PLEDGE AND SECURITY AGREEMENT

      THIS PLEDGE AND SECURITY AGREEMENT (this "Security Agreement") is made
this 17th day of February, 1995, by and between VITAS HEALTHCARE CORPORATION OF
CALIFORNIA, a Delaware corporation having its principal place of business in
Miami, Dade County, California, (the "Pledgor"), and NATIONSBANK OF FLORIDA,
NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, a national banking association ("NationsBank"), for itself
and as agent (in such agency capacity and together with any successor agent, the
"Agent") for certain lenders (the "Lenders") party to the Credit Agreement
described below (in such capacities as described below and together with any
successor agent acting as such under the Credit Agreement described below, the
"Secured Party").

                              W I T N E S S E T H:

      WHEREAS, (i) pursuant to a Revolving Credit and Reimbursement Agreement
dated as of August 11, 1994 (the "Prior Credit Agreement") among Vitas
Healthcare Corporation (the "Company"), NationsBank as agent and NationsBank as
the lender thereunder, NationsBank has extended to the Company a revolving
credit facility in the aggregate principal amount of up to $15,000,000,
including within such revolving credit facility the issuance of letters of
credit for the account of the Company and (ii) pursuant to a Guaranty and
Contingent Purchase Agreement of even date with the Prior Credit Agreement
between the Company and NationsBank (the "Prior Company Guaranty" and, together
with the Prior Credit Agreement, the "Prior Agreements"), NationsBank extended a
term loan of $2,386,670 to the Vitas Healthcare Corporation Employee Stock
Ownership Trust (the "Trust") to refinance certain indebtedness owing from the
Trust to the Company, the repayment of which loan has been, inter alia,
guaranteed under the Prior Guaranty; and

      WHEREAS, the Company and Pledgor, a Subsidiary of the Company, have
entered into an Asset Purchase Agreement with the Sellers (as defined in the
Credit Agreement) dated as of December 27, 1994 (the "Asset Purchase Agreement")
pursuant to which the Pledgor has agreed to purchase substantially all of the
operating assets of the CHC Entities (as defined in the Credit Agreement)
pursuant to the terms and subject to the conditions set forth therein and, in
connection therewith, the Company has requested that the Prior Credit Agreement
be amended and restated to increase the revolving credit facility from
$15,000,000 to $20,000,000, to provide for a $25,000,000 term loan facility, and
to make certain other modifications, and that the Prior Company Guaranty be
amended and restated to reflect the agreement of the parties; and

      WHEREAS, at the request of the Company and to effect the modifications
referred to above, (i) the Company, the Agent and the Lenders are entering into
an Amended and Restated Revolving Credit, Term Loan and Reimbursement Agreement
of even date herewith (as the same may be modified, amended or restated from
time to time, the "Credit Agreement"), and (ii) the Company and NationsBank are
entering into an Amended and Restated Guaranty and Contingent Purchase Agreement
of even date herewith (as the same may be modified, amended or restated from
time to time, the "Company Guaranty" and, together with the Credit Agreement,
the "Agreements"); and

      WHEREAS, pursuant to the Agreements, the Pledgor has executed and
delivered its Guaranty and Suretyship Agreement of even date herewith (as the
same may be amended, modified or restated from time to time, the "Pledgor
Guaranty") guaranteeing the payment and performance by the Company, inter alia,
of its obligations under the Agreements; and

      WHEREAS, the Lenders are unwilling to extend the amend and increase the
revolving credit facility or make such term loan pursuant to the Credit
Agreement, and NationsBank is unwilling to amend the Prior Agreements as
reflected in the Agreements to permit the consummation of the CHC Transaction,
unless the Pledgor enters into this Security Agreement;

      NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and of the mutual
covenants and promises herein contained, the parties hereto agree as follows:

      1. Certain Definitions. Unless otherwise defined herein, capitalized terms
used in this Security Agreement shall have the respective meanings therefor
provided in the Credit Agreement.

      2. Grant of Security Interest. As collateral security for the full and
prompt payment, satisfaction and performance of all obligations and liabilities
of the Pledgor under the Pledgor Guaranty, whether now existing or hereafter
arising (the "Secured Obligations"), Pledgor hereby grants to the Secured Party
a continuing security interest in all of its right, title and interest in and to
all of the following property in which Pledgor now has or hereafter acquires an
interest, whether now owned or existing or hereafter acquired or arising and
wheresoever located:

            (A) All accounts, accounts receivable, notes, bills, acceptances,
      choses in action, chattel paper, instruments, documents, and other forms
      of obligations at any time owing to Pledgor, the proceeds thereof and all
      of Pledgor's rights with respect to any goods represented thereby, whether
      or not delivered, goods returned by customers and all rights as an unpaid
      vendor or lienor, including rights of stoppage in transit and of
      recovering possession by proceedings


including replevin and reclamation, together with all customer lists, books and
records, ledger and account cards, computer tapes, software, disks, printouts
and records, whether now in existence or hereafter created relating thereto
(collectively referred to hereinafter as "Accounts");

            (B) All goods of Pledgor, including without limitation, all
      machinery, equipment, motor vehicles, parts, supplies, apparatus,
      appliances, tools, patterns, molds, dies, blueprints, fittings, furniture,
      furnishings, fixtures and articles of tangible personal property of every
      description now or hereafter owned by Pledgor or in which Pledgor may have
      or may hereafter acquire any interest, but as to leasehold interests in
      personal property, only to the extent assignable (collectively referred to
      hereinafter as "Equipment");

            (C) All general intangibles of Pledgor, now existing or hereafter 
      owned or acquired or arising or in which Pledgor now has or hereafter   
      acquires any rights, including but not limited to causes of action, 
      corporate or business records, inventions, designs, patents, patent
      applications, trademarks, trademark registrations and applications 
      therefor, goodwill, trade names, trade secrets, trade processes,  
      copyrights, copyright registrations and applications therefor, licenses
      (to the extent assignable), permits (to the extent assignable), 
      franchises, customer lists (to the extent permitted by law), computer 
      programs, all claims under guaranties, tax refund claims, rights and 
      claims against carriers and shippers, leases (to the extent assignable),
      claims under insurance policies, all rights to indemnification and all 
      other intangible personal property of every kind and nature (collectively
      referred to hereinafter as "General Intangibles");

            (D) All inventory of Pledgor wherever located, including without
      limitation, all goods manufactured or acquired for sale or lease, and any
      piece goods, raw materials, work in process and finished merchandise,
      findings or component materials, and all supplies, goods, incidentals,
      office supplies, packaging materials and any and all items used or
      consumed in the operation of the business of Pledgor or which may
      contribute to the finished product or to the sale, promotion and shipment
      thereof, in which Pledgor now or at any time hereafter may have an
      interest, whether or not the same is in transit or in the constructive,
      actual or exclusive occupancy or possession of Pledgor or is held by
      Pledgor or by others for Pledgor's account (collectively referred to
      hereinafter as "Inventory");


            (E) To the extent assignable, all rights now or hereafter arising to
      any Pledgor under contracts, leases, agreements or other instruments of
      every character and description, and all rights of enforcement thereunder
      (collectively referred to as hereinafter as "Contract Rights");

            (F) All monies, certificates of deposit, commercial paper, cash
      equivalents, account balances, notes, options, interests, and securities
      (certificated or uncertificated), wheresoever located; excluding, however,
      (x) the equity interests (other than interests in money market funds) of
      the Pledgor in Persons not constituting Subsidiaries and (y) the Joint
      Account established under the Joint Account Agreement (as defined in the
      Asset Purchase Agreement) and all funds deposited therein or investments
      credited thereto;

            (G) All accessions to, substitutions for and all replacements,
      products and proceeds of the foregoing including, without limitation,
      proceeds of insurance policies insuring the Collateral (as hereinafter
      defined); and

            (H) All books and records (including without limitation, customer
      data, credit files, computer programs, printouts, and other computer
      materials and records of the Pledgor and all documents) pertaining to any
      of the foregoing.

      All of the property and interests in property described in subsections (A)
through (H) and all other property and interests in personal property which
shall, from time to time, secure the Secured Obligations are herein collectively
referred to as the "Collateral".

      3. Financing Statements. At the time of execution of this Security
Agreement, Pledgor shall have (i) furnished the Secured Party with financing
statements, approved by the Secured Party and executed as prescribed by the
Uniform Commercial Code as presently in effect in the states of California and
Florida, and where other Collateral is located, as may be reasonably requested
by the Secured Party, in form and number sufficient to perfect in favor of the
Secured Party the security interest in the Collateral, and (ii) delivered to
Secured Party's possession certificated securities (with duly executed stock
powers in blank affixed thereto) representing the Pledgor's interests in
Subsidiaries, in order that the Secured Party shall have a perfected security
interest in the Collateral following such filing of such financing statements
with the appropriate local and state governmental authorities and the delivery
of such securities (to the extent that a security interest in such Collateral is
capable of perfection by such filing or possession), and subject only to (a)
permitted liens described in


the Credit Agreement, (b) such other security interests, liens and encumbrances
currently existing and set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto and by reference
made a part hereof, or as shall otherwise be acceptable to the Secured Party in
its sole discretion, and (c) limitations under applicable law which may limit
the creation, perfection or priority of liens on Government Receivables
(collectively referred to hereinafter as "Permitted Liens"); provided, however,
that with respect to the items of property described in clause (F) of Section 2,
the security interest in such property will not be perfected until the Secured
Party or any Lender takes possession thereof or otherwise obtains perfection in
accordance with the applicable requirements of the Uniform Commercial Code.
Pledgor shall execute as reasonably required by the Secured Party any additional
financing statements or other documents to effect a perfected security interest
in the Collateral to the extent contemplated hereby, together with any necessary
continuation statements so long as this Security Agreement remains in effect.

      4. Maintenance of Security Interest. Pledgor will, from time to time, upon
the request of the Secured Party, deliver specific assignments of Collateral,
together with such other instruments and documents, financing statements,
amendments thereto, assignments or other writings as the Secured Party or any
Lender may reasonably request to carry out the terms of this Security Agreement
or to protect or enforce the Secured Party's security interest in the

      With respect to any and all Collateral as to which a security interest is
granted under this Security Agreement, Pledgor agrees to do and cause to be done
all things necessary to perfect and keep in full force the security interest
granted in favor of the Secured Party, including, but not limited to, the prompt
payment of all fees and expenses incurred in connection with any filings made to
perfect a security interest in the Collateral in favor of the Secured Party.

      Pledgor agrees to make appropriate entries upon its financial statements
and books and records disclosing the Secured Party's security interest in the

      5. Collections: Secured Party's Right to Notify Account Debtors and to
Endorse Each Pledgor's Name. Pledgor hereby authorizes Secured Party at any time
after the occurrence and during the continuation of an Event of Default subject,
with respect to the Secured Obligations relating to the Company's obligations
under the Company Guaranty, to Section 2.08 of the Company Guaranty, (a) to open
Pledgor's mail and collect any and all amounts due to Pledgor from persons
obligated on any Accounts ("Account Debtors"), but only to the extent permitted
by law with respect to Government Receivables; (b) to take over Pledgor's post
office boxes or make other arrangements as Secured Party deems necessary to
receive Pledgor's mail, including notifying


the post office authorities to change the address for delivery of Pledgor's mail
to such address as Secured Party may designate; and (c) to notify any or all
Account Debtors, but only to the extent permitted by law with respect to
Government Receivables, that the Accounts have been assigned to Secured Party
and that Secured Party has a security interest therein. Pledgor irrevocably
makes, constitutes and appoints Secured Party and all Persons designated by
Secured Party for that purpose as Pledgor's true and lawful attorney (and
agent-in-fact) after the occurrence and during the continuation of an Event of
Default, subject to the limitations set forth in the immediately preceding
sentence and, with respect to the Secured Obligations relating to the Company's
obligations under the Company Guaranty, to Section 2.08 of the Company Guaranty,
to endorse such Pledgor's name on any checks, notes, drafts or any other payment
relating to and/or proceeds of the Collateral which comes into Secured Party's
possession or Secured Party's control, and apply the same on account of the
Secured Obligations as provided herein and in the Agreements, in such order as
Secured Party may elect. Secured Party shall promptly furnish Pledgor with a
copy of any such notice sent with respect to Accounts of Pledgor and Pledgor
hereby agrees that any such notice, in Secured Party's sole discretion, may be
sent on Pledgor's stationery, in which event Pledgor shall co-sign such notice
with Secured Party.

      6. Collateral. Pledgor covenants with Lender that:

            (A) Inspection. Secured Party and any Lender (by any of its
      officers, employees and agents) shall have the right, at any time or times
      during Pledgor's usual business hours, to inspect the Collateral, all
      records related thereto (and to make extracts or copies from such
      records), and the premises upon which any of the Collateral is located, to
      discuss Pledgor's affairs and finances with its principal officers and
      independent auditors and to verify the amount, quality, quantity, value
      and condition of, or any other matter relating to, the Collateral. Upon or
      after the occurrence of a Default or an Event of Default, Secured Party
      may at any time and from time to time employ and maintain at Pledgor's
      premises a custodian selected by Secured Party who shall have full
      authority to do all acts necessary to protect Secured Party's interest.
      All reasonable expenses incurred by Secured Party by reason of the
      employment of such custodian shall be paid by the Pledgor, added to the
      Secured Obligations and secured by the Collateral.

            (B) Assignments, Records and Schedules of Accounts. Pledgor shall
      keep accurate and complete records of its Accounts ("Account Records")
      and, upon Secured Party's request from time to time at intervals
      acceptable to Secured Party, Pledgor shall reasonably provide Secured
      Party and each Lender with a Schedule of Accounts in form and


      substance reasonably acceptable to the Secured Party describing all
      Accounts created or acquired by such Pledgor ("Schedule of Accounts") and
      shall at the request of Secured Party execute and deliver further written
      assignments of such Accounts to Secured Party; provided however, that
      Pledgor's failure to execute and deliver any such Schedule of Accounts or
      assignments shall not affect or limit Secured Party's security interest or
      other rights in and to any Accounts. If requested by Secured Party,
      Pledgor shall furnish Secured Party with copies of proof of delivery of
      invoices and the original copy of all documents, including, without
      limitation, repayment histories and present status reports, relating to
      the Accounts so scheduled (collectively, "Account Documents") and such
      other matter and information relating to the status of then existing
      Accounts as Secured Party shall reasonably request.

            (C) Notice Regarding Disputed Account. In the event any amounts due
      and owing in excess of $100,000 are in dispute between any Account Debtor
      and Pledgor (which shall include, without limitation, any dispute in which
      an offset claim or counterclaim may result), Pledgor shall provide the
      Secured Party with written notice thereof promptly, explaining in detail
      the reason for the dispute, all claims related thereto and the amount in

            (D) Verification of Accounts. Whether or not a Default or an Event
      of Default has occurred, any of Secured Party's, employees, or agents
      shall have the right, at any time or times hereafter, to verify under
      reasonable procedures the validity, amount or any other matter relating to
      any Accounts by mail, telephone, telegraph or otherwise.

            (E) Change of Trade Styles. Set forth on Schedule 6(E) delivered to
      the Secured Party simultaneously with the execution of this Security
      Agreement are all tradenames and trade styles under which Pledgor provides
      services giving rise to Accounts as of the date of this Agreement ("Trade
      Styles"). Pledgor shall not change, amend, alter, terminate, or cease
      using its Trade Styles, or use additional Trade Styles, except upon giving
      not less than ten (10) days prior written notice to the Secured Party and
      taking or causing to be taken all such action at Pledgor's expense as may
      be reasonably requested by the Secured Party (including the furnishing of
      additional financing statements) to enable the Secured Party to perfect or
      maintain the perfection of the security interest of the Secured Party in
      Accounts, General Intangibles, Contract Rights and related Collateral.

            (F) Safekeeping of Inventory. Pledgor shall be responsible for the
      safekeeping of its Inventory, and in no event shall Secured Party or any
      Lender have any responsibility for:


                  (i) Any loss or damage to Inventory or destruction thereof
            occurring or arising in any manner or fashion from any cause other
            than as a result of gross negligence, bad faith or willful
            misconduct of the Agent or any Lender;

                  (ii) Any diminution in the value of Inventory; or

                  (iii) Any act or default of any carrier, warehouse-man, bailee
            or forwarding agency thereof or other Person in any way dealing with
            or handling Inventory.

            (G) Records and Schedules of Inventory. Pledgor shall keep correct
      and accurate records on a perpetual basis, itemizing and describing the
      kind, type, location, quality and quantity of Inventory owned by it, if
      any, from time to time, and such Pledgor's cost therefor and selling price
      thereof, and at the reasonable request of the Secured Party shall furnish
      to the Secured Party, a current Schedule of Inventory ("Schedule of
      Inventory"). Pledgor shall conduct a physical inventory, of which Secured
      Party shall be given prior written notice and shall have the right to be
      present no less than annually, and shall furnish to Secured Party such
      other documents and reports as Secured Party shall reasonably request with
      respect to the Inventory, including, without limitation, invoices relating
      to Pledgor's purchase of Inventory.

            (H) Evidence of Ownership of Equipment. Pledgor, promptly on request
      therefor by the Secured Party, shall deliver to the Secured Party any and
      all evidence of ownership of any of the Equipment (including without
      limitation certificates of title and applications for title)

            (I) Records and Schedules of Equipment. Pledgor shall maintain
      accurate, itemized records describing in reasonable detail its Equipment
      and shall furnish the Secured Party upon reasonable request with a current
      schedule containing the foregoing information ("Schedule of Equipment").

            (J) Administration of Collateral. So long as no Event of Default
      shall have occurred and be continuing, Pledgor may (to the extent not
      inconsistent with the provisions of the Loan Documents or the ESOP Loan
      Documents) (i) sell, transfer or dispose of any asset owned by it or (ii)
      collect or compromise Accounts and General Intangibles in the ordinary
      course of business in any lawful manner.

            (K) Voting Rights, Consensual Rights, Dividends and Distributions. 
      So long as no Event of Default shall have occurred and be continuing:


            1. the Pledgor shall be entitled to exercise any and all voting and
      other consensual rights pertaining to the Collateral or any part thereof
      for any purpose not inconsistent with the terms of this Security
      Agreement, the Credit Agreement, the other Loan Documents or the other
      ESOP Loan Documents;

            2. the Pledgor shall be entitled to receive and retain any and all
      cash distributions or dividends paid on the Collateral which they are
      otherwise entitled to receive, notwithstanding the assignment and transfer
      of the Collateral and the grant of security interest in Section 2 of this
      Security Agreement (provided that any cash distributions or dividends
      received upon the occurrence and during the continuance of a Default shall
      remain segregated from all other funds of the Pledgor and deposited with
      the Secured Party), but any and all stock dividends, liquidating
      dividends, distributions in property, returns of capital or other
      distributions made on or in respect of any of the Collateral, whether
      resulting from a subdivision, combination or reclassification of the
      outstanding capital stock of any issuer of the Collateral or received in
      exchange for the Collateral or any part thereof or as a result of any
      merger, consolidation, acquisition or other exchange of assets to which
      any issuer of any Collateral may be a party or otherwise, and any and all
      cash and other property received in exchange for any of the Collateral
      shall be and become part of the Collateral hereunder and, if received by
      the Pledgor, shall forthwith be delivered to the Secured Party, to the
      extent the Collateral for which it was exchanged was held or required to
      be held by the Secured Party; and

            3. the Secured Party shall execute and deliver (or cause to be
      executed and delivered) to the Pledgor all such proxies and other
      instruments as the Pledgor may reasonably request for the purpose of
      enabling the Pledgor to exercise the voting, consensual and other rights
      which the Pledgor are entitled to exercise pursuant to subparagraph (1)
      above and to receive such distributions and dividends which it is
      authorized to receive and retain pursuant to subparagraph (2) above.

      B. Upon the occurrence and during the continuance of an Event of Default:

            1. subject, with respect to the Secured Obligations relating to the
      Company's obligations under the Company Guaranty to Section 2.08 of the
      Company Guaranty, all rights of the Pledgor to exercise the voting and
      other consensual rights which it would


      otherwise be entitled to exercise pursuant to Section 6(K)A.1 and to
      receive and retain the distributions and dividends which it would
      otherwise be authorized to receive and retain pursuant to Section 6(K)A.2,
      shall become vested in the Secured Party, which shall thereupon have the
      sole right to exercise such voting and other consensual rights and to
      receive and hold as Collateral such distributions and dividends (whether
      or not the relevant Collateral shall have been transferred into the name
      of the Secured Party or any of its nominees, the Pledgor hereby
      irrevocably appointing and constituting the Secured Party as proxy and
      attorney-in-fact of Pledgor, which appointment is coupled with an interest
      and is irrevocable, with full power of substitution, to act as if the
      Secured Party were the outright owner thereof); and

            2. all distributions and dividends which are received by the Pledgor
      contrary to the provisions of Section 6(K)A.2 or Section 6(K)B.1 shall be
      received in trust for the benefit of the Secured Party, shall be
      segregated from other funds of Pledgor and shall be paid over to the
      Secured Party forthwith as Collateral in the same form as so received
      (with any necessary endorsement).

      7. Warranties Regarding Collateral. Pledgor warrants and represents that
it is and will continue to be the owner of the Collateral, now owned and upon
the acquisition of the same, free and clear of all encumbrances and security
interests other than the security interest in favor of Secured Party hereunder
and Permitted Liens, and that it will defend the Collateral and the Secured
Party's security interest therein and any products and proceeds thereof against
all claims and demands of all Persons at any time claiming the same or any
interest therein adverse to the Secured Party or any Lender.

      8. Account Warranties and Representation. With respect to its Accounts,
Pledgor warrants and represents to the Secured Party and the Lenders that they
may rely on all statements or representations made by Pledgor on or with respect
to any Schedule of Accounts prepared and delivered by Pledgor and, unless
otherwise indicated in writing by Pledgor, that:

            (A) All Account Records and Account Documents are located and shall
      be kept only at Pledgor's chief executive offices located at the locations
      described in Schedule 6.04 delivered to the Agent pursuant to the Credit
      Agreement and Schedule 4.22 delivered to the Bank pursuant to the Company

            (B) They are genuine, are in all material respects what they purport
      to be, are not evidenced by a judgment


      instrument or document or, if evidenced by an instrument or document, are
      only evidenced by one original instrument or document, which has been
      delivered to the Secured Party;

            (C) They cover the bona fide rendition of services, or the bona fide
      sales and deliveries of Inventory usually dealt in by Pledgor, in the
      ordinary course of business;

            (D) Each Account is actually and absolutely owing to Pledgor in the
      face value thereof, is valid and enforceable against the applicable
      Account Debtor, and is not subject to any setoffs, discounts, allowances,
      claims, counterclaims, disputes or doubtful collectibility except (i) as
      is customary for Accounts of the type represented by such Account
      (including the nature of the Account Debtor) of the Pledgor in the
      ordinary course of Pledgor's business and consistent with past practices,
      and (ii) as is reflected by reserves and reductions in the stated value of
      such Account, computed in a manner consistent with the Company's policies
      and practices in preparing the financial statements described in Sections
      7.01 and 8.01 of the Credit Agreement and Sections 3.01(f) and 4.01 of the
      Company Guaranty, included in such financial statements, in the Schedule
      of Accounts and in any report or certificate including financial
      information regarding such Account furnished to the Secured Party pursuant
      to the Loan Documents or the ESOP Loan Documents.

            (E) The goods or services giving rise thereto are not, and were not
      at the time of the sale or performance thereof, subject to any lien,
      claim, encumbrance or security interest, except those of the Secured Party
      and those removed or terminated prior to the date hereof;

            (F) They have not been pledged to any Person other than to Secured
      Party under this Security Agreement and will be owned by Pledgor free and
      clear of any liens, claims or encumbrances except Permitted Liens; and

            (G) Secured Party's security interest therein will not be subject to
      any offset, deduction, counterclaim, lien or other adverse condition,
      other than Permitted Liens or as is consistent with Section 8(D) above.

      9. Inventory Warranties and Representations. With respect to Inventory,
Pledgor warrants and represents to the Secured Party and the Lenders that they
may rely on all statements or representations made by Pledgor on or with respect
to any Inventory and, unless otherwise indicated in writing by Pledgor, that

            (A) Except for the relocation of Inventory from time to time in the
      ordinary course of business not aggregating


      more than $100,000 at any one time in any location other than those set
      forth in Schedules 6.03 and 6.04 delivered pursuant to the Credit
      Agreement or Schedules 4.22 and 4.23 delivered pursuant to the Company
      Guaranty, the Pledgor shall not locate or relocate inventory to any
      location other than those set forth in Section 8(A) above or Schedules
      6.03 and 6.04 delivered pursuant to the Credit Agreement or Schedules 4.22
      and 4.23 delivered pursuant to the Company Guaranty without giving the
      Secured Party not less than thirty (30) days prior written notice and
      taking or causing to be taken at its expense all steps as may be
      reasonably requested by the Secured Party (including the furnishing or
      additional financing statements) to enable the Secured Party to perfect or
      continue the perfection of its security interest in such property.

            (B) No Inventory is or will be subject to any lien, claim,
      encumbrance or security interest whatsoever, except for the security
      interest of Secured Party hereunder and Permitted Liens;

            (C) No Inventory having an aggregate value in excess of $100,000 is
      now, and shall not at any time or times hereafter be, stored with a
      bailee, warehouseman or similar party without Secured Party's prior
      written consent and, if Secured Party gives such consent, Pledgor will
      concurrently therewith cause any such bailee, warehouseman, or similar
      party to issue and deliver to Secured Party in form and substance
      acceptable to Secured Party, warehouse receipts therefor in Secured
      Party's name; and

            (D) No Inventory is under consignment to any Person.

      10. Equipment Warranties and Representations. With respect to Equipment,
Pledgor warrants and represents to the Secured Party and each Lender that:

            (A) Except for the relocation of Equipment from time to time in the
      ordinary course of business not aggregating more than $100,000 at any one
      time in any location other than those set forth in Schedules 6.03 and 6.04
      of the Credit Agreement and Schedules 4.22 and 4.23 of the Company
      Guaranty, the Pledgor shall not locate or relocate Equipment to any
      location other than those set forth in Schedules 6.03 and 6.04 of the
      Credit Agreement and Schedules 4.22 and 4.23 of the Company Guaranty
      without giving the Secured Party not less than thirty (30) days prior
      written notice and taking or causing to be taken at their expense all
      steps as may be reasonably requested by the Secured Party (including the
      furnishing of additional financing statements) to enable the Secured Party
      to perfect or continue the perfection of its security interest in such
      property; and


            (B) Pledgor has and at all times will have good and marketable title
      to and ownership of the Equipment free and clear of any lien, claim,
      encumbrance, or security interest whatsoever, except for (i) the security
      interest of Secured Party created hereunder and (ii) Permitted Liens.

      11. Casualty and Liability Insurance Required. (A) Pledgor will keep the
Collateral continuously insured as may be expressly required by the Agreements.

            (B) Each insurance policy obtained in satisfaction of the
      requirements of Section 11(A) hereof:

                  (i) shall be by such insurer (or insurers) as shall be
            financially responsible and qualified to do business in the
            applicable jurisdictions;

                  (ii) shall be in such form and have such provisions
            (including, without limitation, the loss payable clause, the waiver
            of subrogation clause, the deductible amount, if any, and the
            standard mortgagee endorsement clause), as are generally considered
            standard provisions for the type of insurance involved and are
            acceptable in all respects to Secured Party;

                  (iii) shall prohibit cancellation or substantial modification,
            termination or lapse in coverage by the insurer without at least 30
            days' prior written notice to Secured Party;

                  (iv) shall provide that the interest of Secured Party shall
            not be impaired or invalidated by any act or neglect of Pledgor nor
            by the occupation of the premises wherein such Collateral is located
            for purposes more hazardous than are permitted by said policy;

                  (v) without limiting the generality of the foregoing, all
            insurance policies covering loss or damage to the Collateral shall
            name Secured Party as mortgagee, loss payee and a party insured
            thereunder and any loss thereunder shall be paid directly to Secured

            (C) Prior to expiration of any such policy, Pledgor shall furnish
      Secured Party with evidence reasonably satisfactory to Secured Party that
      the policy or certificate has been renewed or replaced or is no longer
      required by this Security Agreement.

            (D) Pledgor hereby irrevocably makes, constitutes and appoints
      Secured Party (and all officers, employees or agents designated by Secured
      Party), effective upon the occurrence of an Event of Default which has not
      been waived or cured, as Pledgor's true and lawful attorney (and
      agent-in-fact) for the purpose of making, settling and adjusting claims
      under such policies of


      insurance, endorsing the name of Pledgor on any check, draft, instrument
      or other item or payment for the proceeds of such policies of insurance
      and for making all determinations and decisions with respect to such
      policies of insurance.

            (E) In the event Pledgor shall fail to maintain, or cause to be
      maintained, the full insurance coverage required hereunder or shall fail
      to keep any Collateral in good repair and good operating condition, the
      Secured Party may (but shall be under no obligation to), without waiving
      or releasing any Secured Obligation or Event of Default, after giving
      notice to the Pledgor, contract for the required policies of insurance and
      pay the premiums on the same or make any required repairs, renewals and
      replacements; and all sums so disbursed by Secured Party, including
      reasonable attorneys' fees, court costs, expenses and other charges
      related thereto, shall be payable on demand by Pledgor to Secured Party
      and shall be additional Secured Obligations secured by the Collateral.

            (F) In case of any material damage to or destruction of all or any
      part of the Collateral, Pledgor shall give prompt notice thereof to
      Secured Party. Each such notice shall describe generally the nature and
      extent of such damage, destruction, taking, loss, proceeding or

      12. Rights and Remedies Upon Default. Subject, with respect to the Secured
Obligations relating to the Company's obligations under the Company Guaranty, to
Section 2.08 of the Company Guaranty, upon and after an Event of Default which
has not been waived or cured, the Secured Party shall have the following rights
and remedies, all of which may be exercised with or without notice to Pledgor:

            (A) All of the rights and remedies of a secured party under the
      Uniform Commercial Code of the state where such rights and remedies are
      asserted, or under other applicable law, all of which rights and remedies
      shall be cumulative, and none of which shall be exclusive, to the extent
      permitted by law, in addition to any other rights and remedies contained
      in this Security Agreement, the Agreements, or any of the other Loan
      Documents or ESOP Loan Documents;

            (B) The right to foreclose the liens and security instruments
      created under this Security Agreement or any of the other Loan Documents
      or ESOP Loan Documents by any available judicial procedure or without
      judicial process;

            (C) The right to (i) enter upon the premises of Pledgor through
      self-help and without judicial process, without first obtaining a final
      judgment or giving Pledgor notice and opportunity for a hearing on the
      validity of Secured Party's claim and without any obligation to pay rent


      to Pledgor, or any other place or places where any Collateral is located
      and kept, and remove the Collateral therefrom to the premises of Secured
      Party or any agent of Secured Party for such time as Secured Party may
      desire, in order to effectively collect or liquidate the Collateral,
      and/or (ii) require Pledgor to assemble the Collateral and make it
      available to Secured Party at a place to be designated by Secured Party in
      its sole discretion;

            (D) The right (to the extent permissible by law with respect to
      Governmental Receivables) to (i) demand payment of the Accounts; (ii)
      enforce payment of the Accounts and General Intangibles and enforce all
      Contract Rights, by legal proceedings or otherwise; (iii) exercise all or
      any of Pledgor's rights and remedies with respect to the collection of the
      Accounts and General Intangibles and in respect of Contract Rights; (iv)
      settle, adjust, compromise, extend or renew the Accounts; (v) settle,
      adjust or compromise any legal proceedings brought to collect the Accounts
      or General Intangibles or to enforce Contract Rights; (vi) sell or assign
      the Accounts, General Intangibles, Contract Rights or other Collateral
      upon such terms, for such amounts and at such time or times as Secured
      Party deems advisable; (vii) discharge and release the Accounts; (viii)
      take control, in any manner, of any item of payment or proceeds; (ix)
      prepare, file and sign Pledgor's name on a Proof of Claim in bankruptcy or
      similar document against any account obligor; (x) prepare, file and sign
      Pledgor's name on any notice of lien, assignment or satisfaction of lien
      or similar document in connection with the Accounts; (xi) endorse the name
      of Pledgor upon any chattel paper, document, instrument, invoice, freight
      bill, bill of lading or similar document or agreement relating to the
      Accounts or Inventory; (xii) use Pledgor's stationery for verifications of
      the Accounts and notices thereof to account obligors; (xiii) use the
      information recorded on or contained in any data processing equipment and
      computer hardware and software relating to the Accounts, General
      Intangibles, Equipment, Contract Rights or Inventory to which Pledgor has
      access; and (xiv) do all acts and things and execute all documents
      necessary, in Secured Party's sole discretion, to collect the Accounts and
      General Intangibles;

            (E) The right to sell, assign, lease or to otherwise dispose of all
      or any Collateral in its then condition, or after any further
      manufacturing or processing thereof, at public or private sale or sales,
      with such notice as may be required by law, in lots or in bulk, for cash
      or on credit, with or without representations and warranties, all as
      Secured Party, in its sole discretion, may deem advisable (except, in the
      case of Government Receivables, to the extent such sales or other
      disposition are prohibited by applicable law). Secured Party shall have
      the right to


      conduct such sales on Pledgor's premises or elsewhere and shall have the
      right to use Pledgor's premises without charge for such sales for such
      time or times as Secured Party may see fit. Secured Party may, if it deems
      it reasonable, postpone or adjourn any sale of the Collateral from time to
      time by an announcement at the time and place of such postponed or
      adjourned sale, without being required to give a new notice of sale.
      Pledgor agrees that Secured Party has no obligation to preserve rights to
      the Collateral against prior parties or to marshall any Collateral for the
      benefit of any Person. Secured Party is hereby granted a license or other
      right to use, without charge, Pledgor's labels, patents, copyrights,
      rights of use of any name, trade secrets, tradenames, trademarks and
      advertising matter, or any property of a similar nature, as it pertains to
      the Collateral, in completing production of, advertising for sale and
      selling any Collateral and Pledgor's rights under any license and any
      franchise agreement shall inure to Secured Party's benefit. If any of the
      Collateral shall require repairs, maintenance, preparation or the like, or
      is in process or other unfinished state, Secured Party shall have the
      right, but shall not be obligated to perform such repairs, maintenance,
      preparation, processing or completion of manufacturing for the purpose of
      putting the same in such saleable form as Secured Party shall deem
      appropriate, but Secured Party shall have the right to sell or dispose of
      the Collateral without such processing. In addition, Pledgor agrees that
      in the event notice is necessary under applicable law, written notice
      mailed to Pledgor in the manner specified in either of the Agreements ten
      (10) days prior to the date of public sale of any of the Collateral or
      prior to the date after which any private sale or other disposition of the
      Collateral will be made shall constitute commercially reasonable notice to
      Pledgor. Secured Party or any Lender may purchase all or any part of the
      Collateral at public or, if permitted by law, private sale, free from any
      right of redemption which is hereby expressly waived by Pledgor and, in
      lieu of actual payment of such purchase price, may set off the amount of
      such price against the Secured Obligations. The net cash proceeds
      resulting from the collection, liquidation, sale, lease or other
      disposition of the Collateral shall be applied first to the reasonable
      expenses (including all reasonable attorneys' fees) of retaking, holding,
      storing, processing and preparing for sale, selling, collecting,
      liquidating and the like (collectively, the "Administration Expenses"),
      and then to the satisfaction of all Secured Obligations, application as to
      particular Secured Obligations or against principal or interest to be in
      subject to the terms of Section 13 hereof and of the Agreements. Pledgor
      shall be liable to Secured Party and the Lenders and shall pay to the
      Secured Party on demand any deficiency which may remain after such sale,
      disposition, collection or liquidation of the Collateral.


      Pledgor recognize that the Secured Party may be unable to effect a public
      sale of securities constituting Collateral by reason of certain
      prohibitions contained in the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the
      "Securities Act"), and applicable state securities or Blue Sky laws, and
      as a consequence may be compelled to resort to one or more private sales
      to a restricted group of purchasers who will be obliged to agree, among
      other things, to acquire such Collateral for their own account, for
      investment and not with a view to the distribution or resale thereof.
      Pledgor agrees and acknowledges that private sales so made may be at
      prices and upon terms less favorable to Pledgor than if such Collateral
      were sold at public sales and that the Secured Party has no obligation to
      delay the sale of any of the Collateral for the period of time necessary
      to permit the issuer of such Collateral to register or otherwise qualify
      them, even if such issuer would agree to register or otherwise qualify
      such Collateral for public sale under the Securities Act and applicable
      state securities or Blue Sky laws. Pledgor further agrees, to the extent
      permitted by applicable law, that the use of private sales made under the
      foregoing circumstances to dispose of the Collateral shall be deemed to be
      dispositions in a commercially reasonable manner;

            (F) The rights and remedies provided to Secured Party or any Lender
      under this Security Agreement or any of the other Loan Documents or ESOP
      Loan Documents.

      13. Anti-Marshalling Provisions. The right is hereby given by Pledgor to
Secured Party and the Lenders to make releases (whether in whole or in part) of
all or any part of the Collateral agreeable to Secured Party and the Lenders
without notice to, or the consent, approval or agreement of other parties and
interests, including junior lienors, which releases shall not impair in any
manner the validity of or priority of the liens and security interest in the
remaining Collateral conferred under such documents, nor release Pledgor from
personal liability for the indebtedness hereby secured. Notwithstanding the
existence of any other security interest in the Collateral held by Secured Party
or any Lender, Secured Party and the Lenders shall have the right to determine
the order in which any or all of the Collateral shall be subjected to the
remedies provided in this Security Agreement. The proceeds realized upon the
exercise of the remedies provided herein shall be applied as provided herein, in
the Pledgor Guaranty and in the Agreements. Pledgor hereby waives any and all
right to require the marshalling of assets in connection with the exercise of
any of the remedies permitted by applicable law or provided herein.

      14. Appointment of Secured Party as Pledgor's Lawful Attorney. Upon and
after an Event of Default which has not been waived or cured, Pledgor
irrevocably designates, makes,


constitutes and appoints Secured Party (and all Persons designated by Lender) as
Pledgor's true and lawful attorney (and agent-in-fact). To the extent permitted
by law, all acts of Secured Party or its designee lawfully taken pursuant to
Section 13 are hereby ratified and confirmed and Secured Party or its designee
shall not be liable for any acts of omission or commission nor for any error of
judgment or mistake of fact or law which does not constitute bad faith, willful
misconduct or gross negligence. This power, being coupled with an interest, is
irrevocable by Pledgor until all Secured Obligations are finally paid in full.

      15. Rights and Remedies Cumulative; Non-Waiver; Etc. The enumeration of
Secured Party's and Lenders' rights and remedies set forth in this Security
Agreement is not intended to be exhaustive and the exercise by the Secured Party
or any Lender of any right or remedy shall not preclude the exercise of any
other rights or remedies, all of which shall be cumulative, and shall be in
addition to any other right or remedy given hereunder, or under any other
agreement between Pledgor and Secured Party or any Lender or which may now or
hereafter exist in law or in equity or by suit or otherwise. No delay or failure
to take action on the part of Lender in exercising any right, power or privilege
shall operate as a waiver thereof, nor shall any single or partial exercise of
any such right power or privilege preclude other or further exercise thereof or
the exercise of any other right, power or privilege or be construed to be a
waiver of any Event of Default. No waiver by a party hereunder shall be
effective unless it is in writing and signed by the party making such waiver,
and then only to the extent specifically stated in such writing. No course of
dealing between Pledgor and the Secured Party or any Lender or their respective
agents or employees shall be effective to change, modify or discharge any
provision of this Security Agreement or to constitute a waiver of any Event of

      16. Waivers. In addition to the other waivers contained herein and in any
other agreement between Pledgor and Secured Party or any Lender, Pledgor hereby
expressly waives, to the extent permitted by law: presentment for payment,
demand, protest, notice of demand, notice of protest, notice of default or
dishonor, notice of payments and nonpayments and all other notices and consents
that Secured Party may release, compromise, settle, extend or renew any
commercial paper, instruments or guaranties at any time held by Secured Party or
any Lender on which Pledgor may in any way be liable and notice of any action
taken by Secured Party or any Lender unless expressly required by this Security
Agreement or by law.

      17. Notice. Except as otherwise provided herein, all notices, requests and
demands to or upon a party hereto shall be effective as provided in the Pledgor


      18. Applicable Law. This Security Agreement shall be governed in all
respects by, and construed in accordance with, the internal laws of the State of
Florida without reference to choice of laws principles.

      19. References to Credit Agreement Definitions. In the event that the
Credit Agreement shall no longer be in effect at any time while the Pledgor
Guaranty shall continue in effect or there shall otherwise continue to remain
outstanding Secured Obligations, all references to the Credit Agreement,
including terms defined by reference to their respective definitions contained
in the Credit Agreement, shall be deemed to refer to the Credit Agreement as in
effect as of the date hereof, with such amendments thereto to which the Secured
Party shall have given its express consent in accordance with the Loan Documents
and the ESOP Loan Documents.

      20. Entire Agreement. This Security Agreement, together with the Credit
Agreement and other Loan Documents and ESOP Loan Documents, constitute and
express the entire understanding between the parties hereto with respect to the
subject matter hereof, and supersede all prior agreements and understandings,
inducements, commitments or conditions, express or implied, oral or written,
except as herein contained. The express terms hereof control and supersede any
course of performance or usage of the trade inconsistent with any of the terms
hereof. Neither this Security Agreement nor any portion or provision hereof may
be changed, altered, waived, modified, supplemented, discharged, canceled,
terminated, or amended orally or in any manner other than (i) as to the Agent,
as provided in the Credit Agreement and (ii) as to NationsBank, by the express
written consent of NationsBank in each instance.

      21. Section Headings. The Section headings in this Security Agreement are
for convenience of reference only; they form no part of this Security Agreement
and shall not affect its interpretation.

      22. Severability. The provisions of this Security Agreement are
independent of and separable from each other. If any provision hereof shall for
any reason be held invalid or unenforceable, such invalidity or unenforceability
shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any other provision hereof,
but this Security Agreement shall be construed as if such invalid or 
unenforceable provision had never been contained herein.

      23. Successors and Assigns. This Security Agreement shall be binding upon
the successors and assigns of Pledgor and shall inure to the benefit of and be
enforceable by the Secured Party and their successors and assigns; provided,
however, the obligations of Pledgor hereunder may not be assigned or delegated


to any other Person without the prior written consent of the Secured Party.

      24. Agency. Notwithstanding the foregoing references to the Secured Party,
Pledgor acknowledges and agrees that so long as NationsBank shall be the sole
Lender under the Credit Agreement, the term "Agent" shall mean NationsBank as
Lender. When and if there shall be more than one Lender party to the Credit
Agreement, then the term "Agent" shall refer to the Agent under the Credit
Agreement pursuant to the provisions of Article XI of the Credit Agreement, to
which reference is hereby made.

      25. Termination. In the event that all of the Secured Obligations shall be
fully, finally and indefeasibly paid and satisfied in full (subject to
provisions of the Agreements that expressly survive), the Agreements shall be
terminated and there shall be no Outstanding Letters of Credit, the Secured
Party shall, at the request and at the expense of the Pledgor, terminate the
security interest and powers of attorney herein conferred and, in furtherance
thereof, execute such Uniform Commercial Code termination statements and such
other documents in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to the Secured
Party to release and terminate the Lien hereof of record. Notwithstanding the
foregoing provisions of this Section 25, in the event that any payment made or
deemed made to the Secured Party or any Lender in payment of any Secured
Obligation shall be rescinded or declared to be or become void, voidable or
otherwise recoverable from the Secured Party or such Lender for any reason
whatsoever, the Lien in favor of the Secured Party created hereunder shall be
and become reinstituted in respect of such Secured Obligations until the same
shall be thereafter fully and finally paid, satisfied and discharged.

                  [Remainder of page intentionally left blank)


      IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Security Agreement
to be duly executed by authority duly given as of the day and year first above

 /s/ Terry L. Scaggs
- ----------------------------

 /s/ Megann Cusato                    By:  /s/ Mark W.Ohlendorf
- ----------------------------              ------------------------
                                          Mark W.Ohlendorf
                                          Vice President

                                SECURED PARTY:

WITNESS:                              NATIONSBANK OF FLORIDA, NATIONAL 
                                      ASSOCIATION, as Agent

 /s/ Terry L. Scaggs        
- ----------------------------          By: /s/ Allison S. Freeland
 /s/ Megann Cusato                        Allison S. Freeland 
- ----------------------------              Vice President

WITNESS:                              NATIONSBANK OF FLORIDA, NATIONAL 

 /s/ Terry L. Scaggs                 By: /s/ Allison S. Freeland
- ----------------------------             -------------------------
                                         Allison S. Freeland 
 /s/ Megann Cusato                       Vice President 
- ---------------------------- 



                                      Vitas Healthcare Corporation of California

                          PLEDGE AND SECURITY AGREEMENT

                        INDEX TO EXHIBITS AND SCHEDULES*

      1. Exhibit A                Existing Liens on the Collateral

      2. Schedule 6(E)            Trade Styles


- ----------

*     The inclusion of any information on any one of these Exhibits and
Schedules is not, and shall not be deemed to be, a representation that such
information must be set forth on such Exhibit or Schedule or any supplement
thereto or otherwise in the agreement to which such Exhibit or Schedule relates.
Information provided in any one Exhibit or Schedule shall be deemed to be
incorporated into each Exhibit and Schedule, as applicable.