SEVERANCE PAYMENT AGREEMENT

     This Severance Payment Agreement (this "Agreement") is entered into as 
of March 31, 1997, between Health Systems International, Inc., a Delaware 
corporation ("HSI") and Health Net, a California corporation (together with 
HSI, the "Companies"), on the one hand, and James J. Wilk ("Employee"), on 
the other hand.

     WHEREAS, the Companies previously employed Employee as its Senior Vice 
President, Human Resources and Administrative Services of Health Net and 
currently employ Employee as the executive in charge of the Company's 
developing "Customer Rewards Initiative" business (the "New Business"); and

     WHEREAS, in consideration for past efforts of the Employee and to entice 
Employee to continue to provide such efforts the Companies propose to make 
the payments set forth in this Agreement in the event Employee's employment 
with the Companies is terminated on the terms and conditions set forth in 
this Agreement.

     NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements 
herein contained, the parties hereto agree as follows:

     1.  TERM OF AGREEMENT.  The term of this Agreement (the "Covered 
Period") shall be the period commencing on the date hereof (the "Effective 
Date") and ending on the date two (2) years after the Effective Date. Any 
payments to be made pursuant to Section 3 hereof shall only be made if 
Employee is terminated by the Companies without Cause or terminated by 
Employee with Good Reason and if such termination occurs during the Covered 
Period as provided in Section 5 hereof. Upon the expiration of the Covered 
Period, Employee will have no further rights under this Agreement and will 
only be entitled to receive such severance benefits, if any, that are 
afforded to similarly situated employees of the Companies at such time.

     2.  DUTIES OF EMPLOYEE.  Employee shall serve as the executive in charge 
of the New Business (which title and capacity Employee acknowledges to be 
correct and current as of the Effective Date by executing this Agreement 
below). During the term of employment, Employee shall devote his entire 
productive time, energies and abilities to the business of the Companies and 
shall at all times loyally and conscientiously perform all the duties and 
obligations required of him expressly or implicitly by the terms of this 


terminate Employee's employment without cause at any time. In the event that 
the Companies do so at any time during the Covered Period, Employee shall be 
entitled, as a severance allowance, to continuation of his

base salary ("Base Salary") and all medical, health, disability, life and 
accident insurance maintained for Employee's benefit immediately prior to the 
date of Employee's termination (collectively, "Salary and Benefits") for a 
period equal to twenty-four (24) months from the date of termination. It is 
understood and agreed that management of the Companies, in their discretion, 
may provide a reasonable period of prior notice for any such termination in 
order to facilitate an orderly transition of Employee's duties to his 

         3.2  TERMINATION BY THE COMPANIES FOR CAUSE.  The Companies may 
terminate Employee's employment for Cause at any time with or without notice. 
In the event of such termination, Employee shall not be eligible to receive 
any payments set forth in this Section 3. For purposes of this Agreement, 
Cause shall include, without limitation, (a) an act of dishonesty causing 
harm to the Companies, (b) the knowing disclosure of confidential information 
relating to the Companies' business, (c) habitual drunkenness or narcotic 
drug addiction, (d) conviction of a felony, (e) willful refusal to perform or 
gross neglect of the duties assigned to Employee, (f) the willful breach of 
any law that, directly or indirectly, affects the Companies or (g) breach of 
the provisions of Section 8 of this Agreement.

Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement, whether express 
or implied, Employee may at any time terminate his employment for any reason 
by giving the Companies fourteen (14) days prior written notice of the 
effective date of termination. In the event that Employee's employment with 
the Companies is voluntarily terminated by Employee without Good Reason (as 
defined below), Employee shall not be eligible to receive any payments set 
forth in this Section 3.

Notwithstanding the preceding Section 3.3, in the event that Employee's 
employment with the Companies is voluntarily terminated during the Covered 
Period by Employee with Good Reason within twelve (12) months after a Change 
of Control of HSI, Employee shall nevertheless be entitled, as a severance 
allowance, to continuation of his Salary and Benefits for a period of 
twenty-four (24) months from the date of termination. For purposes of this 
Agreement, Good Reason shall mean any of the following which occurs 
subsequent to the Effective Date:

         (i)   a reduction in the scope of Employee's position, duties, 
     responsibilities or of Employee's status with the Companies, or any
     removal of Employee from or any failure to reelect Employee to any of
     the positions referred to in Section 1 hereof, except in connection
     with the termination of his employment for disability, normal retirement
     or Cause or by Employee voluntarily other than for Good Reason;

         (ii)  a reduction by the Companies in Employee's Base Salary as in
     effect immediately prior to any such reduction without Employee's 
     consent, or the Companies' failure to increase (within twelve (12) months
     of Employee's last increase in Base Salary) Employee's Base Salary by
     an amount which at least equals, on a percentage basis, 90% of the 
     average percentage increase (determined without regard to Employee) in
     base salary for all senior executive employees of the Companies 
     effected in the preceding twelve (12) months; or

         (iii) a requirement that Employee travel on the Companies' business
     to an extent


     materially greater than Employee's normal business travel obligations,
     or a relocation of Employee to a location more than twenty-five (25)
     miles from Employee's residence at the date of such proposed relocation.

     For purposes of this Agreement, Change of Control shall mean any of the 
following which occurs subsequent to the Effective Date:

         (a)  Any person (as such term is defined under Section 13(d)(3) of 
     the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the "Exchange Act")),
     corporation or other entity (other than HSI, any employee benefit plan
     sponsored by HSI or any of its subsidiaries, the Chairman of the Board
     of HSI on the Effective Date or The California Wellness Foundation), is
     or becomes the beneficial owner (as such term is defined in Rule 13d-3
     under the Exchange Act) of securities of HSI representing twenty percent
     (20%) or more of the combined voting power of the outstanding securities
     of HSI which ordinarily (and apart from rights accruing under special
     circumstances) have the right to vote in the election of directors
     (calculated as provided in paragraph (d) of such Rule 13d-3 in the case
     of rights to acquire HSI's securities) (the "Securities");

         (b)  As a result of a tender offer, merger, sale of assets or other
     major transaction, the persons who are directors of HSI immediately prior
     to such transaction cease to constitute a majority of the Board of 
     Directors of HSI (or any successor corporations) immediately after such

         (c)  HSI is merged or consolidated with any other person, firm,
     corporation or other entity and, as a result, the shareholders of HSI,
     as determined immediately before such transaction, own less than eighty
     percent (80%) of the outstanding Securities of the surviving or resulting
     entity immediately after such transaction;

         (d)  A tender offer or exchange offer is made and consummated for 
     the ownership of twenty percent (20%) or more of the outstanding
     Securities of HSI;

         (e)  HSI transfers substantially all its assets to another person,
     firm, corporation or other entity that is not a wholly-owned subsidiary
     of HSI; or

         (f)  HSI enters into a management agreement with another person,
     firm, corporation or other entity that is not a wholly-owned subsidiary
     of HSI and such management agreement extends hiring and firing authority
     over Employee to an individual or organization other than HSI.

         3.5  DEATH OR DISABILITY.  Upon Employee's death during his 
employment with the Companies, the estate or beneficiaries of the Employee 
shall be entitled to receive the continuation of Employee's Salary and 
Benefits for a period equal to twenty-four (24) months from the date of 
Employee's death. If during his employment with the Companies Employee 
becomes incapacitated due to physical or mental illness and is unable to 
perform his duties and responsibilities hereunder, applying the standards set 
forth in his disability insurance policy, and such disability continues for 
more than three months or for periods aggregating more than three months in 
any twelve-month period, this Agreement


may be terminated by the Companies in its discretion at any time thereafter 
during the continuance of such disability.

     4.  STOCK OPTION EXTENSION.  All 34,000 stock options (at $27.875 and 
$35.25 per share) currently held by Employee under HSI's Second Amended and 
Restated 1991 Stock Option Plan (the "Plan") and outstanding as of the 
Effective Date have previously become fully vested and exercisable. Such 
options shall remain exercisable for a period of one (1) year from Employee's 
employment termination date provided such termination is by the Companies 
without Cause or by the Employee for Good Reason and such termination takes 
place during the Covered Period.

     5.  OUTPLACEMENT SERVICES.  Upon Employee's termination of employment by 
the Company without Cause or by Employee with Good Reason, the Companies 
shall provide Employee with appropriate "Executive Outplacement Services" to 
assist Employee in obtaining new employment, provided that the scope and 
extent of such services shall be reasonably commensurate with what the 
Companies provide similarly situated executives.

     6.  WITHHOLDING.  All payments required to be made by the Companies 
hereunder to Employee or his estate or beneficiaries shall be subject to the 
withholding of such amounts relating to taxes as the Companies may reasonably 
determine should be withheld pursuant to any applicable law or regulation.

     7.  TAX CONSEQUENCES.  The Companies shall have no obligation to any 
person entitled to the benefits of this Agreement with respect to any tax 
obligation any such person may incur as a result of or attributed to this 
Agreement or arising from any payments made or to be made hereunder. Nothing 
contained herein shall be construed as a warranty or representation of any 
kind by the Companies to Employee with respect to the tax consequences of his 
participation in this Agreement.

     8.  CONFIDENTIALITY.  Employee acknowledges and agrees that, during the 
period of his employment by the Companies, he has and will continue to have 
access to and become acquainted with various trade secrets, including but not 
limited to, various procedures, practices, information regarding the 
organization and operation of the Companies, confidential customer 
information, marketing methods, compilations of information and records that 
are owned by the Companies and that are regularly used in the operation of 
its business. The parties stipulate that such items of information are 
important material and confidential trade secrets and affect the successful 
conduct of the Companies' business and its goodwill, and that any breach of 
this Section 8 shall be a material breach of this Agreement. All documents, 
memoranda, reports, files, correspondence, lists and other written and 
graphic records affecting or relating to the Companies' business that 
Employee may prepare, use, observe, possess or control shall be and remain 
the Companies' sole property. Employee shall not disclose any of these trade 
secrets, directly or indirectly, or use them in any way, either during the 
term of his Employment or at any time thereafter, except as required in the 
course of his employment by the Companies or as otherwise authorized in 
writing by the Companies. In the event of the termination of Employee's 
employment with the Companies, Employee shall deliver promptly to the 
Companies all written or graphic records containing such trade secrets or 
confidential information of the Companies.



         9.1  ENTIRE AGREEMENT.  This Agreement constitutes the entire 
agreement between the parties and supersedes any and all other agreements, 
whether oral or written (including but not limited to that certain 
Severance/Retention Payment Agreement dated May 1, 1995 (the "Prior Severance 
Agreement")), between the parties hereto with respect to the subject matter 
hereof. Each part to this Agreement acknowledges that no representations, 
inducements, promises or agreements, oral or written, have been made by any 
party or anyone acting on behalf of any party that are not embodied herein, 
and that no other agreement, statement or promise not contained in this 
Agreement shall be valid or binding. Upon execution of this Agreement, the 
Prior Severance Agreement shall be terminated and have no further force or 

         9.2  RIGHT TO TERMINATE EMPLOYMENT.  It is hereby agreed that the 
relationship between the Companies and Employee is merely an "at-will" 
employment relationship and that nothing in this Agreement shall confer upon 
Employee the right to continue in the employment of the Companies or affect 
any right which the Companies have to terminate the employment of Employee.

         9.3  AMENDMENTS.  This Agreement may not be amended or terminated 
other than by a written instrument signed by the party against whom 
enforcement of such amendment or termination is sought. No amendments to this 
Agreement or interpretations hereof or any waivers or modifications of any of 
the provisions hereof may be made on behalf of the Companies without the 
approval of the Board of Directors or the Compensation and Stock Option 
Committee of HSI.

         9.4  WAIVER.  No waiver of any default under this Agreement shall 
constitute or operate as a waiver of any subsequent default, and no delay, 
failure or omission in exercising or enforcing any right, privilege or option 
hereunder shall constitute a waiver, abandonment or relinquishment thereof. 
No waiver of any provision hereof by either party hereto shall be deemed to 
have been made unless or until such waiver shall have been reduced to writing 
and signed by the party making such waiver. Failure by either party to 
enforce any of the terms, covenants or conditions of this Agreement for any 
length of time or from time to time shall not be deemed to waive or decrease 
the rights of such party to insist thereafter upon strict performance by the 
other party.


     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the 
day and year first above written.

                                       HEALTH SYSTEMS INTERNATIONAL, INC.

                                       By: /s/ Jay M. Gellert
                                       Name: Jay M. Gellert
                                       Title: President and Chief Executive

                                       HEALTH NET

                                       By: /s/ Arthur M. Southam, M.D.
                                       Name: Arthur M. Southam, M.D.
                                       Title: President and Chief Executive

                                       /s/ James J. Wilk
                                       Employee: James J. Wilk
