EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT

      Employment Agreement ("Agreement") made this 19th day of March 1996, 
between VDI ("Employer") and Tom Ennis ("Employee").

      The parties agree as follows:

      1.    TERM OF AGREEMENT.  The term of this Agreement will commence on 
March 18, 1996, and shall continue until March 18, 1997, or upon an earlier 
termination date, as provided in Paragraph 8. This Agreement, or any parts 
thereof, may be renewed for another one year period at the sole option of 
Employer, at the same terms and conditions set forth herein, with the 
exception of the weekly bonus described in paragraph 4.2. Employer shall 
retain the option to renew this Agreement at any time up to 60 days after the 
expiration of the term of this Agreement.

      2.    DUTIES OF EMPLOYEE.  Employee shall be initially employed in the 
position of Vice President Marketing. Employee's duties shall include such 
services and duties normally associated with the position of Vice President 
Marketing. Such duties shall include but not be limited to maintaining and 
improving the relationships with Employer's existing clients, developing 
additional business, other services and duties as may be assigned from time 
to time by Employer's CEO.

      3.    TIME AND EFFORTS.  Employee will use Employee's full time and 
efforts in the discharge of Employee's services and duties. Employee will at 
all times faithfully and industriously and to the best of Employee's ability, 
experience and talents perform all of the services and duties that may be 
required to the satisfaction of Employer. Such services and duties shall be 
rendered at such place or places as Employer shall require, or as the 
interests, needs, business and opportunities of Employer shall require or 
deem advisable. Employer shall give Employee ninety (90) days notice of 

      4.    COMPENSATION.  In full payment for Employee's performance, 
Employer shall pay to Employee compensation determined in accordance with 
this paragraph 4.

            4.1    SALARY.  Employee shall receive a weekly salary of One 
Thousand Nine Hundred Twenty-Three Dollars and Eight Cents ($1,923.08).

            4.2    WEEKLY BONUS.  For the period March 18, 1996 through March 
18, 1997, Employee shall be eligible for a bonus of Four Hundred Eighty 
Dollars and Seventy-Seven Cents ($480.77) to be earned and paid on a weekly 
basis, based on Employee's continued employment during each applicable week 
and satisfactory performance of Employee's duties, as determined by Employer.

      5.    STOCK OPTION ELIGIBILITY.  In the event that a stock option plan 
is developed and becomes effective during the term of this Agreement, so long 
as Employee is employed as a Vice President Marketing of Employer, Employee 
will be eligible for participation pursuant to the provisions of such plan.

      6.    EXPENSES.  Employer shall, in accordance with its established 
policies, reimburse Employee for all reasonable and necessary business 
expenses (i.e., travel, entertainment and lodging) incurred by Employee in 
the discharge of Employee's duties.

      7.    VACATIONS, HOLIDAYS AND GROUP INSURANCE.  Employee will be 
eligible for benefits, vacations, holidays and group insurance coverage, 
under the terms of Employer's existing policies and procedures, which are made 
available to Employer's employees generally. Employer reserves the right, in 
its sole discretion, at any time, to amend or cancel its policies and 
procedures related to vacations, holidays or group insurance, or other 
benefits. Employer shall advance Employee five (5) days paid vacation 
benefits for use by Employee by August 1, 1996. In the event Employee's 
employment ends before Employee has accrued the advanced vacation, Employee 
hereby authorizes Employer to deduct the advanced vacation pay from 
Employee's paychecks, including the final paycheck, and weekly bonus amounts, 
and will execute any other written authorization for the deduction(s), as may 
be required.

      8.    TERMINATION.

            8.1    This Agreement may be terminated at any time by Employer, 
only for cause. In addition, if, at any time, Employee breaches this 
Agreement, or fails or refuses or neglects to perform any of Employee's 
obligations under this Agreement, Employer may immediately terminate this 

            8.2    Upon termination:

                   (1)  All of Employer's obligations under this Agreement 
cease, except Employer shall be liable to Employee for that portion of the 
salary and bonus fully earned and unpaid under paragraph 4 above, as of the 
termination date. Employee's obligations under paragraphs 9, 10, 13 and 14 
shall continue in full force. In


addition, paragraphs 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 24, 25 and 26 shall continue in full 
force and effect with regard to any dispute or Claim as defined in paragraph 

                   (2)  Employee will immediately return all Employer files, 
records, documents, plans, drawings, specifications, equipment, pictures, 
videotapes, and papers or other documents or similar items including any 
copies or abstracts thereof, concerning the business or operations of 
Employer, its parent or subsidiary, or any affiliated entity of any of the 
foregoing, whether prepared by Employee or otherwise coming into Employee's 
possession or control.

                   (3)  Employee will cooperate with and assist Employer, its 
parent, any subsidiary, affiliated entity of any of the foregoing or any of 
their officers or representatives, its officers, directors, employees and 
their agents and representatives, in the orderly transition of management and 
assist and cooperate, including, but not limited to testifying or providing 
information to Employer, its parent, any subsidiary, affiliated entity of any 
of the foregoing or any of their officers or representatives, in the 
investigation, preparation or handling of any actual or threatened court 
action, arbitration or administrative proceeding involving any matter that 
arose during, related to or in connection with the period of Employee's 
employment. Such assistance and cooperation will be rendered at times and 
places convenient to the parties.

      9.    INVENTIONS AND PATENTS.  Employee will assign all of Employee's 
rights in any invention to Employer as follows: all inventions developed 
during Employee's working time; all inventions which Employee developed using 
Employer's equipment, supplies, facilities, or trade secret information; and 
all inventions developed entirely on Employee's own time if those inventions 
relate, at the time of conception or reduction to practice of the invention, 
to Employer's business or to actual or demonstrably anticipated research or 
development of Employer, or if those inventions resulted from any work 
performed by Employee for Employer. This does not apply to an invention of 
Employee's which is protected from being assigned to Employer under 
California Labor Code Section 2870.

EMPLOYER.  Employee understands and agrees that the trade secrets and 
confidential and proprietary information of Employer are valuable to Employer 
and are essential in the operations of Employer's business. Employee further 
understands and agrees that Employer is entering into this Agreement based 
upon and in reliance upon, among other things, Employee's agreements set 
forth in this paragraph 10.

            10.1    Employee may have access to, may acquire and become 
acquainted with various trade secrets and confidential and proprietary 


("proprietary information"), relating to Employer's activities, business, 
services, operations, guests and clients, including but not limited to: 
information about clients; client, employee, supplier, and distributor lists; 
contacts, addresses, information about employees and employee relations; 
training manuals and procedures; recruitment methods and procedures; 
employment contracts; employee handbooks; information about clients; 
information about suppliers; activities of clients, employees, officers, 
directors, agents and representatives; information about Employer's 
owner(s), its affiliates; price lists; costs and expenses; documents; 
budgets; proposals; financial information; inventions; patterns; processes; 
formulas; computer programs; information about development, manufacturing, 
sales and marketing programs and techniques; information about recruitment 
and distribution techniques, specifications; and tapes and compilations of 
information; and other information that is not generally known to the public. 
The proprietary information is owned by Employer, its parent, any subsidiary 
or any related entity of any of the foregoing, or clients of any of the 
foregoing; and/or is used in the operation of Employer's, its parent, any 
subsidiary or any related entity of any of the foregoing, or client's 

            10.2    Employee shall hold in strictest confidence and shall not 
(other than as specifically allowed in writing by Employer) disclose or use 
any proprietary information, directly or indirectly, either during the term 
of Employee's employment, or for ten (10) years after termination, except as 
required by Employer in the course of Employee's employment.

            10.3    All items referred to in this paragraph 10 and its 
subparts and similar items relating to the business of Employer, its parent, 
any subsidiary or affiliated entity of any of the foregoing or a client, 
whether prepared by Employee or otherwise, shall remain the exclusive 
property of Employer, its parent, any subsidiary or affiliated entity of any 
of the foregoing or client and shall not be removed from Employer's premises 
or the premises of its parent, any subsidiary or affiliated entity of any of 
the foregoing or client's without prior written consent of Employer. Employee 
shall not copy or reproduce such documents or other materials for the use or 
benefit of any person or entity other than Employer without Employer's prior 
written permission.

            10.4    The remedy at law for breach of this paragraph 10 and its 
subparts is inadequate and Employer, in addition to any other remedy, can 
seek appropriate injunctive relief from an appropriate court or arbitrator, 
at Employer's election, pursuant to paragraph 18 below.

     11.    COMPLIANCE WITH EMPLOYER POLICIES.  Employee will be subject to 
and will adhere to all of Employer's policies and procedures applicable to 
Employer's employees generally, including, but not limited to, all policies 
relating to standards of


conduct, conflicts of interest, and compliance with Employer's rules, 
regulations and policies.

     12.    EXCLUSIVITY OF EMPLOYMENT.  During the term of this Agreement, 
Employee's services shall be exclusive to Employer. During the term of this 
Agreement, Employee shall not (a) engage in any other employment; (b) engage 
in any activity that is competitive to Employer; (c) attempt to influence any 
of Employer's clients or guests, potential clients or guests, suppliers, or 
the employees, directors, officers, agents or representatives of any of the 
foregoing, either to divert their business, or to perform services for, any 
of Employer's competitors or to become an employee, agent or representatives 
of any of Employer's competitors; or (d) form, attempt to form or discuss the 
formation of any business competitive with Employer, its parent, any 
subsidiary or affiliated entity of any of the foregoing with any third person 
or entity, unless Employer's CEO provides specific written approval in 

Employee agrees that the following recital is correct.

     In the event Employee solicits or provides services to any client, 
     supplier, competitor, developer, distributor or manufacturer of
     Employer, either during the term of Employee's employment or at any time
     thereafter, Employee necessarily would have to make use of those trade
     secrets and/or confidential or proprietary information referred to in 
     paragraph 10 and its subparts of this Agreement.

Therefore, Employee will not, directly or indirectly, solicit, assist in 
solicitation, provide services, or assist in the provision of services to any 
client, supplier, competitor, developer, distributor or manufacturer of 
Employer, its parent, any subsidiary or any affiliated entity of any of the 
foregoing, during the term of this Agreement, or for a period of one (1) year 
thereafter. Notwithstanding the above recital, and the one-year limitation 
set forth herein, the terms of paragraph 10 and its subparts related to trade 
secrets, confidential and proprietary information shall continue in full 
force and effect for ten (10) years.

     14.    NO SOLICITATION OF EMPLOYEES.  Employee will not, either during 
the term of this Agreement or at any time thereafter, attempt to solicit or 
influence any of Employer's employees to:  (a) become employees of, or render 
services to, any other employer, business, person or entity; (b) engage in 
any business or commercial undertaking not sponsored by Employer, without 
Employer's prior written permission; or (c) engage in any activity contrary 
to or conflicting with the interests of Employer, while the employee is 
employed at Employer.  The remedy at law for breach of this paragraph is 
inadequate and Employer, in addition to any other remedy, can seek appropriate


injunctive relief from an appropriate court or arbitrator, at its election, 
pursuant to paragraph 18.

     15.    OWNERSHIP IN COMPETING BUSINESS.  During employment with 
Employer, neither Employee, nor a member of Employee's immediate family 
shall own or have a financial interest in any entity with which Employer, its 
parent, any subsidiary or any affiliated entity of any of the foregoing, in 
any way conducts business or competes, except with prior written 
authorization by the CEO of Employer.  In addition, neither Employee nor a 
member of Employee's immediate family shall enter into any transaction with 
any person or entity which Employee knows or should know is, or is closely 
connected with, a client of Employer, its parent, any subsidiary or any 
affiliated entity of any of the foregoing, or significantly affected by the 
work or activities of Employer, its parent, any subsidiary or any affiliated 
entity of any of the foregoing, except with prior written authorization by 
the CEO of Employer. This paragraph 15 shall not apply to the ownership of 
non-restricted shares constituting less than five percent (5%) of all 
outstanding shares in a publicly held corporation.  Employee will promptly 
notify Employer, in writing, in the event Employee's spouse, child or other 
immediate family member becomes employed by a vendor or competitor of 

     16.    RELIEF FROM DUTIES.  If for any reason, Employee is unable to 
perform the essential functions of Employee's job in a manner satisfactory to 
Employer due to disability or otherwise, without waiving its rights under 
paragraph 8, Employer reserves the right to relieve Employee of all duties 
and responsibilities without further compensation or accrual of bonus or 
benefits, until Employer is assured to its satisfaction, that Employee is able 
to perform all essential job functions on a full-time basis with or without 
reasonable accommodation. Subject to applicable law: (a) Employer reserves 
the right to hire a permanent replacement when Employee is relieved of all 
duties and responsibilities under this paragraph; and (b) there is no 
guarantee that Employee's position will be available when, if ever, Employee 
is ready to resume Employee's normal full-time duties. If appropriate, 
Employer may require Employee to be examined by a physician chosen by 
Employer, at Employer's expense prior to Employee's resumption of normal 

     17.    DISPUTE RESOLUTION PROCEDURE.  If a Claim (as defined below) 
arises, whether or not arising out of Employee's employment, termination of 
employment, or otherwise, that the Employer may have against Employee, or 
that Employee may have against the Employer or against its parent, 
subsidiaries, affiliated entities of any of the foregoing, the shareholders, 
officers, directors, employees, agents or any other representatives of any of 
the foregoing, such Claim shall be resolved in accordance with the procedure 
set forth below. A Claim must be processed in the manner set forth below, 
otherwise the Claim shall be void and deemed waived even if there is a 
federal or state statute of limitations which would allow more time to pursue 
the Claim.


            17.1  Within 180 days from the date that the aggrieved party knew 
or should have known of the facts that gave rise to the Claim, the aggrieved 
party must give written notice of the Claim to the other party hereto. The 
parties will hold informal discussions and attempt to resolve the Claim. If 
written notice of the Claim is not given within the 180-day period, the Claim 
will be deemed to be time-barred.

            17.2  If the Claim is not resolved within 30 days after the 
written notice of the Claim was given pursuant to paragraph 17.1, either 
party may initiate arbitration by serving upon the other party written Demand 
for Arbitration and by filing the Demand for Arbitration in conformance with 
the rules of the American Arbitration Association ("AAA"). The written Demand 
for Arbitration must be served within 45 days after the end of such 30-day 

            17.3  The written Demand for Arbitration shall describe the 
factual basis of all Claims asserted, and shall be served upon the other 
party hereto by certified or registered mail, return receipt requested. If 
Demand for Arbitration is not served within the applicable time period, the 
Claim will be deemed to be time-barred.

            17.4  Written notice or Demand for Arbitration, or both, to 
Employee will be mailed to Employee's address as it appears in the Employer's 
records. Written notice or Demand for Arbitration, or both, to the Employer, 
or its officers, directors, employees or agents, shall be sent to VDI, 
Attention: Don Stine, 6920 Sunset Boulevard, Hollywood, CA 90028.

            17.5  The arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with the 
then-current Employment Dispute Resolution Rules of the AAA before a single 
arbitrator. The arbitration shall take place in Los Angeles County, 

                  (1)  The Arbitrator shall be selected as follows.  The AAA 
shall give each party a list of 11 arbitrators drawn from its panel of labor 
and employment arbitrators. Each side may strike all names on the list it 
deems unacceptable. If only one common name remains on the lists of all 
parties, that individual shall be the Arbitrator. If more than one common 
name remains on the lists of all parties, the parties shall strike names 
alternately, in a telephone conference no more than five (5) days after the 
parties receive notice that more than one acceptable arbitrator remains, 
until only one remains. If no common name remains on the lists of all 
parties, the AAA shall furnish one additional list, and the above procedure 
will be utilized. If no arbitrator is designated from the second list, the 
procedure of the Employment Resolution Rules will be utilized to select the 

                  (2)  Any party may be represented in the arbitration by an 
attorney or other representative selected by such party.


                  (3)  The parties waive the provisions of California Code of 
Civil Procedure Section 1283.05.  Each party shall have the right to take the 
deposition of one individual and any expert witness designated by the other 
party.  Each party also shall have the right to make requests for production 
of documents to the other party. Additional discovery may be had only where 
the arbitrator so orders, upon a showing of substantial need. All issues 
related to discovery will be resolved by the arbitrator.

                  (4)  At least fourteen (14) days before the arbitration, 
the parties must exchange lists of witnesses, including any experts, and 
copies of all exhibits intended to be used at the arbitration.

                  (5)  The arbitrator will have no authority to:  (a) adopt 
new Employer policies or procedures, (b) modify this Agreement or existing 
Employer policies, procedures, wages or benefits, or (c) in the absence of 
written waiver pursuant to paragraph 17.11 below, hear or decide any matter 
that was not processed in accordance with this Agreement.  The arbitrator 
shall have exclusive authority to resolve any Claim, including, but not 
limited to, any contention that all or any part of this Agreement is void or 
voidable. The arbitrator will have the authority to award any form of remedy 
or damages that would be available in a court of law.

                  (6)  The parties shall each pay one-half of the fees of the 
American Arbitration Association and the arbitrator. The parties will pay 
their own attorneys' fees and expenses associated with the arbitration.

IN THIS AGREEMENT. Subject to paragraph 17.9 neither party shall initiate or 
prosecute any lawsuit in any way related to any Claim covered by this 
Agreement. To the extent permitted by law, Employee agrees not to initiate 
or prosecute against Employer any administrative action (other than an 
administrative charge of discrimination) in any way related to any Claim 
covered by this Agreement.

            17.7  The arbitration will be conducted in private, and will not 
be open to the public or the media. The testimony and other evidence 
presented, and the results of the arbitration, unless otherwise agreed to in 
writing by both parties, are confidential and may not be made public or 
reported in any way or through any means, including, but not limited to, to 
any news agency or legal publisher or service, except pursuant to a court 
order, provided that Employer or Employee shall give written notice, as soon 
as reasonably practicable after it becomes aware or should have become aware 
of any judicial proceeding to enable the other to seek a protective order 
before disclosure occurs.


            17.8  The arbitrator shall render a written decision and award 
(the "Award"), which shall set forth the facts and reasons that support the 
Award. The Award shall be final and binding on Employer and Employee.

            17.9  The term "Claim" is defined to include, but is not limited 
to, controversies relating to: compensation or benefits, breach of any 
contract, torts, discrimination under state, federal or local law; and 
violation of any federal, state, or other governmental law, statute, 
regulation, or ordinance. However, this Dispute Resolution Procedure shall 
not apply to any Claim: for workers' compensation or unemployment benefits. 
Claims by Employer for injunctive and/or other equitable relief for any Claim 
including but not limited to (i) unfair competition, or (ii) the use and/or 
unauthorized disclosure of proprietary information, or (iii) the solicitation 
or influence of Employer's employees, may at Employer's election be brought 
either in arbitration or in a court. If Employer seeks injunctive relief in 
court, it may then proceed with arbitration under this Agreement.

            17.10  For the purpose of this paragraph 17 and its subparts, the 
term "Employer" is defined to include its shareholders, officers and 
directors, agents, managers, its parent and all subsidiary and related or 
affiliated entities and their shareholders, agents, managers, officers and 
directors, all benefit plans, the benefit plans' sponsors, fiduciaries, 
administrators, affiliates, and all successors and assigns of any of them.

            17.11  Either party, in their sole discretion, may, in writing, 
waive, in whole or in part, the other's failure to follow any time limit or 
other requirement set forth in this Agreement. Any such waiver shall not be 
deemed the waiver of any other time limit or requirement or any subsequent 
failure to follow any time limit or other requirement.

     18.   INJUNCTIVE RELIEF.  The services of Employee, as well as the 
proprietary information of Employer are of a special, unique, unusual and 
extraordinary nature, which gives them a peculiar value, the loss of which 
cannot reasonably or adequately be compensated for in damages in an action at 
law. The breach by Employee of any provision of this Agreement would cause 
the Employer irreparable injury and damage, the measure of which could not be 
adequately measured at law. Employer shall be entitled, as a matter of right 
in addition to and without the prejudice of any other right or remedy, to 
injunctive and other equitable relief in an appropriate court to prevent the 
violation of any provision of this Agreement by Employee and/or to cause 
Employee to comply with the respective provisions hereof, as applicable. 
Employee hereby consents to the granting of such injunctive or other 
equitable relief, provided notice pursuant to paragraph 20, of such action is 
given to Employee. The exercise by Employer of any of


its rights hereunder shall not constitute a waiver by Employer of any other 
rights which it may have to damages or otherwise.

     19.    CONSENT TO JURISDICTION.  All legal proceedings in connection 
with this Agreement shall be undertaken before an arbitrator pursuant to 
paragraph 17 and its subparts, except that claims for injunctive or other 
equitable relief, or extraordinary writs, may, at the option of Employer, be 
brought in a proper court in the State of California, County of Los Angeles. 
Employer's election to seek such relief in court shall not constitute a 
waiver of arbitration pursuant to paragraph 17 and its subparts, but shall be 
used to preserve the status quo pending arbitration.  Both parties hereby 
consent to the jurisdiction of any arbitrator or court, state or federal, in 
the State of California, provided notice is given, as provided in paragraph 
20 below, of the commencement of such action. Any court of competent 
jurisdiction may enforce the decision of the arbitrator as such decision is 
determined pursuant to paragraph 17 and its subparts.

     20.    NOTICE.  Any notices to be given hereunder shall be deemed given 
upon mailing thereof, if mailed by certified mail, return receipt requested, 
to the following addresses (or to such other address or addresses, as shall 
be specified in any notice given):


            6920 Sunset Boulevard
            Hollywood, CA 90028

            Attention:  Don Stine


            Tom Ennis
            24711 Via Madera
            Calabasas, CA 91302

     21.    ENTIRE AGREEMENT.  This Agreement is an integrated document which 
embodies the entire understanding between the parties and supersedes all 
prior discussions, communications, understandings or agreements between them 
relating in any way, directly or indirectly, to Employee's employment with 
Employer or the matters covered by this Agreement. No party shall be bound by 
any definitions, conditions, agreements, warranties, or representations other 
than as expressly stated in this 


Agreement or as subsequently set forth in a writing signed by the duly 
authorized representatives of all of the parties hereto or the party whose 
rights are affected.

     22.    NO ORAL CHANGE: AMENDMENT.  This Agreement may be amended or 
modified only in writing signed by both parties. Any provision hereof may 
only be waived in or by a writing signed by the party against whom 
enforcement of any waiver is sought. No waiver of any provision or breach 
shall be deemed a waiver of any other provision or breach of any subsequent 
application of any provision or any subsequent breach.

     23.    ENFORCEABILITY.  If any term or provision of this Agreement is 
held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable, the remaining portions of this 
Agreement will continue to be valid and will be performed, construed and 
enforced to the fullest extent permitted by law, and the invalid, illegal or 
unenforceable term will be deemed amended and limited in accordance with the 
intent of the parties, as determined from the face of the Agreement, to the 
extent necessary to permit the maximum enforceability and/or validation of 
such term or provision.

     24.    GOVERNING LAW.  This Agreement will be governed by the laws of 
the State of California applicable to employment contracts without giving 
effect to any conflict of law provisions thereof.

     25.    BINDING EFFECT.  This Agreement shall be binding on Employee's 
heirs, executors, administrators and estate. Employer may assign this 
Agreement to any successor entity. Employee is prohibited from assigning his 
rights, duties or obligations under this Agreement, and any purported 
assignment by Employee shall be null and void.

     26.    TITLES.  The titles in this Agreement are for the convenience of 
the parties and the Agreement shall be interpreted without reference thereto.

     27.    MERGER OF EMPLOYER.  If Employer shall at any time be merged or 
consolidated into or with any other corporation or if substantially all of 
the assets of Employer are transferred to another corporation, the provisions 
of this Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the 
corporation resulting from such merger or consolidation or to which such 
assets shall be transferred, and this provision shall apply in the event of 
any subsequent merger, consolidation, or transfer.

     28.    ATTORNEYS' FEES.  In the event that any of the parties must 
resort to legal action in order to enforce the provisions of this Agreement 
or to defend such suit, the prevailing party shall be entitled to receive 
reimbursement from the non-prevailing party for all reasonable attorneys' 
fees and all other costs incurred in commencing or defending such suit. 
Employee agrees that the following recital is correct.


            Employee is not subject to any agreement, whether express or oral 
            or in writing, including but not limited to any agreement of 
            continued employment, with any of Employee's former Employer(s),
            including but not limited to, DBL International ("DBL").

     On the basis of the above recital, Employer agrees to indemnify, defend 
and hold Employee harmless from and against any and all liabilities, 
obligations and losses based on allegations of breach of contract, including 
related costs and expenses, any and all of which not to exceed a total of 
$25,000.00, arising out of or incurred in connection with any demands, 
claims, suits, or cause of action brought against Employee by DBL during the 
term of this Agreement, which is based upon or arises out of: 1) a breach of 
contract claim; 2) employment of Employee by Employer; or 3) the August 4, 
1995 agreement by and between VDI and DBL.

     29.    EMPLOYEE ACKNOWLEDGMENT.  Employee acknowledges that Employee: 
(a) has carefully read this Agreement, and has voluntarily agreed to its 
terms; (b) has been given the opportunity to discuss this Agreement with 
Employee's private legal counsel and has utilized that opportunity to the 
extent Employee wishes to do so.


            The date indicated and Employee's signature below acknowledges 
Employee's review, understanding and full, knowing and voluntary acceptance 
of the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement.


Date:    3/19/96              By:   /s/ Donald R. Stine
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Date:    3/19/96                    /s/ Tom Ennis
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