LICENSING AND
                             MANUFACTURING AGREEMENT

      This Agreement is entered into this 27th day of April, 1990, by and
between National Semiconductor Corporation, a Delaware corporation with its
principal place of business at 2900 Semiconductor Drive, Santa Clara California
(hereinafter referred to as "NSC") and Waferscale Integration, Inc., a
California corporation with its principal place of business at 47280 Kato Road,
Fremont, California (hereinafter referred to as "WSI"). NSC and/or WSI may be
referred to herein as a PARTY or the PARTIES as the case may require.


      WHEREAS, NSC and WSI independently have designed, developed, manufactured
and marketed integrated circuits in the general field of high performance
programmable VLSI memory products;

      WHEREAS, WSI has designed and developed a family of CMOS EPROM products
designed by WSI as "27CXXXLS";

      WHEREAS, NSC desires access to WSI products and technology in order to
help complement NSC's memory products business;

      WHEREAS, WSI does not now have its own wafer fabrication facility, and
desires to purchase for resale EPROM products manufactured by NSC, and NSC is
willing to manufacture and sell such products to WSI;

      WHEREAS, WSI and NSC desire that NSC make an equity investment in WSI; and

      WHEREAS, WSI and NSC desire to work jointly on the development of future
EPROM products;

      NOW, THEREFORE, in furtherance of the foregoing premises and in
consideration of the mutual covenants and obligations set forth hereinbelow, the
Parties hereby agree as follows:


      1.1   The PARTIES intend that the recitals and appendices to this
            Agreement are to be an integral part thereof.


      2.1   "SUBSIDIARY": any company or other entity more than fifty (50%)
            percent of whose outstanding stock entitled to vote for the election
            of directors is owned or

            controlled, directly or indirectly, by a PARTY hereto. A company or
            other entity continues to be a SUBSIDIARY only so long as such
            control exists.

      2.2   "CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION": all proprietary information relating to
            the subject matter of this Agreement disclosed by one of the PARTIES
            to the other PARTY in written and/or graphic or computer data base
            form originally designated in writing by the disclosing PARTY as
            CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION or by words of similar import, or, if
            disclosed orally, summarized and confirmed in writing by the
            disclosing PARTY within thirty (30) days after oral disclosure that
            the orally disclosed information is CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION. In
            addition, information previously disclosed by one PARTY to the other
            and covered by the terms of the Confidential Disclosure Agreement
            dated August 28, 1989 (the "August Agreement") shall be CONFIDENTIAL
            INFORMATION governed by this Agreement, which shall supersede the
            August Agreement.

      2.3   "LICENSED PRODUCTS": any of the following with respect to which
            TECHNICAL INFORMATION has been transferred by one PARTY to the other
            PARTY under the terms of this agreement:

            (i)   those products specified in Appendix A,

            (ii)  UPDATES to such products, and

            (iii) NEW VERSIONS of such products.

      2.4   "UPDATES": modifications (excluding NEW VERSIONS) made to LICENSED
            PRODUCTS for the purpose of either: (i) making LICENSED PRODUCTS
            conform to published specifications therefor, (ii) yield improvement
            or increased industrial productivity, including reductions in
            manufacturing or test time, or (iii) performance enhancements, and
            which require changes to the TECHNICAL INFORMATION previously
            transferred hereunder with respect to such products.

      2.5   "NEW VERSIONS": EPROM products resulting from major modifications or
            alterations by WSI to the cell architecture of the LICENSED

      2.6   "COOPERATIVE PRODUCTS": those EPROM products designed by NSC
            resulting from the technical cooperation described in Section 9.0

      2.7   "TECHNICAL INFORMATION": the information with respect to a LICENSED
            PRODUCT which one PARTY delivers to the other PARTY, as specified on
            Appendix B or as otherwise specified herein, under the terms of this

      2.8   "TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE": the engineering and design consultation, and
            related assistance, to be provided by a PARTY delivering TECHNICAL

            INFORMATION hereunder, with times, places and personnel as set forth
            in this Agreement or otherwise agreed upon by the PARTIES.

      2.9   "NET SALES": the total invoiced price of products sold or otherwise
            disposed of by a PARTY in normal, arm's length, commercial
            transactions between parties which are not in affiliation, less
            shipping costs, taxes, and discounts actually paid or allowed, but
            not fees or commissions to agents, representatives or others. If a
            product is sold or otherwise disposed of otherwise than in normal,
            arm's length, commercial transactions between parties which are not
            in affiliation, "NET SALES" shall mean the amount that would have
            been calculated according to the immediately preceding sentence for
            the same quantities of similar or substantially similar products
            sold in normal, arm's length, commercial transactions to the PARTY's
            domestic OEM customers, or, if there be no similar or substantially
            similar products so sold, then the fair market value thereof. A
            product shall be deemed "sold" for purposes of this definition when
            billed out, delivered, shipped or mailed to a customer, or when
            first used or first set aside for future use by a PARTY or its
            SUBSIDIARY, whichever shall first occur. A product disposed of as
            scrap shall not be considered as product manufactured under this
            Agreement. "NET SALES" shall not include any sales of products by
            one PARTY to the other PARTY or such other PARTY SUBSIDIARIES.

      2.10  "EPROM": a semiconductor memory device which is capable of being
            programmed after manufacture by the application of specified
            voltages and/or codes to the device pins, which is capable of
            retaining the programmed information indefinitely, and which is
            capable of being erased by ultraviolet radiation if assembled in a
            package having a quartz window.

      2.11  "EPROM PROCESS": the CMOS process to be used by NSC in production of
            the LICENSED PRODUCTS, which process was developed at NSC's Salt
            Lake City plant incorporating the overlapping gate, self-aligned
            implant and tungsten silicide polysilicon wordlines required to
            realize virtual ground EPROMS.

      2.12  "ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA": has the meaning set forth in Appendix G.

      2.13  "QUALIFICATION": has the meaning set forth in Appendix H.

      2.14  "NSC": National Semiconductor Corporation and its SUBSIDIARIES.

      2.15  "WSI": Waferscale Integration, Inc. and its SUBSIDIARIES.


      3.1   WSI hereby grants to NSC under WSI patents, copyrights, mask work
            rights, necessary to manufacture the LICENSED PRODUCTS, and
            TECHNICAL INFORMATION, a worldwide, non-exclusive license, without
            the right to grant

            sublicenses, to: (i) make, have made and use semiconductor
            processes, including the EPROM PROCESS, and (ii) make, have made,
            use, sell, have sold, and otherwise dispose of semiconductor
            products, including the LICENSED PRODUCTS; provided, however that
            NSC shall not have the right to make, have made, use, sell, have
            sold or otherwise dispose of any products designed or developed by
            WSI other than LICENSED PRODUCTS, except for the account of WSI in
            accordance with the terms of this Agreement; and, provided further,
            that NSC shall not have the right to make, have made, use, sell,
            have sold or otherwise dispose of LICENSED PRODUCTS as die, wafers
            or packaged units for purposes of resale by any third party as
            semiconductor products under any third party's own brand label.

      3.2   WSI hereby grants to NSC under WSI copyrights, a paid-up worldwide,
            non-exclusive license, without the right to grant sublicenses, to
            modify, reproduce and distribute all or part of the copyrighted
            materials relating to the LICENSED PRODUCTS hereunder that are made
            available to the general public.

      3.3   WSI hereby grants to NSC licenses under all necessary rights to
            WSI's proprietary packaging and tooling, including lead frames,
            custom packaging and other items specifically required for
            manufacturing LICENSED PRODUCTS.

      3.4   NSC hereby grants to WSI under NSC TECHNICAL INFORMATION, a
            worldwide, non-exclusive, license, without the right to grant
            sublicenses, to make, have made, use, sell, have sold and otherwise
            dispose of semiconductor products, including the LICENSED PRODUCTS;
            provided, however, that in exercising the "have made" rights granted
            hereunder, the following shall apply:

            3.4.1 WSI shall be free to use any third-party foundry so long as
                  WSI provides to such foundry no process information beyond the
                  required electrical and physical targets.

            3.4.2 If WSI desires to provide such foundry additional process
                  information, WSI shall advise NSC of the identity of the
                  proposed foundry prior to the transfer of any NSC TECHNICAL
                  INFORMATION, and NSC shall have the right to prohibit the
                  transfer of such information if NSC can demonstrate to the
                  reasonable satisfaction of WSI that the proposed foundry
                  presents a high risk of misuse of the information to be

            3.4.3 Disclosure by WSI to any third-party of NSC TECHNICAL
                  INFORMATION shall be made only under terms and provisions
                  which protect the confidentiality of the disclosed information
                  upon the terms, and for a period which is not less than that,
                  contained in this Agreement.

            3.4.4 It is understood and agreed that, except as provided in
                  Section 7.18, NSC shall have no obligation to provide
                  technical assistance or consultation to

                  WSI in bringing up is own manufacturing facility or qualifying
                  a third-party foundry.


      4.1   As soon as practicable after the signing of this Agreement (but in
            no event later than the delivery due dates set forth beside each
            LICENSED PRODUCT on Appendix A), WSI will deliver to NSC the
            TECHNICAL INFORMATION specified in Appendix B with respect to the
            LICENSED PRODUCTS listed on Appendix A.

      4.2   On a continuing basis during the term of this Agreement, each PARTY
            shall promptly, but in any event within 60 days from creation,
            deliver to the other PARTY any revised or updated information
            corresponding to previously transferred TECHNICAL INFORMATION, as
            well as the TECHNICAL INFORMATION specified on Appendix B for all
            UPDATES and NEW VERSIONS.

      4.3   WSI agrees to provide to NSC, with respect to the LICENSED PRODUCTS
            listed on Appendix A, the TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE specified in Appendix
            C. Such TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE shall be provided at NSC facilities and
            shall be limited to a maximum of twelve (12) months. The level of
            such TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE shall be mutually agreed by the PARTIES to
            promote the prompt QUALIFICATION of manufacturing at NSC's facility,
            but WSI shall not be obligated to provide more than four WSI
            engineers at NSC's site during the first six months of this
            Agreement, or more than three WSI engineers thereafter.

      4.4   During the period prior to QUALIFICATION of WSI shall have access to
            such wafers, processed dice and packaged units as shall be required
            for engineering work in support of the QUALIFICATION .

      4.5   WSI will have the right, upon written request and subject to the
            reasonable approval of NSC as to the specific periods of attendance,
            to send WSI personnel, military compliance authorities and
            representatives from WSI customers to NSC's facilities to inspect
            such facilities and consult with appropriate NSC personnel regarding
            NSC's manufacturing processes, equipment and process modules
            applicable to the EPROM PROCESS. All such visitors shall be required
            to observe such restrictions as are imposed by NSC on its own
            customers during similar inspections.

      4.6   With respect to changes made by NSC tot he EPROM PROCESS, NSC shall
            provide to WSI information concerning the change at the time and on
            the same basis that NSC provides such information to its
            most-favored OEM customers.


      5.1   In consideration for the licenses granted by WSI to NSC under
            Sections 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3, NSC shall pay to WSI the following:

            (i)   A license fee of One Million Dollars ($1,000,000). Five
                  Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000) of this fee has been paid
                  to WSI prior to the date of this Agreement, and Five Hundred
                  Thousand Dollars ($500,000) is payable upon the signature

            (ii)  A product transfer fee of Seventy-Five Thousand Dollars
                  ($75,000) for each LICENSED PRODUCT, one half payable upon
                  transfer of the data base and one half payable upon
                  QUALIFICATION of the LICENSED PRODUCT by NSC.

            (iii) A royalty of 4% of the NET SALES BY NSC of LICENSED PRODUCTS
                  until such NET SALES have reached One Hundred Million Dollars
                  ($100,000,000), a royalty of 2% of the NET SALES by NSC of
                  LICENSED PRODUCTS on the second One Hundred Million Dollars
                  ($100,000,000), and 1.5% of the NET SALES by NSC of LICENSED
                  PRODUCTS thereafter.

      5.2   In consideration for the provision by WSI of TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE,
            NSC shall pay a technical support fee of One Hundred Thousand
            Dollars ($100,000) per month for the period during which WSI is
            providing TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE specified in Section 4.3, which
            payments are not to exceed in total One Million Two Hundred Thousand
            Dollars ($1,200,000).

      5.3   In consideration for the license granted by NSC to WSI under Section
            3.4, WSI shall devote reasonable technical resources during the term
            of this Agreement to the development of a 16 Meg EPROM and related
            process improvements. In the event WSI desires to cease its
            development effort on a 16 Meg EPROM, it shall so notify NSC and WSI
            shall thereafter, through the term of this Agreement and any
            extension thereof, pay to NSC a royalty of 1% of the NET SALES by
            WSI of products manufactured by NSC on the EPROM PROCESS or
            manufactured for WSI by a third-party foundry pursuant to the
            license granted to WSI under Section 3.4 of this Agreement.

      5.4   All royalty payments required hereunder shall be made quarterly in
            arrears, within sixty (60) days of the end of each of paying PARTY's
            fiscal quarters and shall be accompanied by a report setting forth
            the NET SALES of LICENSED PRODUCTS and the manner in which the
            amount of the royalty payment was calculated. Each PARTY shall have
            the right, in confidence and upon reasonable notice, to have a
            mutually acceptable third party accounting firm inspect the other
            PARTY's books and records to determine compliance with this Section

      5.5   Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, each PARTY shall pay
            all of its own expenses incurred in order to perform its obligations
            under this Agreement.


      6.1   In further consideration for the licenses granted by WSI to NSC
            under Sections 3.1, and 3.2 and 3.3, for the transfer by WSI of
            TECHNICAL INFORMATION, and for the provision by WSI of TECHNICAL
            ASSISTANCE, NSC shall make a Nine Million Dollar ($9,000,000) equity
            investment in WSI in substantially equal installments at three
            closings under the terms and conditions set forth in the Stock
            Purchase Agreement attached hereto as Appendix D, which is being
            entered into by the PARTIES simultaneously with this Agreement.

            Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, this
            Agreement shall not be effective for any purpose unless and until
            the First Closing under the Stock Purchase Agreement (as defined
            therein) has occurred.


      7.1   NSC agrees to supply to WSI LICENSED PRODUCTS in the form of
            finished products or as dice in wafer form, and to supply other
            products manufactured on the EPROM PROCESS in parametrically
            tested-wafer form, subject to the terms and conditions set forth in
            this Section 7.0, which shall control over any other terms and
            conditions in conflict therewith set forth in any other document.

      7.2   For LICENSED PRODUCTS, NSC agrees to supply finished products in
            packaged and tested form to WSI beginning not more than thirteen
            (13) weeks after QUALIFICATION of the relevant LICENSED PRODUCT
            (subject to the possible ramp-up constraints described in Section
            7.4). Such products shall be marked with the WSI logo and such other
            markings as agreed by the PARTIES. Alternatively, upon the request
            of WSI, NSC will supply LICENSED PRODUCT as dice in wafer form
            beginning not more than nine (9) weeks after QUALIFICATION of the
            relevant product. For LICENSED PRODUCTS, NSC shall provide and pay
            for (i) development wafer processing needed for QUALIFICATION of
            such products, with quantities determined by agreement of the
            PARTIES, (ii) mask tooling for LICENSED PRODUCTS, (iii) scribeline
            test chip tooling costs, and (iv) other production costs associated

      7.3   For WSI products which are not licensed to NSC, NSC shall supply
            product to WSI in the form of parametrically tested wafers only, and
            only on the condition that the products can be manufactured on the
            EPROM PROCESS, and provided further that WSI pays the costs of all
            masks and tooling for such products. NSC shall be liable for no
            engineering costs on non-LICENSED PRODUCTS beyond those required to
            meet the parametric acceptance criteria.

            The quantity of such non-LICENSED PRODUCTS shall not exceed sixty
            (60%) percent of the total wafers manufactured by NSC for WSI during
            any calendar quarter.

      7.4   Pursuant to Sections 7.2 and 7.3, NSC shall supply such quantities
            as are ordered by WSI up to the monthly volumes set forth in the
            following schedule:

            Quarter 1:          1500 wafer outs per month
            Quarter 2:          2500 wafer outs per month
            Quarter 3:          3000 wafer outs per month
            Quarter 4:          3300 wafer outs per month
            Quarter 5:          3600 wafer outs per month
            Quarter 6:          4000 wafer outs per month
            Quarter 7:          4400 wafer outs per month
            Thereafter:         4500 wafer outs per month

            The capacity defined for "Quarter 1" in this Section 7.4 will be
            available for shipments to WSI starting thirteen (13) weeks after
            NSC has completed QUALIFICATION of the 27C010LS. However, as a
            result of "learning-curve" constraints in new assembly and test
            flows, both PARTIES recognize that the finished goods manufacturing
            cycle time for LICENSED PRODUCTS immediately after QUALIFICATION of
            a LICENSED PRODUCT may be longer than the thirteen (13) weeks
            contemplated by this Section 7.0. Both PARTIES agree to use their
            best efforts to assist improvement of such longer cycle times as
            quickly as possible.

      7.5   In consideration for NSC making available to WSI the wafer capacity
            set forth in Section 7.4, WSI guarantees to purchase the following
            minimum quantities:

            Quarter 1:           100 wafer outs per month
            Quarter 2:           150 wafer outs per month
            Quarter 3:           250 wafer outs per month
            Quarter 4:           500 wafer outs per month
            Quarter 5:          1000 wafer outs per month
            Quarter 6:          1000 wafer outs per month
            Quarter 7:          1500 wafer outs per month
            Thereafter:         1500 wafer outs per month

            These minimum guarantees shall be subject to annual renegotiation
            (but in no event to less than 500 wafer outs per month) provided,
            however, that the available capacity committed by NSC in Section 7.4
            shall be correspondingly adjusted to an amount equal to three times
            (3x) the minimum guaranteed amount. Notwithstanding these minimum
            guarantees, WSI shall have the option to terminate the foundry
            provisions of this Section 7.0 in accordance with the notice
            requirements of Section 7.16.

      7.6   The prices to be paid by WSI for LICENSED PRODUCTS shall be
            determined according to the schedules and formulae set forth in
            Appendix E.

      7.7   For non-LICENSED PRODUCTS, NSC shall initially be obligated to
            deliver only parametrically tested wafers, processed to NSC
            commercial production standards. Thereafter, the wafers shipped to
            WSI for non-LICENSED PRODUCTS shall be subject to the ACCEPTANCE
            CRITERIA set forth in Appendix G. The prices to be charged for such
            wafers will be based on WSI's total equivalent wafer consumption,
            with the price during any month determined by averaging the wafer
            production value of LICENSED PRODUCTS and other products sold to
            WSI, according to the following schedule:

            (i)       First 500 Wafers per month         -         $675 each
            (ii)      Wafers 501-1000 per month          -         $625 each
            (iii)     Wafers 1001-2000 per month         -         $590 each
            (iv)      Wafers 2001-3000 per month         -         $550 each
            (v)       Wafers 3001 and up per month       -         $510 each

            For non-LICENSED PRODUCTS, NSC shall not be obligated to start any
            production lots containing fewer than 48 wafers. Further, NSC shall
            not be obliged to carry more than eight (8) different non-LICENSED
            PRODUCTS in work-in-process ("WIP") at any one time, provided,
            however, that this limitation is based on the assumption that wafer
            fabrication cycle time is between 9 and 13 weeks, and if that cycle
            time is consistently exceeded the PARTIES shall negotiate a
            modification of this eight product limit.

            Since all non-LICENSED PRODUCTS are custom with respect to WSI, once
            wafers have started, WSI will be obligated to accept and pay for
            completed wafers or NSC stated WIP costs.

      7.8   Special wafer fabrication charges:

            (i)   wafers produced to 883C standard shall be subject to a
                  surcharge of $120 per wafer. 883C wafers will be limited to a
                  maximum of five (5%) percent of the total wafers manufactured
                  for WSI.

            (ii)  Quick turnaround lots, which are run in approximately 2.5
                  times theoretical cycle time, shall be limited to 24 wafers.
                  The availability of quick turnaround lot starts is subject to
                  allocation among all users in the line, and they shall be
                  billed at two times the wafer price prevailing at the time the
                  wafers are started.

      7.9   NSC shall have the option of subcontracting to third parties the
            wafers manufactured for WSI hereunder, provided that said
            subcontracted wafers satisfy the WSI ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA specified
            in Appendix G.

      7.10  WSI shall utilize purchase orders as the mechanism for short term
            forecasting. Each month, WSI shall place a purchase order for its
            best estimate of its requirements, by product type, for the sixth
            month hence. All purchase orders with delivery dates of less than
            three months are firm, and may not be altered.

      7.11  Purchase orders outside the three month window may be changed
            according to the following schedule:

            Delivery date                      Aggregate Change

            Beyond three months                +/- 20%
            Beyond four moths                  +/- 40%
            Beyond five months                 +/- 60%

            Because different product types may be included, the aggregate
            changes shall be evaluated on the basis of wafer starts to serve WSI
            needs within any given month.

      7.12  WSI will assist NSC in all long term planning, providing long term
            forecasts of expected requirements for finished goods, dice and
            wafers. These forecasts will be required in March and September of
            each year, supporting NSC's capacity forecasting cycles.

      7.13  In the event of a shortfall in wafer capacity for the EPROM PROCESS,
            NSC shall support the WSI guarantees according to Paragraph 7.5
            above. Additional capacity shall be allocated in the following

            (i)   NSC shall use capacity up to the guarantees defined for WSI in
                  Paragraph 7.5.

            (ii)  Remaining capacity will be allocated in proportion to the hard
                  backlog (described in equivalent wafers) of the PARTIES.

            Capacity allocations shall be defined in wafers, and each PARTY will
            have the freedom, within the constraints of timing for wafer starts,
            to define which products shall be manufactured with their available

      7.14  In the event of a shortfall in NSC's final test capacity for EPROMS,
            NSC shall have the option of subcontracting final test or of
            shipping packaged but untested units to WSI at a cost determined in
            accordance with Appendix E. NSC shall advise WSI of such untested
            shipments no less than four (4) weeks prior to the date that product
            will be sealed by NSC.

      7.15  All shipments to WSI of finished products and wafers shall be
            governed by NSC's standard terms and conditions of sale, except as
            modified herein. A copy of such terms and conditions is attached
            hereto as Appendix F, and in the event of any conflict between such
            terms and this Agreement, this Agreement shall control. Payment
            shall be made by WSI within thirty (30) days of the date of NSC's
            invoice. In the event of non-payment or delayed payment by WSI, NSC
            shall have the right to suspend performance hereunder, place WSI on
            "credit hold" or take other appropriate actions immediately
            notwithstanding the 60-day cure period provided in Section 12.2 for
            other breaches of this Agreement.

      7.16  If WSI desires to stop purchasing wafers or finished product from
            NSC, the following ramp-down schedule shall apply:

                                               Percentage of Outs For
            Months After Notice                Month Notice is Given
            -------------------                ---------------------
            Fourth                                       80%
            Fifth                                        60%
            Sixth                                        40%
            Seventh                                      20%
            Eighth                                        0%

      7.17  NSC shall have the right to cease production of finished products or
            wafers for WSI at any time prior to the termination of this
            Agreement on the following conditions:

            7.17.1 NSC must give WSI not less than eighteen (18) months written
                   notice of its intention to cease such production.

            7.17.2 NSC shall not be entitled to issue such notice until twelve
                   (12) months after NSC first delivers finished product or
                   wafers to WSI pursuant to this Section 7.0.

            7.17.3 Upon its receipt of notice from NSC under Section 7.17.1, WSI
                   shall be required to confirm, not later than twelve (12)
                   months after receipt of notice, the total "lifetime buy"
                   quantity of wafers and finished products it intends to
                   purchase from NSC prior to NSC's cessation of production. WSI
                   confirmation of this "lifetime buy" quantity shall be
                   accompanied by a firm purchase order for the full amount. The
                   "lifetime buy" quantity ordered by WSI shall be limited to
                   not more than three (3) times the maximum quantity that could
                   otherwise be ordered by WSI during the notice period.

      7.18  In the event WSI terminates this Agreement pursuant to Section 12.2
            or NSC ceases production for WSI pursuant to Section 7.17, WSI shall
            have the right to disclose NSC TECHNICAL INFORMATION delivered to
            WSI hereunder to one or more third parties for the sole purpose of
            having such third parties provide WSI with

            design, layout, foundry, assembly and testing services relating to
            semiconductor products, provided that such disclosures are made
            under terms and provisions which protect the confidentiality of the
            disclosed information upon the terms, and for a period which is not
            less that, contained in this Agreement. WSI shall also have rights
            to the tooling used by NSC in the manufacture of product of WSI, and
            NSC shall provide WSI reasonable technical assistance and
            consultation to assist such foundry in qualifying its process for


      8.1   Within fifteen (15) days after signature of this Agreement, the
            PARTIES shall appoint a Program Management Committee of no more than
            six persons, comprised of three representatives from each PARTY, at
            least one of which shall be an engineer qualified in technical
            matters related to the LICENSED PRODUCTS. Each PARTY shall designate
            one of its representatives to this Committee as Program Manager,
            whose primary responsibility shall be to act as a focal point for
            technical and commercial discussions between the PARTIES related to
            the subject mater of this Agreement.

      8.2   The Program Management Committee shall meet not less than once a
            month for the initial six months of this Agreement, and not less
            than quarterly thereafter. Meetings shall be held alternately at
            WSI's site in Fremont and NSC's site in Santa Clara, unless
            otherwise agreed. The Program Managers of each PARTY shall establish
            the agenda in advance of each meeting.


      9.1   By mutual agreement, the parties may add to the number of LICENSED
            PRODUCTS by adding additional products to Appendix A. In the event
            such additional products are developed solely by WSI, NSC shall pay
            to WSI the product transfer fee specified in Section 5.1(ii) and
            such products shall be subject to the royalty obligations of Section

      9.2   In the event WSI develops a NEW VERSION, it shall transfer to NSC
            the TECHNICAL INFORMATION required under Section 4.2, and the
            following additional terms shall apply:

            9.2.1 If the NEW VERSION does not exceed the performance levels set
                  forth on Appendix I, NSC shall have the option to immediately
                  add the NEW VERSION to Appendix A, in which case the NEW
                  VERSION will be governed by Section 9.1.

            9.2.2 If the NEW VERSION does exceed the performance levels set
                  forth on Appendix I, NSC shall have the right to add the NEW
                  VERSION as an Appendix A LICENSED PRODUCT six (6) months after
                  first silicon on the

                  NEW VERSION is shipped by NSC to WSI, provided that NSC shall
                  have the right to deliver customer samples only until twelve
                  (12) months after shipment of such first silicon to WSI.
                  Notwithstanding the foregoing time restrictions on NSC's
                  ability to ship samples or production units of the NEW
                  VERSION, should NSC demonstrate, to the reasonable
                  satisfaction of WSI, that an EPROM competitor of NSC's has
                  announced, sampled or shipped production units of an EPROM
                  that is competitive in performance to the NEW VERSION, then
                  NSC shall have the right to announce equivalent information
                  and ship equivalent samples or production units.

      9.3   In order to continue expansion of the product family, the PARTIES
            may agree that NSC shall design specified additional EPROMS, all of
            which shall be manufacturable on the EPROM PROCESS, with the
            technical assistance and cooperation of WSI. These COOPERATIVE
            PRODUCTS shall be offered for sale to WSI under the provisions and
            pricing methods of Section 7.0 applicable to LICENSED PRODUCTS at
            the time they are released to production by NSC.

      9.4   COOPERATIVE PRODUCTS shall not be subject to either a product
            transfer fee or a royalty.

      9.5   Notwithstanding assistance from any NSC engineer in designing the
            WSI 27C020LS product, the PARTIES recognize that WSI will own the
            27C020LS and that the 27C020LS will be a LICENSED PRODUCT and not a


      10.1  WSI and NSC desire to work together on the joint development of the
            next generation of EPROM products and processes. The PARTIES
            therefore agree to negotiate in good faith with the goal of entering
            into a mutually satisfactory CO-DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT setting forth
            the terms and conditions of such joint development work as promptly
            as possible after the execution of this Agreement. However, failure
            by the PARTIES to negotiate a CO-DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT will not
            constitute a material breach under this Agreement.

      10.2  WSI has indicated to NSC its interest in acquiring license rights to
            manufacture and sell certain NSC products on terms and conditions
            similar to those set forth in this Agreement. The PARTIES therefore
            agree to negotiate in good faith with the goal of entering into a
            mutually satisfactory LICENSING AGREEMENT under which NSC would
            license WSI to manufacture an and sell up to five mutually-agreed
            NSC products on terms and conditions similar to those of this
            Agreement. However, failure by the PARTIES to negotiate a LICENSING
            AGREEMENT will not constitute a material breach under this


      11.1  Each PARTY acknowledges that the other may, from time to time,
            reveal certain confidential business or technical information which
            will be CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION. Each PARTY agrees that it will not
            use in any way for its own account or the account of any third
            party, not disclose to any third party, except pursuant to this
            Agreement, any such CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION revealed to it by the
            other PARTY. Each PARTY shall take every reasonable precaution to
            protect the confidentiality of the CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION of the
            other PARTY. Each PARTY shall use the same standard of care in
            protecting the CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION of the other PARTY as it
            normally uses in protecting its own trade secrets and proprietary
            information, or a higher standard of care if reasonable under the

      11.2  Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Agreement, no
            information received by a PARTY hereunder shall be CONFIDENTIAL
            INFORMATION if said information is:

            11.2.1 published or otherwise made available to the public other
                   than by a breach of this Agreement,

            11.2.2 furnished to a PARTY by an independent third party without
                   restriction on its dissemination,

            11.2.3 approved for release in writing by the PARTY designating said
                   information as CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION,

            11.2.4 known to or independently developed by the PARTY receiving
                   CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION hereunder without reference to or
                   use of said CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION, or

            11.2.5 disclosed to a third party by the PARTY transferring said
                   information hereunder without restriction on its subsequent
                   disclosure and use by said third party.

      11.3  Disclosure of any CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION by a PARTY hereto shall
            not be precluded if such disclosure is in response to a valid order
            of a court or other government body, provided that the receiving
            PARTY promptly notifies the other PARTY of such order and makes a
            good faith effort to obtain a protective order requiring that the
            CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION so disclosed be kept in confidence and used
            only for the purpose for which such order was issued.

      11.4  Either PARTY may disclose CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION of the other
            PARTY for the sole purpose of exercising the "have made" rights
            granted in Section 3.0 of this Agreement, provided that such
            disclosures are made under terms and

            provisions which protect the confidentiality of the disclosed
            information upon the terms, and for a period which is not less than
            that, contained in this Agreement.


      12.1  Unless otherwise terminated as herein provided, this Agreement shall
            continue in full force and effect for a period of five (5) years
            from the date hereof, and thereafter shall continue on a
            year-to-year basis unless the PARTY wishing to terminate provides
            the other PARTY not less than twelve (12) months written notice of
            its intent not to renew this Agreement.

      12.2  This Agreement may be terminated by either PARTY for material breach
            of this Agreement if such breach has not been cured within sixty
            (60) days after written notification of such breach; provided,
            however, that this Agreement may not be terminated if the breaching
            PARTY has provided within such sixty (60) day period evidence of
            good-faith effort and progress toward curing the breach, in which
            case this agreement may not be terminated unless the breach has not
            been cured within ninety (90) days of written notification of the

      12.3  This Agreement may be terminated by either PARTY with immediate
            effect in the event the other PARTY files for liquidation under
            Chapter 7 of the United States Bankruptcy Code, or a prior Chapter
            11 proceeding in which the other PARTY is the debtor is converted to
            a Chapter 7 proceeding.

      12.4  In the event that a proceeding for corporate reorganization under
            chapter 11 of the United States Bankruptcy Code is filed by or
            against a PARTY, or a Receiver or Trustee is appointed for a PARTY,
            or a PARTY makes an assignment for the benefit of creditors, the
            other PARTY may immediately suspend performance of its obligations
            hereunder (other than royalty obligations in excess of amounts owed
            to such PARTY) until such time as it receives reasonable assurances
            of such PARTY's ability and intent to fully perform such PARTY's
            obligations hereunder. If a condition referred to in this Section
            12.4 continues for more than one (1) year, the other PARTY may at
            its option terminate this Agreement upon written notice to such

      12.5  In the event of termination of this Agreement, other than
            termination under Section 12.2, the licenses and rights to royalties
            granted hereunder shall survive such termination and all other
            rights granted hereunder shall cease (except for rights accruing to
            one PARTY by reason of the other PARTY's performance hereunder prior
            to the effective date of termination).

      12.6  In the event of termination under Section 12.2, the licenses and
            rights to royalties shall continue except as follows:

            (i)   the licenses granted by WSI to NSI shall terminate if the
                  Agreement is terminated by WSI for a material breach by NSC of
                  its obligations under Sections 5.0, 6.0 or 7.17 of this
                  Agreement, and

            (ii)  the obligations of NSC to pay royalties to WSI shall terminate
                  if the Agreement is terminated by NSC for a material breach by
                  WSI of its obligations under Section 4.0

      12.7  Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Agreement, the
            confidentiality provisions of Section 11.0 shall survive any
            termination of this Agreement.



      13.1  All discoveries, improvements and inventions conceived in the
            performance of this Agreement by NSC personnel shall be the sole and
            exclusive property of NSC and NSC shall retain any and all rights to
            file at its sole discretion and patent applications thereon.

      13.2  All discoveries, improvements and inventions conceived in the
            performance of this Agreement by WSI personnel shall be the sole and
            exclusive property of WSI and WSI shall retain any and all rights to
            file at its sole discretion any patent applications thereon.

      13.3  All discoveries, improvements and inventions conceived jointly by
            NSC and WSI personnel in the performance of this Agreement shall be
            jointly owned by NSC and WSI with each PARTY having the undivided
            right to exploit and grant licenses in respect of such inventions
            and any patents arising therefrom without accounting to the other
            PARTY. In the event of a joint invention, the PARTIES shall have the
            responsibility for preparing and filing a patent application on the
            invention in the United States and foreign countries and the PARTIES
            agree that each will bear one-half of the actual out-of-pocket
            expenses associated with obtaining and maintaining such patents. In
            the event one PARTY elects not to seek or maintain patent protection
            for any joint invention in any particular country or not to share
            equally in the expenses thereof with the other PARTY, that other
            PARTY shall have the right to apply for or maintain such patent
            protection at its own expense in such country and shall have full
            control over the prosecution and maintenance thereof, even though
            title to any patent resulting therefrom shall be jointly owned.


      WSI agrees to defend any suit or proceeding brought against NSC if it is
      based on a claim that a LICENSED PRODUCT or other WSI product manufactured
      by NSC under this Agreement constitutes an infringement of any patent,
      trademark, copyright, mask work right, trade secret or other proprietary
      right of a third party, if notified promptly in writing and given full and
      complete authority, information and assistance (at WSI's expense) for the
      defense of same. WSI shall pay all damages and costs, including attorneys'
      fees, therein awarded against NSC, but WSI shall not be responsible for
      any compromise made without its written consent. Notwithstanding anything
      herein to the contrary, however, WSI's total liability under this Section
      14.0 shall not exceed the total amount of license fees and product
      transfer fees paid by NSC to WSI pursuant to Section 5.1


      During the term of this Agreement and for a period of one year thereafter,
      neither PARTY will solicit or induce any employee of the other PARTY who
      is or has been engaged in the transfer of TECHNICAL INFORMATION or in
      rendering TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE to become an employee or consultant of such


      The PARTIES will agree on the content of a press announcement related to
      the relationship contemplated by this Agreement. Except as otherwise
      provided in this Section 16.0, neither PARTY shall publicize or otherwise
      disclose the terms of this Agreement without the prior approval of the
      other PARTY, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. This
      provision shall not affect the right of NSC or WSI to disclose under
      confidentiality and use restrictions, such terms of this Agreement as are
      reasonably necessary to disclose for purposes of providing information of
      the type customarily requested by customers and prospective customers in
      the ordinary course of doing business, and of seeking financing, bank
      credit or the like. Both PARTIES shall remain free to disclose the
      existence of the Agreement, that NSC is a foundry for WSI products, and
      the origin and design authorship of products produced or licensed under
      this Agreement.


      This Agreement and the rights and obligations rising hereunder shall be
      binding upon and inure to the benefits of the PARTIES and to their
      respective successors and assigns, provided that one PARTY shall not
      assign any of its rights or privileges hereunder without the prior written
      consent of the other PARTY. Notwithstanding the above, this Agreement may
      be assigned by either PARTY pursuant to a merger, consolidation or sale of
      all or substantially all of the assets of a PARTY, provided that the
      successor agrees to be bound by the terms of this Agreement; provided,
      however, that the rights granted in Section 7.0 shall not be assignable to
      or assumable by any third party which meets either of the following
      criteria: (i) annual semiconductor sales of more than $1 Billion, or (ii)
      any other company which NSC can demonstrate to the reasonable satisfaction
      of WSI is unlikely to adequately protect CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION or
      observe the license restrictions

      set forth in this Agreement. In the event NSC refuses to consent to
      assignment of the rights granted in Section 7.0 on the basis of (ii)
      above, then NSC shall nevertheless provide WSI the "lifetime buy"
      opportunity on the same basis as provided in Section 7.17, except that the
      notice period of Section 7.17.1 shall be reduced to twelve (12) months and
      the "lifetime buy" quantity in Section 7.17.3 shall be limited to not more
      than two (2) times the maximum quantity that could otherwise be ordered
      during the notice period.

18.0  WAIVER

      No failure or delay on the part of either PARTY in the exercise of any
      power, right or privilege arising hereunder shall operate as a waiver
      thereof, nor shall any single or partial exercise of any such power, right
      or privilege preclude other or further exercise thereof or of any other
      right, power or privilege.


      This Agreement and the Stock Purchase Agreement attached hereto as
      Appendix D constitute the entire agreement and understanding between the
      PARTIES with respect to the subject matter of this Agreement and integrate
      all prior discussions and proposals (whether oral or written) between them
      related to the subject matter hereof. No modification of any of the terms
      of this Agreement shall be valid unless in writing and signed by a duly
      authorized officer of each PARTY.


      If any provision of this Agreement is for any reason found to be
      ineffective, unenforceable or illegal, such condition shall not affect the
      validity of enforceability of any of the remaining portions hereof;
      provided, further, the PARTIES shall negotiate in good faith to replace
      any ineffective, unenforceable or illegal provision with an effective
      replacement as soon as is practical.


      Neither PARTY shall be liable in damages or have the right to terminate
      for any delay or default in performing hereunder where such delay or
      default is caused by conditions beyond the control of the delaying or
      defaulting PARTY, including but not limited to acts of God, government
      restrictions, continuing domestic or international problems such as wars
      or insurrections, strikes, fires, floods, work stoppages and embargoes;
      provided, however, that either PARTY shall have the right to terminate
      this Agreement upon thirty (30) days prior written notice if the delay or
      default of the other PARTY due to any of the above-mentioned causes
      continues for a period of six (6) months.


      This Agreement is being executed simultaneously in two (2) counterparts,
      each of which shall be deemed an original but both of which together
      constitute one and the same instrument.


      Nothing contained herein or done in pursuant of this Agreement shall
      constitute the PARTIES as entering upon a joint venture or partnership, or
      shall constitute either PARTY the agent for the other PARTY for any
      purpose or in any sense whatsoever.


      This Agreement and the performance of the PARTIES hereunder shall be
      construed in accordance with and governed by the laws of the State of


      The headings and sub-headings contained herein are for information
      purposes only and shall have no effect upon the intended purpose or
      interpretation of the provisions of this Agreement.


      Each PARTY hereby represents and warrants to the other PARTY that unless
      prior authorization is obtained or a general license is available from the
      United States Government, such PARTY shall not knowingly:

      (i)   Export or re-export, directly or indirectly, any technical data (as
            defined in Part 379 of the Administration Regulations of the United
            States Department of Commerce) received from the other PARTY
            hereunder, or

      (ii)  Disclose such technical data for use in or export or re-export,
            directly or indirectly, any direct product of such technical data,
            to any destination or country to which the export or re-export or
            release of such technical data or export or re-export of the direct
            products of such technical data is prohibited by the laws or
            regulations of the United States. These assurances are furnished by
            each PARTY in compliance with Part 379 (Technical Data) of the
            export Administration Regulations of the United States Department of

      (iii) Each PARTY hereby further agrees to obtain any necessary export
            license or other documentation prior to exportation of any products
            or technical data acquired from the other PARTY under this
            Agreement. Accordingly, such PARTY shall not sell, export,
            re-export, transfer, divert or otherwise dispose of any such product

            or indirectly to any person, firm or entity, or country of
            countries, prohibited by the laws or regulations of the United
            States. Further, each PARTY shall give notice of the need to comply
            with such laws and regulations of the United States. Further, each
            PARTY shall give notice of the need to comply with such laws and
            regulations to any person, firm or entity which is has reason to
            believe is obtaining any such products from such PARTY with the
            intention of exportation. Each PARTY shall secure, at its own
            expense, such licenses and export and import documents as are
            necessary to resell any product contemplated by this Agreement.


      All notices required or permitted to be given hereunder shall be in
      writing and shall be valid and sufficient if dispatched by registered
      airmail, postage prepaid, in any post office of the country where mailed,
      address as follows.

      If to WSI:

      47280 Kato Road
      Fremont, CA 94538

      Attention:  President

      If to NSC:

      2900 Semiconductor Drive
      P.O. Box 58090
      Santa Clara, CA 95052-8090

      Attention:  General Counsel

      Either PARTY may change its address by a notice given to the other PARTY
      in the manner set forth above. Notices given as herein provided shall be
      considered to have been given seven (7) days after the mailing thereof.

      IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the PARTIES have had this Agreement executed by their
respective authorized officers on the date first written above.


By:    /s/

Date:  April 27, 1990




      If to WSI:

      47280 Kato Road
      Fremont, CA 94538

      Attention:  President

      If to NSC:

      2900 Semiconductor Drive
      P.O. Box 58090
      Santa Clara, CA  95052-8090

      Attention: General Counsel

      Either PARTY may change its address by a notice given to the other PARTY
      in the manner set forth above. Notices given are herein provided shall be
      considered to have been given seven (7) days after the mailing thereof.

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the PARTIES have had this Agreement executed by their
respective authorized officers on the date first written above.





By:    /s/

Date:  April 27, 1990

                                   APPENDIX A

- -----------------                            -----------------

1.   27C256LS                                120 days from Agreement date

2.   27C512LS                                60 days for Agreement date

3.   27C010LS(1)                             Delivered prior to Agreement date

4.   27C020LS(2)                             90 days from Agreement date

5.   27C040LS(3)                             60 days from Agreement date


(1)  Prior to July 1, 1990, NSC shall not ship any devices (other than
     engineering samples) marked and guaranteed for a speed grad faster than 120

(2)  Prior to October 1, 1990, NSC shall not ship any devices (other than
     engineering samples) marked and guaranteed for a speed grade faster than
     120 nsec.

(3)  Prior to October 1, 1990, NSC shall not publicly announce the availability
     of a 4 Meg devices and shall not ship any qualified 4 Meg devices for
     revenue, with the exception of NSC's being permitted to deliver engineering
     samples after July 1, 1990.


                              TECHNICAL INFORMATION

For each licensed product, the following technical information shall be

1.0  General Product Information.

     1.1  Information on the process required to manufacture licensed products.

          Starting Material Specifications

          Process Flow Description

          Final Critical Dimensions

          Critical Dimensions in Database

          Thickness of Conducting and Insulating Layers

          Processing Temperatures for Critical Steps

          Threshold and Breakdown Voltages Required for Licensed Products

          Sheet and Bulk Resistivities of Conducting Layers

     1.2  Parametric Test Structure Information

          Test Structure Database

          Test Device Descriptions and Dimensions

          Process Target Values for Tested Parameters

2.0  General Product Design Information

     2.1  Design Rule Information

          Layout Design Rule Package

          Description of relationship between drawn and final dimensions

          Design rule checking algorithms

     2.2  Electrical Design Information

          Simulation models used for simulating active devices and parasitic

          Current density design rules

3.0  Specific Product Design Information

     3.1  Schematic diagram of LICENSED PRODUCT including device sizes, and
          explanation of all operating modes of device.

     3.2  Simulation netlists.

     3.3  Graphical database of LICENSED PRODUCT, in hierarchical form, in
          mutually agreed, computer readable format. All information required to
          interpret and utilize the database for mask making and circuit

     3.4  LVS netlist corresponding to graphical database.

     3.5  Explanations of all special structures, and their operating modes.

     3.6  Full explanation of test methods and test modes of the LICENSED

     3.7  Characterization data of LICENSED PRODUCTS.

                                   APPENDIX C

                              TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE

1.   Experiences engineering assistance achieving prompt QUALIFICATION of the
     LICENSED PRODUCTS, according to the requirements stated in APPENDIX H.

2.   Consultation to support NSC's understanding of TECHNICAL INFORMATION.

3.   Test support of wafers processed to develop and refine the EPROM PROCESS.

4.   Consultation in support of NSC's development of manufacturing tests.

5.   Consultation in support of NSC's establishment of assembly capability.

6.   Design support of defining the correct sizing for manufacturing mask sets.

7.   Design support in achieving the basic performance requirements defined in

8.   Engineering support in the definition of a production scribe line test

9.   Failure analysis in support of yield enhancement. WSI and NSC share the
     objective of achieving the defect densities and systematic yields necessary
     to realize yields of 400 net dice per wafer on the 27C010LS during the
     twelve months of TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE.

10.  Design and product engineering support achieving the full performance
     potential of the LICENSED PRODUCTS. WSI and NSC share the objective of
     achieving a 90% yield to Bin 1 specifications within the timeframe of
     TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE. Apart from other criteria, the simplest way to
     characterize "Bin 1" is by the following list of address access times:

          27C256LS                            90 nsec

          27C512LS                           100 nsec

          27C010LS                           100 nsec

          27C020LS                           100 nsec

          27C040LS                           120 nsec

11.  Design and product engineering in support of achieving the following
     standards, over and above the basic performance criteria in APPENDIX H.

          Operating Current                  Mean I Subscript(CC) +  4 sigma 
                                             < 60 mA

          Output Noise Sensitivity           No T Subscript(AA) pushout below
                                             V Subscript(CC) = 6.5 V at -55 
                                             degrees C

          Output Loading                     With 130 pf load, achieve specified
                                             speed and avoid data errors

          VIL                                >/= 1.1 V

          Programming Margin                 >/= 7.0 V

These criteria are not required for qualification, but they are requirements
imposed by the most critical customers.

12   Process Baseline

     In the event that it becomes necessary to compare NSC processing to the
     current foundry performance experienced by WSI, WSI will provide the data
     and support necessary to prepare a set of masks for the VG product,
     27C210L. Unless explicitly added to the list of licensed products, the use
     of these masks shall be confined to process development and process
     baseline comparisons. WSI shall support these activities by making
     historical data available and by evaluating the NSC processed wafers.

                                   APPENDIX D

                          WAFERSCALE INTEGRATION, INC.


                         SERIES C AND SERIES D PREFERRED

                            STOCK PURCHASE AGREEMENT


                              as of April 27, 1990

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS



           1.1       Authorization of the Shares...............................1
           1.2       Sale of the Shares........................................1
           1.3       Lower Priced Securities...................................1
           1.4       Share Reserves............................................2

SECTION 2  CLOSING DATES; DELIVERY.............................................2

           2.1       Closing Dates.............................................2
           2.2       Delivery..................................................2


           3.1       Organization and Standing; Restated Articles and By-Laws..3
           3.2       Corporate Power...........................................3
           3.3       Capitalization............................................3
           3.4       Authorization.............................................4
           3.5       Subsidiaries..............................................4
           3.6       Financial Statements; No Material Changes.................4
           3.7       Material Liabilities......................................5
           3.8       Patents, Trademarks, etc..................................5
           3.9       Compliance with Other Instruments.........................5
           3.10      Registration Rights.......................................6
           3.11      Governmental Consent, etc.................................6
           3.12      Offering..................................................6
           3.13      Disclosure................................................6
           3.14      Brokers or Finders........................................6
           3.15      Litigation................................................7

SECTION 4  INVESTMENT REPRESENTATIONS..........................................7

           4.1       Investment................................................7
           4.2       Experience and Information................................7
           4.3       Rule 144..................................................8
           4.4       Restrictions on Transferability...........................8
           4.5       Restrictive Legend........................................8
           4.6       Notice of Proposed Transfers..............................9

SECTION 5  PURCHASER'S CONDITIONS TO CLOSING...................................9

           5.1       Conditions to the Purchaser's Obligations
                     at the First Closing......................................9
           5.2       Conditions to the Purchaser's Obligations
                     at the Second Closing....................................10
           5.3       Conditions to the Purchaser's Obligations
                     at the Third Closing.....................................11

SECTION 6  COMPANY'S CONDITIONS TO CLOSING....................................11

           6.1       Conditions to the Company's Obligations
                     at the First Closing.....................................11
           6.2       Conditions to the Company's Obligations
                     at the Second Closing....................................12
           6.3       Conditions to the Company's Obligations
                     at the Third Closing.....................................13


SECTION 7  AFFIRMATIVE COVENANTS OF THE COMPANY...............................13

           7.1       Information Rights.......................................13
           7.2       Amendment of Information Rights..........................14
           7.3       Assignment of Rights to Information......................14
           7.4       Non-Disclosure...........................................14
           7.5       Right of First Refusal...................................14
           7.6       Amendment and Waiver of Right of First Refusal...........14
           7.7       Termination of Covenants.................................14


           8.1       Standstill...............................................15
           8.2       Definitions..............................................15
           8.3       Termination..............................................15

SECTION 9  REGISTRATION RIGHTS................................................16

           9.1       Registration Rights......................................16
           9.2       Amendment of Registration Rights.........................16

SECTION 10 MISCELLANEOUS......................................................16

           10.1      Governing Law............................................16
           10.2      Survival.................................................16
           10.3      Successors and Assigns...................................16
           10.4      Entire Agreement; Amendment..............................16
           10.5      Notices, etc.............................................16
           10.6      Delays or Omissions......................................17
           10.7      Severability of Agreement................................17
           10.8      Expenses.................................................17
           10.9      Titles and Subtitles.....................................17
           10.10     Counterparts.............................................17
           10.11     Consent to Certain Repurchases...........................17



Exhibit A-1    -         Fourth Restated Articles of Incorporation, as amended

Exhibit A-2    -         Amendment to Fourth Restated Articles of Incorporation

Exhibit B      -         Schedule of Exceptions to Representations and
                         Warranties of the Company

Exhibit C      -         Provisions of Opinion of Ware & Freidenrich, A
                         Professional Corporation

Exhibit D      -         Voting Agreement and Irrevocable Proxy

Exhibit E      -         Current Provisions of Information Rights Referenced
                         from Series D Agreement

Exhibit F      -         Current Provisions of Right of First Refusal and
                         Termination of Covenants Referenced from Series D

Exhibit G      -         Current Provisions of Registration Rights Referenced
                         from Series D Agreement


                          WAFERSCALE INTEGRATION, INC.
                                 47280 Kato Road
                            Fremont, California 94538

                         SERIES C AND SERIES D PREFERRED
                            STOCK PURCHASE AGREEMENT

     This Agreement is made and dated as of April 27, 1990, among WaferScale
Integration, Inc., a California corporation with its principal office located at
47280 Kato Road, Fremont, California 94538 (the "Company"), and National
Semiconductor Corporation, a Delaware corporation with its principal office
located at 2900 Semiconductor Drive, Santa Clara, California 95052 (the

                                    SECTION 1

                      Authorization and Sale of the Shares

[Comment 1]

     1.1 Authorization of the Shares. The Company has or, as of the First
Closing Date (as hereinafter defined) will have authorized the sale and issuance
of 391,781 shares of its Series C Convertible Preferred Stock (the "Series C
Preferred") and 2,291,585 shares of its Series D Convertible Preferred Stock
(the "Series D Preferred") having the rights, restrictions, privileges and
preferences as set forth in the Fourth Restated Articles of WaferScale
Integration, Inc., as amended, attached to this Agreement as Exhibit A-1 as
further amended by the Amendment to Fourth Restated Articles of Waferscale
Integration, Inc. in the form attached as Exhibit A-2 to this Agreement (the
"Amendment to Articles") (together, the "Articles"). Shares of the Company's
preferred stock of any series now existing or hereafter issued shall be
collectively referred to as "Preferred Stock".

     1.2 Sale of the Shares. Subject to the terms and conditions hereof, the
Company will issue and sell to the Purchaser and the Purchaser will purchase
from the Company an aggregate of 391,781 shares of Series C Preferred and
2,291,585 shares of Series D Preferred (the "Shares") at a purchase price of two
dollars and fifty cents ($2.50) per share of Series C Preferred and three
dollars and fifty cents ($3.50) per share of Series D Preferred. The Shares
shall be purchased and sold in three substantially equal installments at three
closings as described below.

     1.3 Lower Priced Securities. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary set
forth in this Agreement, if the Company issues any securities prior to the Third
Closing (other than securities excluded from the definition of "Additional
Shares of Common" under Section 5(d)(i)(4) of the Articles, and the Series C
Preferred contemplated by this Agreement) at a price per share

(determined in accordance with Section 5(d)(v)(1) of the Articles) of less than
$3.35 subject to adjustments for stock splits, reverse stock splits, stock
dividends, reclassifications and the like ("Lower Price"), the Purchaser shall
be entitled to purchase, at a price per share equal to the Lower Price, at any
Closing after such issuance, instead of the Shares to be purchased by the
Purchaser at such Closing, that number of the securities that may be purchased
for the remaining consideration contemplated by Section 2.1(b) and/or Section
2.1(c), as appropriate.

     1.4 Share Reserves. In the event the Company issues securities triggering
the provisions of Section 1.3, the Company shall, prior to such issuance, take
all such actions as are necessary to ensure that the required number of shares
of such securities and Common Stock are properly reserved and available for
issuance to Purchaser under the provisions of Section 1.3.

                                    SECTION 2

                             Closing Dates; Delivery

     2.1 Closing Dates. Each of the closings of the purchase and sale of the
Shares hereunder (collectively the "Closings" and individually a "Closing")
shall be held at the offices of Ware & Freidenrich, 400 Hamilton Avenue, Palo
Alto, California 94301, on the dates as hereinafter provided (collectively the
"Closing Dates"):

          (a) The first Closing for the purchase and sale of 130,594 shares of
Series C Preferred and 763,862 shares of Series D Preferred (the "First
Closing") shall be held on the first business day following the date on which
verbal confirmation is received that the Amendment to Articles has been filed by
the California Secretary of State, or on such other date as the Purchaser and
the Company may agree (the "First Closing Date").

          (b) The second Closing for the purchase and sale of 130,594 shares of
Series C Preferred and 763,862 shares of Series D Preferred (the "Second
Closing") shall be held on a date (the "Second Closing Date") within five (5)
business days after the qualification of the 27COlOLS at the Purchaser's wafer
foundry in accordance with the Licensing and Manufacturing Agreement of even
date herewith between the Purchaser and the Company (the "Licensing Agreement").

          (c) The third Closing for the purchase and sale of 130,593 shares of
Series C Preferred and 763,861 shares of Series D Preferred (the "Third
Closing") shall be held on a date (the "Third Closing Date") within five (5)
business days after the qualification of the 27CO40LS at the Purchaser's wafer
foundry in accordance with the Licensing Agreement.

     2.2 Delivery. Subject to the terms of this Agreement, at each Closing the
Company will deliver to the Purchaser two stock certificates registered in the
Purchaser's name representing the number of shares of Series C Preferred and
Series D Preferred purchased by the Purchaser at


such Closing. At each Closing, the Purchaser will pay the appropriate per share
purchase price multiplied by the number of shares being purchased at such
Closing, by check or wire transfer.

                                    SECTION 3

                 Representations and Warranties of the Company

     Subject only to and except as disclosed by the Company in the Schedule of
Exceptions attached as Exhibit B to this Agreement, the Company hereby
represents and warrants to the Purchaser as follows:

     3.1 Organization and Standing; Restated Articles and By-Laws. The Company
is a corporation duly organized and validly existing under the laws of the State
of California and is in good standing under such laws. The Company has requisite
corporate power to own and operate its properties and assets, and to carry on
its business as presently conducted. The Company is not qualified to do business
in any foreign jurisdiction, and the operation of the Company's business,
including the ownership or leasing of any property or the employment of any
person outside of California, does not presently require such qualification. The
Company has furnished counsel for the Purchaser with copies of its Articles of
Incorporation and Bylaws. Said copies are true, correct and complete and contain
all modifications and amendments through the date of this Agreement. Prior to
the First Closing, the Company shall have properly filed the Amendment to
Articles with the California Secretary of State.

     3.2 Corporate Power. The Company has all requisite legal and corporate
power to enter into this Agreement and will have on the First Closing Date all
requisite legal and corporate power to sell the Shares and to carry out and
perform its obligations under the terms of this Agreement.

     3.3 Capitalization. Immediately prior to the First Closing, the authorized
capital stock of the Company will be 50,000,000 shares of Common Stock (the
"Common Stock"), 5,376,876 shares of which are issued and outstanding as of the
date hereof; and 27,300,000 shares of Preferred Stock, 8,871,250 shares of which
are designated Series A Preferred Stock ("Series A Preferred"), 8,871,250 of
which are issued and outstanding as of the date hereof; 5,441,033 shares of
which are designated Series B Preferred Stock ("Series B Preferred"), 4,270,300
of which are issued and outstanding as of the date hereof; 6,000,000 of which
are designated Series C Preferred, 3,584,218 shares of which are issued and
outstanding as of the date hereof; and 5,300,000 of which are designated Series
D Preferred, 2,124,790 shares of which are issued and outstanding as of the date
hereof, The Series A Preferred, Series B Preferred, Series C Preferred and
Series D Preferred have the respective rights, preferences and privileges which
are set forth in the Articles and are enforceable against the Company. All such
issued and outstanding shares have been duly authorized and validly issued, and
are fully paid and nonassessable. The Company has reserved 391,781 shares of
Series C Preferred and 2,291,585 shares of Series D Preferred for issuance
hereunder; 8,871,250 shares of Common Stock for issuance upon conversion of the


Series A Preferred, 5,441,033 shares of Common Stock for issuance upon
conversion of the Series B Preferred, 6,000,000 shares of Common Stock for
issuance upon conversion of the Series C Preferred, and 5,300,000 shares of
Common Stock for issuance upon conversion of the Series D Preferred; 7,930,675
shares of Common Stock for issuance to employees under its 1984 Incentive Stock
Option Plan (the "Employee Plan") pursuant to which, as of the date hereof,
options to purchase 3,347,265 shares of Common Stock have been granted and are
outstanding and 1,941,653 shares of Common Stock have been issued upon exercise
of options. As of the date hereof, except for (i) options to purchase 3,347,265
shares of common stock under the Employee Plan, (ii) warrants-or agreements to
issue warrants to purchase 781,597 shares of the Company's Series B Preferred
and 119,283 shares of the Company's Series C Preferred, (iii) the conversion
rights and right of first refusal which attach to the outstanding Series A,
Series B, Series C, and Series D Preferred, and (iv) as otherwise set forth on
Exhibit B, there are no outstanding rights, options, warrants, preemptive
rights, conversion rights or agreements for the purchase or acquisition from the
Company of any shares of capital stock, or any other securities.

     3.4 Authorization. All corporate and other action on the part of the
Company, its directors and shareholders necessary for the authorization,
execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement and the consummation of
the transactions contemplated herein, and for the authorization, issuance and
delivery of the Shares and of the Common Stock issuable upon conversion of the
Shares ("Conversion Stock") has been taken or will be taken prior to the First
Closing. This Agreement is a valid and binding obligation of the Company,
enforceable in accordance with its terms, subject to laws of general application
relating to bankruptcy, insolvency and the relief of debtors, and except to the
extent that the enforceability of the indemnification provisions of Section 8.9
of the Series D Preferred Stock Purchase Agreement dated May 21, 1987 (the
"Series D Agreement"), as referenced in Section 9 hereof, may be limited by
applicable law. The Shares are not subject to any preemptive rights or similar
rights created by the Company or, to the best of the Company's knowledge, any
other person or entity; prior to or simultaneous with the First Closing, the
right of first refusal granted to the purchasers of the Company's Series A,
Series B, Series C and Series D Preferred will have been waived as to the
Shares. The Shares, when issued in compliance with the provisions of this
Agreement, will be validly issued, fully paid and nonassessable, and will be
free of any liens or encumbrances; provided, however that the Shares may be
subject to restrictions on transfer under state and/or federal securities laws
as set forth herein. The Conversion Stock has been duly and validly reserved and
is not subject to any preemptive rights, rights of first refusal or similar
rights, and, upon issuance, will be validly issued, fully paid and nonassessable
and free of any liens or encumbrances.

     3.5 Subsidiaries. Except as set forth in Exhibit B, the Company does not
presently own or control, directly or indirectly, any equity interest in any
corporation, association or business entity. The Company is not, directly or
indirectly, a participant in any joint venture or partnership.

     3.6 Financial Statements; No Material Changes.


          (a) The Company has delivered to the Purchaser audited financial
statements for the fiscal year ended December 31, 1989 and unaudited financial
statements for the fiscal quarter ended March 31, 1990 (the "Financial
Statements"). The Financial Statements were prepared in accordance with
generally accepted accounting principles consistently applied throughout the
period indicated (except for the absence of notes thereto for the unaudited
financial statements) and fairly present the financial position of the Company
at the dates thereof and the results of operations of the Company for the
periods covered thereby.

          (b) Since December 31, 1989: (i) the Company has not entered into any
material transaction which was not in the ordinary course of its business; (ii)
there has been no change in the condition (financial or otherwise), business,
property, assets, or liabilities of the Company as shown on the balance sheet at
that date contained in the Financial Statements, other than changes that both
individually and in the aggregate are not materially adverse to such condition,
business, property, assets or liabilities; (iii) the Company has not declared or
paid any dividend or made any distribution on its capital stock, redeemed,
purchased or otherwise acquired any of its capital stock, granted any options or
warrants to purchase shares of its capital stock other than pursuant to the
Employee Plan, or issued any shares of its capital stock; (iv) there has been no
agreement or commitment by the Company to do or perform any of the acts
described in this Section 3.6(b); and (v) to the best knowledge of the Company,
there has been no other event or condition of any character specifically
relating to the Company pertaining to and materially adversely affecting the
condition (financial or otherwise), business, property, assets or liabilities of
the Company.

     3.7 Material Liabilities. The Company has no material liability or
obligation, absolute or contingent, direct or indirect (individually or in the
aggregate), which is not disclosed in the Financial Statements, except
obligations and liabilities incurred after the date of the audited Financial
Statements in the ordinary course of business which are not individually or in
the aggregate material.

     3.8 Patents, Trademarks, etc. The Company owns or controls, is licensed
under or, to the best of its knowledge, can become licensed on reasonable terms
under, all patents, patent applications, trademarks, service marks, trade names,
inventions, trade secrets, franchises, licenses, permits, computer software,
copyrights, processes and other proprietary rights necessary for the operation
of its business as now conducted, with no known infringement of or conflict with
the rights of others. The Company has not received any communication alleging
that the Company has violated or, by conducting its business as now conducted,
would violate or infringe upon any of the patents, licenses, trademarks, service
marks, trade names, copyrights, trade secrets, franchises, permits, computer
software, processes or other proprietary rights of any other person or entity.
To the best of the Company's knowledge, no third party is infringing or
violating any of its patents, licenses, trademarks, service marks, trade names,
copyrights, trade secrets or other proprietary rights.


     3.9 Compliance with Other Instruments. The Company is not in violation of
any term of its Articles or its Bylaws, or, to the best knowledge of the
Company, of any mortgage, deed of trust, indenture, loan contract, agreement,
commitment instrument, judgment, decree, order, statute, obligation, rule or
regulation applicable to it, which violation would materially adversely affect
the condition (financial or otherwise), business, property, assets or
liabilities of the Company. The execution, delivery and performance of and
compliance with this Agreement, and the issuance of the Shares, will not result
in any such violation or be in conflict with or constitute a default under any
such term, or result in the creation of any mortgage, pledge, lien, encumbrance
or charge upon any of the properties or assets of the Company pursuant to any
such term or require any consent or waiver under any such provision (other than
any consents or waivers that have been obtained).

     3.10 Registration Rights. Except as provided for in the Founders'
Registration Rights Agreement, the Series A Preferred Stock Purchase Agreement
dated February 28, 1984, the Series B Preferred Stock Purchase Agreement dated
October 22, 1984 (the "Series B Agreement"), the First Amendment to the Series B
Agreement, dated October 29, 1984, the Second Amendment to the Series B
Agreement dated July 12, 1985, the Series C Preferred Stock Purchase Agreement
dated January 28, 1986, the Written Consent and Waiver of Shareholders of the
Company dated June 30, 1986, the Series D Agreement and this Agreement, the
Company is not under any obligation to register (as defined in Section 8.2 of
the Series D Agreement, referenced in Section 9 below) or to grant registration
rights with respect to any of its presently outstanding securities or any of its
securities which may hereafter be issued.

     3.11 Governmental Consent, etc. No consent, approval, order or
authorization of or registration, qualification, designation, declaration or
filing With any governmental authority on the part of the Company is required in
connection with the valid execution and delivery of this Agreement, or the
offer, sale or issuance of the Shares or the Conversion Stock, or the
consummation of any other transaction contemplated on the Closing hereof, except
(i) the filing of a notice under Section 25102(f) of the California Corporate
Securities Law, which filing will be made within 15 days of the First Closing
Date, (ii) the filing of the Amendment to Articles with the California Secretary
of State, which filing will have been made and be effective at or prior to the
First Closing Date and (iii) the filing with any federal or state securities
authorities any required notices or qualifications.

     3.12 Offering. Subject to the accuracy of the Purchaser's representations
in Section 4 hereof and in response to the inquiries of the Company or its
counsel, the offer, sale and issuance of any Shares and the Conversion Stock in
conformity with the terms of this Agreement constitute transactions exempt from
the registration requirements of Section 5 of the Securities Act of 1933, as
amended, and from the qualification requirements of Section 25110 of the
California Securities Law.

     3.13 Disclosure. No representation, warranty or statement by the Company in
this Agreement or in any statement or certificate furnished or to be furnished
to the Purchaser


pursuant to this Agreement, when taken together, contains, or will contain any
untrue statement of a material fact, or be misleading, or, when taken together,
omits or will omit to state a material fact necessary to make the statements
made herein or therein, in light of the circumstances under which they were
made, not misleading.

     3.14 Brokers or Finders. The Company has not incurred and will not incur,
directly or indirectly, any liability for brokers' or finders' fees, agents'
commissions or other similar charges in connection with this Agreement or any of
the transactions contemplated hereby.

     3.15 Litigation. There are no actions, proceedings or investigations
pending against the Company or its properties (or, to the best of the Company's
knowledge, any basis therefor or threat thereof), which, either in any case or
in the aggregate, might result in any material adverse change in the business of
the Company or any of its properties or assets or in any material impairment of
the right or ability of the Company to carry on its business as now conducted or
as proposed to be conducted, and none which questions the validity of this
Agreement, the right of Company to enter into it, or any action taken or to be
taken in connection herewith. The Company is not a party or subject to, and none
of its assets is bound by, the provisions of any settlement agreement, order,
writ, injunction, judgment or decree of any court or government agency or
instrumentality. There is no action, suit, proceeding or investigation by the
Company currently pending or which the Company intends to initiate.

                                    SECTION 4

                           Investment Representations

     4.1 Investment. This Agreement is made with the Purchaser in reliance upon
the Purchaser's representation to the Company, which by its acceptance hereof
the Purchaser hereby confirms, that the Shares to be received by the Purchaser
will be acquired for investment for the Purchaser's own account, and not with a
view to the sale or distribution of any part thereof, and that the Purchaser has
no present intention of selling, granting participation in, or otherwise
distributing the same. By executing this Agreement, the Purchaser further
represents that the Purchaser does not have any contract, undertaking,
agreement, or arrangement with any person to sell, transfer, or grant
participations to such persons, or to any third person, with respect to any of
the Shares or any Conversion Stock. The Purchaser understands that the Shares
are not, and any Conversion Stock at the time of issuance may not be, registered
under the Securities Act of 1933 (the "Securities Act") because the sale
provided for in this Agreement and the issuance of securities hereunder is
exempt from registration under the Securities Act pursuant to section 4(2)
thereof, and that the Company's reliance on such exemption is predicated on the
Purchaser's representations set forth herein.

     4.2 Experience and Information. The Purchaser represents that it is
experienced in evaluating high technology companies such as the Company, is able
to fend for itself in the transactions contemplated by this Agreement, has such
knowledge and experience in financial and 


business matters as to be capable of evaluating the merits and risks of its
investment, and has the ability to bear the economic risks of its investment.
The Purchaser further represents that it has carefully reviewed the Financial
Statements and this Agreement, including all exhibits and appendices thereto and
hereto, and that it has had, during the course of the transaction and prior to
its purchase of its Shares, the opportunity to ask questions of ' and receive
answers from, the Company through its officers and key employees concerning the
terms and conditions of the offering and to obtain additional information (to
the extent the Company possessed such information or could acquire it without
unreasonable effort or expense) necessary to verify the accuracy of any
information furnished to it or to which it had access. Notwithstanding the
foregoing, any such investigation by Purchaser shall not affect Purchaser's
right to rely on the representations and warranties made by the Company in
Section 3 of this Agreement.

     4.3 Rule 144. The Purchaser understands that the Shares (and any Conversion
Stock) may not be sold, transferred, or otherwise disposed of without
registration under the Securities Act or an exemption therefrom, and that in the
absence of an effective registration statement covering the Shares (or the
Conversion Stock) or an available exemption from registration under the
Securities Act, the Shares (and any Conversion Stock) must be held indefinitely.
In particular, the Purchaser is aware that the Shares (and any Conversion Stock)
may not be sold pursuant to Rule 144 promulgated under the Securities Act unless
a.11 of the conditions of that Rule are met. Among the conditions for use of
Rule 144 is the availability of current information to the public about the
Company, unless the shares have been held for three years (Rule 144(k)). Such
information is not now available and the Company has no present plans to make
such information available. The Purchaser represents that, in the absence of an
effective registration statement covering the Shares (or any Conversion Stock),
the Purchaser will sell, transfer, or otherwise dispose of the Shares (or any
Conversion Stock) only in a manner consistent with the Purchaser's
representations set forth herein and then only in accordance with the provisions
of Section 4 hereof.

     4.4 Restrictions on Transferability. The Shares shall not be transferable
except upon the conditions specified in this Section 4, which conditions are
intended to insure compliance with the provisions of the Securities Act of 1933.
The Purchaser will cause any proposed transferee of the Shares held by the
Purchaser to agree to take and hold such securities subject to the provisions
and upon the conditions specified in this Section 4.

     4.5 Restrictive Legend. Each certificate representing the Shares, (ii) the
Conversion Stock and (iii) any other securities issued in respect of the Shares
or the Conversion Stock upon any stock split, stock dividend, recapitalization,
merger, consolidation or similar event, shall (unless otherwise permitted by the
provisions of Section 4.6 below) be stamped or otherwise imprinted with a legend
in the following form (in addition to any legend required under applicable state
securities laws):




Certificates representing securities that bear the legend above are referred to
below as "Restricted Securities".

     4.6 Notice of Proposed Transfers.

          (a) Prior to any proposed transfer of any Restricted Securities (other
than under circumstances described in Section 9 hereof), the Purchaser shall
give written notice to the Company of the Purchaser's intention to effect such
transfer, describing the manner and circumstances of the proposed transfer in
reasonable detail.

          (b) The notice provided for in Section 4.6(a) above shall be
accompanied (except in transactions in compliance with Rule 144) by either (i) a
written opinion of legal counsel (who shall be reasonably satisfactory to the
Company) addressed to the Company and reasonably satisfactory in form and
substance to the Company's counsel, to the effect that the proposed transfer of
the Restricted Securities may be effected without registration under the
Securities Act, or (ii) a "no action" letter from the Commission to the effect
that the distribution of such securities without registration will not result in
a recommendation by the staff of the Commission that action be taken with
respect thereto, whereupon the Purchaser shall be entitled to transfer such
Restricted Securities in accordance with the terms of the notice delivered by
the Purchaser to the Company. Each certificate evidencing the Restricted
Securities transferred as above provided shall bear the appropriate restrictive
legend set forth in Section 4.5 above, except that such certificate shall not
bear such restrictive legend if the opinion of counsel referred to above is to
the further effect that such legend is not required in order to establish
compliance with any provisions of the Securities Act.

                                    SECTION 5

                        Purchaser's Conditions to Closing

     5.1 Conditions to the Purchaser's Obligations at the First Closing. The
Purchaser's obligation to purchase Shares at the First Closing is subject to the
fulfillment on or prior to the First Closing Date of the following conditions,
any of which may be waived by the Purchaser:

          (a) The representations and warranties made by the Company in Section
3 hereof, when read together with Exhibit B attached hereto (as revised, if at
all, prior to the 


Closing) shall be true and correct in all material respects when made, and shall
be true and correct in all material respects on the Closing Date with the same
force and effect as if they had been made on and as of said date.

          (b) All covenants, agreements and conditions contained in this
Agreement to be performed or complied with by the Company on or prior to the
First Closing Date shall have been performed or complied with in all material

          (c) At the time of the First Closing, the purchase of the Shares by
the Purchaser hereunder shall be legally permitted by all laws and regulations
to which the Purchaser and the Company are subject.

          (d) The Company shall have delivered to the Purchaser a certificate,
executed by the President of the Company, dated the First Closing Date,
certifying to the fulfillment of the conditions specified in Sections 5.1(a),
(b), (f), (g) and (h) of this Agreement.

          (e) All corporate and other proceedings in connection with the
transactions contemplated hereby and all documents and instruments incident to
such transactions shall be satisfactory in substance and form to the Purchaser
and counsel for the Purchaser, and the Purchaser shall have received all such
counterpart originals or certified or other copies of such documents as it may
reasonably request.

          (f) The Company shall have obtained any and all consents, permits and
waivers and made all filings necessary or appropriate for consummation of the
transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

          (g) The right of first refusal held by each Series A Preferred
Shareholder, each Series B Preferred Shareholder, each Series C Preferred
Shareholder and each Series D Preferred Shareholder shall have been waived with
respect to the issuance and sale of the Shares.

          (h) The Amendment to Articles shall have been filed with the Secretary
of State of the State of California.

          (i) The Purchaser shall have received from Ware & Freidenrich, A
Professional Corporation, counsel to the Company, an Opinion addressed to
Purchaser, dated the First Closing Date, containing the provisions set forth in
Exhibit C hereto.

     5.2 Conditions to the Purchaser's Obligations at the Second Closing. The
Purchaser's obligation to purchase Shares at the Second Closing is subject to
the fulfillment on or prior to the Second Closing Date of the following
condition, which may be waived by the Purchaser:

          (a) The Company's 27COlOLS product shall have been qualified at the
Purchaser's wafer foundry in accordance with the Licensing Agreement.


          (b) At the time of the Second Closing, the purchase of the Shares by
the Purchaser hereunder shall be legally permitted by all laws and regulations
to which the Purchaser and the Company are subject.

          (c) The Company shall have obtained any and all consents, permits and
waivers and made all filings necessary or appropriate for consummation of the
transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

          (d) If required, the Company shall have complied with the provisions
of Section 1.4.

          (e) The Company shall not have become the subject of a petition filed
in the Bankruptcy Court of the United States, whether voluntary or involuntary
(and, in the case of an involuntary petition, such petition shall not have been
withdrawn or discharged within 60 days after the date of filing), a receiver or
trustee shall not have been appointed for all or a substantial portion of the
Company's assets and the Company shall not have made an assignment for the
benefit of its creditors.

     5.3 Conditions to the Purchaser's Obligations at the Third Closing. The
Purchaser's obligation to purchase Shares at the Third Closing is subject to the
fulfillment on or prior to the Third Closing Date of the following condition,
which may be waived by the Purchaser:

          (a) The Company's 27CO40LS product shall have been qualified at the
Purchaser's wafer foundry in accordance with the Licensing Agreement.

          (b) At the time of the Third Closing, the purchase of the Shares by
the Purchaser hereunder shall be legally permitted by all laws and regulations
to which the Purchaser and the Company are subject.

          (c) The Company shall have obtained any and all consents, permits and
waivers and made all filings necessary or appropriate for consummation of the
transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

          (d) If required, the Company shall have complied with the provisions
of Section 1.4.

          (e) The Company shall not have become the subject of a petition filed
in the Bankruptcy Court of the United States, whether voluntary or involuntary
(and, in the case of an involuntary petition, such petition shall not have been
withdrawn or discharged within 60 days after the date of filing), a receiver or
trustee shall not have been appointed for all or a substantial portion of the
Company's assets and the Company shall not have made an assignment for the
benefit of its creditors.


                                    SECTION 6

                         Company's Conditions to Closing

     6.1 Conditions to the Company's Obligations at the First Closing. The
Company's obligation to sell and issue Shares at the First Closing is subject to
the fulfillment to the Company's satisfaction on or prior to the First Closing
Date of the following conditions, any of which may be waived by the Company:

          (a) The representations made by the Purchaser in Section 4 hereof
shall be true and correct in all material respects when made, and shall be true
and correct in all material respects on the First Closing Date with the same
force and effect as if they had been made on and as of said date.

          (b) All covenants, agreements and conditions contained in this
Agreement to be performed or complied with by the Purchaser on or prior to the
First Closing Date shall have been performed or complied with in all material

          (c) At the time of the First Closing the sale of the Shares by the
Company hereunder shall be legally permitted by all laws and regulations to
which the Purchaser and the Company are subject.

          (d) All corporate and other proceedings in connection with the
transactions contemplated hereby and all documents and instruments incident to
such transactions shall be satisfactory in substance and form to the Company and
counsel for the Company, and the Company shall have received all such
counterpart originals or certified or other copies of such documents as it may
reasonably request.

          (e) The Company shall have obtained any and all consents, permits and
waivers and made all filings necessary or appropriate for consummation of the
transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

          (f) The right of first refusal held by each Series A Preferred
Shareholder, each Series B Preferred Shareholder, each Series C Preferred
Shareholder and each Series D Preferred Shareholder shall have been waived with
respect to the issuance and sale of the Shares.

          (g) The Amendment to Articles shall have been filed with the Secretary
of State of the State of California.

          (h) The Company and the Purchaser shall have executed and delivered a
Voting Agreement and Irrevocable Proxy in the form of Exhibit D attached hereto,
and all actions contemplated by the Voting Agreement and Irrevocable Proxy to
have been taken by the Company and the Purchaser before or at the time of the
First Closing shall have been taken.


     6.2 Conditions to the Company's Obligations at the Second Closing. The
Company's obligation to sell and issue Shares at the Second Closing is subject
to the fulfillment to the Company's satisfaction on or prior to the Second
Closing Date of the following condition, which may be waived by the Company:

          (a) The Company's 27COlOLS product shall have been qualified at the
Purchaser's wafer foundry in accordance with the Licensing Agreement.

          (b) At the time of the Second Closing, the purchase of the Shares by
the Purchaser hereunder shall be legally permitted by all laws and regulations
to which the Purchaser and the Company are subject.

          (c) The Company shall have obtained any and all consents, permits and
waivers and made all filings necessary or appropriate for consummation of the
transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

     6.3 Conditions to the Company's Obligations at the Third Closing. The
Company's obligation to sell and issue Shares at the Third Closing is subject to
the fulfillment to the Company's satisfaction on or prior to the Third Closing
Date of the following condition, which may be waived by the Company:

          (a) The Company's 27CO40LS product shall have been qualified at the
Purchaser's wafer foundry in accordance with the Licensing Agreement.

          (b) At the time of the Third Closing, the purchase of the Shares by
the Purchaser hereunder shall be legally permitted by all laws and regulations
to which the Purchaser and the Company are subject.

          (c) The Company shall have obtained any and all consents, permits and
waivers and made all filings necessary or appropriate for consummation of the
transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

                                    SECTION 7

                      Affirmative Covenants of the Company

     The Company (and the Purchaser as to Sections 7.3 and 7.4) hereby covenants
and agrees as follows:

     7.1 Information Rights.


          (a) Except as set forth in Section 7.1(b) below, the Purchaser shall
be accorded the rights and shall receive the information and access to
information provided to holders of Preferred Stock as set forth in Sections 7.1
and 7.2 of the Series D Agreement, as those Sections may be amended from time to
time in accordance with Section 8.16 of the Series D Agreement and Section 7.2
below. A complete copy of the present terms of Sections 7.1 and 7.2 of the
Series D Agreement is attached as Exhibit E to this Agreement.

          (b) The Purchaser shall not have rights to receive (i) the written
reports regarding quarterly and monthly financial statements described in
Sections 7.1(b) and 7.2(a) of the Series D Agreement, or (ii) the annual
operational plan and other information described in Section 7.2(c) of the Series
D Agreement.

     7.2 Amendment of Information Rights. Notwithstanding the provisions of
Section 10.4 of this Agreement, no term of Section 7.1 of this Agreement or of
Sections 7.1 or 7.2 of the Series D Agreement may be amended, waived, discharged
or terminated orally, except by a written instrument signed by the Company and
holders of not less than a majority of the Preferred Equivalents, taken together
as one group. As modified by the next sentence of this Section 7.2, for purposes
of this Agreement the term "Preferred Equivalents" shall have the meaning set
forth in Section 8.11 of the Series D Agreement, as that Section may be amended
from time to time. To the extent outstanding, the Shares and the Conversion
Stock shall be counted among the shares included in the definition of "Preferred
Equivalents". A complete copy of the present terms of Section 8.11 of the Series
D Agreement is included within Exhibit G attached to this Agreement.

     7.3 Assignment of Rights to Information. The rights granted pursuant to
Section 7.1 may not be assigned or otherwise conveyed by the Purchaser without
the written consent of the Company.

     7.4 Non-Disclosure. The Company may require the Purchaser to enter into a
non-disclosure agreement with the Company with respect to any proprietary
information contained in information disclosed pursuant to this Section 7.

     7.5 Right of First Refusal. The Purchaser shall be accorded a right of
first refusal on the terms and conditions provided in Section 7.6 of the Series
D Agreement, as that Section may be amended from time to time in accordance with
Section 7.6 below. For all purposes of Section 7.6 of the Series D Agreement,
the terms "Purchaser" and "Shares" shall include the Purchaser and the Shares. A
complete copy of the present terms of Section 7.6 of the Series D Agreement is
attached as Exhibit F to this Agreement.

     7.6 Amendment and Waiver of Right of First Refusal. Notwithstanding the
provisions of Section 10.4 of this Agreement, no term of Section 7.5 of this
Agreement or of Section 7.6 of the Series D Agreement may be amended, discharged
or terminated orally, except by a written instrument signed by the Company and
holders of not less than a majority of the Preferred 


Equivalents, taken together as one group. To the extent outstanding, the Shares
shall be counted among the Series C Preferred and Series D Preferred for
purposes of Section 7.6(g) of the Series D Agreement.

     7.7 Termination of Covenants. The covenants set forth in this Section 7
shall terminate and be of no further force and effect at the same time and in
the same manner as provided in Section 7.20 of the Series D Agreement, as that
section may be amended from time to time. A complete copy of the present terms
of Section 7.20 of the Series D Agreement is included in Exhibit F attached to
this Agreement.

                                    SECTION 8

                     Affirmative Covenants of the Purchaser

     8.1 Standstill. Except as provided in Section 1.3 hereof, the Purchaser
agrees that it will not, unless the prior written approval of the Company's
Board of Directors has been obtained:

          (a) Acquisition. Directly or indirectly (i) acquire Beneficial
Ownership (as defined in Section 8.1(b) below) of any Voting Securities (as
defined in Section 8.1(b) below), except to the extent any such acquisition
results from a stock dividend, stock split, or other distribution by the Company
to its security holders, or (ii) make a tender, exchange or other offer for
Voting Securities if such acquisition or the acceptance of such offer would
cause the Purchaser's Beneficial Ownership of Voting Securities to represent
more than 10% of the combined voting power of all then outstanding Common Stock
and other securities of the Company having the power to vote generally upon the
election of directors of the Company.

          (b) Participation. At such time and for so long as the Company is
subject to the reporting requirements under Section 13(a) or Section 15(d) of
the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended,

               (i) become a "participant" in a solicitation of proxies, as those
terms are defined in Rule 14a-11 and Rule 14a-1, respectively, of Regulation 14A
under the Exchange Act in respect of any Voting Securities that may be
outstanding at any time during such period;

               (ii) form or join any group for the purpose of voting, purchasing
or disposing of the Company's securities; or

               (iii) deposit any securities of the Company in a voting trust or
subject them to a voting agreement or other arrangement of similar effect.

     8.2 Definitions. The Purchaser will be deemed to have "Beneficial
Ownership" of Voting Securities if the Purchaser or its affiliates, directly or
indirectly, through any contract, arrangement, understanding or relationship,
have or share the power to (i) vote or direct the


voting of such Voting Securities or (ii) dispose of or direct the disposition of
such Voting Securities. "Voting Securities" means Common Stock, any securities
convertible into or exchangeable for Common Stock, any other securities of the
Company having the power to vote generally upon the election of directors of the
Company, or any other rights to acquire the foregoing.

     8.3 Termination. The Purchaser's obligations under this Section 8 shall
terminate on May 1, 2000.

                                    SECTION 9

                               Registration Rights

     9.1 Registration Rights. The Purchaser shall be accorded registration
rights on the terms and conditions provided in Sections 8.2, 8.5, 8.6, 8.7, 8.8,
8.9, 8.10, 8.11, 8.12, 8.13, 8.14, 8.15, and 8.16 of the Series D Agreement, as
those Sections may be amended from time to time in accordance with Section 8.16
of the Series D Agreement and Section 9.2 below. For all purposes of the
sections of the Series D Agreement listed in this Section 9.1, the Shares shall
be counted and included among the Series C Preferred and Series D Preferred. A
complete copy of the present terms of Sections 8.2, 8.5, 8.6, 8.7, 8.8, 8.9,
8.10, 8.11, 8.12, 8.13, 8.14, 8.15, and 8.16 of the Series D Agreement is
attached as Exhibit G to this Agreement.

     9.2 Amendment of Registration Rights. Notwithstanding the provisions of
Section 10.4 of this Agreement, no term of Section 9.1 of this Agreement or of
Sections 8.2, 8.5, 8.6, 8.7, 8.8, 8.9, 8.10, 8.11, 8.12, 8.13, 8.14, 8.15, and
8.16 of the Series D Agreement may be amended, waived, discharged or terminated
orally, except by a written instrument signed by the Company and holders of not
less than a majority of the Preferred Equivalents, taken together as one group.

                                   SECTION 10


     10.1 Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed in all respects by the
laws of the State of California, as applied to contracts entered into in
California between California residents and to be performed entirely within

     10.2 Survival. The representations, warranties, covenants and agreements
made herein shall survive any investigation made by the Purchaser and the
closing of the transactions contemplated hereby.

     10.3 Successors and Assigns. Except as otherwise expressly provided herein,
the provisions hereof shall inure to the benefit of, and be binding upon, the
successors, assigns, heirs, executors and administrators of the parties hereto.


     10.4 Entire Agreement; Amendment. This Agreement and the other documents
attached or delivered pursuant hereto constitute the full and entire
understanding and agreement between the parties with regard to the subjects
hereof and thereof. Subject to Sections 7.2, 7.6 and 9.2 above, neither this
Agreement nor any term hereof may be amended, waived, discharged or terminated
orally, except by a written instrument signed by the Company and the Purchaser.

     10.5 Notices, etc. All notices and other communications required or
permitted hereunder shall be in writing and shall be mailed by first-class mail,
postage prepaid, or otherwise delivered by hand, by messenger or overnight air
freight service, addressed (a) if to the Purchaser, at its address set forth at
the beginning of this Agreement, or at such other address as the Purchaser shall
have furnished to the Company in writing, or (b) if to the Company, at its
address set forth at the beginning of this Agreement, or at such other address
as the Company shall have furnished to the Purchaser in writing.

     10.6 Delays or Omissions. No delay or omission to exercise any right, power
or remedy accruing to the Purchaser upon any breach or default of the Company
under this Agreement, shall impair any such right, power or remedy of the
Purchaser nor shall it be construed to be a waiver of any such breach or
default, or an acquiescence therein, or of or in any similar breach or default
thereafter occurring; nor shall any waiver of any single breach or default be
deemed a waiver of any other breach or default theretofore or thereafter
occurring. Any waiver, permit, consent or approval of any kind or character by
the Purchaser of any breach or default under this Agreement, or any waiver by
the Purchaser of any provisions or conditions of this Agreement, must be made in
writing and shall be effective only to the extent specifically set forth in such
writing. All remedies either under this Agreement, or by law or otherwise
afforded to any holder, shall be cumulative and not alternative.

     10.7 Severability of Agreement. In case any provision of this Agreement
shall be invalid, illegal or unenforceable, it shall, to the extent practicable,
be modified so as to make it valid, legal and enforceable and to retain, as
nearly as practicable, the intent of the parties, the validity, legality and
enforceability of the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall not be in any
way affected or impaired thereby.

     10.8 Expenses. The Company and the Purchaser shall bear their own expenses
and legal fees incurred with respect to this Agreement and the transactions
contemplated hereby.

     10.9 Titles and Subtitles. The titles of the sections and subparagraphs of
this Agreement are for convenience of reference only and are not to be
considered in construing this Agreement.

     10.10 Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in any number of
counterparts, each of which shall be an original, but all of which together
shall constitute one instrument.


     10.11 Consent to Certain Repurchases. As provided in Article IV, Section 8
of the Articles, the Purchaser hereby consents to repurchase by the Company of
Common Stock upon exercise of the Company's repurchase options contained in the
Company's stock purchase agreements with certain of the holders thereof, whether
or not such repurchases would be otherwise prohibited by Section 502, 503 or 506
of the California General Corporation Law.

     IN WITNESS HEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement through their
duly authorized representatives as of the date first above written.

                                   NATIONAL SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION




                                   WAFERSCALE INTEGRATION, INC.

                                        Michael J. Callahan,
                                        President and CEO


                                   APPENDIX E

                          PRICING FOR LICENSED PRODUCTS

The pricing for LICENSED PRODUCTS shall be determined by the following method:

      1.    NSC shall evaluate and record the end to end yield of correctly
            processed lots of the LICENSED PRODUCTS. At any time, the average
            for the most recently completed three manufacturing periods shall be
            available to WSI.

      2.    Based on that average, expressed as "Ships per Start, " the prices
            NSC shall charge WSI for LICENSED PRODUCTS shall be defined by the
            Product Tables included in this APPENDIX E.

      3.    When dice have been ordered to be produced to the standards defined
            by Mil Std 883C, the price per die shall be subject to a 20%

      4.    The Product Tables shall be updated to take account of added
            LICENSED PRODUCTS, and to account for NEW VERSIONS of LICENSED

      5.    The assumptions upon which the Product Tables are based shall be
            understood by the PARTIES, and the PARTIES will revise the Product
            Tables in the event of significant changes in the underlying
            economics. A die shrink leading to a change of more than 10% in
            gross dice per wafer, a significant reduction in wafer cost, and a
            reduction in defect density leading to overall yields better than
            those covered by the following tables are all examples of changes in
            the underlying economics.

      6.    During the first three months of producing any LICENSED PRODUCT, the
            pricing shall be based on the best available forecast of yield,
            expressed as "Ships per Start." This forecast shall take account of
            all history available at a given time.

      7.    When the value of "Ships per Start" fails at a boundary of two
            regions defined in the following Product Tables, the lower of the
            two prices shall apply.


                                   APPENDIX E

                  Product Tables for Pricing Licensed Products

27C256LS             28-pin Ceramic DIP
  1417 Gross Dice per Wafer

     Ships/Start                  Good Die       Pkg Unit       Fin Goods
     -----------                  --------       --------       ---------

1100 > S/S >  968                  $0.56          $1.11          $1.28
 968 > S/S >  852                  $0.63          $1.18          $1.37
 852 > S/S >  750                  $0.70          $1.25          $1.48
 750 > S/S >  660                  $0.78          $1.34          $1.59
 660 > S/S >  581                  $0.87          $1.43          $1.72
 581 > S/S >  512                  $0.97          $1.53          $1.87
 512 > S/S >  450                  $1.09          $1.65          $2.03
 450 > S/S >  396                  $1.21          $1.77          $2.22
 396 > S/S >  349                  $1.35          $1.92          $2.43
 349 > S/S >  307                  $1.51          $2.08          $2.66
 307 > S/S >                       $1.68          $2.26          $2.93

27C5121LS            28-pin Ceramic DIP
  917 Gross Dice per Wafer

     Ships/Start                  Good Die       Pkg Unit       Fin Goods
     -----------                  --------       --------       ---------

 700 > S/S >  616                  $0.88          $1.44          $1.62
 616 > S/S >  542                  $0.98          $1.54          $1.76
 542 > S/S >  477                  $1.10          $1.66          $1.91
 477 > S/S >  420                  $1.23          $1.79          $2.09
 420 > S/S >  370                  $1.37          $1.94          $2.28
 370 > S/S >  326                  $1.53          $2.10          $2.51
 326 > S/S >  287                  $1.71          $2.28          $2.76
 287 > S/S >  252                  $1.90          $2.48          $3.04
 252 > S/S >  222                  $2.12          $2.71          $3.36
 222 > S/S >  195                  $2.37          $2.96          $3.72
 195 > S/S                         $2.65          $3.24          $4.13

                                   APPENDIX E

                  Product Tables for Pricing Licensed Products

27C010LS             32-pin Ceramic DIP
  543 Gross Dice per Wafer

     Ships/Start                  Good Die       Pkg Unit       Fin Goods
     -----------                  --------       --------       ---------

 400 > S/S >  352                  $1.54          $2.19          $2.44
 352 > S/S >  310                  $1.72          $2.37          $2.68
 310 > S/S >  273                  $1.92          $2.58          $2.94
 273 > S/S >  240                  $2.15          $2.81          $3.24
 240 > S/S >  211                  $2.40          $3.06          $3.58
 211 > S/S >  186                  $2.67          $3.35          $3.96
 186 > S/S >  164                  $2.98          $3.66          $4.39
 164 > S/S >  144                  $3.72          $4.41          $5.43
 127 > S/S >  112                  $4.15          $4.85          $6.05
 112 > S/S                         $4.63          $5.34          $6.76

27C020LS             32-pin Ceramic DIP
  347 Gross Dice per Wafer

     Ships/Start                  Good Die       Pkg Unit       Fin Goods
     -----------                  --------       --------       ---------

 250 > S/S >  220                  $2.47          $3.14          $3.42
 220 > S/S >  194                  $2.76          $3.43          $3.78
 194 > S/S >  171                  $3.08          $3.76          $4.20
 171 > S/S >  150                  $3.43          $4.12          $4.67
 150 > S/S >  132                  $3.83          $4.53          $5.20
 132 > S/S >  116                  $4.28          $4.98          $5.80
 116 > S/S >  102                  $4.77          $5.49          $6.48
 102 > S/S >   90                  $5.33          $6.06          $7.25
  90 > S/S >   79                  $5.95          $6.69          $8.12
  79 > S/S >   70                  $6.64          $7.39          $9.11
  70 > S/S                         $7.41          $8.18         $10.24


                                   APPENDIX E

                  Product Tables for Pricing Licensed Products

27C040LS             32-pin Ceramic DIP
  207 Gross Dice per Wafer

     Ships/Start                  Good Die       Pkg Unit       Fin Goods
     -----------                  --------       --------       ---------

 140 > S/S >  123                   $4.41          $5.12          $5.46
 123 > S/S >  108                   $4.92          $5.64          $6.10
 108 > S/S >   95                   $5.49          $6.22          $6.83
  95 > S/S >   84                   $6.13          $6.87          $7.66
  84 > S/S >   74                   $6.84          $7.60          $8.59
  74 > S/S >   65                   $7.64          $8.41          $9.65
  65 > S/S >   57                   $8.53          $9.32         $10.86
  57 > S/S >   50                   $9.52         $10.33         $12.22
  50 > S/S >   44                  $10.62         $11.46         $13.77
  44 > S/S >   39                  $11.86         $12.72         $15.52
  39 > S/S >                       $13.23         $14.12         $17.52

27C256LS             28-pin Plastic DIP
  1417 Gross Dice per Wafer

     Ships/Start                  Pkg Unit       Fin Goods
     -----------                  --------       ---------

1150 > S/S > 1015                  $0.80          $0.89
1015 > S/S >  896                  $0.86          $0.97
 896 > S/S >  791                  $0.94          $1.06
 791 > S/S >  699                  $1.02          $1.16
 699 > S/S >  617                  $1.11          $1.27
 617 > S/S >  545                  $1.22          $1.40
 545 > S/S >  481                  $1.33          $1.55
 481 > S/S >  424                  $1.46          $1.71
 424 > S/S >  375                  $1.60          $1.89
 375 > S/S >  331                  $1.76          $2.10
 331 > S/S                         $1.94          $2.34


                                   APPENDIX E

                  Product Tables for Pricing Licensed Products

27C512LS             28-pin Plastic DIP
  917 Gross Dice per Wafer

     Ships/Start                  Pkg Unit       Fin Goods
     -----------                  --------       ---------

 725 > S/S >  640                  $1.13          $1.22
 640 > S/S >  565                  $1.24          $1.34
 565 > S/S >  499                  $1.35          $1.48
 499 > S/S >  389                  $1.63          $1.82
 389 > S/S >  343                  $1.80          $2.02
 343 > S/S >  303                  $1.98          $2.25
 303 > S/S >  268                  $2.18          $2.51
 268 > S/S >  236                  $2.41          $2.80
 236 > S/S >  209                  $2.66          $3.13
 209 > S/S                         $2.94          $3.50

27C010LS             32-pin Plastic DIP
  543 Gross Dice per Wafer

     Ships/Start                  Pkg Unit       Fin Goods
     -----------                  --------       ---------

 415 > S/S >  366                  $1.85          $1.96
 366 > S/S >  323                  $2.03          $2.17
 323 > S/S >  286                  $2.23          $2.41
 286 > S/S >  252                  $2.46          $2.68
 252 > S/S >  223                  $2.71          $2.99
 223 > S/S >  196                  $2.99          $3.33
 196 > S/S >  173                  $3.31          $3.72
 173 > S/S >  153                  $3.66          $4.17
 153 > S/S >  135                  $4.05          $4.66
 135 > S/S >  119                  $4.49          $5.23
 119 > S/S                         $4.98          $5.87

27C020LS             32-pin Plastic DIP
  347 Gross Dice per Wafer

     Ships/Start                  Pkg Unit       Fin Goods
     -----------                  --------       ---------

 260 > S/S >  230                  $2.78          $2.89
 230 > S/S >  203                  $3.07          $3.23
 203 > S/S >  179                  $3.39          $3.61
 179 > S/S >  158                  $3.76          $4.03


                                   APPENDIX E

                  Product Tables for Pricing Licensed Products

 179 > S/S >  158                  $3.76          $4.03
 158 > S/S >  139                  $4.16          $4.52
 139 > S/S >  123                  $4.61          $5.07
 123 > S/S >  109                  $5.11          $5.69
 109 > S/S >   96                  $5.67          $6.39
  96 > S/S >   85                  $6.30          $7.18
  85 > S/S >   75                  $7.00          $8.08
  75 > S/S                         $7.78          $9.10

27C040LS   32-pin Plastic DIP
  207 Gross Dice per Wafer

     Ships/Start                  Pkg Unit       Fin Goods
     -----------                  --------       ---------

 145 > S/S >  128                   $4.76          $4.87
 128 > S/S >  113                   $5.28          $5.47
 113 > S/S >  100                   $5.86          $6.15
 100 > S/S >   88                   $6.51          $6.91
  88 > S/S >   78                   $7.24          $7.78
  78 > S/S >   69                   $8.04          $8.76
  69 > S/S >   61                   $8.95          $9.86
  61 > S/S >   54                   $9.95         $11.12
  54 > S/S >   47                  $11.08         $12.54
  47 > S/S >   42                  $12.33         $14.14
  42 > S/S                         $13.73         $15.96


                                   APPENDIX F


     These terms and conditions may in some instances conflict with some of the
     terms and conditions affixed to the purchase order or the procurement
     document issued by the Buyer. In such case, the terms and conditions
     contained herein shall govern and acceptance of Buyer's order is
     conditioned upon Buyer's acceptance of the terms and conditions contained
     herein irrespective of whether the Buyer accepts these conditions by a
     written acknowledgment, by implication, or acceptance and payment of goods
     ordered hereunder. National's failure to object to provisions contained in
     any communication from Buyer shall not be deemed a waiver of the provision
     herein. Any changes in the terms and conditions of sale contained herein
     must specifically be agreed to in writing signed by a corporate officer of
     national before becoming binding on either party. All orders, offers, and
     contracts must be approved and accepted by National at its home office in
     Santa Clara, California.


     Where Buyer has established credit, terms of payment shall be thirty (30)
     days from date of invoice. Where payment is by letter of credit, all costs
     of collections shall be for Buyer's account. Unless otherwise provided, all
     payments are to be in United States dollars. In the event National is
     required to bring legal action to collect delinquent accounts, Buyer agrees
     to pay reasonable attorney's fees and cost of suit.

2.   TAXES

     All prices are exclusive of any present of future sales, revenue of excise
     tax, import duty (including brokerage fees) or other tax applicable to the
     manufacture or sale of any product. Such taxes when applicable shall be
     paid by Buyer unless Buyer provides a proper tax exemption certificate.


     Sales are F.O.B. U.S. shipping point. national will use its best efforts to
     ship in accordance with National's announced shipment schedule by the
     method specified by Buyer.


     Except for microcomputers and memory systems. Buyer shall accept or reject
     products within thirty (30) days of receipt of each shipment. Failure to
     notify National in writing of nonconforming products within such period
     shall be deemed an unqualified acceptance. Microcomputer and memory systems
     final acceptance testing will be conducted suing National's

     standard acceptance test procedures as specified in the product test


     National warrants that the products covered hereby shall be free from
     defects in workmanship and materials, and shall conform to National's
     published specifications accepted in writing by National for a period of
     one (1) year, except Development Systems Products which are 90 days, from
     the date of National's shipment, CIM board products which are warranted as
     follows "within the CIM family, software and expendables (such as batteries
     and fuses) are not warranted; cables are warranted for thirty (30) days
     from the date of shipment; all CIM boards are warranted for three (3) years
     from the date of shipment; add-in products for the Apple Macintosh(TM)
     computer are warranted for 5 years from date of shipment. The foregoing
     warranty does not apply to any products which have been subject to misuse
     (including static discharge), neglect, accident, or modification or which
     have been soldered or altered during assembly and are not capable of being
     tested by National under its normal test conditions. National's sole
     obligation to Buyer hereunder for products failing to meet the aforesaid
     warranty shall be, at National's sole obligation to Buyer hereunder for
     products failing to meet the aforesaid warranty shall be, at National's
     discretion, to replace the nonconforming product or issue Buyer credit for
     the purchase price of the nonconforming product, where within the warranty
     period: 1) National has received written notice of any nonconformity, and
     2) After National's written authorization to do so Buyer has returned the
     nonconforming product to National, freight prepaid, and 3) National has
     determined that the product in nonconforming and that such nonconformity is
     not a result of improper installation, repair or other misuse by Buyer. Any
     replacement product shall carry only the unexpired term of the warranty
     which was applicable to the replaced product. The foregoing does not apply
     to software except as provided in National's Software Licensing Agreement.

     No National product may be used in a life support application.





     Except as provided in the paragraph below, and subject to the limitation
     set forth below, National will defend any suit or proceeding brought
     against the Buyer if it is based on a claim that any product, or any part
     hereof, made to National's design by or for National and furnished
     hereunder constitutes an infringement of any United States patents, in
     notified promptly in writing and given full and complete authority,
     information and assistance (at National's expense) for the defense of same.
     National will pay damages and costs therein awarded against the Buyer, but
     shall not be responsible for any compromise made without its written
     consent. In providing such defense, or in the event that such product, or
     part thereof, is held to constitute infringement and the use of such
     product, or part thereof is enjoined, National shall retain the right at
     its sole discretion to either procure for the Buyer the right to continue
     using such product or part thereof, or modify it so that it becomes
     noninfringing, or remove it, or part thereof, and grant the Buyer a credit
     for the depreciated value thereof, national's indemnity is expressly
     limited to United States patents only. In no event shall National's total
     liability to Buyer under the foregoing indemnity exceed the purchase price
     of the alleged infringing product. National makes no expressed or implied
     warranty that the products sold hereunder will not infringe any United
     States or foreign patents, trademarks, or copyrights. [illegible]
     infringement or contributory infringement of any patents, trademarks or
     copyrights related to products sold hereunder arising from (i) National's
     compliance with Buyer's designs, specifications, or instructions, (ii) use
     of any product in combination with products not supplied by National, or
     (iii) use of any product in connection with a manufacturing or other


     Unless otherwise expressly provided in writing, Buyer shall obtain no
     interest in any ???? or other tooling used in the production of any
     National product. National shall not be liable for fair wear and tear to
     Buyer's tooling.



     No information shall be deemed to be given or received in confidence by
     either party unless and to the extent it is covered by a separate


     National shall not be liable for any damage or penalty for delay in
     delivery or for failure to give notice of delay when such delay is due to
     the elements, acts of God, acts of Buyer, acts of civil or military
     authority, war, riots, concerted labor action, or any other causes beyond
     the reasonable control of National. The anticipated delivery date shall be
     deemed extended for a period of time equal to the time lost due to any
     delay excusable under this provision. National shall not be entitled to an
     extension of time for commercially reasonable delays.







     National shall have the right to cancel any unfilled order without notice
     to Buyer in the event that Buyer becomes insolvent; adjudicated bankrupt;
     petitions for or consents to any relief under any bankruptcy reorganization
     statutes; or becomes unable to meet its financial obligations in the normal
     course of business.


     The terms and conditions contained herein shall be governed by and
     construed under the laws of the State of California.


     Unless exempt, all products furnished hereunder were produced under
     conditions in compliance with the Civil Rights Act of 1964; Title VII Equal
     Opportunity, and the regulations and orders issued hereunder, including
     Executive Order 11246, the provisions of which are deemed incorporated



(1) Life support devices or systems are devices or systems which a) are intended
for surgical implant into the body; or b) support or sustain life and whose
failure to perform when properly 


used in accordance with instructions for use provided in the labeling can be
reasonably expected to result in a significant injury to the user.

(2) A critical component in any component in a life support device or system
whose failure to perform can be reasonably expected to cause the failure of the
life support device or system or to affect the safety or effectiveness.

(TM)Macintosh is a trademark of Apple Computer, Inc.


                                   APPENDIX G

                            WAFER ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA

1.   Parametric Acceptance Specifications

     a.   A common scribeline parametric test structure shall be incorporated in
          every production reticle set whether for LICENSED PRODUCTS or other
          WSI products manufactured by NSC.

     b.   On each wafer which will be shipped to WSI in wafer form, five
          parametric test sites, distributed approximately uniformly around the
          wafer, will be tested. In order to be shipped, each of the parameters
          listed in the next section shall be within specifications in no less
          than three of the five sites.

     c.   Parametric acceptance is based on the following parameter windows:

                                        Acceptance Range
Parameter                          Min                      Max           Units

VTN (25 x 1.6 Per)                 0.6                      1.0           Volts
VTN (1.8 x 1.1-1.3 Mem)            1.0                      2.0           Volts
VTP (25 x 1.6)                    -1.2                     -0.8           Volts
VTN (Poly2/Field)                 15.0                                    Volts
VTP (Poly2/Field)                                         -15.0           Volts
BVDSS (25 x 1.6 NCH)               6.0                                    Volts
BVDSS (25 x 1.6 PCH)                                       -6.0           Volts
TOX (Poly2 in Per)                 200                      250             A
TOX (Poly2/Poly1)                  500                      600             A
TOX (PROM Poly1)                   270                      330             A
BITLINE SHEET RHO                   20                       50          Ohms/sq
POLY 1 SHEET RHO                    20                       40          Ohms/sq
POLY 2 SHEET RHO                   1.7                      3.0          Ohms/sq
N+ CONTACT RES                      10                       75           Ohms
P+ CONTACT RES                       5                      100           Ohms


                                        Acceptance Range
Parameter                          Min                      Max           Units

POLY 2 CONTACT RES                 0.5                     10.0           Ohms
IDSAT (25 x 1.6 NCH)                                        6.0            mA
IDSAT (25 x 1.6 PCH)                                       -2.7            mA
IREAD (1.8 x 1.1-1.3 Mem)           40                                   microA
VTX (Prog Mem Cell)                                         4.3           Volts
TOX (P2/Bit Line)                  400                      500             A
N+ SHEET RHO                        20                       40          Ohms/sq
P+ SHEET RHO                        50                       80          Ohms/sq

Metal Bridging Test must be OPEN 
Metal Continuity Test must be SHORT 
Poly 2 Bridging Test must be OPEN
Poly 2 Continuity Test must be SHORT

     d.   Until sufficient wafer lots have been manufactured and tested to
          establish statistically significant values for the values in (c)
          above, those values shall be measured for engineering purposes only.
          For this purpose, the appropriate number of completed wafers on the
          EPROM PROCESS shall lie between 1000 and 2400, as agreed by the
          parties. Based on the information from those wafers, the acceptance
          values will be modified as required and defined in writing by the
          PARTIES. These values will be used to define the acceptability of
          wafers for non-LICENSED PRODUCTS, subject to the additional criteria
          stated in 2. and 3. below. The criteria shall be monitored through
          parametric control charts, or computer based equivalents.

2.   Visual and Mechanical Acceptance Criteria

     Wafers shall be acceptable under Visual/Grade B per MIL-STD-883, Method

3.   Yield Assurance

     In additional to the parametric criteria defined in 1. above, with respect
     to each non-LICENSED PRODUCT, yield data shall be monitored until
     sufficient volume has been run to make the yield history statistically
     significant. Unless otherwise agreed by the PARTIES, "sufficient volume"
     for these purposes shall be 480 wafers (a minimum of 10 lots of at least 48
     wafers each) on each non-LICENSED PRODUCT. Yield control charts will be
     established for each product. Any lot which yields above or below the 3


     limit will be subject to price adjustments. New control limits must be
     calculated for any new revision of the product or test program regardless
     of the number of mask layer changes, It is further agreed that for yield
     purposes, those wafers with a complete zero yield will not be included in
     the distribution.


                                   APPENDIX I


A revolutionary NEW VERSION of a LICENSED PRODUCT will be a function of time and
product density. The key parameter in this definition is address access time, in
combination with the other speed specifications which make up a normal final
test condition. All of these combine to be a guaranteed speed for the shipped
product. For guaranteed speeds which are less than the speeds indicated in the
table below, a NEW VERSION will be revolutionary and not subject to automatic
transfer to APPENDIX A. For guaranteed speeds which are equal to or greater than
those indicated in the table, the NEW VERSION will be evolutionary, and it is
automatically incorporated in APPENDIX A.

                                Guaranteed Speeds
Density               1990      1991      1992      1993         1994
  256K                 90        80        70        60        50   nsec
  512K                 90        80        70        60        50   nsec
 1024K                100        90        80        70        60   nsec
 2048K                100        90        80        70        60   nsec
 4096K                100        90        80        70        60   nsec

                                   APPENDIX H

                             QUALIFICATION CRITERIA


The basic level of design integrity will be demonstrated if 90% of the properly
processed parts demonstrate the following characteristics:

     V Subscript(IL)                    greater/= 1.0 V

     V Subscript(IH)                    less than/= 1.8 V

     Programming Speed                  98% of cells program with one 100 micro
                                        sec pulse

     Programming Margin                 greater/= 6.5 V

     Data Retention                     less/= 0.5 V Shift after 168 hours at 
                                        250(degree)C.  Product LTPD = 5% (1
                                        fail in 77 units)

     Operating Margin                   -55(degree)C to +125(degree)C
                                        V Subscript(DD) from 4.0 to 6.0 V
                                        Output Load = 100 pf

     Pattern Sensitivity                less than 5 nsec Degradation

Additional performance criteria will be pursued by the parties in order to
satisfy the requirements of the most critical customers. These criteria are not
required for qualification:

     Operating Current                  Mean I Subscript(CC) + 4 sigma < 60 mA

     Output Noise Sensitivity           No T Subscript(AA) pushout below
                                        VCC = 6.5 V at -55(degree)

     Output Loading                     Achieve speed with 130 pf load

     V Subscript(IL)                    greater/= 1.1 V

     Programming Margin                 less/= 7.0 V


In general, the specific tests incorporated in the reliability requirements are
described in Mil Std 883 and/or National Semiconductor document SOP 5-049-RA.
All qualification samples shall be taken from lots manufactured using the fully
specified production process.

A.   SEM

Two wafers shall show no metal step coverage below 50% when worst case steps are
examined with Scanning Electron Microscope.


                                                                                  From each Lot
Test Name                Test Conditions                Duration           Samples             Failures
- ---------                ---------------                --------           -------             --------
HTOL-1                   T Subscript(A) = 125(degree)C  1000 Hours           77                   1
(Operating Life)         V Subscript(CC) = 5.5 V
                         Dynamic Exercising

HTOL-2                   T Subscript(A) = 150(degree)C  1000 Hours           77                   1
(Operating Life)         V Subscript(CC) = 6.5 V
                         Dynamic Exercising

HTSL                     T Subscript(A) = 250(degree)C  168 Hours           77                   1
(Storage Life)           No voltages, but data 
                         integrity tested.

TMCL                     -65(degree)C to 
(Temperature             150(degree)C                   1000 Cycles          45                   0


                                                                                  From each Lot
Test Name                Test Conditions                Duration           Samples             Failures
- ---------                ---------------                --------           -------             --------
HTOL-1                   T Subscript(A) = 125(degree)C  1000 Hours           77                   1
(Operating Life)         V Subscript(CC = 5.5 V
                         Dynamic Exercising

HTOL-2                   T Subscript(A) = 150(degree)C  1000 Hours           77                   1
(Operating Life)         V Subscript(CC) = 6.5 V
                         Dynamic Exercising

thbt                     85(degree)c & 85% rh           1000 Hours           77                   1

HTSL                     T Subscript(A) = 150(degree)C  1000 Hours           77                   1
(Storage Life)           No voltages, but data
                         integrity tested

TMSK (Thermal Shock)     -65(degree)C to 
                         150(degree)C                    100 Cycles          77                   1


TMCL                     -65(degree)C to 
(Temperature             150(degree)C                   1000 Cycles          45                   0

ACLV                     121(degree)C, 100% RH & 
(Autoclave)              15 psig                         500 Hours           77                   1

BCLV (Biased             115(degree)C, 100% RH &         168 Hours           77                   1
Autoclave)               10 psig
                         V Subscript(CC) = 5.0 V


                                                                                       From each Lot
Test Name                Test Conditions                Cycles per Pin          Samples             Failures
- ---------                ---------------                --------------          -------             --------
Human Body               +/- 2000 Volts                        5                  5                    0
ESD Model                100 pf / 1500 ohms

Machine ESD              +/- 200 Volts                         5                  5                    0
Model                    220 pf / 0 ohms


Prior qualification of one product shall apply to all subsequent products of
equal or lower density if the new products employ the same cells and the same
designs for active structures. This qualification is subject to verification by
successfully executing HTOL-2 on one lot of the new product.


Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions, any LICENSED PRODUCT as to which NSC
has shipped for revenue at least 10,000 units shall be deemed to have been
qualified for purposes of this Agreement.
