JOINT OPERATING AGREEMENT

THIS JOINT OPERATING AGREEMENT ("Agreement"), effective as of March 1, 1994, 
(the "Effective Date"), is made between VDI, a California corporation, with 
principal offices at 6920 Sunset Boulevard, Hollywood, CA 90028 ("VDI") and 
Vyvx, Inc., a Delaware corporation, with principal offices at Tulsa Union 
Depot, 111 East 1st Street, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74103 ("Vyvx").


    WHEREAS, Vyvx and VDI desire to enter into an agreement in order to 
provide a joint product offering;

    WHEREAS, such desired product offering shall consist of supplying to a 
customer electronic delivery of spot advertisements with verification of 
delivery to broadcast stations;

    WHEREAS, Vyvx and VDI wish to set out the terms and conditions under 
which the parties shall cooperate and share with respect to such product 

    NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants contained 
herein and other good and valuable consideration, the sufficiency of which is 
hereby acknowledged, Vyvx and VDI hereby agree as follows:

1.  TERM

    1.1  The term of this Agreement shall extend from the date first set 
forth above for a period of five (5) years (the "Term").

    1.2  After the expiration of the Term, this Agreement shall be 
automatically extended for one year periods, subject to termination upon 
sixty (60) days written notice from either party prior to any anniversary date 
of this Agreement.


    2.1  VDI and Vyvx shall cooperate to provide to customers the electronic 
delivery of Spot Advertisements, with verification of delivery, to Broadcast 
Stations ("Ad Placement"). For the purposes of this Agreement, "Spot 
Advertisements" shall be defined as television commercials distributed to a 
variety and any number of Broadcast Stations nationwide and "Broadcast 
Stations" shall be defined as television stations providing an off-air, 
antenna-delivered signal between the frequency ranges of 47 megahertz and 
900 megahertz. Approximately 1,000 Broadcast Stations, consisting of a mix of 
network, independent and public stations available to any consumer with an 
off-air receiving antenna, exist throughout the United States.

    2.2  Ad Placement shall be sold by both VDI and Vyvx.

    2.3  VDI and Vyvx shall jointly establish the charge to customers for Ad 
Placement and any retransmission thereof.

    2.4  Each party warrants that it will not order Ad Placement for a 
customer until such customer has executed an agreement between customer, Vyvx 
and VDI which contains appropriate indemnification and limitation of 
liability provisions for the protection of VDI and Vyvx. The parties agree 
that an agreement substantially in the form of Exhibit A shall be used with 
respect to Ad Placement customers.


    3.1  VDI shall use Vyvx exclusively during the Term or any extension 
thereof for all electronic transmission of advertising distributed by VDI.

    3.2  Vyvx shall not during the Term or any extension thereof join in any 
written agreement with any other entity to form a joint venture for the sole 
purpose of distributing Spot Advertisements to Broadcast Stations. The 
prohibitions of this Subsection 3.2 shall not apply with respect to an entity 
in the business of selling Spot Advertisements to Broadcast Stations which is 
merged with, acquired by or acquires Vyvx or its affiliates. Both parties 
understand and agree that newly developed technologies may provide Vyvx with 
opportunities to expand the parameters of delivery of Spot Advertisements 
beyond what is contemplated by this Agreement. Vyvx grants to VDI the first 
right to transfer all advertising traffic to the new technologies. However, 
Vyvx shall not be liable under or prevented by this Agreement from proceeding 
on its own or joining into agreements and working with other companies to 
utilize such technologies in the distribution of any and all types of 
advertisements to any or all types of television entities including, but not 
limited to, Broadcast Stations. Further, VDI and Vyvx shall, separately and 
together, use reasonable efforts to increase the availability of Ad Placement 
by connecting the Vyvx network to an increasing number of Broadcast Stations. 
Should either VDI or Vyvx fail to make such reasonable efforts as agreed per 
the guidelines set forth below, neither party may restrict the other from 
individually seeking continued Broadcast Station connectivity by entering 
into agreements with other companies or utilizing or developing technologies 
to create such connectivity nor shall either party incur any liability 
hereunder for doing so. Table 1 of Exhibit B (attached hereto and 
incorporated herein) shows the Broadcast Stations operating in markets served 
by Vyvx as of September 1993 (the "Initial Market"). It is understood that 
not all Broadcast Stations in these markets are connected to the Vyvx 
network, and VDI shall make best practical marketing and sales efforts to 
increase connectivity of Broadcast Stations in these markets to the Vyvx 
network by July 1, 1994. In addition to the Initial Market, Table 2 of 
Exhibit B lists twenty-eight (28) markets (the "Additional Market") in which 
Vyvx shall establish availability to its network during a "Phase 2" roll-out by 
July 1, 1995, if eighty percent of the Broadcast Stations have successfully 
been connected to the Vyvx network in the Initial Market. VDI and Vyvx shall 
make best practical marketing and sales efforts to connect each Broadcast 
Station in the Additional Market within six


(6) months thereafter. Table 1, Table 2 and the dates set forth in this 
Subparagraph 3.2 may be amended from time to time by written agreement of 
both parties. Additionally, VDI shall make best efforts to recruit Ad 
Placement customers who are nationally prominent spot advertisers in addition 
to those currently listed in Table 3 of Exhibit B. VDI and Vyvx agree to 
jointly solicit and procure the companies listed in Table 3 as Ad Placement 
customers. It shall be the collective responsibility of the designated sales 
force to secure working relationships with no less than five (5) major 
advertisers from Table 3, by January 1, 1995. The joint sales effort shall be 
required to further increase its customer base from Table 3 by an additional 
thirty percent (30%) or eight (8) new customers by January 1, 1996. From 
January 1, 1996 forward, a sales management structure shall be implemented 
and realistic goals and projections shall be established by no later than 
November 1st of each subsequent year for the following year.

    3.3  In consideration of this Joint Operating Agreement, Vyvx shall not 
during the Term or any extension thereof join in any written agreement with 
any other entity to form a joint venture for the sole purpose of distributing 
syndicated programming for the customers listed in Exhibit C. Exhibit C is 
attached hereto and made a part hereof. The prohibitions of this 
Subsection 3.3 shall not apply with respect to an entity which distributes 
syndicated programming to any customers listed in Exhibit C which is merged 
with, acquired by or acquires Vyvx or its affiliates. Both parties understand 
and agree that newly developed technologies may provide Vyvx with 
opportunities to expand the parameters of delivery of syndicated programming 
beyond what is contemplated by this Agreement. Vyvx grants to VDI the first 
right to transfer all programming traffic to the new technologies. However, 
Vyvx shall not be liable under or prevented by this Agreement from proceeding 
on its own or joining into agreements and working with other companies to 
utilize such technologies in the distribution of any and all types of 
programming to any or all types of television entities including, but not 
limited to, Broadcast Stations.


    4.1  VDI shall be responsible for all billing of customers with respect 
to Ad Placement. VDI shall send appropriate invoices to customers within 
ten (10) days after completion of any Ad Placement. There shall be no charge 
to Vyvx for such billing responsibilities.

    4.2  VDI shall be solely responsible for all Broadcast Station 
coordination including, but not limited to, the following:

    a.   Contacting any Broadcast Stations prior to delivery of an Ad 
    Placement to notify them of the date and time of such delivery.

    b.   Provide an 800 number (operable twenty-four (24) hours a day, 
    seven (7) days a week) for customers and Broadcast


    Stations to call for coordination of Ad Placement or any other customer 
    service related inquiries.

    c.   Contact Broadcast Stations to verify delivery of the Ad Placement.

    4.3  With respect to verification of the delivery of the Ad Placement, 
such verification shall initially be done manually via telephone. However, 
within six (6) months, VDI shall develop or have a third party develop 
electronics and software which shall provide for the automatic verification 
of receipt or non-receipt of the Ad Placements (the "Remote Video 
Confirmation System"); the specifications for such are set forth in 
Exhibit D, attached hereto and incorporated herein. VDI shall be solely 
responsible for all costs and expenses with respect to the development and 
implementation of the Remote Video Confirmation System. During the 
development of Vyvx's management and control system, VDI shall provide the 
supplier of Vyvx's management and control system with sufficient information 
to enable such supplier to establish compatibility with the Remote Video 
Confirmation System.

    4.4  VDI shall be responsible for coordinating with Vyvx with respect to 
any Ad Placement, e.g., list of Broadcast Stations to receive Ad Placement, 
times of transmission, customer service problems, etc.

    4.5  VDI shall designate five (5) personnel to interface with Vyvx for 
making reservations for Ad Placement. Such personnel shall be set forth in 
Exhibit E, attached hereto and incorporated herein. The five (5) personnel so 
designated may be changed from time to time, as necessary, by submitting to 
Vyvx a revised Exhibit E. Such revised Exhibit E shall be sent to the address 
for Vyvx as set forth in Section 12 to the attention of the Director of 

    4.6  VDI shall provide one (1) full time employee, who will spend 
fifty percent (50%) of his/her time on continual development of the marketing 
and business plans for Ad Placement and to sell Ad Placement.


    5.1  Vyvx shall guarantee network availability for Ad Placement between 
its Television Switching Centers ("TSC(s)") for one hour per day between 
1:00 a.m. and 6 a.m. Eastern Standard Time.

    5.2  Vyvx shall make available one-half (1/2) hour per day between 
1:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time for a secondary feed of any Ad 
Placement, if necessary in the event that the initial transmission fails to 
be received fit for broadcast.

    5.3  Upon request by a Broadcast Station and upon receipt of an 
appropriate letter of agency, Vyvx shall act as agent for such


Broadcast Stations with full authority to arrange, administer and receive 
billing from the local access service providers on behalf of such Broadcast 
Stations. Such Broadcast Stations shall be billed for such local access 
service by Vyvx (including, but not limited to, installation, recurring 
charges, and/or cancellation charges); such charge shall include a 
fifteen percent (15%) administrative charge. Such fifteen percent (15%) 
administrative charge shall be for the benefit of Vyvx in order to offset 
Vyvx's costs with respect to providing such service, and the 
fifteen percent (15%) administrative charge shall not be considered revenue to 
be divided between VDI and Vyvx pursuant to Section 8.1.

    5.4  If feasible, Vyvx shall make any future improvements to its 
transmission system available for the provision of Ad Placement.

    5.5  The Vyvx video transmission specifications (from TSC to TSC) with 
respect to Ad Placement shall comply with the ANSI T1.502-1988 Medium Haul 
Parameters, as it may be limited by the published technical specifications of 
the digital codecs used by Vyvx. Vyvx shall monitor and test the quality of 
the video signal transmitted along its network with its centrally-located 
Video Control Center in Tulsa, Oklahoma. The Vyvx backbone network shall be 
linked to a central Network Control Center ("NCC") which shall automatically 
monitor the activity along the entire Vyvx network. The NCC shall be manned 
24 hours per day, 365 days per year.

    5.6  Vyvx shall provide non-monetary support with respect to VDI's 
selection of and negotiations with a vendor of the Remote Video Confirmation 

    5.7  Vyvx shall provide one (1) full time employee, who will spend 
twenty-five percent (25%) of his/her time on continual development of the 
marketing and business plans for Ad Placement and to sell Ad Placement. 
Further, Vyvx's regional sales managers shall sell Ad Placement (in addition 
to their other Vyvx duties). Such regional sales managers are listed in 
Exhibit F, attached hereto and made a part hereof. The regional sales 
managers so designated in Exhibit F may be changed from time to time, as 
necessary, by submitting to VDI a revised Exhibit F. Such revised Exhibit F 
shall be sent to the address for VDI set forth in Section 12 to the attention 
of Sandra C. Mays.


    6.1  Ad Placement shall be marketed by both VDI and Vyvx under a common 
trade name which shall be "Broadcast I."

    6.2  All expenses related to trade marking and all other market material 
costs shall be shared equally by Vyvx and VDI provided that such expenses are 
presented in writing and the other party approves of such expenses prior to 
their occurrence. Each party shall invoice the other for one-half (1/2) of 
such actual costs. Accompanying such invoices shall be sufficient


documentation to show the invoicing party's actual costs with respect to 
trade marking and market materials. Provided that such documentation is 
provided, such invoices shall be paid within thirty (30) days of invoice date.

    6.3  VDI and Vyvx agree to cooperate and work jointly to prepare the 
succeeding year's market plan by November 1 of each year of the Term or any 
extension thereof.

    6.4  VDI and Vyvx agree to jointly sell and/or market to the potential 
customer's listed in Exhibit G, attached hereto and made a part hereof ("Key 


    7.1  Each party shall be responsible for its own taxes and for its own 
employees' compensation and benefits (including but not limited to worker's 
compensation) and all expenses including travel and entertainment.


    8.1  VDI shall collect the total charges due from Ad Placement customers. 
VDI shall adjust customer's invoices to allow for billing credits and 
allowances. Vyvx and VDI shall share equally in the total revenues actually 
collected for Ad Placement after allowing for aforesaid credits and 
allowances. However, VDI must obtain written approval from Vyvx's Manager of 
Finance before issuing any credits and/or allowances to an Ad Placement 
customer which aggregate to be more than $1,000 per month; Vyvx's share of 
total revenues shall not be reduced by any credit or allowance for which VDI 
has failed to obtain such approval. VDI shall remit to Vyvx one half (1/2) of 
the total revenues collected (i.e. all collected revenues excluding 
transaction taxes) for Ad Placement along with a summary of the accounts 
billed by VDI within ten (10) days after receipt from customer. VDI shall 
provide Vyvx with monthly gross revenue numbers by noon Central Standard Time 
on the second to the last working day of each month. Vyvx shall record one 
half (1/2) of this total as Vyvx's share of that month's revenue.

    8.2  For a period of one year following the sale of any Ad Placement, 
Vyvx shall have the right to review the relevant books and records of VDI to 
the extent necessary to confirm the: (i) billing of Ad Placement and 
(ii) revenues received with respect to any such sale of Ad Placement. VDI 
shall retain the relevant records during such one year period.

    8.3  For a period of one year following the provision of Ad Placement, 
VDI shall have the right to review Vyvx's rated feed records to the extent 
necessary to confirm the transmission of such service. Vyvx shall retain the 
rated feed records during such one year period.



    9.1  Each party shall be responsible for its own income tax, ad valorem 
taxes, property taxes and other similar taxes with respect to its portion of 
assets involved with and its profits from Ad Placement.


    10.1 Each party shall (a) obtain pay for, and maintain insurance with 
insurance companies reasonably acceptable to the other party, for the 
coverage and amounts of coverage not less than those set forth below, and 
(b) provide the other party with corresponding certificates of insurance:

    a.   Worker's Compensation insurance complying with the law of the state 
         or states of operation, whether or not such coverage is required by 
         law, and Employer's Liability insurance with the limits of $100,000 
         each accident, including occupational disease coverage with a limit 
         of $100,000 each employee and $100,000 disease policy limit;

    b.   Commercial General Liability insurance with a combined single limit 
         for bodily injury and property damage of $500,000 each occurrence and 
         general and products liability aggregates of $1,000,000 each, 
         covering all insurable obligations or operations of the insured 
         party; and

    c.   Business Automobile Liability insurance with a combined single limit 
         for bodily injury and property damage of $500,000 each occurrence to 
         include coverage for all owned, non-owned, and hired vehicles.

Neither the insurance required herein or the amount and type of insurance 
maintained by the insured party shall limit or affect the extent of the 
insured party's liability under this Agreement for injury, death, loss or 

Neither party shall insure or be responsible for any loss or damage to 
property of any kind owned or leased by the other party or its employees, 
servants, and agents, except for loss or damage caused by the negligence or 
intentional acts or omissions of the insured party (including its employees, 
servants and agents).

Each party agrees to cause the other party to be listed as a Certificate 
Holder in connection with the above listed insurance policies as follows:

In the case of VDI:
         6920 Sunset Blvd.
         Hollywood, CA 90028
         Attention: Chief Financial Officer


In the case of Vyvx:

         Vyvx, Inc.
         Attn: Contract Administration
         P.O. Box 21348
         Tulsa, OK 74121

    10.2 Certificates of insurance shall provide thirty (30) days prior 
written notice of any cancellation, non-renewal or material change. In the 
event of any failure by one party to comply with the provisions of this 
Section 10, the other party, at its option, may purchase the required 
insurance coverage and invoice such non-complying party for the amount of 
such insurance.


    11.1 Failure of a party to comply with any of the terms and conditions of 
this Agreement shall constitute a default hereunder. Such party shall have 
ten (10) days to cure such default after receiving written notice from the 
non-defaulting party. If such default is not cured within such ten (10) days 
period, the non-defaulting party shall have the right to pursue any remedy it 
may have in law or equity.


    12.1 All notices, consents, and other communications required or 
permitted hereunder ("Communications") shall be in writing and shall be 
mailed or delivered as follows (or to other persons, at such other address or 
addresses as may be designated by notice of the appropriate party.)

    To VDI:     VDI
                6920 Sunset Blvd.
                Hollywood, CA 90028
                Attention:  Chief Financial Officer

    To VYVX:    Vyvx, Inc.
                111 East First Street
                Tulsa, Oklahoma 74103-2807, or
                P.O. Box 21348
                Tulsa, Oklahoma 74121
                Attention:  President

    Such Communications will be sent by U.S. certified or registered mail, 
postage prepaid, or by a generally recognized overnight delivery system such 
as Federal Express. Such communications shall be deemed effective upon 
delivery to VDI or Vyvx, as the case may be, at their respective addresses 
stated above.



    13.1 Neither Vyvx nor VDI shall be liable to the other for any 
incidental, indirect, special, consequential, punitive or reliance damages of 
any nature whatsoever regardless of the foreseeability thereof arising under 
or in connection with this Agreement, or the performance hereunder, or 
arising out of any act or omission by either VDI or Vyvx, their respective 
employees, servants or agents whether based on breach of contract, breach of 
warranty, negligence or any other theory of liability.

    13.2 VDI and Vyvx shall indemnify and hold harmless the other for any 
physical property damage or physical injury or death to any person to the 
extent arising from any negligent act of the indemnifying party with respect 
to its performance under this Agreement.

    13.3 VDI and Vyvx shall indemnify and hold harmless the other for claims 
from third parties (including Ad Placement customers) to the extent arising 
as a result of the indemnifying party's negligent acts or omissions in the 
performance of its responsibilities hereunder or breach of this Agreement.

    13.4 VDI and Vyvx shall indemnify the other against any claims for damages 
arising or resulting from any defect in or failure to provide Ad Placement, 
by customers to whom such indemnifying party has sold Ad Placement without 
procuring an agreement as warranted in Section 2.4 hereof.

    13.5 The indemnifying party agrees to defend the other against the claims 
as set forth in this Section 13 and to pay all reasonable litigation costs, 
attorneys' fees, court costs, settlements payments, and any damages awarded 
or resulting from any such claims. The indemnified party shall promptly 
notify the indemnifying party in writing of any such claims.

    14.1 No warranty shall be provided by either party to the other party.



    15.1 This Agreement creates a relationship of confidence between Vyvx and 
VDI with respect to certain Confidential Information of each party. The 
parties may exchange information relating to customers, technology and 
services and other compilation of information that relate to this Agreement 
(collectively the "Confidential Information").


    15.2 All Confidential Information shall be designated as such in writing 
by the disclosing party, whether by letter or by the use of an appropriate 
proprietary stamp or legend, prior to or at the time any such Confidential 
Information is disclosed to the other party. In the event Confidential 
Information is orally disclosed by one party to the other, it shall also be 
covered by this Agreement if the disclosing party notifies the other party of 
its confidential nature and within ten (10) days after such disclosure, 
delivers to the other party a written document or documents identifying such 
Confidential information and referencing the place and date of such oral 
disclosure and the names of the employees or officers of the other party to 
whom such disclosure was made. In addition to the above, the following shall 
be considered Confidential Information: (i) names, addresses, and telephone 
numbers of Ad Placement customers, and (ii) the terms and conditions of this 

    15.3 The party providing Confidential Information in each case is called 
the "PROVIDER"; the party receiving the Confidential Information is called 
the "RECIPIENT". The RECIPIENT shall not disclose Confidential Information 
received from the PROVIDER and shall not use that Confidential Information 
except in performance of this Agreement. Except as may be otherwise provided 
herein, upon the request of PROVIDER, RECIPIENT shall return any materials 
received from PROVIDER containing Confidential Information of the PROVIDER, 
and all copies thereof. The RECIPIENT shall use the same care to prevent 
disclosure of Confidential Information of the PROVIDER which it uses to 
safeguard its own valuable confidential information and/or trade secrets, but 
in no event less than a reasonable degree of care for such information.

    15.4 VDI and Vyvx acknowledge that in the event of an unauthorized 
disclosure, the damages incurred by a PROVIDER may be difficult if not 
impossible to ascertain, and that PROVIDER may seek injunctive relief as well 
as monetary damages against RECIPIENT in case of a breach of this Section 15. 
Vyvx and VDI shall render reasonable assistance to the other in connection 
with the enforcement by the other party of its rights in and to Confidential 
Information. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, 
however, the RECIPIENT shall not be liable for any inadvertent or 
unauthorized disclosure of Confidential Information occurring, provided that 
is exercises reasonable care to prevent disclosure and takes reasonable steps 
to mitigate any damage and prevent further disclosure.

    15.5 The obligations of a RECIPIENT hereunder shall not apply to any 
Confidential Information which: (a) was in the public domain at the time it 
was disclosed; (b) enters the public domain other than by breach of this 
Agreement by RECIPIENT; (c) is known to RECIPIENT at the time of its 
disclosure to RECIPIENT by the PROVIDER; (d) is disclosed to RECIPIENT by a 
third party who to the RECIPIENT's knowledge has the right to do so; (e) is 
developed by RECIPIENT independently of any disclosure by PROVIDER hereunder, 
or (f) is


required to be disclosed by law or by any governmental agency having 

    15.6 The obligations with respect to the Confidential Information under 
this Agreement shall survive for three (3) years after the termination date 
of this Agreement.


    16.1 This Agreement may be terminated by VDI or Vyvx immediately upon 
the filing of any bankruptcy, arrangement for the benefit of creditors, 
insolvency, liquidation or receivership proceedings by or against the other 

    16.2 Either party may terminate this Agreement on not less than 
ten (10) days' written notice if (a) the non-terminating party is in breach 
of any material provision of this Agreement, and (b) the non-terminating 
party does not cure said breach within such ten (10) day period.

    16.3 Upon termination of this Agreement (a) VDI shall immediately remit 
and pay to Vyvx any and all amounts due to Vyvx pursuant to Subsection 8.1 
for Ad Placement provided prior to termination, and (b) both parties shall 
upon request of the other party return all Confidential Information to the 
other (or if directed by the other party, destroy such Confidential 
Information) and shall certify to each other that, to the best of their 
knowledge, information and belief, such information has been returned or 
destroyed and both parties shall be bound by the provisions in this Agreement 
relating to the nondisclosure of Confidential Information.


    17.1 Provided such infringement is not due to VDI's compliance with 
Vyvx's instructions or specifications, VDI agrees to defend and indemnify 
Vyvx against any and all actions based on a claim that VDI's performance of 
its responsibilities hereunder infringe any U.S. patent, copyright, license 
or other intellectual property right. If notified promptly in writing of any 
such action brought against Vyvx, VDI will defend such action at its expense 
and will pay the costs and damages awarded in any such action or the cost of 
settling such action, provided VDI shall have the right to control the 
defense of any such action and all negotiations for its settlement or 

    17.2 Provided such infringement is not due to Vyvx's compliance with 
VDI's instructions or specifications, Vyvx agrees to defend and indemnify VDI 
against any and all actions based on a claim that Vyvx's performance of its 
responsibilities hereunder infringe any U.S. patent, copyright, license or 
other intellectual property right. If notified promptly in writing of any 
such action brought against VDI, Vyvx will defend such action at its expense 
and will pay the costs and damages awarded in any such action or


the cost of settling such action, provided Vyvx shall have the right to 
control the defense of any such action and all negotiations for its 
settlement or compromise.


    18.1 The parties agree to use good faith efforts to resolve any disputes 
through normal business discussions. In the event a dispute cannot be 
resolved within thirty (30) days of written notice to the other party of such 
dispute, prior to the instigation of any legal proceedings, the parties agree 
to submit the dispute to their respective corporate officers (at the vice 
presidential level or higher) to use their good faith efforts to resolve the 
problem within thirty (30) additional days.


    19.1 Use of a party's name by the other party in any announcements 
concerning Ad Placement or for promotional or advertising purposes shall 
require the other party's prior written approval, which approval shall not be 
unreasonably withheld.

    20.1 Neither party shall be liable for any failure or delay in 
performance of its obligations (except for VDI's payment to Vyvx pursuant to 
Subsection 8.1) hereunder if such failure or delay is the result of fires, 
casualties, accident, acts of God, transportation difficulties, manufacturing 
difficulties, inability to obtain equipment, materials or qualified labor, 
governmental regulations or other causes beyond such party's control and such 
party takes reasonable and diligent action to cure any such failures or 
delays and mitigate any associated damages. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if 
such delay continues for fifteen (15) days, the non-affected party shall 
have the right to terminate this Agreement.


    21.1 Any amounts, pursuant to specific provisions of this Agreement, for 
which one party pays for which the other party is equally liable or for which 
one party is to be reimbursed shall be due and payable within 
thirty (30) days of invoice by such party.

    21.2 This Agreement consists of all the terms and conditions contained 
herein and in documents incorporated herein specifically by reference. This 
Agreement constitutes the complete and exclusive statement of the 
understanding between the parties and supersedes all proposals and prior 
agreements (oral or written) between the parties relating to the subject 
matter hereof. Any addition, deletion or modification to the terms and 
conditions contained in this Agreement shall not be binding on either party 
except by written agreement executed by an authorized representative of both 


    21.3 The failure of either party to enforce any provision hereof shall 
not constitute the permanent waiver of such provision.

    21.4 In the event any provision of this Agreement is subsequently held to 
be void, the remainder of this Agreement shall remain effective.

    21.5 Neither party shall assign or transfer its rights or obligations 
under this Agreement without the prior written consent of the other. Any such 
assignment or transfer of rights or obligations hereunder without such consent 
shall be void. Sale of all or substantially all of the assets of a party 
hereunder or a change in control of a party shall also be considered an 
assignment or transfer of this Agreement. "Change in control" means that a 
person, corporation, entity or affiliated group acquires, directly or 
indirectly, the beneficial ownership of 50% or more of a party hereunder in a 
single or series of transactions including, but not limited to, a merger or 
consolidation. The foregoing notwithstanding, Vyvx's ownership may be 
transferred to The Williams Companies or any of its subsidiaries without 
being considered a change of control.

    21.6 Each party shall comply with all applicable laws and regulations 
relating to any performance hereunder and the provision of Ad Placement.

    21.7 This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of 
California without regard to choice of law principles. Any legal action or 
proceeding with respect to the collection of monies hereunder may be brought 
in the state or federal courts in and for the State of California and 
Oklahoma. By execution of this Agreement, both Vyvx and VDI shall be deemed 
to have submitted to such jurisdictions, thereby expressly waiving whatever 
rights may correspond to either of them by reason of their present or future 

    21.8 No rule of construction requiring interpretation against the 
draftsman hereof shall apply in the interpretation of this Agreement.

    21.9 The headings used in this Agreement are for convenience only and 
shall not affect the interpretation of any of the terms and conditions hereof.

    21.10 The terms and conditions contained in this Agreement that by their 
sense and context are intended to survive the performance thereof by either 
or both parties hereunder shall so survive the completion of performance, 
cancellation or termination of this Agreement.

    21.11 Except as set forth to the contrary herein, any right or remedy 
shall be cumulative and without prejudice to any other right or remedy, 
whether contained herein or not.


    21.12 In the event suit is brought by either party to enforce the terms 
of this Agreement or to collect any monies due hereunder or to collect money 
damages for breach hereof, the prevailing party as determined by the 
judiciary of the forum in which suit is brought, shall be entitled to 
recover, in addition to any other remedy, reimbursement for reasonable 
attorneys' fees and court costs incurred in connection therewith.

    21.13 Neither party shall be deemed a partner of, or agent for, the other 
or have the right to bind or obligate the other party except as specifically 
set forth herein with respect to Ad Placement.

    21.14 Neither this Agreement nor the actions taken by the parties 
hereunder shall create any ownership rights to and interest in the other 
party's equipment or assets used in the provision of Ad Placement. Each party 
shall bear the risk of loss and damage to the portion of the equipment and 
assets that it owns and shall be responsible for the maintenance thereof.

    IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Agreement to be executed 
as of the day and year first above written.


By:  /s/ Sandra C. Mays

     Sandra C. Mays
              (Print Name)

     Chief Financial Officer

Vyvx, Inc.

By:  /s/ Delwin L. Bothof                   [Seal]

     Delwin L. Bothof
              (Print Name)



                                   EXHIBIT A

         MASTER AD PLACEMENT SERVICE AGREEMENT #_____________________

THIS AGREEMENT (the "Agreement") is entered into on the _____ day of 
__________________, 199____, by and between Vyvx, Inc., a Delaware 
corporation ("Vyvx"), VDI ("VDI"), a California corporation, and 
_____________________________________________, a ______________________ 
corporation ("Customer") for the transmission of advertisements ("Ad 
Placement Service"), subject to the provisions set forth in this Agreement. 
Vyvx and VDI shall collectively be referred to herein as "Vendor," and each 
individual advertisement shall hereinafter be referred to as a "Spot."


1.1  Subject to the provisions of this Agreement, Vendor shall provide 
Customer with Ad Placement Service utilizing the Vyvx network provided that 
Vyvx's transmission circuits are available and Customer's selected 
destination points are connected to Vyvx's network. Procurement of such 
connectivity shall not be the responsibility of Vendor. Ad Placement Service 
shall be available between 1:00 a.m. and 6 a.m. Eastern Standard Time (the 
"Transmission Window"); the exact time during the Transmission Window shall 
be at the sole discretion of Vendor. The length of any one Spot shall not 
exceed __________ minutes. At the request of Customer and at the charge set 
forth below, Vendor shall retransmit a Spot to all or any of the original 
destination points set forth in the relevant Reservation Confirmation between 
1:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time ("Retransmit Window"); the 
exact time during the Retransmit Window shall be at the sole discretion of 

                          2.0  VENDOR RESPONSIBILITIES

2.1  Vendor shall promptly respond to any request for Ad Placement Service 
("Reservation Request") placed by Customer which states the date of 
transmission and destination points submitted at the number or address set 
forth in Paragraph 5.1, Vendor shall notify Customer as to the availability 
of Ad Placement Service as requested in the Customer Reservation Request by 
return correspondence which may be faxed or delivered to Customer at the 
number or address set forth in Paragraph 5.1. An affirmative response by 
Vendor shall be a confirmed reservation ("Reservation Confirmation"). Vendor 
reserves the right to decline to accept any Reservation Request without 
incurring any liability.

2.2  The Ad Placement Service specifications (on the Vyvx network) shall 
comply with the ANSI TI.502-1988 Medium Haul Parameters, as it may be limited 
by the published technical specifications of the digital Codecs used 
("Technical Parameters").

                        3.0  CUSTOMER RESPONSIBILITIES

3.1  Customer must submit to Vendor each Spot which shall be transmitted via 
the Ad Placement Service in the following format: __________________________ 
Such Spot shall be submitted to VDI at the address set forth below 
____________ hours prior to the intended transmission time.

3.2  Customer has sole responsibility for installation, procurement, testing 
and operation of facilities, services and equipment other than those 
specifically provided by Vendor pursuant to this Agreement ("Other 
Facilities"). In no event shall the untimely installation or non-operation of 
Other Facilities (including tape play-back equipment, if any) or failure of 
Customer to timely transmit any Spot relieve Customer of its obligation to 
pay for Ad Placement Service or cancellation charges as of the requested 
transmission date.

                            4.0  CHARGES; CREDIT

4.1  Customer shall be charged per destination point and per Spot as follows:


The above pricing is subject to change by Vendor, at its sole discretion, 
upon sixty (60) days prior notice to customer. If Customer does not dispute 
the information in any Reservation Confirmation within the earlier of (i) 
forty-eight (48) hours from the time Vendor sends the Reservation 
Confirmation or (ii) 12:01 a.m. on the scheduled transmission date, the 
Reservation Confirmation shall be deemed accurate, and Customer shall be 
liable for all applicable charges under this Agreement. Customer agrees that 
the time of transmissions shall be determined according to WWV Time as 
established by the WWV ratio station located in Fort Collins, CO.

4.2  Failure of equipment, network or facilities of Vendor, including failure 
due to force majeure events as set forth in Paragraph 6.5, or failure of 
Vendor to provide Ad Placement Service for any reason to any or all 
destination points ("Outage") shall result in a pro rata reduction of the 
charges for the Ad Placement Service involved ("Credit"). The applicable 
Credit shall be determined by ____________________________________________.
The foregoing remedy is exclusive and no other remedy is provided to Customer 
pursuant to this Agreement. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Customer shall be 
liable for all charges and shall not receive any Credit if failure to receive 
the Ad Placement Service is due in whole or in part to Customer's or its 
customer's equipment, facilities, employees or agents. In the event of an 
occurrence causing transmission failure on the Vyvx network which is beyond 
the control of Vendor, Ad Placement Service (not otherwise affected) may be 
subject to interruption as Vyvx deems necessary in order to mitigate the 
effect of such occurrence with respect to the Vyvx network; Vendor shall not 
be liable for such interruption except in the form of a Credit.

                                5.0  NOTICES

5.1  Notices under this Agreement shall be in writing and delivered to the 
person and address specified below:

Vendor:                                  Customer:
______________________________________   ______________________________________
______________________________________   ______________________________________
______________________________________   ______________________________________
Attention: ___________________________   Attention: ___________________________
Telephone: 1-800-_____________________   Telephone 1-800-______________________
Fax: _________________________________   Fax: _________________________________

IN WITNESS hereof, the parties have executed this Agreement on the date first 
written above.

VYVX, INC.                  VDI                        _______________________

By: ___________________     By: ___________________    By: ___________________
    (SIGNATURE)                 (SIGNATURE)                (SIGNATURE)

_______________________     _______________________    _______________________
(PRINT)                     (PRINT)                    (PRINT)

_______________________     _______________________    _______________________
(TITLE)                     (TITLE)                    (TITLE)

                       6.0  GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS

6.1  PAYMENT: Customer agrees to remit payment to Vendor at the remittance 
address and on the due date ("Due Date") indicated on Vendor's invoices to 
Customer. In the event Customer fails to make full payment to the proper 
address within thirty (30) days after the Due Date, Customer shall also pay a 
late fee in the amount of the lesser of one and one-half percent (1-1/2%) of 
the unpaid balance per month or the maximum lawful rate under applicable 
state law. Customer acknowledges and understands that all charges are 
computed exclusive of any applicable federal, state or local use, excise, 
gross receipts, sales and privilege taxes, duties, fees or similar 
liabilities (other than general income or property taxes), whether charged to 
or against Vendor, its suppliers or affiliates, Customer or its customers for 
the Ad Placement Service provided to Customer ("Additional Charges"). Such 
Additional Charges shall be paid by Customer in addition to all other charges 
provided for herein. Vendor shall invoice Customer monthly for Ad Placement 
Service for the period between the first of the prior month to the end of 
such prior month ("Billing Period"). The Billing Period shall be subject to 
change at the sole option of Vendor.

6.2  SUSPENSION OF AD PLACEMENT SERVICE: In the event payment in full is not 
received from Customer on or before thirty (30) days following the due date 
of invoice, Vendor shall have the right to refuse to provide Ad Placement 
Service to Customer and upon forty-eight (48) hours prior written notice to 
suspend all or any portion of Ad Placement Service for which Customer has a 
Reservation Confirmation. Vendor may continue suspension until such time as 
Customer has paid in full all charges then due, including any late fees as 
specified herein. If Customer fails to make such payment by a date determined 
by and acceptable to Vendor, Customer shall be deemed to have canceled the Ad 
Placement Service for which Customer received a Reservation Confirmation 
effective on such date and shall remain liable for all cancellation charges 
as set forth in Paragraph 6.4.

6.3  TERM AND APPLICATION: This Agreement shall be effective between the 
parties as of the date first written above and shall extend through 
______________________, 199___. The terms and conditions of this Agreement 
shall apply to any Reservation Confirmation accepted by Vendor; any other 
terms and conditions given verbally or contained in any purchase order or 
similar document submitted as a request for Ad Placement Service shall be 
void unless agreed to in writing and subscribed to by an authorized 
representative of Vendor and Customer. Vendor reserves the right to refuse 
any Reservation Request submitted pursuant to this Agreement.

6.4  CANCELLATION: Customer may cancel the Ad Placement Service without 
incurring any cancellation liability, provided that the Ad Placement Service 
in question is canceled at least seventy-two (72) hours prior to 1:00 a.m. 
Eastern Standard Time on the date of the scheduled transmission. If Customer 
cancels Ad Placement Service less than seventy-two (72) hours, but 
twenty-four (24) hours or more prior to 1:00 a.m. Eastern Standard Time on 
the date of the scheduled transmission, Customer shall pay a cancellation 
charge of fifty percent (50%) of the amount that Customer would have 
otherwise paid if such Ad Placement Service had not been canceled. If 
Customer cancels less than twenty-four (24) hours prior to 1:00 a.m. Eastern 
Standard Time on the date of the scheduled transmission, Customer shall pay 
one hundred percent (100%) of the amount that Customer would have otherwise 
paid is such canceled Ad Placement Service had not been canceled. It is 
agreed that damages in the event Customer cancels Ad Placement Service would 
be difficult or impossible to ascertain. The provision for a cancellation 
charge in this Paragraph 6.4 is intended, therefore, to establish liquidated 
damages in the event of a cancellation and is not intended as a penalty.

6.5  FORCE MAJEURE: If Vendor's performance of this Agreement or any 
obligation hereunder is prevented, restricted or interfered with by causes 
beyond its reasonable control including, but not limited to, acts of God, 
fire, explosion, vandalism, cable cut, storm or other similar occurrence, any 
law, order, regulation, direction, action or request of the United States 
Government or state or local governments, or of any department, agency, 
commission, court, bureau, corporation or other instrumentality of any one or 
more said governments, or of any civil or military authority, or by national 
emergencies, insurrections, riots, wars, strikes, lock-outs or work 
stoppages, or other labor difficulties, supplier failures, shortages, 
breaches or delays, then Vendor shall be excused from such performance on a 
day to day basis to the extent of such prevention, restriction or 
interference. Vendor shall use reasonable efforts under the circumstances to 
avoid and remove such causes of non-performance and shall proceed to perform 
with reasonable dispatch whenever such causes cease.

6.6  TRANSMISSION CONTENT; INDEMNITY: Customer shall make all arrangements 
with copyright holders, music licensing organizations, performers' 
representatives, or other parties for necessary authorizations, clearances or 
consents with respect to the transmission contents ("Consents"). Customer 
shall indemnify and hold harmless Vendor and any third party provider or 
operator of facilities employed in the provision of the Ad Placement Service 
(all of which shall be referred to as "Providers") against and from any 
court, administrative or agency action, suit or similar proceeding brought 
against Providers arising out of or related to the contents transmitted 
hereunder including, but not limited to, claims, actual or alleged, relating 
to any violation of copyright law, except control laws, failure to procure 
Consents, failure to meet governmental or other technical broadcast 
standards, or that such transmission contents are libelous, slanderous, an 
invasion of privacy, pornographic, or otherwise unauthorized or illegal. 
Vendor may terminate or restrict any programming transmitted over the Vyvx's 
network if, in its judgment, (1) such actions are reasonably appropriate to 
avoid violation of applicable law or (2) there is a reasonable risk that 
criminal, civil or administrative proceedings or investigations based upon 
the transmission contents shall be instituted against Providers. Customer and 
Vendor shall indemnify and hold harmless the other against and from any and 
all claims for physical property damage, physical personal injury or wrongful 
death to the extent that such arises out of the negligence or willful 
misconduct of the respective indemnifying party, its employees, agents, or 
contractors in connection with the provision of services or other performance 
pursuant to this Agreement. In the event third parties should use the Ad 
Placement Service through Customer, Customer shall indemnify Providers 
against any claims by any such third parties for damages arising or resulting 
from any defect in or failure to provide the Ad Placement Service. The 
indemnifying party agrees to defend the other against the claims as set forth 
above and to pay all reasonable litigation costs, attorneys' fees, court 
costs, settlement payments, and any damages awarded or resulting from any 
such claims. The indemnified party shall promptly notify the indemnifying 
party in writing of any such claims.

6.7  WARRANTY; LIMITATION: Vendor warrants that the Ad Placement Service 
provided over the Vyvx network shall be provided to Customer in accordance 
with the Technical Parameters and (except to the extent such standards 
conflict with the Technical Parameters) prevailing television industry 
standards for digital transmission of television in a DS-3 format. Vendor 
shall use reasonable efforts under the circumstances to remedy any delays, 
interruptions, omissions, mistakes, accidents or errors in the Ad Placement 
Service and restore such Service to comply with the terms hereof. THE 

6.8  GENERAL PROVISIONS: This Agreement consists of all the terms and 
conditions contained herein and in documents incorporated herein specifically 
by reference. This Agreement constitutes the complete and exclusive statement 
of the understanding between the parties and supersedes all proposals and 
prior agreements (oral or written) between the parties relating to Ad 
Placement Service provided hereunder. Customer agrees that any addition, 
deletion or modification to the terms and conditions contained in this 
Agreement shall not be binding on Vendor except by written agreement executed 
by an authorized headquarters representative of Vendor. The provision of the 
Ad Placement Service shall not create a partnership or joint venture between 
the parties. The failure of either party to enforce any provision hereof 
shall not constitute the permanent waiver of such provision. In the event any 
provision of this Agreement conflicts with any statute, rule or order of any 
governmental unit or regulatory body, or tariff then, if required by law, 
such statute, rule, order or tariff shall control. Customer shall not assign 
or transfer its rights or obligations under this Agreement without the prior 
written consent of Vendor. Any such assignment or transfer of Customer's 
rights or obligations without such consent shall entitle Vendor to terminate 
the Ad Placement Service provided hereunder at its option upon ten (10) days 
prior written notice to Customer. This Agreement shall be governed by the 
laws of the State of California without regard to choice of law principles. 
No rule of construction requiring interpretation against the draftsman hereof 
shall apply in the interpretation of this Agreement.

                                       EXHIBIT B
                                        TABLE 1

    Broadcast Stations Operating in Vyvx Network markets as of September, 

- --------------------
Atlanta (10)
Austin (66)
Baltimore (22)
Baton Rouge (95)
Beaumont (140)
Boston (6)
Buffalo (38)
Charlotte (30)
Chicago (3)
Cleveland (12)
Dallas-Fort Worth (8)
Denver (21)
Detroit (9)
Hartford-New Haven (24)
Houston (11)
Indianapolis (27)
Jacksonville (54)
Kansas City (28)
Las Vegas (77)
Los Angeles (2)
Miami-Ft. Lauderdale (15)
Milwaukee (29)
Minneapolis-St. Paul (13)
Nashville (33)
New Orleans (40)
New York (1)
Oklahoma City (45)
Omaha (73)
Orlando (23)
Philadelphia (4)
Phoenix (20)
Pittsburgh (17)
Portland, OR (26)
Raleigh-Durham (32)
Sacramento-Stockton (19)
Salt Lake City (41)
San Antonio-Victoria (36)
San Diego (25)
San Francisco (5)
Seattle-Tacoma (14)
South Bend-Elkhart (83)
St. Louis (18)
Tampa (16)
Toledo (64)
Tulsa (59)
Washington, D.C. (7)

                                       EXHIBIT B
                                        TABLE 2

- --------------------
Albany-Schenectady-Troy (52)
Augusta (111)
Boise (133)
Cincinnati (31)
Columbus, OH (34)
Dayton (53)
Des Moines (70)
Flint-Saginaw-Bay City (57)
Fort Meyers-Naples (88)
Fresno-Visalia (56)
Grand Rapids-Kalamazoo-Battle Creek (37)
Greenville-Spartanburg Asheville (35)
Green Bay-Appleton (65)
Harrisburg-York-Lancaster-Lebannon (44)
Jackson, MS (87)
Knoxville (62)
Little Rock (58)
Louisville (47)
Madison (91)
Memphis (42)
Norfolk-Portsmouth-Newport News (39)
Providence-New Bedford (43)
Richmond (60)
Rochester (69)
Syracuse (68)
Tallahassee-Thomasville (115)
West Palm Beach-Fort Pierce (46)
Wichita-Hutchinson (61)

                                       EXHIBIT B
                                        TABLE 3

Proctor & Gamble Co.
Philip Morris Companies
General Motors Corporation
Sears, Roebuck & Company
Ford Motor Company
Warner-Lambert Company
Chrysler Corporation
McDonald's Corporation
Nestle SA
Eastman Kodak Company
Grand Metropolitan
Unilever NV
Johnson & Johnson
Toyota Motor Corporation
Time Warner
Kellogg Company
AT&T Company
General Mills
Anheuser - Busch Companies
Kmart Corporation
J.C. Penney Company
American Home Products, Corporation
RJR Nabisco
Ralston Purina Company
Coca Cola Company

                                      Exhibit C

                 Potential Syndicated Program Distribution Customers:

                        Buena Vista Domestic Television
                        Cannel Distribution Company
                        Carsey-Werner Distribution
                        Columbia Pictures Domestic Television
                        Columbia Pictures International Television
                        King World Productions
                        MCA Domestic Television
                        MCA Television International
                        MGM Domestic Television Distribution
                        MGM Television International
                        MG Perrin
                        MTM Television Distribution
                        Multimedia Entertainment
                        Orion Domestic Television
                        Orion Television International
                        Paramount Domestic Television Group
                        Samuel Goldwyn Domestic Television
                        SFM Entertainment
                        Twentieth Century TV International
                        Viacom Enterprises