THIS EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT is dated as of July 1, 1996, by and between 
GARDEN VALLEY NATURALS, INC., a California corporation ("Corporation"), and 
JOHN BATTENDIERI ("Employee") under the following circumstances:

     A.  Corporation desires to employ Employee as its President because of 
his knowledge, experience and expertise with respect to the business of 

     B.  Employee desires to be so employed by Corporation.

     C.  The parties hereto desire to set forth in writing the terms and 
conditions of the employment relationship to be established and continued.

     NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto agree as follows:

     1.  EMPLOYMENT.

         Corporation shall employ Employee as the President of Corporation 
pursuant to the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth, and Employee 
shall perform the duties of such office. Employee shall also serve as a 
member of the Board of Directors of Corporation, if elected by the 
shareholders of the Corporation to such position.  Employee shall perform 
such duties at the offices of Corporation located in Morgan Hill, California, 
or at such other location(s) as may be agreed to by the parties from time to 


         Subject to the provisions of paragraph 7, the term of employment 
shall be three (3) years, commencing on July 1, 1996, and continuing through 
June 30, 1999.


         Subject only to the directives of the Board of Directors of 
Corporation and subject also to the directives of the Chief Executive 
Officer, Employee shall be in charge of the sales, marketing, and operations 
of Corporation commensurate with his position as the President of 
Corporation.  Employee agrees to perform his services conscientiously, 
effectively and to the best of his ability.  Employee shall not, during the 
term of this Agreement, compete, directly or indirectly, with Corporation, 
whether as an employee, consultant, shareholder, officer, director, 
lienholder, or otherwise, except upon the express written consent of 

     4.  BASE SALARY.

         In consideration of Employee's services under this Agreement to 
Corporation, Employee's base salary shall be fixed at an annual rate of One 
Hundred Ten Thousand Dollars ($110,000), payable in accordance with 
Corporation's normal payroll practices. Such base salary shall be reviewed 
annually for increases by the Board of Directors at the same time the senior 
management group of employees of Corporation is reviewed for salary increases.


         As further consideration for Employee's services under this 
Agreement, Corporation shall pay Employee such incentive compensation to 
which Employee is entitled pursuant to any applicable Management Incentive 
Compensation Plan which may be adopted by the Board of Directors of 

     6.  BENEFITS.

         In consideration for Employee's accepting the employment provided 
for herein, Corporation agrees to provide the following benefits:

         (a) All the standard benefits normally provided to the employees of 
Corporation, including, but not limited to, social security benefits, 
workers' compensation and any other benefits that may be subsequently made 
available to employees of Corporation.

         (b) Employee shall be entitled to fifteen (15) paid vacation days 
per year and shall be entitled to up to ten (10) paid sick days per year.  
Employee shall not be entitled to accrue more than thirty (30) paid vacation 
days (no more than an aggregate of thirty (30) days of which may be carried 
over to subsequent years) or more than twenty (20) paid sick days (no more 
than an aggregate of twenty (20) days of which may be carried over to 
subsequent years).  Upon termination of Employee's employment for any reason, 
Employee shall not be entitled to payment for any accrued but unpaid sick 

         (c) Corporation shall reimburse Employee for reasonable and 
necessary expenses incurred by him in the performance of his duties hereunder 
upon presentation of vouchers in accordance with Corporation's policy.  
Employee shall furnish to Corporation adequate records and other documentary 
evidence required by federal and state statutes and regulations for the 
substantiation of such payments as deductible business expenses of 
Corporation and not as deductible compensation to Employee, provided that 
reimbursement of such expenses shall not be dependent on proving 
deductibility of such expenses for tax purposes.

         (d) During the term of this Agreement, Corporation shall pay 
Employee an automobile allowance of Three Hundred Fifty Dollars ($350) per 

         (e) Such other flexible executive perquisites that may be approved 
by the Board of Directors of Corporation for the senior management group of 
employees of Corporation. 


         (a) BY CORPORATION.  Corporation, acting through its Board of 
Directors, may terminate this Agreement ONLY for "cause" upon thirty (30) 
days' prior written notice to Employee.  For purposes of this Agreement, such 
termination shall be deemed for "cause" only if it is by reason of Employee's 
commission of willful and material acts of neglect, dishonesty, fraud or 
other acts involving moral turpitude which materially and adversely affect 
the business or affairs of Corporation.  If such termination is for "cause", 
then all of the rights, duties and obligations of the parties under this 
Agreement shall cease upon the effective date of termination. If such 
termination is for any reason other than for "cause," then all of the rights, 
duties and obligations


of the parties under this Agreement shall cease upon the effective date of 
termination, except that Corporation shall pay to Employee a sum equal to the 
total base salary for the remaining term of this Agreement under Section 2.

         (b) BY EMPLOYEE.  Employee may terminate this Agreement in his sole 
discretion for any reason upon ninety (90) days' prior written notice to the 
Board of Directors of Corporation.  Upon the effective date of such 
termination by Employee (except in the event of Employee's death, permanent 
disability (as defined below), or resignation as a result of a change in 
control of Corporation (as defined below)), all of the rights, duties, and 
obligations of the parties under this Agreement shall cease including 
Employee's right to his base salary and incentive compensation benefits.  In 
the event the employment of Employee is terminated at any time during the 
term of this Agreement by reason of Employee's death, disability or 
resignation as a result of a change in control (as defined below), 
Corporation shall, upon the effective date of termination, pay to Employee, 
or Employee's estate or personal representatives, a sum equal to three (3) 
months' base salary plus the incentive compensation, if any, he would have 
received pursuant to paragraph 5 if Employee was employed by Corporation 
during such period of time.

         (c) For purposes of this Agreement, a "change in control" shall mean 
(i) consolidation or merger of Corporation in which Corporation is not the 
surviving entity or in which there is a change in the ownership of more than 
fifty percent (50%) of the outstanding capital stock of Corporation, or (ii) 
the sale of substantially all of the assets of Corporation. For purposes of 
this Agreement, Employee shall be considered permanently disabled if he is 
unable to perform his duties hereunder on a full-time basis for a continuous 
period of three (3) months.

         (d) This Agreement shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon 
Corporation, its successors and assigns, including but not limited to any 
corporation which may acquire all or substantially all of Corporation's 
assets or business or with which Corporation may be consolidated or merged. 
Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, in the event of a 
change in control, Employee in his sole and absolute discretion shall have 
the right to terminate this agreement upon written notice given to 
Corporation, or its successors or assigns, effective no later than ninety 
(90) days after the consummation of any such change in control, and in such 
event Employee shall be entitled to receive the payments set forth in 
paragraph 7(b) hereof.

     8.  LOAN.

         During the term of this Agreement, Corporation shall lend to 
Employee Seven Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($7,500) on the last day of each 
month commencing July 31, 1996, without interest thereon (the "Loan"), 
Employee shall repay the Loan on the date that is the earlier of (a) 
twenty-four (24) months after Corporation's initial public offering of its 
securities or (b) the termination of this Agreement.

                     /s/ FH        FLOYD HILL


     9.  NOTICES.

         Notices required or permitted by this Agreement shall be effective 
upon mailing, postage prepaid, or upon personal delivery, to the following 

         To Corporation:   Garden Valley Naturals, Inc. 
                           550 Monterey Road            
                           Morgan Hill, CA 95037        
                           Attn: Floyd Hill             

         To Employee:      John Battendieri




         (a) The law of the State of California shall govern the 
interpretation and enforcement of this Agreement.

         (b) If any provision of this Agreement is held by a court of 
competent jurisdiction to be invalid, void or unenforceable, the remaining 
provisions shall nevertheless continue in full force and effect without being 
impaired or invalidated in any way.

         (c) This Agreement contains all of the covenants and agreements 
between the parties on the matter stated herein.  Each party to this 
Agreement acknowledges that no representations, inducements, promises, or 
agreements, orally or otherwise, have been made by any party, or anyone 
acting on behalf of any party, which are not embodied herein, and that no 
other agreement, statement, or promise on the subject matter stated herein 
not contained in this Agreement shall be valid or binding.

         (d) Any modification of this Agreement shall be effective only if it 
is in writing and executed by the party or parties to be charged.

         (e) This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of 
the parties and their spouses, successors, assigns, personal representatives, 
heirs and legal representatives.

    11.  CONFIDENTIALITY.  Employee agrees to hold in confidence and not 
disclose to any third party without the prior written consent of Corporation, 
any proprietary or confidential information of Corporation. Proprietary or 
confidential information refers to any information not generally known among 
Corporation's competitors and that has commercial value to Corporation.  By 
way of illustration, but not limitation, proprietary or confidential 
information includes (a) developments, improvements, trade secrets, formulae, 
processes, techniques, knowhow and data; (b) plans for research, development, 
new products, marketing and selling; information related to business plans, 
budgets and unpublished financial statements; prices and costs; information 
regarding suppliers and customers; and (c) any information designated by 
Corporation as confidential.


     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have entered into this Agreement as
of the date first hereinabove written.

                                            GARDEN VALLEY NATURALS, INC.
                                            a California corporation


                                            Its /s/ FLOYD HILL

                                            /s/ JOHN BATTENDIERI
                                            JOHN BATTENDIERI
