This Settlement Agreement and General Release (hereinafter 
"Settlement Agreement") is made and entered into as of February 24, 1997 (the 
"Effective Date") by and between (a) Stanley I. Berk ("Berk"), Stephen P. 
Grayson, individually and on behalf of the Stephen P. Grayson Profit Sharing 
Plan (collectively, "Grayson") and Stanley Berk & Associates, a partnership 
of which Berk and Grayson are the general partners, (Berk, Grayson and 
Stanley Berk & Associates are hereinafter collectively referred to as the 
"Berk Parties") and (b) Karl-Magnus S. Karlsson ("Karlsson") and Scoop, Inc., 
a California corporation formerly known as Karlsson-DelRey Communications, Inc. 
("Scoop") (Karlsson and Scoop are hereinafter collectively referred to 
as the "Scoop Parties").


          A.   On or about October 24, 1995, Stanley Berk & Associates and 
Karlsson entered into a Stock Purchase and Option Agreement, a true and 
correct copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A."

          B.   On or about October 24, 1995, Scoop and Stanley Berk & 
Associates entered into a Line of Credit Agreement, a true and correct copy 
of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "B."

          C.   By letter agreement dated July 25, 1996, Scoop and Berk 
memorialized the resolution of various issues relating to Berk's prior and 
future relationship with Scoop.  A true and correct copy of this July 25, 
1996 letter agreement is attached hereto as Exhibit "C."

          D.   On July 26, 1996, Berk executed a General Release discharging 
Scoop and its officers, directors, employees, agents and representatives 
(both individually and in their capacities as such) from all demands and 
claims which he ever had, then had, or in the future may have against Scoop 
or its officers, directors, employees, agents and representatives for any 
cause, and expressly waiving his rights under California Civil Code 
Section 1542.  A true and correct copy of Berk's General Release dated 
July 26, 1996 is attached hereto as Exhibit "D."

          E.   On July 26, 1996, Stanley Berk & Associates executed a General 
Release discharging Scoop and its officers, directors, employees, agents and 
representatives (both individually and in their capacities as such) from all 
demands and claims which Stanley Berk & Associates ever had, then had or in 
the future may have against Scoop or its officers, directors, employees, 
agents and representatives for any cause, including without limitation any 
claims arising under or related to the Stock Purchase and Option Agreement, 
attached hereto as Exhibit "A," and the Line of Credit Agreement, attached 
hereto as Exhibit "B," and expressly waiving its rights under California 
Civil Code Section 1542.  A true and correct copy of Stanley Berk & 
Associates' General Release dated July 26, 1996 is attached hereto as 
Exhibit "E."

          F.   By letter agreement dated July 30, 1996 (the "Grayson Letter 
Agreement"), Karlsson granted Grayson an option to purchase shares of Common 
Stock of Scoop owned by Karlsson under the terms and conditions provided 
therein.  The option granted pursuant to the Grayson Letter Agreement expired 
on January 5,1997 and is no longer exercisable.  A true and correct copy of 
the Grayson Letter Agreement is attached hereto as Exhibit "F."

          G.   Stanley Berk & Associates is the record owner of an aggregate 
of 386,339 shares of Scoop Common Stock (the "SB&A Shares"), representing all 
of the shares acquired by Stanley Berk & Associates pursuant to the Stock 
Purchase and Option Agreement attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and in 
connection with the conversion and cancellation of Scoop indebtedness under 
the Line of Credit Agreement attached hereto as Exhibit "B." Through their 
respective interests in Stanley Berk & Associates, Berk is the beneficial 
owner of 219,827 of the SB&A Shares and Grayson is the beneficial owner of 
166,512 of the SB&A Shares. Grayson is the record and beneficial owner of an 
aggregate of 28,302 shares of Scoop Common Stock (the "Grayson Shares") which 
shares were acquired by Grayson in August 1996.  The Berk Parties have 
requested and Scoop has agreed to reissue the SB&A Shares to Berk and Grayson 
in accordance with the beneficial ownership described above and to deliver 
the stock certificates representing the SB&A Shares and the Grayson Shares to 
Berk and Grayson concurrently with the delivery of stock certificates to all 
of Scoop's shareholders prior to Scoop's initial public offering.

          H.   Various disputes have arisen between the parties hereto during 
the course of their business relationship as a result of and/or which are 
related to the agreements attached hereto as Exhibits "A" through "F," as 
reflected most recently in a draft complaint captioned "Stanley I. Berk, 
individually & dba Stanley Berk & Associates v. Karl-Magnus S. Karlsson."  
The draft complaint alleges claims for specific performance, breach of 
written agreement, breach of oral agreement, fraud - promise with no 
intention of performing, declaratory relief and breach of the covenant of 
good faith and fair dealing.  A true and correct copy of this draft complaint 
is attached hereto as Exhibit "G."

          I.   The parties hereto, without admitting any liability or 
wrongdoing with respect to the documents attached hereto as Exhibits "A" 
through "G" or with respect to any other matter, have agreed to settle all 
matters between them as set forth in this Settlement Agreement.


          NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing Recitals and the 
mutual covenants, agreements and releases set forth below, and for other good 
and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby 
acknowledged, the parties agree as follows:


          1.   SETTLEMENT TERMS.  In addition to the releases set forth 
herein, the parties hereto have agreed to the settlement terms set forth 
below.  In connection therewith, the Berk Parties acknowledge and agree that 
the consideration given to Berk and Grayson pursuant to Sections 1.1, 1.2, 
1.3 and all other provisions of this Settlement Agreement are provided to 
them individually and in their capacities as the sole general partners of 
Stanley Berk & Associates and, accordingly, constitute good and valuable 
consideration for all of the Berk Parties' releases and covenants herein.

               1.1  Concurrent with the execution of this Settlement 
Agreement, (i) Scoop shall issue to Grayson a warrant exercisable into 11,250 
shares of Scoop Common Stock in the form attached hereto as Exhibit "H"; and 
(ii) Karlsson shall grant to Berk an option to purchase 11,250 shares of 
Scoop Common Stock now owned by Karlsson in the form attached hereto as 
Exhibit "I."  Berk and Grayson shall have registration rights with respect to 
the 22,500 shares of Scoop Common Stock (collectively, the "Warrant Shares") 
subject to the warrant and the option described in clause (i) and (ii) above 
as set forth in Section 5 below.

               1.2  Scoop shall pay Berk $30,000 and shall pay Grayson 
$30,000, with payments to each made in twelve consecutive monthly 
installments of $2,500 each beginning the earlier of: (i) the first month 
following the closing of an underwritten initial public offering of Scoop's 
Common Stock or (ii) July 1997. The monthly payments shall be due on or 
before the tenth day of each applicable month.

               1.3  Scoop represents and warrants that neither Karlsson, 
AMKEK ( a Karlsson family partnership) or Karlsson's spouse or children will 
have the right to have any of their respective shares of Scoop Common Stock 
(collectively, the "Karlsson Shares") registered with Scoop's initial public 
offering. Scoop shall include the Grayson Shares in the shares being 
registered for the account of security holders in Scoop's registration 
statement for the initial public offering; provided that Grayson agrees to 
enter into a lock-up agreement in the form required by Scoop's underwriters 
prohibiting the sale, transfer or other disposition of the Grayson Shares for 
ninety (90) days immediately following Scoop's initial public offering; and 
provided further that following such ninety (90) day period, in the event 
Grayson desires to sell any of the Grayson Shares prior to the expiration of 
the lock-up agreement covering the SB&A Shares, Grayson agrees to effect such 
sales through Scoop's lead underwriter so long as the commissions charged 
Grayson in connection with such sales do not exceed the commissions 
customarily charged for comparable sales by nationally recognized discount 
brokerage firms such as Charles Schwab & Co.  In connection with Scoop's 
initial public offering, Karlsson, on the one hand, and Stanley Berk & 
Associates, Berk and Grayson, on the other hand, each agrees to enter into a 
lock-up agreement covering the Karlsson Shares and the SB&A Shares 
(regardless of whether the SB&A Shares are held of record by Stanley Berk & 
Associates or by Berk and Grayson, individually), respectively. Such lock-up 
agreements shall be in the form and for the period required by Scoop's 
underwriters, provided that: the lock-up agreements covering the SB&A Shares 
and the Karlsson Shares, respectively, (i) shall require the same lock-up 
period (not to exceed one year) and (ii) shall permit Berk to sell an 


of 21,700 of the SB&A Shares and shall permit Karlsson to sell 50,000 of the 
Karlsson Shares without the lead underwriter's prior consent, subject in each 
case to applicable holding periods under Rule 144.  The lock-up agreement 
covering the Karlsson Shares shall also acknowledge that an aggregate of 
69,394 of the Karlsson Shares (the "Option Shares") are subject to options 
granted to various third parties (including the 11,250 Warrant Shares subject 
to Berk's option described in Section 1.1 above), and shall permit the sale 
of such Option Shares in the event any such third parties exercise their 
respective options. Karlsson, Stanley Berk & Associates, Berk and Grayson 
shall deliver copies of their respective lock-up agreements to the other 
parties within ten (10) days following the closing of Scoop's initial public 
offering. Karlsson agrees not to sell any Karlsson Shares other than the 
50,000 shares referred to in clause (ii) above and any Option Shares 
transferable upon the exercise of the third party options referred to above 
prior to the time the 21,700 SB&A Shares referred to in clause (ii) above are 
eligible for sale under Rule 144.  Karlsson represents to the Berk Parties 
that he neither has any beneficial interest in any shares of Scoop Common 
Stock owned by his mother, nor will receive any proceeds from any sales of 
such shares prior to the expiration of the lock-up agreements covering the 
SB&A Shares and the Karlsson Shares.

               1.4  Berk represents and warrants that all voting proxies held 
by Berk with respect to shares of Scoop Common Stock expired or were revoked 
on or before January 31, 1997.  Berk acknowledges and agrees that such 
expirations and/or revocations effected a termination of Berk's right to vote 
all shares of Scoop Common Stock other than the SB&A Shares.

               1.5  Berk and Grayson each acknowledges and agrees that, 
following the Effective Date, he will neither render or purport to render any 
services for or on behalf of Scoop nor be entitled to any compensation for 
any such services unless Scoop, following the Effective Date, has entered 
into a written agreement with him providing for such services and 
compensation, if any. Berk and Grayson each further acknowledges and agrees 
that without the prior written authorization of Scoop, he will not 
affirmatively represent himself as, or otherwise affirmatively cause any 
third party to believe he is, a consultant, agent or representative of Scoop 
or affiliated in any way with Scoop or the Scoop Parties, except for any 
affiliation as a stockholder of Scoop.

               1.6  CONFIDENTIALITY.

                    (a)  Except as may be required by law or permitted by 
subparagraph (b) of this paragraph 1.6, following the Effective Date, no 
party nor any attorney or agent of any party, shall disclose to anyone, 
without the prior written consent of all other parties, any information 
concerning the disputes relating to the documents attached hereto as 
Exhibits "A" through "I" or the terms of this Settlement Agreement and General 
Release except in accordance with the following terms:


                         (i)  Any party may disclose to its accountants, 
attorneys and immediate family, to Scoop representatives and to public 
agencies the terms of this Settlement Agreement and information concerning 
the documents attached hereto as Exhibits "A" through "I": provided however, 
that any disclosures to such accountants, attorneys and public agencies may 
be made only to the extent necessary to permit such accountants, attorneys 
and public agencies to perform necessary or required tax, accounting, 
financial, legal or administrative tasks and services.

                         (ii) Before disclosing information pursuant to 
subparagraph 1.6(a)(i) to an accountant or attorney, a party must instruct 
the person(s) who will receive the information to maintain the information in 

                    (b)  Without obtaining the prior written consent of the 
Berk Parties, the Scoop Parties shall be entitled to make any disclosures 
concerning the documents and information referred to in subparagraph (a) of 
this paragraph 1.6 which the Scoop Parties determine, in their sole 
discretion, are necessary or appropriate in connection with any public or 
private offering of Scoop securities or pursuant to any disclosure or 
reporting obligations to which the Scoop Parties may be subject, including 
but not limited to, any such disclosures to the Securities and Exchange 
Commission, state securities agencies, underwriters, prospective investors, 
accountants and attorneys.


               2.1  The Berk Parties, on behalf of themselves and each of 
them, and their past and present agents, employees, partners, principals, 
representatives, attorneys, insurers, reinsurers, estates, executors, 
administrators, heirs, successors and assigns, if any, do hereby fully, 
finally and forever settle, release and discharge the Scoop Parties and each 
of them, and each of their past, present and future parents and subsidiaries, 
affiliates, agents, employees, officers, directors, partners, principals, 
members, shareholders, representatives, attorneys, insurers, reinsurers, and 
all persons acting by, through, under or in concert with the Scoop Parties, 
and each of their respective successors and assigns (collectively, the "Scoop 
Released Parties") of and from any and all claims, action or actions, 
omissions, cause or causes of action, including but not limited to any and 
all claims for relief at law or in equity, suits, disputes, debts, contracts, 
agreements, promises, liability, demands, damages, loss, attorneys' fees, 
cost or expense, of any nature whatsoever, known or unknown, suspected or 
unsuspected, fixed or contingent (collectively, hereinafter "Claims"), which 
any of the Berk Parties or their agents, employees, partners, principals, 
representatives, attorneys, insurers, reinsurers, estates, heirs, executors, 
administrators, successors and/or assigns may have had, now have or 
hereinafter may have in the future by reason of any matter, cause, or thing 
whatsoever or any action or omission of any of the Scoop Released Parties 
from the beginning of time to the Effective Date, except for any Claims 
arising out of or related to any breach of this Settlement Agreement by any 
of the Scoop Parties.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, the release set forth 
in this paragraph 2.1 shall not affect Stanley Berk & Associates, Berk or 


Grayson's rights to and ownership of the SB&A Shares or Grayson's rights to 
and ownership of the Grayson Shares.

               2.2  Without in any way limiting the generality of the 
foregoing, and subject to the last sentence of Section 2.1 above, it is 
expressly understood and agreed that the Berk Parties' Claims released 
pursuant to paragraph 2.1 above, specifically include any and all Claims 
arising out of or related to (a) the October 24, 1995 Stock Purchase and 
Option Agreement attached hereto as Exhibit "A"; (b) the October 24, 1995 
Line of Credit Agreement attached hereto as Exhibit "B"; (c) the July 25, 
1996 letter agreement attached hereto as Exhibit "C"; (d) the July 26, 1996 
General Releases entered into by Berk and Stanley Berk & Associates attached 
hereto as Exhibits "D" and "E," respectively; (e) the Grayson Letter 
Agreement attached hereto as Exhibit "F"; (f) all purported oral agreements, 
representations, omissions and conduct alleged in the draft complaint 
attached hereto as Exhibit "G"; and (g) any alleged rights in oral or written 
agreements to which any of the Berk Parties is not a named party (i.e., 
alleged third party beneficiary rights), whether such Claims, oral 
agreements, and/or third party beneficiary rights are known or unknown to any 
of the Berk Parties, or unsuspected by any of the Berk Parties, as of the 
Effective Date of this Settlement Agreement.

               2.3  No Claims by any of the Berk Parties shall survive the 
release set forth in paragraph 2.1 above, except as provided in paragraph 2.1 
above with respect to the SB&A Shares, the Grayson Shares and Claims arising 
out of or relating to any breach of this Settlement Agreement.

               2.4  The Berk Parties and the Scoop Parties agree that the 
Scoop Parties' purportedly known or suspected acts, omissions, 
representations or failures to disclose, whether willful, negligent or 
otherwise, which pre-date the Effective Date are not actionable in any manner 
or in any type of proceeding, legal, equitable or otherwise.  The parties 
further agree that evidence of such purported acts, omissions, 
representations or failures to disclose, whether known or unknown, is not 
admissible in any proceeding to show course of conduct, intent, bad faith or 
the like.

               2.5  The Berk Parties represent and warrant that they have not 
assigned or otherwise transferred and, as of the Effective Date, they shall 
not have assigned or otherwise transferred, any interest in any Claims which 
are the subject matter of this Settlement Agreement.  The Berk Parties agree, 
jointly and severally, to indemnify and hold the Scoop Released Parties 
harmless from any claims asserted against any of the Scoop Released Parties 
as a result of any person asserting any such assignment or transfer.  It is 
the intention of the parties that this indemnity does not require payment as 
a condition precedent to recovery by the Scoop Released Parties against the 
Berk Parties under this indemnity.


          2.6  The Berk Parties agree that if any of the Berk Parties
hereafter commence or join in any proceeding against, or in any manner directly
assert against or seek relief from, any of the Scoop Released Parties arising
out of, based upon or relating to any of the Claims released by the Berk Parties
hereunder, then such action shall constitute a breach of this Settlement
Agreement by the Berk Parties and the Berk Parties, jointly and severally, shall
pay to the Scoop Released Parties, in addition to any other damages caused to
the Scoop Released Parties thereby, all expenses and fees (including those of
attorneys, experts and other professionals) incurred by the Scoop Released
Parties in defending or otherwise responding to said suit or claims and
Liquidated Damages as provided in paragraph 3 below.

          2.7  The Berk Parties agree, represent and warrant that, with
respect to the subject matter of the foregoing paragraphs, the Berk Parties have
been advised by their legal counsel and are familiar with the provisions, rights
and benefits of Section 1542 of the California Civil Code, which statute


and any and all provisions, rights and benefits of any similar statute or common
law principles of California or of any other jurisdiction.  The Berk Parties do
hereby expressly waive and relinquish, to the fullest extent permitted by law,
the provisions of said Code Section and any similar provisions of law.  The Berk
Parties further acknowledge that they are aware that they may hereafter discover
facts in addition to or different from those which they now know or believe to
be true with respect to the subject matter of this Settlement Agreement, but
that they intend to, and do hereby, fully, finally and forever settle, release
and discharge, all Claims released pursuant to paragraph 2.1 above, without
regard to the subsequent discovery or existence of different or additional

     3.   LIQUIDATED DAMAGES.  The Berk Parties and the Scoop Parties agree
that, in the event any of the Berk Parties commences or joins in any proceeding
against, or in any manner directly asserts against or seeks relief from, any
Scoop Released Parties arising out of, based upon or relating to any of the
Claims released hereunder, the actual damages which would result therefrom,
including but not limited to (i) hampering or preventing Scoop from completing
its impending initial public offering or other future financing transactions,
(ii) damaging the reputation of the Scoop Parties and (iii) diverting the
attention of the officers of Scoop from their management responsibilities, are
uncertain and extremely difficult or impracticable to ascertain.  Therefore, in
the event of such a breach of this Settlement Agreement by any of the Berk
Parties, the Scoop Parties shall be entitled to receive from the Berk Parties as
Liquidated Damages, in addition to any other damages, expenses and fees which
the Berk Parties have agreed to pay to the Scoop Released Parties pursuant to


Settlement Agreement, $200,000 cash as of the date any of the Berk Parties
commences or joins in any proceeding against, or in any manner directly asserts
against or seeks relief from any Scoop Released Parties arising out of, based
upon or relating to any of the Claims released hereunder.  The Berk Parties and
the Scoop Parties agree that the aforesaid sum is a reasonable amount for
Liquidated Damages for such a default under the circumstances existing at the
time this Settlement Agreement is entered into.


          4.1  Subject to paragraph 4.3 below, the Scoop Parties, on behalf
of themselves and each of them, and their past and present agents, employees,
partners, principals, representatives, attorneys, insurers, reinsurers, estates,
executors, administrators, heirs, successors and assigns, if any, do hereby
fully, finally and forever settle, release and discharge the Berk Parties and
each of them, and each of their past, present and future parents and
subsidiaries, affiliates, agents, employees, officers, directors, partners,
principals, members, shareholders, representatives, attorneys, insurers,
reinsurers, and all persons acting by, through, under or in concert with the
Berk Parties, and each of their respective successors and assigns (collectively,
the "Berk Released Parties") of and from any and all Claims which any of the
Scoop Parties or their agents, employees, partners, principals, representatives,
attorneys, insurers, reinsurers, estates, heirs, executors, administrators,
successors and/or assigns may have had, now have or hereinafter may have in the
future by reason of any matter, cause, or thing whatsoever or any action or
omission of any of the Berk Released Parties from the beginning of time to the
Effective Date, except for any Claims arising out of or related to any breach of
this Settlement Agreement by any of the Berk Parties.

          4.2  Without in any way limiting the generality of the foregoing,
it is expressly understood and agreed that the Scoop Parties' Claims released
pursuant to paragraph 4.1 above, specifically include any and all Claims arising
out of or related to (a) the October 24, 1995 Stock Purchase and Option
Agreement attached hereto as Exhibit "A"; (b) the October 24, 1995 Line of
Credit Agreement attached hereto as Exhibit "B"; (c) the July 25, 1996 letter
agreement attached hereto as Exhibit "C"; (d) the July 26, 1996 General Releases
entered into by Berk and Stanley Berk & Associates attached hereto as Exhibits
"D" and "E," respectively; (e) the Grayson Letter Agreement attached hereto as
Exhibit "F"; (f) all purported oral agreements, representations, omissions and
conduct alleged in the draft complaint attached hereto as Exhibit "G"; and (g)
any alleged rights in oral or written agreements to which any of the Scoop
Parties is not a named party (i.e., alleged third party beneficiary rights),
whether such Claims, oral agreements, and/or third party beneficiary rights are
known or unknown to any of the Scoop Parties, or unsuspected by any of the Scoop
Parties, as of the Effective Date of this Settlement Agreement.

          4.3  No Claims by any of the Scoop Parties shall survive the
release set forth in paragraph 4.1 above, except as provided in paragraph 4.1
above with respect to Claims arising out of or relating to any breach of this
Settlement Agreement and as provided in


the following sentence of this paragraph 4.3.  It is expressly understood and 
agreed that in the event any of the Berk Parties, commits the breach 
described in paragraph 2.6 above or materially breaches paragraph 1.5, 
paragraph 1.6 or any other term, provision or covenant contained in this 
Settlement Agreement, then without affecting the continued validity or 
enforceability of any other provision of this Settlement Agreement: (a) the 
release by the Scoop Parties provided in paragraph 4.1 (including, without 
limitation, the release of all Claims referred to in paragraph 4.2) and the 
provisions of paragraphs 4.4, 4.6 and 4.7 hereof shall immediately terminate 
and be of no further force or effect, and (b) the applicable limitations 
period for claims arising from or related to the conduct and documents 
discussed in paragraphs 4.1, 4.2, 4.4, 4.6 and 4.7 hereof shall be tolled as 
of the Effective Date of this Settlement Agreement.

          4.4  Subject to paragraph 4.3 above, the Berk Parties and the
Scoop Parties agree that (a) the Berk Parties' purportedly known or suspected
acts, omissions, representations or failures to disclose, whether willful,
negligent or otherwise, which pre-date the Effective Date are not actionable in
any manner or in any type of proceeding, legal, equitable or otherwise, and (b)
evidence of such purported acts, omissions, representations or failures to
disclose, whether known or unknown, is not admissible in any proceeding to show
course of conduct, intent, bad faith or the like.

          4.5  The Scoop Parties represent and warrant that they have not
assigned or otherwise transferred and, as of the Effective Date, they shall not
have assigned or otherwise transferred, any interest in any Claims which are the
subject matter of this Settlement Agreement.  The Scoop Parties agree, jointly
and severally, to indemnify and hold the Berk Released Parties harmless from any
claims asserted against any of the Berk Released Parties as a result of any
person asserting any such assignment or transfer.  It is the intention of the
parties that this indemnity does not require payment as a condition precedent to
recovery by the Berk Released Parties against the Scoop Parties under this

          4.6  Subject to paragraph 4.3 above, the Scoop Parties agree that
if they hereafter commence or join in any proceeding against, or in any manner
directly assert against or seek relief from, any of the Berk Released Parties
arising out of, based upon or relating to any of the Claims released by the
Scoop Parties hereunder, then the Scoop Parties, jointly and severally, shall
pay to the Berk Released Parties, in addition to any other damages caused to the
Berk Released Parties thereby, all expenses and fees (including those of
attorneys, experts and other professionals) incurred by the Berk Released
Parties in defending or otherwise responding to said suit or claims.

          4.7  The Scoop Parties agree, represent and warrant that, with
respect to the subject matter of the foregoing paragraphs, the Scoop Parties
have been advised by their legal counsel and are familiar with the provisions,
rights and benefits of Section 1542 of the California Civil Code, which statute



and any and all provisions, rights and benefits of any similar statute or common
law principles of California or of any other jurisdiction.  The Scoop Parties do
hereby expressly waive and relinquish, to the fullest extent permitted by law,
the provisions of said Code Section and any similar provisions of law.  The
Scoop Parties further acknowledge that they are aware that they may hereafter
discover facts in addition to or different from those which they now know or
believe to be true with respect to the subject matter of this Settlement
Agreement, but that they intend to and, subject to paragraph 4.3 above, do
hereby, fully, finally and forever settle, release and discharge, all Claims
released pursuant to paragraph 4.1 above without regard to the subsequent
discovery or existence of different or additional facts.


          (a)  DEMAND RIGHTS. Commencing one year following the closing of
Scoop's initial public offering of Common Stock, and provided that Scoop is
eligible to register Warrant Shares on Form S-3 under the Act, or any successor
form thereto, Berk and Grayson (each a "Holder" for purposes of this Section 5)
shall have the right, exercisable by written notice to Scoop, to have Scoop
prepare, file and use its best efforts to have declared effective by the
Securities and Exchange Commission, a registration statement covering Warrant
Shares owned and held of record by Holder at the time of exercise of such
registration rights. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Scoop shall not be obligated
to effect a registration pursuant to this Section 5(a): (i) after Scoop has
effected one (1) registration of Warrant Shares for Holder pursuant to this
Section 5(a); (ii) during the period starting with the date sixty (60) days
prior to Scoop's good faith estimate of the date of filing of, and ending on a
date one hundred eighty (180) days following the effective date of, a
registration statement pertaining to a firmly underwritten offering of
securities by Scoop, provided that Scoop is actively employing in good faith all
reasonable efforts to cause such registration statement to become effective;
(iii) if Scoop shall furnish Holder a certificate signed by the President of
Scoop stating that in the good faith judgment of the Board of Directors of Scoop
it would be seriously detrimental to Scoop or its stockholders for a
registration statement to be filed at that time, in which case Scoop's
obligations to use its best efforts to file a registration statement shall be
deferred for a period not to exceed ninety (90) days; provided, however, that
Scoop shall not obtain such a deferral more than once in any twelve (12) month
period; or (iv) with respect to any Warrant Shares which may be sold or
transferred by Holder pursuant to Rule 144 of the Act (or any successor rule
thereto) either without volume limitations or in compliance with any applicable
volume limitations.


          (b)  PIGGYBACK RIGHTS. Commencing one year following the date of
Scoop's initial public offering of Common Stock, and for the duration of the
exercise periods of the warrant and option referred to in Section 1.1 above,
each time Scoop proposes to file a registration statement under the Act (other
than a registration statement relating to the issuance of securities of Scoop
pursuant to employee benefit plans or the distribution of securities of Scoop in
connection with a merger, acquisition or exchange offer) covering the proposed
sale for cash of shares of its Common Stock on a form that would also permit the
registration of Warrant Shares, Scoop shall give written notice thereof to
Holder. Upon the written request of Holder given within twenty (20) days after
such written notice from Scoop, Scoop shall use its best efforts to cause the
number of Warrant Shares requested by the Holder to be included in the
registration statement. If the managing underwriter or underwriters of such
public offering determine, in their sole discretion, that marketing factors
require a limitation of the number of shares to be underwritten or that the
inclusion of any or all of the Warrant Shares in the registration could
jeopardize the success of the offering by Scoop, the Warrant Shares requested by
the Holder to be registered shall be reduced or excluded from the offering as
determined by the underwriters, in their sole discretion; provided that if any
other holders of Common Stock of Scoop with registration rights have also
requested registration, the number of Warrant Shares and all such other stock
shall be reduced proportionately based upon the number of shares of registrable
stock then held by each of the holders of such registration rights,
respectively. Scoop shall have the right to terminate or withdraw any
registration initiated by it under this Section 5(b) prior to the effectiveness
of such registration whether or not Holder has elected to include Warrant Shares
in such registration. Any sales of Warrant Shares pursuant to a registration
pursuant to this Section 5(b) shall be effected through the underwriter of such
registered offering. The registration rights described in this Section 5(b)
shall terminate prior to the period described above in this Section 5(b) if, and
as of such time, all of the Warrant Shares may be sold or transferred by Holder
in one or more transactions pursuant to Rule 144 under the Act (or any success
or rule thereto) either without volume limitations or in compliance with any
applicable volume limitations.

          (c)  FURTHER ACTIONS.  In connection with any registration of Warrant
Shares pursuant to this Section 5, Scoop agrees to take all reasonable action
necessary to facilitate the sale of the registered Warrant Shares, including
furnishing to Holder such number of prospectuses reasonably required by Holder
to dispose of the Warrant Shares, using its best efforts to register or qualify
the Warrant Shares under the Act and applicable blue sky laws (such action being
herein called a "Filing" or the "Filing") and delivering underwriting agreements
and other documents customarily delivered by issuers in connection with public
offerings. Scoop shall not be required to ensure the availability of a
prospectus meeting the requirements of the Act in connection with any Filings
made pursuant to this Section 5 for a period greater than is required to
complete the marketing arrangements with respect to the securities in such
Filings, and in no event for a period greater than 90 days (or such greater
period as may be required by law for the delivery of such a prospectus).


          (d)  EXPENSES.  All expenses, filing fees and other costs incurred by
Scoop in connection with any registration of Warrant Shares pursuant to this
Section 5 shall be borne by Scoop; provided, however, that Holder shall pay the
underwriting discounts and commissions applicable to the sale of Warrant Shares
in accordance with the underwriter's customary compensation practices, and shall
pay any fees and disbursements of counsel retained by Holder (other than counsel
also retained by Scoop).


          6.1  ENTIRE AGREEMENT.  This Settlement Agreement constitutes an 
integrated contract expressing the entire agreement of the parties relative to
the subject matter discussed herein.  No covenants, agreements or
representations of any kind have been made by any party to any other party,
except as specifically set forth herein.  All prior discussions, negotiations
and agreements are superseded by the Settlement Agreement.  The Settlement
Agreement shall not be modified, amended or supplemented, and no provision of
the Settlement Agreement shall be waived, except by an agreement in writing
signed by a duly authorized representative of each party.

          6.2  ASSISTANCE OF COUNSEL.  In executing the Settlement
Agreement, the parties acknowledge that they have consulted with, and have been
advised by, counsel with regard to the provisions of the Settlement Agreement,
have discussed with their counsel the meaning and effect of the Settlement
Agreement and have read and understand the scope and effect of each provision of
the Settlement Agreement.

          6.3  NO PARTY DEEMED DRAFTER.  The parties acknowledge that the
terms of the Settlement Agreement are contractual and are the result of
negotiations between the parties and their counsel.  Each party and their
counsel cooperated in the drafting and preparation of the Settlement Agreement. 
In any construction to be made of the Settlement Agreement, the same shall not
be construed against any party and the canon of contract interpretation set
forth in California Civil Code Section 1654 shall not be applied.

          6.4  SEVERABILITY.  If any provision of the Settlement Agreement
is declared by any court to be illegal or invalid, the validity of the remaining
portions shall not be affected thereby, and the illegal or invalid portions
shall be deemed not a part of the Settlement Agreement.

          6.5  AUTHORITY TO EXECUTE.  Each party represents and warrants to
the other party that the signatories to the Settlement Agreement have been duly
authorized to execute the Settlement Agreement on behalf of the entities or
individuals identified below or elsewhere in the Settlement Agreement.


          6.6  COUNTERPARTS; FAX SIGNATURES.  The Settlement Agreement may
be executed in one or more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an
original and all of which, taken together, shall constitute one and the same
instrument.  Any counterpart signed by a party and delivered to the other
parties by facsimile shall be deemed an original counterpart and duly delivered.

          6.7  FURTHER ACTIONS.  The parties hereto shall, without further 
consideration, execute and deliver such other documents and take such other
action as may be necessary to consummate effectively the subject matter of the
Settlement Agreement.

          6.8  CHOICE OF LAW.  The Settlement Agreement shall be construed
in accordance with, and all disputes arising thereunder shall be governed by,
the internal laws of the State of California.

          6.9  NO THIRD PARTY BENEFICIARIES.  No third party beneficiaries,
other than the Scoop Released Parties and the Berk Released Parties, are created
or intended to be created by the provisions of this Settlement Agreement, and
any such intention is expressly disclaimed by the parties.

          6.10 JOINT AND SEVERAL LIABILITY.  The liabilities and
obligations of the Berk Parties set forth herein shall be joint and several
liabilities and obligations.

          6.11 ATTORNEYS' FEES.  If any action or proceeding is brought by
any party or parties against any other party or parties pertaining to or arising
out of this Settlement Agreement, the prevailing party or parties shall be
entitled to recover all costs and expenses, including reasonable attorneys'
fees, incurred in connection with such action or proceeding.

     7.   NOTICES.

          7.1  GENERAL.  All notices, requests, demands and other 
communications which may be given under or concerning this Settlement 
Agreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been given as of 
the day they are received either by messenger, delivery service, facsimile or 
other means, or three business days after the same is sent via United States 
of America mails, postage prepaid, certified or registered, return receipt 
requested, and addressed as set forth below:

                    If to the Berk Parties, addressed to:

                    Mr. Stephen P. Grayson
                    10850 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 400
                    Los Angeles, CA  90024


                    If to the Scoop Parties, addressed to:  

                    Scoop, Inc.
                    2540 Red Hill Avenue, Suite 100
                    Santa Ana, CA  92705
                    Attn:  Daniel L. Pelekoudas, General Counsel

or to such other place as the parties may designate as to themselves by written
notice to the others.

          7.2  NOTICE OF BREACHES.  In the event any of the Berk Parties,
on the one hand, or any of the Scoop Parties, on the other hand, become aware
that a breach of this Settlement Agreement has been committed by any of the
other parties, then the parties with such knowledge shall give notice of such
breach or alleged breach to the other parties within thirty (30) days of
obtaining knowledge of such breach or alleged breach.

                         [SIGNATURE PAGES FOLLOW]


     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Settlement
Agreement effective as of the first date written above.

                                                 STANLEY I. BERK

                                                /s/ STANLEY I. BERK

                                                STEPHEN P. GRAYSON,
                                                individually and on behalf of
                                                the Stephen P. Grayson Profit
                                                Sharing Plan

                                                /s/ STEPHEN P. GRAYSON

                                                STANLEY BERK & ASSOCIATES

                                                By:  /s/ STANLEY I. BERK
                                                   Stanley I. Berk
                                                    General Partner

                                                By:  /s/ STEPHEN P. GRAYSON
                                                    Stephen P. Grayson
                                                    General Partner

Approved as to content and form:

- -------------------------------------------


                                                KARL-MAGNUS S. KARLSSON

                                                /s/ KARL-MAGNUS S. KARLSSON

                                                SCOOP, INC.

                                                By:  /s/ MARK A. DAVIDSON
                                                     Mark A. Davidson
                                                     President and CFO

Approved as to content and form:

- -------------------------------------------
