355 Lemon Avenue, Suite C
                                Walnut, CA 91789

May 5, 2006

Division of Corporate Finance
Securities and Exchange Commission
Mail Stop 7010
100 F Street, N.E.
Washington, D.C.  20549-0405
ATTN:  Scott Anderegg

Re:  Chilco  River  Holdings  Inc. - SEC File No.  333-131946
     Responses  to the Securities  and  Exchange  Commission
     Staff  Comments  dated  May 4,  2006 Regarding
     Amendment No. 1 to the Registration  Statement on Form SB-2
     Filed on April 13, 2006

Ladies and Gentlemen:

     This letter  responds to the staff's  comments set forth in the May 4, 2006
letter regarding the above-referenced  Amendment No. 1 to Form SB-2 registration
statement. For your convenience,  the staff's comments are included below and we
have numbered our responses accordingly.

     In  connection  with  our  response  to the  staff's  comments,  we  hereby
acknowledge that:

     o    the  Company is  responsible  for the  adequacy  and  accuracy  of the
          disclosure in the filing;

     o    staff  comments or changes to disclosure in response to staff comments
          do not  foreclose  the SEC from taking any action with  respect to the
          filing; and

     o    the  Company  may  not  assert  staff  comments  as a  defense  in any
          proceeding  initiated  by the  SEC or any  person  under  the  federal
          securities laws of the United States.

Our responses are as follows:

Securities and Exchange Commission
File No. 333-131946
May 5, 2006
Page 2

Prospectus Cover Page
- ---------------------

Staff Comment No. 1:

     We note your  response  to comment 4 of our letter  dated  March 17,  2006.
     However,  we continue to note your use of  parenthetical  phrases where the
     meaning  is clear  from the  context.  For  example,  you  define  National
     Association of Security Dealers as ("NASD") on page 1, the Over-the-Counter
     Bulletin  Board as ("OTCBB") on page 1 and Chilco River  Holdings as ("we,"
     "us,"  ""Chilco,"  or "our  company") on page 3. These are  examples  only,
     please  review  your  entire  prospectus  and  revise.  See Rule  421(c) of
     Regulation C.

The Company's Response:

     The  Company has revised its  prospectus  to remove  parenthetical  phrases
     where the meaning is clear from the context.

Our Mineral Exploration Business, page 33
- -----------------------------------------

Staff Comment No. 2:

     We note your  response to comment 14 of our letter  dated  March 17,  2006.
     Essentially,  in response to our prior comments 3 and 14 you have responded
     that you have exited the mineral  exploration  business and have  abandoned
     the PEG claim.  Nevertheless,  we note your  statement  on page 33 that you
     "currently  own all rights,  title and interest in one property  located in
     British Canada." Further, in the same paragraph we note your statement that
     since your  inception,  you "have been engaged in the business of acquiring
     mineral exploration properties." If you have exited the mineral exploration
     business,  please revise your  disclosure to reflect this fact. If you have
     not fully  exited,  please revise your  disclosure  in accordance  with our
     relevant comments contained in our letter dated March 17, 2006.

The Company's Response:

     The  Company  has revised the  disclosure  under  "History - Our  Abandoned
     Mineral  Exploration  Business" at page 33 of the prospectus.  The Company,
     pursuant to Section (e) of the Acquisition Agreement, transferred ownership
     of  the  property  back  to  Nicholson  &  Associates   Natural   Resources
     Development  Inc.,  which  terminated  all  future  obligations  under  the

Securities and Exchange Commission
File No. 333-131946
May 5, 2006
Page 3

Acquisition of Bruce Hotel and Casino, page 34
- ----------------------------------------------

Staff Comment No. 3:

     We note your  response to comment 17 of our letter  dated  March 17,  2006.
     While it is  helpful  for  investors  to know that the  acquisition  was at
     arms-length,  our prior comment 17 concerned  whether the  acquisition  was
     from  unaffiliated  parties.  For this reason, we reissue our prior comment

The Company's Response:

     The Company has added the following  sentence under  "Acquisition  of Bruce
     Hotel and Casino" at page 34 of the prospectus:

          None of the shareholders of Kubuk International,  Inc. were affiliates
          of Chilco River Holdings, Inc. prior to this share exchange.

     This  sentence  was  added  to  clarify  that  the   acquisition  was  from
     unaffiliated parties.

Stock Subscription Agreement, page 36
- -------------------------------------

Staff Comment No. 4:

     We note your  response to comment 18 of our letter dated March 17, 2006. In
     this  regard,  please  provide a fuller  discussion  of the  "certain  debt
     obligations" and identify the "lenders."

The Company's Response:

     The Company has revised the disclosure under "Share Subscription Agreement"
     at the bottom of page 36 to clarify that Chilco borrowed $100,000 in bridge
     loan financing from United Triumph Inc. to satisfy current  liabilities due
     immediately  prior to  closing.  United  and Chilco  agreed to convert  the
     bridge  loan  into  shares of  common  stock of Chilco at $2.00 per  share.
     United was arm's-length to Chilco and was not an affiliate.

Securities and Exchange Commission
File No. 333-131946
May 5, 2006
Page 4

Bruce Hotel and Casino Business, page 38
- ----------------------------------------

Staff Comment No. 5:

     We note your  response to comment 23 of our letter dated March 9, 2006.  We
     further note the inclusion in your disclosure of your hotel occupancy rate.
     Please revise your disclosure in accordance with the remainder of our prior
     comment 23 concerning  whether you are subject to seasonal  fluctuations in
     your  business and whether you rent office space to others or if the office
     space indicated is for your corporate offices only.

The Company's Response:

     The  Company  has  revised the  disclosure  under  "Bruce  Hotel and Casino
     Business" at page 38 of the prospectus to include a table that provides the
     average  monthly  occupancy  rate during 2005 and the first three months of
     2006.  The Company does not believe that its hotel  occupancy is subject to
     seasonal fluctuation.

Liquidity and Capital Resources, page 41
- ----------------------------------------

Staff Comment No. 6:

     We note your  response to our prior comment #28.  However,  due to the fact
     that you did not  address  all of the issues  raised,  we reissue our prior

The Company's Response:

     The  Company  has  revised  the  disclosure  under  "Liquidity  and Capital
     Resources"  beginning on page 47 of its prospectus to provide the requested

Staff Comment No. 7:

     We have  reviewed  your  reports  and  documents  filed  subsequent  to the
     acquisition.  We note that  your  disclosures  regarding  your  ability  to
     finance  and  complete  the  renovations  of your  casino,  gaming room and
     restaurant in a timely manner do not appear to have improved  substantially
     through the current date.  That is, as this is the second quarter of fiscal
     2006, it appears that you should be better able to estimate the  likelihood
     of reopening your casino,  gaming room and restaurant in the second half of
     fiscal 2006. You know that you require approximately $4,200,000 to renovate
     and reopen the gaming room.  Disclose the additional amounts you require to
     renovate your  restaurants  and any other areas as well.  You know that you

Securities and Exchange Commission
File No. 333-131946
May 5, 2006
Page 5

     sold  approximately  $2,000,000 in "units"  although only a portion of that
     amount  had been  received  in cash as of the  most  recent  balance  sheet
     presented.  Further,  only half of the proceeds received for the units have
     been  allocated  to  renovation  of the  casino  floor.  Please  update the
     disclosures in your next  amendment to provide your most current  estimates
     regarding  your  progress to date toward  reopening  each of these areas in
     fiscal 2006.  When preparing your  estimates,  you should take into account
     the time  necessary to complete the actual  renovation  process and to hire
     and train adequate staff,  as well as the likelihood of acquiring  adequate
     financing for your activities.

The Company's Response:

     The Company has added the  disclosure  requested by the staff.  The Company
     continues to believe that, subject to obtaining sufficient  financing,  the
     Company  will be able to complete  renovations  in the second half of 2006.
     The Company has described its contingency plan in the event that such funds
     are not available.

Financial Statements
- --------------------

Consolidated Statements of Operations and Comprehensive Income, page F-5
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Staff Comment No. 8:

     One of the  components  of  revenues is not  captioned.  We assume that the
     first line item in under this heading should be captioned  "Casino." Please
     revise, as appropriate.

The Company's Response:

     The Company  confirms that the first line should read "Casino." The Company
     has revised its  Consolidated  Statement of  Operations  and  Comprehensive
     Income to reflect such change.

Staff Comment No. 9:

     Please  provide  us with a schedule  of the  material  components  of other
     income/gains and other expenses/losses for each period presented.

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File No. 333-131946
May 5, 2006
Page 6

The Company's Response:

     The  Company  has  attached  the  schedule  requested  by the  staff  as an
     attachment to this response letter.

Note 1.  Business Organization and Reorganization, page F-8
- -----------------------------------------------------------

Staff Comment No. 10:

     Refer to your  response to our prior  comment  43.  Although  Chilco  River
     Holdings  has  participated  in a reverse  acquisition  and the  historical
     financial  statements  of Kubuk  are now  considered  to be those of Chilco
     River Holdings,  Inc., please respond to our previous comment. Prior to the
     acquisition,  Chilco River Holdings agreed to make advance royalty payments
     of $25,000 each year commencing  November 3, 2006 until the commencement of
     commercial production. Regardless of whether you have suspended any mineral
     exploration  effort  with  respect to these  claims,  it  appears  that the
     sellers  (Nicholson & Associates  Natural Resource  Development,  Inc.) may
     have reason to look to the combined and/or  successor entity for payment of
     the advance royalty payments due under the Sale and Acquisition  Agreement.
     For that  reason,  it appears  that this  contingent  obligation  should be
     disclosed  whether  or  not  the  historical  financial  statements  of the
     pre-acquisition entity are included in the filing. Please revise or provide
     support for your apparent  conclusion  that the sellers will not attempt to
     exercise their legal rights under the sales contract.

The Company's Response:

     As indicated in the Company's  response to Comment 2, no advance  royalties
     are due under the agreement with Nicholson & Associates  Natural  Resources
     Development,  Inc. as the Company  terminated  the  agreement in accordance
     with Section (e). Accordingly,  the Company does not believe any additional
     disclosure is required.

Note 9.  Share-Based Consulting Payment, page F-17
- --------------------------------------------------

Staff Comment No. 11:

     It appears  that you have  issued all of the shares to Clear  Channel  upon
     entering  into the  contract  and that these  shares  are  non-forfeitable.
     Please clarify in the filing. In addition,  if our assumptions are correct,
     please  explain the business  reasons for  structuring a three year service
     contract in this manner.

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File No. 333-131946
May 5, 2006
Page 7

The Company's Response:

     The Company  confirms  that all shares  issued to Clear  Channel  under the
     consulting agreement are non-forfeitable.  The Company has added disclosure
     under  "Transactions  with Clear  Channel" at page 20 of the  prospectus to
     state that the shares are  non-forfeitable.  The Company has added  similar
     disclosure in Note 9 - Share Base Consulting  Payment,  at page F-17 of its
     financial statements.

     The consulting  agreement was for an initial term of one year; however, due
     to delays in the  Company's  ability  to raise  capital  and  complete  the
     renovations  of its hotel and slot  room,  the  Company  and Clear  Channel
     agreed to delay the  implementation of the Company's  marketing efforts and
     business  development  program.  In  addition,  because  of  the  delay  in
     reopening the Company's  casino,  the Company was not in a position to hire
     or  appoint  officers  due  to  the  lack  of  sufficient   cash-flow  from
     operations.  As a result of the  decision  to delay  implementation  of the
     Company's marketing and business development efforts, the parties agreed to
     extend the term of the  consulting  agreement  to three  years.  The shares
     issued to Clear Channel were issued under the  assumption  that the term of
     the  agreement  would be only  for a term of one  year.  Consequently,  the
     shares are not subject to forfeiture.

Exhibit 5.1
- -----------

Staff Comment No. 12:

     We note your  response to comment 49 of our letter dated March 17, 2006. We
     also note the assumption and qualifications to your opinion.  Please revise
     to clearly state that the shares will be validly issued,  duly  authorized,
     fully paid and  non-assessable  when issued  under the laws of the State of

The Company's Response:

     The Company has received a revised opinion letter from Nevada counsel.  The
     opinion letter is attached as Exhibit 5.1.

Securities and Exchange Commission
File No. 333-131946
May 5, 2006
Page 8

     Thank you for your review of the filing.  If you should have any  questions
regarding  the amended  SB-2 or our response  letter,  please do not hesitate to
contact Kenneth Sam at Dorsey & Whitney LLP at (303) 629-3445.

                                              Respectfully submitted,

                                              /s/ Tom Liu
                                              Tom Liu
                                              Chief Executive Officer

Securities and Exchange Commission
File No. 333-131946
May 5, 2006
Page 9

Chilco River Holdings
Other Income/Expense
2004 & 2005

                  Machine    Casino                                         Accrual
                   Cash       Cash    Loss on    Impair-         A/R        Adjustment
                   Count     Count    Disposal  ment Loss  Notarization &  for Pension &                  Additional
                 (short)/   (short)/ of Assets     on       Processing       Payroll     Bank  Penalties   Gaming
        Total      over       over      (1)     Assets(2)   charge (3)      Taxes(4)    Charge   (5)       Tax (6)  Subsidies  Misc

INCOME      2,879  17,989                                                                                                     3,286

EXPENSES  228,014                     93,384    134,630

INCOME    138,152  57,481     35,080                            44,088        10,713                                  1,503  47,720

EXPENSE   135,679                                                                       28,705   6,061      78,667           22,246

          (1)  Loss on disposal of casino equipment, furniture and fixtures
          (2)  Reconized impairment loss on assets
          (3)  Costs  related to  notarization  and  processing  fees charged in
               connection accounts receivables in Peru.
          (4)  Adjustment for unapplied pension and tax withholding
          (5)  Government assessed penalty fees
          (6)  Additional  gaming  taxes and  interest on 2003 slot  machine and
               table game revenues as a result of retroactive tax law changes in