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                           P.R. JUBERT ESQ AND OTHERS   (1)
                              PALMER & WEBB LIMITED     (2)
                           J.C. PALMER AND R.H. WEBB    (3)

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                                      L E A S E

                          Re:  premises known as Unit  ____

                    Fountain house Cleeve Road Leatherhead Surrey

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              Commencing  :

              Term of Years:

              Expires     :

              Rent of

                                 TURNER KENNETH BROWN
                                   100 Fetter Lane
                                   London EC4A 1DD


                                  Tel:  01-242 6006


T H I S   L E A S E   made the
B E T W E E N :

(1) PETER ROWLEY JUBERT of Clouds Hills Farm Leatherhead Road Oxshott Surrey
    ANDREW CHARLES JUBERT of Stable House Home Farm Coldharbour Lane Dorking
    Surrey RH4 3JG PAUL JUBERT of Tollgate Cottage Effingham Common Road
    Effingham Surrey and JOHN ROWLEY JUBERT of Byways Rose Hill Dorking Surrey
    ("the Landlord")

(2) PALMER & WEBB LIMITED whose registered office is at Regent House First
    Floor 188 High Street Sutton Surrey ("the Tenant") and

(3) JULIAN CHRISTOPHER CLAYTON PALMER of Tanglewood Holmbury St. Mary Dorking
    surrey RH5 6LQ and REGINALD HARRY WEBB OF 36 Shaftesbury Way Twickenham
    Middlesex TW2 5RP ("the Sureties")

W I T N E S S E T H   as follows:-


1.  (1)  THE following expressions shall unless the context otherwise requires
    have the following meanings:-

         (i)       "the Landlord" includes the person for the time being
         entitled to


         the reversion immediately expectant on the determination of the term

         (ii)      "the Tenant" includes the Tenant's successors in title and
         personal representatives and if two or more persons obligations herein
         express or implied on the part of the Tenant shall apply to such
         persons jointly and severally

         (iii)     "the Sureties" shall include if any Surety is an individual
         his personal representatives

         (iv)      "the demised premises" means the premises demised by Clause
         2(1) and any part thereof

         (v)       "Plan 1" means the plan annexed hereto and marked Plan 1 and
         "plan 2" means the plan annexed hereto marked Plan 2 and anything
         referred to herein as shown on the said plans or either of them is so
         shown for identification only

         (vi)      "The Building" means the building of which the demised
         premises form part including all alterations and improvements to such
         building and all plant equipment machinery fittings and


         furnishings now or hereafter on or about it and not included in any
         demise thereof

         (vii)     "the Property" means the Landlord's property known as
         Fountain House and shown edged red on Plan 2 upon which the Building
         is erected


                             [PICTURE OF LEASED PREMISES]


         (viii)    "utilities" means and includes foul and surface water
         drainage electricity gas water telephone heating ventilation air
         conditioning the passage of smoke and fumes and all other utilities
         and services and facilities from time to time provided or capable of
         being provided to the Building the demised premises or any other
         material premises

         (ix)      "conducting media" means and includes sewers drains
         watercourses pipes wires vents chimneys ducts shafts cables cisterns
         tanks gutters radiators meters sanitary and water apparatus and all
         other conducting media or apparatus for the provision of utilities

         (x)       "the term" means the term of years granted by Clause 2(1)
         together with the period of any extension or holding over thereof
         whether by statute or at common law

         (xi)      "the commencement date" means the date expressed in Clause
         2(1) as the commencement of the term

         (xii)     "the insured risks" means fire storm tempest lightning
         explosion flood


         burst pipes impact and (in peacetime) aircraft and articles dropped
         therefrom riot civil commotion malicious damage and such other
         insurable risks as the Landlord may require (including provision for
         the cost of demolition removal of debris temporary works professional
         fees and disbursements and other incidental expenses) together with
         loss of rent for such period (being not less than two years) as the
         Landlord may require having regard to the likely period required for
         reinstatement in the event of partial or total destruction

         (xiii)    "Unit" "the Common Areas" "the service charge" and "service
         charge period" shall have the meanings assigned to them in the Second

         (xiv)     "services" means and includes any services or other
         obligations or things provided or performed by the Landlord which fall
         within the scope of the service charge

         (xv)      "the Tenant's proportion of the service charge" means the
         part of the service charge for which the Tenant


         is liable which shall be one sixth of the total of the service charge

         (xvi)     "Notice" means a notice in writing to the Tenant forty-eight
         hours before any entry is made on the demised premises PROVIDED THAT
         in the case of an emergency no notice shall be required

         (xvii)    "the prescribed rate" means four percent per annum above the
         Base Rate of The Royal Bank of Scotland plc (or such other Clearing
         Bank as the Landlord shall nominate) for the time being

         (xviii)   "the Planning Acts" means the Town and Country Planning Acts
         1971 to 1974

         (xix)     "this Lease" means these presents whether the same are a
         head lease or an inferior lease of any degree

         (xx)      "relevant review date" "reviewed rent" "the Surveyor" "the
         said interval" and "the shortfall" shall have the meanings assigned to
         them in Clause 6

         (xxi)     "the Landlord's Surveyor" shall mean any person or firm
         appointed by or acting for the Landlord (including


         an employee of the Landlord) to perform the function of a surveyor for
         any purpose of this Lease

    (2)  References to any statute herein shall be deemed to refer to any
    statutory extension modification or re-enactment thereof for the time being
    in force and any regulations or orders made thereunder

    (3)  Where in this Lease any act is prohibited the Tenant shall not allow
    permit or suffer such act to be done

    (4)  Words importing the singular number shall include the plural and vice
    versa and words importing the masculine or neuter gender shall include all
    or any of the masculine feminine and neuter genders

    (5)  The headings herein shall not affect the construction of this Lease


2.  (1)  THE Landlord hereby demises unto the Tenant ALL THAT Part of the First
    Floor of the Building shown on Plan 1 and thereon edged red and known as
    Unit ___ Fountain House and more specifically described in the First
    Schedule hereto TOGETHER WITH the Landlord's fixtures and fittings now or


    any time during the term hereby granted in or on the demised premises

         (i)       the right to use the utilities supplied or provided by means
         of such conducting media as actually serve the demised premises at the
         date hereof

         (ii)      A right of way over and along the section of the forecourt
         coloured brown on Plan 2 with or without vehicles for the sole purpose
         of gaining access to and egress from the car parking spaces and on
         foot only for the sole purpose of gaining access to and egress from
         the demised premises over and along the said forecourt (but so that
         such right shall not prevent the parking of cars on the car parking
         spaces) paths entrances landings passages and staircases in the

         (iii)     subject to the provisions of Clause 3(46) the right to park
         one private motor vehicle in each of the parking spaces numbered 14 15
         16 and 17 shown on Plan 2

         (iv)      the right of support and protection from the remainder of
         the Building


         (v)       the right to use the sanitary conveniences shown on Plan 1
         and situated on the First floor of the Building

         (vi)      The right to keep one dustbin in the dustbin area hatched
         green on plan 2 or in such other place as the Landlord shall from time
         to time designate and the right of access thereto for the purpose of
         depositing and removing refuse

    EXCEPTING AND RESERVING unto the Landlord and their tenants and the
    occupiers of the Building and any adjoining or neighbouring premises and
    all other persons authorised by the Landlord or having the like rights and

         (i)       the free and uninterrupted passage and running of utilities
         from and to other parts of the Building and any adjacent or nearby
         property through the conducting media which are now or may hereafter
         during the term be in or upon or under the demised premises with the
         right to construct and maintain new conducting media for the benefit
         of any adjacent or nearby premises the right to


         repair maintain and renew such existing and new conducting media and
         the right at any time but on Notice to enter (or in the Tenant's
         absence to break and enter) the demised premises

         (ii)      the full right and liberty at any time or from time to time
         to execute works and erections upon or to alter or rebuild any other
         part of the Building or any adjacent or nearby premises and to use the
         other parts of the Building and any adjacent or nearby premises in
         such manner as the Landlord may think fit notwithstanding that the
         access of light and air to the demised premises may thereby be
         interfered with

         (iii)     the full right of support and protection from the demised
         premises enjoyed by other parts of the Building

         (iv)      the full right and liberty to build on or into any perimeter
         wall of the demised premises and after giving Notice to enter the
         demised premises to place and lay in under and upon the same such
         footings for any intended wall or structure with the foundations
         therefor as the Landlord shall think proper and


         for such purpose to excavate the demised premises along the line of
         the junction between the demised premises and any adjoining premises
         AND also the right to erect and use scaffolding upon the demised
         premises for such purposes

         (v)       the full right and liberty at any time on Notice to enter
         (or during the Tenant's absence to break and enter) the demised
         premises in order to (a) inspect or view the condition of the demised
         premises (b) carry out work upon any adjacent or nearby premises and
         (c) to carry out any repairs or other work or do contained or referred
         to in the Second Schedule hereto

    TO HOLD the same unto the Tenant from and including the _____ day of
    _____ 19 _____ for the term of _____ years SUBJECT to all rights
    easements privileges restrictions and stipulations of whatever nature
    affecting the demised premises and YIELDING AND PAYING therefor unto
    the Landlord FIRSTLY during the first _____ years of the term the
    yearly rent of _____ and during the remainder of the term the yearly rent


    _____ or such other rent as may be assessed in accordance with the
    provisions of Clause 6 whichever shall be the greater without any deduction
    by equal quarterly payments in advance on the usual quarter days in every
    year the first of such payments (being a proportionate part of a quarter's
    rent if appropriate) to be made on the signing hereof AND YIELDING AND
    PAYING by way of additional rent during the term SECONDLY the gross cost
    to the Landlord from time to time (including any increased premium payable
    in respect of the demised premises or any adjoining property or other parts
    of the Building by reason of any act or omission of the Tenant) of keeping
    the demised premises insured in the full reinstatement value thereof
    against loss or damage by the insured risks such additional rent to be
    paid on demand without any deduction and THIRDLY the Tenant's proportion of
    the service charge at the times and in the manner specified in the Second



    (2)  In the event of the rents hereinbefore reserved or any other money (or
    part thereof) due from the Tenant under the provisions of this Lease being
    in arrear or unpaid for any period after the same become due (whether
    formally demanded or not) or if earlier the date upon which the Landlord
    shall have expended moneys in respect of which interest is required under
    this Lease then the Tenant shall pay to the Landlord interest from the due
    date for payment or the date of expenditure of money by the Landlord (as
    the case may be) on all such sums as are in arrear or unpaid at the
    prescribed rate current at such date compounded with quarterly rests on the
    usual quarter days until the date of payment and any such interest shall be
    recoverable by the Landlord as rent in arrear

3.  THE Tenant hereby covenants with the Landlord as follows:-


    (1)  To pay the said rents at the times and in manner aforesaid and (save
    for the said additional rents) by bankers standing order or direct debit



    (2)  (a)  To pay and discharge all existing and future rates taxes duties
         charges burdens assessments impositions and outgoings whatsoever
         (hereinafter collectively called "outgoings") and whether or not of a
         non-recurring nature which now are or may be charged levied assessed
         imposed or payable in respect of the demised premises either by the
         owner or the occupier thereof and to pay bear and discharge the
         proportion properly attributable to the demised premises of any
         outgoings which may be charged levied assessed or imposed upon any
         premises of which the demised premises form part (such proportion to
         be determined by the Landlord's Surveyor whose decision shall be
         final) and not to make any claim for relief against outgoings payable
         in respect of the demised premises without the Landlord's prior
         written consent

         (b)  To pay to the Landlord on demand all outgoings for utilities
         available to or used on the demised premises and in case any utilities
         shall be metered


         jointly with those used on other premises or the outgoings therefor
         shall be assessed on or payable in respect of any part of the demised
         premises in common with other premises to pay to the Landlord a fair
         proportion to be settled in case of difference by the Landlord's
         Surveyor whose decision shall be final


    (3)  Throughout the term to put and keep the interior of the demised
    premises and (without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing) all
    additions thereto and the Landlord's fixtures thereon and the conducting
    media thereof in good and substantial repair and condition free from all
    defects (whether or not inherent) in the demised premises


    (4)  Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing to repair or
    replace forthwith by new articles of similar kind and quality any fixtures
    fittings or plant or equipment (other than tenants or trade fixtures and
    fittings) in the demised premises which shall become in need of repair or



    (5)  Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing to paint with
    three coats of good quality paint in a workmanlike manner all the internal
    parts of the demised premises previously or usually painted in every fourth
    year of the term the painting to be done in the last year of the term
    (whether determined by effluxion of time or otherwise) as well and after
    every such painting to treat redecorate repaper and clean all such parts as
    have been previously or ought to be so dealt with using treatment and
    materials of good quality such painting and redecorating in the last year
    of the term to be carried out in colours and materials first approved in
    writing by the Landlord


    (6)  That the Tenant will during the term do and execute or cause to be
    done and executed all such works as under or by virtue of any Act of
    Parliament already or hereafter to be passed now are or shall or may be
    directed or required by any public local or other competent authority to be
    done or executed upon or in respect of the demised premises or any part
    thereof by the owner Landlord Tenant


    or occupier thereof and will keep the Landlord indemnified against all
    claims and liability in respect thereof


    (7)  To permit Landlord's Agents with or without workmen and others at
    reasonable times upon Notice to enter upon and examine the condition of the
    demised premises and if as a result of such examination or otherwise the
    Landlord becomes aware of any breaches of covenant by the Tenant hereunder
    the Landlord may serve upon the Tenant a notice in writing specifying any
    repairs and/or other works necessary to be done and requiring the Tenant
    forthwith to execute the same and if the Tenant shall not within one month
    after service of such notice proceed diligently with the execution of such
    repairs and/or other works and thereafter diligently complete the same then
    to permit the Landlord to enter upon the demised premises and execute such
    repairs and/or other works and the cost thereof together with interest
    thereon at the prescribed rate current at the date one month after service
    of such notice for the period from that date to the date of


    payment shall be forthwith recoverable as liquidated damages or as rent in


    (8)  To permit the Landlord's Agents and workmen at all reasonable hours in
    the daytime upon Notice to enter upon the demised premises so far as may be
    useful or necessary in order to inspect maintain repair or execute any
    works of construction or otherwise alter any other part of the Building or
    adjoining property or any conducting media upon or under the demised


    (9)  To permit Landlord's Agents with or without workmen and others at
    reasonable times upon Notice to enter upon the demised premises for any
    purpose connected with the interest of the Landlord in the demised premises
    and not hereinbefore referred to including (without prejudice to the
    generality of the foregoing) for the purpose of making or disposing of any
    interest of the Landlord


    (10) (a)  At the expense of the Tenant to obtain from the appropriate


    all licences consents and permissions as may be required for the carrying
    out by the Tenant of any operations or uses on any part of the demised

    (b)  Not without the prior written consent of the Landlord to make any
    application for permission under the provisions of the Planning Acts
    without first producing a copy of the same and obtaining the prior written
    consent of the Landlord to such application

    (c)  Notwithstanding any consent that may have been granted by the Landlord
    not to implement any planning permission before such permission has been
    produced to the Landlord and acknowledged by it in writing as satisfactory
    to it but so that the Landlord may refuse so to express its satisfaction
    with any such planning permission on the ground that the period thereof or
    anything contained therein or omitted therefrom would in the opinion of the
    Landlord's Surveyor be or be likely to be prejudicial to its interest in
    the demised premises whether during the term or following the expiration


    (d)  At the expense of the Tenant to remove any works or alterations
    carried out or made without any necessary planning permission or other
    consent required from any competent authority or in respect of which such
    permission or other consent is withdrawn or lapses and at the expense of
    the Tenant to comply with every order of the planning or other competent
    authority requiring the removal or demolition of or other work in
    connection with any such works or alterations and in all such cases at its
    own expense and to the satisfaction of the Landlord to make good all damage
    caused by such removal demolition or other work

    (e)  Unless the Landlord shall otherwise in writing direct to carry out
    before the date of expiration or sooner determination o.the term any works
    stipulated to be carried out to the demised premises as a condition of any
    planning permission which may have been granted during the term and
    implemented by the Tenant or any other person whether or not the date by
    which the


    planning permission requires such works to be carried out falls within the

    (f)  In any case where a planning permission is granted subject to
    conditions and if the Landlord reasonably so requires to provide security
    for the compliance with such conditions and such planning permission shall
    not be implemented until such security shall have been provided

    (g)  If reasonably required by the Landlord but at the cost of the Tenant
    to appeal against any refusal of planning permission or the imposition of
    any conditions on a planning permission in either case made pursuant to an
    application therefor under this sub-clause


    (11) Not to do or omit to be done any act matter or thing in on or
    respecting the demised premises which shall contravene the provisions of
    the Planning Acts and at all times hereafter to keep the Landlord
    indemnified against all actions proceedings costs expenses claims and
    demands in respect of any such act matter or thing



    (12) That if the Tenant shall receive any compensation in respect of the
    interest of the Tenant hereunder because of any restriction placed upon the
    user of the demised premises under or by virtue of the Planning Acts then
    if and when the Tenant's interest hereunder shall be determined by
    surrender or under the power of re-entry herein contained the Tenant shall
    forthwith make such provision as is just and equitable for the Landlord to
    receive its due benefit from such compensation


    (13) (a)  Not to erect any new building or erection or make or permit or
         suffer to be made any alterations or additions to the demised premises
         or cut alter or injure any part thereof and not to make any change in
         the existing design or appearance of the demised premises PROVIDED
         ALWAYS that the Tenant may with the prior written consent of the
         Landlord carry out internal non-structural alterations to any
         buildings for the time being erected on the demised premises PROVIDED
         FURTHER that


         if the Landlord shall consent in writing to the Tenant carrying out
         internal non-structural alterations the Tenant shall not make any such
         alterations except in accordance with plans elevations sections and
         specifications previously approved by the Architects and Surveyors of
         the Landlord and the Superior Landlord (the Tenant paying the
         reasonable fees of such Architects and Surveyors in relation thereto)

         (b)  Not to make any alteration or addition to the electrical
         installation of the demised premises save in accordance with the terms
         and conditions laid down by the Institution of Electrical Engineers
         and the  regulations of the Electricity Supply Authority

         (c)  If the Tenant shall make any addition or alteration to the
         demised premises then at the expiration or sooner determination of the
         term if so required by the Landlord at the Tenant's own cost to
         reinstate and make good the demised premises to the satisfaction of
         the Landlord and restore the same to the


         same plan and design as if such addition or alteration (or such of
         them as may be specified by the Landlord) had not been made and to pay
         the expenses incurred by the Landlord (including all professional
         fees) of and incidental to the superintendence of such reinstatement
         and making good


    (14) (a)  Not to assign underlet or charge part of the demised premises
         (meaning a portion only and not the whole thereof) or agree to do so
         and not to part with or share the possession or occupation of the
         whole or part of the demised premises or agree to do so

         (b)  Not to hold or occupy the demised premises or any part thereof as
         nominee trustee or agent or otherwise for the benefit of any other


    (15) (a)  Not to create any interest in the demised premises (however
         remote or inferior) otherwise than at the full rack rent (being not
         less than the rent then payable under this Lease) without a fine or
         premium and with provision for


         rent reviews coinciding with the reviews under this Lease

         (b)  To procure in any underletting of the demised premises that the
         rent under such underletting is reviewed in accordance with the terms
         of the said rent reviews but not to agree the rent payable thereunder
         with the undertenant without the prior written consent of the Landlord
         (such consent not to be unreasonably withheld) and to procure that if
         the rent under any Underlease is to be determined by an independent
         person not to determine whether such person is to act as an expert or
         as an arbitrator without the Landlords prior written consent and to
         procure that the Landlord's representations as to the rent payable
         thereunder are made to such independent person to the reasonable
         satisfaction of the Landlord

         (c)  Not to vary the terms of or accept any surrender of any
         underlease permitted under this Clause (or agree so to do) without the
         Landlord's written consent (such consent not to be unreasonably



    (16) Not to assign underlet or charge the whole of the demised premises
    without the previous consent in writing of the Landlord and Provided That
    the Landlord may as a condition for giving its consent for any permitted
    assignment or underletting require the proposed assignee or underlessee to
    enter into a direct covenant with the Landlord to perform and observe the
    Tenant's covenants and the conditions contained in this Lease (save as to
    payment of rent in the case of an underletting) and Provided Further that:-

         (a)  if an intended assignee shall be a limited company then if the
         Landlord shall so require two (or more if the Landlord so requires) of
         its directors of satisfactory standing shall join in such deed as
         sureties for such company in order jointly and severally to covenant
         with the Landlord as sureties that such company will pay the said
         rents and perform and observe the said covenants and to indemnify the
         Landlord against all loss damages costs and expenses arising by reason
         of any default by the company and such covenant


         shall further provide that any neglect or forbearance of the Landlord
         shall not release or exonerate the sureties and shall further provide
         for the sureties to accept a new lease of the demised premises upon
         disclaimer of this Lease by the company or on its behalf if so
         required by the Landlord within three months of such disclaimer such
         new lease to be for the residue then unexpired of the term and at the
         rents payable and subject to the same Tenant's covenants and to the
         same provisos and conditions as those in force immediately before such
         disclaimer and to be granted at the cost of the sureties in exchange
         for a counterpart duly executed by the sureties and

         (b)  upon the Landlord consenting to an underletting of the demised
         premises to procure that the underlease shall contain:-

              (i)       an unqualified covenant on the part of underlessee with
              the Landlord that the underlessee will not assign or charge (or
              agree so to do) any part of the premises (as


              distinct from the whole) thereby demised and will not underlet or
              (save by way of an assignment of the whole) part with or agree so
              to do or share possession of or permit any person to occupy the
              whole or any part of the premises thereby demised

              (ii)      a covenant on the part of the underlessee with the
              Landlord that the underlessee will not assign or charge (or agree
              so to do) the whole of the premises thereby demised without the
              previous consent in writing of the Landlord

              (iii)     covenants by the underlessee to prohibit the
              underlessee from doing or suffering any act or thing upon or in
              relation to the premises demised by, the Underlease which will
              contravene any of the Tenant's obligations in this Lease

              (iv)      provision for review of the rent reserved by the
              Underlease corresponding both as to the terms


              and dates with the provisions set out in Clause 6 hereof for
              review of the yearly rent first hereby reserved


    (17) Within one month after any Assignment of the term or after any
    underletting by the Tenant or after any assignment of any Underlease or
    after any devolution by Will or otherwise of the term or any Mortgage or
    Charge affecting the term to produce to and leave with the Landlord's
    solicitors the deed instrument or document effecting the same together with
    a certified copy thereof and to pay such reasonable fee (being not less
    than 15.00 (pounds)) as they may require and such fees as may be payable to
    the Superior Landlord and to procure that every document creating an
    underletting of the demised premises or any part thereof shall contain a
    similar covenant by the underlessee with the Tenant and the Landlord
    PROVIDED THAT registration of any such deed instrument or document shall be
    evidence of notification of such transaction to the Landlord but shall not
    require the Landlord to consider the terms of such transaction or the said


    instrument or document and shall not be evidence that it has done so


    (18) To pay all expenses (including professional fees) incurred by the
    Landlord arising out of or incidental to any breach of the Tenant's
    covenants herein contained and in the preparation and service of any notice
    whether served before or after the determination of this Lease (including a
    notice under Section 146 of the Law of Property Act 1925) requiring the
    Tenant to remedy such breach notwithstanding that forfeiture may be avoided
    otherwise than by relief granted by the Court and any Schedule of
    Dilapidations (including a terminal Schedule)


    (19) Insofar as the same is not included in the Tenant's proportion of the
    service charge to pay a fair and proper proportion of the expense
    (including any professional fees) of repairing rebuilding painting
    maintaining cleaning and lighting all party structures and all roofs
    conducting media boundary structures forecourts yards roads ways entrances
    passages staircases and other


    amenities or things the use or benefit of which is common to the demised
    premises and any adjoining or neighbouring premises notwithstanding that
    any part of any such item may not be specifically used or appear to be i
    usable by the Tenant in relation to the demised premises such proportion to
    be determined by the Landlord's surveyors whose determination shall be
    final and binding on the Tenant


    (20) Not to use the demised premises for any illegal or immoral purpose or
    for any noisy noxious dangerous or offensive trade manufacture or business
    or for anything which may be or become a nuisance annoyance or cause damage
    or inconvenience to the Landlord or the tenants or occupiers of any
    adjoining or neighbouring property or to any local or other authority


    (21) (a)  At all times during the term to comply with all requirements of
         the insurers of the demised premises

         (b)  Not without the Landlord's prior written consent to effect any


         of the demised premises (other than of the glass or contents)

         (c)  Not to do anything which may prejudice any policy of insurance
         for the time being in force in respect of the demised premises or any
         adjoining or nearby premises or which may result in such insurance
         becoming void or voidable or the rate of premium under such insurances
         being increased and if the payment of any insurance monies is refused
         as a result of anything done by the Tenant to pay to the Landlord on
         demand with interest at the prescribed rate the amount so refused


    (22) Not to store or bring upon the demised premises any substance or
    article of a specially combustible inflammable or dangerous nature


    (23) To keep the demised premises equipped with effective fire fighting
    equipment maintained in good working order and to comply with all
    regulations of the fire authority and other precautions against fire


    which may be deemed necessary by the Landlord's surveyor or insurers


    (24) At all times during the term to use the demised premises as an
    industrial building or structure as defined in Section 7 of the Capital
    Allowances Act 1968 and to which Section 73 of the Finance Act 1982 applies
    and for no other purpose

    PROVIDED that the Tenant hereby acknowledges and admits that
    notwithstanding the foregoing  provisions as to the use of the demised
    premises permitted to the Tenant the Landlord does not thereby or in any
    way give or make any representation or warranty that any such use is a
    permitted use within the provisions of the Planning Acts nor shall any
    consent in writing which the Landlord may hereafter give to any change of
    use be taken as including any such representation or warranty and that
    notwithstanding that any such use is not a permitted use within such
    provisions the Tenant shall remain fully bound and liable to the Landlord
    in respect of the obligations undertaken by the Tenant by virtue of this
    Lease without any compensation recompense or relief of any kind



    (25) Not to form any refuse dump or scrap heap on the demised premises but
    to remove not less frequently than once a week all refuse rubbish and scrap
    which may have accumulated on the demised premises and generally to keep
    the demised premises clean and in good order


    (26) Not to affix to or upon any part of the exterior of the demised
    premises or of the external walls rails or fences thereof any sign placard
    poster bill signboard inscription or other advertisement except such as
    shall be approved in writing by the Landlord


    (27) Not to hold any sale by auction on the demised premises


    (28) Within seven days of the receipt of any notice or order or proposal
    for an order given issued or made to the Tenant by a planning or other
    competent authority under or by virtue of the Planning Acts or any other
    Act of Parliament or otherwise to give full particulars to the Landlord and
    if so


    required by the Landlord produce such notice to the Landlord and also
    without delay to take all reasonable or necessary steps to comply with any
    such notice or order AND ALSO at the request of the Landlord make or join
    with the Landlord in making such objection or representation against or in
    respect of any proposal for such a notice or order as the Landlord may deem
    necessary or expedient


    (29) To comply forthwith at the Tenant's own expense with any nuisance
    sanitary or other statutory notice lawfully served by any competent
    authority upon either the Landlord or the Tenant in respect of the demised
    premises and similarly to comply with all requirements of all legislation
    and all requirements of any competent authority so far as they relate to or
    affect the demised premises or the user thereof or the employment therein
    of any person or any fixture machinery plant or chattels therein and not at
    any time during the term to do or omit on or about the demised premises any
    act or thing by reason of which the Landlord may under any enactment incur
    or have imposed upon it or become liable to pay any penalty


    damages compensation costs charges or expenses and to keep the Landlord
    fully and effectually indemnified against all proceedings costs expenses
    claims and demands in respect thereof


    (30) To permit the Landlord during the six months immediately preceding the
    determination of the term or (in the case of the prospective sale of any
    reversionary interest) at any time during the term to affix and retain
    without interference upon any part of the demised premises a notice for
    re-letting or selling the same and during the said six months to permit
    persons with written authority from the Landlord or the Agent of the
    Landlord at reasonable times of the day to view the demised premises


    (31) To take all necessary steps to prevent any encroachment upon the
    demised premises or the acquisition of any new right to light air passage
    drainage or other easement over upon or under the demised premises and to
    give notice to the Landlord of any threatened encroachment or attempt to
    acquire any such easement



    (32) To use its best endeavours to prevent any easement or right belonging
    to or used with the demised premises from being obstructed or lost


    (33) Not to stop up darken or obstruct any windows or light belonging to
    the demised premises or to any other part of the Building or any adjoining
    or neighbouring buildings now or hereafter belonging to the Landlord or
    prevent the free and uninterrupted access of light and air thereto


    (34) To yield up the demised premises with the fixtures and additions
    thereto at the determination of the term in good and substantial repair and
    condition in accordance with the covenants hereinbefore contained


    (35) To pay on demand the legal and Surveyors' and other professional fees
    and disbursements of the Landlord resulting from all applications by the
    Tenant for any consent or approval of the Landlord required by this Lease
    including fees' actually


    incurred in cases where consent or approval is refused or the application
    is withdrawn


    (36) To pay to the Landlord on demand all costs charges and expenses
    (including legal and Surveyors' and other professional fees) including
    Bailiffs' costs incurred by the Landlord for or in connection with the levy
    of a distress for the rents payable hereunder or any part thereof or as a
    result of the Bailiff being paid the said rents or any part thereof whether
    or not any distress in the event be levied or otherwise for or in
    connection with the recovery of arrears of the said rents or the moneys
    payable by the Tenant hereunder


    (37) Not to give any bill of sale or offer preferential security on the
    stock in trade or personal chattels of the Tenant which shall for the time
    being be on or about the demised premises


    (38) To be responsible for and to indemnify the Landlord against (a) all
    damage loss or injury occasioned to the demised premises or any adjoining
    or neighbouring premises or the


    utilities or conducting media thereof or to any person or chattels (whether
    or not upon the demised premises) caused by any act default or negligence
    of the Tenant or the servants agents    licencees or invitees of the Tenant
    or by reason of any defect in the demised premises or any part thereof &
    (b) (without prejudice to the foregoing) all losses claims proceedings
    costs & expenses occasioned by any default in the Tenant's obligations
    under this Lease


    (39) To pay and indemnify the Landlord against any Value Added Tax payable
    in respect of any costs fees or other moneys for which the Tenant is liable
    pursuant to this Lease


    (40) Not to overload any floor of the demised premises or impose upon any
    part of the structure a strain greater than that which it is designed or
    able to bear


    (41) Not to erect any aerial upon the outside of the demised premises or of
    the Building



    (42) Not to damage misuse or obstruct the Common Areas in any way


    (43) Not to place or store or exhibit any goods or materials for sale or
    otherwise outside the demised premises


    (44) Not to use such parts of the Property as are laid out as parking areas
    otherwise than for the parking of the number of private motor vehicles
    permitted by Clause 2 (1) of persons employed in or visiting the demised


    (45) Not to overload damage obstruct or otherwise misuse any conducting
    media (whether or not serving the demised premises)


    (46) To comply with any regulations which the Landlord may make
    consistently with the terms of this Lease to govern the use and enjoyment
    of the Property and/or any land or premises used or to be used in common or
    jointly with any other person by the tenants and occupiers thereof



    (47) At the Tenant's cost to enter into such contracts as the Landlord may
    require with reputable contractors for the repair maintenance inspection
    and servicing of any central heating air conditioning and fire fighting
    equipment serving the demised premises or any plant and' machinery
    contained therein


    (48) Forthwith upon discovering any breach of any of the Tenant's covenants
    or conditions contained in this Lease by any undertenant or other person in
    occupation of the demised premises to take all necessary steps and
    proceedings to remedy such breach


    (49) To inform the Landlord immediately in writing of any defect in the
    demised premises which might give rise to a duty imposed by common law or
    statute on the Landlord in favour of any other person (including the


    (50) Within one month after any written request by the Landlord to notify
    the Landlord in writing:-


         (a)  whether the Tenant occupies the demised premises wholly or in

         (b)  whether the Tenant has granted an Underlease of the whole or any
         part of the demised premises and if so then to comply forthwith with
         the provisions of Clause 3(17) of this Lease (if such provisions have
         not already been complied with) and to advise the Landlord of the rent
         reserved by any Underlease and the full name and address of any
         underlessee and

         (c)  whether there are any grounds known to the Tenant on which an
         application under Section 24(1) or Section 26(1) of the Landlord and
         Tenant Act 1954 might reasonably be opposed by the Competent Landlord
         (as defined by that Act)


    (51) To ensure that the front door of the building is kept securely locked
    at all times except when actually in use by persons entering or leaving the

    (52) To use and procure that all employees invitees visitors of the Tenant
    or other persons under the control of the Tenant shall use the said
    sanitary conveniences in a


    proper and reasonable manner and not to throw dirt rubbish rags or other
    refuse or permit the same to be thrown into the sinks basins or lavatories

4.  THE LANDLORD hereby covenants with the Tenant:-


    (1)  That the Tenant paying the rents hereby reserved and performing and
    observing the covenants on the Tenant's part herein contained shall
    peaceably hold and enjoy the demised premises during the term without any
    interruption by the Landlord or any person rightfully claiming under or in
    trust for the Landlord


    (2)  Subject to the due payment at all times of the yearly rent secondly
    hereby reserved to keep the demised premises insured in the full
    reinstatement value thereof against loss or damage by the insured risks
    (and so that the amount for loss of rent may take into account a reasonable
    estimate of potential increases pursuant to Clause 6) subject to such
    excesses exclusions or limitations as the Landlord or its Insurers may
    require in some insurance office of repute or with such


    underwriters and through such agency as the Landlord may from time to time
    decide and to make all payments necessary for such purpose when the same
    shall respectively become payable and to cause all moneys received by
    virtue of such insurance to be laid out (subject to the Landlord being able
    to obtain all necessary consents) in rebuilding and reinstating the demised
    premises and the Tenant will pay the Landlord on demand with interest at
    the prescribed rate the amount equivalent to any excess which may be
    applicable to such insurance Provided Always that

         (a)  the Landlord's obligation under this covenant shall cease if the
         insurance shall be rendered void or voidable by reason of any act or
         default of the Tenant and

         (b)  if the rebuilding or reinstatement of the demised premises or the
         Building shall be prevented or frustrated all such insurance moneys
         shall be the absolute property of the Landlord

         (c)  the Landlord shall at the Tenant's cost whenever reasonably
         required on 14 days' notice produce to the Tenant or


         his agent at the offices of the Landlord or the Landlord's solicitors
         the policy of insurance and the receipt for the current year's premium

5.  PROVIDED ALWAYS and it is hereby expressly agreed as follows:-


    (1)  If the rents hereby reserved or any part thereof shall at any time be
    unpaid for twenty-one days after becoming payable (whether formally
    demanded or not) or if the covenants on the Tenant's part herein contained
    shall not be performed or observed or if the Tenant for the time being (or
    any of them) shall become bankrupt or make any assignment for the benefit
    of creditors or enter into an agreement or make any arrangement with
    creditors for liquidation of the debts of the Tenant by composition or
    otherwise or suffer any distress or process of execution to be levied on
    the goods of the Tenant or being a corporation shall go into liquidation or
    if a Receiver shall be appointed of any part of its undertaking or if the
    demised premises shall be vacant or unoccupied for a period of three
    consecutive months then and in any such case it shall be


    lawful for the Landlord at any time thereafter to re-enter upon the demised
    premises or any part thereof in the name of the whole and thereupon this
    demise shall absolutely determine but without prejudice to the rights of
    action of the Landlord in respect of any antecedent breach of the Tenant's
    covenants herein contained


    (2)  In case the demised premises or any part thereof shall at any time
    during the term be destroyed or damaged by fire or aircraft or other
    insured risks so as to be unfit for occupation and use and the policy of
    insurance effected by the Landlord shall not have been vitiated or payment
    of the policy moneys refused in whole or in part in consequence of any act
    or default of the Tenant then from the date of such destruction or damage
    the rent hereby reserved or a fair proportion thereof according to the
    nature and extent of the damage sustained shall be suspended until the
    demised premises shall be again rendered fit for occupation and use or
    until the expiration of two years whichever shall first occur and any
    dispute regarding the cesser of rent shall be referred to a


    single arbitrator to be appointed in default of agreement upon the
    application of either party by the President_for the time being of the
    Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors or such professional body of
    surveyors as the Landlord shall designate under the Arbitration Acts 1950
    and 1979


    (3)  The receipt of rent by the Landlord shall not be deemed to be a waiver
    of any of the covenants provisions or conditions herein contained and on
    the part of the Tenant to be observed and performed


    (4)  Any entitlement of the Tenant or any undertenant to compensation from
    the Landlord on quitting under the Landlord and Tenant Act or other
    legislation shall be excluded (so far as permitted by law)


    (5)  Nothing herein contained or implied shall impose any restriction on
    the use of any property not comprised in this Lease or give the Tenant the
    benefit of or the right to enforce or to have enforced or to permit the
    release or modification of any covenant agreement or condition entered into
    by any


    purchaser from or by any lessee or occupier of the Landlord in respect of
    property not comprised in this Lease or prevent or restrict in any way the
    development of any property not comprised in this Lease


    (6)  Notwithstanding anything herein contained the Landlord shall not be
    liable or responsible for:-

         (a)  any interruption in the utilities services amenities or
         facilities normally available to the Tenant by reason of any necessary
         repair or maintenance of any plant equipment conducting media or other
         apparatus or damage thereto or destruction thereof through any cause
         beyond the Landlord's control or by reason of mechanical or other
         defect or breakdown or freezing or other inclement conditions or
         unavoidable shortage of fuel materials or labour

         (b)  any act omission or negligence of any servant or agent of the
         Landlord in or about the performance of any duty relating to any such
         utilities services amenities or facilities


         (c)  any defect or want of repair relating to any matter for which the
         Landlord may be responsible unless the Landlord shall have had actual
         notice thereof

         (d)  any accident or occurrence of injury or loss of or damage to
         goods or chattels sustained by the Tenant or any invitee of the Tenant
         upon any part of the Property by reason of any act omission or
         negligence of any servant or agent of the Landlord or of any other
         person whether or not such person is under the direction or control of
         the Landlord


6.  (1)  PROVIDED ALWAYS AND IT IS HEREBY AGREED that after the expiration of
    each period of five years (the time in each case being computed from the
    commencement date and the date of expiration of each such period being
    hereinafter referred to as the "relevant review date") the yearly rent
    first hereby reserved for the time being payable hereunder shall be
    reviewed (the Landlord being entitled at any time within the period of
    twelve months next before the relevant review


    date or at any time thereafter to serve notice in writing upon the Tenant
    requiring a review of the rent hereby reserved) and from and after each
    relevant review date the yearly rent payable in respect of the demised
    premises shall be such sum (the "reviewed rent") as shall be agreed between
    the Landlord and the Tenant (or determined as hereinafter appearing) as
    represents the best yearly open market rack rental value of the demised
    premises as at the relevant review date as between a willing landlord and a
    willing tenant without taking a fine or premium for a term of years
    commencing on the relevant review date and equal in length to the whole of
    the term with vacant possession and taking no account of

         (i)   any goodwill attributable to the demised premises by reason
         of any trade or business carried on therein by the Tenant

         (ii)  any improvements to the demised premises carried out during
         the term by the Tenant with the consent of the Landlord other
         than any


         improvements effected at the expense of the Landlord or in pursuance
         of any obligation to the Landlord whether under the provisions of this
         Lease or any other document

    But upon the supposition (if not a fact) that the demised premises and the
    Property shall be in good and substantial repair and free from defects and
    ready for immediate beneficial occupation and that all the Tenant's and the
    Landlord's covenants shall have been complied with and in all other
    respects on the terms and conditions of this Lease including the provisions
    of this clause and if the Landlord and the Tenant have not agreed on the
    amount of the reviewed rent by a date three months before the relevant
    review date then and in any such case the question shall as soon as
    practicable be referred by either party to the decision of some competent
    person ("the Surveyor") to be agreed upon by the Landlord and by the Tenant
    or (in the event of failure so to agree) to be nominated by or on behalf of
    the President for the time being of the Royal Institution of Chartered
    Surveyors or such professional


    body of Surveyors as the Landlord shall designate who shall at the option
    of the Landlord to be notified to the Surveyor and the Tenant in writing
    within 21 days following the agreement of the parties as to the identity of
    the Surveyor or the nomination of the Surveyor as aforesaid act either as
    an arbitrator pursuant to the provisions of the Arbitration Acts 1950 and
    1979 or as an expert valuer whose decision shall be final and binding on
    all persons who are or have been parties hereto and which decision shall be
    given within two months of his appointment or within such extended period
    as may be reasonable

    (2)  Notice in writing of his appointment shall be given by the Surveyor to
    the Landlord and the Tenant and he shall invite each to submit within a
    specified period (which shall not exceed four weeks) a valuation
    accompanied if desired by a statement of reasons

    (3)  If the Surveyor shall fail to determine the open market rent and give
    notice thereof within the time and in the manner provided or if he shall
    relinquish his appointment or die or if it shall become apparent that for


    reason he will be unable to complete his duties the Landlord nay apply to
    the said President for a substitute to be appointed in his place which
    procedure may be repeated as may times as necessary

    (4)  The fees of the Surveyor shall be shared as the Surveyor shall

    (5)  In the event of the reviewed rent not being ascertained by the
    relevant review date then:-

         (a)  during the period ("the said interval") from the relevant review
         date to the quarter day immediately following the date on which the
         reviewed rent shall be agreed or (failing agreement) the decision of
         the Surveyor shall have been communicated to the Landlord and the
         Tenant the rent payable hereunder shall continue to be paid at the
         rate payable immediately before the relevant review date

         (b)  at the expiration of the said interval there shall be due as
         additional rent a sum ("the shortfall") equal to the amount (if any)
         by which the rent actually payable during the said interval falls
         short of the rent


         which would have been payable during the said interval if the reviewed
         rent had been ascertained by the relevant review date

         (c)  at the expiration of the said interval the Tenant shall pay
         interest on the shortfall at the prescribed rate

         (d)  such interest shall be calculated from each quarter day during
         the said interval to the end of the said interval on the portion of
         the shortfall which would have been payable on that quarter day (if
         the reviewed rent had been ascertained by the relevant review date)

    (6)  In no event shall the reviewed rent payable after each relevant review
    date be less than the yearly rent payable immediately before such relevant
    review date

    (7)  As respects all periods of time referred to in this Clause 6 time
    shall not be of the essence

    (8)  If on any relevant review date there shall be in force any act which
    shall restrict interfere with or affect the Landlord's right to revise the
    rent hereby reserved in accordance with the terms hereof then the Landlord
    shall be entitled once


    following each removal or modification of such Act to serve notice
    requiring a review of the said rent (hereinafter called an "interim
    notice") upon the Tenant and from and after the date of service of such
    interim notice until the next relevant review date the rent shall be
    increased to whichever is the higher of the best yearly open market rack
    rental value of the demised premises (determined in accordance with this
    Clause) at the date of service of the interim notice and the rent payable
    immediately prior thereto and the provisions of this Clause shall apply
    accordingly with the substitution of the said date of service for the
    relevant review date

    (9)  The Landlord may at any time earlier than three months before the end
    of the term serve notice in writing upon the Tenant requiring a review of
    the rent hereby reserved as at the date seven days before the expiration of
    the term and in such event such date shall be treated as a relevant review
    date and the provisions of sub-clauses (1) to (8) of this Clause 6 shall
    apply accordingly

    (10) A memorandum of any increased rent determined pursuant to this Clause
    6 shall as


    soon as may be after such determination be endorsed on or annexed to the
    Lease and Counterpart thereof and signed by or on behalf of the Landlord
    and the Tenant respectively


7.  THIS Deed shall incorporate the regulations as to notices contained in
Section 196 of the Law of Property Act 1925 as amended by the Recorded Delivery
Service Act 1962


8.  THE Landlord's Solicitors' fees and disbursements incurred in connection
with the preparation and completion of this Lease and Counterpart thereof
together with the stamp duties payable thereon shall be paid by the Tenant


9.  THE Sureties in consideration of the demise hereinbefore contained being
made by the Landlord at the Sureties' instance and request HEREBY JOINTLY AND
SEVERALLY COVENANT with AND GUARANTEE to the Landlord that the Tenant will at
all times during the term pay the rents hereby reserved (including any increased
rent determined pursuant to Clause 6) and all other sums and payments agreed to
be paid by the Tenant at the respective times and in manner hereinbefore
appointed for


payment thereof and will also duly perform and observe and keep the several
covenants and obligations hereinbefore on the part of the Tenant contained
PROVIDED THAT if the Tenant fails to pay the rents hereby reserved and all other
sums and payments agreed to be paid and/or fails to perform and observe the
covenants and obligations hereinbefore on the part of the Tenant contained then
the Sureties and the Sureties only shall exercise the option of EITHER

    (i)   making good to the Landlord all losses costs and expenses sustained
    by the Landlord through the default of the Tenant in respect of such
    matters provided that any neglect or forbearance of the Landlord in
    endeavouring to obtain payment of the said rents and payments as and when
    the same become due or its delay to take steps to enforce performance or
    observance of the several covenants and obligations herein on the part of
    the Tenant contained and any time which may be given by the Landlord to the
    Tenant or that the Tenant may have ceased to exist or any other act or
    thing shall not release or in any way lessen or affect the liability of the
    Sureties under this guarantee AND the Sureties hereby further jointly and


    covenant that if in those circumstances the Landlord shall so require by
    notice in writing the Sureties will accept within three months of service
    of such notice a Lease of the demised premises for a term equivalent to the
    residue then unexpired of the Lease at the same rents as shall be payable
    hereunder immediately prior to such notice (with provision for the review
    of rent at the times and in the manner contained in this Lease) and subject
    to the like covenants provisos and conditions as are contained in this
    Lease with the exception of this clause 9 the said new Lease and the rights
    and liabilities thereunder to take effect as from the date of such
    disclaimer or forfeiture and in such case the Sureties shall pay the
    Landlord's % costs of and accept such new Lease accordingly and will
    execute and deliver to the Landlord a counterpart thereof OR

    (ii)  offering to the Landlord whereupon the Landlord shall accept a full
    surrender of the residue then unexpired of the Lease and the release of all
    covenants and obligations contained therein on the part of both the Tenant
    and the Sureties and the Sureties hereby jointly and severally covenant to


    or cause to be paid to the Landlord a sum equivalent to six of the
    quarterly payments of rent payable hereunder at the rate applicable at the
    date of the exercise of the said option but the calculation of such sum
    will not include any additional rent or insurance premium payable under the
    terms of this Lease and it is further agreed that if the Sureties exercise
    the second option herein then the Sureties and the Tenant shall be released
    from all further liability under the terms of this Lease

I N   W I T N E S S whereof the Landlord and the Sureties have hereunto set
their respective hands and seals and the Tenant has caused its Common Seal to be
hereunto affixed the day and year first above written

                         THE FIRST SCHEDULE - SEE CLAUSE 2(1)


1.  The inner surfaces and interior decorative finishes of walls and stanchions
    which are exterior walls of the Building and their stanchions (but not
    other parts of such exterior walls or stanchions) and the inner surfaces of
    the ceilings


2.  The floor finishes but not items below such finishes

3.  The inner half severed medially of internal walls dividing the demised
    premises from other parts of the Building and the whole of all other
    internal walls or partitions

4.  Windows and window frames

5.  All additions and improvements to the demised premises

6.  All Landlord's fixtures and fittings in or upon the demised premises
    whether or not installed at the date hereof

7.  Any conducting media exclusively serving the demised premises

                         THE SECOND SCHEDULE - SERVICE CHARGE

                                 PART I - DEFINITIONS

1.  "Unit" means a part of the Property (including the demised premises) let or
intended for letting

2.  "the Common Areas" means all parts of the Property other than any Unit
including (without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing) the following
insofar as the responsibility for the repair and maintenance thereof is not
imposed exclusively on any one lessee of the Property


either under the covenants contained in this Lease or in any other lease of a

    (a)  All roads ways forecourts yards parking areas and other open spaces
    and unbuilt areas

    (b)  All entrances passages halls staircases and other parts of the
    Building or any other building or structure upon the Property

    (c)  All plant machinery equipment utilities and conducting media in under
    or serving the areas referred to in paragraphs 2(a) and (b) of this

    (d)  All boundary walls fences and other boundary structures of the

3.  "service charge" means the aggregate cost to the Landlord of:-

    (a)  repairing renewing redecorating maintaining and cleaning the structure
    and exterior of the Building and all other parts thereof the responsibility
    for the repair and maintenance whereof is not imposed exclusively on any
    one Lessee of the Property or any unit under the covenants contained in
    this Lease or in any other lease of a unit and of any other building or
    erection upon the Property which accommodates any Unit other than those
    parts of the said structure and exterior maintainable by occupational


    tenants or lessees in pursuance of the demise to them

    (b)  repairing renewing redecorating maintaining cleaning and lighting the
    Common Areas and any land adjoining the Property used for the benefit of
    any part of the Property and any plant machinery equipment (including
    entryphone) and conducting media serving or used for the benefit of any
    part of the Property other than those exclusively serving one Unit

    (c)  carrying out or contributing to the repair renewal redecoration
    maintenance cleaning and lighting of party structures and all conducting
    media boundary structures forecourts yards roads ways amenities and things
    used or enjoyed by the occupiers of the Property or any part of it in
    common with the owners or occupiers of any adjoining or neighbouring

    (d)  executing such works and complying with such requirements relating to
    the Common Areas (or other land or thing as referred to in paragraph 3(b)
    of this Schedule) as are directed or required by any Act of Parliament or
    by any statutory local or other competent authority


    (e)  tending maintaining and renewing all gardens and grassed planted or
    landscaped areas and all trees shrubs grass and other plants within the
    Common Areas

    (f)  cleaning the windows of the Property inside and out at least once in
    every period of two months

    (g)  regulating and controlling the movement ad parking of vehicles upon
    the Property

    (h)  paying and discharging all rates outgoings and charges for utilities
    imposed assessed or charged on any part of the Common Areas

    (i)  providing (if and to the extent that the Landlord considers it
    appropriate) security fire fighting and prevention apparatus cleaning
    lighting refuse collection entryphone and any other services which the
    Landlord shall in its absolute discretion procure for the better use and
    enjoyment of the Property and its facilities

    (j)  retaining managing agents and professional advisers and all other
    costs and expenses incurred in connection with the management and
    administration of the Property and the preservation or improvement of its


    use and enjoyment and the provision of the services

    (k)  insuring the Common Areas and the utilities and services of the
    Property and third party and public liability and liability under the
    Defective Premises Act 1972 in relation to the Property and any other risks
    relating to the management of the Property and the provision of services
    for it

    (l)  providing a contingency fund in each year of a reasonable sum to cover
    the prospective and contingent costs of carrying out necessary repairs
    decorations and replacements to the Property and any premiums on sinking
    fund policies covering future capital expenditure on fixtures and fittings

    (m)  The cost of carrying out works or services of any kind whatsoever
    which the Landlord may deem desirable or necessary for the purpose of
    maintaining or improving the services in or for the Property and the cost
    of any other services reasonably provided by the Landlord from time to time
    for the better employment or use of the Property by its occupiers

    (n)  The proper fees charges expenses and commissions payable to any


    accountant surveyor valuer architect engineer and managing agent which the
    Landlord may from time to time employ in connection with the management
    repair and maintenance of the Building

    (o)  Value Added Tax on the cost of any of the services provided under this

4.  "service charge period" shall mean the period for which the service charge
is calculated as from time to time determined by the Landlord and notified to
the Tenant


5.  The determination by the Landlord of the amount of the service charge or
the Tenant's proportion of the service charge shall be accepted by the Tenant as
final-and binding if verified by the Landlord's Surveyor

6.  Advance payments on account of the Tenant's proportion of the service
charge shall be paid by the Tenant according to the reasonable estimate made by
the Landlord's Surveyor of the amount of the service charge for the current
service charge period by equal installments each of the usual quarter days
occurring during such current service charge period but shall be subject to


under paragraphs 7 and 8 of this Schedule and the first advance payment (being a
proportion from the date hereof to the quarter day next following) shall be made
on the execution hereof

7.  The Landlord shall as soon as practicable after the end of each service
charge period supply to the Tenant a statement verified by the Landlord's
Surveyor giving particulars of the service charge incurred for that service
charge period and if the Tenant's proportion of the service charge shall be more
or less than the total of the payments on account paid by the Tenant during that
service charge period under paragraph 6 of this Schedule then any sum due to or
payable by the Landlord by way of adjustment to the Tenant's proportion of the
service charge shall be added to or subtracted from (as the case may be) the
next advance payment on account of the Tenant's proportion of the service charge
on the quarter day following the date of receipt by the Tenant of the verified

8.  Notwithstanding the previous provisions of this Schedule the Landlord may
at any time during the currency of any service charge period by notice to the
Tenant increase the amount of any or all of the remaining payments on account of


Tenant's proportion of the service charge for that service charge period
