AMENDMENT AGREEMENT

    This agreement to amend the Management Incentive Agreements effective 
January 1, 1994 (the "Agreements"), issued pursuant to the Southwest 
Coca-Cola Bottling Company, Inc. Management Incentive Plan (the "Plan") is 
entered by and among Southwest Coca-Cola Bottling Company, Inc. (the 
"Company") and the undersigned employees of the Company who are parties to 
the Agreements, to be effective when 8 such employees have signed this 
agreement (referred to below as the "Amendment").

    WHEREAS, The Coca-Cola Bottling Group (Southwest), Inc. (the "Parent"), 
the corporate parent of the Company, desires to establish a Management 
Incentive Plan ("Parent Plan") based on three-year cumulative cash flow for 
the combined operations of the Company and Texas Bottling Group, Inc.;

    WHEREAS, the Plan is based solely on the cash flow of the Company for a 
five-year period which overlaps the time period to be covered by the Parent 
Plan, and is therefore redundant;

    WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the Company believes that the Parent 
Plan will be more advantageous for the Company because it will align the 
efforts of the Parent, the Company and Texas Bottling Group, Inc. to improve 
the financial performance of all three entities; and

    WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the Company has approved the revisions 
to the Plan and the Agreements incorporated in this Amendment;

    NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing, the payments to be 
received under the Plan and for other good and valuable consideration, the 
parties to this Amendment agree as follows:

    A.   Paragraph 1 of the Agreements is hereby amended to read as follows:

    "1.  PAYMENT OF BONUS. If Manager qualifies to receive the Incentive 
Bonus, the Annual Component of the Incentive Bonus will be paid on June 13, 
1997, one-half of the Three Year Component of the Incentive Bonus will be 
paid on March 1, 1998 and the remaining one-half of the Three Year Component 
of the Incentive Bonus will be paid on March 1, 1999."

    B.   Paragraph 2 of the Agreements is hereby amended to read as follows:

    "2.  ONE-TIME BONUS CONCEPT. The amount of the Annual Component of the 
Incentive Bonus will be determined on June 1, 1997 by comparing the actual 
annual cash flow of the Company in each year from January 1, 1994 through 
December 31, 1996 to projected annual cash 


flow goals, and the Three Year Component of the Incentive Bonus will be 
determined by comparing the total cash flow for such three year period with 
the sum of the annual projected cash flow goals, according to the formula 
described in Paragraph 4 below."

    C.   Paragraph 3 (a) of the Agreements is hereby amended by substituting 
the year 1996 for 1997, and deleting the reference to the financial 
statements for fiscal 1998.

    D. Paragraph 3 (b)of the Agreements is hereby amended by substituting the 
following chart of Cash Flow Targets:

    YEAR                          CASH FLOW TARGET
    ----                          ----------------
    1994                            $ 42,700,000
    1995                              44,835,000
    1996                              47,077,000
    Three Year Total                $134,612,000

    E.   Paragraph 3(d) of the Agreements is hereby amended by substituting 
"Three" for "Five" every place where "Five" appears in the paragraph.

    F.   Paragraphs 5, 6, and 7 of the Agreements are hereby amended by 
substituting "on the payment date" for "February 1, 1999" in each place where 
"February 1, 1999" appears in such paragraphs.

    G.   The parties agree that the above-stated amendments will be effective 
as to all Agreements when 8 of the employees listed on the signature page of 
this Amendment have executed this Amendment.

         APPROVED AND ACCEPTED effective June 1, 1997.

                             SOUTHWEST COCA-COLA BOTTLING 
                             COMPANY, INC.

                             By: /s/ CHARLES F. STEPHENSON

                             Its: President

/s/ RONNIE HILL              /s/ GARY PHY
- ---------------------------  --------------------------------
Ronnie Hill                  Gary Phy

- ---------------------------  --------------------------------
Bill Pevehouse               Larry Short


/s/ MIKE FLORES              /s/ JAMES LONG
- ---------------------------  --------------------------------
Mike Flores                  James Long

                             /s/ REX CASTLE
- ---------------------------  --------------------------------
Bob Bolin                    Rex Castle

/s/ PAT WALL                 
- ---------------------------  --------------------------------
Pat Wall                     Steve Arrington

/s/ JOE HOPKINS              /s/ PAT STONE
- ---------------------------  --------------------------------
Joe Hopkins                  Pat Stone

                             /s/ JAMES DEVER
- ---------------------------  --------------------------------
Eugene Stout                 James Dever

- ---------------------------  
Stewart Swartz


                             /s/ JAMES LONG
- ---------------------------  --------------------------------
Mike Flores                  James Long

- ---------------------------  --------------------------------
Bob Bolin                    Rex Castle

                             /s/ STEVE ARRINGTON
- ---------------------------  --------------------------------
Pat Wall                     Steve Arrington

- ---------------------------  --------------------------------
Joe Hopkins                  Pat Stone

- ---------------------------  --------------------------------
Eugene Stout                 James Dever

- ---------------------------
Stewart Swartz
