NEWS                                                             CINCINNATI BELL

Contract: Wayne Buckhout
          Manager--Corporate Communications
          (513) 397-1081


                                                           FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE

     CINCINNATI, OHIO, March 3, 1997--Directors of Cincinnati Bell Inc.
(NYSE:CSN) today adopted a shareowner rights plan, updating a similar plan that
expired last November.

     The new plan, like its predecessor, is designed to deter coercive or unfair
takeover tactics in the event of an unsolicited acquisition proposal. It will 
give Cincinnati Bell's Board of Directors greater flexibility to protect 
shareowner interests under such circumstances, and could prevent an acquirer 
from gaining control of Cincinnati Bell without offering fair and equal 
treatment to all Cincinnati Bell shareowners.

     Charles S. Mechem, Jr., Chairman of Cincinnati Bell, said "The adoption of 
this plan is consistent with our goal of maximizing long-term total return 
for all of our shareowners. The Board believes this plan will discourage 
actions in the open market that might not be in the best interests of our 
shareowners, or that would benefit some of our shareowners more than others."

     In approving the plan, the Board also declared a dividend of one preferred-
share purchase right for each outstanding Cincinnati Bell common share owned on
May 2, 1997. The rights expire in 10 years. They cannot be exercised, or 
transferred apart from common shares, unless a person or group acquires 15
percent or more of Cincinnati Bell's outstanding common shares.

     The Board is not aware of any current circumstances that would invoke
provisions of the rights plan. No shareowner owns 15 percent or has indicated
intentions to acquire 15 percent of Cincinnati Bell's shares.

     The plan will take effect May 2. A letter with more information about the
plan will be mailed to all shareholders in May.

     Cincinnati Bell is the leader in helping communications companies and
marketing-intensive businesses worldwide compete more effectively through
advanced billing, customer information and marketing solutions, as well as the
premier provider of communications services in Greater Cincinnati.

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