DAUBY O'CONNOR & ZALESKI A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY Certified Public Accountants Consent Letter for Independent Auditors We consent to the incorporation by reference in this Current Report on Form 8-K, filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission by NHP Incorporated (NHP) of our reports dated as referred to in Schedule I with respect to the audits referred to on Schedule I for the year ended December 31, 1994, and the incorporation by reference of such reports into NHP's Registration Statement on Form S-8 (No. 333-11933). NHP's Registration Statement on Form S-8 (No. 333-11863), NHP's Registration Statement on Form S-8 (No. 333-11917), NHP's Registration Statement on Form S-8 (No. 333-11857), and NHP's Registration Statement on Form S-8 (No. 333-08137). /s/ Dauby O'Connor & Zaleski, LLC June 9, 1997 Dauby O'Connor & Zaleski, LLC Indianapolis, Indiana Certified Public Accountants SCHEDULE I AUDITS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1994 REPORT DATE PARTNERSHIP NAME - ----------- ---------------- January 7, 1995 Brookview Apartments Company Limited March 13, 1995 Clover Ridge East Limited Partnership January 7, 1995 Colony Apartments Company Limited January 25, 1995 East Hampton Limited Partnership January 25, 1995 Edgewood II Associates January 20, 1995 Fairburn & Gordon Associates, Phase I January 20, 1995 Fairburn & Gordon Associates, Phase II January 30, 1995 Laing Village January 25, 1995 Oakland City/West End Associates, Ltd. January 30, 1995 Orangeburg Manor February 6, 1995, except for Note 8 which is dated June 9, 1995 Parkways Associates January 25, 1995 Pleasant Valley Apartments, Ltd. January 25, 1995 Sandy Springs Associates, Ltd. February 8, 1995 The Oak Park Partnership February 6, 1995, except for Note 8 which is dated June 9, 1995 The Rogers Park Partnership February 8, 1995 Tiffany Rehab Associates January 20, 1995 Village Green Apartments Company Limited January 25, 1995 Vineville Towers Associates, Ltd. January 20, 1995 Westgate Apartments