This RESIGNATION AND RELEASE AGREEMENT (the "Agreement") among Terence M.
Strom ("Strom"), Egghead, Inc. and DJ&J Software Corporation d/b/a Egghead
(D J & J Software Corporation, collectively with Egghead, Inc., "Egghead") is
dated as of February 15, 1997.  Strom and Egghead wish to amicably terminate 
Strom's employment with Egghead, and the parties wish to clearly set forth the
terms and conditions of Strom's departure from his employment.  Therefore, in
consideration of the mutual promises and undertakings in this Agreement, Strom
and Egghead agree as follows:

1.  RESIGNATION.   Effective February 15, 1997 (the "Date of Resignation"),
Strom's employment with Egghead is terminated.  Concurrent thereto, Strom will
resign from his position as a member of the Board of Directors of Elekom
Corporation and from any other designated Egghead responsibilities other than as
provided in Section 2(b) hereof, effective as of the Date of Resignation, except
that Strom shall continue his term on the Board of Directors of Egghead, Inc.
and D J & J Software Corporation until his successor is elected and qualified or
until his earlier death, resignation or removal.  The parties acknowledge and
confirm that Strom previously resigned from his positions as President and Chief
Executive Officer of Egghead, Inc. and D J & J Software Corporation, effective
January 30, 1997.


    (a)  GUARANTEED PAYMENT. Commencing the Date of Resignation, Egghead 
shall pay Strom his current annual base salary  of $300,000 for a period of 
twenty-four (24) months (the "Severance Period"), less any lawful withholding.
Such amount shall be paid in bi-weekly installments at normal bi-weekly payroll
intervals or pursuant to a payment schedule that is mutually agreeable to the
parties.  Strom shall also be paid any unused vacation pay accrued as of the 
Date of Resignation, as reflected in Egghead's records, to be paid at the end of
the payroll period next following the Date of Resignation, or pursuant to a
payment schedule that is mutually agreeable to the parties.  Strom shall not be
entitled to vacation pay accrual during the Severance Period.

    (b)  CONSULTING ARRANGEMENT.  In consideration for the severance payments
described herein, Strom agrees to provide to Egghead consulting services for a
period not to exceed twelve (12) months from the Date of Resignation.  The
purpose of such consulting is to ensure an orderly transition of Strom's duties.
Such duties shall be rendered in the state of Washington, and at such other
place or places as Egghead shall in good faith


require, or as the interests, needs, businesses or opportunities of Egghead 
shall require.  Prior to the time Strom obtains other employment, Strom's 
services on behalf of Egghead shall occur no more than an average of one full 
business day per week, and Strom agrees that during such time he shall comply 
with all policies, standards, and regulations of Egghead, including but not 
limited to, entering into confidentiality agreements.  Strom agrees to perform
all duties required to the best of his ability, experience and talents.  Egghead
further understands that once Strom obtains alternative employment, his
consulting work will be limited to providing that assistance which does not
interfere with Strom's employment. At that time, Egghead will make a good faith
effort to limit consulting requests to phone rather than in-person.  Egghead
will pay all reasonable and necessary business expenses incurred by Strom while
acting as a consultant for Egghead promptly after receipt from Strom of receipts
or other evidence satisfactory to Egghead verifying such expenses.

    (c)  DEATH OR DISABILITY.     In the event of Strom's death prior to
completion of the Severance Period, Egghead shall be obligated to continue the
severance payments set forth under Section 2(a) hereof and the COBRA subsidies
set forth under Section 3(b) hereof, if applicable.  Upon death, such payments
shall be made to Strom's spouse, if then living, and if Strom's spouse is not
then living, said payments shall be paid to Strom's estate.  Other than the
foregoing, Egghead shall have no further obligation to Strom's estate under this
Agreement in the event of his death.

    If Strom is unable to perform his consulting duties pursuant to Section
2(b) for a period of more than twelve (12) weeks, the severance payments set
forth under Section 2(a) otherwise payable to Strom shall be continued for the
entire Severance Period, which shall include the twelve (12) weeks during which
Strom was unable to perform his consulting duties; provided, however, that such
severance payments shall only continue if Egghead has received proof to its
satisfaction that Strom has suffered a total disability.  For purposes of this
Agreement, total disability shall mean an illness or physical or mental
incapacity that prevents Strom from carrying out his consulting duties pursuant
to this Agreement.  Proof of such disability shall be supplied by Strom in the
form of a written letter of Strom's physician stating that in the physician's
opinion Strom is physically or mentally incapable of performing his consulting
duties pursuant to this Agreement.  Egghead shall have the right to have Strom
examined by a physician of Egghead's choice, solely at Egghead's expense, to
render an opinion as to whether or not Strom is physically or mentally incapable
of performing his consulting duties pursuant to this Agreement.  In the event
the physician selected by Strom and the physician selected by Egghead render
contrary opinions, the issue of whether Strom is physically or mentally
incapable of performing his consulting duties pursuant to this Agreement may be
submitted by Egghead


to arbitration under Washington law, and the decision of such arbitration shall
be final and binding on all parties.  So long as severance payments are made to
Strom, Egghead will also continue to make COBRA subsidies, if applicable.  Other
than the foregoing, Egghead shall have no further obligation to Strom under this
Agreement in the event of his total disability.


    (a)  STOCK OPTIONS. Egghead and Strom agree that there are two groups of
stock options which Strom has had certain rights to exercise.  The first group
pertains to a nonqualified stock option to purchase 200,000 shares of common
stock of Egghead, Inc. at an exercise price of $8.125 per share, all of which
are fully vested.  The second group pertains to a nonqualified stock option to
purchase 50,000 shares of common stock of Egghead, Inc. at an exercise price of
$10.25 per share, of which rights to purchase 25,000 shares are vested as of the
Date of Resignation (such vested portion to purchase 25,000 shares, together
with the vested option to purchase 200,000 shares described in the preceding
sentence, the "Vested Options").  Egghead agrees to provide Strom two years from
the Date of Resignation to exercise the Vested Options.  Egghead, Inc. and Strom
expressly agree that there shall be no further vesting of any options held by
Strom beyond the Date of Resignation or beyond the 225,000 options already
vested. Subject to the foregoing, Strom's exercise shall be in compliance with
the provisions of Egghead, Inc.'s 1993 Stock Option Plan and with the provisions
of Section 16 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.  Any change to
such stock option plan shall not adversely affect Strom's rights under this
Section 3(a).

    (b)  COBRA.    Except as expressly provided in this Agreement and except as
set forth in the succeeding three sentences of this Section 3(b), all benefits
and perquisites, original, remaining or otherwise, to which Strom may have had
an entitlement immediately prior to the Date of Resignation shall cease
effective the Date of Resignation.  At his election, Strom and his family may
continue to participate in Egghead's medical and dental benefit plans governed
by the Comprehensive Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act ("COBRA") for the time
period provided in COBRA ("COBRA Period").  Egghead will subsidize the cost of
such coverage at the level in effect for Strom and his family as of the Date of
Resignation through the end of the COBRA Period.  Strom will pay the balance of
such cost, if any.

4.  REFERENCES.    Upon request, Egghead will provide a letter of
recommendation for Strom containing his dates of employment and pay confirmation
only.  Unless authorized by Strom in writing, Egghead's response to any inquiry
from third parties regarding Strom's employment with Egghead shall be limited to
this same information.


5.  RELOCATION EXPENSES.     Egghead shall reimburse Strom for the cost of
relocating Strom's residence to any place outside Spokane County, Washington, up
to a total amount not to exceed $80,000, promptly after receipt of valid
receipts submitted by Strom for the costs of moving household goods, farm
equipment and pets and for costs related to the sale of his Spokane residence,
including real estate commissions.  No other relocation expenses shall be
reimbursed.  Egghead has no obligation to reimburse or pay Strom any amount with
respect to any decrease in the value of Strom's residential property from the
amount paid by Strom to purchase such residential property.  No reimbursement
under this Section 5 will be made after sixty (60) days from the date of Strom's
final severance payment received in accordance with the provisions of Section 2

6.  NON-DISPARAGEMENT.  Strom agrees not to make any disparaging or derogatory
remarks, comments or statements about Egghead and its officers, directors, and
employees, or any of them, at any time.  Egghead agrees not to, and will
instruct its officers, directors and senior management not to, make any
disparaging or derogatory remarks, comments or statements about Strom at any


    (a)  NON-DISCLOSURE.  Except as required by applicable law or regulation
and except as may be required to insure compliance with the terms of this
Agreement, Egghead and Strom agree to keep the terms of this Agreement
confidential; provided, that Strom may share its provisions with his spouse,
attorneys, and professional advisors, who will be informed of and bound by this
confidentiality obligation, and Egghead may share its provisions with its senior
management, attorneys, and professional advisors, who will be informed of and
bound by this confidentiality obligation.  Strom agrees not to use or disclose
any confidential information.  As used herein, "confidential information" means
all non-public information, trade secrets, methods, strategies, practices,
computer programs and systems, research and related documentation, customer
lists and other data, marketing plans, financial information, and all other
compilations of information that relate in any manner to the business of
Egghead, Inc., the direct or indirect subsidiaries of Egghead, Inc., or Egghead
SSI, LLC d/b/a Egghead Computer Surplus (such subsidiaries, together with
Egghead SSI, LLC d/b/a Egghead Computer Surplus, the "Affiliate Entities") or
any of them.  Strom acknowledges that all confidential information is the
proprietary and confidential property of Egghead or the Affiliate Entities. 
Strom further agrees to return all tangible items containing any confidential
information, wherever located and in whatever form, in addition to all other
property belonging to Egghead or the Affiliate Entities, on or before the Date


Resignation; provided, however, that Strom may retain the FAX machine, printer,
monitor, PC and laptop computer, all as more specifically set forth on the
attached Exhibit A herein incorporated by this reference.  Strom will transfer
to Egghead and delete from electronic storage on such PC and peripherals any
confidential information stored therein; provided further, however, Strom is not
obligated to transfer to Egghead, but must simply delete from his personal
records, such information that he knows is duplicative of information already in
Egghead's possession and control.  Egghead shall execute such documentation, if
any, required to effect transfer of title in the property listed on Exhibit A.

    (b)  NON-SOLICITATION.  Strom agrees that during the Severance Period he
will not individually, or in conjunction with any other person, corporation or
other entity, in any capacity, directly or indirectly (i) solicit or  recruit
any employee of Egghead or any of the Affiliate Entities or (ii) cause or seek
to cause (A) any employee of or consultant to Egghead or any of the Affiliate
Entities to terminate his or her employment or consulting relationship with
Egghead or any of the Affiliate Entities or (B) any customer, client or vendor
of Egghead or any of the Affiliate Entities to alter or terminate any business
relationship with Egghead or any of the Affiliate Entities.  "Consultant" as
used in this Section 7(b) shall mean any individual that is a consultant to
Egghead or any Affiliate Entity.
    (c)  NON-COMPETITION.  For a period of two (2) years from the Date of
Resignation, Strom shall not, directly or indirectly, be employed by, own,
manage, operate, join, control or participate in the ownership, management,
operation or control of or "be connected with" (as that phrase is interpreted
below), any person or entity engaged in any operations in competition with
Egghead or any of the Affiliate Entities in the retail sale of computer software
or computer hardware or both, through stores, mail order, telephonic means or
electronic commerce, including, without limitation, through the Internet;
provided, however, that for purposes of this Section 7(c) the following shall be
deemed to be persons or entities not engaged in operations in competition with
Egghead or any of its Affiliate Entities:  (i) any person or entity if the sale
of computer software and computer hardware generates less than ten (10) percent
of its total annual revenue and less than ten (10) percent of the total annual
revenue of the division of such person or entity, if any, which Strom is
connected with; (ii) any person or entity that is a software publisher or
hardware manufacturer provided that it generates the substantial majority of its
annual revenue from the sale of products that it developed or manufactured; and
(iii) any person or entity that is an importer of computer hardware provided
that it sells only computer hardware.  The Board of Directors of Egghead, Inc.
may, in its sole discretion, release Strom from any or all of his obligations
pursuant to this Section 7(c), provided that such release shall not be effective
unless made in writing.


Strom shall be deemed to be "connected with" such business if such business is
carried on by a partnership, corporation or association of which he is an
officer, director, employee, partner, member, consultant or agent; provided,
however, that nothing herein shall prevent the purchase or ownership by Strom of
shares which constitute less than 2% of the outstanding equity securities of a
publicly or privately held corporation.
    (d)  VIOLATION.  Strom acknowledges that his confidentiality, 
non-solicitation and non-competition obligations under this Section 7 are 
material inducements to Egghead in entering into this Agreement, that his 
violation thereof shall constitute a material breach of this Agreement and 
that any disclosure or action by Strom in violation of this Section 7 will 
cause serious and irreparable injury to Egghead for which there is no 
adequate remedy at law. If, upon investigation, Egghead determines that Strom 
is in material violation of this Section 7, then Egghead may retain as 
liquidated damages the balance of the payments coming due Strom under Section 
2 hereof, if any, and may obtain immediate and permanent injunctive relief in 
any court of competent jurisdiction.  If Egghead determines that Strom is in 
violation of this Section 7, then Egghead may in its sole discretion provide 
Strom an opportunity to cure such violation, but Egghead shall have no 
obligation to do so.  The rights and remedies set forth in this Section 7 are 
in addition to all other legal, equitable and contractual rights and remedies 
available to Egghead. 


    (a)  BY STROM. Strom hereby represents and warrants as follows:

         (i)  That, to the best of his knowledge, as of the Date of
    Resignation, there is no litigation or claim of any kind pending or
    contemplated in any court or before any governmental authority or
    regulatory body or arbitrator, pertaining to acts or omissions that
    occurred within the scope of his employment as an officer of Egghead or as
    a member of Egghead's Board of Directors, and that he knows of no facts or
    circumstances that would give rise to such litigation or claim.

         (ii) That he has reviewed this Agreement with independent legal
    counsel, that the terms of this Agreement have been negotiated in good
    faith at arms' length, that he has read and understands the terms of this
    Agreement and the consequences thereof, and that he enters into this
    Agreement as his free, voluntary and independent act.
    (b)  BY EGGHEAD.    Egghead represents and warrants as follows:  


         (i)  That, to the best of its knowledge, as of the Date of
    Resignation, there is no litigation or claim of any kind pending or
    contemplated in any court or before any governmental authority or
    regulatory body or arbitrator, pertaining to acts or omissions that
    occurred within the scope of Strom's employment as an officer of Egghead,
    and that it knows of no facts or circumstances that would give rise to such
    litigation or claim;
         (ii)  That it is a Washington corporation duly authorized and validly
    existing under the laws of the State of Washington;
         (iii)  That this Agreement and the obligations and undertakings
    arising hereunder constitute the valid, binding and enforceable obligations
    of Egghead; and
         (iv)  That it will promptly inform its officers, directors and senior
    managers of its obligations under the relevant sections of this Agreement.

9.  MUTUAL RELEASE.     In consideration of the benefits and payments provided
to Strom in this Agreement, and as a material inducement to Egghead to enter
into this Agreement, Strom, individually and for his marital community, heirs,
personal representatives, successors and assigns (collectively "Strom
Releasees"), releases and forever discharges Egghead and the Affiliate Entities,
including any and all of Egghead's and each Affiliate Entity's affiliates,
shareholders, officers, directors, representatives, agents, and employees, each
of their successors and assigns, and each of them (collectively, the "Egghead
Releasees"), from any and all Claims (as defined below) that Strom may have
against any of the Egghead Releasees as of the Date of Resignation.  The Egghead
Releasees release and forever discharge the Strom Releasees from any and all
Claims (as defined below) that any of the Egghead Releasees may have against any
of the Strom Releasees as of February 15, 1997.  "Claims" as used in this
Section 9 is defined to mean any and all claims, demands, charges, liability,
causes of action, and damages, including without limitation, attorneys' fees and
costs actually incurred, known or unknown, including without limitation, any and
all claims, rights, demands, and causes of action for breach of any employment
contract or agreement (whether express or implied, written or oral), wrongful
discharge, intentional and/or negligent infliction of emotional distress,
defamation, invasion of privacy, tort claims, discrimination on the basis of
marital status, race, sex, national origin, color, religion, handicap or
disability, retaliation, violation of public policy, and violation of any and
all federal, state and/or local statutes, laws, rules, regulations and/or
ordinances, including, but not limited to, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of
1964, as amended, Sections 1981 through 1988 of Title 42 of the United States
Code, as amended, The


National Labor Relations Act, as amended, The Employee Retirement Income 
Security Act of 1974, as amended, The Americans with Disabilities Act of 
1990, as amended, The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993, The Age 
Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 ("ADEA"), as amended, The Washington 
State Wage and Hour Laws, and The Washington Law Against Discrimination, Ch. 
49.60 RCW, as amended; except that the term "Claims" does not include (i) any 
claims for indemnification that Strom may have as a former officer or 
director of Egghead pursuant to the Bylaws of Egghead, Inc. or pursuant to 
any policies of insurance held by Egghead, if any, that provide coverage for 
liability of former officers and directors of Egghead; (ii) any claims based 
on rights created by this Agreement; and (iii) any claims where the events in 
dispute first arise after the date of this Agreement.  Egghead will not 
contest any claim for unemployment compensation filed by Strom, but Egghead 
may report the severance payments paid to Strom hereunder as appropriate.

10. TAX LIABILITY. Some or all of the payments and benefits which Strom may
receive hereunder may be deemed income and taxable to Strom under relevant
provisions of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, and other federal,
state, and local statutes and regulations (collectively "Codes").  Strom is
advised that Egghead does not "gross up" benefits paid to or on behalf of its
employees.  Strom shall have sole responsibility to determine and, to the extent
any withholdings made by Egghead hereunder are insufficient, to pay, and shall
indemnify and hold Egghead harmless from, all taxes coming due under such Codes.
This hold harmless and indemnity obligation covers only those taxes which, in
the ordinary course, would normally be obligations of or paid by Strom.

11. NONADMISSION CLAUSE.          This Agreement shall not be construed as an
admission by either party of any liability to the other party, breach of any
agreement between the parties, or violation by either party of any statute, law,
rule or regulation.

12. CONSIDERATION/REVOCATION PERIOD.        Strom acknowledges that he has been
informed of his right to fully consider the terms of this Agreement for a period
not to exceed twenty-one (21) days pursuant to applicable provisions of the
ADEA.  If Strom chooses to execute this Agreement, he shall have an additional
seven (7) days after signing this Agreement to revoke it by providing written
notice thereof to Egghead addressed to:  Brian W. Bender, Vice President and
Chief Financial Officer, 22705 East Mission Ave., Liberty Lake, WA 99019.

13. SEVERABILITY.  If any provision of this Agreement is held to be invalid or
unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall nevertheless


continue to be valid and enforceable to the maximum extent consistent with 
applicable law.  

14. COMPLETE AGREEMENT. This Agreement contains the entire understanding and
agreement between the parties in connection with its subject matter and
supersedes any and all other prior and contemporaneous oral or written
agreements, understandings, or representations between the parties pertaining to
same.  This Agreement cannot be altered except in a writing signed by Strom and
an authorized representative of Egghead.

15. FURTHER ASSURANCES. The parties agree to execute any further documents and
instruments as may be reasonably necessary to fully carry out the terms and
conditions of this Agreement.

16. ARBITRATION.   Except as set forth under Section 2(c) hereof, any
controversy or claim arising out of this Agreement shall be resolved by
arbitration pursuant to this Section 16 and the then current rules and
supervision of the American Arbitration Association ("AAA"); provided, Egghead
may obtain the relief set forth in Section 7 hereof in addition to any
resolution of such claim or controversy by arbitration as provided herein.  The
arbitration shall be held in Spokane before a single arbitrator either mutually
agreed upon by the parties or selected in accordance with AAA Rules.  The
arbitrator shall have no authority to add to, subtract from, or modify any of
the terms of this Agreement.  The arbitrator's decision shall be final and
binding upon the parties and may be entered in any court having jurisdiction.  

17. BINDING AGREEMENT.  This Agreement shall bind and inure to the benefit of
the parties and their respective heirs, personal representatives, marital
communities, related entities, shareholders, officers, directors, employees,
agents, attorneys, successors and assigns, except that Strom may not assign any
of his rights or delegate any of his duties hereunder without the prior written
consent of Egghead.

18. GOVERNING LAW.   This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in
accordance with the laws of the State of Washington without application of the
principles of conflicts of laws, and venue for any proceeding hereunder shall be
in Spokane County, Washington.

19. COUNTERPARTS.  This Agreement may be executed on separate counterparts, any
one of which need not contain signatures of more than one


party, but all of which taken together shall constitute one and the same 

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the date
first above written.

                                  EGGHEAD, INC.

/s/  Terence M. Strom             /s/  George P. Orban
- -------------------------         ------------------------------------
Terence M. Strom                  By:  George P. Orban, Chairman of 
                                        the Board of Directors

                                  D J & J SOFTWARE CORPORATION

                                  /s/  George P. Orban
                                  By:  George P. Orban
                                  Its: Chairman of the Board of Directors


                                 EXHIBIT "A"
                               Terence M. Strom



Hewlett Packard Office Jet FAX                      Egghead #21759

Hewlett Packard Laser Jet 4 Printer                 Egghead #15156

Toshiba Laptop Computer T2155CDS                    Egghead #91664

Samsung Computer Monitor                            H3NF 400003

Toshiba Port Replicator Y2100                       02516473
