December 19, 1996

Dr. Herbert Gut
Ciba-Geigy Limited
CH-4002 Basel, Switzerland

Dear Herbert:

The purpose of this letter is to set forth our understanding of our agreement 
regarding compensation paid by Chiron for director services performed by 
employees of Ciba-Geigy Limited.

1. Dr. Alex Krauer, Dr. Francois L'Eplattenier, and Pierre Doauze, the "Ciba
   directors", are employees of Ciba Geigy Limited, and have performed services
   as directors of Chiron Corporation beginning on January 4, 1995. Chiron 
   Corporation has made cash payments to the Ciba directors in return for such 
   services. These individuals are required to pay over to Ciba-Geigy Limited 
   such amounts received for director services in accordance with the terms of 
   their employment with Ciba-Geigy Limited. All amounts paid since January 4, 
   1995 for board meetings and retainer fees were paid by the Ciba directors to
   Ciba-Geigy Limited.

2. Ciba-Geigy Limited desires to have payment made directly to Ciba-Geigy 
   Limited for fees paid by Chiron for director services performed by employees
   of Ciba-Geigy Limited.

3. Based on the above, all future cash payments made by Chiron in return for 
   directors services performed by employees of Ciba-Geigy Limited will be 
   remitted directly to Ciba-Geigy Limited. Payments will be made in U.S. 
   dollars, drawn on a U.S. bank, and forwarded directly to you or such other 
   party you may designate.

Please sign where indicated below to confirm your agreement with the above 

Very truly yours,

/s/ William G. Green
William G. Green, Esq.
Senior Vice President & General Counsel

I agree with the above arrangement.

/s/Dr. Herbert Gut                        Dec. 20, 1996      
- --------------------------------------    --------------------
Dr. Herbert Gut, Senior Legal Counsel     Date                 
Ciba Geigy Limited

/s/Dr. Peter Sidler                       Dec. 20, 1996       
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Dr. Peter Sidler, Head of                 Date                 
Corporate Legal & Tax Matters