JWH Global Trust                                                
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           Customer Name                                     Account Number

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                                      FOREIGN EXCHANGE
                                     ACCOUNT AGREEMENT

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                                       CIS FINANCIAL SERVICES, INC.

                                                         Suite 2300
                                                233 S. Wacker Drive
                                            Chicago, Illinois 60606


      JWH Global Trust                                                
- --------------------------------------                --------------------------
           Customer Name                                     Account Number

TO:  CIS Financial Services, Inc.
     233 S. Wacker Drive, Suite 2300
     Chicago, Illinois 60606

In consideration of the Agreement of CIS Financial Services, Inc. ("CISFS") to
act as broker for the undersigned (hereinafter referred to as the "Customer") in
any over-the-counter ("O.T.C.") Foreign Exchange transactions, the Customer
agrees, in respect to all such O.T.C. Foreign Exchange accounts which the
Customer now has or may at any time have with CISFS or its successors, including
accounts from time to time closed and then reopened (each an "Account"), as



       All transactions, and all Contracts entered into between CISFS and the
       Customer, shall be governed by the terms of this Agreement except to the
       extent (if any) that CISFS shall agree in writing or notify the Customer
       in writing or by telex or telecopy that other or additional terms apply.
       Any proposals for, additions to, or modifications of this Agreement,
       absent written agreement by CISFS to the contrary, are hereby void.  The
       terms of each Contract (as defined below) shall be as set forth in the
       confirmation relating thereto sent by CISFS to the Customer. The Customer
       understands and recognizes that transactions in Foreign Exchange are 
       unregulated by any governmental entity or self-regulatory organization 
       and that the activities of CISFS with respect to such transactions are 
       therefore not supervised or subject to oversight.  Bearing this in mind,
       the Customer represents that it is aware of the risks inherent in the 
       trading of Foreign Exchange and is financially able to bear such risks 
       and withstand any losses incurred.


       For the purposes of this Agreement the following definitions apply:

       (a)  BUSINESS DAY means, with respect to the United States, any day on
            which banks are open for business (other than a Saturday or Sunday)
            in New York City, and  with respect to any country other than the
            United States, any day on which banks are open for business (other
            than a Saturday or Sunday) in the principal financial center of the
            relevant country.

       (b)  CONTRACT means an agreement between CISFS and the Customer for the
            delivery of a specified amount of a specified currency in return for
            a specified amount of a different specified currency for settlement 
            on a specified Value Date.  The amounts of the two currencies are 
            related by a specified price or rate. Furthermore, "Contract" means
            a Spot Contract or a Forward Contract (as defined below), or both,
            as the context of this Agreement requires.   

       (c)  DAILY CUTOFF means the point in time selected each Business Day by 
            CISFS after which any Contract entered into will be considered to 
            have as its Trade Date the next Business Day.  The Daily Cutoff will
            occur at a time selected solely by CISFS and may vary from day to 

       (d)  FEDERAL BANKRUPTCY CODE means The Bankruptcy Code of 1978,  11 
            U.S.C. Section 101, et seq.

       (e)  FOREIGN CURRENCY means the lawful currencies of the applicable 
            countries as specified in Schedule 1 attached to this Agreement,
            which schedule may be amended from time to time by mutual agreement
            of CISFS and the Customer.

       (f)  A FORWARD CONTRACT means a Contract where the Value Date is at least
            one Business Day later than the Business Day that would be the Value
            Date if the Contract were a Spot Contract. No Forward Contract shall
            have a Value Date later than the Business Day which is six months 
            after the spot Value Date. 

       (g)  MARKET VALUE means the U.S. Dollar Value, determined by CISFS in its
            sole discretion, that CISFS determines it would receive if it sold 
            the relevant collateral for immediate delivery in the relevant 

       (h)  OPEN POSITION means any Contract that has not settled.

       (i)  A SPOT CONTRACT means a Contract where the Value Date is the second
            Business Day following the Trade Date; provided, however, that with
            respect to any Spot Contract involving the European Currency Unit 
            (ECU), the Value Date is the third Business Day following the Trade
            Date; provided further, however, that with respect to any Spot 
            Contract involving only U.S. Dollars and Canadian Dollars, the Value
            Date is the next Business Day following the Trade Date. 

       (j)  TRADE DATE with respect to any Contract means the date on which the
            Contract is entered into between CISFS and the Customer, except in 
            the case of any Contract entered into after the Daily Cutoff, but 
            before the next U.S. Business Day, which shall have as its Trade 
            Date the next U.S. Business Day.

       (k)  U.S. DOLLAR VALUE means the amount of U.S. Dollars at any moment in
            time which would result from the conversion of the relevant Foreign
            Currency into U.S. Dollars at CISFS' then prevailing exchange rates
            for buying or selling, as applicable, such Foreign Currency.

       (l)  VALUE DATE means, with respect to any Contract, the applicable 
            settlement date specified in the confirmation relating to the 
            particular Contract. A Value Date must be a Business Day in the 
            United States and, for each Foreign Currency specified in the 
            Contract, the country in which the Foreign Currency is the lawful

Other capitalized terms in this Agreement shall have those meanings provided for



    (a)  The Customer agrees that securities, including Collateral securities, 
         and other property in the Customer's Account(s) may be carried in 
         CISFS' general loans and may be pledged, repledged, hypothecated or
         rehypothecated separately or in common with other securities and 
         property for the sum due to CISFS thereon or for a greater sum and
         without regard to whether or not such securities or property remain in
         the possession and control of CISFS.

    (b)  As security for the Customer's obligations to CISFS hereunder, the 
         Customer agrees to deposit and maintain collateral with CISFS at its
         head office in Chicago, Illinois, or other location or account as CISFS
         may direct ("the Collateral Account") as follows:

         (i)  Only instruments in such form as specified in Schedule 2 of this
              Agreement shall be acceptable to CISFS as Collateral for the 
              purposes of this Agreement.  CISFS may change said schedule by
              notifying the Customer in writing.  Any change shall be effective
              immediately upon receipt of such notice by the Customer.  The 
              value of any Collateral provided by the Customer shall be subject 
              to the haircuts listed in Schedule 2 of this Agreement.  CISFS'
              acceptance of any Collateral may be subject to other limitations 
              and/or qualifications specified in Schedule 2 of this Agreement.  
              The Customer shall execute and deliver such separate pledge or
              deposit agreements including without limitation, security 
              agreements or financing statements, as may be requested by CISFS.
              Such Collateral, together with the Contracts and all other monies,
              securities, treasury bills and other property of the Customer now 
              or any time hereafter delivered, conveyed, transferred, assigned 
              or paid to CISFS or coming into CISFS' possession in any manner
              whatsoever are hereby pledged to CISFS and shall be subject to a
              security interest in CISFS' favor for the discharge of the 
              Customer's obligations to CISFS under this Agreement and the 
              Contracts.  The Customer hereby represents and warrants to CISFS
              that the Customer holds good and marketable title to all 
              Collateral and that the Collateral delivered to CISFS is free and
              clear of any and all liens, claims, pledges or encumbrances of any

         (ii) The Customer agrees to maintain at all times with CISFS Collateral
              in such form and in such amount as CISFS may from time to time
              request orally or in writing.  The Customer acknowledges that any
              changes regarding the amount and form of Collateral may also 
              result in a request for additional Collateral.  The Customer shall
              respond to such requests by immediately supplying sufficient
              additional Collateral.  

       (iii)  In all cases, Collateral shall be deemed received by CISFS when 
              such Collateral shall be actually received in the Collateral 
              Account and CISFS shall be notified of such receipt as determined
              by CISFS in its sole discretion.

   (c)  CISFS will monitor on a daily basis, or more frequently as CISFS solely
        determines, the Customer's Collateral Account in the following manner:

        (i)  CISFS will compute the Customer's "Total U.S. Dollar Market Value 
             of Collateral" by aggregating (a) the U.S. Dollars in the 
             Collateral Account, (b) the U.S. Dollar Value of any Foreign 
             Currencies in the Collateral Account, and (c) the U.S. Dollar Value
             of the Market Value, as determined solely by CISFS, of other 
             Collateral in the Collateral Account, subject to any and all 
             haircuts, limitations, and qualifications listed in Schedule 2 of
             this Agreement.

       (ii)  CISFS will compute the Customer's "Net U.S. Dollar Value of Gains 
             and Losses on Open Positions" as follows:

             For each Open Position, the gain or loss, if any, is computed by 
             assuming that the relevant Contract is offset in the market at the
             relevant foreign exchange rate then prevailing for the Value Date 
             of the Contract, as determined solely by CISFS.  The U.S. Dollar 
             Value of these computed gains and/or losses, if any, is computed by
             assuming that the gain or loss is converted into U.S. Dollars in 
             the market at the relevant foreign exchange rate then prevailing 
             for the Value Date of the Contract, as determined solely by CISFS.
             The U.S. Dollar Value of the gain or loss of each Open Position 
             will be aggregated together to determine the "Net U.S. Dollar Value
             of Gains and Losses on Open Positions."

      (iii)  CISFS will compute the Customer's "Net Collateral" by netting 
             together the "Net U.S. Dollar Value of Gains and Losses on Open
             Positions" and the "Total U.S. Dollar Market Value of Collateral."

       (iv)  CISFS will compute the Customer's "Total Required Initial 
             Collateral" and "Total Required Maintenance Collateral" amounts in
             the following manner:

             (1)  For each Open Position that involves a particular set of two
                  currencies, (e.g. all Contracts involving only British Pounds
                  and German Marks) the quantity of that currency specified as 
                  the "Defined Currency" in Schedule 3 of this Agreement shall 
                  be divided by the quantity specified as the "Defined Quantity"
                  in Schedule 3 of this Agreement.  The result, which will be 
                  negative in instances when the Customer is short the first 
                  currency of the currency pair, and positive otherwise, will be
                  called the "Unit-Equivalent."

             (2)  The "Unit-Equivalent" of each Open Position will be multiplied
                  by the amount specified in Schedule 3 of this Agreement as the
                  "Required Initial Collateral per Unit- Equivalent" to 
                  determine the "Required Initial Collateral" for the particular
                  Open Position.

             (3)  The "Total Required Initial Collateral" is determined by 
                  aggregating the "Required Initial Collateral" for all Open

             (4)  The "Unit-Equivalent" of each Open Position will be multiplied
                  by the amount specified in Schedule 3 of this Agreement as the
                  "Required Maintenance Collateral per Unit- Equivalent" to 
                  determine the "Required Maintenance Collateral" for the 
                  particular Open Position.

             (5)  The "Total Required Maintenance Collateral" is determined by
                  aggregating the "Required Maintenance Collateral" for all Open

             (6)  CISFS may change Schedule 3 of this Agreement at any time by
                  notifying the Customer verbally or in writing. Any change 
                  shall be effective immediately upon such notification. The 
                  Customer acknowledges that any changes regarding Schedule 3 of
                  this Agreement may result in a request for additional 
                  Collateral. The Customer shall respond to such requests by
                  immediately supplying sufficient additional Collateral.

   (d)  The Customer agrees to maintain the Collateral Account at all times so 
        that the following three conditions are met:

        (i)  the "Total U.S. Dollar Market Value of Collateral" is greater than 
             or equal to (USD) 250,000.00 (Two hundred fifty thousand), AND

       (ii)  the "Total U.S. Dollar Market Value of Collateral" is greater than
             or equal to the "Total Required Initial Collateral," AND

      (iii)  The "Net Collateral" is greater than or equal to the "Total 
             Required Maintenance Collateral."

   (e)  If at any time one or more of the conditions listed in part (d) of 
        section 3 of this Agreement are not met, the Customer shall be deemed to
        have a "Collateral Deficiency" and shall be obligated to immediately 
        deliver sufficient additional Collateral to CISFS, and/or offset open
        positions so as to meet all of the said conditions.

        (i)  When the Customer has a "Collateral Deficiency," it shall not 
             create any new positions, and may trade only to offset existing



       (ii)  If CISFS determines, in its sole discretion, that the Customer has
             a Collateral Deficiency, CISFS shall have the right to offset, 
             close out, and/or liquidate any open positions in the Customer's
             Account, and any such offsetting, closing out, and/or liquidating
             transactions may be made in a manner solely determined by CISFS.

      (iii)  The Customer agrees that additions to Collateral are due and must
             be paid immediately upon determination by CISFS, in its sole 
             discretion, that there is a need for additional Collateral in any
             of the Customer's Accounts.  The Customer hereby represents that it
             is able to effect same-day payment of U.S. Dollar funds to CISFS.

   (f)  The Customer shall not make a request for the withdrawal of Collateral 
        if the requested withdrawal will cause any of the conditions listed in 
        part (d) of section 3 of this Agreement to not be met.


   (a)  The Customer acknowledges CISFS' right to limit, without notice to the 
        Customer, the number and/or size of Open Positions which the Customer
        may maintain or acquire through CISFS.

   (b)  CISFS reserves the right to refuse to accept any order.

   (c)  With respect to any Open Position which has as its Value Date the same 
        date as the Value Date which would apply for Spot Contracts involving 
        the same two currencies and entered into on the current day, CISFS
        reserves the right to require the Customer to offset the Open Position 
        in the market or roll it in the market to a later Value Date.

   (d)  If for any reason CISFS is unable to execute a Contract with its 
        counterparty at the price quoted to the Customer, CISFS will have no 
        obligation to the Customer to enter into the Contract with the Customer
        at the quoted price.

   (e)  The Customer recognizes that exchange rates it may view on electronic 
        market information screens (e.g. Reuters, Telerate, etc.) are only 
        indications of exchange rates, and may or may not reflect actual 
        exchange rates available to CISFS or the Customer.


    Whenever there may exist in any of or between any of the Customer's foreign
    exchange accounts two or more open and opposite Contracts providing for the
    purchase and sale of the same foreign currency on the same Value Date, CISFS
    may, in its sole discretion, elect to treat the Contracts as a single 
    transaction, and upon the Value Date of the Contracts, the net difference 
    between the amounts payable under the contracts, and/or the net difference
    between the quantities of currency deliverable thereunder, shall be paid 
    and/or delivered, as the case may be.


    Delivery of foreign currency shall be made to the bank specified by the 
    purchaser in a major city in the country in which the foreign currency is 
    the legal tender.  Unless otherwise agreed to by CISFS and the Customer in
    writing, the foreign currency shall be deliverable by cable or wire 
    transfer.  All payments to be made in U.S. Dollars shall be made by wire 
    transfer of immediately available funds to a bank in a major U.S. city
    specified by the purchaser. CISFS may require payment of amounts due to it
    on any day simultaneously with or prior to payment of amounts due from it on
    that day.  CISFS and the Customer shall both exchange, make use of, and 
    periodically update and confirm standing payment instructions.


    The occurrence of one or more of the following events shall constitute a 
    "Default" under this Agreement:

    (a)  The Customer shall fail to pay any amount hereunder or under any 
         Contract when due; 

    (b)  The Customer shall (i) have an order for relief entered with respect to
         it under the Federal Bankruptcy Code, (ii) not pay, or admit in writing
         its inability to pay its debts generally as they become due, (iii) make
         an assignment for the benefit of creditors, (iv) apply for, seek, 
         consent to or acquiesce in, the appointment of a receiver, custodian,
         trustee, examiner, liquidator or similar official for it or any 
         substantial part of its property, (v) institute any proceedings seeking
         an order for relief under the Federal Bankruptcy Code or seeking to
         adjudicate it a bankrupt or insolvent, or seeking dissolution, winding
         up, liquidation, reorganization, arrangement, adjustment or composition
         of it or its debts under any law relating to bankruptcy, insolvency or
         reorganization or relief of debtors, or fail to file an answer or other
         pleading denying the material allegations of any such proceeding filed
         against it, (vi) take any corporate action to authorize or affect any 
         of the foregoing actions set forth in this subparagraph, or (vii) fail
         to contest in good faith any appointment or proceeding described in (c)

    (c)  Without the application, approval or consent of the Customer, a 
         receiver, trustee, examiner, liquidator, or similar official shall be
         appointed for the Customer or any substantial part of its property, or 
         a proceeding described in (b) above shall be instituted against the
         Customer and such appointment continues undischarged or such proceeding
         continues undismissed or unstayed for a period of 30 consecutive days;

    (d)  Any court, government or governmental agency shall condemn, seize or 
         otherwise appropriate or take custody or control of all or any 
         substantial portion of the property of the Customer;

    (e)  Any representation or warranty made by the Customer in this Agreement 
         or the Contracts shall be materially false as of the date on which it 
         was made, or Customer shall fail or omit to state any fact which is 
         necessary to make the representations and warranties herein not 

    (f)  The Customer shall fail to comply with any of the terms or provisions 
         of this Agreement or of any Contract;

    (g)  The Customer fails to deliver sufficient additional Collateral upon 
         request from CISFS;

    (h)  The Customer shall fail to perform any term or provision of any 
         Agreement to which it is a party, including but not limited to any 
         foreign exchange contract, the effect of which is to cause an event of
         default or termination or similar event howsoever defined pursuant to 
         any such agreement or

    (i)  CISFS, in its sole discretion, considers it necessary for its 
         protection to terminate this Agreement and exercises its remedies as
         provided below.


    In the event any Default occurs, CISFS is authorized to offset and to sell 
    or purchase for the Customer's account any Contract in any manner which 
    CISFS shall deem necessary in its sole discretion and to dispose of, as 
    CISFS deems appropriate, any or all of the Collateral held by CISFS and any
    of the Customer's other property or assets at any time held by CISFS or 
    Cargill Investor Services, Inc.  It is understood and agreed that any prior
    tender, demand or call of any kind from CISFS, or prior notice from CISFS, 
    of the time and place of such sale or purchase shall not be considered a 
    waiver of CISFS' right to sell or purchase any Collateral or to offset at 
    any time as herein provided, nor shall CISFS' failure to make such a demand
    or call waive CISFS' right to take such action without such tender, demand,
    call or notice in the future.  After deducting costs and expenses incurred 
    in connection with any such actions, CISFS may apply any remaining proceeds
    to the payment of any other obligations the Customer may owe to CISFS 
    pursuant to this Agreement or any Contract, and in the event such proceeds 
    are insufficient for payment of all such obligations, the Customer shall,
    within 24 hours of CISFS giving notice orally or in writing, pay to CISFS 
    the amount of such deficit, together with interest thereon for each day such
    deficit is outstanding and remains unpaid until paid at a rate per annum, on
    a 365 day year/actual number of days elapsed basis, equal to an overdraft 


    rate determined by CISFS in its sole discretion for the relevant Foreign 
    Currency, or the Prime Rate (as quoted by Chase Manhattan Bank, New York)
    plus two percent for U.S. Dollars, plus all costs of collection, including
    reasonable attorneys' fees.

    Without limiting anything in the foregoing, if any Default as described in 
    Section 8(b) or 8(c) occurs, then all amounts due or to become due by the
    Customer under this Agreement and under all Contracts shall immediately 
    become due and payable, the Collateral Account shall be deemed closed, all
    Contracts shall be deemed Offset and all Collateral shall be deemed to have 
    been applied to the obligations for the Customer under this Agreement and 
    any Contracts all without any election, notice or action by CISFS and all
    without any liability on CISFS' part to the Customer or any third party.  If
    any other Default shall occur, CISFS may, by notice either orally or in 
    writing to the Customer, declare any or all amounts due or to become due by
    the Customer under this Agreement or under any Contracts to be due and 
    payable, whereupon all of such amounts as CISFS shall designate and such 
    notice shall become immediately due and payable and CISFS may take any and 
    all of the following actions, all without any liability on CISFS' part to 
    the Customer or any third party; (i) close the Cash and Collateral Account;
    (ii) offset, sell or assign any or all Contracts; and (iii) apply the 
    Collateral as provided above.

    Nothing in the foregoing shall be deemed to waive, limit, terminate, modify,
    or otherwise change any rights or remedies available to CISFS of law or in
    equity, or the Customer's liability to CISFS for the payment of any debit
    balance owing in the accounts of the Customer with CISFS.  The Customer is
    liable for any deficiency remaining in any such account or on any Contracts 
    in the event of the offset or liquidation thereof, in whole or in part.


    CISFS may, without notice, transfer any money or other property 
    interchangeably between any accounts of the Customer with CISFS or any of 
    its affiliates, including Cargill Investor Services, Inc., except that any 
    transfer from a commodity or securities account which is subject to 
    regulations under the Commodity Exchange Act, Securities Act of 1933 or
    Securities Exchange Act of 1934, to a non-regulated account and/or a Foreign
    Exchange Account shall have such other authorization by the Customer as is
    required by such laws and their regulations.  The Customer authorizes CISFS
    to debit immediately any margin or collateral payment called for to any of 
    its accounts including Foreign Exchange Accounts showing a balance in its 


     CISFS shall not be required to enter into any Contracts with the Customer 
     unless and until all legal matters incident to such Contracts shall be 
     satisfactory to CISFS and its counsel, the provisions of paragraph 3(b) are
     met to the satisfaction of CISFS and its counsel, a duly executed copy of
     this Agreement is furnished to CISFS by the Customer, the Customer 
     establishes the Collateral Account, and the Customer's standing payment
     instructions are furnished to CISFS.  In addition, within 10 days of the
     date of this Agreement, the Customer (if a partnership or corporation)
     shall deliver to CISFS a certified copy of (i) an authorizing resolution of
     the Customer Board of Directors substantially in the form attached hereto 
     or otherwise as acceptable to CISFS; and (ii) the names, titles, 
     signatures, and phone numbers, including home phone numbers where 
     applicable, of the persons duly authorized by the Customer to execute and 
     deliver this Agreement and to initiate transactions in O.T.C. foreign 
     exchange for the Customer's account.  CISFS shall be entitled to rely on 
     any such evidence until informed in writing by the Customer of any change.


     If the Customer should die or become incompetent, any pending order shall 
     be validly executed by CISFS, up to the time it receives written notice of 
     the death or incompetence of the Customer, and CISFS is hereby indemnified 
     against any loss arising therefrom.


     Each Contract for the purchase and sale of Foreign Currency hereunder is a 
     separate Contract even though more than one such Contract may be included 
     on a single confirmation.


     If this Agreement is extended to more than one natural person as the 
     Customer, all such natural persons agree to be jointly and severally liable
     for the obligations assumed in this Agreement.  If this Facility is 
     extended to a trust, joint ownership, or partnership, the Customer hereby
     agrees to indemnify, defend, save and hold free and harmless CISFS for any
     losses, costs and expenses resulting from breach of any fiduciary duty or 
     allegation thereof.


     CISFS will not be responsible for delays or failures in the delivery of any
     Foreign Currency within the time specified for the delivery thereof to the
     extent the failure is caused by a breakdown of communication facilities or
     by any other cause beyond CISFS' reasonable control.


      The Customer agrees to pay any and all losses, costs, expenses, internal
      charges and fees, including attorneys' fees, which attorneys may be 
      employees of CISFS or its affiliates, paid or incurred by CISFS in 
      connection with the collection and enforcement of this Agreement, the
      Collateral and the Contract.


     Any controversy arising out of or relating to transactions in this Account,
     this Agreement or the breach hereof or thereof shall be settled by 
     arbitration pursuant to the commercial arbitration rules of the American
     Arbitration Association.  Judgment upon any award entered by the 
     arbitrators may be entered in any court of competent jurisdiction.  Any 
     such action must be brought within two years after the date of cause of 
     action accrued.


     The Customer additionally represents to CISFS that the information provided
     by the customer in connection with this agreement is full, complete and
     accurate and CISFS is entitled to rely on this information until CISFS 
     receives written notice from the customer of any change in such 


     Any notices and other communications may be transmitted to the Customer at
     the address, telephone or telefax number given herein, or at such other 
     address, telephone or telefax number as the Customer hereafter shall notify
     CISFS in writing, and all notices or communications shall be deemed 
     transmitted when telephoned, faxed or deposited in the mail by CISFS or 
     CISFS' representative, whether actually received by the Customer or not. 
     Confirmations, and account statements shall be deemed accurate unless 
     objected to in writing within ONE business day from the date of such notice
     and such objection(s) delivered to CISFS at 233 South Wacker Drive, 
     Suite 2300, Chicago, Illinois, 60604, Attention:  Treasurer, telefax number
     (312) 460-4739, telephone number (312) 460-4000.  In the event the Customer
     fails to receive a faxed confirmation within ONE Business Day of the date 
     of the transaction, the Customer agrees to notify CISFS at the above 
     address via fax immediately.


     This Agreement is made under and shall be governed by laws of the State of
     New York in all respects, including construction and performance.  This 
     Agreement shall be binding upon you and/or your estate, executors, 
     administrators, successors and/or assigns.


     The Customer acknowledges that CISFS is ultimately owned by Cargill, 
     Incorporated and is under the common control of Cargill, Incorporated with
     Cargill Investor Services, Inc.  The Customer further acknowledges that the


     market recommendations of CISFS, if any, may or may not be consistent with
     the market position or intentions of Cargill, Incorporated, Cargill 
     Investors Services, Inc. or their subsidiaries and/or affiliates.  The 
     market recommendations of CISFS, if any, are based upon information 
     believed to be reliable, but CISFS cannot and does not guarantee the
     accuracy or completeness thereof or represent that following such
     recommendations will eliminate or reduce the risks inherent in transactions
     in foreign currency.


     CISFS is hereby granted permission to record telephone conversations 
     between its employees and the Customer.  The Customer agrees that such
     recordings may be used as evidence by either party in any disputes 
     between CISFS and the Customer.


The undersigned, CIS Investments, Inc. (Print), hereby represents to CISFS 
that it is the managing owner of a Delaware business trust known as JWH 
Global Trust (the "Trust").  In consideration of the opening of one or more 
foreign exchange accounts with CISFS for and in the name of the Trust, the 
undersigned further represents that as the managing owner of the Trust, it 
has proper authority to sign this Agreement and all related documents on 
behalf of the Trust and, for the account and risk of the Trust, to buy, sell, 
and trade in foreign currencies in said account in accordance with CISFS' 
terms and conditions.
                                        CIS INVESTMENTS, INC.,
                                        Managing Owner

_____________________________              L. Carlton Anderson
Date                                       Vice President


                   Power of Attorney Limited to Purchases and Sales
                                of Foreign Exchange

The undersigned hereby authorizes John W. Henry & Company, INC. as the
undersigned's agent and attorney in fact to buy, sell and trade in foreign
currencies in accordance with CISFS' terms and conditions for the undersigned's
account and risk and in the undersigned's name on CISFS' books.  The undersigned
hereby agrees to indemnify and hold CISFS harmless from and to pay CISFS
promptly on demand any and all losses arising therefrom or debit balance due

In all such purchases, sales or trades CISFS is authorized to follow the
instructions of the aforesaid agent in every respect concerning the
undersigned's account with CISFS; and the aforesaid agent is authorized to act
for the undersigned and in the undersigned's behalf in the same manner and with
the same force and effect as the undersigned might or could do with respect to
such purchases, sales or trades as well as with respect to all other things
necessary or incidental to the furtherance or conduct of such purchases, sales
or trades.

The undersigned hereby ratifies and confirms any and all transactions with CISFS
heretofore or hereafter made by the aforesaid agent for the undersigned's

This authorization and indemnity is in addition to (and in no way limits or
restricts) any rights which CISFS may have under any other agreement or
agreements between the undersigned and CISFS.

This authorization and indemnity is a continuing one and shall remain in full
force and effect until revoked by the undersigned by a written notice addressed
to CISFS and delivered to its office at 233 S. Wacker Drive, Suite 2300,
Chicago, Illinois 60606, but such revocation shall not affect any liability in
any way resulting from transactions initiated prior to such revocation.  This
authorization and indemnity shall enure to the benefit of CISFS and of any
successors or assigns.

                                        JWH GLOBAL TRUST
                                        By:   CIS Investments, Inc.

__________________________                 L. Carlton Anderson
Date                                       Vice President


                                 Schedule 1
     The Foreign Currencies under this Agreement are:
                    Australian Dollar
                    Belgian Franc
                    British Pound
                    Canadian Dollar
                    Danish Kroner
                    Dutch Guilder
                    European Currency Unit (ECU)
                    Finnish Markka
                    French Franc
                    German Mark
                    Greek Drachma
                    Hong Kong Dollar
                    Indian Rupee
                    Italian Lira
                    Japanese Yen
                    Malaysian Ringgit
                    New Zealand Dollar
                    Norwegian Krona
                    Saudi Riyal
                    Singapore Dollar
                    Spanish Peseta
                    Swedish Kroner
                    Swiss Franc
                    Thai Baht


                                     Schedule 2

     CISFS considers as acceptable collateral the following:

     1.   Immediately-available U.S. Dollar funds.

     2.   Immediately available Foreign Currency deposits (only those currencies
listed in Schedule 1).


                                  SCHEDULE 3                             11/1/95

                                       REQUIRED     REQUIRED                                            REQUIRED     REQUIRED
                                       INITIAL      MAINTENANCE                                         INITIAL      MAINTENANCE
                                       COLLATERAL   COLLATERAL                                          COLLATERAL   COLLATERAL
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
AUD-CAD          CAD        100,000      1,215           911       GBP-AUD        AUD        100,000      1,485         1,114
AUD-CHF          AUD        100,000      4,590         3,443       GBP-BEF        BEF      2,500,000      2,800         2,100
AUD-DEM          AUD        100,000      2,700         2,025       GBP-CAD        CAD        100,000      2,565         1,924
AUD-ESP          ESP      8,000,000      1,900         1,425       GBP-CHP        GBP         62,500      1,755         1,316
AUD-FRF          AUD        100,000      2,700         2,025       GBP-DEM        DEM        125,000      1,755         1,316
AUD-JPY          AUD        100,000      4,050         3,038       GBP-ECU        ECU         62,500      1,500         1,125
AUD-NZD          AUD        100,000      1,300           975       GBP-ESP        ESP      8,000,000      1,300           925
AUD-USD          AUD        100,000      1,148           861       GBP-FIM        FIM        450,000      1,700         1,275
CAD-CHF          CAD        100,000      3,915         2,936       GBP-FRF        FRF        500,000      1,350         1,013
CAD-FRF          CAD        100,000      2,025         1,519       GBP-ITL        ITL    100,000,000      1,800         1,350
CAD-JPY          CAD        100,000      3,915         2,936       GBP-JPY        GBP         62,500      3,780         2,835
CHF-BEF          BEF      2,500,000      1,900         1,425       GBP-NLG        NLG        150,000      2,200         1,650
CHF-DKK          DKK        500,000      2,200         1,650       GBP-NOK        NOK        500,000      1,200           900
CHF-ESP          ESP      8,000,000      2,400         1,800       GBP-NZD        NZD        125,000      2,100         1,575
CHF-FIM          FIM        450,000      2,200         1,650       GBP-SEK        SEK        500,000      1,600         1,200
CHF-FRF          FRF        500,000      1,350         1,013       GBP-USD        GBP         62,500      2,093         1,570
CHF-ITL          ITL    100,000,000      2,800         2,100       NLG-BEF        BEF      2,500,000      2,800         2,100
CHF-JPY          CHF        125,000      2,565         1,924       NLG-DKK        DKK        500,000      2,300         1,725
CHF-NLG          NLG        150,000      3,100         2,325       NLG-FRF        NLG        150,000      2,700         2,025
DEM-BEF          BEF      2,500,000      1,600         1,200       NZD-BEF        NZD        125,000      2,200         1,650
DEM-CAD          CAD        100,000      2,160         1,620       NZD-CAD        CAD        100,000      1,100           825
DEM-CHF          DEM        125,000      1,215           911       NZD-CHF        NZD        125,000      2,500         1,875
DEM-DKK          DEM        125,000      1,400         1,050       NZD-DEM        NZD        125,000      2,100         1,575
DEM-ESP          ESP      8,000,000      1,800         1,350       NZD-ESP        ESP      8,000,000      1,600         1,200
DEM-FIM          DEM        125,000      1,300           975       NZD-FIM        NZD        125,000      2,000         1,500
DEM-FRF          DEM        125,000        945           709       NZD-FRF        NZD        125,000      2,100         1,575
DEM-ITL          ITL    100,000,000      2,500         1,875       NZD-ITL        ITL    100,000,000      1,800         1,350
DEM-JPY          DEM        125,000      2,430         1,823       NZD-JPY        NZD        125,000      2,200         1,650
DEM-NLG          DEM        125,000      2,400         1,800       NZD-SEK        SEK        500,000      1,800         1,350
DEM-NOK          NOK        500,000        800           600       NZD-USD        NZD        125,000        900           675
DEM-SEK          SEK        500,000      1,600         1,200       SEK-DKK        SEK        500,000      1,400         1,050
DKK-BEF          BEF      2,500,000      1,500         1,125       SEK-ESP        ESP      8,000,000      1,400         1,050
ECU-AUD          AUD        100,000      2,100         1,575       SEK-FIM        SEK        500,000      1,300           975
ECU-BEF          ECU         62,500      1,600         1,200       SEK-JPY        SEK        500,000      2,000         1,500
ECU-CAD          CAD        100,000      2,300         1,725       SEK-NOK        SEK        500,000      1,300           975
ECU-CHF          ECU         62,500      1,800         1,350       USD-BEF        BEF      2,500,000      2,700         2,025
ECU-DEM          ECU         62,500      1,600         1,200       USD-CAD        CAD        100,000        912           684
ECU-DKK          ECU         62,500      1,400         1,050       USD-CHF        CHF        125,000      3,915         2,936
ECU-ESP          ESP      8,000,000      1,400         1,050       USD-DEM        DEM        125,000      2,565         1,924
ECU-FIM          ECU         62,500      1,900         1,425       USD-DKK        DKK        500,000      2,400         1,800
ECU-FRE          ECU         62,500      1,500         1,125       USD-ESP        ESP      8,000,000      1,900         1,425
ECU-ITL          ITL    100,000,000      1,700         1,275       USD-FIM        FIM        450,000      3,100         2,325
ECU-JPY          ECU         62,500      1,800         1,350       USD-FRF        FRF        500,000      2,025         1,519
ECU-KLG          ECU         62,500      2,000         1,500       USD-GRD        GRD     17,500,000      2,300         1,725
ECU-NZD          NZD        125,000      1,600         1,200       USD-HKD        HKD        600,000        200           150
ECU-SEK          SEK        500,000      1,500         1,125       USD-INR        INR      2,500,000      1,200           900
ECU-USD          ECU         62,500      2,200         1,650       USD-ITL        ITL    100,000,000      1,900         1,425
ESP-ITL          ITL    100,000,000      1,800         1,350       USD-JPY        JPY     12,500,000      4,725         3,544
ESP-JPY          ESP      8,000,000      1,700         1,275       USD-MYR        MYR        200,000        900           675
FIM-NOK          NOK        500,000        900           675       USD-NLG        NLG        150,000      1,000           750
FRF-BEF          BEF      2,500,000      1,500         1,125       USD-NOK        NOK        500,000      2,200         1,650
FRF-ESP          ESP      8,000,000      1,500         1,125       USD-SAR        SAR        300,000      2,700         2,025
FRF-ITL          ITL    100,000,000      2,300         1,725       USD-SEK        SEK        500,000      1,900         1,425
FRF-JPY          FRF        500,000      2,363         1,772       USD-SGD        SGD        125,000      1,100           825
FRF-SEK          SEK        500,000      1,700         1,275       USD-THB        THB      2,000,000      1,700         1,275



____ day of ________, 1997, by and between JWH Global Trust (the "Trust") and 
CIS Financial Services, Inc., a Delaware Corporation (the "Dealer").
                                W I T N E S S E T H :

         WHEREAS, the Trust has been organized to engage in the speculative
trading of all commodity interests, including futures contracts, options on
futures contracts, and spot and forward contracts in currencies and precious
metals ("Commodity Interests");

         WHEREAS, the Trust will allocate a portion of its total assets (the
"Trading Assets") to trading spot and forward contracts in currencies (the
"Forex Contracts");

         WHEREAS, the Trust and Cargill Investor Services, Inc. ("CIS"), an
affiliate of the Dealer, have entered into a customer agreement (the "Customer
Agreement") of even date herewith under which CIS will act as Commodity Interest
broker for the Trust, will hold the Trust's assets in brokerage accounts, and
from time to time either transmit or transfer a portion of such assets to or
from the Dealer;

         WHEREAS, the Trust and the Dealer have, as of the date hereof, entered
into a Foreign Exchange Account Agreement (which, together with this Foreign
Exchange Account Agreement Supplement shall be referred to as the "Forex
Agreement") setting forth certain terms and conditions upon which the Dealer
shall provide services to the Trust related to the Trust's trading of Forex
Contracts; and

         WHEREAS, the Trust and the Dealer wish to enter into this Foreign
Exchange Account Agreement Supplement which sets forth certain terms and
conditions upon which the Dealer will serve as a dealer for the trading of Forex
Contracts on behalf of the Trust for the term of the Forex Agreement;

         NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and mutual covenants
contained herein and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and
sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as

         1.   DEFINITIONS.  Initially capitalized terms used herein and not
otherwise defined shall have the meanings assigned them in the Foreign Exchange
Account Agreement annexed hereto.

With respect to trading by the Trust in Forex Contracts, 

the Dealer shall at the request of the Trust's trading advisor obtain
competitive quotes for Forex Contracts from Forex Contract dealers with whom the
Dealer has a Forex Contract trading relationship ("Counterparties") and relay
those quotes to the trading advisor.  If requested by the trading advisor, the
Dealer shall in its own name enter into a Forex Contract with the Counterparty
selected by the Dealer and shall simultaneously enter into an identical Forex
Contract with the Trust at the same price.

         3.   COMPENSATION TO THE DEALER.  Dealer shall be compensated for its
services hereunder by CIS and not by the Trust.

         4.   INTEREST ON TRUST ASSETS.  For purposes of this Section, the 
term Trust Assets shall mean the total equity, from time to time, held in all 
of the one or more accounts of the Trust carried by the Dealer consisting of 
all cash and cash equivalents, valued at cost (including any amounts 
deposited as original margin) plus or minus the net profit or loss accruing 
on open spot and forward positions.  On the 5th business day of each month, 
the Dealer shall credit the Trust with interest income, with respect to 
assets denominated in dollars, on 100% of the Trust's average daily Trust 
Assets on deposit with the Dealer during the previous month at a rate equal 
to the average yield on 90-day U.S. Treasury bills auctioned during such 
previous month and with respect to Trust Assets denominated in currencies 
other than dollars, on the average daily assets at the applicable rates as set 
forth in the Prospectus.  In computing Trust Assets for purposes of computing 
interest income, Trust Assets shall exclude monies due the Trust with respect 
to unrealized gain on forward contracts.  Trust Assets shall also exclude 
accrued but unpaid interest income and interest income, therefore, is not 
compounded within each month.  The Trust will not receive any other interest 
income on its assets held by the Dealer.

         a.   Notwithstanding any other provisions hereof, of any Forex
Contract or any other agreement between the parties, in the event either party
(the "Defaulting Party") shall:  (a) become bankrupt or insolvent, however
evidenced, or be unable to pay its debts as they fall due, (b) file a petition
or otherwise commence a proceeding under any bankruptcy, insolvency or similar
law or have any such petition filed or proceeding commenced against it, or have
a liquidator, administrator, receiver or trustee appointed with respect to it or
any substantial portion of its assets, or (c) default in the payment or
performance of any obligation to the other party (the "Non-Defaulting Party")
hereunder, under a Forex Contract or otherwise; then in any such event, the
Non-Defaulting Party shall have the right immediately and at any time(s)
thereafter to liquidate any or all outstanding Forex Contracts from time to time

              (i) closing out each Forex Contract being liquidated at its
Market Value at such time (so that a settlement payment in an amount equal to
the difference between such Market Value and the Contract Value of such Forex
Contract shall be due to the purchaser of Currency under that Forex Contract if
such Market Value is greater than such Contract Value and with such settlement
payment being due to the seller of Currency under that Forex Contract if the
opposite is the case) and

              (ii) setting off (A) all settlement payments which Dealer owes to
the Trust as a result of such close-out, plus (at the Non-Defaulting party's
election) any other amounts which Dealer owes the Trust hereunder or under a
Forex Contract, plus any Collateral Dealer then holds, against (B) all
settlement payments which the Trust owes to Dealer as a result of such close-out
hereunder or under a Forex Contract, so that all such payments shall be netted
to a single liquidated amount payable by one party to the other.

         The net amount due after such liquidation shall be paid by the close
of business on the next business day.


         b.   The Non-Defaulting Party's rights under this Section 4 shall be
in addition to, and not in limitation of, any other rights which the
Non-Defaulting Party may have (whether by agreement, operation of law or

         6.   TERM.  The Forex Agreement shall continue in effect for the term
of the Customer Agreement between the Trust and CIS and will terminate
simultaneously with the Customer Agreement.  In addition the Forex Agreement may
be terminated by the Trust at any time on 60 days' written notice to the Dealer,
provided that any open Forex Contract which the Dealer held prior to the notice
of termination shall be held by the Dealer and this Forex Agreement shall
continue to be in effect with respect to such Forex Contracts until the
applicable settlement date of such Forex Contracts.

         7.   INCORPORATION BY REFERENCE.  The Foreign Exchange Account
Agreement annexed hereto is hereby incorporated by reference herein and made a
part hereof to the same extent as if such document were set forth in full
herein.  If any provision of this Foreign Exchange Account Agreement Supplement
is or at any time becomes inconsistent with the annexed document, the terms of
this Foreign Exchange Account Agreement Supplement shall control.

         8.   ACKNOWLEDGMENT.  The Dealer acknowledges that the obligations of
this Agreement are not binding against the Unitholders individually but are
binding only upon the assets and property of the Trust, and that, in the event
of any obligation or claim arising hereunder against the Trust, no resort shall
be had to any Unitholder's personal property for the satisfaction of such
obligation or claim.    
         9.   COMPLETE AGREEMENT.  The Forex Agreement constitutes the entire
agreement between the parties with respect to the matters referred to herein,
and no other agreement, oral or otherwise, shall be binding as between the
parties unless in writing and signed by the party against whom enforcement is

         10.   ASSIGNMENT.  This Forex Agreement may not be assigned by a party
without the express written consent of the other party.

         11.  AMENDMENT.  This Forex Agreement may not be amended except by the
written consent of the parties hereto.

         12.  SURVIVAL.  The provisions of this Forex Agreement shall survive
the termination of this Forex Agreement with respect to any matter arising while
this Forex Agreement is in effect.

         13.  HEADINGS.  Headings of sections herein are for the convenience of
the parties only and are not intended to be part of or to affect the meaning or
interpretation of this Forex Agreement.


         14.  NO WAIVER.  No failure or delay on the part of any party hereto
in exercising any right, power or remedy hereunder shall operate as a waiver
thereof, nor shall any single or partial exercise of any such right, power or
remedy preclude any other or further exercise thereof or the exercise of any
other right, power or remedy.  Any waiver granted hereunder must be in writing
and shall be valid only in the specific instance in which given.
         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Foreign
Exchange Account Agreement Supplement as of the day and year first above

                             JWH GLOBAL TRUST
                             By: CIS INVESTMENTS, INC.,
                                 a Managing Owner

                                 L. Carlton Anderson
                                 Vice President

                             CIS FINANCIAL SERVICES, INC.

