EXHIBIT 10.32.14


                         EQUITY FUNDING PLEDGE AGREEMENT

                          Dated as of December 30, 1996


                                   as Pledgor


                             SUNTRUST BANK, ATLANTA,
                                   as Pledgee

                                 ROCKY MOUNTAIN


                                TABLE OF CONTENTS


SECTION 1.     DEFINED TERMS.................................................  1

SECTION 2.     PLEDGE........................................................  1

SECTION 3.     SECURED CLAIMS................................................  2

SECTION 4.     REMEDIES......................................................  2
               Section 4.1.  Rights of the Pledgee...........................  2
               Section 4.2.  Filings.........................................  2
               Section 4.3.  Attorney-in-Fact................................  2
               Section 4.4.  The Pledgee's Duties............................  3

SECTION 5.     DISCHARGE.....................................................  3

SECTION 6.     REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES................................  3
               Section 6.1.  Unlimited Holder................................  3
               Section 6.2.  Rights in the Equity Funding Agreement..........  3

SECTION 7.     COVENANT OF THE PLEDGOR.......................................  3

SECTION 8.     MISCELLANEOUS.................................................  4
               Section 8.1.  Amendments and Waivers..........................  4
               Section 8.2.  Notices.........................................  4
               Section 8.3.  Survival........................................  5
               Section 8.4.  Successors and Assigns..........................  5
               Section 8.5.  Business Day....................................  5
               Section 8.6.  Governing Law...................................  5
               Section 8.7.  Severability....................................  5
               Section 8.8.  Counterparts....................................  5
               Section 8.9.  Headings........................................  6
               Section 8.10. Further Assurances..............................  6
               Section 8.11. Effectiveness of Agreement......................  6
               Section 8.12. Limitation of Liability.........................  6


                      EQUITY FUNDING PLEDGE AGREEMENT (P1)

     This EQUITY FUNDING PLEDGE AGREEMENT (P1), dated as of December 30, 1996
(this "Pledge Agreement" or this "Agreement"), between ROCKY MOUNTAIN LEASING
CORPORATION, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of
Delaware, as pledgor (the "Pledgor"), and SUNTRUST BANK, ATLANTA, a state
banking corporation organized under the laws of the State of Georgia, not in its
individual capacity but solely as Co-Trustee under the Trust Agreement (P1)
dated as of December 30, 1996 with the Owner Trustee and the Owner Participant
as supplemented (the "Pledgee").

     WHEREAS, the Pledgor, the Pledgee, Oglethorpe Power Corporation (An
Electric Membership Generation & Transmission Corporation), an electric
membership corporation organized under the laws of the State of Georgia
("Oglethorpe"), Philip Morris Capital Corporation, a Delaware corporation (the
"Owner Participant"), Fleet National Bank, not in its individual capacity but
solely as Owner Trustee under the Trust Agreement (the "Owner Trustee") and
Utrecht-America Finance Co. (the "Lender"), have entered into a Participation
Agreement (P1) dated as of December 30, 1996 (the "Participation Agreement");

     WHEREAS, the Pledgor and the Pledgee have entered into the Facility Lease
of even date herewith; and

     WHEREAS, the Pledgor has entered into an Equity Funding Agreement (P1) with
AIG Matched Funding Corp., a Delaware corporation ("AIGMFC"), dated as of
December 30, 1996 (the "Equity Funding Agreement"), the Pledgor's rights, if
any, in which the Pledgor is willing to pledge to the Pledgee to secure its
obligations under the Facility Lease.

     NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual agreements herein contained
and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which
are hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows:


     Capitalized terms used in this Agreement, including the recitals, and not
otherwise defined herein shall have the respective meanings specified in
Appendix A to the Participation Agreement. The general provisions of Appendix A
shall apply to terms used in this Agreement and specifically defined herein.


     The Pledgor hereby transfers, assigns, pledges and grants a first priority
security interest in each and all of its right, title and interest, if any, in
the Equity Funding Agreement (including, without limitation, the right, if any,
of the Pledgor to receive all amounts payable under the Equity Funding Agreement
in accordance therewith, to give and receive any notice, consent, waiver or
approval or take any other action under the Equity Funding Agreement) and all
instruments and certificates evidencing the Equity Funding Agreement and all
interest, cash, instruments or other property from time to time received,
receivable or otherwise distributed in respect of or in exchange for any or all
of the Equity Funding Agreement and all proceeds of the Equity Funding Agreement
to the Pledgee for its benefit, and the Pledgee hereby accepts such transfer,
assignment, pledge and security interest.


     The purpose of this pledge is to secure the Pledgor's obligation (whether
now or thereafter existing) under the Facility Lease to pay the Equity Portion
of Basic Rent and the Equity Portion of Termination Value or amounts computed by
reference to the Equity Portion of Termination Value. All of the foregoing
obligations shall be referred to as "Secured Claims."

     Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, this Agreement secures
the payment of all amounts that constitute part of the Secured Claims and that
would be payable to the Pledgee under the Facility Lease but for the fact that
they are unenforceable or not allowable due to (a) the existence of a
bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization, arrangement or moratorium involving the
Pledgor or (b) other laws relating to, or effecting the enforcement of,
creditor's rights generally against the Pledgor.


     Section 4.1. Rights of the Pledgee. Upon the happening and during the
occurrence of any Event of Default under the Facility Lease, the Pledgee may (in
addition to any other actions permitted under the other Operative Documents or
by statute or at law or in equity) exercise any rights or remedies granted
hereunder. The Pledgee may enforce the right of pledge created hereby to the
fullest extent possible in accordance with, and shall be entitled to all rights,
remedies and benefits afforded to pledgees under, the laws of the State of New
York. To the extent necessary to realize the benefit of the pledge of the
rights, if any, of the Pledgor in the Equity Funding Agreement effected by
Section 2, the Pledgor authorizes the Pledgee to exercise any of its rights
under the Equity Funding Agreement.

     Section 4.2. Filings. The Pledgor agrees that it shall, at its own expense,
execute and deliver all financing statements necessary to perfect the Pledgee's
or any assignee's interest in the rights, if any, of the Pledgor in the Equity
Funding Agreement or any assignment or other


document reasonably requested by the Pledgee or the Owner Participant to
perfect, protect, enforce, or otherwise give effect to the Pledgee's rights and
remedies hereunder.

     Section 4.3. Attorney-in-Fact. If the Pledgor is unable or unwilling to
sign such assignments, financing statements or other documents and to file
financing statements or other public notices or recording with the appropriate
authorities, as and when reasonably requested by counsel to the Pledgee or by
counsel to the Owner Participant, the Pledgor hereby authorizes the Pledgee to
sign as the Pledgor's true and lawful agent and attorney-in-fact any such
assignments, financing statement or other documents and to make any such

     Section 4.4. The Pledgee's Duties. The powers conferred on the Pledgee
hereunder are solely to protect its interest in the rights, if any, of the
Pledgor in the Equity Funding Agreement and shall not impose any duty upon it to
exercise any such powers. Except for the accounting for monies actually received
by it hereunder, the Pledgee shall have no duty as to the Equity Funding
Agreement or other matters relative to the Equity Funding Agreement, whether or
not the Pledgee has or is deemed to have knowledge of such matters, or as to the
taking of any necessary steps to preserve rights against any parties or any
other rights pertaining to the Equity Funding Agreement.


     The Pledgee agrees that when the Secured Claims shall have been fully paid
and discharged, the Pledgee, at the written request and cost of the Pledgor,
shall immediately confirm the release of the rights, if any, of the Pledgor in
the Equity Funding Agreement from any Lien created pursuant to this Agreement
and of all claims that the Pledgee may have hereunder.


     Section 6.1. Unlimited Holder. The Pledgor represents and warrants that it
is the legal and beneficial owner of the rights, if any, of the Pledgor in the
Equity Funding Agreement and that the rights, if any, of the Pledgor in the
Equity Funding Agreement are not subject to any Lien or any other right of any
third party, except as provided by the Operative Documents.

     Section 6.2. Rights in the Equity Funding Agreement. The Pledgor represents
and warrants that the pledge of the rights, if any, of the Pledgor in the Equity
Funding Agreement under this Agreement vest in the Pledgee a valid first
priority security interest in the rights, if any, of the Pledgor in the Equity
Funding Agreement, as contemplated by this Agreement, subject to the provisions,
if applicable, of Section 9-306 of the Uniform Commercial Code as in effect in
New York.



     The Pledgor shall not, without the prior written consent of the Pledgee,
(a) sell, assign or otherwise dispose of, or grant any option with respect to,
the rights, if any, of the Pledgor in the Equity Funding Agreement, or (b)
create or permit any Lien upon or with respect to the rights, if any, of the
Pledgor in the Equity Funding Agreement, except for the pledge created hereby.


     Section 8.1. Amendments and Waivers. No term, covenant, agreement or
condition of this Agreement may be terminated, amended or compliance therewith
waived (either generally or in a particular instance, retroactively or
prospectively) except by an instrument or instruments in writing executed by the
party against whom enforcement of such change is sought.

     Section 8.2. Notices. Unless otherwise expressly specified or permitted by
the terms hereof, all communications and notices provided for herein to a party
hereto shall be in writing or by a telecommunications device capable of creating
a written record, and any such notice shall become effective (a) upon personal
delivery thereof, including, without limitation, by overnight mail or courier
service, (b) in the case of notice by United States mail, certified or
registered, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, upon receipt thereof, or
(c) in the case of notice by such a telecommunications device, upon transmission
thereof, provided such transmission is promptly confirmed by either of the
methods set forth in clauses (a) or (b) above, in each case addressed to such
party at its address set forth below or at such other address as such party may
from time to time designate by written notice to the other parties hereto:

        If to the Pledgor:

               Rocky Mountain Leasing Corporation
               c/o Corporation Trust Center
               1209 Orange Street, Room 123
               Wilmington, Delaware 19801

               Facsimile No.:  (302) 658-5459
               Telephone No.:  (302) 777-0250


               with copies to:

               Sutherland, Asbill & Brennan
               999 Peachtree Street, N.E.
               Atlanta, Georgia  30309-3996

               Facsimile No.:  (404) 853-8806
               Telephone No.:  (404) 853-3000
               Attention:    Cada T. Kilgore, III

        If to the Pledgee:

               SunTrust Bank, Atlanta
               P.O. Box 4625
               Mail Code 008
               Atlanta, Georgia  30302

               Facsimile No.:  (404) 332-3966
               Telephone No.:  (404) 588-7813
               Attention:    Corporate Trust Department

               with copies to the Owner Participant:

               Philip Morris Capital Corporation
               800 Westchester Avenue
               Rye Brook, New York 10573-1301

               Facsimile No.: (914) 335-1297
               Telephone No.: (914) 335-5000
               Attention: Vice President, Leasing with a copy to
                          Director, Portfolio Administration

               and to the Owner Trustee:

               Fleet National Bank
               777 Main Street
               Hartford, Connecticut  06115

               Facsimile No.:  (860) 986-7920
               Telephone No.:  (860) 986-4540
               Attention:  Corporate Trust Administration


     Section 8.3. Survival. Except as expressly set forth herein, the warranties
and covenants made by each party hereto shall not survive the expiration or
termination of this Agreement.

     Section 8.4. Successors and Assigns.

     (a) This Agreement shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of,
and shall be enforceable by, the parties hereto and their respective successors
and permitted assigns as permitted by and in accordance with the terms hereof.

     (b) Except as expressly provided herein or in any other Operative Document,
the Pledgor may not assign its interests herein without the consent of the
Pledgee and AIGMFC. Except as expressly provided in the Operative Documents, the
Pledgee may not assign its interests herein during the Term of the Facility
Lease without the consent of the Pledgor and AIGMFC.

     Section 8.5. Business Day. Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary,
if the date on which any payment is to be made pursuant to this Agreement is not
a Business Day, the payment otherwise payable on such date shall be payable on
the next succeeding Business Day with the same force and effect as if made on
such scheduled date and (provided such payment is made on such succeeding
Business Day) no interest shall accrue on the amount of such payment from and
after such scheduled date to the time of such payment on such next succeeding
Business Day.

     Section 8.6. Governing Law. This Agreement shall be in all respects
governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of New York
including all matters of construction, validity and performance.

     Section 8.7. Severability. If any provision hereof shall be invalid,
illegal or unenforceable under Applicable Law, the validity, legality and
enforceability of the remaining provisions hereof shall not be affected or
impaired thereby.

     Section 8.8. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in any number of
counterparts, each executed counterpart constituting an original but all
together only one Agreement.

     Section 8.9. Headings. The headings of the sections of this Agreement are
inserted for purposes of convenience only and shall not be construed to affect
the meaning or construction of any of the provisions hereof.

     Section 8.10. Further Assurances. Each party hereto will promptly and duly
execute and deliver such further documents to make such further assurances for
and take such further action reasonably requested by any party to whom such
first party is obligated, all as may be reasonably necessary to carry out more
effectively the intent and purpose of this Agreement.


     Section 8.11. Effectiveness of Agreement. This Agreement has been dated as
of the date first above written for convenience only. This Agreement shall be
effective on the date of execution and delivery by each of the Pledgee and the

     Section 8.12. Limitation of Liability. It is expressly understood and
agreed by the parties hereto that (a) this Agreement is executed and delivered
by SunTrust Bank, Atlanta, not individually or personally but solely as
Co-Trustee under the Trust Agreement, in the exercise of the powers and
authority conferred and vested in it, (b) each of the representations,
undertakings and agreements herein made on the part of the Co-Trustee is made
and intended not as personal representations, undertakings and agreements by
SunTrust Bank, Atlanta, but is made and intended for the purpose for binding
only the Co-Trustee, (c) nothing herein contained shall be construed as creating
any liability on SunTrust Bank, Atlanta, individually or personally, to perform
any covenant either expressly or impliedly contained herein, all such liability,
if any, being expressly waived by the parties hereto or by any Person claiming
by, through or under the parties hereto and (d) under no circumstances shall
SunTrust Bank, Atlanta, be personally liable for the payment of any indebtedness
or expenses of the Co-Trustee or be liable for the breach or failure of any
obligation, representation, warranty or covenant made or undertaken by the
Co-Trustee under this Agreement or any other Operative Documents. In addition,
each of the parties hereto acknowledges and agrees that the Co-Trustee has been
appointed by the Owner Participant and Owner Trustee for the purpose of
exercising those trust powers in the State of Georgia which may not be exercised
by the Owner Trustee under applicable law, and that, except as otherwise
required by applicable law, the Co-Trustee shall not be obligated to take any
action hereunder unless expressly directed in writing by the Owner Trustee or
the Owner Participant in accordance with the terms of the Trust Agreement.


     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Pledgor and the Pledgee have caused this Pledge
Agreement to be duly executed and delivered by their respective officers
thereunto duly authorized.

                             ROCKY MOUNTAIN LEASING
                                as Pledgor

                             By:/s/ Eugen Heckl
                                Name:  Eugen Heckl
                                Title: Vice President
                                Date:  December 30, 1996

                             SUNTRUST BANK, ATLANTA,
                             not in its individual capacity but solely as
                             Co-Trustee under the Trust Agreement,
                                as Pledgee

                             By:/s/ Bryan Echols
                                Name:  Bryan Echols
                                Title: Vice President
                                Date:  December 30, 1996

                             By:/s/ Sandra Thompson
                                Name:   Sandra Thompson
                                Title:  Vice Presidsent
                                Date:   December 30, 1996

Acknowledged and consented to by:


By:/s/ Kathleen Furlong
    Name:  Kathleen M. Furlong
    Title: Treasurer

                          SCHEDULE TO EXHIBIT 10.32.14

                      EQUITY FUNDING PLEDGE AGREEMENT (P1)

     The following table indicates for each transaction the name of the 
corresponding Owner Participant:

      Agreement     Date                 Owner Participant
      -----------   ------------------   --------------------------------------
      P1            December 30, 1996    Philip Morris Capital Corporation

      P2            January 3, 1997      Philip Morris Capital Corporation

      F3            December 30, 1996    First Chicago Leasing Corporation

      F4            December 30, 1996    First Chicago Leasing Corporation

      N5            December 30, 1996    NationsBanc Leasing & R.E. Corporation

      N6            January 3, 1997      NationsBanc Leasing & R.E. Corporation