Exhibit 10.14


attached Exhibits and Statements of Work ("Agreement"), is between LCI
International Management Services, Inc. ("LCI") having a place of business at
8180 Greensboro Drive, Suite 800, McLean, VA 22102 and Predictive Systems, Inc.
("Contractor") having a place of business at 620 Herndon Parkway, Suite 360,
Herndon, VA 20170.

WHEREAS, Contractor performs consulting services; and

WHEREAS, LCI and Contractor desire to establish standard terms and conditions
that shall apply to such services to be performed by Contractor for LCI;

NOW, THEREFORE, it is mutually agreed as follows:


As used throughout this Agreement, the following shall have the meanings below
unless otherwise indicated:

(a)      The term "Acceptance Date" means the first five business day after LCI
         accepts an individual phase of the Work or it is deemed accepted
         pursuant to Section 8 herein. The term "Final Acceptance date" means
         the first business day after LCI accepts the completed NOC.

(b)      The term "Affiliate" of a named Party means an entity directly or
         indirectly controlling, controlled by or under common control with such

(c)      The term "Agreement" means the terms and conditions of attached
         Exhibits, Statements of Work and any other documents made a part of
         this Agreement or Incorporated by reference, including any written
         amendments which have been signed by the authorized representatives of
         the Parties.

(d)      The term "Authorized LCI Representative" means a designated member of a
         LCI, who is empowered to approve Work.

(e)      The term "Confidential Information" shall mean any oral, written,
         computer generated or other information, whether in intangible or
         tangible form and regardless of the media, including without limitation
         all Work, notes, notations, or drafts, provided by LCI or Contractor
         Personnel to Contractor in connection with this Agreement, the Work or
         relating thereto or developed and/or supplied by Contractor to LCI as
         part of, or in connection with the Work.

(f)      The term "Contractor Personnel" means any and all Contractor employees,
         agents, and subcontractors supplied by Contractor perform services for
         LCI and in no event or for any purpose will these persons be considered
         employees of LCI.

(g)      The term "deliverables" has the meaning given to it in Article 16 of
         this Agreement.

(h)      The term "Documentation" means all or any portion of the following: NOC
         system designs, NOC processes or procedures, NOC process or procedure
         designs, software summaries, software design, functional
         specifications, user guides, operator guides, installation guides, and
         other similar materials generated as part of this Agreement pursuant to
         the statements of Work.

(i)      The term "Equipment" means all tangible property not covered under the
         definition of Hardware to be used in conjunction with or installed as
         part of the NOC.

(j)      The term "FOC" means Final Operating Capability under which contractor
         shall provide NOC capability as defined in the Statements of Work.
         Contractor shall perform all phases for which Statements of Work are
         entered into by the parties.

(k)      The term "Hardware" means tangible electronic equipment, including, but
         not limited to, computers, drives, switches, wiring, printers and other
         peripherals used in conjunction with or installed as part of the NOC.

(l)      The term "IOC" means Initial Operating Capability, under which
         Contractor shall provide the services and shall implement the
         capabilities set forth in the Statements of Work attached as Exhibit A.

(m)      The term "LCI" means LCI International Management Services, Inc. Its
         employees, directors, officers, agents, subcontractors, subsidiaries,
         successors and assignees, existing now or created in the future.

(n)      The term "NOC" means the Network Operations Center to be created at
         LCI's Arlington, Virginia location together with all of the related and
         fully integrated Systems, all as described in one or more Statements of

(o)      The term "Operative" means that the NOC and/or any of its Systems or
         subsystems conforms to or exceeds the acceptance criteria set forth in
         the applicable Statements of Work.

(p)      The term "Party" in its singular or plural form, refers to either LCI
         or Contractor or both, as dictated by the use.

(q)      The term "RFI" means the Request for Information issued by LCI
         regarding the Work on February 25, 1996.

(r)      The term "Software" means computer programs, including without
         limitation, the related media and Documentation, in machine-readable
         and printed forms.

(s)      "Statements of Work" mean the written descriptions of the Work which
         Contractor may agree from time to time to provide LCI under this
         Agreement, which shall include descriptions of all related
         Deliverables, prices, billing rates, schedules and milestones,
         acceptance tests and criteria and specifications (unless the Statement
         of Work provides for the development of specifications). All Statements
         of Work shall be attached to this Agreement as exhibits and shall be
         incorporated into this Agreement by this reference.

(t)      The term "Systems" means the combination of Work, Software, Equipment
         and Hardware to be provided by Contractor (with the assistance of LCI
         as provided in specific Statements of Work or other exhibits), all as
         set forth in the applicable Statements of Work.

(u)      The term "Task Orders" means a request form (as shown in Exhibits B,
         B1, B2) issued by LCI describing the Work to be performed under this
         Agreement and identifying the Contractor Personnel necessary to
         perform such Work.

(v)      The term "Technical Representative" means the LCI technical
         representative assigned by LCI to oversee and coordinate Work to be

(w)      The terms "Third-Party Work", "Third-Party Systems"; "Third-Party
         Hardware"; "Third-Party Equipment" and "Third-Party Products"
         (collectively "Third-Party Activities") means the Work and Products
         delivered by parties not under contract with Contractor ("Third

(x)      The term "Work" means the tasks, performance, reports, services.
         Documentation and other items to be provided by Contractor (but not by
         Third Parties) to LCI, at LCI's request, pursuant to one or more
         Statements of Work.


(a)      Contractor shall deliver all of the Deliverables identified in the
         Statements of Work attached or subsequently attached hereto within the
         time-frames identified therein. As and to the extent specified in the



         Statements of Work., Contractor shall supervise and manage all
         Third-Party Activities in creating the NOC, and Contractor shall
         provide the NOC from conceptualization and design through final
         implementation and sustained engineering fully compliant with the
         compliant with the specifications set forth in, or developed pursuant
         to, the Statements of Work. Time is of the essence of Contractor's
         performance hereunder. The Work to complete the NOC shall be subdivided
         into four (4) phases, identified below and as are or shall be more
         fully detailed in the Statements of work

         (i)      Assessment and Service Definition. Contractor shall deliver
                  all Deliverables to be provided in this phase by July 1, 1996

         (ii)     NOC Architecture Framework and System Design.

         (iii)    Production Implementation; and

         (iv)     Sustained Engineering.

(b)      Contractor shall provide Contractor Personnel to perform Work in
         accordance with the Statements of Work. This Agreement establishes the
         general terms and conditions that will apply to such Work performed by
         Contractor for LCI.

(c)      LCI does not guarantee that any minimum amount of Work will be
         purchased from Contractor under this Agreement.

(d)      (i)      Any Affiliate of LCI, shall be entitled to request Work from
                  Contractor pursuant to the terms and conditions, including
                  pricing, of this Agreement by issuing a Task Order for such
                  Work and then agreeing with Contractor on a related Statement
                  of Work, provided that any such Statement of Work shall
                  constitute a separate agreement between Contractor and the
                  Affiliate incorporating the terms and conditions of this
                  Agreement so as to be applicable between Contractor and the
                  Affiliate, unless expressly agreed otherwise.

         (ii)     Any Work performed for LCI or any LCI Affiliate pursuant to
                  the terms and conditions of this Agreement shall accrue to the
                  benefit of LCI and its Affiliates for the purpose, as
                  applicable of determining pricing hereunder.

         (iii)    Nothing in this Agreement shall be deemed at any time either
                  to obligate LCI or any LCI Affiliate to obtain from Contractor
                  any minimum quality of Work hereunder, or to limit the right
                  of LCI or any LCI Affiliate, in their sole discretion, from
                  obtaining at any time informally or from any third party the
                  same or similar Work as may be obtained or be available


This Agreement shall have an effective date of May 21, 1998, and shall remain in
full force and effect until December 31, 1998 or a later date if agreed to in a
Statement of Work, unless terminated pursuant to the Article entitled


In order for LCI to purchase and for Contractor to perform Work, LCI shall issue
Task Orders using the forms attached hereto as Exhibit D, which shall be
governed by the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Each Task Order shall
specify the Authorized LCI Representative and the Work to be performed. The Task
Order may be a blanket Task Order or an individual Task Order for Work to be
performed for LCI. Contractor shall respond to each Task Order by submitting to
LCI a Statement of Work, which when agreed to by the parties shall govern the
Work to be performed and shall supersede the Task Order.




(a)      Contractor shall be responsible for performing all Work and delivering
         all Deliverables described in the Statements of Work in accordance with
         the schedules, milestones and specifications set forth therein.
         Further, contractor shall be responsible for delivering and achieving
         acceptance of the NOC and each phase of the NOC project and position,
         and on the date(s) described in the Statements of Work, provided
         that all appropriate Statements of Work have been agreed to by the
         parties, and pursuant thereto, the NOC will be completed on or
         before February 28, 1998 subject to changes in Deliverables and Work
         specified in any subsequent Statements of Work.

(b)      To the extent provided in the Statements of Work, Contractor shall
         coordinate, manage and supervise Third-Party Activities in the
         implementation of individual components of the NOC and its Systems,
         including Software, Hardware and Equipment, whether ordered by
         Contractor, LCI or a subcontractor. Contractor shall, with respect to
         Third-Party Activities, be responsible for notifying LCI on a weekly
         basis of any potential or actual delays due to Third-Party Activities.
         The foregoing shall constitute Contractor's sole responsibilities with
         respect to Third-Party Activities.

(c)      Time is of the essence of Contractor's obligations hereunder.

(d)      Deliveries are to be made in quantities, qualities and at times
         specified in the applicable Statements of Work. except for electronic
         transmission as agreed by the parties. Contractor shall ship all
         individual components of the NOC for which it is responsible in
         accordance with the applicable Statements of Work via carrier of
         Contractor's choice, with freight prepaid.

(e)      If Contractor's efforts or deliveries fail to meet any scheduled due
         date and/or schedule, LCI without limiting its other rights or remedies
         as specified herein, may direct expedited routing and any costs
         incurred thereby shall be paid for by Contractor, LCI shall not be
         liable for Contractor's commitments or production arrangements in
         excess of the amount, or in advance of the time, necessary to meet
         LCI's delivery or milestone schedule.

(f)      As provided in subsection (b) above, Contractor shall not be
         responsible for delays caused by Third-Party Activities provided that
         Contractor notifies LCI of any potential or actual delay due to
         Third-Party Activities as soon as Contractor learns of such potential
         or actual delay. In such cases and subject to the cooperation and
         performance of Third Parties, Contractor shall promptly provide LCI
         with revised delivery dates for the completion of the particular phase,
         subsequent phases and the final delivery of the NOC, and such revised
         dates shall become Contractor's delivery date for purposes of the
         remainder of this section.

(g)      Contractor and LCI agree that it may be difficult, if not impossible,
         to accurately determine the amount of damages that LCI may Incur if
         Contractor fails to achieve each delivery and acceptance data in a
         timely manner as scheduled. Accordingly, and subject to the provisions
         of Article 21, if delivery or acceptance have not occurred in a timely
         manner, [****]. Contractor shall have a grace period of ten (10) days
         to fully cure the delayed delivery or acceptance. LCI shall not be
         liable for Contractor's costs in completing the delayed delivery and/or
         acceptance effective the day following the [****].

         (i)      In the case of delayed delivery of the final NOC (FOC) -

         (ii)     In the case of delayed delivery of IOC - [****].

         (iv)     In the case of delayed delivery of any work specified in a
                  Statement of Work - [****].

(h)      To the extent provided in the Statement of Work, Contractor shall be
         responsible for diligently installing, or supervising installation by
         Third Parties, and shall be responsible to provide customization to the


****  Represents material which has been redacted and filed separately with
the Commission pursuant to a request for confidential treatment pursuant to
Rule 406 under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended.


         Deliverables and/or Systems, using adequate numbers of technically
         skilled personnel, and shall notify LCI promptly after such Work is

(i)      LCI may by written notice and without penalty, (a) delay the scheduled
         data for delivery of any or all of the Systems or milestones, including
         the dates of any interim milestones, the final delivery date of the
         completed NOC, or any Equipment, Hardware, Software, or Systems
         ordered under this Agreement (in the event, of any such delay of more
         than 15 days, Contractor shall have the right to render interim
         invoices for Work performed through the date of suspension): and/or (b)
         cancel all or any part of the NOC project including equipment software,
         and/or systems ordered under this Agreement prior to the delivery of
         the individual NOC component: PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that if Contractor
         has already paid for Third Party Products for which it may not obtain
         refunds or otherwise has incurred costs which it cannot recover,
         Contractor shall be reimbursed for such expenses by LCI.


It is anticipated that the creation of the NOC shall combine the know-how and
consultancy services of Contractor with Products from third-parties. Contractor
shall coordinate with the Authorized LCI Representative when it is necessary for
LCI to order Products for use with the NOC system. LCI and its Authorized
Representatives shall fully cooperate with Contractor in this process.


All Work to be performed, including general direction and guidance in connection
with the Work, is to be coordinated with, and will be subject to the approval of
LCI's Technical Representative. Nothing in this paragraph shall diminish
Contractor's responsibilities to supervise and manage the NOC project hereunder.


(a)      During the course of Contractor's performance under this Agreement, LCI
         shall have the right of approval, which shall not be unreasonably
         withheld, over any major milestones and deliverables related thereto as
         well as final Acceptance of Products, Systems and the completed NOC,
         PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that LCI's approval shall be given or withheld in
         accordance with the acceptance criteria set forth in the applicable
         Statements of Work or specifications developed pursuant thereto.

(b)      If a Statement of Work requires Contractor to develop specifications.
         Contractor shall deliver the specifications to LCI in writing in
         sufficient detail as reasonably required by LCI. The specifications
         shall be subject to LCI's satisfaction, review and approval, which
         shall not be unreasonably withheld.

(c)      Deliverables will be developed through Statements of Work, subject to
         the following exceptions:

         (i)      As is deliverable under the Assessment and Service Definition
                  Phase, Contractor shall provide the due date for the
                  completion of the NOC Architecture Framework and System Design

         (ii)     As is deliverable under the NOC Architecture Framework
                  and System Design Phase, Contractor shall provide
                  escalation procedures and timing for repair of the NOC and
                  any of its Component Systems.

         (iii)    As is deliverable under the NOC Architecture Framework and
                  System Design Phase, Contractor shall provide the due date for
                  the completion of the Production Implementation phase and the
                  final NOC, and shall reflect modification required to the due
                  date reflected in Article 5 (a).

         Acceptance of these specific deliverables will be by LCI's approval:
         PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that LCI's approval shall not be unreasonably



(d)      Contractor shall provide to LCI detailed written progress reports, on
         at least a [****] basis, which shall provide the status of items
         completed, items to be completed within the next reporting period and
         open action items and any other items required by LCI. Contractor shall
         report all Third-Party Activities for which it is responsible under its
         duty to manage and supervise all Third-Party Activities. Including
         status of work and upcoming deliveries to be made by Third-Parties.

(d)      In determining its Acceptance, LCI shall use the applicable acceptance
         tests specified in the applicable Statements of Work or as developed
         pursuant thereto on the Deliverables and/or the NOC (including the
         entire System) to confirm that they are Operative Contractor shall run
         any Acceptance tests under LCI's review. If LCI discovers any
         Deliverables (including the entire System) are not Operative, LCI shall
         notify Contractor of the deficiencies. Contractor at its own expense,
         shall modify, repair, adjust or replace the Deliverables (including the
         entire system) to make it Operative within 15 business days after the
         date of LCI's deficiency notice. LCI may perform additional acceptance
         tests during a period commencing when Contractor has delivered revised
         Deliverables correcting all the deficiencies LCI has noted. If the
         Deliverables still are not Operative in LCI's reasonable judgment,
         subject to Article 8 (a) above, LCI may terminate all or part of this
         Agreement for material breach or, at its option, repeat the procedure
         of this paragraph as often as it determines necessary.

(e)      LCI, at its discretion, may use the procedure in this Section to
         determine acceptance of interim Deliverables updates and enhancements.
         If LCI finds an enhancement not to be Operative and rejects it, LCI
         shall have no obligation to pay for such update or enhancement, and
         Contractor shall continue to support the version or release of the NOC
         or applicable System currently installed pursuant to the applicable
         Statement(s) of Work.


(a)      LCI, at its option, may request Contractor to provide names of
         Contractor Personnel, as well as their respective resumes, for review
         prior to entering into a Statement of Work. The information on the
         resume must include, without limitation, previous work experience
         including names of companies, and the names of LCI Technical
         Representatives for whom that individual had worked. LCI reserves the
         right in its sole discretion, to approve or reject any person whose
         name is submitted by Contractor.

(b)      LCI reserves the right to approve or reject Contractor Personnel
         assigned to any Work and to request replacement at any time. When a
         replacement is requested by LCI, Contractor shall submit to LCI the
         name and resume of the proposed replacement, and such replacement shall
         be at least as qualified as the individual it is replacing. LCI may, in
         its sole discretion, reject such replacement. If Contractor cannot
         within [****] provide a qualified replacement which is acceptable to
         LCI, then LCI may reduce the Work in accordance with the Article
         entitled, "Termination" and LCI may perform, or contract with a third
         party for the performance of, the terminated Work outside the scope of
         this Agreement.

(c)      Contractor Personnel may not begin Work without an approved Statement
         of Work or other approval in writing from an Authorized LCI
         Representative. Any Contractor Personnel reporting for Work without
         such authorization shall not be billed to LCI for the period of time in
         which the letter of engagement has not been executed by LCI (but the
         foregoing shall not apply to any work performed prior to the date of
         this Agreement).


(a)      Each phase or sub-phase of the NOC project shall be covered by a
         Statement of Work. Contractor may invoice for Work at the times, and on
         a fixed price or time and materials basis, and at the rates, as
         provided in the applicable Statements of Work. If a Statement of Work
         provides that invoices shall be issued on terms other than upon
         acceptance of the Deliverables under such Statement of Work, [****] of
         each invoice shall be withheld until acceptance of the Deliverables
         under such Statement of Work. An

****  Represents material which has been redacted and filed separately with
the Commission pursuant to a request for confidential treatment pursuant to
Rule 406 under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended.



         additional [****] of all invoices shall be withheld until Final
         Acceptance, and the withheld amounts may be invoiced upon Final

(b)      Contractor shall submit invoices to LCI via a shipping method that
         provides contractor with notice of the date on which LCI received such
         invoice. Each invoice shall include the following:

         (i)      Task Order Number

         (ii)     Period Billed

         (iii)    Name(s) and labor description of Contractor Personnel

         (iv)     Number of hours worked by each individual(s) during the
                  billing period and the applicable hourly rate, if on a time
                  and materials basis.

(c)      All amounts to be billed to and paid by LCI are gross amounts.

(d)      The applicable amounts due Contractor shall be paid in United States
         dollars after receipt of a properly executed invoice. LCI shall pay
         such invoices within net thirty (30) days of receipt. [****]. Invoices
         that are not properly prepared shall be returned to the Contractor for
         revision. amounts withheld from invoices or payments, as provided in
         Article 10 (a) shall be paid in United States dollars within net
         fifteen (15) days of the applicable acceptance date.

(e)      The first Statement of Work attached hereto shall form the rate basis
         for Contractor's work hereunder (for time and materials activities).
         This Statement of Work shall include all of the rates for Contractor
         Personnel by designated title that Contractor anticipates will perform
         Work hereunder. [****].

(f)      All rates shall include regular time, overtime, holiday and weekend
         time spent by Contractor Personnel on LCI Work. Unless otherwise
         provided by the applicable Statement of Work, overtime, holiday
         and/or weekend Work shall not be performed by Contractor without
         prior consent from the Authorized LCI Representative.

(g)      For time and materials activities, LCI shall be invoiced for actual
         time spent by Contractor Personnel performing LCI Work. Except as
         provided in Article 11, LCI shall not be invoiced for [****],
         lunch breaks or other breaks taken by Contractor Personnel.


(a)      The LCI Technical Representative may request Contractor Personnel to
         travel outside of Northern Virginia in the performance of duties.
         Contractor Personnel must receive approval from Contractor and must
         have the written authorization of the appropriate LCI Director before
         commencing travel.

(b)      Payment Procedure.

         (i)      Contractor shall initially be responsible for travel expenses
                  and shall reimburse Contractor Personnel, as appropriate.

         (ii)     Contractor will then invoice LCI for the travel. All travel,
                  transportation and per diem expenses, copies of which shall
                  accompany invoices, for which reimbursement is sought, shall
                  have the signature of the LCI Technical Representative and
                  shall be itemized and substantiated with appropriate receipts.

         (iii)    Expense reports must be filed within [****] of completion of
                  travel and invoiced on the next regular invoice submission to

(c)      Payment Policy. LCI-approved travel and related LCI-approved
         out-of-pocket expenses incurred in performing services for LCI under
         the Agreement shall be invoiced to LCI at cost.


****  Represents material which has been redacted and filed separately with
the Commission pursuant to a request for confidential treatment pursuant to
Rule 406 under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended.


(d)      Reimbursement will be as follows:

         (i)      Commercial transportation - Reimbursable on an "incurred cost"
                  basis [****].

         (ii)     Private automobile - Reimbursable at $.26 cents per mile.

         (iii)    Per diem - Reimbursable for actual lodging and local
                  transportation. Actual meal expenses shall not exceed [****]
                  per day.

         (iv)     Rental cars if required in "out-of-town" assignments with
                  prior approval of LCI Authorized Representative.

(e)      LCI will not reimburse Contractor for local travel incurred as a result
         of commuting to LCI's facility to perform work including but not
         limited to the use of rental vehicles.

(f)      In no event shall LCI be liable for any travel changes associated with
         relocation of Contractor Personnel without the written approval of the
         Authorized LCI Representative.

(g)      Contractor shall not bill LCI for travel expenses of Contractor's New
         Jersey employees (only Program Managers Service Architects and Senior
         Systems Engineers) who travel to LCI's site, but LCI shall pay for the
         time spent by such Employees in so traveling at the applicable hourly
         rates set forth in the Statement of Work.


Contractor Personnel shall submit on LCI's time entry system on a bi-weekly
basis time sheets. Such time sheets shall be prepared by a LCI's Technical
Representative prior to submission. Contractor shall provide reports as
requested by LCI on a monthly basis. The reports shall contain a cumulative
amount billed to LCI under all Statements of Work along with any appropriate


For Work performed by Contractor Personnel pursuant to this Agreement,
Contractor shall maintain such records as will adequately substantiate charges
and hours worked and shall produce such records for LCI's inspection at
Contractor's business office where such records are kept, upon LCI's request,
for a period of [****] following the furnishing of the respective Work.
LCI shall give timely notice of its Intent to inspect such records and preserve
the confidentiality of such terms as Contractor may reasonably request.


(a)      In the event all or part of this agreement is terminated for any reason
         whatsoever, Contractor shall immediately, at LCI's option and request
         document in detail the status of the Work that has been terminated and
         either deliver to LCI or dispose, in accordance with LCI's instructions
         and the terms of this Agreement, of all Software, Documentation or
         other materials relating to or failing under the Work that are in its
         or any Third Party's possession., whether or not such Work has been
         completed or is still in progress. LCI shall have all rights to such
         Software, Documentation and materials in accordance with Articles 17
         and 18. If termination occurs due to LCI's termination for convenience
         or LCI's default hereunder, any Work performed by Contractor under this
         section may be billed at time and materials rates.


Should LCI so request, and pursuant to an agreed Statement of Work, Contractor
shall deliver procedures to LCI to update and enhance the NOC, its component
Systems, and any Deliverables provided hereunder as part of the Sustained
Engineering phase.

****  Represents material which has been redacted and filed separately with
the Commission pursuant to a request for confidential treatment pursuant to
Rule 406 under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended.




(a)      Contractor shall perform all work hereunder to the highest standards of
         quality in the industry and is solely responsible for providing all
         Deliverables and meeting all milestones and phase deadlines as provided
         in the Statements of Work.

(b)      Contractor shall manage and supervise to the highest standards of
         quality in the industry all Third-Party Activities in creating the NOC
         and for which it is responsible pursuant to the Statements of Work.
         Contractor's responsibilities in this regard include, but are not
         limited to:

         (i)      Supervising and managing all aspects of the NOC project and
                  all Third-Party Activities for which it is responsible
                  pursuant to the Statements of Work:

         (ii)     Reporting all issues, problems and delays to LCI together with
                  suggested resolutions of such issues, problems and delays as
                  soon as practicable thereafter, but no later than the weekly
                  report and/or meeting described in Article 8 (c) (Project

         (iii)    Developing and implementing and providing to LCI in writing
                  procedures Contractor will use to diligently identify issues,
                  problems and delays so that those issues, problems and delays
                  are quickly identified and resolved in a manner not to impact
                  the timely delivery of each Phase and the NOC project as a

         (iv)     Meeting with LCI's Authorized Representative and/or Technical
                  Representative on a weekly basis to discuss the status of the
                  NOC project, notify LCI of any actual or potential issues,
                  problems and delays, and to deliver and discuss all reports
                  required hereunder.

         Provided that Contractor has performed its obligations under this
         Article 15(b). Contractor shall not be responsible for Third-Party
         Products. Work and/or Activities for which they did not contract with

(c)      For any and all Third-Party Products Contracted by Contractor
         hereunder, whether Equipment, Hardware or Software. Contractor will
         pass through any and all warranties provided by third-Parties to LCI
         (as provided in Warranties, below). All such warranties shall be
         approved by LCI prior to contracting.

(d)      Contractor shall be responsible to LCI for all acts and omissions of
         Contractor Personnel.

(e)      Contractor shall perform the Work in accordance with the conditions of
         all applicable governmental permits and licenses.

(f)      Contractor shall not assign or delegate this Agreement or any of its
         rights, duties or obligations to any other person or entity without the
         prior express written approval of LCI. Contractor shall not subcontract
         any Work under this Agreement without the express written approval of
         LCI on a case-by-case basis.

(g)      Contractor is responsible for all employee-related benefits applicable
         to Contractor Personnel performing Work under this Agreement. LCI shall
         not be obligated to provide Contractor Personnel with LCI benefits
         unless otherwise required by law. Contractor is responsible for
         withholding Contractor Personnel's portion of FICA and Medicare and for
         withholding income for federal and state income tax purposes to the
         extent required by law. Contractor will pay over all amounts withheld
         to the IRS, and will pay its share of FICA taxes for Contractor
         Personnel provided to LCI under this Agreement. Contractor agrees to
         indemnify and hold LCI, its parent, and Affiliates harmless from any
         and all claims and expenses relating to contractor's reporting and
         payment obligations with respect to Contractor Personnel.

(h)      If requested by LCI, Contractor , at LCI's expense, shall provide drug
         testing of Contractor Personnel presented for work at LCI in accordance
         with LCI's established policy and any applicable federal and state laws
         regulating employee drug testing. Results shall be reported to LCI
         within ten (10) days of the request.



(i)      Contractor and Contractor Personnel shall fully cooperate with any
         other contractors performing similar or related Work for LCI.

(j)      As called for under the applicable Statements of Work, Contractor shall
         transfer all knowledge necessary to fully operate and maintain the NOC
         to skilled LCI personnel. Such training shall be to the highest
         industry standards.

(k)      Contractor agrees that it and Contractor Personnel shall at all times
         comply with all security regulations in effect at LCI's premises.


Unless the Parties otherwise agree in writing, any property including, but not
limited to Software, Documentation, designs, reports, manuals, documents,
patterns, specifications, data or other technical or proprietary information,
and other equipment or material of every description furnished to Contractor by
LCI is and shall remain the property of LCI. Contractor shall not substitute any
other property for LCI's property and shall not use such property except in
performing Work as required by this Agreement. Such property while in
Contractor's custody or control shall be maintained in good condition at
Contractor's expense and shall be held at Contractor's risk.


(a)      Contractor warrants, represents and agrees that:

         (i)      Except to the extent that LCI specifically provides an idea or
                  ideas, materials, specifications or directions to Contractor
                  that necessarily preclude the related Work from being original
                  to Contractor, and except for Third Party IP (Intellectual
                  property owned by Third-Parties) all Work provided by
                  Contractor shall be original to Contractor.

         (ii)     The Work shall not infringe upon or violate any patent,
                  copyright, trademark, trade secret or other intellectual
                  property right of any third party. Contractor, at its own
                  expense, shall indemnify and hold LCI, its parent, and
                  Affiliates harmless from any loss, damage, liability or
                  expense (including attorneys' fees) arising from any claim(s),
                  action(s) or other proceeding(s) based on a claim that any
                  Work provided by Contractor to LCI infringes upon or violates
                  any patent, copyright, trademark, trade secret or other
                  intellectual property right of any third party. Contractor
                  shall pay all damages, fees, losses, liabilities, cost or
                  expenses, including attorney's fees, in any such action or
                  other proceeding or the settlement of any such claim, as the
                  case may be. Contractor shall immediately notify LCI and
                  defend LCI and Affiliates against any such claims, actions, or
                  other proceedings, and shall conduct any settlement
                  negotiations, on behalf of LCI at Contractor's sole cost and
                  expense: provided that LCI may elect to participate in the
                  defense and any settlement negotiations through counsel of its
                  own choosing and at its own cost, and provided that LCI shall
                  have final approval of any settlement requiring payment from
                  LCI or reducing LCI's rights to use any property which forms
                  the subject matter of the claim, action or proceeding. The
                  foregoing provisions of this Article 18 (a)(ii) and the
                  provisions of Article 18(a)(iii) shall not apply to any Third
                  Party IP.

         (iii)    Should the Work or any portion of the Work provided by
                  Contractor become, or in Contractor's opinion is likely to
                  become, the subject of a claim or infringement, or should
                  LCI's use of the Work be finally enjoined, Contractor shall,
                  at its expense:

                           (A) Procure for LCI the right to continue using,
                  relying upon and receiving the Work;



                           (B) Replace or modify the Work to make it
         non-infringing provided that such replacement or modified Work
         continues to comply substantially with all applicable specifications or
         other requirements under this Agreement; or

                           (C) If neither of the foregoing can be suitably
         accomplished, reimburse LCI for the Work by refunding to LCI the price
         paid by LCI for the Work.

                                    (i) In the course of performing its services
         under this agreement, Contractor may devise, create or develop computer
         software or hardware (including, without limitation, customization of
         software provided by others, development of software or hardware for
         the purposes of connecting or integrating elements of the overall NOC
         System and development of software designed to enhance overall NOC
         System performance or the performance of discrete NOC system elements)
         or other material, devices or inventions in order to deliver the
         assessment, architectural, engineering. Implementation and other system
         integration services contemplated in the Statements of Work
         contemplated by Article 2(a), including the completed NOC and each
         phase of the NOC project ("System Deliverables"). In addition, LCI may
         request, and Contractor may deliver, other software, hardware,
         material, devices inventions for other, specific purposes which would
         be defined, other software, hardware, material, devices or inventions
         for other, specific purposes which would be defined in one or more
         Statements of Work in addition to those contemplated in Article 2(a)
         ("Additional Deliverables"). "Deliverables" collectively refers to the
         combination of System Deliverables and Additional Deliverables, if any.

                                    (ii) Contractor owns and shall retain all
         right, title and interest in and to all of the System Deliverables and
         all of its architecture, programming and engineering ideas, techniques,
         methods or know-how, as well as all patents, copyrights, trademarks,
         trade secrets, rights of authorship and other intellectual property
         rights related thereto, including without limitation, all rights to
         derivative works, and LCI agrees and acknowledges, other than the
         license granted in Article 18 (b)(iii), it shall make no claim to the
         contrary by virtue of this Agreement or otherwise.

                                    (iii) Contractor grants to LCI an
         irrevocable, perpetual, non-exclusive, fully-paid license to use all
         System Deliverables, solely in connection with the installation, use
         and maintenance of the Deliverable. In whole or in part, LCI may copy,
         modify, and create derivative works of the System Deliverables, but
         only in connection with the installation, use and maintenance of the
         NOC, LCI may use the System Deliverables outside the United States only
         in accordance with applicable export controls laws. LCI shall use its
         best efforts to see that its employees and users of any System
         Deliverables comply with the terms and conditions of this Article

(b)      Contractor shall promptly disclose to LCI all material (including
         Software, Documentation reports, programs, source code, manuals, flow
         charts, tapes, card decks, listings and any other programming materials
         and all inventions, whether or not patentable) forming any portion of
         any Additional Deliverables created, composed, made or conceived by
         Contractor or Contractor Personnel during the performance of Work. The
         Parties agree that, except as may be otherwise provided in the related
         Statement of Work or amendment to this Agreement, each Additional
         Deliverable is a work made for hire, that all portions of any
         additional Deliverable, including all copyrights, any extension or
         renewals, and all related work, shall be the exclusive property of LCI,
         and that LCI shall have the right, at its own expense, to obtain and to
         hold in its own name copyrights, registrations, patents, or such other
         protection as may be appropriate to said Additional Deliverable.
         Contractor warrants and shall provide LCI and its assigns the full,
         sole and continuing right (without any payments or liabilities to any
         person) to use the Additional Deliverables and to publish, perform,
         reproduce and distribute throughout the world any or all portions of
         such Additional Deliverables, either as a complete unit or in segments,
         in any way LCI sees fit and for any purpose whatsoever. Contractor
         shall insert a proper statutory copyright notice at an appropriate
         location on copyrightable material, and on all portions and on all
         related items which may be subject to copyright protection, which
         copyright notice shall specify LCI as the sole copyright owner.
         Contractor further agrees to give LCI or any person designated by LCI,
         at LCI's expense, all such information and to execute all such
         additional documents including, without limitation, patent
         applications, as may be reasonably required to



         perfect the rights referred to herein. In the event Contractor or third
         party is deemed to be author for copyright purposes of any such
         materials and Additional Deliverables under this Agreement, Contractor
         agrees to assign or cause such third party to assign and execute and
         have its Contractor Personnel execute any documents (including patent
         applications and assignments) reasonably requested by LCI, at LCI's
         expense, to provide LCI the right to won, use and protect the
         Additional Deliverable under this subparagraph.

(i)               Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this Article 14,
         the Parties acknowledge that in some cases the Work, or as portion
         thereof, may use, incorporate or be dependent upon patents, copyrights,
         trade secrets and/or other intellectual property that is either owned
         by Contractor, the ownership of which by Contractor pre-dates the Task
         Order for the affected Work (the "Pre-Existing Contractor IP") or is
         owned by third parties ("Third Party IP"). Contractor shall disclose to
         LCI prior to entering into any Task Order for Work hereunder, but in
         any case in advance of commencing any affected Work hereunder, the
         extent to which such Work, or any portion thereof, will use,
         incorporate or be dependent upon any such Pre-Existing Contractor IP or
         Third Party IP, and whether or not so identified to LCI.

         (A)      Contractor hereby grants to LCI a non-exclusive, fully-paid,
                  irrevocable and perpetual license to use such Pre-Existing
                  Contractor IP solely in connection with the installation use
                  and maintenance of the NOC and otherwise on the terms and
                  conditions set forth in Article 18(b)(iii) above. Contractor
                  represents and warrants that Contractor has sufficient right,
                  title and interest to grant the foregoing license in the
                  Pre-Existing Contractor IP to LCI.

         (B)      Contractor shall further use its best efforts to obtain for
                  LCI license rights to any such Third Party IP as are necessary
                  or appropriate to LCI's ownership and use of the Work.

         (C)      Contractor agrees to give LCI or any person designated by LCI,
                  at Contractor's expense, all such information and to execute
                  all such additional documents as may be reasonably required to
                  perfect LCI's rights to the license granted pursuant to
                  subsection (c)(i)(A) above or any license granted pursuant to
                  subsection (c)(i)(A) above.

ARTICLE 19 [****]

During the period covering any Statement of Work in which Contractor
Personnel are assigned to perform Work and for a period of six (6) months
following the earlier of either the expiration or termination of such
Statement of Work [****]Further, for such Contractor Personnel who have
executed a non-disclosure agreement, Contractor shall give written notice to
LCI in writing within seven (7) days [****].


(a)      In order that Contractor may perform this Agreement, LCI may disclose
         confidential and proprietary information pertaining to LCI's past,
         present and future activities, including without limitation, research,
         development, or business plans, operations or systems. It is


****  Represents material which has been redacted and filed separately with
the Commission pursuant to a request for confidential treatment pursuant to
Rule 406 under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended.


         further recognized that Contractor will develop material and
         information which LCI will wish to hold and to be held by Contractor as
         confidential and proprietary information of LCI. Accordingly,
         Contractor agrees to the following with respect to Confidential

         (i) To use Confidential Information only in performance of this

         (ii) Not to make copies of any Confidential Information or any part
without the permission of LCI;

         (iii) Not to disclose any Confidential Information or any part to
others for any purpose without the prior written consent of LCI;

         (iv) To limit dissemination of Confidential Information to Contractor
Personnel who are directly involved in the performance of this Agreement, who
have a need to know and to use Confidential Information for purposes of such
performance and who have been advised of and agree to the obligations and
restrictions on persons receiving such information as set forth in this
Agreement, provided that Contractor notifies LCI in advance of the names of any
Contractor Personnel having access to Confidential Information under this

         (v) To treat Confidential Information as strictly confidential and as
trade secret information, by protecting such information in the same manner and
subject to the same protection as Contractor treats and protects its own
respective proprietary information of like importance but in any event using no
less than reasonable care;

         (vi) To disclose Confidential Information to third parties only with
the prior written consent of LCI only after such third parties have agreed in
writing to be bound by the confidentiality and use restrictions of this

         (vii) Subject to Article 18, to return LCI information and any
copies thereof to LCI at the completion of all Work under this Agreement or
at such earlier date as LCI may designate, with a certification by an officer
of Contractor that Contractor retains no Confidential Information in any form
whatsoever. Subject to Article 18, upon completion of all Work or upon
receipt of a request by LCI, Contractor shall also erase or destroy, or cause
to be erased or destroyed, any Confidential Information in any computer
memory or date storage apparatus: provided, however, that Contractor shall
deliver to LCI the database or data flat file and full accompanying
Documentation identifying record format and record data elements, and

         (viii) To ensure that all Contractor Personnel having access to such
Confidential Information terminating employment for Contractor are reminded
prior to such termination of his/her nondisclosure obligations undertaken
pursuant to this or other employee nondisclosure agreement(s).

(b)      It is understood by both Parties that Contractor shall not disclose to
         LCI any Contractor Confidential Information without the express prior
         written agreement of LCI and under appropriate nondisclosure terms to
         be negotiated by the Parties in good faith.



(c)      For the purpose of protecting LCI's proprietary interest in
         Confidential Information under this Agreement, Contractor shall
         designate by appropriate markings all Work as LCI Confidential
         Information upon its generation.

(d)      Confidential Information will not disclosed to any third party during
         the term of this Agreement or thereafter except with the express prior
         written approval of LCI or under the following conditions:

         (i) It was in the public domain at the time of LCI's communication to

         (ii) It enters into the public domain through no fault of Contractor
subsequent to the time of LCI's communication to Contractor;

         (iii) It was in Contractor's possession of any obligation of confidence
at the time of LCI's disclosure to Contractor; provided, however, that
Contractor immediately informs LCI in writing to establish Contractor's prior
possession; provided further, however, that this exception shall not apply to
the Work, all of which upon its generation by Contractor constitutes LCI
Confidential Information;

         (iv) It is developed by Contractor Personnel independently of and
without reference to any LCI Confidential Information or other information that
LCI has disclosed in confidence to any third party;

         (v) It is rightfully obtained by Contractor from third parties without
being subject to obligation of confidentiality;

         (vi) It is released for disclosure by LCI with its written consent; or

         (vii) It is identified by LCI as no longer proprietary.

(e)      Notwithstanding the return, erasure, or destruction of Confidential
         Information or the termination, through completion or otherwise, of
         this Agreement, the rights and obligations with respect to the
         disclosure and use of Confidential Information [****]. To the extent
         reasonably possible Contractor agrees to give LCI prompt notice if
         Contractor becomes aware either [****]

(f)      Contractor will enter into non-disclosure agreements with its
         Contractor Personnel sufficient in form and substance to ensure
         compliance by such Contractor Personnel with the provisions of this
         Article 16; provided that in any event Contractor shall remain liable
         at all times for compliance of such Contractor Personnel with this
         Article for so long as they are in the employment of Contractor and a
         period of six (6) months thereafter.

(g)      As to any Confidential Information either disclosed by LCI to
         Contractor, or developed by Contractor, prior to the effective date of
         this Agreement and in connection with the Work to be performed
         hereunder, Contractor agrees that: (i) where the parties entered into
         an applicable separate Nondisclosure Agreement prior to such effective
         date, then

****  Represents material which has been redacted and filed separately with
the Commission pursuant to a request for confidential treatment pursuant to
Rule 406 under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended.



         such Nondisclosure Agreement shall continue to apply to such
         information for the period prior to the effective date of this
         Agreement and after the effective date the provisions of this Agreement
         shall apply, and (ii) where an applicable separate Nondisclosure
         Agreement was not entered into between the parties, all such disclosed
         and developed information shall be deemed to be LCI Confidential
         Information subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. In
         any event, any such information developed by Contractor prior to the
         effective date of this Agreement shall nonetheless be deemed to be part
         of the Work subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement.

(h)      Contractor acknowledges that the Confidential Information under this
         Agreement constitutes unique, valuable and special trade secret and
         business information of LCI, and that disclosure may cause irreparable
         injury to LCI. Accordingly, Contractor acknowledges and agrees that the
         remedy at law for any breach or threatened breach of the covenants
         contained in this Agreement may be inadequate, and in recognition,
         agrees that LCI shall, in addition, be entitled to injunctive relief
         without bond including reasonable attorneys' fees and other court costs
         and expenses.


(a)      Neither Contractor nor LCI shall suffer any liability for
         nonperformance, defective performance or late performance of the work
         due to causes beyond its control such as, but not limited to, acts of
         God, war (including civil war), civil unrest, acts of government, fire,
         floods, explosions, the elements, epidemics, quarantine, restrictions,
         strikes, lock-outs, plant shutdown. Third Party defaults (provided
         Contractor has complied with Article 16(b)) or delays in
         transportation. In the event of an excusable delay as defined in the
         preceding sentence, then Contractor, upon giving prompt written notice
         to LCI, shall be excused from such performance on a day-to-day basis to
         the extent of such prevention, restriction, or interference, provided
         that Contractor shall use its best efforts to avoid or remove such
         causes of nonperformance and both parties shall proceed to perform with
         dispatch whenever such causes are removed to cease to exist.

(b)      It any performance date under this Agreement is postponed or extended
         pursuant to this Section for longer than 60 calendar days, LCI may, at
         its option, by written notice given during the postponement or
         extension, terminate Contractor's right to render further performance
         after the effective date of termination without liability for that


Both parties agree that no news releases, public announcements or advertising
materials, or confirmation of same, concerning any part of this Agreement or any
of its performance, or use of the other Party's name, logo or service marks in
advertising or sales materials shall be made without the prior written approval
of the other Party. Such requests shall be in writing and addressed in
accordance with the article entitled "Notices."




(a)      Contractor represents and warrants that Contractor qualifies as an
         Independent Contractor under the provisions of the Internal Revenue
         Code's common law rules enacted as part of Section 1706 of the 1986 Tax
         Reform Act, and as such Contractor is filing all required forms and
         necessary payments appropriate to the Contractor's tax status. In the
         event the Contractor Personnel's independent status is denied or
         changed and the Contractor or Contractor Personnel are declared to have
         "common law" status with respect to Work performed for LCI, Contractor
         agrees to hold LCI, its parent and Affiliates harmless from all costs,
         including legal fees, which LCI may incur as a result of such changes
         in status.

(b)      Personnel supplied by Contractor will be deemed employees of Contractor
         and will not for any purposes be considered employees or agents of LCI.
         Contractor shall be solely responsible for their supervision, direction
         and control, as well as payment of salary (including withholding of
         income taxes and social security), worker's compensation, disability
         benefits and the like.

(c)      Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be deemed or construed as
         creating a joint venture or partnership between Contractor and LCI.
         Neither Party is by virtue of this Agreement authorized as an agent,
         employee or legal representative of the other. Except as specifically
         set forth, neither Party shall have power to control the activities and
         operations of the other and their status is, and at all times will
         continue to be, that of independent contractors. Neither Party shall
         have any power or authority to bind or commit the other.


(a)      Contractor warrants that the Work provided hereunder will be performed
         in a professional and workmanlike manner in accordance with the highest
         professional standards in the industry, shall be free of defects in
         materials and design, and that the Deliverables shall comply with the
         specifications set forth in the Statements of Work for six (6) months
         ("the Warranty Period") from the date of Final Acceptance by LCI. This
         warranty applies to the final integration of the NOC pursuant to the
         specifications developed in applicable Statements of Work.

(b)      Contractor further warrants that the NOC shall be Operative during the
         Warranty Period.

(c)      Contractor represents, warrants and agrees that no material portion of
         the Work is or will be intended, other than under documented control of
         LCI, (1) at some specific time or on a specific instruction or
         occurrence of a given event, to stop, limit or interfere with the
         operation of the Work in conformity with the specifications therefore
         set forth in, or developed pursuant to, the Statements of Work, or
         (2) to damage or materially alter or render inaccessible the Work, or
         any other hardware, software or data which the Work id designed to
         process or use, or any other hardware, software or data hardware,
         software or data which the Work is designed to process or use, or
         any other hardware, software or data attached to, resident on, or
         accessible to the system on which the Work is executed or stored.
         Contractor shall be responsible for, indemnify and hold LCI or its



         harmless from any damages, costs, liabilities, and/or expenses,
         including attorneys' fees and other legal costs, arising out of the
         breach of the foregoing.

(d)      Contractor shall warrant, without limitation as to any time period,
         that the Work shall not incur default problems or other errors as a
         result of the century date change in the year 2000.

(e)      Contractor warrants and represents that it is not currently bound by
         any other agreements, restrictions or obligations, nor will Contractor
         assume any such obligations or restrictions which do or would in any
         way interfere or be inconsistent with the Work to be furnished by
         Contractor to LCI under this Agreement.

(f)      Contractor warrants and represents that it is capable of entering into
         this Agreement with LCI in every and all respects.

(g)      Contractor warrants and represents that it is a corporation duly
         organized and in good standing under the laws of Delaware with Federal
         EIN or SSN of 133808483, and is qualified to do business in the state
         of Virginia.

(h)      Contractor represents and warrants it has full power and authority to
         enter into and perform this Agreement, and the person signing this
         Agreement on behalf of Contractor has been properly authorized and
         empowered to enter into this Agreement. This Agreement, when executed
         by the Contractor, will constitute a legal, valid and binding agreement
         and obligation of the Contractor, enforceable according to its
         respective terms, except as enforcement may be limited by bankruptcy,
         insolvency, reorganization, and other laws of general application
         relating to creditors' rights generally and by general principles of

(i)      LCI acknowledges that Contractor will be purchasing Third-Party
         Products. Contractor shall transfer to LCI any warranties offered by
         third parties on such Third-Party Products. All such warranties shall
         be approved by LCI prior to contracting. Contractor, however shall have
         final responsibility for the installation and integration of such
         Third-Party Products into the NOC if so required under the Statements
         of Work.

(j)      Each of the Deliverables, Updates and Enhancements and any media
         used to distribute [****] of its computer and telecommunications
         facilities for their commercial, test or research and development
         purposes. Contractor shall indemnify LCI and hold LCI harmless from
         all claims, losses, damages and expenses, including attorneys fees
         and allocated cost of internal counsel, arising from the [****] or
         with any [****].

****  Represents material which has been redacted and filed separately with
the Commission pursuant to a request for confidential treatment pursuant to
Rule 406 under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended.





(a)      Contractor shall provide, during the Warranty Period and during all
         Maintenance Period, Maintenance Services regarding the Deliverables,
         which services shall be defined in the Statements of Work, and
         consistent with Article B(c)(ii), available twenty-four (24) hours per
         day, seven (7) days per week performed by qualified and competent
         consultant(s). Contractor shall deliver to LCI and keep current a list
         of persons and telephone numbers ("Calling List") for LCI to contact in
         order to obtain answers to questions arising, or assistance in solving
         problems or errors occurring during LCI's use of any of the Products.
         The Calling List shall include (1) the first person to contact if a
         person arises or problem occurs, and (2) the persons in successively
         more responsible or qualified positions to provide the answer or
         assistance desired. If Contractor does not respond promptly to any
         request by LCI for telephone consultative service, then LCI may attempt
         to contact the next more responsible or qualified person on the Calling
         List until contact is made and a designated person responds to the

(b)      The parties acknowledge that under this agreement, LCI has ordered no
         Maintenance Services, and the Maintenance Period is not defined. Such
         definitions shall be made, if at all, under a separate Statement of
         Work to be negotiated by the parties in good faith.


(a)      During the term of this Agreement, Contractor shall maintain insurance
         of the types and in the amounts specified below with insurers of
         recognized responsibility, licensed to do business in the State(s)
         where the Work is the being performed, and having either an A.M.
         Best's rating of AB, a Standard & Poor's ("S&P") rating of AA or a
         Moody's rating of AaZ. If any Work provided for or to be performed
         under this Agreement is subcontracted, Contractor shall require such
         Contractor Personnel to maintain insurance equivalent to that which is
         required of Contractor.

         In accordance with the above, the following insurance coverages shall
         be maintained by Contractor and Contractor Personnel:


                  $1,000,000 per occurrence combined single limit/$2,000,000
                  general aggregate and will include coverage for contractual
                  liability, coverage for the use of subcontractors, products
                  and completed operations, and will not contain an exclusion
                  or explosion collapse, and underground coverage.




                  Business Automobile Liability insurance including coverage for
                  owned, hired, leased, rented and non-owned vehicles as

                  $1 Million combined single limit per accident


                  Workers' Compensation in the statutory amount(s) and with
                  benefits required by laws of the state in which the Work is
                  performed and the state(s) in which employees are hired, if
                  the state(s) are other than that in which the Work is
                  performed. Employers' Liability with minimum limit of
                  liability of:

                  $1 Million bodily injury by accident/each accident, bodily
                  $1 Million injury by disease/each employee, and for bodily
                  $1 Million injury by disease/policy limit (aggregate).

                  A combination of primary and excess/umbrella liability
                  policies will be acceptable as a means to meet the funds
                  specifically required hereunder. THE REQUIRED MINIMUM LIMITS

                  (iv)     PROFESSIONAL LIABILITY INSURANCE:
                           Professional Liability Insurance coverage the effects
                           and errors and omissions in the performance of
                           professional duties in the amount of $1 Million for
                           each occurrence and aggregate, associated with Work
                           performed under this Agreement

(b)      Certificates of such insurance shall be submitted to LCI naming LCI as
         ADDITIONAL INSURED on such policies as appropriate, prior to the start
         of any Work associated with this Agreement. These certificates shall
         certify that no material alteration, modification or termination of
         such coverage shall be effective without at least thirty (30) days
         advance notice to LCI.

(c)      Contractor shall furnish or require each Contractor Personnel to
         provide and maintain at all times during the term of the Agreement
         insurance equivalent to that which is required of the Contractor. All
         carriers insuring Contractor Personnel, including the subcontractors,
         shall waive all right to recovery against LCI for any injuries to
         persons or damage to property in the execution of Work performed under
         this Agreement.

(d)      Contractor shall permit any authorized representative of LCI to examine
         Contractor's original insurance policies should LCI so request. Should
         Contractor at any time neglect or refuse or provide the insurance
         required, or should such insurance be canceled or non-renewed, LCI
         shall have the right to purchase such insurance, and the cost shall be
         billed to Contractor. In addition, should Contractor at any time
         neglect or refuse to pay the



         necessary premium, LCI shall have the right to deduct this amount from
         monies due the Contractor.

(e)      Contractor and Contractor Personnel shall ensure full compliance with
         the terms of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
         and all jurisdictions' safety and health regulations during the full
         term of this Agreement.


(a)      Contractor, at its own expense, shall indemnify and hold LCI, its
         directors, officers, employees, agents, subsidiaries, Affiliates,
         customers, designers, and assignees harmless from any loss, damage,
         liability or expense, on account of damage to property and injuries,
         including without limitation death, to all persons, arising from any
         occurrence caused by any act or omission of Contractor Personnel
         related to the performance of this Agreement. Contractor, at its own
         expense, shall defend any suit or dispose of any claim or other
         proceedings brought against said indemnities on account of such damage
         or injury, and shall pay all expenses, including attorney's fees, and
         satisfy all judgments which may be incurred by or rendered against said

(b)      Contractor further agrees to and does hereby indemnify and hold LCI,
         its directors, officers, employees, agents, subsidiaries, Affiliates,
         parent, consultants and subcontractors harmless from any and all
         liability, loss, damage, or injury, together with all reasonable costs
         and expenses relating thereto, including attorneys' fees, arising out
         of or resulting from any breach of any representation, warranty,
         covenant or obligation of the Contractor contained in the Agreement.



(a)      Contractor warrants, represents, covenants and agrees that it will not
         assign any individual to perform Work under this Agreement who is an
         unauthorized alien under the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986
         or its implementing regulations.

(b)      In the event any Contractor Personnel working under this Agreement, or
         other individual(s) providing Work to LCI on behalf of Contractor under
         this Agreement, are discovered to be unauthorized aliens, contractor
         will immediately remove such individuals from performing Work and
         replace such individuals who are not unauthorized aliens.



(c)      Contractor shall indemnify and hold harmless LCI, its parent, and
         Affiliates from and against any and all liabilities, damages, losses,
         claims or expenses (including attorneys' fees) arising out of any
         breach by Contractor of this Article.


Contractor agrees and warrants that it will:

(a)      Comply with all applicable provisions and requirements of Title VII of
         the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, the Age Discrimination in
         Employment Act of 1967, as amended, the Americans With Disabilities Act
         of 1990, and all other applicable Federal, state, and local employment
         laws and regulations; and

(b)      Indemnify and hold LCI, its parent and Affiliates harmless from and
         against all liabilities, claims, costs, losses, damages (including
         without limitation punitive or special damages), and expenses
         (including attorneys' fees and allocated in-house legal expenses)
         arising out of breach of the foregoing warranty.


Each Party reserves the right to contract with other firms or individuals during
the term of this Agreement for Work similar to that being performed under this
Agreement subject to the Article entitled "Conflict of Interest."


(a)      By written notice to Contractor, LCI may immediately terminate this
         Agreement, any outstanding Statements of Work or a Contractor Request,
         in whole or in part, at any time prior to completion for the following

         (i)      LCI's convenience;

         (ii)     LCI is dissatisfied with the performance of Contractor
                  Personnel for any reason, or

         (iii)    Contractor applies for or consents to the appointment of or
                  the taking of possession by a receiver, custodian, trustee, or
                  liquidator of itself or of all or a substantial part of its
                  property, makes a general assignment for the benefit of
                  creditors; commences a voluntary case under the Federal
                  Bankruptcy Code (as now or hereinafter in effect); or fails to
                  contest in a timely or appropriate manner or acquiesces in
                  writing to any petition filed against it in an involuntary
                  case under such Bankruptcy Code or any application for the
                  appointment of a receiver, custodian, trustee or liquidation
                  of itself or of all or a substantial part of its property, or
                  its liquidation, reorganization or dissolution.



         (b)      In the event of termination under this Article, in accordance
                  with the Article entitled "Price and Payment," LCI shall be
                  liable for payment only for Work performed prior to the
                  effective date of the termination notice and for any items
                  referred to in the provision of Article 5(i). In no event
                  shall LCI be liable for anticipated profit on Work not

         (c)      In the event of termination under this Article, and regardless
                  of any dispute which may exist between Contractor and LCI, all
                  LCI Property and materials in Contractor's possession,
                  including any and all related documents in the possession of
                  Contractor and/or Contractor Personnel, shall be delivered to

         (d)      Contractor shall continue performance of any portion of the
                  Statements of Work not terminated. LCI shall have no
                  obligation to Contractor with respect to any terminated
                  portions of this Agreement except as provided in this


Neither party shall assign any of its rights nor designate any of its
obligations under this Agreement without the prior written consent of the other
party or as provided herein. Any prohibited assignment or delegation shall be
null and void. LCI may assign this Agreement and any licenses to any company or
entity controlling, controlled by or under common control of its Affiliates.

Subject to the Article of this Agreement entitled "Contractor's Responsibility,"
the respective rights and obligations provided in this Agreement shall bind and
inure to the benefit of the Parties, their legal representatives, successors and


The failure of either Party to insist on the strict performance of any terms,
covenants and conditions of this Agreement at any time, or in any one or more
instances, or its failure to take advantage of any of its rights shall not be
construed as a waiver or relinquishment of any such rights or conditions at any
further time and shall in no way affect the continuance in full force and effect
of this Agreement.


Headings used in this Agreement are for convenience of reference only and shall
not be construed as altering the meaning of an Article or this Agreement.


In the event of any inconsistency between provisions of this Agreement and any
document issued under this Agreement, the inconsistency shall be resolved by
giving precedence in the following order:



(a)      Terms and Conditions of this Agreement

(b)      Statements of Work

The terms of the Agreement shall prevail over any conflicting terms of any LCI
acknowledgment of a Statement of Work.


This Agreement shall be interpreted, construed, and governed by the laws of the
State of Virginia, without regard to conflict of law provisions.


(a)      All contractual matters related to this Agreement, including but not
         limited to discussions concerning Work outside the scope of this
         Agreement, shall be coordinated with the Authorized LCI Representative.
         Contractor further understands that any verbal agreement or written
         agreement reached with or signed by any LCI employee other than the
         designated Authorized LCI Representative, is null and void and does not
         obligate LCI in any manner.

(b)      All payment related issues should be referred to the LCI Authorized
         Representative specified on the Task Order.


All notices, requests, demands, or communications requited or permitted shall be
in writing and delivered personally or by fax, LCI Mail or certified,
registered, or express mail at the respective addresses set forth below. All
notices, requests, demands or communications shall be deemed effective upon
personal delivery, on the day of the fax or LCI Mail, or when received if sent
by registered, certified, or express mail.

                 LCI:                        LCI International
                                             5150 Greensboro Drive
                                             Suite 800
                                             McLean, VA  22102
                                             ATTN:  General Counsel
                                             Facsimile:  (703) 714-1750

                 Contractor:                 Predictive Systems, Inc.
                                             620 Herndon Parkway
                                             Suite 360
                                             Herndon, VA  20170
                                             ATTN:  Thomas Joseph
                                             Facsimile:  (703) 925-1899




Contractor acknowledges and agrees that Work was provided to LCI prior to the
Effective Date of this Agreement in anticipation of the execution of this
Agreement. Contractor acknowledges and agrees that the purchase of such Work was
and is subject to the terms hereof.


This Agreement shall become binding when signed by both Parties. This Agreement
constitutes the entire understanding of the Parties, and supercedes all prior
and contemporaneous written an oral agreements, with respect to the subject
matter. This Agreement may not be modified or amended except in writing signed
by both Parties. Any person not a Party shall not have any interest or be deemed
a third party beneficiary.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have entered into this Agreement as of the
Effective date first written above.


Signature: /s/ L.J. Bowman                      Signature: /s/ Carl D. Humes
          --------------------------------                ---------------------------------------------
Name:  L.J. Bowman                              Name:   Carl D. Humes
     -------------------------------------           --------------------------------------------------
Title: SVP                                      Title: Vice President, Technical Services, Mid-Atlantic
      ------------------------------------            -------------------------------------------------
Date:  5/22/98                                  Date: 5/21/98
     -------------------------------------           --------------------------------------------------

