Exhibit 10.22 


                            MANUFACTURING AGREEMENT 


                            TANISYS TECHNOLOGY, INC. 
                             12201 Technology Blvd.  
                               Austin, TX  78727     


                            SIEMENS COMPONENTS, INC. 
                           10950 North Tantau Avenue 
                             Cupertino, CA  95014   


                             INDEX TO AGREEMENT





5.   ATTACHMENT D:      SIEMENS Rolling Forecast

6.   ATTACHMENT E:      SIEMENS Processing and Quality Specification

7.   ATTACHMENT F:      EDI Agreement

8.   ATTACHMENT G:      SIEMENS and TANISYS Listing of Contacts


                           MANUFACTURING AGREEMENT

This Agreement made effective November 1st, 1996 between Tanisys Technology, 
Inc. 12201 Technology Blvd., Austin, TX 78727, U.S.A (TANISYS) and SIEMENS 
Components, Inc. 10950 North Tantau Avenue, Cupertino, CA 95014 (SIEMENS)  
(see Article 1.16).

WHEREAS, SIEMENS wants and TANISYS is willing to assemble quantities of 
certain products exclusively for SIEMENS in accordance with these terms and 
conditions, the parties agree:


In this Agreement, the following expressions, except where the context 
otherwise requires, shall have the following meanings:

1.0  "Affiliates" shall mean those corporate entities controlled by or 
     controlling, directly or indirectly, by capital or votes, either SIEMENS
     or TANISYS, but only so long as the entities are so related.

1.1  "Contract products" (Products) shall mean those specific Memory Modules 
     (equipped printed circuit boards) defined in Attachment A.

1.2  "CONFIDENTIAL Information" shall mean all such technical information as 
     well as know-how (given orally, in writing or in other tangible form) 
     necessary for the manufacture of Products, which one party shares with 
     the other. "Confidential Information" includes the specification necessary
     for the procurement of the components required for the manufacture of 
     Products, with the exception of DRAMs, as defined in Attachment A.

1.3  "Effective Date" shall mean the date on which this Agreement enters into 
     force as set forth at the beginning of this Agreement.

1.4  "Date of Shipment" shall mean the date on which the Products are shipped
     out "Ex-Works" TANISYS  by SIEMENS' appointed forwarder.

1.5  "Purchase orders" (Orders) shall mean the order(s) issued by SIEMENS 
     confirming purchase of Products from TANISYS requiring delivery within the
     time frame indicated in the order.

1.6  "Specification" means the technical description of goods contained or 
     referred to in the order.

1.7  "Allowed Capacity" is the capacity TANISYS has dedicated for SIEMENS.

1.8  "Golden Devices" shall mean Products, tested by SIEMENS using the tester 
     and the test programs as well the test protocols containing the respective

1.9  "Subsidiaries" shall mean legal entities controlled directly or indirectly,
     by capital or votes, by fifty percent or more by SIEMENS or TANISYS, but 
     only as long as the entities are so controlled.

1.10 "Requirements for Quality Assurance" shall mean the general quality 
     requirements for processing of Devices enclosed as Attachment E to this 
     Agreement, including any future updates or modifications of Attachment E.


1.11 "Packing Specification" shall mean the specification according to which 
     the Products shall be packed and labelled by TANISYS using the material as
     specified in the "Packing specification", which is part of the "Processing

1.12 "Processing specification" (see Attachment E) shall mean the specification 
     and documentation for testing, burn-in and packing as well as specific 
     quality requirements agreed upon in the written form between the parties 
     for processing of the Products. For each type of Products or a family of 
     Products, a "Processing specification" shall be agreed upon between the 

1.13 "Electronic Mail", "Internet" or "Electronic Data Interchange" (EDI) shall 
     mean those communications governed by the EDI Agreement attached as 
     Attachment F.

1.14 "Ex Works TANISYS" shall mean that title and risk of loss to the Products 
     will be transferred from TANISYS at the time at which TANISYS deposits the
     properly packed Products with the freight carrier designated by SIEMENS at
     TANISYS' facilities, or delivered to customer location.  TANISYS will use 
     SIEMENS' shipping accounts when possible.

1.15 "FCA (Free Carrier) TANISYS" shall mean that SIEMENS will provide the DRAMs
     to TANISYS' facilities for use per this Manufacturing Agreement with all 
     related charges until they reach that site paid by SIEMENS.

1.16 "SIEMENS" means legal entity, and means the list of contacts as specified
     in Attachment G.


Subject to these terms and conditions, TANISYS shall, in accordance to 
instructions from SIEMENS, manufacture, test and ship quantities of Products 
to SIEMENS or to those companies or locations to which SIEMENS directs 
(Customers).  On  acceptance by SIEMENS or upon receipt by the Customer of 
those Products, TANISYS shall be paid the amounts specified in Attachment B 
for such Products.

Upon TANISYS receiving products and signing a "Warehouse Receipt" for any 
given shipment, the quantity and description thereon will be deemed an 
absolute indication that TANISYS has accepted risk of loss for that quantity 
of that item.  The only exception will be that TANISYS will be allowed until 
the close of business twenty-four (24) hours after receipt of any given 
shipment to advise in writing (by FAX) as to any discrepancies at the carton 
level; within forty-eight (48) hours at the part number and ident number 
detail level.  


3.1  SIEMENS or its "affiliates" shall deliver to TANISYS free of charge, 
     subject to respective orders (on the basis "FCA" TANISYS) the quantity of
     DRAMs (as defined in Attachment A) necessary to fulfill the Contractor 
     Manufacturer's obligation according to Article 4 and the Orders placed by 
     SIEMENS as per Article 7 or 8 below.




     TANISYS shall prepare and submit to SIEMENS, within 30 days following the 
     Effective Date of this Agreement, an official quality assurance Manual and
     workmanship standard and shall implement such standard. SIEMENS may request
     alterations to the manual and workmanship standard in order to improve the 
     overall product quality of the Products. Notwithstanding the above, the 
     responsibility for such Manual and workmanship standard shall rest with 


     TANISYS shall provide and maintain an inspection system acceptable to 
     SIEMENS Quality Assurance covering the Products. Records of all inspections
     shall be kept complete and available for review by the SIEMENS Quality 
     Assurance representative in accordance with the data retention periods 
     specified in the Processing and Quality specification (Attachment E).


     If SIEMENS chooses to perform a first article test upon the Products, then 
     such test may be performed at TANISYS' premises before delivery of the 
     first quantity shipment of each type or any modified version thereof and 
     further deliveries shall be subject to successful performance of such test.
     Such tests shall be performed at no cost to SIEMENS by TANISYS and under 
     the observation of the SIEMENS Quality Assurance representative where 


     Reference devices for the various packages will be submitted by TANISYS 
     during the initial production to SIEMENS for qualification. The production
     shall not start until approval is given by SIEMENS after the qualification
     tests on these parts.


     SIEMENS reserves the right to conduct an audit of the Quality Assurance 
     system or Process Conformance of manufacturing and other fields with 
     respect to quality, reliability and reporting.


     Records of all Production and quality data shall be kept for tracking and 
     available for review by SIEMENS. The data retention period to be as 
     specified in the Processing and Quality specification (Attachment E).


     TANISYS shall conduct a final inspection test on each Product (100% test) 
     prior to shipment. Such test shall demonstrate compliance with the 
     applicable specification of the Products in question. The parties will 
     agree on the details of such final inspection tests and document same in a
     writing signed by both parties (Attachment E).


     SIEMENS shall be responsible for the expense of sending any SIEMENS 
     personnel to TANISYS' premises.



     All Products ordered are subject to final acceptance at SIEMENS or its 
     Customers. SIEMENS or its customers may perform an incoming inspection 
     test based on random samples according to the quality assurance 
     instructions.  If any Products should fail to pass such test as a result
     of TANISYS' work, SIEMENS will notify TANISYS of such defects in writing,
     i.e. by E-Mail or FAX. If the Products fail to pass such test based upon 
     an agreed and correlated test method, SIEMENS may return the failed 
     Products for rework by TANISYS free of charge with all handling, packing,
     forwarding transport cost and insurance cost incurred to be paid by 
     TANISYS, and

     a)  TANISYS shall, upon request, promptly supply replacement, or

     b)  TANISYS shall, if SIEMENS requests it, replace the failed Products 
         delivery lot free of charge on an emergency basis, or

     c)  SIEMENS may return the failed Products to TANISYS at no cost to SIEMENS
         for respective credit if the failed Products cannot be reworked to 
         conform with the agreed specification.


5.1  SIEMENS may request technical changes of the Products relating to 
     improvement, reliability, serviceability or to requests of the market, 
     customers, or requirement of authorities and TANISYS must comply with such
     change request.  TANISYS will inform SIEMENS within ten (10) working-days 
     after receiving such requests of the result of its evaluation of the change
     in writing.  The parties shall mutually agree upon prices and 
     implementation schedules for such changes.

5.2  If TANISYS proposes to modify or change the Products so as to deviate from
     the specifications set forth in Attachment A to this Agreement, TANISYS 
     shall inform SIEMENS in writing.  SIEMENS may approve or disapprove such 
     modifications or change request and will inform TANISYS in writing thirty
     (30) working days after receipt of notice of such a change in request. Such
     a proposed modification or change may only be implemented by TANISYS upon 
     the express approval by SIEMENS.  When modification or changes are approved
     and introduced into manufacturing, TANISYS shall inform SIEMENS as to final
     technical version of change and when the first shipment may be expected. 
     SIEMENS will then determine how many units of the ordered or forecasted 
     amount shall be shipped without the modifications or changes until first 
     shipment takes place according to the new revision level.

5.3  Regarding changes as per Article 5.2 above, TANISYS shall, upon request, 
     submit to SIEMENS free of charge, samples of the modified Products at 
     least thirty (30) days before first delivery of said products, for testing


The scope of TANISYS' delivery and SIEMENS' purchase obligations shall depend 
on the forecasts and Orders placed by SIEMENS in writing.


6.1  Issue of "Purchase forecast"

     a)  Two weeks before the end of each quarter, SIEMENS shall forward a 
         "Purchase Forecast" (Forecast) setting forth the anticipated demand
         for Products by SIEMENS for the succeeding six (6) quarters.  The 
         Forecasts are projections for planning purposes only (see Attachment 

     b)  TANISYS shall ensure sufficient material (such as Printed Circuit 
         Boards (PCBs) and Packing Material) as specified in Attachment C.  If
         any change in the design of the Products requires sudden change of PCBs
         or packing material, or if a Products is terminated and that 
         circumstance then renders TANISYS' specific SIEMENS' stock as obsolete 
         or unusable, SIEMENS shall be financially responsible for TANISYS' 
         stock of PCB and Packing Material in the quantities specified in 
         Attachment C.

6.2  Issuing of Order  

     a)  SIEMENS shall issue to TANISYS a firm Order to purchase the quantity 
         and type of Products.  Each Order shall be placed in writing via EDI,
         fax or Internet. See Attachment C. 

     b)  The Order shall govern all requirements of the Products by SIEMENS and
         deliveries by TANISYS. Only the quantities and type of Products given 
         therein are firm order commitments. 

     c)  All Orders have to be confirmed within one (1) working day by EDI, fax
         or Internet (see Attachment C).


Lead times, "Ex-Works" TANISYS shall for either Products or Replacement 
products as specified in Attachment C.

Leadtimes for Emergency orders are separately defined in Attachment C.   Any 
delay in delivery or pre-scheduled Products to SIEMENS affected by the 
emergency order shall not be construed as a delay under Article 9.3, unless 
total deliveries made within the relevant period concerned is less than the 
quantity deliverable by TANISYS fully utilizing the declared capacity of 
TANISYS which is dedicated for SIEMENS' Products.  In such case of 
under-utilization and delays in delivery, TANISYS shall be liable under 
Article 9.3 for the portion short delivered.

Deliveries under emergency orders shall be effected separately. TANISYS shall 
notify SIEMENS of the dispatch date (flight number, AWB number) by EDI, fax 
or Internet.


8.1  Delivery shall be effected on the basis delivered "Ex-Works" TANISYS to 
     SIEMENS' appointed forwarder.  Each delivery shall be accompanied with 
     appropriate shipping papers.  All dispatch notes and/or invoices must 
     include the Order number, the part numbers of Products shipped and any 
     other information specified in the Order.

8.2  Title and risk of loss shall pass upon delivery of product to SIEMENS' 
     specific customer locations or to SIEMENS' appointed freight forwarder.
     SIEMENS shall indicate, in writing, a specific freight forwarder or means 
     of transportation or routing to TANISYS and TANISYS shall comply with such
     directions.  The Products shall be packed suitable for road/air 
     transportation as agreed with the SIEMENS' appointed freight forwarder.



     a)  TANISYS shall make its best effort to ensure on-time delivery of the 
         Products.  If TANISYS is in default with the delivery of Products 
         except by reasons of Force Majeure, Article 15, and/or delayed delivery
         of parts and components supplied by SIEMENS, SIEMENS may claim 
         liquidated damages in the amount of 0.2% (two-tenths percent) of the 
         Tanisys invoice as per Attachment B "Assembly Pricing" for the 
         respective late delivered Products for every calendar day of the delay
         from the "Date of Shipment" which is confirmed or deemed accepted by 
         TANISYS according to Section 6.2. The liquidated damages may accrue up
         to a maximum amount of 5% (five percent) in total or five thousand 
         dollars ($5,000.00) maximum, notwithstanding any other rights SIEMENS 
         may have.

     b)  In addition to these rights, any delays extending for more than a week,
         regardless of the cause (even if caused by late deliveries of TANISYS'
         subcontractors), SIEMENS shall be entitled to cancel the order wholly 
         or in part without incurring any liability, and shall re-order the 
         quantities according to then existing needs of SIEMENS after the 
         circumstances interrupting the delivery have ended.

8.4  If any circumstances should arise which could result in a delayed delivery 
     of parts to TANISYS or of Products by TANISYS, the parties shall promptly 
     notify each other.

8.5  TANISYS shall only deliver full boxes of Products.  Any incompletely filled
     boxes shall be retained by TANISYS and delivery made together with Products
     in the next Production Lot.

     TANISYS shall deliver to SIEMENS on the 15th of each month: 

     a)  All incomplete filled boxes of Products, and

     b)  All scrap DRAMs and modules for disposal by SIEMENS.


9.1  Prices for the Products as stated in Attachment B to this Agreement are in 
     U.S. Dollars, on the basis of delivery "Ex-Works" TANISYS and including 
     appropriate packaging as specified by SIEMENS.


     a)  The prices stated in Attachment B are fixed for the period stated in
         Attachment B except in the case of changes under Article 5.  The 
         parties will review the market conditions, currency effect, material 
         and labor cost influencing the price to be fixed for the next SIEMENS
         fiscal year (October through September) in good faith, on an annual 
         basis, within the period of the last quarter of each SIEMENS fiscal 
         year and mutually agree and decide the price applicable for the next
         SIEMENS fiscal year which price shall reflect the result of reviewing
         the aforesaid factors.

     b)  However, the parties will review, in good faith, the market conditions,
         currency effect, material and labor cost specifically costs affecting 
         printed circuit board and packing material and volumes influencing the 
         prices, on a quarterly basis, three weeks before the end of each 
         quarter and will mutually update the price applicable for the next 
         SIEMENS' quarter to reflect the result of reviewing these factors. 

     c)  If the parties cannot work out a mutually acceptable solution, either 
         party may terminate this Agreement with six (6) months written notice.
         Notwithstanding such right of termination, TANISYS shall continue to 
         deliver Products at the most recent contractual prices during this six
         months' period. However, if the parties come to an agreement for 
         solution within such six (6) months from the notice of termination, 
         then the new price shall be supplied retro-actively from 


     the date of termination notice and the respective party shall compensate
     the other party the difference of the Purchase Price accrued from that


     Payment shall be due thirty (30) days net after receipt of the respective
     invoice from TANISYS.


TANISYS warrants that the Products conform with the applicable specifications
and are free from defects in material and workmanship subject to these

10.1 The warranty period for the Products shall end at the earlier of
     thirty-six (36) months after the delivery to Customers or receipt of the
     Products by SIEMENS.

10.2 If any Products supplied by TANISYS fails to conform with this warranty
     due to manufacturing defects, TANISYS shall replace at its sole cost and
     expense such defective Products without delay after receipt of SIEMENS'
     return shipment. The expenses required for returning such defective
     Products to TANISYS shall be borne by SIEMENS; the expenses required for
     re-sending Products to SIEMENS or to its Customer shall be borne by

     If, within thirty (30) days after receipt at TANISYS, such replacement
     Products are not shipped, SIEMENS shall have the right to replace the
     defective Products with products from TANISYS' latest shipment or
     SIEMENS' stock which shall then be deemed as replacement under
     warranty. TANISYS shall ship on an emergency basis and on its own
     account such number of Products as to make up for the thus diminished
     SIEMENS stock.

10.3 Replacements shall be subject to a new 36 month warranty period,
     beginning with the receipt of the product by SIEMENS or its Customer.

10.4 If defects or malfunctions which appear to be excessive or of an
     epidemic nature result from the manufacturing or use of unsuitable
     materials by TANISYS, then TANISYS shall take appropriate actions to
     remedy such defects in agreement with SIEMENS and in accordance with
     reasonable standards applicable to the individual circumstances. TANISYS
     shall inform SIEMENS about its actions to be taken within two (2) weeks
     after notification.

10.5 The provisions of this Article 10 shall also apply after termination of
     this Agreement.

10.6 If any technical problem, defect or malfunction occurs, SIEMENS will
     promptly be informed by TANISYS. TANISYS will immediately start
     investigations and supply a first substantial answer within five (5)
     working days after receipt of SIEMENS' notification.

10.7 TANISYS does not warrant consigned DRAMs, except as to damage or defects
     which result from TANISYS' storage or use of the consigned DRAMs.




11.1 It is SIEMENS' responsibility to defend and resolve at SIEMENS' expense
     any dispute arising from a claim that the Products infringe a third
     party's patent to the extent that the alleged infringement is due to the
     use of SIEMENS Information and/or DRAMs supplied by SIEMENS and
     incorporated in Products manufactured by TANISYS.

11.2 Notwithstanding Section 11.1 above, it is TANISYS' responsibility to
     defend or otherwise resolve at TANISYS' expense any dispute arising from
     a claim that the Products infringe a third party's patent, due to
     specific components in Products manufactured by TANISYS or purchased by
     TANISYS from any third source or due to the manufacturing process
     employed by TANISYS unless directly specified by SIEMENS'.

11.3 If a third party alleges an infringement of its patent, then the party
     to this Agreement against which this claim is raised shall immediately
     inform the other party and both parties shall discuss how to handle
     such claim or lawsuit in the best way possible; such discussion limited
     to consultations only.

11.4 SIEMENS shall indemnify and hold TANISYS harmless against any claims,
     costs and expenses due to non-patent claims related to the Products
     which arise from TANISYS' use of SIEMENS SUPPLIED Information or DRAMs
     supplied by SIEMENS.

11.5 TANISYS shall indemnify and hold SIEMENS (and/or SIEMENS'
     Subsidiaries/Affiliates and/or its Customers) harmless against any
     claims, costs and expenses due to any other liability than SIEMENS
     liability as per Sections 11.1 and 11.4. TANISYS may at SIEMENS'
     request maintain general comprehensive liability insurance in a minimum
     amount of $_______; in such case SIEMENS shall be named as an additional
     insured. SIEMENS reserves the right to carry such general comprehensive
     liability insurance concurrent with existing SIEMENS insurance policies
     in effect.

11.6 These indemnities are conditioned upon the party seeking indemnification
     promptly notifying the other party; making no admissions of liability
     and cooperating in the defense of the claim.



12.1 SIEMENS and TANISYS shall attempt in good faith to resolve any dispute
     arising out of or relating to this Agreement promptly by negotiation
     between executives who have authority to


     settle the controversy. The executive will be at the CEO, CFO or COO
     level and will not have had direct responsibility for administration of
     this Agreement. Either party may give the other written notice of any
     dispute not resolved in the ordinary course of business. Within fifteen
     (15) days after delivery of the notice the party receiving the notice
     shall submit to the other a written response.

     The notice and response shall include a statement of the party's
     positions regarding the matter in dispute, a summary of arguments in
     support, and the name and title of the executive who will represent that
     party and any other person who will accompany that executive. Within 30
     days after delivery of the initial notice, the designated executives
     shall meet at a mutually acceptable time and place, and thereafter as
     often as they reasonably deem necessary to attempt to resolve the
     dispute. All reasonable request for information made by one party to the
     other shall be honored in a timely fashion.

     All negotiations conducted pursuant to this Section 12 (and any of the
     party's submissions in contemplation hereof) shall be kept confidential
     by the parties and shall be treated by the parties and their respective
     representatives as compromise and settlement negotiations for purposes
     of the Federal Rules of Evidence and any similar state rules.

12.2 If any matter in dispute arising under this Agreement has not been
     resolved within sixty (60) days after delivery of the notice or if the
     parties fail to meet within thirty days (30) days, the matter will be
     submitted to binding arbitration. Either party may initiate binding
     arbitration as contemplated herein.

     Either party (the claimant) may give written notice to the other
     (respondent) of its intention to arbitrate, which notice shall contain a
     statement setting forth the nature of the dispute, the amount involved,
     if any, and the remedy sought, and file with the appropriate office of
     the American Arbitration Association three copies of the notice and
     three copies of the arbitration provision of this Agreement, together
     with the appropriate filing fee as provided in the Schedule on page 21
     of the AAA Commercial Rules as Amended and Effective on November 2, 1993.

     The AAA shall give notice of such filing to the respondent which may
     file an answering statement in duplicate with the AAA within ten days
     after notice from the AAA, in which event the respondent shall at the
     same time send a copy of the answering statement to the claimant. If a
     counterclaim is asserted, it shall contain a statement setting forth the
     nature of the counterclaim, the amount involved, if any, and the remedy
     sought. If a counterclaim is made, the appropriate fee shall be
     forwarded to the AAA with the answering statement. If no answering
     statement is filed within the stated time, it will be treated as a
     denial of the claim. Failure to file an answering statement shall not
     operate to delay the arbitration.

12.3 The AAA Commercial Arbitration Rules, as modified or revised by the
     provisions herein, shall govern these proceedings. The arbitration shall
     be conducted by three arbitrators, one selected by each party and the
     third selected by those two arbitrators. After the arbitrators are
     selected, the parties agree to try in good faith to settle the dispute
     by mediation administered by the American Arbitration Association under
     its Commercial Mediation Rules.

12.4 The place of the arbitration proceedings shall be San Francisco,
     California if TANISYS initiates the arbitration and in Austin, Texas if
     SIEMENS initiates the arbitration. The decision of the arbitration panel
     shall be rendered in writing.


12.5 The parties agree that procedural rules will be those of the State in
     which the arbitration is to OCCUR, as amended by this Agreement. In
     addition, the parties agree that discovery will take place informally to
     the extent possible through document production, interrogatories limited
     to identification of witnesses and documents and no more than five (5)
     depositions per side.


All disputes shall be settled in accordance with the provisions of this
Agreement and all other Agreements regarding its performance, in accordance
with the substantive law of the State identified in Section 12.4 (except for
its conflict of laws provision) without reference to other law. The United
Nations Convention on contracts for the International Sale of Goods of April 1,
1980 shall not apply.


14.1 The parties undertake to keep secret, even after termination of this
     Agreement, Confidential Information furnished hereunder insofar as, and
     as long as, it has not otherwise lawfully come into the public domain or
     the party which disclosed the information has not consented in writing
     that it may be disclosed to third parties.

14.2 The parties further agree that it will only use Confidential Information
     supplied under this Agreement for purposes set forth in this Agreement.

14.3 Information shall not be subject to the above confidentiality provisions
     to the extent that a party can demonstrate that the information

     - is known to or is in the possession of that party before transmission
       by the other party;

     - became legally available to that party from a source other than the
       other party or is in or passed into the public domain other than by
       reach of this Agreement;

     - is developed independently by that party;

     - the disclosure of which is expressly authorized by the other party.

14.4 Except as required by law, neither party shall disclose the existence of
     this Agreement, including insurance coverage and values thereunder,
     except as mutually agreed.


Neither party shall be liable to the other for failure or delay in the
performance of any of its obligations under this Agreement for the time and
to the extent such failure or delay is caused by Force Majeure such as, but
not limited to, riots, civil commotion, wars, hostilities between nations,
governmental laws, orders or regulations, actions by the government or any
agency thereof, storms fires, strikes, lockouts, sabotages, explosion or any
other contingencies beyond the reasonable control of the respective party and
of its sub-contractors or supplier. In such events, the affected party shall
immediately inform the other party of such circumstances together with
documents of proof, if any, and the performance of obligations hereunder
shall be suspended during, but not longer than, the period of existence of
such cause and the period reasonable required to perform the obligations in
such cases.

Should a circumstance of Force Majeure continue without interruption for a
period of more than six (6) months, then either party has the right to
forthwith terminate this Agreement and/or the respective


individual orders by registered letter. The parties may also negotiate for a
reasonable extension or adjustment of this Agreement.


16.1 This Agreement shall be in effect for a period of two (2) years and
     shall be extended automatically by periods of one year each unless
     terminated by written notice at least six (6) months before the end of
     such 2 year period or the end of a one year extension period. The term
     of notice shall be six (6) months.

16.2 This Agreement may by written notice be prematurely terminated with
     immediate effect by the party having such right as herein provided, and
     notwithstanding any other rights such party may have, upon the
     occurrence of either one or more of the events stated below:

         - by either party if the other party voluntarily files a petition in
           bankruptcy or has such a petition involuntarily filled against it
           (which petition is not discharged within ninety (90) days after
           filing), or is placed in an insolvency proceeding, or if an order
           is entered appointing a receiver or trustee for a levy or
           attachment is made against a substantial portion of its assets
           which order shall not be vacated, set aside or stayed within
           thirty (30) days from date of entry, or if any assignment for the
           benefit of its creditors is made.

         - by either party if the other has failed substantially in the
           performance of any material contractual obligation, provided that
           such default is not remedied to the other party's satisfaction,
           within sixty (60) days after written notice to the other party
           specifying the nature of such default and requiring remedy of the

16.3 A waiver of any default by either party of any of the terms and
     conditions of this Agreement but shall apply solely to the instances to
     which such waiver is granted.

16.4 In the event of termination of this Agreement, SIEMENS shall be entitled
     to request delivery of, and TANISYS shall be obliged to deliver, subject
     to the terms of this Agreement, all quantities of Products ordered from
     TANISYS before the Effective Date of termination.


17.1 After termination of this Agreement, TANISYS shall continue to supply to
     SIEMENS according to the terms of this Agreement Products which SIEMENS
     needs in order to fulfill contractual delivery obligations which have
     been entered into on the basis of quotations before termination of this
     Agreement; SIEMENS will continue to meet its payment obligations under
     this Agreement.

17.2 When this Agreement is terminated, either party shall, upon written
     request by the other, return all Confidential Information received, as
     well as all copies made of such Confidential Information.

17.3 This Article 17 shall survive the termination of this Agreement.



18.1 For orders placed by SIEMENS under this Agreement no other conditions
     than those specified herein shall be applicable.

18.2 All changes and amendments to this Agreement must be in writing to be
     valid. This requirement of written form can only be waived in writing.

18.3 Notices and communications between TANISYS and SIEMENS shall be given in
     writing or by FAX or E-Mail in English Language to the following
     addresses of the parties or to such other address as the party concerned
     may subsequently notify in writing to the other party:

     If to TANISYS:   TANISYS Technology, Inc.
                      12201 Technology Blvd.
                      Austin, TX 78727
                      FAX: 512/258-3689

     If to SIEMENS:   SIEMENS Components, Inc.
                      10950 North Tantau Avenue
                      Cupertino, CA 95014
                      Attn: Mr. Kleinjan Du Preez, Director, Memory Products
                      FAX:  408/777-4974

18.4 TANISYS shall not be permitted to assign this Agreement, or parts
     thereof, or any right or obligation hereunder, wholly or partially to
     any third party (which term includes "Subsidiaries") without the prior
     written consent of SIEMENS. SIEMENS shall not be permitted to assign
     this Agreement, or rights or obligations hereunder, wholly or partially
     to any third party, without the prior written consent of TANISYS.
     However, SIEMENS shall be permitted to assign the contract to any entity
     formed by or resulting from changes in the structure of SIEMENS
     activities in the U.S., so long as the resulting entity continues to be
     part of the Siemens family.

18.5 If for any reason a court of competent jurisdiction finds any provision
     of this Agreement, or portion thereof, to be unenforceable, that
     provision of this Agreement shall be enforced to the maximum extent
     permissible so as to effect the intent of the parties, and the remainder
     of this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect.

18.6 The titles to the Articles of this Agreement are for convenience or
     reference only and are not part of this Agreement and shall not in any
     way affect its interpretation.

18.7 When this Agreement becomes effective, it shall constitute the entire
     understanding and agreement between the parties with respect to the
     manufacture of Products, and shall supersede and cancel all previous
     agreements, negotiations and commitments, either oral or written.

18.8 All rights and remedies conferred under this Agreement or by any other
     instrument or law shall be cumulative, and may be exercised singularly
     or concurrently. Failure by either party to enforce any provision of
     this Agreement shall not be deemed a waiver of further enforcement of
     that or any other provision.

18.9 THE PARTIES agree to comply with all U.S. federal, state, and local laws
     and regulations that are applicable to the Products.



SIEMENS Information and supplies and products to be provided under this
Agreement are subject to governmental export regulations and the obligations
to provide same are subject to receipt of appropriate approvals.

TANISYS agrees to use the freight carrier so designated by SIEMENS which will
handle all coordination, brokerage and customs activities for all export


In the event of any contradiction occurring between the various documents
contained in this Agreement, the order of precedence shall follow the order
listed below with the first item (1) having first precedence and the last
item enjoying lowest precedence.

2.   ATTACHMENTs:      In ascending Order (A, B, ....)


IN WITNESS THEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Manufacturing
Agreement to be executed by their duly authorized representatives as of the
date first written above.

__________________________             __________________________

/s/ Gary W. Pankonien                  /s/ Kleinjan Du Preez
- -----------------------------------    ----------------------------------
By                                     By

- -----------------------------------    ----------------------------------
Printed Name                           Printed Name

- -----------------------------------    ----------------------------------
Title                                  Title

11/20/96                               11/20/96
- -----------------------------------    ----------------------------------
Date                                   Date

/s/ Joe O. Davis                       /s/ Christiane Walter
- -----------------------------------    ----------------------------------

JOE DAVIS                              CHRISTIANE WALTER
- -----------------------------------    ----------------------------------
Printed Name                           Printed Name

- -----------------------------------    ----------------------------------
Title                                  Title

11/20/96                               11/21/96
- -----------------------------------    ----------------------------------
Date                                   Date
