EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT
    THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this 1st day of June, 1996 by and
between DSP Semiconductors Ltd., of Givat Shmuel , a company existing under the
laws of the State of Israel (hereinafter the "Company"), and Moshe Shahaf of 17
Beresheet Street, Givatayim, Israel (hereinafter "Shahaf"), effective as of the
1st day of June, 1996 (the "Effective Date").
    The Company desires to employ Shahaf and to avail itself of Shahaf's talents
and abilities, and Shahaf desires to be employed by the Company, subject to the
terms of and conditions set forth herein.
    NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto hereby agree as follows:
       1.1.1. Shahaf shall perform the responsibilities of the Vice President of
            R & D and Chief Technology Officer of the Company, and any
            responsibilities incidental thereto, all such, as stated, to be
            commensurate with his background, education, experience and
            professional standing. Shahaf shall devote his full productive time,
            attention, energy, and skill to the business of the Company during
            the Employment Term set forth below. Shahaf shall not become engaged
            in any other occupation whether for compensation or not while
            employed hereunder, without the express written consent of the
            Company's Board of Directors.
       1.1.2. Shahaf acknowledges that his employment with the Company will
            require frequent travel spanning extended periods outside Israel.
            Furthermore, Shahaf agrees to extensive world-wide travel under his
            employment with the company.
       1.1.3. Shahaf understands and acknowledges that as his position is a
            senior managerial position in substance, as defined in the Work and
            Rest Hours Law, 1951, and requires a high level of trust, the
            provisions of said law shall not apply to Shahaf and Shahaf agrees
            that he may be required to work beyond the regular working hours of
            the Company, for no additional compensation other than as specified
            in this Agreement.
       1.1.4. Shahaf agrees and undertakes throughout the Employment Term not to
            receive any payment, compensation or any other benefit from any
            third party directly related to his employment hereunder or to the
            Company or its parent company, DSP Group, Inc.
       1.1.5. Shahaf agrees and undertakes not to perform any act or to omit to
            perform any act which may breach his fiduciary duty to the Company
            or its parent company, DSP Group, Inc. or which may place him in a
            position of conflict of interest with the objectives of the Company
            or its parent company, as the case may be. In addition, Shahaf
            agrees and undertakes to promptly inform the Company and its parent
            company, DSP Group, Inc., of any such matter which may place him in
            such a situation of potential conflict of interest.
2.  TERM
    This Employment Agreement commenced as of the Effective Date and shall
    continue indefinitely, unless sooner terminated under the terms of the
    Agreement. As used herein, the term "Employment Term" refers to the entire
    period of employment of Shahaf under this Agreement, beginning June 1, 1996.

    Shahaf shall be compensated as follows:
       3.1.1. Shahaf shall receive a fixed monthly Gross Salary of NIS 31,000
            (the "Gross Salary"), payable on a monthly basis. The Gross Salary
            shall be adjusted monthly to the Consumer Price Index (the "Index").
            The Gross Salary shall be adjusted to the monthly increase of the
            last published Index, in comparison to the last published Index
            known at the time of execution of this Agreement.
       3.1.2. It is hereby agreed by the parties that the Gross Salary
            adjustments according to the Index, shall be deemed to include any
            adjustments for Cost of Living Increase ("Tosefet Yoker") that apply
            to Shahaf as an employee, unless such adjustment to the Cost of
            Living Increase shall be higher than the adjustment to the last
            published Index in any given month, in which case the Index
            adjustments shall be in respect of the Tosefet Yoker alone.
    3.2. BONUS
        During the Employment Term, the Board of Directors shall consider
       granting Shahaf an annual bonus.
    3.3. VACATION
        Shahaf shall accrue paid vacation at the rate of 22 business days for
       each twelve (12) months of employment. Shahaf may not accumulate his
       vacation days for more than twenty-four (24) months of employment.
    3.4. SICK LEAVE
        Shahaf shall accrue sick leave at the same rate generally available to
       the Company's employees according to the provisions of the Sick Pay
       Law-1976 and subject to Shahaf producing the required medical
    3.5. BENEFITS
       3.5.1. During the term of Shahaf's employment, Shahaf shall be entitled
            to Manager's Insurance (Bituach Minhalim) in an amount equal to
            15.83% of the Gross Salary, which shall be paid monthly to said
            Manager's Insurance Plan directly by the Company. The insurance
            shall be allocated as follows: (i) 8.33% in respect of severance
            compensation, (ii) 5% in respect of pension and (iii) 2.5% of the
            Gross Salary in respect of disability. An additional 5% of the Gross
            Salary shall be deducted by the Company from the monthly payment of
            Shahaf's salary as Shahaf's contribution to said Manager's
       3.5.2. The Manager's Insurance policy provided for Shahaf's benefit shall
            be registered in the Company's name. The contributions to the
            Manager's Insurance Policy shall be paid by the Company in lieu of
            any other legal obligation to make payments on account of severance
            or pension in respect of Shahaf's employment during the Employment
            Term. Should the provisions made for severance pay not cover the
            amount owed by the Company to Shahaf by law, then the Company shall
            pay Shahaf the difference, all in accordance with Israeli law.
            Shahaf's agreement to the last two sentences shall exempt the
            Company from the requirement to apply to the Minister of Labor and
            Welfare for an approval under Section 14 of the Severance Pay Law;
            however, should such application be deemed necessary, Shahaf's
            signature hereupon shall be deemed his consent to the Company's
            application in Shahaf's name in such matter.

       3.5.3. The sums accumulated in the Manager's Insurance policy shall be
            transferred to Shahaf upon termination of his employment hereunder,
            unless Shahaf has committed an act in breach of Shahaf's fiduciary
            duty towards the Company or its parent company, DSP Group, Inc., as
            determined solely by the Company.
       3.5.4. The Company shall provide and pay Shahaf Recreation Funds (Dmai
            Havra'ah) at the rate required by law and regulations.
       3.5.5. The Company shall contribute to a Continuing Education Fund chosen
            by it for the benefit of Shahaf in an amount equal to 7.5% of his
            Gross Salary per month subject to Shahaf's contribution of an
            additional 2.5% of his Gross Salary per month.
       3.5.6. The Company shall provide Shahaf with a car for use in connection
            with his employment and for personal reasonable use. The Company
            shall bear all expenses due to use and maintenance of the car, in
            the same fashion as is customary with the Company.
       3.5.7. The Company shall provide Shahaf with a telephone in his private
            residence solely for use in connection with his employment with the
            Company, and shall bear the expense of the telephone bills, subject
            to timely presentation of such bills by Shahaf to the Company.
       3.5.8. Within sixty (60) days of the date hereof, the Company shall
            provide Shahaf with directors and officers' liability insurance as
            is customary at the Company.
    The Company shall reimburse Shahaf for his normal and reasonable expenses
    incurred for travel, entertainment and similar items in promoting and
    carrying out the business of the Company in accordance with the Company's
    general policy, in effect from time to time. As a condition of
    reimbursement, Shahaf agrees to provide the Company with copies of all
    available invoices and receipts, and otherwise account to the Company in
    sufficient detail to allow the Company to claim an income tax deduction for
    such paid item, if item is deductible. Reimbursement shall be made on a
    monthly, or more frequent, basis.
    Shahaf agrees that during the Employment Term as Vice President of R & D and
    Chief Technology Officer of the Company, he is and shall be in a position of
    special trust and confidence and will have access to confidential and
    proprietary information about the Company's business and plans. Shahaf
    agrees that he will not directly or indirectly, either as an employee,
    employer, consultant, agent, principal, partner, stockholder, corporate
    officer, director, or in any similar individual or representative capacity,
    engage or participate in any business and any future Company's business
    during the term of employment, including projects under consideration by the
    Company at the time of termination during the term of his employment, or in
    the event of a Termination For Cause (as defined below) of employment for a
    period of two (2) years thereafter, or in the event of a termination not for
    cause for a period of twelve (12) months.
    For the purposes of this Section 5, the term "Company" shall mean any
    subsidiaries, any other affiliates and its parent company.
        It is understood that the Company has developed or acquired and will
       continue to develop or acquire certain products, technology, unique or
       special methods, manufacturing and assembly processes and techniques,
       trade secrets, written marketing plans and customer arrangements, and
       other proprietary rights and confidential information which are not in
       the public domain, and

       shall during the Employment Term continue to develop, compile and acquire
       said items (all hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Company's
       Property"). It is expected that Shahaf will gain knowledge of and utilize
       the Company's Property during the course and scope of his employment with
       the Company, and will be in a position of trust with respect to the
       Company's Property.
        It is hereby stipulated and agreed that the Company's Property shall
       remain the Company's sole property. It is further stipulated and agreed
       by the parties, as a material inducement for the Company having entered
       into this Agreement and remaining a party hereto (subject to any early
       termination hereof by the Company), that Shahaf shall be bound by the
       Confidential Disclosure and Non-Use Agreement appended hereto as APPENDIX
        In the event that Shahaf's employment is terminated, for whatever
       reason, Shahaf agrees not to copy, make known, disclose or use, any of
       the Company's Property. Without derogating from the Company's rights
       under the law of torts, Shahaf further agrees not to endeavor or attempt
       in any way to interfere with or induce a breach of any prior contractual
       relationship that the Company may have with any employee, customer,
       contractor, supplier, representative, or distributor for a period of two
       (2) years from the date of any termination of Shahaf's employment with
       the Company for any reason whatsoever. Shahaf agrees, upon termination of
       employment, to deliver to the Company all confidential papers, documents,
       records, lists and notes (whether prepared by Shahaf or others)
       comprising or containing the Company's Property, without retaining any
       copies thereof, and any other property of the Company.
        It is hereby agreed that a breach of Sections 5 and 6 including Appendix
       A hereto shall be considered as a material breach of this Agreement.
        For the purposes of this Section 6, the term "Company" shall also mean
       any subsidiaries, any other affiliates and its parent company.
    7.1. GENERAL
        Either party may terminate this Agreement, without cause, upon ninety
       (90) days advance written notice to the other party.
        The Company may immediately terminate Shahaf's employment at any time
       for Cause. Termination for Cause shall be effective from the receipt of
       written notice thereof to Shahaf. "Cause" means: (i) material neglect of
       his duties or a material violation of any of the provisions of this
       Agreement, which continues after written notice and a reasonable
       opportunity (not to exceed seven (7) days) in which to cure; (ii)
       conviction of any felonious offense; or (iii) intentionally imparting
       confidential information relating to the Company or its business to third
       parties, other than in the course of carrying out his duties hereunder.
       The Company's exercise of its rights to terminate with Cause shall be
       without prejudice to any other remedy it may be entitled at law, in
       equity, or under this Agreement.
    Subject to the approval of the Board of Directors of DSP Group, Inc. and
    subject to the terms and conditions to the DSP Group Inc.'s Employee Option
    Plan for employees of the Company, Shahaf shall be entitled to receive up to
    70,000 shares of the Common Stock of DSP Group, Inc. The vesting schedule of
    said options shall be as follows: 25% of the shares will vest at the end of
    the 1st year from the date of grant of said options and the number of shares
    equal to 6.25% shares will vest at the end of

    each 3 month period thereafter. The exercise price shall be decided by the
    Company's Board of Directors on the date of the grant of said options.
    In the event that during the Employment Term, any business opportunity
    related to the Company's business shall come to Shahaf's knowledge, Shahaf
    shall promptly notify the Company's Board of Directors of such opportunity.
    Shahaf shall not appropriate for himself or for any other person other than
    the Company, any such opportunity, except with the express written consent
    of the Board of Directors, in advance. Shahaf's duty to notify the Company
    and to refrain from appropriating all such opportunities shall neither be
    limited by, nor shall duty limit, the application of the general law of
    Israel relating to the fiduciary duties of an agent or employee.
    Immediately upon receipt of a notice of reserve duty, Shahaf shall report
    such notice to the Company's Board of Directors. Upon Shahaf's return from
    reserve duty, Shahaf shall deliver to the Company appropriate confirmation
    of reserve duty served from his military unit, against which the Company
    shall pay Shahaf his regular compensation package with respect to the period
          This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement and understanding
          between the parties with respect to the subject matters herein, and
          supersedes and replaces any prior agreements and understandings,
          whether oral or written between them with respect to such matters. The
          provisions of this Agreement may be waived, altered, amended or
          repealed in whole or in part only upon the written consent of both
          parties to this Agreement.
          The failure of either party at any time to require performance by the
          other party of any provision hereof shall not affect in any way the
          right to require such performance at any time thereafter, nor shall
          the waiver by either party of a breach of any provision hereof be
          taken or held to be a waiver of any subsequent breach of the same
          provision or any other provision.
          It is understood that the services to be performed by Shahaf hereunder
          are personal in nature and the obligations to perform such services
          and the conditions and covenants of this Agreement cannot be assigned
          by Shahaf. Subject to the foregoing, and except as otherwise provided
          herein, this Agreement shall inure to the benefit of and bind the
          successors and assigns of the Company.
          If for any reason any provision of this Agreement shall be determined
          to be invalid or inoperative, the validity and effect of the other
          provisions hereof shall not be affected thereby, provided that no such
          severability shall be effective if it causes a material detriment to
          any party.
          This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with
          the laws of the State of Israel.

    11.6. NOTICES
          All notices, requests, demands, instructions or other communications
          required or permitted to be given under this Agreement or related to
          it shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been duly given
          upon delivery, if delivered personally, or if given by prepaid
          telegram, or mailed first-class postage prepaid, registered or
          certified mail, return receipt requested, shall be deemed to have been
          given five (5) days after such delivery, if addressed to the other
          party at the addresses as set forth on the signature page below.
          Either party hereto may change the address to which such
          communications are to be directed by giving written notice to the
          other party hereto of such change in the manner above provided.
          This Agreement shall not be terminated by any dissolution of the
          Company resulting from either merger or consolidation in which the
          Company is not the consolidated or surviving Company or a transfer of
          all or substantially all of the assets of the Company. In such event,
          the rights, benefits and obligations herein shall automatically be
          assigned to the surviving or resulting company or to the transferee of
          the assets.
          Shahaf declares that he is not bound by any agreement, understanding
          or arrangement according to which the execution of and compliance with
          this Agreement may constitute a breach or default.
    IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the date
first written above.
    DSP Semiconductors Ltd.

  By:       /s/ ELI AYALON            /s/ MOSHE SHAHAF
       -------------------------  -------------------------
              Eli Ayalon                Moshe Shahaf
