                               SUMMO USA CORPORATION

     This Master ELECTRIC SERVICE AGREEMENT ("Agreement"), entered into on 
this 31st day of October, l996, is by and between PacifiCorp, an Oregon 
Corporation that provides retail electric service, and SUMMO USA CORPORATION, 
hereinafter referred to as SUMMO, a Colorado corporation conducting business 
through facilities located at Lisbon Valley in San Juan County, Utah.

     WHEREAS, PacifiCorp is a provider of retail electric energy and power, 
hereinafter referred to as "Firm Power and Energy," and

     WHEREAS, SUMMO desires to purchase Firm Power and Energy requirements 
for its copper mining facilities, hereinafter referred to as "Facilities," 
under this Agreement, and

     WHEREAS, PacifiCorp desires to provide Firm Power and Energy to the 
Facilities as described above.

     NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto agree as follows:

                             SECTION 1: DEFINITIONS

     As used in this Agreement, the following terms have the following meanings:

     1.1 AGREEMENT: This Electric Service Agreement and any extensions or 
renewals thereof.

     1.2 BILLING DEMAND: The Demand in kilowatts used to determine the Demand 
(power) charges in accordance with the provisions of Electric Service 
Schedule 9.

     1.3 BILLING PERIOD: The period of approximately thirty (30) days 
intervening between regular successive meter readings.

     1.4 COMMISSION: The Public Service Commission of the State of Utah.

     1.5 CONTRACT DEMAND: The maximum amount of power that PacifiCorp is 
obligated to provide under this Agreement.

     1.6 DEMAND: The rate in kilowatts at which PacifiCorp delivers electric 
energy to SUMMO either at a given instant or averaged over any designated 
period of time.


     1.7 ELECTRIC SERVICE REGULATIONS: PacifiCorp's effective electric 
service regulations on file with and approved by the Commission.

     1.8 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE: PacifiCorp's effective electric service 
schedule on file with and approved by the Commission.

     1.9 FIRM POWER AND ENERGY: Electric power expressed in kilowatts and 
associated energy expressed in kilowatt-hours intended to have assured 
availability to SUMMO to meet all or any agreed-upon portion of SUMMO's load 

     1.10 MEASURED DEMAND: The Demand in kilowatts as shown by or computed 
from the readings of PacifiCorp's power Demand) meter for the 15-minute 
period of SUMMO's greatest use during the Billing Period, adjusted for Power 
Factor as specified in Electric Service Schedule 9.

     1.11 POWER FACTOR: The percentage determined by dividing SUMMO's average 
power use in kilowatts (real power) by the average kilovolt-ampere power load 
(apparent power) SUMMO imposes upon PacifiCorp.


     2.1 TERM: This Agreement shall remain in full force and effect for a 
period of ten (10) years from its effective date and shall automatically be 
renewed from year to year subject to the same terms and conditions unless 
either party submits written termination notice to the other party not less 
than thirty (30) nor more than sixty (60) days prior to expiration of initial 
term or any renewal term.

     2.2 EARLY TERMINATION CHARGE :If SUMMO terminates service or defaults 
during the first ten years of this Agreement, SUMMO shall pay a termination 
charge equal to the unamortized extension allowance as computed by 
PacifiCorp in accord with Electric Service Schedule No.9 and Electric Service 
Regulation No.12.


     3.1 SCOPE OF DELIVERIES: The Contract Demand for deliveries under this 
Agreement is 7,500 kW. PacifiCorp shall deliver such amounts of Firm Power 
and Energy SUMMO requires to meet its load requirements up to, but not in 
excess of, such Contract Demand; PROVIDED, that if the Measured Demand 
exceeds the Contract Demand as a result of SUMMO's operations, the Measured 
Demand shall establish a new Contract Demand if PacifiCorp has capacity 
available adequate to supply such Demand on a firm basis. PacifiCorp shall 
notify SUMMO within sixty (60) days of the billing covering the period in 
which Measured Demand exceeded the Contract Demand whether such capacity is 
available. In such event, the new Contract Demand shall continue in effect 
until either (1) the new Demand is in turn exceeded by a Contract Demand, or 
(2) the eleventh billing


month following the billing month in which such Demand was established;
PROVIDED, in the latter event the Contract Demand shall then become the maximum
actual Measured Demand established in any of the preceding eleven (11) billing

     3.2 REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL CONTRACT DEMAND: Upon PacifiCorp's receipt of 
SUMMO's written request for additional power and energy, PacifiCorp shall 
attempt to supply such additional power and energy under terms and conditions 
acceptable to both parties. Within 15 days of the request PacifiCorp shall 
advise SUMMO in writing whether the additional power and energy is or can be 
made available. If PacifiCorp does provide SUMMO with Firm Power and Energy 
in excess of the Contract Demand commitments, such deliveries shall trigger a 
Contract Demand superseding the Contract Demand set forth in section 3.1.

the date of this Agreement SUMMO expects to obtain all necessary permits and 
financing for its copper mining facilities in Lisbon Valley, Utah. Summo 
shall notify PacifiCorp when it obtains such permits and financing. If SUMMO 
provides such notice after December 24, 1996, PacifiCorp may recalculate the 
cost of the line extension and adjust the line extension payment and 
guaranteed minimum payments in a manner to compensate PacifiCorp fully for 
any decreased value of the dollar from the date of this Agreement to the date 
PacifiCorp receives such notice. Until it gives notice to PacifiCorp, 
SUMMO shall owe no financial obligation to PacifiCorp except the payment 
of $35,000 required upon execution of this Agreement pursuant to section 4.4. 
SUMMO shall make the first payment required under section 4.4 when it 
notifies PacifiCorp that it has obtained the necessary permits and financing. 
PacifiCorp shall complete construction of the facilities necessary to provide 
service to SUMMO in accordance with the terms of this agreement within eight 
(8) months of its receipt of such notice.

     3.4 POINT OF DELIVERY: The Point of Delivery for all Firm Power and 
Energy delivered to SUMMO shall be at the terminus of PacifiCorp's 69 kV 
power line at SUMMO's copper mine.

     3.5 DELIVERY VOLTAGE: PacifiCorp shall deliver Firm Power and Energy at 
the Point of Delivery in the form of alternating current at a nominal 
frequency of 60 Hertz, and at a nominal voltage of 69,000 volts.


          3.6.1 SUMMO'S OBLIGATIONS: SUMMO shall control and limit the flow 
     of reactive power between PacifiCorp's and SUMMO's system so as to 
     maintain a Power Factor of between ninety five percent (95%) lagging and 
     ninety percent (90%) leading at all times. If SUMMO's Power Factor 
     adversely affects operation of PacifiCorp's facilities or adversely 
     affects PacifiCorp's other customers, SUMMO shall install at SUMMO's 
     expense switched capacitors, synchronous condensers, or such other 
     devices and


     equipment as PacifiCorp may reasonably require to eliminate that portion
     of unscheduled reactive power flow which causes the Power Factor to 
     exceed the limits established herein. Should SUMMO fail to take
     corrective action requested by PacifiCorp within six (6) months after 
     written notice from PacifiCorp, PacifiCorp may perform such services or 
     supply and install such equipment as it deems necessary to provide 
     corrective action, whereupon SUMMO shall compensate PacifiCorp for all 
     sums expended and all services contracted or performed, including 
     PacifiCorp's standard overhead costs, plus ten percent (10%) of all 
     expenditures. SUMMO shall pay such sums within thirty (30) days after 
     PacifiCorp has mailed to SUMMO an itemized statement of its charges 

           3.6.2 ADJUSTMENT TO BILLING DEMAND: In the event SUMMO's Power 
     Factor drops below either 95% lagging or 90% leading, PacifiCorp's 
     Billing Demands shall be increased as specified for Power Factor that 
     drops below 90% lagging in Electric Service Schedule 9.

           3.6.3 HARMONICS: SUMMO shall operate its facilities on harmonic
     distortion within the guideline of the Agreement.

                     3.6.3. 1 The total harmonic voltage distortion (THD) 
          shall be less than five percent (5%), and the maximum individual 
          frequency voltage harmonic shall be less than three percent (3%) of 
          the fundamental. The voltage notch depth shall be less than twenty 
          percent (20%) and the notch area shall be less than 22,800 

       The total demand distortion (TDD) or harmonic current 
          distortion shall be less than eight percent (8%) of the maximum 
          demand load current. Individual odd current harmonics shall be less 
          than the following percentage of the fundamental (60 hertz) current.

                               3rd through 9th      7.0%
                               11th through 15th    3.5%
                               17th through 21st    2.5%
                               23rd through 35th    1.5%
                               35th and higher      0.5%

          Individual even harmonics shall be limited to twenty-five percent 
          (25%) of the odd harmonic limits specified above.



     4.1 STATEMENTS: All billing statements shall show the amount due for 
Firm Power and Energy purchased.

     4.2 PAYMENT FOR POWER AND ENERGY: PacifiCorp shall serve SUMMO under 
Electric Service Schedule No.9. All bills shall be paid by the due date of 
the bill.

     4.3 GUARANTEED MINIMUM PAYMENT: In consideration of the special 
investment by PacifiCorp to supply service hereunder, SUMMO shall make 
minimum annual total payments for service of $281,664 in each year for a 
period of five years, beginning six months from the commencement of 
deliveries. The guaranteed minimum payments shall be in the amount of $23,472 
per month for sixty (60) consecutive months. PacifiCorp shall calculate and 
bill the guaranteed minimum at intervals of every twelve (12) months 
beginning one year from commencements of deliveries. Where the actual billed 
service is less than $281,664, PacifiCorp shall bill SUMMO for the difference 
between actual billed service and the required stated minimum. In the event 
actual use as determined by meter readings exceeds the monthly minimum 
guaranteed payment, SUMMO shall pay the higher amount.

     4.4 SUMMO LINE EXTENSION PAYMENT: SUMMO shall pay $735,000 pursuant to 
Electric Service Regulation No.12 in partial compensation for PacifiCorp's 
cost of construction of the facilities necessary to provide service to SUMMO's 
copper mining facilities. PacifiCorp acknowledges receipt of $35,000 
delivered by SUMMO contemporaneously with the execution of this Agreement. 
SUMMO shall pay the remaining balance of $700,000 in quarterly installments 
of $100,000 each beginning with the payment which SUMMO is required to 
provide simultaneously with the notice specified in section 3.3.

     4.5 REFUND OF SUMMO EXTENSION PAYMENT: For the five years commencing on 
the sixth (6th) through the end of the tenth (10th contract years PacifiCorp 
shall make available to SUMMO a credit on its bill for Firm Power and Energy 
in an amount up to $147,000 per contract year, which credit shall be allowed 
on a dollar-for-dollar basis for all actual billed service in each year in 
excess of $281,664.

                              SECTION 5: METERING

     5.1 METERING EQUIPMENT: PacifiCorp shall provide, maintain, and test 
meters and metering equipment required for billing purposes. The parties 
shall specify the locations for PacifiCorp's installation of metering 
equipment in SUMMO's premises, and SUMMO shall allow PacifiCorp access to 
such locations without charge during reasonable business hours.


     5.2 TELECOMMUNICATIONS FACILITIES: Upon PacifiCorp's request, SUMMO 
shall install a dedicated telephone line for meter reading purposes without 
charge to PacifiCorp.

     5.3 SECONDARY METERING: PacifiCorp may install its meter on the 
secondary side of SUMMO's transformers.

     5.4 TRANSFORMER LOSS CURVES: If secondary metering is used, transformer 
and other losses occurring between the Point of Delivery and the meter shall 
be computed and added to the meter readings to determine the monthly demand 
and energy consumption. SUMMO shall, prior to commencement of service, 
provide PacifiCorp with transformer loss curves and test data to allow 
PacifiCorp to calculate transformer losses for billing purposes.

                             SECTION 6: INTEGRATION

     This Agreement replaces and supersedes in their entirety all prior 
agreements between the parties related to the same subject matter except that 
certain Customer Requested Work Agreement dated August 1, 1995, and covering 
PacifiCorp's design of the electrical facilities and providing assistance to 
SUMMO to obtain permission to construct a 69 kV power line from PacifiCorp's 
Pinto-Hatch 69 kV line to SUMMO's copper mine.


     The Firm Power and Energy that PacifiCorp delivers to SUMMO pursuant to 
this Agreement may not be resold directly or indirectly by SUMMO to any of 
SUMMO's subcontractors or to any other party. PacifiCorp shall be the 
exclusive provider of Firm Power and Energy throughout the term of this 
Agreement unless the Agreement is terminated and SUMMO pays the appropriate 
early termination charge under sections 2.2, 4.3 and 4.4 hereof.


     PacifiCorp's currently applicable, effective Electric Service Schedule 
No.9 and Electric Service Regulations are attached hereto, incorporated 
herein and by reference made a part hereof. SUMMO shall abide by them and all 
amendments and changes thereto so approved by the Commission. In the event 
that the Commission or any other state, federal, or municipal authority 
issues any rules, regulations, or orders which require PacifiCorp to alter or 
amend any of the provisions of this Agreement or to terminate or curtail the 
delivery of Firm Power and Energy to SUMMO, PacifiCorp shall not be liable to 
SUMMO for damages or losses of any kind whatsoever which SUMMO may sustain as 
a result of such rule, regulation, or order, including consequential damages. 
In the event that the Utah Commission or federal body promulgates rules, 
regulations or statutes allowing SUMMO to obtain power or energy from a 
source other than PacifiCorp, including the use of PacifiCorp's facilities, 
nothing in the Agreement shall be construed to


prevent such alternative power supply; PROVIDED, that SUMMO shall not be
relieved of its obligations under sections 2.2, 3.6.1, 3.6.2, 4.3 and 4.4

                           SECTION 9: FORCE MAJEURE

     Neither Party shall be subject to any liability or damages for inability 
to provide or receive service to the extent that such failure shall be due to 
causes beyond the control of either PacifiCorp or SUMMO, including, but not 
limited to, the following: (a) the operation and effect of any rules, 
regulations and orders promulgated by any commission, municipality, or 
governmental agency of the United States, or subdivision thereof; (b) 
restraining order, injunction or similar decree of any court; (c) war; (d) 
flood; (e) earthquake; (f) act of God; (g) sabotage; or (h) strikes or 
boycotts. Should any of the foregoing occur, the minimum billing demands 
that would otherwise be applicable under this Schedule shall be waived and 
SUMMO shall have no liability for service until SUMMO is able to resume 
service; provided, the party claiming Force Majeure shall make every 
reasonable attempt to remedy the cause thereof as diligently and 
expeditiously as possible.

                              SECTION 10: NOTICE

     Any notice required to be given hereunder shall be deemed to have been 
given when it is sent, with postage prepaid, by registered or certified mail, 
return receipt requested, to the parties hereto at their respective addresses 
as follows:

If to SUMMO:

     Attn: James D. Frank, Vice President and Chief Financial Officer 
     900 Denver Center Building 
     1776 Lincoln Street 
     Denver, CO 80203

If to PacifiCorp:

     Lee M. Kimball, Strategic Account Manager 
     P.O. Box 728 
     51 East Main
     American Fork, UT 84003

                            SECTION 11: ASSIGNMENT

     Neither party shall assign this Agreement without the written consent of 
the other party, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld.


     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be
executed by persons duly authorized as of the date first above written.


                                       By:  /s/ [illegible]

                                       SUMMO USA CORPORATION

                                       By:  /s/ [illegible]



P.S.C.U. NO. 41                                        ORIGINAL SHEET NO. 9.1
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

                          UTAH POWER & LIGHT COMPANY

                        ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 9

                                 STATE OF UTAH


                        GENERAL SERVICE - HIGH VOLTAGE


      AVAILABILITY: At any point on the Company's interconnected system where 
there are facilities of adequate capacity.

     APPLICATION: This Schedule is for alternating current, three-phase 
electric service supplied at approximately 46,000 volts or 69,000 volts or 
greater, through a single point of delivery. Seasonal service will be 
available only under other appropriate schedules.

     MONTHLY BILL: (Computer Codes 9, 115, 116)

                 $100.00 per service connection

            POWER CHARGE: 
                 $5.87 per kW all kW

            ENERGY CHARGE: 
                 2.4227 CENTS per kWh all kWh

            MINIMUM: The monthly customer charge plus appropriate power and 
            energy charges.

     POWER FACTOR: This rate is based on the Customer maintaining at all 
times a Power factor of 90% lagging, or higher, as determined by measurement. 
If the average Power factor is found to be less than 90% lagging the Power as 
recorded by the Company's meter will be increased by 3/4 of 1% for every 1% 
that the Power factor is less than 90%.

     CONTRACT PERIOD: One year or longer.

     CONTRACT DEED: This provision does not apply to any General Service 
Customers who contracted prior to July 29, 1982, for service except for those 
Customer's whose Electric Service Agreements already contain this 
specification. However, in the event that Customer makes any material changes 
or increases in his installation which amount to at least 25% of Customer's 
greatest historical actual demand, Company, under the provisions of Paragraph 
6, Electric Service Regulation No. 5, will require a new Contract containing 
this provision. "Contract Demand" as used herein shall mean the maximum Power 
contracted for by Customer and in excess of which the Company is under no 
obligation to supply, as set forth in the Electric Service Agreement executed 


P.S.C.U. No. 41                                        ORIGINAL SHEET NO. 9.3
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------


     and action of Customer but are not the result of Customer's usual and 
     ordinary operations, shall be excluded from determination of new 
     Contract Demands. Upon prior arrangement with Company, Customer may 
     test, repair or start-up equipment at mutually acceptable and scheduled 
     off-peak periods and any demands in excess of the Contract Demand 
     established during such test, repair or start-up shall be excluded from 
     determination of new Contract Demands.

     FORCE MAJEURE: Neither Company or Customer shall be subject to any 
liability or damages for inability to provide or receive service to the 
extent that such failure shall be due to causes beyond the control of 
either Company or Customer, including, but not limited to the following: 
(a) the operation and effect of any rules, regulations and orders 
promulgated by any Commission, municipality, or governmental agency of 
the United States, or subdivision thereof; (b) restraining order, 
injunction or similar decree of any court; (c) war; (d) flood; (e) 
earthquake; (f) act of God; (g) sabotage; or (h) strikes or boycotts. 
Should any of the foregoing occur, the minimum billing demands that 
would otherwise be applicable under this Schedule shall be waived and 
Customer will have no liability for service until such time as Customer 
is able to resume service.

     The party claiming Force Majeure under this provision shall make 
every reasonable attempt to remedy the cause thereof as diligently and 
expeditiously as possible.

     Should Customer find it necessary to shut down operations because 
of market or economic conditions for a period of at least thirty (30) 
days, the 65% minimum billing demands that would otherwise be 
applicable under this Schedule shall be waived; provided, however, that 
in this event, 65% minimum billing demands shall not be waived for more 
than two (2) billing months in any contract year.

     TERMINATION: This provision does not apply to any Customers who 
contracted prior to July 29, 1982, for service except for those 
Customers whose Electric Service Agreements contain Contract Demand 
provisions with 65% minimum demand payment obligations. Termination of 
electric service by the Customer prior to the expiration date of the 
Electric Service Agreement (or any extension thereof) will not relieve 
the Customer of his obligations under this Rate Schedule and the 
Electric Service Agreement, including all 65% minimum payment 
obligations. In the event of termination, the 65% minimum payment 
amounts as stated herein, shall remain in full force and effect for the 
remaining unexpired term of the Electric Service Agreement; provided, 
however, that Company upon written request of Customer, shall attempt to 
sell Customer's Contract Demand obligations, or any portion thereof, to 
other parties and, upon such sale, Customer shall be relieved of the 
equivalent 65% minimum Contract Demand payment obligation. Company shall 
determine the priority of Customer's request to sell any Portion of its 
Contract Demand obligations by the date upon which Company receives 
Customer's written request. A sale is deemed to have occurred on the 
date Company executes an Electric Service Agreement for service with 
another party, and Customer, in order of priority, shall be relieved of 
its equivalent 65% minimum Contract Demand payment obligation as of that 

     Termination prior to the expiration date of the Electric Service 
Agreement (or any extensions thereof) shall not relieve Customer of any 
non-contract demand minimum payment obligations incurred as a result of 
Company investments in special facilities