This Trademark License Agreement ("Agreement") is effective as of the 30TH day
of June, 1997 ("Effective Date") and is entered into by and between Netscape
Communications Corporation ("Netscape"), a Delaware corporation located at
501 East Middlefield Road, Mountain View California 94043, and Yahoo! Inc.
("Yahoo"), a California corporation located at 3400 Central Expressway,
Ste. 201, Santa Clara, California 95051.


A.   Netscape owns the trade names, trademarks, and servicemark NETSCAPE and
     NETSCAPE NET SEARCH, and U.S. federal trademark registrations and
     applications therefor, including U.S. Reg. No. 2,027,552 used in 
     connection with its Internet-related software products, services and 

B.   Yahoo produces Web sites and performs other Internet-related services;

C.   Yahoo desires to use the trademark NETSCAPE NET SEARCH ("the Mark") in
     connection with certain Internet-related services as defined herein; and

D.   Netscape is willing to permit such use of the Mark under the terms and
     conditions set forth in this Agreement.

NOW THEREFORE, the parties agree as follows:



     1.1   "TERRITORY" means the geographic and language specific Netscape
           websites identified in Exhibit A.

     1.2   "SERVICES" means the delivery of web page results generated by
           Yahoo's search engines in response to end user queries initiated 
           from Netscape websites in the Territory which are jointly 
           identified as Yahoo and Netscape search services.

     1.3   "RESULTS PAGES" means the web pages generated by Yahoo's search
           engines in response to end user queries initiated from Netscape
           websites in the Territory.

     1.4   "TITLE" means the phrase "Netscape Net Search by Yahoo!".


     2.1   GRANT OF LICENSE.  Netscape hereby grants to Yahoo a 
non-exclusive, nontransferable, license to use the Mark solely as part of the 
Title used on the Results Pages displayed to end users as part of the 
Services.  Yahoo may only use the Mark as a collective whole and shall not 
separately use any element or elements of the Mark.  Notwithstanding the 

foregoing, Netscape acknowledges that it shall not seek to prevent Yahoo from 
using the word "Net Search" separate and apart from the Mark.  Yahoo shall 
have the right to sublicense the rights provided under this Agreement to the 
entities listed on Exhibit C attached hereto, provided that any such 
sublicense contains the same terms and protections included in this 
Agreement.  Yahoo may sublicense the rights provided under this Agreement to 
entities not listed in Exhibit C only upon Netscape's prior written consent 
which shall not be unreasonably withheld.

     2.2   RESERVATION OF RIGHTS.  Netscape hereby reserves any and all 
rights not expressly and explicitly granted in this Agreement, including 
Netscape's right to authorize or license use of the Mark or any other 
trademarks or names containing NETSCAPE, to any third party for use in 
connection with any goods and services, including, but not limited to, 
Internet navigation, search, and directory services.  Without limiting the 
rights reserved in the preceding sentence, Netscape hereby reserves any and 
all rights to use, authorize use or license use of the Mark or any other 
trademarks or names containing NETSCAPE in any geographic territory listed in 
EXHIBIT A in a language or language(s) different from the language listed 
next to such geographic territory in EXHIBIT A.  No right is provided herein 
to use any other Netscape trademark, including, without limitation, the 
Netscape Horizon Logo.

3.   LICENSE FEE.  For the rights granted to Yahoo herein, Yahoo shall pay 
Netscape, within thirty (30) days of the Effective Date of this Agreement, a 
one-time non-refundable license fee of Two Million, Seven-hundred Thousand 
Dollars ($2,700,000) at the time of the execution of this Agreement.  The 
license fee due hereunder is exclusive of any applicable taxes.  Yahoo shall 
be responsible for all applicable national, state and local taxes, value 
added or sales taxes, exchange, interest, banking, collection and other 
charges and levies and assessments pertaining to payments other than U.S. 
taxes based on Netscape's net income.  If Yahoo is required by law to make 
any deduction or to withhold from any sum payable to Netscape by Yahoo 
hereunder, (i) Yahoo shall effect such deduction or withholding, remit such 
amounts to the appropriate taxing authorities and promptly furnish Netscape 
with tax receipts evidencing the payments of such amounts, and (ii) the sum 
payable by Yahoo upon which the deduction or withholding is based shall be 
increased to the extent necessary to ensure that, after such deduction or 
withholding, Netscape receives and retains, free from liability for such 
deduction or withholding, a net amount equal to the amount Netscape would 
have received and retained in the absence of such required deduction or 


     4.1   NETSCAPE OWNERSHIP.  Yahoo hereby acknowledges that Netscape is 
the owner of the Mark, and any trademark applications and/or registrations 
thereto, agree that it will do nothing inconsistent with such ownership and 
agrees that all use of the Mark by Yahoo shall inure to the benefit of 
Netscape.  Yahoo agrees that nothing in this Agreement shall give Yahoo any 
right, title or interest in the Mark other than the right to use the Mark in 
accordance with this Agreement.  Yahoo agrees not to register or attempt to 
register the Mark as a trademark, service mark, Internet domain name, trade 
name, or any similar trademarks or name, with any domestic or foreign 
governmental or quasi-governmental authority which would be likely to cause 


confusion with the Mark. The provisions of this paragraph shall survive the 
expiration or termination of this Agreement.

     4.2   OWNERSHIP BY YAHOO.  Netscape acknowledges that Yahoo is the owner 
of Yahoo's trademarks and/or registrations thereto and agrees that it will do 
nothing inconsistent with such ownership.  Yahoo's trademarks include the 
name Yahoo and any derivative Yahoo-based mark and the Yahoo logo.


     5.1   PROPER USE.  Yahoo agrees that all use of the Mark shall only 
occur in connection with the Services and shall be in strict compliance with 
the terms of this Agreement.  Yahoo may use the Mark as set forth in Section 
2.1  Yahoo shall use the Mark in conformance with Netscape's trademark 
guidelines ("Trademark Guidelines"), set forth in Exhibit B, which Trademark 
Guidelines may be revised by Netscape from time to time.  Yahoo agrees not to 
use any other trademark or service mark in combination with the Mark other 
than as described in Section 2.1.  Except as provided in Section 2.1, Yahoo 
has no right to sublicense, transfer or assign the use of the Mark or use the 
Mark for any other purpose other than the purpose described herein.  The Mark 
shall always be used in the English language; however, the "Net Search" 
portion of the Mark may be translated, upon approval by Netscape, to the 
languages set forth in EXHIBIT A. Yahoo may not use the Mark in connection 
with, or for the benefit of, any third party's products or services.  Yahoo 
further agrees not to use the Mark in connection with n any products or 
services that are deemed by Netscape, in its reasonable judgment, to be 
directly, explicitly or maliciously disparaging of Netscape or its products, 
or products that are themselves unlawful or whose purpose is to encourage 
unlawful activities by others.  Yahoo further agrees not to display 
promotional materials, graphics, or advertisements client or server software 
competitive with Netscape's client and server software products on the Search 
Results pages rendered in connection with the Services, if and where, the 
Mark is used pursuant to Section 2.1.

     5.2   QUALITY STANDARDS.  Yahoo agrees to maintain a consistent level of 
quality of the Services performed in connection with the Mark substantially 
equal to that found in Yahoo's existing Web site services.  Yahoo further 
agrees to maintain a level of quality in connection with its use of the Mark 
that is consistent with general industry standards.

     5.3   MONITORING BY NETSCAPE.  Yahoo acknowledges that Netscape has no 
further obligations under this Agreement other than the right to periodically 
monitor Yahoo's use of the Mark in conjunction with the Services.  Upon 
request by Netscape, Yahoo shall provide Netscape with representative samples 
of each such use prior to the time the Mark are first published on the 
Internet.  If Netscape determines that Yahoo is using the Mark improperly, 
outside the scope of Section 2.1, or in connection with Services which do not 
meet the standards set forth in Section 5.1 or Section 5.2, Netscape shall 
notify Yahoo, and Yahoo shall remedy the improper use within two (2) business 
days following receipt of such notice from Netscape.  Use of the Mark outside 
of the scope of Section 2.1, on goods or services other than the Services or 
the promotion of the Services, or in a manner inconsistent with the Trademark 
Guidelines, shall constitute material breach of this Agreement.  If such 
material breach has not been cured within 


two (2) business day following receipt of notice form Netscape, this 
Agreement shall be terminated.

     5.4   LEGEND; DISCLAIMER.  Yahoo shall include with any use of the Mark 
with the Services the subscript trademark notice "-Registered Trademark-" 
immediately following Netscape; and 2) shall include with any Legal Notices 
associated with the Services a trademark legend indicating that the Mark is 
owned by Netscape, used under license, and a disclaimer that Yahoo and not 
Netscape has produced the Services and is responsible for the content thereof.

     5.5   SERVICES.  If Netscape reasonably determines that the Services 
contains or presents any material that constitutes an infringement of 
Netscape's trademark, patents, copyrights or trade secrets, Netscape may 
immediately terminate the license grant described in Section 2.1 if Yahoo has 
not revised, removed or delinked to such material to Netscape's reasonable 
satisfaction within seven (7) business days of written notice from Netscape.  
If Netscape reasonably determines that the Services contain or present any 
material that could reasonably constitute a clear and unambiguous 
infringement of a third party's copyright, trademark, patents or trade 
secrets, Netscape and Yahoo shall confer and mutually agree on a proper 
course of action.

6.   CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION AND DISCLOSURE.  Unless required by law, and 
except to assert its rights hereunder or for disclosures to its own employees 
on a "need to know" basis, Yahoo agrees not to disclose the terms of this 
Agreement or matters relating thereto without the prior written consent of 
Netscape, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld.


     7.1   TERM AND TERMINATION.  This Agreement and the term of the license 
granted herein shall be perpetual unless terminated as provided in Section 
5.3, Section 5.5 or this Section 7.1.  Netscape shall have the right to 
terminate this Agreement upon the occurrence of one or more of the following: 
 (a) any material breach by Yahoo of its obligations under this Agreement 
which remains uncured for thirty (30) days or more following written notice 
of such breach from Netscape, or (b) use of the Mark by Yahoo in a manner 
which is directly, explicitly or maliciously disparaging of Netscape or its 
products and services and which remains uncured for two (2) days following 
notice from Netscape.

     7.2   EFFECT OF TERMINATION.  Upon termination of the Agreement, Yahoo 
agrees it shall immediately cease any and all use of the Mark.

8.    GENERAL.

           8.1  GOVERNING LAW.  This Agreement shall be subject to and 
governed in all respects by the statutes and laws of the State of California 
without regard to the conflicts of laws principles thereof.  The Superior 
Court of Santa Clara County and/or the United States District Court for the 
Northern District of California shall have exclusive jurisdiction and venue 
over all controversies in connection herewith, and each party hereby consents 
to such exclusive and personal jurisdiction and venue.


           8.2  ENTIRE AGREEMENT.  This Agreement, including Exhibit A and 
Exhibit B, constitutes the entire Agreement and understanding between the 
parties and integrates all prior discussions between them related to its 
subject matter.  No modification of any of the terms of this Agreement shall 
be valid unless in writing and signed by an authorized representative of each 

           8.3  ASSIGNMENT.  Neither party may assign this Agreement, in 
whole or in part, without the other party's written consent; provided 
however,, that either party may assign this Agreement without such consent in 
connection with any merger, consolidation, sale of all or substantially all 
of such party's assets or any other transaction in which more than fifty 
percent (50%) of such party's voting securities are transferred (such events 
being collectively referred to as a "Change in Control"), provided that (i) 
such Change in Control shall not occur with respect to a prospective assignee 
who is in a directly competitive relationship with the other party, and (ii) 
in the case of a Change of Control of Yahoo, the entity managing the Service 
subsequent to such Change in Control shall affirmatively agree in writing to 
honor all commitments concerning the Mark.  Yahoo recognizes and acknowledges 
that an assignment of this Agreement to an entity who is in a directly 
competitive relationship with Netscape will cause Netscape irreparable damage 
which cannot be readily remedied in monetary damages in an action at law, and 
Netscape shall be entitled to immediate injunctive relief to prevent such 
irreparable harm in addition to any other remedies available.  Yahoo hereby 
warrants and represents that it is not currently in discussion, and has no 
current plans to enter into discussions, with third parties concerning an 
event which could give rise to a Change of Control of Yahoo.

           8.4  NOTICES.  All notices required or permitted hereunder shall 
be given in writing addressed to the respective parties as set forth below 
and shall either be (a) personally delivered; (b) transmitted by postage 
prepaid certified mail, return receipt requested; or (c) transmitted by 
nationally-recognized private express courier, and shall be deemed to have 
been given on the date of receipt if delivered personally, or two (2) days 
after deposit in mail or express courier.  Either party may change its 
address for purposes hereof by written notice to the other in accordance with 
the provisions of this Subsection.  The addresses for the parties are as 

      YAHOO:                                NETSCAPE:
      Yahoo! Inc.                           Netscape Communications Corporation
      3400 Central Expressway, Ste. 201     501 East Middlefield Road
      Santa Clara, CA  95051                Mountain View, CA  94043
      Fax:  (408) 731-3510                  Fax:  (415) 528-4123
      Attn:  General Counsel                Attn:  General Counsel

          8.5  FORCE MAJEURE.  Neither party will be responsible for any 
failure to perform its obligations under this Agreement due to causes beyond 
its reasonable control, including but not limited to acts of God, war, riot, 
embargoes, acts of civil or military authorities, fire, floods or accidents.


          8.6  WAIVER.  Any waiver, either expressed or implied, by either 
party of any default by the other in the observance and performance of any of 
the conditions, covenants of duties set forth herein shall not constitute or 
be construed as a waiver of any subsequent or other default.

          8.7  HEADINGS.  The headings to the Sections and Subsections of 
this Agreement are included merely for convenience of reference and shall not 
affect the meaning of the language included therein.

          8.8  INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS.  The parties acknowledge and agree 
that they are dealing with each other hereunder as independent contractors.  
Nothing contained in the Agreement shall be interpreted as constituting 
either party the joint venture or partner of the other party or as conferring 
upon either party the power of authority to bind the other party in any 
transaction with third parties.

          8.9  SURVIVAL.  The provisions of Section 2.2 (Reservation of 
Rights), 4 (Ownership of Mark), 5.4 (Legend; Disclaimer), 6 (Confidential 
Information and Disclosure), 7.2 (Effect of Termination) and 8 (General) will 
survive any termination of this Agreement.

          8.10 EQUITABLE RELIEF.  Yahoo recognizes and acknowledges that a 
breach by Yahoo of this Agreement will cause Netscape irreparable damage 
which cannot be readily remedied in monetary damages in an action at law, and 
may, in addition thereto, constitute an infringement of the Mark.  In the 
event of any default or breach by Yahoo that could result in irreparable harm 
to Netscape or cause some loss or dilution of Netscape's goodwill, 
reputation, or rights in the Mark, Netscape shall be entitled to immediate 
injunctive relief to prevent such irreparable harm, loss, or dilution in 
addition to any other remedies available.

          8.11 SEVERABILITY.  Except as otherwise set forth in this 
Agreement, the provisions of this Agreement are severable, and if any one or 
more such provisions shall be determined to be invalid, illegal or 
unenforceable, in whole or in part, the validity, legality and enforceability 
of any of the remaining provisions or portions thereof shall not in any way 
be affected thereby and shall nevertheless be binding between the parties 
hereto.  Any such invalid, illegal or unenforceable provision or portion 
thereof shall be changed and interpreted so as to best accomplish the 
objectives of such provision or portion thereof within the limits of 
applicable law.

          8.12 ATTORNEY'S FEES.  In the event of any action, suit, or 
proceeding brought by either party to enforce the terms of this Agreement, 
the prevailing party shall be entitled to receive its costs, expert witness 
fees, and reasonable attorneys fees and expenses, including costs and fees on 


      IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the 
Effective Date.

YAHOO! INC.                           NETSCAPE COMMUNICATIONS

By:  /s/ Jeffrey A. Mallett           By:  /s/ Michael Homer        
   ---------------------------           -----------------------------

Name:  Jeffrey A. Mallet           Name:  Michael Homer          
     -------------------------          ------------------------------

Title:  SR. VP. Business O         Title:  SVP of Marketing      
      ------------------------           -----------------------------

Date:  6/30/97                     Date:  6/30/97                
     -------------------------          ------------------------------

Exhibit A:  Territory

Exhibit B:  Netscape Trademark Usage Guidelines

Exhibit C:  Yahoo Sublicensees


                                   EXHIBIT A

- -------------------------------              ------------------
Brazilian Portuguese - Brazil      

Danish- Denmark                    

Dutch - The Netherlands            

French - France                    

German - Germany                   

Italian - Italy                    

Japanese - Japan                   

Korean - Korea                     

Spanish - Spain                    

Swedish - Sweden                   

Australian Mirror Site - Australia 

U.K. Mirror Site - United Kingdom  

                                    EXHIBIT B


                           TRADEMARK USAGE GUIDELINES


You must comply with the following guidelines in order to avoid any breach of 
the terms and conditions under which you have been authorized or licensed to 
use Netscape's logos and trademarks:

- -    All logos and trademarks under which Netscape markets and/or promotes its
     products and services are, and shall remain, the exclusive property of
     Netscape Communications Corporation.

- -    Advertising for Netscape, its products, its services or its programs must
     not be in violation of any United States federal or state laws, municipal
     ordinances or administrative agency regulations, or the laws, rules and
     regulations of any other country.

- -    Advertising for Netscape, its products, its services or its programs must
     not be misleading in price, features or specifications.

Netscape may modify these guidelines from time to time and you will be bound to
comply with the material contained in the updated guidelines, provided Netscape
has provided you with the updated guidelines sufficiently in advance to permit
you to comply with the requirements.


All Netscape trademarks must be used as adjectives (product or service name) 
modifying nouns (generic term such as software or program).  Trademarks must 
not be used as nouns or verbs.  Trademarks must never appear in plural or 
possessive form.  In addition, the full trademark (as shown in the list 
below) must be used, not an abbreviated version of the name.








After the first use of a trademark as an adjective followed by a noun, and if 
needed for ease of writing, you may leave out the generic noun in some of the 
subsequent uses where it is clearly understood to be implied from the 
context, so long as the trademark is not pluralized or made possessive and 
the trademark is followed by the generic noun at least once per page.

You may not use our trademarks, whether design or words marks, in the 
following ways:

     -    In a non-Netscape product name or publication title
     -    In, as, or as part of, your own trademarks
     -    To identify products or services that are not ours
     -    In connection with activities, products, or services outside the 
          scope of your license from Netscape
     -    In a manner likely to cause confusion
     -    In a manner that implies inaccurately that we sponsor or endorse 
          your activities, products, and services
     -    In a manner disparaging of Netscape

All materials must include a trademark attribution statement for Netscape 
products and services.  The attribution statement that we request you use is: 
COUNTRIES.  As additional trademarks are registered by the US Patent and 
Trademark Office, the specific wording of the attribution statement will 
change.  Please check the trademark information available on our home page 
frequently for updates.


Following is a list of Netscape trademarks.  The list is not exhaustive, and 
Netscape may own other trademarks.  Please check the trademark information 
available on our home page frequently for updates to this list.  Collabra, 
Collabra Share, Netscape, and Netscape Navigator are registered trademarks of 
Netscape in the United States.  The following list of our trademarks shows 
the proper placement of the -Registered Trademark- in our trademarks.

Collabra-Registered Trademark-               Netscape-Registered Trademark- FastTrack Server
Collabra Share-Registered Trademark-         Netscape Insight
CoolTalk                                     Netscape-Registered Trademark- Internet Applications
In-Box Direct                                Netscape-Registered Trademark- Internet Foundation Classes
Live 3D                                      Netscape Internet Learning Academy
LiveCall                                     Netscape-Registered Trademark- Istore
LiveConnect                                  Netscape-Registered Trademark- LiveMedia
Live Objects                                 Netscape-Registered Trademark- LivePayment


LiveType                                     Netscape-Registered Trademark- Mail Server
LiveWire                                     Netscape-Registered Trademark- Mail
LiveWire Pro                                 Netscape-Registered Trademark- Media Converter
Mozilla                                      Netscape-Registered Trademark- Media Player
Netscape-Registered Trademark-               Netscape-Registered Trademark- Media Server
Netscape-Registered Trademark-
 Administration Kit                          Netscape-Registered Trademark- Merchant System
Netscape AffiliatePlus                       Netscape-Registered Trademark- Messaging Server
Netscape Alliance                            Netscape-Registered Trademark- Messenger
Netscape-Registered Trademark- AppFoundry    Netscape-Registered Trademark- Migration Toolkit
Netscape-Registered Trademark- AutoAdmin     Netscape Navigator-Registered Trademark-
Netscape-Registered Trademark- Calendar      Netscape Navigator-Registered Trademark- with FORTEZZA
Netscape-Registered Trademark-
 Calendar Server                             Netscape Navigator-Registered Trademark- Gold
Netscape-Registered Trademark-
 Cash Register                               Netscape Navigator-Registered Trademark- News
Netscape-Registered Trademark-
 Catalog Server                              Netscape Navigator-Registered Trademark- Personal Edition
Netscape-Registered Trademark-
 Certificate Server                          Netscape-Registered Trademark- News Server
Netscape Charters Program                    Netscape-Registered Trademark- ONE
Netscape-Registered Trademark- Chat          Netscape-Registered Trademark- Payment Kit
Netscape-Registered Trademark-
 Collabra-Registered Trademark-              Netscape-Registered Trademark- Power Pack
Netscape-Registered Trademark-
 Collabra-Registered Trademark- Server       Netscape-Registered Trademark- Proxy Server
Netscape-Registered Trademark-
 Commerce Server                             Netscape-Registered Trademark- Proxy Server with FORTEZZA
Netscape-Registered Trademark-
 Commercial Applications                     Netscape-Registered Trademark- Publishing System
Netscape-Registered Trademark-
 Communications Server                       Netscape Site Sampler
Netscape-Registered Trademark-
 Communicator                                Netscape-Registered Trademark- SuiteTools
Netscape-Registered Trademark-
 Community System                            Netscape SupportEdge 
Netscape-Registered Trademark-
 Composer                                    Netscape Update 
Netscape-Registered Trademark-
 Conference                                  Netsite
Netscape DevEdge                             ONE Stop Software
Netscape DevEdge Online                      PowerStart
Netscape Direct                              Secure Courier
Netscape-Registered Trademark-
 Directory Server                            SmartMarkss
Netscape Enterprise News                     SuiteSolutions
Netscape-Registered Trademark-
 Enterprise Server                           SuiteSpot
Netscape-Registered Trademark-
 Enterprise Server with FORTEZZA             TechVision

Guidelines on the use of the Netscape N logo are contained in the Netscape 
Corporate Signature Kit.  Your use of any other Netscape logo(s) that you 
have been licensed to use by Netscape is governed by the usage guidelines for 
that logo.


                                    EXHIBIT C

Yahoo Japan Corporation
Yahoo! France SARL
Yahoo! UK, Ltd.
Yahoo! GmbH