Exhibit 10(a)

This Loan Agreement is made on the 2nd day of March 1994 

B E T W E E N :

     1102BR, Amsterdam, Netherlands ("the Lender); and

(2)  HFC BANK PLC of North Street, Winkfield, Windsor,
     Berkshire SL4 4TD ("the Bank).

The Lender is desirous of lending to the Bank a total sum of
US$175,000,000 upon the terms and conditions hereinafter

It is hereby agreed as follows:

In this Agreement unless the context otherwise requires:-

(a)  "Business Day" means a day on which banks are open for
     business in London and New York.

(b)  "Loan" means the sum referred to in clause 2 or the
     principal amount thereof from time to time outstanding.

(c)  "Dollars" and "US$" means the lawful currency of the United
     States of America.

(d)  "Event of Default" shall the meaning specified in clause 12.

(e)  Interest Period" in relation to the Loan shall have the
     meaning specified in clause 4.

(f)  "Maturity Date" shall mean 15th March 1999 or if such day is
     not a Business Day, on the next succeeding Business Day,
     unless otherwise agreed in writing by the parties hereto.

(g)  "Taxes" includes all present and future income and other
     taxes, levies, imposts, deductions, charges, compulsory
     loans and withholdings whatsoever together with interest
     thereon and penalties with respect thereto, if any, and any
     payments made on or in respect thereof; and "Tax" shall be
     construed accordingly.

(h)  "Qualifying Bank" means a bank which is recognised by the
     Inland Revenue as carrying on a bona fide banking business
     in the United Kingdom for the purpose of Section 349 of the
     Income and Corporation Taxes Act 1988.

(i)  "Sterling" means the lawful currency of the United Kingdom.
All references herewith to Clauses are reference to clauses of
this Agreement.

The maximum aggregate amount which may be borrowed under this
Agreement is One hundred and seventy five million Dollars

Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, as from
the date hereof the Lender agrees to lend the Bank and the Bank
agrees to borrow from the Lender the Loan.

(a)  The duration of each Interest Period shall be six months or
     such other period as  may be nominated in writing by the
     Bank from time to time.

(b)  If any Interest Period would end on a day which is not a
     Business Day such Interest Period shall be extended to the
     next succeeding Business Day and interest shall be adjusted

(c)  Save as is otherwise provided in this Clause 4, any Interest
     Period which commences upon the last Business Day of a
     calendar month or on a day for which there is no numerically
     corresponding day in the calendar month in which that
     Interest Period is to end shall end on the last Business Day
     in that later calendar month.

(1)  Interest on the Loan shall accrue from day to day and be
     calculated on the basis of a year of 360 days and the actual
     number of days elapsed and shall be payable gross in arrears
     on the last day of each Interest Period at a semi-annual
     rate of 6.175%. 

(2)  The Lender's certificate as to each amount payable under
     this Clause shall, in the absence of manifest error, be
     conclusive evidence of each such amount.

6.   TAXES
(a)  All sums payable by the Bank hereunder shall be paid without
     set-off, counterclaim, withholding or deduction whatsoever
     unless required by law, in which event the Bank shall pay
     the net amount to the Lender, after the deduction of such
     amount required by law.

(b)  All Taxes in respect of this Agreement or in respect of any
     amounts paid or payable hereunder shall be paid by the Bank
     or as the case may be, the Lender when due and in any event
     prior to the date on which penalties attach thereto.  The
     Bank will indemnify the Lender in respect of all such Taxes
     in respect of amounts paid or payable by the Bank hereunder. 
     In addition, if any Taxes or amounts in respect thereof must
     be deducted from any amounts payable or paid by the Bank
     hereunder the Bank shall pay such additional amounts as may
     be necessary to ensure that the Lender receives and is able
     to retain on the due date a net amount equal to the full
     amount which it would have received had payment not been
     made subject to the deduction of such Tax.  Notwithstanding
     anything else contained in this paragraph nothing shall
     oblige the Bank to make payment of or indemnify in respect
     of an amount equal to Tax imposed on the income of the
     Lender in the place where it is incorporated which is
     calculated and levied by reference to its net income.

(c)  If the Lender intends to make a claim pursuant to Clause
     6(b) the Lender shall promptly notify the Bank of the event
     by reason of which it is entitled to do so, giving the
     reasons for such claim and setting out a calculation in
     reasonable detail as to the amount claimed (such notice
     being prima facie evidence of the amount in question).

(d)  Within thirty days of each payment by the Bank hereunder of
     Tax or in respect of Taxes, the Bank shall deliver to the
     Lender evidence satisfactory to the Lender (including all
     relevant original Tax receipts or certified copies thereof)
     that such Tax  has been duly remitted to the appropriate

(e)  If following the imposition of any United Kingdom Tax upon
     any payment by the Bank in consequence of which the Bank is
     required to pay any additional amount under Clause 6(b) to
     the Lender (and the Bank in fact pays such additional amount
     when due and complies with its corresponding obligation
     under clause 6(d)), the Lender shall, in its sole opinion
     and based on its own interpretation of any relevant laws or
     regulations, receive in relation to or in respect of such
     additional amount, or the payment to which such additional
     amount relates, the benefit of a credit against, or of a
     remission for or a deduction from or in respect of, any such
     Tax payable by it, or shall obtain the benefit of any other
     relief in respect of the profits or income of the Lender
     (any of the foregoing being referred to as a "saving"), the
     Lender shall, to the extent that it can do so without
     prejudice to the retention of the relevant saving and
     subject to the Bank's obligation to repay such amount to the
     Lender if the relevant saying is subsequently disallowed or
     cancelled, reimburse the Bank with such amount  as the
     Lender shall in its sole opinion have concluded to be the
     amount or value of the relevant saving.  Nothing herein
     contained shall interfere with the right of the Lender to
     arrange its Tax affairs in whatsoever manner it thinks fit
     and, in particular, the Lender shall not be under any
     obligation to claim relief from its corporate profits or
     similar Tax liability in respect to such Tax in priority to
     any other claims, reliefs, credits or deductions available
     to it.

(a)  If the Bank fails to pay any amount payable by it herein on
     the due date therefor, the Bank shall on demand from time to
     time pay to the Lender interest on such unpaid amount from
     the due date therefor up to the date of actual payment (as
     well after as before judgement) at such rate or rates as is
     equal to the Lender's cost of funding such unpaid amount in
     such manner and for such period or periods as the Lender may
     from time to time select plus 1% (say, one per cent) per
     annum.  The Lender's certificate as to any such rate of
     interest shall be conclusive, save in the case of manifest

     Interest accruing under this Clause 7(a) shall be compounded
     upon the last day of each period selected by the Lender as
     aforesaid.  The Bank acknowledges that each such rate is
     intended to compensate the Lender for any failure by the
     Bank to pay any amount payable by it hereunder.  Nothing
     contained in this clause shall prejudice any of the Lender's
     other rights under this Agreement.

(b)  Save as provided in Clause 4(c) of this Agreement whenever
     any payment hereunder shall become due on a day which is not
     a Business Day, the due date therefor shall be extended to
     the next succeeding Business Day.

(1)  Subject to the terms of this Agreement the Loan shall be
     repaid in full and in one amount on the Maturity Date
     together with all monies accrued due or owing to the Lender
     hereunder on the Maturity Date in respect of the Loan.

(2)  The Loan shall not be repaid otherwise than in accordance
     with the terms of this Agreement.

(3)  The Bank may with the agreement of the Lender prepay the
     Loan or part thereof prior to the Maturity Date.

(4)  On receipt of any amount prepaid in accordance with this
     clause the Lender shall calculate the accrued interest
     thereon, the amount of interest accruing on the Loan
     thereafter and the amount of interest payable on the next
     interest payment date and shall notify the Bank accordingly.

(a)  By the Lender

     The Lender shall remit the Loan to such account of the Bank
     as the Bank shall specify, before 3.00 p.m. (London time) in
     immediately available London funds and may deduct therefrom
     the Arrangement Fee payable by the Bank to the Lender in
     accordance with the provisions of clause 16 hereof.

(b)  By the Bank

     On each date on which any sum is due from the Bank to the
     Lender it shall remit that sum to such account of the Lender
     as the Lender shall specify from time to time before 10.00
     a.m. (London time) in immediately available funds.

(c)  Non-Business Days

     Any payment to be made by the Bank which would otherwise be
     due on a non Business Day shall instead be due on the next
     Business Day (and interest shall be adjusted accordingly).

(d)  Currency

     Dollars are the sole currency of account and for payment of
     all sums payable hereunder.

     Notwithstanding anything contained in this Agreement, if any
     law or regulation or any change therein or in the
     interpretation or application thereof by any relevant
     authority or Court shall make it unlawful for the Lender to
     make, maintain or fund the Loan or to perform any of its
     obligations hereunder the Lender may by written notice to
     the Bank declare that the Loan and the Lender's obligations
     hereunder shall be terminated forthwith, whereupon the Loan
     and such obligations shall be so terminated and the Bank
     shall repay to the Lender forthwith the Loan together with
     all accrued interest thereon and all other monies (if any)
     accrued due or owing hereunder.

(a)  The Bank hereby represents and warrants to the Lender as of
     the date hereof:-

     (i)  it has the power to enter into the obligations under
          this Agreement and to utilise the Loan hereunder and
          all necessary regulations binding on it or its Board of
          Directors have been complied with in accepting the

     (ii) the utilisation by it of the Loan hereunder will not
          constitute a breach of any existing law or regulation
          binding on it or of Memorandum and Articles of
          Association, and will not cause any borrowing limit
          binding upon it to be exceeded;

   (iii)  this Agreement constitutes its valid and binding
          obligation enforceable against it and its obligations
          hereunder are and will be its direct, unconditional and
          general obligations;

     (iv) no Event of Default or other event which, with the
          giving of notice and/or lapse of time, might constitute
          an Event of Default has occurred and is continuing

     (v)  it is not engaged in any litigation, arbitration or
          administrative proceeding, nor is any such litigation,
          arbitration or administrative proceeding pending or
          threatened against it, which in any such case might
          have a material adverse effect on its ability to
          perform its obligations hereunder.

(b)  The Bank hereby represents and warrants that as of the date
     hereof and as of each day on which the Loan is outstanding
     that it is an authorised institution as defined in the
     Banking Act 1987.

(a)  The Bank hereby undertakes to the Lender that from the date
     hereof and so long as any part of the Loan and any other
     monies due or to become due hereunder shall be or remain
     accrued due or owing, the Loan will rank at least pari passu
     in right of repayment and in point of security with all its
     other present and future unsubordinated unsecured
     indebtedness (other than obligations preferred by law); and

(b)  The Bank hereby undertakes to the Lender that it will for
     the period of the Loan maintain its status as an authorised
     institution as defined in the Banking Act 1987 or as a
     similar institution regulated by the Banking Act 1987 (or
     any statute which amends or replaces the Banking Act 1987).

     (a)  Each of the following events shall be an Event of

          (i)  if either the Bank shall fail to pay principal or
               interest or any other sum due hereunder on the due
               date for payment thereof and such failure shall
               not if capable of remedy be remedied within 5
               Business Days of such failure; or

         (ii)  if the Bank shall commit any breach of or omit to
               observe any of its obligations or undertakings
               contained in this Agreement which if capable of
               remedy are not remedied within 30 Business Days of
               the happening of such event; or

        (iii)  if any representation or warranty made or deemed
               to be made by the Bank in or pursuant to this
               Agreement is or would be if repeated at any time
               hereafter with reference to the facts subsisting
               at the time of such repetition, incorrect or
               untrue in any material respect as at the date of
               its being made, deemed to be made or repeated as
               aforesaid; or

         (iv)  if the Bank ceases or threatens to cease to carry
               on its business or is unable to pay its debts as
               they fall due or if a petition is presented or if
               any order is made or an effective resolution is
               passed for its winding up, or a receiver is
               appointed in respect of all or any part of its
               undertaking, property or assets; or

          (v)  if a distress execution or other process is levied
               or enforced on or against any of the Bank's
               property or assets, or a judgment or order of any
               Court is made against it for a sum considered by
               the Lender to be material unless contested in good

         (vi)  if the Bank convenes a meeting of or enters or
               proposes to enter into any arrangement or
               composition for the benefit of its creditors; or 

        (vii)  if any event or series of events (whether related
               or not) occurs or any situation shall develop or
               any legislation shall be enacted which would, in
               the opinion of the Lender, entitle the Bank of
               England to revoke the Bank's status as an
               authorised institution under the Banking Act 1987; 

       (viii)  if at any time Household International Inc. shall
               cease to be the beneficial owner of at least 75%
               of the issued share capital of the Bank;

         (ix)  if the Bank shall cease to be an authorised
               institution as defined in the Banking Act 1987 (or
               any statute which amends or replaces the banking
               Act 1987); or

          (x)  if there is any change in the circumstances of the
               Bank, which change would materially and adversely
               affect the Bank's ability to perform its
               obligations hereunder and the Bank will notify the
               Lender forthwith in writing of any occurrence of
               any Event of Default.

     (b)  The Lender shall be entitled at any time after the
          happening of an Event of Default (whether or not the
          Bank shall have given notice as aforesaid) by notice in
          writing to the Bank to declare the Loan and all
          interest accrued thereon and all other monies accrued
          due or owing (whether actually or contingently)
          pursuant to this Agreement to be immediately due and
          payable whereupon the same shall become immediately due
          and payable to the Lender.

The Bank hereby agrees to keep the Lender indemnified from and
against all losses, costs and expenses which the Lender may incur
by reason of the occurrence of any Event of Default, including
(without limiting the foregoing) all reasonable expenses incurred
by the Lender in preserving and/or enforcing its rights

(a)  During the period of the Facility and whilst any amount
     remains accrued, due or owing hereunder the Bank shall
     provide to the Lender within 180 days of the close of its
     financial year a copy of its audited Annual Report and

(b)  The Bank also undertakes to provide promptly to the Lender
     any other financial information that the Lender may from
     time to time reasonably require.

The Bank shall pay to the Lender on the date hereof an
Arrangement Fee in the sum specified in a letter signed by the
Bank and of even date herewith.

17.  DELAY
No delay of whatever length by the Lender in giving notice or
exercising any of the Lender's rights hereunder shall operate as
a waiver of any of such rights.

This Agreement may be signed in any number of counterparts each
of which will be an original but all of which together shall
constitute one Agreement.

This Agreement shall be governed and construed in accordance with
the laws of England and shall be binding upon and enure for the
benefit of the successors of the parties but shall not be
assignable by the Lender (except to an affiliate of the Lender
provided that such affiliate shall enter into such further
agreement as the Bank or the Bank of England shall reasonably
require) or the Bank.

As witness the hand of the duly authorised representatives of
each party the day and year first before written.

For and on behalf of Household International Netherlands B.V.

   /s/ Joseph W. Hoff

For and on behalf of HFC Bank plc

   /s/ A. R. Hill