into as of this 1st day of November, 1996 (the "EFFECTIVE DATE") by and 

       YAHOO! INC., a California corporation ("YAHOO") with a principal 
office at 3400 Central Expressway, Santa Clara, CA  95051; and

       YAHOO! DEUTSCHLAND, a corporation organized under the laws of Germany 
("YADE"), with a principal office at ______________________________________; 
with reference to the following: 


       The following provisions form the basis for, and are hereby made a 
part of, this Agreement:

       A.   Yahoo owns, operates and distributes a leading index and 
directory of Internet resources, including a hierarchical index, information 
indexing and retrieval software; and

       B.   YADE has been organized with 70% owned by Yahoo and 30% owned by 
SB Holdings (Europe) Ltd., pursuant to a joint venture agreement entered into 
concurrently herewith (the "JOINT VENTURE AGREEMENT"), in order to operate in 
Germany a localized version of the Yahoo Guide, to develop related on-line 
navigational services in Germany, and to conduct certain other businesses 
relating to such activities.


       NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and 
conditions set forth herein and other good and valuable consideration, the 
receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto 
do hereby agree as follows:


1.1    DEFINITIONS. For purposes of this Agreement, in addition to the 
capitalized terms defined elsewhere in this Agreement, the following terms 
shall have the meanings ascribed to them below:

       "AFFILIATE" shall mean any corporation, limited liability company,
partnership or other entity (collectively, an  "ENTITY" ):  (1) that is
controlled by or controls a party (collectively, a  "CONTROLLED ENTITY" ); or
(2) that is controlled by or controls any such Controlled Entity, in each
instance of clause (1) or (2) for so long as such control continues.  For
purposes of this definition, "control" shall mean the possession, directly or
indirectly, of power to direct or cause the direction of the management or
policies (whether through ownership of securities or partnership or other
ownership interests, by contract or otherwise).  Without limiting the 


foregoing, joint control of an Entity with one or more other persons or 
Entities shall be deemed to constitute control for purposes hereof.

       "COMPETITIVE NAVIGATIONAL TOOLS" shall mean any third party Internet 
directory or Internet search tool that provides a comprehensive hierarchical 
directory or text-based index of WWW sites, including, without limitation, 
those Competitive Navigational Tools owned, operated, or offered by the 
companies listed in EXHIBIT C attached hereto.  No service or tool shall be 
deemed to be a "Competitive Navigational Tool" solely because it is offered 
by a third party that also offers services or tools that are "Competitive 
Navigational Tools."

       "COMPONENTS" shall mean information, materials, products, features, 
services, content, computer software, designs, artistic renderings, drawings, 
sketches, characters, layouts, and the digital implementations thereof, 
PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that "Components" shall not include Local Content.

       "CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION" shall mean any information relating to or 
disclosed in the course of this Agreement, which is or should be reasonably 
understood to be confidential or proprietary to the disclosing party, 
including, but not limited to know-how, trade secrets, log data, technical 
processes and formulas, source codes, product designs, sales, cost and other 
unpublished financial information, product and business plans, projections, 
and marketing data.  "Confidential Information" shall not include information 
which:  (i) is known to the recipient on the Effective Date directly or 
indirectly from a source other than one having an obligation of 
confidentiality to the providing party; (ii) hereafter becomes known 
(independently of disclosure by the providing party) to the recipient 
directly or indirectly from a source other than one having an obligation of 
confidentiality to the providing party; (iii) becomes publicly known or 
otherwise ceases to be secret or confidential, except through a breach of 
this Agreement by the recipient; or (iv) is or was independently developed by 
the recipient without use of or reference to the providing party's 
confidential information, as shown by evidence in the recipient's possession.

       "DERIVATIVE WORK" shall mean all "derivative works" and 
"compilations", within the meaning of such terms as defined in the U.S. 
Copyright Act (17 U.S.C. Section 101 et seq.).

       "INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS" shall mean trade secrets, patents, 
copyrights, trademarks, know-how, moral rights, and similar rights of any 
type under the laws of any governmental authority, domestic or foreign 
including all applications and registrations relating to any of the foregoing.

       "JOINT ENHANCEMENTS" shall mean any enhancements, added 
functionalities, additions, extensions or improvements to Yahoo.DE that are 
created or developed jointly by YADE, on the one hand, and Yahoo, its 
Affiliates (other than YADE, Yahoo! France, or Yahoo! UK) or their agents, on 
the other hand, including any Components which are jointly contributed to 

       "LAUNCH DATE" shall mean the first date on which Yahoo.DE is made 
generally available to the public in the Territory.



       "LOCAL CONTENT" shall mean content, including WWW site listings, added 
to Yahoo.DE by YADE and that is:  (i) specific to the market of the 
Territory; and (ii) originates in or arises from activities in the Territory.

       "LOCALIZED SITE" shall mean YADE's WWW site(s) in the Territory 
through which the Yahoo Properties are made available to Yahoo.DE Users.

       "LOG DATA" shall mean all data generated by an Internet server that 
relates to file requests, user identification, session times and similar 
available information, including information set forth by EXHIBIT E.

       "TERRITORY" shall mean Germany, exclusive of its territories and 

       "WWW" shall the World Wide Web, a system for accessing and viewing 
text, graphics, sound and other media via the Internet.

       "YAHOO BRAND FEATURES" shall mean Yahoo trademarks, trade names, 
service marks, service names, distinct elements of the Yahoo Service Look and 
Feel and all other Components specifically associated with the "Yahoo!" 
brand, as to which Yahoo has established trademark, trade name or similar 
protectable rights, including the name "Yahoo!" and any modifications or 
improvements to the foregoing that may be created by Yahoo from time to time.

       "YAHOO BRAND GUIDELINES" shall mean the guidelines for use of the 
Yahoo Brand Features, as specifically set forth in EXHIBIT B attached hereto, 
as such may be reasonably amended from time to time by Yahoo.

       "YAHOO.DE" shall mean versions of the Yahoo Service that are 
customized and localized specifically for all or any portion of the market of 
the Territory in any and all languages or dialects specifically relevant to 
the Territory.

       "YAHOO.DE DERIVATIVE WORKS" shall mean Derivative Works created from 
the Yahoo Properties, including:  (i) any German customizations and 
translations necessary for the customer market in the Territory, created by 
YADE from Yahoo Properties for use in Yahoo.DE; and (ii) new properties, 
including regional directories and localized directories, for example a 
Yahoo.Berlin, that are directed to the Territory or that are necessary to 
build Yahoo.DE in the Territory; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that YADE shall obtain 
prior approval from Yahoo for any such new properties that have a scope 
intended to extend beyond the market of the Territory. 

       "YAHOO.DE SITE" shall mean one or more servers on which, collectively, 
Yahoo.DE and the Localized Site will be made available pursuant to this 

       "YAHOO.DE USERS" shall mean Internet-users to whom YADE provides 
access to Yahoo.DE.



       "YAHOO PRODUCTS" shall mean print publications and digital media 
products, including CD ROMs, and other marketing tools derived from or 
incorporating Yahoo Properties that are localized for the Territory by YADE.

       "YAHOO PROPERTIES" shall mean collectively:  (i) the Yahoo Service, 
including both the Yahoo Service Look and Feel and the Yahoo Brand Features; 
and (ii) Yahoo.DE.

       "YAHOO SERVICE" shall mean, collectively, the Internet-based 
hierarchical information index and retrieval product, including the related 
search engine, that Yahoo makes generally available now or in the future 
through the WWW, and currently located at, as the same 
may be modified, upgraded, updated or enhanced during the Term of this 
Agreement; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that the Yahoo Service shall not include any 
content, software, or any WWW-wide text-based search tool licensed, 
incorporated, or otherwise authorized for use by Yahoo from a third party 
(UNLESS Yahoo has the right to sublicense the same to YADE hereunder which 
Yahoo shall use reasonable efforts to obtain).

       "YAHOO SERVICE LOOK AND FEEL" shall mean the artistic renderings, 
drawings, animations, sketches, characters, layouts and designs, and digital 
implementations thereof which are embodied within the Yahoo Service as to 
which Yahoo has established protectable rights.

       "YAHOO SOFTWARE" shall mean all computer programs, in object code 
form, and related know how, that are owned or operated by Yahoo and required 
for the operation, modification, maintenance and distribution (or permitted 
Internet access to) the Yahoo Service, including the computer software 
programs described in EXHIBIT A attached hereto; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that the 
"Yahoo Software" does not include third party software or materials that 
Yahoo does not have the right to sublicense to YADE without cost.

       "YAHOO SYSTEM" shall mean, collectively, the Yahoo Service, the Yahoo 
Software, the Yahoo Brand Features, and any related documentation as Yahoo 
may make available to third parties from time to time.

1.2    RULES OF CONSTRUCTION. As used in this Agreement, neutral pronouns and 
any variations thereof shall be deemed to include the feminine and masculine 
and all terms used in the singular shall be deemed to include the plural, and 
vice versa, as the context may require.  The words "hereof," "herein" and 
"hereunder" and other words of similar import refer to this Agreement as a 
whole, including any exhibits hereto, as the same may from time to time be 
amended or supplemented and not to any subdivision contained in this 
Agreement.  The word "including" when used herein is not intended to be 
exclusive and means "including, without limitation."  References herein to 
section, subsection, attachment or exhibit shall refer to the appropriate 
section, subsection or exhibit in or to this Agreement.  The descriptive 
headings of this Agreement are inserted for convenience of reference only and 
do not constitute a part of and shall not be utilized in interpreting this 
Agreement.  This Agreement has been negotiated by the parties hereto and 
their respective counsel and shall be fairly interpreted in accordance with 
its terms and without any rules of construction relating to which party 
drafted the Agreement being applied in favor of or against either party.



1.3    EXHIBITS. In the event that any Exhibits referred to in this Agreement 
are not attached at the time of execution and delivery of this Agreement, the 
parties agree to determine in good faith upon the content of such Exhibits 
within five (5) business days following the Effective Date.

                         ARTICLE 2:  GRANT OF RIGHTS

the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Yahoo hereby grants to YADE, from 
the Effective Date of this Agreement until the Launch Date, a non-exclusive 
(subject to the restrictive covenant set forth in Section 2.5 hereto), 
royalty-bearing, right and license to:

       (i)    use, display, perform, transmit, market, promote, and permit 
Yahoo.DE Users to use, the Yahoo Service in electronic, on-line form and in 
the manner described in this Agreement, via the Internet in the Territory;

       (ii)   reproduce the Yahoo Service in electronic, on-line form for 
internal back-up and archival purposes; and

       (iii)  use the Yahoo Software solely for modifying the Yahoo Service 
in accordance with this Agreement, and to reproduce the Yahoo Service solely 
for YADE's internal use in furtherance of such modifying.

2.2    LICENSE TO YAHOO SYSTEM AND YAHOO.DE  Subject to all of the terms and 
conditions of this Agreement, Yahoo hereby grants to YADE, during the Term of 
this Agreement, a non-exclusive (subject to the restrictive covenant set 
forth in Section 2.5 hereto), royalty-bearing, right and license to:

       (i)    use, modify and customize the Yahoo Software and Yahoo Service 
solely for the purpose of developing, creating, operating, maintaining, 
marketing, promoting, distributing, and otherwise commercially exploiting 

       (ii)   reproduce copies of the Yahoo Software solely for YADE's 
internal use in creating Yahoo.DE Derivative Works;

       (iii)  use, reproduce, display, perform, transmit, market, promote, 
and permit Yahoo.DE Users to use, Yahoo.DE in on-line form and in the manner 
described in this Agreement, via the Internet in the Territory;

       (iv)   use and reproduce any and all Yahoo Software (in object code 
form only) associated with the Yahoo Properties solely to facilitate the 
exploitation of the Yahoo Properties as anticipated and described in this 

       (v)    create Yahoo.DE Derivative Works, solely for use, 
incorporation, and integration in Yahoo.DE and solely as necessary for 
localizing Yahoo.DE for the consumer 



       (vi)   market in the Territory, subject to the terms and limitations set 
forth in Section 2.4 of  this Agreement; anduse, distribute, reproduce, transmit
and display the Yahoo Brand Features in connection with the exercise of YADE's 
rights to Yahoo.DE; 

PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that Yahoo.DE Users' right to access and use the Yahoo 
Properties shall be subject to such customary limitations and restrictions on 
use and reproduction as Yahoo may impose with respect to the Yahoo Properties.

2.3    [XXXX].

2.4    NO OTHER RIGHTS. Except as expressly provided in this Agreement, YADE 
shall:  (i) only distribute or make available Yahoo.DE in its entirety as a 
complete work; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that YADE may omit directories, categories, 
subcategories, and products that YADE determines is irrelevant or 
inapplicable to the Territory, subject to Yahoo's approval which shall not 
unreasonably be withheld; (ii) subject to the provisions of Section 2.3, not 
distribute or make available the Yahoo Services or Yahoo.DE other than in 
on-line electronic form; and (iii) not remove any copyright, trademark, or 
other proprietary rights notices from any of the Yahoo Properties or Yahoo 
Products.  No rights or licenses are granted by Yahoo to YADE except for 
those expressly granted in Sections 2.1, 2.2, and 2.3 hereto.

2.5    RESTRICTIVE COVENANT.  During the Term of this Agreement, Yahoo shall 
not: (i) either directly or indirectly, grant any right or license, whether 
exclusive or non-exclusive, to any person or entity to use, display, 
reproduce, modify, and customize, the Yahoo System for the purpose of 
developing, creating, operating, maintaining, marketing, promoting, 
distributing, or otherwise commercially exploiting a version of the Yahoo 
Service that is customized or localized for the Territory; or (ii) modify and 
customize the Yahoo System for the purpose of developing, creating, 
operating, maintaining, marketing, promoting, distributing, or otherwise 
commercially exploiting a version of the Yahoo Service that is customized or 
localized for the Territory.  Nothing contained in this Agreement shall limit 
or in any way restrict Yahoo's right to advertise or promote the Yahoo System 
or any Derivative Works thereof outside of the Territory, or to advertise or 
promote the Yahoo System in any media that originates outside of the 
Territory; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that such advertisements and promotions are not 
specifically targeted to Yahoo.DE or the market for Yahoo.DE in the 
Territory.  The parties hereto further acknowledge and agree that nothing 
herein shall prevent, restrict or otherwise limit the ability of any person 
in the Territory from electronically accessing the Yahoo Service maintained 
and operated by Yahoo, or its current or future licensees, in any 
jurisdiction outside the Territory.

2.6    LICENSE GRANTED BY YADE. Subject to all of the terms and conditions of 
this Agreement, YADE hereby grants Yahoo a non-exclusive, royalty-free, 
perpetual, worldwide (EXCEPT for the Territory) license to use, reproduce, 
display, perform, transmit, market, promote, and permit Yahoo Service users 
to use, in any form or media, Local Content; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that any use 
of the Local Content by Yahoo in the countries identified in EXHIBIT F (the 
"EXTENSION COUNTRIES") attached hereto shall be subject to prior approval by 
YADE, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld; and PROVIDED, 
FURTHER, that for a 



period of six (6) months after the Effective Date of this Agreement, Yahoo 
will neither:  (i) market or promote the Local Content in the Extension 
Countries; nor (ii) market or promote Derivative Works targeted specifically 
to the Extension Countries and based on the Local Content, in the Extension 
Countries. Subject to the foregoing license grant, YADE retains all right, 
title and interest in and to the Local Content.


3.1    YAHOO.DE CONTENT.  Yahoo.DE shall, at a minimum, contain all 
directories, including categories, subcategories, and URL's, contained within 
the Yahoo Service, as such service or any portion thereof may be modified, 
upgraded, updated or otherwise enhanced during the Term of this Agreement.  
Promptly after the Effective Date, Yahoo shall provide to YADE with Yahoo 
Properties to the extent necessary to launch the Yahoo.DE Site and for YADE 
to create Yahoo.DE Derivative Works for incorporation into Yahoo.DE  In the 
event that YADE wants to post or incorporate any new service, content (other 
than Local Content), or sponsorships on Yahoo.DE, YADE shall obtain Yahoo's 
prior written consent, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld.

3.2    LOCAL CONTENT.  YADE shall be solely responsible for collecting, 
translating, and classifying Local Content.  YADE may eliminate from Yahoo.DE 
such Components that are unrelated to directory, index, or search functions 
as YADE deems appropriate, subject to Yahoo's prior approval, which shall not 
unreasonably be withheld.

3.3    RESTRICTIVE COVENANT.  During the Term, YADE agrees that it shall not: 
(i) enter into a commercial arrangement or transaction with any person for 
the customization, translation, or localization of a Competitive Navigational 
Tool for the consumer market of the Territory and for use within the 
Territory; or (ii) develop, commercialize, market or promote any Competitive 
Navigational Tool.  Without limiting the foregoing, YADE shall not provide 
any on-line advertising that contains a direct hypertext link to any 
Competitive Navigational Tool; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that nothing herein shall 
prohibit Yahoo.DE from including links contained in the Yahoo Service, or 
such links as may be reasonably agreed to by Yahoo.

3.4    MESSAGE BAR.  Yahoo shall have the right, upon reasonable advance 
notice to YADE, to place non-advertising Components from Yahoo directed to 
the global marketplace, on the home page of Yahoo.DE for up to five (5) 
consecutive days.(1)

3.5    ADVERTISING REVENUE.  The parties hereto agree that all revenues and 
income derived by YADE in connection with advertising, marketing and 
promotional information in Yahoo.DE, and distribution of the Yahoo Service in 
the Territory pursuant to Section 2.1 hereto,  shall accrue solely to YADE, 
subject to the calculation and payment of the Fees as set out in EXHIBIT D 
attached hereto.  YADE shall be solely and exclusively responsible for 
ensuring that all advertising, marketing and promotional information 
conducted and provided by YADE 

- ------------------------
(1) By way of example, but not of limitation, in the event that one of 
Yahoo's directors or officers desires to send a global message to all users 
of Yahoo concerning introduction of a new Yahoo Property or news relating to 
Yahoo or a Yahoo Property, then such message would appear in the message bar 
as contemplated under this Agreement.



complies with all local, federal, and other governmental laws and regulations 
of the Territory that may be applicable thereto.

3.6    YADE COVENANTS.  In addition to the representations and warranties of 
Section 6.1 hereto, YADE covenants to use its best efforts to assure that:

       (i)    the Components and Local Content which YADE includes in or 
associates with Yahoo.DE shall neither:  (a) infringe on or violate any 
copyright, patent, or any other proprietary right of any third party; nor (b) 
violate any applicable law, regulation or third party right;

       (ii)   YADE's performance of this Agreement shall comply in all 
material respect with, and neither contravene, breach nor infringe, any laws 
or regulations of the Territory;

       (iii)  the Local Content provided by YADE shall not contain any 
obscene or defamatory materials, information, data or content, as such may be 
finally determined by a court of competent jurisdiction; and

       (iv)   all translations performed by YADE, either directly or under 
YADE's instructions, shall be accurate.

3.7    YAHOO COVENANT.  Yahoo covenants to use its commercially reasonable 
efforts, in the event of a change by Yahoo of the platform or other 
technology necessary for operating the Yahoo Service to a new platform or 
technology (the "NEW TECHNOLOGY"), to:  (i) provide YADE with advance notice 
of such technology change; (ii) assist YADE in managing the transition by 
YADE from the current technology to the New Technology for Yahoo.DE; and 
(iii) assist YADE in obtaining such New Technology.  Yahoo will bear 
reasonable start-up costs associated with establishing the New Technology for 
Yahoo.DE so that Yahoo.DE operates at essentially the same or better 
operating level (with respect to speed and responsiveness of Yahoo.DE in 
response to a user query) that Yahoo.DE operated prior to converting to the 
New Technology; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that on-going costs, including license 
fees therefor, associated with such New Technology shall be borne solely by 
YADE; PROVIDED, FURTHER, that Yahoo will use its reasonable efforts to pass 
any savings or discounts it may be able to obtain from the third party 
provider of the New Technology.  Nothing herein shall be construed as an 
obligation or representation by Yahoo that Yahoo will obtain or negotiate on 
behalf of YADE any license fees or other fees associated with the New 

                       ARTICLE 4:  OWNERSHIP; LOG DATA

4.1    YAHOO OWNERSHIP. Yahoo and YADE hereby agree that all right, title and 
interest in and to the Yahoo System and the Yahoo.DE Derivative Works shall 
be owned exclusively by Yahoo without reservation, and that all such 
worldwide ownership rights, title and interest in and to, all aspects of 
Yahoo.DE (including, but not limited to all Intellectual Property Rights 
thereto) shall solely vest with, and be owned by, Yahoo.  YADE assigns any 
interest it may be deemed to possess in any such Yahoo System or Yahoo.DE 
Derivative Works to Yahoo and will assist Yahoo in every reasonable way, at 
Yahoo's expense, to obtain, secure, perfect, 



maintain, defend and enforce for Yahoo's benefit all Intellectual Property 
Rights with respect to the Yahoo System and Yahoo.DE Derivative Works.

4.2    JOINT ENHANCEMENTS.  Joint Enhancement shall be jointly owned by YADE 
and Yahoo.  Any use of such Joint Enhancements other than for the Yahoo 
Service or in connection with Yahoo.DE, as appropriate, by either party shall 
require the approval of the other party, with approval shall not be 
unreasonably withheld.

4.3    LOG DATA. YADE will provide Yahoo with access to all Log Data 
containing the categories set forth in EXHIBIT E from use of Yahoo.DE via 
Yahoo's Log Data Tool as described in EXHIBIT A.  All Log Data shall be 
maintained as Confidential Information by each of YADE and Yahoo.  
Notwithstanding the foregoing, no party shall be prohibited from providing 
Log Data to any third party (on a confidential basis) for aggregation or 
analysis, or otherwise on an aggregated basis to advertisers, potential 
advertisers and other third parties in connection with the sale of 
advertising, or to third parties in connection with market research and 
similar publishing. Yahoo shall own all rights, title, and interest in and to 
any and all Log Data generated on any Yahoo Service site in the Territory, 
including Yahoo.DE; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, Yahoo shall grant to YADE a 
non-exclusive, royalty-free license to use and reproduce such Log Data for 
internal, non-commercial purposes only to Log Data generated at a Localized 
Site operated via the Internet.

                              ARTICLE 5: TRADEMARKS

5.1    ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF OWNERSHIP. YADE acknowledges that:  (i) as between 
YADE and Yahoo, Yahoo owns all right, title and interest in the Yahoo Brand 
Features; and (ii) neither YADE nor any other persons will acquire any 
ownership interest in the Yahoo Brand Features or associated goodwill by 
virtue of this Agreement or the use of the Yahoo Service or Yahoo.DE pursuant 
to this Agreement.

5.2    USAGE GUIDELINES. YADE's use of the Yahoo Brand Features shall adhere 
to the Yahoo Brand Guidelines set forth in EXHIBIT B attached hereto. In any 
event, YADE's use of the Yahoo Brand Features shall be at least of a quality 
and standard reasonably commensurate with YADE's use of its own trademarks.  
Throughout the Term of this Agreement, Yahoo shall promptly provide YADE with 
all written details of, samples of and artwork for all Yahoo Brand Features 
as required by YADE for performing its rights and obligations under this 
Agreement. YADE shall supply Yahoo with specimens of each of all promotional 
materials using the Yahoo Brand Features, all of which shall comply with the 
Yahoo Brand Guidelines and other provisions of this Agreement. YADE shall 
remedy any violation of the Yahoo Brand Guidelines or of this Agreement as 
soon as practicable following receipt of notice from Yahoo of such violation. 
 If any use of the Yahoo Brand Features by YADE fails to satisfy such quality 
standards and YADE does not promptly cure such failure, Yahoo may terminate 
YADE's right to use such Yahoo Brand Features.

5.3    NO ADVERSE CLAIM. YADE agrees that it will not at any time during or 
after this Agreement assert any claim or interest in or do anything which may 
adversely affect the validity or enforceability of any Yahoo Brand Features.  
Unless otherwise agreed to between 



the parties, YADE will not:  (i) register, seek to register, or cause to be 
registered any of the Yahoo Brand Features without Yahoo's prior written 
consent; (ii) adopt or use Yahoo Brand Features or any confusingly similar 
word or symbol as part of YADE's company name, or on or in connection with 
any of YADE's products or services; or (iii) allow Yahoo Brand Features to be 
used by others, without Yahoo's prior written consent.


6.1    PROTECTION OF CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION. The parties recognize that, in 
connection with the performance of this Agreement, each of them may disclose 
to the other its Confidential Information.  The party receiving any 
Confidential Information agrees to maintain the confidential status of such 
Confidential Information and not to use any such Confidential Information for 
any purpose other than the purpose for which it was originally disclosed to 
the receiving party, and not to disclose any of such Confidential Information 
to any third party.  Neither party shall disclose the other's Confidential 
Information to its employees and agents except on a need-to-know basis.

6.2    PERMITTED DISCLOSURE. The parties acknowledge and agree that each may 
disclose Confidential Information:  (i) as required by law; (ii) to their 
respective directors, officers, employees, attorneys, accountants and other 
advisors, who are under an obligation of confidentiality, on a "need-to-know" 
basis; (iii) to investors or joint venture partners, who are under an 
obligation of confidentiality, on a "need-to-know" basis; or (iv) in 
connection with disputes or litigation between the parties involving such 
Confidential Information and each party shall endeavor to limit disclosure to 
that purpose and to ensure maximum application of all appropriate judicial 
safeguards (such as placing documents under seal).  In the event a party is 
required to disclose Confidential Information as required by law, such party 
will, to the extent practicable, in advance of such disclosure, provide the 
other party with prompt notice of such requirement. Such party also agrees, 
to the extent legally permissible, to provide the other party, in advance of 
any such disclosure, with copies of any information or documents such party 
intends to disclose (and, if applicable, the text of the disclosure language 
itself) and to cooperate with the other party to the extent the other party 
may seek to limit such disclosure.

6.3    APPLICABILITY. The foregoing obligations of confidentiality shall 
apply to directors, officers, employees and representatives of the parties 
and any other person to whom the parties have delivered copies of, or 
permitted access to, such Confidential Information in connection with the 
performance of this Agreement, and each party shall advise each of the above 
of the obligations set forth in this Article 6.

6.4    THIRD PARTY CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION. Any Confidential Information of 
a third party disclosed to either party shall be treated by YADE or Yahoo, as 
the case may be, in accordance with the terms under which such third party 
Confidential Information was disclosed; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that the party 
disclosing such third party Confidential Information shall first notify the 
other party that such information constitutes third party Confidential 
Information and the terms applicable to such third party Confidential 



and provided further that either party may decline, in its sole discretion, 
to accept all or any portion of such third party Confidential Information.

6.5    CONFIDENTIALITY OF AGREEMENT. Except as required by law or generally 
accepted accounting principles, and except to assert its rights hereunder or 
for disclosures to its own officers, directors, employees and professional 
advisers on a  need-to-know  basis or in confidence to investors, investment 
bankers, financial institutions or other lenders or acquirers, each party 
hereto agrees that neither it nor its directors, officers, employees, 
consultants or agents shall disclose the terms of this Agreement or specific 
matters relating hereto without the prior consent of the other party, which 
consent shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed.

6.6    FUTURE BUSINESS ACTIVITIES. This Agreement shall not limit either 
party's present and future business activities of any nature, including 
business activities which could be competitive with the other party, outside 
the scope of this Agreement, EXCEPT: (i) to the extent such activities would 
involve a breach of the confidentiality restrictions contained in this 
Section; or (ii) as otherwise expressly provided herein, including without 
limitation, the restrictive covenants of Sections 2.5 and 3.3 hereto.  
Nothing in this Agreement will be construed as a representation or agreement 
that the recipient of Confidential Information will not develop or have 
developed for it products, concepts, systems or techniques contemplated by or 
embodied in such Confidential Information, provided that such recipient does 
not violate any of its obligations under Section 6 of this Agreement in 
connection with such development.

                       ARTICLE 7:  LICENSE FEES AND PAYMENT

7.1    LICENSE FEES. YADE shall pay to Yahoo, as full and complete 
remuneration for the performance of all of Yahoo's obligations hereunder, the 
license fees that are set forth in EXHIBIT D attached hereto (the "FEES").  
All payments under this Agreement shall be made by wire transfer to an 
account designated by Yahoo, within thirty (30) days of the end of the 
quarter in which such amounts are collected by YADE, and shall be accompanied 
by a written report signed by an authorized YADE officer setting forth a 
description of transactions given rise to payments in detail sufficient to 
support calculations of the amounts paid, as well as such other similar 
information as Yahoo may reasonably request.

7.2    CURRENCY. In this Agreement, all references to currency shall be 
references to the lawful currency of the United States of America.  Any and 
all conversions shall be based on the exchange rate published in the Wall 
Street Journal on the date each payment is due.

7.3    INTEREST. Any late payment of fees made by YADE under this Agreement 
shall bear interest at the annual aggregate rate of ten percent (10%) from 
the date on which such payment was due.

7.4    TAXES. All Fees paid by YADE to Yahoo hereunder shall be inclusive of 
all excise and customs duties, costs, expenses, and other similar taxes 
imposed by any governmental authority relating to the export of the Yahoo 
Properties, and all withholding taxes that may be required by either the 
Territory or the United States governments under the relevant tax laws and 
treaties, all of which taxes shall be paid by Yahoo.  All Fees paid by YADE 
to Yahoo 



hereunder shall be exclusive of all sales, goods and services, use and other 
similar taxes imposed by any governmental authority concerning the use of the 
Yahoo Properties in accordance with this Agreement, all of which taxes shall 
be paid by Yahoo.DE

7.5    AUDITING RIGHTS. To ensure compliance with the terms of this 
Agreement, Yahoo shall have the right, at its own expense, to direct an 
independent certified public accounting firm to inspect and audit all of the 
accounting and sales books and records of YADE which are relevant to Fees 
amounts payable to Yahoo and the licenses granted by Yahoo hereunder; 
PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that:  (i) Yahoo provides fifteen (15) business days 
notice prior to such audit; (ii) any such inspection and audit shall be 
conducted during regular business hours in such a manner as not to interfere 
with normal business activities; (iii) in no event shall audits be made 
hereunder more frequently than twice (2) per calendar year; (iv) if any audit 
should disclose an underpayment by YADE, YADE shall promptly pay such amount 
to Yahoo; and (v) the cost of any audit which reveals an underpayment in 
excess of five percent (5%) of the amount owing for the reporting period in 
question shall be borne entirely by YADE.


8.1    MUTUAL REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES.  Each party represents and 
warrants to the other party that:

       (i)    such party has been duly incorporated and is validly existing 
under the laws such party is incorporated;

       (ii)   such party has the full corporate right, power and authority to 
enter into this Agreement and to perform the acts required of it hereunder;

       (iii)  the execution of this Agreement by such party, and the 
performance by such party of its obligations and duties hereunder, do not and 
will not violate any agreement to which such party is a party or by which it 
is otherwise bound;

       (iv)   when executed and delivered by such party, this Agreement will 
constitute the legal, valid and binding obligation of such party, enforceable 
against such party in accordance with its terms; and

       (v)    such party acknowledges that the other party makes no 
representations, warranties or agreements related to the subject matter 
hereof that are not expressly provided for in this Agreement.






9.2    YAHOO INDEMNITY. Subject to the limitations set forth below, Yahoo, at 
its own expense, shall indemnify, defend (or at Yahoo's option and expense, 
settle) and hold YADE and its officers, directors, employees, agents, 
distributors and licensees (the "YADE INDEMNIFIED PARTY(IES)") harmless from 
and against any judgment, losses, deficiencies, damages, liabilities, costs 
and expenses (including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys' fees and 
expenses), whether required to be paid to a third party or otherwise incurred 
in connection with or arising from any claim, suit, action or proceeding 
(collectively, a "CLAIM"), incurred or suffered by a YADE Indemnified Party 
to the extent the basis of such Claim is that:  (i) the Yahoo Properties 
provided by Yahoo to YADE infringe any Intellectual Property Rights of a 
third party; (ii) Yahoo does not have the right to license the Yahoo 
Properties as set forth herein; or (iii) Yahoo has breached any of its 
duties, representations or warranties under this Agreement; PROVIDED, 
HOWEVER, that Yahoo shall have no obligation to the YADE Indemnified Parties 
pursuant to this Section unless:  (x) YADE gives Yahoo prompt written notice 
of the Claim; and (y) in the case of third party claims, Yahoo is given the 
right to control and direct the investigation, preparation, defense and 
settlement of the Claim; and YADE provides Yahoo with reasonable assistance 
in the defense or settlement thereof.  In connection with the defense of any 
such Claim, each YADE Indemnified Party may have its own counsel in 
attendance at all public interactions and substantive negotiations at its own 
cost and expense.

9.3    NO YAHOO LIABILITY. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Yahoo assumes no 
liability for infringement claims arising from:  (i) a combination of the 
Yahoo Properties or any part thereof with other Components not provided by 
Yahoo where such infringement would not have arisen from the use of the Yahoo 
Properties or portion thereof absent such combination; (ii) modification of 
the Yahoo Properties or portion thereof by anyone other than Yahoo or on its 
behalf where such infringement would not have occurred but for such 
modifications; or (iii) translation errors or inaccuracies caused, either 
directly or indirectly, by YADE.

9.4    YAHOO LIABILITY. If Yahoo receives notice of an alleged infringement 
relating to the Yahoo Properties, Yahoo, at its option and expense, shall use 
all reasonable efforts to:  (i) obtain a license at no cost to YADE 
permitting continued use of the Yahoo Properties on terms and conditions 
consistent with the rights granted to YADE hereunder; (ii) modify the 
infringing portion of the Yahoo Properties to perform its intended function 
without infringing third party rights; or (iii) provide a substitute for such 
infringing portion.  If none of the foregoing options are reasonably 
available to Yahoo, then upon written notice by Yahoo to YADE, YADE shall 
thereupon take the necessary action to discontinue further distribution of 



the Yahoo Properties to the extent that and only for so long as such use 
would be infringing.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, this Agreement shall 
remain in full force and effect in accordance with the terms hereof with 
respect to all noninfringing portions of the Yahoo Properties.

9.5    YADE INDEMNIFICATION. Subject to the limitations set forth below, 
YADE, at its own expense, shall indemnify, defend (or at YADE's option and 
expense, settle) and hold Yahoo and any Yahoo Affiliates and their officers, 
directors, employees, agents, distributors and licensees (the "YAHOO 
INDEMNIFIED PARTY(IES)") harmless from and against any judgment, losses, 
deficiencies, damages, liabilities, costs and expenses (including, without 
limitation, reasonable attorneys' fees and expenses), whether required to be 
paid to a third party or otherwise incurred in connection with or arising 
from any claim, suit, action or proceeding (collectively, a "CLAIM"), 
incurred or suffered by a Yahoo Indemnified Party to the extent the basis of 
such Claim is that:  (i) Yahoo.DE or any Local Content (to the extent 
distinct from Yahoo Properties provided by Yahoo to YADE) infringe any:  (1) 
patent; (2) copyright; (3) trade secret; or (4) trademark of a third party; 
(ii) YADE does not have the right to license the Local Content as set forth 
herein; or (iii) YADE has breached any of its duties, representations or 
warranties under this Agreement; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that YADE shall have no 
obligation to the Yahoo Indemnified Parties pursuant to this Section unless:  
(x) Yahoo gives YADE prompt written notice of the Claim; and (y) in the case 
of third party claims, YADE is given the right to control and direct the 
investigation, preparation, defense and settlement of the Claim; and Yahoo 
provides YADE with reasonable assistance in the defense or settlement 
thereof; and PROVIDED FURTHER that if any settlement results in any ongoing 
liability to, or prejudices or detrimentally impacts Yahoo or any Yahoo 
Affiliate, and such obligation, liability, prejudice or impact can reasonably 
be expected to be material, then such settlement shall require Yahoo's 
written consent, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. 
In connection with the defense of any such Claim, each indemnified person 
may have its own counsel in attendance at all public interactions and 
substantive negotiations at its own cost and expense.

                               ARTICLE 10:  TERM

10.1   TERM. Unless earlier terminated as provided herein, or unless 
otherwise provided in the Joint Venture Agreement, this Agreement shall be 
effective from the Effective Date until the sooner of:  (i) the parties 
hereto mutually agree to terminate this Agreement; or (ii) termination of the 
Joint Venture Agreement.

10.2   EARLY TERMINATION. Either party may terminate this Agreement upon 
written notice in the event of (i) any material breach of any warranty, 
representation or covenant of this Agreement by the other party which remains 
uncured thirty (30) days after notice of such breach, or (ii) in the event of 
any bankruptcy, insolvency, receivership or similar proceeding of the other 
party which continues for twenty (20) days from filing.

10.3   RETURN OF INFORMATION. Within thirty (30) calendar days after the 
termination or expiration of this Agreement, each party hereto shall either 
deliver to the other, or destroy, all 



copies of any tangible Confidential Information of the other party provided 
hereunder in its possession or under its control, and shall furnish to the 
other party an affidavit signed by an officer of its company certifying that 
to the best of its knowledge, such delivery or destruction has been fully 

10.4   REMAINING PAYMENT. Within forty-five (45) calendar days of the 
expiration or termination of this Agreement, each party shall pay to the 
other party all sums, if any, due and owing as of the date of expiration or 

10.5   SURVIVAL. The respective rights and obligations of the parties under 
Sections 1, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 5.1, 5.3, 7.4, 10.3, 10.4, and 10.5. and Articles 
6, 8, 9, and 11 shall survive expiration or termination of this Agreement.  
No termination or expiration of this Agreement shall relieve any party for 
any liability for any breach of or liability accruing under this Agreement 
prior to termination.

                          ARTICLE 11:  MISCELLANEOUS

11.1   GOVERNING LAW; JURISDICTION. This Agreement shall be interpreted and 
construed in accordance with the laws of the State of California, and with 
the same force and effect as if fully executed and performed therein, and the 
laws of the United States of America.  Each of YADE and Yahoo hereby consents 
and submits to the personal jurisdiction of the United States and state 
courts of the State of California, and expressly agrees that the venue for 
any action arising under this Agreement shall be the appropriate court 
sitting within the Northern District of California.

11.2   AMENDMENT OR MODIFICATION. This Agreement may not be amended, modified 
or supplemented by the parties in any manner, except by an instrument in 
writing signed on behalf of each of the parties by a duly authorized officer 
or representative.

11.3   NO ASSIGNMENT. Neither party shall transfer or assign any rights or 
delegate any obligations hereunder, in whole or in part, whether voluntarily 
or by operation of law, without the prior written consent of the other party. 
Any purported transfer, assignment or delegation by either party without the 
appropriate prior written approval shall be null and void and of no force or 
effect. Notwithstanding the foregoing, without securing such prior consent, 
each party shall have the right to assign this Agreement or any of its rights 
or obligations to an Affiliate provided that such party continues to be 
liable for the performance of its obligations and either party shall have the 
right to assign this Agreement and the obligations hereunder to any successor 
of such party by way of merger or consolidation or the acquisition of 
substantially all of the business and assets of the assigning party relating 
to the Agreement.

11.4   NOTICES. Except as otherwise provided herein, any notice or other 
communication to be given hereunder shall be in writing and shall be (as 
elected by the party giving such notice):  (i) personally delivered; (ii) 
transmitted by postage prepaid registered or certified airmail, return 
receipt requested; (iii) deposited prepaid with a nationally recognized 
overnight courier service; or (iv) sent via facsimile, with a confirmation 
copy sent via first class mail.  Unless otherwise provided herein, all 
notices shall be deemed to have been duly given on:  (x) the date 



of receipt (or if delivery is refused, the date of such refusal) if delivered 
personally or by courier; or (y) three (3) days after the date of posting if 
transmitted by mail.  Either party may change its address for notice purposes 
hereof on not less than three (3) days prior notice to the other party.  
Notice hereunder shall be directed to a party at the address for such party 
which is set forth below:

       To Yahoo:        Yahoo! Inc.
                        3400 Central Expressway
                        Santa Clara, CA  95051
                        Attention:  President
                        Fax:  (408) 731-3301
       Copy to:         James L. Brock
                        Venture Law Group
                        2800 Sand Hill Road
                        Menlo Park, California  94025
                        Fax:  (415) 233-8386
       To YADE:         Yahoo! Deutschland
                        Riesstrasse 25,
                        Block C, 4th Floor
                        8000 Munich 50
                        Attention:  Managing Director
                        Fax:  [________________]

       Copy to YADE counsel as identified or direct by YADE.

11.5   ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This Agreement represents the entire agreement of 
the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all 
prior and/or contemporaneous agreements and understandings, written or oral 
between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof.

11.6   WAIVER. Any of the provisions of this Agreement may be waived by the 
party entitled to the benefit thereof.  Neither party shall be deemed, by any 
act or omission, to have waived any of its rights or remedies hereunder 
unless such waiver is in writing and signed by the waiving party, and then 
only to the extent specifically set forth in such writing.  A waiver with 
reference to one event shall not be construed as continuing or as a bar to or 
waiver of any right or remedy as to a subsequent event.

11.7   FEES AND EXPENSES. Each party shall be responsible for the payment of 
its own costs and expenses, including attorneys' fees and expenses, in 
connection with the negotiation and execution of this Agreement.



11.8   RECOVERY OF COSTS AND EXPENSES. If either party to this Agreement 
brings an action against the other party to enforce its rights under this 
Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover its costs and 
expenses, including without limitation, attorneys' fees and costs incurred in 
connection with such action, including any appeal of such action.

11.9   SEVERABILITY. If the application of any provision or provisions of 
this Agreement to any particular facts of circumstances shall be held to be 
invalid or unenforceable by any court of competent jurisdiction, then:  (i) 
the validity and enforceability of such provision or provisions as applied to 
any other particular facts or circumstances and the validity of other 
provisions of this Agreement shall not in any way be affected or impaired 
thereby; and (ii) such provision or provisions shall be reformed without 
further action by the parties hereto and only to the extent necessary to make 
such provision or provisions valid and enforceable when applied to such 
particular facts and circumstances.

11.10  OTHER AGREEMENTS. Neither party shall agree to any contractual 
provision or term in any agreement with any third party which contains a 
provision or term which cause such party to be in breach of or violates this 

11.11  NO DISCLOSURE.  Without the prior written consent of the other party, 
neither party shall, in any manner, disclose, advertise, or publish the terms 
of, or any information concerning, this Agreement; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that 
either party may disclose such portions of this Agreement as may be required 
by law, subject to the provisions of Article 5 hereto.

11.12  NO THIRD PARTY BENEFICIARIES.  Nothing express or implied in this 
Agreement is intended to confer, nor shall anything herein confer, upon any 
person other than the parties and the respective successors or assigns of the 
parties, any rights, remedies, obligations or liabilities whatsoever.

11.13  COUNTERPARTS; FACSIMILES. This Agreement may be executed in any number 
of counterparts, each of which when so executed and delivered shall be deemed 
an original, and such counterparts together shall constitute one and the same 
instrument.  Each party shall receive a duplicate original of the counterpart 
copy or copies executed by it.  For purposes hereof, a facsimile copy of this 
Agreement, including the signature pages hereto, shall be deemed to be an 
original.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, the parties shall each deliver 
original execution copies of this Agreement to one another as soon as 
practicable following execution thereof.

       IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties to this Agreement by their duly 
authorized representatives have executed this Agreement as of the date first 
above written.


By:  /s/ HEATHER KILLEN            By:  /s/ TIMOTHY KOOGLE  
     --------------------------         ------------------------
     Name:  Heather Killen              Name:  Timothy Koogle
     Title:  President & CEO            Title:  President



                                  EXHIBIT A



       Yahoo will provide HTML Tree and Search Tree data files described 
below, to YADE:  PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that Yahoo reserves the right to modify 
the structure of its HTML tree and search tree from time to time as Yahoo 
deems necessary in connection with similar modifications that are made to the 
Yahoo Internet Directory on Yahoo's principal WWW site.

              (A)   HTML TREE:  The file format of individual data files is 
in HTML format.  The hierarchical directory structure is implemented using 
UNIX file system.

              (B)   SEARCH TREE:  The search index format is a flat file text 
format that is subject to update. 


       Yahoo will provide to YADE the following tools for use in connection 
with Yahoo.DE  Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Yahoo 
reserves the right to add, delete and modify from this list so long as the 
service is not degraded or interrupted significantly, and Yahoo notifies YADE 
in advance and works with YADE in good faith before making any such changes.

       A.     HTTP SERVER:  A C program compiled on the hardware platform 
provided.  The initial version of HTTP software will be proprietary to Yahoo. 
Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, this software may be 
replaced by third party software in the future.

       B.     SEARCH SERVER:  A C program compiled on the hardware provided.  
This software is proprietary to Yahoo.  Subject to the terms and conditions 
of this Agreement, Yahoo reserves the right to change the search engine to a 
third party software at Yahoo's discretion without notice.

       C.     CGI SCRIPTS:  These scripts are either written in C or in Perl. 
 The platforms must have Perl installed.

       D.     UTILITY SCRIPTS:  These scripts are written in Perl or similar 
shell languages.  The platform must support cron jobs and have Perl, and 
other required shell environments, installed.

       E.     LOG DATA TOOL:  This software tool, which is proprietary to 
Yahoo, is a set of CGI scripts written in Perl that summarize, analyze, and 
display summary information regarding Log Data.  Yahoo will use this tool to 
remotely access Log Data collected by YADE pursuant to this Agreement. 



                                  EXHIBIT B

                           YAHOO BRAND GUIDELINES

1.     GENERAL.  The Yahoo Brand Features may be used by YADE only in 
connection with the exercise of YADE's rights pursuant to this Agreement, and 
only with the promotion of the use of Yahoo Properties and Yahoo Products 
pursuant to the terms of this Agreement and only in a manner consistent with 
proper usage of the trademarks, trade names, service marks, service names and 
other elements that are contained.

2.     APPEARANCE OF LOGOS.  Yahoo and YADE will use their best efforts to 
ensure that the presentation of the Yahoo Brand Features shall be consistent 
with Yahoo's use of the Yahoo Brand Features on Yahoo's URLs.  YADE shall use 
the Yahoo Brand Features in a manner reasonably consistent with other key 
third party content used by YADE in connection with Yahoo.DE

3.     NOTICES.  All trademarks and service marks included in the Yahoo Brand 
Features shall be designated with "SM", "TM", "-Registered Trademark-", in 
the manner directed by Yahoo.

4.     APPEARANCE.  Promptly following the Effective Date, and from time to 
time during the Term, Yahoo shall provide YADE with written guidelines for 
the size, typeface, colors and other graphic characteristics of the Yahoo 
Brand Features, which upon delivery to YADE shall be deemed to be 
incorporated into the "Yahoo Brand Guidelines" under this Agreement.

5.     RESTRICTIONS UPON USE.  Unless otherwise mutually agreed, the Yahoo 
Brand Features shall not be presented or used by YADE:

       A.     in a manner that could be reasonably interpreted to suggest 
that any editorial content other than the Yahoo Service has been authored by, 
or represents the views or opinions of, Yahoo or any Yahoo personnel;

       B.     in a manner that is misleading, defamatory, libelous, obscene 
or otherwise objectionable, in Yahoo's reasonable opinion;

       C.     in a way that infringes, derogates, dilutes or impairs the 
rights of Yahoo in the Yahoo Brand Features; 

       D.     for the purposes of promoting the sale, license or other 
transfer for value of property or services, other than in connection with the 
promotion of the sale and use of Yahoo.DE; or

       E.     as part of a name of a product or service of a company other 
than Yahoo, except as expressly provided in this Agreement.



6.     REMEDY.  YADE will make any changes to its use of the Yahoo Brand 
Features as are reasonably requested by Yahoo.

7.     REVISIONS.  These Guidelines may be modified as may be reasonably 
necessary at any time by Yahoo upon written notice to YADE. 



                                  EXHIBIT C


Competitive Navigational Tools shall include the Internet directories and 
Internet search tools including, but not limited to those listed below or 
offered by a party listed below:




                                  EXHIBIT D

                                 LICENSE FEES

License fee: [XXXX] for each year of this Agreement.



                                  EXHIBIT E

                              YAHOO.DE LOG DATA

Each time a customer accesses Yahoo.DE, Yahoo requires the following User Log 
Data from YADE:

1.     The customer's Internet protocol address;
2.     The date and time of access;
3.     A description of the page of Yahoo.DE accessed (e.g.,/Entertainment
       /Games/Video Games/)



                                  EXHIBIT F

                             EXTENSION COUNTRIES

