EXHIBIT (10)(i)

                                CONFIDENTIAL TREATMENT

    THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this 15th day of August, 1997 by
and between CARLISLE HOSPITAL (hereinafter "Hospital"), a licensed care,
non-profit Pennsylvania corporation located at 246 Parker Street, Carlisle,
(hereinafter "Provider"), a Pennsylvania corporation located at 101 Noble Blvd.
#103, Carlisle, Pennsylvania 17013

1.  INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR RELATIONSHIP.  The relationship between Hospital and
    Provider hereunder is, and shall remain, one of independent contractor. 
    Nothing in this Agreement shall constitute the parties as joint venture's,
    partners, employees or acting as other than independent contractors; nor is
    either party agent of or for the other, nor has the right to bind the other
    party or make promises or representations on behalf of the other.  Each
    party agrees to be responsible only for the acts of its own agents or
    employees, when acting within the scope of their agency or employment in
    performing this Agreement.   Hospital and its employees shall have no claim
    against Provider and Provider and its employees shall have no claim against
    Hospital for vacation pay, sick leave, retirement benefits, social
    security, workers compensation, disability or unemployment insurance
    benefits, or employee benefits of any kind.

    Provider shall employ its own means and methods and exercise its own
    professional judgment in the performance of the services it is to render
    hereunder and Hospital shall have no right of control or direction with
    respect to such means or services.  Provider shall use due care to provide
    high quality professional treatment in connection with the services to be
    provided hereunder.

2.  SERVICES.  In-Hospital Dialysis Services (hereinafter referred to as
    "Services") shall be interpreted to include and be limited to the
    performance of inpatient hemodialysis services, acute and chronic,
    peritoneal dialysis (CAPD and CCPD, start up only), continuous
    Arteriovenous Hemofiltration, and administration of streptokinase
    (urokinase) for the purpose of declotting hemodialysis catheters.   The
    Services shall be performed by Provider under this Agreement at Hospital's
    principal place of business, Carlisle Hospital, 246 Parker Street, Carlisle
    Pennsylvania, 17013, unless otherwise agreed to by the parties hereto.

    A.   During the term of this Agreement, in addition to the services,
         Provider shall provide the following:
         (1)    All non-disposable equipment necessary for and specific to the
                performance of Services, and routine maintenance and repair of

         (2)    All disposable supplies for and specific to the performance of
                Services, including artificial kidneys, blood tubing and
                dialysate concentrate, but excluding subclavian and femoral
                access catheters.

         (3)    All initial training of patient care staff to the extent deemed
                necessary by both parties for the provision of quality


         (4)    Ongoing continuing education and quality assurance activities
                mutually agreed upon to ensure that the proper quality of
                patient care is maintained.

         (5)    Training and education, hospital - or unit-wide in a mutually
                agreed upon manner as deemed appropriate by Hospital.

    B.   During the term of this Agreement, Hospital shall provide the

         (1)    Designated, adequate, sanitary and reasonable space within
                Hospital premises sufficient for equipment, supply storage, and
                for the performance of Services.

         (2)    Any equipment non-specific to any of the Services which may be
                deemed necessary in particular instances (e.g., I.V. pumps,
                portable cardiac monitor), along with any disposable supplies
                for Hospital's patients.

         (3)    Pharmaceutical and intravenous products necessary for the
                provisions of Services, to include all priming and replacement
                fluids, blood products, drugs and medications for topical,
                oral, sublingual, subcutaneous, intramuscular or intravenous

         (4)    Continued supply of utilities, linen, building maintenance and
                housekeeping for all of its premises.  Such utilities will
                include suitable standard water connections and drains as
                necessary for the use of Services equipment.

         (5)    Adequate supply of potable water and routine dialysate and
                water cultures in accordance with AMMI standards.

         (6)    Plumbing fittings suitable for the connection of Provider
                medical and Services equipment.

         (7)    Adequate parking free of charge to Provider personnel assigned
                to work at Hospital with identification badges/cards, if
                necessary, to insure easy and immediate access of Provider
                staff and personnel to Hospital.

3.  EMPLOYEES.  Provider will provide the following staff members for provision
    of Services as appropriate to this Agreement.

    A.   A Services Coordinator qualified to perform and teach all Services

    B.   A Dialysis Technician qualified to perform equipment and machinery
         maintenance and repair or a manufacture repair agreement.

    C.   Dialysis staff qualified to perform hemodialysis and/or to undergo
         training for the performance of hemodialysis and other Services
         procedures covered by this Agreement, including a dialysis R.N. as
         primary care giver ("Primary Care Giver"), L.P.N.s or technicians who
         will support and work under the supervision of the Primary Care Giver.


    All employees of Provider will comply with those federal, state and local
    policies, laws, rules and regulations governing their practice and subject
    to the last paragraph of Section 1 hereof, will comply with Hospital rules
    and regulations governing conduct and practice within Hospital premises;
    provided Hospital advises Provider of such rules and regulations thirty
    (30) days in advance, and such rules and regulations are not in conflict
    with Provider's judgment of good professional medical treatment
    particularly  providing the Services; provided, if such rules and
    regulations are in conflict, then Provider will notify the Hospital within
    fifteen (15) days of receipt of any such Hospital rules and regulations.


    A.   Fees and rates to be paid to Provider for Services are as set forth in
         Schedule of Fees, Schedule A attached.  The Schedule of Fees shall not
         be changed without the mutual written consent of the Hospital and

    B.   Billing and Services information will be submitted by Provider to
         Hospital on a current basis so that Hospital can bill its patients,
         Medicare, Medicaid, or other third-party payor on a current basis. 
         Hospital patient charges shall be billed solely by Hospital.  

    C.   Provider shall submit an invoice for Services rendered during each
         month by the fifth (5th) day of the next immediate successive month. 
         Hospital shall remit payment to Provider for Services within thirty
         (30) days of billing. 

    D.   Payments due Provider as provided for herein shall not be dependent
         upon or subject to Hospital patient billings, patient payments,
         insurance charges, or collection by Hospital of any charges, but
         rather such obligation for payment to Provider by Hospital for
         Services in accordance with this Agreement shall remain the obligation
         of Hospital to Provider in accordance with the billing procedure as
         set forth herein.

    E.   Provider agrees to make available to the Secretary of Health and Human
         Services ("HHS"), the Comptroller General of the Government Accounting
         Office ("GAO"), Hospital and Intermediary, or their authorized
         representatives, all contracts, books, documents and records that are
         necessary to verify the nature and extent of the costs for providing
         the Services hereunder for a period of four (4) years after the
         furnishing of Services.  In addition, Provider hereby agrees, if
         Services are to be provided by subcontract with a related
         organization, to require by contract that such subcontractor make
         available to the HHS, GAO, Hospital and Intermediary, or their
         authorized representatives, all contracts, books, documents, and
         records that are necessary to certify the nature and extent of the
         costs thereunder for a period of four (4) years after the furnishing
         of Services thereunder.  This Section 4E is included pursuant to and
         is governed by the requirements of Public Law 96-499, Sec. 952 (Sec.
         1861(v)(i) of the Social Security Act) and the 


         regulations promulgated thereunder.  No attorney-client or other legal
         privilege will be deemed to have been waived by Hospital or Provider
         by virtue of this Agreement.


    A.   GENERAL OPERATIONS AND PATIENT CARE.  Hospital shall be responsible
         for its entire operations, procedures and patients and shall comply
         with all rules, regulations and standards of the federal, state and
         local government authorities and agencies governing the operation of
         Hospital and the care of its patients, none of which shall be the
         responsibility nor assumed by Provider or its personnel.

    B.   PATIENT CARE.  Responsibility for all patients of Hospital, including
         patients in need of Services, which shall include but not be limited
         to their diagnosis, care, medical condition and treatment, shall be
         solely that of Hospital and Hospital's physicians and other authorized
         Hospital personnel, and during such time that the Provider personnel
         are used to perform Services treatments to the Hospital's patients
         pursuant to this Agreement, Hospital will have a Licensed Registered
         Nurse on the floor of the Hospital where such Services treatments are

    C.   REFERRAL.  All patients referred to Provider by Hospital for Services
         treatments shall be patients of a physician licensed to practice
         medicine in the State of Pennsylvania with a specialty in the field of
         nephrology; and such physicians shall be members in good standing of
         the medical staff of Hospital or otherwise have Hospital admitting

    D.   BOOKKEEPING.  Hospital shall establish and maintain all necessary
         books, records and other memorandum with regard to the Services
         treatments and shall be responsible for services, including but not
         limited to the Services treatments, whether such fees were generated
         by services of Provider or Hospital personnel.


    A.   During the term of this Agreement, Provider shall obtain and keep in
         force property insurance covering all equipment owned or controlled by
         it on Hospital premises; and comprehensive general liability insurance
         for the space utilized by Provider for rendering Services in an amount
         not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence and $3,000,000 in the
         aggregate and professional liability insurance (malpractice insurance)
         in an amount of $1,000,000/$3,000,000 per claim covering Provider
         Services to patients of the Hospital under this Agreement.  

    B.   Hospital represents that it maintains and shall continue to maintain
         all appropriate general liability and medical malpractice insurance
         adequate in character and amount, with reputable insurance companies
         covering its operations and sufficient to protect its interests.


         Upon request, each party will supply the other party with certificates
         of insurance evidencing the foregoing coverages.

    C.   Hospital agrees to indemnify and hold Provider, its officers,
         directors, affiliates, shareholders and personnel harmless against any
         liability, claim, or action arising by virtue of the negligence or
         deliberate act of Hospital, or its physicians, agents, servants,
         employees, or other personnel affiliated with it (for purposes of this
         indemnification collectively referred to as "Hospital").  This
         indemnification includes all obligations, liabilities, actions, suits,
         proceedings, demands, assessments, judgments, damages and settlements
         as well as costs incidental thereto (including but not limited to
         attorney's fees and costs) arising out of any litigation affecting
         Provider or its officers, directors, affiliates, shareholders or
         personnel, which litigation results from the negligence or deliberate
         act(s) of Hospital.

    D.   Provider agrees to indemnify and hold Hospital, its officers,
         directors, affiliates, shareholders and its personnel harmless against
         any liability, claim or action arising by virtue of the negligence or
         deliberate act of Provider or its agents, servants, employees, or
         other personnel affiliated with it (for purposes of this
         indemnification collectively referred to as "Provider") in performing
         the Services as provided for herein.  This indemnification includes
         all obligations, liabilities, actions, suits, proceedings, demands,
         assessments, judgments, damages and settlements as well as costs
         incidental thereto (including but not limited to attorney's fees and
         costs) arising out of any litigation affecting Hospital or its
         personnel, which litigation results from the negligence or deliberate
         act of Provider in performing the Services as provided herein.

    A.   In the event that any disagreement arises concerning the standards of
         professional practice maintained by Provider or the quality of
         Services rendered by Provider, such disagreement shall be subject to a
         good faith meeting between the parties to resolve such disagreement.


    A.   Subject only to the terms hereof, and during the term hereof, Provider
         will have the exclusive right to perform the Services at Hospital as
         provided in the Agreement.  

    B.   Provider shall not be liable (except as stated in this sub-paragraph
         B) for delays or non-performance of its obligations under this
         Agreement if such delays or non-performance are caused by events or
         circumstances such as strikes or labor shortages, fires, traffic
         conditions or accidents, inability to obtain supplies or equipment,
         and governmental acts and regulations which are beyond the control of
         Provider.  In the event of any such delay or non-performance, however,
         Hospital shall have the right to obtain the Services required herein
         by or through any other means available to Hospital, and if such delay
         or non-performance is not caused, 

         directly or indirectly, by Hospital or its agents, servants, employees
         or representatives, then during any such delay or period of
         non-performance that Hospital obtained other services, Provider shall
         be liable to Hospital for costs incurred by Hospital in excess of the
         fees set forth in the attached Schedule of Fees, provided Hospital
         used due diligence to obtain such alternative services at a reasonable

    C.   Provider shall establish and maintain all necessary books, records and
         other memoranda in accordance with the Hospital's requirements, which
         records shall be promptly prepared and shall be the property of the

9.  LEGISLATIVE LIMITATIONS.  In the event Medicare, Medicaid, CHAMPUS, or any
    third-party payor, or any other federal, state or local laws, rules,
    regulations, or interpretations (collectively "Legislation") at any time
    during the term of this Agreement prohibit, restrict, or in any way
    substantially change the method or amount of reimbursement or payment for
    Services under this Agreement, then this Agreement shall, in good faith, be
    negotiated for amendment by the parties to provide for payment of
    compensation in a manner consistent with any such prohibition, restriction,
    or limitation.  If the Agreement is not amended prior to the effective date
    of such rule, regulation, or interpretation, this Agreement shall terminate
    as of the effective date of such Legislation.

10. NOTICE.  All notice hereunder shall be sufficiently given and shall be
    deemed given when mailed by certified mail, postage prepaid, addressed as

         Hospital:           Carlisle Hospital
                             246 Parker Street
                             Carlisle, Pennsylvania 17013
                             Attention: Michael J. Halstead, President

         Copy to:            Carlisle Hospital.
                             246 Parker Street
                             Carlisle, Pennsylvania 17013
                             Attention: Patrick R. Richards, Senior Vice

         Provider:           Dialysis Services of Pa, Inc. -  Carlisle
                             27 Miller Street 
                             Lemoyne, Pennsylvania 17043
                             Attention:  Charles Coe, Vice President

         Copy to:            Bart Pelstring, President
                             402 Marvel Court
                             P.O. Box 1878
                             Easton, Maryland 21601


                             Lawrence E. Jaffe, Esq.
                             777 Terrace Avenue
                             Hasbrouck Heights, NJ  07604


    Either party may, by notice given hereunder, designate any further or
    different addresses to which subsequent notices shall be sent.

11. GOVERNING LAW.  This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in
    accordance with the law of Pennsylvania.

12. CORPORATE APPROVAL. Hospital and Provider each has all the requisite right,
    power, legal capacity and authority, corporate and otherwise, to enter into
    this Agreement and to assume and perform their respective obligations
    hereunder.  The execution and delivery of this Agreement and the
    performance by Hospital and Provider of their obligations hereunder have
    been duly authorized by their respective Board of Directors and this
    Agreement is binding and enforceable upon the parties according to its
    terms.  The execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement by
    Hospital and Provider will not result in any breach of any of the terms of
    or constitute a default under, or constitute an event which with notice of
    the passage of time or both would constitute a default under, any provision
    of any law to which Hospital or Provider is subject, or the articles of
    incorporation, By-laws of Hospital and Provider, or any mortgage,
    indenture, agreement, instrument, judgment, decree or rule or resolution or
    other restriction to which Hospital or Provider is bound.  The
    representations as contained herein are only made by Hospital and Provider
    as to their own corporate acts, articles of incorporation, By-laws and
    related agreements and regulations, and neither makes any representations
    as to the others acts, articles of incorporation, By-laws, agreements and

    No action, approval, consent or authorization, including but not limited to
    any action, approval or consent of any shareholder, noteholder, or order of
    any court or governmental agency, commission, board, bureau, or
    instrumentality, otherwise than as specifically provided in this Agreement
    is necessary in order to constitute this Agreement as a valid, binding and
    enforceable obligation of the parties hereto in accordance with its terms.

13. ARBITRATION.  In the event of any dispute of the terms of this Agreement
    which the parties cannot resolve themselves, then such dispute shall be
    submitted to the American Arbitration Association in Harrisburg,
    Pennsylvania or the closest metropolitan area thereto, and proceed and be
    conducted in accordance with the then existing rules of the American
    Arbitration Association.  The arbitration shall be initiated by a written
    request of one party served on the other party within thirty (30) days of
    the failure to cure or resolve any dispute, and within ten (10) days of the
    delivery of the arbitration demand, each party shall select on arbiter, and
    those two arbiters shall select a third independent arbiter.  The three
    arbiters shall hear the dispute and the decision of any two of them shall
    be final.  The arbiters shall award costs of the arbitration, including
    reasonable counsel fees, between the parties as the arbiters deem
    appropriate.  Any decision made by the arbiters shall be enforceable as a
    final binding decision as if it were a final and binding decision of a
    court of competent jurisdiction and may be entered in any court having

14. ASSIGNMENT.  Neither party may assign their rights under this Agreement
    without the prior written consent of the other party; provided, however,
    that the sale of substantially all of its assets, or any merger,
    combination or sale of a controlling interest of such party shall not be
    deemed an assignment of such party's interest in this Agreement, provided
    the new or succeeding entity remains bound by the terms of this Agreement.



         A.     This Agreement shall be effective as of September 15, 1997, and
                shall continue in full force and effect for a term of one (1)
                year and shall be automatically self-renewing for successive
                terms of one (1) year unless terminated as hereinafter

         B.     Either party may terminate this Agreement upon written notice
                to the other under any of the following conditions:

                      (1)    Without cause upon ninety (90) days written

                      (2)    In the event of the dissolution or liquidation of
                             the party or the filing by either party of a
                             voluntary petition in bankruptcy, or failure by
                             either party promptly to remove any execution,
                             garnishment or attachment of such consequences as
                             will impair its ability to carry out its
                             obligations under this Agreement, or the
                             commission by either party of any act of
                             bankruptcy, or adjudication of either party as a
                             bankrupt, or an assignment by either party for the
                             benefit of its creditors, or the entry by either
                             party into an agreement of composition with its
                             creditors, or the approval by a court of competent
                             jurisdiction of a petition applicable to either
                             party in any proceeding for its reorganization
                             instituted under the provisions of the general
                             bankruptcy act and any similar bankruptcy act
                             which may hereafter be enacted, upon thirty (30)
                             days written notice;

                      (3)    If either party assigns or attempts to assign its
                             obligations under this Agreement (whether
                             voluntary or involuntary), by operation of law or
                             otherwise, subject to Section 14 hereof, then and
                             in any event, continuation of this Agreement shall
                             require the explicit written approval of both
                             parties.  If both parties do not so approve within
                             sixty (60) days following the event requiring such
                             approval, then upon thirty (30) days written
                             notice; or

                      (4)    In the event that a Certificate of Need is
                             required under any federal or state law, rule or
                             regulation for the performance of this Agreement,
                             or if Hospital's license is terminated or
                             similarly adversely affected under any federal or
                             state law, upon thirty (30) days written notice or
                             by operation of law, whichever first occurs.

16. SEVERABILITY.  In the event that any provision of this Agreement is held to
    be unenforceable for any reason, the unenforceability of that provision
    shall not affect the 


    remainder of this Agreement, which shall remain in full force and effect in
    accordance with its terms.

17. EXECUTION IN COUNTERPARTS.  This Agreement and any amendments hereto may be
    executed in multiple counterparts by an appropriate officer of each party
    for and on behalf of such party.  Each counterpart shall be deemed an
    original, but all counterparts together shall constitute one and the same

18. CONFIDENTIALITY.  This Agreement and its terms and provisions shall be kept
    confidential and shall not be disclosed to any other party, nor shall this
    Agreement or any part thereof be reproduced or summarized, except to the
    extent as required by law.

19. COMPLETE AGREEMENT.  This Agreement contains all the mutually agreed upon
    terms and no changes may be made without specific written approval by both

    IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Hospital and Provider have duly executed this Agreement
on this day 15th of August, 1997.


By: /s/ Michael J. Halstead            By: /s/ Bart Pelstring
   ------------------------------         -------------------------


                                                                Schedule A

                                   SCHEDULE OF FEES

                                                 Charge per Treatment (1)

All Inpatient Hemodialysis                                 [  *  ]

Continuous Arteriovenous Hemofiltration                    [  *  ]
 (CAVH) Set-Up (Excluding Filter)

Peritoneal Dialysis Set Up (excluding
Fluids) (Hospital Staff to monitor
Treatment)                                                 [  *  ]

Set Up Charge in Lieu of Treatment                         [  *  ]

Administration of Streptokinase (Urokinase)                [  *  ] (2)


    RATE OF [*].

ACCEPTED:                              ACCEPTED:


By: /s/ Michael J. Halstead            By: /s/ Bart Pelstring
   ------------------------------         -------------------------

[*] Confidential portions omitted have been filed separately with the
    Securities and Exchange Act.
