<ARTICLE> 5 <MULTIPLIER> 1,000 <PERIOD-TYPE> 3-MOS <FISCAL-YEAR-END> DEC-31-1997 <PERIOD-START> JAN-01-1997 <PERIOD-END> MAR-31-1997 <CASH> 2,865 <SECURITIES> 18,268 <RECEIVABLES> 2,752 <ALLOWANCES> 0 <INVENTORY> 0 <CURRENT-ASSETS> 28,228 <PP&E> 4,843 <DEPRECIATION> 3,193 <TOTAL-ASSETS> 30,143 <CURRENT-LIABILITIES> 8,552 <BONDS> 0 <PREFERRED-MANDATORY> 0 <PREFERRED> 0 <COMMON> 7 <OTHER-SE> 21,591 <TOTAL-LIABILITY-AND-EQUITY> 30,143 <SALES> 4,492 <TOTAL-REVENUES> 4,492 <CGS> 93 <TOTAL-COSTS> 4,971 <OTHER-EXPENSES> 0 <LOSS-PROVISION> 0 <INTEREST-EXPENSE> 236 <INCOME-PRETAX> (243) <INCOME-TAX> 0 <INCOME-CONTINUING> (243) <DISCONTINUED> 0 <EXTRAORDINARY> 0 <CHANGES> 0 <NET-INCOME> (243) <EPS-PRIMARY> (.04) <EPS-DILUTED> (.04)<F1> <FN> <F1>In the first quarter of 1997, common share equivalents, if included, would have an anitdilutive effect on the net loss per share calculation, and are therefore excluded from the fully diluted calculation. If included, the net loss per share would be $0.03 per share </FN>