This Management Incentive Agreement ("Agreement") is entered by and 
between The Coca-Cola Bottling Group (Southwest), Inc. (the "Company" and the 
"Employer") and CHARLES F. STEPHENSON ("Manager"), effective January 1, 1997.


    A.   The Company desires to retain the services of certain key managers 
and to encourage key managers to seek to attain the financial goals of the 
Company through creativity, innovation and good management practices;

    B.   The Company measures its business success in part by setting 
financial goals and evaluating efforts to meet financial goals by increasing 
revenue and controlling expenditures;

    C.   The Company has established a Management Incentive Plan, recorded in 
the minutes of the Board of Directors of the Company and expressed in this 
Agreement and in similar Agreements with certain other key managers, to 
encourage superior long-term performance by key managers of the Company and 
subsidiary operations of the Company through payments of cash awards based on 
the Company's performance during the three-year period from January 1, 1997 
through December 31, 1999; and

    D.   Manager is currently employed with Employer in a key leadership 

    1.   PAYMENT OF BONUS. If Manager qualifies to receive a cash award 
pursuant to this Agreement, two-thirds of the Award Payable (defined in 
Section 2(c) below) will be paid to Manager on March 1, 2000, and one-third 
of the Award Payable will be paid to Manager on March 1, 2002. Payments under 
this Agreement will be made by Employer, unless Manager has transferred to a 
position with a subsidiary of the Company prior to the payment date, in which 
case the Award Payable will be prorated among the employers of the Manager 
during the Performance Period on the basis of months worked for each affected 



         a.   "Cash Flow" is based on the audited financial information of the
    Company for each fiscal year in any Performance Period and is determined by
    adding the following items on the Statement of Operations for Southwest
    Coca-Cola Bottling Company, Inc. and Texas Bottling Group, Inc. for the
    year ended on December 31 of each such year: consolidated net income,
    income taxes paid or accrued, interest expense net of interest income,
    depreciation, amortization, accruals for Awards under this Plan, and other
    non-cash charges to the extent deducted in calculating consolidated net

         b.   "Actual Cash Flow" is Cash Flow as certified to the Board of
    Directors of the Company by the Chief Financial Officer of the Company for
    purposes of the Plan and this Agreement.

         c. "Cash Flow Threshold" is $340,000,000.00.

    The Cash Flow Threshold may be adjusted by the Board of Directors of the 
Company to incorporate anticipated increases in Cash Flow resulting from the 
expansion of the Company's business through acquisition of any other business 
by the Company or Texas Bottling Group, Inc. or conversely to incorporate 
decreases in cash flow resulting from divestiture or significant increases in 
expenditures not foreseeable on the effective date of this Agreement. Any 
change in the Cash flow Threshold must be approved by the Board of Directors 
of the Company prior to the end of the Performance Period. The Board of 
Directors of the Company is not required to make any adjustment in the Cash 
Flow Threshold, but may take such action in its sole discretion. Any such 
change in the Cash Flow Threshold will be effected by written notice to 
Manager prior to the end of the Performance Period setting forth the amended 
Cash Flow Threshold.

         d.   "Award" is $200,000.00

         e.   "Award Payable" will be calculated by multiplying the Award by
    the percentage determined by the following formula (the "Award Formula"):

         Percentage = Lesser of y or z, where

              y = 150% and

              z = Actual Cash Flow - Threshold Cash Flow x 100% + 50%

    3.   REQUIREMENTS TO QUALIFY FOR THE AWARD. To be qualified to receive 
the Award Payable, Manager must have been continuously employed by the 
Company or a bottling subsidiary of the 


Company during the Performance Period in his present position or another key 
management position, and still actively employed on March 1, 2000 to receive 
the first installment, and on March 1, 2002 to receive the second 
installment. The only exceptions to these requirements are described in 
Paragraphs 4, 5, 6 and 7.

    4.   RESIGNATION DUE TO DISABILITY. If Manager fails to meet the 
requirements of Paragraph 3 above because he has resigned from employment 
with the Company or a bottling subsidiary of the Company after the 
Performance Period ends, but prior to a payment date due to a condition which 
meets the definition of "disability" in the Company's Long Term Disability 
Insurance Policy or is on medical leave, Manager will receive the Award 
Payable as provided in this Agreement. If Manager's resignation due to 
disability occurs prior to the end of the Performance Period, the Board of 
Directors may waive the "continuous employment" requirement and prorate the 
Award Payable based on the ratio of the number of months within the 
Performance Period in which Manager was actively employed to the 36 months in 
the Performance Period, and the payment date of such partial Award Payable 
may be accelerated in the sole discretion of the Board of Directors of the 

    5.   RESIGNATION DUE TO RETIREMENT. If Manager fails to meet the 
requirements of Paragraph 3 above because he has retired from employment with 
the Company or a bottling subsidiary of the Company after the Performance 
Period ends, but prior to a payment date in accordance with the terms of The 
Coca-Cola Bottling Group (Southwest), Inc. and Affiliates Retirement Plan, 
Manager will receive the Award Payable as provided in this Agreement. If 
Manager's resignation due to retirement occurs prior to the end of the 
Performance Period, the Board of Directors may waive the "continuous 
employment" requirement and prorate the Award Payable based on the ratio of 
the number of months within the Performance Period in which Manager was 
actively employed to the 36 months in the Performance Period.

    6.   DEATH OF MANAGER. If Manager dies while actively employed with the 
Company or a bottling subsidiary of the Company after the Performance Period 
ends, but prior to a payment date, Manager's estate or designated beneficiary 
will receive the Award Payable as provided in this Agreement. If Manager's 
death occurs prior to the end of the Performance Period, the Board of 
Directors may waive the "continuous employment" requirement and prorate the 
Award Payable based on the ratio of the number of months within the 
Performance Period in which the Manager was actively employed to the 36 
months within the Performance Period, and the payment date of such partial 
Award Payable may be accelerated in the sole discretion of the Board of 
Directors of the Company.

    7.   CHANGE OF MAJORITY OWNERSHIP. If, during the term of this Agreement, 
the majority ownership of the stock of the Company and/or the Manager's 
employer changes, this Agreement shall terminate, and Manager will receive 
all or any remaining portion of an Award Payable from the Company, on or 
before December 31 of the year in which such change of ownership is 
consummated. If the Change of Ownership occurs during the Performance Period, 
the Award Payable will be determined using an amended Cash Flow Threshold 


proportionally adjusts the factors to be utilized in calculating the Award 
Payable. For purposes of this Paragraph 7 and Paragraph 8 below, a transfer 
of stock ownership from a person or entity which was a shareholder on the 
date of this Agreement (a "current shareholder") to a person or entity which 
is (a) controlled by or under common control with a current shareholder, (b) 
a family member of a current shareholder, or (c) a trust, partnership or 
other entity of which a current shareholder or a family member of a current 
shareholder is either a grantor, trustee, beneficiary, owner or holder of an 
equity or beneficial interest, will not constitute a Change of Majority 
Ownership of the Company or, if applicable, the Manager's employer.

    8.   TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT. This Agreement shall terminate immediately 
upon the occurrence of the first of the following events: a) payment of the 
entire Award Payable; b) voluntary resignation of the Manager; c) termination 
of Manager's employment with the Company or a bottling subsidiary of the 
Company, for any reason other than death, disability or retirement (as 
defined in Paragraphs 5 and 6 above); or Change of Majority Ownership of the 
Company or Manager's employer. This Agreement and the benefits of this 
Agreement may be assigned by the Company to any corporate successor of the 
Company, but may not be assigned, pledged, or otherwise transferred by 

    9.   AMENDMENTS. Manager recognizes that the Board of Directors of the 
Company may determine in its sole discretion that modification, suspension or 
termination of the Plan is in the best interest of the Company, and that the 
Plan provides that the Board of Directors may act in its sole discretion to 
suspend or terminate the Plan in whole or in part. This Agreement may be 
amended by written agreement between the Manager and the Company. The Board 
of Directors of the Company may also make an amendment to the form of all 
Agreements for a specific Performance Period, and such amendment shall be 
effective for this Agreement when the majority of Participants who are 
parties to Agreements for the same Performance Period consent in writing to 
such amendment. The Board of Directors may also unilaterally amend this 
Agreement if it amends all Agreements for the same Performance Period in 
order to correct any defect, supply any omission or reconcile any 
inconsistency in the Plan or in the Awards made thereunder that does not 
constitute the modification of a material term of the Plan or this Agreement, 
or take necessary action to effect legal compliance of the Plan or this 
Agreement. If Manager transfers from his position with the Company to a 
position with Coca-Cola Bottling Company of the Southwest or Southwest 
Coca-Cola Bottling Company, Inc., this Agreement will be amended by adding 
such employer as a party to this Agreement.

    10.  NOTICES. All notices given under this Agreement shall be in writing 
and shall be deemed to be delivered when actually received or shall be deemed 
received upon deposit in the United States mail, registered or certified, 
postage prepaid and, if to the Company, addressed to the Company at 1999 
Bryan Street #3300, Dallas, Texas 75201, or if to Manager, at his principal 
place of residence.

    11.  EMPLOYMENT AT WILL. Manager acknowledges that this Agreement is not 
an employment agreement, and has no relationship to or effect on the terms of 


employment with the Company. Manager acknowledges and affirms that his 
employment with the Company is terminable at will, subject only to compliance 
with existing law, by Manager or Manager's employer (whether the Company or a 
subsidiary of the Company) at any time.

    IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Management Incentive Agreement is executed this 
5th  day of June, 1997.

                             THE COCA-COLA BOTTLING GROUP 
                             (SOUTHWEST), INC.

                             By: /s/ ROBERT K. HOFFMAN

                             Its: Co-Chairman


                             /s/ CHARLES F. STEPHENSON
                             Charles F. Stephenson
