OVERVIEW    Tektronix had record orders, sales and earnings in its fiscal year
ended May 31, 1997.  Net earnings in 1997 of $114.8 million, or $3.48 per share,
increased 15% over fiscal 1996 earnings of $99.6 million, or $3.00 per share.
Net earnings in 1996 were 22% higher than 1995 earnings of $81.6 million, or
$2.50 per share.

NET SALES AND PRODUCT ORDERS    Net sales in 1997 were $1.940 billion, up 10%
from $1.769 billion in 1996.  The sales growth resulted from a strong flow of
new products from all divisions.  Products introduced within the last two years
accounted for approximately 73% of 1997 product sales, increasing from 67% in
1996 and 62% in 1995.  Sales to customers in the United States of $1.027 billion
were 15% above the level for the prior year, and represented 53% of total sales.
The improved domestic sales level is primarily the result of the favorable
response to new products.  International sales rose 4% from $877.9 million to
$912.8 million, as strong sales growth in the Pacific region, excluding Japan,
and in the Americas was tempered by flat sales in Europe and Japan and the
stronger U.S. dollar.  Net sales in 1996 were 18% higher than in 1995.  U.S.
sales of $890.9 million in 1996 were 17% above the prior year.  International
sales rose 21%, from $724.7 million in 1995 to $877.9 million in 1996, with
improvement across all geographic regions, but especially in the Pacific.
Product orders for 1997 were $1.829 billion, compared to $1.658 billion in 1996
and $1.413 billion in 1995.
    The following table summarizes the Company's net sales for the last three
years by its three business divisions:

IN THOUSANDS                             1997        1996         1995
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Measurement Business                   $852,827    $812,250     $731,061
Color Printing and Imaging              638,456     561,642      454,961
Video and Networking                    448,799     394,966      303,213

Measurement Business sales in 1997 accounted for 44% of total sales and grew 5%
from the prior year. The growth was due to the favorable response to its new
products, particularly handheld electronic tools and telecommunications test
products, and the introduction of the TDS 200 oscilloscopes and the TLA 700
logic analyzers in the second half of the year.  Sales growth was constrained
somewhat by component shortages during part of the year and by a decline in
orders from Sony/Tektronix, the Company's joint venture in Japan.  The
Sony/Tektronix order decline was primarily due to a change in its inventory
stocking strategy during the year.  Measurement Business sales in 1996 were 11%
higher than in 1995 with well-received new product introductions in digital
oscilloscopes, signal processors, handheld electronic tools and
telecommunications test products.  Product orders in 1997 were $795.2 million,
compared to $754.0 million in 1996 and $667.1 million in 1995.
     Color Printing and Imaging sales increased 14% from 1996 with the
successful launch of the Phaser 350 color solid ink printer for the office
market in the second quarter and the Phaser 600 color wide-format printer in the
third quarter, which strengthened sales into the specialty printer markets.
Also contributing to the sales increase was continued strong demand for the
Phaser 550 color laser printer in the office market.  Color Printing and Imaging
sales made up 33% of total sales.  Sales and orders were strong in the U.S. and
in the Pacific, excluding Japan.  Color Printing and Imaging sales in 1996
increased 23% over 1995, due primarily to market acceptance of new products.
Product orders rose 14% to $607.5 million from $531.1 million in 1996.  Product
orders were $433.9 million in 1995.
     Video and Networking sales increased 14% from 1996 due to strength in
Profile video disk recorders and business network computers.  Sales and orders
were particularly strong in the fourth quarter due to the introduction of the
Profile PDR 200 Profile professional file server and the Lightworks V.I.P
nonlinear digital editing system.  Video and Networking sales rose 30% in 1996
from 1995, due primarily to the introduction of new products.  Product orders,
at $426.4 million in 1997, increased 15% from the prior year's $372.4 million.
Product orders were $311.6 million in 1995.

OPERATING COSTS AND EXPENSES    Gross margins increased to 42.9% in 1997 from
41.9% in 1996 due to an improved mix of higher margin supplies sales in Color
Printing and Imaging and lower manufacturing costs in Video and Networking.
Gross margins decreased to 41.9% in 1996 from 45.3% in 1995, caused primarily by
increased sales through alternative distribution channels, the impacts of
increased systems integration sales from Video and Networking and changes in
product mix.
     Research and development (R&D) expenses were 9.7% of sales compared with
9.3% in 1996 and 11.1% in 1995.  The increase in R&D expenses in 1997 was
planned to fund the high level of new product development.  The reduction in the
rate of R&D spending in 1996 occurred as the Company concentrated on more
focused projects and experienced delays in hiring certain technical positions.

                                                                         Page 16

Selling, general and administrative expenses were 24.8% of sales in 1997 and
1996, and 26.7% in 1995.
     Equity in business ventures' earnings decreased to $1.6 million in 1997
from $5.1 million in 1996 and $4.3 million in 1995, primarily due to lower 1997
profitability at Merix Corporation, which had accounted for a substantial
portion of the business ventures' earnings in the previous two years.
     Operating  margins increased year over year, rising from 7.7% in 1995 to
8.1% in 1996 and 8.5% in 1997.  The improvement in 1997 was due primarily to
higher gross margins, partly offset by higher R&D spending and lower equity in
business ventures' earnings.  The improvement in 1996 was due to lower operating
expenses as a percentage of sales, partly offset by lower gross margins. Video
and Networking improved operating results in 1997, but continued to operate at a
loss for the year.  The Company expects Video and Networking to be profitable in
     Interest expense declined in 1997 compared to 1996 due to lower borrowings,
which was the result of increased cash flows from operations.  The increase in
interest expense from 1995 to 1996 was due to higher borrowings to fund working
capital needs.  Other income was $15.9 million in 1997 compared with income of
$12.9 million in 1996 and $4.7 million in 1995.  The improvement primarily
reflected higher gains on sales of stock in other companies.  The Company
continues to hold equity positions that it intends to liquidate over time.
     The Company recorded taxes on 1997 results at the effective rate of 32%,
compared with 30% in 1996 and 26% in 1995, with the increase in the rate due to
increased domestic earnings and the consumption of certain foreign tax credits.
     Net earnings of $114.8 million for 1997 were 15% higher than for the prior
year due to the increase in sales and the improvement in operating margins,
partly offset by the higher effective tax rate.  The growth in sales and
improved operating margins in 1996, partly offset by the higher effective tax
rate, resulted in a 22% increase in net earnings over 1995.
     The Company expects fiscal 1998 sales and earnings growth to be in the
range of 10 to 15 percent.


OVERVIEW    Tektronix continues to focus on improving the efficient management
of the capital invested in its business.  To monitor that progress, the Company
is using the economic value added (EVA) measure.  EVA is determined by the
Company by deducting taxes and a cost of capital charge from operating income,
which management believes provides an objective means of determining if the
Company's earnings are able to cover the cost of financing its invested capital.
Invested capital is the average net assets of the Company excluding cash and
debt.  In 1997, the Company generated EVA of $21.8 million compared to $11.9
million in 1996 and $11.7 million in 1995.  The improvement in 1997 is a result
of both the record earnings for the year and the significant improvement in
invested capital, especially in the reduction of accounts receivable and

LIQUIDITY    The Company's financial condition is strong.  Cash flows from
operating activities and borrowing capacity from existing lines of credit are
expected to be sufficient to meet current and anticipated future needs.  In
1997, cash provided by operating activities totaled $262.3 million, which was
partially used in investing activities of $69.1 million and financing activities
of $86.3 million.  At May 31, 1997, the Company maintained bank credit
facilities totaling $300.3 million, of which $293.4 million was unused.  Unused
facilities include $143.4 million in lines of credit and $150.0 million under a
revolving credit agreement from United States and foreign banks.  Additional
details, including maturity dates of agreements and certain financial covenants,
are included under "Short-term and Long-term Debt" in the Notes to Consolidated
Financial Statements.

BALANCE SHEET    Current assets decreased by $2.1 million as lower accounts
receivable, inventories and other current assets were offset by a $106.1 million
increase in cash.  Accounts receivable decreased by $69.5 million, due primarily
to improved sales terms and collections and the $50.0 million securitization of
receivables, partially offset by an increase in year over year sales in the
fourth quarter of $53.2 million.  Inventories decreased by $26.6 million as the
Company focused additional attention on working capital efficiencies.  Other
current assets decreased because of a reduction in prepaid income taxes.
     Net property, plant and equipment increased by $35.6 million due to capital
expenditures of $112.0 million in 1997, primarily related to facilities
improvements and implementation of information systems.  The Company expects to
increase capital expenditures in 1998 to approximately $150 million, due
primarily to increased investment in the growth of Color Printing and Imaging.
     Deferred tax assets declined by $15.7 million due to the reversal of
temporary differences between book and tax income.  Other long-term assets
declined by $24.6 million due to the disposition of some of the Company's equity
investments and a decline in the translated U.S. dollar book value of the
Company's business venture in Japan caused by the stronger dollar.
     Current liabilities decreased by $61.2 million, primarily due to reductions
in short-term debt and accrued compensation.  Short-term debt was reduced by
$38.5 million due to strong operating cash flows.  Accrued compensation
decreased by $29.1 million due to the payment of pension liabilities of $39.1
million, partly offset by higher payroll,

                                                                         Page 17

incentive and commission accruals.  Long-term debt decreased due to the
redemption of $50.0 million of commercial paper that had been classified as
long-term debt in 1996.
     Shareholders' equity increased by $96.0 million, or 14%, due to earnings
net of dividends.  Additional equity resulting from the Company's issuance of
common stock for the exercise of stock options was offset by declines in
currency adjustment and unrealized holding gains.


The Company has exposure to interest rate risk, primarily from its use of
short-term and long-term borrowings to finance operations, and to investment
risk, primarily from its equity investment portfolio.  The Company has not
entered into any significant derivatives to hedge against these interest rate or
investment risks.
     The Company is also exposed to exchange rate risk on transactions and
commitments denominated in foreign currencies and uses foreign exchange
contracts to offset this risk.  Changes in foreign exchange rates are not
expected to have a significant effect on the Company's financial position,
results of operations or cash flows.  The Company's policy is to only enter into
derivative transactions when it has an identifiable exposure to risk, and to
only enter into such transactions with creditworthy financial institutions.


In February 1997, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) issued
Statement of Financial Accounting Standards (SFAS) No. 128, "Earnings per
Share."  SFAS No. 128 requires all companies whose capital structures include
convertible securities and options to make a dual presentation of basic and
diluted earnings per share.
The new standard becomes effective beginning with the Company's third quarter
ending on February 28, 1998.  The pro forma diluted earnings per share under
SFAS No. 128 is $3.43 in 1997 and $2.93 in 1996, based upon average shares
outstanding of 33.5 million and 34.0 million, respectively.
     In June 1997, the FASB issued SFAS No. 130, "Reporting Comprehensive
Income."  SFAS No. 130 establishes requirements for disclosure of comprehensive
income and becomes effective for the Company's fiscal year ending May 1999.
Reclassification of earlier financial statements for comparative purposes is
     In June 1997, the FASB issued SFAS No. 131, "Disclosures about Segments of
an Enterprise and Related Information."  SFAS No. 131 establishes standards for
disclosure about operating segments in annual financial statements and selected
information in interim financial reports.  It also establishes standards for
related disclosures about products and services, geographic areas, and major
customers.  This statement supersedes SFAS No. 14, "Financial Reporting for
Segments of a Business Enterprise."  The new standard becomes effective for the
Company's fiscal year ending May 1999, and requires that comparative information
from earlier years be restated to conform to the requirements of this standard.


Statements and information included in the Chairman's letter and Management
Review that relate to the Company's goals, strategies and expectations as to
future results and events are based on the Company's current expectations.  They
constitute forward looking statements subject to a number of risk factors that
could cause actual results to differ materially from those currently expected or
desired.  Risk factors include, but are not limited to:  worldwide economic and
business conditions in the electronics industry; customer order patterns, demand
and acceptance of new or recently introduced products; competitive factors,
including pricing pressures, technological developments and new products;
changes in product and sales mix; timing of new products; availability of
reasonably priced parts from suppliers; inventory valuation risks; the timing
and importance of orders received during a quarter, making prediction of
quarterly revenues and earnings difficult; currency fluctuations; the
significant operational issues the Company faces in executing its strategy in
Video and Networking; changes in the regulatory environment affecting the
transition to high-definition television within the time frame anticipated by
the Company; changes in effective tax rates; and other risk factors listed from
time to time in the Company's Securities and Exchange Commission reports,
including, but not limited to, the quarterly reports on Form 10-Q, the annual
report on Form 10-K and press releases.

                                                                         Page 18


The consolidated financial statements of Tektronix, Inc. and subsidiaries have
been prepared by management and have been audited by Tektronix' independent
auditors, Deloitte & Touche LLP, as stated in their independent auditors'
report. Management is responsible for the consolidated financial statements,
which have been prepared in conformity with generally accepted accounting
principles and include amounts based on management's judgment.
     Management is also responsible for maintaining internal control, including
systems designed to provide reasonable assurance that assets are safeguarded and
that transactions are executed and recorded in accordance with established
policies and procedures.
     Tektronix' controls and systems were developed by Tektronix management and
have the full support and endorsement of the Board of Directors. Compliance is
     The Board of Directors is responsible for the Company's financial and
accounting policies, practices and reports. Its Audit Committee, composed
entirely of outside directors, meets regularly with the independent auditors,
representatives of management, and the internal auditors to review accounting,
reporting, auditing and internal control matters. Both the independent auditors
and the internal auditors have free access to the Audit Committee, with and
without management representatives in attendance.

Chairman, Audit Committee

Senior Vice President and
Chief Financial Officer



We have audited the accompanying consolidated balance sheets of Tektronix, Inc.
and subsidiaries as of May 31, 1997 and May 25, 1996, and the related
consolidated statements of operations, shareholders' equity, and cash flows for
the years ended May 31, 1997, May 25, 1996, and May 27, 1995. These financial
statements are the responsibility of the Company's management. Our
responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on
our audits.
     We conducted our audits in accordance with generally accepted auditing
standards. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain
reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material
misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting
the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes
assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by
management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation.
We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.
     In our opinion, such consolidated financial statements present fairly, in
all material respects, the financial position of Tektronix, Inc. and
subsidiaries at May 31, 1997 and May 25, 1996, and the results of their
operations and their cash flows for the years ended May 31, 1997, May 25, 1996,
and May 27, 1995, in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles.

Portland, Oregon
June 23, 1997

                                                                         Page 19


FOR THE YEARS ENDED                    MAY 31,1997    MAY 25,1996   MAY 27,1995
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Net sales                               $1,940,082     $1,768,858    $1,497,962
Cost of sales                            1,107,355      1,028,331       819,871
  Gross profit                             832,727        740,527       678,091

Research and development expenses          188,192        164,292       166,171
Selling, general and administrative
  expenses                                 481,083        437,949       400,567
Equity in business ventures' earnings        1,556          5,081         4,268
  Operating income                         165,008        143,367       115,621

Interest expense                            12,111         13,985        10,203
Other income - net                          15,905         12,884         4,744
  Earnings before taxes                    168,802        142,266       110,162

Income taxes                                54,017         42,680        28,578

  Net earnings                          $  114,785     $   99,586    $   81,584

Earnings per share                      $     3.48     $     3.00    $     2.50
Dividends per share                     $     0.60     $     0.60    $     0.60
Average shares outstanding                  33,009         33,197        32,578

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial

                                                                         Page 20


                                            MAY 31,1997    MAY 25,1996
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Current assets:
  Cash and cash equivalents                  $  142,726     $   36,644
  Accounts receivable- net                      305,832        375,309
  Inventories                                   238,040        264,624
  Other current assets                           64,913         77,003
    Total current assets                        751,511        753,580

Property, plant and equipment - net             343,130        307,563
Property held for sale                           13,939         18,903
Deferred tax assets                              12,540         28,247
Other long-term assets                          195,621        220,203
    Total assets                             $1,316,741     $1,328,496
Current liabilities:
  Short-term debt                            $    6,155     $   44,645
  Accounts payable                              181,366        178,353
  Accrued compensation                           90,946        120,044
  Deferred revenue                               25,622         22,295
    Total current liabilities                   304,089        365,337

Long-term debt                                  151,579        201,955
Other long-term liabilities                      89,790         85,882
Commitments and contingencies                         -              -
Shareholders' equity:
  Preferred stock, no par value
    (authorized 1,000 shares; none issued)            -              -
  Common stock, no par value
    (authorized 80,000 shares; issued
    and outstanding 33,402 in 1997,
    and 32,687 in 1996)                         226,591        204,370
Retained earnings                               473,582        378,606
Currency adjustment                              34,447         52,069
Unrealized holding gains - net                   36,663         40,277
    Total shareholders' equity                  771,283        675,322
    Total liabilities and shareholders'
      equity                                 $1,316,741     $1,328,496

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial

                                                                         Page 21


FOR THE YEARS ENDED                    MAY 31,1997  MAY 25,1996   MAY 27,1995
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Net earnings                              $114,785     $99,586        $81,584
Adjustments to reconcile net earnings
  to cash provided (used) by operating
     Depreciation expense                   59,591      47,137         40,857
     Deferred taxes                         14,425      26,041           (966)
     Gain on sale of investments           (27,678)    (20,197)       (14,314)
     Accounts receivable                    66,403     (66,647)       (29,991)
     Inventories                            26,754     (19,681)       (64,923)
     Other current assets                   22,213         864         (8,338)
     Accounts payable                         (179)      1,037         (5,059)
     Accrued compensation                  (28,580)     14,026         24,602
     Other liabilities                       5,672     (33,622)       (22,866)
     Other long-term assets                    316      (1,424)       (48,102)
     Other - net                             8,607       2,085        (10,516)
     Net cash provided (used) by
       operating activities                262,329      49,205        (58,032)
Acquisition of property, plant and
  equipment                               (112,005)   (106,708)      (103,818)
Proceeds from sale of fixed assets           9,073      19,776         43,482
Proceeds from sale of investments           33,848      23,263         23,920
     Net cash used by investing
       activities                          (69,084)    (63,669)       (36,416)
Net change in short-term debt              (38,451)      7,339         67,092
Issuance of long-term debt                     358      50,000          1,396
Repayment of long-term debt                (50,609)     (3,020)          (602)
Issuance of common stock                    26,018      18,104         40,480
Repurchase of common stock                  (3,797)    (29,985)        (8,382)
Dividends                                  (19,809)    (19,944)       (18,435)
     Net cash provided (used) by
       financing activities                (86,290)     22,494         81,549
Effect of exchange rate changes               (873)     (3,147)         1,207
Increase (decrease) in cash and cash
  equivalents                              106,082       4,883        (11,692)
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning
  of year                                   36,644      31,761         43,453
Cash and cash equivalents at end of year  $142,726     $36,644        $31,761
Income taxes paid                          $13,663     $18,669        $10,018
Interest paid                               14,633      16,594         13,775
Fair value adjustment to
  securities available-for-sale            $(8,373)    $47,042        $20,086
Income tax effect related to fair
  value adjustment                           4,759     (18,817)        (8,034)

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial

                                                                         Page 22


                            C O M M O N  S T O C K       RETAINED        CURRENCY         HOLDING
                             SHARES        AMOUNT        EARNINGS      ADJUSTMENT     GAINS - NET      TOTAL
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
BALANCE MAY 28, 1994         32,197       $184,153       $235,815        $52,811        $     -       $472,779
Shares issued to
  employees                   1,179         40,480                                                      40,480
Shares repurchased             (293)        (8,382)                                                     (8,382)
Net earnings                                               81,584                                       81,584
  $0.60 per share                                         (18,435)                                     (18,435)
Currency adjustment                                                       24,137                        24,137
Unrealized holding
  gains - net                                                                            12,052         12,052
BALANCE MAY 27, 1995         33,083        216,251        298,964         76,948         12,052        604,215
Shares issued to
  employees                     444         18,104                                                      18,104
Shares repurchased             (840)       (29,985)                                                    (29,985)
Net earnings                                               99,586                                       99,586
Dividends -
  $0.60 per share                                         (19,944)                                     (19,944)
Currency adjustment                                                      (24,879)                      (24,879)
Unrealized holding
  gains - net                                                                            28,225         28,225
BALANCE MAY 25, 1996         32,687        204,370        378,606         52,069         40,277        675,322
Shares issued to
  employees                     782         26,018                                                      26,018
Shares repurchased              (67)        (3,797)                                                     (3,797)
Net earnings                                              114,785                                      114,785
  $0.60 per share                                         (19,809)                                     (19,809)
Currency adjustment                                                      (17,622)                      (17,622)
Unrealized holding
  gains - net                                                                            (3,614)        (3,614)
BALANCE MAY 31, 1997         33,402       $226,591       $473,582        $34,447        $36,663       $771,283


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial

                                                                         Page 23



THE COMPANY    Tektronix, Inc. ("Tektronix" or "the Company") is a global
high-technology company based on a portfolio of measurement, color printing, and
video and networking businesses. Headquartered in Wilsonville, Oregon, Tektronix
employs 8,400 people and maintains operations in 23 countries outside the United
States.  Tektronix was founded in 1946.

FINANCIAL STATEMENT PRESENTATION    The consolidated financial statements
include the accounts of Tektronix and its majority-owned subsidiaries.
Investments in joint ventures and minority-owned companies where the Company
exercises significant influence are accounted for on the equity basis.
Significant intercompany transactions and balances have been eliminated.
Certain items have been reclassified to conform with the current year's
presentation with no effect on previously reported earnings.  Per share amounts
are based on the weighted average number of shares outstanding during the year.
    The presentation of financial statements in conformity with generally
accepted accounting principles requires management to make estimates and
assumptions.  These estimates and assumptions affect the reported amounts of
assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at
the date of the consolidated financial statements and the reported amounts of
revenues and expenses during the reporting period.  Actual results could differ
from those estimated.

FISCAL YEAR    The Company's fiscal year is the 52 or 53 weeks ending the last
Saturday in May. Fiscal year 1997 was 53 weeks; fiscal years 1996 and 1995 were
52 weeks.

FOREIGN CURRENCY TRANSLATION    For most non-U.S. subsidiaries, the local
currency is the functional currency and, therefore, assets and liabilities are
translated into U.S. dollars at current exchange rates, and net earnings are
translated at average exchange rates for the year. Gains and losses resulting
from the translation of net assets are reported as a separate component of
shareholders' equity.  Gains and losses from foreign currency transactions are
included in net earnings.

DERIVATIVES    Gains and losses on foreign exchange contracts used to hedge
existing assets and liabilities are recognized in income in the period in which
the related hedged transaction occurs. Gains and losses related to hedges of
firm commitments are deferred and included in the basis of the hedged
transaction when it is completed.

CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS    Cash and cash equivalents include cash deposits in
banks and highly liquid investments with original maturities of three months or
less at the time of purchase.

INVENTORIES    Inventories are stated at the lower of cost or market. Cost is
determined on the first-in, first-out (FIFO) basis.

IN THOUSANDS                                           1997           1996
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Materials and work in process                      $134,743       $141,798
Finished goods                                      103,297        122,826
  Inventories                                      $238,040       $264,624

PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT    Property, plant and equipment are stated at
cost.  Depreciation is based on the estimated useful lives of the assets,
ranging from ten to forty years for buildings and three to seven years for
machinery and equipment, and is generally provided using the straight-line

IN THOUSANDS                                           1997           1996
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Land                                               $  6,096       $  6,721
Buildings                                           199,396        194,644
Machinery and equipment                             493,791        475,178
                                                    699,283        676,543
Accumulated depreciation and amortization          (356,153)      (368,980)
  Property, plant and equipment - net              $343,130       $307,563

Property held for sale is stated at the lower of cost or estimated fair value
less costs to sell and includes certain properties no longer used in the
Company's operations.

INVESTMENTS    Investments in marketable equity securities are classified as
available-for-sale and reported at fair value in the consolidated balance sheets
under other long-term assets. The unrealized holding gains and losses are
excluded from earnings and reported, net of deferred income taxes, as a separate
component of shareholders' equity.

INTANGIBLE ASSETS    Intangible assets are included in other long-term assets at
cost.  Amortization is provided on a straight-line basis over periods generally
not exceeding ten years.  Intangible assets are continually reviewed to
determine that the carrying values have not been impaired.

INCOME TAXES    Deferred income taxes, reflecting the impact of temporary
differences between the assets and liabilities recognized for financial
reporting purposes and amounts recognized for tax purposes, are based on tax
laws currently enacted.

                                                                         Page 24

Deferred tax assets are reduced by a valuation allowance when it is more likely
than not that some portion of the deferred tax assets will not be realized.

ENVIRONMENTAL COSTS    The Company accrues environmental costs when it is
probable that the Company has incurred a liability and the amount can be
reasonably estimated. Environmental costs are expensed or capitalized, as
appropriate, depending on their future economic benefit.

FUTURE ACCOUNTING CHANGES    In February 1997, the Financial Accounting
Standards Board (FASB) issued Statement of Financial Accounting Standards (SFAS)
No. 128, "Earnings per Share."  SFAS No. 128 requires all companies whose
capital structures include convertible securities and options to make a dual
presentation of basic and diluted earnings per share.  The new standard becomes
effective beginning with the Company's third quarter ending on February 28,
1998.  The pro forma diluted earnings per share under SFAS No. 128 is $3.43 in
1997 and $2.93 in 1996, based upon average shares outstanding of 33.5 million
and 34.0 million, respectively.
     In June 1997, the FASB issued SFAS No. 130, "Reporting Comprehensive
Income."  SFAS No. 130 establishes requirements for disclosure of comprehensive
income and becomes effective for the Company's fiscal year ending May 1999.
Reclassification of earlier financial statements for comparative purposes is
     In June 1997, the FASB issued SFAS No. 131, "Disclosures about Segments of
an Enterprise and Related Information."  SFAS No. 131 establishes standards for
disclosure about operating segments in annual financial statements and selected
information in interim financial reports.  It also establishes standards for
related disclosures about products and services, geographic areas, and major
customers.  This statement supersedes SFAS No. 14, "Financial Reporting for
Segments of a Business Enterprise."  The new standard becomes effective for the
Company's fiscal year ending May 1999, and requires that comparative information
from earlier years be restated to conform to the requirements of this standard.


The Company and its affiliates operate predominately in a single industry
segment: the design, manufacture, sale and service of electronic measurement,
design and display instruments and systems used in science, industry and
education. Geographically, the Company operates primarily in the industrialized
world. Net sales, earnings before taxes and total assets in the United States,
Europe and other geographical areas were:

IN THOUSANDS                                    1997         1996        1995
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net sales:
  United States sales to customers        $1,027,294   $  890,930  $  766,991
  United States export sales to customers    258,984      271,446     224,657
  United States transfers to affiliates      824,520      720,969     434,959
    United States sales                    2,110,798    1,883,345   1,426,607
  European sales to customers                483,949      470,840     392,070
  European transfers to affiliates             5,006        3,183       3,783
    European sales                           488,955      474,023     395,853
  Other area sales to customers              169,855      135,642     114,244
  Other area transfers to affiliates          22,975       23,815      15,184
    Other area sales                         192,830      159,457     129,428
  Eliminations                              (852,501)    (747,967)   (453,926)
    Net sales                             $1,940,082   $1,768,858  $1,497,962
Earnings before taxes:
  United States                           $  178,930   $  124,618  $  123,800
  Europe                                      33,093       25,867      (6,618)
  Other areas                                 (8,555)       8,174       6,678
  Corporate and eliminations                 (34,666)     (16,393)    (13,698)
    Earnings before taxes                 $  168,802   $  142,266  $  110,162
Total assets:
  United States                           $  991,928   $  988,578  $  851,435
  Europe                                     181,757      198,220     217,808
  Other areas                                 89,663       69,883      47,530
    Corporate and eliminations                53,393       71,815     101,529
      Total assets                        $1,316,741   $1,328,496  $1,218,302
Transfers of products and services are made at arms-length prices between
geographic areas. The profit on transfers between geographic areas is not
recognized until sales are made to unaffiliated customers. Area earnings before
taxes include all directly incurred and allocable costs, except identified
corporate expenses. Assets are those that are specifically associated with the
operations of each geographic area.
     Net sales to the United States government were not more than 2% of net
sales in any of the past three years, and no other customer accounted for more
than 2% of net sales.


The Company has operating subsidiaries located in Australia, Austria, Belgium,
Brazil, Canada, China, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan,
Korea, Mexico, The Netherlands, Norway, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland,
Taiwan, and the United Kingdom. The assets, liabilities, net

                                                                         Page 25

sales and net earnings of non-U.S. subsidiaries are included in the consolidated
financial statements in these amounts:

IN THOUSANDS                                    1997         1996        1995
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Current assets                              $214,776     $207,333    $223,651
Property, plant and equipment - net           39,631       34,295      28,214
Other long-term assets                        11,612       11,835      18,420
Current liabilities                           65,769       65,303      93,104
Other long-term liabilities                   21,486       18,030      33,991
Net sales                                   $653,804     $606,482    $506,314
Gross profit                                 125,440      132,237     130,598
Operating income                              27,585       36,502       4,192
Earnings before taxes                         24,538       34,041          60
Net earnings (loss)                           13,656       22,738        (908)

The Company has a 50% investment in a business venture in Japan.  The Company's
share of the assets, liabilities, net sales and net earnings of this business
venture, as well as the Company's arms-length sales to, purchases from, and
accounts receivable consisted of:

IN THOUSANDS                                    1997         1996        1995
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Current assets                              $ 55,322     $ 74,946    $ 84,787
Property, plant and equipment - net           19,913       23,371      28,080
Other long-term assets                        12,129       12,743      14,123
Current liabilities                           18,511       32,775      29,002
Other long-term liabilities                    8,988        9,323      10,148
Net sales                                   $152,054     $147,860    $113,645
Gross profit                                  40,742       44,756      40,246
Operating income (loss)                        3,068          113      (1,422)
Earnings before taxes                          2,792           53         204
Net earnings (loss)                            1,184         (306)        (28)
Sales to                                    $112,770     $114,307     $83,217
Purchases from                                19,596       13,650      10,259
Accounts receivable                            9,866        9,524       5,199

There are no significant restrictions that prevent dividends to the parent
company from non-U.S. affiliates. The Company received dividends from business
ventures of $0.6 million in 1997 and $4.7 million in 1996. There were no
dividends received in 1995.


On September 10, 1996, the Company entered into a five-year revolving receivable
purchase agreement with Citibank NA to sell, without recourse, an undivided
interest of up to $50.0 million in a defined pool of trade accounts receivable.
Receivables of $50.0 million sold under this agreement are reflected as a
reduction of accounts receivable in the balance sheet at May 31, 1997, and as
operating cash flows in the statements of cash flows for the year ended May 31,

Accounts receivable have been reduced by an allowance for doubtful accounts,
which was $3.1 million in 1997 and $6.3 million in 1996. The net charges to this
reserve have not been material.


IN THOUSANDS                                            1997           1996
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Investment in business ventures                     $ 85,696       $ 97,409
Investment in marketable equity securities            66,709         78,117
Licensing agreements and other intangibles - net      37,151         28,873
Other                                                  6,065         15,804
  Other long-term assets                            $195,621       $220,203

Investment in business ventures includes the business venture in Japan discussed
in the "Non-U.S. Affiliates" note and a 35% interest in Merix Corporation.  At
May 31, 1997, the carrying value of the Company's investment in Merix was $21.1
million, with a fair value, based upon quoted market price, of $34.2 million.
The Company's portion of the undistributed earnings of the business ventures was
$20.2 million in 1997 and $19.2 million in 1996.
     Proceeds from the sales of marketable equity securities in 1997, 1996 and
1995 were $33.8 million, $23.3 million and $23.9  million, respectively.
Realized gains were computed based on the average cost of the underlying
securities and are disclosed in the "Other Income - Net" note.  At the end of
1997, 1996 and 1995, net unrealized holding gains of $58.8 million, $67.2
million and $20.1 million (less deferred taxes of $22.1 million, $26.9 million
and $8.0 million), respectively, were included as a separate component of
shareholders' equity.
     Licensing agreements and other intangibles have been reduced by accumulated
amortization of $17.5 million in 1997 and $10.9 million in 1996.


The Company's short-term debt consisted of:

IN THOUSANDS                                            1997           1996
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Lines of credit                                       $4,486        $12,564
Commercial paper                                           -         30,663
  Short-term instruments                               4,486         43,227
Current maturities of long-term debt                   1,669          1,418
  Short-term debt                                     $6,155        $44,645

                                                                         Page 26

The Company has a $150.0 million revolving credit agreement with Morgan Guaranty
Trust Company of New York, as agent, that matures in July 2001. The Company has
an agreement with U.S. National Bank of Oregon to issue up to $100.0 million in
commercial paper, backed by the revolving credit agreement. At May 31, 1997, the
Company maintained bank credit facilities of $300.3 million, of which $293.4
million was unused. Unused facilities include $143.4 million in lines of credit
and $150.0 million under the revolving credit agreement. A $20.0 million line of
credit expires in October 1997 with all remaining lines providing no specific
expiration date.

     The Company's long-term debt consisted of:

IN THOUSANDS                                            1997           1996
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
7.5% Notes due August 1, 2003                       $100,000       $100,000
7.625% Notes due August 15, 2002                      50,000         50,000
Other long-term agreements                             3,248          3,387
Commercial paper                                           -         49,986
  Long-term instruments                              153,248        203,373
Current maturities                                    (1,669)        (1,418)
  Long-term debt                                    $151,579       $201,955

Certain of the Company's debt agreements require the maintenance of specified
interest rate coverage ratios and a minimum consolidated tangible net worth. At
May 31, 1997, the Company had unrestricted retained earnings of $167.1 million
after meeting those requirements.
     Aggregate long-term debt payments will be $1.7 million in 1998, $1.2
million in 1999, $0.3 million in 2000, $0.1 million in 2001 and none in 2002.


IN THOUSANDS                                                 1997          1996
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Accrued postretirement benefits                           $41,778       $46,953
Accrued pension                                            30,019        23,037
Other                                                      17,993        15,892
  Other long-term liabilities                             $89,790       $85,882

IN THOUSANDS                                       1997        1996       1995
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Gain on sale of marketable equity securities    $27,678     $20,197    $14,314
Loss on disposition of fixed assets              (5,031)     (1,844)      (447)
Currency losses                                    (753)     (1,322)    (2,231)
Other                                            (5,989)     (4,147)    (6,892)
  Other income - net                            $15,905     $12,884    $ 4,744


The Company leases a portion of its capital equipment and certain of its
facilities under operating leases that expire at various dates. Rental expense
was $27.4 million in 1997, $25.3 million in 1996, and $28.0 million in 1995. In
addition, the Company has long-term or minimum purchase agreements with various
suppliers. The future minimum obligations under operating leases and other
commitments having an initial or remaining noncancelable term in excess of one
year as of May 31, 1997 were:

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
1998                                            $16,518        $ 8,257
1999                                             12,764          4,287
2000                                              7,114          3,856
2001                                              4,849          1,424
2002                                              3,658              -
Future years                                     18,563              -
  Total                                         $63,466        $17,824

In the normal course of business, the Company and its subsidiaries are parties
to various legal claims, actions and complaints, including matters involving
patent infringement and other intellectual property claims. Although it is not
possible to predict with certainty whether or not the Company and its
subsidiaries will ultimately be successful in any of these legal matters or, if
not, what the impact might be, the Company believes that disposition of these
matters will not have a material adverse effect on the Company's financial
position, results of operations or cash flows.


plans for selected employees. There were 4,085,000 shares reserved for issuance
under these plans at May 31, 1997. Under the terms of the plans, incentive stock
options are granted at an option price not less than the market value at the
date of grant. Nonqualified stock options may not be granted at less than 100%
of the market value on the valuation date selected by the Board of Directors.
Options granted prior to January 1, 1997, generally vest over four years and
expire ten years from the date of grant.  Certain options granted after January
1, 1997, vest over two years and expire five years from the date of grant.
There were 1,025 employees holding options at May 31, 1997.

                                                                         Page 27

     Additional information with respect to option activity is set forth below:

                              OUTSTANDING                  EXERCISABLE
                       -------------------------    -------------------------
                                       WEIGHTED                      WEIGHTED
                                        AVERAGE                       AVERAGE
                           NUMBER      EXERCISE        NUMBER        EXERCISE
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
May 28, 1994             2,866            $21          1,262            $20
Granted                    812             36
Exercised               (1,102)            20
Canceled                  (217)            25
May 27, 1995             2,359            $26            868            $21
Granted                    980             45
Exercised                 (501)            22
Canceled                  (190)            35
May 25, 1996             2,648            $34            989            $25
Granted                    725             48
Exercised                 (650)            26
Canceled                  (141)            41
May 31, 1997             2,582            $39            952            $31

  The following table summarizes information about options outstanding and
exercisable at May 31, 1997:

                           OUTSTANDING                       EXERCISABLE
               --------------------------------------   ---------------------
                               AVERAGE      WEIGHTED                WEIGHTED
RANGE OF                     REMAINING       AVERAGE                 AVERAGE
  PRICES     OF SHARES            LIFE         PRICE   OF SHARES       PRICE
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
$13 - 19          55        4.4 years          $17          55          $17
 20 - 29         503        5.5 years           24         418           24
 31 - 46       1,398        8.2 years           40         403           37
 49 - 60         626        5.5 years           52          76           51
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
               2,582        6.9 years          $39         952          $31
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

The Company has elected to continue to account for stock options according to
APB Opinion No. 25, "Accounting for Stock Issued to Employees."  Under APB No.
25, no compensation expense is recognized in the Company's consolidated
financial statements for employee stock options because the exercise price of
the options equals the market price of the underlying stock on the date of
grant.  Alternatively, under the fair value method of accounting provided for by
SFAS No. 123, "Accounting for Stock-Based Compensation," the measurement of
compensation expense is based on the fair value of employee stock options at the
grant date and requires the use of option pricing models to value the options.
The weighted average estimated fair value of options granted during 1997 and
1996 was $17 and $15 per share, respectively.
     The Company also has plans for certain executives that provide for stock
awards based on financial performance over one- and three-year periods.  Under
APB No. 25, compensation expense is measured based on the market price of the
stock at the date the terms of the award become fixed.  Under the fair value
approach of SFAS No. 123, compensation expense is measured based on the market
price of the stock at the grant date. The weighted average grant-date fair value
of performance-based stock awards granted during 1997 and 1996 was $46 and $38
per share, respectively.  The total shares issued under these plans and the
corresponding compensation expense recognized in income was not material for
both 1997 and 1996.
     The pro forma impact to both net earnings and earnings per share from
calculating stock-related compensation expense consistent with the fair value
alternative of SFAS No. 123 is indicated below:

                                              1997        1996
- ---------------------------------------------------------------
Pro forma net earnings (in thousands)     $109,240     $97,015
Pro forma earnings per share              $   3.31     $  2.92

The fair value of each option was estimated at the date of grant using a
Black-Scholes option pricing model with the following weighted average
                                              1997        1996
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Expected life (in years)                       5.0         5.0
Risk-free interest rate                        6.3%        5.7%
Volatility                                    35.2%       33.9%
Dividend yield                                 1.3%        1.4%

For purposes of the pro forma disclosures, the estimated fair value of the
stock-based awards is amortized over the vesting period.  Because SFAS No. 123
is applicable only to awards granted after May 27, 1995, the pro forma effect
will not be fully reflected until 1999.

SHAREHOLDER RIGHTS AGREEMENT    In August 1990, the Company's Board of Directors
approved a shareholder rights agreement and declared a dividend of one right for
each outstanding common share. Each right entitles the holder to purchase one
one-thousandth of a share of no par preferred stock at an exercise price of $60,
subject to adjustment. Generally, the rights become exercisable ten days after a
person or group acquires or commences a tender offer that would result in
beneficial ownership of 20% or more of the common shares. In addition, the
rights become exercisable if any party becomes the beneficial owner of 10% or
more of the outstanding common shares and is determined by the Board to be an
adverse party. Upon the occurrence of certain additional events specified in the
shareholder rights agreement, each right would entitle its holder to purchase
common shares of the Company (or, in some cases, a potential acquiring company)
or other property having a value of twice the right's exercise price. The
rights, which are not currently exercisable, expire in September 2000, but may
be redeemed by action of the Board prior to that time, under certain
circumstances, for $0.01 per right.

                                                                         Page 28


PENSION PLANS    The Company has defined benefit retirement plans covering most
employees. Benefits upon retirement or termination are based on length of
service and final average compensation at retirement.
    The Company's funding policy is to contribute amounts determined annually
on an actuarial basis that provide for current and future benefits in accordance
with funding requirements of applicable laws and regulations of the countries in
which the plans are located. Assets of funded benefit plans are held primarily
in trust accounts. The majority of the assets are invested in common stocks,
bonds and real estate, with the balance primarily in cash and short-term
    The following tables set forth the funded status and the amounts recognized
in the consolidated financial statements for the Company's defined benefit
retirement plans:

                                                          ASSETS    ACCUMULATED
                                                          EXCEED       BENEFITS
                                                     ACCUMULATED         EXCEED
IN THOUSANDS                                            BENEFITS         ASSETS
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Actuarial present value of benefit obligations:
  Vested benefit obligation                             $422,737       $12,794
  Accumulated benefit obligation                        $428,453       $15,093
  Projected benefit obligation                          $478,503       $17,442
  Plan assets at fair value                              474,222             -
  Projected benefit obligation in excess of plan assets    4,281        17,442
  Unrecognized initial net asset (obligation)              3,415        (1,680)
  Unrecognized prior service cost                         10,529          (695)
  Unrecognized net gain (loss)                           (10,490)        2,349
    Pension liability                                   $  7,735       $17,416

                                                           ASSETS   ACCUMULATED
                                                           EXCEED      BENEFITS
                                                      ACCUMULATED        EXCEED
IN THOUSANDS                                             BENEFITS        ASSETS
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Actuarial present value of benefit obligations:
  Vested benefit obligation                              $48,647      $391,149
  Accumulated benefit obligation                         $52,672      $399,571
  Projected benefit obligation                           $61,329      $453,778
  Plan assets at fair value                               55,982       349,571
  Projected benefit obligation in excess of plan assets    5,347       104,207
  Unrecognized initial net asset (obligation)               (342)        4,255
  Unrecognized prior service cost                           (715)        7,943
  Unrecognized net loss                                   (6,398)      (58,968)
    Pension (asset) liability                            $(2,108)     $ 57,437

Assumptions used in the accounting for the defined benefit plans were:

                                                            1997           1996           1995
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Overall weighted average discount rates                     7.8%           7.6%           8.1%
Overall rates of increase in compensation levels            3.8%           3.8%           4.8%
Expected long-term rate of return on plan assets           10.2%           9.3%           9.3%

Net pension expense includes the following components:

IN THOUSANDS                                                1997           1996           1995
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Service cost                                             $12,084        $ 9,469        $ 8,983
Interest cost                                             37,627         37,414         33,693
Actual return on plan assets                             (56,863)       (76,138)       (36,587)
Net amortization and deferral                             17,585         40,948          3,987
  Net periodic pension expense                            10,433         11,693         10,076
Other benefit plans                                        1,327          1,454            928
  Net pension expense                                    $11,760        $13,147        $11,004

POSTRETIREMENT BENEFITS    In 1995, the Company modified its postretirement
welfare programs to eliminate company-paid benefits for employees who retire
after July 31, 1995.  Subsidies provided to pre-1995 retirees were phased out
gradually and were eliminated effective January 1, 1997. Current and future
retirees who have accumulated certain insurance credits, however, may continue
to apply them toward the purchase of medical and life insurance benefits. These
revisions resulted in an unrecognized prior service cost gain of $26.7 million
that will be amortized over ten years as a reduction in postretirement benefit
    The status of the Company's unfunded postretirement benefit obligation was:

IN THOUSANDS                                           1997           1996
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Accumulated postretirement benefit obligation (APBO):
  Current retirees                                  $ 9,459        $10,453
  Active employees eligible to retire                 3,067          3,467
  Other active employees                              2,544          3,033
    Total accumulated obligation                     15,070         16,953
  Unrecognized net gain                              11,110         10,532
  Unrecognized prior service cost gain               18,697         21,368
    Accrued postretirement benefits                 $44,877        $48,853

                                                                         Page 29

The net postretirement benefit credit includes the following components:

IN THOUSANDS                            1997           1996           1995
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Service cost                         $   177        $   168        $   184
Interest cost                          1,244          1,359          1,286
Net amortization                      (3,302)        (3,385)        (3,587)
  Postretirement benefit credit      $(1,881)       $(1,858)       $(2,117)
The discount rate and rate of salary increase used in determining the APBO for
1997 was 8.0% and 3.8%, respectively. For 1996, these rates were 7.8% and 3.8%.
The health care cost trend rates used in measuring the APBO at May 31, 1997,
ranged from 7.8% to 9.8%, depending on the specific plan, and are assumed to
decrease gradually until they reach 5.3% to 5.8% in the year 2006 and remain at
5.3% thereafter. The health care cost trend rates in 1996 ranged from 8.2% to
10.8%, and were assumed to decline to 5.3% over a similar period. The health
care cost trend rate assumptions can have a significant effect on the amounts
reported. However, because of the plan amendments adopted in 1995, increasing
the assumptions by one percent would not have a material impact on either the
APBO at May 31, 1997, or the postretirement benefit credit for 1997.

EMPLOYEE SAVINGS PLAN    The Company has an employee savings plan that qualifies
as a deferred salary arrangement under Section 401(k) of the Internal Revenue
Code.  Participating U.S. employees may defer up to 15% of their compensation,
subject to certain regulatory limitations.  Employee contributions are invested,
at the employees' direction, among a variety of investment alternatives.  The
Company matches the contributions up to 3% of compensation.  In addition, the
Company makes a contribution to the plan for each qualifying employee equal to
2% of compensation.  The Company's contributions, which are invested entirely in
Company stock, were approximately $14.2 million in 1997, $12.1 million in 1996,
and $11.1 million in 1995.


The Company utilizes derivative financial instruments to reduce the impact of
foreign exchange risks where internal netting strategies cannot be effectively
employed.  The Company does not hold or issue derivative financial instruments
for trading purposes.  The Company's derivative activities do not create risk
because fluctuations in the value of the instruments used for hedging purposes
are offset by fluctuations in the value of the underlying exposures being
     The notional or contract amounts of the hedging instruments do not
represent amounts exchanged by the parties and, thus, are not a measure of the
Company's exposure due to the use of derivatives.  The amounts exchanged are
calculated on the basis of the notional amounts and other terms of the
instruments.  The Company is exposed to credit-related losses in the event of
nonperformance by counterparties to financial instruments.  However, the Company
has entered into these instruments with creditworthy financial institutions and
considers the risk of nonperformance to be remote.

FOREIGN EXCHANGE RISK MANAGEMENT    The Company uses foreign exchange contracts
to hedge its exchange rate risks. At the end of 1997 and 1996, the notional
amount of the Company's outstanding contracts was $32.1 million and $97.6
million, respectively.  Generally, these contracts have maturities that do not
exceed one year and require the Company to exchange foreign currencies for U.S.
dollars at maturity. The purpose of the Company's hedging activities is to
reduce the risk that the eventual cash flows of the underlying assets,
liabilities and firm commitments will be adversely affected by changes in
exchange rates. The unrecognized loss attributable to foreign exchange contracts
at May 31, 1997 was $0.2 million.


For short-term financial instruments, including cash and cash equivalents,
accounts receivable, short-term debt, accounts payable and accrued compensation,
the carrying amount approximates the fair value because of the immediate or
short-term nature of those instruments. The fair value of marketable equity
securities is based on quoted market prices at the reporting date. The fair
value of long-term receivables and long-term debt is estimated based on quoted
market prices for similar instruments or by discounting expected cash flows at
rates currently available to the Company for instruments with similar risks and
maturities.  The differences between the fair values and carrying amounts of the
Company's financial instruments, including derivatives, at May 31, 1997, and May
25, 1996, were not material.

                                                                         Page 30


Financial instruments that potentially subject the Company to concentrations of
credit risk consist principally of trade accounts receivable. The risk is
limited due to the large number of entities comprising the Company's customer
base and their dispersion across many different industries and geographies. At
May 31, 1997, the Company had no significant concentrations of credit risk.


The components of earnings before taxes on a geographical basis are contained in
the "Business Segments" note. The provision for income taxes consisted of:

IN THOUSANDS                            1997           1996           1995
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Federal                            $21,457        $ 9,104        $17,779
  State                                3,742          1,961          4,041
  Non-U.S.                             7,854         10,789          6,624
                                      33,053         21,854         28,444
  Federal                             15,921         16,363          4,649
  State                                2,015          3,338            641
  Non-U.S.                             3,028          1,125         (5,156)
                                      20,964         20,826            134
    Total provision                  $54,017        $42,680        $28,578

The provisions differ from the amounts that would result by applying the U.S.
statutory rate to earnings before taxes. A reconciliation of the difference is:

IN THOUSANDS                            1997           1996           1995
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Income taxes based on U.S.
  statutory rate                     $59,081        $49,793        $38,557
Foreign sales corporations            (5,935)        (4,565)        (3,196)
Change in beginning of year
  valuation allowance                 (3,824)        (5,526)        (6,842)
State income taxes, net of U.S. tax    3,742          3,445          3,043
Other - net                              953           (467)        (2,984)
  Total provision                    $54,017        $42,680        $28,578

Tax benefits of $5.6 million, $5.0 million and $7.3 million associated with the
exercise of employee stock options were credited to equity in 1997, 1996 and
1995, respectively.
     Net deferred tax assets and liabilities are included in the following
consolidated balance sheet accounts:

IN THOUSANDS                                           1997           1996
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Other current assets                                $43,106        $40,410
Deferred tax assets                                  12,540         28,247
  Net deferred tax assets                           $55,646        $68,657

The temporary differences and carryforwards that give rise to deferred tax
assets and liabilities were as follows:

IN THOUSANDS                                           1997           1996
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Deferred tax assets:
  Reserves and other liabilities                   $ 41,858       $ 48,544
  Accrued postretirement benefits                    17,502         19,053
  AMT and foreign tax credit carryforwards           14,088         20,932
  Net operating losses of non-U.S. subsidiaries      10,432         12,727
  Accumulated depreciation                            9,918         14,999
  Accrued pensionliability                            6,289          3,765
    Gross deferred tax assets                       100,087        120,020
  Less valuation allowance                           (3,105)        (6,929)
    Deferred tax assets                              96,982        113,091
Deferred tax liabilities:
  Unrealized gains on marketable equity securities  (22,092)       (26,851)
  Software development costs                        (17,464)       (11,993)
  Unamortized LIFO reserve                           (1,780)        (5,590)
    Deferred tax liabilities                        (41,336)       (44,434)
    Net deferred tax assets                         $55,646        $68,657

At May 31, 1997, there were $3.4 million of unused foreign tax credits that, if
not used, will expire in 1998. There were $10.7 million of alternative minimum
tax (AMT) credits that can be carried forward indefinitely.
     U.S. taxes have not been provided on $99.5 million of accumulated
unremitted earnings of non-U.S. subsidiaries because such earnings are or will
be reinvested in operations or will be offset by appropriate credits for foreign
income taxes paid.

                                                                         Page 31


In the opinion of management, this unaudited quarterly financial summary
includes all adjustments necessary to present fairly the results for the periods
represented (in thousands, except per share amounts):

                          AUG. 31,       NOV. 30,        MAR. 1,       MAY 31,
QUARTER ENDED                 1996           1996           1997          1997
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net sales                 $440,115       $477,166       $478,886      $543,915
Gross profit               191,272        199,762        205,233       236,460
Operating income            32,874         38,452         41,255        52,427
Earnings before taxes       33,405         38,905         42,297        54,195
Net earnings                22,715         26,456         28,762        36,852
Earnings per share        $   0.69       $   0.81       $   0.87      $   1.11
Dividends per share           0.15           0.15           0.15          0.15
Common stock prices:
  High                    $  44.88       $  49.00       $  52.25      $  59.75
  Low                        35.88          37.00          47.38         48.38

                          AUG. 26,       NOV. 25,       FEB. 24,       MAY 25,
QUARTER ENDED                 1995           1995           1996          1996
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net sales                 $401,022       $443,598       $433,500      $490,738
Gross profit               169,940        186,672        179,835       204,080
Operating income            32,059         39,054         31,451        40,803
Earnings before taxes       32,385         37,587         32,068        40,226
Net earnings                22,670         26,310         22,448        28,158
Earnings per share        $   0.68       $   0.79       $   0.67      $   0.86
Dividends per share           0.15           0.15           0.15          0.15
Common stock prices:
  High                    $  52.38       $  61.88       $  57.38      $  46.88
  Low                        41.50          43.88          40.75         29.75

The Company's common stock is traded on the New York and Pacific Stock
Exchanges. There were 4,059 shareholders of record at June 23, 1997.  The market
prices quoted above are the composite prices reported by The Wall Street Journal
rounded to full cents per share.
    Dividends are paid at the discretion of the Board of Directors dependent
upon their judgment of the Company's future earnings, expenditures and financial

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