TO: The Sumitomo Bank, Limited.

In regard to any and all obligations the Principal may at present or in future
owe to your Bank, the Guarantor hereby agrees, with the full understanding of
the terms and conditions of the Agreement on the Bank Transactions, which the
Principal has executed and delivered to your Bank, as well as the terms and
conditions hereinafter set forth, that the Guarantor shall be jointly and
severally liable with the Principal for the performance of all obligations.

ARTICLE 1.    The liability of the Guarantor shall not exceed at any one time
              the sum of yen 500,000,000 (Y                  )

ARTICLE 2.    The Guarantor shall not object to your Bank's changing or
              releasing any collateral or other guarantees at your Bank's sole

ARTICLE 3.    The Guarantor shall not offset the liability of the Guarantor
              against the deposits or other credits of the Principal with your

ARTICLE 4.    If and when the Guarantor shall have performed any obligations
              hereunder, the Guarantor shall not exercise any rights obtained
              from your Bank by subrogation without the prior approval of your
              Bank so long as transactions between your Bank and the Principal
              continue. Upon your Bank's demand, the Guarantor shall assign
              such rights and priority to your Bank without compensation.

ARTICLE 5.    (1)  In case the Guarantor has given any other guarantee in
                   regard to the Principal's transactions with your Bank, such
                   other guarantee shall not be affected by this guarantee
                   contract, and in case the Guarantor has given any other
                   guarantee with the provision of a certain maximum amount the
                   maximum amount of this guarantee shall be added to such
                   other guarantee.
              (2)  In case the Guarantor gives any other guarantee in future in
                   regard to the Principal's transactions with your Bank, the
                   Guarantor shall agree to your Bank's handling the matter
                   mutandis in the manner set forth in the preceding Paragraph.

Dated this 7 day of June Nineteen Hundred and 1996

                        The Principal: Signature:
                                       Full Name:
                                       Address  :
- -------

- -------
                        The Guarantor: Signature: /s/ John P. Root,
                                                  treasurer for
                                       Full Name: Novellus Systems, Inc.
                                       Address  : 3970 North First Street
                                                  San Jose, CA 95134 USA

The Liability of Guarantor shall be released on or after____________________
If any dispute arises in the interpretation of the terms or provisions herein
stated, it shall be decided by the Japanese text, of which this is a