BANRO CORPORATION

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                                  PRESS RELEASE
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Toronto,  September 20, 2004 - Banro Corporation ( the "Company")  (TSX-V-"BNR")
announced  today  it is  launching  an  aggressive  exploration  program  on its
properties within the  Twangiza-Namoya  gold belt located in South Kivu Province
in the Democratic Republic of the Congo ( the "Congo").

The principal  objective of the 2004-2005  exploration program will be to double
the  current  2.01  million  ounce  (using  a 1.0 g/t Au  Cutoff)  measured  and
indicated resource  categories on the properties.  Initially grid establishment,
geological mapping, soil geochemical,  adit and trench geochemical sampling will
be undertaken to better define the mineralized zones prior to drilling.

The US $ 10 million  exploration  program,  scheduled to begin in October,  will
focus on the Company's Twangiza,  Kamituga,  Lugushwa and Namoya properties. The
helicopter  supported  program,  in addition to the above mentioned  exploration
program, will include approximately 28,000 metres of core drilling.  The company
anticipates having two drill rigs in operation by end of 2004.

In addition, the Company plans to undertake metallurgical test work and complete
an initial  scoping  study on the  Twangiza  property  during the second half of

The  Company  holds a 100%  interest in the four  properties  on the 210 km long
Twangiza-Namoya  gold  belt  which  the  Company  believes  is one  of the  most
promising  undeveloped  gold  districts in the world.  The Company has secured a
favourable 25 year Mining Convention which is renewable in 2027.

The 930 sq km Twangiza property has a total measured and indicated resource base
of 2.01  Million  ounces of gold ( using a 1.0 g/t au  cutoff)  and an  inferred
resource  base  of 1.18  million  ounces  of  gold (  using  a 1.0 g/t  cutoff).
Additional  information with respect to the Twangiza  property  resource base is
contained in the technical  report dated April 30, 2003 prepared for the Company
by CME Consulting Ltd and filed on SEDAR, as well as in the Company's  September
16, 2003 press release.

Commenting on the forthcoming  exploration  program, the Company's President and
CEO, Peter Cowley said:  "With the proceeds of a recently  completed  financing,
Banro is well funded and has recruited an  experienced  exploration  team with a
proven  track  record  in  Africa,  led  by  Mike  Skead,  formerly  of  Ashanti
Goldfields.  Our office in Bukavu is currently being expanded with personnel and
field  equipment  and we are pleased to be moving  forward with our  exploration

Peter  Cowley,  P.Eng,  a  Qualified  Person as defined by  National  Instrument
43-101, reviewed the technical information in this release.

Banro  Corporation is a Canadian based gold  exploration  company focused on the
development  of its  wholly  owned  properties  in the  South  Kivu and  Maniema
provinces of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

For further information please visit our website at www.banro.com or contact:

Peter Cowley
President and CEO

United Kingdom

Tel: (44) 790 454 0856

Arnold T. Kondrat
Executive Vice President

Toronto, Ontario


Martin Jones
Corporate Communications

Toronto, Ontario

Tel: (416) 366-2221

The TSX Venture  Exchange  does not accept  responsibility  for the  adequacy or
accuracy of this press release.