Washington, D.C.  20549

                            Form 8-K

                         CURRENT REPORT

               Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of
               the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

Date of Report:  December 30, 1996

         (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

Delaware                           1-9215           04-2714625
(State or other jurisdiction       (Commission      (IRS Employer
 of incorporation)                  File Number)    Identification No.)

One International Place, Boston, MA                    02110
(Address of principal executive offices)               (ZIP Code)

Registrant's telephone number, including area code:  (617) 330-8900


     The Company's federal income tax returns for the years ending December 
31, 1984 through 1992 remain under audit by the Internal Revenue Service.  On 
December 27, 1996 the Company received a Revenue Agent's Report proposing 
adjustments to the Company's federal income tax returns for these years.

     Previously, on January 30, 1992, the Company received a Revenue Agent's 
Report proposing adjustments to the Company's federal income tax 
returns for the years ending December 31, 1984, 1985 and 1986.  The Company 
filed a protest with  the Internal Revenue Service in April 1992.  In the 
1992 Report, the IRS challenged the deductibility of the amortization of 
costs assigned to acquired investment advisory contracts.

     At the time of each taxable acquisition, the Company has obtained a 
valuation report from independent appraisers with respect to the value of 
contracts acquired as well as a corresponding lifing study which determines 
the time period over which the contracts are to be amortized.  The Company 
has consistently maintained that its amortization of costs assigned to 
acquired investment advisory contracts is a proper deduction under applicable 
federal income tax law and court decisions.

     The 1992 Revenue Agent's Report was based on the premise that no part of 
the costs of acquired investment contracts could be amortized and deducted 
because such assets were in the nature of non-amortizable goodwill.  The 
Company appealed this report to the Appeals Division of the IRS on the basis 
that the IRS position was inconsistent with the law and precedent.  In 1993, 
the Supreme Court rejected the IRS position in a similar case, NEWARK MORNING 
LEDGER CO. v. UNITED STATES, and held that the costs assigned to intangible 
assets can be amortized and deducted if a determinable value and estimated 
useful life can be ascribed to the assets.  In response to this decision, 
the Appeals office at the IRS sent the Company's audit back to the field for 
further consideration.

     The extent of tax litigation involving the amortization and valuation of 
intangible assets led Congress in 1993 to pass legislation specifically 
allowing the amortization of all acquired intangible assets for acquisitions 
after August 10, 1993 and specifying the periods over which such assets may 
be amortized and deducted.

     On December 27, 1996 the Company received a new Revenue Agent's Report 
covering both the period covered by the original report and the years ending 
December 31, 1987 through 1992.  The new Report recognizes that the Company's 
position that the costs assigned to investment advisory contracts are 
properly amortizable for tax purposes is correct but proposes adjustments to 
the Company's valuation of the contracts.  Those adjustments would reallocate 
on average approximately 50% of the purchase price 

ascribed to acquired advisory contracts to certain other intangible assets 
that the Report asserts are not amortizable for tax purposes.

     The adjustments proposed by the IRS would, if upheld in their entirety, 
result in additional federal income tax liability for the period covered by 
the Report of $56 million, plus statutory interest thereon.  Management and 
its advisors continue to believe, however, that the Company's practices in 
allocating costs to acquired investment advisory contracts are correct and 
supported by applicable law.

     Management strongly disagrees with the methodology and the results of 
the Revenue Agent's Report and believes that they will not be sustained if 
challenged in court.  The Company plans to defend vigorously its position on 
appeal within the IRS and in court, if necessary.  The Company believes that 
the amount, if any, which might result from the audit will not have a 
material adverse effect on the Company's consolidated financial position, its 
consolidated results of operations nor its consolidated cash flows.


     Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the 
Registrant has duly caused this Report to be signed on its behalf by the 
undersigned hereunto duly authorized.


DATED:  December 30, 1996                 By: /s/  William H. Park
                                              William H. Park
                                              Executive Vice President
                                              and Chief Financial Officer