A LIMITED PARTNERSHIP
                               101 Arch Street
                              Boston, MA 02110

                                                                 August 27, 1997

Dear Limited Partner: 

    As you are by now aware, two unrelated bidders have made offers to 
purchase units representing units of limited partnership interests 
("Units") of Boston Financial Tax Credit Fund VIII, A Limited Partnership 
(the "Partnership") and both bidders have recently revised such offers:

    (i)  Oldham Institutional Tax Credits LLC, a Massachusetts limited 
         liability company ("Oldham"), has made an offer (the "Oldham Offer") 
         to purchase Units for an increased cash purchase price of $925 per 
         Unit.  The Purchaser is an affiliate of Arch Street VIII Limited 
         Partnership, the general partner of the Partnership (the "General 
         Partner"), and

    (ii) Everest Tax Credit Investors, LLC, a California limited 
         liability company, and Everest Tax Credit Investors II, LLC, a 
         California limited liability company (together, "Everest"), has made 
         an offer (the "Everest Offer") to purchase Units for an increased 
         cash purchase price of $925 per Unit.

    Because the General Partner is affiliated with Oldham, the General 
Partner is expressing no opinion and are remaining neutral with respect 
to the Oldham Offer and the Everest Offer . Although the General Partner 
is not making a recommendation with respect to either offer, the General 
Partner believes that Limited Partners should carefully consider the 
following factors in making their own decision of whether to accept or 
reject the Oldham Offer or the Everest Offer:

- - Oldham is an affiliate of the General Partner.  The executive officers 
  and directors of the managing member of Oldham also serve as the 
  executive officers and directors of the General Partner.  Therefore, the 
  General Partner, subject to its fiduciary duties, may have a conflict of 
  interest with respect to certain matters involving the Partnership and 
  its Limited Partners:

  - There may be a conflict of interest in responding to the Oldham Offer.

  - If Oldham is successful in acquiring a significant number of Units 
    pursuant to the Oldham Offer, Oldham could be in a position to 
    significantly influence all Partnership decisions on which Limited 
    Partners may vote.  This voting ability could prevent nontendering 
    Limited Partners from taking action that they desired but Oldham and 
    the General Partner opposed and 

    enable Oldham and the General Partner to take action desired by the 
    Partnership but opposed by the nontendering Limited Partners.

  - There may also be a conflict of interest if Oldham's acquisition of Units 
    has the effect of making any future change in the Partnership's current 
    management by the General Partner more difficult.

- - The Everest Offer is NOT net of transfer fees, which means that a 
  Limited Partner who tenders to Everest will be required to pay a transfer 
  fee of $10 per Unit transferred ($100 minimum).

- - The Everest Offer is for a maximum of 1,825 Units, which is less than 
  Oldham's maximum of 9,125 Units.  It is a more likely possibility that 
  Everest may not be able to accept all the Units tendered to it because 
  proration, or rejection, of some tendered Units may occur at the lower 
  maximum level established by Everest.

- - Both offers will provide Limited Partners with an immediate opportunity 
  to liquidate their investment in the Partnership. Limited Partners who 
  have a present or future need for the tax credits and/or tax losses from 
  the Units may, however, prefer to retain their Units and not tender them 
  pursuant to either offer.
- - As stated by Oldham  in the Oldham Offer, there may be a conflict of 
  interest between Oldham's desire to purchase the Units at a low price and 
  a Limited Partner's desire to sell its Units at a high price.  Therefore, 
  Limited Partners might receive greater value if they hold their Units, 
  rather than tender. Furthermore, Limited Partners should be aware that a 
  secondary market exists for the Units.
- - The Partnership Agreement of the Partnership provides that no sale or transfer
  of Units may be made if such sale, when aggregated with all other transfers
  during the same year would result in both (i) the transfer of Units (excluding
  certain transfers permitted under the Partnership Agreement ("Permitted
  Transfers")) representing more than a 5% interest in Partnership capital or
  profits and (ii) the transfer of Units (excluding Permitted Transfers and
  transfers made through a "Matching Service" (as such term is used  in Internal
  Revenue Service Notice 88-75)) representing more than a 2% interest in
  Partnership capital or profits (the "Safe Harbor Percentages"), unless the
  General Partner shall have received an opinion of counsel that such sale or
  transfer may be made without material adverse tax consequence to any partner 
  of the Partnership.  Since the Partnership has permitted transfers during 
  taxable year 1997, Oldham has stated in its Offer that it will obtain an 
  opinion of counsel that consummation of the Oldham Offer will not result in 
  material adverse tax consequences to the Partnership's partners.  Everest 
  does not make a similar statement in its offer.  However, in order to comply 
  with the Partnership Agreement, if the Units acquired by Everest pursuant to 
  the Everest Offer, when aggregated with all other transfers during 1997, would
  result in the Partnership exceeding the Safe Harbor Percentages, the General 
  Partner will require that Everest obtain an opinion of counsel that 
  consummation of the Everest offer will not result in adverse tax 
  consequences to the partners.


- - Limited Partners who tender their Units will lose the right to receive 
  any future distributions from the Partnership, including distributions 
  from any refinancing or sale of the Partnership's properties.  The 
  Partnership has made no distributions to Limited Partners in the past, 
  and there can be no assurance as to the timing, amount or occurrence of 
  any future distributions.
- - Limited Partners should consult with their respective advisors about the
  financial, tax, legal and other consequences of  both offers.
    Enclosed is a copy of the Partnership's amended Statement on Schedule 
14D-9 which has been filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission 
and sets forth the Partnership's response to the offers as amended to 
date.  Limited Partners are advised to carefully read the amended 
Schedule 14D-9.
    Please do not hesitate to call the Partnership at (800) 829-9213 
(ext. 10) for assistance in any Partnership matter.
                             BOSTON FINANCIAL TAX CREDIT FUND 
                             VIII, A LIMITED PARTNERSHIP
