Articles of Association of the "besloten vennootschap met
beperkte aansprakelijkheid" (private company with limited
liability under Dutch Law):


- -------
 1                            Definitions

 2                            Name and Registered Office

 3                            Objects

 4                            Capital and shares

 5                            Register of shareholders

 6                            Notices, announcements,
                              communications and statements

 7                            Issue of shares

 8                            Own shares

 9                            Decrease of capital

10                            Transfer of shares

11 and 12                     "Blokkeringsregeling" - Provisions
                              governing the transfer of or change
                              in any other way of ownership in

13, 14 and 15                 Management

16                            Financial Year, annual accounts,
                              annual report and publication

17                            Profit appropriation

18, 19, 20, 21 and 22         General Meeting

23                            Resolutions without holding a

24                            Winding-up

On this, the fourteenth day of September one thousand nine
hundred and ninety, came and appeared before me, MICHIEL GEORGE
VAN RAVESTEYN, LL.M., civil-law notary, practising at Rotterdam:

FRANK EVERT ROOS, LL.M., a notarial candidate, residing at
Rotterdam, who declared and said that he was acting as written
attorney of Household Global Funding Inc., a company under the
laws of the state Delaware, United States of America, having its
principle place of business at Wilmington DE 19801, 1209 Orange
Street, United States of America.

The said power of attorney appears from an non-notarial
instrument of attorney, which, after having been acknowledged
according to the law, is attached to the present Deed.

The Appearer declared and said that he hereby forms and establish
a "besloten vennootschap met beperkte aansprakelijkheid" (private
company with limited liability under Dutch Law - hereinafter
called "the private limited company"), which shall be governed by
the following:

                     ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION
Article 1
- ---------
In these Articles of Association the expression:

     B.V., having its Registered Office at Rotterdam;

b.   The Board of Directors shall mean:  the management of the

c.   General Meeting shall mean:  both the body formed by
     shareholders and the meeting of shareholders;

d.   Annual Meeting shall mean:  the general meeting called and
     convened for the purpose of considering and confirming the
     annual accounts, the annual report and the other documents
     and writings required by law;

e.   Subsidiary Company:

     1.   a legal entity, in which the Company or one or more of
          its Subsidiaries can, whether or not pursuant to an
          agreement with other persons entitled to vote, jointly
          or alone, exercise more than one-half of the voting
          rights at the general meeting;

     2.   a legal entity, of which the Company or one or more of
          its Subsidiaries is a member or shareholder and can,
          whether or not pursuant to an agreement with other
          persons entitled to vote, jointly or alone, appoint or
          dismiss more than one-half of the Directors or
          Supervisory Directors, even if all the persons entitled
          to vote cast votes;

     3.   a company acting under its own name, of which the
          Company or one or more of its Subsidiaries is a fully
          liable partner;

f.   Group Company shall mean:  a legal entity or a company which
     is associated with the Company in a group;

g.   Payable reserves shall mean:  that part of the Company's own
     property which is in excess of the paid-up and called-up
     part of the capital, increased by the reserves which require
     to be kept under and by virtue of the law and these Articles
     of Association;

h.   Annual accounts shall mean:  the balance sheet, the profit
     and loss account and the explanatory notes on these

Article 2
- ---------
1.   The name of the Company is:  HOUSEHOLD INTERNATIONAL

2.   Its Registered Office is situate at Rotterdam.

3.   The Company may have branch offices and branch
     establishments elsewhere, both at home and abroad.

Article 3
- ---------
The objects of the Company are to participate in, manage and
administer the business or and to finance other enterprises,
whatever their objects, as also (partly) to bind itself for the
debts of group-companies and, finally, to do all such acts and
things as are incidental or may be conducive thereto, the
foregoing to be construed in the widest sense of the words.

                       CAPITAL AND SHARES
Article 4
- ---------
1.   The authorized capital of the Company is:  two hundred
     thousand guilders (Dfls 200,000.--).

2.   It is divided into two thousand (2,000) shares of one
     hundred guilders (Dfls 100.--) nominal each.

3.   The shares shall be registered shares and shall be numbered
     consecutively.  No share certificates can be issued.

4.   If the sum of the paid and called up part of the issued
     capital and the reserves which require to be kept in
     pursuance of a statutory provision is less than the
     statutory minimum capital as last fixed, then the Company
     must keep a reserve to the extent and the amount of such

5.   The Company shall not give its co-operation to the issue of
     depositary receipts.  The voting right attaching to shares
     shall not be capable of being granted to a pledgee or

                    REGISTER OF SHAREHOLDERS
Article 5
- ---------
1.   The "Directie" (Board of Directors) shall keep a register,
     in which shall be recorded the names and addresses of all
     the shareholders, at the same time stating the amount paid
     up on each share.  The register shall be kept up-to-date.

2.   Each shareholder shall take due care to see that his address
     is known to the Company.

3.   Finally, every release from liability for calls that have
     not yet been paid shall be recorded in the register as also
     - in case of transfer or partly paid-up shares - the date of

4.   On being so requested, the Board of Directors shall furnish
     a shareholder, a usufructuary and a pledgee with an extract
     from the register in respect of his right to a share, free
     of charge.

5.   The Board of Directors shall make the register available at
     the Company's office for inspection and perusal by the
     shareholders.  The data and particulars contained in the
     register concerning partly paid-up shares shall be available
     for public inspection; a copy of or an extract from such
     data and particulars shall be furnished at a price not
     exceeding the cost-price.

Article 6
- ---------
Notices, announcements, communications and statements in
pursuance of these Articles of Association shall be given and
made by letter or by Writ and shall be sent to or served upon
shareholders to or at the addresses referred to in Article 5
hereof, and to the Board of Directors both to or at the office of
the Company and to or at the home-addresses of all the Directors.

                         ISSUE OF SHARES
Article 7
- ---------
1.   Unsubscribed shares shall be issued by the Board of
     Directors in pursuance of a resolution of the General
     Meeting of Shareholders at such points of time, upon such
     terms and conditions and to such persons as the General
     Meeting shall determine.  The preceding sentence shall apply
     correspondingly to the granting of rights and the taking of
     shares, but shall not be applicable to the issue of shares
     to a person who exercises a right to take shares acquired by
     him already previously.

2.   Within fourteen days after the General Meeting has taken a
     resolution within the meaning of paragraph 1 of this
     Article, the Board of Directors shall give notice thereof to
     all the shareholders.

3.   Shareholders shall, in proportion to the number of shares
     already held by them, have a preferential right of
     subscription to the shares to be issued.  They may exercise
     this right only by a communication to that effect to the
     Board of Directors within six weeks after the despatch of
     the notice mentioned in paragraph 2 of this Article.

4.   Shareholders shall have no preferential right of
     subscription to shares which are issued to employees of the
     Company or of a group-company.

5.   The preferential right of subscription may - each time in
     respect of only one issue - be limited or excluded by
     resolution of the General Meeting.

6.   For the purposes of the provisions laid down in paragraphs
     3, 4 and 5 of this Article the granting of a right to take
     shares shall rank equally with the issue of shares. 
     However, the shareholders shall have no preferential right
     of subscription to shares which are issued to a person who
     exercises a right to take shares acquired by him already

7.   Upon the issue of a share at least one-fourth part of the
     nominal amount shall require to be paid up thereon.  The
     non-paid-up part of the nominal amount shall require to be
     paid only after the Board of Directors shall have called up
     the same on behalf of the Company.

                           OWN SHARES
Article 8
- ---------
1.   Upon any issue of shares the Company cannot take own shares.

2.   The Company may acquire fully-paid shares in its own capital
     or depositary receipts therefor only under gratuitous or
     universal title or if:

     a.   the Company's own assets, decreased by the acquisition-
          price, is not less than the paid-up and called-up part
          of the capital, increased by the reserves that require
          to be kept under and in pursuance of the statutory
          provisions or the provisions of these Articles of

     b.   the nominal amount of the shares to be acquired and the
          shares already held jointly by the Company and its
          subsidiary companies in its capital is not in excess of
          one-half of the issued capital, and

     c.   the authorization for such acquisition has been granted
          by the General Meeting or by another organ of the
          company that has been designated for that purpose by
          the General Meeting.

     For the validity of such acquisition shall be decisive the
     extent of the Company's own assets according to the balance
     sheet as last confirmed and adopted, decreased by the
     acquisition-price for the shares or the depositary receipts
     therefor in the capital of the company and payments out of
     the profits or reserves to others, in which itself and its
     subsidiary companies became indebted after the date of the
     balance sheet.  If a financial year has elapsed for a period
     in excess of six months without the annual accounts having
     been confirmed and adopted, then acquisition in conformity
     with this paragraph 2 shall not be allowed.

3.   Neither the Company nor one of its subsidiary companies may
     give security, grant a guarantee as regards the rate of
     exchange, guarantee in any other way or severally or in any
     other way bind itself in addition to or for other persons
     with a view to the taking or acquisition of shares or
     depositary receipts therefor in the Company.

     Loans granted by the Company for the abovementioned purpose
     shall be allowed up to a sum not exceeding the payable

     The Company shall keep a non-payable reserve up to the
     outstanding amount of the loans mentioned in the immediately
     preceding sentence.

4.   Alienation of shares held by the Company in its own capital
     shall be effected only in pursuance of a resolution of the
     General Meeting.  Upon taking the resolution to alienate
     such shares or depositary receipts, the terms and conditions
     of such alienation shall also be determined.  Shareholders
     shall, in proportion to the number of shares already held by
     them, have a preferential right of subscription to the
     shares so to be alienated.

5.   No votes can be cast at a general meeting on a share owned
     by the Company or a Subsidiary thereof, nor on a share, the
     depositary receipts for which are held by one of them.

6.   Upon determining to which extent shareholders cast votes,
     are present or represented, or to which extent the share
     capital is supplied or is represented, shares, in regard to
     which it is provided by Statute that no votes may be cast
     thereon, shall not be taken into account.

                       DECREASE OF CAPITAL
Article 9
- ---------
1.   The General Meeting may resolve upon decrease of the issued
     capital by calling in shares or by decreasing the amount of
     shares by means of an alteration of the Articles of

2.   A resolution to call in shares can relate only to:

     a.   shares which are held by the Company itself; or

     b.   all the shares of a class, all the holders of which
          shares have approved of such calling-in; or

     c.   all the shares of a class, provided always that such
          calling-in is coupled with repayment.

3.   Decrease of the amount of shares without repayment and
     without release of the obligation to pay calls must be
     effected in proportion to all the shares of one and the same

4.   Part repayment on shares or release of the obligation to pay
     calls shall, besides in proportion to all the shares,
     likewise be possible on shares of a class separately.

5.   The requirements of ratio mentioned in paragraphs 3 and 4 of
     this Article may be deviated from with the approval of all
     the shareholders concerned.

6.   The notice convening a meeting, in which a resolution is
     taken as referred to in this Article, shall state the
     purpose of the decrease of capital and the manner of

                       TRANSFER OF SHARES
Article 10
- ----------
Transfer of shares shall require an instrument of transfer and
service of such instrument upon the Company or the written
acknowledgment of such transfer by the Company upon the grounds
of submission of that instrument to the Company.

If it concerns the transfer of shares that have not been paid up
in full, such acknowledgment can take place only, if the
instrument of transfer bears a fixed date.

Article 11
- ----------
1.   A valid transfer of shares shall require the approval of the
     General Meeting.

2.   The application for such approval shall require to be made
     to the Board of Directors, stating at the same time the
     number of shares which and the name of the person to whom
     the applicant wishes to transfer.

3.   The Board of Directors shall call and convene a General
     Meeting, to be held within two months after it has received
     the application, at which meeting a decision shall be given
     on the said application.  The Board of Directors shall
     forthwith notify the decision of that Meeting to the

4.   The approval shall be deemed to have been granted:

     a.   if the period mentioned above has expired without a
          decision on such application having been given;

     b.   if in the decision - by which the approval is refused -
          no claimant or claimants has or have been named, who is
          or are prepared and who is or are able to purchase
          against payment in cash all the shares to which the
          application relates.

5.   If the approval has been granted or is deemed to have been
     granted, the applicant may during a period of three months
     thereafter transfer his shares in the manner as such
     transfer was described in his application for approval.

6.   If a decision - by which the approval has not been granted -
     does contain the name of a claimant/the names of claimants,
     who is or are prepared and who is or are able to purchase
     against payment in cash all the shares to which the
     application relates, the price of the shares to be
     transferred shall - unless the persons concerned shall
     otherwise agree - be fixed by one independent expert to be
     designated by the Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce and
     Industry, within whose area the Company's corporate seat is
     situate, upon the application of whichever of the parties
     first makes the same.

     The Board of Directors shall give to the expert its full co-
     operation in fixing such price.  As soon as the price is
     known to the Board of Directors, it shall give notice
     thereof to the parties forthwith.  The purchase agreement
     shall come into being only after the applicant notifies to
     the Board of Directors within one month after the price has
     been fixed that he accepts the claimant/claimants named to
     him and the price so fixed.

7.   The costs incidental to such price-fixing shall be borne and
     paid by the Company.

Article 12
- ----------
The Company itself may be claimant within the meaning of
paragraph 6 of Article 11 only with the approval of the
applicant, to which approval the applicant may attach the
condition that in addition to the price so fixed the Company
shall refund to him the tax loss he sustains as a result of
transfer to the Company instead of to a third party.

Article 13
- ----------
1.   The Company shall be managed by a "Directie" (Board of
     Directors), consisting of one or more "Directeuren"
     (Directors), the number thereof to be fixed by the General
     Meeting.  The General Meeting may grant to a Director the
     title of "President-Directeur" (Chairman of the Board of
     Directors).  Both a natural person and a legal entity may be

2.   The General Meeting shall appoint the Directors and it may
     at any time suspend or remove them from office.  It shall
     fix the remuneration and determine the other conditions of
     service of the Directors.

3.   A suspension cannot - event after it has been extended -
     last longer than three months.  If after expiry of that
     period of time a decision has not yet been taken on the
     termination of the suspension or removal from office, the
     suspension from office shall cease to exist.

4.   If there is more than one Director in office, the Directors
     shall mutually determine the duties to be discharged by each
     of them, to the extent that the General Meeting has not
     regulated and arranged this by a code of rules.

5.   The Board of Directors shall meet whenever a Director shall
     so demand.  It shall pass resolutions by absolute majority
     of votes.  If the votes are equal, the General Meeting shall

Article 14
- ----------
1.   The General Meeting shall be empowered to submit resolutions
     of the Board of Directors to its approval, by virtue of a
     resolution of the General Meeting in which such resolutions
     are clearly defined.

2.   For the rest, the Board of Directors shall conform to the
     directives of the General Meeting relating to the general
     lines of the financial, social, economic and staff policy to
     be conducted and pursued.

Article 15
- ----------
1.   Each Director shall have power to represent the Company.

2.   If a Director privately enters into an agreement with the
     Company or privately litigates against the Company, it shall
     - without prejudice to the competency and power of the
     General Meeting to designate a person for that purpose,     
     which person may also be the Director with regard to whom
     the conflicting interest subsists - be represented by one of
     the other Directors.

     If a Director has in any way other than that hereinbefore
     referred to an interest conflicting with the Company's
     interest, he, as also each of the other Directors, shall    
     have power to represent the Company.

3.   If the office of a Director is vacated or if a Director is   
     otherwise prevented from acting, the remaining Director or   
     the remaining Directors shall be vested with the management  
     of the Company.  If the office of the sole Director or the
     offices of all the  Directors is or are vacated or if the
     sole Director or all the Directors is or are otherwise
     prevented from acting, the person, designated to that
     purpose every year by the General  Meeting, shall
     temporarily be vested with the management, not later than
     until the point of time, at which the situation of vacancy
     or prevention from acting in respect of at least one
     Director has ceased to exist.

                         AND PUBLICATION
Article 16
- ----------
1.   The financial year shall be equal to the calendar year.

2.   Each year, within five months after the close of the
     financial year - subject to extension of this period by the
     General Meeting on the grounds of circumstances of an
     exceptional nature by at most six months -, the Board of
     Directors shall draw up the annual accounts and make these
     available for inspection and perusal in the manner set out
     in paragraph 3 of this Article.  Within this period the
     Board of Directors shall also make available for inspection
     and perusal the annual report, unless Article 403 of Book 2
     of the (Dutch) Civil Code shall apply to the Company.  The
     annual accounts shall be signed by  all the Directors.  If
     the signature of one or more of them fails, mention thereof
     shall be made and the reason therefore stated.

3.   From the day, on which notice of the annual general meeting
     has been given, until the close of that meeting the accounts 
     mentioned in paragraph 2 of this Article shall, together
     with the data and particulars to be added in pursuance of
     Article 392 of Book 2 of the (Dutch) Civil Code, be made
     available at the Company's office for inspection and perusal
     by all the shareholders, and each of them may obtain copies
     thereof, free of charge.

4.   Confirmation - without qualification or reservation - of the 
     annual accounts by the General Meeting shall constitute a    
     discharge to the Directors for the management conducted by  
     them during the past financial year, subject to the
     statutory restrictions.

5.   The Company shall proceed to publication of the accounts,
     data and particulars referred to in this Article, if and in
     so far as and in the manner as Articles 394 et sqq. of Book
     2 of the (Dutch) Civil Code so prescribe.

                      PROFIT APPROPRIATION
Article 17
- ----------
1.   a.   The Company may make payments to the shareholders    
          and to other persons entitled to the profit capable of
          being distributed only up to a sum not exceeding the
          amount of the payable reserves.

     b.   Payment of profit shall be made after confirmation of
          the annual accounts showing that the same is allowed.
     c.   No profit shall be distributed on shares for the
          benefit of the Company.

2.   The distributable profit shall be at the free disposal of
     the General Meeting.

3.   In calculating the profit appropriation the shares held by
     the Company in its own capital shall not count, unless a
     usufruct has been created in these shares.

4.   To the extent that profit is available in the Company, the
     Board of Directors may with the approval of the General
     Meeting resolve upon payment of an interim-dividend on
     account of the dividend to be expected, provided always that
     the provisions laid down in paragraph 1, sub-paragraph a.,
     of this Article have been satisfied.

5.   The General meeting may resolve upon (interim-) dividends
     being wholly or partly distributed in a manner other than by
     payment in cash.

6.   The (interim-) dividend shall be made payable fourteen days
     of it being declared; the General Meeting may when resolving
     upon declaration of such dividend extend the period by a
     term not exceeding two weeks.

7.   Dividends which have not been collected within five years
     after they became payable shall be forfeited for the benefit
     of the Company.

                         GENERAL MEETING
Article 18
- ----------
The annual meeting shall be held within six months after the
close of the financial year and is called and convened for the
purpose of:

a.   except in case extension has been granted for the drawing-up
     of the annual accounts, considering the annual accounts and,
     if prescribed by Statute, the annual report and the other
     data and particulars within the meaning of Article 392 of
     Book 2 of the (Dutch) Civil Code;

b.   confirming the annual accounts, except in case extension has
     been granted for the drawing-up of the annual accounts;

c.   determination of the profit appropriation;

d.   fixing the possible bonuses for the Directors;

e.   designating the person meant in paragraph 3 of Article 15;

f.   the doing of all such acts as are otherwise prescribed by

Article 19
- ----------
1.   The General meeting shall - within the limits set by Statute
     and these Articles of Association - be vested with all such
     powers as have not been conferred upon others.

2.   The Board of Directors shall furnish the General Meeting
     with all such information as demanded by it, unless a
     weighty interest of the Company opposes thereto.

3.   The General Meeting may appoint an expert, who shall
     regularly examine and audit the books of account and/or
     report to the Board of Directors on the annual accounts
     drawn up by the Board of Directors.

4.   In cases where such is prescribed by Statute, the General
     meeting shall, without prejudice to the other statutory
     provisions relating thereto, give a "registeraccountant"
     (chartered accountant) or another expert within the meaning
     of Article 393 of Book 2 of the (Dutch) Civil Code or an
     organization, in which such experts are working together,
     the instruction to examine and audit the annual accounts. 
     That expert shall report on his examination and audit to the
     Board of Directors and shall lay down the result of his
     examination and audit in a certificate.

5.   Without prejudice to the statutory provisions, the General
     Meeting shall at all times be empowered to revoke the
     appointment mentioned in paragraph 3 of this Article and/or
     to cancel and withdraw the instruction given in paragraph 4
     of this Article.

Article 20
- ----------
1.   General meetings shall be held whenever the shareholders
     shall be called and convened for that purpose by the Board
     of Directors.

2.   If one or more shareholders, together representing at least
     one-tenth part of the issued capital, have requested the
     Board of Directors in writing to call and convene a general
     meeting, at the same time specifying the items of business
     to be transacted thereat, and the Board of Directors has not
     compiled with such request in such a way that the general
     meeting can be held within six weeks of such requisition,
     the requisitionists can be authorized by the President of
     the District Court within whose jurisdiction the Company's
     Registered Office according to its Articles of Association
     is situate to call such meeting themselves.

Article 21
- ----------
1.   General meetings shall be held in the municipality where the
     Company's Registered Office according to its Articles of
     Association is situate.

     At a general meeting held elsewhere valid resolutions can be
     taken, if the entire issued capital is represented.

2.   The General Meeting itself shall choose its chairman.

3.   The Chairman of the meeting shall designate a secretary, who
     need not be shareholder, for taking minutes of the business
     transacted thereat, which minutes shall be recorded in a
     book therefor intended.  Minutes shall be confirmed either
     during the meeting or by a subsequent meeting, in witness
     whereof they shall be signed by the Chairman and the
     secretary of the meeting concerned.  Minutes need not be
     taken, if a notarial record is prepared of the business
     transacted at the meeting.  The costs incidental to such
     notarial record shall be borne and paid by the Company,
     unless the General Meeting has opposed the preparation of a
     notarial record, in which case those costs shall be for the
     account of the shareholders, who have made application for
     the drawing-up of the notarial record, pro rata to the
     nominal amount of the number of shares held by each of them.

4.   At least fifteen day's previous notice of any general
     meeting shall be given to the shareholders.  The convening
     notice shall, in addition to the place, date and hour of the
     meeting, specify the items of business to be transacted.

5.   Each share shall entitle the holder thereof to cast one

     Valid votes may also be cast by person who in any capacity
     other than as shareholder would by the resolution to be
     taken granted any right as against the Company or who would
     thereby be released from any obligation towards it.

6.   Shareholders may cause themselves to be represented at any
     meeting only by virtue of a written power of attorney, which
     shall include a power of attorney by teleprinter message, by
     telefax or by telegram.

7.   All resolutions shall be taken by absolute majority of
     votes,  Blank votes shall be regarded as not having been

8.   Votings concerning persons shall be by folded ballot-papers,
     unless the General Meeting unanimously otherwise decides. 
     Ballot-papers shall be destroyed immediately after the
     result of the voting has been made known.  Votings
     concerning things shall be oral, unless a shareholder
     prefers a voting by ballot.

Article 22
- ----------
1.   If a general meeting has been called and convened at a
     period of notice shorter than the prescribed period of
     notice or if such meeting is held without having given
     notice thereof, then valid resolutions can be taken only by
     a unanimous vote at a meeting, at which the entire issued
     capital is represented.

2.   If at a general meeting items of business are brought up for
     discussion, which have not been announced in the convening
     notice or in a supplemental convening notice with due
     observance of the period of notice prescribed for the
     calling of meetings, then valid resolutions can be taken
     thereon only by a unanimous vote at a meeting, at which the
     entire issued capital is represented.

Article 23
- ----------
1.   The General meeting can also pass resolutions without
     holding a meeting, provided always that any such resolution
     is taken in writing, by teleprinter message, telefax or
     telegram and, furthermore, by a unanimous vote of all the
     voting shareholders.

2.   Resolutions that have been passed without holding a meeting
     shall - with the addition of the documents and writings
     which may still appertain thereto - be recorded in the
     relative minute-book and read out in the next following

Article 24
- ----------
1.   If the Company is dissolved, its affairs shall be liquidated
     by the Board of Directors, unless the General Meeting should
     at the time of taking the resolution to dissolve the Company
     otherwise resolve thereon.

2.   During the liquidation proceedings the provisions of these
     Articles of Association shall as far as possible continue in

3.   The balance on liquidation shall be distributed to all the
     shareholders pro rate to the nominal value of the shares
     held by each of them.

4.   The books and records of the dissolved Company shall for a
     period of thirty years after completion of the winding-up
     remain in the custody of the persons to be designated for
     that purpose by the General meeting.


a.   that the issued capital amounts to forty thousand guilders
     (Dfl 40,000.--);

b.   that the issued capital of the Company is held by the
     founder, Household Global Funding Inc. as to four hundred
     (400) shares;
     subject to the requirement of those shares being paid up in

c.   that those shares have meanwhile been paid up in full and
     that the Company accepts by this Deed the calls that have
     been paid in money on the shares that have been subscribed

d.   that by the present Deed
     David Dwayne Wesselink, residing at Northbrook, 1133 Western
     Avenue, Illenois 600 62, United States of America, born at
     Western City, Iowa, United States of America on the fifth
     day of September one thousand nine hundred and forty-two and
     of American nationality, has been appointed Director;

e.   that the first financial year of the Company will end on the
     thirty-first day of December one thousand nine hundred and

f.   that the ministerial Certificate of No Impediments was
     issued on the fifteenth day of June one thousand nine
     hundred and ninety, Ministry of Justice, Main Division
     Private Law, number B.V. 383.748.

A declaration as referred to in paragraph 1 of Article 203A of
Book 2 of the (Dutch) Civil Code is attached to this Original.
The Appearer is known to me, the civil-law notary.

- ------------------------
the Original of which was executed at Rotterdam the day and year
first above written.

After the substance of the present Deed had been made known to
the Appearer, he declared that he had taken cognizance of the
full contents thereof and that he did not wish the same to be
read out to him in full.

Immediately after the present Deed had been read out in part, the
Appearer and I, the civil-law notary, thereunto appended our
several signatures.

(signed): F.E. Roos, M.G. van Ravesteyn.