GE Capital - - - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- GAIL N. LANIK Montgomery Ward Credit President & Chief General Electric Capital Corporation Executive Officer 535 West Chicago Avenue, Suite 16-N, Chicago, IL 60610 (312) 467-3460, Fx (312) 467-7863 January 23, 1996 Mr. John L. Workman Executive Vice President & Chief Financial Officer Montgomery Ward & Co., Incorporated 619 W. Chicago Ave. -- 8C Chicago, IL 60671 Dear John: In our recent discussion you conveyed that you were comfortable with all of the terms for the Lechmere/Electric Avenue & More deal structure. Please indicate your acceptance of the terms as set forth in the attached January 16, 1996 term sheet by signing below. Your timely approval will be appreciated, please call if you have any questions. Sincerely, Agreed & Accepted By: /s/ Gail N. Lanik /s/ John L. Workman - - - --------------------- ---------------------------- Gail N. Lanik John L. Workman Executive Vice President & CEO Attachment LECHMERE/EA&M TERM SHEET -- JANUARY 16, 1996 TERM: Rolling 10 Year Termination Notice, coterminous with the Montgomery Ward Company, Incorporated Account Purchase Agreement CONSUMER TERMS: Variable: Prime + 13.15%, 21.9% minimum (except in opt-out state). PAYMENT TERMS: 1/40th, $10 minimum; 1/50th, $10 minimum. Big ticket program. GUARANTEED ROE: [ ]* -- based on total equity participation of 1/9; any shortfall paid yearly by Montgomery Ward; ROE above [ ]* shared [ ]* GECC/[ ]* Montgomery Ward. For the Lechmere portion only, Montgomery Ward will not be responsible for ROE shortfalls caused by the amortization of the initial loss reserve (after year 1) related to the Lechmere portfolio acquisition or the associated GECC legal and conversion expenses. GUARANTEED ROE PAYMENT ADJUSTMENT: (AFTER YEAR 1) If the ROE shortfall payment exceeds the "rolling loss reserve", then Montgomery Ward is entitled to a [ ]* credit of this reserve amount. If the "rolling loss reserve" exceeds the shortfall payment, then Montgomery Ward is entitled to a [ ]* credit of the shortfall payment. PRICING: Non-Promo: [ ]* 90 Day Skip Free: [ ]* AFF with Pay: [ ]* PROMO RESERVE: Montgomery Ward will provide advance funding to GECC for the purpose of establishing a reserve equivalent to 2 months of estimated promotional finance charge revenues. MONEY COSTS: Portfolio will be charged based on actual/assessed interest expense incurred, using the debt profile selected by GECC consistent with its ordinary funding practices and including the initial 10 year funding of approximately [ ]* million (at the 10 year money rate at the time of purchase) of the Lechmere receivable portfolio. OPERATING EXPENSES: Pegged at [ ]* of average outstandings for guaranteed ROE calculation. Adjustment will be made for paper inflation using the appropriate wholesale index and Postage inflation defined as the change in the U.S. Postal Service 1st class rate when those inflation indices exceed the CPI inflation rate on a cumulative basis. * Confidential treatment has been requested with respect to this information. PROMOTIONAL FUNDING: Pormotional Pricing Reimbursement: At year-end, GECC funds MW for credit marketing programs based on [ ]* of average outstandings multiplied by the weighted APR. (CAN BE APPLIED TO OTHER CREDIT MARKETING PROGRAMS IF NOT NEEDED FOR 0%/AFF PROMOTIONS.) In addition, GECC will also provide promotional funding equal to [ ]* of average outstandings net of Credit Merchandiser/Administrative expense. PREMIUM (LECHMERE): $3.1MM = $2.5MM - Original Upfront Premium 0.8 - Additional 1/2% Premium (0.2) - Money Cost Adjustment for 1994 Pre-funding PORTFOLIO PURCHASE PRICE (LECHMERE): [ ]* of Outstandings, net of prepaid promotional billing INITIAL LOSS RESERVE: (LECHMERE) FOR LECHMERE ONLY, MONTGOMERY WARD WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PAYING [ ]* OF THE INITIAL PORTION OF THE RESERVE POSTING WHICH MUST BE RECOGNIZED IN THE FIRST YEAR. GE WILL FORGIVE ROE BASED SHORTFALL IN THE FIRST YEAR BEYOND THIS 50% PAYMENT. LOSS SHARING: NET LOSS ANI [ ]* [ ]* GECC [ ]* [ ]* GECC/Montgomery Ward [ ]* [ ]* GECC CROSS MARKETING: Signature receives [ ]* of income. LOSS RESERVES: SHARED [ ]* AT THE TIME RECEIVABLES ARE PURCHASED FROM BANK. RECEIVABLE REPURCHASE: Upon termination of the contract, Montgomery Ward will have the right to repurchase the receivables on a gross basis (before loss reserves). * Confidential treatment has been requested with respect to this information. 2