CERTIFICATE OF DESIGNATION
                    5.864% CUMULATIVE PREFERRED STOCK, SERIES M
                                TRAVELERS GROUP INC.
                          pursuant to Section 151 of the 
                  General Corporation Law of the State of Delaware

         TRAVELERS GROUP INC., a Delaware corporation (the "Corporation"),
hereby certifies that:

         1.   The Restated Certificate of Incorporation, as amended, of the
Corporation (the "Certificate of Incorporation") fixes the total number of
shares of all classes of capital stock that the Corporation shall have the
authority to issue at one billion five hundred million (1,500,000,000) shares of
common stock, par value $.01 per share ("Common Stock") and thirty million
(30,000,000) shares of preferred stock, par value $1.00 per share ("Preferred

         2.   The Certificate of Incorporation expressly grants to the Board of
Directors of the Corporation (the "Board of Directors") authority to provide for
the issuance of the shares of Preferred Stock in series, and to establish from
time to time the number of shares to be included in each such series and to fix
the designation, powers, preferences and rights of the shares of each such
series and the qualifications, limitations or restrictions thereof.  Pursuant to
resolutions duly adopted by the Board of Directors in accordance with Section
141 of the General Corporation Law of the State of Delaware (the "DGCL"), the
Board of Directors has granted such authority to its Executive Committee (the
"Executive Committee").

         3.   Pursuant to the authority conferred upon the Board of Directors
by the Certificate of Incorporation, and upon the Executive Committee by
resolution of the Board of Directors, the Executive Committee, by action duly
taken on July 8, 1997, and the Notes Committee by action duly taken on October
3, 1997 adopted resolutions that provide for a series of Preferred Stock as

         RESOLVED, that an issue of a series of Preferred Stock is hereby
provided for, and the number of shares to be included in such series is

and the designation, powers, preference and rights, and qualifications,
limitations or restrictions thereof, of such series are fixed, hereby as

              1.      DESIGNATION AND NUMBER OF SHARES. The designation of such
    series shall be 5.864% Cumulative Preferred Stock, Series M (the "Series M
    Preferred Stock"), and the number of shares constituting such series shall
    be 800,000. The number of authorized shares of Series M Preferred Stock may
    be reduced (but not below the number of shares thereof then outstanding) by
    further resolution duly adopted by the Board of Directors or the Executive
    Committee and by the filing of a certificate pursuant to the provisions of
    the DGCL stating that such reduction has been so authorized, but the number
    of authorized shares of Series M Preferred Stock shall not be increased.

              2.      DIVIDENDS. Dividends on each share of Series M Preferred
    Stock shall be cumulative from the date of original issue of such share and
    shall be payable, when and as declared by the Board of Directors out of
    funds legally available therefor, in cash on February 1, May 1, August 1
    and November 1 of each year, commencing November 1, 1997.

              Each quarterly period beginning on February 1, May 1, August 1
    and November 1 in each year and ending on and including the day next
    preceding the first day of the next such quarterly period shall be a
    "Dividend Period." If a share of Series M Preferred Stock is outstanding
    during an entire Dividend Period, the dividend payable on such share on the
    first day of the calendar month immediately following the last day of such
    Dividend Period shall be $3.665 (or one-fourth of 5.864% of the Liquidation
    Preference (as defined in Section 7) for such share). If a share of Series
    M Preferred Stock is outstanding for less than an entire Dividend Period,
    the dividend payable on such share on the first day of the calendar month
    immediately following the last day of such Dividend Period on which such
    share shall be outstanding shall be the product of $3.665 multiplied by the
    ratio (which shall not exceed one) that the number of days that such share
    was outstanding during such Dividend Period bears to the number of days in
    such Dividend Period.

              If, prior to 18 months after the date of the original issuance of
    the Series M Preferred Stock, one or more amendments to the Internal
    Revenue Code of 1986, as amended 

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    (the "Code") are enacted that reduce the percentage of the
    dividends-received deduction (currently 70%) as specified in section
    243(a)(1) of the Code or any successor provision (the "Dividends-Received
    Percentage"), the amount of each dividend payable (if declared) per share
    of Series M Preferred Stock for dividend payments made on or after the
    effective date of such change in the Code will be adjusted by multiplying
    the amount of the dividend payable described above (before adjustment) by
    the following fraction (the "DRD Formula"), and rounding the result to the
    nearest cent (with one-half cent rounded up):


    For the purposes of the DRD Formula, "DRP" means the Dividends-Received
    Percentage (expressed as a decimal) applicable to the dividend in question;
    provided, however, that if the Dividends-Received Percentage applicable to
    the dividend in question shall be less than 50%, then the DRP shall equal
    .50.  Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions, if, with respect to any
    such amendment, the Company receives either an unqualified opinion of
    nationally recognized independent tax counsel selected by the Company or a
    private letter ruling or similar form of authorization from the Internal
    Revenue Service ("IRS") to the effect that such amendment does not apply to
    a dividend payable on the Series M Preferred Stock, then such amendment
    will not result in the adjustment provided for pursuant to the DRD Formula
    with respect to such dividend.  Such opinion shall be based upon the
    legislation amending or establishing the DRP or upon a published
    pronouncement of the IRS addressing such legislation.

              If any such amendment to the Code is enacted after the dividend
    payable on a dividend payment date has been declared, the amount of the
    dividend payable on such dividend payment date will not be increased;
    instead, additional dividends (the "Post Declaration Date Dividends") equal
    to the excess, if any, of (x) the product of the dividend paid by the
    Company on such dividend payment date and the DRD Formula (where the DRP
    used in the DRD Formula would be equal to the greater of the
    Dividends-Received Percentage applicable to the dividend in question and
    .50) over (y) the dividend paid by the Company on such dividend payable
    date, will be payable (if declared) to holders of Series M Preferred Stock
    on the record date applicable 

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    to the next succeeding dividend payment date or, if the Series M Preferred
    Stock is called for redemption prior to such record date, to holders of
    Series M Preferred Stock on the applicable redemption date, as the case may
    be, in addition to any other amounts payable on such date.

              If any such amendment to the Code is enacted and the reduction in
    the Dividends-Received Percentage retroactively applies to a dividend
    payment date as to which the Company previously paid dividends on the
    Series M Preferred Stock (each, an "Affected Dividend Payment Date"), the
    Company will pay (if declared) additional dividends (the "Retroactive
    Dividends") to holders of Series M Preferred Stock on the record date
    applicable to the next succeeding dividend payment date (or, if such
    amendment is enacted after the dividend payable on such dividend payment
    date has been declared, to holders of Series M Preferred Stock on the
    record date following the date of enactment) or, if the Series M Preferred
    Stock is called for redemption prior to such record date, to holders of
    Series M Preferred Stock on the applicable redemption date, as the case may
    be, in an amount equal to the excess of (x) the product of the dividend
    paid by the Company on each Affected Dividend Payment Date and the DRD
    Formula (where the DRP used in the DRD Formula would be equal to the
    greater of the Dividends-Received Percentage and .50 applied to each
    Affected Dividend Payment Date) over (y) the sum of the dividend paid by
    the Company on each Affected Dividend Payment Date; provided, however that
    if the Company has received the opinion, letter ruling or authorization
    referred to above, with respect to a dividend payable on the Affected
    Payment Date, then no such Retroactive Dividends will be payable.  

              Each dividend on the shares of Series M Preferred Stock shall be
    paid to the holders of record of shares of Series M Preferred Stock as they
    appear on the stock register of the Company on such record date, not more
    than 60 days nor less than 10 days preceding the payment date of such
    dividend, as shall be fixed in advance by the Board of Directors. Dividends
    on account of arrears for any past Dividend Periods may be declared and
    paid at any time, without reference to any regular dividend payment date,
    to holders of record on such date, not exceeding 45 days preceding the
    payment date thereof, as may be fixed in advance by the Board of Directors.

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              If there shall be outstanding shares of any other class or series
    of preferred stock of the Company ranking on a parity as to dividends with
    the Series M Preferred Stock, the Company, in making any dividend payment
    on account of arrears on the Series M Preferred Stock or such other class
    or series of preferred stock, shall make payments ratably upon all
    outstanding shares of Series M Preferred Stock and such other class or
    series of preferred stock in proportion to the respective amounts of
    dividends in arrears upon all such outstanding shares of Series M Preferred
    Stock and such other class or series of preferred stock to the date of such
    dividend payment.

              Holders of shares of Series M Preferred Stock shall not be
    entitled to any dividend, whether payable in cash, property or stock, in
    excess of full cumulative dividends on such shares. No interest, or sum of
    money in lieu of interest, shall be payable in respect of any dividend
    payment that is in arrears.

              3.      REDEMPTION. The Series M Preferred Stock is not subject
    to any mandatory redemption pursuant to a sinking fund or otherwise. The
    Company, at its option, may redeem shares of Series M Preferred Stock, as a
    whole or in part, at any time or from time to time on or after October 8,
    2007, at a price of $250 per share, plus accrued and accumulated but unpaid
    dividends thereon to but excluding the date fixed for redemption (the
    "Redemption Price").

              If the Company shall redeem shares of Series M Preferred Stock
    pursuant to this Section 3, notice of such redemption shall be given by
    first class mail, postage prepaid, not less than 30 or more than 90 days
    prior to the redemption date, to each holder of record of the shares to be
    redeemed, at such holder's address as shown on the stock register of the
    Company. Each such notice shall state: (a) the redemption date; (b) the
    number of shares of Series M Preferred Stock to be redeemed and, if less
    than all such shares held by such holder are to be redeemed, the number of
    such shares to be redeemed from such holder; (c) the Redemption Price;
    (d) the place or places where certificates for such shares are to be
    surrendered for payment of the Redemption Price; and (e) that dividends on
    the shares to be redeemed will cease to accrue on such redemption date.
    Notice having been mailed as aforesaid, from and after the redemption date
    (unless default shall be made by the Company in providing money for the
    payment of the Redemption Price) dividends on the shares of Series 

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    M Preferred Stock so called for redemption shall cease to accrue, and such
    shares shall no longer be deemed to be outstanding, and all rights of the
    holders thereof as stockholders of the Company (except the right to receive
    from the Company the Redemption Price) shall cease. Upon surrender in
    accordance with such notice of the certificates for any shares so redeemed
    (properly endorsed or assigned for transfer, if the Board of Directors
    shall so require and the notice shall so state), the Company shall redeem
    such shares at the Redemption Price. If less than all the outstanding
    shares of Series M Preferred Stock are to be redeemed, the Company shall
    select those shares to be redeemed from outstanding shares of Series M
    Preferred Stock not previously called for redemption by lot or pro rata (as
    nearly as may be) or by any other method determined by the Board of
    Directors to be equitable.

              The Company shall not redeem less than all the outstanding shares
    of Series M Preferred Stock pursuant to this Section 3, or purchase or
    acquire any shares of Series M Preferred Stock otherwise than pursuant to a
    purchase or exchange offer made on the same terms to all holders of shares
    of Series M Preferred Stock, unless full cumulative dividends shall have
    been paid or declared and set apart for payment upon all outstanding shares
    of Series M Preferred Stock for all past Dividend Periods, and unless all
    matured obligations of the Company with respect to all sinking funds,
    retirement funds or purchase funds for all series of Preferred Stock then
    outstanding have been met.

              4.      SHARES TO BE RETIRED. All shares of Series M Preferred
    Stock redeemed by the Company shall be retired and canceled and shall be
    restored to the status of authorized but unissued shares of Preferred
    Stock, without designation as to series, and may thereafter be reissued.

              5.      CONVERSION OR EXCHANGE. The holders of shares of Series M
    Preferred Stock shall not have any rights to convert any such shares into
    or exchange any such shares for shares of any other class or series of
    capital stock of the Company.

              6.      VOTING. Except as otherwise provided in this Section 6 or
    as otherwise required by law, the Series M Preferred Stock shall have no
    voting rights.

              If six quarterly dividends (whether or not consecutive) payable
    on shares of Series M Preferred Stock are in 

                                        - 6 -

    arrears at the time of the record date to determine stockholders for any
    annual meeting of stockholders of the Company, the number of directors of
    the Company shall be increased by two, and the holders of shares of Series
    M Preferred Stock (voting separately as a class with the holders of shares
    of any one or more other series of Preferred Stock upon which like voting
    rights have been conferred and are exercisable) shall be entitled at such
    annual meeting of stockholders to elect two directors of the Company, with
    the remaining directors of the Company to be elected by the holders of
    shares of any other class or classes or series of stock entitled to vote
    therefor. In any such election, holders of shares of Series M Preferred
    Stock shall have one vote for each share held.

              At all meetings of stockholders at which holders of Preferred
    Stock shall be entitled to vote for Directors as a single class, the
    holders of a majority of the outstanding shares of all classes and series
    of capital stock of the Company having the right to vote as a single class
    shall be necessary to constitute a quorum, whether present in person or by
    proxy, for the election by such single class of its designated Directors.
    In any election of Directors by stockholders voting as a class, such
    Directors shall be elected by the vote of at least a plurality of shares
    held by such stockholders present or represented at the meeting. At any
    such meeting, the election of Directors by stockholders voting as a class
    shall be valid notwithstanding that a quorum of other stockholders voting
    as one or more classes may not be present or represented at such meeting.

              Any director who has been elected by the holders of shares of
    Series M Preferred Stock (voting separately as a class with the holders of
    shares of any one or more other series of Preferred Stock upon which like
    voting rights have been conferred and are exercisable) may be removed at
    any time, with or without cause, only by the affirmative vote of the
    holders of the shares at the time entitled to cast a majority of the votes
    entitled to be cast for the election of any such director at a special
    meeting of such holders called for that purpose, and any vacancy thereby
    created may be filled by the vote of such holders. If a vacancy occurs
    among the Directors elected by such stockholders voting as a class, other
    than by removal from office as set forth in the preceding sentence, such
    vacancy may be filled by the remaining Director so elected, or his
    successor then in office, and the Director so elected to fill such vacancy
    shall serve until the next meeting of stockholders for the election of

                                        - 7 -

              The voting rights of the holders of the Series M Preferred Stock
    to elect Directors as set forth above shall continue until all dividend
    arrearages on the Series M Preferred Stock have been paid or declared and
    set apart for payment. Upon the termination of such voting rights, the
    terms of office of all persons who may have been elected pursuant to such
    voting rights shall immediately terminate, and the number of directors of
    the Company shall be decreased by two.

              Without the consent of the holders of shares entitled to cast at
    least two-thirds of the votes entitled to be cast by the holders of the
    total number of shares of Preferred Stock then outstanding, voting
    separately as a class without regard to series, with the holders of shares
    of Series M Preferred Stock being entitled to cast one vote per share, the
    Company may not:

              (i)     create any class of stock that shall have preference as
    to dividends or distributions of assets over the Series M Preferred Stock;

              (ii)    alter or change the provisions of the Certificate of
    Incorporation (including any Certificate of Amendment or Certificate of
    Designation relating to the Series M Preferred Stock) so as to adversely
    affect the powers, preferences or rights of the holders of shares of Series
    M Preferred Stock;

    PROVIDED, however, that if such creation or such alteration or change would
    adversely affect the powers, preferences or rights of one or more, but not
    all, series of Preferred Stock at the time outstanding, such alteration or
    change shall require consent of the holders of shares entitled to cast at
    least two-thirds of the votes entitled to be cast by the holders of all of
    the shares of all such series so affected, voting as a class.

              7.      LIQUIDATION PREFERENCE. In the event of any liquidation,
    dissolution or winding up of the Company, voluntary or involuntary, the
    holders of Series M Preferred Stock shall be entitled to receive out of the
    assets of the Company available for distribution to stockholders, before
    any distribution of assets shall be made to the holders of the Common Stock
    or of any other shares of stock of the Company ranking as to such
    distribution junior to the Series M Preferred Stock, a liquidating
    distribution in an amount equal to $250 per share (the "Liquidation
    Preference") plus an amount equal to any accrued and accumulated but unpaid 

                                        - 8 -

    dividends thereon to the date of final distribution. The holders of the
    Series M Preferred Stock shall not be entitled to receive the Liquidation
    Preference and such accrued dividends, however, until the liquidation
    preference of any other class of stock of the Company ranking senior to the
    Series M Preferred Stock as to rights upon liquidation, dissolution or
    winding up shall have been paid (or a sum set aside therefor sufficient to
    provide for payment) in full.

              If, upon any voluntary or involuntary liquidation, dissolution or
    winding up of the Company, the assets available for distribution are
    insufficient to pay in full the amounts payable with respect to the Series
    M Preferred Stock and any other shares of stock of the Company ranking as
    to any such distribution on a parity with the Series M Preferred Stock, the
    holders of the Series M Preferred Stock and of such other shares shall
    share ratably in any distribution of assets of the Company in proportion to
    the full respective preferential amounts to which they are entitled.

              After payment to the holders of the Series M Preferred Stock of
    the full preferential amounts provided for in this Section 7, the holders
    of the Series M Preferred Stock shall be entitled to no further
    participation in any distribution of assets by the Company.

              Consolidation or merger of the Company with or into one or more
    other corporations, or a sale, whether for cash, shares of stock,
    securities or properties, of all or substantially all of the assets of the
    Company, shall not be deemed or construed to be a liquidation, dissolution
    or winding up of the Company within the meaning of this Section 7 if the
    preferences or special voting rights of the holders of shares of Series M
    Preferred Stock are not impaired thereby.

              8.      LIMITATION ON DIVIDENDS ON JUNIOR STOCK. So long as any
    Series M Preferred Stock shall be outstanding the Company shall not declare
    any dividends on the Common Stock or any other stock of the Company ranking
    as to dividends or distributions of assets junior to the Series M Preferred
    Stock (the Common Stock and any such other stock being herein referred to
    as "Junior Stock"), or make any payment on account of, or set apart money
    for, a sinking fund or other similar fund or agreement for the purchase,
    redemption or other retirement of any shares of Junior Stock, or make any
    distribution in respect thereof, whether 

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    in cash or property or in obligations or stock of the Company, other than a
    distribution of Junior Stock (such dividends, payments, setting apart and
    distributions being herein called "Junior Stock Payments"), unless the
    following conditions shall be satisfied at the date of such declaration in
    the case of any such dividend, or the date of such setting apart in the
    case of any such fund, or the date of such payment or distribution in the
    case of any other Junior Stock Payment:

              (i)     full cumulative dividends shall have been paid or
    declared and set apart for payment on all outstanding shares of Preferred
    Stock other than Junior Stock; and

              (ii)    the Company shall not be in default or in arrears with
    respect to any sinking fund or other similar fund or agreement for the
    purchase, redemption or other retirement of any shares of Preferred Stock
    other than Junior Stock;

    PROVIDED, however, that any funds theretofore deposited in any sinking fund
    or other similar fund with respect to any Preferred Stock in compliance
    with the provisions of such sinking fund or other similar fund may
    thereafter be applied to the purchase or redemption of such Preferred Stock
    in accordance with the terms of such sinking fund or other similar fund
    regardless of whether at the time of such application full cumulative
    dividends upon shares of Series M Preferred Stock outstanding to the last
    dividend payment date shall have been paid or declared and set apart for
    payment by the Company.

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    Travelers Group Inc. has caused this Certificate to be duly executed by its
    Executive Vice President, and attested by its Assistant Secretary this 7th
    day of October, 1997.

                                       TRAVELERS GROUP INC.

                                       By   /s/ Charles O. Prince, III
                                            Charles O. Prince, III
                                            Executive Vice President


   /s/ Shelley J. Dropkin     
- - - ----------------------------
Shelley J. Dropkin
Assistant Secretary

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