Exhibit 99.

IN FOCUS-Registered Trademark-


For more information, contact:

John V. Harker                         Heidi A. Flannery
Chief Executive Officer                Investor Relations Counsel
In Focus Systems, Inc.                 Fi.Comm
(503) 685-8888                         (503) 844-8888

         IN FOCUS SYSTEMS-Registered Trademark-, INC. DECLARES DIVIDEND

Wilsonville, Oregon, July 17, 1997 -- The Board of Directors of In Focus
Systems, Inc. (Nasdaq: INFS) has declared a dividend distribution of one Common
Share Purchase Right on each outstanding share of In Focus Systems common stock.
Subject to limited exceptions, the Rights will be exercisable if a person or
group acquires 20% or more of the Company's common stock or announces a tender
offer for 20% or more of the common stock.  The Company's Board will be entitled
to redeem the Rights at $.01 per Right at any time before the tenth day after a
person has acquired 20% or more of the outstanding common stock.

The Rights are intended to enable all In Focus Systems shareholders to realize
the long-term value of their investment in the Company.  They do not prevent a
takeover, but should encourage anyone seeking to acquire the Company to
negotiate with the Board of Directors prior to attempting a takeover.  The
Rights Plan will expire in the year 2007.

"The Rights are not being distributed in response to any specific effort to
acquire control of the Company.  The Rights are designed to assure that all In
Focus Systems shareholders receive fair and equal treatment in the event of any
proposed takeover of the Company and to guard against partial tender offers,
open market accumulations and other abusive tactics to gain control of the
Company without paying all shareholders a control premium," said John V. Harker,
Chairman, President and CEO of In Focus.  "More than 1,500 public companies have
adopted similar rights plans in recent years," concluded Harker.

If a person becomes an Acquiring Person, each Right will entitle its holder to
purchase, at the Right's then-current exercise price, a number of common shares
of In Focus Systems having a market value at that time of twice the exercise
price.  The exercise price is $130.  Rights held by the Acquiring Person will
become void and will not be exercisable to purchase shares at the bargain
purchase price.  An Acquiring Person is defined as a person who acquires 20% or
more of the outstanding common shares of In Focus Systems.  In effect, this
would enable a holder of rights (other than an Acquiring Person) to purchase
$130 worth of common shares at half price.

If the Company is acquired in a merger or other business combination transaction
which has not been approved by the Board of Directors, each Right will entitle
its holder to purchase, at the Right's then-current exercise price, a number of
the acquiring company's common shares having a market value at that time of
twice the exercise price.

The dividend distribution to establish the Rights Plan will be payable to
shareholders of record on July 31, 1997.  The Rights distribution is not taxable
to shareholders.

In Focus Systems, Inc. (Nasdaq: INFS) is the worldwide leader in developing,
manufacturing and marketing multimedia projection products and services to
present video, audio, graphics and data from personal computers and other
electronic devices.  The Company's headquarters are located at 27700B SW Parkway
Avenue, Wilsonville, Oregon 97070-9215.  The In Focus web site is located at


              In Focus Systems, Inc. - 27700B SW Parkway Avenue, Wilsonville, 
OR 97070-9215 - 503-685-8888 Fax: 503-685-8887
