[Amendment No.           ]
Filed by the Registrant /X/
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant / /

Check the appropriate box: 
/ /  Preliminary Proxy Statement 
/ /  Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by Rule
/X/  Definitive Proxy Statement 
/ /  Definitive Additional Materials 
/ /  Soliciting Material Pursuant to Rule 14a-11(c) or Rule 14a-12 
                               EMPIRE OF CAROLINA, INC.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   (Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter)

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

/X/  No fee required.
/ /  $125 per Exchange Act Rules 0-11(c)(i)(ii), 14a-6(i)(1), 14a-6(i)(2) or
     item 22(a)(2) of Schedule 14A.

/ /  Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11.

     (1)  Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies: 


     (2)  Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies: 


     (3)  Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed
          pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11: (1)

     (4)  Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

     (5)  Total fee paid:
/ /  Fee previously paid with preliminary materials.

/ /  Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act Rule
     0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was paid
     previously.  Identify the previous filing by registration statement number,
     or the form or schedule and the date of its filing.

     (1)   Amount Previously Paid:
     (2)   Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:
     (3)   Filing Party:
     (4)   Date Filed:

                               EMPIRE OF CAROLINA, INC.
                                5150 LINTON BOULEVARD
                             DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA 33484

                            TO BE HELD SEPTEMBER 25, 1997 

To the Stockholders of 

     You are cordially invited to attend the Annual Meeting of the 
Stockholders (the "Annual Meeting") of Empire of Carolina, Inc. (the 
"Company"), which will be held at Chase Conference Center, 270 Park Avenue, 
11th Floor, Room A, New York, New York on  September 25, 1997, at 10:30 a.m., 
local time, for: 
     (1)  The holders of Series A Preferred Stock ("Series A Holders") to 
          consider and act on a proposal to expand the number of directors 
          actually constituting the Company's Board of Directors (the 
          "Board") from five to six.

     (2)  The Series A Holders to elect two members to the Board of Directors 
          and the Series A Holders and the holders of Common Stock (the 
          "Common Holders" and collectively with the Series A Holders, the 
          "Voting Holders"), voting together, to elect four members (or in 
          the event that proposal number one is not approved, three members) 
          to the Board, all such persons being elected to hold office for a 
          one-year term and until their respective successors are duly 
          elected and qualified.
     (3)  The Voting Holders to consider and act upon a proposal to sell 
          500,000 shares of Series A Preferred Stock and 500,000 warrants to 
          acquire Common Stock on the terms and conditions described in this 
          Proxy Statement, including the issuance of 2,000,000 additional 
          warrants to acquire Common Stock in order to facilitate the sale of 
          such securities.  

     (4)  The Voting Holders to consider and act upon a proposal to amend 
          Article FOURTH of the Company's Restated Certificate of 
          Incorporation to increase the number of authorized shares of Common 
          Stock from 30 million to 60 million shares.  

     (5)  The Voting Holders to consider and act upon a proposal to amend 
          Article TENTH of the Company's Restated Certificate of 
          Incorporation to provide that its Board of Directors shall be 
          comprised of a maximum of eight directors, as shall be determined 
          by the Board of Directors from time to time.  

     (6)  The Voting Holders to consider and act upon a proposal to amend the 
          Company's Restated Certificate of Incorporation by deleting in its 
          entirety Article ELEVENTH, which included certain super-majority 
          Board of Directors approval requirements but which are no longer 

     (7)  The Voting Holders to ratify the appointment of Deloitte & Touche 
          LLP as the Company's independent auditors for the fiscal year 
          ending December 31, 1997. 

     (8)  The Voting Holders to transact such other business as may properly 
          come before the Annual Meeting or any adjournments thereof. 
     Only holders of record of Common Stock and Series A Preferred Stock at 
the close of business on July 31, 1997, will be entitled to notice of, and to 
vote at, the Annual Meeting or any adjournments or postponements thereof.  A 
list of stockholders entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting will be open to 
examination by any stockholder, for any purpose germane to the meeting, at 
the offices of Sonnenschein Nath & Rosenthal, 1221 Avenue of the Americas, 
24th Floor, New York, New York 10020 during ordinary business hours for ten 
days prior to the Annual Meeting.  Such list shall also be available during 
the Annual Meeting. Copies of the Annual Report of the Company for the fiscal 
year ended December 31, 1996 and the Company's Forms 10-Q for the quarterly 
periods ended March 31, 1997 and June 30, 1997 are enclosed herewith.

                         By order of the Board of Directors, 

                         Lawrence Geller, Secretary
August 13, 1997 
Delray Beach, Florida

                               EMPIRE OF CAROLINA, INC.
                                5150 LINTON BOULEVARD
                             DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA 33484


                                   PROXY STATEMENT


                           ANNUAL MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS 
                                  September 25, 1997

     These proxy materials are furnished in connection with the solicitation 
of proxies by the Board of Directors (the "Board") of Empire of Carolina, 
Inc., a Delaware corporation (the "Company"), for use at the Annual Meeting 
of Stockholders of the Company and for any adjournments or postponements 
thereof (the "Annual Meeting"), to be held at Chase Conference Center, 270 
Park Avenue, 11th Floor, Room A, New York, New York on September 25, 1997, at 
10:30 a.m., local time, for the purposes set forth in the accompanying Notice 
of Annual Meeting of Stockholders.  A proxy (the "Proxy") for the Annual 
Meeting is enclosed, by means of which you may indicate your votes as to the 
proposals described in this Proxy Statement as to which your proxy is being 
solicited. This Proxy Statement and the accompanying Notice of Annual Meeting 
of Stockholders, the applicable Proxy, the 1996 Annual Report to Stockholders 
and the Company's Forms 10-Q for the quarterly periods ended March 31, 1997 
and June 30, 1997 are first being mailed to stockholders on or about August 
13, 1997.

     Proxies are being solicited hereby from the holders (the "Series A 
Holders") of the Company's Series A Preferred Stock, par value $.01 per share 
("Series A Preferred Stock"), as to Proposals 1 (expansion of the Board), 2 
(election of directors), 3 (approval of the issuance of shares of Series A 
Preferred Stock and warrants), 6 (deletion of Article ELEVENTH from the 
Company's Restated Certificate of Incorporation) and 7 (approval of 
auditors).  Each of the Series A Holders has previously granted a proxy to 
Charles Holmes and James J. Pinto with respect to Proposals 4 (approval of 
the increase in the number of authorized shares of Common Stock) and 5 
(approval of an amendment to the Company's Restated Certificate of 
Incorporation provisions relating to the Board), and accordingly, proxies
with respect to such proposals are not being solicited hereby from the
Series A Holders.

     Proxies are being solicited hereby from the holders (the "Common 
Holders") of the Company's Common Stock, par value $.01 per share ("Common 
Stock"), as to Proposals 3 through 7 and with respect to the election of four 
(or if Proposal 1 is not approved, three) of the nominees for the Board
pursuant to Proposal 2.
     Because of these circumstances, separate forms of proxy are applicable 
to the Series A Holders and the Common Holders.  To the extent that any 
Voting Holder owns both Series A Preferred Stock and Common Stock, such 
stockholder will receive two separate proxy cards, and must complete and 
return BOTH of such proxies in order to ensure that the voting power 
represented by both the Series A Preferred Stock and Common Stock held by 
such person are subject to proxies.  

     In the absence of contrary instructions, shares represented by any Proxy 
will be voted FOR the election of the applicable nominees listed in Proposal 
2 and FOR all of the other proposals as to which such Proxy applies.  All 
Proxies which are properly completed, signed and returned to the Company 
prior to the Annual Meeting, and which have not been revoked, will be voted 
in accordance with the stockholder's instructions contained in such Proxy.  A 
stockholder may revoke his Proxy at any time before it is exercised by filing 
with the Secretary of the Company at its executive offices in Delray Beach, 

Florida, either a written notice of revocation or a duly executed Proxy 
bearing a later date, or by appearing in person at the Annual Meeting and 
expressing a desire to vote his or her shares in person.   
     The entire cost of preparing, assembling, printing and mailing this 
Proxy Statement, the enclosed Proxy and other materials, and the cost of 
soliciting Proxies with respect to the Annual Meeting, will be borne by the 
Company.  The Company will request banks and brokers to solicit their 
customers who beneficially own shares listed of record in names of nominees, 
and will reimburse those banks and brokers for the reasonable out-of-pocket 
expenses of such solicitations.  The original solicitation of Proxies by mail 
may be supplemented by telephone, facsimile, telegram and personal contacts 
by officers and other regular employees of the Company, but no additional 
compensation will be paid to such individuals.  The Company has retained, at 
its expense, Shareholder Communications Corporation ("SCC"), a proxy 
soliciting firm, to assist with proxy soliciting activities to obtain 
stockholder approval of the proposals set forth in this proxy statement.  
Stockholders' votes may be taken by telephone by a representative of SCC, 
subject to procedures designed to authenticate stockholders' identities and 
confirm voting instructions.  SCC will receive a fee of $7,500 for its 
services plus reasonable expenses actually incurred, not to exceed $5,000.

     The Company has fixed July 31, 1997 as the record date (the "Record 
Date") for the determination of stockholders entitled to notice of and to 
vote at the Annual Meeting or any adjournments or postponements thereof.  As 
of the Record Date, the Company had outstanding 7,653,564 shares of Common 
Stock and 1,600,000 shares of Series A Preferred Stock, the only outstanding 
voting securities of the Company.   
     With respect to each proposal as to which the holders of Series A 
Preferred Stock vote separately (i.e., Proposal 1 and the election of two of 
the directors pursuant to Proposal 2), each holder of Series A Preferred 
Stock is entitled to one vote for each share held.  With respect to such 
proposals, holders of 50% of the outstanding shares of Series A Preferred 
Stock shall constitute a quorum. With respect to all other matters, each 
Series A Holder is entitled to eight votes for each share of Series A 
Preferred Stock held and each Common Holder is entitled to one vote 
for each share of Common Stock held.   With respect to these matters, holders 
of shares of Series A Preferred Stock and Common Stock representing a 
majority of the votes represented by all outstanding shares of Series A 
Preferred Stock and Common Stock shall constitute a quorum.
     With respect to Proposal 1, the affirmative vote by holders of a 
majority of the shares of Series A Preferred Stock, present in person or by 
proxy and entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting is required for approval of 
the proposal. With respect to Proposals 3 and 7, the affirmative vote by 
holders of Series A Preferred Stock and Common Stock representing a majority 
of the voting power of all shares of Series A Preferred Stock and Common 
Stock present, in person or by proxy, and entitled to vote at the Annual 
Meeting is required for approval of the proposal.  With respect to Proposals 
4, 5 and 6, the affirmative vote by holders of Series A Preferred Stock and 
Common Stock representing a majority of the voting power of all shares of 
Series A Preferred Stock and Common Stock outstanding on the Record Date 
shall be required for approval of the proposal. With respect to Proposal 2, 
the holders of Common Stock and Series A Preferred Stock do not have 
cumulative voting rights, which means (a) the directors to be elected by the 
Series A Holders voting alone will be elected by the vote of the holders of a 
plurality of the shares of Series A Preferred present, in person or by proxy, 
and entitled to vote at the Annual


Meeting and (b) the other directors to be elected will be elected by the vote 
of the Series A Holders and Common Holders representing a plurality of the 
voting power of all shares of Series A Preferred Stock and Common Stock held 
by holders present in person or by proxy and entitled to vote at the Annual 
     Abstentions and broker non-votes are counted for the purposes of 
determining the presence or absence of a quorum for the transaction of 
business. Abstentions and broker non-votes will have no effect upon the 
outcome of Proposals 1, 3 and 7.  Abstentions and broker non-votes will have 
the effect of a negative vote with respect to Proposals 4, 5 and 6. 

     A list of stockholders entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting will be 
open to examination by any stockholder, for any purpose germane to the 
meeting, at the offices of the Company at 5150 Linton Boulevard, Delray 
Beach, Florida 33484 during ordinary business hours for ten days prior to the 
Annual Meeting.  Such list also shall be available at the Annual Meeting. 

                                 RECENT DEVELOPMENTS
     As previously reported, the Company incurred a net loss of $46.2 million 
and had negative operating cash flows of $19.6 million during 1996, and a net 
loss of $3.3 million for the three months ended March 31, 1997.  The 
Company's 1996 operating results were negatively impacted by serious 
difficulties encountered at its Tarboro, North Carolina plant.  The 1996 
business plan required the plant to significantly increase production during 
the third and fourth quarters to meet peak seasonal demand.  At the same 
time, transfer of the production of products acquired in connection with the 
Company's acquisition of the assets of Buddy L, Inc. ("Buddy L") was in its 
final stages. Difficulties created by the influx of Buddy L products, delays 
in the startup of new and transferred equipment and the training of new 
employees led to the loss of production efficiency, product damage, and 
missed shipping deadlines. Furthermore, in an effort to meet customer demand, 
production of some items was outsourced at an increased cost.  Also, during 
the third quarter of fiscal 1996, the Company determined that a substantial 
amount of work-in-process and purchased parts inventories, obtained as part of 
the Buddy L acquisition, were not usable.

     Management responded to these circumstances by, among other things, 
restructuring its operations by consolidating its business units, reducing 
staffing levels and rationalizing its product lines.  In addition, a new 
plant organization, including a new plant manager, was put in place.  
Although these efforts resulted in reduced cash outflows, the Company still 
lacked sufficient cash resources to fund its ongoing operations.  In 
addition, these events necessitated the Company's negotiations of certain 
amendments to its senior loan agreement, which included, among other things, 
a commitment on the part of the Company to obtain at least $6 million of 
additional equity financing by May 31, 1997.
     The Company retained Gerard Klauer Mattison & Co. ("GKM") to assist the 
Company in identifying and evaluating various alternatives, including the 
sale of certain product lines or fixed assets, and the potential 
recapitalization of the Company.  After exploring various possibilities, 
including the sale of some of its assets and product lines, the Company 
entered into a non-binding letter of intent in March 1997 with a company that 
proposed to invest in the Company, which proposal was withdrawn in April 1997.
Following the withdrawal of such proposal, the Board, after presentations by
the Company's legal and financial advisors and consideration of the Company's
liquidity and operational requirements, concluded that it was in the best
interests of the Company to pursue alternative financing pursuant to a
proposal made by HPA Associates, LLC ("HPA") and EMP Associates LLC ("EMP").


     The Company entered into a definitive securities purchase agreement 
dated as of May 5, 1997 (as amended, the "Securities Purchase Agreement") 
with HPA and EMP providing for the investment by private investors of up to 
$16 million for newly issued shares of Series A Preferred Stock.  In 
connection with their entry into the Securities Purchase Agreement HPA and 
EMP funded a $5 million bridge loan bearing interest at 12% per annum (the 
"Bridge Loan") to provide the Company with additional liquidity during the 
period prior to the closing of the Initial Investment.  The principals of 
HPA, Charles Holmes and James J. Pinto, have substantial experience with 
investments in publicly traded companies.  Mr. Holmes and other HPA 
employees are providing the Company with managerial and operational support 
to help continue the turnaround of the Company's manufacturing facility in 
Tarboro, North Carolina.  
     Pursuant to the Securities Purchase Agreement, Charles Holmes and Lenore 
Schupak, an independent director, assumed two of five seats on the Board 
effective May 13, 1997.  Mr. Holmes and Ms. Schupak were elected to the Board 
in accordance with the terms of that certain Shareholder Agreement, dated as 
of December 22, 1994 among WPG Corporate Associates IV, L.P. ("CDA"), WPG 
Corporate Development Associates IV (Overseas), Ltd., Steven Geller, Neil 
Saul, Marvin Smollar, Champ Enterprises Limited Partnership and certain other 
parties named therein (as amended, the "Shareholders' Agreement").  Pursuant 
to the Shareholders' Agreement, upon the occurrence of certain adverse 
financial events (defined in the Shareholders' Agreement as Stage I 
Management Events), CDA and certain of its affiliates (the "CDA Parties") 
would have the right to elect substantially all of the members of the Board.  
On May 1, 1997, the Company provided written notice to the CDA Parties that a 
"Grade 1 Management Event" had occurred as a result of the Company's negative 
earnings before income and taxes for fiscal year 1996.  On May 5, 1997, in 
accordance with the terms of the Shareholders' Agreement, the CDA Parties 
elected to (i) recognize the existence of such Grade 1 Management Event, 
resulting in the termination of certain supermajority provisions set forth in 
the Shareholders' Agreement and the Company's Restated Certificate of 
Incorporation, and (ii) exercise its right to designate additional members to 
the Board of Directors, adding Mr. Holmes and Ms. Schupak.  Mr. Holmes and 
Ms. Schupak, as well as Mr. Pinto, are nominees for election to the Board of 
     On June 17, 1997, pursuant to the Securities Purchase Agreement, the 
Company issued to HPA, EMP and other accredited investors (as defined in Rule 
501 under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended) ("Accredited Investors") 
1,100,000 shares of the Company's Series A preferred stock, $.01 par value 
per share, $10 face value per share (the "Series A Preferred Stock") and 
5,000,000 warrants to purchase shares of the Company's common stock, $.10 par 
value per share (the "Common Stock") (the "Principal Investment").  On June 18,
1997, the Company issued to HPA and other Accredited Investors an additional
500,000 shares of the Series A Preferred Stock and an additional 2,500,000
warrants (the "Additional Investment" and, collectively with the Principal
Investment, the "Initial Investment").  The investors in the Initial
Investment are collectively referred to herein as the "Purchasers".  The
total shares of Series A Preferred Stock issued to Purchasers in connection
with the Initial Investment was 1,600,000 and the total number of warrants
issued was 7,500,000.  The total gross proceeds from the sale of such
securities was $16,000,000 (the "Purchase Price").  Five million dollars
($5,000,000) of the Purchase Price was non-cash consideration represented
by the conversion of $5 million of the Bridge Loan.  The terms of the
Series A Preferred Stock and the warrants are more thoroughly described in
Exhibit A hereto, which is incorporated herein by reference in its entirety.
     Pursuant to the Securities Purchase Agreement, all closing conditions 
set forth therein were met or waived prior to the Principal Investment, 
including the following:


     -    The Company's 9% convertible debentures issued to affiliates of Weiss,
          Peck & Greer ("WPG") in the original principal amount of $15 million
          were exchanged by the holders thereof for newly issued shares of the
          Company with an aggregate stated value of $15 million.  Such holders
          also released, among other things, their claims to accrued and unpaid
          interest, fees and expenses.  Each share of Series C Preferred Stock
          is convertible at any time, at the option of the holder thereof, into
          fully paid and nonassessable shares of Common Stock at a rate of one
          share of Common Stock for each $2.00 of stated value of Series C
          Preferred Stock (subject to adjustment in certain circumstances). 
          Thus, the initially outstanding shares of Series C Preferred Stock are
          currently convertible into an aggregate of 7.5 million shares of
          Common Stock.  The Series C Preferred Stock is generally non-voting,
          and has no right to vote as to any of the matters to be considered at
          the Annual Meeting.
     -    The successor to the seller under the Company's agreement to purchase
          the assets of Buddy L waived or released the claim to certain earn
          out, price protection and registration rights in exchange for: (i)
          $100,000 in cash; (ii) 250,000 shares of Common Stock of the Company;
          (iii) a $2.5 million 9% note from the Company's major subsidiary, and
          guaranteed by the Company, providing for $625,000 principal payments
          on the first four anniversaries of the closing date of the Initial
          Investment (which note includes certain affirmative and negative
          covenants which could in certain circumstances permit the acceleration
          of payments with respect to such note); and (iv) certain other
          benefits, including registration rights.
     -    The bank lenders under the Company's Credit Agreement were to have
          agreed to certain amendments to the Credit Agreement as a closing
          condition.  This condition was waived by HPA.  The Company's senior
          lenders agreed, however, to extend the May 31, 1997 deadline for
          receipt of $6 million of additional equity financing to June 30, 1997,
          which deadline was satisfied upon the closing of the Principal
          Investment, and have orally advised the Company that they will agree
          to the adoption of a proposed amendment to the Credit Agreement to
          convert the current portion of the term loan to a one-year-and-a-day
     -    The bank lenders have continued to engage in further discussions with
          the Company since the completion of the Initial Investment.

     The Company also adopted the First Amendment to its Stockholder Rights 
Agreement in order to facilitate the proposed investment by HPA, EMP and 
their respective affiliates.  On June 12, 1997, the Company and American 
Stock Transfer & Trust Company, a New York corporation, as Rights Agent (the 
"Rights Agent"), adopted the Second Amendment (the "Second Amendment") to the 
Rights Agreement dated as of September 11, 1996 (the "Rights Agreement") 
between the Company and the Rights Agent, as amended by the First Amendment 
thereto dated as of May 5, 1997.  The Second Amendment, among other things, 
amends the definition of "Acquiring Person" in Section 1(a) of the Rights 
Agreement to base the 15% threshold specified therein on the aggregate number 
of "Fully-Diluted Common Shares" (as defined in the Second Amendment) of the 



     The following table sets forth, as of the Record Date, certain 
information concerning those persons known to the Company, based on 
information known to the Company, contained in statements filed with the 
Securities and Exchange Commission pursuant to Section 13(d) or 13(g) of the 
Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the "Exchange Act") and/or 
obtained from such persons, with respect to the beneficial ownership (as such 
term is defined in Rule 13d-3 under the Exchange Act) of Common Stock, Series 
A Preferred Stock and Series C Preferred Stock by (i) each person known by 
the Company to be the owner of more than 5% of the outstanding Common Stock, 
(ii) each Director and nominee for election as a director, (iii) each 
executive officer named in the Summary Compensation Table and (iv) all 
current directors and executive officers as a group:

Name and Address of                                 Common Stock        Series A               Series C               Fully Diluted
Beneficial Owner(1)                                 Ownership(2)        Preferred Stock(3)     Preferred Stock(4)     Ownership(5) 
- -------------------                                   ---------           ---------------        ---------------        ---------

Steven Geller(6)                                      1,221,667                 0                     0                   3.19%

Marvin Smollar(7)                                       969,283                 0                     0                   2.53%

Steven N. Hutchinson(8)                               8,479,656                 0                   1,490                22.16%
                                                        55.77%                                      99.33%

Eugene M. Matalene, Jr.(9)                               27,667                 0                     5                    *
                                                           *                                          *

J. Artie Rogers(10)                                      10,000                 0                     0                    *

Charles Holmes(11)                                    3,078,252              125,000                  0                   8.04%
                                                        28.68%                 7.81%

Lenore H. Schupak(12)                                   145,000               15,000                  0                    *
                                                         1.86%                  *

James J. Pinto(13)                                    2,741,252               87,000                  0                   7.16%
   235 Sunrise Avenue                                   26.37%                 5.44%
   Palm Beach, Florida  33480

All Current Directors and Executive                  13,012,242              140,000                1,495             34.37%
Officers As A Group (8 persons)                         69.25%                 8.75%                99.67%


Halco Industries, Inc.(15)                              734,039                 0                     0                   1.92%
   441 South Federal Highway                             9.59%
   Deerfield Beach, FL  33441

The Autumn Glory Trust                                  819,283                 0                     0                   2.14%
   P.O. Box 11                                          10.70%
   Avarua, Rarotonga, Cook Islands


WPG Corporate Development Associates IV, L.P.(16)     6,902,671                 0                1,213.0713             18.04%
   One New York Plaza                                   50.02%                                      80.87%
   New York, New York  10004 

WPG Corporate Development Associates IV               1,557,556                 0                   276.9287              4.07%
 (Overseas), Ltd.(17)                                   17.23%                                      18.46%
   One New York Plaza
   New York, New York  10004

Smedley Industries, Inc. (formerly Buddy L, Inc.)       666,467                 0                     0                   1.74%
   30 Rockefeller Plaza, Suite 4314                      8.71%
   New York, New York  10112

TelCom Partners L.P.(18)                                562,500               62,500                  0                   1.47%
   235 Sunrise Avenue                                    6.85%                 3.91%
   Palm Beach, Florida  33480

EMP Associates LLC(19)                                1,466,988               25,000                  0                   3.83%
   745 Fifth Avenue                                     16.08%                 1.56%
   New York, New York  10151

J. Richard Messina(20)                                1,579,742               25,000                  0                   4.13%
   745 Fifth Avenue                                     17.11%                 1.56%
   New York, New York  10151

* Less than 1%.

(1)  Unless otherwise indicated, the business address of the persons and 
     entities named in the above table is care of Empire of Carolina, Inc., 
     5150 Linton Boulevard, Delray Beach, Florida 33484.  Unless otherwise 
     indicated, each person has sole investment and voting power with respect 
     to the shares listed in the table, subject to community property laws, 
     where applicable. 

(2)  For purposes of this column, a person or group of persons is deemed to 
     have "beneficial ownership" of any shares of Common Stock which such 
     person has the right to acquire within 60 days. For purposes of 
     computing the percentage of outstanding shares of Common Stock held by 
     each person or group of persons, any security which such person or group 
     of persons has the right to acquire within 60 days is deemed to be 
     outstanding for the purpose of computing the percentage ownership for 
     such person or persons, but is not deemed to be outstanding for the 
     purpose of computing the percentage ownership of any other person.
(3)  For a summary description of the terms of the Series A Preferred Stock, see
     Exhibit A hereto.  Percentages are based solely upon the number of 
     shares of Series A Preferred Stock held as of the Record Date.  As of 
     the Record Date 1.6 million shares of Series A Preferred Stock were 
     outstanding.  Other than in connection with the Further Purchase (see 
     Proposal 3), there are no outstanding options, warrants, rights to 
     purchase or subscriptions for Series A Preferred Stock.  Any 
     subscriptions to purchase shares of Series A Preferred Stock (or 
     warrants) in connection with the Further Investment are not included for 
     any purposes in this table.
(4)  There are a total of 1,500 shares of Series C Preferred Stock 
     authorized, and, as of the Record Date, all of such shares were 
     outstanding.  Each share of Series C Preferred Stock is convertible at 
     any time, at the option of the holder thereof, into 5,000 shares of 
     Common Stock.  Except as


     otherwise expressly provided by law or the Company's Certificate of 
     Incorporation or Bylaws, the Series C Preferred Stock is non-voting.

(5)  On a fully diluted basis, as of the Record Date, a total of 38,271,714 
     shares of Common Stock would be outstanding.  This amount is composed of 
     (i) the 7,653,564 shares of Common Stock outstanding on the Record Date, 
     (ii) the 12,800,000 shares of Common Stock issuable upon conversion of 
     the 1,600,000 shares of Series A Preferred Stock outstanding on the 
     Record Date, (iii) the 7,500,000 shares of Common Stock issuable upon 
     the exercise of the warrants issued in the Initial Investment, (iv) the 
     7,500,000 shares of Common Stock issuable upon conversion of the 1,500 
     shares of Series C Preferred Stock outstanding on the Record Date, (v) the
     1,833,250 shares of Common Stock issuable upon the exercise of options
     issued pursuant to the Company's Amended and Restated 1994 Stock Option
     Plan (the "1994 Option Plan") and outstanding on the Record Date (whether
     or not exercisable within 60 days of the Record Date), (vi) the 5,000
     shares of Common Stock issuable upon the exercise of options issued
     pursuant to the Company's Non-Employee Stock Option Plan (the "Director
     Plan") and outstanding as of the Record Date, and (vii) 979,900 shares of
     Common Stock issuable upon the exercise of other warrants issued by the
     Company and outstanding as of the Record Date.  The calculation does not
     include shares (a) eligible for issuance but not subject to outstanding
     awards pursuant to the 1994 Option Plan and the Director Plan or
     (b) eligible for issuance but not actually issued pursuant to the
     Company's 1996 Employee Stock Purchase Plan.  The percentage represents
     the percentage of such total represented by the shares of Common Stock
     owned by each such person as reflected in the column of this table headed
     "Common Stock Ownership."   

(6)  Includes 734,039 shares of Common Stock with respect to which Steven 
     Geller has held voting power pursuant to the Halco Voting Agreement, 
     which shares include 17,501 shares of Common Stock with respect to which 
     Steven Geller has an option to purchase from Halco over a period of two 
     years at prices ranging from $6.50 per share to $7.78 per share (the 
     "Halco Option"). Includes 125,000 shares of Common Stock which Steven 
     Geller has a right to acquire within 60 days of the Record Date pursuant 
     to options granted under the 1994 Option Plan and warrants to purchase 
     an additional 162,500 shares of Common Stock at an exercise price of 
     $7.50 per share. Does not include 375,000 shares of Common Stock subject 
     to options granted to Mr. Geller pursuant to the 1994 Option Plan which 
     (absent certain circumstances) are not exercisable within 60 days of the 
     Record Date.  Mr. Geller directly owns 200,128 shares of Common Stock.
(7)  Mr. Smollar disclaims beneficial ownership of all of these shares. The 
     beneficial and direct owner of such shares are The Autumn Glory Trust, a 
     Cook Islands trust, and the Iridium Trust (collectively, the "Trusts"). 
     The discretionary beneficiaries of the Trusts are Champ Enterprises 
     Limited Partnership, an Illinois limited partnership ("Champ"), of which 
     Mr. Smollar is a general partner, as well as the limited partners of 
     Champ individually, including Mr. Smollar and members of his family. 
     Champ irrevocably transferred shares to the respective Trusts, and The 
     Autumn Glory Trust irrevocably transferred shares to the Iridium Trust.  
     The Trusts, through their respective independent trustees (the "Trustees"),
     possess all voting rights with respect to the shares of the Common Stock.
     However, the Trustees require the confirmation of the respective Protectors
     of the Trusts (the "Protector"), in connection with certain activities,
     including the exercise of dispositive powers with respect to such shares.
     Mr. Kar Ye Yeung, an officer of a subsidiary of the Company, is the
     Protector of each of the Trusts, and cannot be removed by any third party.
     The Protector has the sole right to appoint his successor, as well as the
     right to remove the Trustee at any time. Mr. Smollar does not directly or
     indirectly have the legal right to vote or dispose of the shares. 

(8)  Solely in his capacity as one of two managing general partners of WPG 
     Private Equity Partners IV, L.P., the general partner of WPG Corporate 
     Development Associates IV, L.P. and in his capacity as one of the two 
     managing general partners of WPG Private Equity Partners IV (Overseas), 
     L.P., and in his capacity as a director of WPG CDA IV (Overseas), Ltd., 
     the general partner of WPG Development Associates IV (Overseas), Ltd., 
     and includes all shares beneficially owned by these entities. Mr. 
     Hutchinson does not directly own any shares of Common Stock.
(9)  Represents (a) 5 shares of Class C Preferred Stock which is 
     currently convertible into 25,000 shares of Common Stock, (b) 1,000 
     shares of Common Stock held for the benefit of Mr. Matalene's child, and 
     (c) 1,667 shares of Common Stock issuable upon exercise of options 
     issued pursuant to the Director Plan which are exercisable within 60 
     days of the Record Date. Excludes (a) options to purchase 3,333 shares 
     of Common Stock issued pursuant to the Director Plan which (absent 
     certain circumstances) will not be exercisable within 60 days of the 
     Record Date and (b) warrants held by Paine Webber Incorporated to 
     purchase 63,000 shares of Common Stock at $7.50 per share, expiring 
     December 27, 1997, which were received in connection with its 
     performance of investment banking services for the Company for the
     one-year period ending December 27, 1995, while Mr. Matalene was an
     employee of Paine Webber, as to which Mr. Matalene disclaims beneficial

(10) Represents shares of Common Stock which Mr. Rogers has the right to 
     acquire within sixty days pursuant to options granted under the 1994 
     Option Plan. Does not include 30,000 shares of Common Stock subject to 
     options issued to Mr. Rogers pursuant to the 1994 Option Plan which are
     not exercisable within 60 days of the Record Date.

(11) Represents (a) 125,000 shares of Series A Preferred Stock which are 
     convertible into 1,000,000 shares of Common Stock and (b) 2,078,252 
     shares of Common Stock issuable upon the exercise of warrants at an 
     exercise price of $1.375 per share.  In addition, Mr. Holmes, with Mr. 
     Pinto, has been granted a proxy to vote 1,138,000 shares of Series A 
     Preferred Stock (convertible into 9,104,000 shares of Common Stock) on 
     Proposals 4 and 5.  See "Solicitation and Revocation of Proxies," 
     "Recent Developments," "Proposal 4" and "Proposal 5."

(12) Represents (a) 10,000 shares of Common Stock, (b) 15,000 shares of 
     Series A Preferred Stock which are convertible into 120,000 shares of 
     Common Stock and (c) 15,000 shares of Common Stock issuable upon the 
     exercise of warrants at an exercise price of $1.375 per share.

(13) Includes the securities held by Mr. Pinto, individually, and those held 
     by TelCom Partners, L.P., of which Mr. Pinto is the sole general partner 
     (see footnote 18 to this table).  Mr. Pinto individually owns (a) 24,500 
     shares of Series A Preferred Stock which are convertible into 196,000 
     shares of Common Stock and (b) warrants to purchase 1,982,752 shares of 
     Common Stock at an exercise price of $1.375 per share.  In addition, Mr. 
     Pinto, with Mr. Holmes, has been granted a proxy to vote 1,138,000 
     shares of Series A Preferred (convertible into 9,104,000 shares of 
     Common Stock) on Proposals 4 and 5.  See "Solicitation and Revocation of 
     Proxies," "Recent Developments," "Proposal 4" and "Proposal 5."

(14) Also includes options to purchase 50,000 shares issued to an executive 
     officer not named in this table pursuant to the 1994 Option Plan which 
     are exercisable within 60 days of the Record Date.  Excludes 325,000 
     shares of Common Stock subject to options issued to executive officers 
     not named in this table pursuant to the 1994 Option Plan which are not 
     so exercisable.


(15) All of these shares are directly owned by Halco, subject to the Halco 
     Option. Voting power with respect to these shares is held by Steven 
     Geller pursuant to the Halco Voting Agreement. Maurice A. Halperin is 
     the indirect owner of the shares owned by Halco and shares investment 
     power with respect to the shares of Common Stock owned by Halco. Maurice 
     A. Halperin does not directly own any shares of Common Stock. Barry S. 
     Halperin, as the owner of substantially all of the shares of common 
     stock of Halco, is the indirect owner of the shares of Common Stock 
     owned by Halco and shares investment power with respect to the shares of 
     Common Stock owned by Halco. Barry S. Halperin does not directly own any 
     shares of Common Stock.
(16) Voting and dispositive powers are exercised through its sole general 
     partner, WPG Private Equity Partners, L.P. Voting and dispositive powers 
     of WPG Private Equity Partners, L.P., which does not directly own any 
     shares of Common Stock, are exercised through its two managing general 
     partners, Steven N. Hutchinson and Wesley W. Lang, Jr. Includes
     (a) 1,148.4396 shares of Series C Preferred Stock which is currently 
     convertible into 5,742,198 shares of Common Stock; (b) 39,648 shares 
     owned in the aggregate by certain affiliates of WPG, (c) 64.6317 shares 
     of Series C Preferred Stock owned in the aggregate by such affiliates of 
     WPG which are convertible into 323,159 shares of Common Stock, and
     (d) warrants held by WPG Corporate Development Associates IV, L.P. to 
     purchase an additional 80,571 shares of Common Stock at an exercise 
     price of $7.50 per share which were received as consideration for 
     agreeing to provide certain managerial services to the Company for the 
     period ending December 31, 1995.
(17) Voting and dispositive powers may be deemed to be shared with its two 
     general partners, WPG Private Equity Partners (Overseas), L.P. and WPG 
     CDA IV (Overseas), Ltd. Steven N. Hutchinson and Wesley W. Lang, Jr. 
     serve as managing general partners of WPG Private Equity Partners 
     (Overseas), L.P. and as directors of WPG CDA IV (Overseas), Ltd. 
     Includes 276.9287 shares of Series C Preferred Stock which is currently 
     convertible into 1,384,643 shares of Common Stock. In addition to shares 
     owned of record by WPG Corporate Development Associates IV (Overseas), 
     L.P., WPG Private Equity Partners (Overseas), L.P. beneficially owns 
     warrants to purchase 19,429 shares of Common Stock which are not 
     included in the shares listed as beneficially owned by WPG Corporate 
     Development Associates IV (Overseas), L.P., but which are included in 
     the shares listed as beneficially owned by Steven N. Hutchinson.

(18) Represents (a) 62,500 shares of Series A Preferred Stock which are 
     convertible into 500,000 shares of Common Stock and (b) 62,500 shares of 
     Common Stock issuable upon the exercise of warrants at an exercise price 
     of $1.375 per share.

(19) Represents (a) 25,000 shares of Series A Preferred Stock which are 
     convertible into 200,000 shares of Common Stock and (b) 1,266,988 shares 
     of Common Stock issuable upon the exercise of warrants at an exercise 
     price of $1.375 per share.  EMP Management LLC is the managing member of 
     EMP Associates LLC and has the power to direct the voting and 
     disposition of all such securities.
(20) Mr. Messina is the sole member of EMP Management LLC, and accordingly 
     has the power to direct the voting and disposition of the securities 
     held by EMP Associates LLC (see footnote 19 to this table).  In 
     addition, Mr. Messina is the sole shareholder, director and executive 
     officer of Pellinore Securities Corp. which owns warrants to purchase 
     112,754 shares of Common Stock at an exercise price of $1.375 per share. 
     Mr. Messina does not directly own any shares of Common Stock.  

                                  BOARD OF DIRECTORS


     The Board has established three committees:  an Executive Committee, a 
Compensation Committee and an Audit Committee.  Each such committee has two 
or more members, who serve at the pleasure of the Board.

     The Board met 7 times during 1996.  The Compensation Committee met 7 
times, the Audit Committee met 3 times and the Executive Committee met 9 
times during 1996.  All members of the Board attended at least 75% of the 
meetings of the Board and each of the committees on which he served during 
the period in which he was a director in 1996.

     The Executive Committee is authorized to exercise all of the authority 
of the Board that may be delegated to a committee of the Board under Delaware 
law, other than the authority to authorize dividends and other distributions, 
to fill vacancies on the Board or its committees, to amend, adopt or repeal 
certificate of incorporation or by-law provisions, to approve mergers or 
matters requiring stockholder approval, or (except within certain prescribed 
limits) to authorize or approve the issuance or reacquisition of shares and 
related matters. Currently, Messrs. Holmes, Hutchinson and Geller serve on 
the Executive Committee.

     The Compensation Committee is responsible for reviewing and making 
recommendations to the Board of Directors with respect to compensation of 
executive officers, other compensation matters and awards under the Company's 
equity benefit plans. Currently, Mr. Hutchinson and Ms. Schupak serve on the 
Compensation Committee.

     The Audit Committee is responsible for reviewing the Company's financial 
statements, audit reports, internal financial controls and the services 
performed by the Company's independent public accountants, and for making 
recommendations with respect to those matters to the Board. Currently, Mr. 
Matalene and Ms. Schupak serve on the Audit Committee.

     The Company has agreed to pay each director who is not an affiliate of 
the Company or a party to the Shareholders' Agreement (the "Independent 
Directors") a retainer of $4,000 per quarter for serving on the Board. In 
addition, each Independent Director receives up to 5,000 options to purchase 
Common Stock of the Company at the first Annual Meeting of Shareholders after 
their election, and 2,500 options each year thereafter pursuant to the 
Non-Employee Director Stock Option Plan. Mr. Matalene and Ms. Schupak are 
currently the only Independent Directors. None of the other directors of the 
Company is paid directors' fees for serving on the Board or its committees.  
All directors are reimbursed for out-of-pocket expenses incurred in 
connection with attendance at meetings of the Board or its committees.

                                    PROPOSAL 1

                            FROM FIVE TO SIX DIRECTORS
     Pursuant to the Certificate of Designation filed by the Company with 
respect to the Series A Preferred Stock, an increase in the actual size of 
the Board above five requires the approval of the Series A Holders.  The 
Board has determined that at the present time it would be beneficial to 
increase the size of the Board so that (i) each of the currently serving 
directors can continue to serve the Company, (ii) the Board can continue to 
include at least two independent directors, as required by the rules of the 
American Stock Exchange, and (iii) Mr. Pinto can be added to the Board.  The 
Company believes that each of the current directors brings a unique 
perspective and either represents a distinct constituency of the Company's 
stockholders or is an independent director.  The Board also believes that Mr. 
Pinto has significant personal experience and skills which could assist the 
Company in its continued efforts to improve its financial condition and 
operating results.  Accordingly, the Board has recommended to the Series A 
Holders that they approve the increase in the size of the Board 
from five to six directors.  In the event the Proposal is not approved, the 
Board will withdraw Mr. Pinto's nomination.  See "Proposal 2".

     The affirmative vote of Series A Holders holding a majority of the 
shares of Series A Preferred Stock present, in person or by proxy, and 
entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting is required to approve this increase.


                                   PROPOSAL 2

                             ELECTION OF DIRECTORS
     The Board has nominated Charles Holmes, Steven E. Geller, Steven N.
Hutchinson, Eugene M. Matalene, Jr., Lenore H. Schupak and James J. Pinto
for election as directors at the Annual Meeting to hold office for a one-year
term and until their successors are duly elected and qualified.  Each of the
nominees other than Mr. Pinto currently serves as a Director.  

     Pursuant to the Certificate of Designation filed by the Company with 
respect to the Series A Preferred Stock, the Board is to consist of no more 
than five directors, two of which are to be elected by the holders of Series 
A Preferred Stock, voting alone (the "Preferred Directors"), with the 
remaining directors ("Other Directors") to be elected by the holders of 
Common Stock and Series A Preferred Stock voting together as a class.  
Proposal 1 would permit an increase in the size of the Board from five to 
six.  Accordingly, the Board has made Mr. Pinto's nomination contingent upon 
approval of Proposal 1 by the Series A Holders and also provided that, if 
Proposal 1 is not approved, Ms. Schupak will be nominated as a Preferred 
Director, rather than as an Other Director.  Accordingly, if Proposal 1 is 
approved, then the nominations will be as follows:
     Preferred Director Nominees   Other Director Nominees
     ---------------------------   -----------------------
     Charles Holmes                Steven E. Geller
     James J. Pinto                Steven N. Hutchinson
                                   Eugene M. Matalene, Jr.
                                   Lenore H. Schupak

Alternatively, in the event that the holders of Series A Holders fail to 
approve Proposal 1, then the nominations will be as follows: 

     Preferred Director Nominees   Other Director Nominees
     ---------------------------   -----------------------
     Charles Holmes                Steven E. Geller
     Lenore H. Schupak             Steven N. Hutchinson
                                   Eugene M. Matalene, Jr.

Proxies will be solicited from the Common Holders with respect to the 
election of Messrs. Geller, Hutchinson and Matalene and Ms. Schupak, although 
if Proposal 1 is not approved, votes for Ms. Schupak will be of no effect.  
Proxies will be solicited from the Series A Holders with respect to all six 
nominees, although if Proposal 1 is not approved, votes for Mr. Pinto will be 
of no effect.

     The voting persons named in the enclosed Proxy intend to nominate and 
vote in favor of the election of each of the persons named below unless 
authorization is withheld.  If any of the nominees becomes unavailable for 
election, votes will be cast for the election of such other person or persons 
as the proxy holders, in their judgment, may designate.  Management has no 
reason to believe that any of the nominees will not be a candidate or will be 
unable to serve.


     Set forth below is certain information as of the Record Date concerning 
each nominee, including his or her age, present principal occupation and 
business experience during the past five years and the period he or she has 
served as a director.

                    Name                   Age         Director Since
          -----------------------         -----        --------------
          Charles Holmes  . . . . . .      52             May 1997
          Steven E. Geller  . . . . .      55           October 1994
          Steven N. Hutchinson  . . .      47            March 1995
          Eugene M. Matalene, Jr. . .      50            March 1995
          Lenore H. Schupak . . . . .      43             May 1997
          James J. Pinto  . . . . . .      47               N/A
     CHARLES HOLMES has served as a director of the Company since May 1997 
and as Chairman of the Board since June 1997.  Since 1991, Mr. Holmes has 
served as principal and is the sole stockholder of Asset Management 
Associates of New York, Inc. ("Asset Management"), a New York-based firm 
specializing in acquisitions of manufacturing businesses.  Mr. Holmes founded 
and was a partner in Asset Management Associates, a predecessor partnership 
of Asset Management, from 1978 to 1991.  Mr. Holmes from December 1992 to 
June 1997 was Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of Chart Industries, 
Inc., a New York Stock Exchange listed company.  Mr. Holmes also is a 
principal stockholder and serves on the Board of Directors of NAI 
Technologies, Inc., a company whose common stock is traded on the Nasdaq 
Stock Market.  Mr. Holmes is also a principal of HPA.  See "Recent 
Developments," and "Certain Relationships and Transactions."  
     STEVEN E. GELLER has 35 years' experience in the toy industry. Mr. Geller 
has served as Chief Executive Officer of the Company since September 1994, 
and as Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of Empire 
Industries, Inc. ("EII"), the principal operating subsidiary of the Company, 
since July 1994. From September 1994 to June 1997, Mr. Geller served as 
Chairman of the Board of the Company.  Prior to joining the Company,
Mr. Geller served as President of Arco Toys, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of
Mattel from December 1986 through December 1991 and as a consultant for 
Mattel from January 1991 through December 1993. From January 1994 to July 
1994, Mr. Geller was self-employed, engaged in structuring, negotiating and 
financing the acquisition of the Company. See "Certain Relationships and 

     STEVEN N. HUTCHINSON has served as a director of the Company since 1995. 
Mr. Hutchinson has been a Principal of Weiss Peck & Greer, L.L.C. (investment 
management) since July 1993. From September 1978 to June 1993, he served as a 
Vice President and Director of The Hillman Company (investment management). 
See "Certain Relationships and Transactions."  Mr. Hutchinson was nominated 
by the Company in accordance with the terms of a letter agreement dated
July 31, 1997 pursuant to which the Company agreed to nominate as part of the 
regular company slate one director selected by the CDA Parties in 
consideration for such parties relinquishing any rights they might have 
pursuant to the Shareholders' Agreement to nominate and require the parties 
thereto to vote for the election of members of the Board.


     EUGENE M. MATALENE, JR. has served as a director of the Company since 
1995. Mr. Matalene served as a consultant to the Company, as well as other 
corporations, from June 1996 to March 1997.  Mr. Matalene has been the 
President of Strata Capital, a private investment company since April 1997.  
Mr. Matalene was Senior Managing Director with Furman Selz LLC from June 1996 
to April 1997. Mr. Matalene served as a Managing Director of PaineWebber 
Incorporated from January 1989 to June 1996, as director of the Private 


Placement Group in the Investment Banking division of PaineWebber 
Incorporated from May 1994 to June 1996, as President and director of 
PaineWebber Development Corporation from June 1993 to June 1996, and as a 
director of PaineWebber Properties Incorporated from June 1993 to June 1996. 
Mr. Matalene has served as a member of the board of directors of American 
Bankers Insurance Group since May 1990. See "Certain Relationships and 

     LENORE H. SCHUPAK has served as a director of the Company since May 
1997. Since 1990, Ms. Schupak has been President and principal owner of LHS 
Environmental Management, Inc., a New Jersey based company which provides 
environmental management consulting services in North America and Europe.  
From 1979 to 1989, she was an executive with American Standard, Inc., most 
recently serving as Corporate Director, Environmental Technology.  Prior to 
that time, Ms. Schupak was employed from 1977 to 1979 as an environmental 
engineer for General Motors Corporation and from 1974 to 1977 as a 
development engineer for Carrier Corp.  See "Recent Developments" and 
"Certain Relationships and Transactions."
     JAMES J. PINTO is a first-time nominee to the Company's Board of 
Directors. Since 1990, Mr. Pinto has been the President of the Private 
Finance Group, Inc., a mezzanine lender and merchant banking company, and has 
been an officer of HPA since October 1996.  Mr. Pinto is a director of the 
following publicly traded companies:  Anderson Group, Inc. (an electronics 
manufacturer); Biscayne Holdings, Inc. (an apparel manufacturer); and 
National Capital Management Corp. (a specialty finance company).  See "Recent 
Developments" and "Certain Relationships and Transactions."

                                   PROPOSAL 3

     In early June 1997, notwithstanding the impending closing of the Initial 
Investment, the Company determined that it would, even following such 
closing, continue to need significant additional capital in order to fully 
fund its continuing operations.  Additional capital is necessary in order for 
the Company to fully fund (i) marketing programs, (ii) new product 
development and (iii) certain advantageous capital improvements, which the 
Company believes are necessary if it is to achieve its desired business plan. 
Accordingly, the Company agreed to an amendment to the Securities Purchase 
Agreement pursuant to which, among other things, the Company agreed to issue 
and sell to HPA and other private investors an additional 500,000 shares of 
Series A Preferred Stock (initially convertible into 4 million shares of Common
Stock) and 500,000 warrants to purchase shares of Common Stock at an initial 
exercise price of $1.375 per share, for aggregate gross consideration of 
$5,000,000 (the "Further Purchase").  In connection with the Further 
Purchase, warrants to purchase an additional 2,000,000 shares of Common Stock 
are to be allocated as follows:  750,000 warrants to the placement agents who 
place the additional securities (in addition to a cash commission payable 
upon closing of 6% of the gross proceeds of the offering) and 1.25 million 
warrants to HPA.  The sale of the securities will be substantially to 
non-affiliated persons. If any sales are made to affiliates such sales shall 
be on the same terms as sales to non-affiliates. The terms of the Series A 
Preferred Stock and warrants to be issued are further described in Exhibit A 
hereto.  The closing of the Further Purchase is conditioned upon the issuance 
of the shares of Series A Preferred Stock and warrants as part of the Further 
Purchase being approved by the Company's stockholders, by vote of a majority 
of votes cast thereon.

     The Further Purchase will be consummated pursuant to a private placement 
of 50 units, with each unit (a "Unit") consisting of 10,000 shares of Series 
A Preferred Stock and warrants to purchase 10,000 shares of Common Stock.   
The Units will be offered to a limited number of accredited investors as 
defined in Rule 501 under the Securities Act.  The Company has reached 
agreement with a placement agent for the sale of up to 50 units on a best 
efforts basis.  Such offering commenced on or about July 22, 1997 and will 
terminate on the date which is the earlier of December 31, 1997 or 15 days 
following the approval of the sale of the Units, unless extended mutually by 
the Company and the placement agent.  The placement agent will receive a cash 
commission equal to 6% of the gross proceeds received by the Company from the 
sale of Units (other than sales to HPA affiliate), a portion of which they 
may reallocate to other NASD member firms which the placement agent uses as 
selected dealers.  If and when the sale of these 50 Units is consummated, 
warrants to purchase an additional 2 million shares of Common Stock at an 
exercise price of $1.375 per share will be issued to HPA and the placement 
agents, as discussed above.  Mr. Holmes, who is a director of the Company and 
a current nominee for election to the Company's Board of Directors, and Mr. 
Pinto, who is a nominee to the Company's Board of Directors, are the 
principals of HPA.  

     The proceeds from the Further Purchase (which after the deduction of the 
placement agents' commission and estimated offering expenses of $100,000 
would be $4.6 million) would be used for working capital purposes, including 
the repayment of existing trade indebtedness and short-term bank debt.  The 
balance, if any, will be used for general corporate purposes.

     Notwithstanding that the closing price of the Company's Common Stock on 
the American Stock Exchange as of June 6, 1997 (the date of the amendment of 
the Securities Purchase Agreement) was $2.3275 per share, the price per Unit 
of the Further Purchase is identical to the price per unit paid by the 
Purchasers in connection with the Initial Investment.  The $5 million 
aggregate purchase price yields an effective price per share of Common Stock 
issuable upon conversion of the shares of Series A Preferred Stock issuable in 
connection with the Further Purchase of $1.25 per share, without allocating 
any value to the warrants to

purchase an aggregate of 2.5 million shares to be issued in the Further
Purchase.  These warrants, however, are likely to be significantly in the
money upon issuance, however, given the exercise price of those warrants
(initially $1.375 per share) and the recently prevailing market price of the
Company's Common Stock.  HPA will receive 1.25 million of these warrants
without making any further investment in the Company.  The closing price
of the Company's Common Stock on the American Stock Exchange on July 31,
1997 was $2.9375 per share. 

     The Company has agreed to make the below market sales as part of the 
Further Purchase (and, in connection therewith, to issue to the placement 
agents and HPA warrants issuable to purchase an additional 2 million shares 
of Common Stock at an initial exercise price of $1.375 per share) because of 
the Company's significant and immediate need for additional capital, even 
though this transaction may not be the least expensive way for the Company to 
raise funds.  The Company determined that proceeding with HPA on the terms of 
the Further Purchase likely will provide an additional $4.6 million of needed 
capital expeditiously.  Given the Company's recent capital-raising efforts, 
it determined that any efforts to seek out other sources of capital would be 
difficult and the negotiation and consummation of an alternative transaction 
likely would be costly both in terms of time and expenses.  Accordingly, it 
was determined that proceeding with the Further Purchase on these terms, 
rather than seeking other sources of capital or attempting to negotiate more 
favorable terms, was in the Company's best interests, as it would be the most 
effective method of quickly providing the Company with capital that is 
necessary for it to pursue its desired business plan.  

     Additionally, the Company has also entered into discussions with its 
senior lenders and intends to continue such discussions concerning amendments 
to its senior credit agreement, including changes in the financial and other 
covenants and the conversion of some of the current portion of the term loan 
to a one-year-and-a-day obligation.  If the Company is unable to reach 
agreement regarding such an amendment, there can be no assurance that the 
Company's senior lenders will not declare an event of default under the 
credit agreement, or that the Company would be able to arrange for any 
alternative financing, on terms acceptable to it, or in time to meet the 
Company's short-term liquidity requirements.   The Company believes that 
expeditiously closing the Further Purchase will assist the Company in its 
efforts to negotiate such an amendment, although there can be no assurances 
that, even if the Further Purchase is consummated, that the Company will be 
able to reach such an agreement with its senior lenders.

     Accordingly, in order to satisfy the condition to closing the Further 
Purchase pursuant to the Securities Purchase Agreement, the Board has 
recommended the approval by the Company's stockholders of the Company's 
issuance of 500,000 shares of Series A Preferred Stock and warrants to 
purchase 2.5 million shares of Common Stock as part of the Further Purchase. 
To the extent that such issuances are not approved by the Company's 
stockholders, by vote of a majority of votes cast thereon, the proposed 
purchasers in the Further Purchase would have the right to refuse to 
consummate the Further Purchase.  The Company believes that the consummation 
of the Further Purchase is necessary in order to provide the Company with 
sufficient capital to pursue its desired business plan. There can be no 
assurance that if the Further Purchase is not consummated that cash 
generated from operations will be sufficient to fund the Company's continued 
operations or that the Company's senior lenders will continue to provide 
financing in the future.  In all likelihood, were the Further Purchase not 
consummated, the Company would seek alternative financing; however, there can 
be no assurances (a) that any such financing will be available and (b) even 
to the extent any such financing is available, as to the terms of such 
financing. Were the Company unable to access additional capital on acceptable
terms, the Company would be forced to forestall certain planned marketing,
product development and capital improvement expenditures which management
believes are necessary for the Company to achieve its desired business plan.


     In addition, stockholder approval of the Company's issuance and sale of 
such securities is required pursuant to the rules of the American Stock 
Exchange which require shareholder approval (pursuant to a proxy solicitation 
conforming to SEC proxy rules) of certain below market sales of listed 
securities.  Thus, even were the Further Purchase consummated despite the
lack of stockholder approval (following the valid waiver of the condition to
closing), the Company would risk having its shares delisted from the American
Stock Exchange.

     The affirmative vote of Series A Holders and Common Holders possessing a 
majority of the voting power represented by the shares of Series A Preferred 
Stock and Common Stock which are actually voted on this proposal is required 
for its approval.  Messrs. Holmes and Pinto have an interest in this proposal 
because they are the principals of HPA which, upon completion of the Further 
Purchase, will be issued, without the payment of any additional 
consideration by it, warrants to purchase 1.25 million shares of Common Stock 
at an exercise price of $1.375 per share.


                                   PROPOSAL 4

     The Company currently is authorized to issue up to 30 million shares of 
Common Stock.  However, if all of the convertible preferred stock outstanding 
were converted, all outstanding warrants and stock options were exercised and 
all authorized shares of Common Stock under the Company's employee benefit 
plans were issued, the Company would have outstanding or be obligated to 
issue up to 38,458,464 shares of Common Stock prior to consummation of the 
Further Purchase and 44,958,464 shares assuming the consummation of the 
Further Purchase.  Thus, in order to prevent the Company from defaulting upon 
its obligations pursuant to its (i) outstanding Preferred Stock, (ii) 
outstanding warrants and options and/or (iii) employee benefit plans, it is 
necessary for the Company to increase the number of authorized shares of 
Common Stock.  Accordingly, the Board has recommended to the stockholders 
adoption of an amendment to Article FOURTH of the Company's Restated 
Certificate of Incorporation to increase the number of authorized shares to 
60 million.  The Board believes that having 60 million shares of Common Stock 
will provide sufficient authorized but unissued shares to permit the Company 
to fulfill its outstanding obligations to issue Common Stock as well as a 
sufficient number of additional shares to provide the Company with 
flexibility to issue Common Stock (i) in additional financings, (ii) as 
additional incentives or compensation to the Company's employees and, in 
certain caps, as payment of Company obligations and (iii) as consideration in 
acquisitions which the Company may consider in the future.
     The text of the proposed amendment to the Restated Certificate of 
Incorporation is included in the Amended and Restated Certificate of 
Incorporation set forth in Exhibit B to this Proxy Statement and should be 
read in its entirety by stockholders.
     The affirmative vote of Series A Holders and Common Holders holding 
stock representing a majority of the voting power represented by all shares 
of Series A Preferred Stock and Common Stock outstanding on the Record Date 
is required for approval of the proposed amendment to Article FOURTH of the 
Company's Restated Certificate of Incorporation.  Pursuant to the 
Subscription Agreements executed in connection with the Initial Investment, 
the Purchasers each granted an irrevocable proxy to Messrs. Holmes and Pinto 
to vote in favor of an amendment to the Certificate of Incorporation to 
increase the number of authorized shares of Common Stock to 60 million.  
Because the Purchasers, in the aggregate, represent approximately 63% of the 
total voting power eligible to vote on this proposal as of the Record Date, 
this proposal should be approved.
     Messrs. Holmes and Pinto, as well as the Purchasers, have an interest in 
the approval of this proposal, as failure to approve could result in their 
inability to exercise their warrants and/or convert their Series A Preferred 
Stock held by them and their affiliates in accordance with their respective 
terms and receive duly authorized shares of Common Stock.  Mr. Hutchinson has 
an interest in the approval of this proposal, as failure to approve could 
result in the inability of his associates and/or affiliates to exercise their 
warrants and/or convert their Series C Preferred Stock in accordance with 
their respective terms and receive duly authorized shares of Common Stock.  
Similarly, each of the Company's executive officers has an interest in 
approval of the proposal because of their ownership of stock options granted 
pursuant to the Company's stock option plans and/or ownership of other 
convertible securities in the Company.  See "Security Ownership of Management 
and Certain Beneficial Owners" and "Executive Compensation." 

                                   PROPOSAL 5


     The Company's Restated Certificate of Incorporation currently provides 
that the Board shall consist of eight directors, subject to increase by the 
Board upon the affirmative vote of more than 80% of the directors then in 
office.  In accordance with the terms of the Securities Purchase Agreement, 
the Board has recommended an amendment to Article TENTH of the Company's 
Restated Certificate of Incorporation to provide that the Board shall consist 
of a maximum of 8 directors with the actual number to be determined by the 
Board from time to time.  The amendment would prevent the Board from 
increasing its size beyond 8 without stockholder approval, and would permit a 
Board of less than 8 members.  
     Currently, the Board consists of only five directors, and there are 
three vacancies on its Board, which pursuant to the Company's By-laws could 
be filled by a vote of a majority of the then serving directors or by a vote 
of the stockholders.  However, the ability to elect additional directors is 
limited by the terms of the Certificate of Designation filed by the Company 
with respect to the Series A Preferred Stock, which provides that the 
approval of the Series A Holders is required in connection with the expansion 
of the size of the Board beyond five members.  Additionally, the Series A
Holders have the right, voting separately as a class, to elect two directors
to the Board.   
     The text of the proposed amendment to the Restated Certificate of 
Incorporation is included in the Amended and Restated Certificate of 
Incorporation set forth in Exhibit B to this Proxy Statement and should be 
read in its entirety by stockholders.
     The affirmative vote of Series A Holders and Common Holders holding 
stock representing a majority of the voting power represented by all shares 
of Series A Preferred Stock and Common Stock outstanding on the Record Date 
is required for approval of the proposed amendment to Article TENTH of the 
Company's Restated Certificate of Incorporation.  Pursuant to the 
Subscription Agreements executed in connection with the Initial Investment, 
the Purchasers each granted an irrevocable proxy to the principals of HPA to 
vote in favor of such amendment to the Company's Restated Certificate of 
Incorporation.  Because the Purchasers, in the aggregate, represent 
approximately 63% of the total voting power eligible to vote on this proposal 
as of the Record Date, this proposal should be approved. 


                                   PROPOSAL 6
                           TO DELETE ARTICLE ELEVENTH

     In accordance with the terms of the Shareholders' Agreement, Article 
ELEVENTH was added to the Company's Restated Certificate of Incorporation. 
Article ELEVENTH provided that prior to the occurrence of a Grade 1 
Management Event (which was defined substantially the same as in the 
Shareholders' Agreement) and as long as the CDA Parties maintained certain 
minimum ownership thresholds, certain major corporate events (such as 
mergers, certain significant sales or acquisitions of assets, amendments to 
the Company's constituent documents, certain insider transactions, payment of 
dividends, certain public or private offerings of securities, incurrence of 
significant indebtedness and adoption of a plan of liquidation) would require 
the approval of more than 66-2/3% of the directors then in office.  Because a 
Grade 1 Management Event has occurred (see "Recent Developments"), the 
provisions of Article ELEVENTH of the Restated Certificate of Incorporation 
are no longer effective.  Accordingly, in order to simplify the Company's 
Restated Certificate of Incorporation and to avoid potential confusion in the 
future regarding the interpretation or application of provisions which are no 
longer effective, the Board has recommended the deletion of Article ELEVENTH
from the Company's Restated Certificate of Incorporation.
     The deletion of Article ELEVENTH from the Company's Restated Certificate 
of Incorporation is reflected in the Amended and Restated Certificate of 
Incorporation set forth in Exhibit B to this Proxy Statement.

     The affirmative vote of Series A Holders and Common Holders holding 
stock representing a majority of the voting power represented by all shares 
of Series A Preferred Stock and Common Stock outstanding on the Record Date 
is required for approval of the proposed deletion of Article ELEVENTH from 
the Company's Restated Certificate of Incorporation.



                                   PROPOSAL 7

     The Board has appointed Deloitte & Touche LLP, certified 
public accountants, to continue as the Company's independent auditors and to 
audit the books of account and other records of the Company for the fiscal 
year ending December 31, 1997. 
     Representatives of Deloitte & Touche LLP are expected to be present at 
the Annual Meeting to respond to appropriate questions from stockholders and 
to make a statement if they desire to do so. 

     The affirmative vote of Series A Holders and Common Holders possessing a 
majority of the voting power represented by the shares of Series A Preferred 
Stock and Common Stock which actually are voted hereon is required to ratify 
the appointment of Deloitte & Touche LLP as the Company's independent 



                            EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION

     The following summary compensation table (the "Compensation Table") 
summarizes compensation information with respect to the President and Chief 
Executive Officer of the Company and each of the Company's most highly 
compensated executive officers who earned more than $100,000 for services 
rendered during the year ended December 31, 1996 (collectively, the "Named 
Executive Officers").

                          SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE

                                                  Annual Compensation                 Long Term
                                                  -------------------               Compensation
                                                                                     Underlying      All Other
           Name and             Fiscal      Salary       Bonus      Other Annual       Options      Compensation
    Principal Position(s)        Year         ($)         ($)       Compensation         (#)              $
    ---------------------       ------     --------     -------     ------------    ------------    ------------
Steven E. Geller  . . . . .     1996       $325,000         ---            ---        250,000(2)            ---
  (Chief Executive              1995        324,519         ---      83,028(3)        200,000(2)     508,075(4)
  Officer and Former            1994(5)     132,692     150,000            ---        500,000(6)            ---
  Chairman of the Board)                                                              325,000(7)

J. Artie Rogers . . . . . .     1996        132,000         ---            ---          5,000(2)            ---
  (Senior Vice President -      1995        132,211      15,000            ---               ---            ---
  Finance and Assistant         1994         95,385     150,000            ---         35,000(2)       1,190(1)
  Secretary and Former
  Vice President-Finance
  and Secretary)

Marvin Smollar  . . . . . .     1996        325,000         ---            ---               ---            ---
  (Former President             1995        318,750         ---            ---        200,000(2)     290,338(8)
  and Chief Operating           1994(9)      69,230      32,699            ---               ---            ---
  Officer) (10)


(1)  Includes Company contributions to the Employee Stock Bonus Plan.
(2)  Options granted pursuant to the 1994 Option Plan.
(3)  Includes $70,000 paid to Mr. Geller in lieu of reimbursement of expenses 
     incurred for the benefit of the Company and allowances of $13,028 for 
     automobile expenses and club dues.
(4)  Relocation expenses including a gross-up for individual income taxes.
(5)  Includes compensation paid to Mr. Geller from July 15, 1994 through
     December 31, 1994.
(6)  Includes 60,376 incentive stock options and 439,624 non-qualified stock 
     options granted pursuant to the 1994 Option Plan.
(7)  Represents warrants granted in connection with services rendered with 
     respect to the negotiation and sale of certain debentures issued by the 
(8)  Includes $287,908 for relocation expenses grossed up for individual 
     income taxes and $2,430 of life insurance premiums. Excludes $122,265 
     paid to Mr. Smollar in 1995 which he earned at Marchon, Inc. prior to 
     its acquisition by the Company on October 13, 1994, which amount was 
     paid by the Company in 1995.
(9)  Includes compensation paid to Mr. Smollar from October 13, 1994 through 
     December 31, 1994.
(10) Mr. Smollar was terminated as President and Chief Operating Officer of 
     the Company in January 1997.  He is the defendant in a suit filed by the 
     Company in January 1997 which seeks to enforce a certain guarantee by 
     him of debt owed to the Company by 555 Corporate Woods Parkway, Inc.  
     Mr. Smollar has denied the allegations in the Company's complaint.  On 
     February 24, 1997, Mr. Smollar commenced a separate action in the 
     Circuit Court of Palm Beach County, Florida,


     captioned MARVIN SMOLLAR V. EMPIRE OF CAROLINA, INC., claiming (a) 
     breach of his employment agreement, (b) breach of a phantom stock plan 
     maintained by Marchon, Inc. prior to its acquisition by the Company and 
     (c) breach of an oral agreement to pay relocation expenses, and seeking 
     injunctive relief enjoining the Executive Committee of the Board from
     taking certain actions.  The complaint seeks unspecified damages
     in excess of $1 million in respect of his employment agreement, certain
     amounts alleged to be owed by reason of such phantom stock plan and
     relocation expenses.

     The following table sets forth certain information with respect to stock
options granted to each of the Named Executive Officers during 1996:

                       OPTION GRANTS IN LAST FISCAL YEAR

                                                 Individual Grants
                                              Percent of                                  Potential Realizable Value at
                                                Total                                     Assumed Annual Rates of Stock
                                Shares         Options       Exercise or                       Price Appreciation
                              Underlying      Granted to        Base                          for Option Term ($)(2)
                               Options        Employees       Price(1)      Expiration    -----------------------------
            Name               Granted          in 1995       ($/Share)        Date           5%               10%   
        ----------            ----------      ----------     -----------    ----------    -----------      ------------
Steven Geller . . . . . .     250,000(3)         44%           $4.50        12/13/2006      707,506        1,792,960
J. Artie Rogers . . . . .       5,000(4)          1%            4.94        10/16/2001        6,824           15,080
Marvin Smollar  . . . . .            --          --             --                             --              --

(1)  Based on the closing price of the Common Stock on the American Stock 
     Exchange on the date of grant.
(2)  The amounts shown as potential realizable values are based on assumed 
     annualized rates of appreciation in the price of the Common Stock of 
     five percent and ten percent over the term of the options, as set forth 
     in the rules of the Securities and Exchange Commission. Actual gains, if 
     any, on stock option exercises are dependent upon the future performance 
     of the Common Stock. There can be no assurance that the potential 
     realizable values reflected in this table will be achieved. 
(3)  Non-qualified stock options granted on December 13, 1996. Options to 
     acquire 83,334 shares vest on December 13, 1997 with like annual vesting 
     thereafter through December 13, 1999.
(4)  Options granted on October 16, 1996. Options to acquire 1,667 shares 
     vest on October 16, 1998 with like annual vesting thereafter through 
     October 16, 2000.

     The following table sets forth certain information with respect to stock 
options granted to each of the Named Executive Officers that were outstanding 
at December 31, 1996 (see "10-year Option Repricings"):

                           AGGREGATED OPTION EXERCISES

                                                                        At December 31, 1996
                                                              Number of               Value of Unexercised
                                                             Unexercised                  In-the-Money
                                                               Options                    Options(2)
                        Shares Acquired     Value     --------------------------   --------------------------
        Name           Upon Exercise (#)   Realized   Exercisable  Unexercisable   Exercisable  Unexercisable
      --------         -----------------   --------   -----------  -------------   -----------  -------------

Steven Geller . . . .          --             --        425,000       525,000          --            --
J. Artie Rogers . . .          --             --          8,750        31,250          --            -- 
Marvin Smollar  . . .          --             --           --            --            --            -- 

(1)  Does not include warrants to acquire shares of Common Stock. See "Certain 
     Relationships and Transactions."
(2)  Based on the $3.375 per share closing price of the Company's Common Stock 
     on the American Stock Exchange on December 31, 1996. 

    The following table sets forth certain information with respect to the 
repricing of stock options granted to each of the Named Executive Officers. 
Except as reflected in the following table, the Company has not in the prior 
10 fiscal years repriced any previously granted options.

                          10-YEAR OPTION REPRICINGS

                                                                                           Length of
                                  Number of       Market                                   Original
                                  Securities     Price of      Exercise                   Option Term
                                  Underlying     Stock At      Price At        New       Remaining At
                                   Options       Time Of       Time Of       Exercise       Date of
      Name               Date      Repriced     Repricing     Repricing       Price        Repricing 
- -------------------    -------    ----------    ---------     ---------      --------    ------------
Steven Geller . . .    5/13/97     500,000        $1.875         (1)          $2.00           (1) 
J. Artie Rogers . .    5/13/97      35,000        $1.875        $5.875        $2.00       3-1/2 years
                                     5,000        $1.875        $4.94         $2.00       4-1/2 years
Marvin Smollar  . .      N/A         N/A            N/A          N/A           N/A            N/A

(1)  In connection with this repricing, Mr. Geller agreed to the cancellation 
     of options to purchase 950,000 shares of Common Stock under certain 
     conditions.  See "Board Compensation Committee Report on Executive 
     Compensation -- Compensation to the Chief Executive Officer."  These
     options were for the following number of shares at the following exercise
     prices and had the following expiration dates:
         Number of Options    Exercise Price    Expiration Date
         -----------------    --------------    ---------------
              439,624            $6.50             7/15/04
               60,376            $6.625            7/15/04
              200,000            $6.750           12/13/00
              250,000            $4.50            12/13/06

    Each of the repriced options granted to Mr. Geller expires on May 13, 
    2002. The repriced options vest in four equal installments on August 13, 
    1997, and May 13 of each of 1998, 1999 and 2000.


    On July 15, 1994, Steven Geller entered into an employment agreement 
pursuant to which he became Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of EII, the 
Company's principal subsidiary.  Subsequently, the obligations of EII 
under such agreement were assigned to the Company, and Mr. Geller became 
Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of the Company. The 
agreement provides for a base salary of $300,000 per annum, which was 
increased by the Compensation Committee to $325,000 per annum effective 
January 1, 1995. The initial term of the agreement expires on July 15, 1998, 
provided that such term is automatically extended for successive one-year 
periods on July 15 of each year (the "Extension Date") commencing July 15, 
1996, unless either the Company or Mr. Geller gives 60 days' prior written 
notice to the other party that it or he elects not to extend the term of the 
agreement. Mr. Geller's employment agreement includes non-competition and 
confidentiality provisions and a change of control provision which provides 
that if for any reason Mr. Geller opposes a change of control (as defined in 
the agreement) which occurs while Mr. Geller is employed by the Company, Mr. 
Geller may within six months of such change in control elect to terminate his 
employment by giving the Company 30 days' prior written notice. In the event 
that Mr. Geller elects to terminate his employment in such circumstances, he 
is entitled to receive a lump sum severance payment equal to (i) 290% of his 
then-current compensation (determined in accordance with the agreement) if 
the majority of the Board opposed the change of control or (ii) 250% of his
then-current compensation if the majority of the Board approved the change of
control, subject in either case to certain tax limitations.  Mr. Geller has
agreed to defer $100,000 of his 1997 base salary. Such deferral amount will be
payable only if the Company meets certain financial milestones in fiscal 1997. 

    On October 13, 1994, the Company entered into an employment agreement 
with Marvin Smollar pursuant to which Mr. Smollar became President and Chief 
Operating Officer of the Company. The agreement provided for a base salary of 
$300,000 per annum, which was increased by the Compensation Committee to 
$325,000 per annum effective January 1, 1995. The initial term of the 
agreement expired on July 15, 1998, provided that such term was automatically 
extended for successive one-year periods on July 15 of each year, commencing 
July 15, 1996, in the same manner as Mr. Geller's employment agreement. Mr. 
Smollar's employment agreement contained non-competition, confidentiality and 
change of control provisions which were substantially identical to those in 
Mr. Geller's employment agreement. Mr. Smollar ceased operating as President 
and Chief Operating Officer of the Company in December 1996 and was 
terminated by the Company in January 1997.

    Pursuant to Section 16 of the Exchange Act, the Company's directors and 
executive officers and beneficial owners of more than 10% of the Common Stock 
are required to file certain reports, within specified time periods, 
indicating their holdings of and transactions in the Common Stock.  Based 
solely on a review of such reports provided to the Company and written 
representations from such persons regarding the necessity to file such 
reports, the Company has determined that Messrs. Geller and Matalene each 
filed one report late during 1996.

    The Company has a Compensation Committee consisting of two directors, Mr. 
Steven N. Hutchinson and Ms. Lenore H. Schupak.  The Board has delegated matters
relating to compensation, including the grant of options under the 1994 Option
Plan, to the Compensation Committee. This report describes the

Company's compensation policies, the application of those policies to the 
Company's executive officers, and the basis for the Chief Executive Officer's 
compensation for 1996. 

    The policy and objectives of the Company with respect to executive 
compensation are to improve stockholder value by enhancing corporate 
performance through attracting and retaining highly qualified key executive 
personnel. The philosophy of the Compensation Committee is to base executive
compensation on short- and long-term performance criteria, thereby providing
the motivation and incentive for outstanding performance by executive officers.
The Company's executive compensation program is designed to:
    -  Create an inducement and motivation for executive officers to 
       facilitate and sustain Company growth and market share and to find 
       attractive acquisition prospects complementary to the Company's 

    -  Align the financial interests of the executive officers with those of 
       the Company's stockholders.

    -  Reward above-average performances which will result in increased 
       returns to stockholders.

    -  Induce corporate loyalty in both the short and long term.

    The Company's executive compensation program has three major components: 
base salaries, bonuses, and long-term incentives.

    In determining an executive officer's salary, the Compensation Committee or
the Chairman and the President, as the case may be, generally review such 
officer's knowledge, abilities, experience, responsibilities and anticipated 
workload for the year, and his or her commitment and contribution to the 
Company's development and financial performance. The Company has not 
established any formula or pre-determined relationship between corporate 
performance and salary. Salary is also intended to maintain the Company's 
competitiveness with similar companies in the marketplace in attracting and 
retaining qualified executives. In those cases where an executive has entered 
into an employment agreement, the base salary is determined by that 
agreement, which is often the result of negotiation between the executive and 
the Company. The base salary of Mr. Steven Geller, the Chief Executive 
Officer, is set by his employment agreement, which was entered into in 1994.
    The Company's bonus program for its executive officers is designed to 
motivate these individuals to achieve annual corporate goals, reward 
individual effort and further assist the Company in attracting and retaining 
highly qualified executives. In setting bonuses, the Compensation Committee or
the Chairman and the President, as the case may be, consider specific goals and
performance criteria that are selected to enhance the profitability of the 
Company, the prospects of the Company and the financial condition of the 
Company. In addition, the Company attempts to recognize exceptional 
contributions to the Company made by individual executives during the year.

    The Company established the 1994 Option Plan, pursuant to which stock 
options are awarded by the Compensation Committee periodically to key
employees, including executive officers. The 1994 Option Plan is designed to
encourage employees to acquire an equity interest in the Company and thereby
align their long-term financial interests with those of the shareholders.


    Pursuant to the 1994 Option Plan, the Compensation Committee had granted
stock options to numerous executives and employees at exercise prices ranging
from $4.50 to $9.25 per share.  After the decline in the market price of the
Company's Common Stock, the Compensation Committee considered whether or not,
in conjunction with the other forms of compensation, the outstanding stock
options were sufficient to motivate and retain highly qualified personnel.

    The Compensation Committee concluded that the outstanding options were
insufficient to retain key employees and, therefore, the Compensation Committee
determined that stockholder value would be enhanced by granting new options
to certain employees in consideration of their agreement to the cancellation of 
outstanding options. Accordingly, on May 13, 1997, the Compensation Committee
approved a resolution canceling substantially all of the options outstanding
under the 1994 Option Plan and replacing them with options with an exercise
price of $2.00 per share (a reduction of $2.50 to $6.25 per share in the
exercise price of the cancelled options).


    Mr. Steven Geller, the Chief Executive Officer, has an existing 
employment agreement providing for a base salary of $325,000. The Compensation
Committee believes that Mr. Geller's compensation is principally through his
equity interest in the Company and not through his salary, and for that reason,
his salary is modest compared to chief executive officers of other toy
companies. Consistent with that theme, and in reviewing the Company's financial
performance in 1996, the Compensation Committee determined that a cash bonus
for the Chief Executive Officer (and for the other executive officers) was not
appropriate. The Compensation Committee determined that the grant of stock
options would more properly align the interest of the Executive Officers with
the Shareholders. The Compensation Committee further recognized that managing
the Company under the current financial constraints required extraordinary
effort on the part of the Chief Executive Officer, and granted the Chief
Executive Officer a stock option for 250,000 shares at a price of $4.50 per
    In connection with the repricing of options discussed above, Mr. Geller 
agreed to (i) defer $100,000 of his salary with the receipt of such deferred 
salary being conditioned upon the Company achieving certain financial 
milestones in fiscal 1997, (ii) cancel all 950,000 options which had 
previously been granted to him pursuant to the Option Plan (250,000 of which 
had an exercise price of $4.50 per share; 439,624 of which had an exercise 
price of $6.50 per share; 60,376 of which had an exercise price of $6.625 per 
share; and 200,000 of which had an exercise price of $6.75 per share) and 
(iii) accept 500,000 options with an exercise price of $2.00 per share.  
Pursuant to the terms of the 1994 Option Plan, options to purchase no more 
than 500,000 shares may be granted to any individual employee in any year.  
As a condition to the reduction in the number of shares subject to options 
granted to Mr. Geller, the Compensation Committee agreed to 


consider, and ultimately approved, the grant of an equal number of options 
to certain employees and executive officers of the Company who are related to 
Mr. Geller.  

                                       Members of the Compensation Committee

                                       Steven N. Hutchinson
                                       Lenore H. Schupak


  Set forth below is a line graph comparing the cumulative total returns
(assuming dividend reinvestment) of the Company's Common Stock, the Media
General Toys and Games Industry Group Index as a representative industry index
and the American Stock Exchange Market Index ("Amex Index") as the required
board equity market index. The Media General Toys and Games Industry Group Index
is comprised of 33 toy and game companies.

                              [GRAPH APPEARS HERE]

                                                               MG Toys & Games 
Measurement Period                Empire of Carolina, Inc.   Industry Group Index   AMEX Index
- ------------------                ------------------------   --------------------   ----------
December 31, 1991                         $100.00                  $100.00           $100.00
Year Ended December 31, 1992               130.77                   133.54            101.37
Year Ended December 31, 1993               133.33                   148.05            120.44
Year Ended December 31, 1994               135.90                   113.82            106.39
Year Ended December 31, 1995               143.59                   126.82            137.13
Year Ended December 31, 1996                87.18                   156.46            144.70


    To provide a portion of the funds needed to finance the Buddy L 
acquisition, the Company issued $7.58 million of three-year 12% senior 
subordinated notes. Mr. Geller and Mr. Matalene acquired $500,000 and 
$100,000 principal amount of these senior subordinated notes, respectively. 
In addition, Mr. Matalene serves as a non-employee director of American 
Bankers Insurance Company of Florida, which together with one of its 
affiliates acquired an aggregate of $5 million principal amount of these 
senior subordinated notes. During July 1996, the Company repaid in full the 
12% senior subordinated notes.

    Also in connection with the financing of the Company's acquisition of 
Buddy L, affiliates of WPG purchased 247,392 shares of Common Stock at $7.25 
per share and 442,264 shares of a formerly authorized series of cumulative 
convertible preferred stock at $7.25 per share for an aggregate purchase 
price of approximately $5 million. One of the principals of WPG, Mr. 
Hutchinson is a member of and a nominee to the Board.  See "Proposal 2."
In addition, at the time, another principal of WPG also served as a member
of the Board.  On September 11, 1996, all outstanding shares of such
formerly authorized series of preferred stock, upon approval by the
stockholders of the Company, were converted into common stock on a
share-for-share basis. 

    At December 31, 1996 and 1995, the Company had an unsecured receivable 
from the owner of its former facility in Vernon Hills, Illinois of $538,000 
and $506,000, respectively, related to costs incurred during its 
construction, which receivable is guaranteed by Marvin Smollar, formerly a 
Company director and President and Chief Operating Officer.  This receivable 
bears interest at an annual rate of 7.5% and there is dispute as to whether 
the note has become due or will become due on December 31, 1998.  Subsequent 
to December 31, 1994, the operations of Marchon, Inc. ("Marchon")  were moved 
to the Company's facilities in Tarboro, North Carolina. Marchon terminated 
the lease on the Illinois facility effective June 1995. The Company also had 
an unsecured receivable of $55,000 at December 31, 1995, from an entity of 
which Mr. Smollar is a principal, related to Marchon's Pagedale, Missouri 
facility. This borrowing was repaid during 1996. These receivables are 
included in the consolidated financial statements as a reduction of 
consolidated stockholders' equity.

    In connection with the Marchon acquisition, the Company assumed a lease 
related to Marchon's Pagedale, Missouri facility from an entity of which Mr. 
Smollar is a principal. The lease provides for a monthly rental of $15,000 
through December 15, 1995 and $20,000 thereafter. The lease, per its terms, 
expires during 2013. This facility has not been occupied by the Company since 
Marchon moved operations to the main Tarboro plant in the first quarter of 
1995. Although the Company has sent notice of termination of this lease, 
there is currently a dispute between the Company and the landlord regarding 
the lease and there can be no assurance that the Company will not be 
obligated for the lease payments.
    During 1996, the Company agreed to pay PaineWebber Incorporated 
("PaineWebber"), of which Mr. Matalene, a director of the Company, was a 
managing director, an advisory fee in connection with the arrangement of the 
new bank facility. There is currently a dispute over the amount of that fee. 

    Also during 1996, the Company engaged Gerard Klaurer Mattison & Co., Inc. 
("GKM") to pursue strategic alternatives on behalf of the Company. GKM has 
agreed to pay 15% of its fee to Furman Selz, of which Mr. Matalene was an 
employee, in connection with Mr. Matalene's efforts to raise funds for the 
Company.  In connection with the consummation of the Initial Investment, and 
in settlement of the Company's obligations to GKM and Furman Selz, the 
Company agreed to (i) pay GKM a fee of $600,000, payable in five 
installments, (ii) issue to GKM a warrant initially exercisable to purchase 
250,000 shares of


Common Stock at an initial exercise price of $2.375 per share, to expire on 
May 6, 2003, (iii) reimburse GKM for up to $25,000 of expenses actually 
incurred and (iv) pay to Mr. Matalene a financial advisory fee of $200,000, 
payable in four installments.

    Messrs. Holmes and Pinto are the principals of HPA, which (i) is a party 
to the Securities Purchase Agreement, (ii) made a $5 million Bridge Loan to 
the Company (which was repaid from the proceeds of the Initial Investment), 
and (iii) was issued warrants to purchase an aggregate of 3,911,504 shares of 
Common Stock at an exercise price of $1.375 per share, in connection with the 
Bridge Loan and the Initial Investment in  connection therewith.  See "Recent 
Developments." The warrants received by HPA were distributed to Messrs. 
Holmes and Pinto and HPA is also to be issued warrants in connection with the 
Further Purchase.  See "Proposal 3."  Each of Messrs. Holmes and Pinto (as 
well as an affiliate of Mr. Pinto) and Ms. Schupak purchased Series A 
Preferred Stock and warrants in the Initial Investment and Additional 
Investment.  See "Recent Developments" and "Security Ownership of Management 
and Certain Beneficial Owners." 

    The CDA Parties were the holders of approximately $14,900,000 of the 
Company's 9%, five-year, subordinated convertible debentures.  Concurrent 
with the closing of this debenture financing in December 1994, the Geller 
Group was issued warrants to purchase 1,000,000 shares of Common Stock at the 
exercise price of $7.50 per share.  In connection with the consummation of 
the Initial Investment, the CDA Parties, certain of which are affiliates of 
Mr. Hutchinson, were issued shares of Series C Preferred Stock in exchange 
for these convertible debentures.  See "Recent Developments."

    Rona Geller, the wife of Steven Geller and the mother of Lawrence Geller, 
is the Company's travel agent.  Although she is paid commissions, which may 
exceed $60,000 per year, in connection with such services, such commissions 
are paid by the airline, hotel and other travel service companies with which 
she contracts, and not by the Company.
    The Company's policy is that all transactions between the Company and its 
executive officers, directors and principal stockholders occurring outside 
the ordinary course of the Company's business be on terms no less favorable 
than could be obtained from unaffiliated third parties or are subject to the 
approval of the Company's disinterested directors.


                              EXECUTIVE OFFICERS

    Information concerning the executive officers of the Company, their ages, 
position and business experience during the last five years is set forth 

         NAME                          AGE                     POSITION(S)
         ----                          ---                     ----------
Steven E. Geller  . . . . . . . . .    55    Chief Executive Officer; Director

William H. Craig  . . . . . . . . .    41    Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer

J. Artie Rogers . . . . . . . . . .    37    Senior Vice President - Finance and Assistant Secretary

Lawrence A. Geller  . . . . . . . .    33    Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary 

    WILLIAM H. CRAIG has served as Executive Vice President and Chief 
Financial Officer since May 1997.  Prior to joining the Company, Mr. Craig 
was President of Wm. Craig & Co., a financial services firm specializing in 
workouts and turnarounds with middle market companies.  Formation of his own 
firm was preceded by nearly five years with GE Capital, lending and investing 
in industrial companies, with a particular emphasis in the plastics industry, 
including various cross-selling and co-investing activities with GE Plastics. 
Before GE Capital, Mr. Craig was with a merchant bank in Texas, providing 
expansion and acquisition capital on a mezzanine or equity basis in middle 
market companies, with particular emphasis on manufacturing, plastics, and 
consumer products.  Mr. Craig's early career was as a consultant with the 
predecessor of Deloitte & Touche LLP, as well as GMAC.

    J. ARTIE ROGERS has 11 years' experience in the toy industry. Mr. Rogers 
has served as Senior Vice President - Finance of the Company since December 
1994. From 1987 to December 1994, Mr. Rogers served as Vice President - 
Finance of the Company. From 1987 to December 1995, Mr. Rogers served as 
Secretary of the Company, and has served as Assistant Secretary since 
December 1995.  Prior to joining the Company in 1986, Mr. Rogers worked for 
Deloitte Haskins & Sells, predecessor to the Company's current independent 
public accountants, for six years.
    LAWRENCE A. GELLER has served as Vice President and General Counsel since 
January 1997 and as Secretary of the Company since December 1995. Mr. Geller 
joined the Company in April 1995 as corporate counsel. Prior to joining the 
Company, Mr. Geller was engaged in the practice of law with an emphasis on 
litigation as a partner with the firm of Imhoff & Geller in Norwalk, 
Connecticut from 1993 to 1995. During 1991 and 1992, Mr. Geller was an 
associate with the law offices of John W. Imhoff, Jr. and from 1989 to 1991 
he was an associate with the law offices of Francis J. Discala. Mr. Geller is 
the son of Steven Geller, the Chief Executive Officer and former Chairman of 
the Company. 
    For information concerning the business experience of Steven E. Geller, see
"Proposal 2".  

                            STOCKHOLDER PROPOSALS 
    No person who intends to present a proposal for action at a forthcoming 
stockholders' meeting of the Company may seek to have the proposal included 
in the proxy statement or form of proxy for such meeting unless that person 
(a) is a record beneficial owner of at least 1% or $1,000 in market value of 
shares of Common Stock, has held such shares for at least one year at the 
time the proposal is submitted, and such person shall continue to own such 
shares through the date on which the meeting is held, (b) provides the 
Company in writing with his name, address, the number of shares held by him 
and the dates upon which he acquired such shares with documentary support for 
a claim of beneficial ownership, (c) notifies the Company of his intention to 
appear personally at the meeting or by a qualified representative under 
Delaware law to present his proposal for action, and (d) submits his proposal 
timely.  A proposal to be included in the proxy statement or proxy for the 
Company's next annual meeting of stockholders will be submitted timely only 
if the proposal has been received at the Company's principal executive office 
in Delray Beach, Florida no later than April 15, 1998.  If the date of such 
meeting is changed by more than 30 calendar days from the date of the Annual 
Meeting, or if the proposal is to be presented at any meeting other than the 
next annual meeting of stockholders, the proposal must be received at the 
Company's principal executive office at a reasonable time before the 
solicitation of proxies for such meeting is made.
    If the foregoing requirements are satisfied, a person may submit only one 
proposal of not more than 500 words with a supporting statement if the latter 
is requested by the proponent for inclusion in the proxy materials, and under 
certain circumstances enumerated in the Securities and Exchange Commission's 
rules relating to the solicitation of proxies, the Company may be entitled to 
omit the proposal and any statement in support thereof from its proxy 
statement and form of proxy. 


                                OTHER INFORMATION

    The Board of Directors does not know of any other matters that may be 
brought before the Annual Meeting.  In the event that any other matter shall 
come before the Annual Meeting, the persons named in the enclosed Proxy will 
have discretionary authority to vote all Proxies not marked to the contrary 
with respect to such matter in their discretion.

    Each of the following items is hereby incorporated by reference herein, 
in its entirety:

      (i)     Report of Independent Auditor filed as part of the Company's 
              Annual Report on Form 10-K/A for the year ended December 31, 
              1996 (the "1996 10-K/A");

      (ii)    Consolidated balance sheets as of December 31, 1996 and 1995 
              filed as part of the 1996 10-K/A;

      (iii)   Consolidated statements of operations for the years ended 
              December 31, 1996, 1995 and 1994 filed as part of the 1996 

      (iv)    Consolidated statements of stockholders' equity for the years 
              ended December 31, 1996, 1995 and 1994 filed as part of the 
              1996 10-K/A;

       (v)    Consolidated statements of cash flows for the years ended 
              December 31, 1996, 1995 and 1994 filed as part of the 1996 

       (vi)   Notes to consolidated financial statements filed as part of the 
              1996 10-K/A;

       (vii)  Supplementary Financial Data filed as part of the 1996 10-K/A;

       (viii) Item 7 of Part I ("Management's Discussion and Analysis of 
              Financial Condition and Results of Operations") of the 1996 

       (ix)   Item 1 of Part I ("Financial Statements") of the Company's 
              Report on Form 10-Q for the quarterly period ended March 31, 
              1997 (the "First Quarter 10-Q"); 

       (x)    Item 2 of Part I ("Management's Discussion and Analysis of 
              Financial Condition and Results of Operations") of the First 
              Quarter 10-Q (see page 35 of Edgar proof);

       (xi)   Item 1 of Part I ("Financial Statements) of the Company's 
              Report on Form 10-Q for the quarterly period ended June 30, 1997 
              (the "Second Quarter 10-Q"); and 


       (xii)  Item 2 of Part I ("Management's Discussion and Analysis of 
              Financial Condition and Results of Operations of the Second 
              Quarter 10-Q").
                                       By Order Of The Board Of Directors,

                                       Lawrence Geller
Delray Beach, Florida 
August 13, 1997  


                                      EXHIBIT A

    The following description of the Series A Preferred Stock does not 
purport to be complete and is subject in all respects to applicable Delaware 
law and to the provisions of the Company's charter and the Certificate of 
Designation related to the Series A Preferred Stock, in each case as amended 
to date.
    The Board has designated 1,600,000 shares of Preferred Stock 
as Series A Preferred Stock, with a stated value per share (the "Stated 
Value") of $10, in order to consummate the transactions contemplated by the 
Securities Purchase Agreement.  Each share of Series A Preferred Stock shall 
be convertible at any time, at the option of the holder, thereof, into fully 
paid and nonassessable shares of Common Stock at a rate of one share of 
Common Stock for each $1.25 of Stated Value of Series A Preferred Stock, 
subject to adjustment as set forth in the Certificate of Designation.  

    In addition to any voting rights provided by law, the Series A 
Holders shall have the following voting rights:  so long as the 
Series A Preferred Stock is outstanding, each share of Series A Preferred 
Stock shall entitle the holder thereof to vote at all meetings of the 
stockholders of the Company on any matter voted on by the Common Holders,
together with the Common Holders and of all other securities 
entitled to vote with the Common Stock on such matter (the "Voting 
Securities").  With respect to any such vote, from and after the first date 
on which shares of the Series A Preferred Stock are issued (the "Issue 
Date"), each share of the Series A Preferred Stock shall be entitled to cast 
a number of votes equal to the number of shares of Common Stock into which a 
share of Series A Preferred Stock may then be converted in accordance with 
the Certificate of Designation relating to the Securities A Preferred Stock.  

    In addition to any class votes required by law, the affirmative vote of 
the holders of at least a majority of the outstanding shares of the Series A 
Preferred Stock, voting separately as a class, in person or by proxy, at a 
special or annual meeting of stockholders called for the purpose, shall be 
necessary to (i) authorize, create, increase the authorized or issued number 
of shares of, or issue (including on conversion or exchange of any 
convertible or exchangeable securities or by reclassification), any shares of 
any class or classes or series of the Company's capital stock having rights 
senior or superior to (either as to dividends or upon distribution of assets, 
voluntary or involuntary liquidation, dissolution or winding up) the Series A 
Preferred Stock, or class or series of stock that ranks on a parity with 
Series A Preferred Stock, or to increase the number of shares of Series A 
Preferred Stock that are authorized for issuance, or (ii) amend, alter or 
repeal any of the provisions of the Charter or the Certificate of Designation 
of the Series A Preferred Stock in a manner which would materially and 
adversely affect any right, preference, privilege or voting power of the 
Series A Preferred Stock or the holder thereof (provided, however, that, 
subject to (i) above, any increase in the amount of authorized capital stock 
or the creation and issuance of any capital stock ranking junior to the 
Series A Preferred Stock shall not be deemed materially and adversely to 
affect such rights, preferences or voting powers).

    Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in the Charter or 
By-Laws, the Series A Holders shall have the right, voting separately as a 
class, to elect to the Board two directors of the Company and 
shall have the right to approve any expansion of the size of the Board
beyond five.

    No dividends will accrue with respect to the Series A Preferred Stock.  
The Series A Holders will be entitled to receive, when, as and if
declared by the Board, out of the assets

of the Company legally available therefor, dividends, distributions and 
offers of subscription, if any, equivalent (both in amount and kind) to the 
dividends and distributions paid to the holders of the number of shares of 
Common Stock into which the Series A Preferred Stock may be converted.  
    Upon any liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Company, no 
distribution shall be made (A) to holders of shares of stock ranking junior 
to the Series A Preferred Stock unless, prior thereto, the Series A Holders 
shall have received $10 per share, or (B) to the holders of shares of stock 
ranking on a parity (either as to dividends or upon liquidation, dissolution 
or winding up) with the Series A Preferred Stock, except distributions made 
ratably on the Series A Preferred Stock and all such parity stock in 
proportion to the total amounts to which the holders of all such shares are 
entitled upon such liquidation, dissolution or winding up.  The Series A 
Preferred Stock ranks on a parity with the Company's Series C Preferred Stock 
with a Stated Value of no more than an aggregate of $15 million issued in 
accordance with the Securities Purchase Agreement (and senior to the shares 
of Series B Preferred Stock).  
                         DESCRIPTION OF THE WARRANTS
    The following description of the warrants issued pursuant to the Initial 
Investment and to be issued in connection with the Further Purchase (the 
"Warrants") does not purport to be complete and is subject in all respects to 
applicable Delaware law and to the provisions of the Warrants.  

    Each Warrant entitled the holder thereof (the "Holder") to purchase, 
subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the Warrant, a fully paid 
and nonassessable share of Common Stock, at an exercise price of $1.375 per 
share subject to adjustment as provided in the Warrant (the "Purchase 
Price"), at any time or from time to time prior to 5:00 P.M., New York City 
time, on May 6, 2003 (the "Expiration Date").  
    The Warrants may be exercised, in whole or in part, at any time or from 
time to time on or prior to the Expiration Date.  As soon as practicable 
after surrender of the Warrant and receipt of payment, the Company shall 
issue and deliver to the Holder a certificate or certificates for the number 
of shares of Common Stock set forth in the Election to Purchase Shares, in 
such name or names as may be designated by such Holder, along with a check 
for the amount of cash to be paid in lieu of issuance of fractional shares, 
if any.  The exercise of a Warrant shall be deemed to have been effective 
immediately prior to the close of business on the Business Day on which the 
Warrant is surrendered to and the Purchase Price is received by the Company 
as provided in the Warrant (the "Exercise Date"), and the Person in whose 
name any certificate for shares of Common Stock shall be issuable upon such 
exercise shall be deemed to be the record holder of such shares of Common 
Stock for all purposes on the Exercise Date.

    Notwithstanding the foregoing, at any time after May 5, 2000, the Closing 
Price of shares of Common Stock for a period of not less than 30 consecutive 
trading days is equal to or greater than the following "Trigger Prices" 
(subject to adjustment as set forth in the Warrant) for any of the following 

                 Period                          Trigger Price
                 ------                          -------------
         May 7, 2000 to May 6, 2001                  $6.25
         May 7, 2001 to May 6, 2002                  $7.75
         May 7, 2002 to February 28, 2003            $9.25


(each such event being referred to herein as the "Triggering Event"), the 
Company may elect to cancel all Warrants that have not been exercised and 
that remain outstanding on or prior to the date that is 45 days from the 
Triggering Event (the "Final Exercise Date"), without compensation to the 
Holders for their loss.  To invoke such mandatory exercise mechanism, the 
Company shall provide written notice to each Holder of Warrants, which notice 
shall be mailed no later than the 35th day before the Final Exercise Date, by 
registered mail, return receipt requested, which notice shall (i) state that 
a Triggering Event has occurred and inform the Holders of Warrants that the 
Company has elected to cancel all Warrants that have not been exercised on or 
prior to the Final Exercise Date, (ii) set forth the Purchase Price then in 
effect and the number of shares of Common Stock that may be purchased upon 
exercise of the Warrants and (iii) inform the Holders that all Warrants that 
have not been exercised in compliance with its terms by the close of business 
on the Final Exercise Date shall automatically be canceled in accordance with 
the Warrant and that all rights of the Holders of such Warrants as Holders 
will cease with respect to such Warrants at such time.  No failure to mail 
such notice nor any defect therein or in the mailing thereof shall affect the 
validity of the proceedings for such mandatory exercise except as to a Holder 
(a) to whom notice was not mailed or (b) whose notice was defective.  
Effective at 5:00 P.M. (New York City time) on the Final Exercise Date, all 
Warrants then outstanding shall be canceled and the Holders thereof shall 
have no further rights thereunder.      

    If there occurs any capital reorganization or any reclassification of the 
Common Stock of the Company, the consolidation or merger of the Company with 
or into another Person (as defined in the Warrant) (other than a merger or 
consolidation of the Company in which the Company is the continuing 
corporation and which does not result in any reclassification or change of 
outstanding shares of its Common Stock) or the sale or conveyance of all or 
substantially all of the assets of the Company to another Person, then the 
Holder will thereafter be entitled to receive, upon the exercise of a Warrant 
in accordance with the terms thereof, the same kind and amounts of securities 
(including shares of stock) or other assets, or both, which were issuable or 
distributable to the holders of outstanding Common Stock of the Company upon 
such reorganization, reclassification, consolidation, merger, sale or 
conveyance, in respect of that number of shares of Common Stock then 
deliverable upon the exercise of the Warrant if the Warrant had been 
exercised immediately prior to such reorganization, reclassification, 
consolidation, merger, sale or conveyance; and, in any such case, appropriate 
adjustments (as determined in good faith by the Board) shall be made to assure
that the provisions hereof (including provisions with respect to changes in,
and other adjustments of, the Purchase Price) shall thereafter be applicable,
as nearly as reasonably may be practicable, in relation to any securities or
other assets thereafter deliverable upon exercise of the Warrant.

    In case the Company shall propose at any time or from time to time (a) to 
declare or pay any dividend payable in stock of any class to the Common 
Holders or to make any other distribution to the Common Holders (other than a 
regularly scheduled cash dividend), (b) to offer to the Common Holders
rights or warrants to subscribe for or to purchase any additional 
shares of Common Stock or shares of stock of any class or any other 
securities, rights or options, (c) to effect any reclassification of its 
Common Stock, (d) to effect any consolidation, merger or sale, transfer or 
other disposition of all or substantially all of the property, assets or 
business of the Company which would, if consummated, adjust the Purchase 
Price or the securities issuable upon exercise of the Warrants, (e) to effect 
the liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Company, or (f) to take any 
other action that would require a vote of the Company's stockholders, then, 
in each such case, the Company shall give to the Holder a written notice 
setting forth certain information regarding the proposed action, which notice 
shall be so given as promptly as possible but in any event at least 10 
business days prior to the applicable record, determination or effective date 
specified in such notice.

    The Warrants do not entitle the Holders thereof to any voting rights or 
other rights as a stockholder of the Company.  The Warrants and any term 
thereof may be amended, waived, discharged or terminated only by and with the 
written consent of the Company and the Holders of 75% of the Warrants given 
in writing upon at least 20 days' notice or at a meeting called for the 
purpose in accordance with the By-laws of the Company applicable to meetings 
of stockholders.


                                      EXHIBIT B

                                 AMENDED AND RESTATED

                             CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION


                               EMPIRE OF CAROLINA, INC.

    The undersigned, Charles S. Holmes and Lawrence Geller, being 
respectively the Chairman of the Board and Secretary of Empire of Carolina, 
Inc., a Delaware corporation, hereby certify that:

1.  The name of the Corporation is Empire of Carolina, Inc. (the 

2.  The original Certificate of Incorporation of the Corporation was filed 
with the Secretary of State of Delaware on July 24, 1979.
3.  The Restated Certificate of Incorporation of the Corporation was filed 
with the Secretary of State of Delaware on           ,     .
4.  The Restated Certificate of Incorporation of the Corporation, as amended, 
is hereby further amended by amending Articles FOURTH and TENTH, and 
eliminating Article ELEVENTH, as set forth in the Restated Certificate of 
Incorporation set forth below.

5.  The provisions of the Restated Certificate of Incorporation of the 
Corporation, as amended, and as herein amended, are hereby further restated 
and integrated into the single instrument which is set forth below, and which 
is entitled the "Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation of Empire 
of Carolina, Inc."

6.  The Board of Directors of the Corporation, by unanimous written consent 
of directors in lieu of a meeting dated as of           ,     , duly adopted 
resolutions setting forth a proposed Amended and Restated Certificate of 
Incorporation to amend and restate the Restated Certificate of Incorporation 
of the Corporation, as amended, in accordance with Section 245 of the 
Delaware General Corporation Law, declaring the amendments contained in the 
proposed Restated Certificate of Incorporation to be advisable and fixing an 
annual meeting of the stockholders of the Corporation for consideration 
thereof.  The proposed Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation of 
the Corporation is set forth below.

7.  Thereafter, pursuant to resolution of its Board of Directors, an annual 
meeting of the stockholders of the Corporation was duly called and held on    
       ,     , upon notice in accordance with Sections 222 and 242 of the 
Delaware General Corporation Law, at which meeting the necessary number of 
shares as required by statute was voted in favor of adoption of the 


amendments to the Restated Certificate of Incorporation proposed by the Board 
of Directors as set forth in the Amended and Restated Certificate of 
Incorporation set forth below.

8.  The Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation of the Corporation 
set forth below was duly adopted in accordance with Sections 242 and 245 of 
the Delaware General Corporation Law.

9.  The Certificate of Incorporation of the Corporation, as amended and 
restated herein, shall, upon the filing of this Amended and Restated 
Certificate of Incorporation with the Office of the Secretary of State, read 
as follows:

     FIRST:  The name of the Corporation is Empire of Carolina, Inc. (the 

     SECOND:  The address of the Corporation's registered office within the 
State of Delaware is 1209 Orange Street, Wilmington, Delaware 19801.  The 
Corporation Trust Company is the Corporation's registered agent at that 

     THIRD:  The purpose of the Corporation is to engage in any lawful act or 
activity for which corporations may be organized under the General 
Corporation Law of the State of Delaware.

     FOURTH:  The total number of shares of capital stock which the 
Corporation shall have authority to issue is sixty-five million (65,000,000), 
of which five million (5,000,000) shares shall be designated as preferred 
stock, each having a par value of one cent ($.01) (the "Preferred Stock"), 
and of which sixty million (60,000,000) shares shall be designated as common 
stock, each having a par value of ten cents ($.10) (the "Common Stock").

          The Preferred Stock may be issued in one or more series, from time 
to time, with each such series to have such designation, powers, preferences, 
and relative, participating, optional or other special rights, and 
qualifications, limitations or restrictions thereof, as shall be stated and 
expressed in the resolution or resolutions providing for the issue of such 
series adopted by the Board of Directors of the Corporation, subject to the 
limitations prescribed by law and in accordance with the provisions hereof, 
the Board of Directors being hereby expressly vested with authority to adopt 
any such resolution or resolutions.  The authority of the Board of Directors 
with respect to each such series shall include, but not be limited to, the 
determination or fixing of the following:

          (i)  The distinctive designation and number of shares comprising 
     such series, which number may (except where otherwise provided by the 
     Board of Directors in creating such series) be increased or decreased 
     (but not below the number of shares then outstanding) from time to time 
     by like action of the Board of Directors;

          (ii) The dividend rate of such series, the conditions and time upon 
     which such dividends shall be payable, the relation which such dividends 
     shall bear to the dividends payable on any other class or classes of 
     stock or series thereof, or any other series of the same class, and 
     whether such dividends shall be cumulative or non-cumulative;


          (iii)  The conditions upon which the shares of such series shall be 
     subject to redemption by the Corporation and the times, prices and other 
     terms and provisions upon which the shares of the series may be redeemed;

          (iv) Whether or not the shares of the series shall be subject to 
     the operation of a retirement or sinking fund to be applied to the 
     purchase or redemption of such shares and, if such retirement or sinking 
     fund be established, the annual amount thereof and the terms and 
     provisions relative to the operation thereof;

          (v)  Whether or not the shares of the series shall be convertible 
     into or exchangeable for shares of any other class or classes, with or 
     without par value, or of any other series of the same class, and, if 
     provision is made for conversion or exchange, the times, prices, rates, 
     adjustments, and other terms and conditions of such conversion or 

          (vi) Whether or not the shares of the series shall have voting 
     rights, in addition to the voting rights provided by law, and, if so, 
     the terms of such voting rights;

          (vii)  The rights of the shares of the series in the event of 
     voluntary or involuntary liquidation, dissolution, or upon the 
     distribution of assets of the Corporation;

          (viii) Any other powers, preferences and relative participating, 
     optional or other special rights, and qualifications, limitations or 
     restrictions thereof, of the shares of such series, as the Board of 
     Directors may deem advisable and as shall not be inconsistent with the 
     provisions of this Restated Certificate of Incorporation.

          The holders of shares of the Preferred Stock of each series shall 
be entitled to receive, when and as declared by the Board of Directors, out 
of funds legally available for the payment of dividends, dividends (if any) 
at the rates fixed by the Board of Directors for such series, and no more, 
before any cash dividends shall be declared and paid, or set apart for 
payment, on the Common Stock with respect to the same dividend period.

          The holders of shares of the Preferred Stock of each series shall 
be entitled upon liquidation or dissolution or upon the distribution of the 
assets of the Corporation to such preferences as provided in the resolution 
or resolutions creating such series of Preferred Stock, and no more, before 
any distribution of the assets of the Corporation shall be made to the 
holders of shares of the Common Stock.  Whenever the holders of shares of the 
Preferred Stock shall have been paid the full amounts to which they shall be 
entitled, the holders of shares of the Common Stock shall be entitled to 
share ratably in all remaining assets of the Corporation.

     FIFTH:  The election of the Board of Directors of the Corporation need 
not be by written ballot unless the By-laws so provide.

     SIXTH:  No person who is serving or has served as a director of the 
Corporation shall be liable to the Corporation or to any stockholder of the 
Corporation for monetary damages for


breach of any fiduciary duty of such person as a director by reason of any 
act or omission occurring on or after July 18, 1988.  Nothing herein shall be 
deemed to limit or eliminate the liability of any director (i) for any breach 
of such director's duty of loyalty to the Corporation or its stockholders; 
(ii) for acts or omissions not in good faith or which involve intentional 
misconduct or a knowing violation of law; (iii) under Section 174 of the 
Delaware General Corporation Law; (iv) for any transaction from which the 
director derived an improper personal benefit; or (v) to any extent that such 
liability may not be limited or eliminated by virtue of the provisions of 
Section 102(b)(7) of the Delaware General Corporation Law or any successor 
statute.  If the Delaware General Corporation Law is hereafter amended to 
further eliminate or limit the personal liability of directors, then the 
liability of directors of the Corporation shall be eliminated or limited to 
the fullest extent permitted by the Delaware General Corporation Law, as so 

     SEVENTH:  Each person who was or is made a party or is threatened to be 
made a party to or is otherwise involved in any action, suit or proceeding, 
whether civil, criminal, administrative or investigative (hereinafter, a 
"proceeding"), by reason of the fact that he is or was a director or officer 
of the Corporation or of a direct or indirect subsidiary of the Corporation 
(any such person being hereinafter referred to as an "indemnitee"), shall be 
indemnified and held harmless by the Corporation to the fullest extent 
authorized by the Delaware General Corporation Law, as the same exists or may 
hereafter be amended (but in the case of any such amendment, only to the 
extent such amendment permits the Corporation to provide broader 
indemnification rights than said law permitted the Corporation  to provide 
prior to such amendment), against all expense, liability and loss (including 
attorneys' fees, judgments, fines, ERISA excise taxes or penalties and 
amounts paid in settlement) reasonably incurred or suffered by such 
indemnitee in connection therewith and such indemnification shall continue as 
to an indemnitee who has ceased to be a director or officer, and shall inure 
to the benefit of the indemnitee's heirs, executors and administrators; 
provided, however, that, except as provided in the third paragraph of this 
Article with respect to proceedings to enforce rights to indemnification, the 
Corporation shall indemnify any such indemnitee in connection with a 
proceeding (or part thereof) initiated by such indemnitee only if such 
proceeding (or part thereof) was authorized by the Board of the Directors of 
the Corporation.

    The right to indemnification conferred in the first paragraph of this 
Article shall include the right to be paid by the Corporation the expenses 
incurred in defending any proceeding for which such right to indemnification 
is applicable in advance of its final disposition (hereinafter, an 
"advancement of expenses"); provided, however, that an advancement of 
expenses incurred by an indemnitee in his capacity as a director or officer 
of the Corporation or of any direct or indirect subsidiary of the Corporation 
shall be made only upon delivery to the Corporation of an undertaking 
(hereinafter, an "undertaking"), by or on behalf of such indemnitee, to repay 
all amounts so advanced if it shall ultimately be determined by final 
judicial decision from which there is no further right to appeal 
(hereinafter, a "final adjudication") that such indemnitee is not entitled to 
be indemnified for such expenses under this Article or otherwise.
    The rights to indemnification and to the advancement of expenses 
conferred in this Article shall be contract rights.  If a claim under this 
Article is not paid in full by the Corporation within 60 days after a written 
claim has been received by the Corporation, except in the case of a claim for 
an advancement of expenses, in which case the applicable period shall be 20 
days, the

indemnitee may at any time thereafter bring suit against the Corporation to 
recover the unpaid amount of the claim.  If successful in whole or in part in 
any such suit, or in a suit brought by the Corporation to recover an 
advancement of expenses pursuant to the terms of an undertaking, the 
indemnitee also shall be entitled to be paid the expenses of prosecuting or 
defending such suit.  In (i) any suit brought by the indemnitee to enforce a 
right to indemnification hereunder (but not in a suit brought by the 
indemnitee to enforce a right to an advancement of expenses) it shall be a 
defense that, and (ii) any suit by the Corporation to recover an 
advancement of expenses pursuant to the terms of an undertaking, the 
Corporation shall be entitled to recover such expenses upon a final 
adjudication that the indemnitee has not met any applicable standard for 
indemnification set forth in the Delaware General Corporation Law.  Neither 
the failure of the Corporation (including its Board of Directors, independent 
legal counsel or its stockholders) to have made a determination prior to the 
commencement of such suit that indemnification of the indemnitee is proper in 
the circumstances because the indemnitee has met the applicable standard of 
conduct, nor an actual determination that the indemnitee has not met such 
applicable standard of conduct, shall create a presumption that the 
indemnitee has not met the applicable standard of conduct or, in the case of 
such a suit brought by the indemnitee, be a defense to such suit.  In any 
suit brought by the indemnitee to enforce a right to indemnification or to an 
advancement of expenses pursuant to the terms of an undertaking, the burden 
of proving that the indemnitee is not entitled to be indemnified, or to such 
advancement of expenses, under this Article or otherwise, shall be on the 
    The rights to indemnification and to the advancement of expenses 
conferred in this Article shall not be exclusive of any other right which any 
person may have or hereafter acquire under this Restated Certificate of 
Incorporation, the Corporation's By-laws, or any statute, agreement, vote of 
stockholders or disinterested stockholders or otherwise.

    The Corporation may maintain insurance, at its expense, to reimburse 
itself and any director or officer of the Corporation or of a direct or 
indirect subsidiary against any expense, liability or loss, whether or not 
the Corporation would have the power to indemnify such person against such 
expense, liability or loss under the Delaware General Corporation Law.

    Any amendment or repeal of the foregoing provisions of this Article shall 
not adversely affect any right or protection hereunder of any person in 
respect of any act or omission occurring prior to the time of such repeal or 
    EIGHTH:  Whenever a compromise or arrangement is proposed between the 
Corporation and its creditors or any class of them and/or between the 
Corporation and its stockholders or any class of them, any court of equitable 
jurisdiction within the State of Delaware may, on the application in a 
summary way of the Corporation or of any creditor or stockholder thereof or 
on the application of any receiver or receivers appointed for the 
Corporation under the provisions of Section 291 of Title 8 of the Delaware 
Code or on the application of trustees in dissolution or of any receiver(s) 
appointed for the Corporation under the provisions of Section 279 of Title 8 
of the Delaware Code, order a meeting of the creditors or class of creditors, 
and/or of the stockholders or class of stockholders of the Corporation, as 
the case may be, to be summoned in such manner as the said court directs.  If 
a majority in number representing three-fourths in value of the creditors or 
class of creditors, and/or of the stockholders or class of stockholders of 
the Corporation, as the case may

be, agrees to any compromise or arrangement and to any reorganization of the 
Corporation as a consequence of such compromise or arrangement, the said 
compromise or arrangement and the said reorganization shall, if sanctioned by 
the court to which the said application has been made, be binding on all the 
creditors or class of creditors, and/or on all the stockholders or class of 
stockholders, of the Corporation, as the case may be, and also on the

    NINTH:  All the powers of the Corporation, insofar as the same may be 
lawfully vested by this Restated Certificate of Incorporation in the Board of 
Directors, are hereby conferred upon the Board of Directors of the 
Corporation. In furtherance and not in limitation of that power, the Board of 
Directors shall have the power to make, adopt, alter, amend and repeal, from 
time to time, By-laws of the Corporation, subject to the right of the 
stockholders entitled to vote with respect thereto to adopt, alter, amend and 
repeal By-laws made by the Board of Directors.
    TENTH:  The Board of Directors of the Corporation shall consist of not 
more than eight (8) directors with the actual number of directors 
constituting the entire Board of Directors to be determined from time to time 
by resolution of the Board of Directors.


    IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands and caused this 
Restated Certificate of Incorporation to be executed on behalf of the 
Corporation this _____ day of August, 1997.
                                       EMPIRE OF CAROLINA, INC. 

                                           Charles S. Holmes
                                           Chairman of the Board

Attested to by:

- ---------------------------------
Lawrence Geller



                        EMPIRE OF CAROLINA, INC.


                      EMPIRE OF CAROLINA, INC.


     The undersigned, a holder of Common Stock of Empire of Carolina, Inc., a 
Delaware corporation (the "Company"), hereby appoints CHARLES HOLMES, STEVEN 
GELLER and WILLIAM H. CRAIG and each of them, the proxies of the undersigned, 
each will full power of substitution, to attend, represent and vote for the 
undersigned, all of the shares of the Company's Common Stock which the 
undersigned would be entitled to vote, at the Annual Meeting of Stockholders 
of the Company to be held on September 25, 1997 and any adjournments or 
postponements thereof, as follows:

     The undersigned hereby revokes any other proxy to vote the shares of Common
Stock owned by the undersigned at such Annual Meeting, and hereby ratifies and
confirms all that said attorneys and proxies, and each of them, may lawfully do
by virtue hereof.  With respect to matters not known at the time of the
solicitations hereof, said proxies are authorized to vote in accordance with
their best judgment.


                   USING THE ENCLOSED ENVELOPE.)
                        SEE REVERSE SIDE


                                           FOR                  AUTHORITY
                                    all nominees listed      to vote for all 
                                         below            nominees listed below
1.   Election of Directors, as 
     provided in Proposal 2 of 
     the Company's Proxy Statement        / /                     / /

     Steven E. Geller
     Steven N. Hutchinson
     Eugene M. Matalene, Jr.
     Lenore H. Schupak

(INSTRUCTIONS:  To withhold authority to vote for any individual nominee, write
that nominee(s) name below:)

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                FOR       AGAINST       ABSTAIN

2.  The proposal to sell 500,000 shares 
    of Series A Preferred Stock and 
    500,00 warrants to acquire Common 
    Stock (including the issuance of            / /         / /           / /
    2,000,000 additional warrants to 
    acquire Common Stock to facilitate 
    such sale) as descreibed in Proposal 
    3 in the Company's Proxy Statement.

3.  The proposal to amend Article FOURTH 
    of the Company's Restated Certificate 
    of Incorporation to increase the            / /         / /           / /
    number of authorized shares of Common 
    Stock as described in Proposal 4 in 
    the Company's Proxy Statement.

4.  The proposal to amend Article TENTH of 
    the Company's Restated Certificate of 
    Incorporation to provide that the           / /         / /           / /
    Company's Board of Directors shall be 
    compirsed of a maximum of eight 
    directors as described in Proposal 5 
    in the Company's Proxy Statement.

5.  The proposal to delete Article 
    ELEVENTH from the Company's Restated 
    Certificate of Incorporation, which         / /         / /           / /
    included certain super-majority Board 
    of Directors approval requirements 
    which are no longer applicable, as 
    described in Proposal 6 in the 
    Company's Proxy Statement.

6.  The ratification of the appointment 
    of Deloitte & Touche LLP as the 
    Company's auditors fot he fiscal year      / /         / /           / /
    ending December 31, 1997 as described 
    in Proposal 7 in the Company's Proxy 

7.  Upon such other matters as may properly come before the meeting or any 
    adjournments or postponements thereof.

ENDED MARCH 31, 1997.

                     SIGNATURE                            DATE

              -----------------------               ------------------

NOTE:  The signature(s) hereon should correspond exactly with the name(s) of the
Stockholder(s) appearing on the Stock Certificate representing the shares of
Common Stock owned by the undersigned.  If stock is jointly held, all joint
owners should sign.  When signing as attorney, executor, administrator, trustee,
or guardian, please give full title as such.  If signer is a corporation, please
sign the full corporate name, and give title of signing office.


                            EMPIRE OF CAROLINA, INC.


                            EMPIRE OF CAROLINA, INC.


     The undersigned, a holder of Series A Preferred Stock of Empire of 
Carolina, Inc., a Delaware corporation (the "Company"), hereby appoints 
proxies of the undersigned, each will full power of substitution, to attend, 
represent and vote for the undersigned, all of the shares of the Company's 
Series A Preferred Stock which the undersigned would be entitled to vote, at 
the Annual Meeting of Stockholders of the Company to be held on September 25, 
1997 and any adjournments or postponements thereof, as follows:

     The undersigned hereby revokes any other proxy to vote the shares of 
Series A Preferred Stock owned by the undersigned at such Annual Meeting 
(other than any proxy previously granted to Charles Holmes and James J. Pinto 
with respect to the matters described in Proposals 4 and 5 in the Company's 
Proxy Statement), and hereby ratifies and confirms all that said attorneys 
and proxies, and each of them, may lawfully do by virtue hereof.  With 
respect to matters not known at the time of the solicitations hereof, said 
proxies are authorized to vote in accordance with their best judgment.


                       USING THE ENCLOSED ENVELOPE.)
                             SEE REVERSE SIDE


                                           FOR                  AUTHORITY
                                    all nominees listed      to vote for all 
                                         below            nominees listed below

1.  Election of Directors, as 
    provided in Proposal 2 of 
    the Company's Proxy Statement         / /                     / /

     Steven E. Geller
     Steven N. Hutchinson
     Eugene M. Matalene, Jr.
     Lenore H. Schupak

     Charles Holmes
     James J. Pinto

(INSTRUCTIONS:  To withhold authority to vote for any individual nominee, write
that nominee(s) name below:)

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                FOR       AGAINST       ABSTAIN

2.  The proposal to increase the actual 
    size of the Company's Board of 
    Directors from five to six directors        / /         / /           / /
    as described in Proposal 1 in the 
    Company's Proxy Statement.

3.  The proposal to sell 500,000 shares 
    of Series A Preferred Stock and 
    500,00 warrants to acquire Common 
    Stock (including the issuance of            / /         / /           / /
    2,000,000 additional warrants to 
    acquire Common Stock to facilitate 
    such sale) as described in Proposal 3 
    in the Company's Proxy Statement.

4.  The proposal to delete Article 
    ELEVENTH from the Company's Restated 
    Certificate of Incorporation, which 
    included certain super-majority Board       / /         / /           / /
    of Directors approval requirements 
    which are no longer applicable, as 
    described in Proposal 6 in the 
    Company's Proxy Statement.

5.  The ratification of the appointment 
    of Deloitte & Touche LLP as the 
    Company's auditors fot he fiscal year       / /         / /           / /
    ending December 31, 1997 as described 
    in Proposal 7 in the Company's Proxy 

6.  Upon such other matters as may properly come before the meeting or any 
    adjournments or postponements thereof.

ENDED MARCH 31, 1997.

                     SIGNATURE                            DATE

              -----------------------               ------------------

NOTE:  The signature(s) hereon should correspond exactly with the name(s) of 
the Stockholder(s) appearing on the Stock Certificate representing the shares 
of Series A Preferred Stock owned by the undersigned.  If stock is jointly 
held, all joint owners should sign.  When signing as attorney, executor, 
administrator, trustee, or guardian, please give full title as such.  If 
signer is a corporation, please sign the full corporate name, and give title 
of signing office.