 10% opacity.

AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 90-06-062, filed 3/6/90, effective 4/6/90)

persons certified by, or under contract to, the department to conduct motor
vehicle emission inspections shall use the following (()) procedures. 
Variations to the procedures specified may be (()) established by

the department (()) for all or certain vehicles.
     (1)  The vehicle exhaust emissions of carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, and
carbon dioxide shall be measured using either two-speed (idle and 2500 rpms)
test with the transmission in neutral or park (()) or a loaded test with the
transmission in drive or in third gear unless the engine speed does not equal
or exceed 2500 rpm then second gear shall be used for the loaded mode and in
park or neutral for the idle mode.  A vehicle with an automatic transmission
may be tested in drive for the idle (()) mode if the idle rpm in neutral or
park exceeds ((1100 rpm.  However, the idle rpm as tested cannot exceed (())
1100 rpm unless allowed to do so by the vehicle manufacturer's
     (2)  The engine shall be at normal operating temperature during the
emission test with all accessories off.
     (3)  Any vehicle causing an unsafe condition, such as the continuous
leaking of any fluid onto the floor, may be rejected from the inspection
     (4)  Vehicles shall be approximately level during the test.
     (5)  Vehicles with more than one exhaust pipe shall be tested by
sampling (()) one exhaust pipe (()) if the exhaust pipes originate from a
common point in the exhaust system (()) or simultaneously sampling each(())
each exhaust pipe (()).
     (6)  The following steps shall be taken to prevent excessive dilution. 
The exhaust sample probe must be inserted at least ten inches into the tail
pipe.  If this is not possible, an extension boot shall be used.  The exhaust
emission test results shall not be recorded if the sum of the carbon monoxide
and the carbon monoxide concentration does not (()) equal or exceed (()) six
     (7)  If the engine stalls during the test, the exhaust sample probe
shall be removed, the engine (()) restarted, and one additional attempt (())
made to complete the test after reinserting the exhaust sample probe.
     (8)  ((.
     (9)  ))  Two speed test sequence.
     (a)  Insert the exhaust sample probe.

     (b)  The pass/fail analysis shall begin after an elapsed time of ten
seconds.  A pass determination shall be made for the vehicle the idle mode
terminated if:
     (i)  The vehicle shall pass the idle mode test and this mode terminated
if, prior to an elapsed time of thirty seconds, exhaust gas concentrations
are less than or equal to 100 ppm HC and 0.5 percent CO.
     (ii) The vehicle shall pass the idle mode test and this mode terminated
if, at any time between an elapsed time of thirty seconds and ninety seconds,
the exhaust gas concentrations are less than or equal to the applicable
emission standards.
     (c)  Increase the engine speed to 2500 + 300 rpm.
     (d)  The pass/fail analysis shall begin after an elapsed time of ten
seconds.  A pass or fail determination shall be made for the vehicle and the
2500 rpm mode terminated for vehicles that passed the idle mode test as
     (i)  The vehicle shall pass the 2500 rpm mode test and this mode
terminated if, at any time between an elapsed time of thirty seconds and one
hundred eighty seconds, the exhaust gas concentrations are less than or equal
to the applicable emission standards.
     (ii) The vehicle shall pass the 2500 rpm mode test and this mode
terminated if, at any time between an elapsed time of thirty seconds and one
hundred eighty seconds, the exhaust gas concentrations are less than or equal
to the applicable emission standards.
     (e)  A pass or fail determination shall be made for vehicles that failed
the idle mode test and the 2500 rpm mode test terminated at the end of an
elapsed time of one hundred eighty seconds.
     (f)  If the vehicle fails the initial idle mode test and passed the
high-speed mode test, a second idle test will be conducted.
     (9)  Loaded test sequence.
     (a)  Insert the exhaust sample probe.
     (b)  The test shall start when the dynamometer speed is within the
following limits:

engine cylinders          speed (mph)         brake horsepower

4 or less                    22-25                 2.8-4.1
5-6                          29-32                 6.8-8.4
7 or more                    32-35                 8.4-10.8

If the dynamometer speed falls outside the limits for more than five seconds
in one excursion, or fifteen seconds over all excursions, the test shall be
     (c)  The pass/fail analysis shall begin after an elapsed time of ten
seconds.  A pass determination shall be made for the loaded mode and this
mode terminated if at any point between an elapsed time of thirty seconds and
ninety seconds, the exhaust

gas concentrations are less than or equal to the applicable emission 
     (d)  The idle mode shall start when the dynamometer speed is zero and
the vehicle engine speed is less than 1100 rpm.  If engine speed exceeds 1100
rpm the idle mode test shall be restarted.
     (e)  The pass/fail analysis shall begin after an elapsed time of ten
seconds.  A pass determination shall be made for the vehicle and the idle
mode terminated if:
     (i)  Prior to an elapsed time of thirty seconds, exhaust gas
concentrations are less than or equal to 100 ppm HC and 0.5 percent CO.
     (ii) At any time between an elapsed time of thirty seconds and ninety
seconds, exhaust gas concentrations are less than or equal to the applicable
emission standards.
     (10) Before (()) failing a 1981-1986 model year Ford Motor Company
vehicle with a gross vehicle weight of 8500 pounds or less, or a 1984-85
model year Honda Prelude, the engine shall be (()) shut off for ten seconds
and then restarted and the failing mode repeated.


vehicles shall be tested using the following procedure:
     (1)  with the transmission in neutral move the accelerator pedal from
normal idle as rapidly as possible to the full power position, and held in
this position for three seconds unless the engine reaches the maximum speed
allowed by the vehicle manufacturer as indicated by the vehicle's tachometer
then the accelerator pedal shall be immediately released.
     (2)  Fully release the accelerator pedal so that the engine decelerates
to normal idle.
     (3)  Measure the smoke opacity with an opacity meter continuously during
the test.
     (4)  Repeat the above steps ten times or until three successive maximum
opacity measurements meet the standard established in WAC 173-422-065.

AMENDATORY SECTION  (Amending W5R 90-06-062, filed 3/6/90, effective 4/6/90)

     WAC 173-422-090  EXHAUST GAS ANALYZER SPECIFICATIONS.  Only exhaust gas
analyzers meeting the following specifications at the time of certification
testing may be used for certification testing.  Any person authorized by the
department to certify vehicles is solely responsible for insuring that the
testing equipment is operating within the following specifications at the
time of certification testing.
     (1)  Accuracy:  The readings or the printed test results of the exhaust
analyzers compared to the true value of a measured sample shall have the
following accuracy tolerances.


          HC - Measured as n - hexane
               0 to 400 ppm                            +12 ppm
          401 to 1000 ppm                              +30 ppm
          1001 to 2000 ppm                             +80 ppm

          0 - 2.00                                      +0/06
          2.01 - 5.00                                   +0.15
          5.01 - 9.99                                   +0.40
          0 - 4.0                                        +0.6
          4.1 - 14.0                                     +0.5

     (2)  Calibration:  The analyzer shall have the capability of being
calibrated electronically and by gas.
     (3)  Drift:  The drift of the zero reading or any calibration reading of
each analyzer shall not exceed 15 ppm HC, 0.1% CO or 0.5% CO2, in one hour.
     (4)  Flow restriction indicator:  The analyzer shall be operated within
manufacturer's specifications for sample flow.  The sampling system shall be
equipped with a visual and/or audible warning that sample flow is not within
operating requirements.
     (5)  Interference effects:  Sampling the following concentrations of
noninterest gases shall not cause the HC

reading to change +10 ppm: 15% CO in N, 10% CO in N, 3000 ppm NO in N, 10% 0, 
in N, and 3% HO vapor in air.
     Sampling the following concentrations of noninterest gases shall not
cause the CO reading to change +/-0.05%:  15% CO in N, 1600 ppm HC in N, 3000
ppm MO in N, 10% 0 in N, and 3% HO vapor in air.
     Sampling the following concentrations of noninterest gases shall not
cause the CO reading to change ((+/-0.5%)) +0.20%: 1600 ppm HC in N, 10% CO in
N, 3000 ppm NO in N, 10% 0 in N, and 3% HC vapor in air.
     (6)  Repeatability:  The repeatability of the exhaust analyzers used
shall be within (()) the following tolerances during five successive
measurements of the same sample ((v)):

         HC,PPM         0-400          8
         as hexane      401-1000       15
                        1001-2000      30
         CO. %          0-2.00         0.03
                        2.01-5.00      0.08
                        5.01-9.99      0.15
         CO. %          0-14.0         0.3

         (7) Response: The response of the exhaust analyzers shall be at
least ninety percent of the final value within (()) eight seconds.
         (8) Sensitivity: The sensibility of each analyzer shall be equal to
or less than 10 ppm HC, 0.05% CO and 0.2% CO2.
         (9) Range of measurement: The analyzer shall have a range equal to
or greater than 0-2000 ppm HC (n-Hexane), 0 to 10% CO, and 0 to 6% CO2.


    WAC 73-422-095 EXHAUST OPACITY TESTING EQUIPMENT. The exhaust opacity
measurement shall be conducted using an opacity meter approved by the
    The opacity meter shall:
    (1) Be a light extinction type opacity meter, contain both an optical
detection unit and a control/indicator unit.
    (2) Provide for full flow, end-of-line, and continuous measurement of
exhaust opacity.
    (3) Have an accuracy of plus or minus one opacity percent digit.
    (4) Have a reading linearity of one opacity percent digit from 0-100
percent opacity.
    (5) Have a drift of less than plus or minus one percent per use.
    (6) Have a response time of less than 0.140 seconds for a change from
0-95 percent of full scale.
    (7) Have a warm-up time of less than one minute,
    (8) Have a operating temperature range from 32DEG. -120DEG. F.

    AMENDATORY SECTION (AMENDING WSR 90-06-062), Filed 3/6/90, effective

(1) Unless alternative procedures have been approved or required by the
department all equipment used in the inspection shall be calibrated and
maintained according to the manufacturer's specification and recommendations.
Complete logs as approved by the Department shall be kept for maintenance,
repair, and calibration.
    (2) The following procedures shall be followed by all testing facilities
unless equivalent procedures have been approved by the department. Exhaust
analyzers and all electronic

components that could affect the gas concentration results shall be warmed up 
for at least thirty minutes prior to performing any test on equipment, 
calibration, span, or zero checks:
    (a) Each test. Before each test can start, the zero span setting must be
checked on the opacity meter and the exhaust gas analyzer readings must be
less than 10 ppm HC, 0.1% CO and 0.5% CO(2). If during a test the sampling
system flow restriction indicator becomes activated, the test shall be
stopped and restarted after the necessary repairs to the analyzer have been
    (b) Hourly check. The exhaust analyzer shall not be used to test
vehicles unless within an hour prior to the test it was spanned with
calibration gas. The following procedure shall be used:
    (i) Adjust the exhaust analyzer to zero using ambient air or zero
calibration gas.
    (ii) Adjust the exhaust analyzer using the electronic span.
    (iii) Check the calibration of the exhaust analyzer using a calibration
gas of approximately twenty to forty percent of each range.
    (iv) Adjust and repair as necessary to insure the accuracy specified in
WAC 173-422-090.
    (c) Weekly check. The exhaust analyzer shall not be used to test
vehicles unless a multi-point calibration has been performed within the last
seven days. The following procedure shall be used:
    (i) Adjust the exhaust analyzer to zero using ambient air or zero
calibration gas.
    (ii) Adjust the exhaust analyzer using the electronic span.
    (iii) Check the calibration of the exhaust analyzer using calibration
gases of approximately twenty, forty, sixty, and eighty percent for each
range. (C0(2) must be present at concentrations of at least 2.0%.)
    (iv) Adjust and repair as necessary to insure the accuracy specified in
WAC 173-422-090 at each calibration point.
    (v) Check the calibration of the exhaust analyzer using a calibration
gas with a CO concentration of 1.2 to 2.4%, a HC concentration of 150 to 300
ppm measured as n-hexane, and a CO2 concentration of 4.0 to 6.0%.
    (vi) Adjust and repair as necessary to insure the accuracy of the
exhaust analyzer is within .05% CO and 6 ppm HC.
    (d) Repair check. A multipoint calibration as specified in (c) of this
subsection shall be performed before the analyzer is used for certification
testing following the replacement of an optical or electronic component  that
can cause a variation in the analyzer reading.
    The manufacturer's recommended procedures to determine any change in the
correction factor from the propane calibration gas to n-hexane readings shall
be followed.
    (e) Leak check. The exhaust analyzer shall not be used to test vehicles
unless within one week prior to the testing, CO readings have been taken
while introducing calibration gas through the calibration port and through
the probe. Discrepancies of over 3% in the readings shall require repair of
leaks. No 

analyzer adjustments shall be permitted during this check. Other leak check 
procedures may be used if it can be shown to the department's satisfaction 
that the method identifies leaks as well as the method in this subsection.

    AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending Order DE 83-31, filed 11/23/83, effective

    WAC 173-422-120 QUALITY ASSURANCE. The Department, or its designee, may
monitor the operation of each authorized emission inspection facility with
unidentified or unannounced and unscheduled inspections to check the
calibration and maintenance of the exhaust analyzers, test procedures, and
    The department (or its designee) may immediately require the
suspension of vehicle inspections in all or part by the inspection facility
if violations this chapter are found during an inspection at the inspection

AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 90-06-062, filed 3/6/90, effective 4/6/90)

    WAC 173-422-130 INSPECTION FEES. At an inspection facility operated
under contract to the state,  the fee for the first emission inspection
on each vehicle applicable to a vehicle license year shall be sixteen
dollars.  If the vehicle fails, one reinspection will be provided free
of charge at any inspection station operated under contract to the, provided
that the reinspection is applicable to the same vehicle license year. 
Any additional reinspection of a failed vehicle applicable to the same
vehicle license year require the payment of sixteen dollars.
    Inspection station operators shall forward to the state treasurer within 
ten working days, the amount of fees due to the state for inspections 
conducted during the previous month.
    The department or its designee shall have the right to audit any 
inspection station operator's or contractor's records and procedures to 
substantiate that the operator or contractor is properly collecting and 
accounting for such fees.

AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 90-06-062, filed 3/6/90, effective 4/6/90)

    WAC 173-422-140 INSPECTION FORMS AND CERTIFICATES. All inspection 
facilities shall use inspection forms and certificates provided or approved
by the department.
    (1) Vehicle inspection report: The driver of each vehicle inspected
shall be given a vehicle inspection report on a form to be provided or
approved by the department.  The 

inspection station operator shall record the following information.
    (a) Station number (lane number).
    (b) Date and time or test.
    (c) Who conducted the test (name of identification number).
    (d) Vehicle identification number (VIN).
    (e) Odometer reading in thousands of miles.
    (f) Vehicle license number.
    (g) Vehicle model year.
    (h) Make of the vehicle.
    (i) Manufacturer's gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR).
    (j) Emission test results.
    (k) Applicable standards.
    (l) Whether the vehicle has passed or failed the appropriate
emission standards.
    (m) What component of the vehicle installed by the manufacturer for
the purpose of reducing emissions, or its appropriate replacement is missing
or inoperative. (Gasoline vehicles only.)
    (n) The engine speed while the emission readings were taken. (Gasoline
vehicles only.) RPM 
    (o)  Carbon dioxide reading. (Gasoline vehicles only.)
    (p)  First inspection  or reinspection.
    (q)  If available at reinspection the identification number of an
ecology "Certified emission specialist who repaired the vehicle following
the first inspection.
    (2)  Certificate of compliance: The driver of a vehicle meet the
appropriate inspection standards shall be in certificate of compliance.
    (3)  Certificate of acceptance: If a vehicle has failed to the emission
inspection, the vehicle owner may request a certificate of acceptance,
the vehicle has been in use for more than five years or fifty thousands
miles, and any component of the vehicle installed by the manufacturer for the
purpose of reducing emissions, or its appropriate replacement is installed
and operative.  To receive the certificate of acceptance the vehicle owner
must provide original receipts totalling at least one hundred dollars,
for 1980 and earlier model year vehicles or at least one hundred fifty
dollars for 1981 and later model year vehicles, dated on or between the date
of the first test and to final retest, for costs on or between the date of
the first test and the final retest, for costs of repair performed by a
"certified emission specialist" solely devoted to meeting the emission
    (4) Form storage: Copies of each certificate of compliance acceptance,
and all vehicle inspection reports shall be kept on file by the contractor
and be available for the department's review for two years after they are
issued.  This requirement include forms that are voided for any reason.

    (5)  Reporting: The inspection station operator shall forward the
department within ten working days after the end of each month an approved
storage device containing all data collected from inspection conducted that
month, and (b) a copy of all certificates acceptance issued that month along
with the related vehicle inspection reports and repair and/or parts receipts.
    Before the storage device is forwarded to the department, backup bulk
storage device shall be in the possession of the contractor. The backup bulk
storage device shall be retained for two years and be available to the
department upon requests.

    AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 90-06-062, filed 3/6/90, effective

The department may authorize emission inspections by fleet 
operator including government agencies and the owner's of diesel motor
vehicles with a gross vehicle weight rating in excess of 8500 pounds or by an
automotive service or testing facility engaged by the vehicle owner for such
activity.  Authorizations to conduct emission tests and issue certificates of
compliance under this section are limited to authorized fleet vehicles 
or diesel vehicles with a gross vehicle weight rating in excess of 8500
    (1) The exhaust analyzers used for certification testing of gasoline
fleet vehicles shall meet the specifications in WAC 173-422-09.
    (2)  All person engaged in testing of gasoline fleet or diesel vehicles
must comply with all applicable provisions of this chapter except WAC 
173-422-100 (2) (b) (iii) and (iv) and (c) (iii) and (iv) (()).  The checks
specified in WAC 173-422-100 (2) (c) except (c) (iii) and (iv), in addition
to being required weekly, shall be performed after each relocation of the
    (3) All persons conducting tests for the purpose of issuing certificates
for fleet(s) or diesel vehicles shall be ecology certified emission
    (4) The department will provide test forms upon request legibly
completed forms  with appropriate signature (s) will constitute
certificates of compliance for licensing purposes. Any person conducting
testing under this section shall forward to the department within ten working
days after the end of each month, a copy of each certificate of compliance
issued during that month. Copies of each certificate of compliance shall be
retained by the person issuing the certificate for at least two years from
date of issuance. Alternative arrangements for providing and/or 

storing this information using automated data storage devices may be approved 
or required by the department (after one years notice).
    Forms must be purchased from the department in advance to issuance
through payment of sixteen dollars to the department for each certificate
requested. Refunds or credit may be given for unused certificates returned to
the department. Payment for fleet forms is waived for government fleets. 
    Test forms provided under this section are official documents.
    Persons receiving the forms from the department are accountable for each 
form provided.
    Voided forms must be handled the same as certificates of compliance. One
copy shall be sent to the department within ten days after the end of the
month in which the form was voided and one copy shall be retained by the
person accountable for the forms for at least two years after the date of
voiding. Refunds will not be made for voided forms.
    (5) All persons authorized to conduct fleet or government vehicle
inspections under this section shall be subject to performance audits and
compliance inspections by the department, during normal business hours.
    (6) Fleet vehicles may be inspected any time between their scheduled
license renewals.
    (7) Certificates of acceptance may not be issued under this section.

    AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 90-06-062, filed 3/6/90, effective

    WAC 173-422-170 EXEMPTIONS. The following motor vehicles are exempt from
the inspection requirement:
    (1) Vehicles proportionally registered pursuant to chapter 46.85 RCW.
    (2) Vehicles whose model year is 1967 or earlier.
    (3) New motor vehicles whose equitable or legal title has never been
transferred to a person who in good faith purchases the vehicle for purposes
other than resale; this does exempt motor vehicles that are or have been
    (4) Motor vehicles that use propulsion units powered exclusively by
    (5) Motor-driven cycles as defined by RCW 46.04.181.
    (6) Farm vehicles as defined by RCW 46.04.332.
    (7) Vehicles exempted from licensing pursuant to RCW 46.16.010.
    (8) Mopeds as defined by RCW 46.04.304.
    (9) Vehicles garaged and operated out of the emission
contributing area.
   (10) Vehicles registered with the state but not for highway use.

   (11) Used vehicles whose licenses have expired or will expire
within thirty days when sold by a Washington licensed motor vehicle dealer.
   (12) Motor vehicles fueled by propane compressed natural
gas, or liquid petroleum gas and so recognized by the department of
              (13) Motor vehicles whose manufacturer or engine manufacturer
provides information that the vehicle cannot meet emission standards because
of its design. In lieu of exempting these vehicles alternative standards
and/or inspection procedures may be established.


    The following sections of the Washington Administrative Code are

                                     SECTION VI
                                     APPENDIX D


                              Number of Stations = 2

Map of area identifying Zone I. Zone I is identified by including 
Marysville, Lake Stevens, Everett, Mukilleo, Snohomish.

                                Number of Stations = 8

Map of area identifying Zone II. Zone II is identified by including Edmonds, 
Lynnewood, Mt. Lake Terrace, Millcreek, Bothell, Woodinville, Kirkland, 
Redmond, Bellevue, Issaquoh, and Renton

                                Number of Stations = 6

Map of area identifying Zone III. Zone III is identified by including Gig 
Harbor, Tacoma, Federal Way, Kent, Maple Valley, Auburn, Pacific, Sumner, 
Puyallup, Graham, Spanaway, Fort Lewis, Dupont, and Steilacoom.

                               Number of Stations = 1

Map of area identifying Zone IV. Zone IV is identified by including 
Vancouver, Comas, and Washougal.

                             Number of Stations = 2

Map of area identifying Zone V. Zone V is identified by including Spokane, 
Otis Richards, Liberty Lake, Green Acres, and Veradale.

                                      SECTION VI

                                      APPENDIX E

                                             WASHINGTON STATE CONTRACT NO.     
                                                                ESCROW NO.

                          Escrow Instructions and Agreement
                         Department of General Administration
                                Office of State Procurement
                       216 General Administration Building-AX-22
                           Olympia, Washington 98504-0622

    (Bank or Savings and Loan Institution)
    (Mailing Address)
    (City, State, Zip)

The undersigned, _________________________ (Contractor), has been directed by
the Department of General Administration, Office of State Procurement (OSP) to
establish and escrow account with a bank or saving and loan institution of their
choice, provided that it is regulated by the State of Washington. The purpose of
this escrow agreement is to guarantee that all provisions of the above
referenced Washington State contract are satisfactorily performed by the
Contractor. The following are the terms, conditions, and instructional for this
escrow agreement, which is the only form which will be accepted by OSP.

1.  The monies to be deposited shall be used by you to purchase certificate(s)
    of time deposit or other interest bearing securities agreed upon by you and
    the Contractor, provided they shall be in a form which shall allow you
    alone to reconvert them into money, if you are required to do so by OSP as
    provided in paragraph 5 below.

2.  When and as interest accrues and is paid, you shall collect such interest
    and forward it to the Contractor at its address designated below; unless
    with your consent, you are otherwise directed in writing by the Contractor.

3.  Other than accrued interest you are not authorized to deliver to the
    Contractor all or any part of the certificate(s) of time deposit or other
    interest-bearing securities or monies held by you pursuant to this
    agreement except in accordance with written instructions from OSP by the
    Contract Administrator assigned to the administration of the above
    referenced Washington State Contract. Compliance with such instructions
    shall relieve you of any further liability related thereto.

4.  The expiration date of the above referenced contract underlying this
    agreement is ________________. OSP shall advise you in writing of any
    change in the contract expiration data including additional contract terms
    and you will be authorized to reinvest the monies held hereunder

5.  In the event the OSP Contract Administrator orders you to do so in writing
    and not withstanding any other provisions of this agreement, you shall,
    within thirty-five (35) calendar days of receipt of such order, reconvert
    into money the certificate(s) of time deposit or other interest-bearing
    securities held by you pursuant to this agreement and return such money and
    any unpaid accrued interest to OSP.

6.  Payment of all fees for your servIces shall be the sole responsibility of
    the Contractor end shall not be deducted from any monies placed with you
    pursuant to this agreement until and unless the OSP Contract Administrator
    directs the release to the Contractor of the monies held hereunder;

you shall be granted a first lien upon such monies released end shall be
entitled to reimburse yourself for the entire amount of your fees.

7.  If you are made a party to any litigation with respect to the monies held
    by you hereunder, or if the conditions of this agreement are not promptly
    fulfilled, or if you are required to render any services not provided for
    in these instructions, or if there is any assignment of the interests of
    this escrow or any modification hereof, you shall be entitled to reasonable
    compensation for such extraordinary services from the Contractor and
    reimbursement from the Contractor for all costs and expenses, including
    attorney fees occasioned by such default, delay, controversy or litigation.

8.  Should you at any time and for any reason desire to be relieved of your
    obligations as escrow holder hereunder, you shall give written notice to
    OSP and Contractor. OSP and Contractor shall, within twenty (20) calendar
    days of the receipt of such notice, jointly appoint a successor escrow
    holder and instruct you to deliver all monies held hereunder to said
    successor. If you are not notified of the appointment of the successor
    escrow holder within that twenty (20) calendar days, you may return the
    sub)ect matter hereof to OSP and upon so doing, OSP and Contractor absolve
    you from all further charges and obligations in connection with this

9.  This agreement shall not be binding until executed by the Contractor and
    you and accepted by OSP at which time copies of this agreement will be sent
    to you and the Contractor.

10. This instrument contains the entire agreement between you, the Contractor
    and OSP with respect to this escrow and you are not a party to nor bound by
    any instrument or agreement other than this. You shall not be required to
    take notice of any default or any other matter, nor be bound by nor
    required to give notice or demand, nor required to take any action whatever
    except as herein expressly provided. You shall not be liable for any loss
    or damage not caused by your own negligence or willful misconduct.

11. The foregoing provisions shall be binding upon the assigns, successors,
    personal representatives and heirs of the parties hereto.

The undersigned have read and hereby approve the instructions as given above
governing the administration of this escrow and do hereby execute this agreement
on this _______ day of ___________, 19___.

- -------------------------------         --------------------------------------  
    (Contractor)                       (Bank or Savings and Loan Institution

By                                          Escrow Account #                   
   -------------------------------                     ------------------------
    (Signature)    (Title)

Uniform Business Identifier                           By                     
(Taxpayer I.D.)            --------------------         -----------------------

- ----------------------------------     ----------------------------------
(Mailing Address)                           (Mailing Address)

- ----------------------------------          -----------------------------------
(City, State, Zip)                          (City, State, Zip)


The above escrow instructions and agreement received and accepted this         
day of                , 19   .

Office of State Procurement


Telephone: (   )                   

                                      SECTION VI

                                      APPENDIX F


Average Number (AWN) = Sum of Vehicles Waiting for Inspections at 0,10,20,30

    0  minutes 10:07 a.m.: 50 cars waiting
    10 minutes 10:17 a.m.: 46 cars waiting
    20 minutes 10:27 a.m.: 42 cars waiting ANM = 50 + 46 + 42 +42 = 45 vehicles
    30 minutes 10:37 a.m.: 42 cars waiting  

Average Inspection Frequency (AIF) = Inspections Done During the 30 Minutes
                                                 30 Minutes

    72 Vehicles Inspected from 10:07 - 10:37 = 2.4 Vehicles per minute 
                  30 Minutes

    Average Waiting Time =  Average Number Waiting (ANW)
                          Average Inspection Frequency (AIF)

    Average Waiting Time =             45 vehicles        = 18.75 Minutes
                              2.4 Vehicles per minute

    Lane 1 closed 10:09-10:11
    Lane 2 closed 10:15-10:20

    Were Lanes Operational and Fully Staffed?  No

    Therefore, Average Waiting Time of 18.75 minutes is a violation

Utilization Factor = Sum of Time Each Lane Operated
                        Total Available Lane Time

Total Available Lane Time = 30 Minutes x Number of Lanes

Example: Lanes 2,3,4,6  30 Minutes each
         Lane 1              28 Minutes          = 28+30+30+30+25+30 = .96
         Lane 5              25 Minutes                  180

Payment  =  Utilization  x Contractor    x  No. of Paid Inspections
         Factor          Payment       During the 30 Minute Period

         .96          x $9.00         x     62   =    $535.68

         (100% Payment = $558.00)

                                      SECTION VI

                                      APPENDIX G

United States                                           March 1992
Environmental Protection Agency

EPA HIGH-TECH I/M Tests: Background
   Materials for Developing an RFP


    NOTE:  All references to evaporative system testing and the following
    portions of this document do not apply to the Invitation to Bid/Contract:

    Sections III, IV, V except for 2
    Section VI except for 1, 2, 7 (pass/fail not determined), 8
    1J, 5, 6 of Section VII
    5, 6 of Section VIII
    Section IX.

                                  Table of Contents


I.       Introduction.........................................................1
II.      General Requirements.................................................1
III.     Number of Transient Test Lanes.......................................2
IV.      Vehicle Standards....................................................5
V.       Test Procedures......................................................8
VI.      Data Collection/Calculations........................................11
VII.     Equipment Specifications............................................16
VIII.    Quality Assurance Requirements......................................28
IX.      Technical Proposal Evaluation.......................................37
X.       References..........................................................39

I.  Introduction

    A draft of this document was originally developed for use by Kentucky's
Jefferson County Air Pollution Control Distract to assist in the preparation of
a Request for Proposal (RFP) for a vehicle Inspection and Maintenance (I/M)
program consisting of transient emission testing, transient purge testing and
evaporative system pressure testing. Although Kentucky is only required to
implement a basic I/M program under the terms of the current Clean Air Act, in
its particulars, the Louisville program resembles EPA's currently recommended
enhanced I/M program design.

    This document was written in RFP style, with references to "the contractor"
and "the state" as appropriate.  Some of the provisions discussed here are
tailored to the specific needs of Louisville, Kentucky and may not fit with
other states' needs.  EPA's intention is not to recommend specific RFP language,
but rather to provide information to states so that they can develop their own
RFPs and include specific details on procedures, quality control and other
essential program features.  Much of the data used in this report was based on
the best information available at the time of drafting, but states should be
aware that EPA's test programs are continuing to be refined.  EPA intends to
update estimates of fast-pass and fast-fail rates, overall failure rates, and
other test-related information.  In addition, EPA will be refining test
procedure algorithms to maximize the effectiveness of the tests. For those
states needing to move ahead with program development, however, these estimates
provide a sound basis for drafting an RFP.

II. General Requirements

    The transient dynamometer test will be the IM240 described in EPA Report
No. EPA-AA-TSS-91-1.

    The transient testing system must operate accurately and relIably during
all ambient and climatic conditions in which the facility accepts any vehicle
for testing.  In addition, the transient dynamometer facilities shall comply
with QSHA, State, and County background pollution concentration levels and noise
levels.  The contractor is also responsible for maintaining ambient background
pollution concentration levels below those required by the Quality Assurance

    The contractor shall provide a safe, convenient, and comfortable waiting
area for public use during vehicle testing.

III.     Number of Transient Test Lanes

    The contractor is responsible for determining the actual number of vehicles
subject to transient testing, by model year, and making 

appropriate assumptions for the numbers of reset and fast-pass vehicles, as a
prerequisite to designing a sufficient number of transient lanes to accommodate
actual test volume.  The network shall be designed so that the average customer
wait time conforms with those specified in the RFP (i.e., no longer than a 15
minute wait to begin testing, except for the last 3 days of each month). 
Furthermore, stations should be sited so that a specified majority of motorists
are within a specified distance of a testing site (i.e., such that 80%  of all
motorists are within 5 miles of a test facility, and 95% are within 12 miles of
a test facility) .  Once in place, if the number of test lanes or facilities is
not adequate to test the number of vehicles in the model year categories
specified in the winning contract, the contractor will be responsible for
implementing corrective action, such as improving efficiency, constructing
additional test lanes, facilities, and the like.

    The state will provide an estimate of the number of vehicles by model year,
but the contractor is responsible for providing facilities to test the actual
number of vehicles in the model years specifIed.  As an additional reference on
throughput, EPA has an on-going test program in Hammond, Indiana that is
conducting transient IM24O tests, evaporative integrity (pressure) tests, and
evaporative purge tests on in-use vehicles.  Bidders may contact EPA to review
this data.  for reference purposes, EPA has provided a preliminary failure-rate
analysis of the data collected.  The failure rates are listed by model year, and
on an overall basis for selected cut points, and combinations of cutpoints. 
Table 1 provides this information for light-duty vehicles, and Table 2 covers
light-duty trucks.  At some cutpoints for the older model years (e.g., 1983 and
1984), the model-year failure rate was quite high for the sample.  It is
expected that such high model-year failure rates would drop significantly after
the first inspection cycle because the repairs needed to pass a transient I/M
test are expected to be durable (as opposed to the short-term repairs often
encountered in idle-test based programs, such as temporary idle adjustments,
etc.). Bidders should consider, however, the effect that the waiver cost limit
may have on the expected decrease in overall retest volume.  Bidders may use the
information in Tables 1 and 2 as a guide, but may not use it to absolve
themselves from the responsibility to provide sufficient facilities to meet the
terms of the RFP.


                                       Table 1
                             LDV Lane IM240 Failure Rates

INDIVIDUAL CUTPOINTS                  1983      1984      1985      1986      1987      1988      1989      1990      1991    All
- --------------------                  ----      ----      ----      ----      ----      ----      ----      ----      ----    ----

0.8 HC                                35.8      32.7      24.3      14.7       7.9       4.6       1.2       0.7       0.0     15.3
1.2 HC                                23.9      19.5      14.2       7.5       4.5       2.2       1.0       0.4       0.0      9.1
1.6 HC                                16.6      11.7       8.3       4.9       2.9       1.7       0.9       0.2       0.0      5.8
2.0 HC                                11.6       6.8       5.9       2.3       2.4       1.2       0.7       0.2       0.0      3.8
15 CO                                 30.6      27.2      18.2      10.9       5.7       3.7       3.3       1.3       0.0     12.6
20 CO                                 20.7      18.3      12.7       7.8       4.5       2.4       1.2       0.6       0.0      8.5
30 CO                                 13.6      13.2       6.9       3.4       3.5       1.2       0.9       0.2       0.0      5.3
1.5 NOx                               62.4      54.6      39.4      30.0      21.4      13.1       7.3       3.7       0.0     28.8
2.0 NOx                               44.5      37.1      25.0      17.4      10.8       4.1       2.4       0.9       0.0     17.6
2.5 NOx                               33.4      23.9      15.5       9.9       5.3       1.7       1.0       0.2       0.0     11.1
3.0 NOx                               25.0      14.3      10.0       6.4       4.1       0.5       0.9       0.2       0.0      7.4
3.5 NOx                               18.3      10.2       6.1       4.6       2.6       0.2       0.3       0.2       0.0      5.1
4.0 NOx                               13.4       7.2       4.9       2.4       1.8       0.2       0.2       0.0       0.0      3.6
Purge Only                             7.4       7.4       5.2       4.8       3.6       2.9       3.5       1.9       0.0      4.6
Pressure Only                          9.0       4.2       5.9       3.5       5.2       2.4       3.0       3.7       3.3      4.5
Fail Both Purge and Pressure           1.5       0.8       0.8       0.5       0.6       0.3       0.0       0.4       0.0      0.6
Fail Purge/Pressure/Both              17.9      12.4      11.9       8.8       9.4       5.6       6.5       6.0       3.3      9.7

Sample Size                            464       657       639       614       509       589       577       536        30     4615

- ------------------
HC/CO/NOx                             1983      1984      1985      1986      1987      1988      1989      1990      1991     All
Purge/Pressure/Both                   ----      ----      ----      ----      ----      ----      ----      ----      ----    -----

0.8/15/2/5                            65.1      54.8      44.8      28.7      20.8      12.6      10.4       7.6       3.3    30.5
1.2/20/3.0                            52.4      41.7      34.7      21.3      17.5       8.7       8.1       6.7       3.3    23.7
1.6/30/3.5                            44.4        33        25      16.1      15.1       7.3       7.5       6.3       3.3    19.1
2.0/30/3.5                            42.7      31.7      24.1      15.1      15.1       7.3       7.5       6.3       3.3    18.4

1983-87: 1.2/20/3.0
1988+:   0.8/15/2.5                   52.4      41.7      34.7      21.3      17.5      12.6      10.4       7.6       3.3    24.6

1983-87: 1.6/30/3.5
1988+:   1.2/20/3.0                   44.4        33        25      16.1      15.1       8.7       8.1       6.7       3.3    19.4

1983-87: 2.0/30/3.5
1988+:   0.8/15/2.5                   42.7      31.7      24.1      15.1      15.1      12.6      10.4       7.6       3.3    19.6


INDIVIDUAL CUTPOINTS                  1983      1984      1985      1986      1987      1988      1989      1990      1991    All
- --------------------                  ----      ----      ----      ----      ----      ----      ----      ----      ----    ----

1983-87: 2.0/30/3.5                                                                      8.7       8.1       6.7       3.3      18.7
1988+:   1.2/20/3.0                   42.7      31.7      24.1      15.1      15.1

1983-87: 2.0/30/3.5
1988+:   1.6/30/3.5                   42.7      31.7      24.1      15.1      15.1       7.3       7.5       6.3       3.3      18.4


                                       Table 2
                             LDV Lane IM240 Failure Rates

INDIVIDUAL CUTPOINTS                  1983      1984      1985      1986      1987      1988      1989      1990      1991     All
- --------------------                  ----      ----      ----      ----      ----      ----      ----      ----      ----    -----

0.8 HC                               100.0      36.8      43.8      37.9      22.2       0.0       6.3       6.0       0.0     18.1
1.2 HC                                50.0      21.5      25.0      20.7       2.8       0.0       3.1       0.0       0.0      7.7
1.6 HC                                50.0      10.5      18.8      10.3       2.8       0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0      4.5
2.0 HC                                50.0       5.3      12.5       3.4       2.8       0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0      2.7
15 CO                                 50.0      26.3      31.3      13.8      13.9       3.0       0.0       0.0       0.0      9.5
20 CO                                 50.0      15.8      25.0      10.3       5.6       0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0      5.9
30 CO                                  0.0       5.3       6.3      10.3       2.8       0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0      2.7
2.0 NOx                             100.00      68.4      50.0      48.3      25.0       6.1       6.3       6.0       0.0     23.9
2.5 NOx                              100.0      47.4      50.0      44.8      11.1       3.0       0.0       0.0       0.0     16.7
3.0 NOx                              100.0      36.8      37.5      37.9       8.3       3.0       0.0       0.0       0.0     13.5
3.5 NOx                              100.0      36.8      25.0      24.1       8.3       3.0       0.0       0.0       0.0     10.8
4.0 NOx                               50.0      26.3      12.5      10.3       5.6       3.0       0.0       0.0       0.0      6.3
Purge Only                             0.0      15.8       6.3       3.4       2.8       6.1       3.1       0.0       0.0      4.1
Pressure Only                          0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0       2.8       0.0       0.0       4.0       0.0      1.4
Fail Both Purge and Pressure           0.0       5.3       0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0      0.5
Fail Purge/Pressure/Both               0.0      21.1       6.3       3.4       5.6       6.1       3.1       4.0       0.0      6.0

Sample Size                              2        19        16        29        36        33        32        50         5      222

- ------------------
HC/CO/NOx                             1983      1984      1985      1986      1987      1988      1989      1990      1991    All
Purge/Pressure/Both                  -----      ----      ----      ----      ----      ----      ----      ----      ----   -----

0.8/15/2/5                           100.0      73.7      56.3      62.1      33.3      12.1       9.4      10.0       0.0    30.2
1.2/20/3.0                           100.0      63.2      43.8      37.9      22.2       9.1       6.3       4.0       0.0    21.2
1.6/30/3.5                            50.0      52.6      25.0      24.1      16.7       9.1       3.1       4.0       0.0    15.3
1983-87: 1.2/20/3.5                  100.0      63.2      43.8      37.9      22.2      12.1       9.4      10.0       0.0    23.4


- ------------------
HC/CO/NOx                             1983      1984      1985      1986      1987      1988      1989      1990      1991    All
Purge/Pressure/Both                  -----      ----      ----      ----      ----      ----      ----      ----      ----   -----

1988+:   0.8/15/3.0                     .0

1983-87: 1.6/30/4.0                   50.0      52.6      25.0      24.1      16.7       9.1       6.3       4.0       0.0    15.8
1988+:   1.2/20/3.5

1983-87: 1.6/30/4.0                   50.0      52.6      25.0      24.1      16.7      12.1       9.4      10.0       0.0    18.0
1988+:   0.8/15/3.0


    Additionally, when using only hydrocarbon (HC) and carbon monoxide (CO)
failure criteria a preliminary EPA analysis estimated that slightly under 50% of
the 1984 and newer vehicles tested would meet a fast-pass exhaust emission
criteria of 1.1 gpm HC and 5 gpm CO by second 93 in the IM24O (i.e., Bag 1). 
The contractor should be aware, however, that a small portion of fast-pass purge
vehicles may need to be operated until second 190.

    As experience is gained on the throughput capabilities, failure rates,
fast-pass rates, and fast-fail rates, the state may elect (at no cost to itself)
to increase the model years covered, or tighten the standards to take advantage
of the improved network efficiency, thereby increasing the number of transient
tests to be conducted for a fixed number of existing transient test lanes.  If,
subsequently, the average wait time exceeds specifications, the state may elect
to readjust the model year coverage downward, with the understanding that such
coverage shall not fall below the range originally specified in the contract.

IV. Vehicle Standards

    The contractor shall make provisions to allow for a phase in of emissIon
standards, as well as potential future changes in the numerical levels of the
following standards at no cost to the state.  Potential future standards would
be limited to one set of changes per year.  Implementation of the initial
phase-in standards will be at the discretion of the state at the time of program
implementation. Implementation of intermediate phase-in standards will be
limited to once per quarter during the first year and a half of implementing
pass/fail standards on the transient test.

    1.   Exhaust Standards

    All 1984 and later model year light-duty vehicles and light-duty trucks
(EPA classes LDT1 and LDT2) exceeding the gram per mile (gpm) limits listed in
Table 3 on the IM240 transient driving cycle shall fail the exhaust portion of
the test.  The phase-in standards shall apply for at least one calendar year
from program implementation.  However, the contractor shall make provisions that
will allow the state to exercise (at no cost) alternate phase-in standards
necessary to arrive at the final standards specified with a minimum disruption
to the public.  If needed, as determined by the state, the contractor shall also
provide for phase-in and final standards for light-duty trucks with test weights
above and below a value selected by the state 


(e.g., LDT1 and LDT2) .  The state shall be able to implement standards below
the final standards specified (at no cost to the state); however, the contractor
is not obligated to exceed the maximum throughput of the specified final
standards if the state Implements lower standards.


                                       Table 3
                           Overall Emission Test Standards

                                         Phase-In         Final Standards
                                       LDV       LDT       LDV       LDT
                                     ------     -----     -----     -----


HC                                   1.2 gpm    1.2 gpm   0.8 gpm   0.8 gpm
CO                                  20.0 gpm   20.0 gpm  15.0 gpm  15.0 gpm
NOx                                  3.0 gpm    3.5 gpm   2.5 gpm   3.0 gpm

HC                                   2.0 gpm    2.0 gpm   0.8 gpm   0.8 gpm
CO                                  30.0 gpm   30.0 gpm  15.0 gpm  15.0 gpm
NOx                                  3.5 gpm    4.0 gpm   2.5 gpm   3.0 gpm

    2.   Purge Standards

    Vehicles with an evaporative purge rate measuring less than one liter over
the transIent dynamometer test shall fail the evaporative purge test. 
Additionally, vehicles with a missing or obviously damaged canister shall be
failed for a malfunctioning canister.

    3.   Integrity Standards

    Vehicles which cannot maintain a pressure of 8 inches of water for 2
minutes (or equivalent as demonstrated by an acceptable alternative procedure)
shall fail the evaporative integrity test.  Additionally, vehicles shall fail
the evaporative integrity test if the canister is missing or obviously damaged,
if evaporative hoses are missing or obviously disconnected, or if the gas cap is
missing.  If it is determined that a vehicle's gas cap appeared to be
insufficiently tightened after it has failed the integrity test, the gas cap
shall be properly (not excessively) tightened, and the test shall be repeated.


    4.   Retest Standards

    Standards for retest vehicles shall be the same as the initial test
standards.  Retest vehicles shall be retested against all standards (i.e.,
exhaust, purge, and integrity) regardless of the initial failure category.

    5.   Fast-Pass Standards

    The contractor shall make provisions that would allow the implementation of
fast-pass routines (at no cost to the state) to increase lane throughput. 
Before implementing any fast-pass routines that are proposed by the contractor,
the contractor shall obtain authorization from the state to implement such
proposals.  Exhaust fast-pass routines will likely be based on the level of
emissions in Bag 1 (see Section V), the level during certain modes of the
driving circle, or a combination of the two that is below a projected level. 
The contractor may also choose to store second-by-second readings from each
vehicle which, upon analysis of the data base created by these readings, might
allow a vehicle to meet a fast-pass criteria before the end of Bag 1.  Purge
fast-pass routines will likely be based on the measured purge flow exceeding the
minimum purge level by some point In the driving cycle.  Integrity fast-pass
routines will likely be based on minimum parameters developed for the integrity

    At the state's discretion, the implementation of a fast-pass routine may
quickly pass all cars meeting the criteria, or may only quickly pass cars
meeting the criteria when there is a backup of vehicles waiting for a test.

    6.   Fast-Fail Standards

    The contractor shall make provisions that would allow the implementation of
fast-fail routines (at no cost to the state) to increase lane throughput. 
Before implementing any fast-fail routines that are proposed by the contractor,
the contractor shall obtain authorization from the state to implement such
proposals.  Exhaust fast-fail routines will likely be based on the level of
emissions in Bag 1, the level during certain modes of the driving cycle, or a
combination of the two exceeding a pre-selected level.  It is also likely that
any fast-fail routine will use an initial portion of the transient cycle for
vehicle preconditioning before making a fail decision on some other portion of
the cycle.  Purge fast-fail routines will likely be based on a measured purge
flow significantly below the minimum purge level by some point in the driving
cycle, or obviously disconnected purge hoses.  In the case of low purge flow, a


vehicle shall not be failed for purge flow until after 190 seconds of the
IM240, unless the contractor makes provisions for fast-fail test duration by
manufacturer.  Integrity fast-fail routines will likely be based upon minimum
parameters developed for the integrity test, such as failure to achieve initial
evaporative system test pressure. Obviously disconnected evaporative system
hoses, a missing canister, or a missing gas cap shall be used to place a vehicle
in the fast-failing category.

    At the state's discretion, the implementation of a fast-fail routine may
quickly fail all cars meeting the criteria, or may only quickly fail cars
meeting the criteria when there is a backup of vehicles waiting for a test.

    7.   Special Considerations

    Some vehicles may be difficult to test on the transient driving cycle or
using the purge or vapor-integrity tests. The state will develop procedures as
necessary for such vehicles utilizing equipment provided by the contractor.  The
contractor shall implement such procedures and develop any necessary software at
no cost to the state.  The contractor may propose to the state, at any time,
procedures to minimize the number cars needing specIal consideration; however,
all such special procedures shall require state approval prior to

V.  Test Procedures

    The contractor shall develop and maintain written, up-to-date procedures
for conducting the required tests.

    1.   Vehicle Prep

      -  Prior to the dynamometer procedure, the following shall occur:

      -  All accessories shall be turned off.

      -  Vehicle Information shall be determined, so that the proper inertia
         and power absorption can be automatically selected, and so that test
         data and test status (i.e., initial, retest, etc) can be properly
         stored for the vehicle.

      -  The vehicle shall be checked for a missing gas cap.  The tightness of
         the gas cap may also be checked.  If


         loose, the cap shall be properly (not excessively) tightened, and the
         owner shall be informed of the air pollution impact of a loose gas
         cap, and advised that they can do their part to help clean the air by
         properly tightening the gas cap after refueling.

      -  The evaporative purge measurement system shall be pneumatically
         attached to the vehicle.

      -  The vehicle shall be checked for a missing or obviously damaged
         evaporative canister, or obviously disconnected evaporative system

      -  Preparation equipment for the evaporative integrity analysis system
         may also be pneumatically attached. However, the preparation equipment
         shall not interfere with the proper operation of the vehicle's
         evaporative system.

    2.   Dynamometer Procedure

         The dynamometer procedure shall Include the following events:

      -  Maneuvering the vehicle onto the dynamometer.  Note: the transient
         driving cycle shall be conducted with the hood up.

      -  Automatically restraining the vehicle.

      -  Automatically positioning the cooling system, and activating it.

      -  Sampling the background concentrations for a minimum of 15 seconds
         prior to the beginning of the transient driving cycle.

      -  Checking vehicle/dynamometer alignment, and drying wet-tires with the
         preselected load and inertia weight.

      -  Allowing the vehicle to idle with a vehicle speed of zero for a
         minimum of 10 seconds.

      -  Beginning the transient emission test driving cycle.


      -  Sampling the emissions over the driving cycle.

      -  Integrating the exhaust emission concentration (not voltages) over the
         specified test modes.

      -  Recording the evaporative purge results.

      -  Sampling the background concentrations at the conclusion of the
         driving cycle.

      -  Deactivating the cooling system, and automatically stowing the cooling

      -  Automatically removing vehicle restraints, and maneuvering the vehicle
         off the dynamometer.

    3.   Evaporative System Purge Test Procedures

         The purge test procedure shall consist of measuring the totalized
purge flow (in standard liters) occurring in the vehicle's evaporative system
during the transient dynamometer emission test.  The purge flow measurement
system shall be connected to the purge portion of the evaporative system in
series between the canister and the engine, preferably near the canister.

    4.   Evaporative System Integrity Test Procedures

         The evaporative system integrity analysis system shall determine the 
ability of a vehicle's evaporatIve system to maintain pressure above 9 inches 
of water for 2 minutes after being pressurized to 14 (PLUS/MINUS .5) inches 
of water.  All components and lines of the evaporative system between the 
evaporative canister and the gas cap that primarily convey or control fuel 
vapor, or separate liquid from vapor shall be checked (components conveying 
or controlling liquid fuel are not included).  Although alternative 
procedures may be used to increase throughput (subject to the contract 
equipment specifications), the existing procedure includes:

     Connecting the test equipment to the fuel tank canister hose at the
     canister end.  Although not part of the current procedure, it is
     recommended that the gas cap be checked to determine if it is secured
     properly during vehicle check-in, and if not, to properly (not excessively)
     tighten to cap.  The tightness of the cap could also be checked before the


    system is pressurized at the lane Integrity-checkIng station.  For
    vehicles with obviously loose caps, the owner shall be Informed of the air
    pollution Impact of a loose gas cap, and advised that they can do their
    part to help clean the air by properly tightening the gas cap after

    -    Pressurizing the system to 14 (+/-O.5) inches of water (without
         exceeding 26 inches of water system pressure)

    -    Closing off the pressure source, and sealing the evaporative system.

    -    Monitoring the pressure decay in the system for up to 2 minutes.

    -    Removing the gas cap after integrity is established to monitor for a
         sudden drop in system pressure.


    -    On failed vehicles only, if the gas cap appears loose when checking
         for fuel tank pressure, and it has not been previously checked for
         tightness, the cap shall be properly (not excessively) tightened, and
         the test shall be repeated.

    -    For vehicles that pass the repeated test after the the gas cap is
         properly tightened, the owner shall be informed of the air pollution
         impact of a loose gas cap, and advised that they can do their part to
         help clean the air by properly tightening the gas cap after refueling.


average emission index (grams second) values need to be stored.

4.  Consumer Report

    The contractor shall provide the consumer with a report clearly indicating
the pass, fall status, the test scores, and whether the test was an initial test
or a retest.  Additionally, the consumer report shall provide information on any
applicable warranty coverage, and include an inspector's signature block.  The
specific language on warranty shall conform to EPA I/M regulations and 40 CFR
Section 85 Subpart W on warranty statements for the model year of the vehicle at
the time of I/M testing.  Required changes to the warranty statement shall be at
no cost to the state.  (NOTE:  Because the Clean Air Act of 1990 changed the
period of the performance warranty and of the defect warranty for 1995 and later
vehicles, the contractor may need to make provisions to give the consumer a
different warranty statement depending on the model year of the vehicle, and
final EPA guidance.)  

    The contractor shall provide the consumer with a "retest" report that
includes all of the information in the initial test report, but is clearly
distinguishable from the initial test report.  Additionally, the retest report
shall provide information on the change in fuel economy (in an acceptable form
to the state and EPA with appropriate caveats based on state and EPA guidance)
and the pounds of emissions reduced per 10,000 miles of driving from the
required repairs.  The state may (at no cost) choose to delay printing of the
fuel economy and emission reduction information upon initial start up pending
analysis of data collected.  The state may also choose to highlight the


 emissions reduction with a short spirited statement on the report.  


5.  Mechanic's Vehicle Report  

    Anyone seeking to repair an individual vehicle shall be able to obtain from
the contractor the vehicle's modal test values, bag values, and the
corresponding average values for passing vehicles of the same model year,
manufacturer, and engine family.  For the evaporative system tests, the
contractor shall include information on the type of failure (i.e., integrity or
purge), and for integrity tests, the reason for failure (e.g., failed to hold
pressure, missing canister, disconnected hoses, etc.).  In addition, the
contractor shall also make available in a manner similar to the modal
information, On-Board Diagnostic (OBD) codes/information, and any tampered
components/systems identified, if such information becomes part of the
inspection process.  

    The contractor shall also make available the information in the mechanic's
report to the repair industry by electronic means.  The electronic access shall
be convenient and standardized.  The contractor shall consider BAR 90 access
methods, emerging Society of Automotive Engineering (SAE) standards, AIAG/ANSI
data interchange protocols, and the repair industry's needs and equipment in
selecting a convenient and cost effective (to the repair industry) data exchange
protocol.  The contractor may propose to provide read-only access to data
provided to the state, if the access is limited to the test data (requires
review and approval by the state), if the access to system is convenient, and if
the access equipment is cost effective to the repair industry.  The contractor
shall be responsible for determining and keeping up with demand for data by
electronic means.  

6.  Service Center Feedback Report

    The contractor shall provide a monthly feedback report to each service
center that submits more than five vehicles per month for retesting.  The
feedback report shall be designed and modified as necessary to assist the repair
industry in effectively evaluatIng their progress in improving emission repairs.
Control chart analysis and input from the repair industry is highly recommended.
The following shall be included as a minimum.  

      -   Number of vehicles submitted for retest

      -   Number of vehicles submitted for retest that failed retest


      -  Number of vehicles submitted for retest that received waivers

      -  detest failure rate

      -  Retest waiver rate

      -  Number of vehicles that failed multiple retests

      -  Multiple retest rate

      -  Contribution of service center to air quality (i.e., total tons, or
         pounds, of pollution reduced from repairs to vehicles submitted for
         retest during a given reporting period).  The contribution of repairs
         to vehicles submitted for retest shall be broken out by the following
         categories, and shall include all pollutants:  

         -    All repairs  

         -    Repairs to complying vehicles  

         -    Repairs to passing vehicles  

         -    Repairs to waived vehicles  

         -    Repairs to failed vehicles  

      -  Contribution of service center to energy savings (i.e., fuel economy
         improvements or savings due to repairs on vehicles submitted for
         retest during reporting period) The contribution of repairs to
         vehicles submitted for retest shall be broken out by the following
         categories, and for each initial failure type (e.g., NOx failure
         repairs, CO failure repairs, etc.).  

         -    All repairs  

         -    Repairs to complying vehicles  

         -    Repairs to passing vehicles  

         -    Repairs to waived vehicles  


         -    Repairs to failed vehicles  

      -  Lost revenue repair rate (i.e., the number of vehicles that failed the
         retest that were repaired elsewhere relative to the number of vehicles
         that originally failed the retest).  

         The contractor shall make available to the state electronically,
service center information on all providers submitting vehicles for retest.


7.  Calculations  

    Emissions shall be calculated in grams/mile for the composite test; Bags 1
and 2; and Modes 1 through 9.  

    The pre-test background concentrations shall be used to adjust the
    integrated exhaust concentrations as specified in 40 CFR Section 86.144-9O,
    and as specified in the "Integration" requirements included in Section
    VII(4)(C) of this document.  Pre- and post-test ambient background
    concentration levels shall be averaged to determine Quality Assurance
    background validity.  All adjusted exhaust emission concentrations shall be
    converted to mass values using the constants and equations contained in 40
    CFR Section 86.144.  The mass value shall be divided by the appropriate
    measured distance traveled to obtain grams per mile (gpm).  The composite
    test value shall be calculated to determine pass/fail status as follows:  

                                                  SUMMATION  grams of emissions
                    Pass/Fail (gpm)  =                       sec=0
                                                  SUMMATION  miles traveled

An example of a "Bag 2 Accel 2" modal calculation (mode 7) would be:

                                                  SUMMATION  grams of emissions
                    Mode 7 (gpm)  =                     sec=156

                                                  SUMMATION  miles traveled

8.  Dynamometer Settings

    The contractor shall be responsible for maintaining and updating (at no
cost to the state) look-up tables (or an equivalent) for road load absorption
settings and inertia weight selections.  The updating shall include adding model
years and categories, as necessary to reflect the I/M test fleet.  EPA will
provide (likely on a yearly basis) a listing horse power values (at 50 mph)
and/or coast-down times (55 mph to 45 mph), and consolidated vehicle test
weights categorized by model year, vehicle market name (e.g., Chevrolet, Buick,
Geo, etc.), vehicle identity label (historically referred to as the car "line,"


Celebrity, Le Sabre, Metro, etc.), and power plant displacement
or number of cylinders/displacement.


A.  Road Load Setting

    The contractor shall convert the EPA-supplied test track (i.e., actual)
road load horse power values (or coast-down times) to indicated dynamometer
power absorption settings based on the procedures specified in 40 CFR Section
86.118-78, and as specified in the dynamometer equipment specifications.  

B.  Inertia Weight Selection

    The inertia weight selections should not need any modification to be used

C.  Default Settings

    In some cases, a vehicle may not be in the standard look-up table for power
absorption and inertia settings.  In those rare cases, and until the look-up
table is updated, the contractor may use a default setting based on the number
of cylinders in the vehicle's engine.  A record of the number of vehicles tested
with a default setting, the type of setting, and the facility shall be
maintained and available to the state.  EPA will likely provide the default
settings, which will likely be in the form of the following table.  The default
table shall be designed to be updated.  

                                       Table 5

                              Possible Default Settings

               Number of      Road Load          Test
               Cylinders      Horsepower         Weight
               ---------      ----------         -------
                3              8.3                2000 
                4              9.4                2500 
                5             10.3                3000 
                6             10.3                3000 
                8 LDV         11.2                3500 
                8 LDT         12.0                4000 
               10 LDV         11.2                3500 
               10 LDT         12.7                4500 
               12 LDV         12.0                4000 
               12 LDT         13.4                5000 


VII.  Equipment Specifications

1.   Dynamometer Specifications

     The dynamometer shall accommodate all LDT's and LDV's up to 8500 pounds
curb weight.  The dynamometer system shall incorporate automatic features
that will select the proper road load horsepower and inertia simulation based
on the vehicle parameters entered into the test system (or already in the
vehicle test record) at the time of vehicle check-in.  The contractor may
propose a non-automatic system, if the contractor also describes a Quality
Assurance method providing equivalent or better assurance of correct
selections, and equivalent or better lane throughput.

A.   Power Absorption

     Range and Absorption Curve - The range of power absorption at 50 mph
shall be 4 to at least 30 horsepower.  The speed versus horsepower absorption
curve shall follow equation  [VII-1] between 5 and 60 mph.  The absorption
shall be adjustable across the specified range at 50 mph in 0.1 horsepower
increments.  The accuracy of the power absorber shall be +/-0.25 horsepower.  

[VII-1]   F = A + { (B)  *  (velocity) }   + { (C) * (velocity)(2)

          Parasitic Losses - The selection of the power absorption for each
test shall account for parasitic losses in the dynamometer system, such as
tire losses, bearing friction, etc.  The power setting selected, in
combination with the proper inertia test weight for an individual vehicle,
shall result in a dynamometer coast-down time (with the test vehicle on the
dynamometer) that is within 1 second of the 55 mph to 45 mph coast-down time
calculated by equation [VII-2] (in English units) using the procedures in 40
CFR Section 86.118-78 (also see Quality Assurance requirements for periodic

[VII-2] Coast-down Time =

(0.06073) * (Inertia Weight Selected)
- -------------------------------------

where ARLHP = track road load horse power represented by power absorption


B.   Inertia Simulation

          The dynamometer shall be equipped with mechanical inertia weights
providing test inertias of 2000 to 5500 pounds, varying by 500 pound
increments.  It is acceptable to use a base dynamometer inertia of 2000
pounds with three inertia flywheels of 500 pounds, 1000 pounds, and 2000
pounds to provide the specified test weights.  The proper inertia weight for
any test vehicle must be selectable.  The actual inertia weights/flywheels
operating during the test must be identified in the Quality Assurance
process.  Electric inertia simulation, or a combination of electric and
mechanical simulation may be used, provided that the performance of the
electrically simulated inertia complies with the specifications for
electrical Inertia simulation in EPA's "Specifications for Electric Chassis
Dynamometers," RFP No. C100081T1.  

C.   Inertia Weight Selection

          For dynamometer systems employing mechanical inertia flywheels, the
test system shall be equipped with a method, independent from the flywheel
selection system, that identifies which inertia weight flywheels are actually
rotating during the test.  For systems employing electrical inertia
simulation, an algorithm identifying the actual inertia weight curing the
test shall be used.

     D.   Rolls

          The dynamometer shall he equipped with twin coupled rolls.  Either 
8.6 inch (PLUS/MINUS 0.04%) diameter rolls or 20.0 inch (PLUS/MINUS 0.04%) 
diameter rolls may be used.  The dynamometer rolls accommodate an inside 
track width of 36 inches and an outside track width of 108 inches.  The roll 
size, surface finish, and hardness shall be such that tire slippage on the 
first acceleration of the IM24O is minimized under all weather conditions; 
that the specified accuracy of the distance measurement is maintained; and 
that tire wear and noise are minimized.  

E.             Test Distance/Vehicle Speed

          The test system shall measure the distance traveled for each phase 
or the IM240, and shall also measure the equivalent vehicle speed (i.e., roll 
speed).  The measurement of the actual roll distance for each bag shall be 
accurate to within PLUS/MINUS 0.01 mile.  The measurement of the roll speed 
shall he accurate to within PLUS/MINUS 0.1 mph.


F.   Vehicle Restraint

          The test system shall provIde for automatic vehicle restraints,
upon operator initiation, that do not require an
operator to 'tie-down' the test vehicle.  The restraint system shall allow
unobstructed vehicle ingress and egress, shall be capable of safely
restraining the vehicle under all operating conditions, and shall not damage
the vehicle.  Operation of the system shall also not damage I/M vehicles, and
shall not impart any adverse vertical or horizontal force.  Idler rollers may
be use in compliance with these requirements.  At the conclusion of the test,
operator initiation shall cause the restraint system to be stowed in a manner
that allows the vehicle to be quickly and safely removed from the

G.   Vehicle Cooling

          The test system shall provide for a method to prevent over heating
of the vehicle in a manner similar or equivalent to that specified in 40 CFR
Section 86.135-9O(b).  The cooling method shall direct air to the radiator of
the test vehicle (typical cooling air speed for such equipment is equivalent
to approximately 20 MPH).  Care shall be taken to avoid improper cooling of
the catalytic convertor.  Positioning of the cooling system shall be
accomplished quickly and effortlessly through automatic means.  

H.   System Calibration

          The system shall provide for the automatic computation and
recording of each dynamometer coast-down check performed (see Quality
Assurance procedures).  The clock used to check the coast-down time shall be
accurate to the nearest 0.01 seconds when totalizing 1000 seconds.  

I.   Operator Controls

          The operator shall have a control console or pendant that can be
conveniently operated from the driver's seat of the test vehicle.  The
control pendant shall allow the test vehicle to be easily and quickly
maneuvered onto and off of the dynamometer without damaging the vehicle or
the console.  The pendant shall provide for the operator to:  

     activate and deactivate the automatic vehicle restraint system

     activate and deactivate the positioning of the vehicle cooling system
     (if automatic)


     automatically over-ride the cooling system control

     initiate the transient driving cycle and analysis system sampling, if
     not automatic (i.e., part of the overall driving cycle)

     observe the video driver's trace

     observe and verify the test vehicle identification parameters (e.g.,
     manufacturer and model); and the selected inertia weight and the power
     absorption setting

     observe indicated horsepower, and vehicle speed

     observe test time and coast-down time (if not part of video driver's

     activate a "test abort" control

J.   Four-Wheel Drive

          The contractor shall include as a separate cost option (which the
state may exercise) the ability to test four-wheel drive vehicles.

          Part-Time Four-Wheel Drive - In general, part-time four-wheel drive
vehicles shall be tested in the two-wheel drive mode by the normal testing

          Full-Time Four-Wheel Drive - The contractor shall include separate
cost options for one test lane in the I/M network capable of testing
full-time four-wheel drive vehicles, and for at least one test lane at each
facility capable of testing full-time four-wheel drive vehicles.  The method
for testing full-time four-wheel drive vehicles shall allow vehicles with
different wheel base lengths to be tested, shall allow the application of
correct vehicle loading for the IM240 driving cycle, and shall not damage the
four-wheel drive system.  At a minimum, if front and rear wheel absorbing
units are used, they shall maintain speed synchronization to the same
tolerances specified in EPA's RFP No. C1000881T1.

2.   Driver's Aid

     The driver's aid shall be a video-type driver's aid (VDA).


A.   Speed-Time Trace

     The speed versus time trace for the transient dynamometer test shall
conform to the IM240 driving cycle in EPA Report No. EPA-AA-TSS-91-1. 
However, provisions shall be made such that alternative driving schedules
(not to exceed four minutes in length) may be conveniently substituted at the
state's request (at no cost to the state).

B.   Shift Schedules

     EPA's standard shift schedules and procedures shall be used for the
transient driving cycle.  When testing vehicles equipped with automatic
transmissions, the inspector shall use the highest gear selectable (i.e.,
overdrive, or - when not equipped with overdrive - drive), and shall be
allowed to shift automatically.  Manual transmissions shall be shifted by the
following schedule.  Shift marks and gear selection shall be located on the
driver's trace.  Only shift marks applicable to the number of gears in the
transmission need to be used (i.e., all shift marks may appear on the trace).


                                      Table 6

                                IM240 Shift Schedule

                   Shift                       Approximate
                    and           Speed        Cycle Time
                Sequence           (mph)          (sec)
                --------          ------       ------------
                   1 - 2           15             9.3
                   2 - 3           25             47.0
                Declutch           15             87.9
                   1 - 2           15            101.5
                   2 - 3           25            105.5
                   3 - 2           ~17.2          119.0
                   2 - 3           25            145.8
                   3 - 4           40            163.6
                   4 - 5           45            167.0
                   5 - 6           50            180.0
                Declutch           15            234.0

3.   Constant Volume Sampler

     A Constant Volume Sampling (CVS) system of the Critical Flow Venturi
(CFV) type shall be used to collect vehicle exhaust samples.  The CVS system
and components shall generally conform to the specifications in 40 CFR
Section 86.109-90 with the following provisions.

A.   Mixing Tee

     The dilution mixing tee shall be moved to the vehicle tailpipe exit as
in Section 86.109-30(a)(2)(iv).  The contractor is responsible to insure that
the design(s) used collects all of the sample from the variety of exhaust
systems in the fleet, and does not cause static pressure variations in the
tailpipe of more than +5 inches of water (1.2 kPa).  The mixing tee shall
have a device for positively locating the tee relative to the tailpipe with
respect to distance from the tailpipe, and with respect to positioning the
exhaust stream from the tailpipe(s) in the center of the mixing tee flow
area.  The locating device, or the size of the entrance to the tee shall be
such that if a vehicle moves laterally from one extreme position on the
dynamometer to the other extreme, that mixing tee will collect all of the
exhaust sample.  The design of the mixing tee will be evaluated with back to
back testing of several vehicles over a range of adverse conditions with a
positive connection to the tailpipe (i.e., the 


mixing tee will be effectively moved downstream, as in typical FTP testing, 
for these qualification tests).


B.   Dual Exhaust

     As indicated above, the contractor is responsible to insure that the
design of the sampling system used collects all of the sample from the
variety of exhaust systems in the fleet.  This responsibility includes dual
exhaust systems. In particular, for dual exhaust systems the design used
shall insure that each leg of the sample collection system maintains equal
flow.  The contractor may be required to demonstrate (i.e., measure) that
each leg has equal flow (+ 10%) during acceptance testing.  In addition, the
CVS shall be sized such that the entrance flow velocity of each mixing tee is
sufficient to entrain all of the vehicle's exhaust. The design of the dual
exhaust system will be evaluated with back to back testing of several
vehicles over a range of adverse conditions with a positive connection to the
tailpipe (i.e., the mixing tee will be effectively moved downstream, as in
typical FTP testing, for these qualification tests).

C.   Background Sample

     The background sample probe or probes shall collect a background sample
near the entrance to the mixing tee.  At least three equally spaced locations
around the mixing tee shall be used to sample the background.

D.   Integrated Sample

     A continuous dilute sample shall be provided for integration by the
analytical instruments in a manner similar to the method for collecting bag
samples as described in Section 86.109.

E.   Bag Sample

     The CVS system shall also provide for periodically collecting vehicle
exhaust in sample bags (at least Bag 1 and Bag 2) simultaneously with the
measurement of an integrated sample to conduct Quality Assurance
verifications of the integration system.

F.   Leak Check

     A method to check the vacuum portion of the sample system for leaks
shall be provided.  The method shall be such that it can be easily performed
each time the system integrity is violated (e.g., changing a filter).


G.   CVS Flow Size

     The CVS system shall be sized in a manner that prevents condensation in
the dilute sample over the range of ambient conditions to be encountered
during testing.  Historically, this has dictated a 700 ACFM system over the
more traditional 350 ACFM system.  The range of ambient conditions may
dictate heated sample lines.  The contractor may also choose to use the
smaller sized CVS and heated lines to eliminate condensation and to increase
measured concentrations for better resolution (however, the 700 ACFM system
does reduce the dynamic range of the measured concentrations).  Should the
contractor choose to use heated sample lines, the sample line and components
(e.g., filters, etc.) shall be heated to a minimum of 120 F, shall be
monitored and assurance of proper operation shall be covered in the Quality
Assurance program.

H.  Sample Probe

     The sample probe shall be designed such that a continuously proportioned
volume of sample is collected for analysis.  The system shall have a method
for determining if the sample collection system has deteriorated or
malfunctioned such that a proportional sample is not being collected.  A
simple manometer to measure pressure drop across the probe has been used for
this function.

I.   CVS Compressor

     The CVS compressor unit shall be designed to maintain choke flow in the
main CVS venturi with an adequate margin, while minimizing down time and

J.   Materials

     All materials in contact with exhaust gas shall be unaffected by and
shall not affect the sample (i.e., the materials shall not react with the
sample, and neither shall they taint the sample as a result of outgassing). 
Acceptable materials include stainless steel, teflon, and Tedlar.-Registered

4.   Emission Analysis System

     Upon operator initiation, the emission analysis system shall
automatically sample, integrate, and record the specified emission values for
HC, CO, CO(2), and NOx.  Such initiation may occur automatically upon
initiation of the transient cycle, and a


quality control check has been made to insure that the vehicle is in the 
proper window to begin the transient test.


     The emission analysis system shall automatically determine the pass/fail
status, and print a consumer report.

A.   Analytical Instruments

     The analytical instruments shall comply with the methods of detection
and the specifications listed below.  The instrument ranges specified are
based on a 700 ACFM CVS.  Use of a different size CVS shall require adjusted
ranges with appropriate documentation.  Bidders may propose alternative
detection methods (e.g., FTIR - Fourier Transform Infrared) provided
sufficient engineering information and documentation is provided that will
allow an evaluation of the ability of the alternative method to meet the
overall accuracy, analytical performance, and integration requirements.  The
bidder may provide a separate cost proposal as an option for the case of
alternative detection methods.

     General Requirements - Performance of the analytical instruments with
respect to accuracy and precision, drift, interferences, noise, etc. shall be
similar to instruments used for testing under 40 CFR Section 86 Subparts B,
D, and N.  In particular, the analytical instruments are required to operate
within the stated environment, and meet or exceed the Quality Assurance
requirements throughout the lifetime of the contract.

     Total Hydrocarbon Analysis - Total hydrocarbon analysis shall be
determined by a flame ionization detector (FID).  The analyzer calibration
curve shall cover the range of 2 ppmC to 2,000 ppmC.  The calibration curve
must comply with the Quality Assurance specifications for calibration curve

     Carbon Monoxide Analysis - CO analysis shall be determined by
Non-Dispersive Infrared (NDIR) .  The CO analysis shall cover the range of 10
ppm to 10,000 ppm (1%). In order to meet the calibration curve requirements,
two CO analyzer may be required - one from 0 to 1000 or 2000 ppm, and one
from 0 to 1% CO.  The calibration curve requirements and the Quality
Assurance specifications apply to both analyzers.

     Carbon Dioxide Analysis - CO2 analysis shall be determined by
Non-Dispersive Infrared (NDIR) .  The CO analysis shall cover the range of
200 ppm to 40,000 ppm (4%) The calibration curve must comply with the Quality
Assurance specifications for calibration curve generation.

     Oxides of Nitrogen Analysis - NOx analysis shall be determined by
chemiluminescence (CL).  The NOx measurement shall


be the sum of nitrogen oxide (NO) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2).  The NOx 
analysis shall cover the range of 1 ppm to 500 ppm.  The calibration curve 
must comply with the Quality Assurance specifications for calibration curve 

B.   System Response Requirements

     The governing requirement for system response is the ability of the
integration system to measure vehicle emissions to within +5% of that
measured from a bag sample simultaneously collected over the same integration
period, on both clean and dirty vehicles.  Historically, continuously
integrated emission analyzers have been required to have a response time of
1.5 seconds or less to 90% of a step change, where a step change was 60% of
full scale or better.  System response times between a step change at the
probe and reading 90% of the change have generally been less than 4 - 10
seconds.  Systems proposed that exceed these historical values shall provide
an engineering explanation as to why the slower system response of the
integrated system will compare to the bag reading within the specified 5%.

C.   Integration Requirements

     The analyzer voltage responses shall be sampled at 5 Hertz, and the 5
Hertz voltage levels shall be averaged over 1 second intervals.  The
one-second average voltage levels shall be converted to concentrations by the
analyzer calibration curves.  The pre-test background concentration (as
calculated using methods established in Section 86.144) shall be subtracted
from the measured concentrations (also as specified in Section 86.144).  The
corrected concentrations shall be integrated over the specified bag or mode
interval.  The grams of emissions per bag or mode shall be determined using
the specified equations to combine the integrated concentrations (over the
specified bag or mode interval) with the CVS flow integrated over the same

     If multiple analyzers are used for any constituent (e.g., CO), the
integration system shall simultaneously integrate both analyzers.  The
integrated values for the lower range analyzer shall be used for the official
values, unless the emissions exceed the low range scale by a cumulative
amount of 5 seconds (the cumulative amount shall be a variable that can be
changed as experience dictates). If the duration of the emission
concentrations exceed the cumulative time value, only values from the higher
range analyzer shall be used for computing official values. Additionally,
background concentration levels shall be read by both analyzers, and the
background reading used shall be


the measurement made by the analyzer used to determine the official 
integrated test values (as specified above).


D.   System Design

     Materials - All materials in contact with exhaust gas shall be
unaffected by and shall not affect the sample (i.e., the materials shall not
react with the sample, and neither shall they taint the sample as a result of
outgassing) Acceptable materials include stainless steel, teflon, and
Tedlar.-Registered Trademark-

     Bag Ports - All analysis systems shall have provisions for reading a
small volume sample bag, such as daily cross check bags, or integrator
checking bags.  A portable pump for sampling such bags is permitted.

     System Filters - The sample system shall have an easily replaceable
filter element to prevent particulate matter from reducing the reliability of
the analytical system.  The filter element shall provide for reliable sealing
after filter element changes.  If the sample line is heated, the filter
system shall also be heated.

E.   Gases

     Calibration Gases - Gases used to generate and check calibration curves
shall be traceable to NIST Standard Reference Materials (SRM) or CertifIed
Reference Materials (CRM) to within 1% by "Gas Comparison" methods.

     Span Gases - Gases used to for up-scale span adjustment, cross-check
bags, or checks, and for mid-scale span checks shall be traceable to NIST SRM
or CRM to within at least 2% by Gas Comparison methods.

     Zero Gases - The impurities in zero grade gases shall be known, and
shall not exceed 1 ppmC, 2 ppm CO, 400 ppm CO(2), and 0.3 ppm nitric oxide. 
Zero grade air shall be used for the FID zero gas.  Zero grade nitrogen shall
be used for CO, CO(2), and NOx zero gas.

     FID Fuel - The fuel for the FID shall consist of a mixture of 40% (+/-2%)
hydrogen, and the balance nitrogen.  The FID oxidizer shall be zero grade
air, which can consist of artificial air containing 18 to 21 mole percent of

5.  Evaporative Purge Analysis System


     The evaporative purge analysis system shall measure the instantaneous
purge flow (in standard liters/minute) during the transient dynameter cycle,
and shall compute the totalized flow (in standard liters) over the cycle. 
The purge flow measurement system shall be connected to the purge portion of
the evaporative system in series between the canister and the engine,
preferably near the canister.  The purge flow meter (and/or system) shall
comply with the following requirements.

- -    Flow Rate           0 to 50 liters/minute

- -    Totalized Flow      0 to 200 liters

- -    Response Time       1 second to 90% of step change

- -    Accuracy            1% of full scale (rate and total)

- -    Calibration Gas     Air

     The process for monitoring the vehicle purge flow, entering it into the
data base, and making a pass/fail decision shall be automatic, and not
require operator intervention.  The test sequence shall be automatically
initiated when the transient driving cycle test is initiated. The only
operator intervention allowed includes identifying the vehicle, and
pneumatically connecting or disconnecting the test equipment to the vehicle
and, if necessary, activating an abort sequence.

     The system shall have sufficient adapters to connect in a leak-tight
manner with the variety of evaporative systems and hose deterioration
conditions in the vehicle fleet.  To the extent possible, the purge
measurement system should identify leaks at the connection to the evaporative

6.   Evaporative System Integrity Analysis System

     The evaporative system integrity analysis system shall determine the
ability of a vehicle's evaporative system to maintain a system pressure above
8 inches of water for up to 2 minutes after being pressurized to 14 (+0.5)
inches of water.  All components and lines of the evaporative system between
the evaporative canister and the gas cap (including the gas cap) that
primarily convey or control fuel vapor shall be checked (components conveying
or controlling liquid fuel are not included).  Pressure gauges used for this
test shall have an accuracy of 0.3 inches of water (2% of 15) or better. 
Nitrogen (N2), or an equivalent non-toxic, non-greenhouse, inert gas


(other than Helium), shall be used for pressurizing the evaporative system.


     The process for filling the evaporative system, monitoring for
compliance, entering it into the data base, and making a pass/fail decision
shall be automatic, and not require operator intervention.  The only operator
intervention allowed includes identifying the vehicle, pneumatically
connecting or disconnecting the test equipment to the vehicle, initiating the
test sequence and, if necessary, activating an abort sequence.

     The process of filling the evaporative system shall not over-pressurize
the evaporative system.  In general, the pressure in the evaporative system
shall not exceed 26 inches of water during the filling process.

     The system shall have sufficient adapters to connect in a leak-tight
manner with the variety of evaporative systems and hose deterioration
conditions in the vehicle fleet.  To the extent possible, the integrity
system should identify leaks at the connection to the evaporative system.

     The evaporative system integrity analysis system shall be equipped with
an abort system that positively shuts off and relieves pressure to the
vehicle.  The abort system shall be capable of being activated quickly and
conveniently by the operator should the need arise.

     Bidders may propose an alternative procedure to evaluate the integrity
of the evaporative system for the purpose of increasing throughput.  Such
alternatives shall fully describe the process, and shall include engineering
rationale and calculations documenting how the alternative procedure provides
an equivalent or better evaluation of the evaporative system's integrity than
the specified two minute pressure decay method.  An alternative integrity
checking procedure may also be proposed as an optional procedure.  In that
case, the bidder shall indicate the effect that the optional procedure has on
the required number of test lanes and facilities, as well as effects on cost.

VIII.     Quality Assurance Requirements

     The contractor is required to develop, maintain, and update a written
Quality Assurance plan.  The Quality Assurance plan shall be designed and
implemented in such a manner that it will identify when the level of accurate
tests conducted in the program drops below 95% in any one reporting period. 
A test is not considered  accurate if the actual test results differ from the
true values by more than an absolute value of 10% when the true values are
above 0.6 times the standard.  No specific accuracy requirement is specified
for true values below 0.6 times


the standard; however, it is expected that the inherent performance of the 
analysis systems will maintain reasonable accuracy in this range.  Test 
quality not meeting this Quality assurance goal will require corrective 
action by the contractor at the contractor's expense.

     As a minimum, the contractor shall include the following Quality
Assurance procedures, or equivalent, as part of the implemented QA
procedures.  However, including the specific procedures listed, does not by
itself relieve the contractor from the responsibility to meet the overall
Quality Assurance goal stated above.

     As indicated below, there are two types of assurance procedures; those
done upon installation and on a periodic basis thereafter, and those done
during each test (Test Assurance Procedures).  For those done on a periodic
basis, the contractor shall begin with a period at least as stringent as
indicated, however, the contractor may (with concurrence of the Project
Officer) implement procedures that adjust the frequency of the periodic
checks, if based on collected data measuring the system's performance.  To
assure the overall health of the system, the contractor shall maintain
"control charts" of the performance of key parameters in the system.  When
key parameters approach control chart limits, the contractor shall closely
monitor such systems and take such actions as are necessary to prevent such
systems from exceeding control chart limits.  If any key parameter exceeds
the control chart limits, the contractor shall take corrective action to
bring the system into compliance with the accuracy and Quality Assurance
specifications.  Such control charts shall be available to the Project
Officer upon request.

     In addition to the Quality Assurance checks specified below, the
contractor is expected to develop routine maintenance procedures (e.g.,
periodically lubricate dynamometer bearings) to assure reliability of the
testing system over the life of the contract.

1.   Dynamometer

A.   Periodic

     Calibration - Once per week, the calibration of each dynamometer shall
be checked by a dynamometer coast-down procedure comparable to EPA National
Vehicle and Fuel Emission Lab (NVFEL - formerly the Motor Vehicle Emission
Lab (MVEL)) procedure TF-302A or 40 CFR Section 86.118-78.  Each prime


weight flywheel (i.e., base dynamometer, base plus 500 pound inertia weight 
(IW), base plus 1000 pound IW, and base plus 2000 pound IW) shall be checked 
with at least 2 horsepower settings within the normal range of the inertia 
weight.  The coast-down procedure shall use a vehicle off dyno type method 
(i.e., if a vehicle is used to motor the dynamometer to the beginning 
coast-down speed, the vehicle shall be lifted off the dynamometer rolls 
before the coast-down test begins), or equivalent.  If the difference between 
the measured coast-down time and the theoretical coast-down time is greater 
than +1 second, a flag shall be set, and corrective action shall be taken to 
bring the dynamometer into calibration.

     Roll Speed - On a daily basis, the roll speed and roll counts shall be
checked by an independent means (e.g., photo tachometer, etc).  Deviations of
greater than +0.2 mph or a comparable tolerance in roll counts shall require
corrective action.  Alternatively, a redundant roll speed transducer may be
used for comparison.  Accuracy of redundant systems shall be checked monthly.

B.   Test Assurance Procedures

     Power Absorption - For each test, the measured horsepower shall be
integrated from 55 seconds to 81 seconds (divided by 26 seconds), and
compared with the theoretical road load horsepower (for the vehicle selected)
integrated over the same portion of the cycle.  The same procedure shall be
used to integrate the horsepower between 189 seconds to 201 seconds (divided
by 12 seconds).  If the absolute difference between the theoretical
horsepower and the measured horsepower exceeds 0.5 hp, a flag shall be set
indicating an invalid test.

     The comparison to the theoretical horsepower of the vehicle selected
will be an indication of whether the correct horsepower was selected. 
Deviations between the two points and from the horsepower selected, will
provide an indication of the health of the dynamometer horsepower calibration

     Distance Traveled - The total number of dynamometer roll revolutions
during each Bag shall be measured, and used to calculate the distance
traveled.  If the absolute difference between the distance calculated from
the measured roll revolutions and the theoretical distance for the composite
test, and for each Bag, exceeds 0.02 miles, a flag shall be set and
corrective action shall be taken to bring the speed and distance measurIng
system into compliance.


     Inertia Weight Selection- The mass of the actual inertia weights
operating (or electrically simulated) during the test cycle shall be compared
to the Inertia weight for the vehicle under test.  If the operating weights
differ from the vehicle specification by more than 100 pounds, a flag shall
be set, and the test voided.

2.   Driver's Aid

A.   Periodic - Not applicable.

B.   Test Assurance Procedures

     Driver's Trace - All excursions in the transient driving cycle shall be
evaluated by the procedures defined in 40 CFR Section 86.115-8(b) (1) and
Section 86.115(c), except that a speed tolerance of 4 mph instead of 2 mph
shall be used. Excursions exceeding these limits shall set a flag.

3.   Constant Volume Sampler

A.   Periodic

     Flow Calibration - The CVS flow calibration shall be checked every day
by a procedure that identifies deviations in flow from the true value. 
Deviations greater than +4% shall require corrective action.  A procedure
comparable to SPA NVFEL Test Procedure No. 210 with a Critical Flow Orifice
may be used.  Alternative procedures will require engineering justification.

     Cleaning Flow Passage - The sample probe shall be checked and cleaned
(if necessary to maintain proportional ample) at least once per month.  Once
per year, the CVS venturi passages shall be checked and cleaned, if

     Probe Flow - The indicator Identifying the presence of proportional
probe flow shall be checked on a daily basis. Lack of proportional flow shall
require corrective action.

B.   Test Assurance Procedures

     Flow Volume - The CVS flow measured by the integrator or each Bag and
each Mode shall be compared to an historically derived nominal value for each
Bag and Mode. Deviations greater than 2% shall set a flag, indicating a void

4.   Analysis System


A.   Periodic

     Calibration Checks - Upon initial operation, calibration curves shall be
generated for each analyzer.  The calibration curve shall consider the entire
range of the analyzer as one curve.  At least 6 calibration points plus zero
shall be used in the lower portion of the range corresponding to an
approximate IM240 emission level of 0 to 2 gpm HC, 0 to 30 gpm CO, 0 to 3 gpm
NOx, and 0 to 400 gpm CO(2).  For the case where both a low range analyzer and
a high range analyzer are used (e.g., CO), the high range analyzer shall use
at least 6 calibration points plus zero in the lower portion of the high
range scale corresponding to approximately 100% of the full-scale value of
the low range analyzer.  For all analyzers, at least 6 calibration points
shall also be used in the area of the maximum nonlinearity of non-linear
instruments, or the upper one third of the linear instruments.  Between the
range defined by the emission level and the range defined by linearity, an
additional 6 calibration points shall be used. Gas dividers may be used to
obtain the intermediate points for the general range classifications
specified.  The calibration curves generated shall be a polynomial of no
greater order than 4th order, and shall fit the data within 0.5% at each
calibration point.  (For reference, see EPA NVFEL procedure No. 204A)

     For all calibration curves, curve checks, span adjustments, and span
checks, etc., the zero gas shall be considered a down-scale reference gas,
and the analyzer zero shall be set at the trace concentration value of the
specific zero gas used.

     For the emission-specified range, experience with a 700 ACFM CVS has
indicated that appropriate emission levels at the defined ranges are
approximately 0 to 100 ppmC HC, 0 to 500 ppm CO, 0 to 50 ppm NOx, and 0 to
0.7% CO(2).

     The basic curve shall be checked monthly by the same procedure used to
generate the curve, and to the same tolerances.

     On a daily basis prior to vehicle testing, the curve for each analyzer
shall be checked by adjusting the analyzer to correctly read a zero gas and
an up-scale span gas, and then by correctly reading a mid-scale span gas
within 2% of point. If the analyzer does not read the mid-scale span point
within 2%, the system shall lock out.  The up-scale span gas shall correspond
to the average emission concentration over the test equivalent to
approximately 2 gpm HC, 30 gpm CO, 3 gpm NOx, or 400 gpm CO(2).  The mid-scale
point shall be approximately one half of the up-scale point.


     Also on a daily basis and after the up-scale span check, each analyzer
in a given facility shall analyze a sample bag filled with a random
concentration corresponding to approximately 0.5 to 3 times the cutpoint (in
gpm) for the constituent.  The value of the random sample may be determined
by a gas blender.  The deviation in analysis from the sample bag
concentration for each analyzer shall be recorded and compared to the
historical mean and standard deviation for the analyzers at the facility and
at all facilities.  Any reading exceeding 3 sigma shall cause the analyzer to
be placed out of service.

     During the performance of the contract, the contractor may propose to
modify the calibration frequencies based on the performance of the system, a
control chart analysis, or other pertinent information.  Should performance
deteriorate as a result of the modification, the state can direct
reinstatement of the specified frequencies.

     FID Check - Upon initial operation, and after maintenance to the
detector, each Flame Ionization Detector (FID) shall be checked, and adjusted
if necessary, for proper peaking and characterization by the procedures
described in SAE Paper No. 770141.  Additionally, every month, the response
of each FID to a methane concentration of approximately 50 ppm CH(4) shall be
checked.  If the response is outside of the range of 1.10 to 1.20, corrective
action shall be taken to bring the FID response within this range. The
response shall be computed by the following formula:

                                       FID response in ppmC
       Ratio of Methane Response  =   ----------------------
                                       ppm CH(4) in Cylinder 

     Spanning Frequency - The zero and up-scale span points shall be checked
(and adjusted If necessary) at 2 hour intervals following the daily mid-scale
curve check.  f the zero or the up-scale span points drift by more than 2%
from the previous check (except for the first check of the day), a system
flag shall be set and corrective action shall be taken to bring the system
into compliance.

     During the performance of the contract, the contractor may propose to
modify the spanning frequencies based on the performance of the system, a
control chart analysis, or other pertinent information.  Should performance
deteriorate as a


result of the modification, the Project Officer can direct reinstatement of 
the specified frequencies.

     Spanning Limit Checks - The tolerance on the adjustment of the up-scale
span point is 0.4% of point.  A software algoritin to perform the span
adjustment and subsequent calibration curve adjustment shall be used. 
However, software up-scale span adjustments greater than +10% shall cause a
flag to be set requiring system maintenance.

     Integrator Checks - Once per week in each test lane, emissions from a
randomly selected vehicle with official test value greater than 60% of the
standard (determined retrospectively) shall be simultaneously sampled by the
normal integration method and by the bag method.  The data from each method
shall be put into a historical data base for determining normal and deviant
performance for each test lane, facility, and all facilities combined. 
Specific deviations exceeding 5% shall require corrective action.

     Interferences - CO and CO(2) analyzers shall be checked for water
interference prior to initial service, and on a yearly basis thereafter.  The
specifications and procedures used shall generally comply with either
86.122-78 or 86 .321-79.

     NOx Convertor Checks - The convertor efficiency of the NO2 to NO
convertor shall be checked on a weekly basis.  The check shall generally
conform to 86.123-78 or EPA NOEL Form 305-01.  Equivalent methods are
acceptable, but are subject to approval by the Administrator.

     NO/NOx Flow Balance - The flow balance between the NO and NOx test modes
shall be checked weekly.  The check may be combined with the NOx convertor
check as illustrated in EPA NVFEL Form 305-01.

B.  Test Assurance Procedures

     System Artifacts (Hang-up) - A comparison shall be made between the
background HC reading, the HC reading measured though the CVS sample probe,
and the zero gas before each test.  Deviations from the zero gas greater than
10 ppmC shall set a flag.

     Ambient Background - The average of the pre-test and post-test ambient
background level shall be compared to the permissible levels of 10 ppmC HC,
20 ppm CO, and 1 ppm NOx.  If the permissible levels are exceeded, the test
shall be voided,


and the contractor shall take corrective action to lower the ambient 
background concentration levels, including, if necessary correcting building 

5.   Evaporative Purge Analysis System Flow Checks

     On a daily basis, each flow meter used to measure purge flow shall be
checked with simulated purge flow (e.g., auxiliary pneumatic pump) against a
reference flow measuring device with performance specification equal to or
better than those specified for the purge meter.  The check shall include a
mid-scale rate check, and a totalized flow check between 10 to 20 liters. 
Deviations greater than +5% shall require corrective action.  On a monthly
basis, the calibration of purge meters shall be checked for proper rate and
totalized flow with three equally spaced points across the specified ranges. 
Deviations exceeding the specified accuracy shall require corrective action.

6.   Evaporative System Integrity Analysis System Check

     Relevant parameters of the evaporative system integrity     analysis
system shall be checked on a daily basis, or on a periodic basis consistent
with good engineering practice as  indicated by the various Quality Assurance
requirements.  At a minimum, systems that monitor pressure leak down shall be
checked for integrity.  If, after the canister end is capped and is
pressurized to 14 inches of water, the pressure loses more than 0.1 inches of
water over 5 minutes, corrective action shall be taken.  On a weekly basis,
pressure measurement devices shall be checked against a reference device
equal to or better than the specified performance requirements.  Deviations
exceeding the  performance specifications shall require corrective action.

7.   Overall System Performance

A.   Periodic

     Emission Levels - The contractor shall monitor the average, median, 10th
percentile and 90th percentile of the composite emissions (HC, CO, CO(2), and
NOx) measured over a defined period for each test lane.  The defined period
shall be selected and adjusted, if necessary, (and if the state concurs) to
assure that a reasonably random sample of vehicles was tested in each lane. 
Initially, the defined period shall be weekly.  Differences in the weekly
average (or defined period average) of greater than +/-10% by any one lane from
the facility-average or combined facility-average, or by any one facility
from the combined facility-average shall require an investigation to


whether the single lane or facility has a systematic error.  Where it can be 
determined that the averages from one facility (or facilIties) are offset 
from the average of the other facilities based on the mix of vehicles tested, 
the +10% limit shall be compared to the expected offset.  If systematic 
errors are found, such errors shall be corrected.

     Pass/Fail Status - The contractor shall monitor the average number of
passing vehicles, and the average number of failing vehicles over a defined
period for each test lane. The defined period shall be selected and adjusted,
if necessary, (and if the state concurs) to assure that a reasonably random
sample of vehicles was tested In each lane. Initially, the defined period
shall be weekly.  Differences in the weekly average (or defined period
average) of greater than +15% by any one lane from the facility-average or
combined facility-average, or by any one facility from the combined
facility-average shall require an investigation to determine whether the
single lane or facility has a systematIc error.  Where it can be determined
that the averages from one facility (or facilities) are offset from he
average of the other facilities based on the mix of vehicles tested, the +15%
limit shall be compared to the expected offset.  If systematic errors are
found, such errors shall be corrected.

B.   Test Assurance Procedures

     Fuel economy - For each test, the health of the overall analysis system
shall be evaluated by checking the test vehicle's fuel economy for
reasonableness, relative to upper and lower limits for the test inertia and
horsepower selected.  For each inertia selection, the contractor shall
determine the upper fuel economy limit (with state concurrence) using the
lowest horsepower setting typically selected for the inertia weight, along
with statistical data, est experience, engineering judgement, and possibly
EPA guidance.  A similar process for the lower fuel economy limit shall be
used with the highest horsepower setting typically selected for the inertia
weight.  For test inertia selections where the range of horsepower settings
is greater than 5 horsepower, at least two sets of upper and lower fuel
economy limits shall be determined and appropriately used for the selected
test inertia.  The upper and lower limits shall be variables that can be
changed (at no cost to the state) if needed to improve the usefulness of this
Quality Assurance Check to flag questionable test results.  Flagged tests
shall require an Investigation to determine if there is an equipment problem. 
Flagged tests with fuel economy results in excess of 1.5 times the upper
limit shall require an immediate


shut down of the test lane to determine the cause of the out-of-limit 

8.   Control Charts

     The contractor shall prepare and use control charts of key system
parameters as necessary to determine, forecast, and maintain performance of
each test lane, each facility, and all facilities combined within the
contract specifications.  At a minimum, the contractor shall prepare and
maintain control charts for the parameters specified below.  However,
including the specific control charts listed does not by itself relieve the
contractor from the responsibility to meet the overall Quality Assurance goal
stated above.  Quality control charts shall be made available to the state
within 24 hours of a request.

A.   Control Charts for Individual Test Lanes

     In general, control charts for Individual test lanes shall Include
parameters that will allow the cause for abnormal performance of a test lane
to be pinpointed to individual systems or components.  Test lane control
charts shall include at a minimum:

- -    Overall number of flags set

- -    Number of specific flags set

- -    Level of difference between theoretical or selected values and measured
     values for each flag parameter

- -    Level of difference between theoretical and measured coast-down times

- -    Level of difference between theoretical and measured CVS flow

- -    Level of up-scale span change from last up-scale span (not required if
     software corrections are tracked)

- -    Level of mathematical or software correction to the calibration curve as
     a result of an up-scale span change (if used)

- -    Level of difference between the analyzer response to the daily
     cross-check bag, and the bag concentration


- -    Level of difference between the integrated measurements and the bag

- -    Level of the FID CH4 response ratio

- -    Level of the ambient background concentrations

- -    The average, median, 10th percentile and 90th percentile of the
     composite emissions (HC, CO, CO(2), and NOx) measured over the defined
     periodIc basis

- -    Average number of passing vehicles, and average number of failing
     vehicles over the defined periodic basis

B.   Control Charts for Individual Facilities

     Control charts for IndivIdual facilities shall consist of
facility-averages of the test lane control charts for each test lane at the

C.   Combined Control Charts for All Facilities

     Combined control charts for all of the facilities shall consist of an
average of the facility-average control charts for each facility.

D.   Quality Control Statement

     Every three months after commissioning, the contractor shall make a
written statement to the state on the precision and accuracy of the tests
conducted during the three month period.  The analysis supporting the
statement shall be included, and may use control charts and/or other Quality
Assurance measures as necessary.

IX.  Technical Proposal Evaluation

     For a technical proposal to be eligible for the zone of competition, it
must provide sufficient information to describe how the bidder plans to meet
each and every required specification of this RFP.  If the RFP Evaluation
Committee determines that the elements of the bid proposal (i.e., processes,
equipment, etc.) can achieve the transient testing specifications, the
technical proposal will be considered in the zone of competition.  After
determination that a technical proposal is within the zone of competition, it
will be evaluated by the following criteria.  For evaluation purposes, it is
recommended that the technical proposal follow the general


outline of the transient test portion of the RFP, or at least clearly 
identify what portions of the transient test requirements are being addressed.

1.   Throughput Capability

     The transient test system will be evaluated based on the ability of the
system to meet the required number of tests versus the number of test lanes
proposed, as well as the number of lanes per facility and number of
facilities.  In the case where two bids are comparable in capacity, the bid
with the potential/flexibility to Increase the number of vehicles tested will
be scored higher.

2.   Quality Assurance Program Design

     The proposed QA plan will be reviewed to evaluate the ability of the
plan to maintain accurate and reliable measurements over the lifetime of the
contract.  The bid should provide sufficient Information to allow the
Evaluation Committee to judge the bidder's commitments.  The bid should also
include an organization chart of QA functions and responsibilities.

3.   Designed-in Flexibility

     In many cases, the RFP calls for change in the specified limits,
standards, etc. within the program.  Bids will be reviewed based on the
flexibility designed-in to the transient testing program to change and
implement such parameters, as well as the inherent flexibility in the system
to accept future changes should they become necessary.

5.   Method of Testing/Equipment Selected

     The equipment and processes proposed will be evaluated relative to their
inherent accuracy capabilities, minimum operator intervention needed (e.g.,
degree of automation), and creativity used to increase throughput.

6.   Durability of Equipment/Maintenance

     The transient testing system and the equipment selected will be
evaluated on the inherent durability of the system components, and the
methods proposed to minimize downtime, and maintain accurate results over the
lifetime of the contract.

X.   References


1)   Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 86 Subparts B, D,
     and N, and Part 85 Subpart W

2)   EPA NVFEL (formerly MVEL) Quality Assurance Procedures No. 204A, 210,
     302A, and Data Form 305-01

3)   SAE Recommended Practice J1094a, Constant Volume Sampler System for
     Exhaust Emissions Measurement

4)   SAE Recommended Practice J1151-June83, Methane Measurement Using Gas

5)   Statistical Design and Analysis of Engineering Experiments, C. Ipson,
     and N.J. Sheth, McGraw-Hill, 1973, Section 3.1. 3, and Section 13.2
     including example 13.10

6)   EPA Public Work Shop Proceedings. Specifications and Design Criteria for
     Electric Chassis Dynamometers, Volumes I, II, and III, November 30, 1990

7)   Specifications for Electric Chassis Dynamometers, EPA RFP No. C100081T1

8)   EPA Memorandum, Calibration and Maintenance Services, From D. W. Perkins
     to J. D. Carpenter, May 23, 1987.

9)   EPA Report No. EPA-AA-TSS-91-1


                                     SECTION VI

                                     APPENDIX H

- ----------------------------------------------      ------------------------
Form S.F. 351              State of Washington         DATE BOND 
(Rev. 7/78)                    BID BOND               EXECUTED
- ----------------------------------------------      ------------------------

See Instructions to Bidders        NOTE: Type or Print in ink
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
PRINCIPAL (Legal name and business address)              TYPE OF

                                                   / /Individual
                                                 / /Partnership

                                                   / /Joint Venture
                                                 / /Corporation
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
SURETY(IES) (Name(s) and business address(es))      SUM AMOUNT OF BOND
                                                    (Amount not to

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                      $    % of Bid
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                 BID IDENTIFICATION
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Bid Date    Invitation   For      / / Materials/Supplies/Equipment     / /
             No.     Construction        / / Services
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

WE, the Principal and Surety(ies), are firmly bound and obligated to the
State of Washington in the above sum amount on conditions set forth below,
for the payment of which we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors,
administrators, and successors, jointly and severally.

THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that the Principal has submitted
the bid identified above.

THE ABOVE OBLIGATION shall be void and of no effect if the Principal, upon
acceptance of the bid identified above, within the period specified therein
for acceptance (sixty [60] days if no period is specified), shall execute
such further contractual documents and give bond(s) as may be required by the
terms of the bid as accepted within the time specified (ten [10] days if no
period is specified) after receipt of the forms by him.  Furthermore, in the
event of failure to execute additional contractual documents and give
bond(s), the above obligation shall be null and void if the Principal pays
the State of Washington for any cost of procuring the work which exceeds the
amount of his bid.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Principal and Surety(ies) have executed this bond and
have affixed their signatures and seals on the date set forth above.

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1. NAME OF PRINCIPAL AND     Phone No.      Signature 

                                                                     L. S.
- ------------------------------------------------------------


                             Phone No.      Signature          (Corporate 
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
NAME AND ADDRESS OF SURETY A                Liability Limit

                                                                     L. S.
- ------------------------------------------------------------
1. NAME AND TITLE            Phone No.      Signature          (Corporate 
(Attorney in Fact)                                            Seal)

- ------------------------------------------------------------
2. NAME AND TITLE            Phone No.      Signature 

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
NAME AND ADDRESS OF SURETY B                Liability Limit
                                                                     L. S.
- ------------------------------------------------------------
1. NAME AND TITLE            Phone No.      Signature          (Corporate
(Attorney in Fact)                                            Seal)

- ------------------------------------------------------------

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2. NAME AND TITLE            Phone No.      Signature

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                     SECTION VI

                                     APPENDIX I

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Form S.F. 352              State of                      DATE BOND EXECUTED
 (Rev. 4/89)           PAYMENT AND 
- --------------------------------------------------------
See Instructions to Bidders        NOTE: Type or Print in ink
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
PRINCIPAL (Legal name and business address)                       TYPE OF

                                                             / /Individual
                                                          / /Partnership
                                                           / /Joint Venture
                                                        / /Corporation
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SURETY(IES) (Name(s) and business address(es))          CONTRACT    CONTRACT
                                                       DATE        NO.
                                                       SUM AMOUNT OF BOND
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

WE, the Principal and Surety(ies), in accordance with the Revised Code of
Washington are firmly bound and obligated to the State of Washington in the
above sum amount on conditions set forth below and in Contract Bid #          
  for payment of which we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors,
administrators, and successors, jointly and severally.

THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that the Principal entered into the
contract/bid identified above.

THE ABOVE OBLIGATION shall be void and of no effect if the Principal performs
and fulfills all the provisions of such contract and any extensions of
modifications thereof that may by the State of Washington, and faithfully
pays all laborers, mechanics and subcontractors and materialmen, and all
persons who shall supply such person or persons, or subcontractors, with
materials and supplies for carrying on of such work, and shall indemnify the
State of Washington against any loss or damage directly due to the failure to
the Principal to faithfully perform the contract identified above. 

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Principal and Surety(ies) have executed this payment
and performance bond and have affixed their signatures and seals on the date
set forth above.

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1. NAME OF PRINCIPAL AND     Phone No.      Signature 

                                                                     L. S.
- -----------------------------------------------------------
2.                           Phone No.      Signature         (Corporate

- -----------------------------------------------------------

NAME AND ADDRESS OF SURETY A                Liability Limit

                                                                     L. S.

- -----------------------------------------------------------
1. NAME AND TITLE            Phone No.      Signature 
(Attorney in Fact)                                            (Corporate

- -----------------------------------------------------------
2. NAME AND TITLE            Phone No.      Signature 

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
NAME AND ADDRESS OF SURETY B                Liability Limit
                                                                     L. S.

- -----------------------------------------------------------
1. NAME AND TITLE            Phone No.      Signature         (Corporate
(Attorney in Fact)                                           Seal)

- -----------------------------------------------------------
2. NAME AND TITLE            Phone No.      Signature

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                    SECTION VII

                              OFFER AND CONTRACT AWARD

                                    SECTION VII
                              OFFER AND CONTRACT AWARD

                                (FOR BIDDER USE ONLY  

The undersigned hereby offers and agrees to furnish materials, equipment
and/or services in compliance with all terms, conditions and specifications
herein.  Submittal of this document with authorized signature(s) constitutes
complete understanding and compliance with said terms and conditions and
verified that all goods, facilities and/or personnel are available and
established at the time of bid submittal.

- -----------------------------------------            -----------------------

- -------------------------- (Company Name)
        (Typed or Printed Name)

- -----------------------------------------            -----------------------

- --------------------------    (Address)

- -----------------------------------------            -----------------------

- -------------------------- (City) (State)            (Zip)
                     (Bidder's Signature)    (Date)

                                    CONTRACT AWARD
                          (For State of Washington Use Only)

A contract is hereby awarded between the above company and the State of
Washington, Office of State Procurement, Purchasing and Contract
Administration, to be effective                   ,
19  .  This is a Partial/total award for                            .

                                       Authorized Signatures

- -------------------------------
(Contract Administrator) (Date)


- -------------------------------
(Purchasing Manager)     (Date)

- -------------------------------

                               BID DOCUMENT CHECKLIST
                            INVITATION FOR BID NO. 99-92

This checklist is provided for bidder's convenience only and identifies the
Bid documents that must be submitted with each package in order to be
considered responsive:

Please submit a signed original and two copies of complete Bid Response.

Bid Documents too be returned Completed
- ---------------------------------------

A.  Section VII, entitled: Offer and Contract Award


B.  1. Section VIII, Attachment entitled: Bid Information


    2. Section VIII, Attachment entitled: Price Sheet(s)


    3. Section VIII, Attachment entitled: Supplemental Information


    4. Section VIII, Attachment entitled: Site Locations


    5. Section VIII, Attachment entitled: Time Schedule


    6. Section VIII, Attachment entitled: Resources Available


    7. Section VIII, Attachment entitled: References

C.  Section IX, - No Bid Response (When Applicable)



                                    SECTION VIII


                             SECTION VIII ATTACHMENT 1
                                  BID INFORMATION

                            INVITATION FOR BID NO. 99-92

Bidder shall complete the following:
         1.    Bid Guarantee in the amount of $ 25,000 per zone attached.

         2.    Performance Guarantee in the amount of $ 100,000 per station
               will be forwarded within fifteen (15) calendar days of
               Contract Award.

           Bidder to check form of guarantee to be used (See Section V):

                 ____   Performance Bond
                 ____   Escrow agreement
                 ____   Irrevocable letter of credit
                 ____   Certified check
                 ____   Cashiers check

         3.    Authorized Representative: (See Section V)

               Name: ________________

               Telephone: (___)_______________

         4.    Federal Tax Identification

         5.    FAX Number: (___)_________________

                                    Bidder's Company Name______________________

                             SECTION VIII ATTACHMENT 2
                                    PRICE SHEET

                            INVITATION FOR BID NO. 99-92


$ __________ for each paid test until number of paid tests in a calendar year
exceeds 50,000 

$ __________ for each paid test beyond 50,000 but before 60,001 in each
calendar year 

$ __________ for each paid test beyond 60,000 but before 70,001 in each
calendar year 

$ __________ for each paid test beyond 70,000 but before 80,001 in each
calendar year 

$ __________ for each paid test beyond 80,000 but before 90,001 in each
calendar year 
$ __________ for each paid test beyond 90,000 in each calendar year

Firm Name: _____________________________________________________





$ ________ for each paid test until number of paid tests in a calendar year
exceeds 300,000

$ _________ for each paid test beyond 300,000 but before 340,001 in each
calendar year 

$ ________ for each paid test beyond 340,000 but before 380,001 in each
calendar year 

$ __________ for each paid test beyond 380,000 but before 420,001 in each
calendar year 

$ _________ for each paid test beyond 420,000 but before 460,001 in each
calendar year 

$ __________ for each paid test beyond 460,000 in each calendar year

Firm Name: ______________________________________________________

           Bidder's Company Name_________________________________

                             SECTION VIII ATTACHMENT 2
                                    PRICE SHEET

                            INVITATION FOR BID NO. 99-92



$ __________ for each paid test until number of paid tests in a calendar year
exceeds 200,000 

$ _________ for each paid test beyond 200,000 but before 230,001 in each
calendar year 

$ _________ for each laid test beyond 230,000 but before 260,001 in each
calendar year 

$ __________ for each paid test beyond 260,000 but before 290,001 in each
calendar year 

$ _________ for each paid test beyond 290,000 but before 320,001 in each
calendar year 

$ __________ for each paid test beyond 320,000 in each calendar year

Firm Name: ______________________________________________________



$__________ for each paid test until number of paid tests in a calendar year
exceeds 40,000 

$ _________ for each paid test beyond 40,000 but before 45,001 in each
calendar year 

$ _________ for each paid test beyond 45,000 but before 50,001 in each
calendar year 

$ __________ for each paid test beyond 50,000 but before 55,001 in each
calendar year 

$ __________ for each paid test beyond 55,000 but before 60,001 in each
calendar year 

$ __________ for each paid test beyond 60,000 in each calendar year

Firm Name: ______________________________________________________

           Bidder's Company Name_________________________________

                             SECTION VIII ATTACHMENT 2
                                    PRICE SHEET

                            INVITATION FOR BID NO. 99-92


$ ___________ for each paid test until number of paid tests in a calendar
year exceeds 50,000 

$ __________ for each paid test beyond 50,000 but before 60,001 in each
calendar year 

$ __________ for each paid test beyond 60,000 but before 70,001 in each
calendar year 

$ __________ for each paid test beyond 70,000 but before 80,001 in each
calendar year 

$ __________ for each paid test beyond 80,000 but before 90,001 in each
calendar year 

$ __________ for each paid test beyond 90,000 in each calendar year

Firm Name: _____________________________________________________

           Bidder's Company Name________________________________ 

                             SECTION VIII ATTACHMENT 3
                              SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION

                            INVITATION FOR BID NO. 99-92

Bidders shall complete the following required information.  Where additional
space is needed and/or where specifically requested, submit an attached

Reference               Bid Requirements

Section IV            Identify any subcontractors who will perform services
                      in fulfillment of contract
para. 14              requirements and nature of services performed:







Section II            AGENCY USERS LOCATIONS The following agencies have
para. 2A              been identified as users of this contract.

Agency Name                    Location      Contact Person  Phone

Dept. of Ecology               PO Box 47600  John C. Raymond (206) 459-6261
Air Quality Program            Olympia, WA   Vehicle Emission
                               98504-7600    Control Coordinator

                             SECTION VIII ATTACHMENT 4
                                   SITE LOCATIONS

                            INVITATION FOR BID NO. 99-92

Identify/describe all proposed facility locations including documents
evidencing ownership or option to buy or lease. Reference Specification par.
4.1, 5.1 and 5.3.3); Special Terms & Conditions, para. 12)

                             SECTION VIII ATTACHMENT 5
                                   TIME SCHEDULE

                            INVITATION FOR BID NO. 99-92

Provide a time phased, detailed schedule delineating critical tasks to be
accomplished including all necessary governmental permits and approvals
needed prior to the start of inspections on June 1, 1993. (Reference
Specifications para. 4.1. 5.5. and 6.1); Special Terms and Conditions, para

                             SECTION VIII ATTACHMENT 6
                                RESOURCES AVAILABLE

                            INVITATION FOR BID NO. 99-92

Identify management personnel qualifications and company financial resources
available for the performance of this contract (Reference Special Terms &
Conditions para. 12)

                             SECTION VIII ATTACHMENT 7

                            INVITATION FOR BID NO. 99-92

Provide a list of contracts of similar size and scope satisfactorily
completed/currently being performed by the bidder, parent company or
subsidiary. (Identify government organization. description of work, period of
performance, dollar magnitude, name and telephone number of government
contract administrator. (Reference Special Terms and Conditions para. 12) 

                                  NO BID RESPONSE

                            INVITATION FOR BID NO. 99-92
                          COMMODITY BID LIST NO. 9776-VO1

                           BID OPENING DATE: June 4, 1992

Instructions:  Complete the following information, fold as indicated, staple
and return as addressed on the reverse side so
as to be received at the Office of State Procurement by date and time of bid
opening. Notice of "No Bid" in any other form (Postcard, letter, etc.) is not

- -------------------------------------Fold--------------------------------------

              _____     We are unable to submit a bid response at this time
                        but desire that you retain our firm on your bid list
                        for the commodity in question.

              _____     We are unable to supply the above commodity. Please
                        remove our name from this commodity bid list.

Completion of this form shall constitute a "no bid" response.

- ------------------------------------Fold---------------------------------------


                                             Company Name______________________


                                               City, State, Zip________________


                                                                   Revised 4/91

                                     SECTION IX

                                  NO BID RESPONSE

                                STATE OF WASHINGTON
                            OFFICE OF STATE PROCUREMENT

                            CONTRACT CHANGE NOTICE NO. 2

                                 CONTRACT EXTENSION



CONTRACT TITLE:    Vehicle Exhaust Emission Testing

FOR USE BY:        Department of Ecology

TERM:              January 1, 1993 through May 31, 1993

CONTRACTOR:  Vehicle Test Technology, Inc.  CONTACT:  MickiPhillips
            1715 114th Ave SE, Ste 220      General Manager (new) 
            Bellevue, WA 98004                PHONE:  (206) 451-3847
                                                FAX:  (206) 455-5916
                                       FED. I.D. NO:  36-3087021
                                       SUPPLIER NO.:  444



    The Department of Ecology is mandated to utilize this contract for all
    acquisitions of materials, equipment or services designated herein.  

Estimated Contract Value:    $2,600,000.00/5 mos.  

Contract Pricing:            See Attached Section VIII, Attachment 1, 
                             Price Sheets  

Contract Administrator:      Charles Van Hall (New)  
Phone:                       (206) 753-1040
SCAN:                        234-1040

Ecology Contact:             John C. Raymond, Vehicle Emission Control
Phone:                       (206) 459-6261

  PURPOSE:    Five month extension to allow sufficient start up time for
              replacement contract 99-92.  Note change of contractor contact
              person and state contract administrator.  Contractor to
              provide new Certificate of Insurance.  In all other respects,
              contract remains unchanged.  

REFERENCE:    Office of State Procurement extension request letter dated
              April 16, 1992, Griffin/Carroll; VTTI response dated May 7,
              1992, signed by Leo Carroll.

                             SECTION VIII ATTACHMENT 1
                                    PRICE SHEET

                           INVITATION FOR BID NO. 200-89

                                 CONTINUATION SHEET



$ 12.45  for each paid test until number of paid tests in a calendar year
         exceeds 300,000  

$ 12.35  for each paid test beyond 300,000 but before 320,001 in each
         calendar year  

$ 12.25  for each paid test beyond 320,000 but before 340,001 in each
         calendar year  

$ 12.15  for each paid test beyond 340,000 but before 360,001 in each
         calendar year  

$ 11.00  for each paid test beyond 360,000 but before 400,001 in each
         calendar year  

$ 10.00  for each paid test beyond 400,000 in each calendar year  

Firm Name:    Vehicle Test Technology, Inc.  

NOTE:    You must also attach all supporting information required by Section
         VI, paragraph 7.2, Bid Attachments.

                             SECTION VIII ATTACHMENT 1
                                    PRICE SHEET

                           INVITATION FOR BID NO. 200-89

                                 CONTINUATION SHEET



$ 12.40  for each paid test until number of paid tests in a calendar year
         exceeds 50,000  

$ 7.00   for each paid test beyond 50,000 but before 60,001 in each calendar

$ 7.00   for each paid test beyond 60,000 but before 70,001 in each calendar

$ 5.00   for each paid test beyond 70,000 but before 80,001 in each calendar

$    0   for each paid test beyond 80,000 but before 100,001 in each
         calendar year  

$    0   for each paid test beyond 100,000 in each calendar year  

Firm Name:    Vehicle Test Technology, Inc.

NOTE:    You must also attach all supporting information required by Section
         VI, Paragraph 7.2, Bid Attachments.  

                                STATE OF WASHINGTON
                            OFFICE OF STATE PROCUREMENT

                                 CONTRACT NO: 99-92

                           CONTRACT CHANGE NOTICE NO. 2 


                           EFFECTIVE DATE:  APRIL 6, 1993

PURPOSE:           Change operational commencement date for Zone 3,
                   Contractor Name and Address Change and Identify new
                   Contract Administrator and Contractor contact.  


CONTRACT TITLE:    Vehicle Exhaust Emission Inspection Program

FOR USE BY:        Department of Ecology

TERM:              July 6, 1992 THROUGH December 31, 1999

CONTRACTOR: SC Systems Control         CONTACT:  Michael B. Gallagher
           8656 154th Ave NE                     Project Manager
            Redmond, Washington  98052   PHONE:  (206) 883-3900
                                           FAX:  (206) 881-8823
                                        FED ID:  36-3087021
                                      SUPPLIER:  444 


1.       MANDATORY:

         State Agencies:  State agencies are mandated to utilize this
         contract for all acquisitions of materials, equipment or services
         designated herein.  

CURRENT:           $0 MBE    $0 WBE    $0 OTHER    $7,500,000 EXEMPT

PHONE:                  (206) 753-1040
SCAN:                   234-1040


Zone 3, except North Auburn, shall be operational on Sunday, August 1, 1993,

with operations commencing on Monday, August 2, 1993.  All other terms and
conditions remain unchanged, except that full staffing of all Zone 3 and the
Des Moines and Renton stations from Zone 2, will be required until the North
Auburn Station or its replacement is operational.  See Contract Award

                                STATE OF WASHINGTON
                            OFFICE OF STATE PROCUREMENT

                                 CONTRACT NO: 99-92

                            CONTRACT CHANGE NOTICE NO. 3


                           EFFECTIVE DATE:  JUNE 1, 1993

PURPOSE:           Change operational commencement date for Diesel
                   Inspections and approve the use 1M24O Lane at the Fife


CONTRACT TITLE:    Vehicle Exhaust Emission Inspection Program 

FOR USE BY:        Department of Ecology

TERM:              July 6, 1992 THROUGH December 31, 1999

CONTRACTOR:  SC Systems Control               CONTACT:  Michael Gallagher,
            8656 14th Ave NE                    PHONE:  (206) 883-3900
            Redmond, Washington 98052             FAX:  (206) 881-8823
                                        FED. I.D. NO.:  36-3087021
                                         SUPPLIER NO.:  444



    State Agencies:  State agencies are mandated to utilize this contract
    for all acquisitions of materials, equipment or services designated

CURRENT:           $0 MBE    $0 WBE    $0 OTHER    $7,500,000 EXEMPT

PHONE:                  (206) 753-1040
SCAN:                   234-1040


l.  This change notice is to confirm the delay of diesel inspection from June
1, 1993 to August 2, 1993.  Delay is based on the following information:  

         The result of Contractor's failure to demonstrate at the April 12,
         1993 Marysville Station its capability to perform diesel
         inspections to the satisfaction on the state.

         The concern by DOE that both SC and DOE should focus their efforts
         on dealing with the startup challenges due to the many changes in
         the testing of gas vehicles and to ensure a smooth startup.  

2.  This change notice is also to provide written approval to SC to use the
IM240 lane at the Fife motor vehicle emission inspection station for an EPA
research project.  The results of the project will be shared with DOE for the
benefit of the state.  No consideration is due the contractor nor the state
as a result of this project.  

                               CHANGE NOTICE NUMBER 4

                           EFFECTIVE DATE:  1 APRIL, 1994

Contract Number:   99-92

Purpose:           Line Item Additions


Commodity Code:    9776

For Use By:        Department of Ecology

Term:              July 6, 1992 Through:  December 31, 1999

Contractor:  SC Systems Control             CONTACT:  Michael B. Gallagher
            8656 154th Avenue NE              PHONE:  (206) 883-3900
            Redmond, WA 98052         FED. I.D. NO.:  36-3087021
                                        SUPPLIER NO:  444
                                            FAX NO.:  (206) 881-8823



Department of Ecology is mandated to utilize this contract for all
acquisitions of materials, equipment or services designated herein.  


Contract Administrator:      C. Van Hall, C.P.M.
Phone:                       (206) 753-1040
SCAN                              234-1040

Special Conditions:  

In accordance with Contract Section IV, Paragraph 31, entitled Additions and
Deletions the contractor has proposed, the state has accepted the following

Contract Change Notice No. 4
Contract No. 99-92
Page 2

1.  To cover software development cost of $11,104 for a reporting systems to
improve customer waiting time.  $11,104 and will be deducted from the weekly
payments.  This payment subject to approval by the state of the reporting

2.  To pay reimbursable capital and operational costs at the new Vancouver
station, including the IM 240 and reduce interest charges the state will pay
the capital costs of $2,651.212 plus interest over a twelve month period
starting June 3, 1994.  

Payment of item 2 capital costs will be through a weekly payment of $50,985. 
Operational costs will be paid by an increase in the test fee of $0.49 per
test, state wide until contract termination beginning when the new Vancouver
station opens.  

3.  This line item is to confirm that the costs associated with the Teller
Machine at the New Vancouver Station will not be a part of this change
4.  To cover the additional $275,496 SC management, personnel and direct
operating costs for the existing Vancouver Station as the result of the
state's under estimation of testing capacity by the state in the Vancouver
Zone.  Reimbursement will be on the following schedule:  

$275.496 divided by 11 months of added costs, times 5 months of added labor
already performed, that will be deducted in two payments.  The first on June
3, 1994 in the amount of $62,613.  The second on June 10, 1994 in the amount
of $62,612.  The balance of $150.271 will be paid in weekly installments of
$6,261,29 until Nov. 30, 1994.

5.  To cover the additional remodeling costs for the North Seattle Station. 
Remodeling is limited to the addition of a cash out office at the cost of 
$8,558.  Payment to be made by deduction from the weekly payment.  

6.  To cover the costs of operating additional equipment at North Seattle
Station.  Existing current personnel costs of $55,598 covering the period
1/2/94 through 5/31/94 are to be deducted from the weekly payment.  Since the
May 94 payment is an estimate the last payment may be adjusted with written
approval by the contract administrator.  Effective 6/1/94, the personnel
costs for the increased capacity at North Seattle will be paid by an increase
in the test fee of $ .22 per test, state wide until contract termination.  

7.  To cover the costs of adding IM 240 at the Redmond Station.  The one time
cost of $126,626.00 is to be deducted from the weekly payments.  

8.  To cover the $236,459.00 of additional expansion costs at the Vancouver
and North Seattle Stations.  Payment to be deducted weekly as follows:  

April 1, 1994 through May 6, 1994 $38,000.00 per week, with a final payment of 

$8,459.00 deducted on May 13, 1994.

Contract Change Notice No. 4
Contract No. 99-92
Page 3

Weekly payments can not exceed those authorized by change notice.  Copies of
all payment documents showing deductions from the weekly payment will be sent
to the contract administrator.  Documents supporting this change notice
number 4 are as follows:  

Line items 1, 5 and 7:  Three SC Letters all dated April 5, 1994 and one
dated April 12, 1994.  For line item l only SC letter dated May 24, 1994

Line item 2 SC FAX proposal dated April 4, 1994 that identify program costs
increase beginning June 1, 1994 followed up with SC FAX May 24, 1994.  

Line item 3:  SC FAX proposal dated April 4, 1994 and SC FAX May 24, 1994.  

Line item 4:  SC FAX proposal dated April 4, 1994 and SC FAX May 24, 1994.  

Line item 6:  SC FAX proposal dated April 4, 1994 and SC FAX May 24, 1994.  

Line item 8:  SC letter dated March 22, 1994, SC FAX dated March 31, 1994,
and SC proposed payment schedule dated April l, 1994.  

The above are based negotiation/clarification meetings between OSP, Ecology
and SC dated January 14, 1994, March 12, 1994 and April 6, 1994 held at the
Department of Ecology.  The state reserves the right to audit supporting
documentation provided by the contractor.  

All other contract terms, conditions, provisions and pricing remains

                               CHANGE NOTICE NUMBER 5
                           EFFECTIVE DATE: AUGUST 3, 1994


Purpose:           Adjust Line item #2 of Contract Change Number 4


Commodity Code:    9776

For Use By:        Department of Ecology

Term:              July 6, 1992 Through:  December 31, 1999 

Term Worth         $ 7,500,000 Other - 100% Exempt

Contractor:  SC Systems Control             CONTACT:  Michael B.Gallagher
            8656 154th Avenue NE              PHONE:  206 883 3900
            Redmond, Washington 98052           FAX:  206 881 8823
                                        FED.I.D. NO:  36-3087021
                                        SUPPLIER NO:  444

Contract Pricing:  See Award Summary and subsequent change notices.  

Contract Administrator:  C. Van Hall, C.P.M.
Phone:                  (206) 753-1040
FAX:                         (206) 586-2426

Special Conditions:  

1.  Change contract change number 4, item number 2 to read as follows: 

To pay reimbursable capital and operational costs at the new Vancouver
station, including the IM 240 and reduce interest charges the state will pay
the capital costs of $2,651,212 plus interest starting June 3, 1994.  However
due to delay in the new stations opening date, by the contractor, weekly
payments and interest shall stop on August 3, 1994 and then shall recommence
on Friday April 7, 1995.  

Except for the period of August 3, 1994 through April 7, 1995, payments of
item 2 capital costs will be through a weekly payment of $50,985. 
Operational costs will be paid by an increase in the test fee of $0.49 per
test, state wide until contract termination beginning when the new Vancouver
station opens.  

All other terms, conditions and provisions of this contract remain unchanged.

                                 STATE OF WASHINGTON
                            CURRENT CONTRACT INFORMATION
                         Reference Date:  November 18, 1994

Contract Number:   09992               Revises Contract Number:  99-92

Contract Title:    Vehicle Exhaust Emission Inspection Program 

Purpose:           Establish payment schedule for costs associated with New
                   Vancouver Station and the additional Expansion Costs at
                   Existing Vancouver Station.  

Commodity Code:    9776

For Use By:        Department of Ecology Exclusions:  None  

Term:              July 6, 1992 Through December 31, 1999  

Term Worth:        $ 7,500,000  

Contractor:  SC Systems Control             CONTACT:  Micki Phillips
            8656 154th Avenue NE              PHONE:  206 883 3900
            Redmond, WA  98052                  FAX:  206 881 8823
                                      FED. I.D. NO.:  36 3087021
                                       SUPPLIER NO.:  444

Contract Pricing:  See Attachment
Contract Administrator: Charles V. Hall
Phone Number:           (206) 753-1040

Current: Exempt 100%


I.       This contract is exempt from RCW 43.19.1905.  

II.      This contract is designated as "Mandatory Use." 

III.     This Current Contract Information follows Contract Change Notice
         Number 5.  Therefore no Contract Change Notice Number 6 will be

IV.      Reference SC Letters Dated October 11, 1994, November 3, 8 and 9.  

V.       All information herein is subject to audit by the state in
         accordance with original contract/bid provisions.  

VI.      Current Contract Information will be made available via FAX ON
         DEMAND Contact the Contract Administrator.  

                                   CONTRACT 99-92

                                       ZONE 4

Additional Station in Vancouver with seven IM 240 compatible lanes including
four lanes with elector-mechanical dynamometers.  Contractor is authorized to
recover costs through an increase in the cost per test for the entire
statewide program.  The state reserves the right to advance pay any capital
costs, thereby reducing the additional cost per test for the entire statewide

The following summary assumes a startup date of May 1, 1995, an earlier or
later start up date must be approved, in writing, by the Contract
Administrator as authorized by the Department of Ecology Air Program Manager: 


    Land                             497,000
    Construction                                 1,712,000      .32
    Equipment                                      194,000      .04
    Deferred Startup & Other                        43,000      .01
    Corporate G&A @ 16%                            311,840      .06
                                                 ---------     ----
    SUBTOTAL (excluding Land)                    2,260,840      .43

    FEE @ 15%                                      413,840      .08
    Interest                                       511,680      .10
                                                 ---------     ----
                                                 ---------     ----

    TOTAL VANCOUVER CAPITAL COSTS                3,186,196      .60


    Labor                                          597,000      .11
    Payroll Burden Rate @ 23%                      137,310      .03
                                                 ---------     ----
    SUBTOTAL                                       734,310      .14

    Overhead @ 55%                                 403,871      .08
                                                 ---------     ----
    SUBTOTAL                                     1,138,181      .22

    Other Operating Costs                          595,000      .11
                                                 ---------     ----
    SUBTOTAL LABOR & OTHER                       1,733,181      .33

    Corporate G&A @ 16%                            277,309      .05
                                                 ---------     ----
    SUBTOTAL                                     2,010,489      .38

    Fee & 15%                                      301,573      .06

    Land Interest                                  212,477      .04

                                                 ---------     ----
    TOTAL OPERATIONS COSTS                       2,524,540      .48
                                                 ---------     ----
                                                 ---------     ----

3.  TOTAL COSTS                                  5,710,736     1.08
                                                 ---------     ----
                                                 ---------     ----

         Less State Payments
         (see contract change #4)                 (460,755)    (.09)
         Less ECS Savings 
         (See November 8, 1994 
         letter from SC)                          (574,033)    (.11)

4.  NET COSTS                                    4,675,948      .88
                                                 ---------     ----
                                                 ---------     ----

Additional cost per test for the entire program beginning 5/1/95 is $0.88.  

Land cost is not included in the overall total cost but are recovered by the
sale of the property at the end of the program as provided for in the bid. 
The only cost associated with land is the financing costs and fee.  


         1/94 TO 4/95

         Labor                                   142,679
         Payroll Burden Rate @ 23%                32,816
         SUBTOTAL                                175,495

         Overhead @ 55%                           96,522
         SUBTOTAL                                272,017


         Other Direct Costs Sub-total              1,357

         Total Personal & Other                  273,374

         Corporate G & A @ 16%                    43,740
         SUBTOTAL                                317,114

         Profit 15%                               47,567

         SUBTOTAL                                364,681

Less $ Change Number 4 item Number 4  
Payment of $275,496.                            (275,496)

         6.  TOTAL                               $89,185

Payment of $89,185 to be made by deduction of $4,053.86 from the weekly
payments to the state starting 12/2/94 and continuing through 4/28/95 for a
total of 22 weeks.  

                                STATE OF WASHINGTON
                                CONTRACT INFORMATION
                           Reference Date:  June 1, 1995

Contract Number:   09992

Contract Title:    Vehicle Exhaust Emission Inspection Program

Purpose:           Reduce Capitol Costs Associated with Construction of the
                   New Vancouver Vehicle Emission Station by paying the
                   Contractor as noted on Attachment A Cost Summary.  

Commodity Code:    9776

For Use By:        Department of Ecology

Term:              July 6, 1992 Through December 31, 1999

Term Worth:        $7,500,000 

Contractor:  SC Systems Control                  CONTACT:  Micki Phillips
            8656 154th Avenue NE                   PHONE:  (206) 883-3900
            Redmond, WA  98052                       FAX:  (206) 881-8823
                                           FED. I.D. NO.:  36 3087021
                                            SUPPLIER NO.:  11

Contract Pricing:       See Original Bid on File at OSP

Contract Administrator:  Charles Van Hall, C.P.M.          
Phone Number:           (360) 902-7425

Current: Exempt 100%


1.  See Attachment A:  Cost Summary

2.  The state will affirm costs on attachment A by an audit by September 1,
    1995 at the Contractor's Offices.  Audit to be conducted by Contract
    Administrator and Ecology Program Personal.  

Washington State Department of General Administration
Office of State Procurement, PO Box 41017, Olympia, WA 98504-1017 

                            Attachment A:  Cost Summary
                                   Contract 09992

Additional Station in Vancouver:


         Land                          497,000

         Construction                                 1,712,000      0.32
         Equipment                                      194,000      0.04
         Deferred Startup & Other                        43,000      0.01
         Corporate G&A @ 16%                            311,840      0.06

         SUBTOTAL (excluding land)                    2,260,840      0.43

         Fee @ 15%                                      413,676      0.08

         Interest                                       241,836      0.05

         TOTAL VANCOUVER CAPITAL COSTS                2,916,352      0.55


         Labor                                          597,000      0.11
         Payroll Burden Rate @ 23%                      137,310      0.03

         SUBTOTAL                                       734,310      0.14

         Overhead @ 55%                                 403,871      0.08
         SUBTOTAL                                     1,138,161      0.22

         Other Operating Costs                          595,000      0.11

         SUBTOTAL LABOR AND OTHER                     1,733,181      0.33

         Corporate G & A 16%                            277,309      0.05

         SUBTOTAL                                     2,010,489      0.38

         Fee @ 15%                                      301,575      0.06

         Land Interest                                  212,477      0.04

         TOTAL OPERATIONS COSTS                       2,524,540      0.48

TOTAL COSTS                                           5,440,892      1.03

    Less Payments                                      (460,755)     (0.09)
    Less Payment authorized by this document:        (1,200,000)     (0.23)
    Less ECS Savings                                   (574,033)     (0.11)

NET COSTS                                                  3,206,104       0.60

     Additional costs per test for the entire 
    program beginning 7/1/95                                          0.60

                                STATE OF WASHINGTON
                            CURRENT CONTRACT INFORMATION
                           Reference Date:  July 26, 1995

Contract Number:   09992

Contract Title:    Vehicle Exhaust Emission Inspection Program

Purpose:           Authorization to develop a method to provide a passed
                   test report to certain vehicle owners.  Authorize Greeter
                   Program.  Accept Contractor's Irrevocable Letter of
                   Credit.  Payment of Inspection Forms.  

Commodity Code:    9776

For Use By:        Department of Ecology

Term:              July 6, 1992 Through December 31, 1999

Term Worth:        $7,500,000

Contractor:   SC Systems Control                 CONTACT:  Micki Phillips
              8656 154th Avenue NE                 PHONE:  (206) 883-3900
              Redmond, WA 98052                      FAX:  (206) 881-8823
                                           FED. I.D. NO.:  36 3087021
                                            SUPPLIER NO.:  11

Contract Pricing:       See Original Bid on File at OSP

Contract Administrator: Charles Van Hall, C.P.M.
Phone Number:           (360) 902-7425


Current: Exempt 100%


1.  Authorize an idle test for 1984 through 1987 model year BMW, Volvo, and
    Peugeot Diesel Vehicles.  These vehicles will not be subject to a snap
    idle test.  Contractor will not charge a test fee to these vehicle
    owners.  However, Contractor is still authorized to deduct from the
    weekly transfer of funds, its portion of the test fee for each of these
    special tests.  Contractor to identify the number of these special tests
    and their cost by zone with each transfer.  This authorization, is
    temporary in accordance with Department of Ecology's Air Program memos
    of June 19, 1995 and June 27, 1995.

2.  Authorize Greeter Program.  Greeters will be positioned at the entrances
    to the North Seattle, Bellevue, and Kirkland Test Stations during the
    last three testing days of the each month and on the first two testing 
    days of 

    the following month.  Greeter will turn away those motorists
    whose vehicle do not need the test, to answer motorists questions, and
    give out contractor provided maps and directions to stations which have
    shorter waiting lines.  The procedure for the program is outlined in
    Contractor's Letter of May 4, 1995 to the Contract Administrator and Air
    Program's FAX of June 27, 1995.  Total Additional Transfer to cover the
    cost of this Program shall not exceed $3000.00 per month and may be
    canceled at anytime by the state by providing 30 days written notice. 
    Contractor to provide the state a written evaluation of the benefits
    found from the use of greeters by May 1, 1996.  

3.  Accept Contractor's Irrevocable Letter of Credit that will replace the
    current escrow account.  Acceptance of the Letter of Credit reduces the
    Contractor's portion of the test fee by $0.05 or a minimum amount of
    $260,000.00 over the life of the program.  The $260,000.00 minimum will
    be tracked by the contractor.  Reference Contractor Letter of May 12,
    1995.  Effective date to be upon receipt by the contract administrator
    of the bank notification.  Contract Administrator to advise by Change

4.  Contractor to pay for inspection forms.  The state will continue to
    design and order the inspection forms.  The contractor will continue to
    take delivery and provide storage for the inspection forms.  The
    contractor is authorized to deduct from the weekly transfer the funds
    the payment for the form order.


                                STATE OF WASHINGTON
                            CURRENT CONTRACT INFORMATION
                           Reference Date:  July 26, 1995

Contract Number:   09992

Contract Title:    Vehicle Exhaust Emission Inspection Program

Purpose:           Authorization to develop a method to provide a passed
                   test report to certain vehicle owners.  Authorize Greeter
                   Program.  Accept Contractor's Irrevocable Letter of
                   Credit.  Payment of Inspection Forms.  

Commodity Code:    9776

For Use By:        Department of Ecology

Term:              July 6, 1992 Through December 31, 1999

Term Worth:        $7,500,000

Contractor:   SC Systems Control                 CONTACT:  Micki Phillips
              8656 154th Avenue NE                 PHONE:  (206) 883-3900
              Redmond, WA 98052                      FAX:  (206) 881-8823
                                           FED. I.D. NO.:  36 3087021
                                            SUPPLIER NO.:  11

Contract Pricing:       See Original Bid on File at OSP

Contract Administrator: Charles Van Hall, C.P.M.
Phone Number:           (360) 902-7425

Current: Exempt 100%


1.  Authorize an idle test for 1984 through 1987 model year BMW, Volvo, and
    Peugeot Diesel Vehicles.  These vehicles will not be subject to a snap
    idle test.  Contractor will not charge a test fee to these vehicle
    owners.  However, Contractor is still authorized to deduct from the
    weekly transfer of funds, its portion of the test fee for each of these
    special tests.  Contractor to identify the number of these special tests
    and their cost by zone with each transfer.  This authorization is
    temporary in accordance with Department of Ecology's Air Program memos
    of June 19, 1995 and June 27, 1995.  

2.  Authorize Greeter Program.  Greeters will be positioned at the entrances
    to the North Seattle, Bellevue, and Kirkland Test Stations during the
    last three 

    testing days of the each month and on the first two testing
    days of the following month.  Greeter will turn away those motorists
    whose vehicle do not need the test, to answer motorists questions, and
    give out contractor provided maps and directions to stations which have
    shorter waiting lines.  The procedure for the program is outlined in
    Contractor's Letter of May 4, 1995 to the Contract Administrator and Air
    Program's FAX of June 27, 1995.  Total Additional Transfer to cover the
    cost of this Program shall not exceed $3000.00 per month and may be
    canceled at anytime by the state by providing 30 days written notice. 
    Contractor to provide the state a written evaluation of the benefits
    found from the use of greeters by May 1, 1996.  

3.  Accept Contractor's Irrevocable Letter of Credit that will replace the
    current escrow account.  Acceptance of the Letter of Credit reduces the
    Contractor's portion of the test fee by $0.05 or a minimum amount of
    $260,000.00 over the life of the program.  The $260,000.00 minimum will
    be tracked by the contractor.  Reference Contractor Letter of May 12,
    1995.  Effective date to be upon receipt by the contract administrator
    of the bank notification.  Contract Administrator to advise by Change

4.  Contractor to pay for inspection forms.  The state will continue to
    design and order the inspection forms.  The contractor will continue to
    take delivery and provide storage for the inspection forms.  The
    contractor is authorized to deduct from the weekly transfer the funds
    the payment for the form order.  

                                STATE OF WASHINGTON
                            CURRENT CONTRACT INFORMATION
                         Reference Date:  November 1, 1995

Contract Number:   09992

Contract Title:    Vehicle Exhaust Emission Inspection Program

Purpose:           Authorization to perform a trial ASM test in Spokane
                   Region only  

Commodity Code:    9776

For Use By:        Department of Ecology

Term:              July 6, 1992 Through December 31, 1999

Term Worth:        $7,500,000

Contractor:   SC Systems Control                 CONTACT:  Micki Phillips
              8656 154th Avenue NE                 PHONE:  (206) 883-3900
              Redmond, WA 98052                      FAX:  (206) 881-8823
                                           FED. I.D. NO.:  36 3087021
                                            SUPPLIER NO.:  11

Contract Pricing:       See Original Bid on File at OSP

Contract Administrator: Charles Van Hall, C.P.M.
Phone Number:           (360) 902-7425

Current: Exempt 100%


                     Cost Summary for ASM Upgrade for Spokane:

Capital Costs:                    Price          QTY         Total
- --------------                    -----         ----        -------
Lane Equipment (a)                1,900           8        $ 15,200
Station Equipment (b)             2,040           2           4,080
Fan & Misc. Parts (c)             1,200           7           8,400
Installation Labor                  270           8           2,160
Engineering design
  documentation (d)              30,600           1          30,600
Software Design                  72,650           1          72,650
                   Subtotal                                 133,090
Corporate G&A 16%                                            21,294
                   Subtotal                                 154,384
Profit 15%                                                   23,158
Interest (10%)                                                3,567
Total Capital Cost                                         $181,109

The $181,109 may be deducted by SC from the weekly payment to the state at
the rate of $18,110.90 per week for 10 weeks.  

1.  Deduction to begin upon completion of work and as approved by the
    Ecology Air Program manager.  SC must also provide the program manager a
    detailed invoice of work performed, to be used by Ecology to assist it
    in obtaining Federal Funding for this ASM testing project.  

    Operating costs for Six hours per Day for One Lane is $191.00 and may be
    deducted by SC from the weekly payment to the state.  Operating cost
    covers two inspectors per lane to operate the ASM test.  Testing not to
    extend beyond May 31, 1996 without written authorization from the state. 

    (a)  SCAMP III upgrade modifications for NOx channel
    (b)  NOx cal gas station modification requirements
    (c)  Engine cooling fan
    (d)  Redesign of SCAMP for NOx, modification and testing of first lane,
         training and documentation on test and new calibration procedure.

2.  Contract 09992 is amended as noted above.  All other terms, conditions
    and contract provisions remain unchanged.  

                           Envirotest Systems Corporation
                                Spokane ASM Upgrade

                                  Proposal            Actual
                                  --------            ------
Capital Costs:

    Lane Equipment                $15,200             $20,802
    Station Equipment               4,080               3,852
    Fans & Misc.                    8,400               5,868
    Installation                    2,160               4,280

    Engineering Design             30,600              26,900
    Software Design                72,650              72,650
                                  _________________   _________________
                                            133,090             134,352

Corporate G & A                              21,294              21,496
                                            -------             -------
                                            154,384             155,848

Profit                                       23,158              23,377
Interest                                      3,567               3,567
                                            -------             -------
    Total Capital Costs                    $181,109             182,793
                                            -------             -------
                                            -------             -------
Proposal Amount                                                 181,109
    Less installation @ $270 x 6 lanes                           (1,620)
Amount Due                                                      179,489*

Inspections 2,000 @ $7.27 each                                   14,540(A)
    Total Costs                                                $194,029

(A) Amount previously paid by State

*   Weekly payment of $17,948.90 for 10 weeks

                                State of Washington
                            Current Contract Information
                           Effective Date:  July 1, 1996

Contract Number:   09992

Contract Title:    Vehicle Exhaust Emission Inspection Program

Purpose:           Cost of Living Adjustment

Commodity Code:    9776

For Use By:        Washington State Department of Ecology

Term:              July 6, 1992 Through: December 31, 1999

Term Worth:        $7,500,000

Contractor:   Envirotest Systems Corp.      CONTACT:  Micki Phillips
              (Formally SC)                   PHONE:  (206) 883-3900
              8656 l54th Avenue NE              FAX:  (206) 881-8823
              Redmond, WA  98052      FED. I.D. NO.:  36 3087021
                                       SUPPLIER NO.:  11

Order placement address:          Same
Ordering procedures:         Contact the Contract Administrator

Payment Address:             Same

Contract Pricing:            All statewide tests are increased by $0.08
                             (eight u.s. cents) to cover the cost of wage
                             increases for contractor employees.  

Contract Administrator:      Charles Van Hall, C.P.M.
Phone Number:                (360) 902-7425

Fax Machine number:          (360) 586-2426.  

Current:      $ MBE none     $ WBE none     $ OTHER none   EXEMPT $7,500,000

                MBE % none     WBE % none                  Exempt 100%

Currant Contract Information
Contract No. 09992
Page 2


I.    This contract is subject to RCW 43.19.1905 which authorizes state
      agencies to purchase materials, supplies, services, and equipment of
      equal quantity and quality to those on state contract from non-contract
      suppliers provided that an agency notifies the Office of State
      Procurement contract administrator that the pricing is less costly for
      such goods or services than the price from the state contractor.

      If the non-contract supplier's pricing is less, the state contractor
      shall be given the opportunity to at least meet the non-contractor's
      price.  If the state contractor cannot meet the price, then the state
      shall purchase the item(s) from the non-contract supplier.  

      If a lower price can be identified on a repeated basis, the state
      reserves the right to re-negotiate the pricing structure of this
      agreement.  In the event such negotiations fail, the state reserves the
      right to delete such item(s) from the contract.  

II.   This contract is designated as "Mandatory Use" per the contract
      definitions.  If definitions are not attached to this document, they can
      be obtained by calling (360) 902-7413.

III.  Attachments

                             OFFICE OF STATE PROCUREMENT
                                 PERFORMANCE REPORT

To OSP Customers:

Please take a moment to let us know how our services have measured up to your
expectations on this contract.  Please copy this form locally as needed and
forward to the Office of State Procurement Purchasing Manager.  For any
comments marked unacceptable, please explain in remarks block.  

Procurement services provided:    Excellent  Good  Acceptable  Unacceptable

- -  Timeliness of contract actions
- -  Professionalism and courtesy of staff
- -  Services provided met customer needs     
- -  Knowledge of procurement rules and regulations
- -  Responsiveness/problem resolution
- -  Timely and effective communications

Comments: ________________________________________________________________



Agency: ______________________    Prepared by:  _________________________

                                  Title: _________________________________

Contract No.: __________________  Date: __________________________________

Contract Title: _________________ Phone: _________________________________


                             SEND TO:

                             Purchasing Manager
                             Office of State Procurement
                             PO Box 41017
                             Olympia, Washington 98504-1017

                                STATE OF WASHINGTON
                               DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY
                                   P.O. Box 47600
                           Olympia, Washington 98504-7600
                                   (360) 407-6000
                     TDD Only (Hearing impaired) (360) 407-6006

May 28, 1996

Ms. Melanie Phillips
General Manager
Envirotest Systems Corp.
8656 154th Avenue NE
Redmond, Washington  98052

Dear Ms. Phillips:

Thank you for the successful completion of the trial Acceleration Simulation
Mode (ASM) testing in Spokane.  This letter is your authorization to deduct
$17,948.90 from the weekly payment to the state for ten weeks for the upgrade
of the Spokane Emission Check stations to conduct ASM testing.  

I greatly appreciate the effort Envirotest made to ensure that we will be
able to quickly implement ASM testing, once it becomes an official test.


Joseph R. Williams
Program Manager
Air Quality Program

cc: Chuck Van Hall, General Administration
    Glenn Miles, Spokane Regional Transportation Council