INSURER:            John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Company

POLICY:             Modified Premium Whole Life Policy;
                    Policy Number 67151530

INSURED:            Harry R. Brutsche III

OWNER:              Brown Brothers Harriman Trust Company of Texas, trustee of
                    the Harry R. Brutsche III Insurance Trust, dated October 6,

EMPLOYER:           Vari-Lite Holdings, Inc.

EFFECTIVE DATE:     October 12, 1995

     This SPLIT-DOLLAR LIFE INSURANCE AGREEMENT is made and effective as of the
12th day of October, 1995 by and between Owner, Insured and Employer
(collectively, the "Parties") to define the rights, duties and obligations of
the Parties relative to the modified premium whole life insurance policy, policy
number 67151530 (the "Policy"), issued effective as of October 12, 1995 to Owner
by Insurer insuring the life of Insured.  A copy of the Policy is attached
hereto as Exhibit A. 

     Owner, Employer and Insured hereby agree as follows:


     Owner may designate a beneficiary or beneficiaries to receive any proceeds
     payable under the Policy on death of Insured which are in excess of
     Employer's share of such proceeds, as determined by this Agreement.


     Each year, Employer agrees to forward the full amount of the annual premium
     due under the Policy for that year to Insurer on the date such premium is
     due until the occurrence of a termination event under Article VI.  Each
     year, Owner agrees that he will pay to Employer, as partial reimbursement
     by Owner to  Employer of the annual premium for the Policy, an amount equal
     to the economic benefit received by Insured during that tax year.  The
     amount payable by Owner may be paid to Employer by payroll deduction or
     according to any other method which is agreeable to the Parties.

     Alternatively, if Employer and Owner agree that Employer shall pay to
     Insurer or that Owner shall reimburse to Employer some amount other than
     the amount stated in this Article II, the rights of Employer and Owner
     under the Policy shall be adjusted accordingly.  If Employer is not
     reimbursed by Owner for a year for the full amount of the entire economic
     benefit received by Insured during that year, the economic benefit to the
     extent not reimbursed shall be reported by Employer as taxable income for
     that year to Insured.

SPLIT-DOLLAR LIFE INSURANCE AGREEMENT                                   Page 1


     Except as to the limited policy security rights specifically granted
     Employer in the Assignment of Life Insurance Policy as Collateral in the
     form attached hereto as Exhibit B (the "Assignment") and as provided in
     Article VI, Owner retains all incidents of ownership in the Policy
     (including the right to surrender or cancel the Policy and the right to
     borrow against the Policy).

     Owner's right to borrow against the Policy shall be limited to an amount
     equal to the maximum loan value reduced by the Cumulative Unreimbursed
     Premiums (as defined in Article IV) paid or advanced by Employer under
     Article II.

     Owner's right to withdraw from the Policy's cash value under the Policy's
     partial surrender provisions shall be limited to the "partial surrender
     value" of the Policy, reduced by the Cumulative Unreimbursed Premiums.  For
     purposes of this paragraph, "partial surrender value" of the Policy means
     the cash value of the Policy less any indebtedness and the cost of
     insurance until the next annual premium due date.


     Division of the death proceeds of the Policy shall be made as follows:

     A.   Employer shall be entitled to an amount equal to the cumulative
          premiums paid to Insurer by Employer less the amount of aggregate
          reimbursements paid to Employer by Owner under Article II (the
          "Cumulative Unreimbursed Premiums").  The beneficiary or beneficiaries
          designated by Owner in accordance with Article I shall be entitled to
          any remainder of such proceeds.

     B.   If any interest is due upon the death proceeds under the terms of the
          Policy, Owner and Employer shall share such interest in the same
          manner that their respective share of the death proceeds (as defined
          in the preceding paragraph) bears to the total death proceeds,
          excluding such interest.

     C.   If, upon the death of Insured, there is a refund of unearned premiums
          under the Policy provisions, then, in such event, any refund shall be
          apportioned as follows:

          1.   Where Owner (or his assignee) has contributed to the Policy
               premium at the last required premium interval, the refund of
               unearned premiums shall be divided between Employer and Owner (or
               his assignee) as their respective share of the premium payment
               shall bear to the total premium for such interval.

          2.   Where Owner (or his assignee) has not contributed to the premium
               at the last premium interval, the refund of unearned premium
               shall be refunded in total to Employer.


     Division of the net cash surrender value of the Policy prior to death of
     Insured shall be made as follows:

SPLIT-DOLLAR LIFE INSURANCE AGREEMENT                                   Page 2

     Employer shall be entitled to an amount equal to the Cumulative
     Unreimbursed Premiums.  Owner shall be entitled to any remainder of such
     net cash surrender value.  To the extent that the Cumulative Unreimbursed
     Premiums exceed the net cash surrender value of the Policy, Owner shall be
     solely responsible for repayment of same to Employer.


     This Agreement shall terminate upon the occurrence of any one of the
     following events:

     A.   Termination of Insured's Employment Agreement with Employer dated as
          of July 1, 1995 (the "Employment Agreement") in accordance with its

     B.   Delivery by Owner to Employer of Owner's request, at any time, to
          receive a release of the Assignment from Employer and agreement by
          Owner to pay the premiums;

     C.   Owner's failure to reimburse Employer upon 30 days' written notice
          from Employer for Owner's proportionate share of premiums to Employer,
          if any, as mutually agreed upon by Owner and Employer pursuant to
          Article II;

     D.   Death of Insured; or

     E.   Breach of the terms of this Agreement by Employer.

     Except as provided below with respect to a breach of this Agreement by
     Employer, upon termination of this Agreement, Owner shall have a 90-day
     option to pay to Employer an amount equal to the aggregate of the
     Cumulative Unreimbursed Premiums and receive a release of the Assignment
     from Employer.  Employer agrees that Owner may obtain this amount from the
     Policy by effectuating a policy loan or a withdrawal or by partial
     surrender of the Policy, as long as Employer receives reimbursement of the
     full amount of the Cumulative Unreimbursed Premiums.  To assure that
     Employer will receive its entire interest, Employer may request that Owner
     provide Employer with collateral which is satisfactory to Employer, in its
     sole discretion.

     Alternatively, if Insured is to perform future services for Employer and if
     Insured is entitled to receive deferred compensation for these services
     pursuant to a separate agreement or agreements between Insured and
     Employer, then Employer shall have the right under this Agreement to
     release to Owner its interest in all or any portion of such compensation in
     partial or complete satisfaction of that deferred payment obligation.

     If this Agreement is terminated (i) on account of a breach of this
     Agreement by Employer, (ii) in connection with the retirement by Insured
     from the employment of Employer on or after age 55, or (iii) in connection
     with a "change of control" of Employer as defined in Section 9(e) of the
     Employment Agreement, Employer shall waive its right to repayment of the
     Cumulative Unreimbursed Premiums paid as of the termination date.  Within
     30 days of such termination date, Employer shall release the Assignment and
     Owner shall become the sole and absolute owner of the Policy.  Owner may
     thereafter elect to continue to keep the Policy in effect by paying the
     premiums thereon, or alternatively, may elect to surrender the Policy
     pursuant to the terms thereof.  If Employer does not release the Assignment
     of the Policy within this 30-day period, the Assignment will automatically
     terminate pursuant to the terms hereof.

SPLIT-DOLLAR LIFE INSURANCE AGREEMENT                                   Page 3

       Nothing herein shall be construed to represent an ownership right or 
       interest of Owner or Insured in or to any particular asset of 
       Employer, nor shall Owner or Insured be deemed to be in constructive 
       receipt of such amount.  Owner does not have any right to a release 
       of the Assignment by Employer without reimbursement of the Cumulative 
       Unreimbursed Premiums but, instead, such right shall vest solely with 
       the Employer.  Owner may not anticipate, pledge, assign, hypothecate 
       or, in any manner, exercise rights, ownership or control over this 
       interest of Employer. 
       Should Owner (or his assignees) fail to exercise one of these options 
       within the prescribed 90-day period, the Policy will be surrendered 
       to Insurer and the proceeds distributed between Employer and Owner as 
       prescribed by Article V.
       Owner may, at any time, assign to any individual, trust or other 
       organization all of his right, title and interest in the Policy and 
       all of his rights, options, privileges and duties created under this 
       This Agreement, together with the Policy and the Assignment attached 
       hereto, constitutes an employee welfare benefit plan as defined in 
       Section 3(1) of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 

       Employer is hereby designated the "Named Fiduciary" as defined in 
       Section 402(a)(2) of ERISA until resignation or removal by Employer's 
       Board of Directors.  The business address of Employer is 201 Regal 
       Row, Dallas, Texas 75247.
       The Named Fiduciary is hereby granted sole and absolute discretion to 
       manage, control and administer the Agreement and to make all benefit 
       entitlement determinations under the Agreement.  The Named Fiduciary 
       may allocate to others certain aspects of the management and 
       operation responsibilities of the Agreement, including the 
       designation of persons who are not named fiduciaries to carry out 
       fiduciary responsibilities under the Agreement.  The Named Fiduciary 
       shall effect such allocation of its responsibilities by delivering to 
       Employer a written instrument signed by it that specifies the nature 
       and extent of the responsibilities allocated, including if 
       appropriate the designation of persons who are not named fiduciaries 
       to carry out fiduciary responsibilities under this Agreement. All 
       documents related to the Agreement shall be retained by the Named 
       Fiduciary and made available for examination at the above address.  A 
       copy of the Agreement, Assignment and Policy have been provided to 
       Owner upon the execution of this Agreement.
       The funding policy for the Agreement shall be to maintain the Policy 
       in force by paying, when due, all premiums required.

SPLIT-DOLLAR LIFE INSURANCE AGREEMENT                                   Page 4


       Payments under this Agreement shall be in accordance with the 
       provisions of Articles II through V, herein.
       If Owner or its beneficiary ("Claimant") fails to receive benefits to 
       which it believes it is entitled under this Agreement, such person 
       may file with the Named Fiduciary, at the address noted above, a 
       written claim for such benefits.
       If a claim for benefits is denied, the Claimant may within 60 days 
       following such denial, file with the Named Fiduciary a written claim 
       objecting to the denial of such benefits.  The Claimant or its 
       representative may review the Agreement and any other documents which 
       relate to the claim and may submit written comments to the Named 
       Fiduciary. The Named Fiduciary  shall render a written decision 
       concerning the claim not later than 90 days after receipt of such 
       claim.  If the claim is denied, in whole or in part, such decision 
       shall include (a) the reason or reasons for the denial; (b) a 
       reference to the Agreement provisions constituting the basis of the 
       denial; (c) a description of any additional material or information 
       necessary for the Claimant to perfect his claim; (d) an explanation 
       as to why such information or material is necessary; and (e) an 
       explanation of the Agreement's appeal procedure.  The claim shall be 
       deemed to be denied if no response is received by the end of the 
       review period.
       The Claimant may file with the Named Fiduciary a written notice of 
       appeal of the Named Fiduciary's decision not later than 60 days after 
       receiving the Named Fiduciary's written decision.  The Named 
       Fiduciary shall render a written decision on the appeal not later 
       than 60 days after the appeal. Such decision shall include the 
       specific reasons for the decision, including a reference to the 
       Agreement's specific provisions where appropriate.  The Named 
       Fiduciary may extend the foregoing 90-day and 60-day periods during 
       which it must respond to the Claimant by up to an additional 90 and 
       60 days respectively, if special circumstances beyond its control so 
       require; provided that notice of such extension is given to the 
       Claimant prior to the expiration of the initial 90-day or 60-day 
       period, as the case may be.

       If the Policy contains a premium waiver provision, any premium waived 
       shall be considered for all purposes of this Agreement as having been 
       paid by Owner.
       This Agreement may be amended at any time and from time to time by a 
       written instrument executed by Employer, Owner and Insured, and, if 
       appropriate, their respective heirs, successors, personal 
       representatives and assignees.

       This Agreement shall bind Employer, Owner and Insured, and their 
       respective heirs, successors, personal representatives and assignees.

SPLIT-DOLLAR LIFE INSURANCE AGREEMENT                                   Page 5


       Insurer is not responsible for the legal or tax validity or effect of 
       this Agreement.  Further, Insurer shall not be deemed a party to this 
       Agreement but will respect the rights of the Parties as herein 
       developed upon receiving an executed copy of this Agreement.
       Insurer shall not be responsible to account for the actual premium 
       contributions of the Parties hereunder but shall rely solely upon the 
       written declarations of the Parties in any distributions or 
       settlement of the Policy's lifetime or death values.  Payment or 
       other performance of its contractual obligations in accordance with 
       the Policy provisions shall fully discharge Insurer from any and all 


       This Agreement shall be subject to and construed under the laws of 
       the State of Texas, to the extent not preempted by ERISA.


SPLIT-DOLLAR LIFE INSURANCE AGREEMENT                                   Page 6

     This Split-Dollar Life Insurance Agreement is executed and 
effective as of the date first above written.


                              /s/ Harry R. Brutsche 
                              Harry R. Brutsche III


                              BROWN BROTHERS HARRIMAN TRUST COMPANY OF TEXAS, as
                              Trustee of the Harry R. Brutsche III Insurance
                              Trust, dated October 6, 1995

                              By: /s/ Susan Hickey 
                              Name: /s/ Susan Hickey 
                              Title: Vice President 


                              VARI-LITE HOLDINGS, INC.

                              By: /s/ Michael P. Herman 
                                  Michael P. Herman
                                  Vice President--Finance

SPLIT-DOLLAR LIFE INSURANCE AGREEMENT                                   Page 7

INSURER:   John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Company
POLICY:    Modified Premium Whole Life Policy;
           Policy Number 67151530
INSURED:   Harry R. Brutsche III
OWNER:     Brown Brothers Harriman Trust Company of Texas, trustee of the Harry
           R. Brutsche III Insurance Trust, dated October 6, 1995
EMPLOYER:  Vari-Lite Holdings, Inc.

This Split-Dollar Life Insurance Agreement was recorded by Insurer on July 22,

                         John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Company

                         By: /s/ Bob Shin 
                         Name: Bob Shin 
                         Title: Secretary 

SPLIT-DOLLAR LIFE INSURANCE AGREEMENT                                   Page 8