PEOPLES BANCORP INC.

                             Effective January 1, 1991


The purpose of the Deferred Compensation Plan (the "Plan") is to provide a 
procedure whereby a member of the Board of Directors of either PEOPLES 
BANCORP INC. (the "Corporation") or a subsidiary of the Corporation (an 
"Affiliate") may defer the payment of all or less than all of the fees 
payable to the Director for services -as a Director (including fees payable 
to a Director for services as a member of a Committee of the Board).  The 
term "member of the Board of Directors" for purposes of eligibility as a 
Participant in this Plan includes a person who receives fees as a Director 
and who serves as a statutory Director, emeritus Director or- honorary 
Director of either the Corporation or an Affiliate.

The corporation shall serve as Plan Administrator and shall execute its 
administrative responsibility with respect to the Plan through such employee 
or employees as are designated by the Committee of at least three of the 
Corporation's Board of Directors appointed by said Board to supervise the 
administration of the Plan by the Corporation (the "Committee"). The decision 
of the Committee with respect to any questions arising as to the 
administration or interpretation of this Plan, including the discontinuance 
of any or all of the provisions thereof, shall be final, conclusive and 
binding.  The Committee reserves the right to

modify this Plan from time to time or to terminate the Plan, provided, 
however, that no modification of this Plan shall void any election already in 
effect for the current calendar year or any preceding calendar year.


A Director may elect, on or before December 31 of any year, to defer payment 
of all or less than all of the fees payable to the Director for services as a 
Director during the calendar year following such election and succeeding 
calendar years until the Director ceases to be a Director.  Any person who 
shall become a Director during any calendar year, and who was not a Director 
on the preceding December 31, may elect, before the Director's term begins, 
to defer payment of all or a specified part of such fees for the remainder of 
such calendar year and for succeeding calendar years.  Any such elections 
shall be made by written notice delivered to the Secretary of the Corporation.


Fees deferred at the election of a Director shall be held in the general 
funds of the Corporation and shall be credited to a separate deferred account 
for the Director.  The funds represented by the Director's deferred account 
shall earn interest.  Such interest shall be credited to the Director's

deferred account on the first day of each calendar quarter and calculated on 
the basis of the balance in such account on the first day of each month of 
the preceding quarter.  The interest rate shall be the interest rate paid by 
Peoples Banking & Trust Company on a three-year certificate of deposit or an 
equivalent deposit account on the last day of the preceding quarter.


(a) Amounts deferred under the Plan, together with accumulated interest shall 
be paid by the Corporation either in a lump sum or in approximately equal 
annual installments over not more than five years, as the Director has 
elected on forms provided by the Plan Administrator.  Such election must be 
made prior to the date on which the Director ceases to be a Director.  If a 
Director fails to make such an election, such amounts shall be paid in 
approximately equal annual installments over 5 years. Interest as calculated 
in Paragraph 3 above shall be earned on funds held for distribution 
installments and will be paid with each installment.

The first installment (or the lump sum payment, if the Director so elects) 
shall be paid on the first business day of the calendar year following the 
year in which the Director ceases to be a director and subsequent 
installments shall be paid on the first business day of each succeeding 
calendar year until the entire amount credited to the Director's deferred 
account shall have been paid.  The term "ceases to be a director" for 
purposes of commencing distribution under this Section 6 means when the 
Participant ceases to receive

fees as either a statutory Director, emeritus Director or honorary Director 
of either the Corporation or an Affiliate.

(b)  If a Director should die before full payment of all amounts in the 
account, the Corporation shall, in the discretion of the Committee, either 
pay or continue to pay the unpaid amounts to the Director's beneficiaries 
either (i) in the same manner as it would have been paid to the Director, or 
(ii) in a lump sum settlement of the remaining amount in the Director's 
deferred account no sooner than the day after and not later than eighteen 
months following the Director's death.

(c) The Committee may, in its discretion, accelerate the payments of those 
amounts in the Director's deferred account without the consent of the 
Director or the Director's beneficiaries, estate or any other person or 
persons claiming through or under him.  In making such determinations, due 
consideration may be given to the health, financial circumstances and family 
obligations of the Director.  In this regard, the Director (or after his 
death, his beneficiaries) may be consulted; however, he (or they) shall have 
no voice in the decision reached.


(a) Each Director who has a deferred account hereunder may from time to time 
designate any person or persons (who may be designated contingently or 
successively and who may be an entity other than a natural person) as his 
beneficiary or beneficiaries to whom his Plan benefits are paid if he dies 
before receipt of all such benefits.  Each beneficiary designation shall be 
filed in the form prescribed by the Plan Administrator and will be effective 
only when filed in the form prescribed by the Plan Administrator during the 
Participant's lifetime.   Each beneficiary

designation filed with the Plan Administrator will revoke all beneficiary 
designations previously filed with the Plan Administrator.  The revocation of 
a beneficiary designation, no matter how effected, shall not require the 
consent of any designated beneficiary.

(b) If any Participant fails to designate a beneficiary in the manner 
provided above, or if he is not survived by his beneficiary or beneficiaries, 
any death benefit payable hereunder upon the Participant's death shall be 
paid in the following order of priority:

         (1) his spouse;

         (2) his natural and adopted children or their issue, per stirpes;

         (3) his parents or the survivor of them;

         (4) his brothers and sister or their issue, per stirpes; or

         (5) his other heirs-at-law; and if payable to more than one
             person in a class, all persons in that class shall share
             equally.  Similarly, if the beneficiary survives the Director
             but dies before receiving the entire death benefit otherwise
             payable (and he is not survived by a second beneficiary, or the
             second beneficiary also dies), and such beneficiary has not
             effectively designated a beneficiary to whom his Plan benefits

             are to be paid if he dies before receipt of all such benefits,
             the remainder shall be paid to the heir or heirs of the last
             surviving beneficiary in accordance with priorities (1) through
             (5) above.


A Director may terminate his election to defer payment of fees by written 
notice delivered to the corporation's Secretary. Such termination shall 
become effective as of the end of the calendar year in which notice of 
termination is given with respect to fees payable for services as a Director 
during subsequent calendar years.  Amounts credited to the deferred account 
of a Director prior to the effective date of termination shall not be 
affected thereby and shall be paid only in accordance with Section 4.


During the Director's lifetime, the right to any deferred fees and interest 
thereon shall not be transferable or assignable.

Adopted this 20th day of December, 1990.

                                                        Peoples Bancorp Inc.

                                                    By /s/Robert E. Evans
                                                       Robert E. Evans
                                                       President and Chief
                                                       Executive Officer