Standard Form of INDUSTRIAL/BUSINESS PARK LEASE Developed by

                         INDUSTRIAL/BUSINESS PARK LEASE


     a.   REFERENCE DATE:            January 15, 1997

     b.   TENANT:                    MedicaLogic, Inc., an Oregon corporation
                                     20500 NW Evergreen Parkway
          Address (Leased Premises): Hillsboro, OR 97124

          Address (For Notices):     MedicaLogic, Inc.
                                     15400 NW Greenbrier Parkway, Suite 400
                                     Beaverton, OR 97006

     c.   LANDLORD:                  Evergreen Corporate Center LLC, an Oregon
                                     limited liability company
          Address (For Notices):     111 SW Columbia Street, Suite 1380
                                     Portland, OR 97201

     d.   TENANT'S USE OF PREMISES:  General Office Purposes

     e.   PREMISES AREA:                Approximately 75,010 Square Feet in
                                        Evergreen Corporate Center RIDER NO. 1

     f.   RIDER NO. 2


     h.   TERM OF LEASE: Anticipated Commencement Date: December 15, 1997
                                            Expiration: December 14, 2007 RIDER
                                                        NO. 3
                                            Number of Months: 120



                     Time Period                    Base Monthly Rent
                     -----------                    -----------------
          Commencement Date through 12th month           $60,000
          13th month through 24th month                  $67,500
          25th month through 60th month                  $78,750
          61st month through 120th month                 $87,000


          Note: See Section 4.3 below for the method of computing Expenses. The
          number set forth above for Annual Expenses is only an estimate. The
          actual Annual Expenses shall be determined pursuant to Section 4.3c

     l.   PREPAID RENT: $60,000

     m.   TOTAL SECURITY DEPOSIT: $87,000

     n.   BROKER(S): Melvin Mark Brokerage Company, representing Landlord, and
          Norris, Beggs & Simpson, representing Tenant

2.1  PREMISES. Landlord leases to Tenant the premises described in Section 1.1
     and in Exhibit A (the "Premises"), located in the project described on
     Exhibit B (the "Project"). Landlord shall modify Tenant's percentage of the
     Project as set forth in Section 1.1 if the Project size is increased or
     decreased, as the case may be, through the development of additional
     property or the deletion of a portion of the Project. RIDER NO. 2 Landlord
     shall give Tenant notice when the Premises are ready for occupancy. RIDER
     NO. 4 Within five (5) days after Tenant receives Landlord's notice that the
     Premises are ready for occupancy, Landlord and Tenant shall inspect the
     Premises and prepare a "punchlist" of items to be completed. The existence
     of "punchlist" items shall not postpone the commencement date of this Lease
     Agreement. By taking occupancy of the Premises, Tenant acknowledges that it
     has examined the Premises and accepts the Premise in their then present
     condition, subject only to any work which Landlord has agreed to perform as
     set forth on the "punchlist." RIDER NO. 5

     (1)  Landlord shall deliver the Premises to Tenant clean and free of debris
          on the commencement date and Landlord warrants to Tenant that the
          Premises shall be in good operating condition on the commencement
          date. In the event that it is determined that this warranty has been
          violated, then it shall be the obligation of Landlord, after receipt
          of written notice from Tenant setting

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          forth with specificity the nature of the violation, to promptly, at
          Landlord's sole cost, rectify such violation. Tenant's failure to give
          such written notice to Landlord with sixty (60) days after the
          commencement date shall be deemed that Landlord has complied with all
          of Landlord's obligations hereunder.

     (2)  Landlord warrants to Tenant that the Premises, in the state existing
          on the date that the term commences, but without regard to the use for
          which Tenant will occupy the Premises, does not violate any covenants
          or restrictions of record, or any applicable Laws (as hereinafter
          defined) in effect on RIDER NO. 6. In the event it is determined that
          this warranty has been violated, then it shall be the obligation of
          the Landlord, after written notice from Tenant, to promptly, at
          Landlord's sole cost and expense, rectify any such violation. In the
          event Tenant does not give to Landlord written notice of the violation
          of this warranty within 180 days from the date the term commences, the
          correction of same shall be the obligation of the Tenant at Tenant's
          sole cost. RIDER NO. 7

3.1  TERM The term of this Lease is for the period set forth in Section 1.1,
     commencing on the date in Section 1.1. If Landlord, for any reason, cannot
     deliver possession of the Premises to Tenant upon the scheduled
     commencement date set forth in Section 1.1, this Lease shall not be void or
     voidable, nor shall Landlord be liable to Tenant for any loss or damage
     resulting from such delay. In that event, however, Landlord shall deliver
     possession of the Premises as soon as practicable and the commencement date
     shall be the date of such delivery with the term of the Lease remaining
     unchanged, and all other terms and conditions of this Lease remaining in
     full force and effect. However, if Landlord is delayed in delivering
     possession to Tenant for any reason attributable to Tenant, this Lease
     (including the obligation to pay all rents) shall commence RIDER NO. 8

4.1  RENT Base Monthly Rent. Tenant shall pay to Landlord base monthly rent in
     the initial amount in Section 1.1 which shall be payable monthly in advance
     on the first day of each and every calendar month ("Base Monthly Rent");
     provided, however, the Base Monthly Rent for the first month of the term
     shall be paid upon the Commencement Date. All charges and sums due from
     Tenant to Landlord hereunder shall be deemed rent.

4.2  RENT ADJUSTMENT If Section 1.1j is applicable, Base Monthly Rent shall be
     increased periodically to the amounts and at the times set forth in Section

4.3  EXPENSES The purpose of this Section is to ensure that Tenant bears a share
     of all Expenses reasonably related to the use, maintenance, ownership,
     repair or replacement, and insurance of the Project. Accordingly, beginning
     on the commencement date, Tenant shall commence the payment of Expenses.

     (1)  Expenses Defined The term "Expenses" shall mean all costs and expenses
          reasonably incurred by Landlord with respect to the ownership,
          operation, maintenance, repair or replacement, and insurance of the
          Project, including without limitation, the following costs:

     a.        All supplies, materials, labor, equipment, and utilities used in
               or related to the operation and maintenance of the Project;

     b.        All management, janitorial, legal, accounting, insurance, and
               service agreement costs related to the Project; RIDER NO. 9

     c.        All maintenance, replacement and repair costs relating to the
               areas within or around the Project, including, without
               limitation, air conditioning systems, sidewalks, landscaping,
               service areas, driveways, parking areas (including resurfacing
               and restriping parking areas) walkways, building exteriors
               (including painting), signs and directories, repairs and
               replacing roofs, walls and other structural elements of the
               Premises, the Building and the Project. RIDER NO. 10

     d.        Amortization (along with reasonable financing charges) of capital
               improvements over the useful life of such capital improvements
               made to the Project which may be required by any government
               authority or which will improve the operating efficiency of the

     e.        All Real Property Taxes, which shall mean and include all taxes,
               assessments (general and special) and other impositions or
               charges which may be taxed, charged, levied, assessed or imposed
               upon all or any portion of or in relation to the Project or any
               portion thereof, any leasehold estate in the Premises or measured
               by rent from the Premises, including any increase caused by the
               transfer, sale or encumbrance of the Project or any portion
               thereof. "Real Property Taxes" shall also include any form of
               assessment, levy, penalty, charge or tax (other than estate,
               inheritance, net income or franchise taxes) imposed by any
               authority having a direct or indirect power to tax or charge,
               including, without limitation, any city, county, state, federal
               or any improvement or other district, whether such tax is (1)
               determined by the area of the Project or the rent or other sums
               payable under this lease; (2) upon or with respect to any legal
               or equitable interest of Landlord in the Project or any part
               thereof; (3) upon this transaction or any document to which
               Tenant is a party creating a transfer in any interest in the
               Project; (4) in lieu of or as a direct substitute in whole or in
               part of or in addition to any real property taxes on the Project;
               (5) based on any parking spaces or parking facilities provided in
               the Project; (6) in consideration for services, such as police
               protection, fire protection, street, sidewalk and roadway
               maintenance, refuse removal or other services that may be
               provided by any governmental or quasi-governmental agency from
               time to time which were formerly provided without charge or with
               less charge to property owners or occupants. "Real Property
               Taxes" shall also include all assessments under recorded
               covenants or master plans and/or by owner's associations. RIDER
               NO. 11

     (2)  Annual Estimate of Expenses On the commencement date or as soon
          thereafter as practical, Landlord shall estimate Tenant's portion of
          Expenses for the remainder of the calendar year based on the Tenant's
          portion of the Project Area set forth in Section 1.1. At the
          commencement of each calendar year thereafter or as soon thereafter as
          practical, Landlord shall estimate Tenant's portion of Expenses for
          the coming year based on the Tenant's portion of the Project Area set
          forth in Section 1.1.

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     (3)  Monthly Payment of Expenses RIDER NO. 13 As soon as practical
          following each calendar year, Landlord shall prepare an accounting of
          actual Expenses incurred during the prior calendar year and such
          accounting (the "Notice") shall reflect Tenant's share of Expenses. If
          the additional rent paid by Tenant under this Section during the
          preceding calendar year was less than the actual amount of Tenant's
          share of Expenses, Landlord shall so notify Tenant and Tenant shall
          pay such amount to Landlord within 30 days of receipt of such Notice.
          Such amount shall be deemed to have accrued during the prior calendar
          year and shall be due and payable from Tenant even though the term of
          this Lease has expired or this Lease has been terminated prior to
          Tenant's receipt of this Notice. Tenant shall have RIDER NO. 13a
          contest the amount due; failure to so notify Landlord shall represent
          final determination of Tenant's share of expenses. If Tenant's
          payments were greater than the actual amount, then such overpayment
          shall be credited by Landlord to all present rent due under this
          Section or if this Lease has terminated, said amount shall be paid
          directly to Tenant. RIDER NO. 14

     (4)  Rent Without Offset and Late Charge All rent shall be paid by Tenant
          to Landlord monthly in advance on the first day of every calendar
          month, at the address shown in Section 1.1, or such other place as
          Landlord may designate in writing from time to time. All rent shall be
          paid without prior demand or notice and without any deduction or
          offset whatsoever. All rent shall be paid in lawful currency of the
          United States of America. All rent due for any partial month shall be
          prorated at the rate of 1/30th of the total monthly rent per day.
          Tenant acknowledges that late payment by Tenant to Landlord of any
          rent or other sums due under this Lease will cause Landlord to incur
          costs not contemplated by this Lease, the exact amount of such costs
          being extremely difficult and impracticable to ascertain. Such costs
          include, without limitation, processing and accounting charges and
          late charges that may be imposed on Landlord by the terms of any
          encumbrance or note secured by the Premises. Therefore, if any rent or
          other sum due from Tenant is not received RIDER NO. 15 due, Tenant
          shall pay to Landlord an additional sum equal to 5% of such overdue
          payment. Landlord and Tenant hereby agree that such late charge
          represents a fair and reasonable estimate of the costs that Landlord
          will incur by reason of any such late payment and that the late charge
          is in addition to any and all remedies available to the Landlord and
          that the assessment and/or collection of the late charge shall not be
          deemed a waiver of any default. Additionally, all such delinquent rent
          or other sums, plus this late charge, shall bear interest at the prime
          rate of Key Bank of Oregon or its successor, plus 2%, on a fully
          floating basis (herein the "Default Rate"), from the date first due
          until the date paid in full. Any payments of any kind returned for
          insufficient funds will be subject to an additional handling charge of
          $25.00, and thereafter, Landlord may require Tenant to pay all future
          payments of rent or other sums due by money order or cashier's check.

5.1  PREPAID RENT On the Commencement Date, Tenant shall pay to Landlord the
     prepaid rent set forth in Section 1.1, and if Tenant is not in default of
     any provisions of this Lease, such prepaid rent shall be applied toward the
     Base Monthly Rent due for the first month of the term (or the first month
     following any Base Monthly Rent abatement period, if applicable). Upon a
     default by Tenant prior to such application, Landlord shall have the right,
     without waiver of the default or prejudice to other remedies, to use the
     prepaid rent or any of it to cure the default or to compensate Landlord for
     all or any damages resulting from the default. Landlord's obligations with
     respect to the prepaid rent are those of a debtor and not of a trustee, and
     landlord can commingle the prepaid rent with Landlord's general funds.
     Landlord shall not be required to pay Tenant interest on the prepaid rent.
     Landlord shall be entitled to immediately endorse and cash Tenant's prepaid
     rent; however, such endorsement and cashing shall not constitute Landlord's
     acceptance of this Lease. In the event Landlord does not accept this Lease,
     Landlord shall return said prepaid rent.

6.1  DEPOSIT Upon execution of this Lease, Tenant shall deposit the security
     deposit set forth in Section 1.1 with Landlord as security for the
     performance by Tenant of the provisions of this Lease. Upon a default by
     Tenant, Landlord shall have the right, without waiver of the default or
     prejudice to other remedies, to use the security deposit or any portion of
     it to cure the default or to compensate Landlord for any damages resulting
     from Tenant's default. Upon demand, Tenant shall immediately pay to
     Landlord a sum equal to the portion of the security deposit expended or
     applied by Landlord to maintain the security deposit in the amount
     initially deposited with Landlord. In no event will Tenant have the right
     to apply any part of the security deposit to any rent or other sums due
     under this Lease. If Tenant is not in default at the expiration or
     termination of this Lease, Landlord shall return the entire security
     deposit to Tenant, except for the portion designated in Section 1.1, if
     any, which Landlord shall retain as a non-refundable cleaning fee.
     Landlord's obligations with respect to the deposit are those of a debtor
     and not of a trustee, and Landlord can commingle the security deposit with
     Landlord's general funds. Landlord shall not be required to pay Tenant
     interest on the deposit. Landlord shall be entitled to immediately endorse
     and cash Tenant's security deposit; however, such endorsement and cashing
     shall not constitute Landlord's acceptance of this Lease. In the event
     Landlord does not accept this Lease, Landlord shall return said security
     deposit. If Landlord sells its interest in the Premises during the term
     hereof and deposits with or credits to the purchaser the unapplied portion
     of the security deposit, thereupon Landlord shall be discharged from any
     further liability or responsibility with respect to the security deposit.

7.1  USE OF PREMISES AND PROJECT FACILITIES Tenant shall use the Premises solely
     for the purposes set forth in Section 1.1 and for no other purpose without
     obtaining the prior written consent of Landlord. Tenant acknowledges that
     neither Landlord nor any agent of Landlord has made any representation or
     warranty with respect to the Premises or with respect to the suitability of
     the Premises or the Project for the conduct of Tenant's business, nor has
     Landlord agreed to undertake any modification, alteration or improvement to
     the Premises or the Project, except as provided in writing in this Lease.
     RIDER NO. 16 Tenant acknowledges that Landlord may from time to time, at
     its sole discretion, make such modifications, alterations, deletions or
     improvements to the Project as Landlord may deem necessary or desirable,
     without compensation or notice to Tenant. RIDER NO. 17 Tenant shall
     promptly and at all times comply with all federal, state and local
     statutes, laws, ordinances, orders and regulations affecting the Premises
     and the Project (herein "Laws"), as well as all master plans, restrictive
     covenants, and also any rules and regulations that Landlord may adopt from
     time to time. RIDER NO. 18 Tenant shall not do or permit anything to be
     done in or about the Premises or bring or keep anything in the Premises
     that will in any way increase the premiums paid by Landlord on its
     insurance related to the Project or which will in any way increase the
     premiums for fire or casualty insurance carried by other tenants in the
     Project. Tenant will not perform any act or carry on any practices that may
     injure the Premises or the Project; that may be a nuisance or menace to
     other tenants in the Project; or that shall in any way interfere with the
     quiet enjoyment of such other tenants. Tenant shall not use the Premises
     for sleeping, washing

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     clothes, cooking or the preparation, manufacture or mixing of anything that
     might emit any objectionable odor, noises, vibrations or lights onto such
     other tenants. If sound insulation is required to muffle noise produced by
     Tenant on the Premises, Tenant at its own cost shall provide all necessary
     insulation. Tenant shall not do anything on the Premises which will
     overload any existing parking or service to the Premises. Pets and/or
     animals of any type shall not be kept on the Premises.

8.1  SIGNAGE All signage shall comply with rules and regulations set forth by
     Landlord as may be modified from time to time. Current rules and
     regulations relating to signs are described on Exhibit F. Tenant shall
     place no window covering (e.g., shades, blinds, curtains, drapes, screens
     or tinting materials), stickers, signs, lettering, banners or advertising
     or display material on or near exterior windows or doors if such materials
     are visible from the exterior of the Premises, without Landlord's prior
     written consent. Similarly, Tenant may not install any alarm boxes, foil
     protection tape or other security equipment on the Premises without
     Landlord's prior written consent. Any material violating this provision may
     be destroyed by Landlord without compensation to Tenant.

9.1  PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES Tenant shall pay before delinquency all taxes,
     assessments, license fees and public charges levied, assessed or imposed
     upon its business operations as well as upon all trade fixtures, leasehold
     improvements, merchandise and other personal property in or about the

10.1 PARKING Landlord grants to Tenant and Tenant's customers, suppliers,
     employees and invitees, a nonexclusive license to use the designated
     parking areas in the Project for the use of motor vehicles during the term
     of this Lease. RIDER NO. 19 Landlord reserves the right at any time to
     grant similar nonexclusive use to other tenants, to make rules and
     regulations relating to the use of such parking areas, including reasonable
     restrictions on parking by tenants and employees, to designate specific
     spaces for the use of any tenant and to make changes in the parking layout
     from time to time. RIDER NO. 20

11.1 UTILITIES Tenant shall pay for all water, gas, heat, light, power, sewer,
     electricity, telephone, garbage or other service metered, chargeable or
     provided to the Premises. RIDER NO. 21

12.1 MAINTENANCE RIDER NO. 22 electrical, plumbing and sewerage systems lying
     outside the Premises ; provided, however, the cost of all such maintenance
     shall be considered "Expenses" for purposes of Section 4.3. Except as
     provided above, Tenant shall maintain the Premises in good condition,
     including, without limitation, maintaining and repairing all walls, floors,
     ceilings, interior doors, exterior and interior windows and fixtures as
     well as damage caused by Tenant, its agents, employees or invitees. RIDER
     NO. 23 Upon expiration or termination of this Lease, Tenant shall surrender
     the Premises to Landlord in the same condition as existed at the
     commencement of the term, except for reasonable wear and tear or damage
     caused by fire or other casualty . Nothing herein shall excuse Tenant from
     financial responsibility for property damage caused by Tenant or Tenant's
     agents. RIDER NO. 24


     (1)  Tenant shall not make any alterations to the Premises without
          Landlord's prior written consent in each instance. If Landlord gives
          its consent to such alterations, Landlord may post notices in
          accordance with the laws of the state in which the Premises are
          located. Any alterations made shall remain on and be surrendered with
          the Premises upon expiration or termination of this Lease, except that
          Landlord may, within 30 days before or 30 days after the expiration or
          termination of this Lease or the termination of Tenant's right of
          possession, elect to require Tenant to remove any alterations which
          Tenant may have made to the Premises. RIDER NO. 25 If Landlord so
          elects, at its own cost Tenant shall restore the Premises to the
          condition designated by Landlord in its election, before the last day
          of the term or within 30 days after notice of its election is given,
          whichever is later.

     (2)  Any request for Landlord's consent to alterations shall be made at
          least thirty (30) days before any work may be commenced and shall be
          accompanied by (i) detailed and costed plans and specifications for
          all alterations, and (ii) Tenant's written agreement to provide, upon
          completion of work, a complete set of as-built plans and
          specifications. Landlord may withhold consent, in its reasonable
          discretion and may issue such consent subject to conditions. All
          alterations shall be constructed only after obtaining Landlord's prior
          written consent and only in conformity with all Laws. The issuance of
          Landlord's consent shall not be a waiver of Tenant's obligation to
          comply with all Laws, nor Landlord's opinion that such alterations are
          in compliance with all Laws.

     (3)  Should Landlord consent in writing to Tenant's alteration of the
          Premises, Tenant shall contract with a contractor approved by Landlord
          for the construction of such alterations, shall secure all appropriate
          governmental approvals and permits, and shall complete such
          alterations with due diligence in compliance with the plans and
          specifications approved by Landlord. All such construction shall be
          performed in a manner which will not interfere with the quiet
          enjoyment of other tenants of the Project.

     (4)  Tenant shall pay all costs for construction of alterations and shall
          keep the Premises and the Project free and clear of all liens which
          may result from work by third parties authorized by Tenant. If any
          such lien is filed, the same shall be an event of default hereunder if
          Tenant fails to remove such lien within ten (10) days of the filing

14.1 RELEASE AND INDEMNITY As material consideration to Landlord, Tenant agrees
     that Landlord and Landlord's partners, shareholders, officers, directors,
     employees and agents (collectively, the "Protected Parties") shall not be
     liable to Tenant for any damage to Tenant or Tenant's property from any

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     cause, RIDER NO. 26 and Tenant waives all claims against Landlord for
     damage to persons or property arising for any reason, except for damage
     resulting directly from Landlord's breach of its express obligations under
     this Lease which Landlord has not cured within a reasonable time after
     receipt of written notice of such breach from Tenant. Tenant shall defend,
     indemnify and hold Landlord and all other Protected Parties harmless from
     all claims, losses, causes of action, costs and expenses, and damages
     arising out of (a) any damage to any person or property occurring in, on or
     about the Premises, (b) use by Tenant or its agents of the Premises and/or
     the Project or other properties of Landlord, and/or (c) Tenant's breach or
     violation of any term of this Lease. RIDER NO. 27

15.1 INSURANCE Tenant, at its cost, shall maintain public liability and property
     damage insurance and products liability insurance with a single combined
     liability limit of $1,000,000, insuring against all liability of Tenant and
     its authorized representatives arising out of or in connection with
     Tenant's use or occupancy of the Premises. Public liability insurance,
     products liability insurance and property damage insurance shall insure
     performance by Tenant of the indemnity provisions of Section 14.1. Landlord
     shall be named as an additional insured and the policy shall contain
     cross-liability endorsements. On all its personal property, at its cost,
     Tenant shall maintain a policy of standard fire and extended coverage
     insurance with vandalism and malicious mischief endorsements and "all risk"
     coverage on all Tenant's improvements and alterations in or about the
     Premises, to the extent of at least 100% of their full replacement value.
     The proceeds from any such policy shall be used by Tenant for the
     replacement of personal property and the restoration of Tenant's
     improvements or alterations. All insurance required to be provided by
     Tenant under this Lease shall release Landlord and the other Protected
     Parties from any claims for damage to any person or the Premises and the
     Project, and to Tenant's fixtures, personal property, improvements and
     alterations in or on the Premises or the Project, caused by or resulting
     from risks insured against under any insurance policy carried by Tenant and
     in force at the time of such damage. All insurance required to be provided
     by Tenant under this Lease: (a) shall be issued by insurance companies
     authorized to do business in the state in which the Premises are located;
     (b) be reasonably acceptable to Landlord; (c) shall be issued as a primary
     policy; and (d) shall contain an endorsement requiring at least 30 days
     prior written notice of cancellation to Landlord and Landlord's lender,
     before cancellation or change in coverage, scope or amount of any policy.
     Tenant shall deliver a certificate or copy of such policy together with
     evidence of payment of all current premiums to Landlord within 10 days of
     execution of this Lease. Tenant's failure to provide evidence of such
     coverage to Landlord may, in Landlord's sole discretion, constitute a
     default under this Lease. RIDER NO. 28

16.1 DESTRUCTION If during the term, the Premises or Project is more than 25%
     destroyed (based upon replacement cost) from any cause, or rendered
     inaccessible or unusable from any cause, Landlord may, in its sole
     discretion, terminate this Lease by delivery of notice to Tenant within 30
     days of such event without compensation to Tenant. If Landlord does not
     elect to terminate this Lease, and if, in Landlord's estimation, the
     Premises cannot be restored within 270 days following such destruction,
     RIDER NO. 29 then Landlord shall commence to restore the Premises in
     compliance with then existing laws and shall complete such restoration with
     due diligence. In such event, this Lease shall remain in full force and
     effect, but there shall be an abatement of Base Monthly Rent between the
     date of destruction and the date of completion of restoration, based on the
     extent to which destruction interferes with Tenant's use of the Premises;
     provided, there shall be no abatement if such damage is the result of
     Tenant's negligence or wrongdoing. Tenant shall not be entitled to any
     damages or compensation for loss of use or any inconvenience occasioned by
     damage or any repair or restoration.


     (1)  Definitions. The following definitions shall apply: (1) "Condemnation"
          means (a) the exercise of any governmental power of eminent domain,
          whether by legal proceedings or otherwise by condemnor and (b) the
          voluntary sale or transfer by landlord to any condemnor either under
          threat of condemnation or while legal proceedings for condemnation are
          proceeding; (2) "Date of Taking" means the date the condemnor has the
          right to possession of the property being condemned; (3) "Award" means
          all compensation, sums or anything of value awarded, paid or received
          on a total or partial condemnation; and (4) "Condemnor" means any
          public or quasi-public authority, or private corporation or
          individual, having a power of condemnation.

     (2)  Obligations to Be Governed by Lease. If during the term of the Lease
          there is any taking of all or any part of the Premises or the Project,
          the rights and obligations of the parties shall be determined pursuant
          to this Lease.

     (3)  Total or Partial Taking. If the Premises are totally taken by
          condemnation, this Lease shall terminate on the Date of Taking. If any
          portion of the Premises is taken by Condemnation, this Lease shall
          terminate as to the part so taken as of the Date of Taking, but shall
          in all other respects remain in effect, except that Tenant can elect
          to terminate this Lease if the remaining portion of the Premises is
          rendered unsuitable for Tenant's continued use of the Premises. If
          Tenant elects to terminate this Lease, Tenant must exercise its right
          to terminate by giving notice to Landlord within 30 days after the
          nature and extent of the Condemnation have been finally determined. If
          Tenant elects to terminate this Lease, Tenant shall also notify
          Landlord of the date of termination, which date shall not be earlier
          than 30 days nor later than 90 days after Tenant has notified Landlord
          of its election to terminate; except that this Lease shall terminate
          on the Date of Taking if the Date of Taking falls on a date before the
          date of termination as designated by Tenant. If any portion of the
          Premises is taken by condemnation and this Lease remains in full force
          and effect, on the Date of Taking the Base Monthly Rent shall be
          reduced by an amount in the same ratio as the total number of square
          feet in the Premises taken bears to the total number of square feet in
          the Premises immediately before the Date of Taking.

     (4)  Landlord's Election. Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary,
          if the Project or any portion thereof is taken by Condemnation and the
          portion taken does not, in Landlord's sole judgment, feasiblely permit
          the continuation of the operation of the Project by Landlord, then
          landlord shall have the right to terminate this Lease by written
          notice given within thirty (30) days following the Date of Taking.
          RIDER NO. 30

     (5)  Award. Tenant shall have no right or claim to all or any portion of
          the Award; provided this shall not limit Tenant's right to seek and to
          receive compensation for relocation expenses or the value of its
          personal property taken, so long as receipt of such compensation does
          not decrease the Award otherwise payable to Landlord.

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18.1 ASSIGNMENT OR SUBLEASE Tenant shall not assign or encumber its interest in
     this Lease or the Premises or sublease all or any part of the Premises or
     allow any other person or entity (except Tenant's authorized
     representatives, employees, invitees, or guests) to occupy or use all or
     any part of the Premises without first obtaining Landlord's consent. RIDER
     NO. 31 Any assignment, encumbrance or sublease without Landlord's written
     consent shall be voidable and at Landlord's election, shall constitute a
     default. If Tenant is a partnership, a withdrawal or change, voluntary,
     involuntary or by operation of law of any partner, or the dissolution of
     the partnership, shall be deemed a voluntary assignment. If Tenant consists
     of more than one person, a purported assignment, voluntary or involuntary
     or by operation of law from one person to the other or to a third party
     shall be deemed a voluntary assignment. If Tenant is a corporation, any
     dissolution, merger, consolidation or other reorganization of Tenant, or
     sale or other transfer of a controlling percentage of the capital stock of
     Tenant, or the sale of at least 25% of the value of the assets of Tenant
     shall be deemed a voluntary assignment. The phrase "controlling percentage"
     means ownership of and right to vote stock possessing at least 50% of the
     total combined voting power of all classes of Tenant's capital stock
     issued, outstanding and entitled to vote for election of directors. RIDER
     NO. 32 The preceding two sentences shall not apply to corporations the
     stock of which is traded through an exchange or over the counter. RIDER NO.
     33 All rent received by Tenant from its subtenants in excess of the rent
     payable by Tenant to Landlord under this Lease (allocated on a square
     footage basis in cases of partial subleasing) shall be paid to Landlord,
     and any sums to be paid by an assignee to Tenant in consideration of the
     assignment of this Lease shall be paid to Landlord. If Tenant requests
     Landlord to consent to a proposed assignment or subletting, Tenant shall
     pay to Landlord, whether or not consent is ultimately given, $100 or
     Landlord's reasonable attorneys' fees incurred in connection with such
     request, whichever is greater. No interest of Tenant in this Lease shall be
     assignable by involuntary assignment through operation of law (including
     without limitation the transfer of this Lease by testacy or intestacy).
     Each of the following acts shall be considered an involuntary assignment:
     (a) if Tenant is or becomes bankrupt or insolvent, makes an assignment for
     the benefit of creditors, or institutes proceedings under the Bankruptcy
     Act in which Tenant is the bankrupt; or if Tenant is a partnership or
     consists of more than one person or entity, if any partner of the
     partnership or other person or entity is or becomes bankrupt or insolvent,
     or makes an assignment for the benefit of creditors; or (b) if a writ of
     attachment or execution is levied on this Lease; or (c) if in any
     proceeding or action to which Tenant is a party, a receiver is appointed
     with authority to take possession of the Premises. An involuntary
     assignment shall constitute a default by Tenant and landlord shall have the
     right to elect to terminate this Lease, in which case this Lease shall not
     be treated as an asset of Tenant.

19.1 DEFAULT The occurrence of any of the following shall constitute a default
     by Tenant: (a) A failure to pay rent or other charge RIDER NO. 34


     (1)  Landlord shall have the following remedies if Tenant is in default.
          These remedies are not exclusive; they are cumulative and in addition
          to any remedies now or later allowed by law. Landlord may terminate
          this Lease and/or Tenant's right to possession of the Premises at any
          time. No act by Landlord other than giving notice to Tenant shall
          terminate this Lease. Acts of maintenance, efforts to relet the
          Premises, or the appointment of a receiver on Landlord's initiative to
          protect Landlord's interest under this lease shall not constitute a
          termination of this Lease. Upon termination of this Lease or of
          Tenant's right to possession, Landlord has the right to recover from
          Tenant: (1) The worth of the unpaid rent that had been earned at the
          time of such termination; (2) The worth of the amount of the unpaid
          rent that would have been earned after the date of such termination;
          and (3) Any other amount, including court, attorney and collection
          costs, necessary to compensate Landlord for all detriment proximately
          caused by Tenant's default. "The Worth," as used for Item 20.1(1) in
          this Paragraph is to be computed by allowing interest at the Default
          Rate. "The Worth" as used for Item 20.1(2) in this Paragraph is to be
          computed by discounting the amount at the discount rate of the Federal
          Reserve Bank of San Francisco at the time of termination of Tenant's
          right of possession. RIDER NO. 35

     (2)  All covenants and assignments to be performed by Tenant under any of
          the terms of this Lease shall be performed by Tenant at Tenant's sole
          cost and expense and without any abatement of rent. If Tenant shall
          fail to pay any sum of money owed to any party other than Landlord,
          for which it is liable hereunder, or if Tenant shall fail to perform
          any other act on its part to be performed hereunder, and such failure
          shall continue for RIDER NO. 36 Landlord may, without waiving such
          default or any other right or remedy, but shall not be obligated to,
          make any such payment or perform any such other act to be made or
          performed by Tenant. All sums so paid by Landlord and all necessary
          incidental costs, together with interest thereon at the Default Rate
          from the date of expenditure by Landlord, shall be payable to Landlord
          on demand.

21.1 ENTRY ON PREMISES Landlord and its authorized representatives shall have
     the right to enter the Premises at all reasonable times RIDER NO. 37 for
     any of the following purposes: (a) To determine whether the Premises are in
     good condition and whether Tenant is complying with its obligations under
     this Lease; (b) To do any necessary maintenance and to make any restoration
     to the Premises or the Project that Landlord has the right or obligation to
     perform; (c) To post "for sale" signs at any time during the term, to post
     "for rent" or "for lease" signs during the last 90 days of the term, or
     during any period while Tenant is in default; (d) To show the Premises to
     prospective brokers, agents, buyers, tenants or persons interested in
     leasing or purchasing the Premises, at any time during the term; or (e) To
     repair, maintain or improve the Project and to erect scaffolding and
     protective barricades around and about the Premises but not so as to
     prevent entry to the Premises and to do any other act or thing necessary
     for the safety or preservation of the Premises or the Project. Landlord
     shall not be liable in any manner for any inconvenience, disturbance, loss
     of business, nuisance or other damage arising out of Landlord's entry onto
     the Premises as provided in this Section. Landlord shall conduct its
     activities on the Premises as provided herein in a manner that will cause
     the least inconvenience, annoyance or disturbance to Tenant. For each of
     these purposes, Landlord shall at all times have and retain a key with
     which to unlock all the doors in, upon and about the Premises, excluding
     Tenant's vaults and safes. Tenant shall not alter any lock or install a new
     or additional lock or bolt on any door of the Premises without prior
     written consent of Landlord. If Landlord gives its consent, Tenant shall
     furnish Landlord with a key for any such lock.

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22.1 SUBORDINATION Without the necessity of any additional document being
     executed by Tenant for the purpose of effecting a subordination, and at the
     election of Landlord or any mortgagee or any beneficiary of a Deed of Trust
     with a lien on the Project or any ground lessor with respect to the
     Project, this Lease shall be subject and subordinate at all time to (a) all
     ground leases or underlying leases which may now exist or hereafter be
     executed affecting the Project, and (b) the lien of any mortgage or deed of
     trust which may now exist or hereafter be executed in any amount for which
     the Project, ground leases or underlying leases, or Landlord's interest or
     estate in any of said items is specified as security. In the event that any
     ground lease or underlying lease terminates for any reason or any mortgage
     or Deed of Trust is foreclosed or a conveyance in lieu of foreclosure is
     made for any reason, Tenant shall, notwithstanding any subordination,
     attorn to and become the Tenant of the successor in interest to Landlord,
     at the option of such successor in interest. Tenant covenants and agrees to
     execute and deliver, upon demand by Landlord and in the form requested by
     Landlord any additional documents evidencing the priority or subordination
     of this Lease with respect to any such ground lease or underlying leases or
     the lien of any such mortgage or Deed of Trust. Tenant hereby irrevocably
     appoints Landlord as attorney-in-fact of Tenant to execute, deliver and
     record any such document in the name and on behalf of Tenant. RIDER NO. 38

     Tenant, within ten days from notice from Landlord, shall execute and
     deliver to Landlord, in recordable form, certificates stating that this
     Lease is not in default, is unmodified and in full force and effect, or in
     full force and effect as modified, and stating the modifications. This
     certificate should also state the amount of current monthly rent, the dates
     to which rent has been paid in advance, the amount of any security deposit
     and prepaid rent, and such other matters as Landlord may request. In
     addition, in connection with any sale or financing involving the Premises,
     Tenant shall deliver to Landlord, within twenty (20) days of request by
     Landlord, a current audited financial statement of Tenant and of each
     guarantor. RIDER NO. 39

23.1 NOTICE Any notice, demand, request, consent, approval or communication
     desired by either party or required to be given, shall be in writing and
     either served personally or sent by prepaid certified first class mail,
     addressed as set forth in Section 1.1. RIDER NO. 40 Either party may change
     its address by notification to the other party. Notice shall be deemed to
     be communicated 48 hours from the time of such mailing, or upon the time of
     service as provided in this Section.

24.1 WAIVER No delay or omission in the exercise of any right or remedy by
     Landlord shall impair such right or remedy or be construed as a waiver. No
     act or conduct of Landlord, including without limitation, acceptance of the
     keys to the Premises, shall constitute an acceptance of the surrender of
     the Premises by Tenant before the expiration of the term. Only written
     notice from Landlord to Tenant shall constitute acceptance of the surrender
     of the Premises and accomplish termination of the Lease. Landlord's consent
     to or approval of any act by Tenant requiring Landlord's consent or
     approval shall not be deemed to waive or render unnecessary Landlord's
     consent to or approval of any subsequent act by Tenant. Any waiver by
     Landlord of any default must be in writing and shall not be a waiver of any
     other default concerning the same or any other provision of the Lease.

25.1 SURRENDER OF PREMISES; HOLDING OVER Upon expiration of the term or the
     termination of this Lease or of Tenant's right of possession, Tenant shall
     surrender to Landlord the Premises and all tenant improvements and
     alterations (except alterations which Tenant has the right or obligation to
     remove) in good condition, except for ordinary wear and tear. RIDER NO. 41
     Tenant shall remove all personal property including, without imitation, all
     wallpaper, paneling and other decorative improvements or fixtures and shall
     perform all restoration made necessary by the removal of any alterations or
     Tenant's personal property before the expiration of the term, including for
     example, restoring all wall surfaces to their condition prior to the
     commencement of this Lease. RIDER NO. 42 Landlord can elect to retain or
     dispose of in any manner Tenant's personal property not removed from the
     Premises by Tenant prior to the expiration of the term. Tenant waives all
     claims against Landlord for any damage to Tenant resulting from Landlord's
     retention or disposition of Tenant's personal property. Tenant shall be
     liable to Landlord for Landlord's costs for storage, removal or disposal of
     Tenant's personal property. If Tenant fails to surrender the Premises upon
     the expiration of the term, or upon the termination of this Lease or of
     Tenant's right of possession, Tenant shall defend, indemnify and hold
     Landlord harmless from all resulting loss or liability, including without
     limitation, any claim made by any succeeding tenant founded on or resulting
     from such failure.

     If Tenant, with Landlord's consent, remains in possession of the Premises
     after expiration of this Lease, such possession by Tenant shall be deemed
     to be a month-to-month tenancy terminable on written 30-day notice at any
     time, by either party. All provisions of this Lease, except those
     pertaining to term and rent, shall apply to the month-to-month tenancy.
     Tenant shall pay Base Monthly Rent in an amount equal to 150% of the Base
     Monthly Rent for the last full calendar month during the regular term plus
     100% of said last month's estimate of Tenant's share of Expenses pursuant
     to Section 4.3(3).

26.1 LIMITATION OF LIABILITY In consideration of the benefits accruing
     hereunder, Tenant agrees that, regarding any claim against Landlord and/or
     any other Protected Party, including in the event of any actual or alleged
     failure, breach or default by Landlord:

     a.   The sole and exclusive remedy of Tenant shall be against the interest
          of Landlord in the Project, and neither Landlord nor any other
          Protected Party shall have any other liability whatsoever.

     b.   If Landlord is a partnership, the following provisions of this item b.
          shall also apply: (i) No partner of Landlord shall be sued or named as
          a party in any suit or action; (ii) No service of process shall be
          made against any partner of Landlord (except as may be necessary to
          secure jurisdiction of the partnership); (iii) No partner of Landlord
          shall be required to answer or otherwise plead to any service or
          process; (iv) No judgement may be taken against any partner of
          Landlord; (v) Any judgment taken against any partner of Landlord may
          be vacated and set aside at any time without hearing; and (vi) No writ
          of execution will ever be levied against the assets of any partner of

     c.   These covenants and agreements contained in this Section are
          enforceable both by Landlord and also by any other Protected Party.

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     d.   Tenant agrees that each of the foregoing provisions shall be
          applicable to any and all liabilities, claims and causes of action
          whatsoever, including those based on any provision of this Lease, any
          implied covenant, and/or any statute or common law principle.


     (1)  Time of Essence. Time is of the essence of each provision of this

     (2)  Successor. This Lease shall be binding on and inure to the benefit of
          the parties and their successors, except as provided in Section 18.1

     (3)  Landlord's Consent. Any consent required by Landlord under this Lease
          must be granted in writing. No such consent shall be unreasonably
          withheld, but any consent may be issued subject to reasonable
          conditions. As a condition to any consent, Landlord may require that
          any other party or parties with a right of consent issue such consent
          on terms acceptable to Landlord.

     (4)  Commissions. Each party represents that it has not had dealings with
          any real estate broker, finder or other person with respect to this
          Lease in any manner, except for the broker identified in Section 1.1,
          who shall be compensated by Landlord.

     (5)  Other Charges. If Landlord becomes a party to any litigation
          concerning this lease, the premises or the project, by reason of any
          act or omission of Tenant or any agent, guest or invitee of Tenant,
          Tenant shall be liable to Landlord for all attorneys fees and costs
          incurred by Landlord in connection with such litigation, including any
          appeal or review.

          In the event of litigation RIDER NO. 43 between Tenant and Landlord
          and/or any other Protected Party, the prevailing party shall be
          entitled to recover from the losing party all costs and attorneys fees
          incurred both at and in preparation for trial and any appeal or
          review. If Landlord employs a collection agency to recover delinquent
          charges, Tenant agrees to pay all collection agency and attorneys'
          fees charged to Landlord in addition to rent, late charges, interest
          and other sums payable under this Lease. Tenant shall pay a charge of
          $75 to Landlord for preparation of a demand for delinquent rent.

     (6)  Landlord's Successors. In the event of a sale or conveyance by
          Landlord of the Project or a portion thereof including the Premises,
          or of Landlord's interest in the foregoing, the same shall operate to
          release Landlord from any liability under this Lease, and in such
          event Landlord's success in interest shall be solely responsible for
          all obligations of Landlord under this Lease.

     (7)  Interpretation. This Lease shall be construed and interpreted in
          accordance with the laws of the state in which the Premises are
          located. This Lease constitutes the entire agreement between the
          parties with respect to the Premises and the Project, except for such
          guarantees or modifications as may be executed in writing by the
          parties from time to time. When required by the content of this Lease,
          the singular shall include the plural, and the masculine shall include
          the feminine and/or neuter. "Party" shall mean Landlord or Tenant. If
          more than one person or entity constitutes Tenant, the obligations
          imposed on Tenant shall be joint and several. The enforceability,
          invalidity or illegality of any provision shall not render the other
          provisions unenforceable, invalid or illegal.

     (8)  Third Parties. The Protected Parties shall have the right to enforce
          the provisions of this Lease which reference them. Except for the
          foregoing, there are no third parties benefitted hereby, this Lease
          being intended solely for the benefit of Landlord and Tenant.
          Notwithstanding the foregoing, the beneficiary under a trust deed, or
          a mortgagee, holding a security interest in the Project shall be a
          third party beneficiary of the Tenant's obligations set forth in
          Sections 30.1 and 31.1 hereof and shall have the right to enforce such

     (9)  Survival. The release and indemnity covenants of Tenant, the right of
          Landlord to enforce its remedies hereunder, the attorneys fees
          provisions hereof, the provisions of Section 26.1 hereof, as well as
          all provisions of this Lease which contemplate performance after the
          expiration or termination hereof or the termination of Tenant's right
          to possession hereunder, shall survive any such expiration or

28.1 EMISSIONS Tenant shall not:

     a.   Discharge, emit or permit to be discharged or emitted, any liquid,
          solid or gaseous matter, or any combination thereof, into the
          atmosphere, the ground or any body of water, which matter, as
          reasonably determined by Lessor or any governmental entity does, or
          may, pollute or contaminate the same, or is, or may become,
          radioactive or does, or may, adversely affect the (1) health or safety
          of persons, wherever located, whether on the Premises or anywhere
          else, (2) condition, use or enjoyment of the Premises or any other
          real or personal property, whether on the Premises or anywhere else,
          or (3) Premises or any of the improvements thereto, or thereon
          including buildings, foundations, pipes, utility lines, landscaping or
          parking areas;

     b.   Produce, or permit to be produced, any intense glare, light or heat
          except within an enclosed or screened area and then only in such
          manner that the glare, light or heat shall not be discernible from
          outside the Premises;

     c.   Create, or permit to be created, any sound pressure level which will
          interfere with the quiet enjoyment of any real property outside the
          Premises; or which will create a nuisance or violate any Law, rule,
          regulation or requirement;

     d.   Create, or permit to be created, any ground vibration that is
          discernible outside the Premises;

     e.   Transmit, receive or permit to be transmitted or received, any
          electromagnetic, microwave or other radiation which is harmful or
          hazardous to any person or property in, on or about the Premises, or
          anywhere else.

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     (1)  Storage. Subject to the uses permitted and prohibited to Tenant under
          this lease, Tenant shall store in appropriate leak proof containers
          all solid, liquid, or gaseous matter, or any combination thereof,
          which matter, if discharged or emitted into the atmosphere, the ground
          or any body of water, does or may (1) pollute or contaminate the same,
          or (2) adversely affect the (i) health or safety of persons, whether
          on the Premises or anywhere else, (ii) condition, use or enjoyment of
          the Premises or any real or personal property, whether on the Premises
          or anywhere else, or (iii) Premises or any of the improvements thereto
          or thereon.

     (2)  Use. In addition, without Landlord's prior written consent, Tenant
          shall not use, store or permit to remain on the Premises any solid,
          liquid or gaseous matter which is, or may become, radioactive. If
          Landlord does give its consent, Tenant shall store the materials in
          such a manner that no radioactivity will be detectable outside a
          designated storage area and Tenant shall use the materials in such a
          manner that (1) no real or personal property outside the designated
          storage area shall become contaminated thereby or (2) there are and
          shall be no adverse effects on the (i) health or safety of persons,
          whether on the Premises or anywhere else, (ii) condition, use or
          enjoyment of the Premises or any real or personal property thereon or
          therein, or (iii) Premises or any of the improvements thereto or


     (1)  Refuse Disposal. Tenant shall not keep an trash, garbage, waste or
          other refuse on the Premises except in sanitary containers and shall
          regularly and frequently remove same from the Premises. Tenant shall
          keep all incinerators, containers or other equipment used for the
          storage or disposal of such materials in a clean and sanitary

     (2)  Sewage Disposal. Tenant shall properly dispose of all sanitary sewage
          and shall not use the sewage system (1) for the disposal of anything
          except sanitary sewage or (2) in excess of the lesser of the amount
          (a) reasonably contemplated by the uses permitted under this Lease or
          (b) permitted by any governmental entity. Tenant shall keep the sewage
          disposal system free of all obstructions and in good operating

     (3)  Disposal of Other Waste. Tenant shall properly dispose of all other
          waste or other matter delivered to, stored upon, located upon or
          within, used on, or removed from, the premises in such a manner that
          it does not, and will not, adversely affect the (1) health or safety
          of persons, wherever located, whether on the Premises or elsewhere,
          (2) condition, use or enjoyment of the Premises or any other real or
          personal property, wherever located, whether on the Premises or
          anywhere else, or (3) Premises or any of the improvements thereto or
          thereon including buildings, foundations, pipes, utility lines,
          landscaping or parking areas.

29.1 COMPLIANCE WITH LAW Notwithstanding any other provision in the Lease to the
     contrary, Tenant shall comply with all Laws in complying with its
     obligations under this Lease, and in particular, Laws relating to the
     storage, use and disposal of hazardous or toxic matter.

30.1 INDEMNIFICATION Tenant shall defend, indemnify and hold Landlord, the other
     Protected Parties, the Project and the beneficiary under a trust deed, or
     mortgagee, holding a security interest in the Project harmless from any
     loss, claim, liability or expense, including, without limitation, attorneys
     fees and costs, at trial and/or on appeal and review, arising out of or in
     connection with its failure to observe or comply with the provisions of
     this Section. This indemnity shall survive the expiration or earlier
     termination of the term of the Lease or the termination of Tenant's right
     to possession and be fully enforceable thereafter.

31.1 ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS The following covenants and agreements shall in no
     way diminish or limit the foregoing provisions of this Section. No use may
     be made of, on or from the Premises relating to the handling, storage,
     disposal, transportation or discharge of Hazardous Substances (as defined
     below). All of such use which does occur shall be in strict conformance
     with all Laws. Tenant shall give prior written notice to Landlord of any
     use, whether incidental or otherwise, of Hazardous Substances on the
     Premises, or of any notice of any violation of any Law with respect to such
     use. Landlord and any ground lessor or master lessor of the Premises and/or
     the Project shall have the right to request and to receive information with
     respect to use of Hazardous Substances on the Premises in writing.

     In addition to the indemnity obligations contained elsewhere herein, Tenant
     shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless Landlord, the other Protected
     Parties, the Premises, the Project, and the beneficiary under a trust deed,
     or a mortgagee, holding a security interest in the Project, from and
     against all claims, losses, damages, costs, response costs and expenses,
     liabilities, and other expenses caused by, arising out of, or in connection
     with, the generation, release, handling, storage, discharge,
     transportation, deposit or disposal in, on, under or about he Premises by
     Tenant or any of Tenant's Agents of the following (collectively referred to
     as "Hazardous Substances"): hazardous materials, hazardous substances,
     toxic wastes, toxic substances, pollutants, petroleum products, underground
     tanks, oils, pollution, asbestos, PCB's, materials, or contaminants, as
     those terms are commonly used or as defined by federal, state and/or local
     law or regulation related to protection of health or the environment,
     including but not limited to, the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
     (RCRA) (42 U.S.C. ss. 6901 et seq.); the Comprehensive Environmental
     Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) (42 9601, et
     seq.); the Toxic Substances Control Act (15 U.S.C. ss. 2601, et seq.); the
     Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. ss. 1251, et seq.); the Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C.
     ss. 7401, et seq.); and ORS Chapters 453, 465 and 466 as any of the same
     may be amended from time to time, and/or by any rules and regulations
     promulgated thereunder. Such damages, costs, liabilities, and expenses
     shall include such as are claimed by any regulating and/or administering
     ground lessor or master lessor of the Project, the holder of any Mortgage
     or Deed of Trust on the Project, and/or any successor of the Landlord named
     herein. This indemnity shall include (a) claims of third parties, including
     governmental agencies, for damages, fines, penalties, response costs,
     monitoring costs, injunctive or other relief; (b) the costs, expenses or
     losses resulting from any injunctive relief, including preliminary or
     temporary injunctive relief; (c) the expenses, including fees of attorneys
     and experts, of reporting the existence of Hazardous Substances to an
     agency of the State of Oregon or of the United States as required by
     applicable laws and regulations; (d) any and all expenses or obligations,
     including attorney's and paralegal fees, incurred

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     at, before and after any trial or appeal therefrom or review thereof, or an
     administrative proceeding or appeal therefrom or review thereof, whether or
     not taxable as costs, including, without limitation, attorney's fees,
     paralegal fees, witness fees (expert and otherwise), deposition costs,
     photocopying and telephone charges and other expenses related to the
     foregoing, all of which shall be paid by Tenant to Landlord when such
     expenses are accrued. This indemnity shall survive the expiration or
     earlier termination of the term of the Lease or the termination of Tenant's
     right to possession and be fully enforceable thereafter. RIDER NO. 44

32.1 INFORMATION Tenant shall provide Landlord with any and all information
     regarding Hazardous Substances in the Premises, including contemporaneous
     copies of all filings and reports to governmental entities, and any other
     information requested by Landlord. In the event of any accident, spill or
     other incident involving Hazardous Substances, Tenant shall immediately
     report the same to Landlord and supply Landlord with all information and
     reports with respect to the same. All information described herein shall be
     provided to Landlord regardless of any claim by Tenant that it is
     confidential or privileged.



              Tenant:  MEDICALOGIC, INC., an Oregon corporation

                              MARK LEAVITT                   GUY E. FIELD
                         By:  Mark K. Leavitt                Guy E. Field
                         By:  President                      Controller

             Landlord: EVERGREEN CORPORATE CENTER LLC, an Oregon limited
                       liability company

                         By:  Marzer Venture, an Oregon general partnership

                         By: MELVIN MARK
                         Its: Partner

                         By:  Schnitzer Investment Corp., an Oregon corporation

                         By: KEN NOVACK

- --------

A - Premises A-1 Measurement Standards for each floor
B - Project
C - Landlord's Work Plans
D - Work Agreement
E - Rules and Regulations
F - Sign Regulations

Page 10                                                           Please Initial

3/95                                                          MM  KN     MKL GEF
                                                             --------   --------
                                                             Landlord    Tenant


The location, size, and number of
improvements except for Building 1                   EXHIBIT A
and Building 2 are conceptual at
this time and are subject to change.                 Premises are cross-hatched

                                    Site Plan

                           Evergreen Corporate Center
                         at Tanasbourne Commerce Center
                         Melvin Mark Development Company
                       June 19, 1996 Zimmer Gunsul Frasca

                                   EXHIBIT A-1


                                  AREA STANDARD



The purpose of the NAIOP area standard is to permit communication and
computation on a clear and understandable basis. Another important purpose is to
allow comparison of values on the basis of a generally agreed upon unit of
measurement. The result is a unit of measurement that is most typically used by
building owners, managers, tenants, appraisers, architects, lending
institutions, and others to compute the floor area of a building.

It should be noted that this standard can be used to measure space in old, as
well as new, buildings. It is applicable to any architectural design or type of
construction. Generally, this type of area computation has been used for single
or multiple tenant industrial/commercial facilities. If the areas are leased,
the leases are typically provided in a "triple net" format.


The area is defined as the amount of space allocated to a particular occupant or
tenant. This space can be provided in two forms:

     1.   the basic space allocated/occupied, and
     2.   common spaces allocated/occupied or provided for use by two or more
          occupants or tenants of a building.

     Basic Space

     Basic space area is computed by measuring from the outside surface of
     exterior walls or permanent extensions/projections to the middle of
     interior walls which may separate one space from another. See Figures 1-4.

     Common Space

     Common space area is calculated in the same manner as basic space. This
     area is then prorated and added to the basic space area of those spaces or
     tenants which the common space serves. See Figures 5 and 6.


                                   FLOOR PLAN
                                    FIGURE 3


                                   SECTION B-B
                                    FIGURE 4


                                   FLOOR PLAN
                                    FIGURE 5

                                            FOR ELECTRICAL ROOM

      TENANT A    2000 SQ. FT.              2000/4800 =  41.67%
      TENANT B    2800 SQ. FT.              2800/4800 =  58.33%
                  ------------                          ------
      SUBTOTAL    4800 SQ. FT.                          100.00%


      TENANT A    200 (.4167)       =        83.34 SQ. FT.
      TENANT B    200 (.5833)       =       116.66 SQ. FT.
      SUBTOTAL                              200.00 SQ. FT.


      TENANT A    BASIC   2000.00           TENANT B   BASIC    2800.00
                  COMMON    83.34                      COMMON    116.66
                          -------                               -------
                  TOTAL   2083.34                      TOTAL    2916.66

GRAND TOTAL       5,000.00 SQ. FT.



                  FOR ELECTRICAL ROOM           FOR DOCK

      TENANT A    4750              48.72%      4750 65.52%
      TENANT B    2500              25.64%      2500 34.48%
      TENANT C    2500              25.64%            0.00%
                  ------------------------      -----------
      SUBTOTAL    9750              100.00%     7250 100.00%


                  FOR ELECTRICAL ROOM    FOR DOCK                SUBTOTAL

      TENANT A    [250(.4872) = 121.8] + [553(.6552) = 362.33] = 484.13 SQ. FT.
      TENANT B    [250(.2564) =  64.1] + [553(.3448) = 190.67] = 254.77 SQ. FT.
      TENANT C    [250(.2564) =  64.1] +    0                  =  64.10 SQ. FT.
                                -----                  ------    ------
                                250.0                  553.00  = 803.00 SQ. FT.

      TENANT A: BASIC      4750.00  TENANT B: BASIC   2500.00  TENANT C: BASIC  2500.00
                COMMON      484.13            COMMON   254.77            COMMON   64.10
                           -------                    -------                   -------
                TOTAL      5234.13            TOTAL   2754.77            TOTAL  2564.10

GRAND TOTAL                 10,553 SQ. FT.


                                   FLOOR PLAN
                                    FIGURE 1

                              BUILDING SECTION A-A
                                    FIGURE 2


The location, size, and number of
improvements except for Building 1                   EXHIBIT B
and Building 2 are conceptual at                     THE PROJECT
this time and are subject to change.

                                    Site Plan

                           Evergreen Corporate Center
                         at Tanasbourne Commerce Center
                         Melvin Mark Development Company
                       June 19, 1996 Zimmer Gunsul Frasca

                                    EXHIBIT C

                              LANDLORD'S WORK PLANS

                                 SCOPE NARRATIVE

                                                                 Building Design

Exterior      The building exterior will be a combination of brick and glass.
              The brick is a special ECC blend which has a rich and complex
              range of colors from dark red to Orange. The glass used will be an
              insulated glass with a light green tint, matching the other
              exterior glass used in the park (PacifiCare). allowing for
              excellent energy characteristics with maximum outward visibility.

Systems       The building is designed for large, efficient, easily maintained
              HVAC systems. Roof top AHUs with VAV and DDC electronic controls.

Elevator      The building includes one hydraulic passenger elevator with a 2500
              lb capacity and speed of 100 feet per minute. The elevator will
              contain a sheet metal hood which will allow for an 8 foot height
              in approximately one half of the cab when removed.

Materials     Brick is the predominant exterior material providing a modern
              high-quality, long-term, low maintenance exterior surface. It will
              be hand laid with a rich, textured pattern.


                                                              Building Technical
                                                             Systems Description

1.   Site Work

     1.1  Work in Public Right-of-Way

          The project will comply with all requirements of government agencies.

     1.2  Walks, Ramps, and Stairs - (Work within 5' of building face).

          (a)  Constructed of concrete, brick or similar material.

          (b)  Finish to minimize slipping.

          (c)  Slope or crown for drainage.

          (d)  Concrete minimum thickness 4 inches.

          (e)  Provide handrails where required by code and safety requirements.

          (f)  Curbs adjacent to sidewalks shall be cast monolithically with

     1.3  Landscaping - (Work within approximately 5' of building face.)

          (a)  All landscape areas to have time clock operated irrigation

          (b)  Planting areas to be graded to avoid ponding.

          (c)  Six inch minimum topsoil throughout with additional topsoil or
               planting mix at trees or shrubs. Topsoil to be free from weeds,
               boulders, roots, etc.

          (d)  Planting materials will be selected with respect to:

               i.   Appropriateness to area and exposure.

               ii.  Size to provide visual impact within one year period.

               iii. Ease of maintenance.


               iv.  Minimizing root damage to adjacent areas.

     1.4  Site Lighting - (Work within 5' of building face.)

          (a)  Lighting will be provided at all stairs and walkways.

          (b)  Specialty lighting will be provided at exterior building main
               entrances and building identification

     1.5  Signs

          (a)  Exterior signing for building address or designation and
               directional will be included.

          (b)  All other exterior and interior tenant signage is at tenant's
               expense and must meet landlord's standards.

     1.6  Paving shall comply with the standards of Project Release No. 1 (Phase
          1 Site Work) together with such design revisions as may be required to
          accommodate the Tenant of Building 2.

     1.7  Trash enclosure to be located and sized to accommodate use by the
          Tenant of Building 2.

2.   Structural Design Guidelines

     2.1  Codes and Standards

          (a)  American Concrete Institute, "Building Code Requirements for
               Reinforced Concrete," ACI 318-83.

          (b)  American Institute of Steel Construction, "Specification for the
               Design, Fabrication and Erection of Structural Steel for
               Buildings," Eighth Edition of Manual of Steel Construction.

          (c)  Uniform Building Code as in effect in Oregon ("UBC").

     2.2  Design Load Criteria

          (a)  Floor Live Load: 50 psf plus 20 psf partition load

          (b)  Floor Dead Load: 55 psf

          (c)  Roof live load: 25 psf

          (d)  Roof dead load: 20 psf


          (e)  Wind load: 80 mph, exposure C

          (f)  Seismic Zone: UBC zone 3

          (g)  Mechanical equipment pads sufficient to support equipment
               required by mechanical design

     2.3  Materials

          (a)  Concrete

               4000 psi minimum at 28 days for structural concrete.

               2500 psi minimum at 28 days for sidewalk and backfill concrete

          (b)  Reinforcing Steel

               i.   Bars

                    ASTM A615, deformed, Grade 60

               ii.  Welded Wire

                    ASTM A185

          (c)  Structural Steel

               ASTM A36; ASTM A572; Grade 42 or Grade 50; or ASTM A588; Grade 50

     2.4  Structural System Analysis Approach

          (a)  Floor System: Structural steel columns supporting an open web
               joist and girder system. Metal decking with a 5.5" composite
               concrete slab.

          (b)  Lateral Force Resisting System: shear walls.

          (c)  Foundation System

               Design will be based on the recommendation of the geotechnical
               consultant. Recommendations will include design criteria for
               foundation system(s) best suited to project; design criteria and
               pressures for the design of slabs. To be conventional spread
               footings bearing on native soils.


          (d)  Slab on grade to be 4" unreinforced concrete

     2.5  Exterior Wall System

          Design will be in accordance with applicable building codes and

     2.6  Testing and Inspection

          (a)  Testing and inspection of building structural elements will be
               provided in accordance with building department requirements.

          (b)  Testing and inspections to be undertaken by independent agency.

3.   Exterior Enclosure

     3.1  Building Facade

          (a)  General

               i.   Comply with state energy code.

               ii.  Designed for wind and seismic loading and lateral movement.

               iii. Provide one year guarantee against water leakage. Provide a
                    consultant to inspect design and construction of facade and

     3.2  Cladding System

          (a)  ECC brick blend.

          (b)  Glazing System

               i.   Insulated glass required. To have butt glazed exterior glass
                    similar in color to PacifiCare.

               ii.  Butt glazing system to comply with Oregon Energy Codes.

          (c)  Miscellaneous

               i.   Provide Sealants, flashings, vapor barriers, insulation as
                    required for a complete installation.

               ii.  Glass to be cleaned prior to the time of occupancy.


     3.3  Environmental Protection

          (a)  Roofing

               i.   Fifteen year bondable.

               ii.  Closed cell rigid insulation to meet energy code.

               iii. Roofing system to be a built-up roofing with cap sheet.

               iv.  Provide roof access, roof hatch and ladder.

          (b)  Membrane Waterproofing

               i.   Fluid type with insulation and protection board.

     3.4  Exterior Entrances

          (a)  Main Entries

               i.   Entries will be in compliance with the ADA.

          (b)  Service Entries, Exits, Etc.

               Painted hollow metal galvanized.

          (c)  Loading Dock and Parking Access

               Manually operated insulated vertical rolling door.

4.   Interior Materials & Finishes

     4.1  Tenant Office Space

          (a)  Ceilings

               i.   Exposed T bar grid at approximately 9' above finished floor.

               ii.  2x4 ceiling tile to be tegular "second-look" style, scored
                    to look like 2x2

          (b)  Walls

               i.   Core walls to extend and seal to structure.

               ii.  Gypsum wallboard taped, sanded, primed and painted with
                    finish coat, ready for occupancy.


               iii. Window sill to be finished sheet rock.

               iv.  Reinforce ceiling above window for window covering.

          (c)  Floors

               i.   Concrete with sealer prepared to receive carpet.

               ii.  Carpet, furnish and install: allowance of $20/square yard.

          (d)  Window Coverings

               i.   Exterior window blinds similar to PacifiCare

          (e)  Doors and hardware

               i.   Full Height doors (up to 9')

               ii.  Schlage Schedule "D" lever-action passage and lock sets

     4.2  Typical Floor Elevator Lobby

          (a)  Ceiling and walls.

               Painted gypsum board.

          (b)  Floor: Carpet at furnish and install allowance of $20/square

     4.3  Toilet Rooms

          (a)  Ceiling

               i.   Painted gypsum wallboard

               ii.  Fluorescent lighting.

          (b)  Walls

               Ceramic tile selected by Landlord on wet walls to 4'6"

          (c)  Floor

               Ceramic tile selected by Landlord

          (d)  Miscellaneous

               i.   Lavatories to be mounted in counter with mirror above.


               ii.  Recessed paper towel and waste receptacles.

               iii. Ceiling hung toilet partitions with coat hooks. Purse
                    shelves in women's toilet room.

               iv.  Toilet seat cover dispenser and rolled toilet paper holder
                    at each water closet.

               v.   Sanitary napkin waste disposal at each women's water closet.

               vi.  Two coat hooks in each toilet room.

               vii. Refrigerated drinking fountain adjacent to toilet rooms.

               viii. Wall-mounted soap dispenser by each lavatory.

               ix.  Shower stalls will be prefabricated fiberglass.

     4.4  Janitor's Closets

          (a)  Walls

               Painted gypsum wallboard.

          (b)  Floor

               Vinyl tile selected by Landlord with rubber base.

          (c)  Miscellaneous

               i.   Janitor sink.

               ii.  Plastic laminate wainscoting at janitor sink.

               iii. Shelf and hooks for supplies.

     4.5  Building Lobby and Main Floor Elevator Lobby

          (a)  Ceiling

               i.   Building standard ceiling per building standard
                    specification 4.1.

               ii.  Building standard lighting per building standard
                    specifications 7.2(a)(ii), 7.2(b).


          (b)  Walls

               i.   Painted gypsum board per building standard 4.1(b).

          (c)  Floor

               i.   Carpet at furnish and install allowance of $20/square yard.

     4.6  Exit Stairwells

          (a)  Ceilings

               Painted exposed construction.

          (b)  Walls


          (c)  Floors

               i. Concrete sealed.

     4.7  Electrical/Telephone Rooms, Elevator Machine Rooms, etc.

          (a)  Ceilings

               Exposed construction, unpainted or gypsum wallboard taped and

          (b)  Walls

               Exposed construction or gypsum wallboard taped and primed.

          (c)  Floors

               i.   Sealed.

     4.8  Furnishings and casework.

          (a)  The Work does not include any furniture, appliances, partitions,
               computer equipment, telephones, cabling, or any other furniture,
               furnishings, or equipment, even if shown on any plan or drawing.

          (b)  The Work shall include the following casework as an allowance
               item. The stated allowance will be applied against both design
               and construction of the following items. The allowance will be
               calculated on an actual per-lineal foot basis, with a fixed


               cost, except for the reception area counter, which portion of the
               allowance shall be fixed at $7500. In the event the cost of
               design and construction of the following exceeds the total
               allowance, the excess cost shall be added to the Cost of the Work
               (it being the understanding that such extra cost shall be paid
               for by Tenant).

                                                  Quantity     Unit    Unit Cost       Cost
Plastic Laminate Counters at Toilet Rooms            84         If     $   75.00     $ 6,300
Coffee Bar (Upper & Lowers)                          48         If     $  250.00     $12,000
Catering Kitchen Casework (Upper & Lowers)           30         If     $  250.00     $ 7,500
Lounge Casework (Upper & Lowers)                     21         If     $  250.00     $ 5,250
Counter at Reception Area (Allowance)                           Is     $7,500.00     $ 7,500
Credenzas at Main Conference & Training              32         If     $  350.00     $11,200

                                                                Est. Total           $49,750

     4.9  Miscellaneous Requirements

          (a)  A general interior building signing system for the following will
               be provided: Code/ADA required signage.

5.   Vertical Transportation

     5.1  Elevator

          (a)  Hydraulic passenger elevator with 1500 lb capacity and speed of
               100 fpm.

6.   HVAC/Mechanical

     6.1  Quality Assurance

          (a)  Equipment Areas

               Coordinate mechanical equipment spaces and other space
               requirements with architectural arrangement.

          (b)  Pressure Ratings

               Provide components subject to system pressure with pressure
               ratings that exceed maximum system pressure at location of
               components. Such components include piping, fittings, valves,


               piping specialties, tanks, coils, equipment and air handling and
               distribution devices.

          (c)  Noise

               With each system in normal operation simultaneously, mechanical
               systems will meet the following criteria:

               i.   Noise Criteria Standard (NG)

                    Maximum noise criteria levels:

                         Offices             35
                         Meeting Rooms       35
                         Cafeteria           40
                         Lobbies             40
                         Corridors           40
                         Toilets             40
                         Storage             50

          (d)  Vibration

               Mechanical systems not to result in vibration in excess of
               industry standards for Class-A office space.

     6.2  Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning - Design Criteria

          (a)  Will Comply with Oregon Energy Code.

          (b)  Other: see ASHRAE Handbooks, latest applicable volumes.

          (c)  Electrical Loads.

               Base final design on data provided by Landlord's Design
               Electrical Engineer and assumptions made under these plans and

          (d)  Minimum Outside Ventilation Air.

               Typically 20 CFM per occupant (assumes one occupant per cubicle
               or office per space plan) or 0.2 CFM per square foot, whichever
               is greater.

          (e)  Minimum Total Air Circulation Rates:

               i.   Office Spaces: Typically 0.80 CFM per SF interior, 1.0 CFM
                    per SF perimeter.


               ii.  Toilets: Typically 2 CFM per SF

               iii. Other: As required by good design practice.

          (f)  Air Drafts

               Air motion not to exceed 50 FPM in any portion of occupied spaces
               from floor up to 6'6" above floor.

          (g)  Air Handling Equipment includes for the three major zones of the
               building totaling 195 tons:

               i.   East Wing

                         65 nominal ton VAV units (1)
                         2nd floor fan powered boxes (5)
                         2nd floor cooling only VAV boxes (5)
                         1st floor fan powered boxes (4)
                         1st floor cooling only VAV boxes (7)
                         Electric room exhaust fans (2)
                         Perimeter slot diffusers (15)
                         T-bar supply diffusers (70)
                         T-bar return grilles with sound boots (10)
                         T-bar return air grilles without boots (32)
                         Exhaust grilles (2)
                         Fire/smoke dampers (9)

               ii.  Central Wing

                         65 nominal ton VAV units (1)
                         2nd floor fan powered boxes (7)
                         2nd floor cooling only VAV boxes (8)
                         1st floor fan powered boxes (7)
                         1st floor cooling only VAV boxes (8)
                         Electric room exhaust fans (2)
                         Toilet/kitchen exhaust fan (1)
                         Perimeter slot diffusers (28)
                         T-bar supply diffusers (82)
                         T-bar return air grilles with sound boots (14)
                         T-bar return air grilles without boots (36)
                         Exhaust grilles (9)
                         Fire/smoke dampers (11)


               iii. West Wing

                         65 nominal ton VAV units (1)
                         2nd floor fan powered boxes (5)
                         2nd floor cooling only VAV boxes (5)
                         1st floor fan powered boxes (5)
                         1st floor cooling only VAV boxes (5)
                         Electric room exhaust fans (2)
                         Toilet/kitchen exhaust fan (1)
                         Perimeter slot diffusers (10)
                         T-bar supply diffusers (66)
                         T-bar return air grilles with sound boots (8)
                         T-bar return air grilles without boots (32)
                         Exhaust grilles (10)
                         Fire/smoke dampers (4)

          (h)  Room Thermostats

               i.   Provide and connect each temperature control zone.

               ii.  Install per code:

                    (1)  Where rooms and walls are constructed in their final
                         forms, install thermostats on wall.

                    (2)  Where areas are subject to addition of walls, locate
                         thermostat at ceiling with five feet of wire control

     6.3  Controls

          (a)  Complete system of direct digital (DDC) temperature controls and
               computerized energy management.

               i.   Air side economizer cycle.

               ii.  Warm-up cycle.

               iii. Night set-back.

               iv.  Automatic stop and start.

          (b)  VAV box will be integrated with the DDC system.

          (c)  Freeze Protection for Mechanical Systems.


     6.4  Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning Systems Description.

          (a)  Mechanical system to be rooftop packaged multiple-zoned VAV units
               complete with DDC controls. VAV boxes to be straight VAV or fan
               powered VAV combination with electric heat at perimeter and
               cooling only at interior. Ductwork to be medium pressure spiral
               round duct. Returns to be via ceiling plenum.

          (b)  No fiberglass to be used in the air stream other than at the
               following locations: (i) the first 20 feet of supply and return
               mains downstream of the rooftop equipment and (ii) return air
               grilles in private offices shall have acoustically lined sound

     6.5  Plumbing - Design Criteria

          (a)  Utilities:

               i.   Connections: Connect to utility mains for water, gas, storm,
                    and sanitary sewers at 5' outside of building face.

               ii.  Regulations: Comply with requirements of utility companies
                    and agencies.

          (b)  Domestic Water

               i.   Pressure Range at Fixtures

                    (1)  Minimum: 25 PSIG

                    (2)  Maximum: 70 PSIG

               ii.  Lavatories

                    (1)  Office Spaces:

                         105 degrees F, single faucet.

                    (2)  Kitchen Areas:

                         140 degrees F hot water and cold water.

                    (3)  Shower: 105 degrees F.

               iii. Water coolers per plan.


          (c)  Natural Gas

               For gas fired equipment.

          (d)  Sanitary Waste and Vents

               i.   Fixtures

                    Per architectural drawings.

               ii.  Mechanical Systems

                    As required by design.

          (e)  Storm Drains

               For roofs, planters, and exterior areas.

     6.6  Plumbing - System Description

          (a)  Fixtures and Drains

               Wall hung, flush valve water closets and urinals.

          (b)  Tenant Sink Provisions as shown the plans.

          (c)  Domestic Water.

               i.   Water heaters as designed by Landlord.

               ii.  Piping distribution systems for cold and hot water to
                    fixtures and equipment.

               iii. Valves, piping specialties, vibration isolation and

          (d)  Sanitary Waste and Vent

               i.   Piping collection system from fixtures, drains and

          (e)  Storm Drains

               i.   Piping collection system from drains for roofs. Include roof
                    overflow drains with discharge nozzles.


          (f)  Landlord will pay sewer equalization charges and any other permit
               or connection fees for number of sewer units needed for fixtures
               shown on plans.

     6.7  Fire Protection - Design Criteria

          (a)  Site Utilities

               i.   Connections

                    Connect to utility mains at 5' from building face.

               ii.  Regulations

                    Comply with requirements of utility company or agency.

               iii. Coordination

                    (1)  With utility company or agency.

                    (2)  For locations, rooms, vaults, boxes, meters valves, and
                         visible items.

          (b)  Fire Sprinklers

               i.   Provide for entire building.

               ii.  Per NFPA 13.

     6.8  Fire Protection - Systems Descriptions

          (a)  Piping Distribution

               Combined system for sprinkler and standpipes.

          (b)  Fire Department Pumper Connections

               At locations per code enforcing agency.

          (c)  Sprinkler Heads -- per code.

          (d)  Fire Extinguishers

               In cabinets where indicated on architectural drawings and per

          (e)  Other Components

               Per code.


7.   Electrical/Communication

     7.1  Quality Assurance

          (a)  Equipment Areas

               i.   Coordinate electrical equipment rooms and other space
                    requirements with Architect.

          (b)  Noise and Vibration

               With each system in normal operation simultaneously, electrical
               systems shall meet following criteria:

               i.   Noise

                    Maximum Noise Criteria (NC) levels:

                         Offices           35
                         Meeting Rooms     35
                         Cafeteria         40
                         Lobbies           40
                         Corridors         40
                         Toilets           40
                         Storage           50

               ii.  Vibration

                    System not to exceed the following:

                    (1)  Less than 16 Hz: 0.004 inch per second vibration

                    (2)  16 Hz or Greater: 0.001 g rms acceleration as analyzed
                         by 1/3 octave bands or for single frequency components.

     7.2  Design Criteria

          (a)  Lighting Levels; Minimum Average Maintained Foot-Candles

               i.   Offices: 60 in open landscaped offices

               ii.  Lobbies: 25

               iii. Corridors: 20


               iv.  Other Areas: Consistent with task, but not to exceed 60.

          (b)  Lighting Fixture Type: 2'x4' Two-lamp parabolic with a T-8
               ballast by Columbia or Lithonia.

          (c)  Lighting Circuiting - to be determined by Landlord.

          (d)  Lighting Switching

               Open areas/no more than 1,000 sq. ft. will be controlled by one
               light switch

          (e)  Power Distribution

               In switchboards, distribution panelboards, branch circuit
               panelboards and feeders and busways allow for:

               i.   HVAC, plumbing, fire protection, elevator and lighting

               ii.  Minimum 25% spare capacity (over the fully built out
                    building), in feeders, including breaker spaces in

               iii. In electrical riser room on each floor provide sleeves in
                    floor for future systems; include routing space from
                    switchboard room to lowest typical floor electrical room.

          (f)  Office Area Receptacle and Communications Outlets

               i.   average of one per 285 square feet of premises area, and
                    three electrical circuits for each workstation cluster (8

               ii.  Ten percent of the total circuit count for outlets is to be

               iii. Distribution shall be by means other than power poles.

          (g)  Other Power Outlet Requirements

               i.   Maintenance Outlets in Corridors

                    20A, 120V, duplex outlets, maximum 90 feet apart.


               ii.  Electrical Closets

                    Minimum one 20A, 120V, duplex outlet.

               iii. Toilets

                    One duplex receptacle 20A, 120V, at lavatory counter as

               iv.  At Telephone Backboard

                    Mounting height 7 feet on separate circuit in each closet.

               v.   Drinking Fountains

                    Single receptacles of proper voltage and ampere ratings for
                    water chiller equipment at locations as required by plans.

               vi.  Elevator Pit

                    20A, 120V

     7.3  Systems Description

          (a)  Power Supply - Building Services

               277/480 volt, 3-phase

          (b)  Transformer Pad

          (c)  Main Switchboard

          (d)  Normal Power Distribution

               i.   Utility Metering

               ii.  Building Power Distribution

          (e)  Telephone System Conduit

               i.   Empty conduits to, and riser conduit sleeves in, telephone
                    riser closets with plywood backboards located on each floor.

          (f)  Fire Detection and Alarm Systems As Required By Code


                                 LISTS OF PLANS

                    Electrical Plans dated December 27, 1996, prepared by
Christenson Electric, pp. E-1 and E-2, for Evergreen Corporate

                    Partition Plans dated December 3, 1996, prepared by ZGF
Partnership, 2 pp, for Evergreen Corporate Center--MedicaLogic.

                    Preliminary Facade Design dated November 7, 1996, prepared
by ZGF Partnership, for Evergreen Corporate Center - MedicaLogic.


                             NOTES ON SCOPE OF WORK

1.   Site Work. The Landlord's Work includes completion of the following around
     the Building: curbs, sidewalks, irrigation and landscaping, all building
     utilities (sufficient to complete connections to the building shell when
     built), transformer and pad, and landscaping to screen the transformer from
     view, recycling and garbage storage area for building, asphalt, landscape,
     and utility repairs and additions as needed ("collectively, Building Site

2.   Miscellaneous.

     2.1  The scope of the Work also includes the following:

          (a)  Insulated glass at locations designed by Landlord's Architect on
               the exterior perimeter of the building. Building facade will
               include brick and glass on all sides generally consistent with
               the preliminary facade design dated November 7, 1996.

          (b)  Roof will be high enough to allow Tenant to build a 9 foot clear
               interior ceiling above the slab with sufficient space above the
               proposed interior ceiling grid to allow for HVAC ductwork and
               miscellaneous mechanical and electrical systems. The top of
               exterior perimeter glazing will be approximately 9 feet above the
               finished floor.

          (c)  Provision of roof screening for installed mechanical equipment
               screening all of Tenant's mechanical equipment.

          (d)  Infrastructure for sprinkler distribution system. (Drops and
               finish items and the installation thereof are part of the
               Tenant's responsibility and are not included in the Work.)

          (e)  Fifteen-year standard roof warranty, in the form provided by the

          (f)  One-year "water tight" guarantee, in the form provided by the

          (g)  One-year standard HVAC warranty in the form provided by the

          (h)  One-year standard elevator warranty in the form provided by the

          (i)  One-year standard glazing system warranty in the form provided by
               the manufacturer.


          (j)  Roof and foundation drainage.

          (k)  Two four-inch conduits from the street to the telephone equipment
               room in the Premises.

          (l)  The items in the quantities listed on the attached Schedule C-1;
               provided, however, the Schedule's sole purpose is to provide
               detailed information on quantities and items to be provided by
               Landlord. If any item listed on such Schedule is also included in
               this Exhibit C, the quantities shown on such Schedule shall be
               illustrative only of what is described in this Exhibit C and not
               added to what is described in this Exhibit C.

3.   Design Costs. Landlord shall be responsible for the cost of design and
     engineering of the Landlord's Work, to the extent necessary to prepare
     Landlord's Work Plans sufficient for permitting. Tenant shall be
     responsible for design and engineering costs resulting from (i) any Tenant
     details or Tenant's program requirements, other than details necessary to
     prepare plans sufficient to obtain permits for the Scope of Work described
     herein; (ii) any Tenant-requested changes or further clarifications to any
     plans; (iii) any Additional Work; and (iv) any work outside the scope of
     Landlord's Work, including without limitation plans for design of Tenant's
     furnishings, equipment, electrical, communications, and computer systems,
     and integration and connection of the same to Landlord's Work. Tenant shall
     engage and pay for its own architect, pursuant to Section 2.1 of Exhibit D,
     for any plans described in clauses (iii) or (iv).


                                  SCHEDULE C-1

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                         BAUGH CONSTRUCTION OREGON, INC.
Project: Medicalogic Tenant Improvement                     Architect: ZGF
Location: Hillsboro, Oregon                                 Estimator: B. Jensen
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
             Description                         Quantity*           Unit
Loading Dock
Excavation                                              1              ls
Wall Footings                                          95              lf
Dock Ramp Walls                                       475              sf
Dock Leveler Pit                                        1              ls
Dock Ramp Slab                                        600              sf
Guardrails                                             80              lf
Overhead Door - 12' x 9'                                1              ea
Hollow Metal Doors                                      1              pr
Dock Leveler/Bumpers/Seal                               1              ls
Area Drain                                              1              ea
Storm Drain Lateral                                   100              lf
Casework (See Allowance per lease)
Doors & Relites
Prefinished 8'-6" Oak Drs/Timely Frms/HW               79              ea
Prefinished 8'-6" Oak Drs/Timely Frms/HW/Pr             3              ea
Relites 2' x 8'-6"                                     25              ea
Larger Relites                                        160              sf
Accordian Door and Support                             79              lf
Gypboard at Exterior Walls                          8,766              sf
Pluming Chase                                         952              sf
Toilet Room Walls w/ Sound Insulation               6,636              sf
Full Height Walls                                  10,262              sf
Office Walls                                       17,154              sf
Column Wraps                                           73              ea
Fascia at Lobby Opening                                54              lf
Architectural Railing System                           85              lf
Gypboard Ceilings at Toilets/Showers/Kitchen        2,556              sf
Ceiling Coves at Toilet Rooms                         200              lf
Acoustical Ceilings - 2 x 4 Second Look            66,039              sf
Sound Insulation on Ceiling @ Office Walls         15,248              sf
Painting & Wallcovering
Paint Walls - Enamel                               64,931              sf
Paint Walls & Ceilings - Epoxy                      2,556              sf
Ceramic Tile Floors at Toilets/Showers              2,332              sf
Ceramic Tile Base                                     444              lf
Ceramic Tile Wet Wall                               1,776              sf

                                  Page 1 of 2

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                         BAUGH CONSTRUCTION OREGON, INC.
Project: Medicalogic Tenant Improvement                     Architect: ZGF
Location: Hillsboro, Oregon                                 Estimator: B. Jensen
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
             Description                         Quantity*           Unit
Sheet Vinyl Flooring at Kitchen                       224              sf
Anti Static Flooring at Network                       398              sf
Glue Down Loop Carpet                               7,065              sy
Rubber Base                                         7,475              lf
Concrete Floor Sealer at Warehouse                  2,118              sf
Fire Extinguishers & Cabinets                           6              ea
Interior Building Signage                               1              ls
Toilet Partitions                                      28              ea
Urinal Screens                                          8              ea
Grab Bars                                              16              ea
Toilet Paper Holders                                   28              ea
Soap Dispensers                                        14              ea
Sanitary Napkin Disposal                               20              ea
Sanitary Napkin Vendor                                  4              ea
Paper Towel Dispenser/Disposal                         10              ea
Seat Cover Dispensers                                  28              ea
Prefabricated Shower Units                              4              ea
Mirrors                                               420              sf
Window Coverings at Exterior Windows                9,094              sf
Lockers - 12" x 36"                                    30              ea
Mechanical & Electrical
Fire Protection                                    75,312              sf

                                  Page 2 of 2

                                    EXHIBIT D

                                 WORK AGREEMENT


          All Additional Work (as defined in Section 7.1 of the Lease and Rider
No. 16), if any, shall first be approved in writing by Landlord pursuant to
Section 2 of this Work Agreement and the costs, fees and expenses thereof shall
be paid by Tenant as provided in this Work Agreement, in Section 7.1 of the
Lease and Rider No. 16, and in Section 36.1 of the Lease. If a change to
Landlord's Work specifically requested by Tenant and agreed to by Landlord
directly results in actual savings to Landlord, Tenant shall receive a credit
for such actual savings.


     2.1 In the event Tenant desires any Additional Work, as defined in Section
1 of this Work Agreement, Tenant shall retain the services of Zimmer Gunsul
Frasca ("ZGF") or other qualified architect, approved in advance by Landlord, to
prepare the necessary drawings, including without limitation basic space plans
and complete detailed working plans for any of the Additional Work (individually
and collectively, the "Plans for Additional Work"). All Plans for Additional
Work shall be prepared at Tenant's expense and shall be subject to the prior
written approval of Landlord.

     2.2 ZGF (at Tenant's cost) shall determine that the work shown on the Plans
for Additional Work is compatible with the basic Building plans and that
necessary basic Building modifications are included in the Plans for Additional

     2.3 Tenant shall be responsible for delays and additional costs in
completion of Landlord's Work caused by changes made to Landlord's Work or by
the work described in the Plans for Additional Work, by inadequacies in any of
the Plans for Additional Work, or by delays in delivery of special materials
requiring long lead times.

     2.4 Upon completion of the Plans for Additional Work and at the request of
Tenant, Landlord and its contractor shall provide to Tenant in writing an
estimate of the cost of improvements to be provided at Tenant's expense. Within
five days after Tenant's receipt of such estimated cost, Tenant shall delete any
items which Tenant elects not to have constructed and shall authorize
construction of the balance of the improvements. In the absence of such written
authorization, Landlord shall not be obligated to commence or continue work on
the Premises, as the case may be, and Tenant shall be responsible for any costs
due to any resulting delay in completion of the Premises.

     2.5 Prior to commencement of construction of the Additional Work described
in the Plans for Additional Work, Tenant shall either (i) deposit with Landlord
cash in an amount equal to the estimated cost of the improvements to be
installed at Tenant's expense pursuant to


Section 1 of this Work Agreement; or (ii) provide Landlord with other evidence
or assurance, such as a bond or letter of credit, satisfactory to Landlord of
Tenant's ability to pay the estimated cost of such improvements. Landlord's
contractor shall then complete the Additional Work in accordance with the Plans
for Additional Work. Any additional amounts payable by Tenant for the actual
cost of the improvements shall be paid on or before the Commencement Date of the
Lease, or upon receipt of the final accounting. If cash is deposited by Tenant
as provided above in this Section 2.5, any excess paid by Tenant over the actual
cost of the improvements shall be promptly refunded to Tenant by Landlord.

     2.6 If Tenant desires any change to the Plans for Additional Work, Tenant
shall submit a written request for such change to Landlord, together with all
plans and specifications necessary to show and explain changes from the approved
the Plans for Additional Work. Any such change shall be subject to Landlord's

     2.7 If any work is to be performed in the Premises by Tenant or by Tenant's
contractor (which contractor must first be approved in writing by Landlord),
such work shall conform to the following requirements:

          2.7.1 Such work shall proceed only upon Landlord's written approval of
the public liability and property damage insurance carried by Tenant's
contractor. Landlord shall have the right to require Tenant's contractor to post
a payment or performance bond in an amount equal to the estimated cost of the
work to be performed by such contractor. Tenant shall supply Landlord with the
name, address, and emergency telephone number for Tenant's contractor and all
subcontractors retained by Tenant's contractor.

          2.7.2 All such work shall be done in conformity with a valid building
permit when required, a copy of which shall be furnished to Landlord before such
work is commenced, and in any case, all such work shall be performed in
accordance with all applicable governmental regulations and all applicable
safety regulations established by Landlord or its contractor for the Center
generally. Notwithstanding any failure by Landlord to object to any such work,
Landlord shall have no responsibility for Tenant's failure to comply with all
applicable governmental regulations.

          2.7.3 Landlord may require that all such work be performed by union
labor in accordance with any union labor agreements applicable to the trades
being employed at the Center.

          2.7.4 All such work shall be scheduled through Landlord and Landlord's
contractor and shall be performed in a manner and at times which do not impede
or delay any work on the Premises being performed by Landlord's contractor.

          2.7.5 Tenant's contractor shall store any materials only in the
Premises or in such other space as may be designated by Landlord or its
contractor from time to time. All trash and surplus construction materials shall
also be stored within the Premises and shall be promptly removed from the


     2.8 Tenant's entry into the Premises for any purpose, including without
limitation inspection or performance of work by Tenant or Tenant's contractor,
prior to the Commencement Date, shall be subject to all the terms and conditions
of the Lease, including without limitation the provisions of the Lease relating
to the maintenance of insurance and indemnification by Tenant, but excluding the
provisions of the Lease relating to the payment of Rent. Tenant's entry shall
mean entry by Tenant, its officers, contractors, subcontractors, licensees,
agents, servants, employees, guests, invitees, or visitors (collectively, the
"Tenant Related Parties").

     2.9 Tenant shall indemnify and hold harmless Landlord from and against any
and all claims, losses, liabilities, and expenses (including without limitation
reasonable attorneys' fees) arising out of or in any way related to the
activities of Tenant or the Tenant Related Parties in the Premises or the
Center. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, Tenant shall promptly
reimburse Landlord upon demand for any extra expense incurred by Landlord as a
result of faulty work done by Tenant or the Tenant Related Parties, any delays
caused by such work, or inadequate clean-up. If Tenant's delays cause Landlord's
Work to be substantially completed later than on December 15, 1997, Tenant's
obligation to pay Base Rent and Tenant's share of Expenses shall commence one
day earlier than the date of substantial completion of Landlord's Work for each
Tenant Delay Day.


                                    EXHIBIT E

                          CENTER RULES AND REGULATIONS

1.   No sign, placard, picture, name, advertisement or notice, visible from the
     exterior of leased premises shall be inscribed, painted, affixed, installed
     or otherwise displayed by any tenant either on its premises or any part of
     any building or any part of the Center without the prior written consent of
     Landlord, and Landlord shall have the right to remove any such sign,
     placard, picture, name, advertisement, or notice in violation of this rule
     without notice to and at the expense of the tenant. All approved signs or
     lettering on doors and walls shall be printed, painted, affixed or
     inscribed at the expense of the tenant by a person approved by Landlord.

2.   No curtains, draperies, blinds, shutters, shades, screens or other
     coverings, awnings, hangings or decorations shall be attached to, hung or
     placed in, or used in connection with, any window or door on any premises
     without the prior written consent of Landlord which consent shall not be
     unreasonably withheld. No articles shall be placed or kept on the window
     sills so as to be visible from the exterior of the building. No articles
     shall be placed against glass partitions or doors which might appear
     unsightly from outside the tenant's premises.

3.   Each tenant shall see that the doors of its premises are closed and
     securely locked and must observe strict care and caution that all water
     faucets or water apparatus are entirely shut off before the tenant or its
     employees leave its premises, and that all utilities shall likewise be
     carefully shut off, so as to prevent waste or damage. For any default or
     carelessness, Tenant shall repair all damage sustained by other tenants or
     occupants of the Center or by Landlord.

4.   No tenant shall use, keep or permit to be used or kept in its premises any
     foul or noxious gas or substance or permit or suffer such premises to be
     occupied or used in a manner offensive or objectionable to Landlord or
     other occupants of the Center by reason of noise, odors and/or vibrations
     or interfere in any way with other tenants or those having business in the
     Center, nor shall any animals or birds be brought or kept in or about any
     premises of the Center.

5.   No cooking shall be done or permitted by any tenant on its premises, except
     that use by the tenant of Underwriters' Laboratory approved equipment for
     the preparation of coffee, tea, hot chocolate and similar beverages, and
     heating of food by conventional microwave ovens, for tenants and their
     employees shall be permitted, provided that such equipment and use is in
     accordance with all applicable federal, state and city laws, codes,
     ordinances, rules and regulations.

6.   No premises shall be used for lodging.


7.   Except with the prior written consent of Landlord, no tenant shall sell, or
     permit the sale, of newspapers, magazines, periodicals, theater tickets or
     any other goods or merchandise in or on any part of the Center, nor shall
     any tenant carry on, or permit or allow any employee or other person to
     carry on, the business of stenography, typewriting or any similar business
     in or from any premises for the service or accommodation of occupants of
     any other portion of the Center, nor shall the premises of any tenant be
     used for the storage of merchandise or for manufacturing of any kind, or
     the business of a public barber shop, beauty shop, beauty parlor, nor shall
     the premises of any tenant be used for any improper, immoral or
     objectionable purpose, or any business or activity other than that
     specifically provided for in such tenant's lease.

8.   No tenant shall install any radio or television antenna, loudspeaker or any
     other device on the exterior walls or the roof of the Center. No tenant
     shall interfere with radio or television broadcasting or reception from or
     in the Center or elsewhere.

9.   Business machines and mechanical equipment belonging to a tenant which
     cause noise or vibration that may be transmitted to the structure of the
     building or to any space therein to such a degree as to be objectionable to
     Landlord or to any tenants in the Center shall be placed and maintained by
     the tenant, at the tenant's expense, on vibration eliminators or other
     devices sufficient to eliminate noise or vibration.

10.  No tenant shall place a load upon any floor of its premises which exceeds
     its load per square foot which such floor was designed to carry.

11.  Each tenant shall store all its trash and garbage within the interior of
     its premises. No material shall be placed in the trash boxes or receptacles
     if such material is of such nature that it may not be disposed of in the
     ordinary and customary manner of removing and disposing of trash and
     garbage in the city without violation of any law or ordinance governing
     such disposal. All trash, garbage and refuse disposal shall be made only
     through entryways for such purposes.

12.  Canvassing, soliciting, distribution of handbills or any other written
     material, and peddling in the Center are prohibited and each tenant shall
     cooperate to prevent the same. No tenant shall make room-to-room
     solicitation of business from other tenants in the Center.

13.  Landlord shall have the right, exercisable without notice and without
     liability to any tenant to change the name and address of the Center.

14.  Each tenant assumes any and all responsibility for protecting its premises
     from theft, robbery, and pilferage, which includes keeping doors locked and
     other means of entry to the premises closed.

15.  Landlord may waive any one or more of these Rules and Regulations for the
     benefit of any particular tenant or tenants, but no such waiver by Landlord
     shall be construed as a


     waiver of such Rules and Regulations in favor of any other tenant or
     tenants, nor prevent Landlord from thereafter enforcing any such Rules and
     Regulations against any or all tenants in the Center.

16.  Landlord reserves the right to make such other and reasonable rules and
     regulations as in its judgment from time to time be needed for safety and
     security, for care and cleanliness of the Center and for the preservation
     of good order in the Center. Tenant agrees to abide by all such Rules and
     Regulations and any additional rules and regulations which are adopted.

17.  Landlord reserves the right to designate and regulate the use of the
     parking spaces at the Center.

18.  Each tenant and each tenant's guests shall park between designated parking
     lines only, and shall not occupy two parking spaces with one car. Vehicles
     in violation of the above shall be subject to tow-away, at the vehicle
     owner's expense.

19.  Vehicles parking at the Center overnight without prior written consent of
     Landlord shall be deemed abandoned and shall be subject to tow-away at the
     vehicle owner's expense.

20.  Each tenant shall be responsible for the observance of all of the foregoing
     Rules and Regulations by such tenants employees, agents, clients,
     customers, invitees and guests.

21.  These Rules and Regulations are in addition to, and shall not be construed
     to in any way modify, alter or amend, in whole or in part, the terms,
     covenants, agreements and conditions of any lease of premises in the


                                    EXHIBIT F

                            EXTERIOR SIGN REGULATIONS

These regulations have been established for the purpose of maintaining the
overall appearance of Evergreen Corporate Center. Compliance will be strictly
enforced. All Tenant signs must be approved by Landlord. Any sign installed
without the approval of Landlord will be brought into conformity at the expense
of Tenant.

Tenant shall submit a sketch of its proposed sign to Landlord for its approval.
The approved sketch will be delivered by Landlord to the sign company. Tenant is
responsible for the cost of the sign, and Landlord will bill Tenant to recover
the cost. Tenant shall be responsible for the fulfillment of all requirements in
accordance with this Exhibit F.

General Requirements

1.   Signs will be permitted only for the purpose of identifying the name and
     business conducted in a Building. Tenant shall place no more than one sign
     on a side wall of the Building.

2.   Tenant may select the style and color of the individual company's lettering
     and logo, subject to Landlord's approval as provided above.

3.   All signs shall conform to all applicable ordinances, codes, and the
     covenants, conditions, and restrictions of Tanasbourne Commerce Center, and
     shall be compatible with the park-like environment of the Center.

4.   Placement of the sign and method of attachment to the Building will be as
     directed by Landlord.

5.   Upon removal of any sign, any damage to the Building must be repaired by
     Tenant at its expense. All signs are the property of Landlord.

6.   Except as provided herein, no advertising placards, banners, pennants,
     names, insignias, trademarks, or other descriptive material shall be
     affixed or maintained upon the glass panes or exterior walls of the
     Building, or the landscaped areas, streets, or parking areas.

7.   No audible signs will be permitted.

Tenant Exterior Sign Standards

1.   Signs shall not be larger than 5 percent of the total square footage of the
     face of the Building and shall not exceed 80 square feet.

2.   The Building sign shall not extend above the eave of the sidewall of the

3.   Signs may be illuminated.  Lighting shall be standard for all buildings
     in the Center.  Specification will be provided by Landlord.

4.   Lettering and/or the Company logo shall be brushed aluminum.

                                ADDENDUM TO LEASE

DATED:            January 15, 1997

                  an Oregon limited liability company               ("Landlord")

AND:              MEDICALOGIC, INC., an Oregon corporation            ("Tenant")

          The following modifications and insertions, numbered Rider No. 1 to
and including Rider No. 45, are hereby incorporated into the Lease and shall be
deemed made at the respective places indicated throughout the Lease. Any
reference to the Lease in the following provisions of this Addendum shall be
deemed to include this Addendum, unless otherwise specified in such reference.
The capitalized terms used in this Addendum which are defined in the Lease shall
have the meanings given to them in the Lease.

Rider No. 1. Insert Section 1.1(e), Page 1:
- ------------------------------------------

          The Premises will be in a two story building to be constructed by
Landlord and are outlined on the attached Exhibit A. Both floors in the Premises
shall be measured in accordance with Portland NAIOP measurement standards, a
copy of which is attached as Exhibit A-1.

Rider No. 2. Insert Section 1.1(f), Page 1:
- ------------------------------------------

          At the time this Lease is executed, the Project is under construction.
The current conceptual plan for the Project is attached as Exhibit B. The
location and size of the buildings shown on Exhibit B may change from time to
time. Also, the total amount of square footage in the Project shall vary over
the Term of the Lease. Tenant's percent of the Project for purposes of
determining Tenant's share of Expenses pursuant to Section 4.3 of the Lease
shall be determined by multiplying the Expenses by a fraction, the numerator of
which shall be the number of square feet in the Premises from time to time
(initially 75,010) and the denominator which shall be the total number of square
feet of completed and leasable space in the Project from time to time. The
remaining development of the Project shall be compatible with that portion of
the Project which is constructed as of the date of this Lease and the portion to
be constructed as provided in this Lease. That is, the structures, landscaping
and parking shall be similar and no special or materially different amenities in
the common areas (such as water fountains, for example) are contemplated and, if
Landlord constructs such a special or materially different amenity in the common
area, the costs thereof shall not be included in Expenses payable by Tenant
unless Tenant first consents to the construction of such amenity.


Rider No. 3. Insert Section 1.1(h), Page 1:
- ------------------------------------------

          The term of the Lease (the "Term") shall commence on the earlier of
(a) the date on which Tenant first takes occupancy of the Premises; or (b) the
date on which Landlord's Work (as defined below) is substantially completed as
certified by Landlord's architect, a temporary certificate of occupancy is
received, access to the Premises is completed as required by Laws, and parking
areas are completed consistent with the provisions of Section 10.1 (the
"Commencement Date"). The Term shall expire, unless sooner terminated or
extended pursuant to the provisions of the Lease, 120 months after the
Commencement Date. If the Lease is fully executed and delivered by January 17,
1997 and all information and approvals as requested by Landlord regarding
details, colors, finishes or other issues relating to Landlord's Work (as
defined below) are received by Landlord in writing from Tenant on or before
March 15, 1997, then the anticipated substantial completion date of Landlord's
Work shall be December 15, 1997, subject to delays caused by Tenant, delays
caused by Tenant's requested changes to any plans related to Landlord's Work, or
to delays caused by forces and events outside of Landlord's control, such as
delays caused by abnormally adverse weather, labor dispute, strike, civil
commotion, rebellion, hostilities, military or other usurped power, sabotage,
governmental regulations or controls, delay in issuance of any permit beyond 30
days after an application therefor (which is, to the best of Landlord's
knowledge, a completed application) is submitted, inability, due to reasons
beyond Landlord's control, to obtain labor, services or materials, or acts of
God (collectively, "Force Majeure"). If substantial completion of Landlord's
Work is delayed past March 31, 1998, as extended, day for day, for days of delay
caused by Tenant, by Tenant's requested changes to any plans related to
Landlord's Work, or by Force Majeure, then for each day of delay in substantial
completion of Landlord's Work beyond March 31, 1998 except for days of delay
caused by Tenant, by Tenant's requested changes to any plans related to
Landlord's Work, or by delays caused by Force Majeure, Tenant shall receive a
credit against Base Rent payable under this Lease in an amount equal to $653.47
per day. Tenant hereby accepts the Landlord's Work Plans (defined below) as
complete and as comprising the totality of Landlord's Work. Tenant shall be
permitted to enter the Premises approximately 45 days prior to the Commencement
Date for the purpose of rough-wiring Tenant's telephone, alarm, and data systems
to perimeter walls. Such work shall be in compliance with the provisions of
Section 2.7, 2.8 and 2.9 of the Work Agreement attached as Exhibit D. Tenant
shall provide promptly upon Landlord's request information regarding details,
colors, finishes and other issues relating to Landlord's Work so that Landlord
may apply for applicable permits by March 15, 1997.

Rider No. 4. Insert Section 2.1, Page 1:
- ---------------------------------------

          Landlord shall give Tenant notice when the Premises are ready
for occupancy.

Rider No. 5. Insert Section 2.1, Page 1:
- ---------------------------------------

          , and subject to latent defects but only to the extent the costs of
correction of such latent defects are paid for under any applicable guaranty,
warranty or contractual commitment provided by Baugh Construction Oregon, Inc.
(the "Contractor"). Landlord agrees to use commercially reasonable efforts to
enforce applicable guaranties, warranties and the construction


contract with the contractor (the "Construction Contract") related to correction
of latent defects at Tenant's cost and expense. The limitation on Landlord's
liability in this Lease related to the Building and Landlord's Work shall not
limit the Contractor's liability. The Construction Contract shall contain
substantially the same warranty as that which is set forth in AIA Form A201-1976
or terms more favorable to landlord. "Punchlist items" shall mean minor items
which do not interfere with Tenant's use of the Premises for its intended
purpose. Landlord shall complete all punchlist items within 60 days of the date
of Tenant's and Landlord's agreement as to the items on the punchlist, subject
to additional time needed to complete warranty items and delays due to Force
Majeure including additional time needed to obtain materials.

Rider No. 6. Insert Section 2.1(2), Page 2:
- ------------------------------------------

          the date on which the building permits for Landlord's Work are issued.

Rider No. 7. Insert Section 2.1(2), Page 2:
- ------------------------------------------

          However, Landlord agrees to use commercially reasonable efforts to
enforce any applicable guaranties, warranties or Construction Contract claims
related to the correction of the violation at Tenant's cost and expense.
Landlord represents to Tenant that the Premises are zoned MP by the City of
Hillsboro, which zoning designation permits office use.

Rider No. 8. Insert Section 3.1, Page 2:
- ---------------------------------------

          one day earlier than the date of substantial completion of Landlord's
Work for each day of delay caused by any reason attributable to Tenant (each a
"Tenant Delay Day"). Tenant acknowledges that Landlord shall not be obligated to
engage overtime labor in order to reduce delay due to Force Majeure unless
Tenant requests such overtime labor and pays for such overtime labor.

Rider No. 9. Insert Section 4.3(1)(b), Page 2:
- ---------------------------------------------

          excluding janitorial costs related to the interior of buildings in the

Rider No. 10. Insert Section 4.3(1)(c), Page 2:
- ----------------------------------------------

          ; provided, however, that Expenses shall not include maintenance,
replacement or repair costs relating to individual tenant premises which
maintenance, replacement or repair is in excess of the type of maintenance,
replacement or repair required to be provided by Landlord to Tenant under this

Rider No. 11. Insert Section 4.3(1)(e), Page 2:
- ----------------------------------------------

          Real Property Taxes shall not include assessments (such as local
improvement districts) for construction of improvements in the initial
development of the Project but Real Property Taxes will include ad valorem taxes
assessed on such improvements.


Rider No. 12. Insert Section 4.3(1), Page 2:
- -------------------------------------------

          The term "Expenses" shall not include the following:

          (i) Ground lease rental.

          (ii) Amortization and interest pay1ments on Landlord's mortgage

          (iii) Depreciation.

          (iv) Costs incurred in the initial development and construction of the

          (v) The costs of correcting defects in construction which are paid by
enforcement of applicable guaranties or warranties.

          (vi) The cost of tenant improvements provided inside buildings.

          (vii) Leasing commissions or brokerage commissions.

          (viii) Legal expenses for disputes with other tenants.

          (ix) Legal, auditing, and consulting fees other than those incurred in
connection with operation, maintenance, repair or replacement of the Project.

          (x) Costs incurred in performing maintenance and repairs or furnishing
services for individual tenants which work or services is in excess of the type
of maintenance and repair or services required to be provided by Landlord to
Tenant under this Lease.

          (xi) Expenses incurred in leasing transactions or procuring new

          (xii) Expenses for repair or replacement paid by proceeds of
condemnation awards and costs due to casualty (other than commercially
reasonable deductible amounts under insurance policies which shall be included
in Expenses).

          (xiii) Wages, costs and salaries associated with offsite employees of
Landlord other than services provided by such employees which would otherwise be
provided by outside persons, and wages, costs and salaries attributable to
persons above the level of property manager; provided, however, that Tenant
acknowledges the right of Landlord to charge (a) a management fee not to exceed
four percent of gross rents and revenues of the Project, (b) construction
management fees not to exceed ten percent of the costs, fees and expenses in
connection with construction, and (c) an additional charge on costs of labor and
personnel not to exceed fifteen percent thereof.

          (xiv) Any costs representing an amount paid to any entity related to
Landlord which is in excess of the amount which would have been paid in the
absence of such relationship subject to the proviso regarding the fees and
charges set forth in paragraph (xiii) above.


          (xv) Damages payable by Landlord due to a default by Landlord under
any lease or fines, penalties or interest charged by a governmental entity
arising from Landlord's violation of any governmental laws, rules, regulations,
or ordinances applicable to the Project.

Rider No. 13. Insert Section 4.3(3), Page 3:
- -------------------------------------------

          Tenant shall pay its annual share of estimated Expenses in monthly
installments of one-twelfth (1/12) each beginning on the Commencement Date and
continuing thereafter on the first day of each calendar month, in advance,
throughout the Term. Landlord may revise its estimate of Tenant's share of
Expenses from time to time. When Landlord revises its estimate of Tenant's share
of Expenses, and Landlord gives written notice to Tenant of such revised
estimate, Tenant shall make revised payments of Expenses pursuant to such notice
commencing on the first day of the calendar month following Landlord's notice of
the revised estimate and continuing on the first day of each calendar month
until the estimated payments are again revised.

Rider No. 13a. Insert Section 4.3(3), Page 3:
- --------------------------------------------

          until the earlier of (a) 365 days following the date of receipt of the
Notice, or (b) the date Landlord issues its accounting for Expenses for the next
succeeding calendar year (the "Objection Deadline") to

Rider No. 14. Insert Section 4.3(3), Page 3:
- -------------------------------------------

          No later than on the Objection Deadline, Tenant's employee or Tenant's
authorized representative (which must be a certified public accountant paid on
an hourly basis and not on a contingent fee basis) may, at Tenant's expense,
after reasonable prior notice to Landlord, and at a reasonable time, audit
Landlord's books and records for the calendar year pertaining to the Notice for
the purpose of verifying Landlord's calculation of the Expenses for the year in
question. If such audit reveals any errors, and if Landlord does not dispute the
audit, appropriate adjustments shall be made. If Landlord disputes the results
of the audit and Landlord and Tenant are unable to agree on the appropriate
adjustment to be made, if any, then the dispute shall be resolved by a
nationally recognized accounting firm not then employed by Landlord or Tenant
selected by Tenant from a list of three names given by Landlord to Tenant (the
"Arbitrator"). The decision by the Arbitrator shall be binding on the parties
and any adjustment required by the Arbitrator's decision shall promptly be made
after receipt of the Arbitrator's decision. The parties shall share equally the
cost of the Arbitrator. Tenant shall give Landlord a copy of the audit results.
The fact of the audit itself, the results of the audit, and any adjustments made
to Expenses shall be kept confidential by Tenant.

Rider No. 15. Insert Section 4.3(4), Page 3:
- -------------------------------------------

          within five days after it is


Rider No. 16. Insert Section 7.1, Page 3:
- ----------------------------------------

          Landlord shall build the base building in which the Premises are
located (the "Building") and Landlord shall provide certain tenant improvements
in the Premises, all as specifically described in the scope narrative, the
plans, and the specifications prepared by Zimmer Gunsul Frasca, the partition
plan, and the electrical plan, all attached as Exhibit C (collectively, the
"Landlord's Work Plans"). Landlord shall obtain all permits and approvals
required for Landlord's Work. Landlord shall perform all of Landlord's Work in a
good and workmanlike manner using new materials. The work specified in the
Landlord's Work plans is collectively referred to in this lease as "Landlord's
Work". All other improvements, alterations, and modifications to the Premises,
additional finish items, all changes to Landlord's Work, and all changes to
Landlord's Work plans, if any (collectively and individually, the "Additional
Work") shall be first approved in writing by Landlord and the costs, fees, and
expenses thereof, including without limitation, the costs, fees, and expenses of
obtaining all necessary permits and approvals of design, construction, and
installation thereof, together with supervision fees by the manager of the
Project and any costs, fees, or expenses incurred due to corresponding changes
to other items of Landlord's Work required as a result thereof (collectively,
the "Additional TI Costs") shall be paid in full by Tenant prior to the
Commencement Date of the Lease (except to the extent payable by Tenant as a
First TI Loan or a Second TI Loan pursuant to Section 36.1 of the Lease). The
Work Agreement attached as Exhibit D is incorporated in this Lease by this

Rider No. 17. Insert Section 7.1, Page 3:
- ----------------------------------------

          ; provided, however, that (unless required by any Laws) no such
modifications, alterations, deletions, or improvements shall reduce the parking
ratio for the Project below the ratio set forth in Section 10.1 or materially
adversely restrict access to the Premises from N.W. Evergreen Parkway.

Rider No. 18. Insert Section 7.1, Page 3:
- ----------------------------------------

          The current rules and regulations pertaining to the Project with which
Tenant shall comply are attached to this Lease as Exhibit E.

Rider No. 19. Insert Section 10.1, Page 4:
- -----------------------------------------

          Tenant shall not park nor allow its employees, invitees, and customers
collectively to park in excess of four automobiles for every 1,000 square feet
leased by tenant in the center at any point in time.

Rider No. 20. Insert Section 10.1, Page 4:
- -----------------------------------------

          ; provided, however, that (unless required by any laws), landlord
shall not have the right to reduce the parking available to tenant below the
ratio set forth in this Section.


Rider No. 21. Insert Section 11.1, Page 4:
- -----------------------------------------

          Tenant shall pay its share of utilities used in or related to the
operation and maintenance of the Project as part of Expenses as described in
Section 4.3(1).

Rider No. 22. Insert Section 12.1, Page 4:
- -----------------------------------------

          Landlord shall maintain, in good condition, the structural parts of
the building which shall include only the foundation, the structural parts of
the bearing and exterior walls (excluding glass), the structural parts of the
subflooring and the structural portions of the roof (excluding skylights), and
the unexposed portions of the

Rider No. 23. Insert Section 12.1, Page 4:
- -----------------------------------------

          Except as expressly set forth in the first sentence of Section 12.1
and below in this paragraph, from and after the Commencement Date, Tenant shall
be fully responsible for the maintenance, repair, replacement, and operation, in
good operating order and condition, of the interior and exterior of the
Building, and its systems and equipment including without limitation the
heating, ventilating and air conditioning systems and equipment ("HVAC"), the
roof, and the elevator. Landlord's sole obligations are set forth in the first
sentence of Section 12.1. However, so long as (a) Landlord's designated Project
property manager ("Landlord's Property Manager") manages the maintenance and
repair of the Building and its systems pursuant to a written property management
contract between Tenant and Landlord's Property Manager containing a scope of
work reasonably satisfactory to Landlord, and (b) such contract is in full force
and effect, then Landlord agrees to be responsible to maintain, repair, and
replace the roof and any leaking windows. As of the date of this Lease, Melvin
Mark Brokerage Company is Landlord's Property Manager. Tenant shall provide its
own janitorial services and, in all respects, maintain the Building in good and
clean operating condition throughout the Term of the Lease. Tenant shall provide
regular service and maintenance of the HVAC, the elevator, the electrical
system, and all other Building systems and equipment, and regular pest control
services throughout the Term using contractors first approved by Landlord, which
approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. Landlord shall also have the right
to approve the scope of work to be provided under each such contract so that
Landlord is reasonably satisfied that the Building and its systems and equipment
will be properly maintained and inspected throughout the Term.

Rider No. 24. Insert Section 12.1, Page 4:
- -----------------------------------------

          Landlord shall use its commercially reasonable efforts to enforce on
Tenant's behalf and at Tenant's expense all applicable construction and
equipment warranties.

Rider No. 25. Insert Section 13.1, Page 4:
- -----------------------------------------

          either without Landlord's permission or alterations as to which
Landlord required removal in connection with Landlord's approval of the
alteration. Whenever Tenant requests Landlord's consent to any alteration,
Tenant shall also request Landlord's decision at that time whether Landlord will
require the alteration in question to be removed at the end of the Term. If


Tenant does not request such decision at that time, or if Landlord responds to
such request with a requirement that Tenant remove the alteration in question,
then Landlord shall be free to require Tenant to remove such alteration at the
end of the Term as provided in this Section 13.1.

Rider No. 26. Insert Section 14.1, Page 5:
- -----------------------------------------

          (except as expressly provided below)

Rider No. 27. Insert Section 14.1, Page 5:
- -----------------------------------------

          Landlord shall indemnify, defend, and hold Tenant harmless from all
claims, losses, causes of action, costs and expenses, and damages arising out of
(a) Landlord's or its agents' negligence or willful misconduct and/or (b)
Landlord's default or violation of any term of this Lease which is not corrected
within a reasonable time after Tenant's notice to Landlord thereof. However,
Landlord shall never be liable for consequential damages such as lost profits.

Rider No. 28. Insert Section 15.1, Page 5:
- -----------------------------------------

          Neither party shall be liable to the other party for any loss or
damage caused by any of the risks covered by "all risk" insurance coverage, and
there shall be no subrogated claim by one party's insurance carrier against the
other party arising out of any such loss.

Rider No. 29. Insert Section 16.1, Page 5:
- -----------------------------------------

          Then Landlord shall give Tenant a notice as to Landlord's estimate of
the time period reasonably required to complete the restoration (the "Damage
Assessment"). If the Damage Assessment shall state that the reconstruction shall
require more than 270 days to complete following receipt of governmental
approvals required therefor, then this Lease may be terminated by Landlord or
Tenant by its giving to the other party written notice of such termination
within 30 days after Tenant's receipt of the Damage Assessment. In the event of
the giving of such notice of termination, this Lease shall expire as of the date
of such notice given in accordance with the terms of this paragraph, with the
same effect as if such date were the Expiration Date. In the event that Landlord
fails to substantially complete the repairs by the date specified in the Damage
Assessment, Tenant shall have the right to terminate this Lease with written
notice given no later than 15 days after the date specified in the Damage
Assessment if Landlord's failure to complete such repairs on the date specified
in the Damage Assessment is not caused in whole or in part by delays due to
Force Majeure or delays caused by Tenant. If the Lease is not terminated
pursuant to this Section 16.1,

Rider No. 30. Insert Section 17.1(4), Page 5:
- --------------------------------------------

          ; provided, however, Landlord shall not use this termination provision
in bad faith.


Rider No. 31. Insert Section 18.1(4), Page 6:
- --------------------------------------------

          Which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. Landlord
may condition its consent on reasonable conditions. Should Landlord withhold its
consent to a proposed assignment or subletting or any other transfer of Tenant's
rights under this Lease (each a "Transfer") for any of the following reasons,
the withholding of consent shall be deemed reasonable: (A) conflict or
incompatibility of the proposed use with uses appropriate in a professional
business park; (b) financial inadequacy of the proposed transferee as reasonably
determined by Landlord; (c) any proposed change in use which would diminish the
professional nature of the Project or of the other businesses located in the
Project; (d) the proposed use would adversely impact the use of the common
facilities by other tenants of the Project; (5) Tenant is then in default of the
Lease beyond any applicable cure period; and (6) any other reasonable criteria.
Landlord shall not be required to consent to a Transfer to any person or entity
with whom Landlord or its agents is then negotiating the terms of a lease of any
other portion of the Project; provided, however, that with respect to a sublease
of no more than 30 percent of the Premises entered into during the initial two
years of the Term, (x) Landlord shall not be allowed to withhold its consent to
the sublease to a person or entity based solely on the fact that Landlord or its
agents is then negotiating the terms of a lease of another portion of the
Project with that same person or entity, and (y) Landlord shall not use
financial ability of the proposed subtenant as a criterion for withholding its
consent to the sublease. Landlord shall not be required to consent to any
Transfer at any time to an existing tenant or occupant of the Project. No
Transfer shall result in Tenant being released from any obligation under this
Lease. As a condition to Landlord's prior written consent as provided in this
Section 18.1, the transferee shall agree in writing to comply with and be bound
by all of the terms, covenants, conditions, provisions, and agreements of this
Lease and Tenant shall deliver to Landlord promptly after execution an executed
copy of all agreements of such compliance by each transferee.

Rider No. 32. Insert Section 18.1, Page 6:
- -----------------------------------------

          ; provided, however, if the net worth of Tenant after the transfer at
issue would be less than either (x) the net worth of Tenant as of the date of
this Lease, or (y) the net worth of Tenant prior to the transfer, then Landlord
may refuse its consent to the transfer at issue.

Rider No. 33. Insert Section 18.1, Page 6:
- -----------------------------------------

          or to transfers to shareholders of record on the date of this Lease or
to transfers by shareholders of record on the date of this Lease to family
members or trusts for the benefit of family members of such shareholders. Tenant
shall have the right to assign this Lease or sublease all or part of the
Premises to any entity which is controlled by, under the control of, or under
common control with Tenant, or any corporation into which Tenant may be merged
or consolidated, or which purchases all or substantially all of the assets of
Tenant (each an "Affiliate of Tenant"); provided, however, (a) Tenant shall not
be released from its obligations under this Lease, (b) Landlord shall be given
at least 15 days prior written notice of the assignment or sublease, (c)
Landlord shall be given a copy of the document effecting the assignment or
sublease at least 15 days prior to the date on which the assignment or sublease


shall occur, and (d) from and after the date of the assignment or sublease,
Tenant shall be jointly and severally liable with the Affiliate of Tenant with
respect to all obligations of Tenant under this Lease.

Rider No. 34. Insert Section 19.1, Page 6:
- -----------------------------------------

          within ten days after written notice that it is due; provided,
however, that Landlord shall not be obligated to give a ten day notice and
opportunity to cure more than once during any single twelve-month period. If
Tenant fails to pay rent or any other charge on the date it is due a second time
within any twelve-month period, such failure to pay rent or other charge shall
be an automatic event of default at Landlord's option without need for further
notice or opportunity to cure;

          (b) failure to comply with Laws which failure materially affects the
operations or quality of the Project or may result in a claim, fine or penalty
against Landlord, failure to carry the insurance required of Tenant under this
Lease, or the failure of Tenant to deliver a subordination agreement or estoppel
certificate within the time required by Section 22.1 of this Lease within five
days after written notice by Landlord. No notice and no opportunity to cure
shall be required if Landlord has previously given Tenant notice of failure to
comply with the same provision of this Lease;

          (c) failure to comply with the provisions of Section 10.1 of the Lease
within five days after written notice by Landlord; provided, however, that
Landlord shall not be obligated to give a five day notice and opportunity to
cure more than once during any single twelve-month period. If Tenant fails to
comply with the provisions of Section 10.1 of the Lease a second time within any
twelve-month period, such failure to comply shall be an automatic event of
default at Landlord's option without need for further notice or opportunity to

          (d) failure of Tenant to comply with any other term or condition of
this Lease or to fulfill any other obligation of this Lease within 30 days after
written notice from Landlord specifying the nature of the failure or, if such
failure cannot be cured within such 30 day period, Tenant shall not be in
default if, promptly after Landlord's notice to Tenant, Tenant begins its cure
of the failure and diligently prosecutes such cure to completion. Landlord shall
not be obligated to give written notice for the same type of failure more than
once during any single twelve-month period; at Landlord's option, a failure to
perform an obligation again after the first notice during any twelve-month
period shall be an automatic event of default, without notice or any opportunity
to cure.

Rider No. 35. Insert Section 20.1, Page 6:
- -----------------------------------------

                  Notwithstanding any provisions in this Section to the
contrary, Landlord shall have the duty to exercise its reasonable efforts to
mitigate damages in accordance with Oregon law.


Rider No. 36. Insert Section 20.1, Page 6:
- -----------------------------------------

          after notice thereof by Landlord beyond the cure period set forth in
Section 19.1,

Rider No. 37. Insert Section 21.1, Page 6:
- -----------------------------------------

          after reasonable oral notice in non-emergency situations

Rider No. 38. Insert Section 22.1, Page 7:
- -----------------------------------------

          Landlord shall deliver to Tenant within 30 days after execution of
this Lease or such additional time as may be reasonably required by Landlord to
obtain such agreement, a nondisturbance agreement in form and substance
reasonably acceptable to Tenant from any existing mortgagee or beneficiary of a
deed of trust with a lien on the Project or any existing ground lessor with
respect to the Project. The commencement of Tenant's obligation to pay rent
shall be contingent upon Landlord's compliance with the terms of this Section
22.1. Tenant's subordination to any future mortgage, trust deed or ground lease
shall be contingent upon the delivery of a non-disturbance agreement in form and
substance reasonably acceptable to Tenant from any future mortgagee, beneficiary
or ground lessor.

Rider No. 39. Insert Section 22.1, Page 7:
- -----------------------------------------

          Tenant's obligation under the last sentence of this section 22.1 shall
be to deliver its most recent audited financial statement (which shall be
current at least to the most recently ended fiscal year) and its most recent
unaudited financial statement which shall be current at least to the most
recently ended calendar quarter of tenant's fiscal year. Landlord agrees to keep
confidential any such financial statements which are not already public
information except that landlord may disclose all financial statements to its
advisors, prospective and current lenders, and prospective and current

Rider No. 40. Insert Section 23.1, Page 7:
- -----------------------------------------

          In order for any notices given to Landlord to be effective, such
notices must be addressed to Landlord and delivered to the following addresses
(or to such other addresses as Landlord may designate in writing from time to
time in accordance with the notice provisions of Section 23.1 of the Lease):

          Melvin Mark Companies
          Attn:  Mr. Daniel J. Petrusich
          Suite 1380
          111 SW Columbia Street
          Portland, OR 97201


          With a copy to:

          Schnitzer Investment Corp.
          Attn:  Mr. Kenneth M. Novack
          3200 NW Yeon Street
          Portland, OR 97210

Rider No. 41. Insert Section 25.1, Page 7:
- -----------------------------------------

          and damage by fire or other casualty

Rider No. 42. Insert Section 25.1, Page 7:
- -----------------------------------------

          to the extent required pursuant to the provisions of Section 13.1 of
this Lease. Restoration of wall surfaces shall not include repainting of wall
surfaces but shall include patching and preparing such wall surfaces for paint

Rider No. 43. Insert Section 25.1(5), Page 8:
- --------------------------------------------

          concerning this Lease, the Premises or the Project

Rider No. 44. Insert Section 31.1, Page 10:
- ------------------------------------------

          Landlord represents and warrants to Tenant that, to the best of
Landlord's actual and present knowledge, without inquiry except for the review
of a Phase I Environmental Property Assessment prepared by PBS Environmental
dated December 1995, no hazardous substances have been generated, released,
handled, stored, discharged, transported, deposited or disposed in, on, or under
or about the Premises or the Project.

Rider No. 45. Insert Page 10: The following provisions are hereby added to the
- ----------------------------

     33.1     Option to Extend.

          33.1.1 If the Lease is not then in default and if Tenant has not
assigned the Lease or subleased more than 50% of the Premises, Tenant shall have
the right to extend the term of the Lease for two successive periods of five
years each (the "Options to Extend"). Tenant shall exercise each Option to
Extend by delivering written notice of such exercise not less than 365 days
prior to the last day of the then expiring Term. The giving of such notice shall
be sufficient to make the Lease binding on the parties for the extended term in
question without further action of the parties. The extended term shall commence
on the day following the date of expiration of the immediately preceding term.
The terms and conditions of the Lease for the extended term shall be identical
to the immediately preceding term except for Base Monthly Rent. During the
extended term, Base Monthly Rent shall be adjusted to equal the greater of
(a) the Base Monthly Rent in effect at the end of the immediately preceding
term, or (b) the fair market rental value of the premises for the extended term,
determined as hereinafter provided. Within 30 days after the exercise of an
Option to Extend, Landlord shall notify Tenant of its determination of the fair
market rental value. Within 30 days after the effective date of such notice,
Tenant shall either


(x) notify Landlord of Tenant's acceptance of Landlord's determination of the
fair market rental value, in which event Base Monthly Rent for the extended term
shall be as so determined by Landlord; or (y) notify Landlord of Tenant's
rejection of Landlord's determination of the fair market rental value, in which
event the fair market rental value shall be determined in accordance with
Section 33.1.2 below. The failure of Tenant to give any notice within the
required time period shall be deemed an acceptance by Tenant of Landlord's
determination of the fair market rental value.

          33.1.2 Within ten days after Tenant's rejection of Landlord's
determination of fair market rental value as provided in Section 33.1.1 above,
each party shall designate a representative who is either an Oregon licensed MAI
appraiser skilled in determining rental rates for office buildings in western
suburban areas of Portland, Oregon, or a real estate broker experienced in
leasing office space in office buildings located in the western suburbs of
Portland, Oregon. If the two representatives cannot agree within 30 days after
their selection on the fair market rental value, then the two representatives so
chosen shall select an arbitrator having the above qualifications or, if they
cannot agree, the presiding judge of the Circuit Court of Multnomah County or
Washington County, Oregon, shall, upon application by either party, select an
arbitrator having the above qualifications. Within 90 days prior to the
commencement of the extended term, each party's representative shall submit to
the arbitrator a written report stating such representative's opinion of the
fair market rental value of the Premises for the extended term in question,
based on a consideration of all factors appropriate to determining fair market
rental value for the extended term in question including without limitation
rental rates then being charged (under the most recently executed leases) in
space comparable to the Premises in buildings comparable to the Building and
concessions available to comparable tenants for comparable space. Within 30 days
after receipt of such reports, the arbitrator shall accept one or the other of
the reports. The determination of the fair market rental value in the report so
accepted shall be binding on the parties; provided, however, that Base Monthly
Rent during any extended term shall not in any event be less than Base Monthly
Rent payable during the immediately preceding term. The cost of the
determination of the fair market rental value pursuant to this Section 33.1.2
shall be shared equally by Landlord and Tenant. If the arbitrator does not
decide the fair market rental value prior to the commencement date of the
renewal term in question, Base Monthly Rent shall continue to be payable in the
amount previously in effect, and retroactive adjustment shall be made when the
arbitrator reaches a decision.

          34.1 Satellite Dish

               34.1.1 Grant of License. Landlord hereby grants Tenant a
nonexclusive license to install on the roof of the building a satellite dish of
no more than three feet in diameter and the nonexclusive right to run connecting
lines to such satellite dish from the Premises (such satellite dish and such
connecting lines and equipment are herein referred to as the "Equipment").
Tenant shall not penetrate the roof in connection with any installation or
reinstallation of the Equipment if such penetration may void or adversely affect
any applicable guaranty or warranty. The plans and specifications for all the
Equipment shall be approved by Landlord in writing prior to any installation.
Tenant shall be responsible for any damage to the roof or conduit systems as a
result of Tenant's installation, maintenance and/or removal of the Equipment.


               34.1.2 Location. The location of the satellite dish and the rest
of the Equipment shall be subject to Landlord's prior written approval. Tenant
shall not change the location of, or alter or install additional Equipment or
paint the satellite dish or the other Equipment without Landlord's prior written

               34.1.3 Compliance with Law. Tenant, at Tenant's sole expense,
shall comply with all Laws regarding the installation, construction, operation,
maintenance and removal of the Equipment and shall be solely responsible for
obtaining and maintaining in force all permits, licenses and approvals necessary
for such operations.

               34.1.4 Taxes. Tenant shall be responsible for and promptly shall
pay when due all taxes, assessments, charges, fees and other governmental
impositions levied or assessed on the Equipment or based on the operation

               34.1.5 Relocation. Landlord may require Tenant to relocate the
Equipment during the term of the Lease to a location approved by Tenant, which
approval shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. Landlord shall reimburse
Tenant for any direct third party expenses reasonably incurred by Tenant in so
relocating the Equipment upon receipt of invoices evidencing Tenant's incurring
of such expenses.

               34.1.6 Interference. Operation of the Equipment shall not
interfere in any manner with equipment systems or utility systems of other
tenants, including without limitation, telephones, dictation equipment,
lighting, heat and air conditioning, computers, electrical systems, and
elevators. If operation of the Equipment causes such interference, Tenant
immediately shall suspend operation of the Equipment until such interference is

               34.1.7 Maintenance and Repair. Tenant shall maintain the
Equipment in good condition and repair, at Tenant's cost and expense. Landlord
may from time to time require that Tenant repaint the satellite dish at Tenant's
expense to keep the same in an attractive condition.

               34.1.8 Indemnity and Insurance. Tenant shall indemnify, defend,
protect and hold harmless Landlord pursuant to the Lease from and against any
and all claims related to the Equipment or operation of the same as if the
Equipment were located wholly within the Premises. Tenant shall provide evidence
satisfactory to Landlord that Tenant's property and liability insurance policies
required under the Lease include coverage for the Equipment and any claim, loss,
damage, or liability relating to the Equipment.

               34.1.9 No Landlord Responsibility. Landlord shall have no
responsibility or liability whatsoever relating to (i) maintenance or repair of
the Equipment; (ii) damage to the Equipment; (iii) damage to persons or property
relating to the Equipment or the operation thereof; or (iv) interference with
use of the Equipment arising out of utility the interruption or any other cause.
Upon installation of the Equipment, Tenant shall accept the area where the
Equipment is located in its "as is" condition. Tenant acknowledges that the roof
location of the Equipment is suitable for Tenant's needs, and acknowledges that
Landlord shall have no


obligation whatsoever to improve, maintain or repair the area in which the
Equipment will be installed.

               34.1.10 Use. Tenant shall use the Equipment solely for operations
within the Premises and shall not use or allow use of the Equipment, for
consideration or otherwise, for the benefit of other tenants in the project or
any other person or entity.

               34.1.11 Removal. Tenant shall, at Tenant's sole expense, remove
the satellite dish and such other portions of the Equipment as Landlord may
designate, and restore the affected areas to their condition prior to
installation of the Equipment (i) immediately upon request of Landlord, if
Tenant fails to perform any of its obligations under this Section 34.1, (ii)
immediately if such removal is required by any governmental agency having
jurisdiction over the Equipment, and (iii) in any event, no later than 30 days
after expiration or earlier termination of the Lease. If Tenant fails to remove
the Equipment when and as required under this Section 34.1, Landlord reserves
the right to do so, and the expense of the same shall be immediately due and
payable from Tenant to Landlord as additional rent, together with interest and
late charges as provided in the Lease.

               34.1.12 Survival. The covenants, obligations and indemnities of
Tenant under this Section 34.1 shall survive expiration or earlier termination
of the Lease for any reason.

          35.1 Communication Regarding Available Expansion.

          In the event Tenant informs Landlord that Tenant desires to lease
additional space in the Project, Landlord shall inform Tenant of the available
space, if any, which is not subject to prior rights held by other tenants or
prospective tenants of the Project and of the terms under which Landlord would
be willing to lease such available space to Tenant.

          36.1 Tenant Improvement Loans.

               36.1.1 First Tenant Improvement Loan. As provided in Section 7.1,
Rider 16, and the Work Agreement, Tenant is required to pay the Additional TI
Costs in full prior to the Commencement Date of this Lease. If Tenant desires to
borrow funds from Landlord for such excess amount, Landlord agrees to loan funds
to Tenant in an amount not to exceed $75,010.00 solely for costs, fees, and
expenses to design and construct improvements in the Premises (the "First TI
Loan"). The First TI Loan shall accrue interest at the rate of 11 percent per
annum. Tenant shall repay the First TI Loan with monthly payments sufficient to
amortize the First TI Loan over the ten year term of the Lease beginning on the
Commencement Date and ending on the expiration date of the initial term of the
Lease, taking into account interest at the rate of 11 percent per annum.
Payments on the First TI Loan will begin on the Commencement Date and shall
continue on the first day of each month throughout the remainder of the initial
term of the Lease and shall be paid in full on or before the expiration date of
the initial term of the Lease or any earlier termination date. Landlord shall
inform Tenant of the monthly amount to be paid under the First TI Loan as soon
as practicable after substantial completion of the Tenant improvements. If the
amount is not determined prior to the Commencement Date, then Tenant's first
payment under the First TI Loan shall be sufficient to pay the monthly payments


due from the Commencement Date to the date on which Tenant is informed of the
monthly payment amount. At Landlord's option, Landlord may prepare a promissory
note which Tenant shall execute and deliver to Landlord, setting forth the terms
of Tenant's obligation to repay the First TI Loan.

               36.1.2 Second Tenant Improvement Loan. Landlord further agrees to
loan additional funds to be applied toward the Additional TI Costs in an amount
not to exceed $75,010.00 solely for costs, fees, and expenses to design and
construct improvements in the Premises (the "Second TI Loan"). The Second TI
Loan shall accrue interest at the rate of 11 percent per annum. Tenant shall
repay the Second TI Loan with monthly payments sufficient to amortize the Second
TI Loan over the initial two years of the Term beginning on the Commencement
Date and ending on the last day of the 24th month of the Term, taking into
account interest at the rate of 11 percent per annum. Payments on the Second TI
Loan will begin on the Commencement Date and shall continue on the first day of
each month thereafter and shall be paid in full on or before the end of the 24th
month of the Term or any earlier lease termination date. Landlord shall inform
Tenant of the monthly amount to be paid under the Second TI Loan as soon as
practicable after substantial completion of the Tenant improvements. If the
amount is not determined prior to the Commencement Date, then Tenant's first
payment under the Second TI Loan shall be sufficient to pay the monthly payments
due from the Commencement Date to the date on which Tenant is informed of the
monthly payment amount. At Landlord's option, Landlord may prepare a promissory
note which Tenant shall execute and deliver to Landlord, setting forth the terms
of Tenant's obligation to repay the Second TI Loan.

          37.1 Force Majeure.

          Whenever a period of time is prescribed in this Lease for action to be
taken by Landlord or for performance of any obligation of Landlord under this
Lease, Landlord shall not be responsible for, and there shall be excluded from
the computation of such period of time, any delays due to Force Majeure.
Whenever a period of time is prescribed in this Lease for action to be taken by
Tenant (except for the obligation to pay rent and other expenses or charges) or
for performance of any obligation of Tenant under this Lease (except for the
obligation to pay rent and other expenses or charges), Tenant shall not be
responsible for, and there shall be excluded from the computation of such period
of time, any delays due to Force Majeure.

          38.1 Publicity.

          Neither Landlord nor Tenant will issue a press release regarding this
Lease without the prior written consent of the other party.

          39.1 Authority.

          The person signing this Lease by Tenant represents that he has been
duly authorized by Tenant's board of directors to execute and deliver this Lease
which shall be binding on Tenant.


          Effect of Addendum. The Lease is modified only in the specific
respects set forth in this Addendum. Except as expressly modified, the Lease
remains in full force and effect.

          IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Addendum as part of
the Lease as of the date first set forth above.


                                       By:  Marzer Venture, an Oregon general

                                            By:  Mark Group Partnership No. 4

                                                 By: MELVIN MARK
                                                 Title: Partner

                                            By:  Schnitzer Investment Corp., an
                                                 Oregon corporation

                                                 By: KEN NOVACK
                                                 Title: President

          TENANT:                      MEDICALOGIC, INC., an Oregon corporation

                                       By: MARK K. LEAVITT        GUY E. FIELD
                                       Title: President           Controller


                               AMENDMENT TO LEASE

DATED:            July 15, 1999

                  an Oregon limited liability company               ("Landlord")

AND:              MEDICALOGIC, INC., an Oregon corporation            ("Tenant")

          A. Landlord and Tenant are parties to an Industrial Business Park
Lease dated January 15, 1997 (the "Lease Agreement"), as amended by an Addendum
to Lease dated January 15, 1997 (the "Addendum"). The Lease Agreement and the
Addendum are collectively referred to in this Amendment to Lease (the
"Amendment") as the "Lease." The capitalized terms used in this Amendment which
are defined in the Lease shall have the meanings given to them in the Lease.

          B. After the Lease was executed, the Project was reconfigured.
Attached, as Exhibit A, is a current site plan of the Project. Landlord and
Tenant desire to expand the Premises by adding to them approximately 27,652
square feet in Building 3 (20540 N.W. Aloclek), as described in this Amendment.

          NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises of the parties
set forth in this Amendment, Landlord and Tenant agree as follows:

     1. Expansion. Commencing on September 1, 1999, approximately 27,652 square
feet of space in Building 3 in the area which is crosshatched on the attached
Exhibit B (the "Expansion Space") shall be added to the Premises for the Term.
Commencing on September 1, 1999, and continuing throughout the Term, the
Expansion Space shall be a part of the Premises and subject to all terms and
conditions of the Lease except as otherwise provided in this Amendment. The
Expansion Space was measured in accordance with Portland NAIOP measurement
standards, a copy of which is attached as Exhibit A-I to the Lease Agreement.

     2. Rent. Commencing on September 1, 1999, and continuing throughout the
Term, Base Monthly Rent shall increase by the following amounts in accordance
with the following schedule:

                  Time Period                   Monthly Base Rent Increase
                  -----------                   --------------------------

September 1, 1999 through February 28, 2000                  $0

March 1, 2000 through April 30, 2000                 $21,569.00

May 1, 2000 through April 30, 2003                   $28,482.00


                  Time Period                   Monthly Base Rent Increase
                  -----------                   --------------------------

May 1, 2003 through April 30, 2006                   $31,045.00

May 1, 2006 through December 14, 2007                $33,839.00

     3. Additional Rent. Commencing on May 1, 2000, and continuing throughout
the Term, Tenant's percent of the Project for purposes of determining Tenant's
share of Expenses pursuant to Section 4.3 of the Lease Agreement shall be
increased. In addition to the Expenses Tenant pays for the Premises, Tenant
shall also pay Tenant's share of Expenses for the Expansion Space which shall be
a fraction of the Expenses, the numerator of which shall be 27,652, and the
denominator of which shall be the total number of square feet of completed and
leasable space in the Project from time to time.

     4. Improvements to Expansion Space. The provisions of Rider No. I through
Rider No. 6 of the Addendum, Rider No. 8 of the Addendum, Rider No. 16 of the
Addendum, Rider No. 36.1 of the Addendum, Exhibit C to the Lease and Exhibit D
to the Lease shall not apply to the Expansion Space. The provisions of this
Section 4 shall control the condition of the Expansion Space and Landlord's work
in the Expansion Space. The Expansion Space shall be leased in its AS IS
condition except for the work to be performed pursuant to the Work Agreement
attached as Exhibit C to this Amendment (the "Expansion Space Work Agreement").

     5. Security Deposit. Contemporaneously with the execution of this
Amendment, Tenant shall pay Landlord $33,839.00 as an increased security deposit
which shall be held and disbursed in accordance with the provisions of Section
6.1 of the Lease Agreement.

     6. First Opportunity to Lease. Throughout the Term, so long as Tenant is
not in default of the Lease, Tenant shall have the right of first offer to lease
the remainder of space in Building 3 (the "First Offer Space'), in accordance
with the terms of this Section 6. In the event that Landlord desires to make a
written offer (the "Offer) to a third party to lease all or any portion of the
First Offer Space, Landlord shall first present the Offer to Tenant and give
Tenant three business days within which to determine whether Tenant will accept
the Offer. If Tenant gives Landlord written notice within such three business
day period that Tenant elects to accept the Offer, then Tenant shall be bound to
enter into a written lease agreement in accordance with the terms of the Offer.
If Tenant does not give Landlord such written notice within the three business
day period, then Landlord shall be free to lease the First Offer Space to any
party on the terms of the Offer or on substantially similar terms. If Landlord
does not so lease the First Offer Space, Tenant's right of first offer with
respect to the First Offer Space shall revive and continue throughout the Term.

     7. Brokerage Commissions. Landlord agrees to pay Tenant's broker, Norris
Beggs & Simpson Northwest Limited Partnership ("NBS") a fee in the amount
described in a letter addressed to NBS from Melvin Mark Brokerage Company dated
June 18, 1999. One half of the commission shall be payable upon full execution
of this Amendment by Landlord and Tenant, and the remainder shall be paid when
Tenant begins paying rent for the Expansion Space at the rate of $1.03 per
square foot.


     8. Effect of Amendment. The Lease is modified only in the specific respects
set forth in this Amendment. Except as expressly modified, the Lease remains in
full force and effect.

          IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Amendment as part
of the Lease as of the date first set forth above.


                         By:   Marzer Venture, an Oregon general partnership

                               By:  Mark Group Partnership No. 4

                                    By: MELVIN MARK
                                    Title: Partner

                               By:  Schnitzer Investment Corp., an Oregon

                                    By: KENNETH NOVACK
                                    Title: President

          TENANT:        MEDICALOGIC, INC., an Oregon corporation

                         By: GUY E. FIELD
                         Its: VP Finance


                                    EXHIBIT A

                               (Current Site Plan)

[Map of site plan showing buildings 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 with trees and roads]

                                    EXHIBIT B
                                (Expansion Space)

[Map of floor plan for expansion space in Evergreen Corporate Center Building

                                    EXHIBIT C

                         EXPANSION SPACE WORK AGREEMENT


     1.1 Landlord agrees to provide certain improvements in the Expansion Space
in accordance with this Expansion Space Work Agreement. Landlord shall pay up to
$774,256.00 ($28.00 per square foot in the Expansion Space) (the "TI Allowance")
towards the cost of designing and constructing the improvements in the Expansion
Space subject to and in accordance with the terms and conditions of this
Expansion Space Work Agreement. At least $553,040.00 ($20.00 per square foot in
the Expansion Space) of the TI Allowance must be used for improvements made to
the Expansion Space on or before May 31, 2000 (the "Initial Improvements") or
else the TI Allowance shall be reduced as follows. If $553,040.00 is not spent
for improvements made to the Expansion Space on or before May 31, 2000, the TI
Allowance shall be reduced by the difference between $774,256.00, and the amount
spent for improvements made to the Expansion Space on or before May 31, 2000.
Tenant acknowledges that the availability of the TI Allowance is conditioned on
Tenant accepting Landlord's work in the Expansion Space on or before May 31,
2000, as described in the certificate attached as Exhibit D (the "Teachers
Certificate") to be executed and delivered by Tenant on or before May 31, 2000.
If such conditions are fulfilled then, on or before May 31, 2000, Tenant shall
execute the Teachers Certificate and send the original and a copy thereof to
Landlord. If at least $553,040.00 of the TI Allowance is spent for improvements
made to the Expansion Space on or before May 31, 2000, then any remaining amount
of the TI Allowance may be spent at any time during the Term.

     1.2 All costs, fees, and expenses in connection with the design and
construction of the improvements in the Expansion Space in excess of the TI
Allowance paid in accordance with Section 1. 1 shall be paid for by Tenant
within twenty (20) days after billing therefor. If Tenant desires to borrow
funds from Landlord for such excess amount, Landlord agrees to loan funds to
Tenant in an amount not to exceed $138,260.00 ($5.00 per square foot in the
Expansion Space) solely for costs, fees, and expenses to design and construct
improvements in the Expansion Space (the "Expansion TI Loan"). The Expansion TI
Loan shall accrue interest at the rate of 11 percent per annum, commencing on
the date of the first advance on the Expansion TI Loan (the "First Advance
Date') and continuing until such time as the entire Expansion TI Loan and all
accrued interest are paid in full. Tenant shall repay the Expansion TI Loan with
monthly payments sufficient to amortize the Expansion TI Loan over the period of
time beginning on the first Advance Date and ending on December 14, 2007, taking
into account interest at the rate of 11 percent per annum. Payments on the
Expansion TI Loan will begin on the first day of the first calendar month
following the First Advance Date and shall continue on the first day of each
month through December 1, 2007 and shall be paid in full on or before December
1, 2007 or any earlier termination date of the Lease. Landlord shall inform
Tenant of the monthly amount to be paid under the Expansion TI Loan as soon as
practicable after substantial completion of the tenant improvements for which
the Expansion TI Loan is used. If the amount is not determined


prior to May 1, 2000, then Tenant's first payment under the Expansion TI Loan
shall be sufficient to pay the monthly payments due from May 1, 2000 to the date
on which Tenant is informed of the monthly payment amount. Upon Landlord's
request, Tenant shall execute and deliver to Landlord a promissory note, setting
forth the terms of Tenant's obligation to repay the Expansion TI Loan, in the
form attached as Exhibit E.

     1.3 Throughout the process of design and construction of the Tenant
improvements, Patty Sullivan ("Tenant's Construction Representative") shall be
available for onsite and telephone consultations and decisions as necessary.
Tenant's Construction Representative's address is 20500 N.W. Evergreen Parkway,
Hillsboro, Oregon 97124 and her telephone number is 531-7000. Tenant's
Construction Representative shall have the authority to bind Tenant as to all
matters relating to the tenant improvements.


     2.1 Landlord shall retain the services of a space planner or architect (the
"Planner") to prepare the necessary drawings, including without limitation Basic
Plans and Working Plans as described below for construction of the tenant
improvements (the "Pl1ans"). Promptly after the Planner's requests, Tenant's
Construction Representative will meet with the Planner to provide information to
the Planner as needed to prepare the Plans and to modify the Plans, as provided
in this Expansion Space Work Agreement.

     2.2 Within ten business days after Landlord delivers to Tenant a copy of
the Basic Plans, Tenant shall either approve the Basic Plans or shall set out
the revisions requested by Tenant to the Basic Plans. Also, Tenant shall, within
such ten business day period, clearly identify and locate on the Basic Plans (i)
any equipment requiring special plumbing or mechanical systems, areas subject to
above normal loads, special openings in the floor, ceiling, or walls, and other
major or special features; and (ii) locations of telephone and electrical
receptacles, outlets, and other items requiring electrical power (for special
conditions and equipment, power requirements, and manufacturer's model numbers
must be included)

     2.3 Landlord shall review any revisions made to the Basic Plans and shall,
in writing within five business days after receipt, either approve the revised
Basic Plans or reject them, in which case Landlord shall specify in reasonable
detail the deficiencies in the Basic Plans as submitted. If the Basic Plans are
rejected, Tenant shall resubmit required changes to the Basic Plans as soon as
practicable until Landlord's approval has been obtained. Following Landlord's
approval of the Basic Plans, the Planner shall produce full working drawings for
construction sufficient to obtain all necessary permits and with sufficient
detail to construct the improvements, including specifications for every item
included thereon (the "Working Plans"). Landlord shall have the right to stop
the design process at any point and terminate the Lease if it appears to
Landlord that the cost, timing, or some other issue related to the tenant
improvements will not be resolved between the parties.

     2.4 Tenant must approve the Working Plans for the Initial Improvements to
the Premises no later than on December 31, 1999. Tenant shall be responsible for
delays and additional costs in completion of the design and construction of
Tenant's improvements caused


by delays in approving the Working Plans, by changes made to the Working Plans
after Landlord delivers them to Tenant or by delays in delivery of special
materials requiring long lead times. For any construction of improvements other
than the Initial Improvements in the Premises, the Working Plans for such
improvements must be completed and approved by Landlord and Tenant at least five
months prior to the anticipated substantial completion date of such


     3.1 Upon completion of the Working Plans and at the request of Tenant,
Landlord and its contractor shall provide to Tenant in writing an estimate of
the cost of improvements to be provided at Tenant's expense pursuant to Section
1 of this Expansion Space Work Agreement. Within five days after Tenant's
receipt of such estimated cost, Tenant shall delete any items which Tenant
elects not to have constructed. Landlord and Tenant shall work together to
establish a construction budget reasonably acceptable to both parties. Tenant
shall authorize in writing the agreed upon construction budget. In the absence
of such written authorization, Landlord shall not be obligated to commence work
on the Expansion Space and Tenant shall be responsible for any costs due to any
resulting delay in completion of the Expansion Space.

     3.2 If Tenant desires any change to its improvements, Tenant shall submit a
written request for such change to Landlord, together with all plans and
specifications necessary to show and explain changes from the approved Working
Plans. Any such change shall be subject to Landlord's approval. Landlord or
Landlord's contractor shall notify Tenant in writing of the amount, if any,
which will be charged or credited to Tenant to reflect the cost of such change.

     3.3 Tenant's entry into the Expansion Space for any purpose, prior to
September 1, 1999, shall be subject to all the terms and conditions of the
Lease, including without limitation the provisions of the Lease relating to the
maintenance of insurance, but excluding the provisions of the Lease relating to
the payment of rent. Tenant's entry shall mean entry by Tenant, its officers,
contractors, licensees, agents, servants, employees, guests, invitees, or
visitors (the "Tenant Parties"). Tenant shall indemnify and hold harmless
Landlord from and against any and all claims, losses, liabilities, and expenses
(including without limitation attorneys' fees) arising out of or in any way
related to the activities of Tenant or the Tenant Parties in the Expansion Space
or the Project.


                                    EXHIBIT D

                        STATEMENT OF TENANT IN RE: LEASE

                                                              Date: May 31, 2000

Teachers Insurance and Annuity
   Association of America
730 Third Avenue
New York, New York 100 17
Attn: ______________________

                               RE:  TIAA Appl. #OR- 108
                                    TIAA Mtge. #000447000
                                    Name of Project:  Evergreen Corporate Center
                                    Address:    20540 NW Aloclek
                                                Hillsboro, Oregon 97124

Ladies and Gentlemen:

     It is our understanding that you have a mortgage upon the subject premises
and as a condition precedent thereof have required this certification of the

     The undersigned, as tenant, under that certain lease dated January 15,
1997, as amended by an Amendment to Lease dated July 15, 1999, made with
Evergreen Corporate Center LLC, as landlord, hereby ratifies said lease and
certifies that:

     1. the "Commencement Date" of said lease is December 15, 1997; and

     2. the undersigned is presently solvent and free from reorganization and/or
        bankruptcy; and

     3. the operation and use of the premises do not involve the generation,
        treatment, storage, disposal or release of a hazardous substance or a
        solid waste into the environment other than to the extent necessary to
        conduct its ordinary course of business in the premises and in
        accordance with all applicable environmental laws, and that the premises
        are being operated in accordance with all applicable environmental laws,
        zoning ordinances and building codes; and

     4. the current base rental payable pursuant to the terms of said lease is
        $107,232 per month; and further, additional rental pursuant to said
        lease is payable as provided in the Lease; and

     5. said lease is in full force and effect and has not been assigned,
        modified, supplemented or amended in any way (except as set forth above)
        and the undersigned is not in default thereunder; and


     6. the lease described above represents the entire agreement between the
        parties as to the leasing of the premises; and

     7. the term of said lease expires on December 14, 2007; and

     8. Landlord has spent at least $553,040 of the TI Allowance, as defined in
        the Amendment to Lease, and the work performed by landlord to date in
        the Expansion Space is acceptable to the undersigned.

     9. no rental has been paid in advance and no security (except the security
        deposit in the amount of $120,839) has been deposited with landlord; and

    10. tenant's floor area is 102,662 rentable square feet; and

    11. the most recent payment of current basic rental was for the payment due
        on May 1, 2000, and all basic rental and additional rental payable
        pursuant to the terms of the lease have been paid up to said date; and

    12. the undersigned acknowledges notice that landlord's interest under the
        lease and the rent and all other sums due thereunder will be assigned to
        you as part of the security for a mortgage loan by you to landlord. In
        the event that Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association of America, as
        lender, notifies the undersigned of a default under the mortgage and
        demands that the undersigned pay its rent and all other sums due under
        the lease to lender, tenant agrees that it shall pay its rent and all
        such other sums to lender.

                                       Very truly yours,

                                       MEDICALOGIC, INC.

                                       By: GUY E. FIELD
                                       Its: VP Finance


                                    EXHIBIT E

                                 PROMISSORY NOTE

$__________                                                     __________, 1999
                                                                Portland, Oregon

     FOR VALUE RECEIVED, the undersigned, MEDICALOGIC, Inc., an Oregon
corporation ("Borrower"), promises to pay to the order of EVERGREEN CORPORATE
CENTER LLC, an Oregon limited liability company, at 111 SW Columbia Street,
Suite 1380, Portland, Oregon 97201, or such other place as may be designated
from time to time in writing by the holder of this Note ("Holder"), the
principal sum of ________________________________ Dollars ($____________) in
lawful money of the United States of America, plus interest and other charges as
provided herein.

     1 . Interest Rate. Interest shall accrue on the unpaid principal balance of
this Note, from ________________ until paid in full, at a fixed rate of eleven
percent (11%) per annum.

     2. Payment Schedule. Commencing on _____________________ and continuing on
the first day of each calendar month thereafter until and through December 1,
2007 (the "Maturity Date"), Borrower shall make constant equal monthly payments
of principal and interest sufficient to amortize fully the principal balance of
this Note over a period of time from the date of this Note to December 14, 2007,
taking into account interest at the rate of 11 percent per annum. Such payments
shall equal $_______ per month. The entire principal balance of and all unpaid
accrued interest on this Note shall be due and payable on the Maturity Date.

     3. Prepayment. The indebtedness evidenced by this Note may be prepaid in
whole or in part at any time without penalty.

     4. Time of Essence. Time is of the essence of the performance of Borrower's
obligations under this Note. If Borrower fails to make any payment required
hereunder within five days after written notice that such payment is due, or if
Borrower is in default of its lease between Holder and Borrower dated January
15, 1997, as amended (the "Lease"), such event shall constitute an event of
default (an "Event of Default"). Upon the occurrence of an Event of Default, the
entire unpaid principal balance of and all unpaid accrued interest on this Note
shall become immediately due and payable at Holder's option. Holder's failure to
exercise or delay in exercising such option, or any other remedy provided
herein, shall not constitute a waiver of the right to do so upon the occurrence
of any subsequent Event of Default.

     5. Late Fee. If any payment required under this Note is not received by
Holder within ten (10) days after the date such payment was due, Borrower shall
pay to Holder on demand a late charge in an amount equal to five percent (5%)
of the overdue payment. Borrower and Holder agree that the late charge is
intended to be a reasonable approximation of actual damages incurred by such
overdue payment, which damages are difficult to estimate. The


imposition or collection of a late charge is in addition to and not in lieu of
any other rights or remedies Holder may have as a result of late payment.

     6. Application of Payments. All payments on this Note shall be applied
first to the payment of attorneys' fees, costs, and other charges to the extent,
if any, provided herein; then to interest accruing hereon; and then to
principal. The unpaid principal balance of this Note shall continue to bear
interest until and including the date of collection.

     7. Attorneys' Fees. If either Holder or Borrower shall institute legal or
other proceedings to interpret or enforce this Note, the prevailing party shall
recover from the nonprevailing party all costs, attorneys' fees, and expenses
incurred by it in connection with such proceedings, whether at trial, on appeal,
or on review, in addition to all other amounts allowed by law.

     8. Default Interest. All late payments shall bear interest at the Default
Rate (as defined in the Lease) from the due date of such payment until paid in

     9. Miscellaneous. In any provision of this Note is held invalid by a court
of competent jurisdiction, the remainder of this Note shall not be affected
thereby and shall remain in full force and effect. Borrower hereby waives
presentment, demand for payment, notice of dishonor, protest, and notice of

      BORROWER:                         MEDICALOGIC, INC., an Oregon corporation

