TABLE OF CONTENTS - LETTER FROM THE CHAIRMAN 1 - FUND MANAGER DISCUSSIONS 2 - PORTFOLIOS AT A GLANCE 9 - FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 13 A MESSAGE FROM THE CHAIRMAN Dear Fellow Mutual Fund Investor: A little more than six months ago, The Hartford rounded out its financial services portfolio with eight new mutual funds, The ITT Hartford Family of Funds. With the addition of the mutual fund family to our existing variable annuity and variable life products, which total over $15 billion in assets under management as of Dec. 31, 1996, The Hartford has a financial product for all cycles of your life. Since their introduction, the mutual funds have been warmly received not only by financial advisers and market analysts, but more importantly, by you, our investors. I attribute our early and impressive success to a variety of factors -- all of them based on our commitment to clients. First, although our mutual funds are a new venture, The Hartford is by no means a stranger to helping families prepare for financial challenges. The Hartford is one of the nation's oldest and most trusted names in financial services. Second, our funds are supported by two respected money managers -- Wellington Management Company, LLP and The Hartford Investment Management Company (HIMCO). Both companies enjoy a long and enviable track record of investment management performance. But ultimately, the success of our funds is measured by a single yardstick: the achievement of your financial goals. And in the past six months, we've seen early evidence of solid performance in support of those goals. I'm confident that the ITT Hartford Family of Mutual Funds will continue to provide first-rate value for 1997, as we strive to offer you the best possible returns on your investment. As an ITT Hartford Mutual Fund investor, I believe the future holds enormous potential for our family of mutual funds. By combining prudent money management, the historically successful approach of long-term investing, and a commitment to serve our customers, we are well-positioned to participate in the growth of the financial markets. We appreciate your business, and welcome the opportunity to provide important investment opportunities for you and your family in the years to come. Sincerely, /s/ Lowndes A. Smith Lowndes A. Smith Director and Chairman ITT Hartford Mutual Funds CHAIRMAN [PHOTO] LOWNDES A. SMITH ITT HARTFORD MUTUTAL FUNDS -1- ITT HARTFORD SMALL COMPANY FUND PERFORMANCE Q. HOW DID THE FUND PERFORM? OVERVIEW - 7/22/96 - Since the Fund's inception on 7/22/96, The ITT Hartford 12/31/96 Small Company Fund has performed in line with its Lipper GROWTH OF A peer group average. The Fund's total returns were -1.2% $10,000 for the fourth quarter ended 12/31/96 and 14.1% since INVESTMENT inception versus 2.5% and 13.0%, respectively, for the Lipper Small Company Growth Mutual Fund Average. (FUND INVESTMENT Q. WHY DID THE FUND PERFORM THIS WAY? REFLECTS SALES CHARGE) In recent months, the top performing industry group within the Fund has been specialty finance. Our [Graph] investment selections within the group continued to post strong earnings gains, and the market rewarded them with higher valuations. A disappointment within the Fund has been our holdings in the specialty retail group, as our expectations for this group have not yet been realized. Recent additions to the Fund included names in the restaurant group. Restaurants have seriously under performed the market for the last two years, as worries about labor pressures and over-expansion have persisted. We believe these worries to be overstated and are adding some quality names that represent excellent value, such as Brinker International, the creator of Chili's Restaurants, and Rally's Hamburgers. We recently eliminated Bergen Brunswick and replaced it with McKesson Corp., which we believe made a brilliant acquisition of competitor Foxmeyer. Q. WHAT IS YOUR OUTLOOK FOR 1997? Nineteen-ninety six was a year marked by significant under performance of small-capitalization stocks (the Russell 2000) versus their large capitalization peers (S&P 500). We believe this gap in performance is poised to close in 1997, benefiting the Fund. Third quarter earnings numbers posted by our companies and their prospects for future growth are encouraging, and with a strong economy as a backdrop we look forward to improvement in 1997. Our portfolio investment approach is driven by fundamental research of small companies. We build the portfolio one stock at a time and have an eclectic mix of companies. We strive to keep the portfolio fully invested and currently find no shortage of exciting investment ideas. As always, our emphasis is on finding the best 80+ stocks that fit within our 3-5 year investment horizon. PORTFOLIO MANAGER KENNETH L. ABRAMS SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT AND PARTNER [PHOTO] WELLINGTON MANAGEMENT COMPANY, LLP CUMULATIVE RETURNS SINCE INCEPTION 7/22/96(3) SMALL CO "A" 14.11%(1) 7.83%(2) $10,783 SMALL CO "B" 13.81%(1) 8.81%(2) RUSSELL 2000 15.03% $11,503 THE CHART REPRESENTS A HYPOTHETICAL INVESTMENT IN THE SMALL COMPANY FUND. PAST PERFORMANCE DOES NOT GUARANTEE FUTURE RESULTS. THE VALUE OF SHARES WILL FLUCTUATE SO THAT WHEN REDEEMED, SHARES MAY BE WORTH MORE OR LESS THAN THEIR ORIGINAL COST. (1)PERFORMANCE RESULTS DO NOT REFLECT SALES CHARGE. (2)THE INITIAL INVESTMENT IN CLASS A AND B SHARES REFLECTS THE MAXIMUM SALES CHARGE AND CDSC, RESPECTIVELY. A $10,000 INVESTMENT IN THE FUND'S CLASS B SHARES AT INCEPTION ON 7/22/96 WOULD HAVE BEEN VALUED AT $11,381 ON 12/31/96 ($10,881 WITH A REDEMPTION AT THE END OF THE PERIOD.) (3)THE ITT HARTFORD MUTUAL FUNDS WERE SEEDED ON 7/1/96 AND BECAME EFFECTIVE AND OPEN FOR INVESTMENT ON 7/22/96. PERFORMANCE RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ON PAGES 2-12 REFLECT INVESTMENT ACTIVITY SINCE THE FUNDS BECAME OPEN FOR INVESTMENT ON 7/22/96. -2- ITT HARTFORD CAPITAL APPRECIATION FUND Q. HOW DID THE FUND PERFORM? PERFORMANCE The ITT Hartford Capital Appreciation Fund greatly OVERVIEW - exceeded its Lipper peer group average for both the 7/22/96 - fourth quarter ended 12/31/96 and since its inception on 12/31/96 7/22/96. The Fund's total returns were 15.2% for the GROWTH OF A fourth quarter and 37.8% since inception versus 2.5% and $10,000 13.6%, respectively for the Lipper Capital Appreciation INVESTMENT Mutual Fund Average. This performance has exceeded both large- and small-company benchmarks for the quarter and (FUND inception-to-date periods. INVESTMENT REFLECTS Q. WHY DID THE FUND PERFORM THIS WAY? SALES CHARGE) The Fund's successes in recent months were concentrated [Graph] in the technology area. One of our top ten holdings at year-end was Adaptec, a well managed manufacturer of computer components which continued to exceed investor expectations. Our top gainer, Allegiance Corp., a hospital products distributor, rose as investors focused on the company's favorable prospects following its spin-off from Baxter International. On the downside, Oak Industries, a supplier of components for communications infrastructure, declined when Telecommunications, Inc., a major customer, sharply reduced its capital spending plans for 1997. Fortunately, the Fund owns a meaningful position in Telecommunications, Inc., and that stock has performed well as a result of these steps. Q. WHAT IS YOUR OUTLOOK FOR 1997? The overall strategy of the Fund is dual-faceted. We maintain an emphasis on medium and smaller companies with dynamic earnings growth prospects, along with larger companies where we typically see a catalyst for out performance going forward. We have tended to roam off the beaten path pursuing opportunities where we often have a view that differs from that of the overall investment community. This strategy has served us well and we will continue to implement it in 1997. PORTFOLIO MANAGER SAUL J. PANNELL, CFA [PHOTO] SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT AND PARTNER WELLINGTON MANAGEMENT COMPANY, LLP CUMULATIVE RETURNS SINCE INCEPTION 7/22/96 CAP APP "A" 37.75%(1) 30.17%(2) $13,017 CAP APP "B" 37.35%(1) 32.35%(2) S&P 500 18.05% $11,805 THE CHART REPRESENTS A HYPOTHETICAL INVESTMENT IN THE CAPITAL APPRECIATION FUND. PAST PERFORMANCE DOES NOT GUARANTEE FUTURE RESULTS. THE VALUE OF SHARES WILL FLUCTUATE SO THAT WHEN REDEEMED, SHARES MAY BE WORTH MORE OR LESS THAN THEIR ORIGINAL COST. (1)PERFORMANCE RESULTS DO NOT REFLECT SALES CHARGE. (2)THE INITIAL INVESTMENT IN CLASS A AND B SHARES REFLECTS THE MAXIMUM SALES CHARGE AND CDSC, RESPECTIVELY. A $10,000 INVESTMENT IN THE FUND'S CLASS B SHARES AT INCEPTION ON 7/22/96 WOULD HAVE BEEN VALUED AT $13,735 ON 12/31/96 ($13,235 WITH A REDEMPTION AT THE END OF THE PERIOD.) -3- ITT HARTFORD INTERNATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES Q. HOW DID THE FUND PERFORM? PERFORMANCE The ITT Hartford International Opportunities Fund OVERVIEW - outperformed its Lipper peer group average for the fourth 7/22/96 - quarter ended 12/31/96 and since the Fund's inception on 12/31/96 7/22/96. The Fund's total returns were 5.8% for the GROWTH OF A fourth quarter and 8.1% since inception versus 3.9% and $10,000 6.9%, respectively, for the Lipper International Mutual INVESTMENT Fund Average. (FUND Q. WHY DID THE FUND PERFORM THIS WAY? INVESTMENT REFLECTS Looking at the Fund's positioning around the globe, our SALES CHARGE) overweighting in Europe bolstered returns as these markets were driven by falling interest rates and [Graph] earnings acceleration. Some of our best performing holdings included Nokia, one of the world's leading manufacturers of cellular telephone handsets, British Telecom, which was helped by its merger with MCI, and Powergen, which announced a second stock repurchase plan. Nineteen-ninety six was not as good, however, for the Japanese market, as local investors became increasingly pessimistic about the country's future economic growth and the potentially negative impact of deregulation on their financial system. Fortunately, both our under weighting in Japan and strong security selection assisted in the Fund's relative out performance. One recent addition in Japan was our purchase of NGK Spark Plugs, one of the few companies with the technology to provide Intel with the ceramic packaging used in its new processors. The Fund also benefited from strong performances in a number of markets in the Pacific Basin, including Hong Kong, Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia and Taiwan. Q. WHAT IS YOUR OUTLOOK FOR 1997? We plan to maintain an overweight position in continental Europe, where economies are gradually accelerating due to the effects of stimulative monetary policies and more competitive currency levels. While our overall view on Japan remains relatively cautious, much of our data indicates a continuation of moderate economic growth and low inflation. We will use the excessive pessimism this market exhibits to buy selectively on weakness. As we head into 1997, the Fund remains well diversified across international countries and we will continue to focus on economic and demographic trends which we expect will translate into a wide array of investment opportunities for our shareholders. DIRECTOR OF WELLINGTON MANAGEMENT EQUITY STRATEGY GROUP TROND SKRAMSTAD [PHOTO] SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT AND PARTNER WELLINGTON MANAGEMENT COMPANY, LLP CUMULATIVE RETURNS SINCE INCEPTION 7/22/96 INTL "A" 8.14%(1) 2.20%(2) $10,220 INTL "B" 7.86%(1) 2.86%(2) EAFE GDP 5.82% $10,582 THE CHART REPRESENTS A HYPOTHETICAL INVESTMENT IN THE INTERNATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES FUND. PAST PERFORMANCE DOES NOT GUARANTEE FUTURE RESULTS. THE VALUE OF SHARES WILL FLUCTUATE SO THAT WHEN REDEEMED, SHARES MAY BE WORTH MORE OR LESS THAN THEIR ORIGINAL COST. (1)PERFORMANCE RESULTS DO NOT REFLECT SALES CHARGE. (2)THE INITIAL INVESTMENT IN CLASS A AND B SHARES REFLECTS THE MAXIMUM SALES CHARGE AND CDSC, RESPECTIVELY. A $10,000 INVESTMENT IN THE FUND'S CLASS B CHARES AT INCEPTION ON 7/22/96 WOULD HAVE BEEN VALUED AT $10,786 ON 12/31/96 ($10,286 WITH A REDEMPTION AT THE END OF THE PERIOD.) -4- ITT HARTFORD STOCK FUND PERFORMANCE Q. HOW DID THE FUND PERFORM? OVERVIEW - 7/22/96 - The ITT Hartford Stock Fund outperformed its Lipper peer group 12/31/96 average for the fourth quarter ended 12/31/96 and modestly GROWTH OF A under performed since the Fund's inception (7/22/96). The $10,000 Fund's total returns were 7.3% for the fourth quarter and INVESTMENT 15.5% since inception versus 5.1% and 15.9%, respectively, for the Lipper Growth Mutual Fund Average. (FUND INVESTMENT Q. WHY DID THE FUND PERFORM THIS WAY? REFLECTS SALES CHARGE) Nineteen-ninety six was a year in which "a rising tide did not lift all boats," so stock picking was very important. For [Graph] example: in semiconductors, Intel was up over 130% while Texas Instruments rose only 30%; in computers, IBM climbed 70% while Hewlett Packard increased only 23%; in pharmaceuticals, Warner Lambert was up 60% while Amgen was down 5%. Happily, Intel, IBM and Warner Lambert were all held by the Fund since its inception in July. Our emphasis on industry sectors that we expect to grow faster than the overall economy was also a significant benefit to the Fund in 1996. Our overweight positions in some of the best performing groups, including technology, financial services, health care and aerospace, were strong contributors to total return. Fund performance was also bolstered by acquisition bids on three of our holdings: U.S. Healthcare, Conrail and MCI. Q. WHAT IS YOUR OUTLOOK FOR 1997? Going forward, we remain optimistic about the U.S. equity market. Stocks should continue to perform well as corporate earnings growth continues, with the Fund's focus on those companies with superior growth potential and reasonable valuations. We expect cash flows into the market to remain strong and takeover activity to continue. We also expect companies to continue to be aggressive buyers of their own stocks. While 1995 and 1996 have been spectacular back-to-back years for US stocks, we see continued support for the market on an event such as a significant change in the current economic environment causing interest rates to begin a sustained move upward. PORTFOLIO MANAGER RAND L. ALEXANDER, CFA [PHOTO] SENIOR VICE PREIDENT AND PARTNER WELLINGTON MANAGEMENT COMPANY, LLP CUMULATIVE RETURNS SINCE INCEPTION 7/22/96 STOCK "A" 15.50%(1) 9.15%(2) $10,915 STOCK "B" 15.20%(1) 10.20%(2) S&P 500 18.05% $11,805 THE CHART REPRESENTS A HYPOTHETICAL INVESTMENT IN THE STOCK FUND. PAST PERFORMANCE DOES NOT GUARANTEE FUTURE RESULTS. THE VALUE OF SHARES WILL FLUCTUATE SO THAT WHEN REDEEMED, SHARES MAY BE WORTH MORE OR LESS THAN THEIR ORIGINAL COST. (1) PERFORMANCE RESULTS DO NOT REFLECT SALES CHARGE. (2) THE INITIAL INVESTMENT IN CLASS A AND B SHARES REFLECTS THE MAXIMUM SALES CHARGE AND CDSC, RESPECTIVELY. A $10,000 INVESTMENT IN THE FUND'S CLASS B SHARES AT INCEPTION ON 7/22/96 WOULD HAVE BEEN VALUED AT $11,520 ON 12/31/96 ($11,020 WITH A REDEMPTION AT THE END OF THE PERIOD.) -5- ITT HARTFORD DIVIDEND AND GROWTH FUND Q. HOW DID THE FUND PERFORM? PERFORMANCE Results for the ITT Hartford Dividend and Growth Fund were OVERVIEW - competitive in 1996, with returns in line with its Lipper peer 7/22/96 - group average. The Fund provided a total return of 7.4% for 12/31/96 the fourth quarter ended 12/31/96 and 15.3% since inception GROWTH OF A (7/22/96). This compares to returns of 7.5% and 15.1% for $10,000 those two periods respectively for the Lipper Equity Income INVESTMENT Mutual Fund Average. (FUND Q. WHY DID THE FUND PERFORM THIS WAY? INVESTMENT REFLECTS In recent months, "value" stocks as measured by the Russell SALES CHARGE) 1000 Value Index outperformed "growth" stocks as measured by the Russell 1000 Growth index. Given our value-oriented [Graph] approach, this environment benefited the Fund. During the quarter, we sold Pfizer, one of the Fund's largest holdings that had reached our price target. We replaced this position with Pharmacia & Upjohn, based on its strong, but less well-recognized product distribution pipeline, and attractive valuation. We also established a new position in Sears during the quarter based on the following factors: retail operations have been and should continue to be strong; cost cutting and productivity enhancements should continue to play out in earnings growth; and their focus on off-the-mall hardware stores should provide a new avenue for growth. Significant individual contributors to the Fund's performance since inception were Warner Lambert, Merck, Citicorp and Exxon, all of which were top ten holdings as of year end. Q. WHAT IS YOUR OUTLOOK FOR 1997? The ongoing focus of the Fund is on stock selection; we maintain broad diversification across U.S. economic sectors. In addition, compared to the S&P 500, the Fund has a higher-than-average dividend yield, a lower-than-average price-to-earnings ratio (a measure of relative valuation) and a lower-than-average beta (a measure of risk, or volatility). We expect the Fund to exhibit these value-oriented characteristics consistently over time. Although the U.S. economic expansion is now almost six years old, it still shows few signs of excess. Moderate growth and low inflation have led to a relatively stable interest rate environment. Corporate profits, driven by a continuing focus on cost control and productivity gains, should show moderate gains again in 1997. In short, the backdrop is constructive for equities. PORTFOLIO MANAGER LAURIE A. GABRIEL, CFA [PHOTO] SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT AND PARTNER WELLINGTON MANAGEMENT COMPANY, LLP CUMULATIVE RETURNS SINCE INCEPTION 7/22/96 DIV & GRO "A" 15.29%(1) 8.95%(2) $10,895 DIV & GRO "B" 14.82%(1) 9.82%(2) S&P 500 18.05% $11,805 THE CHART REPRESENTS A HYPOTHETICAL INVESTMENT IN THE DIVIDEND AND GROWTH FUND. PAST PERFORMANCE DOES NOT GUARANTEE FUTURE RESULTS. THE VALUE OF SHARES WILL FLUCTUATE SO THAT WHEN REDEEMED, SHARES MAY BE WORTH MORE OR LESS THAN THEIR ORIGINAL COST. (1) PERFORMANCE RESULTS DO NOT REFLECT SALES CHARGE. (2) THE INITIAL INVESTMENT IN CLASS A AND B SHARES REFLECTS THE MAXIMUM SALES CHARGE AND CDSC, RESPECTIVELY. A $10,000 INVESTMENT IN THE FUND'S CLASS B SHARES AT INCEPTION ON 7/22/96 WOULD HAVE BEEN VALUED AT $11,482 ON 12/31/96 ($10,982 WITH A REDEMPTION AT THE END OF THE PERIOD.) -6- ITT HARTFORD ADVISERS FUND Q. HOW DID THE FUND PERFORM? PERFORMANCE In its startup phase, the ITT Hartford Advisers Fund OVERVIEW - outperformed its Lipper peer group average for the quarter 7/22/96 - ended 12/31/96 and since inception (7/22/96), providing total 12/31/96 returns of 6.0% and 11.6% respectively, versus 5.2% and 11.4% GROWTH OF A for the Lipper Flexible Mutual Fund average. Clearly the most $10,000 significant contributor to total return for the Fund in 1996 INVESTMENT was its overweighting in equities. (FUND Q. WHY DID THE FUND PERFORM THIS WAY? INVESTMENT REFLECTS The success of the equity portion of the fund can be SALES CHARGE) attributed to a variety of factors. Our large company focus drove fund performance as several of the Fund's top equity [Graph] holdings (General Electric, Citicorp, IBM, Travelers and Proctor & Gamble) outperformed the overall market. Our emphasis on favorable industry sectors that we expect will grow faster than the overall economy was also a benefit to the Fund. Our overweight positions in some of the best performing groups, including technology, financial services, health care and aerospace were strong contributors to total return. While it is our view that the equity market is likely to provide competitive performance going forward, the challenge remains to find value in a market that has risen nearly 70% in two years. As a result, we trimmed the Fund's allocation in equities slightly toward the end of the year. [Graph] Q. WHAT IS YOUR OUTLOOK FOR 1997? At year-end the allocation of the Fund was 61% stocks, 34% bonds and 5% cash, reflecting our current view that the U.S. stock market continues to be more attractive than the U.S. bond market or cash. However, we remain optimistic about both the U.S. stock and bond markets based on our expectations for a continued environment of moderate economic growth and low inflation. Stocks should continue to perform as corporate earnings growth continues, with the Fund's focus on those companies with superior growth potential and reasonable valuations. With respect to bonds, we are most heavily weighted in US Treasuries based on their attractive valuations relative to other fixed-income securities. We continue to find mortgages attractive in light of their substantial yield advantage and expect to add to the sector in early 1997. We continue to view cash as the least attractive asset class in terms of total return potential. PORTFOLIO MANAGER PAUL D. KAPLAN SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT AND PARTNER WELLINGTON MANAGEMENT COMPANY, LLP PORTFOLIO MANAGER RAND L. ALEXANDER, CFA [PHOTO] SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT AND PARTNER WELLINGTON MANAGEMENT COMPANY, LLP CUMULATIVE RETURNS SINCE INCEPTION 7/22/96 ADVISERS "A" 11.56%(1) 5.43%(2) $10,543 ADVISERS "B" 11.28%(1) 6.28%(2) S&P 500 18.05% $11,805 LEHMAN GOVT/CORP 5.04%(2) $10,504 THE CHART REPRESENTS A HYPOTHETICAL INVESTMENT IN THE STOCK FUND. PAST PERFORMANCE DOES NOT GUARANTEE FUTURE RESULTS. THE VALUE OF SHARES WILL FLUCTUATE SO THAT WHEN REDEEMED, SHARES MAY BE WORTH MORE OR LESS THAN THEIR ORIGINAL COST. (1) PERFORMANCE RESULTS DO NOT REFLECT SALES CHARGE. (2) THE INITIAL INVESTMENT IN CLASS A AND B SHARES REFLECTS THE MAXIMUM SALES CHARGE AND CDSC, RESPECTIVELY. A $10,000 INVESTMENT IN THE FUND'S CLASS B SHARES AT INCEPTION ON 7/22/96 WOULD HAVE BEEN VALUED AT $11,128 ON 12/31/96 ($10,628 WITH A REDEMPTION AT THE END OF THE PERIOD.) -7- ITT HARTFORD BOND INCOME STRATEGY FUND Q. HOW DID THE FUND PERFORM? PERFORMANCE Results for the ITT Hartford Bond Income Strategy Fund were in OVERVIEW - line with its Lipper peer group for the quarter ended 12/31/96 7/22/96 - and since its inception on 7/22/96. The Fund's total returns 12/31/96 were 3.6% for the quarter and 5.7% since inception. This GROWTH OF A compares to returns of 3.5% and 5.8% respectively for for $10,000 those periods for the Lipper Corporate Bond BBB Average. INVESTMENT Q. WHY DID THE FUND PERFORM THIS WAY? (FUND INVESTMENT The duration of the fund was longer than that of its index. REFLECTS Given that yields declined (and bond prices consequently rose) SALES CHARGE) during this time, the fund's longer duration allowed it to outperform in this bullish environment. The strong economy resulted in positive earnings and cash flow fundamentals for many US corporations. Investors consequently demand a lower yield to invest in the debt of these companies. Yield spreads narrowed resulting in a price appreciation of our investments in investment grade and BB-rated high yield corporate debt. Our overweighting of certain communications-related credits such as Rogers Cantel and an investment in long-maturity K-Mart debt provided significant outperformance. The Rogers Cantel investment returned 8.31% for the final three months of the year, while our K-Mart holdings provided double-digits returns. Finally, the portfolio carried a yield which was higher than that of its index. This higher income accumulated and resulted in higher total return over time. Q. WHAT IS YOUR OUTLOOK FOR 1997? We are maintaining a portfolio duration which is about 10% longer than our benchmark index. We also remain overweighted in the corporate and mortgage sectors. However, given the very strong performance of these markets during December and so far in January, we anticipate upgrading the quality of the Fund's corporate bond investments by selling some of the portfolio's nearly-maximum allocation to BB rated high yield securities. As an exception, and despite their phenomenal absolute returns in 1996, we still view the emerging markets as providing an attractive opportunity. We would view a correction in the mortgage market as a signal to add to our holdings. We will continue our strategy of maintaining a very well diversified portfolio and will be shopping in the market on a daily basis for investments which we believe are relative bargains. PORTFOLIO MANAGER ALLISON D. GRANGER, CFA [PHOTO] SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT THE HARTFORD INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT COMPANY (HIMCO) CUMULATIVE RETURNS SINCE INCEPTION 7/22/96 BOND "A" 5.73%(1) 0.97%(2) $10,097 BOND "B" 5.38%(1) 0.38%(2) LEHMAN GOVT/CORP 5.04% $10,504 THE CHART REPRESENTS A HYPOTHETICAL INVESTMENT IN THE DIVIDEND AND GROWTH FUND. PAST PERFORMANCE DOES NOT GUARANTEE FUTURE RESULTS. THE VALUE OF SHARES WILL FLUCTUATE SO THAT WHEN REDEEMED, SHARES MAY BE WORTH MORE OR LESS THAN THEIR ORIGINAL COST. (1) PERFORMANCE RESULTS DO NOT REFLECT SALES CHARGE. (2) THE INITIAL INVESTMENT IN CLASS A AND B SHARES REFLECTS THE MAXIMUM SALES CHARGE AND CDSC, RESPECTIVELY. A $10,000 INVESTMENT IN THE FUND'S CLASS B SHARES AT INCEPTION ON 7/22/96 WOULD HAVE BEEN VALUED AT $10,538 ON 12/31/96 ($10,038 WITH A REDEMPTION AT THE END OF THE PERIOD.) -8- PORTFOLIO AT A GLANCE ITT HARTFORD SMALL COMPANY FUND TOP HOLDINGS AS OF: DECEMBER 31, 1996 % OF FUND'S INVESTMENTS 1. MCKESSON 2.5% 2. ETHAN ALLEN INC 1.9% 3. AIR EXPRESS INTERNATIONAL 1.8% 4. INTELLIGENT ELECTRONICS 1.8% 5. VENCOR INC. 1.7% 6. NATURAL MICROSYSTEMS CORP 1.7% 7. TYCO TOYS INC 1.6% 8. FALCON DRILLING COMPANY 1.6% 9. BOOLE & BABBAGE INC 1.5% 10. WESTCORP DEL 1.5% TOP 5 SECTORS AS OF: DECEMBER 31, 1996 % OF FUND'S INVESTMENTS INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 26% HEALTHCARE 18% INFORMATION & ENTERTAINMENT 14% FINANCE 12% INDUSTRIAL & COMMERCIAL 11% [GRAPH] ITT HARTFORD CAPITAL APPRECIATION FUND TOP HOLDINGS AS OF: DECEMBER 31, 1996 % OF FUND'S INVESTMENTS 1. TELECEL COMMUNICACOES 5.3% 2. SCITEX CORP ORD 4.0% 3. DSP COMMUNICATIONS INC. 3.4% 4. NOVACARE INC 3.1% 5. TEXAS INSTRUMENTS 2.9% 6. FORRESTER RESEARCH INC 2.8% 7. TCI SATELLITE ENTERTAINMENT 2.8% 8. AVENOR INC. 2.8% 9. WORLDCOM INC 2.7% 10. WYMAN-GORDON COMPANY 2.7% TOP 5 SECTORS AS OF: DECEMBER 31, 1996 % OF FUND'S INVESTMENTS INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 41% HEALTHCARE 10% UTILITIES 10% INFORMATION & ENTERTAINMENT 9% FINANCE 8% [GRAPH] IN REGARDS TO THE MANAGER DISCUSSIONS AND THE TOP 10 HOLDINGS, SECURITIES REFERRED TO MAY OR MAY NOT CURRENTLY BE HELD IN IN THE PORTFOLIO. -9- ITT HARTFORD INTERNATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES FUND TOP HOLDINGS AS OF: DECEMBER 31, 1996 % OF FUND'S INVESTMENTS 1. COOKSON GROUP (UNITED KINGDOM) 1.7% 2. UNIDANMARK A REGD (DENMARK) 1.6% 3. METALLGESELLSCHAFT AG (GERMANY) 1.3% 4. DAI NIPPON PRINTING (JAPAN) 1.2% 5. DAIMLER-BENZ AG (GERMANY) 1.2% 6. RHONE-POULENC (FRANCE) 1.2% 7. POLYGRAM NV (NETHERLANDS) 1.2% 8. MABUCHI MOTORS (JAPAN) 1.1% 9. RANK GROUP PLC (UNITED KINGDOM) 1.1% 10. MATSUSHITA ELECTRIC (JAPAN) 1.1% TOP 5 COUNTRIES AS OF: DECEMBER 31, 1996 % OF EQUITY INVESTMENTS JAPAN 18% UNITED KINGDOM 13% FRANCE 9% GERMANY 5% CANADA 4% [GRAPH] ITT HARTFORD STOCK FUND TOP HOLDINGS AS OF: DECEMBER 31, 1996 % OF FUND'S INVESTMENTS 1. GENERAL ELECTRIC 4.0% 2. MCDONALDS CORP 2.5% 3. CITICORP 2.4% 4. ROYAL DUTCH PETROLEUM 2.3% 5. BOEING COMPANY 2.3% 6. WAL-MART 2.2% 7. PROCTOR AND GAMBLE 1.9% 8. GANNETT CO., INC 1.8% 9. TRAVELERS GROUP INC. 1.7% 10. JOHNSON & JOHNSON 1.6% TOP 5 SECTORS AS OF: DECEMBER 31, 1996 % OF FUND'S INVESTMENTS FINANCE 17% HEALTHCARE 16% INDUSTRIAL & COMMERCIAL 13% INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 12% ENERGY 10% [GRAPH] IN REGARDS TO THE MANAGER DISCUSSIONS AND THE TOP 10 HOLDINGS, SECURITIES REFERRED TO MAY OR MAY NOT CURRENTLY BE HELD IN IN THE PORTFOLIO. -10- ITT HARTFORD DIVIDEND & GROWTH FUND TOP HOLDINGS AS OF: DECEMBER 31, 1996 % OF FUND'S INVESTMENTS 1. CITICORP 4.0% 2. FIRST BANK SYSTEM INC 3.3% 3. PHILLIP MORRIS 3.2% 4. FIRST UNION CORPORATION 3.0% 5. GENERAL ELECTRIC 2.7% 6. PHARMACIA & UPJOHN 2.6% 7. EXXON 2.5% 8. CHEVRON CORP 2.2% 9. FLOWERS INDUSTRIES INC 2.2% 10. BANCORP HAWAII INC 1.9% TOP 5 SECTORS AS OF: DECEMBER 31, 1996 % OF FUND'S INVESTMENTS FINANCE 19% UTILITIES 18% CONSUMER STAPLES 14% ENERGY 13% HEALTHCARE 10% [GRAPH] ITT HARTFORD ADVISERS FUND TOP HOLDINGS AS OF: DECEMBER 31, 1996 % OF FUND'S INVESTMENTS 1. GENERAL ELECTRIC 2.4% 2. CITICORP 1.6% 3. BOEING COMPANY 1.5% 4. MCDONALDS CORP 1.5% 5. ROYAL DUTCH PETROLEUM 1.3% 6. PROCTOR AND GAMBLE 1.3% 7. WAL-MART 1.3% 8. EXXON 1.3% 9. GANNETT CO., INC. 1.2% 10. TRAVELERS GROUP INC. 1.2% TOP 5 SECTORS AS OF: DECEMBER 31, 1996 % OF EQUITY INVESTMENTS FINANCE 18% HEALTHCARE 15% INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 14% INDUSTRIAL & COMMERCIAL 11% ENERGY 10% [GRAPH] IN REGARDS TO THE MANAGER DISCUSSIONS AND THE TOP 10 HOLDINGS, SECURITIES REFERRED TO MAY OR MAY NOT CURRENTLY BE HELD IN IN THE PORTFOLIO. -11- ITT HARTFORD BOND INCOME STRATEGY FUND TOP HOLDINGS AS OF: DECEMBER 31, 1996 % OF FUND'S INVESTMENTS 1. INTERAMERICAN DEV BANK 4.5% 2. SOCIETE GENERALE 2.7% 3. CITICORP 2.3% 4. MASS MUTUAL LIFE INS 2.3% 5. KFW INTL FINANCE INC. 2.3% 6. ABBEY-GLOBAL 2.3% 7. PHOENIX HOME LIFE 2.3% 8. SOUTHERN INVESTMENTS UK 2.3% 9. PACIFIC GAS AND ELEC CO 2.2% 10. PUBLIC SERVICES 2.2% CREDIT QUALITY DISTRIBUTION: DECEMBER 31, 1996 % OF FUND'S INVESTMENTS AAA 51% AA 8% A 10% BAA 4% BA 21% B 2% NOT RATED 4% [GRAPH] IN REGARDS TO THE MANAGER DISCUSSIONS AND THE TOP 10 HOLDINGS, SECURITIES REFERRED TO MAY OR MAY NOT CURRENTLY BE HELD IN IN THE PORTFOLIO. PERFORMANCE REVIEW: SINCE INCEPTION 7-22-96(3) THROUGH 12-31-96 CUMULATIVE RETURN CUMULATIVE RETURN SINCE INCEPTION FUND SINCE INCEPTION(1) (SALES CHARGE ADJUSTED)(2) SMALL COMPANY FUND (CLASS A) 14.11% 7.83 SMALL COMPANY FUND (CLASS B) 13.81% 8.81 CAPITAL APPRECIATION FUND (CLASS A) 37.75% 30.17 CAPITAL APPRECIATION FUND (CLASS B) 37.35% 32.35 INTERNATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES FUND (CLASS A) 8.14% 2.20 INTERNATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES FUND (CLASS B) 7.86% 2.86 STOCK FUND (CLASS A) 15.50% 9.15 STOCK FUND (CLASS B) 15.20% 10.20 DIVIDEND & GROWTH FUND (CLASS A) 15.29% 8.95 DIVIDEND & GROWTH FUND (CLASS B) 14.82% 9.82 ADVISERS FUND (CLASS A) 11.56% 5.43 ADVISERS FUND (CLASS B) 11.28% 6.28 BOND INCOME STRATEGY FUND (CLASS A) 5.73% 0.97 BOND INCOME STRATEGY FUND (CLASS B) 5.38% 0.38 (1)PERFORMANCE RESULTS ARE HISTORICAL AND INCLUDE REINVESTMENT OF ALL DISTRIBUTIONS AND CHANGES IN NET ASSET VALUE. PERFORMANCE RESULTS DO NOT REFLECT SALES CHARGES. (2)PERFORMANCE RESULTS ARE HISTORICAL AND INCLUDE REINVESTMENT OF ALL DISTRIBUTIONS AND CHANGES IN NET ASSET VALUE. PERFORMANCE RESULTS REFLECT THE EFFECT OF MAXIMUM SALES CHARGES. THE MAXIMUM SALES CHARGE FOR CLASS A SHARES IS 5.5% (4.5%, BOND INCOME STRATEGY). CLASS B SHARES REFLECT THE DEDUCTION OF THE CONTINGENT DEFERRED SALES CHARGE (CDSC) IN YEARS ONE THROUGH SIX OF 5%, 4%, 3%, 3%, 2%, 1% RESPECTIVELY. (3)THE ITT HARTFORD MUTUAL FUNDS WERE SEEDED ON 7/1/96 AND BECAME EFFECTIVE AND OPEN FOR INVESTMENT ON 7/22/96. PERFORMANCE RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ON PAGES 2-12 REFLECT INVESTMENT ACTIVITY SINCE THE FUNDS BECAME OPEN FOR INVESTMENT ON 7/22/96. THE INVESTMENT RETURN AND PRINCIPAL VALUE OF THE FUND WILL FLUCTUATE SO THAT SHARES, WHEN REDEEMED, MAY BE WORTH MORE OR LESS THAN THE ORIGINAL COST. -12- ITT HARTFORD MUTUAL FUNDS [LOGO] 1996 ANNUAL REPORT - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ITT HARTFORD MONEY MARKET FUND STATEMENT OF NET ASSETS DECEMBER 31, 1996 PRINCIPAL MARKET AMOUNT VALUE ----------- -------------- COMMERCIAL PAPER -- 85.8% Abbey National North America $ 300,000 5.32% due 03/11/97............... $ 296,941 American Home Products Corp. 300,000 5.33% due 01/24/97............... 298,978 Aristar, Inc. 300,000 5.42% due 02/07/97............... 298,329 AT&T Corp. 300,000 5.35% due 03/03/97............... 297,280 Bankers Trust Corp. 300,000 5.29% due 05/30/97............... 293,432 BFCE U.S. Finance Corp. 300,000 5.36% due 01/07/97............... 299,732 Bradford & Bingley Building Society 300,000 5.32% due 04/14/97............... 295,434 Countrywide Home Loan 300,000 5.44% due 01/13/97............... 299,456 Daimler Benz N.A. Corp. 300,000 5.36% due 02/18/97............... 297,856 Eksportfinans A/S 300,000 5.32% due 03/24/97............... 296,365 Electronic Data Systems Corp. 300,000 5.43% due 03/21/97............... 296,425 Finova Capital Corp. 300,000 5.38% due 02/07/97............... 298,341 Ford Motor Credit Corp. 300,000 5.33% due 02/18/97............... 297,868 General Electric Capital Corp. 300,000 5.33% due 01/17/97............... 299,289 Goldman Sachs Group Limited Partnership 300,000 5.31% due 03/03/97............... 297,301 Johnson Controls, Inc. 300,000 5.37% due 01/23/97............... 299,015 MCI Communications 300,000 5.30% due 02/20/97............... 297,792 Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc. 300,000 5.44% due 01/21/97............... 299,093 National Fuel Gas 300,000 5.38% due 01/06/97............... 299,776 National Rural Utilities 300,000 5.45% due 03/05/97............... 297,139 Nationwide Building Society 300,000 5.63% due 02/27/97............... 297,326 New York Times Co. 300,000 5.33% due 01/21/97............... 299,112 Nordbanken North America 300,000 5.38% due 02/28/97............... 297,400 NYNEX Corp. 300,000 5.43% due 03/18/97............... 296,561 Pacific Dunlop Ltd. 300,000 5.50% due 01/03/97............... 299,908 Sanwa Business Credit Corp. 300,000 5.40% due 01/15/97............... 299,370 Sears Roebuck Acceptance Corp. 300,000 5.32% due 03/19/97............... 296,586 Sharp Electronics Corp. 300,000 5.27% due 03/21/97............... 296,531 PRINCIPAL MARKET AMOUNT VALUE ----------- -------------- Svenska Handelsbanken, Inc. $ 300,000 5.42% due 03/24/97............... $ 296,296 Tambrands, Inc. 300,000 5.52% due 02/11/97............... 298,114 Westpac Capital Corp. 300,000 5.60% due 02/18/97............... 297,760 -------------- Total commercial paper............. $ 9,230,806 -------------- -------------- NON-CONVERTIBLE CORPORATE NOTES -- 5.6% General Motor Acceptance Corp. 300,000 5.72% due 04/11/97............... $ 300,166 Wells Fargo 300,000 5.59% due 09/05/97............... 300,157 -------------- Total non-convertible corporate notes............................ $ 600,323 -------------- -------------- REPURCHASE AGREEMENT -- 8.6% 922,000 Interest in $108,163,000 joint repurchase agreement dated 12/31/96 with State Street Bank 6.70% due 01/02/97; maturity amount $922,343 (Collateralized by $53,860,000 U.S. Treasury Note 7.5% due 02/15/05 and $54,303,000 U.S. Treasury Note 8.875% due 08/15/17)........................ $ 922,000 -------------- -------------- DIVERSIFICATION OF ASSETS: Total commercial paper (cost $9,230,806)..... 85.8 % $ 9,230,806 Total non-convertible corporate notes (cost $600,323).................................. 5.6 600,323 Total repurchase agreement (cost $922,000)... 8.6 922,000 ------ ------------ Total investment in securities (Identified cost $10,753,129).............. 100.0 $ 10,753,129 Excess of cash, receivables and other assets over liabilities........................... 0.0 772 ------ ------------ Net assets (applicable to $1.00 per share based on 10,753,901 shares outstanding).... 100.0 % $ 10,753,901 ------ ------------ ------ ------------ SUMMARY OF SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY: Capital stock, par value $.001 per share; authorized 800,000,000 shares; outstanding 10,753,901 shares............................................. $ 10,754 Paid in surplus...................................... 10,743,147 ------------ Total net assets..................................... $ 10,753,901 ------------ ------------ Class A Shares of beneficial interest outstanding, $.001 par value; 800,000,000 authorized (Net assets $10,753,621)....................................... 10,753,621 ------------ ------------ Net asset value and offering price per share..................................... $ 1.00 ----- ----- Class Y Shares of beneficial interest outstanding, $.001 par value; 800,000,000 authorized (Net assets $280).......................... 280 ----- ----- Net asset value and offering price per share.................................... $ 1.00 ----- ----- THE ACCOMPANYING NOTES ARE AN INTEGRAL PART OF THIS FINANCIAL STATEMENT. 1 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ITT HARTFORD BOND INCOME STRATEGY FUND STATEMENT OF NET ASSETS DECEMBER 31, 1996 PRINCIPAL MARKET AMOUNT VALUE ----------- ------------- U.S. TREAURIES & FEDERAL AGENCIES -- 41.5% FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION -- 17.0% Pass-Throughs $ 1,954,266 6.00% due 05/01/11 - 07/01/11.................... $ 1,879,150 ------------- U.S. TREASURY BONDS -- 5.3% 150,000 6.00% due 02/15/26......... 136,453 108,000 6.75% due 08/15/26......... 108,743 185,000 6.875% due 08/15/25......... 188,527 50,000 8.125% due 08/15/19......... 57,781 80,000 8.75% due 05/15/17......... 97,550 ------------- 589,054 ------------- U.S. TREASURY NOTES -- 19.2% 500,000 5.00% due 01/31/98......... 495,000 250,000 5.875% due 10/31/98......... 249,688 500,000 6.25% due 06/30/98......... 502,344 50,000 6.875% due 05/15/06......... 51,547 400,000 6.875% due 08/31/99......... 408,250 100,000 7.00% due 07/15/06......... 103,906 300,000 7.50% due 10/31/99......... 311,156 ------------- 2,121,891 ------------- Total U.S. treasuries & Federal agencies............ $ 4,590,095 ------------- ------------- CORPORATE BONDS -- 37.7% CABLE -- 2.7% Lenfest Communications, Inc. 100,000 8.38% due 11/01/05.......... $ 96,625 Rogers Cablesystems of America 100,000 10.00% due 12/01/07......... 105,500 Tele-Communications, Inc. 100,000 9.25% due 01/15/23.......... 96,386 ------------- 298,511 ------------- CELLULAR COMMUNICATIONS -- 0.9% Rogers Cantel, Inc. 100,000 9.38% due 06/01/08.......... 104,750 ------------- CONSUMER SERVICES -- 1.0% ADT Operations 100,000 9.25% due 08/01/03.......... 106,625 ------------- ENERGY & SERVICES -- 0.9% Cal Energy Co. 100,000 9.50% due 09/15/06.......... 103,250 ------------- FINANCIAL SERVICES -- 12.4% American Reinsurance* 100,000 7.45% due 12/15/26.......... 99,599 Citicorp 250,000 7.13% due 05/15/06.......... 251,231 First Nationwide* 100,000 10.63% due 10/01/03......... 108,000 Ford Motor Credit Co. 250,000 6.13% due 01/09/06.......... 233,939 Lehman Brothers, Inc. 175,000 7.36% due 12/15/03.......... 176,972 Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Co. 250,000 7.63% due 11/15/23.......... 250,190 Phoenix Home Life Insurance Co. 250,000 6.95% due 12/01/06.......... 246,222 ------------- 1,366,153 ------------- PRINCIPAL MARKET AMOUNT VALUE ----------- ------------- GAMING -- 2.7% Grand Casinos $ 200,000 10.13% due 12/01/03......... $ 202,000 Trump Atlantic 100,000 11.25% due 05/01/06......... 99,000 ------------- 301,000 ------------- INDUSTRIAL -- 4.7% Buckeye Cellulos 100,000 8.50% due 12/15/05.......... 100,250 Freeport-McMoran, Inc. 100,000 8.75% due 02/15/04.......... 103,903 Newport News* 100,000 8.63% due 12/01/06.......... 102,250 Owens-Illinois, Inc. 100,000 11.00% due 12/01/03......... 111,500 U.S. Home Corp. 100,000 7.95% due 03/01/01.......... 97,616 ------------- 515,519 ------------- MEDIA & SERVICES -- 1.8% Turner Broadcasting Senior Note 100,000 7.40% due 02/01/04.......... 99,501 Viacom, Inc. 100,000 6.75% due 01/15/03.......... 95,716 ------------- 195,217 ------------- RETAIL -- 2.8% K Mart Corp. 100,000 7.84% due 01/02/02.......... 93,442 K Mart Corp. 125,000 7.95% due 02/01/23.......... 102,500 Stop and Shop Companies, Inc. 100,000 9.75% due 02/01/02.......... 111,603 ------------- 307,545 ------------- TECHNOLOGY -- 0.8% Digital Equipment Corp. 100,000 7.75% due 04/01/23.......... 87,563 ------------- TRANSPORTATION -- 0.9% Continental Airlines* 100,000 9.50% due 12/15/01.......... 101,375 ------------- UTILITIES -- 6.1% El Paso Electric Co. 100,000 8.90% due 02/01/06.......... 105,500 Niagara Mohawk First Mortgage 100,000 7.75% due 05/15/06.......... 93,582 Pacific Gas and Electric Co. 250,000 7.25% due 03/01/26.......... 240,937 Public Service Electric & Gas, MBIA-Insured 250,000 6.75% due 01/01/16.......... 235,492 ------------- 675,511 ------------- Total corporate bonds......... $ 4,163,019 ------------- ------------- FOREIGN/YANKEE BONDS & NOTES -- 11.2% Abbey-Global 250,000 6.69% due 10/17/05.......... $ 248,072 Societe Generale 250,000 9.88% due 07/15/03.......... 287,200 Southern Investments UK PLC 250,000 6.80% due 12/01/06.......... 244,707 THE ACCOMPANYING NOTES ARE AN INTEGRAL PART OF THIS FINANCIAL STATEMENT. 2 PRINCIPAL MARKET AMOUNT VALUE ----------- ------------- FOREIGN/YANKEE BONDS & NOTES -- (CONTINUED) Banco Nacional Com Ext $ 125,000 7.25% due 02/02/04.......... $ 111,688 KFW International Finance, Inc. 250,000 7.00% due 03/01/13.......... 249,729 Quebec Province 100,000 7.13% due 02/09/24.......... 95,504 ------------- Total foreign/yankee bonds & notes....................... $ 1,236,900 ------------- ------------- SUPRANATIONALS -- 4.4% Interamerican Development Bank 450,000 8.50% due 05/01/01.......... $ 486,054 ------------- ------------- ENHANCED EQUIPMENT TRUST CERTIFICATES -- 1.0% Norwest Airlines Corp. Trust 95,077 11.30% due 06/21/14......... $ 115,741 ------------- ------------- SHORT-TERM SECURITIES -- 1.5% COMMERCIAL PAPER -- 0.9% Houston Lighting & Power 100,000 6.00% due 01/03/97.......... $ 99,967 ------------- REPURCHASE AGREEMENT -- 0.6% 69,000 Interest in $108,163,000 joint repurchase agreement dated 12/31/96 with State Street Bank 6.70% due 01/02/97; maturity amount $69,026 (Collaterlized by $53,860,000 U.S. Treasury Note 7.5% due 02/15/05 and $54,303,000 U.S. Treasury Note 8.875% due 08/15/17)... 69,000 ------------- Total short-term securities... $ 168,967 ------------- ------------- MARKET VALUE ------------ DIVERSIFICATION OF ASSETS: Total U.S. treasuries & Federal agencies (cost $4,528,776).......................... 41.5% $ 4,590,095 Total corporate bonds (cost $4,084,597)...... 37.7 4,163,019 Total foreign/yankee bonds & notes (cost $1,223,381)................................ 11.2 1,236,900 Total supranationals (cost $478,556)......... 4.4 486,054 Total enhanced equipment trust certificates (cost $117,223)............................ 1.0 115,741 Total short-term securities (cost $168,967).................................. 1.5 168,967 ------ ------------ Total investment in securities (Identified cost $10,601,500).............. 97.3 10,760,776 Excess of cash, receivables and other assets over liabilities........................... 2.7 293,358 ------ ------------ Net assets................................... 100.0% $ 11,054,134 ------ ------------ ------ ------------ SUMMARY OF SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY: Capital stock, par value $.001 per share; authorized 300,000,000 shares; outstanding 1,076,989 shares... $ 1,077 Paid in surplus...................................... 10,786,181 Accumulated undistributed net investment income...... 10,290 Accumulated undistributed net realized gain on investments........................................ 97,310 Unrealized appreciation of investments............... 159,276 ------------ Net assets at value.................................. $ 11,054,134 ------------ ------------ Class A Net asset value per share ($10,925,338 DIVIDED BY 1,064,430 shares outstanding)............................... $ 10.26 ------ ------ Maximum offering price per share ($10.26 DIVIDED BY 95.5%)......................... $ 10.74 ------ ------ Class B Net asset value per share ($123,606 DIVIDED BY 12,054 shares outstanding)..... $ 10.25 ------ ------ Class Y Net asset value per share ($5,190 DIVIDED BY 505 shares outstanding)........ $ 10.27 ------ ------ * Security exempt from registration under Rule 144A of the Securities Act of 1933. These securities may be resold in transactions exempt from registration, normally to qualified institutional buyers. THE ACCOMPANYING NOTES ARE AN INTEGRAL PART OF THIS FINANCIAL STATEMENT. 3 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ITT HARTFORD ADVISERS FUND STATEMENT OF NET ASSETS DECEMBER 31, 1996 MARKET SHARES VALUE -------- ------------ COMMON STOCKS -- 59.8% AEROSPACE & DEFENSE -- 2.3% 2,200 Boeing Co..................... $ 234,025 2,000 United Technologies Corp...... 132,000 ------------ 366,025 ------------ BUSINESS SERVICES -- 0.5% 1,300 Fluor Corp.................... 81,575 ------------ COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT -- 1.0% *1,000 Cisco Systems, Inc............ 63,625 1,000 General Motors Corp. Class H........................... 56,250 777 Lucent Technologies, Inc...... 35,936 ------------ 155,811 ------------ COMPUTERS & OFFICE EQUIPMENT -- 2.9% *3,200 Adaptec, Inc.................. 128,000 1,200 International Business Machines Corp............... 181,200 3,000 Xerox Corp.................... 157,875 ------------ 467,075 ------------ CONSUMER DURABLES -- 0.6% 2,000 Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co..... 102,750 ------------ CONSUMER NON-DURABLES -- 3.3% 800 Colgate Palmolive Co.......... 73,800 800 Gillette Co................... 62,200 1,000 Kimberly-Clark Corp........... 95,250 1,600 NIKE, Inc. Class B............ 95,600 1,900 Proctor & Gamble Co........... 204,250 ------------ 531,100 ------------ CONSUMER SERVICES -- 2.0% 5,000 McDonalds Corp................ 226,250 *4,000 Mirage Resorts, Inc........... 86,500 ------------ 312,750 ------------ ELECTRONICS -- 3.4% 3,800 General Electric Co........... 375,725 1,200 Intel Corp.................... 157,125 ------------ 532,850 ------------ ENERGY & SERVICES -- 5.9% 1,800 Amoco Corp.................... 144,900 1,500 Chevron Corp.................. 97,500 2,000 Exxon Corp.................... 196,000 1,200 Royal Dutch Petroleum Co...... 204,900 1,100 Schlumberger Ltd.............. 109,862 3,016 Union Pacific Resources Group, Inc......................... 88,218 2,200 Unocal Corp................... 89,375 ------------ 930,755 ------------ FINANCIAL SERVICES -- 10.6% 2,000 Ace Ltd....................... 120,250 2,600 Allstate Corp................. 150,475 2,900 American Express Co........... 163,850 1,000 American International Group, Inc......................... 108,250 2,200 Associates First Capital Corp........................ 97,075 2,400 Citicorp...................... 247,200 1,600 First Bank System, Inc........ 109,200 800 Marsh & McLennan.............. 83,200 2,000 Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc...... 163,000 1,500 NationsBank Corp.............. 146,625 MARKET SHARES VALUE -------- ------------ FINANCIAL SERVICES -- (CONTINUED) 1,600 State Street Boston Corp...... $ 103,200 4,100 Travelers Group, Inc. (The)... 186,038 ------------ 1,678,363 ------------ FOOD, BEVERAGE & TOBACCO -- 1.4% 1,600 Kellogg Co.................... 105,000 3,000 Sara Lee Corp................. 111,750 ------------ 216,750 ------------ HEALTH CARE -- 9.1% 2,600 Abbott Laboratories........... 131,950 2,200 American Home Products Corp........................ 128,975 1,000 Bristol-Myers Squibb Co....... 108,750 2,000 Columbia/HCA Healthcare Corp........................ 81,500 3,000 Johnson & Johnson............. 149,250 2,100 Merck & Co., Inc.............. 166,425 1,100 Pfizer, Inc................... 91,162 2,200 Pharmacia & Upjohn, Inc....... 87,175 1,700 SmithKline Beecham PLC ADR.... 115,600 2,000 Tenet Healthcare, Corp........ 43,750 2,000 United HealthCare Corp........ 90,000 *2,500 Vencor, Inc................... 79,063 2,200 Warner-Lambert Co............. 165,000 ------------ 1,438,600 ------------ INDUSTRIAL MATERIALS -- 3.6% 1,400 Aluminum Company of America... 89,250 1,600 Crown Cork and Seal, Inc...... 87,000 1,600 Dow Chemical Co............... 125,400 800 du Pont (E.I.) de Nemours & Co.......................... 75,500 1,000 International Paper Co........ 40,375 2,300 Phelps Dodge Corp............. 155,250 ------------ 572,775 ------------ MANUFACTURING -- 1.1% 1,200 Caterpillar, Inc.............. 90,300 1,000 Minnesota Mining & Manufacturing Co............ 82,875 ------------ 173,175 ------------ MEDIA & SERVICES -- 2.6% 2,500 Gannett Co., Inc.............. 187,188 4,400 Gaylord Entertainment Class A........................... 100,650 3,800 Viacom, Inc. Class B.......... 132,525 ------------ 420,363 ------------ RETAIL -- 3.5% 2,000 Home Depot, Inc. (The)........ 100,250 *2,800 Saks Holding, Inc............. 75,600 2,100 Sears, Roebuck & Co........... 96,862 *3,000 Toys "R" Us, Inc.............. 90,000 8,800 Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.......... 201,300 ------------ 564,012 ------------ SOFTWARE & SERVICES -- 3.3% 1,400 Computer Sciences Corp........ 114,975 2,200 Electronic Data Systems Corp........................ 95,150 2,800 First Data Corp............... 102,200 *2,000 Microsoft Corp................ 165,250 *1,200 Oracle Systems Corp........... 50,100 ------------ 527,675 ------------ TRANSPORTATION -- 1.4% 5,800 Southwest Airlines Co......... 128,325 THE ACCOMPANYING NOTES ARE AN INTEGRAL PART OF THIS FINANCIAL STATEMENT. 4 MARKET SHARES VALUE -------- ------------ COMMON STOCKS -- (CONTINUED) TRANSPORTATION -- (CONTINUED) 1,600 Union Pacific Corp............ $ 96,200 ------------ 224,525 ------------ UTILITIES -- 1.3% 2,900 SBC Communications, Inc....... 150,075 1,300 Texas Utilities Co............ 52,975 ------------ 203,050 ------------ Total common stocks........... $ 9,499,979 ------------ ------------ PRINCIPAL AMOUNT -------- U.S. TREASURIES & FEDERAL AGENCIES -- 32.6% FEDERAL HOME LOAN MORTGAGE CORPORATION -- 1.4% $236,659 6.50% due 5/01/26........... $ 226,232 ------------ GOVERNMENT NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION -- 1.4% 226,808 6.50% due 04/15/26.......... 216,390 ------------ U.S. TREASURY BOND -- 4.7% 700,000 7.25% due 5/15/16........... 739,156 ------------ U.S. TREASURY NOTES -- 25.1% 300,000 5.125% due 04/30/98......... 296,906 500,000 5.75% due 08/15/03......... 485,000 500,000 5.875% due 10/31/98......... 499,375 850,000 6.25% due 05/31/00......... 853,719 700,000 6.375% due 08/15/02......... 704,594 400,000 6.50% due 10/15/06......... 402,250 700,000 7.50% due 02/15/05......... 748,782 ------------ 3,990,626 ------------ Total U.S. treasuries & Federal agencies............ $ 5,172,404 ------------ ------------ SHORT-TERM SECURITIES -- 5.1% REPURCHASE AGREEMENTS -- 5.1% 191,000 Interest in $399,594,000 joint repurchase agreement dated 12/31/96 with State Street Bank 6.7693% due 01/02/97; maturity amount $191,072 (Collateralized by $218,212,000 U.S. Treasury Note 6.25% due 06/30/98 and $280,160,000 U.S. Treasury Strip (principal) 0% due 05/15/19) $ 191,000 624,000 Interest in $300,000,000 joint repurchase agreement dated 12/31/96 with First Boston 6.75% due 01/02/97; maturity amount $624,234 (Collateralized by $301,035,000 U.S. Treasury Note 6.25% due 10/31/01) 624,000 ------------ Total short-term securities... $ 815,000 ------------ ------------ MARKET VALUE ----------- DIVERSIFICATION OF ASSETS: Total common stocks (cost $8,511,537)........ 59.8% $ 9,499,979 Total U.S. treasuries & Federal agencies (cost $5,129,366).......................... 32.6 5,172,404 Total short-term securities (cost $815,000).................................. 5.1 815,000 ------ ----------- Total investment in securities (Identified cost $14,455,903).............. 97.5 15,487,383 Excess of cash, receivables and other assets over liabilities........................... 2.5 391,846 ------ ----------- Net assets................................... 100.0% $15,879,229 ------ ----------- ------ ----------- SUMMARY OF SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY: Capital stock, par value $.001 per share; authorized 400,000,000 shares; outstanding 1,433,297 shares... $ 1,433 Paid in surplus...................................... 14,810,376 Accumulated undistributed net investment income...... 1,776 Accumulated undistributed net realized gain on investments........................................ 34,164 Unrealized appreciation of investments............... 1,031,480 ----------- Net assets at value.................................. $15,879,229 ----------- ----------- Class A Net asset value per share ($14,346,717 DIVIDED BY 1,294,601 shares outstanding)............................... $ 11.08 ------ ------ Maximum offering price per share ($11.08 DIVIDED BY 94.5%)......................... $ 11.72 ------ ------ Class B Net asset value per share ($1,498,526 DIVIDED BY 135,633 shares outstanding).... $ 11.05 ------ ------ Class Y Net asset value per share ($33,986 DIVIDED BY 3,063 shares outstanding)...... $ 11.10 ------ ------ * Non-income producing. THE ACCOMPANYING NOTES ARE AN INTEGRAL PART OF THIS FINANCIAL STATEMENT. 5 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ITT HARTFORD DIVIDEND AND GROWTH FUND STATEMENT OF NET ASSETS DECEMBER 31, 1996 MARKET SHARES VALUE ----------- ------------- COMMON STOCKS -- 94.0% AEROSPACE & DEFENSE -- 3.0% 1,500 Northrop Grumman Corp......... $ 124,125 1,900 Sundstrand Corp............... 80,750 ------------- 204,875 ------------- BUSINESS SERVICES -- 0.5% 1,300 Browning Ferris Industries, Inc......................... 34,125 ------------- COMPUTERS & OFFICE EQUIPMENT -- 1.2% 1,500 Xerox Corp.................... 78,938 ------------- CONSUMER DURABLES -- 3.8% 2,900 Ford Motor Co................. 92,437 1,400 Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co..... 71,925 1,800 ITT Industries, Inc........... 44,100 1,800 Smith (A.O.) Corp............. 53,775 ------------- 262,237 ------------- CONSUMER NON-DURABLES -- 4.7% 1,500 Avon Products................. 85,687 1,300 Colgate Palmolive Co.......... 119,925 1,200 Kimberly-Clark Corp........... 114,300 ------------- 319,912 ------------- CONSUMER SERVICES -- 0.6% 500 Eastman Kodak................. 40,125 ------------- ELECTRONICS -- 2.6% 1,800 General Electric Co........... 177,975 ------------- ENERGY & SERVICES -- 13.1% 2,200 Ashland, Inc.................. 96,525 2,300 Chevron Corp.................. 149,500 1,300 Cinergy Corp.................. 43,387 1,700 Exxon Corp.................... 166,600 2,000 Pennzoil Co................... 113,000 2,400 Phillips Petroleum............ 106,200 2,400 Sun Company, Inc.............. 58,500 338 Union Pacific Resources Group....................... 9,887 1,900 Unocal Corp................... 77,188 3,100 USX-Marathon Group............ 74,013 ------------- 894,800 ------------- FINANCIAL SERVICES -- 18.2% 2,100 Allstate Corp................. 121,538 2,200 American Express Co........... 124,300 3,100 Bancorp Hawaii, Inc........... 130,200 900 Bank of Boston Corp........... 57,825 600 CIGNA Corp.................... 81,975 2,600 Citicorp...................... 267,800 3,200 First Bank System, Inc........ 218,400 2,700 First Union Corp.............. 199,800 800 Wachovia Corp................. 45,200 ------------- 1,247,038 ------------- FOOD, BEVERAGE & TOBACCO -- 8.4% 6,900 Flowers Industries, Inc....... 148,350 1,900 General Mills, Inc............ 120,412 900 Interstate Bakeries........... 44,212 700 Kellogg Co.................... 45,938 1,900 Philip Morris Companies, Inc......................... 213,988 ------------- 572,900 ------------- SHARES MARKET ----------- VALUE ------------- HEALTH CARE -- 9.9% 1,700 American Home Products Corp........................ $ 99,662 1,500 Bard (C.R.), Inc.............. 42,000 1,000 Bristol-Myers Squibb Co....... 108,750 1,600 Merck & Co., Inc.............. 126,800 4,400 Pharmacia & Upjohn, Inc....... 174,350 1,700 Warner-Lambert Co............. 127,500 ------------- 679,062 ------------- INDUSTRIAL MATERIALS -- 3.9% 700 Calgon Carbon Corp............ 8,575 300 Crompton & Knowles Corp....... 5,775 200 Dow Chemical Co............... 15,675 400 du Pont (E.I.) de Nemours & Co.......................... 37,750 500 Eastman Chemical Co........... 27,625 200 Georgia Gulf Corp............. 5,375 100 Grace (W.R.) & Co............. 5,175 2,000 International Paper Co........ 80,750 400 Lubrizol Corp................. 12,400 200 Nalco Chemical Co............. 7,225 1,300 Weyerhaeuser Co............... 61,587 ------------- 267,912 ------------- MANUFACTURING -- 1.3% 1,100 Minnesota Mining & Manufacturing Co............ 91,162 ------------- MEDIA & SERVICES -- 1.3% 100 ACNielson Corp................ 1,513 500 Cognizant Corp................ 16,500 1,000 Gannett Co., Inc.............. 74,875 ------------- 92,888 ------------- REAL ESTATE -- 1.0% 1,300 Patriot American Hospitality................. 56,062 200 Starwood Lodging Trust........ 11,025 ------------- 67,087 ------------- RETAIL -- 2.9% 2,500 Mercantile Stores, Inc........ 123,438 1,600 Sears, Roebuck & Co........... 73,800 ------------- 197,238 ------------- TRANSPORTATION -- 1.1% 1,300 Union Pacific Corp............ 78,163 ------------- UTILITIES -- 16.5% 1,400 Ameritech Corp................ 84,875 2,300 BellSouth Corp................ 92,863 500 Carolina Power and Lighting... 18,250 200 Comsat Corp................... 4,925 1,700 DPL, Inc...................... 41,650 1,400 DQE, Inc...................... 40,600 3,000 Edison International.......... 59,625 400 Equitable Resources........... 11,900 2,000 Frontier Corp................. 45,250 2,200 GTE Corp...................... 100,100 1,000 Illinova Corp................. 27,500 1,400 NE Electric System............ 48,825 1,200 NIPSCO Industries, Inc........ 47,550 1,100 NYNEX Corp.................... 52,937 1,500 Pacific Enterprises........... 45,562 2,400 Pacific Gas & Electric Co..... 50,400 2,400 Pinnacle West Capital Corp.... 76,200 1,000 Public Service Co. of Colorado.................... 38,875 THE ACCOMPANYING NOTES ARE AN INTEGRAL PART OF THIS FINANCIAL STATEMENT. 6 SHARES MARKET ----------- VALUE ------------- COMMON STOCKS -- (CONTINUED) UTILITIES -- (CONTINUED) 1,700 SBC Communications, Inc....... $ 87,975 700 Scana Corp.................... 18,725 1,900 Texas Utilities Co............ 77,425 2,600 The Southern Co............... 58,825 ------------- 1,130,837 ------------- Total common stocks........... $ 6,437,274 ------------- ------------- CONVERTIBLE PREFERRED STOCKS -- 2.6% AEROSPACE & DEFENSE -- 1.2% 1,500 Lorel Space & Communications*............. $ 84,000 ------------- MEDIA & SERVICES -- 1.4% 2,000 American Radio*............... 92,000 ------------- Total convertible preferred stocks...................... $ 176,0000 ------------- ------------- PRINCIPAL AMOUNT ----------- SHORT-TERM SECURITIES -- 3.7% REPURCHASE AGREEMENTS $ 183,000 Interest in $399,594,000 joint repurchase agreement dated 12/31/96 with State Street Bank 6.7693% due 01/02/97 maturity amount $183,069 (Collateralized by $218,212,000 U.S. Treasury Note 6.25% due 06/30/98 and $280,160,000 U.S. Treasury Strip (principal) 0% due 05/15/19)................... $ 183,000 74,000 Interest in $300,000,000 joint repurchase agreement dated 12/31/96 with First Boston 6.75% due 01/02/97; maturity amount $74,028 (Collateralized by $301,035,000 U.S. Treasury Note 6.25% due 10/31/01).... 74,000 ------------- Total short-term securities... $ 257,000 ------------- ------------- MARKET VALUE ----------- DIVERSIFICATION OF ASSETS: Total common stocks (cost $5,970,422)........ 94.0% $ 6,437,274 Total convertible preferred stocks (cost $184,650).................................. 2.6 176,000 Total short-term securities (cost $257,000).................................. 3.7 257,000 -------- ----------- Total investment in securities (Identified cost $6,412,072)............... 100.3 6,870,274 Excess of liabilities over cash, receivables and other assets........................... (0.3) (21,991) -------- ----------- Net assets................................... 100.0% $ 6,848,283 -------- ----------- -------- ----------- SUMMARY OF SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY: Capital Stock, par value $.001 per share; authorized 300,000,000 shares; outstanding 598,562 shares....... $ 599 Paid in surplus........................................ 6,366,039 Distribution in excess of net investment income........ (1,060) Accumulated undistributed net realized gain on investments.......................................... 24,503 Unrealized appreciation of investments................. 458,202 ----------- Net assets at value.................................... $ 6,848,283 ----------- ----------- Class A Net asset value per share ($6,082,738 DIVIDED BY 531,428 shares outstanding).... $ 11.45 ----------- ----------- Maximum offering price per share ($11.45 DIVIDED BY 94.5%)......................... $ 12.12 ----------- ----------- Class B Net asset value per share ($729,524 DIVIDED BY 63,991 shares outstanding)..... $ 11.40 ----------- ----------- Class Y Net asset value per share ($36,021 DIVIDED BY 3,143 shares outstanding)...... $ 11.46 ----------- ----------- * Security exempt from registration under Rule 144A of the Securities Act of 1933. These securities may be resold in transactions exempt from registration, normally to qualified institutional buyers. THE ACCOMPANYING NOTES ARE AN INTEGRAL PART OF THIS FINANCIAL STATEMENT. 7 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ITT HARTFORD STOCK FUND STATEMENT OF NET ASSETS DECEMBER 31, 1996 MARKET SHARES VALUE ----------- --------------- COMMON STOCKS -- 89.2% AEROSPACE & DEFENSE -- 3.7% 1,600 Boeing Co..................... $ 170,200 1,700 United Technologies Corp...... 112,200 --------------- 282,400 --------------- BUSINESS SERVICES -- 0.8% 1,000 Fluor Corp.................... 62,750 --------------- COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT -- 1.6% *600 Cisco Systems, Inc............ 38,175 1,200 General Motors Corp. Class H........................... 67,500 388 Lucent Technologies........... 17,945 --------------- 123,620 --------------- COMPUTERS & OFFICE EQUIPMENT -- 3.6% *1,600 Adaptec, Inc.................. 64,000 600 International Business Machines Corp............... 90,600 2,200 Xerox Corp.................... 115,775 --------------- 270,375 --------------- CONSUMER DURABLES -- 0.8% 1,200 Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co..... 61,650 --------------- CONSUMER NON-DURABLES -- 5.4% 700 Colgate Palmolive Co.......... 64,575 900 Gillette Co................... 69,975 800 Kimberly-Clark Corp........... 76,200 1,000 NIKE, Inc. Class B............ 59,750 1,300 Proctor & Gamble.............. 139,750 --------------- 410,250 --------------- CONSUMER SERVICES -- 3.2% 4,000 McDonalds Corp................ 181,000 *3,000 Mirage Resorts, Inc........... 64,875 --------------- 245,875 --------------- ELECTRONICS -- 5.0% 3,000 General Electric Co........... 296,625 600 Intel Corp.................... 78,563 --------------- 375,188 --------------- ENERGY & SERVICES -- 8.8% 1,000 Amoco Corp.................... 80,500 1,600 Chevron Corp.................. 104,000 1,100 Exxon Corp.................... 107,800 1,000 Royal Dutch Petroleum Co...... 170,750 800 Schlumberger Ltd.............. 79,900 2,000 Union Pacific Resources Group, Inc......................... 58,500 1,600 Unocal Corp................... 65,000 --------------- 666,450 --------------- FINANCIAL SERVICES -- 15.1% 1,200 Ace Ltd....................... 72,150 1,800 Allstate Corp................. 104,175 1,800 American Express Co........... 101,700 700 American International Group, Inc......................... 75,775 1,000 Associates First Capital Corp........................ 44,125 1,700 Citicorp...................... 175,100 1,300 First Bank System, Inc........ 88,725 700 Marsh & McLennan Cos., Inc.... 72,800 1,300 Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc...... 105,950 1,000 NationsBank Corp.............. 97,750 1,200 State Street Boston Corp...... 77,400 SHARES MARKET ----------- VALUE --------------- FINANCIAL SERVICES -- (CONTINUED) 2,766 Travelers Group, Inc. (The)... $ 125,507 --------------- 1,141,157 --------------- FOOD, BEVERAGE & TOBACCO -- 2.1% 1,000 Kellogg Co.................... 65,625 2,400 Sara Lee Corp................. 89,400 --------------- 155,025 --------------- HEALTH CARE -- 14.2% 2,000 Abbott Laboratories........... 101,500 1,800 American Home Products Corp........................ 105,525 700 Bristol-Myers Squibb Co....... 76,125 2,000 Columbia/HCA Healthcare Corp........................ 81,500 2,400 Johnson & Johnson............. 119,400 1,300 Merck & Co., Inc.............. 103,025 1,200 Pfizer, Inc................... 99,450 1,600 Pharmacia & Upjohn, Inc....... 63,400 1,100 SmithKline Beecham PLC ADR.... 74,800 1,400 Tenet Healthcare Corp......... 30,625 1,600 United HealthCare Corp........ 72,000 *1,300 Vencor, Inc................... 41,112 1,400 Warner-Lambert Co............. 105,000 --------------- 1,073,462 --------------- INDUSTRIAL MATERIALS -- 4.5% 700 Aluminum Company of America... 44,625 1,200 Crown Cork & Seal, Inc........ 65,250 900 Dow Chemical Co............... 70,537 500 du Pont (E.I.) de Nemours & Co.......................... 47,187 500 International Paper Co........ 20,188 1,400 Phelps Dodge Corp............. 94,500 --------------- 342,287 --------------- MANUFACTURING -- 2.1% 1,000 Caterpillar, Inc.............. 75,250 1,000 Minnesota Mining & Manufacturing Co............ 82,875 --------------- 158,125 --------------- MEDIA & SERVICES -- 4.1% 1,800 Gannett Co., Inc.............. 134,775 3,000 Gaylord Entertainment Class A........................... 68,625 3,000 Viacom, Inc. Class B.......... 104,625 --------------- 308,025 --------------- RETAIL -- 5.5% 1,400 Home Depot, Inc. (The)........ 70,175 *2,100 Saks Holding, Inc............. 56,700 1,400 Sears, Roebuck & Co........... 64,575 *2,200 Toys "R" Us, Inc.............. 66,000 7,000 Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.......... 160,125 --------------- 417,575 --------------- SOFTWARE & SERVICES -- 4.4% 700 Computer Sciences Corp........ 57,488 2,000 Electronic Data Systems Corp........................ 86,500 2,200 First Data Corp............... 80,300 *1,000 Microsoft Corp................ 82,625 *600 Oracle Systems Corp........... 25,050 --------------- 331,963 --------------- TRANSPORTATION -- 2.0% 3,500 Southwest Airlines Co......... 77,438 THE ACCOMPANYING NOTES ARE AN INTEGRAL PART OF THIS FINANCIAL STATEMENT. 8 SHARES MARKET ----------- VALUE --------------- COMMON STOCKS -- (CONTINUED) TRANSPORTATION -- (CONTINUED) 1,200 Union Pacific Corp............ $ 72,150 --------------- 149,588 --------------- UTILITIES -- 2.3% 1,800 SBC Communications, Inc....... 93,150 2,000 Texas Utilities Co............ 81,500 --------------- 174,650 --------------- Total common stocks........... $ 6,750,415 --------------- --------------- PRINCIPAL AMOUNT ----------- SHORT-TERM SECURITIES -- 7.9% REPURCHASE AGREEMENTS $ 366,000 Interest in $399,594,000 joint repurchase agreement dated 12/31/96 with State Street Bank 6.7693% due 01/02/97; maturity amount $366,138 (Collateralized by $218,212,000 U.S. Treasury Note 6.25% due 06/30/98 and $280,160,000 U.S. Treasury Strip (principal) 0% due 05/15/19)................... $ 366,000 235,000 Interest in $300,000,000 joint repurchase agreement dated 12/31/96 with First Boston 6.75% due 01/02/97; maturity amount $235,088 (Collateralized by $301,035,000 U.S. Treasury Note 6.25% due 10/31/01).... 235,000 --------------- Total short-term securities... $ 601,000 --------------- --------------- MARKET VALUE ------------ DIVERSIFICATION OF ASSETS: Total common stocks (cost $6,260,567)........ 89.2% $ 6,750,415 Total short-term securities (cost $601,000).................................. 7.9 601,000 ------ ------------ Total investment in securities (Identified cost $6,861,567)............... 97.1 7,351,415 Excess of cash, receivables and other assets over liabilities........................... 2.9 219,929 ------ ------------ Net assets................................... 100.0% $ 7,571,344 ------ ------------ ------ ------------ SUMMARY OF SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY: Capital stock, par value $.001 per share; authorized 300,000,000 shares; outstanding 656,761 shares..... $ 657 Paid in surplus...................................... 7,073,235 Accumulated undistributed net realized gain on investments........................................ 7,604 Unrealized appreciation of investments............... 489,848 ------------ Net assets at value.................................. $ 7,571,344 ------------ ------------ Class A Net asset value per share ($6,273,141 DIVIDED BY 543,879 shares outstanding).... $ 11.53 --------- --------- Maximum offering price per share ($11.53 DIVIDED BY 94.5%)......................... $ 12.20 --------- --------- Class B Net asset value per share ($1,253,759 DIVIDED BY 109,034 shares outstanding).... $ 11.50 --------- --------- Class Y Net asset value per share ($44,444 DIVIDED BY 3,848 shares outstanding)...... $ 11.55 --------- --------- * Non-income producing. THE ACCOMPANYING NOTES ARE AN INTEGRAL PART OF THIS FINANCIAL STATEMENT. 9 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ITT HARTFORD CAPITAL APPRECIATION FUND STATEMENT OF NET ASSETS DECEMBER 31, 1996 MARKET SHARES VALUE ------- ----------- COMMON STOCKS -- 95.3% AEROSPACE & DEFENSE -- 3.1% 1,000 Precision Castparts Corp...... $ 49,625 *11,700 Wyman-Gordon Co............... 260,325 ----------- 309,950 ----------- BUSINESS SERVICES -- 4.1% 6,400 Allegiance Corp............... 176,800 *20,000 National Media Corp........... 140,000 *3,200 XLConnect Solutions, Inc...... 92,000 ----------- 408,800 ----------- COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT -- 8.6% *5,000 Geotel Communications Corp.... 65,000 *6,100 Gilat Satellite Network....... 150,212 *2,700 Oak Industries, Inc........... 62,100 *9,000 Proxim, Inc................... 207,000 40,000 Scitex Corp................... 380,000 ----------- 864,312 ----------- COMPUTERS & OFFICE EQUIPMENT -- 1.8% *4,600 Adaptec, Inc.................. 184,000 ----------- CONSUMER SERVICES -- 4.1% 3,150 Harman International Industries, Inc............. 175,219 *11,000 Mirage Resorts, Inc........... 237,875 ----------- 413,094 ----------- ELECTRONICS -- 7.6% *16,800 DSP Communications, Inc....... 325,500 *2,900 Solectron Corp................ 154,788 4,400 Texas Instruments............. 280,500 ----------- 760,788 ----------- ENERGY & SERVICES -- 3.8% *12,000 Forasol-Foramer N.V........... 235,500 *6,700 J Ray McDermott S A........... 147,400 ----------- 382,900 ----------- FINANCIAL SERVICES -- 7.3% 2,000 Ace Ltd....................... 120,250 4,200 First USA, Inc................ 145,425 *15,000 Matrix Capital Corp........... 238,125 *5,600 RAC Financial Group Inc....... 118,300 4,000 United Cos. Financial Corp.... 106,500 ----------- 728,600 ----------- HEALTH CARE -- 9.3% *8,500 Genzyme Corp.................. 184,875 *8,500 IDX Systems Corp.............. 243,312 *27,300 Novacare, Inc................. 300,300 *8,200 Superior Consultant Holdings.................... 202,950 ----------- 931,437 ----------- INDUSTRIAL MATERIALS -- 6.3% 18,000 Avenor, Inc................... 266,588 *7,000 Titanium Metals Corp.......... 230,125 *3,700 UCAR International, Inc....... 139,213 ----------- 635,926 ----------- MANUFACTURING -- 1.8% 10,000 Wabash National Corp.......... 183,750 ----------- SHARES MARKET ------- VALUE ----------- MEDIA & SERVICES -- 7.4% *15,000 National Education Corp....... $ 228,750 *27,340 TCI Satellite Entertainment Group Class A............... 269,983 *16,400 Tele-Communications, Inc. Class A..................... 214,225 *600 Univision Communication Class A........................... 22,200 ----------- 735,158 ----------- RETAIL -- 1.5% *800 Delia's, Inc.................. 15,900 *9,900 Urban Outfitters, Inc......... 128,700 ----------- 144,600 ----------- SOFTWARE & SERVICES -- 18.9% *9,800 BA Merchant Services, Inc. Class A..................... 175,175 *5,000 BBN Corp...................... 112,500 *4,700 Cadence Design System......... 186,825 *3,300 DST Systems, Inc.............. 103,537 *10,500 Forrester Research, Inc....... 270,375 *8,500 IKOS Systems, Inc............. 170,000 *5,000 Macromedia, Inc............... 90,000 *1,800 Parametric Technology Corp.... 92,475 *11,500 Peerless Systems Corp......... 195,500 *9,300 Puma Technology, Inc.......... 160,425 *10,400 Pure Atria Corp............... 257,400 *5,000 Rogue Wave Software........... 78,750 *250 Sanchez Computer Associates... 1,969 ----------- 1,894,931 ----------- UTILITIES -- 9.7% *10,000 Calpine Corp.................. 200,000 *8,000 Telecel-Communicacoes......... 510,145 *10,000 Worldcom, Inc................. 260,625 ----------- 970,770 ----------- Total common stocks........... $ 9,549,016 ----------- ----------- PRINCIPAL AMOUNT ------- SHORT-TERM SECURITIES -- 1.1% REPURCHASE AGREEMENTS -- 1.1% $21,000 Interest in $399,594,000 joint repurchase agreement dated 12/31/96 with State Street Bank 6.7693% due 01/02/97; maturity amount $21,008 (Collateralized by $218,212,000 U.S. Treasury Note 6.25% due 06/30/98 and $280,160,000 U.S. Treasury Strip (principal) 0% due 05/15/19)................... $ 21,000 95,000 Interest in $300,000,000 joint repurchase agreement dated 12/31/96 with First Boston 6.75% due 01/02/97; maturity amount $95,036 (Collateralized by $301,035,000 U.S. Treasury Note 6.25% due 10/31/01).... 95,000 ----------- Total short-term securities... $ 116,000 ----------- ----------- DIVERSIFICATION OF ASSETS: Total common stocks (cost $8,705,982)........ 95.3 % $ 9,549,016 Total short-term securities (cost $116,000).................................. 1.1 116,000 ------ ------------ Total investment in securities (Identified cost $8,821,982)............... 96.4 9,665,016 Excess of cash, receivables and other assets over liabilities........................... 3.6 359,568 ------ ------------ Net assets................................... 100.0 % $ 10,024,584 ------ ------------ ------ ------------ THE ACCOMPANYING NOTES ARE AN INTEGRAL PART OF THIS FINANCIAL STATEMENT. 10 SUMMARY OF SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY: Capital stock, par value $.001 per share; authorized 300,000,000 shares; outstanding 750,636 shares..... $ 751 Paid in surplus...................................... 8,754,357 Accumulated undistributed net realized gain on investments........................................ 426,258 Unrealized appreciation of investments............... 843,034 Unrealized appreciation on foreign currency translation of other assets and liabilities........ 184 ------------ Net assets at value.................................. $ 10,024,584 ------------ ------------ Class A Net asset value per share ($9,028,258 DIVIDED BY 675,875 shares outstanding).... $ 13.36 ------ ------ Maximum offering price per share ($13.36 DIVIDED BY 94.5%)......................... $ 14.14 ------ ------ Class B Net asset value per share ($889,033 DIVIDED BY 66,745 shares outstanding)..... $ 13.32 ------ ------ Class Y Net asset value per share ($107,293 DIVIDED BY 8,016 shares outstanding)...... $ 13.38 ------ ------ * Non-income producing. THE ACCOMPANYING NOTES ARE AN INTEGRAL PART OF THIS FINANCIAL STATEMENT. 11 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ITT HARTFORD SMALL COMPANY FUND STATEMENT OF NET ASSETS DECEMBER 31, 1996 MARKET SHARES VALUE ----------- -------------- COMMON STOCKS -- 93.5% AEROSPACE & DEFENSE -- 1.1% *2,000 Gulfstream Aerospace Corp.......... $ 48,500 *200 Rohr, Inc.......................... 4,525 -------------- 53,025 -------------- BUSINESS SERVICES -- 4.2% *4,900 Borg-Warner Security Corp.......... 52,675 *10,900 Intelligent Electronics, Inc....... 87,200 *400 Lason, Inc......................... 8,200 *2,400 Tetra Technologies, Inc............ 60,600 -------------- 208,675 -------------- COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT -- 7.6% *1,800 Fore Systems, Inc.................. 59,175 *2,600 Gilat Satellite Networks Ltd....... 64,025 *1,600 Kronos, Inc........................ 51,200 *2,600 Natural Microsystems Corp.......... 81,900 *1,500 Oak Industries, Inc................ 34,500 3,300 Scitex Corp........................ 31,350 *1,200 Videoserver, Inc................... 51,000 *300 West Teleservices Corp............. 6,825 -------------- 379,975 -------------- COMPUTERS & OFFICE EQUIPMENT -- 2.4% *1,700 Affiliated Computer Services Class A................................ 50,575 *2,400 Caere Corp......................... 27,600 *3,600 Diamond Multimedia Systems......... 42,750 -------------- 120,925 -------------- CONSUMER NON-DURABLES -- 3.2% 2,400 Ethan Allen, Inc................... 92,400 2,400 First Brands Corp.................. 68,100 -------------- 160,500 -------------- CONSUMER SERVICES -- 5.0% *2,200 Brinker International, Inc......... 35,200 *2,800 Golden Bear Golf, Inc.............. 31,500 *400 PJ America, Inc.................... 7,200 *1,200 Planet Hollywood International, Inc.............................. 23,700 *3,000 Prime Hospitality Corp............. 48,375 *5,200 Rally's Hamburgers, Inc............ 23,725 *6,700 Tyco Toys, Inc..................... 78,725 -------------- 248,425 -------------- ELECTRONICS -- 4.0% *2,500 Actel Corp......................... 59,375 *3,000 Conductus, Inc..................... 19,500 2,400 Dallas Semiconductor Corp.......... 55,200 *600 Etec Systems, Inc.................. 22,950 *2,500 Gemstar International Group Ltd.... 43,750 -------------- 200,775 -------------- ENERGY & SERVICES -- 1.6% *2,000 Falcon Drilling Co., Inc........... 78,500 -------------- FINANCIAL SERVICES -- 11.2% 1,100 Bancorp Hawaii, Inc................ 46,200 525 Conseco, Inc....................... 33,484 1,400 Frontier Insurance Group, Inc...... 53,550 *2,400 Imperial Bancorp................... 54,900 *3,400 Imperial Credit Industries......... 71,400 1,400 Legg Mason, Inc.................... 53,900 1,200 MMI Companies, Inc................. 38,700 SHARES MARKET ----------- VALUE -------------- FINANCIAL SERVICES -- (CONTINUED) *2,200 Prepaid Legal Services, Inc........ $ 40,150 1,200 Reinsurance Group of America....... 56,550 2,400 Resource Bancshares Mortgage Group............................ 34,200 3,400 Westcorp........................... 74,375 -------------- 557,409 -------------- FOOD, BEVERAGE & TOBACCO -- 1.2% *1,600 Robert Mondavi Corp. Class B....... 58,400 -------------- HEALTH CARE -- 17.4% *2,000 Alliance Pharmaceuticals Corp...... 27,250 *3,300 Amylin Pharmaceuticals, Inc........ 42,900 *2,100 Apria Healthcare Group, Inc........ 39,375 *1,800 FHP International Corp............. 66,825 *2,200 Genesis Health Ventures, Inc....... 68,475 *1,800 IDX Systems Corp................... 51,525 *1,800 Isomedix, Inc...................... 23,400 3,800 Kinetic Concepts, Inc.............. 46,550 *2,200 Ligand Pharmaceuticals Class B..... 32,725 *2,900 Magainin Pharmaceuticals, Inc...... 27,912 *3,000 Magellan Health Services, Inc...... 67,125 2,200 Mckesson Corp...................... 123,200 *2,400 Medpartners, Inc................... 50,400 *5,400 NABI, Inc.......................... 47,250 *3,000 Physio-Control International Corp............................. 67,500 *2,700 Vencor, Inc........................ 85,388 -------------- 867,800 -------------- INDUSTRIAL MATERIALS -- 1.0% *1,400 UCAR International Inc............. 52,675 -------------- MANUFACTURING -- 2.2% 1,800 Memtec Ltd. ADR.................... 59,175 3,500 NN Ball & Roller, Inc.............. 53,375 -------------- 112,550 -------------- MEDIA & SERVICES -- 7.7% *4,800 American Telecasting, Inc.......... 27,600 *2,520 Home Shopping Network.............. 59,850 *2,000 International Cabletel, Inc........ 50,500 *6,600 Iwerks Entertainment, Inc.......... 33,000 *100 Metro Networks, Inc................ 2,525 *4,200 Pegasus Communications Corp........ 57,750 *2,700 Peoples Choice TV Corp............. 16,537 *4,900 Playboy Enterprises Class B........ 47,775 *7,300 Valuevision International, Inc. Class A.......................... 39,238 *3,400 Western Wireless Corp. Class A..... 47,175 -------------- 381,950 -------------- REAL ESTATE -- 0.9% *2,700 Castle & Cooke, Inc................ 42,863 -------------- RETAIL -- 6.2% *2,100 Bed & Bath Beyond, Inc............. 50,925 *2,500 Gymboree Corp...................... 57,187 1,200 Mercantile Stores, Inc............. 59,250 *1,500 Saks Holding, Inc.................. 40,500 *7,900 Sports and Recreation, Inc......... 61,225 *3,300 Urban Outfitters, Inc.............. 42,900 -------------- 311,987 -------------- SOFTWARE & SERVICES -- 10.6% *400 BA Merchant Services, Inc. Class A................................ 7,150 THE ACCOMPANYING NOTES ARE AN INTEGRAL PART OF THIS FINANCIAL STATEMENT. 12 SHARES MARKET ----------- VALUE -------------- COMMON STOCKS -- (CONTINUED) SOFTWARE & SERVICES -- (CONTINUED) *1,600 Bisys Group, Inc................... $ 59,300 *3,050 Boole & Babbage, Inc............... 76,250 *500 Desktop Data, Inc.................. 9,625 *2,100 DST Systems, Inc................... 65,887 *3,100 IKOS Systems, Inc.................. 62,000 *400 Information Management Resources... 8,450 *2,900 Macromedia, Inc.................... 52,200 *2,400 Mercury Interactive Corp........... 31,200 *3,300 Premenos Technology Corp........... 28,463 *900 Puma Technology, Inc............... 15,525 *1,374 Sterling Commerce, Inc............. 48,434 *2,100 Sterling Software, Inc............. 66,412 -------------- 530,896 -------------- TRANSPORTATION -- 2.9% 2,800 Air Express International Corp..... 90,300 *2,300 Swift Transportation Co., Inc...... 54,050 -------------- 144,350 -------------- UTILITIES -- 3.1% *2,000 McLeod, Inc. Class A............... 51,000 *16,900 Peoples Telephone Co., Inc......... 53,869 *6,100 Trescom International, Inc......... 48,800 -------------- 153,669 -------------- Total common stocks................ $ 4,665,349 -------------- -------------- PREFERRED STOCK -- 0.6% MEDIA & SERVICES -- 0.6% 1,100 AMC Entertainment, Inc............. $ 29,700 -------------- -------------- PRINCIPAL AMOUNT ----------- SHORT-TERM SECURITIES -- 4.9% REPURCHASE AGREEMENTS -- 4.9% $ 25,000 Interest in $399,594,000 joint repurchase agreement dated 12/31/96 with State Street Bank 6.7693% due 01/02/97; maturity amount $25,009 (Collateralized by $218,212,000 U.S. Treasury Note 6.25% due 06/30/98 and $280,160,000 U.S. Treasury Strip (principal) 0% due 05/15/19)..... $ 25,000 218,000 Interest in $300,000,000 joint repurchase agreement dated 12/31/96 with First Boston 6.75% due 01/02/97; maturity amount $218,082 (Collateralized by $301,035,000 U.S. Treasury Note 6.25% due 10/31/01).............. 218,000 -------------- Total short-term securities........ $ 243,000 -------------- -------------- MARKET VALUE ------------ DIVERSIFICATION OF ASSETS: Total common stocks (cost $4,503,678)........ 93.5% $ 4,665,349 Total preferred stock (cost $39,099)......... 0.6 29,700 Total short-term securities (cost $243,000).................................. 4.9 243,000 ------ ------------ Total investment in securities (Identified cost $4,785,777)............... 99.0 4,938,049 Excess of cash, receivables and other assets over liabilities........................... 1.0 48,976 ------ ------------ Net assets................................... 100.0% $ 4,987,025 ------ ------------ ------ ------------ SUMMARY OF SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY: Capital stock, par value $.001 per share; authorized 300,000,000 shares; outstanding 466,902 shares..... $ 466 Paid in surplus...................................... 4,833,336 Accumulated undistributed net realized gain on investments........................................ 951 Unrealized appreciation of investments............... 152,272 ------------ Net assets at value.................................. $ 4,987,025 ------------ ------------ Class A Net asset value per share ($4,673,328 DIVIDED BY 437,487 shares outstanding).... $ 10.68 ------ ------ Maximun offering price per share ($10.68 DIVIDED BY 94.5%)......................... $ 11.30 ------ ------ Class B Net asset value per share ($241,355 DIVIDED BY 22,659 shares outstanding)..... $ 10.65 ------ ------ Class Y Net asset value per share ($72,342 DIVIDED BY 6,756 shares outstanding)...... $ 10.71 ------ ------ * Non-income producing. THE ACCOMPANYING NOTES ARE AN INTEGRAL PART OF THIS FINANCIAL STATEMENT. 13 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ITT HARTFORD INTERNATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES FUND STATEMENT OF NET ASSETS DECEMBER 31, 1996 MARKET SHARES VALUE -------- ------------ COMMON STOCKS -- 84.1% ARGENTINA -- 0.8% 1,900 Perezcompanc SA B............. $ 13,359 1,000 YPF Sociedad Anonima Sponsored ADR......................... 25,250 ------------ 38,609 ------------ AUSTRALIA -- 3.5% 3,500 Amcor Ltd..................... 22,489 10,235 Boral Ltd..................... 29,103 2,785 Broken Hill Proprietary Co. Ltd......................... 39,639 15,559 Goodman Fielder Ltd........... 19,278 10,000 Pioneer International Ltd..... 29,785 1,000 Qantas Air Ltd. ADR***........ 16,679 ------------ 156,973 ------------ AUSTRIA -- 0.7% 300 OMV AG........................ 33,793 ------------ BELGIUM -- 0.6% *300 Credit Communal Holding***.... 27,342 ------------ BRAZIL -- 0.9% 1,000 Electrobras On ADR............ 17,900 90,000 Petroleo Brasileiro........... 14,335 160,000 Telecomunic Brasileiras....... 11,471 ------------ 43,706 ------------ CANADA -- 1.1% 1,500 Canadian Pacific Ltd.......... 39,750 900 Canwest Global Communication Corp........................ 9,225 ------------ 48,975 ------------ CHILE -- 0.8% 1,000 Banco Santander Chile ADR..... 15,000 750 Enersis SA ADR................ 20,813 ------------ 35,813 ------------ DENMARK -- 2.4% 1,300 TeleDanmark B ADR............. 35,425 1,400 Unidanmark A Registered....... 72,386 ------------ 107,811 ------------ FINLAND -- 1.7% *5,000 Merita Bank Ltd. A............ 15,513 4,000 Metsa-Serla Oy B.............. 29,941 1,400 Rauma Oy...................... 29,464 ------------ 74,918 ------------ FRANCE -- 7.2% 330 Accor SA...................... 41,704 1,150 Assurances Generales de France...................... 37,052 900 Banque Nationale de Paris***.................... 34,762 300 Credit Commercial de France... 13,850 525 Havas SA...................... 36,759 100 Peugeot SA.................... 11,234 450 Remy Cointreau................ 12,724 1,500 Rhone-Poulenc................. 51,041 170 Saint Gobain.................. 24,002 200 Societe Generale.............. 21,582 200 Societe Nationale Elf Acquitaine.................. 18,170 300 Total SA...................... 24,352 ------------ 327,232 ------------ SHARES MARKET -------- VALUE ------------ GERMANY -- 4.6% 750 Daimler-Benz AG............... $ 51,343 85 Degussa AG.................... 38,608 270 Hornbach Holding Pref (Non-voting)................ 19,272 70 Karstadt AG................... 23,256 40 Mannesmann AG................. 17,188 2,800 Metallgesellschaft AG......... 57,086 ------------ 206,753 ------------ HONG KONG -- 3.3% 3,000 Citic Pacific Ltd............. 17,414 5,000 Hutchison Whampoa Ltd......... 39,270 6,000 Lai Sun Development........... 9,076 1,000 New World Development Co. Ltd......................... 6,755 2,000 Sun Hung Kai Properties....... 24,499 4,000 Swire Pacific Ltd............. 38,138 50,000 Tingyi Holding Corp........... 13,090 ------------ 148,242 ------------ INDIA -- 0.3% 800 State Bank of India GDR....... 14,200 ------------ INDONESIA -- 0.9% 17,000 Bank Negara Indonesa BNI...... 8,995 300 Indosat ADR................... 8,212 20,000 Kalbe Farma - Foreign Registered.................. 22,857 ------------ 40,064 ------------ IRELAND -- 0.6% 10,000 Jefferson Smurfit Group....... 29,691 ------------ ITALY -- 2.3% 2,500 Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A....................... 20,306 14,000 Banca Commerciale Italiana S.p.A....................... 25,412 5,000 Fiat S.p.A.................... 15,094 6,600 Stet S.p.A.................... 29,951 5,000 Telecom Italia S.p.A.......... 12,956 ------------ 103,719 ------------ JAPAN -- 17.8% 1,100 Canon Sales Co., Inc.......... 24,451 1,000 Chudenko Corp................. 28,776 2,000 Chugai Pharmaceutical Co...... 16,714 3,000 Dai Nippon Printing Co........ 52,468 1,000 Danto Corp.................... 9,735 1,000 Fuji Machine Manufacturing Co.......................... 26,449 2,000 JGC Corp...................... 14,974 1,000 Kyudenko Corp................. 10,338 1,000 Mabuchi Motor Co.............. 50,228 1,000 Maruichi Steel Tube........... 17,231 3,000 Matsushita Electric Industrial Co.......................... 48,850 3,000 Mitsubishi Heavy Industries... 23,779 1,000 Murata Manufacturing Co....... 33,170 4,000 NGK Spark Plug................ 43,767 2,000 Nippon Express Co............. 13,681 120 Nippon Television Network Corp........................ 36,185 1,000 Nomura Securities Co.......... 14,991 3,000 Onward Kashiyama Co. Ltd...... 42,130 2,000 Sakura Bank................... 14,267 1,000 Sankyo Co., Ltd............... 28,259 2,000 Sanwa Bank Ltd................ 27,225 2,000 Seventy-Seven Bank............ 16,369 3,000 Sumitomo Realty & Development................. 18,868 3,000 Toda Construction Co.......... 22,745 THE ACCOMPANYING NOTES ARE AN INTEGRAL PART OF THIS FINANCIAL STATEMENT. 14 SHARES MARKET -------- VALUE ------------ COMMON STOCKS -- (CONTINUED) JAPAN -- (CONTINUED) 2,000 Tokio Marine & Fire Insurance Co.......................... $ 18,782 5,000 Toyo Ink Manfacturing Co. Ltd......................... 20,462 1,000 Toyota Motor Corp............. 28,690 900 World Co...................... 37,219 5,000 Yamato Kogyo Co. Ltd.......... 46,093 1,000 Yamazaki Baking Co. Ltd....... 15,939 ------------ 802,835 ------------ LUXEMBOURG -- 0.3% 1,750 Quilmes Industrial ADR........ 15,969 ------------ MALAYSIA -- 1.5% 9,000 Land & General Holdings Berhad...................... 21,560 10,000 MBF Capital Berhad............ 16,235 2,000 Resort World Berhad........... 9,107 5,000 Sime Darby Berhad............. 19,699 ------------ 66,601 ------------ MEXICO -- 1.8% 1,900 Cemex SA - CPO................ 6,818 2,600 Cemex SA De C.V............... 9,330 5,500 FEMSA SA Series B............. 18,725 3,750 Grupo Carso SA Series A1...... 19,531 *50,000 Grupo Financiero Bancomer Series B.................... 20,008 1,000 Transportation Maritima A ADR......................... 4,625 ------------ 79,037 ------------ NETHERLANDS -- 3.4% 250 Akzo Nobel NV................. 34,109 1,200 Ing Groep NV.................. 43,151 917 KLM........................... 25,765 1,000 Polygram NV................... 50,875 ------------ 153,900 ------------ NEW ZEALAND -- 0.7% 7,964 Air New Zealand Ltd. B........ 21,607 5,000 Carter Holt Harvey Ltd........ 11,340 ------------ 32,947 ------------ NORWAY -- 2.2% 4,060 Fokus Bank.................... 27,913 2,500 Nycomed ASA Series A.......... 38,173 1,950 Saga Petroleum ASA Series A... 32,524 ------------ 98,610 ------------ PHILIPPINES -- 0.6% 250 Philippine Long Distance ADR......................... 12,750 15,000 Pilipino Telephone............ 12,690 ------------ 25,440 ------------ PORTUGAL -- 0.1% 100 Telecel Communicacoes***...... 6,377 ------------ SINGAPORE -- 2.8% 3,000 Development Bank of Singapore................... 40,534 5,000 Far East Levingston Shipbuilding................ 26,093 5,000 Keppel Corp................... 38,962 6,000 Straits Steamship Land........ 19,216 ------------ 124,805 ------------ SOUTH KOREA -- 0.6% 750 Korea Electric Power Corp. ADR......................... 15,375 SHARES MARKET -------- VALUE ------------ SOUTH KOREA -- (CONTINUED) 500 Pohang Iron & Steel ADR....... $ 10,125 ------------ 25,500 ------------ SPAIN -- 2.7% 200 Acerinox SA................... 28,845 400 Empresa Nacional de Electricidad................ 28,414 500 Empresa Nacional de Electricidad ADR............ 35,000 1,200 Telefonica De Espana SA....... 27,815 ------------ 120,074 ------------ SWEDEN -- 1.2% 500 BT Industries AB***........... 9,300 1,160 Pharmacia & Upjohn, Inc. SDR......................... 47,484 ------------ 56,784 ------------ SWITZERLAND -- 2.2% 10 Cie Financ Richemont AG....... 14,001 25 Nestle SA..................... 26,755 55 Sulzer AG - Part Certified.... 29,329 15 Sulzer AG - Registered........ 8,636 25 Swissair - Registered......... 20,164 ------------ 98,885 ------------ THAILAND -- 1.0% 18,900 Bangkok Metropolitan Bank..... 7,371 2,000 Land & House Co., Ltd......... 14,587 1,300 Siam City Cement Public Co., Ltd......................... 6,794 2,000 Siam Commercial............... 14,508 ------------ 43,260 ------------ UNITED KINGDOM -- 13.3% 1,550 Allied Irish Banks PLC........ 10,385 500 Amersham International PLC.... 9,840 3,350 Associated British Foods...... 27,776 1,000 Bank of Ireland............... 9,130 7,000 Bank of Scotland.............. 36,955 2,625 Boc Group PLC................. 39,239 3,000 Boots Company PLC............. 30,932 10,000 British Gas PLC............... 38,419 3,000 British Telecom Co. PLC....... 20,253 2,000 BTR........................... 9,720 19,000 Cookson Group PLC............. 76,735 4,320 De la Rue PLC................. 42,324 5,000 National Grid Group PLC....... 16,728 7,000 Northern Foods PLC............ 24,497 3,851 Powergen PLC.................. 37,729 6,730 Rank Group PLC................ 50,157 2,900 Reckitt & Colman PLC.......... 35,930 2,538 Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance................... 19,306 2,000 Royal Bank of Scotland........ 19,286 7,050 Sainsbury (J) PLC............. 46,811 ------------ 602,152 ------------ VENEZUELA -- 0.2% 400 Cia Anonima Telef De Venezuela ADR......................... 11,250 ------------ Total common stocks........... $ 3,802,267 ------------ ------------ PREFERRED STOCKS -- 0.8% FINLAND -- 0.6% 500 Nokia Corp. ADR............... $ 28,813 ------------ BRAZIL -- 0.2% 12,800 Cervejaria Brahma 6,997 ------------ Total preferred stocks........ $ 35,180 ------------ ------------ THE ACCOMPANYING NOTES ARE AN INTEGRAL PART OF THIS FINANCIAL STATEMENT. 15 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ITT HARTFORD INTERNATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES FUND, INC. STATEMENT OF NET ASSETS -- (CONTINUED) DECEMBER 31, 1996 PRINCIPAL MARKET AMOUNT VALUE -------- ------------ SHORT-TERM SECURITIES -- 16.1% U.S. TREASURY BILL -- 0.6% $ 25,000 4.85% due 03/20/97.......... $ 24,737 ------------ REPURCHASE AGREEMENTS -- 15.5% 462,000 Interest in $399,594,000 joint repurchase agreement dated 12/31/96 with State Street Bank 6.7693% due 01/02/97; maturity amount $462,174 (Collateralized by $218,212,000 U.S. Treasury Note 6.25% due 06/30/98 and $280,160,000 U.S. Treasury Strip (principal) 0% due 05/15/19)................... 462,000 239,000 Interest in $300,000,000 joint repurchase agreement dated 12/31/96 with First Boston 6.75% due 01/02/97; maturity amount $239,090 (Collateralized by $301,035,000 U.S. Treasury Note 6.25% due 10/31/01) 239,000 ------------ 701,000 ------------ Total short-term securities... $ 725,737 ------------ ------------ DIVERSIFICATION OF ASSETS: Total common stocks (cost $3,592,139)........ 84.1 % $ 3,802,267 Total preferred stocks (cost $24,941)........ 0.8 35,810 Total short-term securities (cost $725,737).................................. 16.1 725,737 ------ ------------ Total investment in securities (Identified cost $4,342,817)............... 101.0 4,563,814 Excess of liabilities over cash, receivables and other assets........................... (1.0 ) (43,650) ------ ------------ Net assets................................... 100.0 % $ 4,520,164 ------ ------------ ------ ------------ SUMMARY OF SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY: Capital stock, par value $.001 per share; authorized 300,000,000 shares; outstanding 421,612 shares..... $ 422 Paid in surplus...................................... 4,273,202 Distribution in excess of net investment income...... (1,737) Accumulated undistributed net realized gain on investments........................................ 20,733 Unrealized appreciation of investments............... 220,997 Unrealized appreciation of futures contracts......... 6,073 Unrealized appreciation of forward foreign currency contracts (Note 2)................................. 538 Unrealized depreciation on translation of other assets and liabilities in foreign currencies....... (64) ------------ Net assets at value.................................. $ 4,520,164 ------------ ------------ Class A Net asset value per share ($4,293,981 DIVIDED BY 400,474 shares outstanding).... $10.72 ------ ------ Maximun offering price per share ($10.72 DIVIDED BY 94.5%)......................... $11.34 ------ ------ Class B Net asset value per share ($162,526 DIVIDED BY 15,207 shares outstanding)..... $10.69 ------ ------ Class Y Net asset value per share ($63,657 DIVIDED BY 5,931 shares outstanding)...... $10.73 ------ ------ * Non-income producing. ** The Fund had 1 March TSE 35 Index futures contract, 1 March MATIF CAC 40 Index futures contract, 1 March ALL ORDS Index futures contract, 2 January IBEX futures contracts, 1 January OMX Stock Index futures contract and 1 March DTB DAX Index futures contract open as of December 31, 1996. These contracts had a market value of $129,156 as of December 31, 1996. *** Security exempt from registration under Rule 144A of the Securities Act of 1933. These securities may be resold in transactions exempt from registration, normally to qualified institutional buyers. FORWARD FOREIGN CURRENCY CONTRACTS -- NOTE 2 -- OUTSTANDING AT DECEMBER 31, 1996 AGGREGATE DELIVERY UNREALIZED DESCRIPTION TOTAL VALUE FACE VALUE DATE APPRECIATION - ------------------------------ ----------- ----------- --------- --------------- Spanish Peseta (Buy) $ 9,921 $ 9,816 01/17/97 $ 105 Spanish Peseta (Buy) 38,904 38,471 01/24/97 433 ----- $ 538 ----- ----- THE ACCOMPANYING NOTES ARE AN INTEGRAL PART OF THIS FINANCIAL STATEMENT. 16 ITT HARTFORD MUTUAL FUNDS, INC. STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS, STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN NET ASSETS, NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS, FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS AND REPORT OF INDEPENDENT PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ITT HARTFORD MUTUAL FUNDS, INC. STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS FOR THE PERIOD FROM JULY 1, 1996 (INCEPTION) TO DECEMBER 31, 1996 ITT HARTFORD ITT HARTFORD BOND INCOME MONEY STRATEGY MARKET FUND FUND ------------- ------------ INVESTMENT INCOME: Dividends.............. $ -- $ -- Interest............... 252,103 323,463 Less: foreign tax withheld.............. -- -- ------------- ------------ Total investment income.............. 252,103 323,463 ------------- ------------ EXPENSES: Investment advisory fees.................. 22,884 30,076 Transfer agent fees.... 15,988 13,214 Distribution fees Class A.............. 13,818 13,898 Class B.............. -- 225 Custodian fees and expenses.............. 1,607 1,518 Accounting services.... 27,218 27,525 Registration fees...... 38,949 39,058 Board of directors fees.................. 3,812 3,812 Audit fees............. 18,721 18,931 Legal fees............. 8,974 9,075 Amortization of deferred organizational costs................. 2,186 3,276 Other expenses......... 6,676 7,149 ------------- ------------ Total expenses (before waivers and reimbursements)..... 160,833 167,757 Expense waivers and reimbursements........ (114,934) (109,635) ------------- ------------ Total expenses, net.... 45,899 58,122 ------------- ------------ Net investment income (loss)................ 206,204 265,341 ------------- ------------ NET REALIZED AND UNREALIZED GAIN (LOSS) ON INVESTMENTS: Net realized gain on investments........... -- 159,623 Net realized gain on forward foreign currency contracts.... -- -- Net realized gain on futures contracts..... -- -- Net realized loss on foreign currency transactions.......... -- -- Net unrealized appreciation of investments........... -- 159,276 Net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on translation of other assets and liabilities in foreign currencies............ -- -- Net unrealized appreciation of futures contracts..... -- -- Unrealized appreciation of forward foreign currency contracts.... -- -- ------------- ------------ Net realized and unrealized gain on investments........... -- 318,899 ------------- ------------ Net increase in net assets resulting from operations............ $ 206,204 $ 584,240 ------------- ------------ ------------- ------------ THE ACCOMPANYING NOTES ARE AN INTEGRAL PART OF THIS FINANCIAL STATEMENT. 18 ITT HARTFORD ITT HARTFORD CAPITAL ITT HARTFORD ITT HARTFORD ITT HARTFORD DIVIDEND AND ITT HARTFORD APPRECIATION SMALL INTERNATIONAL ADVISERS FUND GROWTH FUND STOCK FUND FUND COMPANY FUND OPPORTUNITIES FUND ------------- ------------ ------------ --------------- ------------ ------------------ INVESTMENT INCOME: Dividends.............. $ 59,991 $ 54,426 $ 32,800 $ 4,927 $ 5,710 $ 23,276 Interest............... 123,816 7,178 8,813 10,866 9,153 12,398 Less: foreign tax withheld.............. (419) (37) (209) (37) (18) (2,757) ------------- ------------ ------------ --------------- ------------ -------- Total investment income.............. 183,388 61,567 41,404 15,756 14,845 32,917 ------------- ------------ ------------ --------------- ------------ -------- EXPENSES: Investment advisory fees.................. 38,897 13,810 15,357 18,419 14,746 12,988 Transfer agent fees.... 21,188 20,023 16,748 26,397 18,411 11,378 Distribution fees Class A.............. 15,237 5,408 5,429 6,681 5,144 4,561 Class B.............. 1,479 544 1,275 977 299 167 Custodian fees and expenses.............. 2,413 2,378 2,416 2,061 2,914 22,894 Accounting services.... 30,841 10,945 11,403 13,697 10,316 9,086 Registration fees...... 39,808 32,383 32,464 34,476 32,431 31,209 Board of directors fees.................. 3,812 3,812 3,812 3,812 3,812 3,812 Audit fees............. 21,212 7,528 7,843 9,421 7,095 6,249 Legal fees............. 10,169 3,609 3,760 4,516 3,401 2,996 Amortization of deferred organizational costs................. 3,276 3,276 3,276 3,276 3,276 3,276 Other expenses......... 9,116 3,550 3,861 4,556 2,943 2,918 ------------- ------------ ------------ --------------- ------------ -------- Total expenses (before waivers and reimbursements)..... 197,448 107,266 107,644 128,289 104,788 111,534 Expense waivers and reimbursements........ (123,622) (81,036) (78,838) (94,120) (79,380) (86,164) ------------- ------------ ------------ --------------- ------------ -------- Total expenses, net.... 73,826 26,230 28,806 34,169 25,408 25,370 ------------- ------------ ------------ --------------- ------------ -------- Net investment income (loss)................ 109,562 35,337 12,598 (18,413) (10,563) 7,547 ------------- ------------ ------------ --------------- ------------ -------- NET REALIZED AND UNREALIZED GAIN (LOSS) ON INVESTMENTS: Net realized gain on investments........... 34,690 34,697 8,296 734,669 323,041 32,945 Net realized gain on forward foreign currency contracts.... -- -- -- -- -- 15,163 Net realized gain on futures contracts..... -- -- -- -- -- 2,960 Net realized loss on foreign currency transactions.......... -- -- -- -- -- (834) Net unrealized appreciation of investments........... 1,031,480 458,202 489,848 843,034 152,272 220,997 Net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on translation of other assets and liabilities in foreign currencies............ -- -- -- 184 -- (64) Net unrealized appreciation of futures contracts..... -- -- -- -- -- 6,073 Unrealized appreciation of forward foreign currency contracts.... -- -- -- -- -- 538 ------------- ------------ ------------ --------------- ------------ -------- Net realized and unrealized gain on investments........... 1,066,170 492,899 498,144 1,577,887 475,313 277,778 ------------- ------------ ------------ --------------- ------------ -------- Net increase in net assets resulting from operations............ $1,175,732 $ 528,236 $ 510,742 $1,559,474 $ 464,750 $ 285,325 ------------- ------------ ------------ --------------- ------------ -------- ------------- ------------ ------------ --------------- ------------ -------- THE ACCOMPANYING NOTES ARE AN INTEGRAL PART OF THIS FINANCIAL STATEMENT. 19 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ITT Hartford Mutual Funds, Inc. STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN NET ASSETS FOR THE PERIOD FROM JULY 1, 1996 (INCEPTION) TO DECEMBER 31, 1996 ITT HARTFORD ITT HARTFORD BOND INCOME MONEY STRATEGY MARKET FUND FUND ------------- ------------ OPERATIONS: Net investment income (loss)................ $ 206,204 $ 265,341 Net realized gain...... -- 159,623 Net unrealized appreciation of investments........... -- 159,276 ------------- ------------ Net increase in net assets resulting from operations............ 206,204 584,240 DISTRIBUTIONS TO SHAREHOLDERS: From net investment income Class A.............. (206,198) (255,221) Class B.............. -- (1,518) Class Y.............. (6) (129) From net realized gain on investments Class A.............. -- (59,781) Class B.............. -- (686) Class Y.............. -- (29) CAPITAL SHARE TRANSACTIONS: Class A.............. 10,753,621 10,658,828 Class B.............. -- 123,373 Class Y.............. 280 5,057 ------------- ------------ Net increase in net assets................ 10,753,901 11,054,134 NET ASSETS: Beginning of period.... -- -- End of period.......... $ 10,753,901 $11,054,134 ------------- ------------ ------------- ------------ THE ACCOMPANYING NOTES ARE AN INTEGRAL PART OF THIS FINANCIAL STATEMENT. 20 ITT HARTFORD ITT HARTFORD CAPITAL ITT HARTFORD ITT HARTFORD ITT HARTFORD DIVIDEND AND ITT HARTFORD APPRECIATION SMALL INTERNATIONAL ADVISERS FUND GROWTH FUND STOCK FUND FUND COMPANY FUND OPPORTUNITIES FUND ------------- ------------ ------------ --------------- ------------ ------------------ OPERATIONS: Net investment income (loss)................ $ 109,562 $ 35,337 $ 12,598 $ (18,413) $ (10,563) $ 7,547 Net realized gain...... 34,690 34,697 8,296 734,669 323,041 50,234 Net unrealized appreciation of investments........... 1,031,480 458,202 489,848 843,218 152,272 227,544 ------------- ------------ ------------ --------------- ------------ ------------------ Net increase in net assets resulting from operations............ 1,175,732 528,236 510,742 1,559,474 464,750 285,325 DISTRIBUTIONS TO SHAREHOLDERS: From net investment income Class A.............. (98,048) (32,275) (10,931) -- -- (25,685) Class B.............. (9,994) (3,872) (2,242) -- -- (963) Class Y.............. (270) (226) (117) -- -- (446) From net realized gain on investments Class A.............. -- (9,096) -- (261,732) (292,131) (11,118) Class B.............. -- (1,043) -- (25,075) (14,827) (408) Class Y.............. -- (55) -- (3,191) (4,569) (165) CAPITAL SHARE TRANSACTIONS: Class A.............. 13,268,744 5,603,131 5,779,861 7,789,947 4,503,579 4,049,578 Class B.............. 1,509,188 727,849 1,249,897 858,773 255,112 160,933 Class Y.............. 33,877 35,634 44,134 106,388 75,111 63,113 ------------- ------------ ------------ --------------- ------------ ------------------ Net increase in net assets................ 15,879,229 6,848,283 7,571,344 10,024,584 4,987,025 4,520,164 NET ASSETS: Beginning of period.... -- -- -- -- -- -- End of period.......... $15,879,229 $6,848,283 $ 7,571,344 $10,024,584 $ 4,987,025 $4,520,164 ------------- ------------ ------------ --------------- ------------ ------------------ ------------- ------------ ------------ --------------- ------------ ------------------ THE ACCOMPANYING NOTES ARE AN INTEGRAL PART OF THIS FINANCIAL STATEMENT. 21 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ITT Hartford Mutual Funds, Inc. NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 1996 1. ORGANIZATION: ITT Hartford Mutual Funds, Inc. (the Company) is an open-end management investment company comprised of eight diversified portfolios (each a "Fund" or together the "Funds"). The Company was organized under the laws of the State of Maryland and was registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, as a diversified open-end management investment company. The Funds and their investment objectives are listed below: ITT Hartford Money Market Fund Seeks maximum current income consistent with liquidity and (Money Market Fund) preservation of capital. ITT Hartford Bond Income Strategy Fund Seeks a high level of current income consistent with a (Bond Income Strategy Fund) competitive total return, as compared to bond funds with similar investment objectives and policies, by investing primarily in debt securities. ITT Hartford Advisers Fund (Advisers Seeks maximum long-term total rate of return by investing in Fund) common stocks and other equity securities, bonds and other debt securities and money market instruments. ITT Hartford Dividend and Growth Fund Seeks a high level of current income consistent with growth (Dividend and Growth Fund) of capital by investing primarily in equity securities. ITT Hartford Stock Fund (Stock Fund) Seeks long-term growth of capital with income a secondary consideration by investing primarily in equity securities. ITT Hartford Capital Appreciation Fund Seeks growth of capital by investing primarily in equity (Capital Appreciation Fund) securities selected on the basis of potential for capital appreciation. ITT Hartford Small Company Fund Seeks growth of capital by investing primarily in equity (Small Company Fund) securities selected on the basis of potential for capital appreciation. ITT Hartford International Seeks growth of capital by investing primarily in equity Opportunities Fund (International securities issued by non-U.S. companies. Opportunities Fund) The Company consists of eight series of portfolios, each of which is divided into Class A, Class B and Class Y shares except for the Money Market Fund, which is divided into Class A and Class Y shares. Class A shares are sold with a front-end load sales charge of up to 5.50%. Class B shares are sold with a contingent deferred sales charge which declines from 5.00% of net asset value to zero depending on the period of time the shares are held. Class Y shares are sold to certain institutional investors without a sales charge. All classes of shares have identical voting, dividend, liquidation and other rights and the same terms and conditions, except that each class may have different expenses which may affect performance. 2. SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES: The following is a summary of significant accounting policies of the Funds, which are in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles in the investment company industry: a) SECURITY TRANSACTIONS--Security transactions are recorded on the trade date (date the order to buy or sell is executed). Security gains and losses are determined on the basis of identified cost. b) SECURITY VALUATION--Debt securities (other than short-term obligations) are valued on the basis of valuations furnished by an unaffiliated pricing service which determines valuations for normal institutional size trading units of debt securities. Mortgage securities are valued at the bid price. Short-term securities held in the Money Market Fund are valued at amortized cost or original cost plus accrued interest receivable, both of which approximate market value. In the Bond Income Strategy, Advisers, Dividend and Growth, Stock, Capital Appreciation, Small Company and International Opportunities Funds, short-term investments purchased with a maturity of 60 days or less are valued at amortized cost, which approximates market value. Short-term investments purchased with a maturity of greater than 60 days are valued based on market quotations until the remaining days to maturity become less than 61 days. From that time until maturity, the investments are valued at amortized cost. 22 Equity securities are valued at the last sales price reported on the principal securities markets on which such securities are traded (domestic or foreign). If no sale occurred on such day and in the case of certain equity securities traded over-the-counter, then such securities are valued at the mean between the bid and asked prices. Securities quoted in foreign currencies are translated into U.S. dollars at the prevailing exchange rate at the end of each business day. Options are valued at the last sales price; if no sale occurred on such day, then options are valued at the mean between the bid and asked prices. Securities for which market quotations are not readily available and all other assets are valued in good faith at fair value by a person designated by the Funds' Board of Directors. c) FOREIGN CURRENCY TRANSACTIONS--The accounting records of the Funds are maintained in U.S. dollars. All assets and liabilities initially expressed in foreign currencies are converted into U.S. dollars at the prevailing exchange rates. Purchases and sales of investment securities, dividends and interest income and certain expenses are translated at the rates of exchange prevailing on the respective dates of such transactions. The Funds do not isolate that portion of the results of operations resulting from changes in the foreign exchange rates on investments from the fluctuations arising from changes in the market prices of securities held. Such fluctuations are included with the net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments in the accompanying financial statements. Net realized foreign exchange gains or losses arise from sales of portfolio securities, sales of foreign currencies, and the difference between asset and liability amounts initially stated in foreign currencies and the U.S. dollar value of the amounts actually received or paid. Net unrealized foreign exchange gains or losses arise from changes in the value of portfolio securities and other assets and liabilities at the end of the reporting period, resulting from changes in the exchange rates. d) REPURCHASE AGREEMENTS--A repurchase agreement is an agreement by which the seller of a security agrees to repurchase the security sold at a mutually agreed upon time and price. At the time the Funds enter into a repurchase agreement, the value of the underlying collateral security(ies), including accrued interest receivable, will be equal to or exceed the value of the repurchase agreement and, in the case of repurchase agreements exceeding one day, the value of the underlying security(ies), including accrued interest receivable, is required during the term of the agreement to be equal to or exceed the value of the repurchase agreement. Securities which serve to collateralize the repurchase agreement are held by each Fund's custodian in book entry or physical form in the custodial account of the Fund. Repurchase agreements are valued at cost plus accrued interest receivable. In June 1996, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) issued Statement of Financial Accounting Standards (SFAS) No. 125, ACCOUNTING FOR TRANSFERS AND SERVICING OF FINANCIAL ASSETS AND EXTINGUISHMENTS OF LIABILITIES. This Statement provides consistent standards for distinguishing transfers of financial assets that are sales from transfers that are secured borrowings. Under the provisions of SFAS No. 125, transfers of certain financial assets, such as repurchase agreements, are required to be accounted for as sales if control, as defined, over those assets has been surrendered by the transferor. The Statement also requires collateral under repurchase agreements and securities lending transactions to be separately classified by the debtor and recognized as an asset by the creditor in the respective financial statements if certain conditions are met. SFAS No. 125 is effective for transfers of financial assets occurring after December 31, 1996, except for certain transfers for which the effective date has been delayed to January 1, 1998 by SFAS No. 127, DEFERRAL OF THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF CERTAIN PROVISIONS OF FASB STATEMENT NO. 125, issued by the FASB in December 1996. Management does not believe the adoption of this new accounting standard will have a material impact on the financial position or future results of operations of the Funds. e) JOINT TRADING ACCOUNT--Pursuant to an exemptive order issued by the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Funds may transfer uninvested cash balances into a joint trading account managed by Hartford Investment Management Company (HIMCO) or Wellington Management Company (Wellington). These balances may be invested in one or more repurchase agreements and/or short-term money market instruments. f) FUTURES, OPTIONS ON FUTURES AND OPTIONS TRANSACTIONS--The Funds enter into futures contracts to retain their cash balances and yet be exposed to the market, thereby providing the liquidity necessary to accommodate redemptions while at the same time providing shareholders the investment return of a fully invested portfolio. A futures contract is an agreement between two parties to buy and sell a security at a predetermined price on a future date. When the Funds enter into such contracts, they are required to deposit with their broker an amount of "initial margin" of cash or U.S. 23 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ITT HARTFORD MUTUAL FUNDS, INC. NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS -- (CONTINUED) DECEMBER 31, 1996 Treasury Bills. Subsequent payments, called maintenance margin, to and from the broker, are made on a daily basis as the price of the underlying debt security fluctuates, making the long and short positions in the futures contract more or less valuable (i.e., mark-to-market) and resulting in an unrealized gain or loss to the Funds. The market value of a traded futures contract is the last sale price. In the absence of a last sale price, the last offering price. In the absence of either of these prices, fair value is determined according to procedures established by the Funds' Board of Directors. The variation margin on futures contracts is included in the excess of cash, receivables and other assets over liabilities or the excess of liabilities over cash, receivables and other assets, as applicable, in each Fund's Statement of Net Assets. At any time prior to expiration of the futures contract, the Funds may close the position by taking an opposite position which would operate to terminate the position in the futures contract. A final determination of maintenance margin is then made, additional cash is required to be paid by or released to the Funds and the Funds realize a gain or loss. The premium paid by the Fund for the purchase of a call or put option is included in the Fund's Statement of Net Assets as an investment and subsequently "marked-to-market" to reflect the current market value of the option purchased as of the end of the reporting period. If an option which the Fund has purchased expires on its stipulated expiration date, the Fund realizes a loss in the amount of the cost of the option. If the Fund enters into a closing transaction, it realizes a gain or loss, depending upon whether the proceeds from the sale are greater or less than the cost of the option. If the Fund exercises a put option, it realizes a gain or loss from the sale of the underlying security and the proceeds from such sale will be decreased by the premium originally paid. If the Fund exercises a call option, the cost of the security which the Fund purchases upon exercise of the option will be increased by the premium originally paid. g) FEDERAL INCOME TAXES--For Federal income tax purposes, the Funds intend to continue to qualify as regulated investment companies under Subchapter M of the Internal Revenue Code by distributing substantially all of their taxable income and net realized capital gains to their shareholders or otherwise complying with the requirements for regulated investment companies. Accordingly, no provision for Federal income taxes has been made in the accompanying financial statements. h) FUND SHARE VALUATION AND DIVIDEND DISTRIBUTIONS TO SHAREHOLDERS--Orders for the Funds' shares are executed in accordance with the investment instructions of the shareholders. Dividend income is accrued as of the ex-dividend date. Interest income and expenses are accrued on a daily basis. The net asset value of each Fund's shares is determined as of the close of each business day of the New York Stock Exchange (the Exchange). Orders for the purchase of a Fund's shares received prior to the close of the Exchange on any day on which the Fund is open for business are priced at the per-share net asset value determined as of the close of the Exchange. Orders received after the close of the Exchange, or on a day on which the Exchange and/or the Fund is not open for business, are priced at the next determined per-share net asset value. Each Fund intends to distribute substantially all of its net investment income and realized capital gains to shareholders no less frequently than once a year. Normally, dividends from net investment income of the Stock, Capital Appreciation, Small Company and International Opportunities Funds will be declared and paid annually; dividends from net investment income of the Advisers and Dividend and Growth Funds will be declared and paid semi-annually; dividends from the net investment income of the Bond Income Strategy Fund will be declared and paid monthly, and dividends from net investment income of the Money Market Fund will be declared daily and paid monthly. Dividends from the Money Market Fund are not paid on shares until the day following the date on which the shares are issued. Unless shareholders specify otherwise, all dividends and distributions will be automatically reinvested in additional full or fractional shares of each Fund. i) FORWARD FOREIGN CURRENCY CONTRACTS--As of December 31, 1996, the International Opportunities Fund had entered into forward foreign currency exchange contracts that obligate the Fund to repurchase currencies at specified future dates. The Fund enters into forward foreign currency contracts to manage currency exchange rate risk. Forward contracts involve elements of market risk in excess of the amount reflected in the Statement of Net Assets. The Fund bears the risk of an unfavorable change in the foreign exchange rate underlying the forward contract. j) ORGANIZATIONAL COSTS--Costs incurred by the Funds in connection with their organization and public offering of shares have been deferred and are being amortized on a straight-line basis over five years. The unamortized deferred 24 organizational costs of each Fund as of December 31, 1996 are included in the excess of cash, receivables and other assets over liabilities or the excess of liabilities over cash, receivables and other assets, as applicable, in each Fund's Statement of Net Assets. k) USE OF ESTIMATES--The preparation of financial statements in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities as of the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of income and expenses during the period. Operating results in the future could vary from the amounts derived from management's estimates. 3. EXPENSES: a) INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT AND ADVISORY AGREEMENTS--HIMCO, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Hartford Life Insurance Company (HL), serves as investment adviser to each Fund pursuant to an Investment Advisory Agreement dated July 22, 1996. HIMCO has overall investment supervisory responsibility for each Fund and is responsible for the day to day investment decisions with respect to the assets of the Bond Income Strategy and the Money Market Funds. In addition, HIMCO provides administrative personnel, services, equipment and facilities and office space for the operation of the Company. HIMCO has contracted with Wellington for the provision of day-to-day management services to the Advisers, Dividend and Growth, Stock, Capital Appreciation, Small Company and International Opportunities Funds in accordance with each Fund's investment objectives and policies. Each Fund pays a fee to HIMCO, a portion of which may be used to compensate Wellington. The schedule below reflects the rates of compensation paid to HIMCO for services rendered: MONEY MARKET FUND AVERAGE DAILY NET ASSETS ANNUAL FEE - ------------------------------------ ------------ On first $500 million .50% On next $500 million .45% Over $1 billion .40% BOND INCOME STRATEGY FUND AVERAGE DAILY NET ASSETS ANNUAL FEE - ------------------------------------ ------------ On first $500 million .65% On next $500 million .55% Over $1 billion .50% ADVISERS AND DIVIDEND AND GROWTH FUNDS AVERAGE DAILY NET ASSETS ANNUAL FEE - ------------------------------------ ------------ On first $500 million .75% On next $500 million .65% Over $1 billion .60% STOCK AND CAPITAL APPRECIATION FUNDS AVERAGE DAILY NET ASSETS ANNUAL FEE - ------------------------------------ ------------ On first $500 million .80% On next $500 million .70% Over $1 billion .65% 25 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ITT HARTFORD MUTUAL FUNDS, INC. NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS -- (CONTINUED) DECEMBER 31, 1996 SMALL COMPANY AND INTERNATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES FUNDS AVERAGE DAILY NET ASSETS ANNUAL FEE - ------------------------------------ ------------ On first $500 million .85% On next $500 million .75% Over $1 billion .70% b) DISTRIBUTION AND SERVICE PLANS FOR CLASS A AND B SHARES--Hartford Securities Distribution Company, Inc. (HSD, or the Distributor), a wholly-owned subsidiary of HL, is the principal underwriter and distributor of the Funds. HSD is solely engaged in distribution activities which include marketing, distribution and clearing of shares through broker/dealers, financing distribution costs, supervising the activities of the transfer agent and maintaining financial books and records. The Funds have adopted Distribution and Service Plans to compensate the Distributor for the distribution of Class A and Class B shares and servicing the accounts of Class A and Class B shareholders. The Class A plan provides for periodic payments to broker-dealers who provide services to accounts that hold Class A shares and for promotional and other sales related costs. The Distributor is compensated at an annual rate that may not exceed 0.35% of the average daily net asset value of Class A shares of each Fund, some or all of which may be remitted to broker-dealers. Up to 0.25% of the fee may be used for shareholder servicing expenses with the remainder used for distribution expenses. The Class A Rule 12b-1 fee for each Fund has been voluntarily capped at 0.30% through July 1, 1997. The cap may be removed at any time after this date. Some or all of the 12b-1 fee for Class B shares may be paid to broker- dealers for distribution and or shareholder account services. Under the Plan, the Fund pays the Distributor 1.00% of the average daily net assets of Class B shares that are outstanding for 8 years or less, 0.25% of which is intended as a fee for services provided to existing shareholders with the remainder used for distribution expenses. c) OPERATING EXPENSES--Allocable expenses incurred by the Funds are allocated to each Fund in proportion to the average daily net assets of each Fund, except where the allocation of certain expenses is more fairly made directly to the Fund. ITT Hartford Group, Inc. (ITT Hartford), the ultimate parent of HIMCO, has voluntarily agreed to limit the total operating expenses of the Class A and Class Y shares of the Money Market Fund and Class A, B and Y shares of all other Funds, exclusive of taxes, interest, brokerage commissions, certain distribution expenses and extraordinary expenses, until at least July 1, 1997 as follows: FUND CLASS A CLASS B CLASS Y ----------------------------------------- ------- ------- ------- Money Market Fund........................ 1.00% N/A 0.55% Bond Income Strategy Fund................ 1.25% 1.95% 0.80% Advisers Fund............................ 1.40% 2.10% 0.95% Dividend and Growth Fund................. 1.40% 2.10% 0.95% Stock Fund............................... 1.45% 2.15% 1.00% Capital Appreciation Fund................ 1.45% 2.15% 1.00% Small Company Fund....................... 1.45% 2.15% 1.00% International Opportunities Fund......... 1.65% 2.35% 1.20% Such voluntary and temporary fee waivers and expense limitation arrangements may be terminated by ITT Hartford at any time without notice. d) OTHER RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS--ITT Hartford and its subsidiaries provide facilities and office equipment, as well as perform certain other services, including fund accounting and financial reporting, to the Funds. Certain officers of the Funds are directors and/or officers of HIMCO, HSD and/or ITT Hartford or its subsidiaries. No officer of the Funds receives any compensation directly from the Funds. 26 4. AFFILIATE HOLDINGS: a) As of December 31, 1996, HIMCO had ownership of shares in the Funds as follows: FUND CLASS A CLASS B CLASS Y - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------ ----------- ----------- Money Market Fund.......................................................................... 10,210,019 N/A 128 Bond Income Strategy Fund.................................................................. 1,031,000 488 490 Advisers Fund.............................................................................. 1,007,370 479 479 Dividend and Growth Fund................................................................... 302,557 478 479 Stock Fund................................................................................. 301,006 476 476 Capital Appreciation Fund.................................................................. 309,810 490 490 Small Company Fund......................................................................... 321,031 508 507 International Opportunities Fund........................................................... 303,122 479 480 5. INVESTMENT TRANSACTIONS: For the period from July 1, 1996 (inception) to December 31, 1996, investment transactions (excluding short-term investments) were as follows: COST OF PROCEEDS FROM FUND PURCHASES SALES - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- ------------------ Bond Income Strategy Fund............................................................. $ 16,658,804 $ 6,387,439 Advisers Fund......................................................................... 15,498,768 1,893,363 Dividend and Growth Fund.............................................................. 7,171,445 1,051,071 Stock Fund............................................................................ 6,684,137 431,866 Capital Appreciation Fund............................................................. 14,701,916 6,730,604 Small Company Fund.................................................................... 6,423,566 2,203,829 International Opportunities Fund...................................................... 4,161,383 577,089 6. TAX COST AND UNREALIZED APPRECIATION (DEPRECIATION) OF INVESTMENTS: As of December 31, 1996, the aggregate gross unrealized appreciation and depreciation on all investments, based on cost for federal income tax purposes, was as follows: TAX UNREALIZED UNREALIZED NET UNREALIZED FUND COST APPRECIATION DEPRECIATION APPRECIATION - ------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------- ------------ ------------ -------------- Bond Income Strategy Fund......................................... $ 10,601,500 $ 190,409 $ (31,133) $ 159,276 Advisers Fund..................................................... 14,456,044 1,180,775 (149,436) 1,031,339 Dividend and Growth Fund.......................................... 6,418,218 530,811 (78,755) 452,056 Stock Fund........................................................ 6,861,567 596,342 (106,495) 489,847 Capital Appreciation Fund......................................... 8,821,982 1,186,092 (343,058) 843,034 Small Company Fund................................................ 4,786,372 454,968 (303,291) 151,677 International Opportunities Fund.................................. 4,342,817 362,745 (141,748) 220,997 7. CAPITAL SHARE TRANSACTIONS: The following information is for the period from July 1, 1996 (inception) to December 31, 1996: MONEY BOND INCOME DIVIDEND AND MARKET FUND STRATEGY FUND ADVISERS FUND GROWTH FUND ----------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ------------------- SHARES AMOUNT SHARES AMOUNT SHARES AMOUNT SHARES AMOUNT ---------- ----------- --------- ----------- --------- ----------- ------- ---------- CLASS A Shares sold.................... 10,742,496 $10,742,496 1,033,915 $10,347,528 1,286,188 $13,174,231 528,490 $5,568,935 Shares issued on reinvestment of distributions.............. 206,091 206,091 30,839 314,647 8,674 97,406 3,550 41,188 Shares redeemed................ (194,966) (194,966) (324) (3,347) (261) (2,893) (612) (6,992) ---------- ----------- --------- ----------- --------- ----------- ------- ---------- Net increase................... 10,753,621 $10,753,621 1,064,430 $10,658,828 1,294,601 $13,268,744 531,428 $5,603,131 ---------- ----------- --------- ----------- --------- ----------- ------- ---------- ---------- ----------- --------- ----------- --------- ----------- ------- ---------- 27 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ITT HARTFORD MUTUAL FUNDS, INC. NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS -- (CONTINUED) DECEMBER 31, 1996 CAPITAL SMALL COMPANY INTERNATIONAL STOCK FUND APPRECIATION FUND FUND OPPORTUNITIES FUND ----------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ------------------- SHARES AMOUNT SHARES AMOUNT SHARES AMOUNT SHARES AMOUNT ---------- ----------- --------- ----------- --------- ----------- ------- ---------- CLASS A Shares sold.................... 544,300 $ 5,784,608 658,540 $ 7,560,478 410,929 $ 4,223,877 397,759 $4,020,902 Shares issued on reinvestment of distributions.............. 927 10,897 19,716 260,446 27,530 290,714 3,456 36,538 Shares redeemed................ (1,348) (15,644) (2,381) (30,977) (972) (11,012) (741) (7,862) ---------- ----------- --------- ----------- --------- ----------- ------- ---------- Net increase................... 543,879 $ 5,779,861 675,875 $ 7,789,947 437,487 $ 4,503,579 400,474 $4,049,578 ---------- ----------- --------- ----------- --------- ----------- ------- ---------- ---------- ----------- --------- ----------- --------- ----------- ------- ---------- MONEY BOND INCOME DIVIDEND AND MARKET FUND STRATEGY FUND ADVISERS FUND GROWTH FUND ----------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ------------------- SHARES AMOUNT SHARES AMOUNT SHARES AMOUNT SHARES AMOUNT ---------- ----------- --------- ----------- --------- ----------- ------- ---------- CLASS B Shares sold.................... -- $ -- 12,400 $ 126,990 135,067 $ 1,502,853 63,586 $ 723,176 Shares issued on reinvestment of distributions.............. -- -- 215 2,203 890 9,972 405 4,673 Shares redeemed................ -- -- (561) (5,820) (324) (3,637) -- -- ---------- ----------- --------- ----------- --------- ----------- ------- ---------- Net increase................... -- $ -- 12,054 $ 123,373 135,633 $ 1,509,188 63,991 $ 727,849 ---------- ----------- --------- ----------- --------- ----------- ------- ---------- ---------- ----------- --------- ----------- --------- ----------- ------- ---------- CAPITAL INTERNATIONAL STOCK FUND APPRECIATION FUND SMALL COMPANY FUND OPPORTUNITIES FUND ----------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ------------------- SHARES AMOUNT SHARES AMOUNT SHARES AMOUNT SHARES AMOUNT ---------- ----------- --------- ----------- --------- ----------- ------- ---------- CLASS B Shares sold.................... 109,160 $ 1,251,332 64,875 $ 834,147 22,152 $ 250,555 15,077 $ 159,562 Shares issued on reinvestment of distributions.............. 189 2,215 1,881 24,777 1,387 14,601 130 1,371 Shares redeemed................ (315) (3,650) (11) (151) (880) (10,044) -- -- ---------- ----------- --------- ----------- --------- ----------- ------- ---------- Net increase................... 109,034 $ 1,249,897 66,745 $ 858,773 22,659 $ 255,112 15,207 $ 160,933 ---------- ----------- --------- ----------- --------- ----------- ------- ---------- ---------- ----------- --------- ----------- --------- ----------- ------- ---------- MONEY BOND INCOME DIVIDEND AND MARKET FUND STRATEGY FUND ADVISERS FUND GROWTH FUND ----------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ------------------- SHARES AMOUNT SHARES AMOUNT SHARES AMOUNT SHARES AMOUNT ---------- ----------- --------- ----------- --------- ----------- ------- ---------- CLASS Y Shares sold.................... 276 $ 276 490 $ 4,900 3,039 $ 33,608 3,119 $ 35,353 Shares issued on reinvestment of distributions.............. 4 4 15 157 24 269 24 281 Shares redeemed................ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---------- ----------- --------- ----------- --------- ----------- ------- ---------- Net increase................... 280 $ 280 505 $ 5,057 3,063 $ 33,877 3,143 $ 35,634 ---------- ----------- --------- ----------- --------- ----------- ------- ---------- ---------- ----------- --------- ----------- --------- ----------- ------- ---------- CAPITAL INTERNATIONAL STOCK FUND APPRECIATION FUND SMALL COMPANY FUND OPPORTUNITIES FUND ----------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ------------------- SHARES AMOUNT SHARES AMOUNT SHARES AMOUNT SHARES AMOUNT ---------- ----------- --------- ----------- --------- ----------- ------- ---------- CLASS Y Shares sold.................... 3,838 $ 44,018 7,775 $ 103,199 6,324 $ 70,546 5,873 $ 62,502 Shares issued on reinvestment of distributions.............. 10 116 241 3,189 432 4,565 58 611 Shares redeemed................ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---------- ----------- --------- ----------- --------- ----------- ------- ---------- Net increase................... 3,848 $ 44,134 8,016 $ 106,388 6,756 $ 75,111 5,931 $ 63,113 ---------- ----------- --------- ----------- --------- ----------- ------- ---------- ---------- ----------- --------- ----------- --------- ----------- ------- ---------- 28 8. RECLASSIFICATION OF CAPITAL ACCOUNTS: In accordance with AICPA Statement of Position 93-2, DETERMINATION, DISCLOSURE AND FINANCIAL STATEMENT PRESENTATION OF INCOME, CAPITAL GAIN AND RETURN OF CAPITAL DISTRIBUTIONS BY INVESTMENT COMPANIES, several reclassifications have been recorded in the Funds' capital accounts. These reclassifications had no impact on the net asset value of the Funds and are designed generally to present accumulated undistributed (distribution in excess of) net investment income and net realized gain on investments on a tax basis which is considered to be more informative to the shareholder. As of December 31, 1996, the Funds recorded the following reclassifications to increase (decrease) the accounts listed below: ACCUMULATED UNDISTRIBUTED ACCUMULATED (DISTRIBUTION UNDISTRIBUTED IN EXCESS OF) NET REALIZED NET INVESTMENT GAIN ON PAID IN INCOME INVESTMENTS SURPLUS -------------- ------------- ------- Bond Income Strategy Fund..................................................... $ 1,817 $ (1,817) $-- Advisers Fund................................................................. 526 (526) -- Dividend and Growth Fund...................................................... (24) -- 24 Stock Fund.................................................................... 692 (692) -- Capital Appreciation Fund..................................................... 18,413 (18,413) -- Small Company Fund............................................................ 10,563 (10,563) -- International Opportunities Fund.............................................. 17,810 (17,810) -- 29 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ITT Hartford Mututal Funds, Inc. FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS (FOR A SHARE OUTSTANDING THROUGHOUT THE INDICATED PERIOD) NET REALIZED AND DISTRIBUTIONS NET ASSET UNREALIZED DIVIDENDS FROM NET VALUE AT NET GAIN (LOSS) TOTAL FROM FROM NET REALIZED BEGINNING INVESTMENT ON INVESTMENT INVESTMENT GAIN ON OF PERIOD INCOME INVESTMENTS OPERATIONS INCOME INVESTMENTS --------- ---------- ------------ ----------- ---------- ------------- ITT HARTFORD MONEY MARKET FUND July 1, 1996 to December 31, 1996 Class A................ $1.00 $ 0.02 $ 0.00 $ 0.02 $(0.02) $ 0.00 Class Y................ 1.00 0.02 0.00 0.02 (0.02) 0.00 ITT HARTFORD BOND INCOME STRATEGY FUND July 1, 1996 to December 31, 1996 Class A................ 10.00 0.26 0.31 0.57 (0.25) (0.06) Class B................ 10.00 0.20 0.34 0.54 (0.23) (0.06) Class Y................ 10.00 0.28 0.31 0.59 (0.26) (0.06) ITT HARTFORD ADVISERS FUND July 1, 1996 to December 31, 1996 Class A................ 10.00 0.09 1.07 1.16 (0.08) 0.00 Class B................ 10.00 0.02 1.11 1.13 (0.08) 0.00 Class Y................ 10.00 0.03 1.16 1.19 (0.09) 0.00 ITT HARTFORD DIVIDEND AND GROWTH FUND July 1, 1996 to December 31, 1996 Class A................ 10.00 0.07 1.46 1.53 (0.06) (0.02) Class B................ 10.00 0.01 1.48 1.49 (0.07) (0.02) Class Y................ 10.00 0.02 1.53 1.55 (0.07) (0.02) ITT HARTFORD STOCK FUND July 1, 1996 to December 31, 1996 Class A................ 10.00 0.02 1.53 1.55 (0.02) 0.00 Class B................ 10.00 0.00 1.52 1.52 (0.02) 0.00 Class Y................ 10.00 0.01 1.57 1.58 (0.03) 0.00 ITT HARTFORD CAPITAL APPRECIATION FUND July 1, 1996 to December 31, 1996 Class A................ 10.00 (0.03) 3.80 3.77 0.00 (0.41) Class B................ 10.00 (0.02) 3.75 3.73 0.00 (0.41) Class Y................ 10.00 0.00 3.79 3.79 0.00 (0.41) ITT HARTFORD SMALL COMPANY FUND July 1, 1996 to December 31, 1996 Class A................ 10.00 (0.02) 1.42 1.40 0.00 (0.72) Class B................ 10.00 (0.02) 1.39 1.37 0.00 (0.72) Class Y................ 10.00 0.00 1.43 1.43 0.00 (0.72) ITT HARTFORD INTERNATIONAL OPPPORTUNITIES FUND July 1, 1996 to December 31, 1996 Class A................ 10.00 0.02 0.79 0.81 (0.06) (0.03) Class B................ 10.00 (0.01) 0.80 0.79 (0.07) (0.03) Class Y................ 10.00 0.00 0.84 0.84 (0.08) (0.03) (a) Annualized. (b) Does not include sales charges. (c) The portfolio turnover rate and the average commission rate paid are calculated at the Fund level and are non-class specific. THE ACCOMPANYING NOTES ARE AN INTEGRAL PART OF THIS FINANCIAL STATEMENT. 30 AVERAGE NET NET ASSETS ASSETS NET ASSET AT END OF DURING THE RATIO OF CHANGE IN VALUE AT PERIOD PERIOD EXPENSES TO TOTAL NET ASSET END TOTAL (IN (IN AVERAGE DISTRIBUTIONS VALUE OF PERIOD RETURN(A)(B) THOUSANDS) THOUSANDS) NET ASSETS(A) ---------- ------------ --------- ------- ----------- ------------ ------------- ITT HARTFORD MONEY MARKET FUND July 1, 1996 to December 31, 1996 Class A................ $(0.02) $ 0.00 $1.00 4.53% $10,754 $10,339 3.30% Class Y................ (0.02) 0.00 1.00 5.28 0.3 0.3 7619.74 ITT HARTFORD BOND INCOME STRATEGY FUND July 1, 1996 to December 31, 1996 Class A................ (0.31) 0.26 10.26 12.91 10,925 10,402 3.22 Class B................ (0.29) 0.25 10.25 12.12 124 49 45.58 Class Y................ (0.32) 0.27 10.27 13.40 5 5 415.09 ITT HARTFORD ADVISERS FUND July 1, 1996 to December 31, 1996 Class A................ (0.08) 1.08 11.08 26.05 14,347 11,384 3.42 Class B................ (0.08) 1.05 11.05 25.42 1,499 325 10.49 Class Y................ (0.09) 1.10 11.10 26.76 34 6 323.30 ITT HARTFORD DIVIDEND AND GROWTH FUND July 1, 1996 to December 31, 1996 Class A................ (0.08) 1.45 11.45 34.46 6,083 4,032 4.80 Class B................ (0.09) 1.40 11.40 33.39 730 119 22.77 Class Y................ (0.09) 1.46 11.46 34.90 36 7 315.44 ITT HARTFORD STOCK FUND July 1, 1996 to December 31, 1996 Class A................ (0.02) 1.53 11.53 34.92 6,273 4,047 4.64 Class B................ (0.02) 1.50 11.50 34.25 1,254 277 12.14 Class Y................ (0.03) 1.55 11.55 35.60 44 7 297.22 ITT HARTFORD CAPITAL APPRECIATION FUND July 1, 1996 to December 31, 1996 Class A................ (0.41) 3.36 13.36 85.06 9,028 4,978 4.75 Class B................ (0.41) 3.32 13.32 84.15 889 215 14.61 Class Y................ (0.41) 3.38 13.38 85.50 107 10 207.19 ITT HARTFORD SMALL COMPANY FUND July 1, 1996 to December 31, 1996 Class A................ (0.72) 0.68 10.68 31.78 4,673 3,845 4.95 Class B................ (0.72) 0.65 10.65 31.11 241 66 37.48 Class Y................ (0.72) 0.71 10.71 32.47 72 8 255.90 ITT HARTFORD INTERNATIONAL OPPPORTUNITIES FUND July 1, 1996 to December 31, 1996 Class A................ (0.09) 0.72 10.72 18.35 4,294 3,407 6.07 Class B................ (0.10) 0.69 10.69 17.71 163 36 64.02 Class Y................ (0.11) 0.73 10.73 18.83 64 8 279.41 RATIO OF RATIO OF EXPENSES TO NET AVERAGE INVESTMENT AVERAGE NET ASSETS INCOME (LOSS) PORTFOLIO COMMISSION AFTER WAIVERS AND TO AVERAGE TURNOVER RATE REIMBURSEMENTS(A) NET ASSETS(A) RATE(C) PAID(C) ----------------- ------------- --------- ---------- ITT HARTFORD MONEY MARKET FUND July 1, 1996 to December 31, 1996 Class A................ 1.00% 4.49% N/A N/A Class Y................ 0.55 4.56 ITT HARTFORD BOND INCOME STRATEGY FUND July 1, 1996 to December 31, 1996 Class A................ 1.25 5.72 75.52% N/A Class B................ 1.95 5.22 Class Y................ 0.80 6.17 ITT HARTFORD ADVISERS FUND July 1, 1996 to December 31, 1996 Class A................ 1.40 2.13 19.75 $0.0297 Class B................ 2.10 1.24 Class Y................ 0.95 2.75 ITT HARTFORD DIVIDEND AND GROWTH FUND July 1, 1996 to December 31, 1996 Class A................ 1.40 1.95 29.80 0.0306 Class B................ 2.10 0.82 Class Y................ 0.95 2.41 ITT HARTFORD STOCK FUND July 1, 1996 to December 31, 1996 Class A................ 1.45 0.71 11.87 0.0281 Class B................ 2.15 (0.12) Class Y................ 1.00 1.37 ITT HARTFORD CAPITAL APPRECIATION FUND July 1, 1996 to December 31, 1996 Class A................ 1.45 (0.70) 149.99 0.0381 Class B................ 2.15 (1.53) Class Y................ 1.00 0.04 ITT HARTFORD SMALL COMPANY FUND July 1, 1996 to December 31, 1996 Class A................ 1.45 (0.60) 69.92 0.0313 Class B................ 2.15 (1.30) Class Y................ 1.00 0.03 ITT HARTFORD INTERNATIONAL OPPPORTUNITIES FUND July 1, 1996 to December 31, 1996 Class A................ 1.65 0.51 21.51 0.0175 Class B................ 2.35 (0.86) Class Y................ 1.20 0.57 THE ACCOMPANYING NOTES ARE AN INTEGRAL PART OF THIS FINANCIAL STATEMENT. 31 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REPORT OF INDEPENDENT PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS TO THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF ITT HARTFORD MUTUAL FUNDS, INC.: We have audited the accompanying statements of net assets of ITT Hartford Mutual Funds, Inc. (a Maryland Corporation) (consisting of ITT Hartford Money Market, ITT Hartford Bond Income Strategy, ITT Hartford Advisers, ITT Hartford Dividend and Growth, ITT Hartford Stock, ITT Hartford Capital Appreciation, ITT Hartford Small Company and ITT Hartford International Opportunities Funds) (the Funds) as of December 31, 1996, and the related statements of operations and changes in net assets and the financial highlights for the period from July 1, 1996 (inception) to December 31, 1996. These financial statements and financial highlights are the responsibility of the Funds' management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements and financial highlights based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements and financial highlights are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. Our procedures included confirmation of securities owned as of December 31, 1996, by correspondence with the custodian bank. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion. In our opinion, the financial statements and financial highlights referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of each of the respective Funds comprising ITT Hartford Mutual Funds, Inc. as of December 31, 1996, and the results of their operations, the changes in their net assets and the financial highlights for the period from July 1, 1996 (inception) to December 31, 1996, in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles. ARTHUR ANDERSEN LLP Hartford, Connecticut February 14, 1997 32 THE ITT HARTFORD MUTUAL FUND FAMILY BY REGULAR MAIL: ITT Hartford Mutual Funds - - SMALL COMPANY FUND P.O. Box 8416 Boston, MA 02266-8146 - - CAPITAL APPRECIATION FUND 1-888-843-7824 - - INTERNATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES FUND BY E-MAIL ON THE INTERNET: - - STOCK FUND UNDERWRITER - - DIVIDEND AND GROWTH FUND Hartford Securities Distribution Company, Inc. - - ADVISERS FUND P.O. Box 2999 Hartford, CT 06104-2999 - - BOND INCOME STRATEGY FUND INVESTMENT MANAGER - - MONEY MARKET FUND The Hartford Investment Management Company (HIMCO) P.O. Box 2999 Hartford, CT 06104-2999 INVESTMENT SUB-ADVISER Wellington Management Company, LLP 75 State Street Boston, MA 02109 This presentation is authorized only when preceded or accompanied by a currently effective prospectus. The prospectus contains detailed information about the funds, including charges and fees, so please read it carefully before you invest or send money. 405765-1 Printed in U.S.A.-C- 1997 [LOGO] The Hartford, Hartford, CT 06115