of Association

1.     The name of the Company is TREFN ENGINEERING LIMITED.

2.     The Registered Office of the Company will be situate in England

3.     The objects for which the Company is established are:

       (A)    To carry on the trade or business of precision engineers,
              fabricating engineers, shuttering engineers and general
              engineering contractors of every and any description, including
              the business of founders, smiths, machinists, manufacturers and
              patentees, gauge, tool and instrument makers, electrical and
              electronic engineers; to act as principal contractors and sub
              contractors, and to carry out work on the premises of the Company
              or on the premises of persons having dealings with the Company; to
              carry on the business of manufacturers and dealers in precision
              instruments, meters and equipment of all kinds; and to carry on
              any other trade or business, whatever of a like and similar

       (B)    To guarantee or give security for the payment or performance of
              any debts, contracts or obligations of any person, firm or
              company, for any purpose whatsoever, and to act as agents for the
              collection, receipt or payment of money and generally to act as
              agents for and render services to customer and others and
              generally to give any guarantee, security or indemnity.

       (C)    To carry on any other trade or business which can, in the opinion
              of the Board of Directors be advantageously carried on by the

       (D)    To purchase, take on lease or in exchange, hire or otherwise
              acquire and hold for any estate or interest any lands, buildings,
              easements, rights, privileges, concessions, patents, patent
              rights, licences, secret processes, machinery, plant,
              stock-in-trade, and any real or personal property of any kind
              necessary or convenient for the purposes of or in connection with
              the Company's business or any branch or department thereof.

       (E)    To erect, construct, lay down, enlarge, alter and maintain any
              shops, stores, factories, buildings, works, plant and machinery
              necessary or convenient for the Company's business, and to
              contribute to or subsidize the erection, construction and
              maintenance of any of the above.

       (F)    To acquire by original subscription, tender, purchase or otherwise
              and hold, sell, deal with or dispose of any Shares, Stocks,
              Debentures, Debenture Stocks, Bonds, Obligations and Securities,
              guaranteed by any Company constituted or carrying on business in
              any part of the world and Debentures, Debenture Stock, Bonds,
              Obligations and Securities guaranteed by any Government or
              Authority, Municipal, Local or otherwise, whether at home or
              abroad, and to subscribe for the same either conditionally or
              otherwise and to guarantee the subscription thereof and to
              exercise and enforce all rights and powers conferred by the
              ownership thereof.

       (G)    To borrow money and raise money and secure or discharge any debt
              or obligation of or binding on the Company in such manner as may
              be thought fit and in particular by mortgages of or charges upon
              the undertaking and all or any of the real or heritable and
              personal or moveable property (present and future) and the
              uncalled capital for the time being of the Company or by the
              creation and issue of debentures, debenture stock or other
              obligations or securities of any description.

       (H)    To guarantee support and/or secure either with or without
              consideration the payment of any debentures, debenture stock,
              bonds, mortgages, charges, obligations, interest, dividends,
              securities, moneys or shares or the performance of contracts or
              engagements of any other company or person and in particular (but
              without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing) of any
              company which is, for the time being, the company's holding
              company as defined by Section 154 of the Companies Act 1948 or
              another subsidiary, as defined by the said section of the
              company's holding company or otherwise associated with the company
              in business and to give indemnities and guarantees of all kinds
              and by way of security as aforesaid either with or without
              consideration to mortgage and charge the undertaking and all or
              any of the real and personal property and assets present or
              future, to issue debentures and debenture stock and collaterally
              or further to secure any securities of the company by a Trust Deed
              or other assurance and to enter into partnership or any joint
              purse arrangement with any person, persons, firm or company.

       (I)    To make advances to customers and others with or without security,
              and upon such terms as the Company may approve, and to guarantee
              the dividends, interest and capital of the shares, stocks or
              securities of any company of or in which this Company is a member
              or is otherwise interested.

       (J)    To receive money on deposit or loan upon such term as the Company
              may approve, and generally to act as bankers for customers and

       (K)    To apply for, purchase or otherwise acquire and hold any patents,
              brevets invention, licences, concessions, copyrights and the like,
              conferring any right to


              use or publish any secret or other information and to use,
              exercise, develop or grant licences in respect of the property,
              rights, information so acquired.

       (L)    To take part in the formation, management, supervision or control
              of the business or operation of any Company or undertaking and for
              that purpose to appoint and remunerate any Directors, Accountants
              or experts or agents.

       (M)    To employ experts to investigate and examine into the condition,
              prospects, value, character, and circumstances of any business
              concerns and undertakings and generally of any assets, property or

       (N)    To establish or promote or concur in establishing or promoting any
              other Company whose objects shall include the acquisition or
              taking over of all or any of the assets or liabilities of this
              Company or the promotion of which shall be in any manner
              calculated to advance directly or indirectly the objects or
              interests of this Company and to acquire, hold, dispose of shares,
              stocks, or securities issued by or any other obligations of any
              such Company.

       (O)    To draw, make, accept, endorse, negotiate, discount and execute
              promissory notes, bills of exchange, and other negotiable

       (P)    To invest and deal with the moneys of the Company not immediately
              required for the purposes of the business of the Company in or
              upon such investments and in such manner as the Company may

       (Q)    To pay for any property or rights acquired by the Company either
              in cash or fully or partly paid up shares, with or without
              preferred or deferred or special rights or restrictions in respect
              of dividend repayment of capital, voting or otherwise, or by any
              securities which the Company has power to issue, or partly in one
              mode and partly in another, and generally on such terms as the
              Company may determine.

       (R)    To accept payment for any property or rights sold or otherwise
              disposed of or dealt with by the Company, either in cash, by
              installments or otherwise, or in fully or partly paid-up shares or
              stock of any company or corporation, with or without preferred or
              deferred or special rights or restrictions in respect of dividend,
              repayment of capital, voting or otherwise, or in debentures or
              mortgages or other securities of any company or corporation or
              partly in one mode and partly in another, and generally on such
              terms as the Company may determine, and to hold, dispose of or
              otherwise deal with any shares, stock or securities so acquired.

       (S)    To amalgamate with or enter into any partnership or arrangement
              for sharing profits, union of interests, reciprocal concessions or
              co-operation with any company, firm or person carrying on or
              proposed to carry on any business within


              the objects of this Company or which is capable of being carried
              on so as directly or indirectly to benefit this Company, and to
              acquire and hold, sell, deal with or dispose of any shares, stock
              or securities of or other interests in any such company, and to
              guarantee the contracts or liabilities of, subsidize or otherwise
              assist, any such company.

       (T)    To purchase or otherwise acquire, take over and undertake all or
              any part of the business, property, liabilities and transactions
              of any person, firm or company carrying on any business the
              carrying on of which is calculated to benefit this Company or to
              advance its interests, or possessed of property suitable for the
              purposes of the Company.

       (U)    To sell, improve, manage, develop, turn to account, exchange, let
              on rent, royalty, share of profits or otherwise, grant licenses,
              easements and other rights in or over, and in any other manner
              deal with or dispose of undertaking and all or any of the property
              and assets for the time being of the Company for such
              consideration as the Company may think fit.

       (V)    To grant pensions, allowances, gratuities and bonuses to officers
              or ex-officers, employees or ex-employees of the Company or its
              predecessors in business or the dependents of such persons and to
              establish and maintain or concur in maintaining trusts, funds or
              schemes, (whether contributory or non-contributory), with a view
              to providing pensions or other funds for any such persons as
              aforesaid or their dependents.

       (W)    To aid in the establishment and support of, any schools and any
              educational, scientific, literary, religious or charitable
              institutions or trade societies, whether such institutions or
              societies be solely connected with the business carried on by the
              Company or its predecessors in business or not, and to institute
              and maintain any club or other establishment.

       (X)    To distribute among the members in specie any property of the
              Company, or any proceeds of sale or disposal of any property of
              the Company, but so that no distribution amounting to a reduction
              of capital be made except with the sanction (if any) for the time
              being required by law.

       (Y)    To do all or any of the above things in any part of the world, and
              either as principals, agents, trustees, contractors or otherwise,
              and either alone or in conjunction with others, and either by or
              through agents, trustees, subcontractors or otherwise.

       (Z)    To do all such other things as are incidental or conducive to the
              above objects or any of them.


       It is hereby declared that the objects of the Company as specified in
       each of the foregoing paragraphs of this clause shall be separate and
       distinct objects of the Company and shall not be in any way limited by
       reference to any other paragraphs or the order in which the same occur.

       4.     The liability of the members is limited.

       5.     The share capital of the Company is L5,000 divided into 5,000
              shares of L1 each.

We, the several persons whose names and addresses are subscribed, are desirous
of being formed into a Company in pursuance of this Memorandum of Association,
and we respectively agree to take the number of shares in the capital of the
Company set opposite our respective names.

- -----------------------------------------------

Names, Addresses and Descriptions of Subscribers       Number of Shares taken by each Shareholder

DAVID ORDISH                                           One
22-24 Cowper Street
City Road
London EC2A 4AP.

Company Director

DEREK PATTISON                                         One
22-24 Cowper Street
City Road
London EC2A 4AP.

Company Director.

- -----------------------------------------------

Dated this - 2nd day of October 1978

Witness to the above Signatures

22-24 Cowper Street
City Road
London EC2A 4AP.

Company Director.
