April 16, 1997

DeltaPoint, Inc.
22 Lower Ragsdale Drive
Monterey, CA  93940

Ladies and Gentlemen:

     This Letter of Intent summarizes the principal terms and conditions of the
proposed acquisition by DeltaPoint, Inc. ("Purchaser") of all the issued and
outstanding capital stock of Inlet Divestiture Corp. ("IDC").  All of such
capital stock is owned by Inlet, Inc. ("Seller").  The sole significant asset of
IDC is its ownership of a software program called CurrentIssue 3.0 ("Product").

1.  STOCK TO BE PURCHASED.  The stock to be purchased is all of the issued and
    outstanding capital stock, being common stock, of IDC ("IDC Stock").  Seller
    is the owner of one hundred percent (100%) of the issued and outstanding 
    capital stock of IDC.

2.  PURCHASE PRICE.  The purchase price to be paid to Seller for the IDC Stock
    ("Purchase Price") by Purchaser and the manner of payment of the Purchase 
    Price is as follows:

    a.   The cash sum of $25,000.00 upon the execution of this Letter of Intent
         for non-recurring engineering expenses;
    b.   The cash sum of $25,000.00 on or before thirty (30) days from the date
         of this Letter of Intent for non-recurring engineering expenses;
    c.   The cash sum of $25,000.00 on or before sixty (60) days from the date
         of this Letter of Intent for non-recurring engineering expenses;
    d.   The cash sum of $50,000.00 on the earlier of: (i) the execution by
         Purchaser and IDC of the OEM Agreement described in paragraph 6 herein,
         or (ii) the fifteenth (15th) day following the closing on an equity 
         investment in Purchaser ("Closing");
    e.   The cash sum of $175,000.00 on or before the fifteenth (15th) day
         after the Closing;
    f.   The cash sum of $175,000.00 on or before the forty-fifth (45th) day 
         after the 

    g.   The cash sum of $175,000.00 on or before the seventy-fifth (75th) day
         after the Closing;
    h.   The cash sum of $175,000.00 on or before the one hundred and fifth
         (105th) day after the Closing;
    i.   260,000 shares of Purchaser's common stock on the date of closing on
         the transfer of the IDC Stock to Purchaser; and
    j.   Beginning with the date of transfer of the IDC Stock to Purchaser,
         royalties in an amount equal to five percent (5%) of the net revenues 
         from all sales, leases, licenses, sublicenses or other transactions 
         pursuant to which units of the Product are distributed.

3.  OTHER NEGOTIATIONS.  From the date of Purchaser's execution of this Letter
    of Intent until the earliest of (a) the closing on  the purchase and sale of
    the IDC Stock, (b) ninety (90) days from the date hereof, (c) the 
    abandonment of this Letter of Intent by agreement of the parties, (d) the 
    termination of this Letter of Intent by Seller as provided for herein or 
    (e) the failure of the conditions set forth in paragraphs 8g, 8h, 9d or 9e 
    below, neither Seller, IDC, nor any agent, employee, representative, 
    officer, director or stockholder thereof, shall solicit any offer from any 
    other person or entity for acquisition or disposition of the capital stock 
    of IDC or the rights to the Product, nor shall Seller or IDC, its agents, 
    representatives, officers, directors or stockholders enter into any 
    negotiations or provide information with respect to any such acquisition 
    without the written consent of Purchaser.

4.  CONFIDENTIALITY.  Any press releases or other publicity relating to this
    Letter of Intent and the transactions proposed herein shall be subject to 
    prior review and coordination between Purchaser and Seller and subject to 
    their respective disclosure obligations, if any, under applicable securities
    laws and regulations and further subject to such disclosure as may be 
    necessary to satisfy the conditions of this letter of intent and the 
    transaction proposed herein.

    Seller for itself, its agents, representatives, partners, principles,
    stockholders, directors, officers and partners, both limited and general,
    acknowledges that as part of the discussions, negotiations and inspections
    to be conducted by Seller and Purchaser, Seller may become privy to certain
    confidential information of Purchaser and that any communication of such
    confidential information to third parties (whether such communication is
    authorized by the other or not) could injure Purchaser.  Seller, for
    itself, its agents, representatives, principals, stockholders, directors,
    officers and partners, both limited and general, therefore, agrees to take
    all necessary and reasonable steps to insure that any information obtained
    by Seller, its agents, representatives, principles, 

    stockholders, directors, officers or partners, both limited and general, 
    about Purchaser or about Purchaser's agents, attorneys, representatives or 
    business, including information about loans or finances of Purchaser and any
    other information designated as confidential by Purchaser shall remain
    confidential and shall not be disclosed or revealed to outside sources.

    Purchaser for itself, its agents and representatives acknowledges that as
    part of the discussions, negotiations and inspections to be conducted by
    Purchaser and Seller, Purchaser may become privy to certain confidential
    information of Seller and IDC and that any communication of such
    confidential information to third parties (whether such communication is
    authorized by the other or not) could injure Seller and IDC.  Purchaser,
    for itself, its agents and representatives, therefore, agrees to take all
    necessary and reasonable steps to insure that any information obtained by
    Purchaser, its agents and representatives, about Seller or IDC or about any
    of Seller's or IDC's employees, officers, agents, attorneys, representatives
    or business, including information about processes, programs, techniques, 
    designs, concepts, inventions, trade secrets, customer lists, identity of 
    customers, profile of customers, identity of past, present, or prospective 
    security holders, borrowers, prospects or associates of Seller or IDC and 
    any and all knowledge as to any loans, earnings or finances of Seller or 
    IDC, and any other information designated as confidential by Seller or IDC, 
    shall remain confidential and shall not be disclosed or revealed to outside 

5.  TERMINATION.  Seller shall have the right to terminate any and all
    obligations hereunder of Seller and IDC, in the event that Purchaser has not
    made substantial progress to complete and close the follow-on offering 
    within sixty (60) days from the date hereof.  Notwithstanding termination of
    this Letter of Intent whether by Seller, by mutual agreement of Seller and 
    Purchaser, by failure of any condition or otherwise, Purchaser shall remain 
    obligated to make payment of and Seller shall be entitled to retain the 
    $25,000.00 cash payments of paragraphs 2a, 2b and 2c above; provided, 
    however, should Seller terminate this Letter of Intent under this Section 5 
    and should there not then be an OEM Agreement between Seller and Purchaser 
    executed by both Seller and Purchaser, Seller shall return to Purchaser any 
    cash payments made by Purchaser to Seller under paragraphs 2a, 2b and 2c 

6.  OEM AGREEMENT.  Commencing with the date hereof, IDC and Purchaser agree to
    negotiate a distribution agreement to provide Purchaser with the exclusive 
    right to distribute the Product, new versions, translations and derivatives 
    of the Product ("OEM Agreement").  Should IDC and Purchaser fail to execute 

    deliver the OEM Agreement within twenty-one (21) days from the date hereof, 
    neither Purchaser nor IDC shall have any further obligation to proceed with 
    such negotiations or enter into such an OEM Agreement.  Any such OEM 
    Agreement shall expire upon closing on the transfer of the IDC Stock.  If 
    the closing on the transfer of the IDC Stock does not occur, the OEM 
    Agreement shall continue in force and effect and any payments made by 
    Purchaser under paragraph 2d above shall be credited against the royalty 
    payments due to IDC under the OEM Agreement.


    a.   Any royalties payable in connection with the purchase and sale of the
         IDC Stock shall include the following terms:
         (1)  Purchaser shall not be required to pay royalties in excess of
              $4,000,000.00 in the aggregate.  Upon mutual agreement of 
              Purchaser and Seller, Purchaser may terminate its royalty payment 
              obligation under paragraph 2j: (i) during the first twelve (12) 
              months after the closing on the transfer of the IDC Stock by 
              payment of the difference between $2,000,000.00 and the then 
              aggregate of all royalties paid pursuant to paragraph 2j and 
              (ii) during the second twelve (12) months after the closing on 
              the transfer of the IDC Stock by payment of the difference between
              $3,000,000.00 and the then aggregate of all royalties paid under 
              paragraph 2j above; and 
         (2)  Purchaser shall pay fifty percent (50%) of the amount of any
              royalties due pursuant to paragraph 2j and any termination 
              payments made pursuant to paragraph 7a.(1) in Purchaser's common 
              stock to be valued at the average closing price of such common 
              stock over the ten (10) trading days preceding payment.
    b.   The shares of Purchaser's common stock to be delivered pursuant to
         paragraph 2i above, shall be registered pursuant to an effective
         registration statement under the Securities Act of 1993, as amended
         ("Securities Act") so that they are freely tradable.  Seller and 
         Purchaser acknowledge that Seller may be required to refrain from 
         selling the common stock of Purchaser for a reasonable period of time 
         following the closing on the sale of the IDC stock and that Seller will
         be entitled to make sale of Purchaser's stock prior to the expiration 
         of said period in the event that sales of Purchaser's common stock are 
         made by certain identified investors or management individuals in 
         certain stated volumes.

8.  CONDITIONS TO SELLER'S OBLIGATIONS.  Seller's and IDC's obligations to sell
    the IDC 

    Stock are subject to:

    a.   Negotiation, execution and delivery of a definitive agreement for the
         purchase and sale of the IDC stock;
    b.   Approval  by Seller's and IDC's board of directors of the transactions
         set forth in this Letter of Intent within fifteen (15)  days of the 
         date hereof and approval by Seller's and IDC's board of directors of 
         the definitive agreement for the purchase and sale of the IDC Stock;
    c.   Approval by each and all of Seller's shareholders of the transactions
         set forth in this Letter of Intent within fifteen days of the date 
    d.   Completion of due diligence investigations by Seller to determine that
         no development has occurred or information has been discovered that 
         has, or is reasonably likely to have, or indicates, a material adverse 
         effect on the business, assets or finances of Purchaser concerning the 
         transactions set forth in this Letter of Intent within fifteen days of 
         the date hereof;
    e.   Closing on an additional equity investment in Purchaser on or before
         ninety (90) days from the date hereof;

    Delivery by Purchaser to Seller of a perpetual site license for the Product
         and any derivatives thereof;

    Negotiation, execution and delivery, within twenty-one (21) days from the
         date hereof, of an agreement between Seller and Purchaser for provision
         of development services by Seller for the Product to include a term of 
         up to three (3) years and management of the Seller's development 
         services by Todd Millard which agreement shall be valid and effective 
         at such time and if all the conditions to performance of Seller, IDC 
         and Purchaser hereunder have been satisfied and this Letter of Intent 
         has not been terminated;
    Negotiation, execution and delivery, within twenty-one (21) days from the
         date hereof, of reasonable non-compete agreements, between Purchaser,
         Seller, IDC, Todd Millard and Terry Millard regarding the Product which
         agreements shall be valid and effective at such time and if all the
         conditions to performance of Seller, IDC and Purchaser hereunder have 
         been satisfied and this Letter of Intent has not been terminated; and

    i.   Timely receipt by Seller of any cash payments due to Seller hereunder
         before the closing on the sale and transfer of the IDC Stock.

9.  CONDITIONS TO PURCHASER'S OBLIGATIONS.  Purchaser's obligations to purchase
    the IDC Stock are subject to:

    a.   Negotiation, execution and delivery of a definitive agreement for the
         purchase and sale of the IDC Stock;
    b.   Completion of due diligence investigations by Purchaser regarding the
         Product within fifteen (15) days of the date hereof;
    Approval of the purchase by Purchaser's board of directors within fifteen
         (15) days of the date hereof;
    Negotiation, execution and delivery, within twenty-one (21) days of the
         date hereof, of an agreement between Seller and Purchaser for provision
         of development services by Seller for the Product to include a term of 
         up to three years and management of the Seller's development services 
         by Todd Millard which agreement shall be valid and effective at such 
         time and if all the conditions to performance of Seller, IDC and 
         Purchaser hereunder have been satisfied and this Letter of Intent has 
         not been terminated;
    Negotiation, execution and delivery, within twenty-one (21) days of the
         date hereof, of reasonable non-compete agreements, between Purchaser,
         Seller, IDC, Todd Millard and Terry Millard regarding the Product which
         agreements shall be valid and effective at such time and if all the
         conditions to performance of Seller, IDC and Purchaser hereunder have 
         been satisfied and this Letter of Intent has not been terminated; and
    f.   Closing on an additional equity investment in Purchaser on or before
         ninety (90) days from the date hereof.
10. INDEMNIFICATION.  Seller and IDC understand that Purchaser intends to make
    reference to or use of this Letter of Intent in connection with Seller's 
    efforts to secure additional equity investment through the Purchaser's 
    proposed public offering which reference or use is hereby authorized by 
    Seller and IDC for that express purpose only.  Purchaser agrees to indemnify
    and hold harmless each of Seller and IDC, their shareholders, officers, 
    directors and employees from and against any and all claims, liabilities, 
    losses, damages and costs, including reasonable attorneys' fees, arising out
    of or resulting from Purchaser's use of or reference to this Letter of 
    Intent or any of its contents in connection with the proposed public 
    offering or otherwise including any reliance thereon by third parties.

11. CLOSING.  The parties shall close on the purchase and sale of the IDC stock
    on or before one hundred twenty (120) days from the date hereof or this 
    Letter of Intent shall then terminate.

12. EXPENSES.  Each of the parties hereto shall pay its own expenses incident
    to negotiating, entering into and carrying out the purchase and sale and 
    related matters.

13. MISCELLANEOUS.  This Letter of Intent shall be deemed to be made in and
    shall be construed pursuant to the laws of the State of Iowa without regard 
    to conflicts of laws provisions.  This Letter of Intent sets forth the 
    entire and integrated agreement between the parties hereto and supersedes 
    all prior negotiations, representations or agreements, whether written or 

    Please confirm by signing and returning a copy of this Letter no later 
than April 16, 1997, that the foregoing reflects our mutual understanding and 
sets forth the basis for proceeding to negotiate the agreements outlined.

                                  DELTAPOINT, INC.

                             BY:  /s/ Jeffrey F. Ait
                                  NAME  Jeffrey F. Ait


    The foregoing reflects our mutual understanding and sets forth the basis
for proceeding to negotiate the agreements outlined above.

DATED:   April 16, 1997

                                       INLET, INC.

                                 BY:   /s/ Terry Millard
                                       NAME  Terry Millard


                                       INLET DIVESTITURE CORP.

                                 BY:   /s/ Terry Millard
                                       NAME  Terry Millard


    Terry Millard and Todd Millard sign for the purpose of indicating their
intention and willingness to negotiate the non-compete agreements contemplated
by paragraph 9e above in connection with the purchase and sale of the IDC Stock.

                                  /s/ Terry Millard
                                  TERRY MILLARD

                                  /s/ Todd Millard
                                  TODD MILLARD